Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | No |
Titles start with P ( displaying 500 of 58,582 ) | Information |
PZL P.11c |
Author/Editor: Bartłomiej Belcarz; Tomasz J. Kopański
(P - Z), Ed. Nachdr. d. Ausg. 1898. Reprint 2019 |
Author/Editor: Paul von Rohden; Hermann Dessau
P - Z |
Author/Editor: Carstensen, B.; Busse, Ulrich.; Schmude, Regina.
つくりながら学ぶ!PyTorchによる発展ディープラーニング |
Author/Editor: 小川雄太郎
The Python Trail |
Author/Editor: Afuma, Richard; Freund, Thatcher
Python The Complete Manual |
Author/Editor: Gale, James
Python Standard Library: A QuickStudy Digital Reference Guide, Ed. First Edition, New Edition |
Author/Editor: Berajah Jayne
Pythons |
Author/Editor: Cari Meister
Pythons |
Author/Editor: Julie Murray
Pythons |
Author/Editor: S.L. Hamilton
Pythons |
Series Title: Checkerboard Animal Library
Pythons |
Series Title: Animal Kingdom
Pythons |
Author/Editor: Zuchora-Walske, Christine Series Title: Amazing Reptiles
Python Quick Interview Guide |
Author/Editor: Shyamkant Limaye
Python Programming Language: A QuickStudy Digital Reference Guide, Ed. First Edition, New Edition |
Author/Editor: Berajah Jayne
Python Programming for Students |
Author/Editor: Nidhi Grover Raheja
Python Programming for Engineers and Scientists |
Author/Editor: Cengage
Python Práctico |
Author/Editor: Alfredo Moreno Muñoz; Sheila Cordobes Córcoles
Python précis et concis - Python 3.4 et 2.7 |
Author/Editor: Mark Lutz; O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Python pour le lycée - Promenons-nous dans les maths ! |
Author/Editor: Maille Vincent; Estevens Fatima; Miannay Guillaume
Python pour le data scientist - 2e éd. |
Author/Editor: Emmanuel Jakobowicz
Python pour la physique |
Author/Editor: Taillet
Python Paso a paso |
Author/Editor: Ángel Pablo Hinojosa Gutiérrez
Python Parts |
Author/Editor: Amy Tao
Python para principiantes |
Author/Editor: Python para principiantes por James Tudor
Python para las humanidades digitales - 1ra edición |
Author/Editor: Witton Becerra Mayorga; Adriana López; Alex L. Rojas; Ecoe Ediciones
Python Para Iniciantes: Aprenda Python em 5 dias com orientação passo-a-passo e exercícios práticos |
Author/Editor: James Tudor
Python para finanzas |
Author/Editor: Carlos Mario Ramírez Gil
Python para as humanidades digitais |
Author/Editor: Witton Becerra Mayorga; Adriana López; Alex L. Rojas
Python & Pandas et les 36 problèmes de data science - Problèmes et exercices corrigés pas à pas |
Author/Editor: Bro Frédéric; Remy Chantal
Python Networking Solutions Guide |
Author/Editor: Tolga Koca
Python Made Simple |
Author/Editor: Rydhm Beri
Python: La Guía Definitiva para Principiantes para Dominar Python |
Author/Editor: Jonathan S. Walker
Python Interview Questions |
Author/Editor: Meenu Kohli
Python In - Depth |
Author/Editor: Ahidjo Ayeva
Python GUI with PyQt |
Author/Editor: Saurabh Chandrakar, Dr. Nilesh Bhaskarrao Bahadure
Python GUI Programming with PAGE |
Author/Editor: Gregory Walters
A Python Guide for Web Scraping, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Pradumna Milind Panditrao
Python for Professionals |
Author/Editor: Matt Telles
Python for Information Professionals: How to Design Practical Applications to Capitalize on the Data Explosion |
Author/Editor: Brady Lund; Daniel Agbaji; Kossi Bissadu; Haihua Chen
Python for Everyone |
Author/Editor: Saurabh Chandrakar, Dr. Nilesh Bhaskarrao Bahadure
Python for Developers |
Author/Editor: Mohit Raj
Python for Cybersecurity Cookbook |
Author/Editor: Nishant Krishna
Python for Chemistry |
Author/Editor: Dr. M. Kanagasabapathy
Python en licence - Algorithme de base et algorithme scientifique |
Author/Editor: Schüpp Sophie
Python e mercado financeiro: Programação para estudantes, investidores e analistas |
Author/Editor: Marco Antonio Leonel Caetano
Pythonによるファイナンス入門, Ed. 初版. |
Author/Editor: 中妻 照雄(著)
Python, du grand débutant à la programmation objet - Cours et exercices corrigés - 2e édition |
Author/Editor: Bourgeois Nicolas
Python, du grand débutant à la programmation objet - Cours et exercices corrigés - 3e édition |
Author/Editor: Bourgeois Nicolas
Python: Der Grundkurs |
Author/Editor: Michael Kofler
Python: Der Grundkurs |
Author/Editor: Michael Kofler
Python Data Visualization Essentials Guide |
Author/Editor: Kalilur Rahman
Python Data Persistence |
Author/Editor: Malhar Lathkar
Pythonで学ぶネットワーク分析 ―ColaboratoryとNetworkXを使った実践入門― |
Author/Editor: 村田剛志
Python Catchers: Saving the Everglades |
The Python-Based Laboratory: A Hands-On Guide for Scientists and Engineers |
Author/Editor: John Essick
Python a su alcance. |
Author/Editor: Rodríguez Guerrero, Rocio; Vanegas, Carlos Alberto; Castang Montiel, Gerardo
Python: A Study of Delphic Myth and Its Origins |
Author/Editor: Joseph Fontenrose
Python Aplicaciones prácticas |
Author/Editor: Jorge Santiago Nolasco Valenzuela
Python and Matplotlib Essentials for Scientists and Engineers |
Author/Editor: Matt A Wood
Python 3: The Comprehensive Guide |
Author/Editor: Johannes Ernesti; Peter Kaiser
Python 3 Image Processing |
Author/Editor: Ashwin Pajankar
Python 3: Das umfassende Handbuch |
Author/Editor: Johannes Ernesti; Peter Kaiser
Python 3: Das umfassende Handbuch |
Author/Editor: Johannes Ernesti; Peter Kaiser
Python 3. Curso Práctico |
Author/Editor: Alberto Cuevas Álvarez
Python 3 and Machine Learning Using ChatGPT/GPT-4 |
Author/Editor: Oswald Campesato
Python 3 |
Author/Editor: Kaminski, Steffan. Series Title: De Gruyter Studium
Python 3 |
Author/Editor: Ernst-Erich Doberkat Series Title: De Gruyter Studium
Pythonによるマクロ経済予測入門 |
Author/Editor: ◆新谷 元嗣◆シンタニ モトツグ◆東大◆◆前橋 昂平◆マエバシ コウヘイ◆日銀◆著
Python |
Author/Editor: Miia; Chabot
Pythonによる時系列分析 ―予測モデル構築と企業事例― |
Author/Editor: 髙橋威知郎
Python |
Author/Editor: Bill; Lubanovic
Pythonで学ぶ線形代数学 (第2版) |
Author/Editor: 塚田真; 金子博; 小林ゆう治; 高橋眞映; 野口将人
たのしいプログラミングPythonではじめよう!: Python for kids : a playful introduction to programming, Ed. 第1版. |
Author/Editor: Briggs, Jason R.; 鈴木悠; 藤永奈保子; 磯蘭水
学生のためのPython |
Author/Editor: 本郷 健; 松田 晃一 著
Pythonで学ぶ 流体力学の数値計算法 |
Author/Editor: 藤井孝藏; 立川智章
Pythonによるアルゴリズム入門 |
Author/Editor: 酒井和哉
Pythonインタラクティブ・データビジュアライゼーション入門 |
Author/Editor: @driller(著); 小川 英幸(著); 古木 友子(著)
Pythici dialogi, Ed. Editionem correctiorem curavit Hans Gärtner |
Author/Editor: Plutarch.; Gärtner, Hans.; Sieveking, W.
Pytheas von Massilia, Ed. Reprint 2015 |
Author/Editor: Hans Joachim Mette
Pythagorean Women Philosophers: Between Belief and Suspicion |
Author/Editor: Dorota M. Dutsch
Pythagorean Women |
Author/Editor: Pomeroy, Sarah B.
Pythagorean Triangles |
Author/Editor: Waclaw Sierpinski Series Title: Dover Books on Mathematics
The Pythagorean Theorem: A 4,000-Year History |
Author/Editor: Eli Maor
The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library |
Author/Editor: Guthrie, Kenneth Sylvan; Fideler, David R.
The Pythagorean Golden Verses: With Introduction and Commentary |
Author/Editor: Thom, Johan C.
Pythagorean Crimes |
Pythagoras Revived: Mathematics and Philosophy in Late Antiquity |
Author/Editor: O'Meara, Dominic J.
Pythagoras' Revenge |
Author/Editor: Sangalli, Arturo
Pythagoras of Samos: First Philosopher and Magician of Numbers |
Author/Editor: Nigel Graddon
Pythagoras' Legacy: Mathematics in Ten Great Ideas |
Author/Editor: Marcel Danesi
Pythagoras in der Sp��tantike |
Author/Editor: Staab, Gregor. Series Title: Beitra?ge zur Altertumskunde
Pythagoras and the Early Pythagoreans |
Author/Editor: Zhmudʹ, L. I︠A︡.
Pythagoras and the Doctrine of Transmigration: Wandering Souls |
Author/Editor: Luchte, James.
Pythagoras and Early Pythagoreanism |
Author/Editor: Philip, J.A.
Pythagoras |
Author/Editor: Alicia Klepeis
Pythagoras |
Author/Editor: Stanley, Thomas; Wasserman, James
Pythagoras |
Author/Editor: Riedweg, Christoph.
Pytać o Putina – pytać o Rosję |
Author/Editor: Marian Broda
Pytania o miejsce. Sondowanie topografii literackich XX i XXI wieku |
Author/Editor: Elżbieta Dutka
Pyszne KSI??KA KUCHARSKA dla nastolatków: 55 prostych, smacznych i szybkich przepisów |
Author/Editor: Daniela Grafschafter
Pyrsos Hymnon |
Author/Editor: Krummen, Eveline. Series Title: Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschicte
Pyrroneion hypotyposeon |
Author/Editor: Sextus; Mau, Jürgen; Mutschmann, Hermann Series Title: Sexti Empirici Opera
Pyrrole: Synthesis and Applications |
Author/Editor: Colin Welch
Pyrrole-Imidazole Alkaloids From Marine Sponges: Structural Variation and Cytotoxicity of (–)-Dibromophakellstatin, Synthesis of Ugibohlin and Oroidin, and Studies Towards Oxocyclostylidol |
Author/Editor: Moldovan, Rareş-Petru
Pyrrhus of Epirus |
Author/Editor: Jeff Champion
Pyrrhonism |
Author/Editor: Kuzminski, Adrian Series Title: Studies in Comparative Philosophy and Religion
Pyrrhonian Skepticism |
Author/Editor: Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter
Pyrrhonian Scepticism and Hegel's Theory of Judgement: A Treatise on the Possibility of Scientific Inquiry |
Author/Editor: Trisokkas, Ioannis.
Pyrrhonian Reflections on Knowledge and Justification |
Author/Editor: Fogelin, Robert J.
Pyrrhonian Inquiry |
Author/Editor: Marta Anna Włodarczyk
Pyrrhic Victory: Before You Remove The Knife, 2nd Edition |
Author/Editor: Daniel F. Upchurch
Pyrrhic Victory |
Author/Editor: Upchurch, Daniel F.
Pyrrhic Victory |
Author/Editor: Doughty, Robert A.
Pyrrhic Progress |
Author/Editor: Claas Kirchhelle Series Title: Critical Issues in Health and Medicine
Pyroxenes |
Author/Editor: Charles T. Prewitt
Pyrotechnik in deutschen Fußballstadien: Eine zivil-, straf- und verwaltungsrechtliche Würdigung |
Author/Editor: Sebastian Alexander Kober
Pyrotechnics |
Author/Editor: Allan St. Hill Brock
The Pyrotechnic Insanitarium |
Author/Editor: Mark Dery
Pyropolitics in the World Ablaze |
Author/Editor: Michael Marder
Pyropolitics |
Author/Editor: Marder, Michael
Pyrophobia: A Thriller |
Author/Editor: Jack Lance
Pyrolysis Oils From Biomass |
Author/Editor: ED J. SOLTES; THOMAS A. MILNE; R. D. Hayes; Christian Roy; Richard Lemieux; Bruno de Caumia; Daniel Blanchette; James Diebold; John Scahill; Marcia Kelbon; Scott Bousman; Barbara Krieger-Brockett; Douglas C. Elliott; Jacques Lede; Huai Zhi Li; Jacques Vil
Pyrolysis of Biomass: Science and Technology |
Author/Editor: N.L.Panwar; M.R.Patel
Pyrolysis of Biomass |
Author/Editor: Wang, Shurong; Luo, Zhongyang Series Title: GREEN -- Alternative Energy Resources
Pyrolysis |
Author/Editor: Mohamed Samer
Pyrolysis |
Author/Editor: Brandt, Jack C.; Donahue, Walker S.
Pyrohydrolyse eisenchloridhaltiger Lösungen in Sprühröstreaktoren |
Author/Editor: Schiemann, Martin
Pyrocene Park: A Journey Into the Fire History of Yosemite National Park |
Author/Editor: Stephen J. Pyne
The Pyrocene: How We Created an Age of Fire, and What Happens Next |
Author/Editor: Stephen J. Pyne
Pyro |
Author/Editor: Monique Polak
Pyrmont für Kurgäste, Ed. 3., vielfach veränd. Aufl. Reprint 2020 |
Author/Editor: Th. Valentiner
Pyrite and Pyrrhotite: Managing the Risks in Construction Materials and New Applications |
Author/Editor: Michael L.J. Maher
Pyrite |
Author/Editor: Rickard, David T.
Pyrite |
Author/Editor: Vinsen, Piers T.; Whitley, Noel Series Title: Earth Sciences in the 21st Century
Pyridostigmine Bromide |
Author/Editor: Golomb, Beatrice Alexandra.; National Defense Research Institute (U.S.) Series Title: Gulf War Illnesses Series
Pyridine Nucleotide-Dependent Dehydrogenases: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium Held at the University of Konstanz, West Germany. March 28–April 1, 1977, Ed. Reprint 2019 |
Author/Editor: Horst Sund
Pyrgoteles, oder die Edlen Steine der Alten im Bereiche der Natur und der Bildenden Kunst: Mit Berücksichtigung der Schmuck-und Siegelringe, Insbesondere der Griechen und Römer (Classic Reprint) |
Author/Editor: Johann Heinrich Krause
The Pyrgic Puzzler |
Author/Editor: Christopher Maslanka Series Title: Dover Recreational Math
Pyrethroids: Exposure, Applications and Resistance |
Author/Editor: Johanan Ruijten
The Pyre Starter |
Author/Editor: Jaimie N. Schock
Pyresnakes |
Author/Editor: Tray Ellis
The Pyrenees in the Modern Era |
Author/Editor: Martyn Lyons
Pyrene: Chemistry, Properties and Uses |
Author/Editor: Charles R. Howe
Pyrene: Chemical Properties, Biochemistry Applications, and Toxic Effects |
Author/Editor: Kral, Tomas; Ruzicka, Petr Series Title: Chemistry Research and Applications
Pyrazole: Preparation and Uses |
Author/Editor: Dilipkumar Pal
The Pyramid Waltz |
Author/Editor: Barbara Ann Wright
The Pyramid Under the Cross: Franciscan Discourses of Evangelization and the Nahua Christian Subject in Sixteenth-century Mexico |
Author/Editor: Viviana Díaz Balsera
Pyramid Texts |
Author/Editor: al-Ghitani, Gamal.; Davies, Humphrey.
Pyramids Of Snow |
Author/Editor: Edith Metcalfe
Pyramids of Giza |
Author/Editor: Kristine Spanier, MLIS
Pyramids of Egypt |
Author/Editor: Vanessa Black
Pyramids of Egypt |
Author/Editor: Duke, Shirley.
Pyramids of Egypt |
Series Title: Checkerboard Geography Library
Pyramids & Nightclubs |
Pyramids, Ed. 2nd ed |
Author/Editor: Filer, Joyce.
Pyramids and Tombs |
Author/Editor: Grace Hansen
The Pyramids and the Pentagon |
Author/Editor: Nick Redfern
Pyramids |
Series Title: Everyday 3-D Shapes
The Pyramids |
Author/Editor: Miroslav Verner
Pyramiden |
Author/Editor: Henning Mankell
Pyramide des morts (La) |
Author/Editor: Simone Bussières
The Pyramid Approach: A Framework for Raising Student Academic Achievement |
Author/Editor: Woodrow, George
The Pyramid and the Box |
Author/Editor: Tetreau, Joel
Pyramid: And Four Other Kurt Wallander Mysteries |
Author/Editor: Mankell, Henning; Thompson, Laurie; Segerberg, Ebba.
The Pyramid Age |
Series Title: Ages in Alignment
Pyramid |
Author/Editor: David Macaulay
Pyraloidea I: (Acentropinae, Evergestinae, Heliothelinae, Schoenobiinae, Scopariinae) |
Author/Editor: Barry Goater; Matthias Nuss; Wolfgang Speidel
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: A Critical Biography |
Author/Editor: Floros, Constantin.
Płynność obrotu a stopa zwrotu z akcji notowanych na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie |
Author/Editor: Agata Gniadkowska-Szymańska
Pynchon's California |
Author/Editor: Miller, John; McClintock, Scott. Series Title: The New American Canon: The Iowa Series in Contemporary Literature and Culture
Pynchon's Against the Day |
Author/Editor: Leise, Christopher; Severs, Jeffrey
Pynchon Character Names |
Author/Editor: Hurley, Patrick J.
Płynące fale |
Author/Editor: Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer
PYME y la tecnología de la información: Un estudio práctico de las PYME en la frontera de la TI |
Author/Editor: International Trade Centre
Pymes Globales: estrategias y prácticas para la internacionalización de Pymes |
Author/Editor: Gelmetti,Carlos
Pyme de Avanzada. Motor del desarrollo en America Latina |
Author/Editor: Van Hoof, Bart; Gómez, Henry
Pylos und sein Heer: Untersuchungen zum spätmykenischen Militärwesen |
Author/Editor: Klaus Tausend
The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project: A Retrospective |
Author/Editor: Jack L. Davis; John Bennet
Pylos and Sphacteria 425 Bc |
Author/Editor: Shepherd, William. Series Title: Campaign
Pylade |
Author/Editor: Alexandre Rocoffort
Pyjama Profit: The Millennial's Guide to a Sustainable Freelance Career |
Author/Editor: Varun Mayya; Abhinav Chhikara
Pygmy Marmoset |
Author/Editor: Julie Murray
The Pygmy Hippo Story: West Africa's Enigma of the Rainforest |
Author/Editor: Robinson, Phillip T.; Flacke, Gabriella L.; Hentschel, Knut M.
The Pygmy Dragon |
Author/Editor: Marc Secchia
Pygmalion (World Classics, Unabridged) |
Author/Editor: George Bernard Shaw
Pygmalion's Wordplay |
Author/Editor: Reynolds, Jean Series Title: Florida Bernard Shaw Series
Pygmalion's Spectacles |
Author/Editor: Weinbaum, Stanley Grauman
Pygmalion’s Power: Romanesque Sculpture, the Senses, and Religious Experience |
Author/Editor: Thomas E. A. Dale
Pygmalion's Chisel |
Author/Editor: Hallstead, Tracy M.
Pygmalion and the Ivory Virgin |
Author/Editor: Le Tendre (Serge); Peynet F
Pygmalion |
Author/Editor: George Bernard Shaw
Pygmalion |
Author/Editor: George Bernard Shaw
Pygmalion |
Author/Editor: George Bernard Shaw Series Title: Dover Thrift Study Edition
Pygmalion |
Author/Editor: Shaw, Bernard
Pygmalion |
Author/Editor: George Bernard Shaw
Pêyak Little Duck |
Author/Editor: Sandra Lamouche
Pwy yw Moses John? |
Author/Editor: Alun Davies
The P Word: A Manual for Mammals |
Author/Editor: David Hu
Pwned |
Author/Editor: Shannen Crane Camp
Author/Editor: Geist, Al.
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneis Buch Vi (Classic Reprint) |
Author/Editor: Eduard Norden
P. Vergili Maronis bvcolica: Cvm avctoribvs et imitatoribvs in vsvm scholarvm, Ed. Reprint 2020 |
Author/Editor: Publius Vergilius Maro; Carolus Hosius
P. Vergili Maronis Bvcolica, 2, unveränderte Auflage |
Author/Editor: Virgil.; Hosius, Carl
The PVC Project Book: 101 Uses for PVC Pipe in the Home, Garden, Farm and Workshop |
Author/Editor: Charles A. Sanders
PVC Compounds and Processing |
Series Title: Rapra Review Reports
Puzzling the Parables of Jesus: Methods and Interpretation |
Author/Editor: Zimmermann, Ruben
Puzzling Stories: The Aesthetic Appeal of Cognitive Challenge in Film, Television and Literature |
Author/Editor: Steven Willemsen; Miklós Kiss
Puzzling Portraits |
Author/Editor: Culp, A.J.
Puzzling Passages in Paul |
Author/Editor: Thiselton, Anthony C.
Puzzling Out the Past |
Author/Editor: Fine, Steven.; Pitard, Wayne T.; Zuckerman, Bruce.; Lundberg, Marilyn J. Series Title: Culture and History of the Ancient Near East
Puzzling Neighbourhood Effects |
Author/Editor: Doff, Wenda. Series Title: Sustainable Urban Areas
Puzzling Identities |
Author/Editor: Descombes, Vincent.
Puzzling Democracy - An Introduction to Political Philosophy for South African Students |
Author/Editor: L Vincent
The Puzzle Solver: A Scientist's Desperate Hunt to Cure Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Save His Son |
Author/Editor: White, Tracie; Davis, Ronald W
Puzzles of Reference |
Author/Editor: Herman Cappelen; Josh Dever
Puzzles Of Love: Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Xin Shuai; Fancy Novel
Puzzles of Economic Growth |
Author/Editor: Rzońca, Andrzej.; Balcerowicz, Leszek.; World Bank Group. Series Title: Directions in Development. Public Sector Governance
Puzzles of Amish Life: People's Place Book No. 10 |
Author/Editor: Donald Kraybill
Puzzles in General Surgery |
Author/Editor: Hassan A. Bukhari
Puzzles in Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Introduction for South African Students |
Author/Editor: L Vincent; J Steyn-Kotze; L Hamilton
Puzzles, Games, and Tricks: Understanding the Mystery and Magic of Numbers |
Author/Editor: Jerome S. Meyer
Puzzles for the Will: Fatalism, Newcomb and Samarra, Determinism and Omniscience |
Author/Editor: Sobel, Jordan Howard.
Puzzles and Words 2 |
Author/Editor: Astle, David
Puzzles and Words |
Author/Editor: Astle, David
Puzzles and Paradoxes |
Author/Editor: Michael H. Hart
Puzzles and Paradoxes |
Author/Editor: T. H. O’Beirne Series Title: Dover Books on Mathematical and Word Recreations
Puzzles and Games: Word Play, Grades K - 1 |
Author/Editor: Carson-Dellosa Publishing
Puzzles and Games: Word Play, Grade 2 |
Author/Editor: Carson-Dellosa Publishing
Puzzles and Games, Grade 2 |
Author/Editor: Carson-Dellosa Publishing
Puzzles and Games, Grade 1 |
Author/Editor: Carson-Dellosa Publishing
Puzzles and Games for Math, Grade 3 |
Author/Editor: Carson-Dellosa Publishing
Puzzles and Games for Math, Grade 2 |
Author/Editor: Carson-Dellosa Publishing
Puzzles and Games for Math, Grade 1 |
Author/Editor: Carson-Dellosa Publishing
Puzzles and Games for Beginners, Grade K |
Author/Editor: Carson-Dellosa Publishing
Puzzles and Games |
Author/Editor: Thinking Kids (Firm)
Puzzle Quilts: Simple Blocks, Complex Fabrics |
Author/Editor: Nadelstern, Paula.
The Puzzle People |
Author/Editor: Starzl, Thomas E. Series Title: University of Pittsburgh Press Digital Editions
The Puzzle Palace: A Report on NSA, America's Most Secret Agency |
Author/Editor: James Bamford
The Puzzle of Vehicle Selection in Conceptual Metonymies |
Author/Editor: Hubert Kowalewski
The Puzzle of Vehicle Selection in Conceptual Metonymies |
Author/Editor: Hubert Kowalewski
The Puzzle of Unanimity |
Author/Editor: Corley, Pamela C.; Ward, Artemus; Steigerwalt, Amy
The Puzzle of Twenty-First-Century Globalization |
Author/Editor: Franko, Patrice M.; Stamos, Steve
The Puzzle of the Silver Persian |
Author/Editor: Palmer, Stuart Series Title: The Hildegarde Withers Mysteries
The Puzzle of the Shark Surfer Girl |
Series Title: Carole Marsh Mysteries
The Puzzle of the Red Stallion |
Author/Editor: Palmer, Stuart Series Title: The Hildegarde Withers Mysteries
The Puzzle of the Pepper Tree |
Author/Editor: Palmer, Stuart Series Title: The Hildegarde Withers Mysteries
The Puzzle of the Indian Arrowhead |
Series Title: Three Amigos
The Puzzle of the Happy Hooligan |
Author/Editor: Palmer, Stuart Series Title: The Hildegarde Withers Mysteries
The Puzzle of the Green Bear |
Author/Editor: Caroline Brown
The Puzzle of the Blue Banderilla |
Author/Editor: Palmer, Stuart Series Title: The Hildegarde Withers Mysteries
The Puzzle of Prison Order: Why Life Behind Bars Varies Around the World |
Author/Editor: David Skarbek
The Puzzle of Persistently Negative Interest Rate-Growth Differentials |
Author/Editor: Escolano, Julio; Shabunina, Anna; Woo, Jaejoo
The Puzzle of Peace: The Evolution of Peace in the International System |
Author/Editor: Goertz, Gary; Balas, Alexandru; Diehl, Paul F.
The Puzzle of Pangaea |
Author/Editor: Meg Moss
The Puzzle of Orofacial Pain |
Author/Editor: Türp, Jens Christoph.; S. Karger (Firm); Sommer, C.; Hugger, Alfons W. Series Title: Pain and Headache
The Puzzle of Latin American Economic Development |
Author/Editor: Franko, Patrice M.
The Puzzle of Judicial Behavior |
Author/Editor: Baum, Lawrence.
The Puzzle of Ethiopian Politics |
Author/Editor: Terrence Lyons
Puzzle Me This |
Author/Editor: Eli Easton
Puzzle Me the Right Answer to That One |
Author/Editor: Riener, Joseph F.
Puzzlemaster Deck: 75 Verbal Challenges |
Author/Editor: Will Shortz
Puzzlemaster Deck: 75 Mind Bogglers |
Author/Editor: Will Shortz
Puzzlemaster Deck: 75 Brain Twisters |
Author/Editor: Will Shortz
The Puzzle King |
Author/Editor: Carter, Betsy
The Puzzle King |
Author/Editor: Carter, Betsy
The Puzzle in the Pond |
Author/Editor: Margaret Sutton
Puzzle for Wantons |
Author/Editor: Patrick Quentin
Puzzle for Puppets |
Author/Editor: Patrick Quentin
Puzzle for Players |
Author/Editor: Patrick Quentin
Puzzle for Pilgrims |
Author/Editor: Patrick Quentin
A Puzzle for Fools |
Author/Editor: Patrick Quentin
Puzzle for Fiends |
Author/Editor: Patrick Quentin
Puzzled: Secrets and Clues From a Life Lost in Words |
Author/Editor: Astle, David
Puzzled |
Author/Editor: author unknown
The Puzzle Box |
Series Title: 2017 Advent Calendar - Stocking Stuffers
Puzzelstukken voor een nieuwe moraal. Over sociale ordening in de toekomst |
Author/Editor: David Bamps
Puyo Runa: Imagery and Power in Modern Amazonia |
Author/Editor: Norman E. Whitten; Dorothea Scott Whitten
Puyallup in World War II |
Author/Editor: Hans Zeiger
Putzen: Eine Kulturtechnik, Ed. 1. Auflage 2020 |
Author/Editor: Sonja Stummerer; Martin Hablesreiter
Putze in Bausanierung und Denkmalpflege, Ed. überarbeitete Ausgabe |
Author/Editor: Tanja Dettmering; Helmut Kollmann; DIN e.V.
Putze in Bausanierung und Denkmalpflege |
Author/Editor: Tanja Dettmering; Helmut Kollmann; DIN e.V.
Putze, Farben, Beschichtungen |
Author/Editor: Reichel, Michael.; Kopke, Christine.; Hochberg, Anette. Series Title: DETAIL Praxis
Put Your Warrior Boots On: Walking Jesus Strong, Once and for All |
Author/Editor: Lisa Whittle
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is |
Author/Editor: Debra Cushman
Put Your Money Where Your Life Is: How to Invest Locally Using Self-Directed IRAs and Solo 401(k)s |
Author/Editor: Michael H. Shuman
Put Your Intuition to Work |
Author/Editor: Lynn A. Robinson
Put Your Hands on Your Hips and Act Like a Woman: Black History and Poetics in Performance |
Author/Editor: Jackson, Gale
Put Your Feet in the Dirt, Girl: A Memoir |
Author/Editor: Henry, Sonia
Put Your Business on Autopilot: The 7-Step System to Create a Business That Works So Well That You Don't Have to |
Author/Editor: Greg Roworth
Put Yer Rosary Beads Away Ma |
Author/Editor: Cahal Dunne
The Putumayo, the Devil's Paradise: Travels in the Peruvian Amazon Region and an Account of the Atrocities Committed Upon the Indians Therein (Classic Reprint) |
Author/Editor: Walter Ernest Hardenburg
Put U Adis Abebu |
Author/Editor: Dušan Miklja
Puttin' On the Ritz: Fred Astaire and the Fine Art of Panache, A Biography |
Author/Editor: Peter Levinson
Putting Your Talent to Work |
Author/Editor: Capacchione, Lucia.; Van Pelt, Peggy
Putting Your Past Behind You |
Author/Editor: Erwin W. Lutzer
Putting Work in Its Place: A Quiet Revolution |
Author/Editor: Peter Meiksins; Peter Whalley
Putting Women Up |
Author/Editor: Netina Tan Tan
Putting Voters in Their Place |
Author/Editor: Johnston, R. J.; Pattie, C. J. Series Title: Oxford Geographical and Environmental Studies Series
Putting Two and Two Together |
Author/Editor: Burkard Polster; Marty Ross
Putting Trials on Trial |
Author/Editor: Elaine Craig
Putting Total Quality Management to Work, 1st Berrett-Koehler ed |
Author/Editor: Sashkin, Marshall
Putting Together Professional Portfolios |
Author/Editor: Forde, Christine.; McMahon, Margery.; Reeves, Jenny.
Putting the Truth to Work: The Theory and Practice of Biblical Application |
Author/Editor: Daniel M. Doriani
Putting the Tea in Britain: The Scots Who Made Our National Drink |
Author/Editor: Les Wilson
Putting the State on Trial: The Policing of Protest During the G20 Summit |
Author/Editor: Deshman, Abigail C.; Des Rosiers, Nathalie; Beare, Margaret E
Putting the Power in Your PowerPoint with 21 Mistakes to Avoid and 9 PowerPoint Philosophies |
Series Title: Patricia Fripp's Speaking and Presentation Skills Training
Putting the Pieces Together: A Systems Approach to School Leadership |
Author/Editor: Lee A. Westberry
Putting the Pieces Together |
Author/Editor: Louie E. Bustle
Putting Theory to Work |
Author/Editor: Canestri, Jorge. Series Title: Developments in Psychoanalysis
PUTTING THEORY INTO PRACTICE: Tools for Research in Informal Settings |
Author/Editor: Doris Ash; Jrène Rahm; Leah M. Melber
Putting Theory Into Practice in the Contemporary Classroom |
Author/Editor: McLaughlin, Becky Renee
Putting Their Hands on Race: Irish Immigrant and Southern Black Domestic Workers |
Author/Editor: Danielle T. Phillips-Cunningham
Putting Their Best Foot Forward |
Author/Editor: Daryl-Lynne Gottier
Putting the Humanities PhD to Work: Thriving in and Beyond the Classroom |
Author/Editor: Katina L. Rogers
Putting the Horse Before Descartes |
Author/Editor: Rollin, Bernard E. Series Title: Animals and Ethics
Putting the Heart Back Into Business: How to Place People, Planet and Purpose at the Core of What You Do |
Author/Editor: Andrew Thornton; Eudora Pascall
Putting the Children First |
Author/Editor: Silin, Jonathan G.; Lippman, Carol. Series Title: Teaching for Social Justice Series
Putting the Charter to Work: Designing a Constitutional Labour Code |
Author/Editor: Beatty, David M.
Putting the Boot In |
Author/Editor: Kavanagh, Dan Series Title: Duffy
Putting the Barn Before the House |
Author/Editor: Osterud, Nancy Grey
Putting the Amazing Back in Grace, Ed. 1st ed |
Author/Editor: Weems, Ann
Putting Tanzania's Hidden Economy to Work |
Author/Editor: World Bank. Series Title: A World Bank Country Study
Putting Sustainability Into Practice |
Author/Editor: Krogman, Naomi; Cohen, Maurie J.; Kennedy, Emily Huddart
Putting Students First: A Game Plan for Personalizing Learning |
Author/Editor: Marsha Jones; Laureen Avery; Joseph DiMartino
Putting Society Back in the Wild: "Wildlife & Society" Curriculum As a Tool for Teaching Ecology |
Author/Editor: Goedeke, Theresa L.; DeMello, Margo.
Putting Social Development to Work for the Poor |
Author/Editor: World Bank. Series Title: World Bank E-Library
Putting Sleep Problems to Bed: Solutions for Children, Ages 0-18 |
Author/Editor: Lisa Medalie, David Gozal
Putting Skill to Work: How to Create Good Jobs in Uncertain Times |
Author/Editor: Nichola Lowe
Putting Skills Into Practice: Legal Problem Solving and Writing for New Lawyers |
Author/Editor: Daniel L. Barnett
Putting Science in Its Place |
Author/Editor: Livingstone, David N. Series Title: Science.culture
Putting Samotherium in Its Place: The Morphology of Giraffids and the Geology of Samos |
Putting Risk in Perspective |
Author/Editor: White, Renée T.
Putting Purpose Into Practice: The Economics of Mutuality |
Author/Editor: Colin Mayer; Bruno Roche
Putting Properties First: A Platonic Metaphysics for Natural Modality |
Author/Editor: Matthew Tugby
Putting Professional Leadership Into Practice in Social Work, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Peter Scourfield
Putting Privacy in Perspective |
Author/Editor: Hough, Michelle G.
Putting Poor People to Work |
Author/Editor: Shaw, Kathleen M.; Goldrick-Rab, Sara; Mazzeo, Christopher; Jacobs, Jerry A.
Putting Philosophy to Work: Inquiry and Its Place in Culture -- Essays on Science, Religion, Law, Literature, and Life (Expanded Edition), Ed. Expanded edition |
Author/Editor: Haack, Susan
Putting People in the Picture: Visual Methodologies for Social Change |
Author/Editor: author unknown
Putting People First |
Author/Editor: Cernea, Michael M.; World Bank.
Putting Peace Into Practice: Evaluating Policy on Local and Global Levels |
Author/Editor: Nancy Nyquist Potter
“Putting Out The Fire In Afghanistan”: - The Fire Model of Counterinsurgency: Focusing Efforts to Make an Insurgency Unsustainable |
Author/Editor: Major Patrick Pascall
Putting Out Fires: Firefighters |
Author/Editor: Brenda Ralph Lewis
Putting Out Fires: A Framework for Solving Problems in Your Classroom or School |
Author/Editor: Kaylah Holland
Putting Out Fires |
Author/Editor: Marie Sexton Series Title: Coda
Putting Our Differences to Work |
Putting On Virtue |
Author/Editor: Herdt, Jennifer A.
Putting on the Style |
Author/Editor: Freda Lightfoot
Putting on the Mind of Christ: Contemplative Prayer and Holistic Unity |
Author/Editor: Woods, James E.
Putting on the Mind of Christ |
Author/Editor: Marion, Jim
Putting on the Lord Jesus: A Gospel-Driven Theology of Discipleship |
Author/Editor: David E. Bjork
Putting on Christ: Augustine's Early Theology of Salvation and the Sacraments |
Author/Editor: Ty Paul Monroe
Putting On Appearances |
Author/Editor: Barthel, Diane L. Series Title: Women in the Political Economy
Putting on a Gentle & Quiet Spirit |
Series Title: A Woman After God's Own Heart
Putting Nigeria to Work |
Author/Editor: Treichel, Volker
Putting Morality Back Into Politics |
Author/Editor: Richard D. Ryder
Putting Monet and Rembrandt Into Words |
Author/Editor: Richard M. Berrong Series Title: North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures
Putting Management Back Into Performance: A Handbook for Managers and Supervisors |
Author/Editor: Webb, James
Putting Logic in Its Place |
Author/Editor: Christensen, David Phiroze
Putting loafing Streams to Work |
Author/Editor: Jackson, Harvey H.
Putting Liberalism in Its Place |
Author/Editor: Kahn, Paul W.
Putting Labour in Its Place: Labour Process Analysis and Global Value Chains |
Author/Editor: Newsome, Kirsty.
Putting Knowledge to Work: New Directions for Knowledge-First Epistemology |
Author/Editor: Artūrs Logins; Jacques-Henri Vollet
Putting Knowledge to Work and Letting Information Play, Ed. 2nd ed |
Author/Editor: Hunsinger, Jeremy.; Luke, Timothy W.
Putting It Into Practice: Developing Student Critical Thinking Skills in Teacher Education � the Models, Methods, Experiences and Results |
Author/Editor: Haydon, Debbie.; Jones, Paula
Putting It All Together: Creating and Scaling Exceptional Learning |
Author/Editor: Jeffery W. Galle; Jo K. Galle
Putting Islam to Work |
Author/Editor: Starrett, Gregory
Putting Intellectual Property in Its Place: Rights Discourses, Creative Labor, and the Everyday |
Author/Editor: Murray, Laura J.; Robertson, Kirsty; Piper, S. Tina
Putting Institutional Economics to Work |
Author/Editor: Picciotto, Robert. Series Title: World Bank Discussion Papers
Putting Inequality in Context: Class, Public Opinion, and Representation in the United States |
Author/Editor: Ellis, Christopher; Project Muse.
Putting Improv to Work: Spontaneous Performance for Professional and Personal Life |
Author/Editor: Greg Hohn
Putting Image Repair to the Test |
Author/Editor: Blaney, Joseph R.
Putting Ideas to Work |
Author/Editor: Mattern, Mark
Putting Human Rights to Work: Labour Law, The ECHR, and The Employment Relation, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Philippa Collins
Putting Higher Education to Work |
Author/Editor: di Gropello, Emanuela.; Yusuf, Shahid.; Tandon, Prateek.
Putting God on the Map |
Author/Editor: Erin Kidd; Jakob Karl Rinderknecht
Putting God Back in the Holidays |
Author/Editor: Bill Thrasher; Penny Thrasher
Putting Gender Mainstreaming Into Practice |
Author/Editor: United Nations.
Putting First What Matters Most: Proven Strategies for Success in Work and in Life |
Author/Editor: Jane K. Cleland
Putting Federalism in Its Place: The Territorial Politics of Social Policy Revisited |
Author/Editor: Scott L. Greer; Daniel Béland; André Lecours; Kenneth A Dubin
Putting Family First: Migration and Integration in Canada |
Author/Editor: Bauder, Harald
Putting Faith in Partnerships: Welfare-to-Work in Four Cities |
Author/Editor: Monsma, Stephen V.
Putting FACES on the Data: What Great Leaders Do!, Ed. First Edition |
Author/Editor: Lyn Sharratt; Michael Fullan
Putting FACES on the Data: What Great Leaders and Teachers Do! |
Author/Editor: Lyn Sharratt; Michael Fullan
Putting Education to Work: How Cristo Rey High Schools Are Transforming Urban Education |
Author/Editor: Megan Sweas
Putting Down Roots |
Author/Editor: Tam MacNeil
Putting CLIL Into Practice: Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers |
Author/Editor: Phil Ball; Keith Kelly; John Clegg
Putting Citizens First: Engagement in Policy and Service Delivery for the 21st Century |
Author/Editor: Evert A. Lindquist; Sam Vincent; John Wanna
Putting Choice Before Democracy: A Critique of Rational Choice Theory |
Author/Editor: Hauptmann, Emily.
Putting Children First: New Frontiers in the Fight Against Child Poverty in Africa |
Author/Editor: Roelen, Keetie; Morgan, Richard; Yisak Tafere
Putting Children First |
Author/Editor: McDonough, Hanna.; Bartha, Christina.
Putting Children First |
Author/Editor: Chaudry, Ajay.; Project Muse. Series Title: UPCC Book Collections on Project MUSE
Putting Assessment for Learning Into Practice |
Author/Editor: Spendlove, David. Series Title: Ideas in Action
Putting Art to Work |
Author/Editor: Keith Chirgwin; Helene Chirgwin
Putting Art (back) in Its Place |
Author/Editor: Skillen, John Edward
Putting an End to Surprise Medical Billing |
Author/Editor: Danial E. Tackett
Putting Adpositions in Place |
Author/Editor: Kaori Takamine Series Title: Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today
Put The Sky Inside Of You |
Author/Editor: Milos Toth
Put the Money in My Purse!: A History of Female Bank Robbers |
Author/Editor: Judith A. Yates
"Puts" in the Shadow |
Author/Editor: Singh, Manmohan; International Monetary Fund.
Putrefaction Live |
Author/Editor: Warren Perkins
Putrefacción y descomposición (Rot and Decay) |
Author/Editor: Levete, Sarah
Putovanje u sedmovrhi grad |
Author/Editor: Gordana Maletić Series Title: Katarina i Vladimir
Put Out the Light |
Author/Editor: Deary, Terry.
P'u t'o shan �� Die heilige Insel der Kuan yin, der G��ttin der Barmherzigkeit |
Author/Editor: Boerschamann, Ernst Series Title: Die baukunst und religio?se kultur der Chinesen
Putopisi Po Se?anju |
Author/Editor: Dušan Miklja
Put on the Armour of God |
Author/Editor: Neufeld, Thomas R. Series Title: Journal for the Study of the New Testament. Supplement Series
Putney |
Author/Editor: Sofka Zinovieff
Putnam County |
Author/Editor: Guy Cheli Series Title: Images of America
Put More Time on Your Side, second edition, Revised & Updated |
Author/Editor: Jan Yager
Put Me in the Zoo: An Instructional Guide for Literature |
Author/Editor: Pearce, Tracy
Put It Together |
Author/Editor: Whitehouse, Patricia
Putin, the Russian Elite, and the Future of Russia |
Author/Editor: Markman, Alex
Putin Takes Crimea 2014: Grey-zone Warfare Opens the Russia-Ukraine Conflict |
Author/Editor: Mark Galeotti
Putin's Wars: The Rise of Russia's New Imperialism, Ed. Second edition |
Author/Editor: Herpen, Marcel van
Putin's Wars: The Rise of Russia's New Imperialism |
Author/Editor: Marcel H. Van Herpen
Putin's Wars: From Chechnya to Ukraine |
Author/Editor: Mark Galeotti
Putin's Wars and NATO's Flaws: Why Russia Invaded Ukraine |
Author/Editor: Paul Moorcraft
Putin's Wars |
Author/Editor: Herpen, Marcel van.
Putin’s War, Russian Genocide: Essays About the First Year of the War in Ukraine, Ed. Auflage |
Author/Editor: Philip W. Blood
Putin's War in Syria: Russian Foreign Policy and the Price of America's Absence |
Author/Editor: Anna Borshchevskaya
Putin's Virtual War: Russia’s Subversion and Conversion of America, Europe and the World Beyond |
Author/Editor: William Nester
Putins Russland - ein vertrauenswürdiger Partner?: Grundlagen, Hintergründe und Praxis gegenwärtiger russischer Aussenpolitik, Ed. Auflage |
Author/Editor: Christian Wipperfürth
Putin's Russia: Politics, Economics, and U.S. Interests |
Author/Editor: Brunner, Florence Series Title: Russian Political, Economic, and Security Issues
Putin's Russia, Ed. Eighth edition |
Author/Editor: Stephen K. Wegren; Darrell Slider
Putin’s Russia and the Falsification of History: Reasserting Control Over the Past |
Author/Editor: Anton Weiss-Wendt
Putin's Russia |
Author/Editor: Stephen K. Wegren
Putin's Russia |
Author/Editor: Wegren, Stephen K.
Putin's Propaganda Machine: Soft Power and Russian Foreign Policy |
Author/Editor: Herpen, Marcel van.
Putin's Oil |
Author/Editor: Sixsmith, Martin.
Putin's Missile War: Russia's Strike Campaign in Ukraine |
Author/Editor: Ian Williams
Putin's Insights on Russia, Japan and the World: An Interview with the Guardian Spirit of the President of Russia |
Author/Editor: Ryuho Okawa
Putin's Gambit: A Novel |
Author/Editor: Lou Dobbs; James O. Born
Putin's Energy Agenda: The Contradictions of Russia's Resource Wealth |
Author/Editor: Hedlund, Stefan
Putin's Asymmetric Assault on Democracy in Russia and Europe: Implications for U.S. National Security |
Author/Editor: Sampson, Christopher.
The Putin Predicament: Problems of Legitimacy and Succession in Russia, Ed. Auflage |
Author/Editor: Bo Petersson
The Putin Paradox |
Author/Editor: Richard Sakwa
Putinomics |
Author/Editor: Chris Miller
Putin Kitsch in America |
Author/Editor: Alison Rowley
Putinism: Russia and Its Future in the West |
Author/Editor: Walter Laqueur
The Putin Interviews |
Author/Editor: Oliver Stone
Putin Confronts the West: The Logic of Russian Foreign Relations, 1999-2020 |
Author/Editor: René De La Pedraja
Put-In-Bay: The Construction of Perry's Monument |
Author/Editor: Jeff Kissell
The Put-in-Bay Road Races, 1952-1963 |
Author/Editor: Goodwin, Carl.
Putin and the Return of History: How the Kremlin Rekindled the Cold War |
Author/Editor: Martin Sixsmith; Daniel Sixsmith
Putin and the Oligarch |
Author/Editor: Sakwa, Richard
Putin and His Neighbors: Russia's Policies Toward Eurasia |
Author/Editor: Dina R. Spechler; Martin C. Spechler
Putiana Insaziabile: Doppia Sottomissione per la Schiava di Due Padroni |
Author/Editor: Aina Castillo
Put Five Rings on It |
Author/Editor: David Connor; E.F. Mulder
Put Emotional Intelligence to Work |
Author/Editor: Feldman, Jeff.; Mulle, Karl.
Put a Ring on It |
Author/Editor: K.A. Mitchell Series Title: Ready or Knot
Put Anxiety Behind You: The Complete Drug-Free Program |
Author/Editor: Lac, Peter Bongiorno.
Puta Life: Seeing Latinas, Working Sex |
Author/Editor: Juana María Rodríguez
¡Puta! |
Author/Editor: La Marchesa
Pustkuchen und Goethe: Die Streitschrift als produktives Verwirrspiel, Ed. Reprint 2015 |
Author/Editor: Thomas Wolf
Pusteblumentage |
Author/Editor: Rebecca Westcott
Pusteblumensommer: Roman |
Author/Editor: Susanne Lieder
Pussy: Roman, Ed. 1. Aufl. |
Author/Editor: Howard Jacobson
Pussy Riot: Speaking Punk to Power |
Author/Editor: Eliot Borenstein
Pussy Riot!: A Punk Prayer For Freedom |
Author/Editor: Pussy Riot
Pussy Hats, Politics, and Public Protest, Ed. PDF INST. |
Author/Editor: Rachelle Hope Saltzman
Pussy and Doggy Tales |
Author/Editor: E. Nesbit
Pussy and Doggy Tales |
Puss In Boots |
Author/Editor: Donald Kasen
Puss in Boots |
Author/Editor: Carol Ottolenghi
Puss in Boots |
Series Title: Short Tales. Fairy Tales
Puss in Boots |
Author/Editor: Carol Ottolenghi Series Title: Keepsake Stories
Puṣpikā |
Author/Editor: Visigalli, Paolo-Gornall, Alastair-Ciotti, Giovanni Series Title: Puṣpikā
Pus?pika? |
Author/Editor: Mirnig, Nina; Szántó, Péter-Dániel; Williams, Michael Series Title: Pus?pika?
Puskin- und Gogol-Studien |
Author/Editor: Rolf-Dietrich Keil Series Title: Bausteine zur Slavischen Philologie und Kulturgeschichte. Reihe A: Slavistische Forschungen
Puskin and His Sculptural Myth, Ed. Teilw. in kyrill. Schr. Reprint 2018 |
Author/Editor: Roman Jakobson; John Burbank
Push-up Pops, Ed. 1st ed |
Author/Editor: Whitmore, Courtney Dial.
Push the Button: Interactive Television and Collaborative Journalism in Japan |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Rodwell
Push: Software Design and the Cultural Politics of Music Production |
Author/Editor: Mike D'Errico
Push Play: Gaming For a Better World |
Author/Editor: Songyee Yoon
Push Past It!: A Positive Approach to Challenging Classroom Behaviors |
Author/Editor: Angela Searcy
Pushover |
Author/Editor: Jack Sharkey
Push of the Sky: Short Works |
Author/Editor: Alexa, Camille.
Push Me, Pull You |
Author/Editor: Gelfand, Laura.; Blick, Sarah. Series Title: Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions
Pushmataha |
Author/Editor: Lincecum, Gideon Series Title: Fire Ant Books
Pushkin, the Decembrists, and Civic Sentimentalism |
Author/Editor: Emily Wang
Pushkin��s Rhyming |
Author/Editor: Shaw, J. Thomas Series Title: Wisconsin Center for Pushkin Studies
Pushkin's Monument and Allusion: Poem, Statue, Performance |
Author/Editor: Dement, Sidney Eric
Pushkin's Lyric Intelligence |
Author/Editor: Kahn, Andrew.
Pushkin's Children: Writing on Russia and Russians |
Author/Editor: Tatyana Tolstaya
Pushkin In Copenhagen |
Author/Editor: Irina Bjørnø
Pushkin Hills |
Author/Editor: Dovlatov, Sergeĭ; Balnova, Natalya; Wood, James; Dovlatov, Katherine
Pushkin Hills |
Author/Editor: Sergei Sergei Dovlatov
The Pushkin Handbook |
Author/Editor: Bethea, David M. Series Title: Publications of the Wisconsin Center for Pushkin Studies
Pushing to the Front |
Author/Editor: Marden, Orison Swett
Pushing to the Front |
Author/Editor: Orison Swett Marden
Pushing Time Away: My Grandfather and the Tragedy of Jewish Vienna |
Author/Editor: Singer, Peter
Pushing the Limits |
Author/Editor: Katherine Garbera
Pushing the Limits |
Author/Editor: Edson, Sakre Kennington Series Title: SUNY Series in Educational Leadership
Pushing the Envelope |
Author/Editor: McCall, Grant S. Series Title: Focus on Civilizations and Cultures
Pushing the Digital Frontier |
Author/Editor: Pal, Nirmal.; Ray, Judith M.
Pushing the Bear |
Author/Editor: Glancy, Diane. Series Title: American Indian Literature and Critical Studies Series
Pushing Past the Human in Latin American Cinema |
Author/Editor: Carolyn Fornoff; Gisela Heffes
Pushing Our Understanding of Diversity in Organizations |
Author/Editor: Eden King