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Titles start with L ( displaying 500 of 56,263 ) Information
Lz?i, polopravdy a pravda v lidske? komunikaci
Author/Editor: Vybíral, Zbyněk
LZ Hot!: Flying South Africa's Border War
Author/Editor: Nick Lithgow
L - Z, Ed. Unveränderter photomechanischer Nachdruck 1950. Reprint 2020
Author/Editor: Werner Ziegenfuss; Gertrud Jung
[L - Z], Ed. 2., verm. und umgearb. Aufl. Reprint 2019
Author/Editor: O. Schrader
L–Z, Ed. 2nd, revised and enlarged ed. Reprint 2020
Author/Editor: Gordon Winant Hewes
Lázaro-Variationen: Der ‚Lazarillo de Tormes‘ und seine Wiederkehr in Fortsetzungen und epigonalen Texten der spanischen Literatur (1554 bis 1644)
Author/Editor: Frank Estelmann
L - Z, Addendum A - K, Ed. Reprint 2019
Author/Editor: Rainer Vollkommer
LyX - Eine schnelle Einführung: TeX-Dokumente erstellen leicht gemacht
Author/Editor: Jan Peter Gehrke; Steven Stannard
The Lytle-Tate Letters
Author/Editor: Lytle, Andrew Nelson; Tate, Allen; Young, Thomas Daniel; Sarcone, Elizabeth
Lyssnarens guide till Cornelis
Author/Editor: Klas Gustafson
Lyssa: Ein Geheimnis-Krämer Fall
Author/Editor: Markus Heitz
Lysozymes: Sources, Functions and Role in Disease
Author/Editor: Cheung, Wei F.; Maang, Xu Guan.
Series Title: Microbiology Research Advances
Lysosomal Storage Diseases
Author/Editor: Pastores, Gregory M.
Series Title: Metabolic Diseases--laboratory and Clinical Research
Lysosomal Disorders of the Brain: Recent Advances in Molecular and Cellular Pathogenesis and Treatment
Author/Editor: Platt, Frances M.; Walkley, Steven U.
Lysistrate: Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar
Author/Editor: Aristophanes; Manfred Landfester
Author/Editor: Aristophanes
Lysistrata, The Women's Festival, and Frogs
Author/Editor: Aristophanes.; Ewans, Michael
Series Title: Oklahoma Series in Classical Culture
Author/Editor: AristophanesLindsay, Jack
Author/Editor: Aristophanes
Author/Editor: Aristophanes
Series Title: Dover Thrift Editions
Author/Editor: Aristophanes.; Rudall, Nicholas.
Series Title: Plays for Performance
Author/Editor: Aristophanes
Lysis, Laches, Charmides, Euthyphron, Ion, Hippias I und II, Menexenos, Euthydemos, Kratylos, Ed. Reprint 2020
Author/Editor: Carl Vering
Lysippus und seine Freunde: Liebesgaben und Gedächtnis im Rom der Renaissance oder: Das erste Jahrhundert der Medaille
Author/Editor: Pfisterer, Ulrich
The Lysimeter Concept
Author/Editor: FRITZ FUHR; JACK PLIMMER; JUDD NELSON; F. Führ; P. Burauel; M. Dust; W. Mittelstaedt; T. Pütz; G. Reinken; A. Stork; H. Ophoff; J. H. Smelt; E. Hellpointner; Jae Koo Lee; Fritz Führ; Kee Sung Kyung; Ki Chang Ahn; Jeong Wook Kwon; Markus Flury; Marylynn V.
Lysias and the Corpus Lysiacum
Author/Editor: K. J. Dover
Lysias 21
Author/Editor: Aggelos Kapellos
Series Title: Trends in Classics - Supplementary Volumes
Author/Editor: Jochen Fornasier
Author/Editor: Lysias.; Adams, Charles Darwin
Series Title: Oklahoma Series in Classical Culture
Lysiae Orationes Cum Fragmentis
Author/Editor: Christopher Carey
Author/Editor: Trevor Jones
Author/Editor: Sylvia Halliday.
Lysenko's Ghost
Author/Editor: Graham, Loren R.
The Lysenko Affair
Author/Editor: Joravsky, David.
Lysbeth, a Tale of the Dutch
Author/Editor: H. Rider Haggard
Lysbeth: A Tale Of The Dutch
Author/Editor: Haggard, H. Rider
Lysander und Kaliste
Author/Editor: Zesen, Philipp von; Meid, Volker; Maché, Ulrich; Ingen, Ferdinand van
Series Title: Sa?mtliche Werke
Lysander Spooner: American Anarchist
Author/Editor: Shone, Steve J.
Lysander's Legs
Author/Editor: Jane Myles
Lyrische Werke
Author/Editor: Touber, Anthonius H.; Mertens, Volker
Series Title: Germania litteraria mediaevalis francigena
Lyrisches Tagebuch: Lieder von Franz Schubert bis Wolfgang Rihm
Author/Editor: Christian Gerhaher
Lyrisches Gespür: Vom geheimen Sensorium moderner Poesie
Author/Editor: Burkhard Meyer-Sickendiek
Lyrisches Erzählen: Eine Gattungsgeschichte der DDR-Ballade
Author/Editor: Marianne Schwarz-Scherer
Lyrisches Album aus dem Lahngau, Ed. Reprint 2019
Author/Editor: Paul Wigand
Lyrische Narrationen �� narrative Lyrik
Author/Editor: Bleumer, Hartmut.; Emmelius, Caroline.
Series Title: Trends in Medieval Philology
Lyrische Kosmologien in der französischen Dichtung des 20. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Ferdinand Simonis; Annette Simonis; Linda Simonis
Lyrische Kohärenz im Mittelalter: Spielräume – Kriterien – Modellbildung
Author/Editor: Susanne Köbele; Eva Locher; Andrea Möckli; Lena Oetjens
Lyrische Gesellschaft: Die romantische Seite der Soziologie
Author/Editor: Daniel Grummt
Lyrische Gedichte, Ed. Reprint 2021
Author/Editor: Karl Wilhelm Ramler
Lyrische Gedichte, Ed. Reprint 2021
Lyrische Gedichte, Ed. Reprint 2021
Author/Editor: Karl Wilhelm Ramlers
Lyrische Dramen nach orientalischen Quellen
Author/Editor: Rudolf Fahrner; Bruno Pieger; Stefano Bianca
The Lyris
Author/Editor: St. Vil, Lola
Series Title: Guardians
Author/Editor: Smarandache, Florentin.
Lyrik und Sch��ferdichtung
Author/Editor: Zesen, Philipp von; Meid, Volker.; Maché, Ulrich.; Ingen, Ferdinand van.
Series Title: Ausgaben Deutscher Literatur des XV. bis XVIII. Jahrhunderts
Lyrik und Narratologie
Author/Editor: Schönert, Jörg.; Stein, Malte.; Hühn, Peter
Series Title: Narratologia
Lyrik und Medizin
Author/Editor: Florian Steger; Katharina Fürholzer
Lyrik und Jugend in der DDR: Aufsätze, Interviews und Dokumente zur FDJ-Poetenbewegung
Author/Editor: Gregor Streim; Rebecca Franke
Lyrik und Existenz in der Gegenwart
Author/Editor: Angelika Schmitt; Henrieke Stahl
Lyriktheorie(n) der italienischen Renaissance
Author/Editor: Huss, Bernhard.; Regn, Gerhard.; Mehltretter, Florian.
Series Title: Pluralisierung & Autorita?t
Lyrik: Teilband I: Blumen
Author/Editor: Daniel Casper von Lohenstein; Lothar Mundt
Lyrikpoetologisches Denken: Konstellationen bei Oskar Pastior, Oswald Egger und Ann Cotten
Author/Editor: Maximilian Herford
Lyrik (Minnesang - Sangspruch - Meistergesang) und Dramatik
Author/Editor: Achnitz, Wolfgang.
Lyrik I. Zweiter Teil
Author/Editor: Zesen, Philipp von; Ingen, Ferdinand van.
Series Title: Ausgaben deutscher Literatur des XV. bis XVIII. Jahrhunderts
Lyrik in Zyklen, Ed. Reprint 2017
Author/Editor: Ulrich Seelbach
Lyrik in Zyklen, Ed. Reprint 2017
Author/Editor: Ulrich Seelbach
Lyrik in Gebrauch: Gedichtanthologien in der englischen Druckkultur 1557–2007
Author/Editor: Stefanie Lethbridge
Lyrik II
Author/Editor: Zesen, Philipp von.; Meid, Volker.; Maché, Ulrich.; Ingen, Ferdinand van.
Series Title: Sa?mtliche Werke
Lyrik I. Erster Teil
Author/Editor: Philipp von Zesen; Ferdinand van Ingen
Series Title: Ausgaben deutscher Literatur des 15. bis 18. Jahrhunderts
Lyrik-Experimente zwischen Vormoderne und Gegenwart, Ed. Erstauflage
Author/Editor: Giulia A. Disanto; Ronny F. Schulz
Lyrik der Gründerzeit, Reprint 2014
Author/Editor: Günther Mahal
Lyrik der Ausgehenden 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Franz von Spechtler
Lyrik als Lebensbegleitung: Gesammelte Werke, Band 2
Author/Editor: Dornseif, Anneliese
Author/Editor: Elit, Stefan
Author/Editor: Klaus W. Hempfer
Series Title: Text und Kontext
The Lyric Voice in English Theology
Author/Editor: Elizabeth S. Dodd
Lyrics: Writing Better Words for Your Songs
Author/Editor: Rikky Rooksby
Lyrics: Volume 3 (1824–29)
Author/Editor: Alexander Pushkin
Lyrics: Volume 3 (1824–29)
Author/Editor: William Blake
Lyrics: Volume 2 (1817–24) – Dual Language
Author/Editor: Alexander Pushkin
Lyrics: Volume 1 (1813-17)
Author/Editor: Alexander Pushkin
The Lyric Subject: A Reconceptualization
Author/Editor: Varja Balžalorsky Antic
Lyrics Pathetic & Humorous From A to Z
Author/Editor: Edmund Dulac
Series Title: Dover Children's Classics
Lyrics of Sunshine and Shadow
Author/Editor: Alexander, Eleanor
Lyrics of Reason and Experience
Author/Editor: Mawere, Munyaradzi.
The Lyrics of Noël Coward
Author/Editor: Coward, Noël.
Lyrics of Light
Author/Editor: J P Hughes
Lyrics in the Law: Music’s Influence on America’s Courts
Author/Editor: Mark W. Klingensmith
Lyric Shame: The "Lyric" Subject of Contemporary American Poetry
Author/Editor: White, Gillian C.
Lyrics, Ed. Digital Original
Author/Editor: Richard Matheson
Lyrics Deutsche Ausgabe: 1956 bis heute
Author/Editor: Paul McCartney; Paul Muldoon
Lyrics, Chord Symbols and Guitar Chord Diagrams for 20 Hit Songs
Author/Editor: The Who
Lyrics Alley
Author/Editor: Leila Aboulela
Lyric Powers
Author/Editor: Von Hallberg, Robert
Lyric Poets of the Southern Tʻang
Author/Editor: Li, Yu; Li, Jing; Bryant, Daniel; Feng, Yansi
Lyric Poetry and Space Exploration From Einstein to the Present
Author/Editor: Margaret Greaves
Lyric Poetry and Social Identity in Archaic Greece
Author/Editor: Jessica Romney
Lyric Poetry
Author/Editor: Blasing, Mutlu Konuk
The Lyric Poems of Jehan Froissart
Author/Editor: Rob Roy McGregor
Series Title: North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures
Lyric Poems
Author/Editor: John Keats
Series Title: Dover Thrift Editions
The Lyric Poem and Aestheticism
Author/Editor: Thain, Marion
Series Title: Edinburgh Critical Studies in Victorian Culture
Lyric Pedagogy and Marxist-Feminism: Social Reproduction and the Institutions of Poetry
Author/Editor: Samuel Solomon
Lyric Orientations: Hölderlin, Rilke, and the Poetics of Community
Author/Editor: Eldridge, Hannah Vandegrift
The Lyric of Ibycus
Author/Editor: Wilkinson, Claire Louise
Series Title: Sozomena
The Lyric Now
Author/Editor: James Longenbach
The Lyric Myth of Voice: Civilizing Song in Enlightenment Italy
Author/Editor: Jessica Gabriel Peritz
Lyric McKerrigan, Secret Librarian
Author/Editor: Jacob Sager Weinstein
Lyricism in the Brazilian Novel
Author/Editor: Rosane Ramos
The Lyric in the Age of the Brain
Author/Editor: Skillman, Nikki
Lyric Interventions: Feminism, Experimental Poetry, and Contemporary Discourse
Author/Editor: Kinnahan, Linda A.
Lyric In Its Times: Temporalities in Verse, Breath, and Stone
Author/Editor: John Wilkinson
Lyric Generations: Poetry and the Novel in the Long Eighteenth Century
Author/Editor: Starr, G. Gabrielle
Lyric Forms in the Sonnet Sequences of Barnabe Barnes, Ed. Reprint 2020
Author/Editor: Philip E. Blank
The Lyric Essay As Resistance: Truth From the Margins
Author/Editor: Zoë Bossiere; Erica Trabold
Lyric Encounters
Author/Editor: Morris, Daniel
Lyric Cousins
Author/Editor: Sampson, Fiona
Lyric Complicity: Poetry and Readers in the Golden Age of Russian Literature
Author/Editor: Daria Khitrova
Lyric Apocalypse: Milton, Marvell, and the Nature of Events
Author/Editor: Ryan Netzley
Lyric and Polemic: The Literary Personality of Roy Campbell
Author/Editor: Rowland Smith
Lyric and Liberalism in the Age of American Empire
Author/Editor: Hugh Foley
A Lyrical Vision: The Musical Documents of the US Bishops
Author/Editor: Edward Foley
Lyrical Theology of Charles Wesley - Expanded Edition: A Reader, Ed. Expanded edition
Author/Editor: Kimbrough, S. T.
Lyrical Strategies: The Poetics of the Twentieth-Century American Novel
Author/Editor: Katie Owens-Murphy
Lyrical Strains: Liberalism and Women's Poetry in Nineteenth-Century America
Author/Editor: Elissa Zellinger
Lyrical School. Una experiencia rapera en educación
Author/Editor: Rodríguez Alarcón, José Alejandro; Kano Delix (ilustrador)
Lyrical Satirical Harold Rome: A Biography of the Broadway Composer-lyricist
Author/Editor: Zimmers, Tighe E.
The Lyrical Resonance Between Chinese Poets and Painters
Author/Editor: Pan, Daan.
Lyrical Positivism
Author/Editor: Carlee Lippman
The Lyrical Phenomenon
Author/Editor: Ghazoul, Ferial Jabouri
The Lyrical Novel
Author/Editor: Freedman, Ralph
Lyrical Nationalism in Post-Apartheid Namibia
Author/Editor: Haugh, Wendi A.
The Lyrical Lu Xun
Author/Editor: Kowallis, Jon Eugene von.; Lu, Xun
Lyrical Ballads, With a Few Other Poems by Coleridge and Wordsworth
Author/Editor: William Wordsworth; Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Lyrical Ballads: 1798 and 1802
Author/Editor: William Wordsworth; Samuel Taylor Coleridge; Fiona Stafford
Author/Editor: H L Phillips
The Lyre of Orpheus
Author/Editor: Partridge, Christopher H.
The Lyre Book: Modern Poetic Media
Author/Editor: Matthew Kilbane
Lyrebirds: Master Mimics
Author/Editor: Katie Lajiness
Lyrebird! a True Story
Author/Editor: Kerin, Jackie.; Gouldthorpe, Peter.; Museum Victoria.
The Lyre and the Lambs
Author/Editor: Sydney Avey
The Lyra Novels
Author/Editor: Wrede, Patricia C.
Series Title: The Lyra Novels
Author/Editor: Krummacher, Hans-Henrik.
Lyotropic Liquid Crystals
Author/Editor: Ingo Dierking; Antônio Martins Figueiredo Neto
Lyotropic Liquid Crystals
Lyotrope Mesophasen in Nachbarschaft von hocheffizienten Mikroemulsionen
Author/Editor: Frank, Christian
Lyotard Reframed
Author/Editor: Jones, Graham
The Lyotard Reader and Guide
Author/Editor: Crome, Keith; Hall, Timothy; McGovern, John
The Lyotard Dictionary
Author/Editor: Sim, Stuart.
Lyotard and Theology
Author/Editor: Boeve, L.
Series Title: Philosophy and Theology
Lyotard and the 'figural' in Performance, Art and Writing
Author/Editor: Bamford, Kiff.
Series Title: Continuum Studies in Continental Philosophy
Lyotard and Politics
Author/Editor: Stuart Sim
Lyotard and Critical Practice
Author/Editor: Kiff Bamford; Margret Grebowicz
Lyorar i Reir. Los conflictos del sionismo en el mundo sefardí
Author/Editor: Sokolov, Nahum
Lyon Travel Guide
Author/Editor: Suhana Rossi
Lyon Township
Author/Editor: John Bell; Diane Andreassi
Series Title: Images of America
The Lyon Terence: Its Tradition and Legacy
Author/Editor: Torello-Hill, Giulia; Turner, Andrew J.
A Lyon's Share
Author/Editor: Dailey, Janet
Series Title: Janet Dailey American Series
The Lyons Orphanage
Author/Editor: Charlie King
Lyon's Bride: The Chattan Curse
Author/Editor: Cathy Maxwell
Author/Editor: Mark Athitakis
Series Title: Images of America
The Lyon in Mourning, Vol. 3 of 3: Or a Collection of Speeches, Letters, Journals, Etc. Relative to the Affairs of Prince Charles Edward Stuart (Classic Reprint)
Author/Editor: Robert Forbes
The Lyon in Mourning, 1895, Vol. 2 of 3: Or a Collection of Speeches, Letters, Journals Etc, Relative to the Affairs of Prince Charles Edward Stuart (Classic Reprint)
Author/Editor: Robert Forbes
The Lyon in Mourning, 1895, Vol. 1 of 3: Or a Collection of Speeches, Letters, Journals Etc, Relative to the Affairs of Prince Charles Edward Stuart (Classic Reprint)
Author/Editor: Robert Forbes
Lyon et l'insurrection polonaise de 1830-1831
Author/Editor: Marc Brisac
Lyn-Z Adams Hawkins Pastrana
Author/Editor: Scheff, Matt.
Series Title: SportsZone
Lynx: The Final Year in French Service
Author/Editor: Henri-Pierre Grolleau
The Lynx and the Telescope
Author/Editor: Galluzzi, Paolo
Author/Editor: CONNIE VINES.
Lynton Keith Caldwell: An Environmental Visionary and the National Environmental Policy Act
Author/Editor: Wendy Read Wertz
Author/Editor: Thomas Brown
Author/Editor: Thatcher Imboden; Cedar Imboden Phillips
Series Title: Images of America
Lynet: Under Camelot's Banner
Author/Editor: Sarah Zettel
Series Title: The Queens of Camelot
Lynette's Journey
Author/Editor: Linda Carr
Author/Editor: Alan Paisey
Lyndon Johnson, Vietnam, and the Presidency: The Speech of March 31, 1968
Author/Editor: David Zarefsky
Lyndon Johnson Remembered
Author/Editor: Cowger, Thomas W.; Markman, Sherwin
Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam
Author/Editor: Schandler, Herbert Y.
Series Title: Princeton Legacy Library
Lyndon Johnson and the Postwar Order in the Middle East, 1962–1967
Author/Editor: Alexander M. Shelby
Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream
Author/Editor: Goodwin, Doris Kearns.
Lyndon B. Johnson: un texano en la Casa Blanca
Author/Editor: Isecke, Harriet.
Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park
Author/Editor: Kelly Carper Polden; Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park
Series Title: Images of America
Lyndon B. Johnson: A Texan in the White House
Author/Editor: Isecke, Harriet.
Lyndon B. Johnson and Modern America
Author/Editor: Fernlund, Kevin J.
Series Title: Oklahoma Western Biographies
Lyndon B. Johnson
Author/Editor: Megan M. Gunderson
Lyndon B. Johnson
Author/Editor: Dallek, Robert.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Series Title: The United States Presidents
Lyndon B. Johnson
Author/Editor: Megan M. Gunderson
Lyndon B. Johnson
Author/Editor: Nichter, Luke A.
Series Title: First Men, America's Presidents Series
Lyndon B. Johnson
Author/Editor: Gunderson, Megan M.
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Reaume
Series Title: McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services Studies in the History of Medicine, Health, and Society
Author/Editor: Thomas S. Treer
Series Title: Images of America
Lyndall Urwick, Management Pioneer
Author/Editor: Brech, E. F. L.; Wilson, J. F.; Thomson, A. W. J.
Lynda Benglis: Beyond Process
Author/Editor: Susan Richmond
Lynda Barry
Author/Editor: Kirtley, Susan E.; Barry, Lynda
Series Title: Great Comics Artists Series
Lynch-Rope Law
Author/Editor: Halliday, Brett.
Series Title: The Twister and Chuckaluck Mysteries
Lynch Law in Georgia
Author/Editor: Ida B. Wells-Barnett
Lynching: Violence, Rhetoric, and American Identity
Author/Editor: Ore, Ersula J.
The Lynching Tree
Author/Editor: Stein, Michael
Lynching to Belong
Author/Editor: Nevels, Cynthia Skove
Series Title: Centennial Series of the Association of Former Students, Texas A & M University
Lynchings of Women in the United States
Lynchings in Mississippi
Author/Editor: Thompson, Julius Eric
Lynchings in Kansas, 1850s-1932
Author/Editor: Frazier, Harriet C.
The Lynchings in Duluth
Author/Editor: Fedo, Michael W.
The Lynchings in Duluth
Author/Editor: Michael Fedo
The Lynching of Mexicans in the Texas Borderlands
Author/Editor: Villanueva, Nicholas
Lynching in the West
Author/Editor: Gonzales-Day, Ken.
Lynching in the New South: Georgia and Virginia, 1880-1930
Author/Editor: W. Fitzhugh Brundage
A Lynching in Little Dixie
Author/Editor: Roberts, Patricia L.
Lynching in Colorado, 1859-1919
Author/Editor: Stephen J. Leonard
Lynching in American Literature and Journalism
Author/Editor: Yoshinobu Hakutani
Lynching in America
Author/Editor: Waldrep, Christopher
Lynching Beyond Dixie
Author/Editor: Pfeifer, Michael J.
Lynching Barack Obama: How Whites Tried to String Up the President
Author/Editor: Molefi Kete Asante
Lynching and Spectacle
Author/Editor: Wood, Amy Louise
Series Title: New Directions in Southern Studies
Lynching and Mob Violence in Ohio, 1772-1938
Author/Editor: Meyers, David; Walker, Elise Meyers
Lynching and Leisure: Race and the Transformation of Mob Violence in Texas
Author/Editor: Terry Anne Scott
Lynch Files: The Forgotten Saga of Victims of Hate Crime
Author/Editor: Ziya Us Salam
The Lyncher In Me; A Search for Redemption in the Face of History
Author/Editor: Warren Read
Lynched: The Victims of Southern Mob Violence
Author/Editor: Amy Kate Bailey; Stewart E. Tolnay
Author/Editor: Clifton Potter; Dorothy Potter
Series Title: Then & Now
Author/Editor: Dorothy Potter; Clifton Potter
Series Title: Images of America
Author/Editor: Dorothy T. Potter; Clifton W. Potter Jr.
Series Title: Then and Now
Lynch: A Gothik Western
Author/Editor: Nancy A. Collins
Lynch: A Gothik Western
Author/Editor: Nancy A. Collins
The Lymph: The Body's Purification Plant
Author/Editor: Dr. Angela Fetzner
The Lymphoreticular Tumours In Africa / Les Tumeurs Lymphor��ticulaires En Afrique
Author/Editor: Roulet, F.C.
Author/Editor: Hatton, Chris; Sweetenham, J. W.; Collins, Graham.
Series Title: Fast Facts
Lymphologie und Manuelle Lymphdrainage beim Pferd
Author/Editor: Berens von Rautenfeld, Dirk.; Rötting, Anna.; Fedele, Christina.
Lymphoid Malignancies
Author/Editor: Estella Matutes, Barbara Bain, Andrew Wotherspoon
Lymphographische Untersuchungen �ber das zervikale Lymphsystem
Author/Editor: Fisch, U.
Series Title: Bibliotheca Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica
Lymphocytes: A Practical Approach, Ed. 2nd ed
Author/Editor: Rowland-Jones, Sarah L.; McMichael, Andrew J.
Lymphocyte Activation and Differentiation: Fundamental and Clinical Aspects. Proceedings of the 18th International Leucocyte Culture Conference. La Grande Motte, France, June 19–24, 1987, Ed. Reprint 2019
Author/Editor: J. C. Mani; J. Dornand
Lymphocyte Activation
Author/Editor: Samelson, L.E.
Series Title: Chemical Immunology and Allergy
Lymph Node FNC: Cytopathology of Lymph Nodes and Extranodal Lymphoproliferative Processes
Author/Editor: P. Zeppa; I. Cozzolino
The Lymphatic System in Health and Disease
Author/Editor: J. Winny Yun; J. Steven Alexander
The Lymphatic System and Cancer
Author/Editor: Meyer, J.L.
Series Title: Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology
Lymphatic System
Author/Editor: BarCharts, Inc.
The Lymphatic System
Author/Editor: Ramirez, Christy
Series Title: Human Anatomy and Physiology
Lyme: The First Epidemic of Climate Change
Lyme Disease: The Ecology of a Complex System
Author/Editor: Ostfeld, Richard S.
Lyme Disease: An Evidence-based Approach
Author/Editor: John J Halperin
Lyme Disease: An Evidence Based Approach
Author/Editor: Halperin, John J.
Lyme Disease and Relapsing Fever Spirochetes: Genomics, Molecular Biology, Host Interactions and Disease Pathogenesis
Author/Editor: Justin D. Radolf; D. Scott Samuels
The Lyme Disease 30-Day Meal Plan: Healthy Recipes and Lifestyle Tips to Ease Symptoms
Author/Editor: Lindsay Christensen
Lyme Borreliosis
Author/Editor: Gray, J.
Lyme Borreliosis
Author/Editor: Jaulhac, Benoît.; Lipsker, Dan.
Series Title: Current Problems in Dermatology
Lyman Bostock
Author/Editor: Powell, K. Adam
Lyly and Peele
Author/Editor: G. K. Hunter
Lyli Meets the Stone-muncher
Author/Editor: Eimann, Celine.; Bartlett, Anna.
Lyli Et Le Mange-cailloux, Ed. French ed
Author/Editor: Eimann, Céline.
Lyli Et Le Mange-cailloux
Author/Editor: Eimann, Céline.; Bartlett, Anna.
Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile: Music From the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Lyle Creelman
Author/Editor: Armstrong-Reid, Susan
Lyla: Through My Eyes - Natural Disaster Zones
Author/Editor: White, Lyn; Beale, Fleur
Lyla and Mummy's Day at the Zoo
Author/Editor: Sarah Donovan
Lykophrons 'Odyssee'
Author/Editor: Schade, Gerson.
Series Title: Texte und Kommentare
Lykophron's Alexandra, Rome, and the Hellenistic World, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Hornblower, Simon
Lykophron: Alexandra
Author/Editor: Lykophron
Å lykkes med lesing : tidlig innsats og tilpasset leseopplæring
Author/Editor: Lundetræ, Kjersti
Lyin' Ryan
Author/Editor: Kim Davis
The Lyin Kings
Author/Editor: Irene Petteice
Lyin' in the Green Grass
Author/Editor: Tinnean
The Lying Truth
Author/Editor: Jaimy vd Waal
The Lying Stones of Marrakech, 1st Harvard University Press ed
Author/Editor: Gould, Stephen Jay.
The Lying Stones of Dr. Johann Bartholomew Adam Beringer: Being His Lithographiae Wireceburgensis
Lying, Misleading, and What Is Said: An Exploration in Philosophy of Language and in Ethics
Author/Editor: Saul, Jennifer Mather
The Lying Lion, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Megan Hoyt
Lying: Language, Knowledge, Ethics, and Politics
Author/Editor: Eliot Michaelson; Andreas Stokke
The Lying Kind
Author/Editor: Anthony Neilson
Lying in the Middle: Musical Theater and Belief at the Heart of America
Author/Editor: Jake Johnson
Lying In: Poems, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Metzger
Lying in Early Modern English Culture
Author/Editor: Hadfield, Andrew
Lying in Bed: A Novel, Ed. 1st ed
Author/Editor: Landis, James David.
Lying in Bed
Author/Editor: Mark Harris
The Lying House
Author/Editor: Rick Mofina
The Lying Glasses: With Those Glasses He Could See the Other Reality, He Could Even Hear It.
Author/Editor: Rafael Estrada
Lying for Love
Author/Editor: Jocelyn Dex
The Lying Days
Author/Editor: Nadine Gordimer
Lying Crying Dying
Author/Editor: Martell, Dominic.
Series Title: Pascual
Lying, Cheating, and Occasionally... Murder
Author/Editor: Ginny Fite
Lying, Cheating, and Carrying On
Author/Editor: Parens, Henri; Akhtar, Salman
Series Title: Margaret S. Mahler Series
Lying by Approximation
Author/Editor: Prantil, Vincent Carl; Papadopoulos, Christopher Michael; Gessler, Paul D.
Series Title: Synthesis Lectures on Engineering
The Lying Brain: Lie Detection in Science and Science Fiction
Author/Editor: Littlefield, Melissa M.
Lying at the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface
Author/Editor: Meibauer, Jörg
Series Title: Mouton Series in Pragmatics
Lying and Perjury in Medieval Practical Thought
Author/Editor: Corran, Emily
Lying and Insincerity, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Stokke, Andreas
Lying and Deception: Theory and Practice
Author/Editor: Carson, Thomas L.
Lying About the Wolf
Author/Editor: David Solway
Lygdamus: Corpus Tibullianum III.1-6 Lygdami Elegiarum Liber
Author/Editor: Fernando Navarro Antolín
Lyd og teater : en innføring
Author/Editor: Johansen, Anders A.
Author/Editor: Peter Högemann; Norbert Oettinger
Author/Editor: Zidrou; Jordi Lafebre
Lydia the Patriot: The Boston Massacre
Author/Editor: Miller, Susan Martins
Lydia's Open Door
Author/Editor: Kelly, Patty
Lydia Sigourney
Author/Editor: Mary Louise Kete; Elizabeth Petrino
Lydia Sergijewna
Author/Editor: Claude Anet
Lydia's Charm
Author/Editor: Wanda E. Brunstetter
Lydia's Charm
Author/Editor: Wanda E. Brunstetter
Lydia Pinkham
Author/Editor: Danna, Sammy R.
Lydian Guitar Licks
Author/Editor: Gareth Evans
Lydia Mendoza's Life in Music / La Historia De Lydia Mendoza
Author/Editor: Broyles-González, Yolanda; Mendoza, Lydia.
Series Title: American Musicspheres
Lydia Maria Child: The Quest for Racial Justice
Author/Editor: Kenschaft, Lori J.
Lydia Maria Child: A Radical American Life
Author/Editor: Lydia Moland
Lydia Ginzburg's Prose
Author/Editor: Van Buskirk, Emily
Lydia Ginzburg�s Alternative Literary Identities
Author/Editor: Ginzburg, Lidii︠a︡; Zorin, A. L.; Van Buskirk, Emily S.
Series Title: Russian Transformations: Literature, Thought, Culture
Lydia Davis: Zwei ehemalige Studenten(dOCUMENTA (13): 100 Notes - 100 Thoughts, 100 Notizen - 100 Gedanken # 078)
Author/Editor: Lydia Davis
Lydia Cabrera and the Construction of an Afro-Cuban Cultural Identity
Author/Editor: Rodríguez-Mangual, Edna M.
Series Title: Envisioning Cuba
Lydia Becker: A Cameo Life-Sketch (Classic Reprint)
Author/Editor: Marion Holmes
Lydia Bailey
Author/Editor: Nipps, Karen.; Library Company of Philadelphia.; Houghton Library.; Bibliographical Society of America.
Series Title: The Penn State Series in the History of the Book
Lydia As a Rhetorical Construct in Acts
Author/Editor: Alexandra Gruca-Macaulay
Lydia, a Poem From the Appendix Vergiliana: Introduction, Text, Translation, and Commentary
Author/Editor: Boris Kayachev
Author/Editor: Louise Aston
Author/Editor: Cunningham, E. V.
Lydgate’s Story of Thebes: Eine Quellenuntersuchung, Ed. Reprint 2019
Author/Editor: Emil Koeppel
Lydgate's Fabula duorum mercatorum
Author/Editor: John Lydgate; Gustav Schleich
Series Title: Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der germanischen V�lker
Lyde Green Roman Villa, Emersons Green, South Gloucestershire
Author/Editor: Matthew S. Hobson; Richard Newman
Lycra Rebel: The Fitness Manifesto
Author/Editor: Michael T. Joyfitt
Author/Editor: Author Unknown
Series Title: Biochemistry Research Trends
Author/Editor: Bailey, Jacob R.
Series Title: Food Science and Technology
Lycoming College, 1812�2012
Author/Editor: Piper, John F.
Lyco Art
Author/Editor: Paul Hartal
Author/Editor: Mikaela Bley
Lycian Families in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods: A Regional Study of Inscriptions: Towards a Social and Legal Framework
Author/Editor: Selen Kılıç Aslan
Lycan Partnership
Author/Editor: Ariel Tachna
Series Title: Partnership in Blood
Lyapunov Theorems for Operator Algebras
Author/Editor: Akemann, Charles A.; Anderson, Joel
Series Title: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Lyapunov Stability of Non-autonomous Dynamical Systems
Author/Editor: Cheban, David N.
Lyapunov Exponents and Smooth Ergodic Theory
Author/Editor: Luis Barreira; Yakov B. Pesin
Lyapunov Exponents and Invariant Manifolds for Random Dynamical Systems in a Banach Space
Author/Editor: Lian, Zeng; Lu, Kening
Series Title: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
LXX Song of Songs and Descriptive Translation Studies, Ed. 1. Edition
Author/Editor: Dries De Crom
LXX-Isaiah As Translation and Interpretation: The Strategies of the Translator of the Septuagint of Isaiah
Author/Editor: Troxel, Ronald L.
LXX Isaiah 24
Author/Editor: Cunha, Wilson de Angelo
Series Title: Society of Biblical Literature. Septuagint and Cognate Studies
Léxico y contacto de lenguas en los Andes
Author/Editor: Luis Florentino Andrade Ciudad; Ávaro Ezcurra; Carlos Migue Garatea Grau
L�xico y argumentaci�n en el discurso p�blico actual
Author/Editor: Casado Velarde, Manuel; Martínez Pasamar, Concepción; Llamas Saíz, Carmen
Series Title: Studien zur romanischen Sprachwissenschaft und interkulturellen Kommunikation
Léxico filológico en la Antigueedad tardía: Selecciónde vocabulario filológico en escolios y comentarios latinos tardoantiguos
Author/Editor: Gemma Bernadó Ferrer
Lwów or L’viv?: Two Uprisings in 1918
Author/Editor: Damian Markowski
Lw�w - kres iluzji. Opowie?? o pogromie listopadowym 1918
Author/Editor: Grzegorz Gauden
The L Word
Author/Editor: McFadden, Margaret T.
Series Title: TV Milestones Series
Löwe, Wölfin, Greif: Monumentale Tierbronzen im Mittelalter
Author/Editor: Joanna Olchawa
L��wen unter dem Thron
Author/Editor: Curtis, Charles P. jr.
Author/Editor: Muschg, Adolf
Löwenmenschen und Schamanen: Magie in der Vorgeschichte
Author/Editor: Andrea Zeeb-Lanz; Andy Reymann
Löwe, Bauer und dessen Tochter
Author/Editor: Abraham a Sancta Clara
Löw: Die Biographie
Author/Editor: Mathias Schneider
The Lvov-Warsaw School-- the New Generation
Author/Editor: Jadacki, Jacek Juliusz.; Paśniczek, Jacek.
The Lvov-Warsaw School and Contemporary Philosophy of Language
Author/Editor: Piotr Stalmaszczyk; Mieszko Tałasiewicz
Lvov Ghetto Diary
Author/Editor: Kahana, David
L'Évolution sociale sous l'influence des intérêts collectifs et individuels - Essai de sociologie et d'économie politique
Author/Editor: V.-M. Duc
L'Évolution sociale en Belgique
Author/Editor: Victor Arnould
L'évolution, question d'actualité ?: Nouvelle édition augmentée, Ed. Nouvelle édition augmentée
Author/Editor: Guillaume Lecointre
L'évolution, question d'actualité ?: Nouvelle édition augmentée
Author/Editor: Guillaume Lecointre
L'�volution, question d'actualit� ?
Author/Editor: Guillaume Lecointre
Series Title: Enjeux sciences
L'Évolution naturelle et l'Évolution sociale
Author/Editor: Alfred Marpaux
L'Évolution industrielle des États-Unis
Author/Editor: Carroll Davidson Wright; Fernand Lepelletier; Émile Levasseur
L'évolution et les évolutionnistes de A à Z
Author/Editor: Grimoult Cedric
L'Évolution d'une science, la chimie
Author/Editor: Wilhelm Ostwald; Marcel Dufour
L'Évolution du fœtus
Author/Editor: Auguste Duméril
L'Évolution du droit
Author/Editor: Rudolf von Jhering; Octave De Meulenaere
L'Évolution du clergé anglican
Author/Editor: Henri Bremond
L'Évolution des théories géologiques
Author/Editor: Stanislas Meunier
L’évolution des techniques du filage et du tissage du Moyen Age à la révolution industrielle, Ed. Reprint 2018
Author/Editor: Walter Endrei
L'Évolution des mondes et des sociétés
Author/Editor: Camille Dreyfus
L'évolution des contrastes
Author/Editor: Christian Brun
L’évolution, de l’univers aux sociétés: Objets et concepts
Author/Editor: Muriel Gargaud, Guillaume Lecointre (eds)
L'évolution de l'ozone atmosphérique - Le point en 2015 (collection des Rapports de l'Académie des sciences)
L'Évolution de la propriété
Author/Editor: Charles-Jean-Marie Letourneau
L'évolution biologique au XXIe siècle : les faits, les théories
Author/Editor: DAJOZ Roger
L'évolution au bord du chaos (coll. Systèmes complexes)
Author/Editor: HEUDIN Jean-Claude
Author/Editor: Martine Desjardins
Lviv’s Uncertain Destination
Author/Editor: Zayarnyuk, Andriy
Lviv and Wrocław, Cities in Parallel?: Myth, Memory and Migration, C. 1890-Present
Author/Editor: Jan Fellerer; Robert Pyrah
Author/Editor: Maudet Emmanuel
Author/Editor: Hannah Howe
Élève-Martyr - Le monde militaire
Author/Editor: Marcel Luguet
L'��veil spirituellement incorrect
Author/Editor: Jed McKenna
L'��veil spirituel : La chose la plus dingue
Author/Editor: Jed McKenna
L'éveil d'un continent
Author/Editor: Ventura Christophe
L'éveil du coma
Author/Editor: Minjard Raphaël
Author/Editor: Isaac Barrao
Author/Editor: Brenda K. Davies
L'évasion d'Arthur ou La commune d'Hochelaga
Author/Editor: Simon Leduc
Author/Editor: Mark Gardner
Álvaro Siza: Von Der Linie Zum Raum / From Line to Space
Author/Editor: Rudolf Finsterwalder; Wilfried Wang
Álvaro Obregón
Author/Editor: Pedro Castro
Álvaro Cunqueiro, el juego de la ficción dramática
Author/Editor: Criado Martínez, Ninfa
Álvar Núñez Cabeza De Vaca: American Trailblazer
Author/Editor: Varnum, Robin
L'Évangéliste - Roman parisien
Author/Editor: Alphonse Daudet
L'Évangile Selon Thomas: Tr. Française, Introduction, Et Commentaire Par J.-É. Ménard
Author/Editor: Ménard
L'Évangile et la Sociologie
Author/Editor: Joseph Grasset
L'évangile de vérité
Author/Editor: Ménard
L'évaluation thérapeutique
Author/Editor: Stephen E. Finn; Lionel Chudzik
L'évaluation participative des situations familiales
Author/Editor: Éliane Corbet; Pierrine Robin
L'évaluation neuropsychologique en clinique adulte
Author/Editor: Senja Stirn
L'évaluation neuropsychologique
Author/Editor: Hélène; Amieva
L'évaluation, levier pour l'enseignement et la formation
Author/Editor: Jorro; Droyer
L'évaluation, levier du developpement professionnel ?
Author/Editor: Paquay, Van Nieuwenhoven, Wouters
L'évaluation en clinique du jeune enfant - 2e éd.
Author/Editor: Catherine Tourrette; Antoine Guedeney
L'évaluation du travail à l'épreuve du réel, Critique des fondements de l'évaluation
Author/Editor: Christophe Dejours
L'évaluation diagnostique de l'enfant avec trouble du spectre de l'autisme
Author/Editor: Léa Dormoy
L'évaluation des technologies de traitement de la langue : les campagnes Technolangue (Traité IC2, série Cognition et traitement de l'information)
Author/Editor: CHAUDIRON Stéphane; CHOUKRI Khalid
L'évaluation des psychothérapies (collection Thérapies & Psychothérapies)
Author/Editor: KRAMER Ueli; de ROTEN Yves; DESPLAND Jean-Nicolas
L'évaluation des entreprises - 2e éd.
Author/Editor: Legros Georges
L����valuation des comp��tences professionnelles
Author/Editor: Chenu, Florent
L'évaluation de l'information (Recherche d'Information et Web, RTA)
Author/Editor: CAPET Philippe; DELAVALLADE Thomas
L�� ��valuation de la litt��ratie
Author/Editor: Marie Josée Berger; Alain Desrochers
Series Title: ��ducation
L'évaluation de la formation - 3e éd.
Author/Editor: Jonathan Pottiez
L'évaluation de la formation - 2e éd.
Author/Editor: Pottiez Jonathan
L’évaluation de la durabilité
Author/Editor: Franck-Dominique Vivien; Jacques Lepart; Pascal Marty
L’évaluation économique du stress au travail
Author/Editor: Lassagne, Marc; Perriard, Julien; Rozan, Anne; Trontin, Christian
L'évaluation clinique en psychopathologie de l'enfant - 4e éd.
Author/Editor: Petot Djaouida
L'Évadé - Roman canaque
Author/Editor: Henri Rochefort
L'Évadé de la Guyane
Author/Editor: Guy Tomel
Luz sobre oscuridad
Author/Editor: Author unknown
Luz que se escapa
Author/Editor: Rafael José-Díaz
The Luzon Campaign 1945: MacArthur Returns
Author/Editor: Nathan N. Prefer
Luzon 1945: The Final Liberation of the Philippines
Author/Editor: Clayton K. S. Chun
Luz Materia. estrategias proyectuales para la iluminación de espacios arquitectónicos
Author/Editor: Villazón Godoy, Rafael Enrique; Pinzón Latorre, Andrés Augusto; Sánchez Caicedo, Andrés Norberto; Rodríguez Vargas, David Felipe
Luz: la novela
Author/Editor: Luis Gonzalez
Luzides Träumen: Wie du deine Träume bewusst gestalten und für den Alltag effektiv nutzen kannst | Mit Klartraum-Anleitung
Author/Editor: Andreas Schwarz
Luz Fantasma
Author/Editor: E.J. Stevens
Luz Estelar
Author/Editor: Arshad Ahsanuddin
Luzern Photograph, The: A Noir Thriller
Author/Editor: William Bayer
Luz en la noche
Author/Editor: Silebo Boturu,Recaredo
A Luz de Tina
Author/Editor: Richard Stooker
Luz de Luna
Author/Editor: Arshad Ahsanuddin
Luz de Lorelei (Contos de Skylge #2)
Author/Editor: Minkman, Jen; Leite, Patricia
Luz de la materia
Author/Editor: Malva Flores
A Luz de Joy
Author/Editor: M.A. Gardner & Cole Poindexter
Luz de Drag��n
Author/Editor: Dusty Lynn Holloway
A Luz da Razão
Author/Editor: David Litwack
Luzca más joven, viva más / Look Younger, Live Longer: Duez pasos para revertir el envejecimiento y vivir una vida plena
Author/Editor: Francisco Contreras
Luzca estupenda, siéntase fabulosa: 12 claves para disfrutar de una vida saludable ahora
Author/Editor: Joyce Meyer
Luz al Final de Túnel
Author/Editor: W.J. May
Luxus: Perspektiven von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit
Author/Editor: Elisabetta Lupi; Jonathan Voges
Luxus im Alltag des antiken Roms: Römische Thermen
Author/Editor: Christoph Kehl
Luxus für alle: Meilensteine im europäischen Terrassenwohnbau, Ed. m. zahlr., farb. Abbildungen
Author/Editor: Gerhard Steixner; Maria Welzig
Luxury World
Author/Editor: Tungate, Mark
The Luxury Strategy
Author/Editor: Kapferer, Jean-Noël.; Bastien, Vincent.
Luxury Railway Travel: A Social and Business History
Author/Editor: Martyn Pring
Luxury Philosophy
Author/Editor: John Armitage
A Luxury of the Understanding
Author/Editor: Hazlett, Allan.
Luxury Indian Fashion
Author/Editor: Kuldova, Tereza
Series Title: Materializing Culture
Luxury for All: Milestones in European Stepped Terrace Housing, Ed. with noumer. colored illus.
Author/Editor: Gerhard Steixner; Maria Welzig
Luxury Fashion and Media Communication: Between the Material and Immaterial
Author/Editor: Paula von Wachenfeldt; Magdalena Petersson McIntyre
The Luxury Economy and Intellectual Property: Critical Reflections
Author/Editor: Sun, Haochen; Beebe, Barton Carl; Sunder, Madhavi
Luxury, Blue Lace
Author/Editor: S. Brook Corfman
Luxury: A Rich History, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: McNeil, Peter; Riello, Giorgio
Luxury Animal Fibres. Part 1: Hair Fibres From Goats
Author/Editor: Riza Atav
Luxury and Visual Culture
Author/Editor: John Armitage
Luxury and Rubble: Civility and Dispossession in the New Saigon
Author/Editor: Erik Harms
Luxury and Pleasure in Eighteenth-Century Britain
Author/Editor: Berg, Maxine
Luxury and Modernism: Architecture and the Object in Germany 1900-1933
Author/Editor: Schuldenfrei, Robin
Luxury and digital
Author/Editor: Eric Briones (dit Darkplanneur); Sasha PANTER
Luxury and Corruption: Challenging the Anti-Corruption Consensus
Author/Editor: Tereza Østbø Kuldova; Jardar Østbø; Thomas Raymen
Luxury and American Consumer Culture: A Socio-Semiotic Analysis
Author/Editor: Arthur Asa Berger, Author
Luxury After the Terror
Author/Editor: Iris Moon
Author/Editor: Calefato, Patrizia.
Luxurious Networks
Author/Editor: Wu, Yulian
Luxuriant Life in City: Volume 1
Author/Editor: Zhenyinfang; Fancy Novel
Author/Editor: Nicci Sefton
Luxure et ivrognerie: La vie nocturne à Québec au XIXe siècle
Author/Editor: Les Services historiques Six-Associés
Lu Xun's Revolution
Author/Editor: Davies, Gloria
lux und lumen in den Bibelkommentaren Meister Eckharts
Author/Editor: Hille-Coates, Gabriele
Lu Xun and His Legacy
Author/Editor: Leo Ou-fan Lee
Lu Xun and Evolution
Author/Editor: Pusey, James Reeve
LUX: Studies in Greek and Latin Literature: In Honor of Lucia Athanassaki
Author/Editor: Myrto Aloumpi; Antony Augoustakis
Luxúria Recheada
Author/Editor: Tess Ann
Lux��ria na Biblioteca
Author/Editor: Delaney Starr
Lux perpetua
Author/Editor: Andrzej Sapkowski
Series Title: Die Narrentum-Trilogie
The Luxorian Fugitive
Author/Editor: Mann Ramblings
Lux Lucet in Tenebris: The Light Shines in the Darkness-The "ferociously" Anti-system Novel
Author/Editor: Pier-Giorgio Tomatis
Lux lucet in tenebris: Le roman anti-système "férocement"...
Author/Editor: Pier-Giorgio Tomatis
Lux lucet in tenebris: Der "wilde" Anti-System-Roman ...
Author/Editor: Pier-Giorgio Tomatis
Lux in Tenebris: The Visual and the Symbolic in Western Esotericism
Author/Editor: Forshaw, Peter J.
"Lux in arcana": Der Umgang mit "Arkanbereichen" im Recht
Author/Editor: Lars Brocker
Luxemburgische Skriptastudien: Edition und Untersuchung der altfranzösischen Urkunden Gräfin Ermesindes (1226-1247) und Graf Heinrichs V. (1247-1281) von Luxemburg
Author/Editor: Holtus, Günter.; Völker, Harald; Overbeck, Anja.
Luxemburger Familiennamenbuch
Author/Editor: Cristian Kollmann; Peter Gilles; Claire Muller
Author/Editor: Harry Harmer
Series Title: Life & Times
Luxembourg: Staff Report for the 2012 Article IV Consultation:
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund
Luxembourg: Selected Issues
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.
The Luxembourg Run
Author/Editor: Stanley Ellin
Luxembourg in International Tax
Author/Editor: Marc Schmitz; Philip J. Warner
Luxembourg: Financial System Stability Assessment
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department
Luxembourg: Financial Sector Assessment Program: Technical Note-Selected Issues in Banking Supervision
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department
Luxembourg: Financial Sector Assessment Program:: Technical Note-Macroprudential Framework And Policies
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department
Luxembourg: Financial Sector Assessment Program: Technical Note-Managing Problem Banks and Systemic Banking Crises
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department
Luxembourg: Financial Sector Assessment Program: Technical Note-Fund Management: Regulation, Supervision, and Systemic Risk Monitoring
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department
Luxembourg: Financial Sector Assessment Program: Technical Note-Risk Analysis
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department
Luxembourg: Financial Sector Assessment Program
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department
Series Title: IMF Staff Country Reports
Luxembourg: Financial Sector Assessment Program:
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department
Series Title: IMF Staff Country Reports
Luxembourg: 2017 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Luxembourg
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fun
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,