Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with 0-9 (33) | Information |
51% Christian |
Author/Editor: MARK STENBERG,Nadia Bolz-Weber,Joel Hodgson
4 Ezra and 2 Baruch |
Author/Editor: Henze, Matthias; Stone, Michael E
4 Ezra and 2 Baruch |
Author/Editor: Henze, Matthias; Stone, Michael E
30-Day Journey with St. Hildegard of Bingen |
Author/Editor: Sterringer, Shanon
30-Day Journey with St. Hildegard of Bingen |
Author/Editor: Sterringer, Shanon
30-Day Journey with Martin Luther King Jr |
Author/Editor: Chism, Jonathan
30-Day Journey with Martin Luther King Jr |
Author/Editor: Chism, Jonathan
30-Day Journey with Jane Austen |
Author/Editor: Duquette, Natasha
30-Day Journey with Jane Austen |
Author/Editor: Duquette, Natasha
30-Day Journey with Dorothy Day |
Author/Editor: Fannin, Coleman
30-Day Journey with Dorothy Day |
Author/Editor: Fannin, Coleman
30-Day Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer |
Author/Editor: Mauldin, Joshua
30-Day Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer |
Author/Editor: Mauldin, Joshua
2 Maccabees |
Author/Editor: Doran, Robert
2 Maccabees |
Author/Editor: Doran, Robert
2 Corinthians 8 and 9 |
Author/Editor: Betz, Hans Dieter
2 Corinthians 8 and 9 |
Author/Editor: Betz, Hans Dieter
2 Chronicles |
Author/Editor: Klein, Ralph W
2 Chronicles |
Author/Editor: Klein, Ralph W
1 Peter |
Author/Editor: Achtemeier, Paul J
1 Peter |
Author/Editor: Achtemeier, Paul J
1 Enoch 2 |
Author/Editor: Nickelsburg, George W. E
1 Enoch 2 |
Author/Editor: Nickelsburg, George W. E
1 Enoch 1 |
Author/Editor: Nickelsburg, George W. E
1 Enoch 1 |
Author/Editor: Nickelsburg, George W. E
1 Enoch |
Author/Editor: Nickelsburg, George W. E.; VanderKam, James C
1 Enoch |
Author/Editor: Nickelsburg, George W. E.; VanderKam, James C
1 Corinthians |
Author/Editor: Conzelmann, Hans
1 Corinthians |
Author/Editor: Conzelmann, Hans
1 Chronicles |
Author/Editor: Klein, Ralph W
1 Chronicles |
Author/Editor: Klein, Ralph W
1 and 2 Corinthians |
Author/Editor: Kim, Yung Suk
1 and 2 Corinthians |
Author/Editor: Kim, Yung Suk