Download this publisher's e-journal holdings (xlsx)
Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | No | Yes |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles (125) | ISSN | Status |
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry |
0002-9432, 1939-0025
preserved |
American Psychologist |
0003-066X, 1935-990X
preserved |
Archives of Scientific Psychology |
preserved |
Asian American Journal of Psychology |
1948-1985, 1948-1993
preserved |
Asian American Journal of Psychology |
1948-1985, 1948-1993
preserved |
Behavioral Development |
preserved |
Behavioral Development |
preserved |
Behavioral Neuroscience |
0735-7044, 1939-0084
preserved |
Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice |
preserved |
The Behavior Analyst Today |
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science |
0008-400X, 1879-2669
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology |
1196-1961, 1878-7290
preserved |
Canadian Journal of Psychology/Revue Canadienne de Psychologie |
preserved |
Canadian Psychological Review/Psychologie Canadienne |
preserved |
Canadian Psychologist |
preserved |
Canadian Psychology |
0708-5591, 1878-7304
preserved |
Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology |
2169-4826, 2169-4834
preserved |
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice |
0969-5893, 1468-2850
preserved |
Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice & Research |
1065-9293, 1939-0149
preserved |
Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice |
2160-4096, 2160-410X
preserved |
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology |
1099-9809, 1939-0106
preserved |
Cultural Diversity and Mental Health |
preserved |
Decision |
2325-9965, 2325-9973
preserved |
Developmental Psychology |
0012-1649, 1939-0599
preserved |
Dreaming |
1053-0797, 1573-3351
preserved |
Emotion |
1528-3542, 1931-1516
preserved |
Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences |
2330-2925, 2330-2933
preserved |
Families, Systems, & Health |
1091-7527, 1939-0602
preserved |
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice |
1089-2699, 1930-7802
preserved |
Health Psychology |
0278-6133, 1930-7810
preserved |
Health Psychology |
0278-6133, 1930-7810
preserved |
History of Psychology |
1093-4510, 1939-0610
preserved |
International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy |
preserved |
International Journal of Play Therapy |
1555-6824, 1939-0629
preserved |
International Journal of Play Therapy |
1555-6824, 1939-0629
preserved |
International Journal of Stress Management |
1072-5245, 1573-3424
preserved |
Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology |
preserved |
Journal of Abnormal Psychology |
0021-843X, 1939-1846
preserved |
The Journal of Abnormal Psychology (1906-1921) |
preserved |
Journal of Abnormal Psychology and Social Psychology |
preserved |
Journal of Animal Behavior |
preserved |
Journal of Applied Psychology |
0021-9010, 1939-1854
preserved |
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition |
2211-3681, 2211-369X
preserved |
Journal of Behavioral Health and Medicine |
preserved |
Journal of Behavior Analysis in Health, Sports, Fitness and Medicine |
preserved |
The Journal of Behavior Analysis of Offender and Victim Treatment and Prevention |
preserved |
Journal of Behavior Assessment and Intervention in Children |
preserved |
Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology |
preserved |
Journal of Comparative Psychology |
preserved |
Journal of Comparative Psychology |
0735-7036, 1939-2087
preserved |
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology |
0022-006X, 1939-2117
preserved |
Journal of Consulting Psychology |
preserved |
Journal of Counseling Psychology |
0022-0167, 1939-2168
preserved |
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education |
1938-8926, 1938-8934
preserved |
Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention |
preserved |
Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention |
preserved |
Journal of Educational Psychology |
0022-0663, 1939-2176
preserved |
Journal of Experimental Psychology |
preserved |
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes |
0097-7403, 1939-2184
preserved |
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied |
1076-898X, 1939-2192
preserved |
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General |
0096-3445, 1939-2222
preserved |
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory |
preserved |
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance |
0096-1523, 1939-1277
preserved |
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition |
0278-7393, 1939-1285
preserved |
Journal of Family Psychology |
0893-3200, 1939-1293
preserved |
Journal of Latinx Psychology |
2578-8086, 2578-8094
preserved |
Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics |
1937-321X, 2151-318X
preserved |
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology |
1076-8998, 1939-1307
preserved |
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology |
0022-3514, 1939-1315
preserved |
Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science |
2769-7541, 2769-755X
preserved |
Journal of Psychotherapy Integration |
1053-0479, 1573-3696
preserved |
Journal of Rural Mental Health |
1935-942X, 2163-8969
preserved |
Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology |
preserved |
The Journal of Speech and Language Pathology – Applied Behavior Analysis |
preserved |
Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology |
1068-8471, 2151-3341
preserved |
Journal of Threat Assessment and Management |
2169-4842, 2169-4850
preserved |
Law and Human Behavior |
0147-7307, 1573-661X
preserved |
Military Psychology |
0899-5605, 1532-7876
preserved |
Motivation Science |
2333-8113, 2333-8121
preserved |
Neuropsychology |
0894-4105, 1931-1559
preserved |
Nordic Psychology |
1901-2276, 1904-0016
preserved |
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology |
1078-1919, 1532-7949
preserved |
Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment |
1949-2715, 1949-2723
preserved |
Practice Innovations |
2377-889X, 2377-8903
preserved |
Prevention & Treatment |
preserved |
Professional Psychology |
preserved |
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice |
0735-7028, 1939-1323
preserved |
0010-7549, 1554-0138
triggered |
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal |
1095-158X, 1559-3126
preserved |
Psychoanalytic Psychology |
0736-9735, 1939-1331
preserved |
Psychobiology |
preserved |
Psychological Assessment |
1040-3590, 1939-134X
preserved |
Psychological Bulletin |
0033-2909, 1939-1455
preserved |
Psychological Methods |
1082-989X, 1939-1463
preserved |
The Psychological Monographs |
preserved |
Psychological Review |
0033-295X, 1939-1471
preserved |
Psychological Services |
1541-1559, 1939-148X
preserved |
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy |
1942-9681, 1942-969X
preserved |
The Psychologist-Manager Journal |
1088-7156, 1550-3461
preserved |
Psychology and Aging |
0882-7974, 1939-1498
preserved |
Psychology and Neuroscience |
1984-3054, 1983-3288
preserved |
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors |
0893-164X, 1939-1501
preserved |
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts |
1931-3896, 1931-390X
preserved |
Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice |
2326-5523, 2326-5531
preserved |
Psychology of Leaders and Leadership |
2769-6863, 2769-6898
preserved |
Psychology of Men and Masculinity |
1524-9220, 1939-151X
preserved |
Psychology of Popular Media |
2689-6567, 2689-6575
preserved |
Psychology of Popular Media Culture |
2160-4134, 2160-4142
preserved |
Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity |
2329-0382, 2329-0390
preserved |
Psychology of Violence |
2152-0828, 2152-081X
preserved |
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law |
1076-8971, 1939-1528
preserved |
Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain |
0275-3987, 2162-1535
preserved |
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal |
preserved |
Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training |
0033-3204, 1939-1536
preserved |
Qualitative Psychology |
2326-3598, 2326-3601
preserved |
Review of General Psychology |
1089-2680, 1939-1552
preserved |
Schizophrenia Bulletin |
0586-7614, 1745-1701
preserved |
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology |
2332-2101, 2332-211X
preserved |
School Psychology |
2578-4218, 2578-4226
preserved |
School Psychology Quarterly |
1045-3830, 1939-1560
preserved |
Spirituality in Clinical Practice |
2326-4500, 2326-4519
preserved |
Stigma and Health |
2376-6972, 2376-6964
preserved |
Theoretical & Philosophical Psychology |
preserved |
Training and Education in Professional Psychology |
1931-3918, 1931-3926
preserved |
Translational Issues in Psychological Science |
2332-2136, 2332-2179
preserved |