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Titles start with H (45) Information
HadrianÆs Wall: A study in archaeological exploration and interpretation
Author/Editor: Breeze, David J
Hadrian’s Wall: A study in archaeological exploration and interpretation: The Rhind Lectures 2019
Author/Editor: David J. Breeze
Hadrian’s Wall: Exploring Its Past to Protect Its Future
Author/Editor: Marta Alberti ,Katie Mountain
Handel in Krisenzeiten: Ägyptische-mykenische Handelsbeziehungen in der Ramessidenzeit
Author/Editor: Birgit Schiller
Han Dynasty (206BC–AD220) Stone Carved Tombs in Central and Eastern China
Author/Editor: Chen Li
Harbours of Byzantium: The Archaeology of Coastal Infrastructures
Author/Editor: Alkiviadis Ginalis
Hatra: Il territorio e l’urbanistica: Prefazione di Roberta Venco Ricciardi
Author/Editor: Roberta Venco Ricciardi ,Enrico Foietta
Hellenistic Alexandria: Celebrating 24 Centuries – Papers presented at the conference held on December 13–15 2017 at Acropolis Museum, Athens
Author/Editor: Christos S. Zerefos ,Marianna V. Vardinoyannis
Henry Hunter CalvertÆs Collection of Amphora Stamps and that of Sidney Smith Saunders
Author/Editor: Johnston, Alan
Henry Hunter Calvert’s Collection of Amphora Stamps and that of Sidney Smith Saunders
Author/Editor: Alan Johnston
Hercules’ Sanctuary in the Quarter of St Theodore, Pula
Author/Editor: Alka Starac
Hillforts and the Durotriges: A geophysical survey of Iron Age Dorset
Author/Editor: Dave Stewart ,Miles Russell
Hillforts: Britain, Ireland and the Nearer Continent: Papers from the Atlas of Hillforts of Britain and Ireland Conference, June 2017
Author/Editor: Gary Lock ,Ian Ralston
Hillforts of the Cheshire Ridge
Author/Editor: Dan Garner ,Ian Brooks ,Wendy Carruthers ,Richard Chiverrell ,Jill Collens ,Heather Davies ,Peter Marshall ,Richard Mason ,Sylvia Peglar
Hillforts, Warfare and Society in Bronze Age Ireland
Author/Editor: William O’Brien ,James O’Driscoll
The Hippodrome of Gerasa: A Provincial Roman Circus
Author/Editor: Antoni A. Ostrasz ,Ina Kehrberg-Ostrasz
The Hippos of Troy: Why Homer Never Talked about a Horse
Author/Editor: Francesco Tiboni
Historic Landscapes and Mental Well-being
Author/Editor: Timothy Darvill ,Kerry Barrass ,Laura Drysdale ,Vanessa Heaslip ,Yvette Staelens
Historiographie de préhistoriens et de protohistoriens français du XX° siècle: Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France) Volume 19, Session VII-5
Author/Editor: François Djindjian
Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues d’Afrique du Nord: Proceedings of the XIX UISPP World Congress (2-7 September 2021, Meknes, Morocco) Volume 1 / Session 19-G
Author/Editor: Djillali Hadjouis ,François Djindjian
The History and Archaeology of Cathedral Square Peterborough
Author/Editor: Stephen Morris
History of Archaeology: International Perspectives: Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September 2014, Burgos, Spain). Volume 11 / Sessions A8b, A4a and A8a organised by the History of Archaeology Scientific Commission
Author/Editor: Géraldine Delley ,Margarita Díaz-Andreu ,François Djindjian ,Víctor M. Fernández ,Alessandro Guidi ,Marc-Antoine Kaeser
A History of Research Into Ancient Egyptian Culture in Southeast Europe
Author/Editor: Tomorad, Mladen
A History of Syria in One Hundred Sites
Author/Editor: Kanjou, Y.; Tsuneki, A
A History of the Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 1949-2022: A Retrospective to mark the 25th Congress in Nijmegen
Author/Editor: David J. Breeze ,Tatiana Ivleva ,Rebecca H. Jones ,Andreas Thiel
Hoards, grave goods, jewellery: Objects in hoards and in burial contexts during the Mongol invasion of Central-Eastern Europe
Author/Editor: Mária Vargha
Holocene Prehistory in the Télidjène Basin, Eastern Algeria: Capsian occupations at Kef Zoura D and Aïn Misteheyia
Author/Editor: David Lubell
Holocene Prehistory in the TΘlidjΦne Basin, Eastern Algeria
Author/Editor: Lubell, David
Homines, Funera, Astra 2: Life Beyond Death in Ancient Times (Romanian Case Studies)
Author/Editor: Raluca Kogãlniceanu ,Mihai Gligor ,Roxana-Gabriela Curcã ,Susan Stratton
Homines, Funera, Astra 3-4: The Multiple Faces of Death and Burial: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Funerary Anthropology, ‘1 Decembrie 1918’ University (Alba Iulia, Romania)
Author/Editor: Raluca Kogălniceanu ,Mihai Gligor ,Andrei Soficaru ,Susan Stratton
Household Food Storage in Ancient Israel and Judah
Author/Editor: Frank, Tim
Houses in Graeco-Roman Egypt: Arenas for Ritual Activity
Author/Editor: Youssri Ezzat Hussein Abdelwahed
How did the Persian King of Kings Get His Wine? The upper Tigris in antiquity (c.700 BCE to 636 CE)
Author/Editor: Anthony Comfort ,Michał Marciak
How Pharaohs Became Media Stars: Ancient Egypt and Popular Culture
Author/Editor: Abraham I. Fernández Pichel
The Human Brain in Ancient Egypt: A Medical and Historical Re-evaluation of Its Function and Importance
Author/Editor: Sofia Aziz
Human Transgression û Divine Retribution: A Study of Religious Transgressions and Punishments in Greek Cultic Regulation and Lydian-Phrygian Propitiatory Inscriptions (æConfession InscriptionsÆ)
Author/Editor: Rostad, Aslak
Human Transgression – Divine Retribution: A Study of Religious Transgressions and Punishments in Greek Cultic Regulation and Lydian-Phrygian Propitiatory Inscriptions (‘Confession Inscriptions’)
Author/Editor: Aslak Rostad
Hunde in der römischen Antike: Rassen/Typen - Zucht - Haltung und Verwendung
Author/Editor: Heidelinde Autengruber-Thüry
Hunting and Fishing in the Neolithic and Eneolithic: Weapons, Techniques and Prey
Author/Editor: Selena Vitezović ,Christoforos Arampatzis
The Hunting Farmers: Understanding ancient human subsistence in the central part of the Korean peninsula during the Late Holocene
Author/Editor: Seungki Kwak
Huosiland: A Small Country in Carolingian Europe
Author/Editor: Carl I. Hammer
Hyblaea: Studi di archeologia e topografia dell’altopiano ibleo. Volume 2: Tra preistoria e seconda età del Ferro
Author/Editor: Antonino Cannata ,Massimo Frasca ,Marco Stefano Scaravilli ,Maria Musumeci
The Hydraulic System of Uxul: Origins, functions, and social setting
Author/Editor: Nicolaus Seefeld
The Hypocephalus: An Ancient Egyptian Funerary Amulet
Author/Editor: Mekis, Tamßs
The Hypogeum of the Aurelii: A new interpretation as the collegiate tomb of professional scribae
Author/Editor: John W. Bradley