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Titles start with I (45) Information
The Iberian Peninsula in the Iron Age through Pottery Studies
Author/Editor: Michał Krueger ,Violeta Moreno Megías
Identified skeletal collections: the testing ground of anthropology?
Author/Editor: Charlotte Yvette Henderson ,Francisca Alves Cardoso
Identifying Brúnanburh: ón dyngesmere – the sea of noise
Author/Editor: John R. Kirby
IKUWA6. Shared Heritage: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress for Underwater Archaeology: 28 November–2 December 2016, Western Australian Maritime Museum Fremantle, Western Australia
Author/Editor: Jennifer A. Rodrigues ,Arianna Traviglia
Il complesso monumentale di Baitokaike (Hoson Sulaiman û Siria)
Author/Editor: Ahmad, Tarek
Il complesso monumentale di Baitokaike (Hoson Sulaiman – Siria)
Author/Editor: Tarek Ahmad
Il Duomo di Siena: Excavations and Pottery below the Siena Cathedral
Author/Editor: Gabriele Castiglia
Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Properties in Arab States
Author/Editor: Anas Al Khabour
Il sito della Rocca di Oratino: dieci anni di ricerche: Un’area funzionale all’aperto nell’età del Bronzo
Author/Editor: Valentina Copat ,Michela Danesi ,Cosimo D’Oronzo ,Vittorio Mironti ,Vanessa Forte ,Laura Medeghini
Imágenes de centauros en los vasos áticos de figuras negras y de figuras rojas: Siglos VIII A.C. – IV A.C.
Author/Editor: MARÍA HERRANZ
Imágenes, lengua y creencias en Lusitania romana
Author/Editor: Jorge Tomás García ,Vanessa Del Prete
Immagini del tempo degli dei, immagini del tempo degli uomini
Author/Editor: Parodo, Ciro
In Context: the Reade Festschrift
Author/Editor: Finkel, Irving; Simpson, St John
Indigenous Heritage and Rock Art: Worldwide Research in Memory of Daniel Arsenault
Author/Editor: Carole Charette ,Aron Mazel ,George Nash
Indonesian Megaliths: A Forgotten Cultural Heritage
Author/Editor: Tara Steimer-Herbet
I Nebrodi nell’antichità: Città Culture Paesaggio
Author/Editor: Francesco Collura
I Nebrodi nellÆantichitα: Cittα Culture Paesaggio
Author/Editor: Collura, Francesco
“In fretta le navi correvano i sentieri pescosi": Un’ipotesi di ricostruzione delle rotte di collegamento fra area egea e Mediterraneo Orientale (1700 - 1200 a.C.)
Author/Editor: Angiolo Querci
Innovative Approaches and Explorations in Ceramic Studies
Author/Editor: L≤pez Varela, Sandra L
In Pursuit of Ancient Cyrenaica...: Two hundred years of exploration set against the history of archaeology in Europe (1706–1911)
Author/Editor: Monika Rekowska ,Anna Kijak
In Pursuit of Visibility: Essays in Archaeology, Ethnography, and Text in Honor of Beth Alpert Nakhai
Author/Editor: Jennie Ebeling ,Laura Mazow
In Search of the Dioskouroi. Image, Myth and Cult: A 'periegesis'
Author/Editor: Sarah V. Graham
An Intellectual Adventurer in Archaeology: Reflections on the work of Charles Thomas
Author/Editor: Andy M. Jones ,Henrietta Quinnell
Intellectual and Spiritual Expression of Non-Literate Peoples: Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, Spain): Volume 1 / Session A20
Author/Editor: Emmanuel Anati
Interdisciplinary Research into Iron Metallurgy along the Drava River in Croatia: The TransFER Project
Author/Editor: Tajana Sekelj Ivančan ,Tena Karavidović
Inter Moesos et Thraces: The Rural Hinterland of Novae in Lower Moesia (1st – 6th Centuries AD)
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Tomas
Interpreting the Seventh Century BC: Tradition and Innovation
Author/Editor: Xenia Charalambidou ,Catherine Morgan
In the Shadow of the Ancestors: The Prehistoric Foundations of the Early Arabian Civilization in Oman: Second Expanded Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Serge Cleuziou ,Maurizio Tosi ,Dennys Frenez ,Roman Garba
Introduzione alle antichità di Ventotene: Ricerche archeologiche nell’isola di Ventotene 1
Author/Editor: Giovanni Maria De Rossi ,Salvatore Medaglia
Invisible Archaeologies: Hidden Aspects of Daily Life in Ancient Egypt and Nubia
Author/Editor: Loretta Kilroe
Invisible Connections: An Archaeometallurgical Analysis of the Bronze Age Metalwork from the Egyptian Museum of the University of Leipzig
Author/Editor: Odler, Martin; KmoÜek, Ji?φ
I reperti e i motivi egizi ed egittizzanti a Pompei: Indagine preliminare per una loro contestualizzazione
Author/Editor: Nikola D. Bellucci
Irish Late Iron Age Equestrian Equipment in its Insular and Continental Context
Author/Editor: Rena Maguire
The Iron Age and Romano-British Settlement at Crick Covert Farm: Excavations 1997-1998: (DIRFT Volume I)
Author/Editor: Gwilym Hughes ,Ann Woodward ,S. Barnett ,L. Bashford ,L. Bevan ,L. Dingwall ,S. Aillaud ,R. Gale ,J. Greig
Iron Age and Roman Settlement at Highflyer Farm, Ely, Cambridgeshire
Author/Editor: James Fairclough ,Sander Aerts ,Rob Atkins ,Paul Blinkhorn ,Andy Chapman ,Chris Chinnock ,Nina Crummy ,Mary Ellen Crothers ,Rebecca Gordon
Iron Age Hillfort Defences and the Tactics of Sling Warfare
Author/Editor: Robertson, Peter
Iron Age, Roman and Anglo-Saxon Settlement along the Empingham to Hannington Pipeline in Northamptonshire and Rutland
Author/Editor: Carlyle, Simon; Clarke, Jason; Chapman, Andy
An Iron Age Settlement and Roman Complex Farmstead at Brackmills, Northampton
Author/Editor: Chris Chinnock ,Sander Aerts ,Paul Blinkhorn ,Andy Chapman ,Rachel Clare ,Steve Critchley ,Nina Crummy ,Claire Finn ,Val Fryer
Iron Age Slaving and Enslavement in Northwest Europe
Author/Editor: Karim Mata
Iron Oxide Rock Artefacts in Mesopotamia c. 2600-1200 BC: An interdisciplinary study of hematite, goethite and magnetite objects
Author/Editor: Martine Marieke Melein
æIsaac went out to the fieldÆ: Studies in Archaeology and Ancient Cultures in Honor of Isaac Gilead
Author/Editor: Goldfus, Haim; Gruber, Mayer I.; Yona, Shamir
‘Isaac went out to the field’: Studies in Archaeology and Ancient Cultures in Honor of Isaac Gilead
Author/Editor: Haim Goldfus ,Mayer I. Gruber ,Shamir Yona ,Peter Fabian
Isles of the Dead?: The setting and function of the Bronze Age chambered cairns and cists of the Isles of Scilly
Author/Editor: Katharine Sawyer
I templi del Fayyum di epoca tolemaico-romana: tra fonti scritte e contesti archeologici: Per una classificazione degli edifici sacri nell’Egitto tolemaico e romano
Author/Editor: Ilaria Rossetti
I vetri del Museo archeologico di Tripoli
Author/Editor: Cingolani, Sofia