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Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with D (68) | Information |
Durovigutum: Roman Godmanchester |
Author/Editor: Green, H. J. M
D’une rive à l’autre: circulations et échanges entre la Maurétanie césarienne et le sud-est de l’Hispanie (Antiquité-Moyen-âge) |
Author/Editor: Touatia AMRAOUI ,Alejandro QUEVEDO
Du Mont Liban aux Sierras d’Espagne: Sols, eau et sociétés en montagne: Autour du projet franco-libanais CEDRE “Nahr Ibrahim" |
Author/Editor: Romana Harfouche ,Pierre Poupet
Du Mont Liban aux Sierras dÆEspagne |
Author/Editor: Harfouche, Romana; Poupet, Pierre
Due antiche diocesi dello stretto di Messina: Insediamento, manufatti, infrastrutture e produzione nell’eparchia delle Saline e nelle isole Eolie tra Tardoantico e alto Medioevo |
Author/Editor: Francesca Zagari
Du capsien chasseur au capsien pasteur: Pour un modèle régional de néolithisation |
Dress and Identity in Iron Age Britain: A study of glass beads and other objects of personal adornment |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth M. Foulds
Drawings in Greek and Roman Architecture |
Author/Editor: Corso, Antonio
Down to Earth Archaeology |
Down the Bright Stream: The Prehistory of Woodcock Corner and the Tregurra Valley, Cornwall |
Author/Editor: Sean R. Taylor
Dosariyah: An Arabian Neolithic Coastal Community in the Central Gulf |
Author/Editor: Philipp Drechsler
Doors, Entrances and Beyond... Various Aspects of Entrances and Doors of the Tombs in the Memphite Necropoleis during the Old Kingdom |
Author/Editor: Roeten, Leo
Domi militiaeque: Militär- und andere Altertümer: Festschrift für Hannsjörg Ubl zum 85. Geburtstag |
Author/Editor: Günther E. Thüry
Domi militiaeque: MilitΣr- und andere Altertⁿmer |
Author/Editor: Thⁿry, Gⁿnther E
Do I Really Want to Be an Archaeologist?: Letters from the Field 1968-1974 |
Author/Editor: Karen D Vitelli
Dogs, Past and Present: An Interdisciplinary Perspective |
Author/Editor: Ivana Fiore ,Francesca Lugli
Diversity in Archaeology: Proceedings of the Cambridge Annual Student Archaeology Conference 2020/2021 |
Author/Editor: Elifgül Doğan ,Mariana Pinto Leitão Pereira ,Oliver Antczak ,Min Lin ,Phoebe Thompson ,Camila Alday
A Distant Prospect of Wessex: Archaeology and the Past in the Life and Works of Thomas Hardy. |
Author/Editor: Martin J. P. Davies
Disponibilidad y explotación de materias primas líticas en la costa de Norpatagonia (Argentina): Un enfoque regional |
Author/Editor: Jimena Alberti
Dise±os geomΘtricos en los mosaicos del Conventus Astigitanus |
Author/Editor: Vargas Vßzquez, Sebastißn
Diseños geométricos en los mosaicos del Conventus Astigitanus |
Author/Editor: Sebastián Vargas Vázquez
Disease and Healing in the Indus Civilisation |
Author/Editor: Robert Arnott
Discurso, espacio y poder en las religions antiguas |
Author/Editor: Rafael A. Barroso-Romero ,José A. Castillo-Lozano
Dirt, Dwellings and Culture: Living Conditions in Early Medieval Dublin: A case-study from Fishamble Street |
Author/Editor: Eileen Reilly
Dinámicas sociales y roles entre mujeres: Percepciones en grupos de parentesco y espacios domésticos en el Oriente antiguo |
Author/Editor: Beatriz Noria-Serrano
Dimore della Cirenaica: Abitare a Cirene e a Tolemaide durante l’età imperiale |
Author/Editor: Eleonora Gasparini
A Dignified Passage through the Gates of Hades: The Burial Custom of Cremation and the Warrior Order of Ancient Eleutherna |
Author/Editor: Anagnostis P. Agelarakis
Digital Imaging of Artefacts: Developments in Methods and Aims |
Author/Editor: Kate Kelley ,Rachel K. L. Wood
Digging Up Jericho: Past, Present and Future |
Author/Editor: Rachael Thyrza Sparks ,Bill Finlayson ,Bart Wagemakers ,Josef Mario Briffa
Digging Lincoln: An Archaeological Memoir |
Author/Editor: Michael J. Jones
Digging into the Dark Ages: Early Medieval Public Archaeologies |
Author/Editor: Howard Williams ,Pauline Clarke
Different Times? Archaeological and Environmental Data from Intra-Site and Off-Site Sequences: Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France) Volume 4, Session II-8 |
Author/Editor: Zoï Tsirtsoni ,Catherine Kuzucuoğlu ,Philippe Nondédéo ,Olivier Weller
Die vermeintlich pergamenische Importkeramik in Ephesos: Studien zur Typologie, Provenienz und Herstellungstechnik von so genannter Weißgrundiger Ware, Applikenkeramik und Pergamenischer Sigillata |
Author/Editor: Asuman Lätzer-Lasar
Die R÷mische Villa als Indikator provinzialer Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsstrukturen |
Author/Editor: Rind, Mareike
Die Römische Villa als Indikator provinzialer Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsstrukturen |
Author/Editor: Mareike Rind
Die Gräber von Bat und Al-Ayn und das Gebäude II in Bat |
Author/Editor: Stephanie Döpper ,Katleen Deckers ,Giulia Russo ,Teresa Losert
Die Entstehung komplexer Siedlungen im Zentraloman: Archäologische Untersuchungen zur Siedlungsgeschichte von Al-Khashbah |
Author/Editor: Conrad Schmidt ,Stephanie Döpper ,Jonas Kluge ,Samantha Petrella ,Ullrich Ochs ,Nick Kirchhoff ,Susanne Maier ,Mona Walter ,Matthias Lang
Die Bleifunde der r÷misch-republikanischen Anlage von Sanisera, Menorca |
Author/Editor: Mⁿller, Regine
Die Bleifunde der römisch-republikanischen Anlage von Sanisera, Menorca: Archäologische und archäometrische Analyse |
Author/Editor: Regine Müller
Die Bestattungsgruben in Bat |
Author/Editor: Conrad Schmidt ,Stefan Giese ,Christian Hübner ,Steve Zäuner
Die Ausrⁿstung der r÷mischen Armee auf der SiegessΣule des Marcus Aurelius in Rom |
Author/Editor: Burandt, Boris Alexander Nikolaus
Die Ausrüstung der römischen Armee auf der Siegessäule des Marcus Aurelius in Rom: Ein Vergleich zwischen der skulpturalen Darstellung und den archäologischen Bodenfunden |
Author/Editor: Boris Alexander Nikolaus Burandt
Die antike Münze als Fundgegenstand: Kategorien numismatischer Funde und ihre Interpretation |
Author/Editor: Günther E. Thüry
Die antike Mⁿnze als Fundgegenstand |
Author/Editor: Thⁿry, Gⁿnther E
Dictionary of Archaeological Terms: EnglishûGerman/ GermanûEnglish |
Author/Editor: Junghans, Marie-Christine; Schimpf, Florian
Diana Umbronensis a Scoglietto: Santuario, Territorio e Cultura Materiale (200 a.C. - 550 d.C.) |
Author/Editor: Alessandro Sebastiani ,Elena Chirico ,Matteo Colombini ,Mario Cygielman
The Dialectic of Practice and the Logical Structure of the Tool: Philosophy, Archaeology and the Anthropology of Technology |
Author/Editor: Jannis Kozatsas
Dhofar Through the Ages: An Ecological, Archaeological and Historical Landscape |
The Development of Domestic Space in the Maltese Islands from the Late Middle Ages to the Second Half of the Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Said-Zammit, George A
The Development of an Iron Age and Roman Settlement Complex at The Park and Bowsings, near Guiting Power, Gloucestershire: Farmstead and Stronghold |
Author/Editor: Marshall, Alistair
Deux campagnes de prospections au Yémen: 1992 – 1993 |
Author/Editor: Michel Mouton
Derelict Stone Buildings of the Black Mountains Massif |
Author/Editor: Hodges, Christopher George Leslie
Deposit of Amphorae in the Quarter of St. Theodore, Pula |
Author/Editor: Starac, Alka
Demography and Migration Population trajectories from the Neolithic to the Iron Age: Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France) Volume 5: Sessions XXXII-2 and XXXIV-8 |
Author/Editor: Thibault Lachenal ,Réjane Roure ,Olivier Lemercier
De luxuria propagata romana aetate. Roman luxury in its many forms |
Author/Editor: Lluís Pons Pujol ,Jordi Pérez González
The Delta Survey Workshop: Proceedings from Conferences held in Alexandria (2017) and Mansoura (2019) |
Author/Editor: Ayman Wahby ,Penelope Wilson
De l’objet à la société romaine: Études archéologiques et épigraphiques offertes à Jean-Claude Béal |
Author/Editor: Touatia Amraoui ,Emmanuelle Dumas
De la provincia Celtiberia a la q?r? de Santabariyya: Arqueologφa de la Antigⁿedad tardφa en la provincia de Cuenca (siglos V-VIII d.C.) |
Author/Editor: Barroso Cabrera, Rafael
De la provincia Celtiberia a la qūrā de Santabariyya: Arqueología de la Antigüedad tardía en la provincia de Cuenca (siglos V-VIII d.C.) |
Author/Editor: Rafael Barroso Cabrera
Definición y caracterización de las cerámicas a mano con decoración pintada del sur de la península ibérica en época tartésica |
Author/Editor: Pedro Miguel Naranjo
The Death of the Maiden in Classical Athens |
Author/Editor: Katia Margariti
Dating Urban Classical Deposits: Approaches and Problems in Using Finds to Date Strata |
Author/Editor: Guido Furlan
Dating the Tombs of the Egyptian Old Kingdom |
Author/Editor: Swinton, Joyce
Darwin´s Legacy: The Status of Evolutionary Archaeology in Argentina |
Author/Editor: Marcelo Cardillo ,Hernán Muscio
Da Roma a Gades/De Roma a Gades: Gestione, smaltimento e riuso dei rifiuti artigianali e commerciali in ambiti portuali marittimi e fluviali/La gestión, eliminación y reutilización de residuos artesanales y comerciales en ámbitos portuarios marítimos y fl |
Author/Editor: Darío Bernal-Casasola ,Alessia Contino ,Renato Sebastiani
The Danubian Lands between the Black, Aegean and Adriatic Seas |
Author/Editor: Tsetskhladze, Gocha R.; Avram, Alexandru; Hargrave, James
Dana Island: The Greatest Shipyard of the Ancient Mediterranean |
Author/Editor: Hakan Öniz ,T. Mikail P. Duggan
Daily Life in Ancient Egyptian Personal Correspondence |
Author/Editor: Thorpe, Susan