Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with R (80) | Information |
Rushen Abbey, Isle of Man: A Hundred Years of Research and Excavation |
Author/Editor: Peter Davey
Rus Africum IV: La fattoria Bizantina di A∩n Wassel, Africa Proconsularis (Alto Tell, Tunisia) |
Author/Editor: de Vos Raaijmakers, Mariette; Maurina, Barbara
Rus Africum IV: La fattoria Bizantina di Aïn Wassel, Africa Proconsularis (Alto Tell, Tunisia): Lo scavo stratigrafico e i materiali |
Author/Editor: Mariette de Vos Raaijmakers ,Barbara Maurina
Rural Settlements on Mount Carmel in Antiquity |
Author/Editor: Dar, Shimon
The Rural Hinterland of Antipatris from the Hellenistic to the Byzantine Periods |
Author/Editor: Amit Shadman
Rural Cult Centres in the Hauran: Part of the broader network of the Near East (100 BC–AD 300) |
Author/Editor: Francesca Mazzilli
Rural Cult Centres in the Hauran: Part of the broader network of the Near East (100 BCûAD 300) |
Author/Editor: Mazzilli, Francesca
RΘpertoire de fleurons sur bandeaux de lampes africaines type Hayes II |
Author/Editor: BussiΦre, Jean
Répertoire de fleurons sur bandeaux de lampes africaines type Hayes II |
Author/Editor: Jean Bussière ,Jean Claude Rivel
Royal Statues in Egypt 300 BC-AD 220: Context and Function |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Brophy
The Route of the Franks: The Journey of Archbishop Sigeric at the Twilight of the First Millennium AD |
Author/Editor: Cristina Corsi
Rougga I: Le forum et ses abords (fouilles 1971–1974) |
Author/Editor: Maurice Euzennat ,Hédi Slim ,Roger Guéry ,Gilbert Hallier ,Pol Trousset ,Michel Bonifay ,Claudio Capelli ,Danièle Foy ,Jean-Marie Lassère
Roots of Reform: Contextual Interpretation of Church Fittings in Norfolk During the English Reformation |
Author/Editor: Jason Robert Ladick
Roots of Nationhood: The Archaeology and History of Scotland |
Author/Editor: Campbell, Louisa; Wright, Dene; Hall, Nicola A
Rome and Barbaricum: Contributions to the Archaeology and History of Interaction in European Protohistory |
Author/Editor: Curc?, Roxana-Gabriela; Rubel, Alexander; Symonds, Robin P
Roma prima del mito: Abitati e necropoli dal neolitico alla prima eta’ dei metalli nel territorio di roma (VI-III millennio a.C.) |
Author/Editor: Anna Paola Anzidei ,Giovanni Carboni
Romans, Rubbish, and Refuse: The archaeobotanical assemblage of Regione VI, insula I, Pompeii |
Author/Editor: Charlene Alexandria Murphy
The Roman Pottery Manufacturing Site in Highgate Wood: Excavations 1966-78 |
Author/Editor: A E Brown ,H L Sheldon
Roman Pottery in the Near East: Local Production and Regional Trade |
Author/Editor: Fischer-Genz, Bettina; Gerber, Yvonne; Hamel, Hanna
Roman Pottery and Glass Manufactures: Production and Trade in the Adriatic Region and Beyond: Proceedings of the 4th International Archaeological Colloquium (Crikvenica, 8-9 November 2017) |
Author/Editor: Goranka Lipovac Vrkljan ,Ana Konestra ,Anamarija Eterović Borzić
Romano-Celtic Mask Puzzle Padlocks |
Author/Editor: Slocum, Jerry; Sonneveld, Dic
The Romano-British Villa and Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Eccles, Kent: A Summary of the Excavations by Alex Detsicas with a Consideration of the Archaeological, Historical and Linguistic Context |
Author/Editor: Nick Stoodley ,Stephen R. Cosh ,Jillian Hawkins ,Courtnay Konshuh
The Roman Municipia of Malta and Gozo: The Epigraphic Evidence |
Author/Editor: George Azzopardi
The Roman Lower Danube Frontier: Innovations in Theory and Practice |
Author/Editor: Emily Hanscam ,John Karavas
Roman Imperial Artillery: Outranging the Enemies of the Empire, Ed. 3 |
Author/Editor: Alan Wilkins
Roman Funerary Rituals in Mutina (Modena, Italy): A Multidisciplinary Approach |
Author/Editor: Federica Maria Riso
Roman Funerary Monuments of South-Western Pannonia in their Material, Social, and Religious Context |
Author/Editor: Migotti, Branka; Jamison, Marjeta Sasel Kos; Radman-Livaja, Iva
The Roman Frontier with Persia in North-Eastern Mesopotamia: Fortresses and Roads around Singara |
Author/Editor: Anthony Comfort
Roman Frontier Studies 2009 |
Author/Editor: Hodgson, Nick; Bidwell, Paul; Schachtmann, Judith
Roman Frontier Archaeology – in Britain and Beyond: Papers in Honour of Paul Bidwell Presented on the Occasion of the 30th Annual Conference of the Arbeia Society |
Author/Editor: Nick Hodgson ,Bill Griffiths
The Roman Cemetery at Lankhills, Vol. 3.2 |
Author/Editor: GILES CLARKE ,J. L. MACDONALD ,Others,Martin Biddle ,the Winchester Research Unit
The Roman Bridge between Dolni Vadin (Bulgaria) and Grojdibodu (Romania) |
Author/Editor: Bondoc, Dorel
Roman and Late Antique Wine Production in the Eastern Mediterranean: A Comparative Archaeological Study at Antiochia ad Cragum (Turkey) and Delos (Greece) |
Author/Editor: Emlyn K. Dodd
Roman Amphorae in Neuss: Augustan to Julio-Claudian Contexts |
Author/Editor: Gonzßlez Cesteros, Horacio; Millet, Piero Berni
Roman Amphora Contents: Reflecting on the Maritime Trade of Foodstuffs in Antiquity (In honour of Miguel Beltrán Lloris): Proceedings of the Roman Amphora Contents International Interactive Conference (RACIIC) (Cadiz, 5-7 October 2015) |
Author/Editor: Darío Bernal-Casasola ,Michel Bonifay ,Alessandra Pecci ,Victoria Leitch
The Role of the Lector in Ancient Egyptian Society |
Author/Editor: Forshaw, Roger
The Role of Anglo-Saxon Great Hall Complexes in Kingdom Formation, in Comparison and in Context AD 500-750 |
Author/Editor: McBride, Adam
Rocks of Ages: Developing Rock Art Tourism in Israel |
Author/Editor: Joshua Schmidt ,Davida Eisenberg-Degen ,Ron Frumkin ,Dan Gur ,Liora Kolska Horwitz ,George Nash ,Steven A. Rosen ,Sara Levi Sacerdotti ,Eli Cohen-Sa
Rockshelter Excavations in the East Hamersley Range, Pilbara Region, Western Australia |
Author/Editor: Dawn Cropper ,W. Boone Law ,Maitland Parker ,Slim Parker ,Martidja Banyjima Elders
Rock Art Studies: News of the World VI |
Author/Editor: Paul Bahn ,Natalie Franklin ,Matthias Strecker
Rock Art Studies: News of the World V |
Author/Editor: Bahn, Paul; Franklin, Natalie; Strecker, Matthias
Rock Art of the Vindhyas: An Archaeological Survey: Documentation and Analysis of the Rock Art Of Mirzapur District, Uttar Pradesh |
Author/Editor: Ajay Pratap
The Rock-Art Landscapes of Rombalds Moor, West Yorkshire: Standing on Holy Ground |
Author/Editor: Vivien Deacon
Robert AdamÆs London |
Author/Editor: Sands, Frances
Road Archaeology in the Middle Nile: Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Mallinson, Michael; Smith, Laurence
Römisches Zaumzeug aus Pompeji, Herculaneum und Stabiae: Metallzäume, Trensen und Kandaren |
Author/Editor: Christina Simon
R÷misches Zaumzeug aus Pompeji, Herculaneum und Stabiae |
Author/Editor: Simon, Christina
Rivers in Prehistory |
Author/Editor: Vianello, Andrea
The River: Peoples and Histories of the Omo-Turkana Area |
Author/Editor: Timothy Clack ,Marcus Brittain
Ritual Landscapes and Borders within Rock Art Research: Papers in Honour of Professor Kalle Sognnes |
Author/Editor: Heidrun Stebergløkken ,Ragnhild Berge ,Eva Lindgaard ,Helle Vangen Stuedal
Ritual in Late Bronze Age Ireland: Material Culture, Practices, Landscape Setting and Social Context |
Author/Editor: Katherine Leonard
Rise of the Hyksos: Egypt and the Levant from the Middle Kingdom to the Early Second Intermediate Period |
Author/Editor: Anna-Latifa Mourad
The Rise of Metallurgy in Eurasia: Evolution, Organisation and Consumption of Early Metal in the Balkans |
Author/Editor: Miljana Radivojević ,Benjamin W. Roberts ,Miroslav Marić ,Julka Kuzmanović Cvetković ,Thilo Rehren
Ricerche Archeologiche a Sant’Andrea di Loppio (Trento, Italia): L'Area della Chiesa |
Author/Editor: Barbara Maurina ,Carlo Andrea Postinger ,Milena Anesi ,Maurizio Battisti ,Cinzia Borchia ,Roberto Cabella ,Florence Caillaud ,Sabrina Calzà ,Claudio
Ricerche Archeologiche a SantÆAndrea di Loppio (Trento, Italia): L'Area della Chiesa |
Author/Editor: Maurina, Barbara; Postinger, Carlo Andrea
Ricerche Archeologiche a SantÆAndrea di Loppio (Trento, Italia): Il Castrum Tardoantico-Altomedievale |
Author/Editor: Maurina, Barbara
The Reuse of Tombs in Eastern Arabia |
Author/Editor: Stephanie Döpper
Rethinking the Concept of ‘Healing Settlements’: Water, Cults, Constructions and Contexts in the Ancient World |
Author/Editor: Maddalena Bassani ,Marion Bolder-Boos ,Ugo Fusco
Rethinking the Concept of æHealing SettlementsÆ: Water, Cults, Constructions and Contexts in the Ancient World |
Author/Editor: Bassani, Maddalena; Bolder-Boos, Marion; Fusco, Ugo
The Resurgam Submarine: ‘A Project for Annoying the Enemy’ |
Author/Editor: Peter Holt
Representations of Writing Materials on Roman Funerary Monuments: Text, Image, Message |
Author/Editor: Tibor Grüll
Representations of Animals on Greek and Roman Engraved Gems: Meanings and interpretations |
Author/Editor: Idit Sagiv
Remembered Places, Forgotten Pasts: The Don Drainage Basin in Prehistory |
Author/Editor: Tim Cockrell
Religious Practice and Cultural Construction of Animal Worship in Egypt from the Early Dynastic to the New Kingdom: Ritual Forms, Material Display, Historical Development |
Author/Editor: Angelo Colonna
Religion and Cult in the Dodecanese during the First Millennium BC: Proceedings of the International Archaeological Conference |
Author/Editor: Manolis I. Stefanakis ,Georgios Mavroudis ,Fani K. Seroglou ,Maria Achiola
Reinterpreting chronology and society at the mortuary complex of Jebel Moya (Sudan) |
Author/Editor: Michael Jonathan Brass
Reindeer hunters at Howburn Farm, South Lanarkshire: A Late Hamburgian settlement in southern Scotland – its lithic artefacts and natural environment |
Author/Editor: Torben Bjarke Ballin ,Alan Saville ,Richard Tipping ,Tam Ward ,Rupert Housley ,Lucy Verrill ,Matthew Bradley ,Clare Wilson ,Paul Lincoln
Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum: Acta 46 |
Author/Editor: Viegas, Catarina
Redonner vie à une collection: les terres cuites communes du fort La Tour |
Author/Editor: Julie Toupin
The Rediscovery and Reception of Gandhāran Art: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop of the Gandhāra Connections Project, University of Oxford, 24th-26th March, 2021 |
Author/Editor: Wannaporn Rienjang ,Peter Stewart
Rediscovering Heritage through Artefacts, Sites, and Landscapes: Translating a 3500-year Record at Ritidian, Guam |
Author/Editor: Mike T. Carson
Reconstructing the Development of Somerset’s Early Medieval Church: New Approaches to Understanding the Relationships between Post-Roman Church Sites, Early Medieval Minsters and Royal Villae in the South-West of England |
Author/Editor: Carole Lomas
Recommendations for best practices in data acquisition methods for natural and cultural heritage management of Moroccan coastal wetlands: Recommandations pour les bonnes pratiques en matière de méthodes d’acquisition de données pour la gestion du patrimoi |
Author/Editor: Athena Trakadas ,Nadia Mhammdi
Recent Investigations in the Puuc Region of Yucatán |
Author/Editor: Meghan Rubenstein
Reading Ancient Objects Inside Out: Greek Figure-Decorated Pottery in Portugal |
Author/Editor: Rui Morais ,Delfim Leão ,Maria de Fátima Silva ,Daniela Ferreira ,David Wallace-Hare
Ramla: City of Muslim Palestine, 715-1917: Studies in History, Archaeology and Architecture |
Author/Editor: Andrew Petersen ,Denys Pringle ,Maher Y. Abu-Munshar ,Gideon Avni ,Michael H. Burgoyne ,Katia Cytryn-Silverman ,Peter Edbury ,Matthew Elliot ,Amir G
Rainfed Altepetl: Modeling institutional and subsistence agriculture in ancient Tepeaca, Mexico |
Author/Editor: Aurelio López Corral
RACTA II 2021: Ricerche di Archeologia Cristiana, Tarda Antichità e Alto Medioevo: II Colloquio Internazionale tra dottorandi e dottori di ricerca: Roma, 1-3 febbraio 2021 |
Author/Editor: Domenico Benoci ,Dino Lombardo ,Federica Tagliatesta
RACTA 2018: Ricerche di Archeologia Cristiana, Tardantichità e Altomedioevo |
Author/Editor: Chiara Cecalupo ,Giovanna Assunta Lanzetta ,Priscilla Ralli
Racconto dÆEgitto: Trascrizione e traduzione del manoscritto di ?Abd al-La??f al-Ba?d?d? (con brevi note di commento) |
Author/Editor: (null)