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Titles start with T (64) Information
Two Cemeteries at Takhtidziri (Georgia): Late Achaemenid–Early Hellenistic and Late Hellenistic–Early Roman
Author/Editor: Iulon Gagoshidze ,Michael Vickers ,Darejan Kacharava ,David Gagoshidze
Tutankhamun Knew the Names of the Two Great Gods: Dt and nHH as Fundamental Concepts of Pharaonic Ideology
Author/Editor: Steven R.W. Gregory
The Turkish Long-Necked Lute Saz or Bağlama
Author/Editor: Hans de Zeeuw
The Turkish Long-Necked Lute Saz or Ba?lama
Author/Editor: de Zeeuw, Hans
Études Mésopotamiennes – Mesopotamian Studies N°4 – 2024: Tell Masaïkh/Kar-AssurnaSirpal : Horizons céramiques dans les cultures de la vallée du Moyen Euphrate à l’Âge du Fer I–III
Author/Editor: Ilaria Calini ,Narmin Ali Mohamed Amen ,Vincent Déroche ,Lionel Marti ,Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault ,Christophe Nicolle ,Olivier Rouault ,Aline Tenu
Études Mésopotamiennes – Mesopotamian Studies: N°2 – 2022
Author/Editor: Lionel Marti ,Olivier Rouault ,Aline Tenu ,Narmen Ali Mohamed Amen ,Vincent Déroche ,Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault ,Christophe Nicolle
Étude paléoanthropologique et analyse des rituels funéraires de deux sites laténiens valaisans: Randogne – Bluche et Sion – Parking des Remparts
Author/Editor: Tobias Hofstetter
The Triumph of Dionysos: Convivial processions, from antiquity to the present day
Author/Editor: JOHN BOARDMAN
Tres usurpadores godos: Tres estudios sobre la tiranía en el reino visigodo de Toledo
Author/Editor: Rafael Barroso Cabrera ,Jorge Morín de Pablos ,Isabel Mª. Sánchez Ramos
Treinta años de Arqueología Medieval en España
Author/Editor: Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo
Treasures of the Gupta Empire: A Numismatic History of the Golden Age of India, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Sanjeev Kumar
Travelling the Korosko Road: Archaeological Exploration in SudanÆs Eastern Desert
Author/Editor: Welsby, Derek A
Travelling the Korosko Road: Archaeological Exploration in Sudan’s Eastern Desert
Author/Editor: W. Vivian Davies ,Derek A. Welsby ,Alfredo Castiglioni ,Angelo Castiglioni ,Mahmoud Suliman Bashir ,Andrea Manzo ,Serena Massa ,Francesco M. Rega ,P
Travelling Objects: Changing Values
Author/Editor: Jennings, Benjamin
Travellers in Ottoman Lands: The Botanical Legacy
Author/Editor: Ines Aščerić-Todd ,Sabina Knees ,Janet Starkey ,Paul Starkey
The Travel Chronicles of Mrs J. Theodore Bent. Volume I: Greece and the Levantine Littoral
Author/Editor: Bent, Mabel; Brisch, Gerald
(Trans)missions: Monasteries as Sites of Cultural Transfers
Author/Editor: Monika Brenišínová
Transhumance: Papers from the International Association of Landscape Archaeology Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2018
Author/Editor: Mark Bowden ,Pete Herring
Tra Montaccianico e Firenze: gli Ubaldini e la città: Atti del convegno di studi, Firenze-Scarperia 28–29 settembre 2012
Author/Editor: Alessandro Monti ,Elisa Pruno
Traffici commerciali e approdi portuali nella Sardegna meridionale: Analisi dei contenitori da trasporto e dei contesti subacquei (III-VII secolo)
Author/Editor: Laura Soro
Tra Esino e San Vicino: Architettura religiosa nelle Marche centrali (secoli XI-XIII)
Author/Editor: Cristiano Cerioni ,Rivio Lippi
The Traditio Legis: Anatomy of an Image
Author/Editor: Couzin, Robert
TRADE: Transformations of Adriatic Europe (2nd–9th Centuries AD): Proceedings of the Conference in Zadar, 11th–13th February 2016
Author/Editor: Igor Borzić ,Enrico Cirelli ,Kristina Jelinčić Vučković ,Ana Konestra ,Ivana Ožanić Roguljić
Tracing Pottery-Making Recipes in the Prehistoric Balkans 6thû4th Millennia BC
Author/Editor: Amicone, Silvia; Quinn, Patrick Sean; Mari?, Miroslav
Tracing Pottery-Making Recipes in the Prehistoric Balkans 6th–4th Millennia BC
Author/Editor: Silvia Amicone ,Patrick Sean Quinn ,Miroslav Marić ,Neda Mirković-Marić ,Miljana Radivojević
Towns in the Dark: Urban Transformations from Late Roman Britain to Anglo-Saxon England
Author/Editor: Gavin Speed
To See the Invisible: Karelian Rock Art
Author/Editor: Arsen Faradzhev
‘To See a World in a Grain of Sand’: Glass from Nubia and the Ancient Mediterranean
Author/Editor: Juliet V. Spedding
Toniná, una ciudad maya de Chiapas: Vida y muerte en las postrimerías del colapso maya
Author/Editor: Judith L. Ruiz González
Tomb Security in Ancient Egypt from the Predynastic to the Pyramid Age
Author/Editor: Clark, Reg
Tomb Families: Private Tomb Distribution in the New Kingdom Theban Necropolis
Author/Editor: Katherine Slinger
To Die in Style! The residential lifestyle of feasting and dying in Iron Age Stamna, Greece
Author/Editor: Christakopoulou, Gioulika û Olga
‘To Aleppo gone …’: Essays in honour of Jonathan N. Tubb
Author/Editor: I.L. Finkel ,J.A. Fraser ,St J. Simpson
Tios/Tieion on the Southern Black Sea in the Broader Context of Pontic Archaeology
Author/Editor: Gocha R. Tsetskhladze ,Şahin Yıldırım
Tinqueux « la Haubette » (Marne, France): Un site exceptionnel du Néolithique ancien
Author/Editor: Lamys Hachem ,Lisandre Bedault ,Solène Denis ,Nicolas Fromont ,Caroline Hamon ,Yolaine Maigrot ,Katia Meunier ,Jean-Marie Pernaud
A Time of Change: Questioning the “Collapse" of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
Author/Editor: Keir Magalie Strickland
Time and Stone: The Emergence and Development of Megaliths and Megalithic Societies in Europe
Author/Editor: Bettina Schulz Paulsson
Thurrock’s Deeper Past: A Confluence of Time: The archaeology of the borough of Thurrock, Essex, from the last Ice Age to the establishment of the English kingdoms
Author/Editor: Christopher John Tripp
ThurrockÆs Deeper Past: A Confluence of Time
Author/Editor: Tripp, Christopher John
Three Forts on the Tay: Excavations at Moncreiffe, Moredun and Abernethy, Perth and Kinross 2014–17
Author/Editor: David Strachan ,Martin Cook ,Dawn McLaren ,Anne Crone ,Rob Engl ,Carla Ferreira ,Stratford Halliday ,Derek Hamilton ,Fraser Hunter
The Three Dimensions of Archaeology: Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, Spain). Volume 7/Sessions A4b and A12
Author/Editor: Hans Kamermans ,Wieke de Neef ,Chiara Piccoli ,Axel G. Posluschny ,Roberto Scopigno
Thrace through the Ages: Pottery as Evidence for Commerce and Culture from Prehistoric Times to the Islamic Period
Author/Editor: Zeynep Koçel Erdem ,Reyhan Şahin
Thorvald’s Cross: The Viking-Age Cross-Slab ‘Kirk Andreas MM 128’ and Its Iconography
Author/Editor: Dirk H. Steinforth
Thirsty Seafarers at Temple B of Kommos: Commercial Districts and the Role of Crete in Phoenician Trading Networks in the Aegean
Author/Editor: Judith Muñoz Sogas
Thin Section Petrography, Geochemistry and Scanning Electron Microscopy of Archaeological Ceramics
Author/Editor: Patrick Sean Quinn
There and Back Again: Afro-Eurasian Exchange in the Neolithic and Bronze Age Periods
Author/Editor: Marie N. Pareja ,Robert Arnott
Territoires et ressources des sociétés néolithiques du Bassin parisien: le cas du Néolithique moyen (4500 – 3800 av. n. è.)
Author/Editor: Claira Lietar
TephroArchaeology in the North Pacific
Author/Editor: Gina L. BARNES ,SODA Tsutomu
Tentsmuir: Ten Thousand Years of Environmental History
Author/Editor: Crawford, Robert M. M
The Tekenu and Ancient Egyptian Funerary Ritual
Author/Editor: West, Glennise
Tectonic Archaeology: Subduction Zone Geology in Japan and its Archaeological Implications
Author/Editor: Gina L. Barnes
Technology of Sword Blades from the La Tène Period to the Early Modern Age: The case of what is now Poland
Author/Editor: Grzegorz Żabiński ,Janusz Stępiński ,Marcin Biborski
Technology of Sword Blades from the La TΦne Period to the Early Modern Age
Author/Editor: ?abi?ski, Grzegorz
Technologie du harponnage sur la côte Pacifique du désert d’Atacama (nord du Chili)
Author/Editor: Benjamín Ballester Riesco
Taymāʾ II: Catalogue of the Inscriptions Discovered in the Saudi-German Excavations at Taymāʾ 2004–2015
Author/Editor: Michael C. A. Macdonald ,Arnulf Hausleiter ,Frédéric Imbert ,Hanspeter Schaudig ,Peter Stein ,Francelin Tourtet ,Martina Trognitz
Taymā’ I: Archaeological Exploration, Palaeoenvironment, Cultural Contacts
Author/Editor: Arnulf Hausleiter ,Ricardo Eichmann ,Muhammad al-Najem ,Ariel M. Bagg ,Helmut Brückner ,Michèle Dinies ,Ricardo Eichmann ,Max Engel ,Peter Frenzel
Tarascan Pottery Production in Michoacán, Mexico: An Ethnoarchaeological Perspective
Author/Editor: Eduardo Williams
Tarascan Copper Metallurgy: A Multiapproach Perspective
Author/Editor: Maldonado, Blanca Estela
The Tangible and Intangible Cultural Landscape of Wadi Bani Kharus: Investigations in the Sultanate of Oman
Tanb√r Long-Necked Lutes along the Silk Road and beyond
Author/Editor: de Zeeuw, Hans
Tanbûr Long-Necked Lutes along the Silk Road and beyond
Author/Editor: Hans de Zeeuw
Taming the Great Desert: Adam in the Prehistory of Oman
Author/Editor: Gernez, Guillaume; Giraud, Jessica
Tales of Three Worlds - Archaeology and Beyond: Asia, Italy, Africa: A Tribute to Sandro Salvatori
Author/Editor: Donatella Usai ,Stefano Tuzzato ,Massimo Vidale
A Tale of Two Collectors: The Lithic Collections of Geoffrey Taylor and David Heys (with particular reference to the county of Yorkshire)
Author/Editor: Keith Boughey ,Alison Sheridan ,Fraser Hunter