Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with L (128) | Information |
Lyde Green Roman Villa, Emersons Green, South Gloucestershire |
Author/Editor: Matthew S. Hobson ,Richard Newman ,Adrian Bailey ,Damion Churchill ,Kimberley Colman ,Lynne Gardiner ,Frank Giecco ,Richard Henry ,David Jackson
The Luwians of Western Anatolia: Their Neighbours and Predecessors |
Author/Editor: Fred C. Woudhuizen
Lusitanian Amphorae: Production and Distribution |
Author/Editor: Vaz Pinto, InΩs; de Almeida, Rui Roberto; Martin, Archer
LRFW 1. Late Roman Fine Wares. Solving problems of typology and chronology |
Author/Editor: Cau, Miguel ┴ngel; Reynolds, Paul; Bonifay, Michel
Los yacimientos olvidados: registro y musealización de campos de batalla |
Author/Editor: Mario Ramírez Galán
Lost Worlds of Ancient and Modern Greece: Gilbert Bagnani: The Adventures of a Young Italian Archaeologist in Greece, 1921-1924 |
Author/Editor: D. J. Ian Begg
Lost and Now Found: Explorers, Diplomats and Artists in Egypt and the Near East |
Author/Editor: Cooke, Neil; Daubney, Vanessa
The Lost Abbey of Eynsham |
Author/Editor: Parrinder, Steve
Lo scavo a Parma sotto Palazzo Sanvitale |
Author/Editor: Mirella Marini Calvani ,Caterina Calvani
“Los animales enseñaron el camino…": La fauna de la Sierra Gorda queretana a través de sus representaciones cerámicas arqueológicas |
Author/Editor: María Teresa Muñoz Espinosa ,José Carlos Castañeda Reyes
Looted, Recovered, Returned: Antiquities from Afghanistan: A detailed scientific and conservation record of a group of ivory and bone furniture overlays excavated at Begram, stolen from the National Museum of Afghanistan, privately acquired on behalf of K |
Author/Editor: J. Ambers ,C. R. Cartwright ,C. Higgitt ,D. Hook ,E. Passmore ,St J. Simpson ,G. Verri ,C. Ward ,B. Wills
Look at the Coins! Papers in Honour of Joe Cribb on his 75th Birthday |
Author/Editor: Helen Wang ,Robert Bracey
London’s Waterfront and its World, 1666–1800 |
Author/Editor: John Schofield ,Stephen Freeth ,I M Betts ,Lyn Blackmore ,Julian Bowsher ,Jacqui Pearce ,Alan Pipe
London’s Waterfront 1100–1666: Excavations in Thames Street, London, 1974–84 |
Author/Editor: John Schofield ,Lyn Blackmore ,Jacqui Pearce ,Tony Dyson ,Jelena Bekvalac ,Ian M Betts ,John Clark ,Stephen Freeth ,Helen Ganiaris
L’oblique dans le monde grec: Concept et imagerie |
Author/Editor: Thibault Girard
LÆoblique dans le monde grec |
Author/Editor: Girard, Thibault
Loaves, beds, plants and Osiris: Considerations about the emergence of the Cult of Osiris |
Author/Editor: Roeten, Leo
Ländliche Siedlungsstrukturen im römischen Spanien: Das Becken von Vera und das Camp de Tarragona –zwei Mikroregionen im Vergleich |
Author/Editor: Jan Schneider
LΣndliche Siedlungsstrukturen im r÷mischen Spanien |
Author/Editor: Schneider, Jan
Living with Seismic Phenomena in the Mediterranean and Beyond between Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Proceedings of Cascia (25-26 October, 2019) and Le Mans (2-3 June, 2021) Conferences |
Author/Editor: Rita Compatangelo-Soussignan ,Francesca Diosono ,Frédéric Le Blay
Living with Heritage: The Case of Tsodilo World Heritage Site and Neighbouring Localities |
Author/Editor: Stella Basinyi
Living Opposite to the Hospital of St John: Excavations in Medieval Northampton 2014 |
Author/Editor: Jim Brown ,Sander Aerts ,Philip L Armitage ,Rob Atkins ,Liz Barham ,Rob Batchelor ,Paul Blinkhorn ,Julian Bowsher ,Andy Chapman
Living in the Ice Age |
Author/Editor: Elle Clifford ,Paul Bahn ,Chris Packham
Listening to the Stones: Essays on Architecture and Function in Ancient Greek Sanctuaries in Honour of Richard Alan Tomlinson |
Author/Editor: Partida, Elena C.; Schmidt-Dounas, Barbara
L’incoronazione celeste nel mondo Bizantino: Politica, cerimoniale, numismatica e arti figurative |
Author/Editor: Andrea Torno Ginnasi
LÆincoronazione celeste nel mondo Bizantino |
Author/Editor: Ginnasi, Andrea Torno
Life on the Edge: The Neolithic and Bronze Age of Iain Crawford’s Udal, North Uist |
Author/Editor: Beverley Ballin Smith ,Judith Finlay Aird ,Torben Bjarke Ballin ,Julia Beaumont ,Solange Bohling ,Jo Buckberry ,Ruby Ceron Carrasco ,Cassandra Hall
A Life in Norfolk's Archaeology: 1950-2016: Archaeology in an arable landscape |
Author/Editor: Peter Wade-Martins
Life, Death and Rubbish Disposal in Roman Norton, North Yorkshire: Excavations at Brooklyn House 2015-16 |
Author/Editor: Janet Phillips ,Pete Wilson ,Tony Benfield ,Joanna Bird ,Richard Brickstock ,Spencer Carter ,John Carrott ,Hilary Cool ,John Cruse
The Life and Works of W.G. Collingwood: A wayward compass in Lakeland |
Author/Editor: Malcolm Craig
The Life and Works of Robert Wood: Classicist and Traveller (1717-1771) |
Author/Editor: Robert Wood ,Rachel Finnegan ,Lynda Mulvin
Life along Communication Routes from the Roman Period to the Middle Ages: Roads and Rivers 2 |
Author/Editor: Ivana Ožanić Roguljić ,Jere Drpić ,Angelina Raičković Savić
Liburnians and Illyrian Lembs: Iron Age Ships of the Eastern Adriatic |
Author/Editor: BorÜi?, Luka; D₧ino, Danijel; Radi? Rossi, Irena
Le verre de Sabra al-Mansuriya - Kairouan, Tunisie - milieu Xe-milieu XIe siècle: Production et consommation: vaisselle - contenants - vitrages |
Author/Editor: DANIÈLE FOY ,Ian Freestone ,Faouzi Mahfoudh
Les sépultures mésolithiques de Téviec et Hoedic: révisions bioarchéologiques |
Author/Editor: Bruno Boulestin
Les sΘpultures mΘsolithiques de TΘviec et Hoedic: rΘvisions bioarchΘologiques |
Author/Editor: Boulestin, Bruno
Les sociétés humaines face aux changements climatiques: Volume 2: La protohistoire, des débuts de l’Holocène au début des temps historiques |
Author/Editor: François Djindjian
Les sociétés humaines face aux changements climatiques: Volume 1: La préhistoire des origines de l’Humanité à la fin du pléistocène |
Author/Editor: François Djindjian
Les restes humains badegouliens de la Grotte du Placard: Cannibalisme et guerre il y a 20,000 ans |
Author/Editor: Bruno Boulestin ,Dominique Henry-Gambier
Les représentations de Mars Ultor sur les pierres gravées |
Author/Editor: Thibault Girard
Les pratiques funéraires en Pannonie de l’époque augustéenne à la fin du 3e siècle |
Author/Editor: András Márton
Les pratiques funΘraires en Pannonie de lÆΘpoque augustΘenne α la fin du 3e siΦcle |
Author/Editor: Mßrton, Andrßs
Les pratiques funéraires en Gaule lyonnaise de l’époque augustéenne à la fin du 3e siècle |
Author/Editor: András Márton
Les Néandertaliens du talon: Technologie lithique et mobilité au Paléolithique moyen dans le Salento (Pouilles, Italie méridionale) |
Author/Editor: Enza E. Spinapolice
Le QSAR, type d’implantation humaine au Sahara: architecture du Sud Algérien |
Author/Editor: Mounia Chekhab-Abudaya
Le QSAR, type dÆimplantation humaine au Sahara: architecture du Sud AlgΘrien |
Author/Editor: Chekhab-Abudaya, Mounia
Le peuplement paléolithique de Côte d’Or (Bourgogne, France) dans son contexte regional: The Paleolithic Settlement in Côte d’Or (Burgundy, France) in Its Regional Context |
Author/Editor: François Djindjian
Le Néolithique ancien en Italie du sud: Evolution des industries lithiques entre VIIe et VIe millénaire |
Author/Editor: Carmine Collina
Le NΘolithique ancien en Italie du sud |
Author/Editor: Collina, Carmine
Le massif de Lovo, sur les traces du royaume de Kongo |
Author/Editor: Geoffroy Heimlich
Le guerrier, le chat, l’aigle, le poisson et la colonne: la voie spiralée des signes: Approche sémiologique, structurale et archéologique du disque de Phaistos |
Author/Editor: Serge Collet
Le guerrier, le chat, lÆaigle, le poisson et la colonne: la voie spiralΘe des signes |
Author/Editor: Collet, Serge
L’Egitto dei Flavi: Sintesi e prospettive d’indagine alla luce della documentazione papirologica ed epigrafica egiziana |
Author/Editor: Nikola D. Bellucci ,Brunella L. Longo
LÆEgitto dei Flavi: Sintesi e prospettive dÆindagine alla luce della documentazione papirologica ed epigrafica egiziana |
Author/Editor: Bellucci, Nikola D.; Longo, Brunella L
Le gemme romane e post-antiche del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Cagliari |
Author/Editor: Miriam Napolitano
Le gai sçavoir: Mélanges en hommage à Jean-Loïc Le Quellec |
Author/Editor: Julien d’Huy ,Frédérique Duquesnoy ,Patrice Lajoye
Le four de Sévrier et autres fours et fourneaux d’argile aux âges des métaux en Europe occidentale |
Author/Editor: Jean Coulon
Le décor architectural artuqide en pierre de Mardin placé dans son contexte regional: Contribution à l’histoire du décor géométrique et végétal du Proche-Orient des XIIe-XVe siècles |
Author/Editor: Deniz Beyazit
Le commerce régional et international au Xe siècle en Syrie: D'après le trésor monétaire de Buseyra et d'autres trésors de l'époque |
Author/Editor: Alaa Aldin Salman Al Chomari
Le commerce rΘgional et international au Xe siΦcle en Syrie |
Author/Editor: Al Chomari, Alaa Aldin
Le commerce de céramiques fines à ammaia, une ville du sud de la Lusitanie (50 – 550 apr. J.-c.) |
Author/Editor: José Carlos Quaresma
Le classi ceramiche della “tradizione mista" a Kos nel Tardo Bronzo IA |
Author/Editor: Salvatore Vitale
Le Banquet cérémoniel entre archéologie et ethnologie |
Author/Editor: Matthieu Michler ,Pierre Le Roux ,Florent Jodry
LBK Realpolitik: An Archaeometric Study of Conflict and Social Structure in the Belgian Early Neolithic |
Author/Editor: Golitko, Mark
Laying the Foundations: Manual of the British Museum Iraq Scheme Archaeological Training Programme |
Author/Editor: John MacGinnis ,Sebastien Rey ,Duygu Camurcuoǧlu ,Claudia Da Lanca ,Amy Drago ,Rand Eppich ,Jamie Fraser ,Alberto Giannese ,Elisa Girotto
The Law of Treasure |
La Villa imperiale di Punta Eolo: Rivestimenti pavimentali e parietali del settore residenziale |
Author/Editor: Mariette de Vos Raaijmakers ,Barbara Maurina
Latrinae: Roman Toilets in the Northwestern Provinces of the Roman Empire |
Author/Editor: Hoss, Stefanie
La transformaci≤n del mundo rural en la isla de Mallorca durante la Antigⁿedad tardφa (c. 300-902/903 d. C.) |
Author/Editor: Mas Florit, Catalina
La transformación del mundo rural en la isla de Mallorca durante la Antigüedad tardía (c. 300-902/903 d. C.) |
Author/Editor: Catalina Mas Florit
A Latin Lexicon: An Illustrated Compendium of Latin Words and English Derivatives |
Author/Editor: Mackenzie, Caroline K
The Later Saxon and Early Norman Manorial Settlement at Guiting Power, Gloucestershire: Archaeological Investigation of a Domesday Book Entry |
Author/Editor: Alistair Marshall
Later Prehistoric Settlement in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly: Evidence from Five Excavations |
Author/Editor: Andy M Jones ,Graeme Kirkham
Late Roman to Late Byzantine/Early Islamic Period Lamps in the Holy Land: The Collection of the Israel Antiquities Authority |
Author/Editor: Varda Sussman
Late Roman Handmade Grog-Tempered Ware Producing Industries in South East Britain |
Author/Editor: Lyne, Malcolm
The late prehistory of Malta: Essays on Bor? in-Nadur and other sites |
Author/Editor: Tanasi, Davide; Vella, Nicholas C
The late prehistory of Malta: Essays on Borġ in-Nadur and other sites |
Author/Editor: Davide Tanasi ,Nicholas C. Vella
Late Prehistory and Protohistory: Bronze Age and Iron Age (1. The Emergence of warrior societies and its economic, social and environmental consequences; 2. Aegean – Mediterranean imports and influences in the graves from continental Europe – Bronze and I |
Author/Editor: Fernando Coimbra ,Davide Delfino ,Valeriu Sîrbu ,Cristian Schuster
Late Prehistoric Fortifications in Europe: Defensive, Symbolic and Territorial Aspects from the Chalcolithic to the Iron Age: Proceedings of the International Colloquium ‘FortMetalAges’, Guimarães, Portugal |
Author/Editor: Davide Delfino ,Fernando Coimbra ,Daniela Cardoso ,Gonçalo Cruz
Late Iron Age and Roman Settlement at Bozeat Quarry, Northamptonshire: Excavations 1995-2016 |
Author/Editor: Rob Atkins ,Paul Blinkhorn ,Bryony Cairncross ,Andy Chapman ,Chris Chinnock ,Nina Crummy ,Val Fryer ,Tora Hylton ,Jo Mills
Late Bronze Age Painted Pottery Traditions at the Margins of the Hittite State: Papers Presented at a Workshop Held at the 11th ICAANE (München 4 April 2018) and Additional Contributions |
Author/Editor: Federico Manuelli ,Dirk Paul Mielke
Late Bronze Age Flintworking from Ritual Zones in Southern Scandinavia |
Author/Editor: Masoj?, Miros?aw
Late Antique Stamped Amphorae as Evidence for Imperial Policy: The Halasarna Workshop, Cos Island |
Author/Editor: Charikleia Diamanti
La séquence paléolithique de Karain E (Antalya, Turquie): Analyses techniques et typologiques (1989-2009) |
Author/Editor: Marcel Otte ,Janusz Kozlowski
La sΘquence palΘolithique de Karain E (Antalya, Turquie) |
Author/Editor: Otte, Marcel; Kozlowski, Janusz
Las manifestaciones gráficas prehistóricas en el dolmen de Soto (Trigueros, Huelva) |
Author/Editor: Sara Garcês ,Hipólito Collado Giraldo ,José Julio García Arranz ,George Nash ,Pierluigi Rosina ,Hugo Gomes ,Luiz Oosterbeek ,Elena Garrido Fernández
Las islas Baleares durante la Antigüedad Tardía (siglos III-X): Historia y Arqueología |
Author/Editor: Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros
L’artisanat de l’os À l’époque Gallo-Romaine: De l’ostéologie à l’archéologie expérimentale |
Author/Editor: Marc Barbier
LÆartisanat de lÆos └ lÆΘpoque Gallo-Romaine |
Author/Editor: Barbier, Marc
LÆartisanat dans les cites antiques de lÆAlgΘrie |
Author/Editor: Amraoui, Touatia
L’arte rupestre nella penisola e nelle isole italiane: rapporti tra rocce incise e dipinte, simboli, aree montane e viabilità: Rock art in the Italian peninsula and islands: issues about the relation between engraved and painted rocks, symbols, mountain a |
Author/Editor: Francesco M. P. Carrera ,Renata Grifoni Cremonesi ,Anna Maria Tosatti
L’arte rupestre dell’età dei metalli nella penisola italiana: localizzazione dei siti in rapporto al territorio, simbologie e possibilità interpretative |
Author/Editor: Renata Grifoni Cremonesi ,Anna Maria Tosatti
Large Scale Rhodian Sculpture of Hellenistic and Roman Times |
Author/Editor: Kalliope Bairami
La raccolta e la distribuzione dell’acqua a Ventotene in età romana: Ricerche archeologiche nell’isola di Ventotene 2 |
Author/Editor: Giovanni Maria De Rossi
La raccolta e la distribuzione dellÆacqua a Ventotene in etα romana |
Author/Editor: De Rossi, Giovanni Maria
La provincia dell’Arpione Occidentale nei testi egiziani: ricerche storiche, geografiche e religiose dalle origini all’Epoca Romana |
Author/Editor: Elena Tiribilli
La production de la céramique antique dans la région de Salakta et Ksour Essef (Tunisie) |
Author/Editor: Jihen Nacef ,Cl. Capelli
La production de la cΘramique antique dans la rΘgion de Salakta et Ksour Essef (Tunisie) |
Author/Editor: Nacef, Jihen
La parure en callaïs du Néolithique européen |
Author/Editor: Guirec Querré ,Serge Cassen ,Emmanuelle Vigier ,d’Yves Coppens
La ocupación humana del territorio de la comarca del río Guadalteba (Málaga) durante el Pleistoceno |
Author/Editor: Lidia Cabello Ligero
La ocupación cazadora-recolectora durante la transición Pleistoceno-Holoceno en el oeste de Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil: geoarqueología de los sitios en la formación sedimentaria Touro Passo |
Author/Editor: Viviane Pouey Vidal
La necropoli romana di Melano (Canton Ticino – Svizzera): Struttura e cronologia. Tipologia delle sepolture. Corredi funerari e materiali: Il Castello e il Castellaccio di Melano |
Author/Editor: Christiane M. A. De Micheli Schulthess
Landscapes of Pilgrimage in Medieval Britain |
Author/Editor: Locker, Martin
Landscapes of Human Evolution: Contributions in Honour of John Gowlett |
Author/Editor: James Cole ,John McNabb ,Matt Grove ,Rob Hosfield
Landscapes of Death: Early Bronze Age Tombs and Mortuary Rituals on the Oman Peninsula |
Landscapes and Artefacts: Studies in East Anglian Archaeology Presented to Andrew Rogerson |
Author/Editor: Steven Ashley ,Adrian Marsden
Landscape Archaeology in the Near East: Approaches, Methods and Case Studies |
Author/Editor: Bülent Arıkan ,Linda Olsvig-Whittaker
Landscape 3: una sintesi di elementi diacronici: Uomo e ambiente nel mondo antico: un equilibrio possibile? |
Author/Editor: F. Carbotti ,D. Gangale Risoleo ,E. Iacopini ,F. Pizzimenti ,I. Raimondo
Landmarks of Identity: Bronze Age Towers of the Oman Peninsula |
La nécropole aux amants petrifies. Ruines mégalithiques de Wanar (Région de Kaffrine, Sénégal): Patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO |
Author/Editor: Luc Laporte ,Matar Ndiaye ,Adrien Delvoye ,Jean-Paul Cros ,Aziz Ballouche ,Pierre Lamotte ,Selim Djouad ,Laurent Quesnel
La naissance des citΘs-royaumes cypriotes |
Author/Editor: Petit, Thierry
La naissance des cités-royaumes cypriotes |
Author/Editor: Thierry Petit
The Lamps of Late Antiquity from Rhodes: 3rd–7th centuries AD |
Author/Editor: Angeliki Katsioti
La industria ósea en la Hispania romana |
La industria lítica del núcleo urbano maya de La Blanca, Petén, Guatemala: Tecnología y tipología |
Author/Editor: Ricardo Torres Marzo
La industria lítica bifacial del sitio en cantera Chipana-1: Conocimiento y técnica de los grupos humanos del Desierto de Atacama, norte de Chile al final del Pleistoceno |
Author/Editor: Katherine A. Herrera
La implantaci≤n del culto imperial de la provincia en Hispania |
Author/Editor: Gonzßlez Herrero, Marta
La implantación del culto imperial de la provincia en Hispania |
Author/Editor: Marta González Herrero
Lady Gardeners: Seeds, Roots, Propagation, from England to the Wider World |
Author/Editor: Francesca Orestano ,Michael Vickers
La difusi≤n comercial de las ßnforas vinarias de Hispania Citerior-Tarraconensis (s. I a.C. û I. d.C.) |
Author/Editor: Martφnez Ferreras, Ver≥nica
La difusión comercial de las ánforas vinarias de Hispania Citerior-Tarraconensis (s. I a.C. – I. d.C.) |
Author/Editor: Verònica Martínez Ferreras
La Céramique du groupe épiscopal d’ARADI/Sidi Jdidi (Tunisie) |
Author/Editor: Tomoo Mukai ,Cl. Capelli
La CΘramique du groupe Θpiscopal dÆARADI/Sidi Jdidi (Tunisie) |
Author/Editor: Mukai, Tomoo
La cerámica ibérica gris: ensayo de tipología |
Author/Editor: David Rodríguez González
La Cerßmica Com·n romana en la Bahφa Gaditana en ╔poca romana |
Author/Editor: Gir≤n Anguiozar, Lourdes
La Cerámica Común romana en la Bahía Gaditana en Época romana: Alfarería y centros de producción |
Author/Editor: Lourdes Girón Anguiozar
La ceramica bassomedievale a Pisa e San Genesio (San Miniato-Pi): città e campagna a confronto |
Author/Editor: Beatrice Fatighenti
La ceca de Ilduro |
Author/Editor: Sinner, Alejandro G