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Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with B (197) | Information |
By My Absolute Royal Authority |
Author/Editor: Owens, J. B
By-elections in British Politics, 1832-1914 |
Author/Editor: Otte, T. G.; Readman, Paul
Buñuel en Toledo |
Author/Editor: Fernández Utrera, María Soledad
Busoni as Pianist |
Author/Editor: Kogan, Grigory; Belsky, Svetlana
Busoni and the Piano: The Works, the Writings, and the Recordings (Second Edition) |
Author/Editor: LARRY SITSKY
Business Rhetoric in German Novels |
Author/Editor: Schonfield, Ernest
The Business of Black Power |
Author/Editor: Warren Hill, Laura; Rabig, Julia
Bury St Edmunds and the Norman Conquest |
Author/Editor: Licence, Tom
Burnham Norton Friary after the Dissolution |
Author/Editor: Sally Francis
Burma's Pop Music Industry |
Author/Editor: MacLachlan, Heather
Burial, Landscape and Identity in Early Medieval Wessex |
Author/Editor: Mees, Kate
The Burden of the Past |
Author/Editor: Kovach, Thomas A.; Walser, Martin
Bulgaria, the Jews, and the Holocaust: On the Origins of a Heroic Narrative |
Author/Editor: Nadège Ragaru ,Victoria Baena ,David A. Rich
Bulawayo Burning |
Author/Editor: Ranger, Terence
Building the Operatic Museum |
Author/Editor: Gibbons, William
Building Bridges With Music |
Author/Editor: Adler, Samuel
Building a Peaceful Nation |
Author/Editor: Bjerk, Paul
The Buchenwald Child |
Author/Editor: Niven, Bill
The Brus Family in England and Scotland, 1100-1295 |
Author/Editor: Blakely, Ruth M
Brothers and Sisters in Medieval European Literature |
Author/Editor: Larrington, Carolyne
The Broadway Sound |
Author/Editor: Bennett, Robert Russell; Ferencz, George
Britten’s Donne, Hardy and Blake Songs: Cyclic Design and Meaning |
Author/Editor: Gordon Cameron Sly
Britten, Opera and Film: Henry James's <em>The Turn of the Screw</em> from Stage to Screen |
Author/Editor: Peter Auker
Britons in Anglo-Saxon England |
Author/Editor: Higham, Nick
British Travellers and the Encounter with Britain, 1450-1700 |
Author/Editor: Cramsie, John
British Traders in the East Indies, 1770-1820: 'At Home in the Eastern Seas', Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: W. G. Miller
British Supporters of the American Revolution, 1775-1783 |
Author/Editor: Cohen, Sheldon S
British Spies and Irish Rebels |
Author/Editor: McMahon, Paul
British Sociability in the Long Eighteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Capdeville, Valérie; Kerhervé, Alain
British Royal and State Funerals |
Author/Editor: Range, Matthias
British Privateering Voyages of the Early Eighteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Beattie, Tim
British-Ottoman Relations, 1661-1807 |
Author/Editor: Talbot, Michael
The British Navy's Victualling Board, 1793-1815 |
Author/Editor: Macdonald, Janet
The British Navy in the Mediterranean |
Author/Editor: Grainger, John D
The British Navy in the Caribbean, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: John D. Grainger
The British Navy in the Baltic |
Author/Editor: Grainger, John D
The British Navy in Eastern Waters: The Indian and Pacific Oceans |
Author/Editor: John D. Grainger
The British Navy, Economy and Society in the Seven Years War |
Author/Editor: Buchet, Christian
The British Navy and the State in the Eighteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Wilkinson, Clive
The British Naval Staff in the First World War |
Author/Editor: Black, Nicholas
British Naval Power in the East, 1794-1805 |
Author/Editor: Ward, Peter A
British Naval Captains of the Seven Years' War |
Author/Editor: McLeod, A.B
British Music, Musicians and Institutions, c. 1630-1800: Essays in Honour of Harry Diack Johnstone |
Author/Editor: Peter Lynan ,Julian Rushton
British Music and Literary Context |
Author/Editor: Allis, Michael
British Musical Criticism and Intellectual Thought, 1850-1950 |
Author/Editor: Dibble, Jeremy; Horton, Julian
British Music after Britten, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Arnold Whittall
British Literature and Print Culture |
Author/Editor: Jung, Sandro
British Intelligence and the Fenians, 1855–1880 |
Author/Editor: Padraic C. Kennedy
British Imperialism and Globalization, c. 1650-1960: Essays in Honour of Patrick O'Brien |
Author/Editor: Joseph E. Inikori
British Houses in Late Mughal Delhi |
Author/Editor: Shorto, Sylvia
British Expeditionary Warfare and the Defeat of Napoleon, 1793-1815 |
Author/Editor: Sutcliffe, Robert K
The British Country House Revival |
Author/Editor: Ben Cowell
The British Civil Wars at Sea, 1638-1653, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Richard J. Blakemore,Elaine Murphy
British Christianity and the Second World War |
British Catholic Merchants in the Commercial Age: 1670-1714, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Giada Pizzoni
British Art and the East India Company, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Geoff Quilley
British and Irish Religious Orders in Europe, 1560–1800: Conventuals, Mendicants and Monastics in Motion |
Author/Editor: Cormac Begadon ,James E. Kelly
Britannia and the Bear |
Author/Editor: Madeira, Victor
Britain, Hanover and the Protestant Interest, 1688-1756 |
Author/Editor: Thompson, Andrew C
Britain and the Papacy in the Age of Revolution, 1846-1851 |
Author/Editor: Matsumoto-Best, Saho
Britain and Colonial Maritime War in the Early Eighteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Satsuma, Shinsuke
Bristol from Below |
Author/Editor: Poole, Steve; Rogers, Nicholas
Bridges, Law and Power in Medieval England, 700-1400 |
Author/Editor: Cooper, Alan
The Brewers’ Book, Part 1, 1418-25: An Edition of the Minute Book of William Porlond, Clerk of the Brewers’ Company |
Brethren in Adversity |
Author/Editor: Chandler, Andrew
The Brecht Yearbook / Das Brecht-Jahrbuch 49 |
Author/Editor: Ira Avneri ,Micha Braun ,Gad Kaynar-Kissinger ,Freddie Rokem ,Markus Wessendorf ,Laura Bradley ,Micha Braun ,Stephen Brockmann ,Ela E. Gezen
The Brecht Yearbook / Das Brecht-Jahrbuch 48 |
Author/Editor: Markus Wessendorf ,Laura Bradley ,Stephen Brockmann ,Ela E. Gezen ,Jürgen Hillesheim ,Meg Mumford ,Astrid Oesmann ,Theodore F. Rippey ,Marc Silberma
The Brecht Yearbook / Das Brecht-Jahrbuch 47 |
Author/Editor: Markus Wessendorf ,Laura Bradley ,Stephen Brockmann ,Ela E. Gezen ,Jürgen Hillesheim ,Meg Mumford ,Astrid Oesmann ,Theodore F. Rippey ,Matthias Roth
The Brecht Yearbook / Das Brecht-Jahrbuch 46 |
Author/Editor: Micha Braun ,Günther Heeg ,Vera Stegmann ,Markus Wessendorf ,Laura Bradley ,Stephen Brockmann ,Ela E. Gezen ,Jürgen Hillesheim ,Meg Mumford
The Brecht Yearbook / Das Brecht-Jahrbuch 45, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Micha Braun,Günther Heeg,Vera Stegmann,Markus Wessendorf
The Brecht Yearbook / Das Brecht-Jahrbuch 44, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Markus Wessendorf
The Brecht Yearbook / Das Brecht-Jahrbuch 43 |
Author/Editor: Wessendorf, Markus
The Brecht Yearbook / Das Brecht-Jahrbuch 42: Recycling Brecht, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Tom Kuhn,David Barnett,Theodore F. Rippey
The Brecht Yearbook / Das Brecht-Jahrbuch 41 |
Author/Editor: Rippey, Theodore F
The Brecht Yearbook / Das Brecht-Jahrbuch 40 |
Author/Editor: Rippey, Theodore F
Brecht, Turkish Theater, and Turkish-German Literature |
Author/Editor: Gezen, Ela E
Breaking the Silence |
Author/Editor: Grünkemeier, Ellen
Brazil-Africa Relations |
Author/Editor: Seibert, Gerhard; Visentini, Paulo Fagundes
Brahms's A German Requiem: Reconsidering Its Biblical, Historical, and Musical Contexts, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: R. Allen Lott
Brahms and the Shaping of Time, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Scott Murphy
Brahms and His Poets |
Author/Editor: Loges, Natasha
The Boyce Papers: The Letters and Diaries of Joanna Boyce, Henry Wells and George Price Boyce |
Author/Editor: Bradbury, Sue
The Bousfield Diaries: A Middle-Class Family in Late Victorian Bedford |
Author/Editor: Richard Smart
Boundaries in Medieval Romance |
Author/Editor: Cartlidge, Neil
A Boston Schooner in the Royal Navy, 1768-1772: Commerce and Conflict in Maritime British America |
Author/Editor: Phillip Reid
Born under Auschwitz |
Author/Editor: Cosgrove, Mary
The Borges Enigma: Mirrors, Doubles, and Intimate Puzzles |
Author/Editor: Cynthia Lucy Stephens
Borders on the Move: Territorial Change and Forced Migration in the Hungarian-Slovak Borderlands, 1938-1948, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Leslie Waters
Borders on the Move: Territorial Change and Ethnic Cleansing in the Hungarian-Slovak Borderlands, 1938-1948 |
Author/Editor: Leslie Waters
Borders and the Norman World: Frontiers and Boundaries in Medieval Europe |
Author/Editor: Dan Armstrong ,Áron Kecskés ,Charles C. Rozier ,Leonie V. Hicks
Borders and Borderlands as Resources in the Horn of Africa |
Author/Editor: Feyissa, Dereje; Hoehne, Markus Virgil
The Book of the Order of Chivalry |
Author/Editor: Llull, Ramon; Fallows, Noel
The Book of the Deeds of the Good Knight Jacques de Lalaing |
Author/Editor: Nigel Bryant
Book of Orders and Accounts for the Borough of Stockton-on-Tees |
Author/Editor: JOHN LITTLE
The Book of Llandaf as a Historical Source, Ed. NED - New edition |
The Book of Isaiah: Personal Impressions of Isaiah Berlin |
Author/Editor: Hardy, Henry
The Book of Horsemanship by Duarte I of Portugal |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey L. Forgeng
The Book of Geoffroi de Charny: with the Livre Charny, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Ian Wilson,Nigel Bryant
Bohemian Baroque |
Author/Editor: Rawson, Robert G
The Blue Stain |
Author/Editor: Bettauer, Hugo; Höyng, Peter; Afterword by Kenneth R. Janken, Chauncey J. Mellor
Blood Waters: War, Disease and Race in the Eighteenth-Century British Caribbean |
Author/Editor: Nicholas Rogers
Blood on the Tides |
Author/Editor: Okpewho, Isidore
Blindness and Therapy in Late Medieval French and Italian Poetry |
Author/Editor: Singer, Julie
Black Woman on Board: Claudia Hampton, the California State University, and the Fight to Save Affirmative Action |
Author/Editor: Donna J. Nicol
The Black Prince and the Grande Chevauchée of 1355, NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Mollie M. Madden
The Black Intellectual Renaissance |
Author/Editor: Bangura, Abdul Karim
The Bjorling Sound |
Author/Editor: Hastings, Stephen
Bizet in Italy: Letters and Journals, 1857-1860, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Hugh Macdonald
Bishop Æthelwold, his Followers, and Saints' Cults in Early Medieval England: Power, Belief, and Religious Reform |
Author/Editor: Alison V. Hudson
Bishops and Reform in the English Church, 1520-1559 |
Author/Editor: Carleton, Kenneth
The Bishopric of Durham in the Late Middle Ages |
Author/Editor: Liddy, Christian D
The Birth of the Royal Marines, 1664-1802 |
Author/Editor: Zerbe, Britt
The Birth of a Borough |
Author/Editor: Carver, Martin
The Birth Control Clinic in a Marketplace World |
Author/Editor: Holz, Rose
Birds in Medieval English Poetry |
Author/Editor: Warren, Michael J
A Bibliography of Modern Arthuriana (1500-2000) |
Author/Editor: Howey, Ann F.; Reimer, Stephen R
The Bible and Crusade Narrative in the Twelfth Century, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Katherine Allen Smith
Beyond Tomorrow: German Science Fiction and Utopian Thought in the 20th and 21st Centuries, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Ingo Cornils
Beyond the Pale: The Holocaust in the North Caucasus, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Crispin Brooks ,Kiril Feferman
Beyond The Art of Finger Dexterity |
Author/Editor: Gramit, David
Beyond Religious Tolerance |
Author/Editor: Nolte, Insa; Ogen, Olukoya; Jones, Rebecca
Beyond Fingal's Cave |
Author/Editor: Porter, James
Beyond Britten: The Composer and the Community, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Peter Wiegold ,Ghislaine Kenyon
Bertolt Brecht's Furcht und Elend des Dritten Reiches |
Author/Editor: White, John J.; White, Ann
Bertolt Brecht's Dramatic Theory |
Author/Editor: White, John J
Bernhard Heisig and the Fight for Modern Art in East Germany |
Author/Editor: Eisman, April A
Berlioz: Scenes from the Life and Work |
Author/Editor: Bloom, Peter
Berlioz: Past, Present, Future |
Author/Editor: Bloom, Peter
Berlioz in Time: From Early Recognition to Lasting Renown |
Author/Editor: Peter Bloom
Beriberi in Modern Japan |
Author/Editor: Bay, Alexander R
Benjamin Rush, Civic Health, and Human Illness in the Early American Republic |
Author/Editor: Sarah E. Naramore
Benjamin Franklin, Natural Right, and the Art of Virtue, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Kevin Slack
Benjamin Donn's Map of Devon 1765 |
Benjamin Britten Studies: Essays on An Inexplicit Art |
Author/Editor: Stroeher, Vicki P.; Vickers, Justin
Benjamin Britten and Russia |
Author/Editor: Pyke, Cameron
Benjamin Britten |
Author/Editor: Walker, Lucy
Benigno Zerafa (1726-1804) and the Neapolitan Galant Style |
Author/Editor: Aquilina, Frederick
The Benedictines in the Middle Ages |
Author/Editor: Clark, James G
Belén Gopegui |
Author/Editor: Rabanal, Hayley
Being Maasai: Ethnicity and Identity in East Africa, Ed. NED - New edition |
The Beguines of Medieval Świdnica: The Interrogation of the "Daughters of Odelindis" in 1332 |
Author/Editor: Tomasz Gałuszka ,Paweł Kras ,Stephen C. Rowell ,Robert E. Lerner ,Letha Böhringer
Before the Baton: Musical Direction and Conducting in Stuart and Georgian Britain, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Peter Holman
Beethoven's Ninth Symphony: Rehearsing and Performing its 1824 Premiere |
Author/Editor: Theodore Albrecht
Beethoven's Lives: The Biographical Tradition, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Lewis Lockwood
Beethoven's Conversation Books: Volume 3: Nos. 17 to 31 (May 1822 to May 1823), Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Ludwig van Beethoven,Theodore Albrecht
Beethoven's Conversation Books: Volume 2: Nos. 9 to 16 (March 1820 to September 1820), Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Theodore Albrecht
Beethoven's Conversation Books |
Author/Editor: Albrecht, Theodore; Albrecht, Theodore
Beethoven's Chamber Music in Context |
Author/Editor: Watson, Angus
Beethoven's Century |
Author/Editor: Macdonald, Hugh
Beethoven's Cello: Five Revolutionary Sonatas and Their World |
Author/Editor: Moskovitz, Marc D.; Todd, R. Larry
Beds and Chambers in Late Medieval England |
Author/Editor: Morgan, Hollie L.S
Bedřich Smetana |
Author/Editor: St. Pierre, Kelly
Bedřich Smetana |
Author/Editor: St. Pierre, Kelly
Bedford's Musical Society: A History of Bedford Choral Society |
Author/Editor: Michael Benson ,Donald Burrows
Bedfordshire Wills 1484-1533 |
Author/Editor: Patricia L. Bell
Bedfordshire Probate Inventories before 1660 |
Author/Editor: Barbara Tearle
Bedfordshire Muster Lists 1539-1831: A selection of transcripts with commentary |
Author/Editor: Nigel Lutt
Bedfordshire clock and watchmakers 1352-1880: A biographical dictionary with selected documents |
Author/Editor: Chris Pickford
Bedfordshire Churches in the Nineteenth Century Part II |
Author/Editor: Chris Pickford
Bedfordshire Churches in the Nineteenth Century: Part 1 Parishes A to G |
Author/Editor: Chris Pickford
Bedfordshire Churches in the Nineteenth Century III |
Author/Editor: Chris Pickford
Bedfordshire Chapels and Meeting Houses: Official Registration 1672-1901 |
Author/Editor: Edwin Welch
Bede's Historiae |
Author/Editor: Gunn, Vicky
Becoming Socrates: Political Philosophy in Plato's "Parmenides", Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Alex Priou
Becoming John Updike |
Author/Editor: Mazzeno, Laurence W
Beauty and Innovation in la machine chinoise: Falla, Debussy, Ravel, Roussel, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Richard E. Mueller
The Bear: Culture, Nature, Heritage, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Owen Nevin,Ian Convery,Peter Davis
BBC Music in the Glock Era and After |
Author/Editor: Black, Leo; Wintle, Christopher
The Bayeux Tapestry and Its Contexts |
Author/Editor: Pastan, Elizabeth Carson; White, Stephen D.; Gilbert, Kate
The Battle of Yorktown, 1781: A Reassessment |
Author/Editor: Grainger, John D
The Battle of the Golden Spurs (Courtrai, 11 July 1302) |
Author/Editor: Verbruggen, J.F.; DeVries, Kelly; Ferguson, David Richard
The Battle of the Fields |
Author/Editor: Short, Brian
The Battle of Crécy, 1346 |
Author/Editor: Ayton, Andrew; Preston (Bart), Sir Philip
The Battle for Syria, 1918-1920 |
Author/Editor: Grainger, John D
The Battle for Palestine 1917 |
Author/Editor: Grainger, John D
Bastard Feudalism, English Society and the Law: The Statutes of Livery, 1390=1520, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Gordon McKelvie
Basic and Applied High Pressure Biology |
Author/Editor: Bennett, Peter B.; Marquis, Robert E
Baronial Reform and Revolution in England, 1258-1267 |
Author/Editor: Jobson, Adrian
Barking Abbey and Medieval Literary Culture |
Author/Editor: Brown, Jennifer N.; Bussell, Donna Alfano
Barefoot Doctors and Western Medicine in China |
Author/Editor: Fang, Xiaoping
Barbour's Bruce and its Cultural Contexts |
Author/Editor: Boardman, Steve; Foran, Susan
Barbour’s Bruce: A! Fredome is a noble thing! |
Bands in American Musical History: Inflection Points and Reappraisals |
Author/Editor: Bryan Proksch ,George Foreman
Balloon Madness |
Author/Editor: Brant, Clare
Ballet de la Nuit: Rothschild B1/16/6 |
Author/Editor: Michael Burden ,Jennifer Thorp
The Ballet Collaborations of Richard Strauss |
Author/Editor: Heisler Jr., Wayne
The Ballad and its Pasts |
Author/Editor: Atkinson, David
The Balkans as Europe, 1821-1914 |
Author/Editor: Snyder, Timothy; Younger, Katherine
Balfour's World |
Author/Editor: Ellenberger, Nancy W
Baldric of Bourgueil: "History of the Jerusalemites": A Translation of the Historia Ierosolimitana, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Susan B. Edgington,Steven J. Biddlecombe
Bailiwick Magistrates and Local Governance in Normandy, 1670-1740 |
Author/Editor: Schneider, Zoë A Series Title: Changing Perspectives on Early Modern Europe
Bacteriology in British India |
Author/Editor: Chakrabarti, Pratik
Bach to Brahms |
Author/Editor: Beach, David; Goldenberg, Yosef
Bach's Famous Choir: The Saint Thomas School in Leipzig, 1212-1804, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Michael Maul ,Richard Howe
Bach's Changing World: |
Author/Editor: Baron, Carol K
Bach and the Pedal Clavichord |
Author/Editor: Speerstra, Joel
Bach and Mozart: Essays on the Enigma of Genius, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Robert L. Marshall