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Titles start with C (341) Information
The Cage of Days: Time and Temporal Experience in Prison
Author/Editor: K. C. Carceral ,Michael G. Flaherty
The Call of Character
Author/Editor: Ruti, Mari
Calypso Jews
Author/Editor: Phillips Casteel, Sarah
Campaigning While Black: Black Candidates, White Majorities, and the Quest for Political Office
Camp Century: The Untold Story of America's Secret Arctic Military Base Under the Greenland Ice
Can the Subaltern Speak?
Author/Editor: Morris, Rosalind
Capital and the Common Good
Capitalism on Edge: How Fighting Precarity Can Achieve Radical Change Without Crisis or Utopia
The Capitalist Unconscious
Author/Editor: Park, Hyun Ok
Capital of Capital
Author/Editor: Jaffe, Steven H.; Lautin, Jessica; Museum of the City of New York
Carboniferous Giants and Mass Extinction
Author/Editor: McGhee Jr., George
Carceral Fantasies: Cinema and Prison in Early Twentieth-Century America
The Caregiver's Tale
Author/Editor: Burack-Weiss, Ann
Caring for Our Elders
Author/Editor: Kolb, Patricia
The Caring Heirs of Doctor Samuel Bard
Author/Editor: Wortsman, Peter
Carried Away
Author/Editor: Bowlby, Rachel
The Carriers: What the Fragile X Gene Reveals About Family, Heredity, and Scientific Discovery
Author/Editor: ANNE SKOMOROWSKY ,Randi J. Hagerman
The Case for Islamo-Christian Civilization
Author/Editor: Bulliet, Richard W
Cataclysms: A New Geology for the Twenty-First Century
A Catalog of Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made On
Author/Editor: Dung Kai-cheung ,Bonnie S. McDougall ,Anders Hansson
Catastrophic Incentives: Why Our Approaches to Disasters Keep Falling Short
Catechizing Culture
Author/Editor: Orta, Andrew
CBS's Don Hollenbeck
Author/Editor: Ghiglione, Loren
A Celebration of the World's Barrier Islands
Author/Editor: Pilkey, Orrin H.; Fraser, Mary Edna
Centrifugal Empire
Author/Editor: ChungJae Ho
The CEO's Boss
Author/Editor: Klepper, William M
The CEO's Boss
Author/Editor: Klepper, William
The Cerrados of Brazil
Author/Editor: Oliveira, Paulo S.; Marquis, Robert J
Challenges in Human Rights
Author/Editor: Reichert, Elisabeth
Championing Child Care
Author/Editor: Cohen, Sally S
Change Research
Author/Editor: Shdaimah, Corey S.; Stahl, Roland W.; Schram, Sanford F
Changing Cultures in Congress: From Fair Play to Power Plays
Author/Editor: Donald R. Wolfensberger
Changing the Subject
Author/Editor: Rosenberg, Rosalind
Chaos and Life
Author/Editor: Bird, Richard J
Chaos Imagined
Author/Editor: MARTIN MEISEL
Chaos in the Liberal Order: The Trump Presidency and International Politics in the Twenty-First Century
Chaos Reconsidered: The Liberal Order and the Future of International Politics
Chaos, Territory, Art
Author/Editor: Grosz, Elizabeth
Character and Environment
Author/Editor: Sandler, Ronald L
Charlie Munger
Author/Editor: Griffin, Tren
The Chautauqua Moment
Author/Editor: Rieser, Andrew Chamberlin
Cheese, Pears, and History in a Proverb
Author/Editor: Montanari, Massimo
Chicago Sociology
Author/Editor: Jean-Michel Chapoulie,William Kornblum,Caroline Wazer
Author/Editor: Gerstle, C. Andrew
Childhood, Youth, and Social Work in Transformation
Author/Editor: Nybell, Lynn M.; Shook, Jeffrey J.; Finn, Janet L
Children Affected by Armed Conflict
Author/Editor: Myriam Denov,Bree Akesson
Children Living in Transition
Author/Editor: Zlotnick, Cheryl
The Children's Film
Author/Editor: NOEL BROWN
Child Welfare for the Twenty-first Century
Author/Editor: Mallon, Gerald P.; Hess, Peg McCartt
Child Welfare for the Twenty-first Century
Author/Editor: Mallon, Gerald P.; Hess, Peg McCartt
The Chile Pepper in China: A Cultural Biography
Author/Editor: BRIAN R. DOTT
Chimeras of Form
Author/Editor: Aarthi Vadde
Chimpanzee Memoirs: Stories of Studying and Saving Our Closest Living Relatives
Author/Editor: Hsu, Cho-yun
China and India
Author/Editor: Holslag, Jonathan
The China Boom
Author/Editor: Hung, Ho-fung
China on Screen
Author/Editor: Berry, Christopher J.; Farquhar, Mary Ann
China Rising
Author/Editor: Kang, David C
China's Democratic Future
Author/Editor: Gilley, Bruce
China's Financial Transition at a Crossroads
Author/Editor: Calomiris, Charles W
China's Fintech Explosion: Disruption, Innovation, and Survival
Author/Editor: Sara Hsu,Jianjun Li
China's Green Religion
Author/Editor: James Miller
China's Hegemony
Author/Editor: JI-YOUNG LEE
China's Philological Turn
Author/Editor: Sela, Ori
China's Search for Security
Author/Editor: Nathan, Andrew J.; Scobell, Andrew
China's Uncertain Future
Author/Editor: Domenach, Jean-Luc
China's War on Smuggling: Law, Economic Life, and the Making of the Modern State, 1842–1965
Author/Editor: PHILIP THAI
The China Threat
Author/Editor: Tucker, Nancy Bernkopf
Chinese Esoteric Buddhism: Amoghavajra, the Ruling Elite, and the Emergence of a Tradition
Author/Editor: GEOFFREY C. GOBLE
Chinese Fiction of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Author/Editor: Hanan, Patrick
Chinese Film Classics, 1922–1949
Author/Editor: Christopher Rea
Chinese Fossil Vertebrates
Author/Editor: Lucas, Spencer G
Chinese Grammatology: Script Revolution and Literary Modernity, 1916–1958
Author/Editor: Yurou Zhong
Chinese History and Culture
Author/Editor: Ying-shih Yü,Josephine Chiu-Duke,Michael S. Duke
Chinese History and Culture
Author/Editor: Ying-shih Yü,Josephine Chiu-Duke,Michael S. Duke
Chinese Law in Imperial Eyes
Author/Editor: Chen, Li
Chinese Script
Author/Editor: Höllmann, Thomas O
Chinese Shakespeares
Author/Editor: Huang, Alexa
Chinese Women's Cinema
Author/Editor: Wang, Lingzhen
Chomsky Notebook
Author/Editor: Franck, Julie; Bricmont, Jean
Chopsticks Only Work in Pairs
Author/Editor: Du, Shanshan
Chop Suey, USA
Author/Editor: Chen, Yong
Choreographies of Shared Sacred Sites
Author/Editor: Barkan, Elazar; Barkey, Karen
Chow Chop Suey
Author/Editor: Anne Mendelson
Christianity, Truth, and Weakening Faith
Author/Editor: Vattimo, Gianni; Girard, René; Antonello, Pierpaolo
Christian Sorcerers on Trial: Records of the 1827 Osaka Incident
Author/Editor: Fumiko Miyazaki,Kate Wildman Nakai,Mark Teeuwen
Author/Editor: Laruelle, François
Christ Without Adam: Subjectivity and Sexual Difference in the Philosophers' Paul
Author/Editor: Benjamin H. Dunning
Chromatic Modernity
Author/Editor: Street, Sarah; Yumibe, Joshua
The Chronicle of Henry of Livonia
Author/Editor: Lettus, Henricus
Chronicles of My Life
Author/Editor: Keene, Donald
Chronos: The West Confronts Time
The Church Confronts Modernity
Author/Editor: Woods, Thomas E
Cinema by Design
Author/Editor: Lucy Fischer
The Cinema of Agnès Varda
Author/Editor: Benezet, Delphine
The Cinema of Aki Kaurismäki
Author/Editor: Nestingen, Andrew
The Cinema of Alexander Sokurov
Author/Editor: Szaniawski, Jeremi
The Cinema of Ang Lee
Author/Editor: Dilley, Whitney Crothers
The Cinema of Béla Tarr
Author/Editor: Kovács, András B
The Cinema of Christopher Nolan
Author/Editor: Furby, Jacqueline; Joy, Stuart
The Cinema of Clint Eastwood
Author/Editor: Sterritt, David
The Cinema of George A. Romero
Author/Editor: Williams, Tony
The Cinema of George A. Romero
Author/Editor: Williams, Tony
The Cinema of Hal Hartley
Author/Editor: Steven Rybin
The Cinema of István Szabó
Author/Editor: Cunningham, John
The Cinema of James Cameron
Author/Editor: Clarke, James
The Cinema of Louis Malle
Author/Editor: Met, Philippe
The Cinema of Me
Author/Editor: Lebow, Alisa
The Cinema of Michael Mann
Author/Editor: Rayner, Jonathan
The Cinema of Michael Winterbottom
Author/Editor: Bennett, Bruce
The Cinema of Paolo Sorrentino: Commitment to Style
Author/Editor: russell j. a. kilbourn
The Cinema of Paul Thomas Anderson: American Apocrypha
Author/Editor: ethan warren
The Cinema of Raúl Ruiz
Author/Editor: Goddard, Michael
The Cinema of Richard Linklater
Author/Editor: Stone, Rob
The Cinema of Richard Linklater
Author/Editor: Stone, Rob
The Cinema of Robert Altman
Author/Editor: Robert Niemi
The Cinema of Steven Soderbergh
Author/Editor: deWaard, Andrew; Tait, R. Colin
The Cinema of Steven Spielberg
Author/Editor: Morris, Nigel
The Cinema of Takeshi Kitano
Author/Editor: Redmond, Sean
The Cinema of Terrence Malick
Author/Editor: Patterson, Hannah
The Cinema of Terry Gilliam
Author/Editor: Birkenstein, Jeff; Froula, Anna; Randell, Karen
The Cinema of the Coen Brothers
Author/Editor: Adams, Jeffrey
The Cinema of the Dardenne Brothers
Author/Editor: Mosley, Philip
The Cinema of Tom DiCillo
Author/Editor: Byrne, Wayne
The Cinema of Wes Anderson
Author/Editor: whitney crothers dilley
Cinematic Appeals
Author/Editor: Rogers, Ariel
Cinematic Guerrillas: Propaganda, Projectionists, and Audiences in Socialist China
Author/Editor: Jie Li
Cinematic Overtures
Author/Editor: Insdorf, Annette
Cinéma Militant
Author/Editor: Paul Douglas Grant
Cities at War: Global Insecurity and Urban Resistance
Author/Editor: Mary Kaldor,Saskia Sassen
Cities of the Dead: Circum-Atlantic Performance
Author/Editor: Joseph Roach
City Folk and Country Folk
Author/Editor: SOFIA KHVOSHCHINSKAYA,Nora Seligman Favorov
City of the Queen
Author/Editor: Shih, Shu-Ching
City of Workers, City of Struggle
Author/Editor: Freeman, Joshua B
The City Trilogy
Author/Editor: Chang, Hsi-kuo
Civil and Uncivil Violence in Lebanon
Author/Editor: Khalaf, Samir
Clash of Identities
Author/Editor: Kimmerling, Baruch
The Clash of Values: Islamic Fundamentalism Versus Liberal Nationalism
Class Act
Author/Editor: Atkins, Cholly; Malone, Jacqui
Class Clowns
Author/Editor: JONATHAN A. KNEE
Classical Arabic Stories
Author/Editor: Jayyusi, Salma Khadra
Classic Writings on Poetry
Author/Editor: Harmon, William
Classless Politics: Islamist Movements, the Left, and Authoritarian Legacies in Egypt
Author/Editor: HESHAM SALLAM
Claude McKay: The Making of a Black Bolshevik
Author/Editor: Winston James
Climate Change
Author/Editor: Mathez, Edmond A
Climate Change Adaptation: An Earth Institute Sustainability Primer
Author/Editor: LISA DALE
Climate Change Education: An Earth Institute Sustainability Primer
Climate Change Science: A Primer for Sustainable Development
Author/Editor: JOHN C. MUTTER
Climate of Contempt: How to Rescue the U.S. Energy Transition from Voter Partisanship
Author/Editor: DAVID B. SPENCE
Climate Travels: How Ecotourism Changes Mindsets and Motivates Action
Author/Editor: MICHAEL M. GUNTER JR.
Clio Wired
Author/Editor: Rosenzweig, Roy
The Clock in the Sun: How We Came to Understand Our Nearest Star
The Closed Circle: Joining and Leaving the Muslim Brotherhood in the West
Author/Editor: Lorenzo Vidino
Cloud of the Impossible
Author/Editor: Keller, Catherine
Clouds Thick, Whereabouts Unknown
Author/Editor: Charles Egan,CHARLES CHU
Codes of Modernity: Chinese Scripts in the Global Information Age
Author/Editor: ULUĞ KUZUOĞLU
Cold War, Cool Medium
Author/Editor: Doherty, Thomas
Cold War Modernists
Author/Editor: Barnhisel, Greg
Collaborating with Community-Based Organizations Through Consultation and Technical Assistance
Author/Editor: Motes, Patricia; Hess, Peg
The Collapse of Western Civilization
Author/Editor: Oreskes, Naomi; Conway, Erik M
Collateral Damage
Author/Editor: Khoo, Nicholas
A College of Her Own: The History of Barnard
Colonial Effects
Author/Editor: Massad, Joseph A
Colonizing Language
Author/Editor: Yi, Christina
The Columbia Anthology of Chinese Folk and Popular Literature
Author/Editor: Mair, Victor H.; Bender, Mark
The Columbia Anthology of Japanese Essays
Author/Editor: Carter, Steven D
The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Drama
Author/Editor: Chen, Xiaomei
The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Drama
Author/Editor: Chen, Xiaomei
The Columbia Anthology of Modern Japanese Drama
Author/Editor: Rimer, J. Thomas; Mori, Mitsuya; Poulton, M. Cody
The Columbia Anthology of Modern Japanese Literature
Author/Editor: Rimer, J. Thomas; Gessel, Van C
The Columbia Anthology of Modern Japanese Literature
Author/Editor: Rimer, J. Thomas; Gessel, Van C
The Columbia Anthology of Modern Japanese Literature
Author/Editor: Rimer and Gessel, J
The Columbia Anthology of Modern Korean Poetry
Author/Editor: McCann, David
The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Korean Poetry
Author/Editor: Lee, Peter H
The Columbia Anthology of Yuan Drama
Author/Editor: Hsia, C. T.; Li, Wai-yee; Kao, George
Columbia Business School
Author/Editor: BRIAN THOMAS
Columbia Chronologies of Asian History and Culture
Author/Editor: Bowman, John S
The Columbia Companion to American History on Film
Author/Editor: Rollins, Peter C
The Columbia Companion to Modern East Asian Literature
Author/Editor: Mostow, Joshua S
The Columbia Companion to the Twentieth-Century American Short Story
Author/Editor: Gelfant, Blanche H
The Columbia Documentary History of Race and Ethnicity in America
Author/Editor: Bayor, Ronald H
The Columbia Documentary History of Religion in America Since 1945
Author/Editor: Harvey, Paul; Goff, Philip
The Columbia Documentary History of the Asian American Experience
Author/Editor: pilk, Franklin
The Columbia Guide to African American History Since 1939
Author/Editor: Harris, Robert L; Terborg-Penn, Rosalyn
The Columbia Guide to America in the 1960s
Author/Editor: Farber, David; Bailey, Beth
The Columbia Guide to American Environmental History
Author/Editor: Merchant, Carolyn
The Columbia Guide to American Indian Literatures of the United States Since 1945
Author/Editor: Cheyfitz, Eric
The Columbia Guide to American Indians of the Great Plains
Author/Editor: Fowler, Loretta
The Columbia Guide to American Indians of the Northeast
Author/Editor: Bragdon, Kathleen J
The Columbia Guide to American Indians of the Southeast
Author/Editor: Perdue, Theda; Green, Michael D
The Columbia Guide to American Indians of the Southwest
Author/Editor: Griffin-Pierce, Trudy
The Columbia Guide to Asian American History
Author/Editor: Okihiro, Gary Y
The Columbia Guide to Central African Literature in English Since 1945
Author/Editor: Roscoe, Adrian
The Columbia Guide to Contemporary African American Fiction
Author/Editor: Dickson-Carr, Darryl
The Columbia Guide to East African Literature in English Since 1945
Author/Editor: Gikandi, Simon; Mwangi, Evan
The Columbia Guide to Hiroshima and the Bomb
Author/Editor: Kort, Michael
The Columbia Guide to Irish American History
Author/Editor: Meagher, Timothy J
The Columbia Guide to Online Style
Author/Editor: Walker, Janice R.; Taylor, Todd
The Columbia Guide to Religion in American History
Author/Editor: Harvey, Paul; Blum, Edward J
The Columbia Guide to Social Work Writing
Author/Editor: Green, Warren; Simon, Barbara Levy
The Columbia Guide to South African Literature in English Since 1945
Author/Editor: Cornwell, Gareth; Klopper, Dirk; Mackenzie, Craig
The Columbia Guide to the Cold War
Author/Editor: Kort, Michael
The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust
Author/Editor: Niewyk, Donald L.; Nicosia, Francis R
The Columbia Guide to the Latin American Novel Since 1945
Author/Editor: Williams, Raymond L
The Columbia Guide to the Literatures of Eastern Europe Since 1945
Author/Editor: Segel, Harold B
The Columbia Guide to the Vietnam War
Author/Editor: Anderson, David L
The Columbia Guide to West African Literature in English Since 1945
Author/Editor: Owomoyela, Oyekan
The Columbia History of American Television
Author/Editor: Edgerton, Gary
The Columbia History of Chinese Literature
Author/Editor: Mair, Victor H
The Columbia History of Jews and Judaism in America
Author/Editor: Raphael, Marc Lee
The Columbia History of Latinos in the United States Since 1960
Author/Editor: Gutiérrez, David G
The Columbia History of Post-World War II America
Author/Editor: Carnes, Mark C
The Columbia History of the Vietnam War
Author/Editor: Anderson, David L
The Columbia History of Western Philosophy
Author/Editor: Popkin, Richard H
The Columbia Literary History of Eastern Europe Since 1945
Author/Editor: Segel, Harold B
The Columbia Sourcebook of Literary Taiwan
Author/Editor: Chang, Sung-sheng Yvonne; Yeh, Michelle; Fan, Ming-ju
The Columbia Sourcebook of Mormons in the United States
Author/Editor: Givens, Terryl L.; Neilson, Reid L
The Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, 1916–2016
Author/Editor: Allan J. Formicola
Coming Out, Coming Home
Author/Editor: LaSala, Michael C
Coming to Our Senses
Author/Editor: DIERDRA REBER
Commerce with the Universe
Author/Editor: Desai, Gaurav
Common Ground: Tibetan Buddhist Expansion and Qing China's Inner Asia
Author/Editor: Lan Wu
Common Sense: The Investor's Guide to Equality, Opportunity, and Growth
Author/Editor: Joel Greenblatt
A Communion of Subjects
Author/Editor: Waldau, Paul; Patton, Kimberley
A Community of Scholars: Seventy-Five Years of The University Seminars at Columbia
Author/Editor: Thomas Vinciguerra
Community Practice Skills
Author/Editor: Gamble, Dorothy N; Weil, Marie
The Company and the Shogun
Author/Editor: Clulow, Adam
Comparative Journeys
Author/Editor: Yu, Anthony C
The Complete Review Guide to Contemporary World Fiction
Author/Editor: Orthofer, M. A
The Complete Works of Zhuangzi
Author/Editor: Burton Watson
The Compromise of Liberal Environmentalism
Author/Editor: Bernstein, Steven
Computing the News: Data Journalism and the Search for Objectivity
Concepts and Categories
Author/Editor: Hannan, Michael T.; Le Mens, Gaël; Hsu, Greta
A Coney Island Reader
Author/Editor: Parascandola, Louis J.; Parascandola, John
A Confiscated Memory
Author/Editor: Weiss, Yfaat
Conflict Among Rebels: Why Insurgent Groups Fight Each Other
Author/Editor: Costantino Pischedda
Conflict, Conquest, and Conversion
Author/Editor: Tejirian, Eleanor H.; Simon, Reeva Spector
The Conflicted Superpower
Author/Editor: Kennedy, Andrew
Confronting Inequality
Author/Editor: Jonathan D. Ostry,Prakash Loungani,Andrew Berg,Joseph E. Stiglitz
Confronting Injustice and Oppression
Author/Editor: Gil, David G
Confronting Postmaternal Thinking
Author/Editor: Stephens, Julie
Confronting the Climate Challenge
Author/Editor: Goulder, Lawrence; Hafstead, Marc
Confucianism and Sacred Space: The Confucius Temple from Imperial China to Today
Author/Editor: Chin-shing Huang,Jonathan Chin,Chin-shing Huang
Conjuring the Buddha: Ritual Manuals in Early Tantric Buddhism
Author/Editor: JACOB P. DALTON
The Con Men
Author/Editor: Williams, Terry; Milton, Trevor B
Conquering Lyme Disease
Author/Editor: Fallon, Brian A.; Sotsky, Jennifer
Consciousness and Mental Life
Author/Editor: Robinson, Daniel N
Conservation Genetics in the Age of Genomics
Author/Editor: Amato, George; DeSalle, Rob; Ryder, Oliver A
Conservatives Against Capitalism
Author/Editor: PETER KOLOZI
Conspiring with the Enemy: The Ethic of Cooperation in Warfare
Author/Editor: Yvonne Chiu
Constitution Making Under Occupation
Author/Editor: Arato, Andrew
Constructing Public Opinion
Author/Editor: Lewis, Justin
Consumer Politics in Postwar Japan
Author/Editor: Maclachlan, Patricia L
Contemplation: The Movements of the Soul
Author/Editor: Kevin Hart
Contemplative Science
Author/Editor: Wallace, B. Alan
Contemporary American Judaism
Author/Editor: Kaplan, Dana Evan
Contemporary Arab Thought
Author/Editor: Kassab, Elizabeth Suzanne
Contemporary Japanese Politics
Author/Editor: Shinoda, Tomohito
Contemporary Japanese Thought
Author/Editor: Calichman, Richard
Contemporary Romanian Cinema
Author/Editor: Nasta, Dominique
Contentious Activism and Inter-Korean Relations
Author/Editor: Chubb, Danielle L
Contested Democracy
Author/Editor: Sinha, Manisha; von Von Eschen, Penny
Contesting Citizenship
Author/Editor: McNevin, Anne
Contesting Cyberspace in China
Author/Editor: Han, Rongbin
Continental Strangers
Author/Editor: Gemünden, Gerd
Contingency and the Limits of History
Author/Editor: Carlson, Liane
A Convergence of Civilizations
Author/Editor: Courbage, Youssef; Todd, Emmanuel
Author/Editor: Ai Weiwei
Conversations with Gorbachev
Author/Editor: Gorbachev, Mikhail; Mlynar, Zdenek
Cook, Taste, Learn: How the Evolution of Science Transformed the Art of Cooking
Author/Editor: Guy Crosby
Cool Men and the Second Sex
Author/Editor: Fraiman, Susan
Cooperation: A Political, Economic, and Social Theory
Coparticipant Psychoanalysis
Author/Editor: Fiscalini, John
Coping with the Climate Crisis
Author/Editor: Arezki, Rabah; Bolton, Patrick; El Aynaoui, Karim
Corporate Risk Management
Author/Editor: Chew, Donald H
The Corsairs of Saint-Malo: Network Organization of a Merchant Elite Under the Ancien Régime
Cosmopolitanism and the Geographies of Freedom
Author/Editor: Harvey, David
Cosmopolitan Style
Author/Editor: Walkowitz, Rebecca L
Cotton, Climate, and Camels in Early Islamic Iran
Author/Editor: Bulliet, Richard W
The Couch, the Clinic, and the Scanner: Stories from Three Revolutionary Eras of the Mind
Author/Editor: David Hellerstein
Author/Editor: Amad, Paula
Counterinsurgency in Crisis
Author/Editor: Ucko, David H.; Egnell, Robert
Countersexual Manifesto
Countries That Don’t Exist: Selected Nonfiction
Author/Editor: Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky ,Jacob Emery ,Alexander Spektor
A Couple of Soles: A Comic Play from Seventeenth-Century China
Author/Editor: Li Yu,Jing Shen,Robert E. Hegel
Course in General Linguistics
Author/Editor: Saussure, Ferdinand de; Meisel, Perry; rosenProfessor, jeremy
Courtesans and Opium
Author/Editor: Anonymous
Covering Globalization
Author/Editor: Schiffrin, Anya; Bisat, Amer
Craving Earth
Author/Editor: Young, Sera L
Creamy and Crunchy
Author/Editor: Krampner, Jon
Creating a Learning Society
Author/Editor: Stiglitz, Joseph E.; Greenwald, Bruce C
Creating a Learning Society, Reader's Edition
Creating Judaism
Author/Editor: Satlow, Michael L
The Creation of Iraq, 1914-1921
Author/Editor: Simon, Reeva Spector; Tejirian, Eleanor H
Creative Control: The Ambivalence of Work in the Culture Industries
Author/Editor: Michael L. Siciliano
Creative Pasts
Author/Editor: Deshpande, Prachi
Creative Strategy
Author/Editor: Duggan, William
Creaturely Poetics
Author/Editor: Pick, Anat
The Credential Society
Author/Editor: Collins, Randall
Author/Editor: Josh Lauer
Criminal Lessons
Author/Editor: Reamer, Frederic G
Crisis Under Critique: How People Assess, Transform, and Respond to Critical Situations
Author/Editor: Didier Fassin ,Axel Honneth
Critical Approaches to Science and Religion
Critical Children
Author/Editor: Locke, Richard
Critical Issues in Child Welfare
Author/Editor: Shireman, Joan
Critical Models
Author/Editor: Adorno, Theodor W
The Critical Pulse
Author/Editor: Williams, Jeffrey J.; Steffen, Heather
Critical Theories of Anti-Semitism
Author/Editor: Jonathan Judaken
Critical Theory in Critical Times: Transforming the Global Political and Economic Order
Critics, Coteries, and Pre-Raphaelite Celebrity
Author/Editor: Graham, Wendy
Critique and Praxis: A Critical Philosophy of Illusions, Values, and Action
Author/Editor: Bernard E. Harcourt
Critique of Bored Reason: On the Confinement of the Modern Condition
Critique of Latin American Reason
Critique on the Couch: Why Critical Theory Needs Psychoanalysis
Author/Editor: Amy Allen
Cro-Magnon: The Story of the Last Ice Age People of Europe
Author/Editor: Trenton Holliday
Cross-Cultural Harlem: Reimagining Race and Place
Crossing Horizons
Author/Editor: Biderman, Shlomo
Crowded Orbits
Author/Editor: Moltz, James Clay
Crowded Orbits: Conflict and Cooperation in Space
Crowds and Democracy
Author/Editor: Jonsson, Stefan
Crude Volatility
The Crusades, Christianity, and Islam
Author/Editor: Riley-Smith, Jonathan
C. T. Hsia on Chinese Literature
Author/Editor: Hsia, C. T
Cubeo Hehénewa Religious Thought
Author/Editor: Goldman, Irving; Wilson, Peter
Cultivating Professional Resilience in Direct Practice
Author/Editor: Jason M. Newell
The Cult of the Fox
Author/Editor: Kang, Xiaofei
A Cultural History of the Soul: Europe and North America from 1870 to the Present
The Cultural Space of the Arts and the Infelicities of Reductionism
Author/Editor: Margolis, Joseph
A Culture of Ambiguity: An Alternative History of Islam
Author/Editor: Thomas Bauer ,Hinrich Biesterfeldt ,Tricia Tunstall
Culture of Encounters
Author/Editor: Audrey Truschke
The Culture of Language in Ming China: Sound, Script, and the Redefinition of Boundaries of Knowledge
Author/Editor: Nathan Vedal
The Culture of the Book in Tibet
Author/Editor: Schaeffer, Kurtis R
Culture of the Fork
Author/Editor: Rebora, Giovanni
Cultures of Representation
The Curious History of the Heart: A Cultural and Scientific Journey
The Curious Human Knee
Author/Editor: Han Yu
The Curious Tale of Mandogi's Ghost
Author/Editor: Kim, Sok-pom
The Custom-Made Brain
Author/Editor: Vincent, Jean-Didier; Lledo, Pierre-Marie
Cut of the Real
Author/Editor: Kolozova, Katerina
Author/Editor: Hoek, Lotte
The Cutting Edge
Author/Editor: Fimbel, Robert A.; Grajal, Alejandro; Robinson, John