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Titles start with I (145) Information
It's the Pictures That Got Small
Author/Editor: Slide, Anthony
Italian Neorealism
Author/Editor: Shiel, Mark
Italian Identity in the Kitchen, or Food and the Nation
Author/Editor: Montanari, Massimo
Italian Cuisine
Author/Editor: Capatti, Alberto; Montanari, Massimo
Israel's Counterterrorism Strategy: Origins to the Present
Author/Editor: Boaz Ganor
The Israeli Secret Services and the Struggle Against Terrorism
Author/Editor: Pedahzur, Ami
Israel and the Bomb
Author/Editor: Cohen, Avner
I Spit on Your Grave
Author/Editor: Maguire, David
I Speak, Therefore I Am
Author/Editor: ANDREA MORO,Ian Roberts
Isolating the Enemy: Diplomatic Strategy in China and the United States, 1953–1956
Author/Editor: Tao Wang
Islands in Deep Time: Ancient Landscapes Lost and Found
Author/Editor: MARKES E. JOHNSON
Islam Through Western Eyes
Author/Editor: Lyons, Jonathan
Islamophobia and the Novel
Author/Editor: Morey, Peter
Islam in America
Author/Editor: Smith, Jane I
Islam in America
Author/Editor: Smith, Jane I
Islamic Law and Civil Code
Author/Editor: Debs, Richard A
The Islamic Context of The Thousand and One Nights
Author/Editor: al-Musawi, Muhsin J
Author/Editor: NADIA MARZOUKI,C. Jon Delogu
Iraq Between the Two World Wars
Author/Editor: Simon, Reeva Spector
Inwardness: An Outsider's Guide
Author/Editor: Jonardon Ganeri
Invisible Caregivers
Author/Editor: Joslin, Daphne
Investment: A History
Investing: The Last Liberal Art
Author/Editor: Hagstrom, Robert G
Investing in the Era of Climate Change
Author/Editor: BRUCE USHER
The Invention of International Relations Theory
Author/Editor: Guilhot, Nicolas
Inventing Tomorrow: H. G. Wells and the Twentieth Century
Author/Editor: Sarah Cole
Inventing English
Author/Editor: Lerer, Seth
Inventing Afterlives
Author/Editor: Janes, Regina M
Introduction to Metaphysics
Author/Editor: Grondin, Jean
An Introduction to Daoist Philosophies
Author/Editor: Coutinho, Steve
In Translation
Author/Editor: Allen, Esther; Bernofsky, Susan
Intransitive Encounter
Author/Editor: Nan Z. Da
Intoxicating Minds
Author/Editor: Regan, Ciaran
Intimate Violence
Author/Editor: Scalia, Joseph
The Intimate Universal
Author/Editor: William Desmond
Intimate Rivals
Author/Editor: Smith, Sheila A
Author/Editor: Jankowiak, William R
In the Shelter of the Pine: A Memoir of Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu and Tokugawa Japan
In the Ruins of Neoliberalism
Author/Editor: Brown, Wendy
In the Land of Tigers and Snakes: Living with Animals in Medieval Chinese Religions
Author/Editor: HUAIYU CHEN
In Their Voices
Author/Editor: Roorda, Rhonda M
In Their Siblings' Voices
Author/Editor: Simon, Rita J.; Roorda, Rhonda M
In Their Parents' Voices
Author/Editor: Simon, Rita J.; Roorda, Rhonda M
In Their Own Voices
Author/Editor: Simon, Rita J.; Roorda, Rhonda M
In the Forest of the Blind: The Eurasian Journey of Faxian's Record of Buddhist Kingdoms
Author/Editor: Matthew W. King
In the Company of Strangers
Author/Editor: McCrea, Barry
In the Catskills
Author/Editor: Brown, Phil
In the Beginning, Woman Was the Sun
Author/Editor: Hiratsuka, Raicho
In the Beginning Was the Worm
Author/Editor: Brown, Andrew
Intervolution: Smart Bodies Smart Things
Author/Editor: Mark C. Taylor
Interspecies Ethics
Author/Editor: Willett, Cynthia
Interracial Couples, Intimacy, and Therapy
Author/Editor: Killian, Kyle D
Internet Literature in China
Author/Editor: Hockx, Michel
An Internet in Your Head: A New Paradigm for How the Brain Works
Author/Editor: DANIEL GRAHAM
International Trade and Labor Standards
Author/Editor: Barry, Christian; Reddy, Sanjay G
International Relations Theory and the Asia-Pacific
Author/Editor: Ikenberry, G. John.; Mastanduno, Michael
The International Politics of Intelligence Sharing
Author/Editor: Walsh, James Igoe
International Politics and Film
Author/Editor: Carter, Sean; Dodds, Klaus
International Policy Rules and Inequality
Author/Editor: José Antonio Ocampo
Internationalist Aesthetics: China and Early Soviet Culture
International Express
Author/Editor: Stéphane Tonnelat,William Kornblum
Interest Rate Swaps and Other Derivatives
Author/Editor: Corb, Howard
Intelligence Work
Author/Editor: Kahana, Jonathan
Intelligence and U.S. Foreign Policy
Author/Editor: Pillar, Paul R
The Intellectuals and the Flag
Author/Editor: Gitlin, Todd
Integrated Public Lands Management
Author/Editor: Loomis, John B
Insurmountable Simplicities
Author/Editor: Casati, Roberto; Varzi, Achille
Insurgents, Terrorists, and Militias
Author/Editor: Shultz, Richard H.; Dew, Andrea J
In Stereotype
Author/Editor: Chakravorty, Mrinalini
Installation and the Moving Image
Author/Editor: Elwes, Catherine
Inside the Red Box
Author/Editor: McEachern, Patrick
Inside the Investments of Warren Buffett
Author/Editor: YEFEI LU
Inside Terrorism
Author/Editor: Hoffman, Bruce
The Insider: A Life of Virginia C. Gildersleeve
Author/Editor: NANCY WOLOCH
Inside Private Prisons
Author/Editor: Eisen, Lauren-Brooke
Inside IBM: Lessons of a Corporate Culture in Action
Author/Editor: James W. Cortada
Inside Congressional Committees: Function and Dysfunction in the Legislative Process
Author/Editor: MAYA L. KORNBERG
Inside Al Qaeda
Author/Editor: Gunaratna, Rohan
The Insect Cookbook
Author/Editor: van van Huis, Arnold; van van Gurp, Henk; Dicke, Marcel
In Search of the Lost Orient
Author/Editor: Olivier Roy,Jean-Louis Schlegel,C. Jon Delogu
The Inscription of Things: Writing and Materiality in Early Modern China
Author/Editor: Thomas Kelly
The Inquisition of Climate Science
Author/Editor: Powell, James Lawrence
In Pursuit of Privilege
Author/Editor: Clifton Hood
An I-Novel
Author/Editor: MINAE MIZUMURA ,Juliet Winters Carpenter
The Innovation Mindset: Eight Essential Steps to Transform Any Industry
The Inner Life of the Dying Person
Author/Editor: Kellehear, Allan
In Love and Struggle
Author/Editor: Jolly, Margaretta
Inlands: Empires, Contested Interiors, and the Connection of the World
In His Own Right
Author/Editor: Palermo, Joseph A
In Her Own Name: The Politics of Women’s Rights Before Suffrage
Author/Editor: Sara Chatfield
Infowhelm: Environmental Art and Literature in an Age of Data
Author/Editor: Heather Houser
Information Security Essentials: A Guide for Reporters, Editors, and Newsroom Leaders
Author/Editor: Susan E. McGregor
Information: Keywords
Information: A Reader
Infinite Greed: The Inhuman Selfishness of Capital
Author/Editor: Adrian Johnston
Industry and Intelligence
Author/Editor: Liam Gillick
Industrial Policy and Economic Transformation in Africa
Author/Editor: Noman, Akbar; Stiglitz, Joseph E
Indigenous Writers of Taiwan
Author/Editor: Balcom, John
Indigenous Vanguards
Author/Editor: Baer, Ben Conisbee
Author/Editor: Newman, Michael Z
India's Israel Policy
Author/Editor: Kumaraswamy, P. R
India, Pakistan, and the Bomb
Author/Editor: Ganguly, Šumit; Kapur, S. Paul
Indians, Markets, and Rainforests
Author/Editor: Godoy, Ricardo
Indian Esoteric Buddhism
Author/Editor: Davidson, Ronald M
In Defense of Religious Moderation
Author/Editor: Egginton, William
In Defense of Charisma
Author/Editor: Lloyd, Vincent W
The Incorporeal
Incomparable Empires
Author/Editor: Gayle Rogers
The Incident at Antioch / L'Incident d'Antioche
Author/Editor: Badiou, Alain
In China's Wake: How the Commodity Boom Transformed Development Strategies in the Global South
Author/Editor: Nicholas Jepson
In Black and White
Author/Editor: Tanizaki, Jun'ichirō
In Another Country
Author/Editor: Joshi, Priya
An Improbable Life
Author/Editor: Sovern, Michael I
The Impossible State
Author/Editor: Hallaq, Wael B
Impossible Recovery: Julian of Norwich and the Phenomenology of Well-Being
Author/Editor: HANNAH LUCAS
An Impossible Friendship: Group Portrait, Jerusalem Before and After 1948
The Implied Spider
Author/Editor: Doniger, Wendy
Impersonal Enunciation, or the Place of Film
Author/Editor: Metz, Christian
Imperial Mecca: Ottoman Arabia and the Indian Ocean Hajj
An Imperial Concubine's Tale
Author/Editor: Rowley, G. G
Imperfect Balance
Author/Editor: Lentz, David L
The Immigration Crucible
Author/Editor: Kretsedemas, Philip
Imitation and Creativity in Japanese Arts
Author/Editor: MICHAEL LUCKEN,Francesca Simkin
I’m Here to Ask for Your Vote: How Presidential Campaign Visits Influence Voters
Imagining India in Modern China: Literary Decolonization and the Imperial Unconscious, 1895–1962
Author/Editor: GAL GVILI
The Imaginary Institution of India
Author/Editor: Kaviraj, Sudipta
Imaginary Ethnographies
Author/Editor: Schwab, Gabriele
Imaginal Politics
Author/Editor: Bottici, Chiara
Images of the Present Time, 2001–2004
Author/Editor: Alain Badiou ,Susan Spitzer ,Kenneth Reinhard
Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture
Author/Editor: Turner, Victor; Turner, Edith
I Love Dollars and Other Stories of China
Author/Editor: Zhu, Wen
Illusions of Control: Dilemmas in Managing U.S. Proxy Forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria
Author/Editor: ERICA L. GASTON
Illicit Monogamy: Inside a Fundamentalist Mormon Community
I Have No Enemies: The Life and Legacy of Liu Xiaobo
Author/Editor: Perry Link ,Wu Dazhi
If You're in a Dogfight, Become a Cat!
If A, Then B
Author/Editor: Shenefelt, Michael; White, Heidi
If All the World Were Paper: A History of Writing in Hindi
Author/Editor: Tyler W. Williams
Author/Editor: Judith Aston,Sandra Gaudenzi,Mandy Rose
Idly Scribbling Rhymers: Poetry, Print, and Community in Nineteenth-Century Japan
Author/Editor: Robert Tuck
Ideology in U.S. Foreign Relations: New Histories
Author/Editor: Christopher McKnight Nichols ,David Milne
Identity Poetics
Author/Editor: Garber, Linda
Identifying with Nationality
Author/Editor: WILL HANLEY
Ibn Sina's Remarks and Admonitions: Physics and Metaphysics
Ibn Sina'sRemarks and Admonitions:PhysicsandMetaphysics
Author/Editor: Shams Inati
I Am the People: Reflections on Popular Sovereignty Today