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Titles (151) Information
ĀZĀDĪ: Sexual Politics and Postcolonial Worlds
Author/Editor: TARA ATLURI
Writing Mothers: Narrative Acts of Care, Redemption, and Transformation
Author/Editor: BettyAnn Martin,Michelann Parr
Who’s Laughing Now?: Feminist Perspectives on Humour and Laughter
Author/Editor: Anna Frey
White Unwed Mother: The Adoption Mandate in Postwar Canada
Where Did I Go?: Reflections on So-Called Late Mothering
Author/Editor: Suzette Mitchell ,Olga Sanmiguel-Valderrama
What We Hold In Our Hands
Author/Editor: Kim Aubrey
What’s in a Name?: Perspectives from Non-Biological and Non-Gestational Queer Mothers
Author/Editor: Sherri Martin-Baron,Raechel Johns,Emily Regan Wills
What’s Cooking, Mom?: Narratives about Food and Family
Author/Editor: Tanya M. Cassidy,Florence Pasche Guignard
Visiting Africa: A Memoir
Author/Editor: Jesse O’Reilly-Conlin
Unexpected: A Postpartum Memoir
The Truth About (M)otherhood: Choosing to be Childfree
Author/Editor: Helene A. Cummins,Julie Anne Rodgers,udith Dunkelberger Wouk
Travellin’ Mama: Mothers, Mothering and Travel
Author/Editor: Charlotte Beyer,Janet MacLennan,Dorsía Smith Silva,Marjorie Tesser
Toni Morrison on Mothers and Motherhood
Author/Editor: Lee Baxter,Martha Satz
This Life I’ve Bled: A Memoir
Author/Editor: Jacquelyn Johnston
This Is What a Feminist Slut Looks Like: Perspectives on the SlutWalk Movement
Author/Editor: Alyssa Teekah,Erika Jane Scholz,May Friedman,Andrea O’Reilly
Texas Girl: A Memoir
Author/Editor: Robin Silbergleid
Telling Truths: Storying Motherhood
Taking the Village Online: Mothers, Motherhood, and Social Media
Author/Editor: Lorin Basden Arnold,BettyAnn Martin
Stories We Live and Grow By: (Re)Telling Our Experiences as Muslim Mothers and Daughters
Author/Editor: Muna Saleh
Stay-At-Home Mothers: Dialogues and Debates
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Reid Boyd,Gayle Letherby
Spawning Generations: Rants and Reflections on Growing Up with LGBTQ+ Parents
Author/Editor: Sadie Epstein-Fine,Makeda Zook
Sexual Regulation and the Law: A Canadian Perspective
Author/Editor: Richard Jochelson,James Gacek
Screening Motherhood in Contemporary World Cinema
Author/Editor: Asma Sayed
Author/Editor: Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich
Reading/Speaking/Writing the Mother Text: Essays on Caribbean Women’s Writing
RAPE CULTURE 101: Programming Change
Author/Editor: Geraldine Cannon Becker,Angel T. Dionne
Queering Motherhood: Narrative and Theoretical Perspectives
Author/Editor: Margaret F. Gibson
Placenta Wit: Mother Stories, Rituals, and Research
Author/Editor: Nané Jordan
Performing Motherhood: Artistic, Activist, and Everyday Enactments
Author/Editor: Amber E. Kinser,Kryn Freehling-Burton,Terri Hawkes
Patricia Hill Collins: Reconceiving Motherhood
Author/Editor: Kaila Adia Story
Parenting/Internet/Kids: Domesticating Technologies
Author/Editor: Fiona Joy Green ,Jaqueline McLeod Rogers
Pagan, Goddess, Mother
Author/Editor: Nané Jordan,Chandra Alexandre
On Mothering Multiples: Complexities and Possibilities
Author/Editor: Kathy Mantas,Lynda P. Haddon,Bonnie L. Schultz
On Huron's Shore
Author/Editor: Marilyn Gear Pilling
Obstetric Violence: Realities, and Resistance from Around the World
Author/Editor: Angela N. Castañeda ,Nicole Hill ,Julie Johnson Searcy
Not Your Penance
Author/Editor: Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich
Not Exactly As Planned: A Memoir of Adoption, Secrets and Abiding Love
Author/Editor: Linda Rosenbaum
Normative Motherhood: Regulations, Representations, and Reclamations
Author/Editor: Andrea O’Reilly
“New Maternalisms": Tales of Motherwork (Dislodging the Unthinkable)
Author/Editor: Roksana Badruddoja,Maki Motapanyane
Natal Signs: Cultural Representations of Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting
Author/Editor: NADYA BURTON
My Kind of Crazy: A Graphic Memoir
Author/Editor: Lorinda Peterson
Muslim Mothering: Global Histories, Theories, and Practices
Author/Editor: Margaret Aziza Pappano,Dana M. Olwan
Musings on Perimenopause and Menopause: Identity, Experience, Transition
Author/Editor: Heather Dillaway ,Laura Wershler
Music of Motherhood: History, Healing, and Activism
Author/Editor: M. Joy Rose,Lynda Ross,Jennifer Hartmann
The Music of Leaving
Author/Editor: Tricia McCallum
Moving Meals and Migrating Mothers: Culinary cultures, diasporic dishes and familial foodways
Author/Editor: Tanya M. Cassidy ,Abdullahi Osman El-Tom
The Mother Wave: Theorizing, Enacting, and Representing Matricentric Feminism
Author/Editor: Andrea O’Reilly ,Fiona Joy Green
Mothers Without Their Children
Author/Editor: Charlotte Beyer,Andrea Lea Robertson
Mothers Who Kil
Author/Editor: Charlotte Beyer ,Josephine Savarese
Mothers Under Fire: Mothering in Conflict Areas
Author/Editor: Tatjana Takševa,Arlene Sgoutas
Mothers, Sex, And Sexuality
Author/Editor: Holly Zwalf,Michelle Walks,Joani Mortenson
Mothers of the Nations: Indigenous Mothering as Global Resistance, Reclaiming and Recovery
Author/Editor: D. Memee Lavell-Harvard,Kim Anderson
Mothers, Mothering, and Sport: Experiences, Representations, Resistances
Author/Editor: Judy Battaglia,Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich,Pamela Morgan Redela
Mothers, Mothering and Sex Work
Mothers, Mothering and Motherhood Across Cultural Differences: A Reader
Author/Editor: Andrea O’Reilly
Mothers, Mothering, and COVID-19: Dispatches from the Pandemic
Author/Editor: Andrea O’Reilly ,Fiona Joy Green
Mothers, Military, and Society
Author/Editor: Sarah Cote Hampson,Udi Lebel,Nancy Taber
Mothers in Public and Political Life
Author/Editor: Simone Bohn,Pınar Melis Yelsalı Parmaksız
Mothers and Sons: Centering Mother Knowledge
Author/Editor: Besi Brillian Muhonja,Wanda Thomas Bernard
Mothers and Food: Negotiating Foodways from Maternal Perspectives
Author/Editor: Florence Pasche Guignard,Tanya M. Cassidyy
Mothers and Daughters
Author/Editor: Dannabang Kuwabong,Janet MacLennan,Dorsía Smith Silva
Mothers, Addiction, and Recovery: Finding Meaning through the Journey
Author/Editor: Wendy E. Peterson,Laura Lynne Armstrong,Michelle Foulkes
Mother of Invention: How Our Mothers Influenced Us as Feminist Academics and Activists
Mother Load: Memoirs of Struggle and Strength
Author/Editor: Brenda M. Doyle ,Melanie Faye ,Nancy Garrow ,Kathy Honickman ,Jennifer Walcott ,Ellen O’Donnell Walter
Mothering on the Edge: A critical examination of mothering within child protection systems
Author/Editor: Brooke Richardson
Mothering Mennonite
Mothering in the Age of Neoliberalism
Author/Editor: Melinda Vandenbeld Giles
Mothering in Marginalized Contexts: Narratives of Women Who Mother in and through Domestic Violence
Author/Editor: Caroline McDonald-Harker
Mothering in East Asian Communities: Politics and Practices
Author/Editor: Patti Duncan,Gina Wong
Mothering, Community, and Friendship
Author/Editor: Dannabang Kuwabong ,Dorsía Smith Silva ,Essah Diaz
Mothering and Psychoanalysis: Clinical, Sociological and Feminist Perspectives
Author/Editor: Petra Bueskens
Motherhood Memoirs: Mothers Creating/Writing Lives
Motherhood in Precarious Times
Author/Editor: Anita Dolman,Barbara Schwartz-Bechet,Dannielle Joy Davis
Motherhood and Social Exclusion
Author/Editor: Christie Byvelds,Heather Jackson
Motherhood and Single-Lone Parenting: A Twenty-First Century Perspective
Author/Editor: Maki Motapanyane
The Mother-Blame Game
Author/Editor: Vanessa Reimer,Sarah Sahagian
Monstrous Mothers: Troubling Tropes
Author/Editor: Abigail L. Palko ,Andrea O’Reilly
Mommy Brain: Discover the amazing power of the maternal brain
Author/Editor: Jodi Pawluski
Missing the Mark?: Women and the Millennium Development Goals in Africa and Oceania
Author/Editor: Naomi M. McPherson
The Missing Mother
Author/Editor: Andrea O’Reilly ,Martina Mullaney
Milk Fever
Author/Editor: Lissa M. Cowan
The Migrant Maternal: ‘Birthing’ New Lives Abroad
Author/Editor: Anna Kuroczycka Schultes,Helen Vallianatos
Middle Grounds: Essays on Midlife Mothering
Author/Editor: Kathy Mantas,Lorinda Peterson
Menstruation Now: What Does Blood Perform?
Author/Editor: Berkeley Kaite
Matricentric Feminism: Theory, Activism, Practice
Author/Editor: ANDREA OʹREILLY,Petra Bueskens
The Maternal Tug: Ambivalence, Identity, and Agency
Author/Editor: Sarah LaChance Adams,Tanya Cassidy,Susan Hogan
Maternal Theory: Essential Readings, The 2nd Edition
Author/Editor: Andrea O’Reilly
Maternal Theory: Essential Readings
Author/Editor: ANDREA O’REILLY
Maternal Regret: Resistances, Renunciations, and Reflections
Author/Editor: Andrea O’Reilly
Maternal Geographies: Mothering In and Out of Place
Author/Editor: Jennifer L. Johnson,Krista Johnston
Maternal Connections: When Daughter becomes Mother
Author/Editor: Joan Garvan ,Kandee Kosior
Looking for Ashley: e-reading What the Smith Case Reveals about the Governance of Girls, Mothers and Families in Canada
Author/Editor: Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich
Listening to the Beat of Our Drum: Indigenous Parenting in a Contemporary Society
Author/Editor: Carrie Bourassa,Elder Betty McKenna,Darlene Juschka
The Liminal Chrysalis: Imagining Reproduction and Parenting Futures Beyond the Binary
Author/Editor: Kori Doty ,A.J. Lowik
Interrogating Pregnancy Loss: Feminist Writings on Abortion, Miscarriage, and Stillbirth
Author/Editor: Emily R. M. Lind,Angie Deveau
Intensive Mothering: The Cultural Contradictions of Modern Motherhood
Author/Editor: Linda Rose Ennis
In (M)other Words: Writings on Mothering and Motherhood, 2009-2024
Author/Editor: Andrea O’Reilly
Indigenous Experiences of Pregnancy and Birth
Author/Editor: Hannah Tait Neufeld,Jaime Cidro
Inappropriate Bodies: Art, Design, and Maternity
HUMANE: A Radical Reimagining of Grief, Loss and Learning to Live Without
Author/Editor: Rachelle Bensoussan
Heavy Burdens: Stories of Motherhood and Fatness
Author/Editor: Judy Verseghy,Sam Abel
Gun Violence and Gun Control: Critical Engagements
Author/Editor: Annette Bailey ,Thomas S. Harrison ,Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich
Grandmothers and Grandmothering: Creative and Critical Contemplations in Honour of our Women Elders
Author/Editor: Kathy Mantas ,Gina Valle
Global Perspectives on Motherhood, Mothering and Masculinities
Author/Editor: Tólá Olú Pearce ,Andréa Moraes
Give and Take: Motherhood and Creative Practice
Author/Editor: Tara Carpenter Estrada ,Katie Palfreyman ,Hilary Wolfley
From Band-Aids to Scalpels: Motherhood Experiences in/of Medicine
Author/Editor: Rohini Bannerjee ,Karim Mukhida
Fresh Hell: Motherhood in Pieces
Author/Editor: Carellin Brooks
Forever Loved: Exposing the Hidden Crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada
Author/Editor: D. Memee Lavell-Harvard,Jennifer Brant
Finding the Plot: A Maternal Approach to Madness in Literature
Author/Editor: Megan Rogers
Feminist Perspectives on Young Mothers, and Young Mothering
Author/Editor: Joanne Minaker,Deborah Byrd,Andrea O’Reilly
Feminist Parenting: Perspectives from Africa and Beyond
Author/Editor: Rama Salla Dieng,Andrea O’Reilly
Feminist Fathering/Fathering Feminists: New Definitions and Directions
Author/Editor: Nicole L. Willey,Dan Friedman
Falling together: a family’s story of mental illness and grief
Falling Through the Night
Author/Editor: Gail Marlene Schwartz
Everyday World-Making: Toward an Understanding of Affect and Mothering
Author/Editor: Julia Lane,Eleonora Joensuu
Essential Breakthroughs: Conversations about Men, Mothers and Mothering
Author/Editor: Fiona Joy Green,Gary Lee Pelletier,ANDREA DOUCET
Environmental Activism and the Maternal: Mothers and Mother Earth in Activism and Discourse
Author/Editor: Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich,Noemie Richard,Olivia Ungar,Melanie Younger,Maryellen Symons
Doulas and Intimate Labour: Boundaries, Bodies, and Birth
Author/Editor: Angela N. Castañeda,Julie Johnson Searcy,ROBBIE DAVIS-FLOYD
Don’t Tell: Family Secrets
Author/Editor: Donna McCart Sharkey ,Arleen Paré
Disabled Mothers: Stories and Scholarship by and about Mothers with Disabilities
Author/Editor: Gloria Filax,Dena Taylor
A Diary to My Babies: Journeying through Pregnancy Loss
Author/Editor: Carmen Grover
A Death in the Family: Stories Obituaries Tell
Author/Editor: Donna McCart Sharkey
Critical Perspectives on Wives: Roles, Representations, Identities, Work
Author/Editor: Lynn O’Brien Hallstein,Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich
Critical Perspectives on 21st Century Friendship: Polyamory, Polygamy, and Platonic Affinity
Criminalized Mothers, Criminalizing Mothering
Author/Editor: Joanne Minaker,Bryan Hogeveen
Counting on Marilyn Waring: New Advances in Feminist Economics Second Edition
Author/Editor: Margunn Bjørnholt,Ailsa McKay
Counting on Marilyn Waring: New Advances in Feminist Economics
Author/Editor: Margunn Bjørnholt,Ailsa McKay
Coming into Being: Mothers on Finding and Realizing Feminism
Author/Editor: Andrea O’Reilly ,Fiona Joy Green ,Victoria Bailey
Class Lessons: Stories of Vulnerable Youth
Author/Editor: Lucy E.M. Black
Chasing Rainbows: Exploring Gender Fluid Parenting Practices
Author/Editor: Fiona Joy Green,May Friedman
Care(ful) Relationships between Mothers and the Caregivers They Hire
Author/Editor: Katie B. Garner ,Andrea O’Reilly
Breasts Across Motherhood: Lived Experiences and Critical Examinations
Author/Editor: Patricia Drew,Rosann Edwards
Breastfeeding and Culture: Discourses and Representation
Author/Editor: Ann Marie A. Short,Abigail L. Palko,Dionne Irving
Borrowed Body
Author/Editor: Valerie Mason-John
Borderlands and Crossroads: Writing the Motherland
Author/Editor: Jane Satterfield,Laurie Kruk
Body Stories: in and out and with and through fat
Author/Editor: Jill Andrew,May Friedman
Black Sisterhoods: Paradigms and Praxis
Author/Editor: Tamara Bertrand Jones ,Denise Davis-Maye ,Sophia Rahming ,Jill Andrew
Black Motherhood(s)
Author/Editor: Karen T. Craddock
Birth of the Uncool
Author/Editor: Madeline Walker
Birth…: Journey To the Wild Depths of Motherhood
Author/Editor: veronica moule
Bearing the Weight of the World: Exploring Maternal Embodiment
Bad Mothers: Regulations, Representations, and Resistance
Author/Editor: Michelle Hughes Miller,Tamar Hager,Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich
An Artist and A Mother
Author/Editor: Tara Carpenter Estrada ,Heidi Moller Somsen ,Kaylan Buteyn
Are the Kids Alright?: The Impact of the Pandemic on Children and Their Families
Author/Editor: Linda Rose Ennis
Angels on Earth: Mothering, Religion, and Spirituality
Author/Editor: Vanessa Reimer
Anansesem: Telling Stories and Storytelling African Maternal Pedagogies
Author/Editor: Adwoa Ntozake Onuora
Always With Me: Parents Talk about the Death of a Child
Author/Editor: Donna McCart Sharkey
After the Happily Ever After: Empowering Women and Mothers in Relationships
Author/Editor: Linda Rose Ennis
African, Caribbean and Black People’s Resilience During COVID-19
Author/Editor: Delores V. Mullings ,Olasumbo Adelakun ,Jennifer Clarke
Absent Mothers
Author/Editor: Frances Greenslade
Abortion and Mothering: Research, Stories, and Artistic Expressions
Author/Editor: Heather Jackson ,Jessica Shaw