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Titles start with C ( displaying 500 of 71,689 ) | Information |
Czy wiesz, kim jesteś? |
Author/Editor: Jaroslaw Jankowski
Czytanie Ulissesa. Próba interpretacji |
Author/Editor: Marek Rosiak
Czytanie postkrytyczne. Teorie i praktyki literaturoznawcze po konstruktywizmie |
Author/Editor: Tomasz Mizerkiewicz
Czytanie Nietzschego |
Author/Editor: Hanna Buczyńska-Garewicz
Czytanie mi?dzy j?zykami. Szkice komparatystyczne z literatury polskiej i hiszpa?skoj?zycznej |
Czytanie interaktywnych obrazów. Gry komputerowe w perspektywie dynamicznej tekstualności |
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Prajzner
Czy powrót wypartego? Psychoanaliza i dziedzictwo totalitaryzmów |
Author/Editor: Ewa Kobylińska-Dehe
Czy Polskę stać na niepodległość? Teksty wybrane z lat 1991–2019 |
Author/Editor: Bronisław Łagowski
Czy Polacy i Żydzi nienawidzą się nawzajem? |
Author/Editor: Marta Tomczok
Czynniki determinujące działalność deweloperską na polskim rynku mieszkaniowym |
Author/Editor: Agata Antczak-Stępniak
Czy Kopciuszek musi być dziewczyną? Edukacja polonistyczna bez schematów rodzajowych |
Author/Editor: Karolina Kwak
„Czyim to jestem wymysłem?” Ja – niedokończony projekt. Poezje |
Author/Editor: Stanisław Wyspiański
Czwarta stolica. Kiedy Łódź rządziła Polską (1945–1949) |
Author/Editor: Przemysław Waingertner
Człowiek wobec losu |
Author/Editor: Hanna Buczyńska-Garewicz
Człowiek, państwo, wojna. Analiza teoretyczna |
Author/Editor: Kenneth N. Waltz
Człowiek jako słowo i ciało. W poszukiwaniu nowej koncepcji podmiotu |
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Gurczyńska-Sady
Człowiek. Filozoficzne wyzwanie |
Author/Editor: Witold P. Glinkowski
The CZ Models 50 and 70: Czech Cold War Police Pistols |
Author/Editor: James D. Brown
Czeslaw Niemen's Niemen Enigmatic |
Author/Editor: Mariusz Gradowski; Ewa Mazierska
Czeska edukacja i myśl społeczna. Studia i szkice pedagogiczna |
Author/Editor: Bogusław Śliwerski
Czes?aw Mi?osz und Joseph Brodsky |
Author/Editor: Grudzinska-Gross, Irena.
Czesław Miłosz's Faith in the Flesh: Body, Belief, and Human Identity |
Author/Editor: Stanley Bill
Czesław Miłosz. Los |
Author/Editor: Tomasz Garbol
Czernowitz - Stadt der Dichter: Geschichte einer jüdischen Familie aus der Bukowina (1900-1948) |
Author/Editor: Amy Diana Colin; Edith Silbermann; Amy-Diana Colin
Czernowitz at 100 |
Author/Editor: Fogel, Joshua A.; Weiser, Keith Ian
Czech Voices |
Author/Editor: Machann, Clinton.; Mendl, James W. Series Title: The Centennial Series of the Association of Former Students, Texas A&M University
Czech Village & New Bohemia: History in the Heartland |
Author/Editor: Dave Rasdal
Czech Theatre Design in the Twentieth Century |
Author/Editor: Brandesky, Joseph. Series Title: Studies in Theatre History & Culture
Czech Songs in Texas, Ed. New Edition |
Author/Editor: Frances Barton; John K. Novak
The Czechs in Oklahoma |
Author/Editor: Bicha, Karel D. Series Title: Newcomers to a New Land
Czechs, Germans, Jews? |
Author/Editor: Čapková, Kateřina.
The Czechs and Slovaks in Canada |
Author/Editor: Gellner, John.; Smerek, John
Czech Republic: Selected Issues on the Credit Union Sector: Technical Note |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund.
Czech Republic: Selected Issues |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.
Czech Republic: Macroprudential Policy Framework: Technical Note |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund.
Czech Republic: Crisis Management and Bank Resolution Framework: Technical Note |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund.
Czech Republic: Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision: Detailed Assessment of Observance |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund.
Czech Republic: 2017 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Czech Republic |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.
Czech Republic |
Author/Editor: Kristine Spanier, MLIS
Czech Republic |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Czech Republic |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Czech Republic |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Czech Republic |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Czech Republic |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Czech Republic |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Czech Republic |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept
Czech Republic |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Czech Republic |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Czech Republic |
Series Title: The Countries. Set VI
Czech Republic |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fun
Czech Republic |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fun
Czech Republic |
Czech Republic |
Author/Editor: World Bank. Series Title: A World Bank Country Study
Czech Republic |
Author/Editor: World Bank. Series Title: World Bank Country Study
Czech Republic |
Author/Editor: Oliveira, Jõao do Carmo.; Martinez-Vazquez, Jorge. Series Title: Europe and Central Asia Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Series
Czech Republic |
Author/Editor: Oliveira, João do Carmo.; Martinez-Vazquez, Jorge. Series Title: Europe and Central Asia Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Series
Czech Republic |
Author/Editor: World Bank. Series Title: World Bank Country Study
Czech Republic |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. Series Title: IMF Country Report
Czech Republic |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. Series Title: IMF Country Report
The Czech Renascence of the Nineteenth Century: Essays Presented to Otakar Odložilík in Honour of His Seventieth Birthday |
Author/Editor: Odložilík, Otakar; Brock, Peter; Skilling, H. Gordon
The Czech Reader |
Author/Editor: Starn, Frances.; Bažantová, Nina.; Bažant, Jan
Czech Politics: From West to East and Back Again |
Author/Editor: Stanislav Balík; Vít Hloušek; Lubomír Kopeček; Jan Holzer; Pavel Pšeja; Andrew Lawrence Roberts
Czech Political Prisoners |
Author/Editor: Rehak, Jana Kopelentova
The Czecho-Slovak Struggle for Independence, 1914-1920 |
Author/Editor: Mueggenberg, Brent
Czechoslovaks in the Gulag and Czechoslovak Diplomacy, 1945-1953 |
Author/Editor: Polišenská, Milada; Project Muse.
Czechoslovakia's Interrupted Revolution |
Author/Editor: Skilling, H. Gordon
Czechoslovakia (from the beginnings to 1989), Ed. Reprint 2019 |
Author/Editor: Vladimir Opěla; International Federation of Film Archives
Czechoslovakia Between Stalin and Hitler: The Diplomacy of Edvard Bene%s in the 1930s |
Author/Editor: Lukes, Igor.
Czechoslovakia Behind the Curtain |
Author/Editor: Murphy, Thomas K.
Czechoslovakia at the World’s Fairs: Behind the Façade |
Author/Editor: Marta Filipová
Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic in World Politics |
Author/Editor: Cabada, Ladislav.; Waisová, Šárka
Czecho/Slovakia |
Author/Editor: Stein, Eric.; Cutter, Lloyd.
The Czechoslovak Contribution to World Culture, Ed. Reprint 2021 |
Author/Editor: Miloslav Rechcigl
Czechoslovak Armies 1939–45 |
Author/Editor: Nigel Thomas
Czech New Wave Filmmakers in Interviews |
Author/Editor: Buchar, Robert
Czech Music Around 1900 |
Author/Editor: Lenka Krupková; Jirí Kopecky
Czech Magic |
Author/Editor: Clinton, Kevin Series Title: IMF Working Paper
The Czech Legion 1914-20 |
Author/Editor: Bullock, David L.; Bujeiro, Ramiro; ebrary, Inc. Series Title: Men-at-arms Series
The Czech Legend of St Catherine of Alexandria: The Text and Its Contexts |
Author/Editor: Alfred Thomas
Czech Lands, Part 1 |
Author/Editor: Lucie Storchová
The Czech Lands in Medieval Transformation |
Author/Editor: Klápště, Jan.; Ricketts, Philadelphia.
The Czech-German Compromise in Moravia: The Cisleithanian Laboratory of the Ethnicization of Politics and Law |
Author/Editor: Andrea Pokludová; Pavel Kladiwa
Czech, German, and Noble |
Author/Editor: Krueger, Rita.
Czech Feminisms: Perspectives on Gender in East Central Europe |
Author/Editor: Iveta Jusová; Jirina Šiklová
Czech Bluegrass: Notes From the Heart of Europe |
Author/Editor: Lee Bidgood
The Czech Benoni in Action |
Author/Editor: Hoffmann, Asa.; Keener, Greg.
The Czech and Slovak Republics |
Author/Editor: Stolarik, M. Mark
Czech and Slovak Railways: Three Decades of Change, 1990–2020s |
Author/Editor: Ketih Fender
The Czech and Slovak Legion in Siberia, 1917-1922 |
Czech and Slovak Cinema |
Author/Editor: Hames, Peter. Series Title: Traditions in World Cinema
Czcionką i piórem |
Author/Editor: Justyna Kiliańczyk-Zięba
Czas wolny, turystyka i rekreacja w perspektywie socjologicznej |
Author/Editor: Wojciech J. Cynarski
Czas przeszły dokonany. Stulecie moich rodziców |
Author/Editor: Barbara Dyduch
Czartoryski and European Unity |
Author/Editor: Kukiel, Marian Series Title: Kosciuszko Foundation. Poland's Millennium Series
Czars in the White House |
Author/Editor: Justin S. Vaughn; Jose D. Villalobos
Czar of Alaska: The Cross of Charlemagne |
Author/Editor: Richard Trout
Czarnezki's, Everyday Environmentalism, Law, Nature and Individual Behavior |
Author/Editor: Jason Czarnezki Series Title: Environmental Law Institute
Czarne światło. Analiza zjawiska powojennej traumy społecznej w kulturze Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki |
Author/Editor: Aleksandra Gruszczyk
Czarna kobieta na białym tle. Dyptyk biograficzny |
Author/Editor: Anna Wieczorkiewicz
C��zanne's Quarry |
Author/Editor: Pope, Barbara Corrado.
Cézanne: A Study of His Development |
Author/Editor: Roger Fry
Cézanne and America: Dealers, Collectors, Artists, and Critics, 1891-1921 |
Author/Editor: John Rewald
Cézanne |
Author/Editor: Jessica Toyne
Cy Young: The Baseball Life and Career |
Author/Editor: Lew Freedman
The Cy Young Catcher, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: O'Brien, Charlie; Wedge, Doug
Cy Young |
Author/Editor: Browning, Reed.
Cytotoxic T Cells in HIV and Other Retroviral Infections |
Author/Editor: Racz, P.; Letvin, N.L.; Gluckman, J.-C.
Cytotoxic Payloads for AntibodyDrug Conjugates |
Author/Editor: Thurston, David E.; Jackson, Paul J.M.
Cytotoxic Mediators of Inflammation and Host Defense |
Author/Editor: Shin, M.L. Series Title: Chemical Immunology and Allergy
Cytotoxic Drug Resistance Mechanisms: A Clinical Guide |
Author/Editor: Isaac Avery
Cytoskeleton: Signalling and Cell Regulation: A Practical Approach |
Author/Editor: Carraway, K. L.; Carraway, C. A. C.
Cytoskeleton: Cell Movement, Cytokinesis, and Organelles Organization |
Author/Editor: Lansing, Sébastien.; Rousseau, Tristan. Series Title: Cell Biology Research Progress
Cytopathology Review, Ed. Third edition |
Author/Editor: Fan, Fang
Cytopathology Review, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Fan, Fang.; Damjanov, Ivan.
Cytopathology of the Glandular Lesions of the Female Genital Tract |
Author/Editor: Jiménez-Ayala, Matías.; Jiménez-Ayala Portillo, Beatriz. Series Title: Monographs in Clinical Cytology
Cytopathology of Soft Tissue and Bone Tumors |
Author/Editor: Hajdu, S.I.; Hajdu, E.O. Series Title: Monographs in Clinical Cytology
Cytopathology of Pulmonary Disease |
Author/Editor: Rosenthal, D.L. Series Title: Monographs in Clinical Cytology
Cytopathology in Viral Diseases |
Author/Editor: Cheville, N.F. Series Title: Monographs in Virology
Cytopathology in Pediatrics |
Author/Editor: Buchino, J.J. Series Title: Monographs in Clinical Cytology
Cytomegalovirus Infections of Man |
Author/Editor: Jung, F.; Jung, M.; Krech, U.
Cytomegalovirus Infections |
Author/Editor: Lautenschlager, Irmeli. Series Title: Allergies and Infectious Diseases
Cytomegaloviruses: Molecular Biology and Immunology |
Author/Editor: Matthias J. Reddehase
Cytomegaloviruses: From Molecular Pathogenesis to Intervention. Volume II |
Author/Editor: Reddehase, Matthias J.
Cytomegaloviruses: From Molecular Pathogenesis to Intervention. Volume I |
Author/Editor: Lemmermann, Niels A. W.; Reddehase, Matthias J.
Cytomegaloviruses |
Author/Editor: Lemmermann, Niels; Reddehase, Matthias J.
Cytomegalovirus and Immunity |
Author/Editor: Hamilton, J.D. Series Title: Monographs in Virology
Cytology of Transudates and Exudates |
Author/Editor: von Haam, E. Series Title: Monographs in Clinical Cytology
Cytology of the Ferns of Western Ghats in South India |
Cytology of the Central Nervous System |
Author/Editor: Rosenthal, D.L. Series Title: Monographs in Clinical Cytology
The Cytology of Soft Tissue Tumours: Including Contributions by Rydholm, A. (Lund); Carlén, B. (Lund). |
Author/Editor: Åkerman, M.; Domanski, H.A.
Cytology Genetics Evolution and Plant Breeding |
Author/Editor: Natalie Rees
Cytology and Plectology of the Hymenomycetes, Ed. 2. Aufl. |
Author/Editor: Heinz Clémençon; Valerie Emmett; Ernest E. (with the assistance of) Emmett
Cytology and Microbiology of the Vagina |
Author/Editor: Schnell, J.D.
Cytokinins: Biosynthesis and Uses |
Author/Editor: Sonja Kortesmäki
Cytokines: Roles and Therapeutic Implications |
Author/Editor: Erik Krueger
Cytokines: Mechanisms, Functions and Abnormalities |
Author/Editor: Manjili, Masoud H. Series Title: Immunology and Immune System Disorders
Cytokines in Cancer Therapy |
Author/Editor: Bergman, L.; Mitrou, P.S. Series Title: Contributions to Oncology
Cytokines, Growth Mediators and Physical Activity in Children During Puberty |
Author/Editor: Jürimäe, T.; Hills, Andrew P.; Jürimäe, Jaak.; S. Karger (Firm) Series Title: Medicine and Sport Science
Cytokines and Their Therapeutic Potential |
Author/Editor: Manzoor Ahmad Mir
Cytokines and Diseases |
Author/Editor: Kenan Demir
Cytokine Molecular Biology: A Practical Approach, Ed. [3rd ed.] |
Author/Editor: Balkwill, Frances R.
Cytokine Cell Biology: A Practical Approach, Ed. 3rd ed |
Author/Editor: Balkwill, Frances R.
Cytogénétique des mammifères d'élevage |
Author/Editor: Paul Popescu
Cytogenetics, Evolution and Plant Breeding |
Author/Editor: Robert Coleman
Cytogenetics and Molecular Biology |
Author/Editor: Satish K. Sharma; Anil Kumar Singh; Mamta Sharma
Cytogenetics |
Author/Editor: B. S. Singh; M. P. Singh
Cytochromes P450 |
Author/Editor: Ioannides, Costas. Series Title: Issues in Toxicology
Cytochromes B and C |
Author/Editor: Thom, Rurik Series Title: Protein Biochemistry, Synthesis, Structure and Cellular Functions
Cytochrome P-450: Structural and Functional Relationships Biochemical and Physicochemical Aspects of Mixed Function Oxidases, Ed. Reprint 2021 |
Author/Editor: Klaus Ruckpaul; Horst Rein
Cytochrome P450 Enzymes |
Author/Editor: Wu, Jian Series Title: Biochemistry Research Trends
Cytochrome C: Roles and Therapeutic Implications |
Author/Editor: Natalia Arias
Cytoarchitektonischer Atlas des Rautenhirns des Kaninchens / Cytoarchitectonic Atlas of the Rhombencephalon of the Rabbit |
Author/Editor: Meessen, H.; Olszewski, J.
Cythère |
Author/Editor: Caroline Guindon
Cytaty z młodości. Rozmowy Wacława Krupińskiego z ludźmi kultury |
Author/Editor: Wacław Krupiński
Cysur Cwiar: Canllaw Calonogol i Gariad, Bywyd ac Iechyd Meddwl Lhdtc+ |
Author/Editor: Alexis Caught
Cysts of the Oral and Maxillofacial Regions |
Author/Editor: Wallace Roberts
Cysts |
Author/Editor: Moreno, Augusto Jimenez.; Ortiz, Arturo Mendes. Series Title: Physiology-laboratory and Clinical Research
Cyst Nematodes |
Author/Editor: Roland N Perry; Maurice Moens; John T Jones
Cystitis und Urininfektion |
Author/Editor: Melchior, M.
Cystic Tumors of the Pancreas |
Author/Editor: Author Unknown Series Title: Endocrinology Research and Clinical Developments
Cystic Fibrosis in the 21st Century |
Author/Editor: Bush, Andrew Series Title: Progress in Respiratory Research
Cystic Fibrosis: Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatments |
Author/Editor: Leatte, Paul N. Series Title: Genetics--research and Issues Series
Cystic Fibrosis, Ed. Updated and rev. 4th ed |
Author/Editor: Thomson, Anne H.; Harris, Ann
Cystic Fibrosis, Ed. Second edition |
Author/Editor: Innes, J. Alastair; Cunningham, Steve; Horsley, Alex
Cystic Fibrosis and You, Ed. Second edition |
Author/Editor: Korneluk, Y. G.; Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario.
Cystic Fibrosis |
Author/Editor: Rossi, E.; Stoll, E.
Cystic and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis |
Author/Editor: Robertson, Lorenzo Series Title: Pulmonary and Respiratory Diseases and Disorders
Cysteine: Sources, Uses and Health Effects |
Author/Editor: Taran Saunders
Cysteine Proteinases and Their Inhibitors: Proceedings of the International Symposium Portoroz, Yugoslavia, September 15–18, 1985, Ed. Reprint 2019 |
Author/Editor: Vito Turk
Cysteine |
Author/Editor: Karataev, Andrey I.; Chorkina, Fyodor V. Series Title: Protein Biochemistry, Synthesis, Structure and Cellular Functions
The Cystatin Superfamily of Proteinase Inhibitors |
Author/Editor: Taupin, Philippe.
Cystatins |
Author/Editor: Ryseck, Linda P.; Cohen, John B. Series Title: Protein Science and Engineering
The Cy-Soldier |
Author/Editor: John R. Carden
Cyrus Field's Big Dream |
Author/Editor: Mary Morton Cowan
Cyrus, Ed. Reprint 2019 |
Author/Editor: Christoph Martin Wieland
Cyrus Cylinder, The: The Great Persian Edict From Babylon |
Author/Editor: Finkel, Irving L.
Cyrion |
Author/Editor: Abigail Borders
Cyril the Squirrel and Friends |
Author/Editor: Ian N. Martin
Cyril Squirrel and the Wonderfully Worrisome Task |
Author/Editor: Matthew A. Scott
The Cyril Scott Companion: Unity in Diversity |
Author/Editor: Desmond Scott; Lewis Foreman; Leslie De'Ath
Cyril Ramaphosa: The Road to Presidential Power |
Author/Editor: Anthony Butler
Cyril Ramaphosa: The Path to Power in South Africa |
Author/Editor: Hartley, Ray
Cyril of Jerusalem: Bishop and City |
Author/Editor: Drijvers, Jan Willem.
Cyril of Alexandria's Trinitarian Theology of Scripture |
Author/Editor: Crawford, Matthew R.; Cyril
Cyril of Alexandria and the Nestorian Controversy: The Making of a Saint and of a Heretic |
Author/Editor: Wessel, Susan.
Cyrillona: A Critical Study and Commentary |
Author/Editor: Carl Griffin
Cyrille Regis MBE |
Author/Editor: Tony Matthews
Cyril Ibn Laqlaq’s Book of Confession: A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation with an Introduction |
Author/Editor: Botros K. Sadek
Cyril Höschl: kde bydlí lidské duše, Ed. Elektronické vydání |
Author/Editor: Höschl, Cyril; Janíček, Jeroným
Cyril |
Author/Editor: Sir Rhymesalot
Cyriacus of Tagrit and His Book on Divine Providence |
Author/Editor: Mikael Oez
Cyriacus of Tagrit and His Book on Divine Providence |
Author/Editor: Mikael Oez
Cyrano De Bergerac |
Author/Editor: Edmond Rostand
Cyrano De Bergerac |
Cyrano De Bergerac |
Author/Editor: Edmond Rostand
Cyrano De Bergerac |
Author/Editor: Rostand, Edmond. Series Title: Dover Thrift Editions
Cyrano De Bergerac |
Author/Editor: Damien Ryan
Cyrano |
Author/Editor: Edmond Rostand; Deborah McAndrew
Cyprus Within the Biblical World: Are Borders Barriers? |
Author/Editor: James H. Charlesworth; Jolyon G. R. Pruszinski
Cyprus Under British Colonial Rule: Culture, Politics, and the Movement Toward Union with Greece, 1878–1954 |
Author/Editor: Ioannides, Christos P.
Cyprus: The Search for a Solution |
Author/Editor: Hannay, David.
Cyprus: Reluctant Republic, Ed. Reprint 2017 |
Author/Editor: Stephen G. Xydis
Cyprus Referendum: A Divided Island and the Challenge of the Annan Plan |
Author/Editor: Pericleous, Chrysostomos.
The Cyprus Problem |
Author/Editor: Ker-Lindsay, James Series Title: What Everyone Needs To Know�
Cyprus: Past Hurts And Present Stalemate |
Author/Editor: Muzaffer Ercan Yılmaz
Cyprus Issue |
Author/Editor: Hakki, Murat Metin.
The Cyprus Issue |
Author/Editor: Skoutaris, Nikos. Series Title: Modern Studies in European Law
Cyprus in World War II |
Author/Editor: Yiangou, Anastasia.
Cyprus in the Long Late Antiquity: History and Archaeology Between the Sixth and the Eighth Centuries |
Author/Editor: Panayiotis Panayides; Ine Jacobs
Cyprus in Texts From Graeco-Roman Antiquity |
Author/Editor: Katerina Carvounis; Andreas Gavrielatos; Grammatiki Karla; Amphilochios Papathomas
The Cyprus Frenzy of 1878 and the British Press |
Author/Editor: Marinos Pourgouris
Cyprus: Fourth Review Under the Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility and Request for Modification of Performance Criteria-Staff Report; Press Release; and Statement by the Executive Director for Cyprus |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
The Cyprus Emergency: The Divided Island 1955 - 1974 |
Author/Editor: Nicholas van der Bijl
The Cyprus Detention Camps |
Cyprus Conspiracy, The: America, Espionage and the Turkish Invasion |
Author/Editor: O'Malley, Brendan.; Craig, Ian.
Cyprus Before 1974: The Prelude to Crisis |
Author/Editor: Marilena Varnava
Cyprus Avenue |
Author/Editor: David Ireland
Cyprus Avenue |
Author/Editor: David Ireland
Cyprus at War |
Author/Editor: Asmussen, Jan.
Cyprus at the European Court of Human Rights: A Critical Appraisal of the Court’s Jurisprudence on the Rights to Property and Home in the Context of Displacement |
Author/Editor: Costas Paraskeva; Eleni Meleagrou
Cyprus: An Island Culture: Society and Social Relations From the Bronze Age to the Venetian Period |
Author/Editor: Georgiou, Artemis.
Cyprus and the Roadmap for Peace |
Author/Editor: Michael, M.S. Vural, Y.
Cyprus and the Politics of Memory: History, Community and Conflict |
Author/Editor: Bryant, Rebecca.; Papadakis, Yiannis.
Cyprus and Its Places of Desire |
Author/Editor: Dikomitis, Lisa. Series Title: International Library of Ethnicity, Identity and Culture
Cyprus and Its Conflicts: Representations, Materialities, and Cultures |
Author/Editor: Doudaki, Vaia; Carpentier, Nico
Cyprus: Alternative Solution Models |
Author/Editor: Huseyin Isiksal; Hüseyin Gökçekus
Cyprus: a Conflict at the Crossroads |
Author/Editor: Thomas Diez; Nathalie Tocci
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: Mallinson, William.
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fun
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: Statistical Office of the European Communities,
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: Statistical Office of the European Communities,
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept.,
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fun
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund Series Title: IMF Staff Country Reports
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. Series Title: IMF Working Paper
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. Series Title: IMF Country Report
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. African Dept.
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. European Dept. Series Title: IMF Staff Country Reports
Cyprus |
Author/Editor: Fouskas, Vassilis.; Tackie, Alex O.
The Cypro-Phoenician Pottery of the Iron Age |
Author/Editor: Nicola Schreiber
Cypriot Greek |
Author/Editor: Brian Newton Series Title: Janua Linguarum. Series Practica
Cypriot Cultural Details |
Author/Editor: Hadjikyriako, Iosif.
Cypriot Cinemas |
Author/Editor: Papadakis, Yiannis.; Constandinides, Costas. Series Title: Topics and Issues in National Cinema
Cyprinus Carpio: Biological Features, Ecology and Diseases and Control Measures |
Author/Editor: Stephen R. Balcombe
Cyprian Norwid and the History of Greece |
Author/Editor: Maciej Junkiert
Cyprianische Untersuchungen |
Author/Editor: Koch, Hugo Series Title: Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte
The Cyprian |
Author/Editor: Crutchfield, Amy
Cypria: A Journey to the Heart of the Mediterranean |
Author/Editor: Alex Christofi
The Cypress Tree |
Author/Editor: Kamin Mohammadi
The Cypress House |
Author/Editor: Koryta, Michael
Cypress Hills Cemetery |
Author/Editor: Stephen C. Duer; Allan B. Smith Series Title: Images of America
Cypress Gardens |
Author/Editor: Mary M. Flekke; Sarah E. MacDonald; Randall M. MacDonald Series Title: Images of America
The Cypress and Other Writings of a German Pioneer in Texas |
Author/Editor: Seele, Hermann. Series Title: Elma Dill Russell Spencer Foundation Series
Cypern und die Engländer: Ein Beispiel britischer kolonialer Willkür, Ed. Reprint 2021 |
Author/Editor: Reinhold v. Lichtenberg
Cyperaceae |
Author/Editor: Mohlenbrock, Robert H. Series Title: Aquatic and Standing Water Plants of the Central Midwest
The CYO in Indianapolis & Central Indiana |
Author/Editor: Young, Julie.
Cynthia Wakeham's Money |
Author/Editor: Green, Anna Katharine
Cynthia tiene un secreto |
Author/Editor: P.D. Workman
Cynthia's Revels, Or, The Fountain of Self-Love |
Author/Editor: Ben Jonson
Cynthia's Revels: Or, The Fountain of Self-Love |
Author/Editor: Jonson, Ben
Cynthia Rylant |
Series Title: Checkerboard Biography Library
Cynthia Kadohata |
Author/Editor: Wheeler, Jill C. Series Title: Children's Authors
The Cynthia Freeman Collection Volume Two: The Jewish Historical Sagas |
Author/Editor: Cynthia Freeman
The Cynthia Freeman Collection Volume One: The Days of Winter, The Last Princess, and Always and Forever |
Author/Editor: Cynthia Freeman
Cynthia Ann Parker |
Author/Editor: Grace Jackson
Cynthia |
Author/Editor: Cunningham, E. V.
Cynismus bei Nietzsche: Eine systematische Auslegung seiner Umwertung aller Werte |
Author/Editor: Cheng Guo
The Cynic's Word Book |
Author/Editor: Ambrose Bierce
Cynic Satire |
Author/Editor: McLuhan, Eric.
The Cynics |
Author/Editor: Goulet-Cazé, Marie-Odile.; Branham, Robert Bracht. Series Title: Hellenistic Culture and Society
A Cynic Looks at Life |
Author/Editor: Bierce, Ambrose.; Haldeman-Julius, E.
A Cynic Looks at Life |
Author/Editor: Ambrose Bierce
Cynicism From Diogenes to Dilbert |
Author/Editor: Cutler, Ian
Cynicism and the Evolution of the American Dream |
Author/Editor: Caldwell, Wilber W.
Cynicism and Hope |
Author/Editor: Cox, Meg E.
Cynicism and Christianity in Antiquity |
Author/Editor: Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé
Cynicism |
Author/Editor: Ansgar Allen
The Cynic Enlightenment |
Author/Editor: Shea, Louisa Series Title: Parallax
The Cynic and the Fool |
Author/Editor: DeLay, Tad
Cynical Suspicions and Platonist Pretentions |
Author/Editor: McGuire, John Series Title: Social and Critical Theory
The Cynical Idealist: A Spiritual Biography of John Lennon |
Author/Editor: Gary Tillery
Cynical Citizenship: Gender, Regionalism, and Political Subjectivity in Porto Alegre, Brazil |
Author/Editor: Benjamin Junge
Cynffonnau Cadno a'i Fab |
Author/Editor: Paddy Donnelly
The Cymry Ring |
Author/Editor: Michael Allen Dymmoch
The Cymry of '76. or Welshmen and Their Descendants of the American Revolution. Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Alexander Jones
Cymru'r Gyfraith |
Author/Editor: Parry, R. Gwynedd.
Cymraeg yn y Gweithle |
Cymbeline: Third Series |
Author/Editor: William Shakespeare; Valerie Wayne
Cymbeline. Liebes Leid und Lust. Romeo und julis. Macbeth, Ed. Reprint 2018 |
Author/Editor: William Shakespeare
Cymbeline |
Author/Editor: Shakespeare, William. Series Title: Dover Thrift Editions
Cymbeline |
Author/Editor: Shakespeare, William
Cylons in America |
Author/Editor: Potter, Tiffany; Marshall, C. W.
Cylinders |
Series Title: Looking Glass Library
The Cylinder: Kinematics of the Nineteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Müller-Sievers, Helmut.
The Cygnet |
Author/Editor: Susan Dickinson
Cyfryzacja w działaniach na rzecz efektywności energetycznej w firmach sektora MŚP |
Author/Editor: Anna Pamuła
Cyfrin Cewri: Hanes Mawrion ein Mathemateg |
Author/Editor: Gareth Ffowc Roberts
Cyfrinach Betsan Morgan |
Author/Editor: Gwenno Hywyn
Cyfres Genod Gwyrdd: Ffasiwn Sioe! |
Author/Editor: Holly Webb
Cyfres Genod Gwyrdd: Achub Afon! |
Author/Editor: Holly Webb
Cyfres Clic Clic: Y Gemau Olympaidd |
Author/Editor: Delyth Ifan
Cyfres Anturiaeth Eifion a Sboncyn: Pysgodyn / Fish |
Author/Editor: Brendan Kearney
Cyfres Anturiaeth Eifion a Sboncyn: Aderyn / Bird |
Author/Editor: Brendan Kearney
Cyfres Amdani: Y Daith - Storïau i Ddysgwyr gan Ddysgwyr |
Author/Editor: Amrywiol
Cyfres Amdani: Trysor Garn Fadryn |
Author/Editor: Anni Llŷn
Cyfres Amdani: i'r Eisteddfod |
Author/Editor: Lois Arnold
Cyfres Amdani: Hen Ferchetan |
Author/Editor: Ewan Smith
Cyfres Amdani: Dewch i Mewn |
Author/Editor: Esyllt Maelor
Cyfres Amdani: Chwedlau Cymru: Y Môr |
Author/Editor: Fiona Collins
Cyfres Amdani: Byd Bach |
Author/Editor: Esyllt Maelor
Cyfoethogi'r Cyfathrebu |
Author/Editor: Jones, Christine; Morris, Steve
Cyfan-dir Cymru |
Series Title: Y meddwl a'r dychymyg Cymreig
Cyfaill Pwy o'r Hen Wlad? |
Author/Editor: Rhiannon Heledd Williams; Professor Ray Howell
Cyclus: Ein Versuch über die endliche Cultur des Menschengeschlechts, in der Wissenschaft und Kunst, Ed. Reprint 2019 |
Author/Editor: Carl August Weinhold
Cyclostomata, Ed. Reprint 2019 |
Author/Editor: Maximilian [Bearb.] Holly
Cyclosportive: Preparing For and Taking Part in Long Distance Cycling Challenges |
Author/Editor: Chris Sidwells
Cyclosporin in the Therapy of Renal Disease |
Series Title: Contributions to Nephrology
Cyclorama |
Author/Editor: Adam Langer
Cyclops: The Myth and Its Cultural History |
Author/Editor: Mercedes Aguirre; Richard Buxton
Cyclops in the Jungle: A One-eyed LRP in Vietnam |
Author/Editor: Walker, David P.
Cyclops |
Author/Editor: Euripides.; Konstan, David.; McHugh, Heather
Cyclopolymerization and Polymers with Chain-Ring Structures |
Cyclophosphamide: Clinical Pharmacology, Uses and Potential Adverse Effects |
Author/Editor: Salamoon, Maher Series Title: Pharmacology-research, Safety Testing, and Regulation
Cyclophanes |
Author/Editor: Francois N Diederich
Cyclopes |
Author/Editor: Grace Hansen
Cyclopedia of Literary Places |
Author/Editor: Lenchner, Denise; Salem Press.; Stableford, Brian M.; Rasmussen, R. Kent; Shuman, R. Baird
Cyclopedia of Literary Characters |
Author/Editor: Magill, Frank N. Series Title: Gale Virtual Reference Library
Cyclopean Song |
Author/Editor: Dolan, Kathleen Hunt. Series Title: North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures
Cyclonic and Geomagnetic Storms |
Author/Editor: Banks, Victoria P. Series Title: Natural Disaster Research, Prediction, and Mitigation
Cyclone Season |
Author/Editor: Sue McLean
Cyclones |
Author/Editor: Fudeyasu, Hironori.; Oouchi, Kazuyoshi. Series Title: Natural Disaster Research, Prediction and Mitigation
Cyclones |
Author/Editor: LaBeau, Terrance G. Series Title: Natural Disaster Research, Prediction and Mitigation Series
Cyclone |
Author/Editor: Robert Peake
Cyclodextrins: Synthesis, Chemical Applications and Role in Drug Delivery |
Series Title: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the Post Genomic Era
Cyclodextrins in Chromatography |
Author/Editor: Cserháti, Tibor.; Forgács, Esther Series Title: RSC Chromotography Monographs
Cycloaddition Reactions in Carbohydrate Chemistry |
Author/Editor: ROBERT M. GIULIANO; Richard W. Franck; J. Cristóbal López; Gabor Lukacs; Marek Chmielewski; Zbigniew Kaluża; Jacek Grodner; Romuald Urbański; Derek Horton; Dongsoo Koh; Yasushi Takagi; Takayuki Usui; Yves Leblanc; Marc Labelle; Philip DeShong; Greg A. Slo
Cycloaddition Reactions: Advances in Research and Applications |
Author/Editor: Davor Margetić
The Cyclist: The Must-read Mystery with an Unforgettable Detective in 2023 |
Author/Editor: Tim Sullivan
The Cyclist's Training Manual |
Author/Editor: Andrews, Guy; Doughty, Simon.
Cyclist's Manifesto |
Author/Editor: Hurst, Robert
Cyclisme |
Author/Editor: Frédéric; Grappe
Cyclisch onderwijs ontwerpen |
Author/Editor: Anouke Bakx; Anje Ros; Erik Bolhuis
Cyclische Verbindungen. Naturstoffe, Teil 4: Naturstoffe von unbekannter oder nur teilweise bekannter Struktur., Ed. 1. und 2. Aufl. Reprint 2020 |
Author/Editor: Hedwig Kuh; Friedrich Richter
Cyclische Verbindungen. – Naturstoffe: Teil 3: Heterocyclische Verbindungen, Ed. 1. und 2. Auflage. Reprint 2020 |
Author/Editor: Victor Meyer
Cyclische Verbindungen. – Naturstoffe., Teil 2: Mehrkernige Benzolderivate, Ed. Unveränd. Neudr., Reprint 2022 |
Author/Editor: Arnold Beissert
Cyclische Verbindungen. – Naturstoffe, Teil 2: Mehrkernige Benzolderivate, Ed. Reprint 2021 |
Author/Editor: Arnold Reissert; Paul Jacobson
Cyclische Verbindungen. – Naturstoffe, Teil 1: Einkernige isocyclische Verbindungen, Ed. Unvernänd. Neudr., Reprint 2022 |
Author/Editor: Victor Meyer
Cyclische Verbindungen – Naturstoffe. Teil 1: Einkernige Isocyclische Verbindungen: Die Gruppe der hydroaromatischen Verbindungen, Ed. Reprint 2020 |
Author/Editor: Victor Meyer
Cycling, Wine, and Men: A Midlife Tour De France, Ed. Uncut ed |
Author/Editor: Brook, Nancy.
Cycling the Erie Canal, Revised Edition |
Author/Editor: Parks & Trails New York Series Title: Parks & Trails New York
Cycling the Erie Canal, Fifth Edition: A Guide to 360 Miles of Adventure and History Along the Erie Canalway Trail |
Author/Editor: Parks & Trails New York
Cycling the Erie Canal |
Author/Editor: Parks & Trails New York. Series Title: Parks & Trails New York
Cycling Science |
Author/Editor: Glaskin, Max.
The Cycling Quiz Book |
Author/Editor: Hugh Larkin
Cycling Out of the Comfort Zone: Two Boys, Two Bikes, One Unforgettable Mission |
Author/Editor: Charles Guilhamon
Cycling On Form: A Pro Method of Riding Faster and Stronger |
Author/Editor: Tom Danielson; Kourtney Danielson
The Cycling Mind: The Psychological Skills for Peak Performance on the Bike - and in Life |
Author/Editor: Ruth Anderson
Cycling Into Saigon |
Author/Editor: Cameron, David; White, Graham
Cycling in Chicago |
Author/Editor: Chris McAuliffe Series Title: Images of America
Cycling for Triathletes |
Cycling for Sustainable Cities |
Author/Editor: Ralph Buehler; John Pucher
Cycling Diplomacy: Undemocratic Regimes and Professional Road Cycling Teams Sponsorship |
Author/Editor: Jirí Zákravský
Cycling Cultures |
Author/Editor: Cox, Peter
The Cycling City |
Author/Editor: Friss, Evan
The Cycling Chef: Recipes for Performance and Pleasure |
Author/Editor: Alan Murchison
The Cycling Chef: Recipes for Getting Lean and Fuelling the Machine |
Author/Editor: Alan Murchison
The Cycling Chef On the Go: Ride Day Recipes to Fuel Up, Replenish and Restore |
Author/Editor: Alan Murchison
The Cycling Cartoonist: An Illustrated Guide to Life on Two Wheels |
Author/Editor: Dave Walker
The Cycling Bible: The Complete Guide for All Cyclists From Novice to Expert |
Author/Editor: Robin Barton
Cycling and the British: A Modern History |
Author/Editor: Neil Carter
Cycling and Recycling: Histories of Sustainable Practices, Ed. First edition |
Author/Editor: Trischler, Helmuth; Oldenziel, Ruth
Cycling and Cinema |
Author/Editor: Bruce Bennett
Cycling 70 Years: Once World Champion |
Author/Editor: Gordon Neale
Cyclic Redundancy Check für die industrielle Kommunikation - Probleme, Nutzen und Risiken: Abschätzung der Restfehlerwahrscheinlichkeit von CRC-Codes |
Author/Editor: Merchant, Kamal
Cyclic Phenomena for Composition Operators |
Author/Editor: Bourdon, Paul.; Shapiro, Joel H. Series Title: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Cyclic Peptides |
Author/Editor: Koehnke, Jesko; Naismith, James; Donk, Wilfred A. van der
Cyclic Modules and the Structure of Rings |
Author/Editor: Jain, S. K.; Srivastava, Ashish K.; Tuganbaev, Askar A.
Cyclic Form and the English Mystery Plays: A Comparative Study of the English Biblical Cycles and Their Continental and Iconographic Counterparts |
Author/Editor: Happé, Peter
Cyclic Feedback Systems |
Author/Editor: Gedeon, Tomáš Series Title: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Cyclic Economy: Policies in Major Countries and the EU |
Author/Editor: Michele Aresta; Angela Dibenedetto; Franck Dumeignil
Cyclic: Destiny Is Like the Universe |
Author/Editor: José Anilto dos Anjos
Cyclic Cohomology at 40: Achievements and Future Prospects |
Author/Editor: A. Connes; C. Consani; B. I. Dundas; M. Khalkhali; H. Moscovici
Cyclic Cohomology and Noncommutative Geometry |
Author/Editor: Joachim J. R. Cuntz; Masoud Khalkhali
Cyclic Beta-keto Esters |
Author/Editor: Metwally, M.A.; Sadek, E. G.
Cyclic and Noncyclic Organic Compounds: A Textbook of Organic Chemistry |
Author/Editor: A. M. Askerova, Editor; V. M. Abbasov, Author; C. G. Rasulov, Author; A. M. Askerova, Author; S. A. Ismailov, Author
Cyclic and Lexical Phonology |
Author/Editor: Rubach, Jerzy. Series Title: Studies in Generative Grammar
Cyclical Patterns of Government Expenditures in Sub-Saharan Africa |
Author/Editor: Lledo, Victor Duarte; Yackovlev, Irene; Gadenne, Luci
A Cyclical Model of Literacy Learning: Expanding the Gradual Release of Responsibility |
Author/Editor: Adrienne Minnery; Antony T. Smith
The Cyclicality of Sales, Regular and Effective Prices |
Author/Editor: Coibion, Olivier; Hong, Gee Hee; Gorodnichenko, Yuriy; International Monetary Fund. Series Title: IMF Working Paper
Cyclicality of Revenue and Structural Balances in South Africa |
Author/Editor: Aydin, Burc
The Cyclicality of Fiscal Policy in the Middle East and Central Asia |
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fun
The Cyclicality of Fiscal Policies in the CEMAC Region |
Author/Editor: Mpatswe, Gaston K.; Tapsoba, Sampawende J.-A.; York, Robert C
Cyclical Fiscal Rules for Oil-Exporting Countries |
Author/Editor: Snudden, Stephe
Cyclical Changes in Trade Balances of Countries Exporting Primary Products 1927-1933 |
Author/Editor: Triantis, S.G.
Cyclical Change Continued |
Author/Editor: Gelderen, Elly van
Cyclical Change |
Author/Editor: Gelderen, Elly van. Series Title: Linguistics Today
Cyclical Behavior of Inventories and Growth Projections Recent Evidence From Europe and the United States |
Author/Editor: Clausen, Jens R.; Hoffmaister, Alexander W
Cyclical Behavior of Fiscal Policy Among Sub-Saharan African Countries |
Author/Editor: Konuki, Tetsuya; Villafuerte, Maurici
Cycletherapy: Grief and Healing on Two Wheels |
Author/Editor: Anika Ledlow
Cycles: The Science Of Prediction |
Author/Editor: Dewey, Edward R.
Cycles, Sequels, Spin-offs, Remakes, and Reboots |
Author/Editor: Palmer, R. Barton; Klein, Amanda Ann
Cycles of Time and Meaning in the Mexican Books of Fate |
Series Title: Joe R. And Teresa Lozano Long Series in Latin American and Latino Art and Culture
Cycles of the Sun, Mysteries of the Moon: The Calendar in Mesoamerican Civilization |
Author/Editor: Vincent H. Malmström
Cycles of Poverty and Crime in America's Inner Cities |
Author/Editor: Solomon, Lewis D.
Cycles of Norse Mythology |
Author/Editor: Glenn Searfoss
Cycles of Invention and Discovery |
Author/Editor: Narayanamurti, Venkatesh; Odumosu, Toluwalogo
Cycles of Influence |
Author/Editor: Benson, Stephen; e-libro, Corp.
Cycles of Faith |
Author/Editor: Ellwood, Robert S.
Cycles of Contingency: Developmental Systems and Evolution |
Author/Editor: Gray, Russell D.; Griffiths, Paul E.; Oyama, Susan.
The Cycles of Constitutional Time |
Author/Editor: Jack M. Balkin
Cycles of Conflict, Centuries of Change: Crisis, Reform, and Revolution in Mexico |
Author/Editor: Tutino, John; Reina, Leticia.; Servín, Elisa
The Cycles of American History |
Author/Editor: Arthur M. Schlesinger
Cycles in Language Change |
Author/Editor: Miriam Bouzouita; Anne Breitbarth; Lieven Danckaert; Elisabeth Witzenhausen
Cycles, Crises and Innovation |
Author/Editor: Courvisanos, Jerry
Cycles biogéochimiques et écosystèmes continentaux |
Author/Editor: Alain Aspect; Jean-François Bach; Jean-Michel Bony; Christian Bordé
Cycles and Chaos in Economic Equilibrium |
Author/Editor: Jess Benhabib
Cycle of Victorious Living: Commit, Trust, Delight, and Rest in Jesus Christ--the Center of Victorious Living |
Author/Editor: Lee, Earl G.; Daniels, T. Scott
The Cycle of Troy in Geoffrey Chaucer |
Author/Editor: Gutiérrez Arranz, José María.
A Cycle of the West, Bison Classic Annotated Edition: The Song of Three Friends, The Song of Hugh Glass, The Song of Jed Smith, The Song of the Indian Wars, The Song of the Messiah, Ed. Bison classic annotated edition |
Author/Editor: Neihardt, John G.
Cycle of Segregation |
Author/Editor: Maria Krysan; Kyle Crowder
A Cycle of Outrage |
Author/Editor: Gilbert, James Burkhart.
The Cycle of Life Poetry Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: James D. Mason
The Cycle of Juvenile Justice, Ed. 2nd. ed |
Author/Editor: Bernard, Thomas J.; Kurlychek, Megan Clouser.
The Cycle of Fire: The Complete Series |
Author/Editor: Janny Wurts
Cycle of Fear: Syria's Alawites in War and Peace |
Author/Editor: Goldsmith, Leon T.
The Cycle of Erosion in Different Climates |
Author/Editor: Pierre Birot
Cycle of Dreams |
Author/Editor: Eric Weiskott
Cycle cellulaire et cytométrie en flux |
Author/Editor: RONOT Xavier; MAYOL Jean-François; GRUNWALD Didier
The Cycle Breaker |
Author/Editor: william dawson
The Cycle |
Author/Editor: Kaiser, Michael M.; Egan, Brett E. Series Title: UPCC Book Collections on Project MUSE
Cyclades, The |
Author/Editor: Freely, John.
Cychrus, Calosoma et Carabus de Chine |
Author/Editor: T Deuve
Cycad Classification |
Author/Editor: Walters, Terrence; Osborne, Roy.
The Cybrary Ecosystem in Agricultural Universities |
Author/Editor: Atul Bapu Deshmukh; Vilas Jadhav
Cyborg werden: Möglichkeitshorizonte in feministischen Theorien und Science Fictions |
Author/Editor: Dagmar Fink
Cyborg Theology |
Author/Editor: Midson, Scott A. Series Title: Library of Modern Religion
Cyborgs, Santa Claus and Satan |
Author/Editor: Sherman, Fraser A.
Cyborgs and Barbie Dolls: Feminism, Popular Culture and the Posthuman Body |
Author/Editor: Toffoletti, Kim.
The Cyborg Experiments |
Author/Editor: Zylinska, Joanna Series Title: Technologies
The Cyborg Caribbean: Techno-Dominance in Twenty-First-Century Cuban, Dominican, and Puerto Rican Science Fiction |
Author/Editor: Samuel Ginsburg
Cyborg 1.0 |
Author/Editor: Roberto Serafini
CYBORG 1.0 |
Author/Editor: Roberto Serafini
Cyborg 009 |
Author/Editor: F.J. DeSanto
Cyborg |
Author/Editor: Laura Forlano; Danya Glabau
Cybèle - Voyage extraordinaire dans l'avenir |
Author/Editor: Adolphe Alhaiza
Cyber & You |
Author/Editor: Maureen Kendal
A Cyberworm That Knows No Boundaries |
Author/Editor: Porche, Isaac; McKay, Shawn.; Sollinger, Jerry M.
CyberWorldOne |
Author/Editor: Максим Беляков
Cyber Way |
Author/Editor: Alan Dean Foster
Cyber War Will Not Take Place |
Author/Editor: Rid, Thomas
Cyber War Versus Cyber Realities |
Author/Editor: Valeriano, Brandon; Maness, Ryan C.
Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do About It |
Author/Editor: Richard A. Clarke; Robert K. Knake
Cyber-"War" - Testfall der Staatenverantwortlichkeit |
Author/Editor: Sven-Hendrik Schulze
Cyberwars in the Middle East |
Author/Editor: Ahmed Al-Rawi
Cyber Wars |
Author/Editor: Charles Arthur
Cyberwar-netwar |
Author/Editor: Carvalho, Fernando Duarte.; Silva, Eduardo Mateus da. Series Title: NATO Security Through Science Series
Cyberwar: How Russian Hackers and Trolls Helped Elect a President What We Don't, Can't, and Do Know |
Author/Editor: Jamieson, Kathleen Hall
Cyber Wargaming: Research and Education for Security in a Dangerous Digital World |
Author/Editor: Frank L. Smith III; Nina A. Kollars; Benjamin H. Schechter
Cyber Warfare: Problems and Controversies |
Author/Editor: Ajoy Banerjee
Cyber Warfare: Its Implications on National Security |
Author/Editor: Relia, Sanjeev
Cyber Warfare: A Reference Handbook |
Author/Editor: Paul J. Springer
Cyberwarfare: An Introduction to Information-Age Conflict |
Author/Editor: Porche, III, Isaac R.
Cyberwarfare and Its Impact on International Security |
Author/Editor: United Nations.
CyberWar, CyberTerror, CyberCrime and CyberActivism: An In-depth Guide to the Role of Standards in Cybersecurity Enviroment, Ed. 2nd ed |
Author/Editor: Mehan, Julie E.
CyberWar, CyberTerror, CyberCrime |
Cyber War and Cyber Peace: Digital Conflict in the Middle East |
Author/Editor: Eliza Campbell; Michael Sexton
Cyber War |
Author/Editor: Ohlin, Jens David; UPSO eCollections (University Press Scholarship Online)
Cyber Troops, Online Manipulation of Public Opinion and Co-optation of Indonesia’s Cybersphere |
Author/Editor: Yatun Sastramidjaja
Cyber-Threats to Canadian Democracy |
Author/Editor: Holly Ann Garnett; Michael Pal
Cyberthreats: The Emerging Fault Lines of the Nation State |
Author/Editor: Brenner, Susan W.
Cyber Threats and Nuclear Weapons |
Author/Editor: Herbert Lin
The Cyber Threat and Globalization: The Impact on U.S. National and International Security |
Author/Editor: Jack A. Jarmon; Pano Yannakogeorgos
Cybertherapy |
Author/Editor: Riva, G. Series Title: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
Cybertheology: Thinking Christianity in the Era of the Internet |
Author/Editor: Antonio Spadaro
Cybertext Poetics |
Author/Editor: Eskelinen, Markku. Series Title: International Texts in Critical Media Aesthetics
Cyber Terrorism |
Author/Editor: Gustin, Joseph F.
CyberStrong: A Primer on Cyber Risk Management for Business Managers |
Author/Editor: Ajay Singh
Cyber Strategy: The Evolving Character of Power and Coercion |
Author/Editor: Valeriano, Brandon; Jensen, Benjamin M.; Maness, Ryan C.
Cyber Spying |
Author/Editor: Elise Olson
Cyber Spy Hunters! |
Author/Editor: Mari Rich
The Cyber Spellbook: Magick in the Virtual World |
Author/Editor: Knight, Sirona; Telesco, Patricia
Cyberspace: Trends, Perspectives and Opportunities |
Series Title: Internet Theory, Technology and Applications
Cyberspace Threat Landscape: Overview, Response Authorities, and Capabilities |
Author/Editor: Barker, Cody L. Series Title: Internet Theory, Technology and Applications
Cyberspace Romance: The Psychology of Online Relationships |
Author/Editor: Monica Whitty; Adrian Carr
Cyberspace Odyssey |
Author/Editor: Mul, Jos de
Cyberspace Law: Cases and Materials |
Author/Editor: Raymond S. R. Ku
Cyberspace Governance in China |
Author/Editor: Wong, Kam C. Series Title: Computer Science, Technology and Applications
Cyberspace, Distance Learning, and Higher Education in Developing Countries: Old and Emergent Issues of Access, Pedagogy, and Knowledge Production |
Author/Editor: Assié-Lumumba, N'Dri Thérèse.
Cyberspace, Cybersecurity, and Cybercrime |
Author/Editor: Janine Kremling; Amanda M. Sharp Parker
Cyberspace/Cyberbodies/Cyberpunk |
Author/Editor: Burrows, Roger; Featherstone, Mike. Series Title: Theory, Culture & Society
Cyberspace and National Security |
Author/Editor: Reveron, Derek S.