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Titles start with S ( displaying 500 of 80,855 ) Information
Szukanie dotyku
Author/Editor: Beata Przymuszała
Sztuka współpracy. Studium grup artystycznych w czasach PRL
Author/Editor: Tomasz Ferenc, Krzysztof Olechnicki, Paulina Rojek-Adamek, Xawery Stańczyk
Sztuka według polityki
Author/Editor: Piotr Piotrowski
Sztuka ma znaczenie
Author/Editor: Maciej Ożóg; Marcin Składanek; Dagmara Rode
Sztetl, szund, bunt i Palestyna. Antologia twórczości literackiej Żydów w Łodzi (1905-1939)
Author/Editor: Dariusz Dekiert, Ewa Wiatr, Krystyna Radziszewska
S–Z, Siglenverzeichnis und Ortsliste, Ed. Reprint 2019
Author/Editor: Walther Mitzka
S–Z. Register zum Gesamtwerk, Ed. 2., völlig neubearb. u. stark erw. Aufl. Reprint 2013
Author/Editor: Günther Franz; Karl Bosl; Hanns Hubert Hofmann
A szín/tér meghódítása
Author/Editor: P. Müller Péter
A színpadon túl
Author/Editor: Görcsi Péter, P. Müller Péter, Pandur Petra, Rosner Krisztina (szerk.)
Színünk és viszályunk
Author/Editor: Nyerges András
Színházi politika - politikai színház
Author/Editor: Antal Klaudia, Pandur Petra, P. Müller Péter (szerk.)
S – Z, Lieferung 2, Ed. Reprint 2021
Author/Editor: Johann Christian Poggendorff; Rudolf Zaunick; Hans Salié; Heidi Kühn
Szkolne spotkania z literaturą
Author/Editor: Anna Janus-Sitarz
Szkolna polonistyka zanurzona w języku
Author/Editor: Anna Janus-Sitarz, Ewa Nowak
Szkolna lektura bliżej teraźniejszości
Author/Editor: Anna Janus-Sitarz
Szkoła jutra? Tradycja i (r)ewolucje w edukacji
Author/Editor: Klaudia Jeznach; Agnieszka Kowalkiewicz-Kulesza
Author/Editor: Jerzy Domagalski
Szkice z metodologii językoznawstwa i filozofii języka
Author/Editor: Piotr Stalmaszczyk
Szkice ze stylistyki lingwistycznej
Author/Editor: Jarosław Wierzbiński
Szkice antyspołeczne
Author/Editor: Bronisław Łagowski
Szertefoszlott remények
Author/Editor: B. Kádár Zsuzsanna
Sześć odcieni czerni. Szkice o klasykach powieści noir
Author/Editor: Piotr Stasiewicz
SzenoTest: Pre-, Re- und Enactment zwischen Theater und Therapie, Ed. Aufl.
Author/Editor: Céline Kaiser
Szenosph�re & Szenotopie
Author/Editor: Ruth Prangen
Series Title: Szenografie & Szenologie
Szenisches Verhandeln: Brasilianisches Theater der Gegenwart
Author/Editor: Uta Atzpodien
Szenische Metaphysik
Author/Editor: Wolfram Hogrebe
Szenische Hermeneutik: Verstehen, was sich nicht erklären lässt, Ed. Aufl.
Author/Editor: Ralf Bohn
Szenen, Inszenierungen und Bühnen in der Apostelgeschichte
Author/Editor: Jan David Basczok
Szenen des Virtuosen
Author/Editor: Gabriele Brandstetter; Bettina Brandl-Risi; Kai van Eikels
Series Title: Edition Kulturwissenschaft
Szenen des Subjekts: Eine Kulturmediengeschichte szenischer Therapieformen seit dem 18. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Céline Kaiser
Szenen des Lesens: Schauplätze einer gesellschaftlichen Selbstverständigung
Author/Editor: Julika Griem
Szenen des Erstkontakts zwischen Arzt und Patient
Author/Editor: Bruchhausen, Walter.; Kaiser, Céline.
Series Title: Medizin und Kulturwissenschaft - Band 007
Szenen der Wiener Moderne: Drei Artefakte und ihre Vorstellungswelten des Jüdischen, Ed. 1. Auflage 2021
Author/Editor: Theresa Eisele
Szenen der Schrift: Medienästhetische Reflexionen in der literarischen Avantgarde nach 1945
Author/Editor: Petra Gropp
Szenen der Gewalt, Aufl.
Author/Editor: Reinhold Görling
Szenen aus griechischen Dramen
Author/Editor: Snell, Bruno
Szenen aus der Erinnerung: Erstes Buch: Weiber. Zweites Buch: Männer, Ed. Reprint 2021
Author/Editor: J. F. W. Friedrichsen
Szenen aus dem Landleben
Author/Editor: Honoré de Balzac
Szene, Habitus und Metaphorik: Konzepte für eine praxeologische Theorie psychotherapeutischer Profession
Author/Editor: Rolf Schumacher
Szenarium einer Revolution: Nichtrelativistische Quantenmechanik und philosophische Widerspruchsproblematik, Ed. Reprint 2024
Author/Editor: Ulrich Röseberg
Szenario-Analyse zu smartem Einbruchschutz in deutschen Haushalten
Author/Editor: Leonie Heckmanns
Szenarien im Gesundheitswesen: Bad Orber Gespraeche ueber kontroverse Themen im Gesundheitswesen 5.-7.11.1998
Author/Editor: Manfred Albring; Eberhard Wille
Szenarienerstellung und -berechnung zur Analyse von Transportkapazitäten: Gutachten im Auftrag der Stadt Pegnitz
Szenarien digitalisierter Einfacharbeit
Author/Editor: Hirsch-Kreinsen, Hartmut; Ittermann, Peter; Falkenberg, Jonathan
Szenarien der Europäischen Währungsunion und der Bankenregulierung.
Author/Editor: Dieter Duwendag
Szenarien der Ernährungswende: Gastrosophische Essays zur Transformation unserer Esskultur
Author/Editor: Harald Lemke
Szenarien der Energie: Zur Ästhetik und Wissenschaft des Immateriellen, Ed. Aufl.
Author/Editor: Barbara Gronau
Szenarien als Instrument des Innovationsmanagements
Author/Editor: Gökhan Dogan
Személyiség és történelem - A történelmi személyiség
Author/Editor: Vonyó József (szerk.)
The Szekler Nation and Medieval Hungary: Politics, Law and Identity on the Frontier
Author/Editor: Nathalie Kalnoky
Szego's Theorem and Its Descendants: Spectral Theory for L2 Perturbations of Orthogonal Polynomials: Spectral Theory for L2 Perturbations of Orthogonal Polynomials
Author/Editor: Simon, Barry
Szegő Kernel Asymptotics for High Power of CR Line Bundles and Kodaira Embedding Theorems on CR Manifolds
Author/Editor: Chin-Yu Hsiao
S - Z, Ed. Reprint 2021
Author/Editor: Günter Laux
The Szczecin Lagoon Ecosystem: The Biotic Community of the Great Lagoon and Its Food Web Model
Author/Editor: Norbert Wolnomiejski; Zbigniew Witek
Szara strefa gospodarki. Determinanty i mechanizmy kształtowania
Author/Editor: Paulina Malaczewska
Szacowanie podstaw opodatkowania
Author/Editor: Agata Kłosińska
A Szabad Francia Erők 1940-1943
Author/Editor: Bene Krisztián
Author/Editor: Wiegand, Herbert Ernst.
Series Title: Internationale Bibliographie zur germanistischen Lexikographie und Wo?rterbuchforschung
The Syzygy Oracle - Transformational Tarot and The Tree of Life: Ego, Essence and the Evolution of Consciousness
Author/Editor: Heather Mendel
Syzygy, Beauty: An Essay, Ed. 1st ed
Author/Editor: Fleischmann, T.
SYZ Geometry for Calabi-Yau 3-folds: Taub-NUT and Ooguri-Vafa Type Metrics
Author/Editor: Yang Li
Sytuacja Norwida – sytuacja Baudelaire'a. Paralele nowoczesności
Author/Editor: Magdalena Siwiec
Sytuacja kobiet na rynku pracy. Wybrane aspekty
Author/Editor: Dorota Witkowska, Krzysztof Kompa, Aleksandra Matuszewska-Janica
Sytuacja dochodowa gospodarstw domowych w województwie łódzkim
Author/Editor: Alina Jędrzejczak; Dorota Pekasiewicz
The Sytchford Spy
Author/Editor: Stuart R McRorie
Systolic Geometry and Topology
Author/Editor: Katz, Mikhail Gersh
Series Title: Mathematical Surveys and Monographs
Systolic Blood Pressure
Author/Editor: Arfi, Robert A.
Series Title: Public Health in the 21st Century
Systolic and Diastolic Function of the Heart
Author/Editor: N.B. Ingels; G.T. Daughters; J. Baan
Systémy politických stran. Úvod do jejich srovnávacího studia
Author/Editor: Novák Miroslav
Syst��mes vivants et paysage
Author/Editor: Margolis, Liat.; Robinson, Alexander
Systèmes temps réel embarqués - 2e éd
Author/Editor: Cottet Francis; Grolleau Emmanuel
Systèmes temps réel 2 : ordonnancement, réseaux et qualité de service (Traité IC2, série Informatique et systèmes d'information)
Author/Editor: NAVET Nicolas
Systèmes temps réel 1 : techniques de description et de vérification (Traité IC2, série Informatique et systèmes d'information)
Author/Editor: NAVET Nicolas
Systèmes sans fil : problèmes résolus (Collection Télécom)
Author/Editor: VIVIER Emmanuelle; PISCHELLA Mylène; TERRÉ Michel
Systèmes répartis en action : de l'embarqué aux systèmes à large échelle (Traité IC2, série Informatique et systèmes d'information)
Author/Editor: PETRUCCI Laure; KORDON Fabrice; PAUTET Laurent
Syst��mes psychiques et syst��mes sociaux
Author/Editor: Sosoe, Lukas K. (Ed.)
Systèmes partiels de communication, Ed. Recueil de travaux publié avec la coll. de Olivier Burgelin [u. a.]. Reprint 2018
Author/Editor: Robert Escarpit; Charles Bouazis
Systèmes numériques 2
Author/Editor: Gervais
Systèmes numériques 1
Author/Editor: Gervais
Systèmes non linéaires (Traité IC2, Série systèmes automatisés)
Author/Editor: LAMNABHI-LAGARRIGUE Françoise; ROUCHON Pierre
Systèmes non linéaires : théorie et applications (Collection automatique de base)
Author/Editor: RASVAN Vladimir; STEFAN Radu
Systèmes non-linéaires - Cours et exercices avec solutions
Author/Editor: Boubaker Olfa; Lassoued Abir
Systèmes électroniques embarqués et transports - 3ed.
Author/Editor: Philippe Louvel; Pierre Ezerzere
Systèmes électroniques embarqués et transports - 2ed.
Author/Editor: Ezerzere Pierre; Jourdes Philippe; Louvel Philippe
Systémes intéractifs d'aide é la décision et systémes experts
Author/Editor: LEVINE Pierre
Systèmes intégrables et Théorie des champs quantiques
Author/Editor: BAIRD
Systèmes experts dans l'entreprise (3e édition revue & augmentée)
Author/Editor: POMEROL Jean-Charles; BENCHIMOL Guy; LEVINE Pierre
Systèmes dynamiques discrets non réguliers déterministes ou stochastiques : applications aux modèles avec frottement ou impact (collection Mécanique des structures)
Author/Editor: BASTIEN Jérôme; LAMARQUE Claude-Henri; BERNARDIN Frédéric
Systèmes dynamiques - 2e ed
Author/Editor: Pac Jean-Louis
Systèmes diphasiques. Éléments fondamentaux et applications industrielles (collection Science et ingénierie des matériaux)
Author/Editor: WOILLEZ Jacques
Systèmes d'information pour l'amélioration de la qualité en santé
Author/Editor: STACCINI Pascal; HARMEL Ali; DARMONI Stéfan
Systèmes d'information géographique - 2e éd.
Author/Editor: Yves Auda
Systèmes d'information géographique
Author/Editor: Auda Yves
Systèmes d'information et management de crise (collection Management et Informatique)
Author/Editor: TASSIN Philippe
Systèmes d'information et management
Author/Editor: Reix; Fallery; Kalika; Rowe
Systèmes d'information et management
Author/Editor: Michel Kalika; Frantz Rowe; Bernard Fallery; Robert Reix; Jean-Loup Richet
Systèmes d'information et développement durable (collection Études informatiques et logiciels)
Author/Editor: TASSIN Philippe; DELSOL Emmanuelle; BORDAGE Frédéric; BERTHOUD Françoise; BERHAULT Gilles; BONNET Pierre; BORDES François
Systèmes d'information de l'entreprise : 11 cas pratiques(Informatique et gestion
Author/Editor: ALIPHAT Pierre
Systèmes d'imagerie intégrés ou associés aux appareils de radiothérapie
Author/Editor: Ginette Marinello; Jianji Pan
Systèmes de transport urbain : caractérisation de l'offre et estimation de la demande (Série Aménagement et gestion du territoire, IGAT)
Author/Editor: THÉVENIN Thomas; BANOS Arnaud
Systèmes de production et de logistique (Coll. Finance, gestion, management)
Author/Editor: DUTREUIL Julien; BALLOT Éric; MOLET Hugues; FONTANE Frédéric
Systèmes de gestion de bases de données orientés objet (CNAM Synthèses informatiques)
Author/Editor: RUIZ
Systèmes de communications et théorie de l'information
Author/Editor: CHARBIT Maurice
Systèmes de calcul de structures en CFAO
Author/Editor: NIKU-LARI A.
Systèmes commandés en réseau (Traité IC2 série Systèmes automatisés)
Author/Editor: RICHARD Jean-Pierre; DIVOUX Thierry
Systèmes agroalimentaires en transition
Systèmes agraires, systèmes de production: Vocabulaire français-anglais avec index anglais
Author/Editor: Laurence de Bonneval
Systèmes agraires et progrès agricole: L’assolement triennal en Russie aux XVIII–XIX siècles. Étude d’économie et de sociologie rurales, Ed. Reprint 2018
Author/Editor: Michael Confino; Roger Portal
Systèmes agraires et changement climatique au Sud: Les chemins de l'adaptation
Système représentatif au Japon
Author/Editor: Hisatsuna Furuya
Système pénitentiaire aux États-Unis et de son application en France - Suivi d'un Appendice sur les colonies pénales et de notes statistiques
Author/Editor: Gustave de Beaumont; Alexis de Tocqueville
Système national d'économie politique
Author/Editor: Friedrich List; Henri Richelot
Système général harmonisé de classification et d'étiquetage des produits chimiques (SGH), Ed. 1re éd. rév
Author/Editor: United Nations.
Système d'information des Ressources Humaines
Author/Editor: Michelle Gillet; Patrick Gillet
Système des résidences d'hiver et d'été chez les nomades et les chefs hongrois au Xe siècle, Ed. Reprinted from Archivum eurasiae medii aevi I (1975). Reprint 2019
Author/Editor: György Györffy
Système de graphologie - L'art de connaître les hommes d'après leur écriture
Author/Editor: Jean Hippolyte Michon
Système de gestion de bases de données CACHé
Author/Editor: LASALLE Marie-France; GROSSIN Claire
Système de finances et d'économie publique - Applicable aux divers gouvernements de l'Europe et du Nouveau-Monde
Author/Editor: Vatar Desaubiez
Système de Compatibilité Nationale 2008 (PDF)
Author/Editor: United Nations,
Système analytique des connaissances positives de l'homme - Restreintes à celles qui proviennent directement ou indirectement de l'observation
Author/Editor: Jean-Baptiste de Monet de Lamarck
Systématique : ordonner la diversité du vivant (Rapport sur la Science et la technologie N°11)
System zintegrowanego planowania rozwoju w warunkach polskich. Założenia – zasady kierunkowe – koncepcja
Author/Editor: Tadeusz Markowski; Dominik Drzazga
Systemy zarządzania w znormalizowanym świecie
Author/Editor: Jerzy Łańcucki (Editor)
Systemy konstytucyjne wybranych państw Azji Południowo-Wschodniej: Singapur, Malezja, Tajlandia, Timor Wschodni
Author/Editor: Anna Michalak
Systemy inteligentne w sieci Internet
Author/Editor: Przemysław Dembowski; Jerzy Stanisław Zieliński; Witold Bartkiewicz
The System Worked: How the World Stopped Another Great Depression
Author/Editor: Drezner, Daniel W.
Systemwide Efforts to Improve Student Achievement
Author/Editor: Rutledge, Stacy A.; Wong, Kenneth K.
The System: Who Owns the Internet, and How It Owns Us
Author/Editor: James Ball
»Systemwettbewerb« zwischen Gesetzlicher und Privater Krankenversicherung. Rechtliche Voraussetzungen und Grenzen
Author/Editor: Sternberg, Lioba
Systemvertrauen und Journalismus im Neoliberalismus
Author/Editor: Malte G. Schmidt
Systemverschiebung ohne Ausgleichmechanismen: Konsensuale Erledigungen und Diskriminierungseffekte im Wechselwirkungsverhaeltnis: Ein Rechtsvergleich mit dem US-Strafprozess
Author/Editor: S. Lisa Washington
Systemverhalten und Berechnung von Drehstromsystemen
Author/Editor: Lutz Hofmann
Systemunterstützte Umformung
Author/Editor: Rittmeier, Sebastian
System und Widerspruch zur Dialektik in der sozialistischen Gesellschaft, Ed. Reprint 2022
Author/Editor: Gottfried Stiehler
System und Systemkritik
Author/Editor: Daniel Althof
Series Title: Hegel-Jahrbuch Sonderband
System und Subversion: Friedrich Schleiermacher und Henrik Steffens
Author/Editor: Sarah Schmidt; Leon Miodoński
System und Selbst: Arbeit und Subjektivität im Zeitalter ihrer strategischen Anerkennung, Ed. Aufl.
Author/Editor: Lutz Eichler
System und Prinzipien des Privatrechts
Author/Editor: Franz Bydlinski
System und Prinzipien des Europ�ischen Vertragsrechts
Author/Editor: Riesenhuber, Karl.
System und Prinzipien der gesetzlichen Vergütungsansprüche des Urheberrechts
Author/Editor: Philipp Homar
System und Praxis der Daktyloskopie und der sonstigen technischen Methoden der Kriminalpolizei
Author/Editor: Heindl, Robert
System- und objektorientierte Simulation betriebswirtschaftlicher Entscheidungen
Author/Editor: Strohhecker, Jürgen.
System und Norm in der Diachronie des deutschen Konjunktivs
Author/Editor: Schrodt, Richard.
Series Title: Linguistische Arbeiten
System- und Methodengeschichte der deutschen Musikkritik vom Ausgang des 18. bis zum Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Helmut Kirchmeyer
System Und Logik Bei Hegel
Author/Editor: Luca Fonnesu (Ed); Lucia Ziglioli (Ed)
System und K��rper: Kreative Methoden in der systemischen Praxis
Author/Editor: András Wienands
System und K��rper
Author/Editor: András Wienands
System Under Stress: The Challenge to 21st Century Governance, Ed. Third Edition
Author/Editor: Donald F. Kettl
System und Entwicklung des materiellen Steuerrechts in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur des Kameralismus von 1680 - 1840,: dargestellt anhand der gedruckten zeitgenössischen Quellen.
Author/Editor: Johannes Jenetzky
System und Entwicklung der DDR-Wirtschaft.
Author/Editor: Peter Mitzscherling; Horst Lambrecht; Manfred Melzer; Charlotte Otto-Arnold; Maria Elisabeth Ruban; Angela Scherzinger-Rüger; Heinz Vortmann; Herbert Wilkens
System-Transformation: Logik und Theorie sowie Darstellung am Beispiel der muslimisch beeinflussten GUS-Republiken, Ed. Reprint 2018
Author/Editor: Herbert Biermann; Elisabeth Einig; Frank Hesse
Systemtransformation in Mittel- und Osteuropa und ihre Folgen für Banken, Börsen und Kreditsicherheiten
Author/Editor: Ulrich Drobnig; Klaus J. Hopt; Hein Kötz; Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker
Systemtransformation als evolutorischer Prozess: Wirkungen des Handels auf den Produktionsaufbau am Beispiel der Baltischen Staaten
Author/Editor: Bertram Wiest
System Thinking in the Control of Organizational and Technical Problems
Author/Editor: Gorgidze, Ivane.
System: The Shaping of Modern Knowledge
Author/Editor: Siskin, Clifford
Systemtheorie und soziale Arbeit, 2., neubearb. u. erw. Aufl.
Author/Editor: Tilly Miller
Systemtheorie und rekonstruktive Sozialforschung – eine Brücke
Author/Editor: Werner Vogd
Systemtheorie und Recht.: Zur Normentheorie Talcott Parsons'.
Author/Editor: Reinhard Damm
Systemtheorie und Gesellschaftskritik
Author/Editor: Kolja Möller; Jasmin Siri
Series Title: Sozialtheorie
Systemtheorie und betriebswirtschaftliche Organisationsforschung.: Eine Nutzenanalyse der Theorien autopoietischer und selbstreferentieller Systeme.
Author/Editor: Lilia Stünzner
Systemtheorie und antike Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Aloys Winterling
Systemtheorie in der Geomorphologie: Problemfelder, erkenntnistheoretische Konsequenzen und praktische Implikationen
Author/Editor: Kirsten von Elverfeldt
Systemtheorie in den Fachwissenschaften
Author/Editor: Gansel, Christina.
Systemtheorie III: Steuerungstheorie
Author/Editor: Willke, Helmut
Systemtheorie 2
Author/Editor: Rolf Unbehauen
Systemtheorie 1: Allgemeine Grundlagen, Signale und lineare Systeme im Zeit- und Frequenzbereich
Author/Editor: Unbehauen, Rolf; Hartl, Rainer
Systemtheoretische und empirische Analyse der Krankenhausinanspruchnahme.
Author/Editor: Josef Düllings
Systemtheoretische Literaturwissenschaft: Begriffe - Methoden - Anwendungen
Author/Editor: Niels Werber
A System-Theoretic Safety Engineering Approach for Software-Intensive Systems
Author/Editor: Abdulkhaleq, Asim Ali Ahmed
A System That Excludes All Systems
Author/Editor: Cervato, Emanuela
Systemtechnische Untersuchung des Potentials prädiktiver Ladestrategien für Photovoltaik-Speichersysteme dem Anstieg anthropogener Kohlendioxidkonzentration der Biosphäre entgegen zu wirken
Author/Editor: Vieth, Udo
The Systems Work of Social Change: How to Harness Connection, Context, and Power to Cultivate Deep and Enduring Change
Author/Editor: Cynthia Rayner; François Bonnici
Systems with Non-Smooth Inputs: Mathematical Models of Hysteresis Phenomena, Biological Systems, and Electric Circuits
Author/Editor: Jürgen Appell; Nguyen Thi Hien; Lyubov Petrova; Irina Pryadko
Systems with Fast Ionic Transport - IV
Author/Editor: Bogusz, Wladyslaw; Jakubowski, Waclaw; Krok, Franciszek
Series Title: Solid State Phenomena
Systems with Fast Ionic Transport - III
Author/Editor: G. Schuster; K. Künstler; H. Ullmann
Systems We Have Loved
Author/Editor: Meltzer, Eve
A Systems View of Nuclear Security and Nuclear Safety: Identifying Interfaces and Building Synergies
Author/Editor: IAEA
A System Study for RFID: Transponders Based on Polymer Semiconductors
Author/Editor: Böhm, Markus
System, Structure, and Contradiction
Author/Editor: Friedman, Jonathan.
Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving for Borderline Personality Disorder: Implementing STEPPS Around the Globe
Author/Editor: Donald W. Black; Nancee Blum
The Systems Thinking School: Redesigning Schools From the Inside-Out
Author/Editor: Barnard, Peter A.
Systems Thinking in Museums
Author/Editor: Yuha Jung; Ann Rowson Love
Systems Thinking in Medicine and New Drug Discovery: Volume One
Author/Editor: Robert E. Smith
Systems Thinking in Medicine and New Drug Discovery: Volume Two
Author/Editor: Robert E. Smith
Systems Thinking in International Education and Development: Unlocking Learning for All?
Author/Editor: Moira V. Faul; Laura Savage
Systems Thinking for Sustainable Schooling: A Mindshift for Educators to Lead and Achieve Quality Schools
Author/Editor: Karolyn J. Snyder; Kristen M. Snyder
Systems-thinking for Safety
Series Title: Systems Thinking for Safety
Systems Thinking for Harassed Managers
Author/Editor: McCaughan, Nano.; Palmer, Barry
Series Title: Systemic Thinking and Practice Series. Work with Organizations
Systems Thinking for Global Health: How Can Systems-thinking Contribute to Solving Key Challenges in Global Health?
Author/Editor: Frédérique Vallières; Hasheem Mannan; Naonori Kodate; Fiona Larkan
Systems Thinking for Effective Managers
Author/Editor: Prashun Dutta
Systems Thinking for Business and Management: Principles and Practice
Author/Editor: Umit S Bititci; Agnessa Spanellis
Systems Thinking and Decision Making in Urban and Environmental Planning
Author/Editor: Perdicoulis, Anastassios.
Systems Thinking
Author/Editor: Frank, Moti
Series Title: Management Science: Theory and Applications
Systems Theory with Engineering Applications
Author/Editor: Mihail Voicu, Author
A Systems Theory of Religion
Author/Editor: Luhmann, Niklas; Kieserling, André
Systems Theory and Theology
Author/Editor: Locker, Markus
Systems Theory and Family Therapy: A Primer, Ed. 3rd Edition
Author/Editor: Raphael J. Becvar; Dorothy Stroh Becvar
Systems Theory
Author/Editor: Miranda, Francisco
Series Title: Systems Science Series
Systems That Learn: An Introduction to Learning Theory, Ed. 2nd ed
Author/Editor: Jain, Sanjay
Systems Synthetic Biology: System Models, User-Oriented Specifications, and Applications
Author/Editor: Unknown
Systems Science and Population Health
Author/Editor: El-Sayed, Abdulrahman M.; Galea, Sandro
Systems Reliability Engineering: Modeling and Performance Improvement
Author/Editor: Amit Kumar; Mangey Ram
Systems Reliability and Failure Prevention
Author/Editor: Hecht, Herbert.
The Systems Psychodynamics of Organizations
Author/Editor: Stein, Mark.; Stapley, Lionel.; Gould, Laurence J.
A Systems Perspective of Public Health
Author/Editor: Marek Susta, Author
Systems Performance Modeling
Author/Editor: Adarsh Anand; Mangey Ram
A System So Magnificent It Is Blinding
Author/Editor: Amanda Svensson
Systems of Violence: The Political Economy of War and Peace in Colombia, Ed. 2nd ed
Author/Editor: Richani, Nazih.
Systems of Transversal Sections Near Critical Energy Levels of Hamiltonian Systems in $\mathbb{R}^{4}$
Author/Editor: Naiara V. de Paulo; Pedro A. S. Salomão
Systems of Suffering: Dispersal and the Denial of Asylum
Author/Editor: Jonathan Darling
Systems Of Rural Settlements In Developing Countries
Author/Editor: Ram Bahadur Mandal
Systems of Quasilinear Equations and Their Applications to Gas Dynamics
Author/Editor: B. L. Roždestvenskiĭ; N. N. Janenko
Systems of Psychotherapy: A Transtheoretical Analysis
Author/Editor: James O. Prochaska; John C. Norcross; Judith J. Prochaska
Systems of Psychotherapy
Author/Editor: Prochaska, James O.; Norcross, John C.
Systems of Prosodic and Paralinguistic Features in English, Ed. Reprint 2021
Author/Editor: David Crystal; Randolph Quirk
Systems of Order and Inquiry in Later Eighteenth-Century Fiction
Author/Editor: Eric Rothstein
Systems of Government
Author/Editor: The Editors of Salem Press
Series Title: Sociology Reference Guide
Systems of General Sales Taxation: Theory, Policy and Practice
Author/Editor: Robert F. van Brederode
Systems of Ethics and Value Theory
Author/Editor: Sahakian, William S.
Systems of Employee Representation at the Enterprise: A Comparative Study
Author/Editor: Roger Blanpain
Systems: New Paradigms for the Human Sciences
Author/Editor: Koch, Walter A.; Altmann, Gabriel.
Systems Microbiology: Current Topics and Applications
Author/Editor: Brian D. Robertson; Brendan W. Wren
Systems Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia Coli for Production of Violacein and Deoxyviolacein
Author/Editor: Rodrigues, André Luis
Systems Metabolic Engineering of Corynebacterium Glutamicum Towards Improved Lysine Production
Author/Editor: Becker, Judith
Systems Librarianship: A Practical Guide for Librarians
Author/Editor: Brighid M. Gonzales
Systems in Timber Engineering
Author/Editor: Kolb, Josef; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Holzforschung.; LIGNUM (Association : Switzerland)
Systems From Hell: Problem Definition and the Literary Portrayal of Failure in Our Public Policy and Social Institutions
Author/Editor: David A. Rochefort
A Systems Framework Of The Marine Foods Industry In India
Author/Editor: G.R.Kulkarni; U. K. Srivastava
Systems for the Phonetic Transcription of English: Theory and Texts
Author/Editor: Monroy Casas, Rafael.
Series Title: Linguistic Insights: Studies in Language and Communication
Systems for Printed Flexible Sensors: Design and Implementation
Author/Editor: Tarikul Islam; Subhas Mukhopadhyay; Boby George
Systems for Manufacturing Excellence: Generating Efficient and Reliable Manufacturing Operations
Author/Editor: Nick Rich; Mohamed Afy Shararah
Systems Failure
Author/Editor: Franta, Andrew
Systems, Experts, and Computers: The Systems Approach in Management and Engineering, World War II and After
Author/Editor: Hughes, Thomas Parke.; Hughes, Agatha C.
Systems Engineering Approach to Medical Automation
Author/Editor: Felder, Robin.; Alwan, Majd.; Zhang, Mingjun.
Systems Engineering Approach to Better, Less Expensive Health Care
Author/Editor: Peaterson, Adeline
Series Title: Health Care Issues, Costs, and Access
Systems Engineering
Author/Editor: Hopkins, Marlene
Series Title: Systems Engineering Methods, Developments and Technology
Systems Engineering
Author/Editor: Eisner, Howard
Series Title: Synthesis Lectures on Engineering
Systems Design
Author/Editor: Mitchell, Wilbert I.; Lynch, Jane E.
Series Title: Mechanical Engineering Theory and Applications
Systems Control Theory
Author/Editor: Xiangjie Liu
Systems Concepts in Action: A Practitioner's Toolkit
Author/Editor: Williams, Bob; Hummelbrunner, Richard.
Systems-Centred Theory and Practice
Author/Editor: Carter, Fran.; Agazarian, Yvonne.; Systems-Centered Training and Research Institute.
Systems-Centered Therapy for Groups
Author/Editor: Agazarian, Yvonne.
Systems-Centered Therapy
Author/Editor: Agazarian, Yvonne.; Gant, Susan P.; Sandahl, Christer.
Systems-Centered Practice
Author/Editor: Agazarian, Yvonne.
Systems Cancer Biology
Author/Editor: Bor-Sen Chen, Author
Systems Biotechnology of Recombinant Protein Production in Aspergillus Niger
Author/Editor: Driouch, Habib
Systems Biology of Stress in Bacillus Megaterium and Its Potential Applications
Author/Editor: Godard, Thibault
Systems Biology in Cancer Immunotherapy
Author/Editor: Mahbuba Rahman
Series Title: Frontiers in Cancer Immunology;
Systems Biology, Bioinformatics and Livestock Science
Author/Editor: Anupam, Nath Jha; Sandeep, Swargam; Indu, Kumari
Systems Biology
Author/Editor: Stephanopoulos, G.; Rigoutsos, Isidore.
Systems Biology
Author/Editor: Stephanopoulos, G.; Rigoutsos, Isidore.
Systems Biology
Author/Editor: Chen, Bor-Sen.
Series Title: Systems Biology - Theory, Techniques and Applications
Systems Bioinformatics
Author/Editor: Ramoni, Marco F.; Alterovitz, Gil.
Series Title: The Artech House Bioinformatics & Biomedical Imaging Series
Systems, Automation and Control: Extended Papers From the Multiconference on Signals, Systems and Devices 2014
Author/Editor: Nabil Derbel
Systems, Automation, and Control: 2017
Author/Editor: Derbel, Nabil; Derbel, Faouzi; Kanoun, Olfa
Systems, Automation, and Control
Author/Editor: Nabil Derbel; Faouzi Derbel
A Systems Approach to Public Administration and Social Equity
Author/Editor: Todd Pooser
The Systems Approach to Psychosomatics of Stuttering
Author/Editor: Author Unknown
A Systems Approach to Lithium-ion Battery Management
Author/Editor: Weicker, Phillip.
A Systems Approach to Environmental Management
Systems Approach to Engineering Design
Author/Editor: Sydenham, P. H.
A Systems Approach to Cyber Security
Author/Editor: A. Roychoudhury; Y. Liu
Series Title: Cryptology and Information Security Series
Systems and Psychoanalysis
Author/Editor: Flaskas, Carmel.; Pocock, David
Series Title: Systemic Thinking and Practice Series
Systems and Meaning
Author/Editor: Haslebo, Gitte.; Nielsen, Kit Sanne.
Series Title: Systemic Thinking and Practice Series. Work with Organizations
Systems and Computer Science
Author/Editor: Hart, John F.; University of Western Ontario.; Takasu, Satoru
A Systems Analysis of Medicine (SAM): Healing Medicine
Author/Editor: Bryson, Ken A.
Systems Analysis in Public Policy: A Critique, Revised Edition
Author/Editor: Ida R. Hoos
Systems Analysis & Design Fundamentals
Author/Editor: Kock, Ned F.
Systems Analysis and Simulation 1988, I: Theory and Foundations. Proceedings of the International Symposium Held in Berlin (GDR), September 12–16, 1988, Ed. Reprint 2021
Author/Editor: Achim Sydow; Spyros G. Tzafestas; Robert Vichnevetsky
Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World
Author/Editor: John W. Satzinger; Robert B. Jackson; Stephen D. Burd
Systems Analysis and Design, Edition 11
Author/Editor: Scott Tilley; Harry J. Rosenblatt
Systems Analysis and Design
Author/Editor: Scott Tilley
Systems Analysis: A Beginner's Guide
Author/Editor: Bowman, Kevin.
System Robustness Analysis in Support of Flood and Drought Risk Management
Author/Editor: Mens, M. J. P.
Systemrisiko und Wirtschaftsordnung im Bankensektor
Author/Editor: Mendelsohn, Juliane K.
The System Reform of the Economic and Monetary Union (2010-2022): Dynamics-Successes-Failures
Author/Editor: Janusz Józef Węc
System Recall: Leading for Equity and Excellence in Education, Ed. First Edition
Author/Editor: Alma Harris; Michelle S. Jones
System Priors for Econometric Time Series
Author/Editor: Andrle, Michal.; Plašil, Miroslav.
System Priors
Author/Editor: Andrle, Michal; Benes, Jaromi
Systemplanung und Systemanalyse, Ed. Reprint 2018
Author/Editor: Franz Lehner
Systemplanung. Planung und Realisierung von Informatik-Projekten: Band 2: Der Prozeß der Grobprojektierung, der Feinprojektierung und der Installierung, Ed. 5., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage. Reprint 2018
Author/Editor: Lutz J. Heinrich
Systemplanung. Planung und Realisierung von Informatik-Projekten
Series Title: Systemplanung planung und Realisierung von Informatik-Projekten
Systemplanung: Analyse und Grobprojektierung von Informationssystemen, Ed. Reprint 2019
Author/Editor: Lutz J. Heinrich
Systemowe uwarunkowania planowania przestrzennego jako instrumentu osiągania sustensywnego rozwoju
Author/Editor: Dominik Drzazga
Systemorientierte Sozialpädagogik
Author/Editor: Simmen, René; Buss, Gabriele; Hassler, Astrid; Immoos, Stephan
Systemorientierte Entwurfsmethodik für Fahrzeugladegeräte
Author/Editor: Siebke, Konstantin
System, Order, and International Law: The Early History of International Legal Thought From Machiavelli to Hegel, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Kadelbach, Stefan; Kleinlein, Thomas; Roth-Isigkeit, David
Systemopposition: Kontingenz, Ideologie und Utopie im politischen Denken der 1960er Jahre
Author/Editor: Michael Th. Greven
Author/Editor: Rajsuman, Rochit.
Series Title: Artech House Signal Processing Library
The System of Unfair Competition Prevention in Japan
Author/Editor: Christopher Heath
The System of the Inquisition in Medieval Europe
Author/Editor: Pawel Kras
The System of the Constitution
Author/Editor: Vermeule, Adrian
A System of Rights
Author/Editor: Martin, Rex
The System of Rice Intensification and Conventional Rice Farming
Author/Editor: unknown
Series Title: Biotechnology in Agriculture, Industry and Medicine
System Of Rice Intensification
Author/Editor: K. N. Bhatt; Pradeep Bhargava
A System of Pragmatic Idealism, Volume II: The Validity of Values, A Normative Theory of Evaluative Rationality: The Validity of Values, A Normative Theory of Evaluative Rationality
Author/Editor: Rescher, Nicholas
A System of Pragmatic Idealism, Volume III: Metaphilosophical Inquiries: Metaphilosophical Inquiries
Author/Editor: Rescher, Nicholas
A System of Pleas: Social Sciences Contributions to the Real Legal System
Author/Editor: Edkins, Vanessa A.; Redlich, Allison D.
System of Physic (GUL MS Hunter 509, Ff. 1r-167v)
Author/Editor: Esteban Segura, Laura
Series Title: Late Middle English texts
The System of Nominal Accentuation in Sanskrit and Proto-Indo-European
Author/Editor: A. M. Lubotsky
Author/Editor: E. J. Crane; Mildred W. Grafflin
The System of Nature. Volume 2
Author/Editor: Paul Henri Thiery (Baron D'Holbach)
The System of Nature. Volume 1
Author/Editor: Paul Henri Thiery (Baron D'Holbach)
System of National Accounts 2008 (Russian language) (PDF)
Author/Editor: United Nations, Department of Economic; Social Affairs
System of National Accounts 2008
Author/Editor: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.; World Bank.; International Monetary Fund.; United Nations.; European Commission.
System of National Accounts 1993, Ed. [Rev. ed.]
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund.; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.; World Bank.; Inter-Secretariat Working Group on National Accounts.; United Nations.; Commission of the European Communities.
A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive: Being a Connected View of the Principles of Evidence, Methods of Scientific Investigation (Classic Reprint)
Author/Editor: John Stuart Mill
System of Logic and History of Logical Doctrines (Classic Reprint)
Author/Editor: Friedrich Ueberweg
The System of Japanese Society: A Historical Sociology of Work and Employment
Author/Editor: Eiji Oguma
System of Ghosts
Author/Editor: Tigue, Lindsay
Series Title: Iowa Poetry Prize
The System of Five Cakras in Kubjikāmatatantra 14-16
Author/Editor: Dory H. Heilijgers-Seelen
System of Environmental-economic Accounting for Water
System of Environmental-economic Accounting 2012: Central Framework
Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund.; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.; World Bank.; European Commission.; United Nations.; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
The System of Dante's Hell
Author/Editor: Amiri Baraka
The System of Comics
Author/Editor: Groensteen, Thierry.
The System of Classical Malay Literature
Author/Editor: V.I. Braginsky
System of Christian Theology
Author/Editor: Henry Boynton Smith; William S. Karr
The System Of Antichrist
Author/Editor: Charles Upton
The System of Absentology in Ontological Philosophy
Author/Editor: Lovasz, Adam
Systemnahe Programmierung mit C und Linux: Das umfassende Handbuch
Author/Editor: Jürgen Wolf; René Krooß
System Modeling in Cellular Biology: From Concepts to Nuts and Bolts
Author/Editor: Periwal, Vipul.; Stelling, Jörg.; Szallasi, Zoltan.
Systemm�ngel in Demokratie und Marktwirtschaft
Author/Editor: Arnim, Hans-Herbert von
Series Title: Schriftenreihe der Hochschule Speyer
Systemmanagement und Managementsysteme.: Festgabe für Gert v. Kortzfleisch zum 70. Geburtstag.
Author/Editor: Peter Milling
System Leadership: Policy and Practice in the English Schools System
Author/Editor: Susan Cousin
System Landschaft / Landscape as a System
Author/Editor: Landschaftsarchitekten, Bund Deutscher.
Systemkritik!: Essays für eine Kulturpolitik der Transformation
Author/Editor: Svenja Reiner; Simon Sievers; Henning Mohr
Systemkrisen und Systemvertrauen
Author/Editor: Ziekow, Jan; Sŏk, Chong-hyŏn
Series Title: Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Universita?t fu?r Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer
Systemkrise als Handlungschance.: Christian Wilhelm von Dohm und die Lütticher Revolution von 1789.
Author/Editor: Heike Wüller
Author/Editor: Fellenberg, Christian
System Kids: Adolescent Mothers and the Politics of Regulation
Author/Editor: Silver, Lauren J.
Systemizing the Past: Papers in Near Eastern and Caucasian Archaeology Dedicated to Pavel S. Avetisyan on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday
Author/Editor: Yervand Grekyan; Arsen Bobokhyan
The System Is Unforgiving: Play by the Rules and Win
Author/Editor: Maxwell, Allen F.
Systemisk ledelse : dialog og relasjoner i organisasjoner
Author/Editor: Karsten Hornstrup
Systemisch visualisieren: Einfach machen!: Das Grundlagenbuch
Author/Editor: Wiebke Lückert; Franziska Brauner
Systemisch-lösungsorientierte Mediation und Konfliktklärung: Ein Lehr-, Lern- und Arbeitsbuch für Ausbildung und Praxis, Ed. 3., erw. und aktual. Aufl. 2023
Author/Editor: Holger Lindemann; Claude-Hélène Mayer; Ilse Osterfeld
Systemisch-lösungsorientierte Mediation und Konfliktklärung: Ein Lehr-, Lern- und Arbeitsbuch für Ausbildung und Praxis, Ed. 2., überarbeitete Auflage 2020
Author/Editor: Holger Lindemann; Claude-Hélène Mayer; Ilse Osterfeld
Systemisch-lösungsorientierte Mediation und Konfliktklärung: Ein Lehr-, Lern- und Arbeitsbuch für Ausbildung und Praxis, Ed. Aufl.
Author/Editor: Holger Lindemann; Claude-Hélène Mayer; Ilse Osterfeld
Systemisch-lösungsorientierte Gesprächsführung und Beratung in Kindertageseinrichtungen: Ein Lehr-, Lern- und Arbeitsbuch, Ed. 1. Auflage 2021
Author/Editor: Holger Lindemann; Petra Lahrkamp; Ursula Günster-Schöning; Nikola Siller
Systemisch-l�sungsorientierte Gespr�chsf�hrung in Beratung, Coaching, Supervision und Therapie
Systemisch-lösungsorientierte Gesprächsführung in Beratung, Coaching, Supervision und Therapie: Ein Lehr-, Lern- und Arbeitsbuch für Ausbildung und Praxis, Ed. 1. Auflage 2018
Author/Editor: Holger Lindemann
Systemisch – kritisch?: Zur Kritischen Systemtheorie und zur systemisch-kritischen Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit, Ed. Auflage
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Krieger; Sebastian Sierra Barra
Systemisch-konstruktivistisches Einzel- und Teamcoaching im Management (SKETM)., Ed. 2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage
Author/Editor: Rolf Meier
Systemische Traumarbeit
Author/Editor: Schmid, Bernd.; Günter, Andrea.
Systemische Traumap�dagogik
Author/Editor: Renate Jegodtka; Peter Luitjens
Systemische Therapie mit der inneren Familie: Vollständig überarbeitete Neuausgabe, Ed. 1. Aufl. 2021
Author/Editor: Richard C. Schwartz; Martha Sweezy
Systemische Therapie jenseits des Heilauftrags: Systemtherapeutische Perspektiven in der Sozialen Arbeit und verwandten Kontexten, Ed. 1. Auflage 2020
Author/Editor: Tanja Kuhnert; Mathias Berg
Systemische Therapie in der Dermatologie: Ein praktischer Ratgeber zur Verordnung, Anwendung und Therapieüberwachung, Ed. 2., aktualisierte Auflage
Author/Editor: S. Domm; R. Gläser; U. Mrowietz
Systemische Therapie in Aktion
Author/Editor: Jan Bleckwedel
Systemische Streifz�ge
Author/Editor: Julika Zwack; Elisabeth Nicolai
Systemisches Qualitätsmanagement: Grundlagen, Systemtheorie und Anwendung
Author/Editor: Paul Reinbacher
Systemische Sozialarbeit: Haltungen und Handeln in der Praxis, Ed. 1. Auflage 2022
Author/Editor: Johannes Herwig-Lempp
Systemisches Krankenhausmanagement
Author/Editor: Steffen Fleßa
Systemisches Karrierecoaching
Author/Editor: Hans-Jürgen Balz; Peter Plöger
Systemisches Handwerk
Author/Editor: Schwing, Rainer.; Fryszer, Andreas.
Systemische Sexualtherapie, Ed. 1. Aufl.
Author/Editor: Ulrich Clement
Systemisches E-Learning
Author/Editor: Glanninger, Peter.
Series Title: Europa?ische Hochschulschriften. Reihe XL, Kommunikationswissenschaft und Publizistik
Systemisches Coaching: Lehrbuch für die praxisorientierte Ausbildung
Author/Editor: Möhn, Heinz; Siebel, Anke
Systemische Räume
Author/Editor: Claudia Blümle; Horst Bredekamp; Matthias Bruhn
Systemische Praxis und Buddhismus: Ein Wegweiser für achtsame Therapie und Beratung, Ed. 1. Auflage 2020
Author/Editor: Corina Aguilar-Raab
Systemische Personalwirtschaft
Author/Editor: Waldemar Kropp
Systemische Paartherapie: Konzepte - Methode - Praxis, Ed. 1., Aufl.
Author/Editor: Arnold Retzer
Systemische Methoden in Familienberatung und -therapie: Was passt in unterschiedlichen Lebensphasen und Kontexten?, Ed. 1. Auflage 2019
Author/Editor: Andreas Eickhorst; Ansgar Röhrbein
Systemische Kompetenzen entwickeln: Grundlagen, Lernprozesse und Didaktik, Ed. 1. Auflage 2020
Author/Editor: Petra Bauer; Marc Weinhardt
Systemische Interventionen
Author/Editor: von Schlippe, Arist; Schweitzer, Jochen
Systemische Interventionen
Author/Editor: von Schlippe, Arist; Schweitzer, Jochen
Systemische Integration von Investitionsschutzabkommen
Author/Editor: Christoph Hölken
Systemische Impulse. Theorieansätze, neue Konzepte und Anwendungsfelder systemischer Sozialer Arbeit, Ed. Auflage
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Krieger
Systemische Horizonte
Author/Editor: Loth, Wolfgang.; Schlippe, Janina von.; Schlippe, Arist von.; Schindler, Hans.
Systemische Hirngespinste
Author/Editor: Hanswille, Reinert.
Systemische Familientherapie mit Kinder, Jugendlichen und Eltern: Lebensfluss-Modelle und analoge Methoden
Author/Editor: Peter Nemetschek
Systemische Familienberatung: Lehrbuch für die praxisorientierte Ausbildung
Author/Editor: Möhn, Heinz; Siebel, Anke
Systemische Ethik
Author/Editor: Ramita G. Blume
Systemische Epidemiologie und präventive Verhaltensmedizin chronischer Erkrankungen: Strategien zur Aufrechterhaltung der Gesundheit
Author/Editor: Grossarth-Maticek, Ronald.
Systemische Entwicklungsberatung in der frühen Kindheit
Author/Editor: Borke, Jörn; Eickhorst, Andreas
Systemische Beratung und Familientherapie �� kurz, b��ndig, alltagstauglich
Author/Editor: Schwing, Rainer.; Fryszer, Andreas.
Systemische Beratung - Kommunikation durch Skizzieren
Author/Editor: Just, Annette
Systemische Beratung in Pflege und Pflegebildung
Author/Editor: Elke Geyer; Andrea Rose; Renate Zwicker-Pelzer
Series Title: Schriften der Katholischen Hochschule Nordrhein-Westfalen
Systemische Beratung in f�nf G�ngen
Author/Editor: Helga Brüggemann; Kristina Ehret-Ivankovic; Christopher Klütmann
Systemische Beratung in f��nf G��ngen
Author/Editor: Helga Brüggemann; Kristina Ehret; Christopher Klütmann
Systemisch-dokumentarische Paartherapie: Resilienz in Partnerschaften entdecken und stärken, Ed. 1. Auflage 2020
Author/Editor: Astrid v. Sichart
Systemisch beraten und steuern live 3
Author/Editor: Schwemmle, Markus.; Schwemmle, Kristin.
Series Title: Systemisch beraten und steuern live
Systemisch beraten und steuern live 2
Author/Editor: Schwemmle, Kristin.; Schwemmle, Markus.
Systemisch arbeiten mit Jugendlichen: Haltungen, Strategien, Methoden und Settings, Ed. 1. Auflage 2021
Author/Editor: Hans-Werner Eggemann-Dann; Andreas Fryszer
Systemisch agil beraten
Author/Editor: Frederick Meseck
Author/Editor: Hoffmann, Kurt.
System in Systemic Functional Linguistics: A System-based Theory of Language
Author/Editor: Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen
System Innovation and the Transition to Sustainability
Author/Editor: Elzen, Boelie; Geels, Frank W.; Green, Kenneth.
System in Black Language
Author/Editor: Sutcliffe, David; Figueroa, John J.
Series Title: Multilingual Matters
System im Umbruch
Author/Editor: Maren Sievert
System Identification for Structural Health Monitoring
Systemic Work with Organizations
Author/Editor: Campbell, David; Kinsella, Keith.; Coldicott, Tim.
Series Title: Systemic Thinking and Practice Series. Work with Organizations
Systemic Vulnerability and Sustainable Economic Growth: Skills and Upgrading in Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Ritchie, Bryan K.
Systemic Violence of the Law: Colonialism and International Investment
Author/Editor: Enrique Prieto-Rios
Systemic Violence in Education
Author/Editor: Epp, Juanita Ross.; Watkinson, Ailsa M.
Series Title: SUNY Series, Education and Culture
The Systemic View As a Basis for Philological Thought
Author/Editor: Olga Valentinova; Vladimir Denisenko; Sergey Preobrazhenskii; Mikhail Rybakov
Systemic Treatment of Prostate Cancer
Author/Editor: Horwich, Alan.
Systemic Treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Author/Editor: Giaccone, Giuseppe.
Systemic Thinking in Futuristic Studies
Author/Editor: سحر صبري ونعمان زهران
Systemic Therapy with Individuals
Author/Editor: Boscolo, Luigi.; Bertrando, Paolo
Series Title: Systemic Thinking and Practice Series
Systemic Semiotics: A Deductive Study of Communication and Meaning
Author/Editor: Piotr Sadowski
Systemic Sclerosis: Explorations, Insights and Treatment
Author/Editor: Ali Nawaz Khan
Systemic School Improvement Interventions in South Africa
Author/Editor: Khosa, Godwin; Darroll, Leigh; Mosselson, Maureen; Coetzee, Hannelie
Systemics and the Art of Living in a Complex World
Author/Editor: Stig C. Holmberg; Anita M. Håkansson
Systemic Risk: The Dynamics of Modern Financial Systems
Author/Editor: Gai, Prasanna
Systemic Risks in Global Banking
Author/Editor: Cerutti, Eugenio; Claessens, Stijn; McGuire, Patrick M
Systemic Risk Monitoring ("SysMo") Toolkit -- a User Guide
Author/Editor: Blancher, Nicolas R.
Systemic Risk in the Financial Sector: Ten Years After the Great Crash
Author/Editor: Douglas W. Arner; Emilios Avgouleas; Danny Busch; Steven L. Schwarcz
Systemic Risk, Institutional Design, and the Regulation of Financial Markets, Ed. First edition
Author/Editor: Anand, Anita
Systemic Risk From Global Financial Derivatives
Author/Editor: Markose, Sheri M.; International Monetary Fund.
Series Title: IMF Working Paper
Systemic Risk, Crises, and Macroprudential Regulation
Author/Editor: Freixas, Xavier.; Peydró, José-Luis.; Laeven, Luc.
Systemic Risk Assessment in Low Income Countries
Author/Editor: Marchettini, Daniela; Maino, Rodolf
Systemic Risk and Optimal Regulatory Architecture
Author/Editor: Sole, Juan; Matta, Rafael; Kahn, Charles M.; Espinosa-Vega, Marco
Systemic Risk and Macroprudential Regulations
Author/Editor: Rabi N. Mishra
Systemic Risk, Aggregate Demand, and Commodity Prices
Author/Editor: Gómez-Pineda, Javier; Guillaume, Dominique; Tanyeri, Kadi
Systemic Risk
Author/Editor: Laseen, Stefan; Pescatori, Andrea; Turunen, Jarkk
Systemic Risk
Author/Editor: Banner, Jeffrey.
Series Title: Economic Issues, Problems and Perspectives
Systemic Regularities and Systemic Optimization
Author/Editor: Pranguishvili, Iveri V.
Systemic Racism and the African American Experience
Author/Editor: Currie, Stephen
Systemic Organization Development
Author/Editor: Ralph Grossmann
Systemic & Ophthalmic Management Of Diabetes Mellitus
Author/Editor: Steele, Chris
Systemic Management
Author/Editor: Fowler, Charles W.
Series Title: Oxford Biology
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE): Risk Factors, Treatment Options and Clinical Aspects
Author/Editor: Author Unknown
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Author/Editor: Koarada, Syuichi.
Series Title: Immunology and Immune System Disorders
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Renal Vasculitis
Author/Editor: Sessa, A.; Meroni, M.; Battini, G.
Series Title: Contributions to Nephrology
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Systematic Approach to Arthritis of Rheumatic Diseases Frontiers in Arthritis
Author/Editor: Syuichi, Koarada
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Author/Editor: Gordon, Caroline; Isenberg, David
Systemic Liquidity Management in the U.A.E.
Author/Editor: Chailloux, Alexandre; Hakura, Dali
Systemic Leadership
Author/Editor: Achouri, Cyrus
Systemic Islamophobia in Canada: A Research Agenda
Author/Editor: Anver M. Emon
Systemic Interventions
Author/Editor: Arist von Schlippe; Jochen Schweitzer
The Systemic Image: A New Theory of Interactive Real-Time Simulations
Author/Editor: Inge Hinterwaldner
Systemic: How Racism Is Making Us Ill
Author/Editor: Layal Liverpool
Systemic Hormones, Neurotransmitters and Brain Development
Author/Editor: Dörner, G.; McCann, S.M.; Martini, L.
Series Title: Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience
Systemic Fungicides
Author/Editor: A. K. Sharma
Systemic Functional Perspectives of Japanese: Descriptions and Applications
Author/Editor: Elizabeth A. Thomson; William S. Armour
Systemic Functional Linguistics and Translation Studies
Author/Editor: Mira Kim; Jeremy Munday; Zhenhua Wang; Pin Wang
Systemic Functional Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis
Author/Editor: Harrison, Claire.; Young, Lynne.
Series Title: Open Linguistics
Systemic Functional Grammar of Spanish: A Contrastive Study with English
Author/Editor: Lavid, Julia.; Zamorano, Juan Rafael.; Arús, Jorge.
A Systemic Functional Grammar of French
Author/Editor: Caffarel, Alice.
A Systemic Functional Grammar of Chinese
Author/Editor: Li, Eden Sum-hung.
Systemic Functional Grammar & Natural Language Generation
Author/Editor: Teich, Elke
Series Title: Communication in Artificial Intelligence
Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy
Author/Editor: Rasmus, Jack
Systemic Family Therapy: From Theory to Practice
Author/Editor: Jon L. Winek
Systemic Failures of Indian Polity: In Defence, Diplomatic and Internal-Insurgency Fields
Author/Editor: Mahinder N. Gulati
Systemic Drugs in Dermatology
Author/Editor: Sardana, Kabir
Systemic Dramaturgy: A Handbook for the Digital Age
Author/Editor: Michael Mark Chemers; Mike Sell
Systemic Discrimination in Employment and the Promotion of Ethnic Equality
Author/Editor: Craig, Ronald L.
Systemic Couple Therapy and Depression
Author/Editor: Jones, Elsa.; Asen, Eia
Series Title: Systemic Thinking and Practice Series
Systemic Corruption: Constitutional Ideas for an Anti-Oligarchic Republic
Author/Editor: Camila Vergara
Systemic Contingent Claims Analysis
Author/Editor: Jobst, Andreas.; Gray, Dale F.; International Monetary Fund.
Series Title: IMF Working Paper
Systemic Constellations: Theory, Practice, and Applications
Author/Editor: Damian Janus
Systemic Coaching and Constellations: The Principles, Practices and Application for Individuals, Teams and Groups
Author/Editor: John Whittington
Systemic Coaching and Constellations
Author/Editor: Whittington, John
Systemic Coaching and Constellations
Author/Editor: Whittington, John
Systemic Choices: Nonlinear Dynamics and Practical Management
Author/Editor: Daneke, Gregory A.
Systemic Change Through Praxis and Inquiry
Author/Editor: Collen, Arne.
Series Title: Praxiology
Systemic, Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Physiological Functions and Their Disorders (Proceedings of I. Beritashvili Center for Experimental Biomedicine – 2018)
Author/Editor: Nodar P. Mitagvaria
Systemic, Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Physiological Functions and Their Disorders
Author/Editor: Mitagvariia, N. P.
Series Title: New Developments in Medical Research
Systemic, Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Physiological Functions and Their Disorders, Third Book (Proceedings of I. Beritashvili Center for Experimental Biomedicine – 2021)
Author/Editor: Nargiz Nachkebia
Systemic Bank Restructuring and Macroeconomic Policy
Author/Editor: Alexander, William E.
Systemic Banking Crises Revisited
Author/Editor: Laeven, Luc.; Valencia, Fabian.
Systemic Banking Crises Database: An Update
Author/Editor: Laeven, Luc.; Valencia, Fabian.; International Monetary Fund.
A Systemic Approach to Consultation
Author/Editor: Campbell, David.; Draper, Rosalind.; Huffington, Clare.
Series Title: Systemic Thinking and Practice Series
Systemic Approaches to Training in Child Protection
Author/Editor: Smith, Gerrilyn.
Series Title: Systemic Thinking and Practice Series
Systemic and Metabolic Changes Observed in Alcohol Dependent Male Patients After Alcohol Withdrawal
Author/Editor: Klopocka, Maria.
Systemic Actions in Complex Scenarios
Author/Editor: Fabó, Edit.; Ferone, Emilia.; Chen, Jim
Series Title: World Complexity Science Academy Book Series
Systemic Action Research
Author/Editor: Burns, Danny
Systemgerechtigkeit und Kohärenz: Legislative Einheit und Vielheit durch Verfassungs- und Unionsrecht
Author/Editor: Dieterich, Peter.
Systemgerechtigkeit im Spannungsfeld von Investmentsteuerrecht und Hinzurechnungsbesteuerung
Author/Editor: Dajo Ee Sanning
Systemgerechtigkeit bei den Marktfreiheiten der Europäischen Union.: Die gebotene Kohärenz nationaler Gesetzgebung.
Author/Editor: Maximilian Philipp
Systemfragen der Insolvenzanfechtung - ein deutsch-italienischer Rechtsvergleich vor dem Hintergrund des europäischen internationalen Insolvenzrechts, Ed. 1. Auflage
Author/Editor: Fabian Bitzer
The System for Settlement of Disputes Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: A Drafting History and a Commentary
Author/Editor: A.O. Adede
System Failure: The Silencing of Rape Survivors
Author/Editor: Michael Bradley
Systeme von starren Körpern, Ed. 2. Aufl. Reprint 2019
Author/Editor: Wilhelm Müller
Systeme, Verfahren und Komponenten zur hochauflösenden Dauerstrich-Terahertz-Spektroskopie
Author/Editor: Göbel, Thorsten
System Evaluation Theory: A Blueprint for Practitioners Evaluating Complex Interventions Operating and Functioning As Systems
Author/Editor: Ralph Renger
Systèmes temps réel de contrôle-commande: conception et implémentation
Author/Editor: Cottet, Francis.; Grolleau, Emmanuel.
Systeme spielen
Author/Editor: Manteufel, Andreas.; Reicherts, Michael; Schiepek, G.
System Engineering mit SysML: Mechatronische Produktionssysteme und Modellbasiertes Engineering
Author/Editor: Birgit Vogel-Heuser
Systeme monetärer Steuerung: Analyse und Vergleich geldpolitischer Strategien
Author/Editor: Albrecht F. Michler; H Jörg Thieme
System ekozarządzania i audytu (EMAS) w organizacji
Author/Editor: Alina Matuszak-Flejszman
System einer Insolvenzauslösung bei der GmbH.: Liquiditätsorientierter Vorschlag für eine Reform der Haftungsverfassung bei der GmbH und für eine Grenze wirksamer Kreditbesicherung zur Vermeidung massearmer Insolvenzen.
Author/Editor: Andreas C. Förster
Systeme im Wandel
Système général harmonisé de classification et d'étiquetage des produits chimiques (SGH), Ed. 3e éd. révisée
Author/Editor: United Nations.
Système général harmonisé de classification et d'étiquetage des produits chimiques (SGH), Ed. 4. éd. rév
Author/Editor: United Nations.
Système général harmonisé de classification et d'étiquetage des produits chimiques (SGH), Ed. 5. éd. rév
Author/Editor: United Nations.
System Effects: Complexity in Political and Social Life
Author/Editor: Jervis, Robert
Systeme der Regelungstechnik mit MATLAB und Simulink
Author/Editor: Bode, Helmut
Systeme der Regelungstechnik mit MATLAB und Simulink
Author/Editor: Bode, Helmut.
Systeme der Kosten- und Erlösrechnung
Author/Editor: Schweitzer, Marcell.; Hofmann, Christian.; Pedell, Burkhard.; Küpper, Hans-Ulrich.; Friedl, Gunther.
Systeme der Kosten- und Erl��srechnung
Author/Editor: Schweitzer, Marcell.; Küpper, Hans-Ulrich.
Series Title: Vahlens Handbu?cher
Systeme übertragbarer Nutzungsrechte in der grenzüberschreitenden Wasserreinhaltepolitik
Author/Editor: Wenzel, Silvio
System-Dynamics-Modelle als Erweiterung der Methoden der Investitionsrechnung für Stromspeicher im deutschen Elektrizitätsmarkt
Author/Editor: Roland Maximilian Happach
System Dynamics: Komplexe Sozialsysteme und ihren Wandel begreifen und gestalten
Author/Editor: Siegfried Rosner
System Dynamics for Industrial Engineers and Scientific Managers
Author/Editor: Roberto Villaseñor Roldán
System des Zivilrechts und Struktur der Kodifikation: Europäische und ostasiatische Perspektive
Author/Editor: Yuanshi Bu
System des Preussischen Civilrechts im Grundrisse, Ed. Reprint 2021
Author/Editor: L. C. Heydemann
System des Personenrechts.
Author/Editor: Hermann Eichler
System des in Deutschland geltenden Strafrechts, Ed. 2. verbes. Ausg., Reprint 2022
Author/Editor: Friedrich Bluhme
System des heutigen römischen Rechts Band 2, Ed. Reprint 2016
Author/Editor: Friedrich Karl von Savigny