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Titles start with D (5) Information
Diplomacy of Quasi-Alliances in the Middle East: Translated from the Chinese by Jinan Wang. With a Foreword by Tim Niblock
Author/Editor: Degang Sun,Dandan Zhang
Desert Dispute: the Diplomacy of Boundary-Making in South-Eastern Arabia (2 vols)
Author/Editor: Kelly, J. B.; Kelly, Saul. B
Desert Dispute: the Diplomacy of Boundary-Making in South-Eastern Arabia - 3 Volume SET -
Author/Editor: Saul B. Kelly
Desert Disputes: the Diplomacy of Boundary-Making in South-Eastern Arabia (2 vols)
Author/Editor: Saul B. Kelly
Der Orient - Fiktion oder Realität? / The Orient - Fiction or Reality?
Author/Editor: Khalifa, Mohammed