Download this publisher's e-journal holdings (xlsx)
Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | No | Yes |
Titles (37) | ISSN | Status |
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly |
0736-5829, 1543-2777
preserved |
Athletic Therapy Today |
1078-7895, 1933-2068
preserved |
Canadian Journal of History of Sport |
preserved |
Canadian Journal of History of Sport and Physical Education |
preserved |
Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology |
2470-4849, 2470-4857
preserved |
Case Studies in Sport Management |
2372-5540, 2167-2458
preserved |
International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training |
2157-7277, 2157-7285
preserved |
International Journal of Golf Science |
2168-7595, 2168-7609
preserved |
International Journal of Sport Biomechanics |
preserved |
International Journal of Sport Communication |
1936-3915, 1936-3907
preserved |
International Journal of Sport Nutrition |
preserved |
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism |
1526-484X, 1543-2742
preserved |
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance |
1555-0265, 1555-0273
preserved |
International Sport Coaching Journal |
2328-918X, 2328-9198
preserved |
Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour |
2575-6605, 2575-6613
preserved |
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity |
1063-8652, 1543-267X
preserved |
Journal of Applied Biomechanics |
1065-8483, 1543-2688
preserved |
Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology |
1932-9261, 1932-927X
preserved |
Journal of Coaching Education |
preserved |
Journal of Intercollegiate Sport |
1941-6342, 1941-417X
preserved |
Journal of Motor Learning and Development |
2325-3193, 2325-3215
preserved |
Journal of Physical Activity and Health |
1543-3080, 1543-5474
preserved |
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology |
0895-2779, 1543-2904
preserved |
Journal of Sport Management |
0888-4773, 1543-270X
preserved |
Journal of Sport Psychology |
preserved |
Journal of Sport Rehabilitation |
1056-6716, 1543-3072
preserved |
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education |
0273-5024, 1543-2769
preserved |
Kinesiology Review |
2163-0453, 2161-6035
preserved |
Motor Control |
1087-1640, 1543-2696
preserved |
NIRSA: Journal of the National Intramural Recreational-Sports Association |
preserved |
Pediatric Exercise Science |
0899-8493, 1543-2920
preserved |
Recreational Sports Journal |
1558-8661, 1558-867X
preserved |
Sociology of Sport Journal |
0741-1235, 1543-2785
preserved |
Sport History Review |
1087-1659, 1543-2947
preserved |
Sport Management Education Journal |
1938-6974, 2163-2367
preserved |
The Sport Psychologist |
0888-4781, 1543-2793
preserved |
Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal |
1063-6161, 1938-1581
preserved |