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Titles (127) Information
After the War: A Collection of Short Fiction by Postwar Italian Women
Author/Editor: Martha King
The Akeldama Tombs
Author/Editor: Avni, G.; Greenhut, Z
The Akhziv Cemeteries
Author/Editor: Dayagi-Mendels, M
Akko II
Author/Editor: Hartal, Moshe; Syon, Danny; Stern, Eliezer
Akko III: the 1991–1998 excavations : the late periods.Part I,The Hospitaller Compound, Vol. 72
Author/Editor: Eliezer Stern ,Danny Syon ,Nitzan Amitai-Preiss ,Yael D. Arnon ,Adrian J. Boas ,Mary Brown ,Israel Carmi ,Yael Fuhrmann-Naaman ,Joppe Gosker
Akko I: the 1991-1998 excavations. The Crusader-period pottery
Author/Editor: Stern, E.J
Akko I: the 1991-1998 excavations. The Crusader-period pottery
Author/Editor: Stern, E.J
Aldus & His Dream Book: An Illustrated Essay
Author/Editor: Helen Barolini
"Along the road to Bet Shemesh" (I Samuel 6:12): archaeological studies of the Ramat Bet Shemesh region
Author/Editor: Ofer Sion ,Omer Shalev ,Benyamin Storchan ,Yehiel Zelinger
The Al-Subayba (Nimrod) Fortress
Author/Editor: Hartal, Moshe
Ancient Caesarea
Author/Editor: Fuhrmann-Naaman, Yael; Porath, Yosef
Ancient Naples: A Documentary History Origins to c. 350 CE
Author/Editor: RABUN M. TAYLOR
Archaeological Excavations and Research Studies in Southern Israel / חפירות ומחקרים ארכיאולוגיים בדרום הארץ: Collected Papers Volume 5: 18th Annual Southern Conference / קובץ מחקרים כרך ה': כנס דרום ה-י"ח
Author/Editor: Amir Golani ,Daniel Varga ,Yana Tchekhanovets ,Michal Birkenfeld
Archaeological Excavations and Research Studies in Southern Israel / חפירות ומחקרים ארכיאולוגיים בדרום הארץ: Collected Papers Volume 4: 17th Annual Southern Conference / קובץ מחקרים כרך ד': כנס דרום ה-י"ז
Author/Editor: Amir Golani ,Daniel Varga ,Gunnar Lehmann ,Yana Tchekhanovets
The Art of Commemoration in the Renaissance: The Slade Lectures
Ashdod VI
Author/Editor: Dothan, M; Ben-Shlomo, D
Ashqelon Barne‘a. The Early Bronze Age Site I: The Excavations
Author/Editor: Amir Golani,Oren Ackermann,Avner Ayalon,Mira Bar-Matthews,Gabriela Bijovsky,Elisabetta Boaretto,Eriola Jakoel,Mechael Osband
Ashqelon Barne‘a: The Early Bronze Age Site : Volume II : The Finds, Vol. 70
Author/Editor: Amir Golani ,Guy Bar-Oz ,Anat Cohen-Weinberger ,Gaëlle Le Dosseur ,Mae Goder-Goldberger ,Haskel J. Greenfield ,Inbar Ktalav ,Omri Lernau ,Yael Mahle
The Azor Cemetery
Author/Editor: Ben-Shlomo, D
Back to Qumran
Author/Editor: Magen, Yitzhak; Peleg, Yuval
Baroque Naples: A Documentary History, 1600-1800
Author/Editor: Jeanne Chenault Porter
Bet Degan
Author/Editor: Yannai, Eli; Nagar, Y
Bet She'an Vol. 1: Nysa-Scythopolis
Author/Editor: Mazor, G.; Najjar, A
Bet She'an Vol. 2: Baysan
Author/Editor: Bar-Nathan, R.; Atrash, W
Bet She'an Vol. 3: Nysa-Scythopolis. The Southern And Severan Theaters
Author/Editor: Mazor, G.; Atrash, W
Bet She'an Vol. 3: Nysa-Scythopolis. The Southern And Severan Theaters
Author/Editor: Mazor, G.; Atrash, W
Bet She'an Vol. 4: Nysa-Scythopolis
Author/Editor: Mazor, G.; Atrash, W.; Finkielsztejn, Gerald
Bet Yerah
Author/Editor: Greenberg, Raphael
Bet Yerah
Author/Editor: Greenberg, Raphael
Bet Yerah. Volume III, Hellenistic philoteria and Islamic al-Sinnabra
Author/Editor: Greenberg, Raphael; Tal, Oren; Deadle, Taufik
Bronze and Iron Age Tombs at Tell Beit Mirsim
Author/Editor: Ben-Arieh, S
Caesarea Maritima I
Author/Editor: Porath, Y
Caesarea Maritima I
Author/Editor: Porath, Y
Catholic Peace Tradition
Author/Editor: RONALD G. MUSTO
The Cave of the Warrior
Author/Editor: Schick, T
The Chalcolithic Culture of the Golan
Author/Editor: Epstein, C
Christians and Christianity, Vol I
Author/Editor: Magen Y.; Kagan, Evgeni D; Peleg, Y
Christians and Christianity, Vol II
Author/Editor: Magen Y.; Kagan, Evgeni D; Peleg, Y
Christians and Christianity, Vol III
Author/Editor: Haimovich-Carmin, Noga
Christians and Christianity, Vol IV
Author/Editor: Haimovich-Carmin, Noga
Christians and Christianity, Vol V
Author/Editor: Magen Y.; Malka, Ayelet Hashahar
The Chronicle of an Anonymous Roman: Rome, Italy, and Latin Christendom, c.1325-1360
Author/Editor: James A. Palmer
Contemporary Sicilian Poetry: A Multilingual Anthology
Author/Editor: Ana Ilievska ,Pietro Russo ,Ana Ilievska ,Antonio Sichera
Convivial Poems
Author/Editor: Giovanni Pascoli ,Elena Borelli ,James Ackhurst
The Dance of the Necklace
Author/Editor: Grazia Deledda ,Mary Ann Frese Witt ,Martha Witt
The Deceived: A New English Translation of Gl’Ingannati in a Dual-Language Edition, Ed. BLP
Author/Editor: Donald Beecher,Massimo Ciavolella
The Deeds of Commander Pietro Mocenigo
The Downfall of the Famous: New Annotated Edition of The Fates of Illustrious Men, Ed. 2
’En Esur (`Ein Asawir) I
Author/Editor: Yannai, Eli
’En Esur (`Ein Asawir) I: excavations at a protohistoric site in the coastal plain of Israel
Author/Editor: Eli Yannai,Donald T. Ariel,Israel Carmi,Zohar Grosinger,Aharon Horowitz,Hamoudi Khalaily,Dorit Lazar-Shorer,Ofer Marder,Ianir Milevski,Yorke M. Rowan,Dror Segal,Sariel Shalev,Flavia Sonntag
`En Esur (`Ein Asawir) II
Author/Editor: Yannai, Eli
En Esur ('Ein Asawir) III: Excavations in the Bronze Age Cemetery, Vol. 68
Author/Editor: Yehuda Dagan ,Shelley Sadeh ,Daniella Bar-Yosef Mayer ,Anat Cohen-Weinberger ,Yossi Nagar
Excavations at Efrata
Author/Editor: Gonen, R
Excavations at Kadesh Barnea (Tell el-Qudeirat) 1976-1982
Author/Editor: Cohen, R.; Bernick-Greenberg, H
Excavations at Kadesh Barnea (Tell el-Qudeirat) 1976-1982
Author/Editor: Cohen, R.; Bernick-Greenberg, H
Excavations at Tiberias, 1973-1974
Author/Editor: Stacy, D
Excavations at Tiberias, 1989-1994
Author/Editor: Hirschfeld, Y
The Floods of the Tiber: With Additional Documents on the Tiber Flood of 1530
Author/Editor: LUIS GÓMEZ ,Chiara Bariviera ,Pamela O. Long ,William L. North
Gamla I
Author/Editor: Berlin, A.M
Gamla II
Author/Editor: Syon, Danny; Yavor, Z
Gamla III
Author/Editor: Syon, Danny
Gamla III Part 2
Author/Editor: Syon, Danny
The Good Samaritan Museum
Author/Editor: Magen Y
Greek and Roman Hell: Visions, Tours and Descriptions of the Infernal Otherworld
Author/Editor: Eileen Gardiner
Hindu Hell: Visions, Tours and Descriptions of the Infernal Otherworld, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Eileen Gardiner
Horbat Rosh Zayit
Author/Editor: Gal, Z.; Alexandre, Y
Horbat Uza
Author/Editor: Getzov, N
Horbat 'Uza
Author/Editor: Getzov, N
Huon of Bordeaux
Author/Editor: Catherine M. Jones ,William W. Kibler
Italian Environmental Literature: An Anthology, Ed. BLL - Bilingual edition
Author/Editor: Hachlili, R.; Killebrew, A.E
Author/Editor: Ben-Ami, D
Jerusalem Excavations in the Tyropoeon Valley (Givati Parking Lot) Volume II: The Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods: Part 2: Strata IV –I:The Early Islamic Period
Author/Editor: Doron Ben-ami,Yana Tchekhanovets,Oriya Amichay,Donald T. Ariel,Hagar Ben Dov,Ariel Berman,Gabriela Bijovsky,Ram Bouchnick,Salome Dan-Goor,Vitaly Gutkin,Dorit Gutreich,Masha Krakovsky,Inbar Ktalav,Omri Lernau,Inna Popov,Peretz Reuven,Irina Segal,Ariel Shat
Jerusalem Excavations in the Tyropoeon Valley (Givati Parking Lot) Volume II: The Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods: Part 1: Stratum V: The Byzantine Period
Author/Editor: Doron Ben-Ami,Yana Tchekhanovets,Oriya Amichay,Donald T. Ariel,Hagar Ben Dov,Ariel Berman,Gabriela Bijovsky,Ram Bouchnick,Salome Dan-Goor,Vitaly Gutkin,Dorit Gutreich,Masha Krakovsky,Inbar Ktalav,Omri Lernau,Inna Popov,Peretz Reuven,Irina Segal,Ariel Shat
Jerusalem Excavations in the Tyropoeon Valley (Givati Parking Lot) Volume II: The Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods: Part 3: Complementary Studies of Various Finds, Vol. 66/3
Author/Editor: Doron Ben-Ami ,Yana Tchekhanovets ,Oriya Amichay ,Donald T. Ariel ,Hagar Ben Dov ,Ariel Berman ,Gabriela Bijovsky ,Ram Bouchnick ,Salome Dan-Goor
Jerusalem Western Wall Plaza Excavations I
Author/Editor: Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah; Alexander Onn
Jerusalem Western Wall Plaza Excavations II
Author/Editor: Renate Rosenthal-Heginbottom
The Kathisma Church and Monastery of Mary Theotokos on the Jerusalem – Bethlehem Road: final report of the 1992, 1997, 1999 and 2000 excavation seasons, Vol. 69
Author/Editor: Rina Avner ,Donald T. Ariel ,Ariel Berman ,Leah Di Segni ,Gerald Finkielsztejn ,Yael Gorin-Rosen ,Tamar Winter
Kissufim Road
Author/Editor: Goren, Y.; Fabian, P
Knights' Halls
Author/Editor: Fuhrmann-Naaman, Yael; Kislev, Raanan
Kristeller Reconsidered: Essays on His Life and Scholarship
Lisbon in the Renaissance: A New Translation of the Urbis Olisiponis Descriptio
Author/Editor: Damião de Góis,JEFFREY S. RUTH
Maresha Excavations Final Report I
Author/Editor: Kloner, A
Maresha Excavations Final Report II
Author/Editor: Erlich, A.; Kloner, A
Maresha Excavations Final Report III
Author/Editor: Kloner, A
Mary's Well, Nazareth
Author/Editor: Alexandre, Y
The Mega Project at Motza (Moẓa): The Neolithic and Later Occupations up to the 20th Century: New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and Its Region. Supplementary Volume
Author/Editor: Hamoudi Khalaily,Amit Re'em,Jacob Vardi,Ianir Milevski
The Mega Project at Motza (Moẓa): The Neolithic and Later Occupations up to the 20th Century, Vol. Supplementary volume
Author/Editor: Hamoudi Khalaily ,Amit Re'em ,Jacob Vardi ,Ianir Milevski
The Miracles and Translation of St. James: Books Two and Three of the Liber Sancti Jacobi
Author/Editor: Thomas F. Coffey,Maryjane Dunn
The Modern Sinner
Author/Editor: Carolina Invernizio ,Andrew Edwards
Monastic Settlements in South Sinai in the Byzantine Period
Author/Editor: Dahari, U
More than Meets the Eye: Irony, Paradox, and Metaphor in the History of Art, The Mellon Lectures
Mount Gerizim excavations III: The coins, Vol. 19
The Naḥal Tanninim dam and its vicinity: final report of the 2000–2005 excavation seasons, Vol. 71
Author/Editor: Yosef Porath ,Uzi ‘Ad ,‘Abed al-Salam Sa‘id ,Donald T. Ariel ,Etan Ayalon ,Yehoshua (Yeshu) Dray ,Amir Freundlich ,Peter Gendelman ,Avner Hillman
Nahal Haggit
Author/Editor: Seligman, J
The Necropolis of Bet Guvrin
Author/Editor: Avni, G.; Dahari, U.; Kloner, A
The Neolithic Site of Abu Ghosh
Author/Editor: Khalaily, H.; Marder, O
New Italian Voices: Transcultural Writing in Contemporary Italy
Author/Editor: Cinzia Sartini Blum,Deborah L. Contrada
New Italian Women: A Collection of Short Fiction
Author/Editor: Martha King
New studies in the archaeology of Jerusalem and its region / חידושים בארכיאולוגיה של ירושלים וסביבותיה: Collected Papers. Volume 14 / קובץ מחקרים. כרך יד
Author/Editor: Yehiel Zelinger ,Orit Peleg-Barkat ,Joseph (Joe) Uziel ,Yuval Gadot
New Studies in the Archaeology of Northern Israel / חידושים בארכיאולוגיה של צפון ארץ ישראל
Author/Editor: Karen Covello-Paran ,Adi Erlich ,Ron Beeri
New Studies in the Archaeology of the Judean Desert: Collected Papers
Author/Editor: Ofer Sion ,Joe Uziel ,Amir Ganor ,Eitan Klein
Paneas I
Author/Editor: Tzaferis, V.; Israeli, S
Paneas II
Author/Editor: Tzaferis, V.; Israeli, S
Paneas IV
Author/Editor: Hartal, Moshe
Petrarch’s Two Gardens: Landscape and the Image of Movement
Pottery of the Crusader, Ayyubid and Mamluk Periods in Israel
Author/Editor: Avissar, M.; Stern, E.J
The Ramat Bet Shemesh Regional Project
Author/Editor: Dagan, Y
The Ramat Bet Shemesh Regional Project
Author/Editor: Dagan, Y
Renaissance Naples: A Documentary History, 1400-1600
Author/Editor: Charlotte Nichols,James H. McGregor
Salvage Excavations at Tel Moza
Author/Editor: Greenhut, Z.; De-Groot, A
Salvage Excavations at the Early Bronze Age Site of Qiryat Ata
Author/Editor: Golani, A
The Sermons and Liturgy of Saint James: Book I of the Liber Sancti Jacobi
Author/Editor: Thomas F. Coffey ,Maryjane Dunn
Settlement Dynamics and Regional Diversity in Ancient Upper Galilee
Author/Editor: Frankel, R.; Getzov, N.; Aviam, M
Shoham (North)
Author/Editor: van den Brink, E.C.M.; Gophna, R
The Tel Bet Yerah Excavations, 1994-1995
Author/Editor: Getzov, N
Tel Mor
Author/Editor: Barako, T.J
Tel Te’o
Author/Editor: Eisenberg, E.; Gopher, A.; Greenberg, Raphael
Tel Te’o: a Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Site in the Hula Valley
Author/Editor: Emanuel Eisenberg,Avi Gopher,Raphael Greenberg,Yuval Goren,Netta Halperin,Gila Kahila Bar-Gal,Liora Kolska Horwitz,Arlene Miller Rosen,Steven A. Rosen,Shelly Sadeh,Patricia Smith,Ann Roshwalb Hurowitz
Tel Yoqne'am
Author/Editor: Avissar, M
Villages, Terraces and Stone Mounds
Author/Editor: Edelstein, G.; Milevski, I.; Aurant, S
Watching the Moon And Other Plays
Author/Editor: Massimo Bontempelli ,Patricia Gaborik
Western Wall Plaza Excavations III: The Roman and Byzantine Periods: Small Finds from rhe Roman Refuse Dump and Other Contexts, Vol. 67
Author/Editor: Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah ,Alexander Onn ,Donald T. Ariel ,Elisabetta Boaretto ,Leah Di Segni ,Yael Gorin-Rosen ,Lihi Habas ,Natalya Katsnelson ,Shua K
Woman at War
Author/Editor: Dacia Maraini ,Mara Benetti ,Elspeth Spottiswood
Writing Southern Italy Before the Renaissance: Trecento Historians of the Mezzogiorno
Author/Editor: RONALD G. MUSTO
Yavne and Its Secrets / יבנה וצפונותיה: Collected Papers/ קובץ מחקרים
Author/Editor: Elie Haddad ,Liat Nadav-Ziv ,Jon Seligman ,Daniel Varga ,Pablo Betzer ,Amit Shadman ,Oren Tal ,Yotam Tepper
Author/Editor: Braun, E