Download this publisher's e-journal holdings (xlsx)
Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Journals | Yes | Yes |
Titles start with J ( displaying 500 of 1,377 ) | ISSN | Status |
Juntendo Medical Journal |
2187-9737, 2188-2126
preserved |
Juntendo Medical Journal |
0022-6769, 2188-2134
preserved |
Jukan Sofu |
2436-7494, 2758-6707
preserved |
JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards report |
2758-6030, 2758-6049
preserved |
JST Science Report |
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JSTnews |
1349-6085, 2433-7927
preserved |
JSTnews |
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JSTnews |
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JSSE Research Report |
preserved |
JSRVI Annual Abstract Meeting |
preserved |
JSM Mycotoxins |
0285-1466, 1881-0128
preserved |
JSME International Journal, Series C: Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and Manufacturing |
1344-7653, 1347-538X
preserved |
JSME International Journal, Series C: Dynamics, Control, Robotics, Design and Manufacturing |
preserved |
JSME International Journal, Series B: Fluids and Thermal Engineering |
1340-8054, 1347-5371
preserved |
JSME International Journal, Series A: Solid Mechanics and Material Engineering |
1344-7912, 1347-5363
preserved |
JSME International Journal, Series A: Mechanics and Material Engineering |
queued |
JSME International Journal, Series 3: Vibration, Control Engineering, Engineering for Industry |
preserved |
JSME international journal, Series 2: Fluids Engineering, Heat Transfer, Power, Combustion, Thermophysical Properties |
preserved |
JSME International Journal, Series 1: Solid Mechanics, Strength of Materials |
preserved |
JSME International Journal |
preserved |
JSMD Review |
2432-7174, 2432-6992
preserved |
JSIAM Letters |
1883-0609, 1883-0617
preserved |
JSIAD Journal |
preserved |
JSEE Annual Conference International Session Proceedings |
2189-8936, 2424-1466
preserved |
JSBi Bioinformatics Review |
preserved |
JSAP Review |
preserved |
JSAP Annual Meetings Extended Abstracts |
preserved |
JSAI Technical Report, Type 2 SIG |
preserved |
JSAI Technical Report, SIG-SLUD |
0918-5682, 2436-4576
preserved |
JSAI Technical Report, SIG-KBS |
preserved |
JSAI Technical Report, SIG-FPAI |
preserved |
JSAI Technical Report, SIG-ALST |
1349-4104, 2436-4606
preserved |
Journal The Japan Association of Regional Development and Vitalization |
2185-0623, 2758-1071
preserved |
Journal of Zosen Kiokai |
preserved |
Journal of Zosen Kiokai |
preserved |
The Journal of Yokkaichi University |
1340-5543, 2433-4685
preserved |
Journal of Yamanashi Eiwa Junior College |
0286-2360, 2433-6637
preserved |
Journal of Yamanashi Eiwa College |
1348-575X, 2433-6467
preserved |
Journal of work health and safety regulation |
2758-4771, 2758-4755
preserved |
Journal of Wood Utilization System |
preserved |
Journal of Wind Engineering |
preserved |
Journal of Wind Engineering |
1349-3507, 1349-340X
preserved |
Journal of Wind Energy,JWEA |
preserved |
Journal of Welfare Sociology |
1349-3337, 2186-6562
preserved |
Journal of Weed Science and Technology |
0372-798X, 1882-4757
preserved |
Journal of Water and Environment Technology |
preserved |
Journal of Volunteer Studies |
1345-9511, 2434-1851
preserved |
Journal of Volleyball Sciences |
1344-9524, 2433-7277
preserved |
The Journal of Vitaminology |
preserved |
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science |
0916-7250, 1347-7439
preserved |
Journal of Veterinary Epidemiology |
1343-2583, 1881-2562
preserved |
The Journal of Utsunomiya Kyowa University |
1881-4646, 2433-6599
preserved |
The Journal of Utsunomiya Kyowa University |
2189-5805, 2433-7420
preserved |
Journal of Urban Social Studies |
2434-7523, 2434-7531
preserved |
Journal of UOEH |
0387-821X, 2187-2864
preserved |
Journal of Tunnel Engineering, JSCE |
1349-5399, 1884-9105
preserved |
Journal of Transport Problems and Human Rights |
0912-5744, 2189-9002
preserved |
Journal of Transcatheter Valve Therapies |
preserved |
Journal of Trainology |
preserved |
Journal of Training Science for Exercise and Sport |
1349-4414, 2185-9191
preserved |
Journal of Toyama Institute of Emergency Medicine |
2185-4424, 2434-8457
preserved |
Journal of Toxicologic Pathology |
0914-9198, 1881-915X
preserved |
The Journal of Toxicological Sciences |
0388-1350, 1880-3989
preserved |
Journal of Tourism Research |
1341-8270, 2436-7133
preserved |
Journal of Tokyo Women's Medical University |
0040-9022, 2432-6178
preserved |
Journal of Tokyo Nursing Association |
2436-2972, 2436-8350
preserved |
The journal of Tokyo Mibyou Association |
1342-484X, 2185-2154
preserved |
Journal of Tokyo Kasei Gakuin University |
2186-1951, 2434-7922
preserved |
The Journal of Tokyo Academy of Health Sciences |
1344-3844, 2433-149X
preserved |
Journal of Tokai University Nursing Research |
preserved |
Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology |
0044-0183, 1883-3659
preserved |
Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology |
1348-5032, 1882-0999
preserved |
Journal of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan |
1342-6680, 2435-8746
preserved |
Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan |
1882-2398, 1882-4749
preserved |
Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan - Transactions - |
preserved |
Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan |
0040-5043, 1881-1159
preserved |
Journal of the Textile Machinery of Japan - Proceedings - |
preserved |
Journal of the Textile Machinary Society |
preserved |
Journal of the Technological Society of Starch |
0416-9662, 1884-4871
preserved |
Journal of The Surface Finishing Society of Japan |
0915-1869, 1884-3409
preserved |
Journal of The Subcommittee of Imaging Techniques and Research |
1345-322X, 2432-6488
preserved |
Journal of the Study of School Music Educational Practice |
1342-9043, 2432-1699
preserved |
Journal of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan |
0038-7002, 1884-6785
preserved |
The Journal of the Society of Textile Industy < Japan (Sen-I Kogyo Gakukwaishi) |
preserved |
The Journal of The Society of Scientific Photography of Japan |
preserved |
Journal of The Society of Photographic Science and Technology of Japan |
0369-5662, 1884-5932
preserved |
Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan |
0514-8499, 1884-2070
preserved |
Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan |
0514-5163, 1880-7488
preserved |
Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources of Japan |
0919-9853, 1884-6610
preserved |
Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources of Japan |
2433-0507, 2433-9385
preserved |
Journal of The Society of Japanese Women Scientists |
1349-4449, 2186-3776
preserved |
Journal of the Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan |
preserved |
The Journal of the Society of Forestry |
preserved |
The Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, Japan |
0023-2734, 2185-0860
preserved |
Journal of the Society of Brewing, Japan |
0369-416X, 2186-4004
preserved |
Journal of the Society of Biomechanisms |
preserved |
Journal of the Society of Art and Design |
preserved |
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians of Japan |
0289-2839, 2189-8537
preserved |
Journal of the Society of Applied Mechanics of Japan |
preserved |
The Journal of the Society of Aeronautical Science of Nippon |
preserved |
Journal of the Society for Korean Linguistics in Japan |
1347-2690, 2436-5661
preserved |
The Journal of the Society for Art and Science |
preserved |
Journal of The Showa University Society |
2187-719X, 2188-529X
preserved |
Journal of The Showa Medical Association |
0037-4342, 2185-0976
preserved |
Journal of the Sedimentological Society of Japan |
1342-310X, 1882-9457
preserved |
Journal of the Sedimentological Society of Japan |
preserved |
Journal of the Science of Soil and Manure |
preserved |
Journal of the Science of Design |
preserved |
Journal Of The Rural Life Society Of Japan |
0549-5202, 2435-9203
preserved |
Journal of the rural issues |
0915-597X, 2434-2203
preserved |
Journal of Thermal Science and Technology |
preserved |
Journal of the Research Association of Powder Technology, Japan |
preserved |
Journal of the Reports of the Japan Foundry Engineering Society Meeting |
1880-5388, 2424-2012
preserved |
Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of Japan |
0289-7911, 1883-1184
preserved |
Journal of the Principles of Home Economics |
2433-5312, 2423-9291
preserved |
Journal of the Principles of Home Economics |
2433-5304, 2432-9843
preserved |
Journal of the Principles of Home Economics |
0916-9164, 2432-9851
preserved |
Journal of the Practical English Phonetic Society of Japan |
preserved |
Journal of the Physics Education Society of Japan |
preserved |
Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan |
1342-8675, 2189-5961
preserved |
Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education |
0915-5104, 1884-4553
preserved |
Journal of the Particle Accelerator Society of Japan |
1349-3833, 2436-1488
preserved |
Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan |
0453-4514, 2188-8299
preserved |
The Journal of the Ochanomizu Medico-Dental Society |
preserved |
Journal of the Oceanographical Society of Japan |
0029-8131, 2186-3113
preserved |
The Journal of the Nautical Society of Japan |
preserved |
Journal of The National Institute of Technology, Asahikawa College |
0389-9306, 2433-5606
preserved |
Journal of the National Institute of Public Health |
1347-6459, 2432-0722
preserved |
Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology |
2187-767X, 2433-6017
preserved |
Journal of the NARO Research and Development |
2434-9895, 2434-9909
preserved |
Journal of the Mining Institute of Japan |
0369-4194, 2185-6729
preserved |
Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Japan |
0454-1146, 1883-7018
preserved |
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II |
0026-1165, 2186-9057
preserved |
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. I |
0026-1165, 2186-9049
preserved |
Journal of the Metal Finishing Society of Japan |
0026-0614, 1884-3395
preserved |
Journal of The Medical Assoc. South Hokkaido |
preserved |
Journal of the Mathematical Association of Japan for Secondary Education |
preserved |
Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan |
1340-8097, 1880-4225
preserved |
Journal of the Marine Engineering Society in Japan |
0388-3051, 1884-4758
preserved |
The Journal of the Marine Acoustics Society of Japan |
preserved |
The Journal of the Marine Acoustics Society of Japan |
0285-4112, 1884-7935
preserved |
The Journal of the Marine Acoustics Society of Japan |
0916-5835, 1881-6819
preserved |
Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan |
0546-0670, 1884-393X
preserved |
Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan |
preserved |
Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan |
1882-2924, 1882-2932
preserved |
Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan |
0285-0192, 1880-4004
preserved |
The Journal of the Kyushu Dental Society |
0368-6833, 1880-8719
preserved |
Journal of the Kyorin Medical Society |
0368-5829, 1349-886X
preserved |
Journal of the Kansai Society of Naval Architects, Japan |
0389-9101, 2433-104X
preserved |
Journal of the Kansai Society of Naval Architects, Japan |
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association |
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association |
0446-6454, 2186-0211
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, Japanese Issue |
0389-5602, 2189-1478
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Statistical Society |
1882-2754, 1348-6365
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society of Waste Management Experts |
1883-1648, 1883-163X
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society of the Reticuloendothelial System |
0386-9725, 1883-6801
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society of Technology Education |
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society of Publishing Studies |
0385-3659, 2434-1398
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering |
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy |
0532-8799, 1880-9014
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing |
0285-5844, 1883-9061
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society of Photogrammetry |
0549-4451, 1884-3980
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers |
1880-3717, 1881-1760
preserved |
Journal Of The Japan Society Of Microgravity Application |
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management |
1883-5856, 1883-5899
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering |
0286-8385, 2187-4654
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society of Electromagnetic Wave Energy Applications |
preserved |
Journal of The Japan Society of Electrical Machining Engineers |
0387-754X, 1881-0888
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society of Culinary Technology Education |
2435-5488, 2436-2980
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery |
0914-594X, 2433-7838
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society of Blood Transfusion |
0546-1448, 1883-8383
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics |
0919-4452, 2187-9257
preserved |
The Journal of the Japan Society of Aeronautical Engineering |
0021-4663, 2432-3039
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society for the History of Industrial Technology |
0911-3525, 2758-2248
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society for Testing Materials |
preserved |
The Journal of the Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy |
0287-2137, 2186-0149
preserved |
The Journal of the Japan Society for Respiratory Care and Rehabilitation |
1881-7319, 2189-4760
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Contributed Papers |
1348-8724, 1881-8722
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society for Oriental Medicine |
preserved |
The Journal of The Japan Society for New Zealand Studies |
1883-9304, 2432-2733
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society for Marine Surveys and Technology |
0915-2997, 2185-4920
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society for Management Information |
0918-7324, 2435-2209
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society for Intellectual Production |
1349-6913, 1881-8706
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society for Healthcare Administration |
1882-594X, 2185-422X
preserved |
Journal of The Japan Society for Electronic Keyboard Music |
2189-9339, 2189-9193
preserved |
2189-759X, 2434-379X
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society for Composite Materials |
0385-2563, 1884-8559
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society for Archival Science |
1349-578X, 2434-6144
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Society for Abrasive Technology |
0914-2703, 1880-7534
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Salivary Gland Society |
0916-1104, 2759-0003
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute |
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute |
1346-8804, 1349-273X
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Personal Computer Application Technology Society |
1881-7998, 2433-7455
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Organization of Clinical Dermatologists |
1349-7758, 1882-272X
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Naikan Association |
2432-499X, 2435-922X
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Lingual Orthodontic Association |
1883-6216, 1884-538X
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Lingual Orthodontic Association |
0917-2564, 1884-5371
preserved |
The Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals.B |
0369-4615, 2433-7471
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials |
0021-4876, 1880-6880
preserved |
The Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals.A |
0369-4607, 2433-7463
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals |
0369-4186, 2433-7501
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy |
0916-8753, 1882-6121
preserved |
The Journal of the Japan Foundrymen's Society |
0021-4396, 2186-0335
preserved |
1346-7719, 2758-8084
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Wildlife Research Society |
0916-8265, 2424-1393
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Welding Society |
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Veterinary Medical Association |
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry |
preserved |
Journal of The Japanese Society of Veterinary Science |
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society of Taste Technology |
1348-1282, 1884-5908
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society of Taste Technology |
2186-7224, 2186-7232
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society of Starch Science |
0021-5406, 1884-488X
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society of Soil Physics |
0387-6012, 2435-2497
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society of Snow and Ice |
0373-1006, 1883-6267
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology |
0916-7439, 1884-3670
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society of Physical Hydrology |
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons |
0288-609X, 2187-4247
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Traumatology |
1347-9903, 2434-3366
preserved |
The Journal of the Japanese Society of Lymphoreticular Tissue research |
1342-9248, 1883-681X
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering |
1882-2770, 1884-7196
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine |
1340-7988, 1882-966X
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society of Computational Statistics |
0915-2350, 1881-1337
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society of Coastal Forest |
1347-6289, 2759-2618
preserved |
The Journal of The Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine |
0029-0343, 1884-3697
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Technology Management |
1341-0156, 2424-2403
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery and Food Engineers |
2188-224X, 2189-0765
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery |
0285-2543, 1884-6025
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society for the Temporomandibular Joint |
0915-3004, 1884-4308
preserved |
Journal of The Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection |
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science |
0013-7626, 1880-358X
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science |
1882-3351, 1882-336X
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society for Hares |
0910-0369, 2433-0744
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics |
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society for Disability and Oral Health |
0913-1663, 2188-9708
preserved |
The Journal of the Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices |
0286-5858, 2188-4188
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society for Cold Preservation of Food |
0914-7675, 2186-1269
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs and Tissues |
0300-0826, 1884-7587
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence |
2188-2266, 2435-8614
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Red Cross Society of Nursing Science |
1346-1346, 2433-3425
preserved |
The Journal of the Japanese Practical Surgeon Society |
0386-9776, 2189-2067
preserved |
The Journal of the Japanese Practical Surgeon Society |
0386-9776, 2189-2075
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association |
1344-1272, 2188-8361
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Organisation for Research of Periodontology |
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Language Teaching in Honor of Professor Nobuko Mizutani |
2433-8605, 2759-1069
preserved |
The Journal of the Japanese Landscape Architectural Society |
preserved |
Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture |
1340-8984, 1348-4559
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architects |
0387-7248, 2185-3053
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Forest Society |
1349-8509, 1882-398X
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Forestry Society |
0021-485X, 2185-8195
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Council of Traffic Science |
2188-3874, 2433-4545
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Coronary Association |
1341-7703, 2187-1949
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Coral Reef Society |
1345-1421, 1882-5710
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese College of Radiology |
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Association of Snow and Ice |
0286-9993, 1883-6259
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine |
0468-2513, 1349-7421
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Association of Regenerative Dentistry |
1348-9615, 1880-0815
preserved |
The Journal of the Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists |
preserved |
The Journal of the Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists |
0021-4825, 1883-0765
preserved |
The Journal of the Japanese Association of Groundwater Hydrology |
0029-0602, 2186-5515
preserved |
Journal of The Japanese Association of Classroom Management |
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Association for the Surgery of Trauma |
1340-6264, 2188-0190
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology |
0370-9868, 1881-4131
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases |
0021-4817, 1884-5681
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities |
preserved |
The Journal of the Japanese Association for Chest Surgery |
0919-0945, 1881-4158
preserved |
The Journal of the Japanese Association for Chest Surgery |
0917-4141, 1884-1724
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Association for Cerebro-cardiovascular Disease Control |
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Association for Cerebro-cardiovascular Disease Control |
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Agricultural Systems Society |
0913-7548, 2189-0560
preserved |
The Journal of the Japanese Academy of Prosthetists and Orthotists |
0919-8776, 2434-4060
preserved |
Journal of the Japanese Academy of Clinical Periodontology |
1345-4919, 2436-9861
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Electric Welding Society |
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Dietetic Association |
0013-6492, 2185-6877
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Association of Home Economics Education |
0386-2666, 2424-1938
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science |
0022-7668, 1884-1236
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Association for Global Competency Education |
preserved |
Journal of the Japan Association for Developmental Education |
1881-0470, 2423-8252
preserved |
The Journal of The Japan Acupuncture & Moxibustion Society |
0546-1367, 2185-9434
preserved |
Journal of the Instrument Technology, Japan |
0450-0024, 1883-8154
preserved |
The Journal of the Institute of Television Engineers of Japan |
preserved |
The Journal of the Institute of Television Engineers of Japan |
0386-6831, 1884-9652
preserved |
Journal of the Institute of Positioning, Navigation and Timing of Japan |
preserved |
The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers |
1342-6907, 1881-6908
preserved |
The Journal of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan |
1340-5551, 1881-4190
preserved |
The Journal of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan |
0020-2878, 2187-6797
preserved |
Journal of the Institute for Asian Studies and Regional Collaboration Akita International University |
2189-5554, 2433-5657
preserved |
The Journal of the INCE of Japan |
0386-8761, 1883-7506
preserved |
Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan |
0019-2341, 1349-838X
preserved |
Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan |
0019-2341, 2185-1506
preserved |
Journal of the Hydrogen Energy Systems Society of Japan |
1341-6995, 2436-5599
preserved |
Journal of the Human-Environment System |
1345-1324, 1349-7723
preserved |
Journal of the Housing Research Foundation "JUSOKEN" |
1880-2702, 2423-9887
preserved |
Journal of the Housing Research Foundation "JUSOKEN" |
2187-8188, 2423-9895
preserved |
Journal of the Housing Research Foundation "Jusoken" |
2433-801X, 2433-8028
preserved |
Journal of the Horological Institute of Japan |
0029-0416, 2432-1915
preserved |
Journal of the Heat Transfer Society of Japan |
0910-7851, 2185-5099
preserved |
Journal of the Heat Transfar Society of Japan |
1344-8692, 2185-5072
preserved |
The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory |
0073-0912, 2432-8944
preserved |
Journal of the Geothermal Research Society of Japan |
0388-6735, 1883-5775
preserved |
The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan |
0016-7630, 1349-9963
preserved |
Journal of the Fuel Society of Japan |
0369-3775, 2185-226X
preserved |
Journal of the Flow Visualization Society of Japan |
0287-3605, 1884-0361
preserved |
Journal of the Faculty of Policy Management Yokkaichi University |
1347-068X, 2433-4677
preserved |
Journal of The Electrochemical Society of Japan |
0013-4678, 2435-5666
preserved |
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies |
preserved |
Journal of the Diplomatic Archives |
0916-0558, 2436-6587
preserved |
Journal of the Color Science Association of Japan |
0389-9357, 2189-552X
preserved |
Journal of The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Tokyo Medical and Dental University |
0386-3492, 2433-359X
preserved |
Journal of the Clay Science Society of Japan (in Japanese) |
0470-6455, 2186-3563
preserved |
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan |
preserved |
Journal of the Chubu English Language Education Society |
0386-6548, 2424-063X
preserved |
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, Supplement |
preserved |
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan |
1882-0743, 1348-6535
preserved |
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan |
0914-5400, 1882-1022
preserved |
Journal of the Ceramic Association, Japan |
0372-7769, 1884-2100
preserved |
Journal of the Ceramic Association, Japan |
0366-9998, 1884-2119
preserved |
Journal of the Ceramic Association, Japan |
0009-0255, 1884-2127
preserved |
Journal of the Central Society for Veterinary Medicine |
preserved |
Journal of the Brewing Society of Japan |
0914-7314, 2186-4012
preserved |
Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan / Atomic Energy Society of Japan |
0004-7120, 2186-5256
preserved |
Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan |
1882-2606, 2433-7285
preserved |
The Journal of The Association for Narrative Studies |
1348-1622, 2433-2909
preserved |
Journal of the Association for Mathematical Education of Japan |
preserved |
Journal of the Asia Ethno-Forms Association |
2758-8564, 2759-0798
preserved |
Journal of the Anus, Rectum and Colon |
preserved |
The Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo |
preserved |
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon |
0003-5505, 1884-765X
preserved |
The Journal of the American Literature Society of Japan |
1348-1681, 2424-192X
preserved |
Journal of the Agricultural Engineering Society, Japan |
preserved |
Journal of the Agricultural Engineering Society, Japan |
0369-5123, 1884-7188
preserved |
Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan (E) |
0388-2861, 2185-3509
preserved |
Journal of the Acarological Society of Japan |
0918-1067, 1880-2273
preserved |
The Journal of the Academy of Clinical Dentistry |
1346-8111, 1884-8230
preserved |
Journal of the Academic Association of Koreanology in Japan |
0577-9766, 2758-5913
preserved |
Journal of Textile Engineering |
1346-8235, 1880-1986
preserved |
Journal of Ternary and Multinary Compounds |
preserved |
Journal of Technical Japanese Education |
1345-1995, 2185-7881
preserved |
Journal of Takushoku University Hokkaido College |
2435-4872, 2435-4880
preserved |
Journal of Systems Audits |
0914-7446, 2435-810X
preserved |
Journal of System Design and Dynamics |
preserved |
Journal of Systematic Regional Geography |
2187-8277, 2433-460X
preserved |
Journal of Surface Analysis |
1341-1756, 1347-8400
preserved |
Journal of Structural Engineering B |
0910-8033, 2436-6285
preserved |
Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics |
preserved |
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering (Transactions of AIJ) |
0910-8025, 2433-0000
preserved |
Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering (Transactions of AIJ) |
1340-4202, 1881-8153
preserved |
Journal of Strategic Town Design |
2432-2083, 2436-7222
preserved |
Journal of St. Marianna University |
2185-1336, 2189-0277
preserved |
Journal of Sport and Gender Studies |
1348-2157, 2424-1342
preserved |
Journal of Spine Research |
1884-7137, 2435-1563
preserved |
Journal of special needs education in Hokkaido |
1882-2002, 2436-5246
preserved |
Journal of Special Education Research |
2187-5014, 2188-4838
preserved |
The Journal of Space Technology and Science |
0911-551X, 2186-4772
preserved |
Journal of Space Engineering |
preserved |
The Journal of South China Studies |
2188-4846, 2434-5423
preserved |
Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering |
preserved |
Journal of Sociological Society of West Japan |
1348-155X, 2434-4400
preserved |
Journal of Socio-Informatics |
1882-9171, 2432-2156
preserved |
Journal of Socio-Culture |
1884-2097, 2434-2785
preserved |
Journal of Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Japan |
preserved |
Journal of Society of Clinical Education for Individual School Subjects |
1883-180X, 2759-2685
preserved |
Journal of Society for Interdisciplinary Science |
1347-4278, 2435-8649
preserved |
2435-0060, 2436-4193
preserved |
The Journal of Social Studies |
0915-8154, 2423-8406
preserved |
Journal of Social Safety Science |
1345-2088, 2187-9842
preserved |
1342-470X, 2436-2174
preserved |
Journal of Socialism Theory |
preserved |
Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, Japan |
preserved |
Journal of Social Aesthetics |
2188-5516, 2758-156X
preserved |
Journal of Snow Engineering of Japan |
0913-3526, 1882-4358
preserved |
Journal of Snow Engineering of Japan |
2189-1451, 2434-3021
preserved |
Journal of smooth muscle research Japanese section |
1342-8152, 1884-877X
preserved |
Journal of Smooth Muscle Research |
0916-8737, 1884-8796
preserved |
Journal of Smart Processing |
2186-702X, 2187-1337
preserved |
Journal of Ski Science |
1349-449X, 1884-1422
preserved |
The Journal of Silk Science and Technology of Japan |
1880-8204, 1881-1698
preserved |
Journal of Signal Processing |
1342-6230, 1880-1013
preserved |
The Journal of Showa University Dental Society |
0285-922X, 2186-5396
preserved |
The Journal of Showa Hospital |
1880-1528, 1880-151X
preserved |
Journal of SHM |
0919-4398, 1884-1198
preserved |
Journal of Serviceology |
preserved |
The Journal of Sericultural Science of Japan |
0037-2455, 1884-796X
preserved |
Journal of Scientific Coaching for Training |
2433-6742, 2434-3307
preserved |
The Journal of Science Policy and Research Management |
0914-7020, 2432-7123
preserved |
The Journal of Science of Labour |
0022-443X, 2187-2570
preserved |
Journal of Science Education in Japan |
0386-4553, 2188-5338
preserved |
Journal of Science and Technology in Lighting |
2432-3225, 2432-3233
preserved |
Journal Of School Mental Health |
1344-5944, 2433-1937
preserved |
Journal of School Improvement and Leadership |
preserved |
Journal of sakeology |
preserved |
Journal of Saitama Medical University |
0385-5074, 1347-1031
preserved |
Journal of Rural Studies (1994) |
1340-8240, 2187-2635
preserved |
Journal of Rural Studies |
1882-4560, 2187-2627
preserved |
Journal of Rural Society and Economics |
2187-297X, 2187-3933
preserved |
Journal of Rural Problems |
0388-8525, 2185-9973
preserved |
Journal of Rural Planning Studies |
preserved |
Journal of Rural Planning Association |
0912-9731, 1881-2309
preserved |
Journal of Rural Medicine |
1880-487X, 1880-4888
preserved |
Journal of Rural Economics |
0387-3234, 2188-1057
preserved |
Journal of Rural Community Studies |
0388-8533, 2436-9047
preserved |
Journal of Running Science |
0919-4312, 2758-4461
preserved |
Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life |
2405-9021, 2352-6386
preserved |
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics |
0915-3942, 1883-8049
preserved |
Journal of Rice Terrace Research Association |
2436-1674, 2758-4364
preserved |
Journal of respiratory physical therapy |
preserved |
Journal of Research Society of Buddhism and Cultural Heritage |
0919-6943, 2186-3253
preserved |
Journal of Research Institute of Science and Technology, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University |
1884-8702, 2185-4181
preserved |
Journal of Research in Science Education |
1345-2614, 2187-509X
preserved |
Journal of Research for Nursing Education |
0917-6314, 2432-0242
preserved |
The Journal of Reproduction and Development Supplement |
preserved |
Journal of Reproduction and Development |
0916-8818, 1348-4400
preserved |
Journal of Religious Studies |
0387-3293, 2188-3858
preserved |
Journal of Religious Studies |
0387-3323, 2435-9416
preserved |
The Journal of Reliability Engineering Association of Japan |
0919-2697, 2424-2543
preserved |
The Journal of Reliability Association of Japan |
preserved |
Journal of Rehabilitation Neurosciences |
1349-0044, 2432-3489
preserved |
Journal of Rehabilitation and Applied Behavior Analysis |
1884-2658, 2759-2588
preserved |
Journal of Regional Science for Islands |
preserved |
Journal of Regional Fisheries |
1342-7857, 2435-712X
preserved |
Journal of Reconstruction Agriculture and Sciences |
preserved |
Journal of Real Options and Strategy |
1881-5774, 1884-1635
preserved |
Journal of Rainwater Catchment Systems |
1343-8646, 2186-6228
preserved |
Journal of Radiotherapy Section |
1345-3211, 2432-650X
preserved |
The Journal of Radiological Nursing Society of Japan |
2187-6460, 2433-5649
preserved |
Journal of Radiation Research |
0449-3060, 1349-9157
preserved |
Journal of Radiation Protection Section |
1345-3246, 2432-6526
preserved |
Journal of Quality Engineering Society |
2189-633X, 2189-9320
preserved |
Journal of Public Utility Economics |
0387-3099, 2759-0011
preserved |
Journal of Public Policy Studies |
2186-5868, 2434-5180
preserved |
The journal of Psychoanalytical Study of English Language and Literature |
0386-6009, 1884-6386
preserved |
Journal of Protistology |
preserved |
Journal of Proteome Data and Methods |
preserved |
Journal of Prosthodontic Research |
1883-1958, 1883-9207
preserved |
Journal of Promotional Marketing |
2434-1665, 2434-1673
preserved |
Journal of Product Development and Management |
1880-0297, 2758-3872
preserved |
Journal of Private Law |
0387-3315, 1884-9180
preserved |
Journal of Power and Energy Systems |
preserved |
The Journal of Poultry Science |
1346-7395, 1349-0486
preserved |
The Journal of Population Studies |
0386-8311, 2424-2489
preserved |
2434-3706, 2435-1814
preserved |
A Journal of Political Philosophy |
2432-4337, 2434-544X
preserved |
The Journal of Political Economy and Economic History |
1347-9660, 2423-9089
preserved |
Journal of Plurilingual and Multilingual Education |
2188-7403, 2435-8657
preserved |
Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery |
preserved |
Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research |
preserved |
The Journal of Phytogeography and Taxonomy |
0388-6212, 2433-0469
preserved |
The Journal of Physiological Sciences |
1880-6546, 1880-6562
preserved |
Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science |
1345-3475, 1347-5355
preserved |
Journal of Physiological Anthropology |
1880-6791, 1880-6805
preserved |
Journal of Physics of the Earth |
0022-3743, 1884-2305
preserved |
Journal of Physical Therapy Science |
0915-5287, 2187-5626
preserved |
Journal of Physical Therapy Practice and Research |
1880-070X, 2188-3041
preserved |
Journal of Physical Therapy Fundamentals |
preserved |
Journal of physical therapy, Fukuoka |
1342-1433, 2758-0652
preserved |
Journal of Physical Therapy for Prevention |
preserved |
Journal of Physical Therapy Association in Oita |
1349-4783, 2434-5431
preserved |
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine |
2186-8131, 2186-8123
preserved |
Journal Of Physical Exercise And Sports Science |
1342-1026, 2435-9912
preserved |
Journal of Physical Education and Medicine |
1345-6962, 1883-0722
preserved |
Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology |
0914-9244, 1349-6336
preserved |
Journal of Pharmacobio-Dynamics |
0386-846X, 1881-1353
preserved |
Journal of Pet Animal Nutrition |
1344-3763, 2185-7601
preserved |
Journal of Pesticide Science |
1348-589X, 1349-0923
preserved |
Journal Of Pediatric Cardiology And Cardiac Surgery |
2433-2720, 2433-1783
preserved |
Journal of Pavement Engineering, JSCE |
preserved |
Journal of Paralympic Research Group |
2432-6100, 2434-429X
preserved |
Journal of Osaka University of Economics |
0474-7909, 2433-5681
preserved |
The Journal of Osaka Medical University for Women |
preserved |
Journal of Osaka Dental University |
0475-2058, 2189-6488
preserved |
Journal of Oral Tissue Engineering |
1348-9623, 1880-0823
preserved |
Journal of Oral Surgery Society of Japan |
0454-1693, 2186-1560
preserved |
The Journal of Oral Surgery |
preserved |
Journal of Oral Science |
1343-4934, 1880-4926
preserved |
Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences |
2188-7888, 2189-6682
preserved |
Journal of Oral Biosciences |
preserved |
Journal of Oral and Sleep Medicine |
2188-6695, 2433-8524
preserved |
Journal of Oleo Science |
1345-8957, 1347-3352
preserved |
Journal of Oita Nursing and Health Sciences |
preserved |
Journal of Oil Chemists' Society, Japan |
preserved |
Journal of Occupational Safety and Health |
1882-6822, 1883-678X
preserved |
Journal of Occupational Health Law |
2758-2566, 2758-2574
preserved |
Journal of Occupational Health |
1341-9145, 1348-9585
preserved |
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology |
0301-4800, 1881-7742
preserved |
Journal of Nutritional Food |
1345-8388, 2189-9266
preserved |
Journal of Nursing Science and Engineering |
2188-4323, 2432-6283
preserved |
The Journal of Nursing Investigation |
1348-3722, 2434-2238
preserved |
Journal of Nursing Economics and Policies |
preserved |
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology |
0022-3131, 1881-1248
preserved |
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Section |
1345-3203, 2432-647X
preserved |
Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Environment |
1884-7579, 2186-7135
preserved |
Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences |
1345-4749, 1883-5813
preserved |
preserved |
Journal of Nishida Philosophy Association |
2188-1995, 2434-2270
preserved |
Journal of Nippon Oral Health Sciences |
2434-7108, 2434-7116
preserved |
Journal of Nippon Medical School |
0048-0444, 1884-0108
preserved |
Journal of Nippon Medical School |
1345-4676, 1347-3409
preserved |
Journal of Ningen Dock and Preventive Medical Care |
2759-209X, 2759-2103
preserved |
The Journal of Nihon University School of Dentistry |
0029-0432, 1884-2984
preserved |
Journal of Nihon University Medical Association |
0029-0424, 1884-0779
preserved |
Journal of Neurosurgery and Kampo Medicine |
2189-5562, 2758-1594
preserved |