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Titles start with G (100) Information
Author/Editor: Dendle, Brian J
A Gallant Little Army: The Mexico City Campaign
Author/Editor: Timothy D. Johnson,Raymond Callahan,J. Garry Clifford,Jacob W. Kipp,Jay Luvaas,Allan R. Millett,Carol Reardon,Dennis Showalter,David R. Stone
The Gates Open Slowly
Author/Editor: McVey, Frank L
Gateway to Equality
Author/Editor: Ervin, Keona K
Gathering Strays: Stories from Kansas and the Southwestern Plains
Author/Editor: Jim Hoy
Gender and the Writer's Imagination
Author/Editor: Schriber, Mary Suzanne
Gender, Class, Race, and Reform in the Progressive Era
Author/Editor: Frankel, Noralee; Dye, Nancy S
A Genealogy of Dissent
Author/Editor: Stricklin, David
Gene Kelly: The Making of a Creative Legend
Author/Editor: Earl J. Hess,Pratibha A. Dabholkar
Generals of the Army
Author/Editor: Willbanks, James H
General Walter Krueger: Unsung Hero of the Pacific War
Author/Editor: Kevin C. Holzimmer
A General Who Will Fight
Author/Editor: Laver, Harry S
General William E. DePuy
Author/Editor: Gole, Henry G
A Generation at War: The Civil War Era in a Northern Community
Author/Editor: Nicole Etcheson
Generation on Fire
Author/Editor: Kisseloff, Jeff
Genetics and Developmental Biology
Author/Editor: Teas, Howard J
Genius in Bondage
Author/Editor: Carretta, Vincent; Gould, Philip
Gentry and Common Folk
Author/Editor: Tillson, Albert H
The Geopolitics Of Super Power
Author/Editor: Gray, Colin S
George Keats of Kentucky
Author/Editor: Crutcher, Lawrence M
George Rogers Clark and the War in the West
Author/Editor: Harrison, Lowell H
George Washington and American Constitutionalism
Author/Editor: GLENN A. PHELPS
George Washington and the Two-Term Precedent
Author/Editor: David A. Yalof
George W. Goethals and the Army: Change and Continuity in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era
Author/Editor: Rory McGovern
Gerald Ford and the Challenges of the 1970s
Author/Editor: Mieczkowski, Yanek
German Foreign Intelligence from Hitler's War to the Cold War: Flawed Assumptions and Faulty Analysis
Author/Editor: Robert Hutchinson
The German Way of War: From the Thirty Years' War to the Third Reich
Author/Editor: Robert M. Citino
Germany and the Axis Powers: From Coalition to Collapse
Author/Editor: Richard L. DiNardo ,Dennis Showalter
Getting By: Women Homeworkers and Rural Economic Development
Author/Editor: Christina E. Gringeri
Getting Physical: The Rise of Fitness Culture in America
Author/Editor: SHELLY McKENZIE
Getting Right with Reagan: The Struggle for True Conservatism, 1980-2016
Author/Editor: Marcus M. Witcher
Gettin' Some Age on Me
Author/Editor: van Willigen, John
Gettysburg's Southern Front: Opportunity and Failure at Richmond
Author/Editor: Hampton Newsome
Ghosts across Kentucky
Author/Editor: Montell, William Lynwood
Ghosts of Old Louisville
Author/Editor: Domine, David
Ghosts of the Bluegrass
Author/Editor: McCormick, James; Wyatt, Macy
Gibbons v. Ogden: John Marshall, Steamboats, and the Commerce Clause
The GI Generation
Author/Editor: Mathias, Frank F
GI Jive
Author/Editor: Mathias, Frank F
Gilded Age Cato
Author/Editor: Calhoun, Charles W
G.I. Nightingales
Author/Editor: Tomblin, Barbara Brooks
Ginseng Dreams
Author/Editor: Johannsen, Kristin
Giraldi Cinthio on Romances
Author/Editor: Cinthio, Giraldi
A Girl's A Gun
Author/Editor: Peterson, Rachel Danielle
Girls Rock!
Author/Editor: Carson, Mina; Lewis, Tisa; Shaw, Susan M
Gitlow v. New York: Every Idea an Incitement
Author/Editor: MARC LENDLER
God against the Revolution: The Loyalist Clergy's Case against the American Revolution
Author/Editor: Gregg L. Frazer
God Bless America
Author/Editor: Smith, Kathleen E.R
Author/Editor: Phillips, Gene D
The Godfather of Tabloid
Author/Editor: Vitek, Jack
God Hates: Westboro Baptist Church, American Nationalism, and the Religious Right
God In The Stadium
Author/Editor: Higgs, Robert J
God Speaks to Us, Too
Author/Editor: Shaw, Susan M
God's Peculiar People
Author/Editor: Lawless, Elaine J
God's Rascal
Author/Editor: Hankins, Barry
Goebbels And Der Angriff
Author/Editor: Lemmons, Russel
Goethe and Rousseau
Author/Editor: Hammer, Carl
Going to the Dogs: Greyhound Racing, Animal Activism, and American Popular Culture
Golden Cables of Sympathy
Author/Editor: McFadden, Margaret H
Gold Rush Diary
Author/Editor: Clark, Thomas D
Goldwater v. Carter: Foreign Policy, China, and the Resurgence of Executive Branch Primacy
Golf and Philosophy
Author/Editor: Wible, Andy
Gospel According to the Klan: The KKK's Appeal to Protestant America, 1915-1930
Author/Editor: KELLY J. BAKER
The Gothic Novel 1790--1830
Author/Editor: Tracy, Ann B
Government in Science
Author/Editor: Manning, Thomas G
Graduate Students at Work: Exploited Scholars of Neoliberal Higher Ed
Author/Editor: Tessa Brown
Graham Greene
Author/Editor: Miller, Robert H
Graham Greene
Author/Editor: Evans, Robert O
Grand Old Unraveling: The Republican Party, Donald Trump, and the Rise of Authoritarianism
Author/Editor: John Kenneth White
Grand Plans
Author/Editor: Sealander, Judith
Grant Invades Tennessee: The 1862 Battles for Forts Henry and Donelson
Author/Editor: Timothy B. Smith
Grant's Lieutenants: From Cairo to Vicksburg
Author/Editor: Steven E. Woodworth
Grant’s Lieutenants: From Chattanooga to Appomattox
Author/Editor: Steven E. Woodworth
Grasping Things
Author/Editor: Bronner, Simon J
The Graves County Boys
Author/Editor: Walker, Marianne
Gray Ghost
Author/Editor: Ramage, James A
The Gray Ghost
Author/Editor: Schulkers, Robert F
The Great New York Conspiracy of 1741: Slavery, Crime, and Colonial Law
A Great Power of Attorney: Understanding the Fiduciary Constitution
Author/Editor: Gary Lawson,Guy Seidman
The Great Powers and Global Struggle, 1490-1990
Author/Editor: Rasler, Karen A.; Thompson, William R
The Great Revival
Author/Editor: Boles, John B
The Great Yazoo Lands Sale: The Case of Fletcher v. Peck
Author/Editor: CHARLES F. HOBSON
Green Hills of Magic
Author/Editor: Musick, Ruth Ann
The Greening of the South
Author/Editor: Clark, Thomas D
The Green River of Kentucky
Author/Editor: Crocke
The Green Years, 1964-1976: When Democrats and Republicans United to Repair the Earth
Author/Editor: Gregg Coodley ,David Sarasohn ,Senator Ron Wyden
Griswold v. Connecticut: Birth Control and the Constitutional Right of Privacy
Author/Editor: JOHN W. JOHNSON
Author/Editor: Farley, Robert M
Groundwater Exploitation in the High Plains
Author/Editor: David E. Kromm ,Stephen E. White ,Gilbert F. White
Groundwater Exploitation on the High Plains
Author/Editor: David E. Kromm ,Stephen E. White ,Gilbert F. White
Growing Democracy in Japan
Author/Editor: Woodall, Brian
Growing Stories from India
Author/Editor: Sanford, A. Whitney
Growing Up Hard in Harlan County
Author/Editor: Jones, G. C
The Guardian
Author/Editor: Stephens, John Calhoun
A Guide to Cyanobacteria
Author/Editor: Nienaber, Mark A.; Steinitz-Kannan, Miriam
Guide to the Battle of Chickamauga: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
Author/Editor: Matt Spruill,Tim Kissel
The Gulf
Author/Editor: Cairo, Michael F
The Gulf War: George H. W. Bush and American Grand Strategy in the Post-Cold War Era
Author/Editor: Spencer D. Bakich
Guts and Glory
Author/Editor: Suid, Lawrence H
Gwendolyn Brooks
Author/Editor: Melhem, D.H