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Titles start with N (59) Information
Nancy Reagan: On the White House Stage
Author/Editor: JAMES G. BENZE JR.
Napoleon Absent, Coalition Ascendant: The 1799 Campaign in Italy and Switzerland, Volume 1
Napoleon's 1796 Italian Campaign
Narnia and the Fields of Arbol
Author/Editor: Dickerson, Matthew T.; O'Hara, David
The Narrative Imagination
Author/Editor: Kotin, Armine Avakian
The Nation's Largest Landlord: The Bureau of Land Management in the American West
Author/Editor: James R. Skillen
A Nation So Conceived: Abraham Lincoln and the Paradox of Democratic Sovereignty
Author/Editor: Michael P. Zuckert
Native Activism in Cold War America: The Struggle for Sovereignty
Author/Editor: Daniel M. Cobb
Native Americans on Film
Author/Editor: Marubbio, M. Elise; Buffalohead, Eric L
Nativism Reborn?
Author/Editor: Tatalovich, Raymond
Naturalism in American Fiction
Author/Editor: Conder, John J
The Nature of Childhood: An Environmental History of Growing Up in America since 1865
Nature's Altars: Mountains, Gender, and American Environmentalism
Author/Editor: Susan R. Schrepfer
Nature's Army: When Soldiers Fought for Yosemite
Author/Editor: Harvey Meyerson ,Beth Bailey
The Nazi Impact on a German Village
Author/Editor: Rinderle, Walter; Norling, Bernard
A Nazi Past
Author/Editor: Messenger, David A.; Paehler, Katrin
Nazi Saboteurs on Trial: A Military Tribunal and American Law, Ed. ABR - Abridged, 2
Author/Editor: LOUIS FISHER
Nazism, Liberalism, and Christianity
Author/Editor: Barnes, Kenneth C
The Negro in France
Author/Editor: McCloy, Shelby T
The Negro in the French West Indies
Author/Editor: McCloy, Shelby T
The Negro's Image in the South
Author/Editor: Nolen, Claude H
Never Say Die
Author/Editor: Nicholson, James C
The New Americans?: Immigration, Protest, and the Politics of Latino Identity
Author/Editor: Heather Silber Mohamed
The New and Collected Poems of Jane Gentry
Author/Editor: Gentry, Jane; Johnson, Julia
New Covenant Bound
Author/Editor: Crunk, Tony
New Departures
Author/Editor: Perl, Anthony
The New Dramatists of Mexico 1967--1985
Author/Editor: Burgess, Ronald D
A New Guide to Kansas Mushrooms
Author/Editor: Sherry Kay ,Benjamin Sikes ,Caleb Morse
A New History of Iowa
Author/Editor: JEFF BREMER
A New History of Kentucky
Author/Editor: Klotter, James C.; Friend, Craig Thompson
A New History of Kentucky
Author/Editor: Harrison, Lowell H.; Klotter, James C
The New Kansas Cookbook: Rural Roots, Modern Table
New Perspectives on Race and Slavery in America
Author/Editor: Abzug, Robert H.; Maizlish, Stephen E
The New Southern University
Author/Editor: Holden, Charles J
The Newspaper Press in Kentucky
Author/Editor: Evans, Herndon J
New Strangers in Paradise
Author/Editor: Muller, Gilbert H
Newt Gingrich: The Rise and Fall of a Party Entrepreneur
Author/Editor: Matthew N. Green ,Jeffrey Crouch
New York Times v. Sullivan: Civil Rights, Libel Law, and the Free Press
Next Door to the Dead
Author/Editor: Driskell, Kathleen
Nikita Khrushchev's Journey into America
Author/Editor: Lawrence J. Nelson,Matthew G. Schoenbachler
Nine Seventeenth-Century Organ Transcriptions from the Operas of Lully
Author/Editor: Howell, Almonte C
Nineteenth-Century Southern Literature
Author/Editor: Ridgely, J. V
Nixon's Back Channel to Moscow
Author/Editor: Moss, Richard A
Nixon's Nuclear Specter: The Secret Alert of 1969, Madman Diplomacy, and the Vietnam War
Author/Editor: William Burr ,Jeffrey P. Kimball ,Raymond Callahan ,Jacob W. Kipp ,Allan R. Millett ,Carol Reardon ,Dennis Showalter ,David R. Stone
No End in Sight
Author/Editor: Busch, Nathan E
Nontimber Forest Products in the United States
Author/Editor: Eric T. Jones ,Rebecca J. McLain ,James Weigand
No Place Like Home: Lessons in Activism from LGBT Kansas
Author/Editor: C. J. JANOVY
Normandy to Victory
Author/Editor: Sylvan, William C.; Smith, Francis G.; Greenwood, John T
The North African Air Campaign: U.S. Army Forces from El Alamein to Salerno
Author/Editor: Christopher M. Rein
Northern Kentucky University
North Korea and the World
Author/Editor: Clemens, Walter C
North Korean Military Proliferation in the Middle East and Africa
Author/Editor: Bechtol, Bruce E
No Shining Armor: The Marines at War in Vietnam An Oral History
Author/Editor: OTTO J. LEHRACK
Nothing but the Dirt: Stories from an American Farm Town
Author/Editor: Kate Benz
Nothing Less Than War
Author/Editor: Doenecke, Justus D
Nothing Like an Ocean
Author/Editor: Tomlinson, Jim
The Notorious John Morrissey
Author/Editor: Nicholson, James C
Not White Enough: The Long, Shameful Road to Japanese American Internment
Author/Editor: Lawrence Goldstone
Nullification and Secession in Modern Constitutional Thought
Author/Editor: Sanford Levinson