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Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles ( displaying 500 of 2,669 ) | Information |
1816 |
Author/Editor: Skeen, C. Edward
1927 and the Rise of Modern America |
Author/Editor: CHARLES J. SHINDO,Erika Doss,Philip J. Deloria
The 1929 Sino-Soviet War: The War Nobody Knew |
Author/Editor: Michael M. Walker,Raymond Callahan,Jacob W. Kipp,Allan R. Millett,Carol Reardon,Dennis Showalter,David R. Stone,James H. Willbanks
The 1945 Burma Campaign and the Transformation of the British Indian Army |
Author/Editor: Raymond A. Callahan ,Daniel Marston
The 1976 House Majority Leadership Contest: Stepping Stone in the Transition to Conditional Party Government |
Author/Editor: Bruce I. Oppenheimer ,Robert L. Peabody
The 25-Year War |
Author/Editor: Palmer, General Bruce
3-D Revolution |
Author/Editor: Zone, Ray
43: Inside the George W. Bush Presidency |
Author/Editor: Michael Nelson ,Barbara A. Perry ,Russell L. Riley
The 4th Marine Brigade at Belleau Wood and Soissons: History and Battlefield Guide |
Author/Editor: J. Michael Miller,Richard P. Mills
800 Days on the Eastern Front: A Russian Soldier Remembers World War II |
Author/Editor: Nikolai Litvin,Stuart Britton
The 9/11 Terror Cases: Constitutional Challenges in the War against Al Qaeda |
Author/Editor: ALLAN A. RYAN
The 9th Infantry Division in Vietnam |
Author/Editor: Hunt, Ira A
Abandoning Vietnam: How America Left and South Vietnam Lost Its War |
Author/Editor: James H. Willbanks
The Abolitionists and the South, 1831-1861 |
Author/Editor: Harrold, Stanley
Abolitionists, Doctors, Ranchers, and Writers: A Family Journey through American History |
Abraham Lincoln and Liberal Democracy |
Author/Editor: Nicholas Buccola
Abraham Lincoln and White America |
Author/Editor: Brian R. Dirck
Abraham Lincoln, Esq |
Author/Editor: Billings, Roger; Williams, Frank J
Absentee Landowning and Exploitation in West Virginia, 1760-1920 |
Author/Editor: Rasmussen, Barbara
The Academic Mind and Reform |
Author/Editor: Rader, Benjamin G
Access to Energy |
Author/Editor: Conant, Melvin A
The Accountability State: US Federal Inspectors General and the Pursuit of Democratic Integrity |
Accounting in Small Business Decisions |
Author/Editor: Gibson, James L.; Haynes, W. Warren
The Achievement of Wendell Berry |
Author/Editor: Oehlschlaeger, Fritz
Across Cultures and Empires: An Immigrant's Odyssey from the Soviet Army to the US War in Iraq and American Citizenship |
Author/Editor: Mahir Ibrahimov
Act of Contrition |
Author/Editor: Giles, Janice Holt
Act of Justice |
Author/Editor: Carnahan, Burrus M
Actors, Audiences, and Historic Theaters of Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Casto, Marilyn
Adams on Adams |
Author/Editor: Zall, Paul M
Adolph Rupp and the Rise of Kentucky Basketball |
Author/Editor: Bolin, James Duane
Adorno and Democracy |
Author/Editor: Mariotti, Shannon L
Advance and Destroy |
Author/Editor: Rickard, John Nelson
Adventures in Good Cooking |
Author/Editor: Hatchett, Louis; Hines, Duncan
Adventures in Paranormal Investigation |
Author/Editor: Nickell, Joe
The Adventures of David Simple and Volume the Last |
Author/Editor: Fielding, Sarah
Advising Nixon: The White House Memos of Patrick J. Buchanan |
Author/Editor: Lori Cox Han
Advising the President: Attorney General Robert H. Jackson and Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Author/Editor: William R. Casto
Advocate: On History's Front Lines from Watergate to the Keating Five, Clinton Impeachment, and Benghazi |
Author/Editor: James Hamilton ,David Ignatius
Aemilia Lanyer |
Author/Editor: Grossman, Marshall
Aesop's Fables |
Author/Editor: Keller, John E.; Keating, L. Clark
Afghanistan: A Military History from the Ancient Empires to the Great Game |
Author/Editor: Ali Ahmad Jalali
African American Environmental Thought: Foundations |
Author/Editor: KIMBERLY K. SMITH
African American Fraternities and Sororities |
Author/Editor: Brown, Tamara L.; Parks, Gregory S.; Phillips, Clarenda M
African American Fraternities and Sororities |
Author/Editor: Brown, Tamara L.; Parks, Gregory S.; Phillips, Clarenda M
African Americans in White Suburbia: Social Networks and Political Behavior |
Author/Editor: Ernest McGowen III
After Reagan: Bush, Dukakis, and the 1988 Election |
Author/Editor: JOHN J. PITNEY JR.
After the Dream |
Author/Editor: Minchin, Timothy J.; Salmond, John A
After the Glory: The Struggles of Black Civil War Veterans |
Author/Editor: Donald R. Shaffer
After the Trauma |
Author/Editor: Webster, Harvey Curtis
Agrarianism and the Good Society |
Author/Editor: Freyfogle, Eric T
Agrarian Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Clark, Thomas D
The Agrarian Vision |
Author/Editor: Thompson, Paul B
AIDS and the Social Sciences |
Author/Editor: Ulack, Richard; Skinner, William F
Aid Under Fire |
Author/Editor: Elkind, Jessica
Ailing, Aging, Addicted |
Author/Editor: Park, Bert E
The Air Force Way of War |
Author/Editor: Laslie, Brian D
Airlines and Air Mail |
Author/Editor: van der Linden, F. Robert
Albanian Escape |
Author/Editor: Mangerich, Agnes Jensen
Alben Barkley |
Author/Editor: Libbey, James K
Albert Capellani |
Albert D. Kirwan |
Author/Editor: Mathias, Frank F
Albert Shaw of the Review of Reviews |
Author/Editor: Graybar, Lloyd J
Albert Sidney Johnston |
Author/Editor: Roland, Charles P
Alexander Gumberg and Soviet-American Relations |
Author/Editor: Libbey, James K
Alexander Hamilton and the Development of American Law |
Author/Editor: Kate Elizabeth Brown
Alfred Hitchcock |
Author/Editor: Cohen, Paula Marantz
All According to God's Plan |
Author/Editor: Willis, Alan Scot
The Allegheny Frontier |
Author/Editor: Rice, Otis K
Allegorical Poetics and the Epic |
Author/Editor: Treip, Mindele Anne
Allies against the Rising Sun: The United States, the British Nations, and the Defeat of Imperial Japan |
Author/Editor: Nicholas Evan Sarantakes
All Roads Lead to Power: The Appointed and Elected Paths to Public Office for US Women |
Author/Editor: Kaitlin N. Sidorsky
All-Stars and Movie Stars |
Author/Editor: Briley, Ron; Schoenecke, Michael K.; Carmichael, Deborah A
All This Hell |
Author/Editor: Monahan, Evelyn M.; Neidel-Greenlee, Rosemary
The All-Volunteer Force: Fifty Years of Service |
Author/Editor: William A. Taylor ,David M. Kennedy
Almanac of World War I |
Author/Editor: Burg, David F.; Purcell, L. Edward
The Aloineae |
Author/Editor: Riley, Herbert Parkes; Majumdar, Shyamal K
Alpha Phi Alpha |
Author/Editor: Parks, Gregory S.; Bradley, Stefan M
Alternative Alices |
Author/Editor: Sigler, Carolyn
Alvin York |
Author/Editor: Mastriano, Douglas V
Amadis of Gaul, Books I and II |
Author/Editor: de Montalvo, Garci R
Amadis of Gaul, Books III and IV |
Author/Editor: de Montalvo, Garci R
Ambition in America |
Author/Editor: Becker, Jeffrey A
Ambition, Pragmatism, and Party: A Political Biography of Gerald R. Ford |
Author/Editor: Scott Kaufman
Ambitious Politicians: The Implications of Career Ambition in Representative Democracy |
Author/Editor: Patrik Öhberg
Ambrose Bierce is Missing |
Author/Editor: Nickell, Joe
America and Guerrilla Warfare |
Author/Editor: Joes, Anthony James
America in the Seventies |
Author/Editor: Beth Bailey ,David Farber
American Airpower Strategy in Korea, 1950-1953 |
Author/Editor: CONRAD C. CRANE
American Airpower Strategy in World War II: Bombs, Cities, Civilians, and Oil |
Author/Editor: CONRAD C. CRANE
The American Army in Germany, 1918-1923: Success against the Odds |
Author/Editor: Dean A. Nowowiejski
American Audiences on Movies and Moviegoing |
Author/Editor: Stempel, Tom
American Burke: The Uncommon Liberalism of Daniel Patrick Moynihan |
Author/Editor: Greg Weiner
American Business and Foreign Policy |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Joan Hoff
American by Birth: Wong Kim Ark and the Battle for Citizenship |
American by Birth: Wong Kim Ark and the Battle for Citizenship |
Author/Editor: Carol Nackenoff ,Julie Novkov
The American Counterculture: A History of Hippies and Cultural Dissidents |
Author/Editor: DAMON R. BACH
American Culture in Peril |
Author/Editor: Dunn, Charles W
The American Darters |
Author/Editor: Kuehne, Robert A.; Barbour, Roger W
The American Deists: Voices of Reason and Dissent in the Early Republic |
Author/Editor: Kerry S. Walters
An American Dissenter |
Author/Editor: Kreuter, Kent; Kreuter, Gretchen
The American Dream: In History, Politics, and Fiction |
Author/Editor: Cal Jillson
The American Elsewhere: Adventure and Manliness in the Age of Expansion |
Author/Editor: JIMMY L. BRYAN JR.
An American Experience in Indonesia |
Author/Editor: Beers, Howard W
American Folklore Studies: An Intellectual History |
Author/Editor: Simon J. Bronner
American Grit |
Author/Editor: Foster, Emily
The Americanization of West Virginia |
Author/Editor: Hennen, John C
American Justice in Taiwan |
Author/Editor: STEPHEN G. CRAFT
American Literature and Science |
Author/Editor: Scholnick, Robert
American Organic: A Cultural History of Farming, Gardening, Shopping, and Eating |
Author/Editor: Robin O’Sullivan,Erika Doss,Philip J. Deloria
The American Political Pattern: Stability and Change, 1932-2016 |
Author/Editor: Byron E. Shafer
American Racist |
Author/Editor: Slide, Anthony
The American Road: Highways and American Political Development, 1891-1956 |
Author/Editor: Katherine M. Johnson
American Soldiers: Ground Combat in the World Wars, Korea, and Vietnam |
Author/Editor: Peter S. Kindsvatter,Russell F. Weigley
The American South and the Vietnam War |
Author/Editor: Fry, Joseph A
The American State Constitutional Tradition |
Author/Editor: John J. Dinan ,Sanford Levinson
American Vaudeville as Ritual |
Author/Editor: McLean, Albert F
The American Vision of Robert Penn Warren |
Author/Editor: Clark, William Bedford
The American Voice Anthology of Poetry |
Author/Editor: Smock, Frederick
American Women and Flight since 1940 |
Author/Editor: Douglas, Deborah G
American Women Writing Fiction |
Author/Editor: Pearlman, Mickey
America Overcommitted |
Author/Editor: Nuechterlein, Donald E
America Recommitted |
Author/Editor: Nuechterlein, Donald E
America's Bachelor Uncle: Thoreau and the American Polity |
Author/Editor: Bob Pepperman Taylor
America's Captives: Treatment of POWs from the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror |
Author/Editor: PAUL J. SPRINGER
America's Deadliest Battle: Meuse-Argonne, 1918 |
Author/Editor: Robert H. Ferrell
America's First Black Socialist |
Author/Editor: Taylor, Nikki M
America’s First Wartime Election: James Madison, DeWitt Clinton, and the War of 1812 |
Author/Editor: DONALD A. ZINMAN
America's Founding and the Struggle over Economic Inequality |
America's Ocean Wilderness: A Cultural History of Twentieth-Century Exploration |
Author/Editor: Gary Kroll
America's Space Sentinels: The History of the DSP and SBIRS Satellite Systems |
Author/Editor: Jeffrey T. Richelson
America's Use of Terror: From Colonial Times to the A-bomb |
Author/Editor: Stephen Huggins
Amphibians and Reptiles of Land Between the Lakes |
Author/Editor: Zimmerer, Edmund J.; Snyder, David H.; Scott, A. Floyd
Amreekiya |
Author/Editor: Mahmoud, Lena
Andrey Bely |
Author/Editor: Janecek, Gerald
Angry Politics: Partisan Hatred and Political Polarization among College Students |
Author/Editor: Stacy G. Ulbig
Animal Sacrifice and Religious Freedom: Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah |
Author/Editor: DAVID M. O’BRIEN
Animating Space |
Author/Editor: Telotte, J.P
Anna Held and the Birth of Ziegfeld's Broadway |
Author/Editor: Golden, Eve
Anna Hubbard |
Author/Editor: Cunningham, Mia
Ann Dvorak |
Author/Editor: Rice, Christina
Anne Bancroft |
Author/Editor: Daniel, Douglass K
Annotated Bibliography of Films in Automation, Data Processing, and Computer Science |
Author/Editor: Soloman, Martin B.; Lovan, Nora Geraldine
Antebellum Architecture of Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Lancaster, Clay
Ante Bellum Houses of the Bluegrass |
Author/Editor: Lancaster, Clay
Antebellum Politics in Tennessee |
Author/Editor: Bergeron, Paul H
The Anti-Civil Rights Movement: Affirmative Action as Wedge and Weapon |
An Anti-Federalist Constitution: The Development of Dissent in the Ratification Debates |
Author/Editor: Michael J. Faber
The Anti-Masonic Party in the United States |
Author/Editor: Vaughn, William Preston
The Antislavery Movement in Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Harrison, Lowell H
Antonin Scalia's Jurisprudence: Text and Tradition |
Author/Editor: Ralph A. Rossum
Apostles of Rock |
Author/Editor: Howard, Jay R.; Streck, John M
Appalachia and America |
Author/Editor: Batteau, Allen
Appalachia in Regional Context |
Author/Editor: Billings, Dwight B.; Kingsolver, Ann E
Appalachia in the Sixties |
Author/Editor: Walls, David S.; Stephenson, John B
Appalachian Elegy |
Author/Editor: hooks, bell
Appalachian Health and Well-Being |
Author/Editor: Ludke, Robert L.; Obermiller, Phillip J
Appalachian Home Cooking |
Author/Editor: Sohn, Mark F
Appalachian Mental Health |
Author/Editor: Keefe, Susan E
The Appalachian Photographs of Earl Palmer |
Author/Editor: Speer, Jean Haskell
The Appalachian Regional Commission |
Author/Editor: Bradshaw, Michael
Appalachian Toys and Games from A to Z |
Author/Editor: Pack, Linda Hager
Appalachian Travels |
Author/Editor: Williams, Elizabeth M.; Campbell, Olive Dame
Appalachian Women |
Author/Editor: Farr, Sidney Saylor
Appalachia Revisited |
Author/Editor: Schumann, William; Fletcher, Rebecca Adkins
Appalachia's Children |
Author/Editor: Looff, David H
Appalachia's Path to Dependency |
Author/Editor: Salstrom, Paul
Appeasement in International Politics |
Author/Editor: Rock, Stephen R
Arab and Jewish Women in Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Moosnick, Nora Rose
Architect of Air Power |
Author/Editor: Laslie, Brian D
Archives of Memory |
Author/Editor: Hoffman, Alice M.; Hoffman, Howard S
Arc of Power: Inside Nancy Pelosi's Speakership, 2005–2010 |
Author/Editor: JOHN A. LAWRENCE
Are We There Yet?: The Golden Age of American Family Vacations |
Author/Editor: Susan Sessions Rugh
Armageddon in Stalingrad: September-November 1942 The Stalingrad Trilogy, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: David M. Glantz ,Jonathan M. House
The Armies of the Streets |
Author/Editor: Cook, Adrian
Arming the Irish Revolution: Gunrunning and Arms Smuggling, 1911– 1922 |
Author/Editor: W. H. Kautt
The Arms of the Family |
Author/Editor: Shawcross, John T
Arms Transfers under Nixon |
Author/Editor: Sorley, Lewis
Army Diplomacy |
Author/Editor: Hudson, Walter M
Arsenal of World War II: The Political Economy of American Warfare, 1940-1945 |
Author/Editor: PAUL A. C. KOISTINEN
The Art and Imagination of Langston Hughes |
Author/Editor: Miller, R. Baxter
Art for Equality |
Author/Editor: Woodley, Jenny
The Arthurdale Community School |
Author/Editor: Stack, Sam F
Arthur Penn |
Author/Editor: Segaloff, Nat
Artisans in the North Carolina Backcountry |
Author/Editor: Lewis, Johanna Miller
The Art of Command |
Author/Editor: Laver, Harry S.; Matthews, Jeffrey J
The Art of Command |
Author/Editor: Laver, Harry S.; Matthews, Jeffrey J
The Art of Ellis Wilson |
Author/Editor: Sperath, Albert; Vendryes, Margaret R.; Jones, Steven H
ARVN: Life and Death in the South Vietnamese Army |
Author/Editor: Robert K. Brigham
At The Breakers |
Author/Editor: Taylor-Hall, Mary Ann
At the Decisive Point in the Sinai |
Author/Editor: Even, Jacob; Maoz, Simcha B
At Zero Point |
Author/Editor: Zimbardo, Rose A
Audubon |
Author/Editor: Keating, L. Clark
Aunt Jane Of Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Hall, Eliza Calvert
Australia Faces Southeast Asia |
Author/Editor: Vandenbosch, Amry; Vandenbosch, Mary Belle
The Austro-Marxists 1890--1918 |
Author/Editor: Blum, Mark E
Authority and Female Authorship in Colonial America |
Author/Editor: Scheick, William J
The Autobiography of William Allen White: Second Edition, Revised and Abridged |
Author/Editor: Sally Foreman Griffith
The Autonomous Image |
Author/Editor: Prats, Armando J
Awaiting MacArthur's Return: World War II Guerrilla Resistance against the Japanese in the Philippines |
Author/Editor: James A. Villanueva
Back from Westminster |
Author/Editor: Norton, Phillip; Wood, David M
Back Talk from Appalachia |
Author/Editor: Billings, Dwight B.; Norman, Gurney; Ledford, Katherine
The Bakke Case: Race, Education, and Affirmative Action |
Author/Editor: HOWARD BALL
Balkan Village |
Author/Editor: Sanders, Irwin T
The Ballad Book of John Jacob Niles |
Author/Editor: Niles, John Jacob
The Ballad of Ben and Stella Mae: Great Plains Outlaws Who Became FBI Public Enemies Nos. 1 and 2 |
Author/Editor: Matthew Cecil
The Banana Men |
Author/Editor: Langley, Lester D.; Schoonover, Thomas D
The Banking Crisis of 1933 |
Author/Editor: Kennedy, Susan Estabrook
The Bank War and the Partisan Press: Newspapers, Financial Institutions, and the Post Office in Jacksonian America |
Author/Editor: Stephen W. Campbell
Barbara Bush: Presidential Matriarch |
Author/Editor: MYRA G. GUTIN
Barbara La Marr |
Author/Editor: Snyder, Sherri
Barbarossa 1941: Reframing Hitler’s Invasion of Stalin’s Soviet Empire |
Author/Editor: Frank Ellis,Raymond Callahan,Jacob W. Kipp,Allan R. Millett,Carol Reardon,Dennis Showalter,David R. Stone,James H. Willbanks
Bargaining with the Machine: Technology, Surveillence, and the Social Contract |
Author/Editor: Robert M. Pallitto
Barred by Congress: How a Mormon, a Socialist, and an African American Elected by the People Were Excluded from Office |
Barry Bingham |
Author/Editor: Bingham, Barry
Baseball's Pivotal Era, 1945-1951 |
Author/Editor: Marshall, William
Basil Wilson Duke, CSA |
Author/Editor: Matthews, Gary R
Basketball and Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Walls, Jerry L.; Bassham, Gregory
Battalion Commanders at War: U.S. Army Tactical Leadership in the Mediterranean Theater, 1942-1943 |
Author/Editor: Steven Thomas Barry
Battlefield Surgeon |
Author/Editor: Kennedy, Paul A.; Kennedy, Christopher B
BattleFire! |
Author/Editor: Kelly, Arthur L
The Battle for Peace: The Long Road to Ending a War with the World's Oldest Guerrilla Army |
Author/Editor: JUAN MANUEL SANTOS ,Joe Broderick ,John Kerry ,Felipe González
The Battle for the Black Ballot: Smith v. Allwright and the Defeat of the Texas All-White Primary |
Author/Editor: CHARLES L. ZELDEN
Battle for the Ruhr: The German Army's Final Defeat in the West |
Author/Editor: Derek S. Zumbro
Battleground Alaska: Fighting Federal Power in America's Last Wilderness |
Author/Editor: Stephen Haycox
The Battle over School Prayer: How Engel v. Vitale Changed America |
The Battle Rages Higher |
Author/Editor: Jenkins, Kirk C
Battles on the Bench: Conflict Inside the Supreme Court |
Author/Editor: Phillip J. Cooper
Battle Studies |
Author/Editor: Charles Jean Jacques,Joseph Ardant du Picq,Roger J. Spiller
Bayou Battles for Vicksburg: The Swamp and River Expeditions, January 1-April 30, 1863 |
Author/Editor: Timothy B. Smith
Beckett in Black and Red |
Author/Editor: Friedman, Alan Warren
Beckett's Critical Complicity |
Author/Editor: Henning, Sylvie Debevic
Becoming Bourgeois |
Author/Editor: Byrne, Frank J
Becoming Free: Autonomy and Diversity in the Liberal Polity |
Author/Editor: Emily R. Gill
Becoming King |
Author/Editor: Jackson, Troy
Becoming Native To This Place |
Author/Editor: Jackson, Wes
Beeconomy |
Author/Editor: Horn, Tammy
The Beer Cheese Book |
Author/Editor: Pirnia, Garin
Bees in America |
Author/Editor: Horn, Tammy
Beetle |
Author/Editor: Crosswell, D.K.R
Before Big Blue |
Author/Editor: Stanley, Gregory Kent
Before Bostock: The Accidental LGBTQ Precedent of Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins |
Author/Editor: Jason Pierceson
Before Earth Day: The Origins of American Environmental Law, 1945-1970 |
Author/Editor: Karl Boyd Brooks
Before The Bomb |
Author/Editor: Chappell, John
Before the Quagmire |
Author/Editor: Rust, William J
Behavioral Therapy for Rural Substance Abusers |
Author/Editor: Leukefeld, Carl; Godlaski, Theodore; Clark, James
Behind Japanese Lines |
Author/Editor: Hunt, Ray C.; Norling, Bernard
Being Hal Ashby |
Author/Editor: Dawson, Nick
Being in the World |
Author/Editor: Dallmayr, Fred
Being, Man, and Death |
Author/Editor: Demske, James M
Belorussia |
Author/Editor: Lubachko, Ivan S
Benjamin Franklin's Humor |
Author/Editor: Zall, Paul M
Benjamin Franklin Unmasked: On the Unity of His Moral, Religious, and Political Thought |
Author/Editor: Jerry Weinberger
Ben Jonson's 'Dotages' |
Author/Editor: Champion, Larry S
The Bennetts |
Author/Editor: Kellow, Brian
Berea College |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Shannon H
Bergson, Eliot, and American Literature |
Author/Editor: Douglass, Paul
Berlin on the Brink |
Author/Editor: Harrington, Daniel F
Bert Combs The Politician |
Author/Editor: Robinson, George W
Betty Ford: Candor and Courage in the White House |
Beyond Biotechnology |
Author/Editor: Holdrege, Craig; Talbott, Steve
Beyond Cold Blood: The KBI from Ma Barker to BTK |
Author/Editor: Larry Welch
Beyond Donkeys and Elephants: Minor Political Parties in Contemporary American Politics |
Author/Editor: Richard Davis
Beyond Pearl Harbor: A Pacific History |
Author/Editor: Beth Bailey,David Farber
Beyond the Borders of the Law: Critical Legal Histories of the North American West |
Author/Editor: Katrina Jagodinsky,Pablo Mitchell
Beyond the Epic |
Author/Editor: Phillips, Gene D
Beyond the Ivory Tower: The Case for Civically Engaged Political Scientists |
Author/Editor: Richard Davis
Beyond the Metafictional Mode |
Author/Editor: Spires, Robert C
Beyond Tragedy |
Author/Editor: Uphaus, Robert W
Bicycles, Bangs, and Bloomers |
Author/Editor: Marks, Patricia
Big Bone Lick |
Author/Editor: Hedeen, Stanley
Big Government and Affirmative Action |
Author/Editor: Bean, Jonathan
The Big Picture: The Cold War on the Small Screen |
Author/Editor: JOHN W. LEMZA
The Big Red One: America's Legendary 1st Infantry Division Centennial Edition, 1917-2017 |
Author/Editor: James Scott Wheeler
The Big Sandy |
Author/Editor: Crowe-Carraco, Carol
Bill Clinton: New Gilded Age President |
Author/Editor: Patrick J. Maney
A Biographical Dictionary of Early American Jews |
Author/Editor: Rosenbloom, Joseph R
Biplanes at War |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Wray R
Birds, Bones, and Beetles: The Improbable Career and Remarkable Legacy of University of Kansas Naturalist Charles D. Bunker |
Author/Editor: Chuck Warner
The Birds of Opulence |
Author/Editor: Crystal Wilkinson
The Birth of Bourbon |
Bitter Legacy |
Author/Editor: Lukas, Richard C
The Bizarre Careers of John R. Brinkley |
Author/Editor: Lee, R. Alton
Black American Literature and Humanism |
Author/Editor: Miller, R. Baxter
Black Bone |
Author/Editor: Spriggs, Bianca Lynne; Paden, Jeremy
Black Church in the Sixties |
Author/Editor: Nelsen, Hart M.; Nelsen, Anne Kusener
Black Coal Miners in America |
Author/Editor: Lewis, Ronald L
A Black Educator in the Segregated South |
Author/Editor: Smith, Gerald L
Black Greek-letter Organizations in the Twenty-First Century |
Author/Editor: Parks, Gregory S
Black Liberation in Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Howard, Victor B
Black Male Fiction and the Legacy of Caliban |
Author/Editor: Coleman, James W
A Black Odyssey: John Lewis Waller and the Promise of American Life, 18781900 |
Author/Editor: Randall Bennett Woods
Black on Black |
Author/Editor: Gruesser, John Cullen
Black Prisoner of War: A Conscientious Objector's Vietnam Memoir |
Author/Editor: James A. Daly ,Lee Bergman ,Jeff Loeb
Blacks in Appalachia |
Author/Editor: Turner, William H.; Cabbell, Edward J
Black Southerners, 1619-1869 |
Author/Editor: Boles, John B
The Black Towns |
Blazer and Ashland Oil |
Author/Editor: Massie, Joseph L
Bleeding Kansas, Bleeding Missouri: The Long Civil War on the Border |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Earle,Diane Mutti Burke
Blitzkrieg to Desert Storm: The Evolution of Operational Warfare |
Author/Editor: Robert M. Citino
Blockbusting in Baltimore |
Author/Editor: Orser, W. Edward
Blood, Guts, and Grease |
Author/Editor: Mikolashek, Jon B
Blood in the Hills |
Author/Editor: Stewart, Bruce E
Blood in the Sand |
Author/Editor: Bronner, Stephen Eric
Blood on the Moon |
Author/Editor: Steers, Edward
Blood on the Snow: The Carpathian Winter War of 1915 |
Author/Editor: Graydon A. Tunstall
Bloodroot |
Author/Editor: Dyer, Joyce
Bloody Breathitt |
Author/Editor: Hutton, T.R.C
Bluebirds And Their Survival |
Author/Editor: Davis, Wayne H.; Roca, Philippe
Bluecoats and Tar Heels |
Author/Editor: Bradley, Mark L
Blue-grass and Rhododendron |
Author/Editor: Fox, John
Bluegrass Cavalcade |
Author/Editor: Clark, Thomas D
The Blue Grass Cook Book |
Author/Editor: Fox, Minnie C
Bluegrass Craftsman |
Author/Editor: Dugan, Frances L. S.; Bull, Jacqueline P
Bluegrass Land and Life |
Author/Editor: Wharton, Mary E.; Barbour, Roger W
Bluegrass Renaissance |
Author/Editor: Klotter, James C.; Rowland, Daniel
Bluejackets and Contrabands |
Author/Editor: Tomblin, Barbara Brooks
Blueprints for Battle |
Author/Editor: Hoffenaar, Jan; Krüger, Dieter; Zabecki, David T
The Blue Ribbon Cook Book |
Author/Editor: Benedict, Jennie C
Bodies for Battle: US Army Physical Culture and Systematic Training, 1885-1957 |
Bomber Pilot |
Author/Editor: Ardery, Philip
Bonaventure des Périers's Novel Pastimes and Merry Tales |
Author/Editor: des Périers, Bonaventure
Bondarchuk's War and Peace: Literary Classic to Soviet Cinematic Epic |
The Book of Count Lucanor and Patronio |
Author/Editor: Manuel, Juan
The Book of Kyng Arthur |
Author/Editor: Moorman, Charles
The Book of the Knight Zifar |
Author/Editor: Nelson, Charles L
Boonesborough Unearthed |
Author/Editor: O'Malley, Nancy
Bootstrap Liberalism: Texas Political Culture in the Age of FDR |
Author/Editor: Sean P. Cunningham
Borrowed Children |
Author/Editor: Lyon, George Ella
Bossism and Reform in a Southern City |
Author/Editor: Bolin, James Duane
Boswell |
Author/Editor: Lustig, Irma S
Bougainville, 1943-1945 |
Author/Editor: Gailey, Harry A
Bound to the Fire |
Author/Editor: Deetz, Kelley Fanto
Bourbon Desserts |
Author/Editor: Hulsman, Lynn Marie
Bourbon's Backroads |
Author/Editor: Raitz, Karl
Boy on the Bridge |
Author/Editor: Marble, Andrew
The Braided Dream |
Author/Editor: Runyon, Randolph Paul
Brandeis And America |
Author/Editor: Dawson, Nelson L
Brandeis: Beyond Progressivism |
Author/Editor: Philippa Strum
Brandeis on Democracy |
Branding Hoover's FBI: How the Boss's PR Men Sold the Bureau to America |
Author/Editor: Matthew Cecil
Breach of Trust: How the Warren Commission Failed the Nation and Why |
Author/Editor: Gerald D. McKnight
Breaking the Magic Spell |
Author/Editor: Zipes, Jack
Breckinridge |
Author/Editor: Davis, William C
The Breckinridges of Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Klotter, James C
A Brief History of Northern Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Webster, Robert D
The Brief, Madcap Life of Kay Kendall |
Author/Editor: Golden, Eve
Brigadier General John D. Imboden |
Author/Editor: Tucker, Spencer C
The Brink of All We Hate |
Author/Editor: Nussbaum, Felicity A
The British Foreign Service and the American Civil War |
Author/Editor: Berwanger, Eugene
A Brittle Sword |
Author/Editor: Stone, Richard G
Broadcasting Freedom |
Author/Editor: Puddington, Arch
Broken Boundaries |
Author/Editor: Quinsey, Katherine M
Broken Trust: Dysfunctional Government and Constitutional Reform |
Author/Editor: Stephen M. Griffin
The Browning Critics |
Author/Editor: Litzinger, Boyd; Knickerbocker, K. L
Brown v. Board of Education: Caste, Culture, and the Constitution |
Bruce Dern |
Author/Editor: Dern, Bruce
Buffalo Bill Cody, A Man of the West |
Buffalo Dance |
Author/Editor: Walker, Frank X
Building a Healthy Economy from the Bottom Up |
Author/Editor: Flaccavento, Anthony
Building Ho's Army |
Author/Editor: Li, Xiaobing
Built on the Ruins of Empire: British Military Assistance and African Independence |
Author/Editor: Blake Whitaker
Bull Threshers and Bindlestiffs: Harvesting and Threshing on the North American Plains |
Author/Editor: Thomas D. Isern
Bully Nation: How the American Establishment Creates a Bullying Society |
Author/Editor: Charles Derber ,Yale R. Magrass
Burgoo, Barbecue, and Bourbon |
Author/Editor: Schmid, Albert W. A
Burke and the Nature of Politics |
Author/Editor: Cone, Carl B
Burke and the Nature of Politics |
Author/Editor: Cone, Carl B
Burley |
Author/Editor: Ferrell, Ann K
Bush v. Gore: Exposing the Growing Crisis in American Democracy |
Author/Editor: CHARLES L. ZELDEN
But the Irish Sea Betwixt Us |
Author/Editor: Murphy, Andrew
Buzz |
Author/Editor: Spivak, Jeffrey
The Buzzel About Kentuck |
Author/Editor: Friend, Craig Thompson
By One Vote: The Disputed Presidential Election of 1876 |
Author/Editor: MICHAEL F. HOLT
By Order of the President: The Use and Abuse of Executive Direct Action |
Author/Editor: Phillip J. Cooper
Calderón |
Author/Editor: Calderón de la Barca, Pedro
Calderón |
Author/Editor: ter Horst, Robert
California at War: The State and the People during World War I |
Author/Editor: Diane M. T. North
The Cambodian Campaign: The 1970 Offensive and America's Vietnam War |
Author/Editor: John M. Shaw
The Cambodian Wars: Clashing Armies and CIA Covert Operations |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Conboy
Camera Clues |
Author/Editor: Nickell, Joe
The Campaign to Impeach Justice William O. Douglas: Nixon, Vietnam, and the Conservative Attack on Judicial Independence |
Author/Editor: Joshua E. Kastenberg,Fred Harris
Camp Colt to Desert Storm |
Author/Editor: Hofmann, George F.; Starry, Donn A
Camp Nelson, Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Sears, Richard D
Canals For A Nation |
Author/Editor: Shaw, Ronald E
Capital Punishment on Trial: Furman v. Georgia and the Death Penalty in Modern America |
Author/Editor: DAVID M. OSHINSKY
A Careful Hunger |
Author/Editor: Young, Judy; Young, John K
Carl Theodor Dreyer and Ordet |
Author/Editor: Wahl, Jan
The Carver's Art |
Author/Editor: Bronner, Simon J
The Case for Gay Rights: From Bowers to Lawrence and Beyond |
Author/Editor: David A. J. Richards
Cassius Marcellus Clay |
Author/Editor: Richardson, H. Edward
Catherine Spalding, SCN |
Author/Editor: Doyle, Mary Ellen
The Cattle Guard: Its History and Lore |
Cattle Kingdom in the Ohio Valley 1783--1860 |
Author/Editor: Henlein, Paul C
Caught between Roosevelt and Stalin |
Author/Editor: Dunn, Dennis J
Caught between Worlds |
Author/Editor: Snader, Joe
Cecelia and Fanny |
Author/Editor: Asher, Brad
Cecil B. DeMille's Hollywood |
Author/Editor: Birchard, Robert S
Celebrity Influence: Politics, Persuasion, and Issue-Based Advocacy |
Author/Editor: Mark Harvey
Challenge and Change in Appalachia |
Author/Editor: Stoddart, Jess
Challenges to Chinese Foreign Policy |
Author/Editor: Hao, Yufan; Wei, C.X. George; Dittmer, Lowell
The Changing Face of Southeast Asia |
Author/Editor: Vandenbosch, Amry; Butwell, Richard
Changing The Subject |
Author/Editor: Miller, Naomi
Charles Walters |
Author/Editor: Phillips, Brent
Chasing Chickens: When Life after Higher Education Doesn't Go the Way You Planned |
Author/Editor: RACHEL NEFF
Chateaubriand's Travels in America |
Author/Editor: de Chateaubriand, François-René
The Cherokee Kid: Will Rogers, Tribal Identity, and the Making of an American Icon |
Author/Editor: AMY M. WARE,Erika Doss,Philip J. Deloria
Chesapeake Gold |
Author/Editor: Brait, Susan
The Chicago Freedom Movement |
Author/Editor: Finley, Mary Lou; LaFayette, Bernard; Ralph, James R
Chicago's White City of 1893 |
Author/Editor: Burg, David F
Chief Executive to Chief Justice: Taft betwixt the White House and Supreme Court |
Author/Editor: LEWIS L. GOULD
Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson of Kentucky |
Author/Editor: St. Clair, James E.; Gugin, Linda C
Childhood on the Farm: Work, Play, and Coming of Age in the Midwest |
Author/Editor: Pamela Riney-Kehrberg
Child Labor in America: The Epic Legal Struggle to Protect Children |
Author/Editor: John A. Fliter
Children of the Levee |
Author/Editor: Hearn, Lafcadio; Frost, O. W
Children of the Silent Majority: Young Voters and the Rise of the Republican Party, 1968-1972 |
Author/Editor: Seth Blumenthal
Children of Wrath |
Author/Editor: Hirrel, Leo
Children's Literature of the English Renaissance |
Author/Editor: Wooden, Warren W.; Watson, Jeanie
Chinaberry |
Author/Editor: Still, James; House, Silas
China Looks at the West |
Author/Editor: Ford, Christopher A
China's Encounter with Global Hollywood |
Author/Editor: Su, Wendy
Choices |
Author/Editor: Lyon, George Ella
Christian Allegory in Early Hispanic Poetry |
Author/Editor: Foster, David William
The Christmas Truce |
Author/Editor: Crocker, Terri Blom
Chronicle of Alfonso X |
Author/Editor: Thacker, Shelby; Escobar, Jose
Churchill and His Generals |
Author/Editor: Raymond Callahan
The CIA and Congress: The Untold Story from Truman to Kennedy |
Author/Editor: David M. Barrett
The CIA's Greatest Covert Operation: Inside the Daring Mission to Recover a Nuclear-Armed Soviet Sub |
Author/Editor: David H. Sharp
The CIA's Secret War in Tibet |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Conboy,James Morrison,Raymond A. Callahan,J. Garry Clifford,Jacob W. Kipp,Allan R. Millett,Carol Reardon,Dennis Showalter,David R. Stone
Cinematic Cold War: The American and Soviet Struggle for Hearts and Minds |
Author/Editor: Tony Shaw,Denise J. Youngblood
Circle of Fire |
Author/Editor: Axton, William F
Cities in the Commonwealth |
Author/Editor: Share, Allen J
The Citizen Soldiers |
Author/Editor: Clifford, John Garry
Citizen Soldiers in the War of 1812 |
Author/Editor: Skeen, C. Edward
City of Dreams |
Author/Editor: Dick, Bernard F
Civilization and Progress |
Author/Editor: Tsanoff, Radoslav A
The Civilization of the Old South |
Author/Editor: Eaton, Clement; Kirwan, Albert D
Civil Rights Crossroads |
Author/Editor: Lawson, Steven F
Civil Rights in the Gateway to the South |
Author/Editor: K'Meyer, Tracy E
Civil Society and Politics in Central Asia |
Author/Editor: Ziegler, Charles E
The Civil War Guerrilla |
Author/Editor: Beilein, Joseph M.; Hulbert, Matthew C
The Civil War in Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Harrison, Lowell H
The Civil War in Popular Culture |
Author/Editor: Kreiser, Lawrence A.; Allred, Randal W
The Civil War on the Mississippi |
Author/Editor: Tomblin, Barbara Brooks
Civil War Recipes |
Author/Editor: Spaulding, Lily May; Spaulding, John
The Clansman |
Author/Editor: Dixon, Thomas
Clarence Brown |
Author/Editor: Young, Gwenda
Clark Clifford |
Author/Editor: Acacia, John
Clash of Empires in South China: The Allied Nations' Proxy War with Japan, 1935-1941 |
Author/Editor: Franco David Macri
Class and Community in Frontier Colorado |
Author/Editor: Richard Hogan
Claude A. Swanson of Virginia |
Author/Editor: Ferrell, Henry C
Claude Rains |
Author/Editor: Skal, David J.; Rains, Jessica
Clay Lancaster's Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Birchfield, James D
The Clays of Alabama |
Author/Editor: Nuermberger, Ruth Ketring
Cliffs and Challenges: A Young Woman Explores Yosemite, 1915–1917 |
Author/Editor: Laura White Brunner,Jared N. Champion
The Climax of Populism |
Author/Editor: Durden, Robert F
Clinton's Elections: 1992, 1996, and the Birth of a New Era of Governance |
Closing with the Enemy: How GIs Fought the War in Europe, 1944-1945 |
Author/Editor: Michael D. Doubler
Coach Hall |
Author/Editor: Hall, Joe B
Coal In Appalachia |
Author/Editor: Harvey, Curtis E
The Coalition Crumbles, Napoleon Returns: The 1799 Campaign in Italy and Switzerland, Volume 2 |
Coal Miners' Wives |
Author/Editor: Giesen, Carol A.B
Coal-Mining Safety in the Progressive Period |
Author/Editor: Graebner, William
A Coat of Many Colors |
Author/Editor: Conser, Walter H
Coffin Hollow and Other Ghost Tales |
Author/Editor: Musick, Ruth Ann
The Cold War at Home and Abroad |
Author/Editor: Johns, Andrew L.; Lerner, Mitchell B
The Cold War Comes to Main Street: America in 1950 |
Author/Editor: Lisle A. Rose
Cold War in the Balkans |
Author/Editor: Boll, Michael M
Cold War Kids: Politics and Childhood in Postwar America, 19451960 |
Author/Editor: Marilyn Irvin Holt
A Cold War Odyssey |
Author/Editor: Nuechterlein, Donald E
The Collaborative Fight: Pursuing Jointness in the US Military |
Author/Editor: Paul R. Birch ,Lina M. Svedin
The Collected Poems and Journals of Mary Tighe |
Author/Editor: Tighe, Mary; Linkin, Harriet Kramer
Collectivization of Agriculture in Eastern Europe |
Author/Editor: Sanders, Irwin T
A College For Appalachia |
Author/Editor: Searles, P. David
College for the Commonwealth |
Author/Editor: Benson, Michael T.; Boyd, Hal R
Colley Cibber |
Author/Editor: Koon, Helene
Colorado Powder Keg: Ski Resorts and the Environmental Movement |
Author/Editor: Michael W. Childers
Columbia Pictures |
Author/Editor: Dick, Bernard F
A Combat Artist in World War II |
Author/Editor: Reep, Edward
Come and Go, Molly Snow |
Author/Editor: Taylor-Hall, Mary Ann
The Comet Connection |
Author/Editor: Watt, George
The Coming of the Nixon Court: The 1972 Term and the Transformation of Constitutional Law |
Author/Editor: Earl M. Maltz
Coming to Terms with John F. Kennedy |
Author/Editor: Stephen F. Knott
Comintern Army |
Author/Editor: Richardson, R. Dan
Commanding the Army of the Potomac |
Author/Editor: Stephen R. Taaffe
Committed to Victory |
Author/Editor: Holl, Richard E
Common Whites |
Author/Editor: Cecil-Fronsman, Bill
Community Memories |
Author/Editor: Fletcher, Winona L.; Burton, Sheila Mason; Wallace, James E
The Complete Guide to Kentucky State Parks |
Author/Editor: Reigler, Susan
The Complete Retirement Handbook |
Author/Editor: Bowman, Forest J
A Concise History of Kentucky |
Author/Editor: Klotter, James C.; Klotter, Freda C
Confederate General R.S. Ewell |
Author/Editor: Casdorph, Paul D
A Conflict of Principles: The Battle Over Affirmative Action at the University of Michigan |
Author/Editor: Carl Cohen
Confronting Ecological Crisis in Appalachia and the South |
Author/Editor: McSpirit, Stephanie; Faltraco, Lynne; Bailey, Connor
Congressional Ambivalence |
Author/Editor: Farrier, Jasmine
Congressional Committee Chairmen |
Author/Editor: Reeves, Andrée E
Congressional Conservatism and the New Deal |
Author/Editor: Patterson, James T
The Congressional Journal of Barber B. Conable, Jr., 1968-1984 |
Author/Editor: Bill Kauffman ,Albert R. Hunt
The Conservation Constitution: The Conservation Movement and Constitutional Change, 1870-1930 |
Author/Editor: Kimberly K. Smith
The Conservative Heartland: A Political History of the Postwar American Midwest |
Author/Editor: Jon K. Lauck,Catherine McNicol Stock
Constantine Samuel Rafinesque |
Author/Editor: Warren, Leonard
Constitutional Failure |
Author/Editor: Sotirios A. Barber