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Titles start with M (9) Information
Media and Technology in 21st Century Higher and Tertiary Education in Africa: Insights from Teachers’ Colleges in Zimbabwe
Author/Editor: Costain Tandi ,Munyaradzi Mawere ,Martin Mukwazhe
Mgr Ndongmo et la Question Bamileke au Cameroun
Author/Editor: André Seguè ,Ambroise Kom
Mining Africa. Law, Environment, Society and Politics in Historical and Multidisciplinary Perspectives: Law, Environment, Society and Politics in Historical and Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Author/Editor: Artwell Nhemachena,Tapiwa V Warikandwa
Mobile Africa: Human Trafficking and the Digital Divide
Author/Editor: Mirjam Van Reisen,Munyaradzi Mawere,Mia Stokmans,Kinfe Abraha Gebre-Egziabher
Mobile Phones: The New Talking Drums of Everyday Africa
Author/Editor: Mirjam de Bruijn,Francis Nyamnjoh,Inge Brinkman
Modernising Traditions and Traditionalising Modernity in Africa: Chieftaincy and Democracy in Cameroon and Botswana
Author/Editor: Francis B. Nyamnjoh
Morgan Richard Tsvangirai's Legacy: Opposition Politics and the Struggle for Human Rights, Democracy and Gender Sensitivities
Author/Editor: Ngonidzashe Marongwe ,Fidelis Peter Thomas Duri ,Munyaradzi Mawere
The Mysterious Lake: From a Village Girl to Mami America
Author/Editor: Theresia Mbunue Ngu
Myths of Peace and Democracy? Towards Building Pillars of Hope, Unity and Transformation in Africa: Towards Building Pillars of Hope, Unity and Transformation in Africa
Author/Editor: Munyaradzi Mawere,Ngonidzashe Marongwe