Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with H (134) | Information |
HA! |
Author/Editor: Sheppard, Gordon
Habitants and Merchants in Seventeenth-Century Montreal |
Author/Editor: Dechêne, Louise
Habitations et Milieu de Vie |
Author/Editor: Miron, John
The Habsburg Empire under Siege: Ottoman Expansion and Hungarian Revolt in the Age of Grand Vizier Ahmed Köprülü (1661–76) |
Author/Editor: Georg B. Michels
Half-Brain Fables and Figs in Paradise |
Author/Editor: Chevalier, Jacques M
Hall-Dennis and the Road to Utopia: Education and Modernity in Ontario |
Author/Editor: JOSH COLE
The Handbook of Canadian Higher Education |
Author/Editor: Theresa Shanahan,Michelle Nilson,Li-Jeen Broshko
The Handbook of Ethnic Media in Canada |
Author/Editor: Daniel Ahadi ,Sherry S. Yu ,Ahmed Al-Rawi
Handbook of Federal Countries, 2005 |
Author/Editor: Griffiths, Ann
The Hand of God |
Hanna's Diary, 1938-1941 |
Author/Editor: Spencer, Hanna
Harold Innis and the North |
Author/Editor: Buxton, William J
Harold Innis in the New Century |
Author/Editor: Acland, Charles R.; Buxton, William J
Harold Innis on Peter Pond: Biography, Cultural Memory, and the Continental Fur Trade |
Author/Editor: WILLIAM J. BUXTON
The Harper Factor |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Ditchburn,Graham Fox
Harper's Team |
Author/Editor: Flanagan, Tom
Harpoon of the Hunter |
Author/Editor: Markoosie
Harriet Brooks |
Author/Editor: Rayner-Canham, Marelene F.; Rayner-Canham, Geoffrey W
Harriet’s Legacies: Race, Historical Memory, and Futures in Canada |
Harrison McCain |
Author/Editor: Savoie, Donald J
Harvest of Souls |
Author/Editor: Blackburn, Carole
Healing the World's Children |
Author/Editor: Comacchio, Cynthia; Golden, Janet; Weisz, George
Healing through Art |
Author/Editor: Ferrara, Nadia
Health Care Federalism in Canada |
Author/Editor: Fierlbeck, Katherine; Lahey, William
Health Insurance and Canadian Public Policy |
Author/Editor: Taylor, Malcolm G.; Maslove, Allan
Health Services Restructuring in Canada |
Author/Editor: Beach, Charles M.; Chaykowski, Richard; Shortt
Heavens Are Changing |
Author/Editor: Neylan, Susan
Hegel's Phenomenology |
Author/Editor: Collins, Ardis B
Hello, Central? |
Author/Editor: Martin, Michèle
Henri Bergson and British Modernism |
Author/Editor: Gillies, Mary Ann
Henry Goulburn, 1784-1856 |
Author/Editor: Jenkins, Brian
Herder on Nationality, Humanity, and History |
Author/Editor: Barnard, Frederick M
Her Festival Clothes |
Author/Editor: Jones, Mavis
Herman Melville |
Author/Editor: Zimmerman, Brett
Hierarchies of Belonging |
Author/Editor: Henderson, Ailsa
Highway of the Atom |
Author/Editor: van Wyck, Peter
Hijacking History |
Author/Editor: Tanguay, Liane
Hilary Putnam |
Author/Editor: de Gaynesford, Maximilian
Hinterland Remixed: Media, Memory, and the Canadian 1970s |
Author/Editor: Andrew Burke
His Own Man |
Author/Editor: Heick, W.H.; Graham, Roger
Historical Essays on British Columbia |
Author/Editor: Friesen, J
Historical Essays on the Prairie Provinces |
Author/Editor: Swainson, Donald
Historical Essays on Upper Canada |
Author/Editor: Johnson, J.K.; Wilson, Bruce G
History and Ethnography of the Beothuk |
Author/Editor: Marshall, Ingeborg
History for the Future |
Author/Editor: Létourneau, Jocelyn
History of Canadian Business |
Author/Editor: Naylor, R.T
History of Canadian Catholics |
Author/Editor: Fay, Terence J
A History of Canadian External Relations |
Author/Editor: Glazebrook, G.P. de T
A History of Canadian Literature |
Author/Editor: New, W.H
History of Emily Montague |
Author/Editor: Brooke, Frances; Edwards, Mary Jane
History of Histories of German Literature, 1835-1914 |
Author/Editor: Batts, Michael S
The History of Jamaica, Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Long, Edward
The History of Jamaica, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Long, Edward
The History of Jamaica, Volume 3 |
Author/Editor: Long, Edward
A History of Journalism in Canada |
Author/Editor: Kesterton, W.H
History of MacDonald College of McGill University |
Author/Editor: Snell, John Ferguson
History of Slovak Literature |
Author/Editor: Petro, Peter
A History of the Austrian Migration to Canada |
Author/Editor: Engelmann, Frederick; Prokop, Manfred; Szabo, Franz A. J
A History of the Austrian Migration to Canada |
Author/Editor: Engelmann, Frederick; Prokop, Manfred; Szabo, Franz A. J Series Title: Default Book Series
The History of the Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada: 3-Volume Set, 1759-2021: 3-Volume Set, 1759-2021 |
Author/Editor: Roman Johann Jarymowycz
The History of the Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada: Volume 1, 1759–1939: Volume 1: 1759–1939 |
Author/Editor: Roman Johann Jarymowycz
The History of the Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada: Volume 3, 1946–2022: Volume 3: 1946–2022 |
Author/Editor: Roman Johann Jarymowycz
The History of the Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada: Volume 2, 1939–1945: Volume 2: 1939–1945 |
Author/Editor: Roman Johann Jarymowycz
History of the German Resistance, 1933-1945 |
Author/Editor: Hoffmann, Peter
History of the Liverpool Privateers and Letters of Marque with an Account of the Liverpool Slave Trade, 1744-1812 |
Author/Editor: Williams, Gomer
A History of the McGill Dental School |
Author/Editor: Rogers, Mervyn A
A History of Transportation in Canada, Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Glazebrook, G.P. de T
A History of Transportation in Canada, Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Glazebrook, G.P. de T
Hit the Road, Jack |
Author/Editor: Slethaug, Gordon E.; Ford, Stacilee
Hollow Tree |
Author/Editor: Herb, Nabigon
Holocaust, Israel, and Canadian Protestant Churches |
Author/Editor: Genizi, Haim
The Holy Fool |
Author/Editor: Pope, Timothy F
The Holy Spirit and the Eagle Feather: The Struggle for Indigenous Pentecostalism in Canada, Vol. 16 |
Author/Editor: AARON A.M. ROSS
Home Feelings: Liberal Citizenship and the Canadian Reading Camp Movement |
Author/Editor: JODY MASON
Homeland for the Cree |
Author/Editor: Salisbury, R
Home Medicine |
Author/Editor: Crellin, John K
Homosexuality and Literature |
Author/Editor: Meyers, Jeffrey
Honest Sins |
Author/Editor: Potter, Tiffany
Honorer la vérité, réconcilier pour l’avenir |
Author/Editor: Canada, Commission de vérité et réconciliation du
Honorer la vérité, réconcilier pour l’avenir |
Author/Editor: Canada, Commission de vérité et réconciliation du
Honouring Age: The Social Dynamics of Age Structure in 1 Timothy |
hook |
Author/Editor: davis halifax, nancy viva
Hot Money and the Politics of Debt |
Author/Editor: Naylor, R.T
The Hour of Absinthe: A Cultural History of France's Most Notorious Drink, Vol. 11 |
Author/Editor: NINA S. STUDER
Households of Faith |
Author/Editor: Christie, Nancy
House, Home, and Community |
Author/Editor: Miron, John R
House of Words |
Author/Editor: Ravvin, Norman
The House You Were Born In |
Housing in Postwar Canada |
Author/Editor: Miron, John R
Housing the North American City |
Author/Editor: Doucet, Michael; Weaver, John C
How Agriculture Made Canada |
Author/Editor: Russell, Peter A
How Long Have We Got? |
Author/Editor: Calder, Ritchie
How Much Price Competition |
Author/Editor: Moore, Milton
How Ottawa Spends, 1988-1989 |
Author/Editor: Graham, Katherine A.H
How Ottawa Spends, 1989-1990 |
Author/Editor: Graham, Katherine A.H
How Ottawa Spends, 1990-1991 |
Author/Editor: Graham, Katherine A.H
How Ottawa Spends, 1991-1992 |
Author/Editor: Abele, Frances
How Ottawa Spends, 1992-1993 |
Author/Editor: Abele, Frances
How Ottawa Spends, 1993-1994 |
Author/Editor: Phillips, Susan D
How Ottawa Spends, 1994-95 |
Author/Editor: Phillips, Susan D
How Ottawa Spends, 1995-96 |
Author/Editor: Phillips, Susan D
How Ottawa Spends, 1996-97 |
Author/Editor: Swimmer, Gene
How Ottawa Spends, 1997-1998 |
Author/Editor: Swimmer, Gene
How Ottawa Spends, 2004-2005 |
Author/Editor: Doern, G Bruce
How Ottawa Spends, 2005-2006 |
Author/Editor: Doern, G. Bruce
How Ottawa Spends, 2006-2007 |
Author/Editor: G. Bruce, Doern
How Ottawa Spends, 2007-2008 |
Author/Editor: Doern, G. Bruce
How Ottawa Spends 2008-2009 |
Author/Editor: Maslove, Allan
How Ottawa Spends, 2009-2010 |
Author/Editor: Allan, Maslove
How Ottawa Spends, 2010-2011 |
Author/Editor: Doern, G. Bruce; Stoney, Christopher
How Ottawa Spends, 2011–2012 |
Author/Editor: Stoney, Christopher; Doern, G. Bruce
How Ottawa Spends, 2012-2013 |
Author/Editor: Doern, G. Bruce; Stoney, Christopher
How Ottawa Spends, 2013-2014 |
Author/Editor: Stoney, Christopher; Doern, G. Bruce
How Ottawa Spends, 2014-2015 |
Author/Editor: Doern, G. Bruce; Stoney, Christopher
How Peary Reached the Pole |
Author/Editor: MacMillan, Donald
How Schools Worked |
Author/Editor: Gidney, R.D.; Millar, W.P.J
How to be a Green Liberal |
Author/Editor: Hailwood, Simon
How to Do Things with Forms: The Oulipo and Its Inventions |
Author/Editor: CHRIS ANDREWS
How to Understand Language |
Author/Editor: Weiss, Bernhard
Hugh MacDiarmid |
Author/Editor: Baglow, John
Humanism Betrayed |
Author/Editor: Good, Graham
Human Rights and Social Technology |
Author/Editor: Knopff, R
Human Rights in Canadian Foreign Policy |
Author/Editor: Matthews, R
Human Security and the New Diplomacy |
Author/Editor: McRae, Rob; Hubert, Don
Humboldt's Mexico |
Author/Editor: Echenberg, Myron
Hummocks |
Author/Editor: Malaurie, Jean
A Hundred Years Eating |
Author/Editor: Johnston, James P
Hungochani |
Author/Editor: Epprecht, Marc
Hungochani, Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Epprecht, Marc
Hungry and Starving: Voices of the Great Soviet Famine, 1928–1934 |
Author/Editor: JAMES R. GIBSON
Hunters on the Track |
Author/Editor: Ross, W. Gillies
Hurrah Revolutionaries |
Author/Editor: Polec, Patryk
Hurt Thyself |
Author/Editor: Steinmetz, Andrew
Hush Little Baby: The Invention of Infant Sleep in Modern France |
Author/Editor: GAL VENTURA