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Titles start with I (175) Information
Icelandic Voice in Canadian Letters
Author/Editor: Neijmann, Daisy
I Confess!: Constructing the Sexual Self in the Internet Age
Author/Editor: Stapelton, Rachel F.; Viselli, Antonio
Author/Editor: Dunham, Jeremy; Grant, Iain Hamilton; Watson, Sean
Idealism Transformed
Author/Editor: Wood, Anne
The Idea of Liberty in Canada during the Age of Atlantic Revolutions, 1776-1838
Author/Editor: Ducharme, Michel
Idea of Loyalty in Upper Canada, 1784-1850
Author/Editor: Mills, David
Idea of Popular Schooling in Upper Canada
Author/Editor: Di Mascio, Anthony
Ideas, Concepts, and Reality
Author/Editor: Burbidge, John W
Identities, Trust, and Cohesion in Federal Systems
Author/Editor: Jedwab, Jack; Kincaid, John
Identity and Industry: Making Media Multicultural in Canada
Author/Editor: MARK HAYWARD
Identity Captured by Law
Author/Editor: Grammond, Sébastien
Ideological Perspectives on Canada
Author/Editor: Marchak, M. Patricia
Ideologies of Race: Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union in Global Context
Author/Editor: DAVID RAINBOW
Ideology and Class Conflict in Jamaica
Author/Editor: Bakan, Abigail B
If the Irish Ran the World
Author/Editor: Akenson, Donald Harman
Ignorance Explosion
Author/Editor: Lukasiewicz, Julius
Ill-Made Alliance
Author/Editor: Millman, Brock
Illustrated History of Canada
Author/Editor: Brown, Craig
An Illustrated History of Canada's Native People
Author/Editor: Ray, Arthur J
Illustrating El Cid, 1498 to Today
Author/Editor: Beck, Lauren
Image 4 Ghana
Author/Editor: Michael Semak,KWESI BREW
Image-building in Canadian Municipalities
Author/Editor: Harvey, Jean; Young, Robert
Images of Goethe through Schiller's Egmont
Author/Editor: John, David G
Images of Justice
Author/Editor: Eber, Dorothy Harley
Images of Sport in Early Canada / Images du sport dans le Canada d'autrefois
Author/Editor: Nancy J. Dunbar,Hugh MacLennan
Imagination Indulged
Author/Editor: Gose, Elliot B. Jr
Imaginative Structure of the City
Author/Editor: Blum, Alan
Imagined Nations
Author/Editor: Williams, David
Imagining Culture
Author/Editor: Turner, Margaret E
Imagining Holiness
Author/Editor: Lewis, Justin Jaron
Imagining Justice
Author/Editor: McGonegal, Julie
I'm from Bouctouche, Me
Author/Editor: Savoie, Donald J
The Immaculate Conception of Data: Agribusiness, Activists, and Their Shared Politics of the Future
Author/Editor: Kellly Bronson
Immigrant Integration in Federal Countries
Author/Editor: Joppke, Christian; Seidle, F. Leslie
Immigrants and the Labour Force
Author/Editor: Pendakur, Ravi
Immigrant Settlement Policy in Canadian Municipalities
Author/Editor: Tolley, Erin; Young, Robert
Imperial Challenge
Author/Editor: Lawson, Philip
Imperial Irish
Author/Editor: McGowan, Mark G
Imperial Paradoxes: Training the Senses and Tasting the Eighteenth Century, Vol. 83
Author/Editor: Robert James Merrett
Imposing Their Will
Author/Editor: Lipinsky, Jack
Imprisoning Our Sisters
Author/Editor: Hayman, Stephanie
In a New Light: Histories of Women and Energy
In Armageddon's Shadow
Author/Editor: Marquis, Greg
Inauspicious Beginnings
Author/Editor: Beylerian, Onnig; Lévesque, Jacques
Inauthentic Culture and Its Philosophical Critics
Author/Editor: Newman, Jay
In Between Countries
Author/Editor: Cooper, Andrew F
In Business for Ourselves
Author/Editor: Wuttunee, Wanda A
In Caps and Gowns
Author/Editor: Tunis, Barbara Logan
Inclusive Equality
Author/Editor: Sheppard, Colleen
Incorporating the Familiar
Author/Editor: Drummond, Susan G
In Defence of Open-Mindedness
Author/Editor: Hare, William
In Defence of Religious Schools and Colleges
Author/Editor: Thiessen, Elmer John
In Defence of the Faith
Author/Editor: Wadsworth, James E
Indentured Servitude: Unfree Labour and Citizenship in the British Colonies
Author/Editor: ANNA SURANYI
Indians of the North Pacific Coast
Author/Editor: McFeat, Tom
Indict the Author of Affection: Affectation and Catachresis in Hamlet
Industrial Organization in Canada
Author/Editor: Chen, Zhiqi; Duhamel, Marc
Industrial Transformation and Challenge in Australia and Canada
Author/Editor: Hayter, Roger
In Duty Bound
Author/Editor: Johnson, J.K
Infected Christianity
Author/Editor: Davies, Alan T
Infection of the Innocents
Author/Editor: Sherwood, Joan
Infinity, Faith, and Time
Author/Editor: Hill, John Spencer
In First Gear
Author/Editor: Laux, James M
Informal Logic
Author/Editor: Grennan, Wayne
Ingmar Bergman
Author/Editor: Gervais, Marc
In Good Hands
Author/Editor: McLeod, Ellen Easton
In His Name
Author/Editor: Fahey, Curtis
In Its Corporate Capacity
Author/Editor: Young, Brian J
Ink and Light
Author/Editor: Brink, Andrew
In My Heart's Best Wishes for You
Author/Editor: Comiskey, John P
Innovation, Science, Environment 06/07
Author/Editor: Doern, G Bruce
Innovation, Science, Environment 07/08
Author/Editor: Doern, G Bruce
Innovation, Science, Environment 08/09
Author/Editor: Toner, Glen
Innovation, Science, Environment 1987-2007
Author/Editor: Toner, Glen; Meadowcroft, James
Innovation Systems in a Global Context
Author/Editor: Anderson, Robert; Cohn, Theodore; Day, Chad
In Praise of Mixed Religion
Author/Editor: Harrison, William H
In Praise of Nonsense
Author/Editor: Hiebert, Ted
In Pursuit of the Public Good
Author/Editor: Kent, Tom
In Search of Cinema
Author/Editor: Cardullo, Bert
In Search of Elegance
Author/Editor: Lincourt, Michel
In Search of Expo 67
Author/Editor: Monika Kin Gagnon ,Lesley Johnstone
In Search of Jerusalem
Author/Editor: Fischer, Gretl K
In Search of Paradise
Author/Editor: Gabori, Susan
In Search of Political Stability
Author/Editor: Aunger, E
In Search of R.B. Bennett
Author/Editor: Waite, P.B
Inside Ethnic Families
Author/Editor: Noivo, Edite
Inside Politics
Author/Editor: MacDonald, L. Ian
Inside the Historical Film
Author/Editor: Ramirez, Bruno
Inside the NDP War Room
Author/Editor: McLean, James S
Insights, Discoveries, Surprises
Author/Editor: Caiserman-Roth, Ghitta; Cohen, Rhoda
Institutionalized Cabinet
Author/Editor: Dunn, Christopher
Institutions of Isolation
Author/Editor: Chandler, Andrea
In Subordination
Author/Editor: Kinnear, Mary
Integrated Circus
Author/Editor: Marchak, Patricia
Integrating School and Workplace Learning in Canada
Author/Editor: Schuetze, Hans G.; Sweet, Robert
Integrity, First Edition
Author/Editor: Killinger, Barbara
Integrity, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Killinger, Barbara
Intellectual Disabilities and Dual Diagnosis
Author/Editor: McCreary, Bruce D.; Jones, Jessica
Intelligent Citizen's Guide to the Postal Problem
Author/Editor: Read, Lawrence
Interactive Realism
Author/Editor: Downes, Daniel
Intercommunal Warfare and Ethnic Peacemaking: The Dynamics of Urban Violence in Central Asia
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Canadian Society
Author/Editor: Artibise, Alan F.J
Interests of State
Author/Editor: Pal, Leslie A
Intergovernmental Policy Capacity in Canada
Author/Editor: Inwood, Gregory J.; Johns, Carolyn; O'Reilly, Patricia
Interlinguicity, Internationality, and Shakespeare
Author/Editor: Saenger, Michael
International Crisis
Author/Editor: Nomikos, Eugenia V.; North, Robert C
International Perspectives
Author/Editor: Frideres, James; Biles, John
Interregional Migration and Public Policy in Canada
Author/Editor: Day, Kathleen M.; Winer, Stanley
In the Aftermath of Catastrophe
Author/Editor: Neusner, Jacob
In the Chamber of Risks
Author/Editor: Leiss, William
In the Eye of the China Storm
Author/Editor: Lin, Paul T.K.; Lin, Eileen Chen
In the Eye of the Wind
Author/Editor: Baenninger, Ron; Baenninger, Martin
In the Interval of the Wave
Author/Editor: McDonald-Rissanen, Mary
In Their Own Write: Contesting the New Poor Law, 1834–1900
In the Maelstrom: The Waffen-SS 'Galicia' Division and Its Legacy
In the Province of History
Author/Editor: McKay, Ian; Bates, Robin
Intimate Citizenship
Author/Editor: Plummer, Ken
Into Deep Waters
Author/Editor: Goodwin, Daniel C
Author/Editor: Noël, Lise
Into Silence and Servitude
Author/Editor: BRIAN TITLEY
Into the House of Old
Author/Editor: Davies, Megan J
In Translation
Author/Editor: Simon, Sherry
In Twilight and in Dawn
Author/Editor: Richling, Barnett
Inuit Shamanism and Christianity
Author/Editor: Laugrand, Frédéric B.; Oosten, Jarich G
Inventing Canada
Author/Editor: Zeller, Suzanne
Inventing Secondary Education
Author/Editor: Gidney, R.D.; Millar
Inventing the Middle East: Britain and the Persian Gulf in the Age of Global Imperialism
Author/Editor: Guillemette Crouzet
Inventing the PC
Author/Editor: Stachniak, Zbigniew
Inventing Tom Thomson
Author/Editor: Grace, Sherrill
Invention of Journalism Ethics
Author/Editor: Ward, Stephen J.A
Invisible Empire
Author/Editor: Rens, Jean-Guy
The Invisible Irish
Author/Editor: Sherling, Rankin
In War and Famine
Author/Editor: Christensen, Erleen
In Whose Interest?
Author/Editor: Rudin, Ronald
In Whose Interests
Author/Editor: Marchak, M. Patricia
Iranian Civilization and Culture
Author/Editor: Adams, Charles J
Ireland, a Bicycle, and a Tin Whistle
Author/Editor: Wilson, David A
Ireland and the Federal Solution
Author/Editor: Kendle, John
Ireland, Sweden, and the Great European Migration, 1815-1914
Author/Editor: Akenson, Donald Harman
Irene Avaalaaqiaq
Author/Editor: Nasby, Judith
Irish and Scottish Encounters with Indigenous Peoples
Author/Editor: Morton, Graeme; Wilson, David A
Irish History of Civilization, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Akenson, Donald Harman
Irish History of Civilization, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Akenson, Donald Harman
Irish in Ontario, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Akenson, Donald Harman
Irish in Ontario, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Akenson, Donald Harman
Irish Migrants in the Canadas
Author/Editor: Elliott, Bruce S
Irish Nationalism and the British State
Author/Editor: Jenkins, Brian
Irish Nationalism in Canada
Author/Editor: Wilson, David A
The Irish War of Independence
Author/Editor: Hopkinson, Michael
Iron and Blood
Author/Editor: Heller, Henry
Iron Wedge/L'appel de la race
Author/Editor: Groulx, Lionel
Irony of Theology and the Nature of Religious Thought
Author/Editor: Wiebe, Donald
Irrational Publics and the Fate of Democracy, Vol. 91
Author/Editor: Stephen J.A. Ward
Irving Layton and Robert Creeley
Author/Editor: Faas, Ekbert; Reed, Sabrina
Isak Dinesen and Narrativity
Author/Editor: Woods, Gurli A
Ishtar Gate
Author/Editor: Brebner, Diana
I Sing the Body Politic
Author/Editor: Swirski, Peter
Is It Possible To Live This Way?
Author/Editor: Giussani, Luigi
Is It Possible To Live This Way?
Author/Editor: Giussani, Luigi; Zucchi, John
Is It Possible To Live This Way?
Author/Editor: Giussani, Luigi
Is Jesus Your Personal Saviour?
Author/Editor: Rawlyk, George A
Islam and Bosnia
Author/Editor: Shatzmiller, Maya
Islamic Interpretive Tradition and Gender Justice: Processes of Canonization Subversion and Change
Island Doctor
Author/Editor: Shephard, David A. E
Island Enclaves
Author/Editor: Baldacchino, Godfrey
ISO 9001 Registration for Small and Medium-Sized Software Enterprises
Author/Editor: Bailetti, Antonio J.; FitzGibbon, Chris
Isotopes and Innovation
Author/Editor: Litt, Paul
Is Our House in Order?
Author/Editor: Carmody, Chios
Is Quebec Nationalism Just?
Author/Editor: Carens, Joseph H
Istvan Anhalt
Author/Editor: Elliott, Robin; Smith, Gordon
Author/Editor: Evans, Michael Robert
Italians in Toronto
Author/Editor: Zucchi, John E
It's a Working Man's Town
Author/Editor: Dunk, Thomas W
It’s Nation Time: A Progressive Defence
Author/Editor: JERRY WHITE