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Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with S (295) | Information |
Systemic Risk in the Financial Sector: Ten Years After the Great Crash |
Syntactic Recoverability of Null Arguments |
Author/Editor: Roberge, Yves
Symbols in Life and Art |
Author/Editor: Leith, James A
The Symbolic State: Minority Recognition, Majority Backlash, and Secession in Multinational Countries, Vol. 7 |
Author/Editor: KARLO BASTA
Swinging the Maelstrom |
Author/Editor: Grace, Sherrill E
Swinburne and His Gods |
Author/Editor: Louis, Margot K
The Sweet Sixteen |
Author/Editor: Kay, Linda
Sweet Canadian Girls Abroad: A Transnational History of Stage and Screen Actresses |
the swailing |
Suspended Conversations: The Afterlife of Memory in Photographic Albums Second Edition, Ed. DGO - Digital original, 2 |
Suspended Conversations |
Author/Editor: Langford, Martha
Survival by Association |
Author/Editor: Welch, Barbara M
Survival and Consolidation |
Author/Editor: Debo, Richard K
Surveyors of Empire |
Author/Editor: Hornsby, Stephen J
Surveillance, Privacy, and the Globalization of Personal Information |
Author/Editor: Zureik, Elia; Stalker, Lynda Harling; Smith, Emily
Surpassing Wonder |
Author/Editor: Akenson, Donald Harman
Surgeons, Smallpox, and the Poor |
Author/Editor: Marble, Allan Everett
A Surgeon in the Army of the Potomac |
Author/Editor: Wafer, Francis M.; Wells, Cheryl A
Surface Climates of Canada |
Author/Editor: Bailey, W.G.; Oke, Timothy R.; Rouse, Wayne
Supreme Fictions |
Author/Editor: John, B
Sun in Winter |
Author/Editor: Lambton, Gunda
The Sum of the Satisfactions |
Author/Editor: McDowall, Duncan
The Suffering Gene |
Author/Editor: Burdon, Roy
Such Hardworking People |
Author/Editor: Iacovetta, Franca
The Subtle Knot |
Author/Editor: Habinek, Lianne
Subsistence under Capitalism |
Subaltern Appeal to Experience |
Author/Editor: Ireland, Craig
Styles of Meaning and Meanings of Style in Richardson's Clarissa |
Author/Editor: Fulton, Gordon
St. Ursula's Convent or the Nun of Canada |
Author/Editor: Hart, Julia C.B.; Lochhead, Douglas G
Studies in Christian Existentialism |
Author/Editor: Macquarrie, John
Student Unrest in India |
Author/Editor: Ross, Aileen D
Student's Guide for Writing in Political Science |
Author/Editor: Martel, Andre
Struggling for Effectiveness |
Author/Editor: Brown, Stephen
Struggle to Serve |
Author/Editor: Godfrey, W.G
Struggle for Swazi Labour, 1890-1920 |
Author/Editor: Crush, Jonathan
Struggle for Quebec |
Author/Editor: Young, Robert
The Structures of Law and Literature |
Author/Editor: Miller, Jeffrey
Structure, Information and Communication Complexity, IIS 1 |
Author/Editor: Flocchini, Paola
Strict Metrical Tradition |
Author/Editor: Keppel-Jones, David
Strategy and Command: The Anglo-French Coalition on the Western Front, 1915 |
Author/Editor: ROY A. PRETE
Strategy and Command |
Author/Editor: Prete, Roy A
Strategies of Public Engagement |
Author/Editor: Gillies, David
Strategic Cousins |
Author/Editor: Blaxland, John C
Strange Things Done |
Author/Editor: Coates, Ken S.; Morrison, William R
Strangers in Arms |
Author/Editor: ROBERT ENGEN
Strangers Among Us |
Author/Editor: Woodman, David C
Stranger Gods |
Author/Editor: Clark, Roger Y
Strange Manuscript found in a Copper Cylinder |
Author/Editor: De Mille, James; Parks, Malcolm
The Strange Demise of British Canada |
Author/Editor: Champion, C.P
Strange Death of the Liberal Empire |
Author/Editor: Torrance, David E
Strange Contrarieties |
Author/Editor: Barker, John
The Strange and Dangerous Voyage of Captaine Thomas James |
Author/Editor: Franklin, Colleen
Straits of Malacca |
Author/Editor: Freeman, Donald B
Straight Talk |
Author/Editor: Dion, Stéphane
St Petersburg Dialogues |
Author/Editor: Maistre, Joseph de
St Petersburg |
Author/Editor: Bater, James H
The Story of Shaw's Saint Joan |
Author/Editor: Tyson, Brian
Storm Still |
Author/Editor: O'Meara, David
Stories of the Middle Space |
Author/Editor: Bowen, Deborah C
St Mary's |
Author/Editor: Heaman, E.A
Stikeman Elliott |
Author/Editor: Pound, Richard W
Stikeman Elliott |
Author/Editor: Pound, Richard W
Sterling Public Servant |
Author/Editor: Ryten, Jacob
Steps on the Road to Medicare |
Author/Editor: Houston, Stuart
Stephen Leacock |
Author/Editor: Lynch, Gerald
Stello |
Author/Editor: Vigny, Alfred de
Stefansson and the Canadian Arctic |
Author/Editor: Diubaldo, Richard
Steering the Course |
Author/Editor: Hughes, Sam
Steeped in Blood |
Author/Editor: Latchford, Frances J
Steamboat Connections |
Author/Editor: Mackey, Frank
Stealing the Show |
Author/Editor: Lambton, Gunda
St. Denys Garneau & Anne Hebert |
Author/Editor: F. R. SCOTT
Staying Connected |
Author/Editor: Ferrabee, James; Harrison, Michael St B
Stauffenberg, Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Hoffman, Peter
Stauffenberg |
Author/Editor: Hoffman, Peter
Statistical Account of Upper Canada |
Author/Editor: Gourlay, Robert
The State of the System: A Reality Check on Canada's Schools |
Author/Editor: PAUL W. BENNETT
State of Disappearance, Vol. 6 |
Author/Editor: Brad Evans ,Chantal Meza
State, Class, and Bureaucracy |
Author/Editor: Pal, Leslie A
State and Status |
Author/Editor: Clark, Samuel
State and Society in Transition |
Author/Editor: Little, J
Staples, Markets, and Cultural Change |
Author/Editor: Innis, Harold A.; Drache, Daniel
Staples and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Watkins, Mel
Stanley's Dream |
Author/Editor: Duffin, Jacalyn
Standing and Understanding |
Author/Editor: Frost, Stanley Brice
Standard Dictionary of Meteorological Sciences |
Author/Editor: Proulx, Gerard J
Stalingrad Lives: Stories of Combat and Survival |
Author/Editor: IAN GARNER
Staging Strife |
Author/Editor: Kazubowski-Houston, Magdalena
Staging Modernist Lives |
Author/Editor: SASHA COLBY
Stage Turns |
Author/Editor: Johnston, Kirsty
Stages and Playgoers |
Author/Editor: Hill, Janet
Stage-Bound |
Author/Editor: Loiselle, André
Staff Relations in the Civil Service |
Author/Editor: Frankel, Saul J
A Stability-Seeking Power |
Author/Editor: Paquin, Jonathan
Spreading Misandry |
Author/Editor: Nathanson, Paul; Young, Katherine K
Sport under Communism |
Author/Editor: Riordan, James
Sport and Politics in Canada |
Author/Editor: Macintosh, Donald
Sport and Canadian Diplomacy |
Author/Editor: Macintosh, Donald; Hawes, Michael
The Splendid Vision |
Author/Editor: Griffiths, Naomi E.S
The Spirit of Industry and Improvement |
Author/Editor: Samson, Daniel
Spirit Lives in the Mind |
Author/Editor: Bird, Louis; Gray, Susan Elaine
Spirited Commitment |
Author/Editor: MacLeod, Roderick; Abrahamson, Eric John
Sphaerae Mundi |
Author/Editor: Dahl, Edward; Gauvin, Jean-Francois
Spenser and the Poetics of Pastoral |
Author/Editor: Shore, David R
Speculative Fictions |
Author/Editor: Wyile, Herb
Special Trust and Confidence |
Author/Editor: Reece, David Chalmer
Speaking Truth to Canadians about Their Public Service |
Author/Editor: DONALD J. SAVOIE
Speaking Out on Human Rights |
Author/Editor: Eliadis, Pearl
Speaking Memory |
Author/Editor: Sherry Simon
Space, Time and Einstein |
Author/Editor: Kennedy, J.B
Sovereign Idea |
Author/Editor: Whitaker, Reg
So Vast and Various |
Author/Editor: Warkentin, John
Sourcebook of Canadian Media Law |
Author/Editor: Martin, Robert; Adam, Stuart
Sorrow's Rigging |
Author/Editor: Adelman, Gary
Sorrows of a Century |
Author/Editor: Weaver, John
Sophocles, Use of Psychological Terminology |
Author/Editor: Sullivan, Shirley D
So Obstinately Loyal |
Author/Editor: Shenstone, Susan Burgess
Son of Man, Son of God |
Author/Editor: Jay, E.G
The Son of Man in Mark |
Author/Editor: Hooker, Morna D
Sonic Experience |
Author/Editor: Augoyard, Jean-François; Torgue, Henri
Songs for Fat People |
Author/Editor: MacFadyen, David
Something of a Peasant Paradise? |
Author/Editor: Kennedy, Gregory M.W
Something New in the Air |
Author/Editor: Roth, Lorna
Something I'm Supposed to Remember |
Author/Editor: Kritsch, Holly
Some Family |
Author/Editor: Akenson, Donald Harman
Some Dance |
Author/Editor: Sternberg, Ricardo
Solitude Versus Solidarity in the Novels of Joseph Conrad |
Author/Editor: Lord, Ursula
Solitudes of the Workplace |
Author/Editor: Elvi Whittaker
Sojourns in the New World |
Author/Editor: Darby, T
Sods, Soil, and Spades |
Author/Editor: Bleakney, J. Sherman
Sociology of Work in Canada |
Author/Editor: Wipper, Audrey
Social Trust and Human Communities |
Author/Editor: Govier, Trudy
Social Security and National Policy |
Author/Editor: Woodsworth, David E
Social Scientists and Politics in Canada |
Author/Editor: Brooks, Stephen; Gagnon, Alain-G
Social Reproduction |
Author/Editor: Bezanson, Kate; Luxton, Meg
Social Origins of Violence in Uganda, 1964-1985 |
Author/Editor: Kasozi, A
Socialization and Values in Canadian Society |
Author/Editor: Zureik, Elia
Socialization and Values in Canadian Society |
Author/Editor: Zureik, Elia
Socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement: Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Imaginaries |
Author/Editor: PAUL STUBBS
Social Inequality in Canada |
Author/Editor: Frizzell, Alan
A Social History of the Cloister |
Author/Editor: Rapley, Elizabeth
A Social History of Scottish Dance |
Author/Editor: Emmerson, George S
The Social History of Ideas in Quebec, 1760-1896 |
Author/Editor: Lamonde, Yvan
Social Engineering |
Author/Editor: Podgorecki, Adam; Alexander, John; Shields, Rob
Social Discredit |
Author/Editor: Stingel, Janine
Social Democracy, Capitalism, and Competition: A Manifesto |
Author/Editor: MARCEL BOYER
The Social Cost of Cheap Food: Labour and the Political Economy of Food Distribution in Britain, 1830–1914 |
Social Classes and Social Credit in Alberta |
Author/Editor: Bell, Edward
Social and Political Bonds |
Author/Editor: Barnard, F.M
Social and Environmental Impacts of the James Bay Hydroelectric Project |
Author/Editor: Hornig, James F
Sober Reflections |
Author/Editor: Giesbrecht, Norman; Demers, Andree; Lindquist, Evert
Smitten by Giraffe |
Author/Editor: Dagg, Anne
Small Town in Modern Times |
Author/Editor: Rayside, David M
Small Stories of War: Children, Youth, and Conflict in Canada and Beyond, Vol. 264 |
Author/Editor: Barbara Lorenzkowski ,Kristine Alexander ,Andrew Burtch
Small Matters |
Author/Editor: Gleason, Mona
Small Fires |
Author/Editor: Kelly Norah Drukker
Small Differences |
Author/Editor: Akenson, Donald Harman
Slow War |
Author/Editor: Hertwig, Benjamin
Slow Train to Arcadia: A History of Railway Commuting into London, Vol. 10 |
Author/Editor: DUNCAN GAGER
Sleep is a Country |
Author/Editor: Le Dressay, Anne
Sketches from an Unquiet Country |
Author/Editor: Hardy, Dominic; Gérin, Annie; Senechal Carney, Lora
Skellig |
Author/Editor: Lavelle, Des
The Sixties |
Author/Editor: Anastakis, Dimitry
Six Hundred Years of Reform |
Author/Editor: Hayden, J. Michael; Greenshields, Malcolm R
Situating |
Author/Editor: Lee, Jo-Anne; Lutz, John
Sites of Governance |
Author/Editor: Horak, Martin; Young, Robert
Sir William C. Macdonald |
Author/Editor: Fong, William
The Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital |
Author/Editor: Guttman, Frank Myron; Wright, Alexander
Sir John George Bourinot, Victorian Canadian |
Author/Editor: Banks, Margaret
Sir Francis Bond Head |
Author/Editor: Wise, S.F
Sir Andrew Macphail |
Author/Editor: Robertson, Ian Ross
Singular Creatures: Robots, Rights, and the Politics of Posthumanism |
Author/Editor: MARK KINGWELL
Singing Story, Healing Drum |
Author/Editor: Van Deusen, Kira
Singing from the Darktime |
Author/Editor: Weilbach, S
Sincere Ideal |
Author/Editor: Guilhamet, Leon
The Silver Palace Restaurant |
Author/Editor: Abley, Mark
Silk Stocking Mats |
Author/Editor: Laverty, Paula
Silent Surrender |
Author/Editor: Levitt, Kari
A Silent Revolution? |
Author/Editor: Baskerville, Peter
Silenced Sextet |
Author/Editor: MacMillan, Carrie; McMullen, Lorraine
Signature |
Author/Editor: Scott, F.R
Siege of Fort Cumberland, 1776 |
Author/Editor: Clarke, Ernest
Side Effects May Include Strangers |
Shut Off |
Author/Editor: Taylor, Gregory
Shouting, Embracing, and Dancing |
Author/Editor: Hollett, Calvin
A Short History of Quebec |
Author/Editor: Dickinson, John A.; Young, Brian J
A Short History of Quebec |
Author/Editor: Dickinson, John A.; Young, Brian
A Short History of Modern Ireland |
Author/Editor: Killeen, Richard
Short Histories of Light |
Author/Editor: Chafe, Aidan
The Ship in the Medieval Economy, 600-1600 |
Author/Editor: Unger, Richard W
Shifting Voices |
Author/Editor: Schwartz, Agatha
Shifting Terrain |
Author/Editor: Mulé, Nick J.; DeSantis, Gloria C
Shifting Sands |
Author/Editor: Boase, Joan Price
Sheymes |
Author/Editor: Wajnberg, Elizabeth
Sherlock Holmes |
Author/Editor: Redmond, Donald A
Shaykh Ahman Sirhindi |
Author/Editor: Friedmann, Yohanan
Shattered Images |
Author/Editor: Cove, John
Shared Responsibility |
Author/Editor: Staur, Carsten
Shaping the Urban Landscape |
Author/Editor: Stelter, Gilbert
Shapes of Silence |
Author/Editor: Tagore, Proma
The Shape of Irish History |
Author/Editor: Stewart, ATQ
Shame and Humiliation |
Author/Editor: Steinberg, Blema S
Shall We Dance? |
Author/Editor: Blattberg, Charles
Shakespeare On Stage and Off |
Author/Editor: Kenneth Graham,Alysia Kolentsis
Shakespeare in Succession: Translation and Time |
Author/Editor: Michael Saenger ,Sergio Costola
Shakespeare and the World of “Slings & Arrows": Poetic Faith in a Postmodern Age |
Author/Editor: GARY KUCHAR
The Shady Side of Fifty |
Author/Editor: Dillon, Lisa
Shadow Woman |
Author/Editor: Hayter-Menzies, Grant
Shades of Laura |
Author/Editor: Leving, Yuri
Shades of Green |
Author/Editor: Frizzell, Alan
Sexual Enjoyment in British Romanticism |
Author/Editor: Sigler, David
Sexual Diversity in Africa |
Author/Editor: Nyeck, S.N.; Epprecht, Marc
Sex, Lies, and Cigarettes |
Author/Editor: Cook, Sharon Anne
Settler-Indigeneity in the West Bank, Vol. 2 |
Setting the Stage |
Author/Editor: Whittaker, Herbert; Rittenhouse, Jonathan
Setting in the East |
Author/Editor: Creelman, David
Setting All the Captives Free |
Author/Editor: Steele, Ian
Serving the Present Age |
Author/Editor: Airhart, Phyllis D
Serving Diverse Students in Canadian Higher Education |
The Service of Faith: An Ethnography of Mennonites and Development |
Service in the Field |
Author/Editor: Carroll, Barbara Wake; Siegel, David
Serious Leisure and Individuality |
Author/Editor: Cohen-Gewerc, Elie; Stebbins, Robert A
The Serbian Project and Its Adversaries |
Author/Editor: Gow, James
September 11' |
Author/Editor: Roach, Kent
Sensitive Independence |
Author/Editor: Gagan, Rosemary R
The Sense of the Sacred in the Early Novels of Quebec |
Sense of Their Duty |
Author/Editor: Holman, Andrew
Selling Out |
Author/Editor: Woodhouse, Howard
Self-Stabilizing Systems |
Author/Editor: Ghosh, Sukumar; Herman, Ted
Self, Nation, Text in Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children |
Author/Editor: Kortenaar, Neil ten
Self-Employed Workers Organize |
Author/Editor: Cranford, Cynthia; Fudge, Judy; Tucker, Eric
Selection of Modern Italian Poetry in Translation |
Author/Editor: Payne, Roberta L
Selected Essays of Sean O'Faolain |
Author/Editor: Sean O’Faolain,BRAD KENT
Seize the Day |
Author/Editor: Pearson, Geoffrey A.H
Seized by Uncertainty: The Markets, Media, and Special Interests That Shaped Canada’s Response to COVID-19 |
Seigneurial System in Early Canada |
Author/Editor: Harris, Cole
Seeking Our Eden |
Author/Editor: Findon, Joanne
Seeking New Horizons |
Author/Editor: Castner, Henry W
Seeing Politics |
Author/Editor: Harman, Sophie
Seeing Ghosts |
Author/Editor: Engle, Karen
Seduced by Modernity |
Author/Editor: O'Connor, Mary; Tweedie, Katherine
Security and Defence in the Terrorist Era |
Author/Editor: Sloan, Elinor C
Secular Socialists |
Author/Editor: Morley, J.T
Secret Trial |
Author/Editor: Kaplan, William
The Secrets of a Vatican Cardinal |
Author/Editor: Costantini, Celso; Pighin, Bruno
Secret History: Writing the Rise of Britain's Intelligence Services |
Author/Editor: SIMON BALL
Second Thoughts |
Author/Editor: de Mestral, Armand
Second Promised Land |
Author/Editor: Hiller, Harry H
Secession of Quebec and the Future of Canada |
Author/Editor: Young, Robert
Secessionism |
Author/Editor: Sorens, Jason
Secession and Self |
Author/Editor: Millard, Gregory
Secession and Conflict: Iraqi Kurdistan in Comparative Perspective |
Author/Editor: ZHEGER HASSAN
Seat at the Table |
Author/Editor: Boyce, William
Search Out the Land |
Author/Editor: Godfrey, Sheldon J.; Godfrey, Judith C
Search for Good Government |
Author/Editor: Sabetti, Filippo
Sean O'Casey |
Author/Editor: Murray, Christopher
Sea Has Many Voices |
Author/Editor: Lamson, Cynthia
Seafaring Labour |
Author/Editor: Sager, Eric W
Sécurité humaine et nouvelle diplomatie |
Author/Editor: McRae, Rob; Hubert, Don
Sculptors and Physicians in Fifth-Century Greece |
Author/Editor: Métraux, Guy P.R
Scripture, Skepticism, and the Character of God |
Author/Editor: Neufeld, Dane
Scottish Common Sense in Germany, 1768-1800 |
Author/Editor: Kuehn, Manfred
Scorpions and the Anatomy of Time |
Author/Editor: Chevalier, Jacques M
Scissors, Paper, Stone |
Author/Editor: Langford, Martha
The Science of Culture and the Phenomenology of Styles |
Author/Editor: Barilli, Renato
Science and Social Context |
Author/Editor: Mills, Lisa N
Science and Politics in Canada |
Author/Editor: Doern, G. Bruce
Schools of Sympathy |
Author/Editor: Roberts, Nancy
Schools and Work |
Author/Editor: Day, Charles
Schism: China, America, and the Fracturing of the Global Trading System |
Author/Editor: PAUL BLUSTEIN
Schiller, Hegel, and Marx |
Author/Editor: Kain, Philip
Scepticism |
Author/Editor: Gascoigne, Neil
Sceptical Guide to Meaning and Rules |
Author/Editor: Kusch, Martin
Scandal in the Parish |
Author/Editor: Carter, Karen E
Saviours of the Nation |
Author/Editor: Dragovic-Soso, Jasna
Saving Germany |
Author/Editor: James C. Enns
Saul Kripke |
Author/Editor: Fitch, G.W
Saturn and Melancholy: Studies in the History of Natural Philosophy, Religion, and Art, Ed. NED - New edition |
Author/Editor: Raymond Klibansky,Erwin Panofsky,Fritz Saxl,Philippe Despoix,Georges Leroux,Bill Sherman
Satanic Purses |
Author/Editor: Naylor, R.T
SARS Unmasked |
Author/Editor: Tyshenko, Michael G.; Paterson, Cathy
SARS in Context |
Author/Editor: Duffin, Jacalyn; Sweetman, Arthur
Saqiyuq |
Author/Editor: Wachowich, Nancy; Awa, Apphia Agalakti; Katsak, Rhoda
Sandino's Nation |
Author/Editor: Henighan, Stephen
Sanctifying Misandry |
Author/Editor: Young, Katherine K.; Nathanson, Paul
Samuel de Champlain before 1604 |
Author/Editor: Heidenreich, Conrad; Ritch, K. Janet
The Same but Different |
Author/Editor: Jason Blake,Andrew C. Holmon
Saint Saul |
Author/Editor: Akenson, Donald Harman
Saints Alive |
Author/Editor: Williams, David
Sailor's Hope |
Author/Editor: Bittermann, Rusty
Safe Haven |
Author/Editor: Barman, Roderick J
Sadly Troubled History |
Author/Editor: Weaver, John C
Saddest Country |
Author/Editor: Coghlan, Nicholas
Sad Comedy of Èl'dar Riazanov |
Author/Editor: MacFadyen, David
Sad Comedy of Èl'dar Riazanov |
Author/Editor: MacFadyen, David
Sacred Ritual, Profane Space |
Author/Editor: Cianca, Jenn