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Titles start with P (346) Information
Pain Medicine and Management: Just the Facts, 2e, 2
Author/Editor: Staats, Peter,Wallace, Mark
Pain: Theory, research and intervention
Author/Editor: Horn, Sandra,Munafo, Marcus
Patents and Strategic Inventing: The Corporate Inventor's Guide to Creating Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Author/Editor: NicholasNissing
Pathology: The Big Picture
Author/Editor: WilliamKemp,DennisBurns,TravisBrown
Pathophysiology of Nursing Demystified
Author/Editor: HelenBallestas,CarolCaico
The Patron Way: From Fantasy to Fortune - Lessons on Taking Any Business From Idea to Iconic Brand
Author/Editor: IlanaEdelstein
The Pediatric Diagnostic Examination
Author/Editor: DonaldGreydanus,ArthurFeinberg,DilipPatel,DouglasHomnick
Pediatric Endocrinology and Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Author/Editor: KyriakieSarafoglou,GeorgHoffmann,KarlRoth
Pediatric Nursing Demystified
Author/Editor: JoyceJohnson,JamesKeogh
People-Centric Security: Transforming Your Enterprise Security Culture, 1
Author/Editor: Hayden, Lance
People First Leadership: How the Best Leaders Use Culture and Emotion to Drive Unprecedented Results, 1
Author/Editor: Braun, Eduardo P.
PeopleSoft Developer's Guide for PeopleTools & PeopleCode
Author/Editor: JudiDoolittle
PeopleSoft PeopleTools Tips & Techniques
Author/Editor: JimMarion
The Perfect Corporate Board: A Handbook for Mastering the Unique Challenges of Small-Cap Companies
Author/Editor: AdamEpstein
Perfect Digital Photography Second Edition
Author/Editor: JayDickman,JayKinghorn
Perfecting Your English Pronunciation
Author/Editor: SusanCameron
Perfecting Your English Pronunciation, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Cameron, Susan
Perfect Phrases ESL Everyday Business
Author/Editor: NatalieGast
Perfect Phrases for Building Strong Teams: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Fostering Collaboration, Encouraging Communication, and Growing a Winning Team
Author/Editor: Linda EveDiamond
Perfect Phrases for Coaching Employee Performance: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Building Employee Engagement and Creating Star Performers
Author/Editor: LauraPoole
Perfect Phrases for Communicating Change
Author/Editor: LawrencePolsky,AntoineGerschel
Perfect Phrases for Conflict Resolution: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Encouraging a More Productive and Efficient Work Environment
Author/Editor: LawrencePolsky,AntoineGerschel
Perfect Phrases for Creativity and Innovation: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Break-Through Thinking, Problem Solving, and Inspiring Team Collaboration
Author/Editor: KarenEriksen
Perfect Phrases for Customer Service, Second Edition
Author/Editor: RobertBacal
Perfect Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Handling Conflict, Confrontations and Challenging Personalities
Author/Editor: SusanBenjamin
Perfect Phrases for Dealing with Difficult Situations at Work: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Coming Out on Top Even in the Toughest Office Conditions
Author/Editor: SusanBenjamin
Perfect Phrases for Documenting Employee Performance Problems
Author/Editor: AnneBruce
Perfect Phrases for Employee Development Plans
Author/Editor: AnneBruce
Perfect Phrases for ESL Advancing Your Career
Author/Editor: NatalieGast
Perfect Phrases for ESL Conversation Skills
Author/Editor: DianeEngelhardt
Perfect Phrases for ESL: Conversation Skills, Premium Third Edition, Ed. 3
Author/Editor: Engelhardt, Diane
Perfect Phrases for ESL: Conversation Skills, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Engelhardt, Diane
Perfect Phrases for ESL Everyday Situations
Author/Editor: NatalieGast
Perfect Phrases for Fundraising
Author/Editor: BeverlyBrowning
Perfect Phrases for Healthcare Professionals: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases
Author/Editor: MasashiRotte,BernardLopez
Perfect Phrases for Leadership Development: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Guiding Employees to Reach the Next Level
Author/Editor: MerylRunion,WendyMack
Perfect Phrases for Managers and Supervisors, Second Edition
Author/Editor: MerylRunion
Perfect Phrases for Meetings
Author/Editor: DonDebelak
Perfect Phrases for Motivating and Rewarding Employees, Second Edition
Author/Editor: HarrietDiamond,Linda EveDiamond
Perfect Phrases for New Employee Orientation and Onboarding: Hundreds of ready-to-use phrases to train and retain your top talent
Author/Editor: BrendaHampel,ErikaLamont
Perfect Phrases for Office Professionals: Hundreds of ready-to-use phrases for getting respect, recognition, and results in today’s workplace
Author/Editor: MerylRunion,SusanFenner
Perfect Phrases for Performance Reviews 2/E
Author/Editor: DouglasMax,RobertBacal
Perfect Phrases for Presenting Business Strategies
Author/Editor: DonDebelak
Perfect Phrases for Project Management: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Delivering Results on Time and Under Budget
Author/Editor: Helen S.Cooke,KarenTate
Perfect Phrases for Sales Referrals: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Getting New Clients, Building Relationships, and Increasing Your Sales
Author/Editor: JebBrooks,MartyScirratt
Perfect Phrases for Setting Performance Goals, Second Edition
Author/Editor: DouglasMax,RobertBacal
Perfect Phrases for the TOEFL Speaking and Writing Sections
Author/Editor: RobertaSteinberg
Perfect Phrases for Writing Grant Proposals
Author/Editor: BeverlyBrowning
Perfect Phrases in Spanish for Construction
Author/Editor: JeanYates
Perfect Phrases in Spanish for Gardening and Landscaping
Author/Editor: JeanYates
Perfect Phrases in Spanish For Household Maintenance and Childcare
Author/Editor: JeanYates
Perfect Phrases In Spanish For The Hotel and Restaurant Industries
Author/Editor: JeanYates
Perfect Presentations!, 1
Author/Editor: Levin, Peter,Topping, Graham
Perfect Selling
Author/Editor: LindaRichardson
Performance Coaching Toolkit
Author/Editor: McLeod, Angus,Thomas, Will
Performance Improvement for Healthcare: Leading Change with Lean, Six Sigma, and Constraints Management
Author/Editor: BahadirInozu,DanChauncey,VickieKamataris,CharlesMount,LLCNOVACES
Performance Leadership: The Next Practices to Motivate Your People, Align Stakeholders, and Lead Your Industry
Author/Editor: FrankBuytendijk
Perimeter Security
Author/Editor: Michael J.Arata
Perioperative Practice: Case Book
Perioperative Practice: Case Book
Author/Editor: Abbott, Hannah,Wordsworth, Stephen
Perioperative Practice: Case Book
Author/Editor: Hannah Abbott;Stephen Wordsworth
Perioperative Practice: Case Book
Author/Editor: Hannah Abbott;Stephen Wordsworth
Personal and Professional Development for Counsellors, Psychotherapists and Mental Health Practitioners
Author/Editor: Mcleod, John,Mcleod, Julia
Personal Computing Demystified
Author/Editor: LarryLong
Personal Financial Planning
Author/Editor: G. VictorHallman,Jerry S.Rosenbloom
Personalisation for Social Workers: Opportunities and Challenges for Frontline Practice
Author/Editor: Burton, Jenni,Toscano, Thomas,Zonouzi, Maryam
Personality at Work: The Drivers and Derailers of Leadership
Author/Editor: en
Personality Development
Author/Editor: en
Personality Not Included: Why Companies Lose Their Authenticity And How Great Brands Get it Back, Foreword by Guy Kawasaki
Author/Editor: RohitBhargava
Personality Style at Work: The Secret to Working with (Almost) Anyone
Author/Editor: KateWard
Person-centred Approaches in Healthcare: A handbook for nurses and midwives A handbook for nurses and midwives
Author/Editor: Tee, Stephen
Person-Centred Communication: Theory, Skills & Practice
Author/Editor: Motschnig, Renate,Nykl, Ladislav
The Person-Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy Handbook: Origins, Developments and Current Applications
Author/Editor: en
Person Centred Practice for Professionals
Author/Editor: JeanetteThompson,JackieKilbane,HelenSanderson
Petroleum Fuels Manufacturing Handbook: including Specialty Products and Sustainable Manufacturing Techniques
Author/Editor: SurinderParkash
Pharmaceutical Operations Management: Manufacturing for Competitive Advantage
Author/Editor: PankajMohan, ,JarkaGlassey, ,Gary A.Montague,
Pharmacology Demystified
Author/Editor: MaryKamienski,JamesKeogh
Pharmacology Demystified, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Kamienski, Mary,Keogh, Jim
Pharmacotherapy Handbook, 9/E
Author/Editor: en
Pharmacy Technician Exam Certification and Review
Author/Editor: en
Phase-Locked Loop Synthesizer Simulation
Author/Editor: GiovanniBianchi
Philosophy DeMYSTiFied
Author/Editor: RobertArp,Jamie CarlinWatson
The Phoenix Encounter Method: Lead Like Your Business Is on Fire!
Author/Editor: Woodward, Ian C.,Padmanabhan, V. “Paddy",Hasija, Sameer,Charan, Ram
Photomask Fabrication Technology
Author/Editor: BenjaminEynon,BanqiuWu
Photonics and Laser Engineering: Principles, Devices, and Applications
Author/Editor: AlphanSennarogğlu
Photonic Signals and Systems: An Introduction
Author/Editor: NabeelRiza
Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps
Author/Editor: CaroleMatthews,Gary DavidBouton
PHP: 20 Lessons to Successful Web Development, 1
Author/Editor: Nixon, Robin
Author/Editor: VikramVaswani
PHP and MySQL Web Development: A Beginner’s Guide, 1
Author/Editor: Matthews, Marty
PHP Programming Solutions
Author/Editor: VikramVaswani
PHR/SPHR Professional in Human Resources Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Truesdell, William H.,Nishiyama, Christina,Willer, Dory
Physical Health and Well-Being in Mental Health Nursing: Clinical Skills for Practice
Author/Editor: MichaelNash
Physical Health and Well-Being in Mental Health Nursing: Clinical Skills for Practice
Author/Editor: en
Physician Assistant Exam Review, Pearls of Wisdom
Author/Editor: DanielThibodeau,ScottPlantz
Physics DeMYSTiFieD, Second Edition
Author/Editor: StanGibilisco
Physiology Demystified
Author/Editor: DaleLayman
Physiology PreTest Self-Assessment and Review 14/E
Author/Editor: PatriciaMetting
PICAXE Microcontroller Projects for the Evil Genius
Author/Editor: RonHackett
Picture Your Business Strategy: Transform Decisions with the Power of Visuals
Author/Editor: ChristineChopyak
Pink Therapy: A guide for counsellors and therapists working with lesbian, gay and bisexual clients
Author/Editor: Davies, Dominic,Neal, Charles
Pinterest Kickstart
Author/Editor: HeatherMorris,DavidTodd
Pinterest Power: Market Your Business, Sell Your Product, and Build Your Brand on the World's Hottest Social Network
Author/Editor: JasonMiles,KarenLacey
Pioneering Studies in Cognitive Neuroscience
Author/Editor: Roche, Richard,Commins, Sean
Piping Systems & Pipeline: Asme Code Simplified
Author/Editor: J. PhillipEllenberger,
Pitch Anything: An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the Deal
Author/Editor: OrenKlaff
Pitching and Closing: Everything You Need to Know About Business Development, Partnerships, and Making Deals that Matter, 1
Author/Editor: Taub , Alexander,DaSilva , Ellen
Pitch Like Hollywood: What You Can Learn from the High-Stakes Film Industry
Author/Editor: Desberg, Peter,Davis, Jeffrey
Planning and Design of Airports, Fifth Edition
Author/Editor: RobertHoronjeff,FrancisMcKelvey,WilliamSproule,SethYoung
Plant and Machinery Failure Prevention
Author/Editor: AHattangadi
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Board Review: Pearls of Wisdom, Third Edition, 3
Author/Editor: Lin, Samuel,Hijjawi, John
Playing Outdoors: Spaces and Places, Risks and Challenges
Author/Editor: Tovey, Helen
Play the Part: Master Body Signals to Connect and Communicate for Business Success
Author/Editor: en
Please Every Customer: Delivering Stellar Customer Service Across Cultures
Author/Editor: RobertLucas
Plug-In CSS 100 Power Solutions
Author/Editor: RobinNixon
Plug-In JavaScript 100 Power Solutions
Author/Editor: RobinNixon
Plug-In PHP: 100 Power Solutions
Author/Editor: RobinNixon
Plumber's and Pipe Fitter's Calculations Manual
Author/Editor: R. DodgeWoodson
PMI-ACP Agile Certified Practitioner All-in-One Exam Guide
Author/Editor: Phillips, Joseph
PMP Project Management Professional All-in-One Exam Guide
Author/Editor: Phillips, Joseph
PMP Project Management Professional Practice Exams
Author/Editor: en
PMP Project Management Professional Study Guide, Fifth Edition, Ed. 5
Author/Editor: Phillips, Joseph
The Pocketbook Guide to Mental Health Act Assessments
Author/Editor: en
The Pocketbook Guide to Mental Health Act Assessments
Author/Editor: Barcham, Claire
The Pocket Guide to Health Promotion
Author/Editor: en
The Politics of Psychotherapy: New perspectives, 1
Author/Editor: Totton, Nick
Positive Psychology and the Body: The somatopsychic side to flourishing
Author/Editor: Hefferon, Kate
Positive Psychology in a Nutshell: The science of happiness, 3rd edition
Author/Editor: en
Positive Psychology: Theory, Research and Applications
Author/Editor: Hefferon, Kate,Boniwell, Ilona
A Postgraduate's Guide to Doing a Literature Review in Health and Social Care
Author/Editor: Aveyard, Helen,Payne, Sheila
PostgreSQL 8 for Windows
Author/Editor: RichardBlum
Powered by Storytelling: Excavate, Craft, and Present Stories to Transform Business Communication
Author/Editor: en
Powerful Conversations: How High-Impact Leaders Communicate
Author/Editor: en
Power Generation Handbook 2/E
Author/Editor: PhilipKiameh
The Power of Community: How Phenomenal Leaders Inspire their Teams, Wow their Customers, and Make Bigger Profits
Author/Editor: en
The Power Of Corporate Communication: Crafting the Voice and Image of Your Business
Author/Editor: PaulArgenti,JanisForman
The Power of foursquare: 7 Innovative Ways to Get Your Customers to Check In Wherever They Are
Author/Editor: CarmineGallo
The Power of LEO: The Revolutionary Process for Achieving Extraordinary Results
Author/Editor: SubirChowdhury
The Power of Mandate: How Visionary Leaders Keep Their Organization Focused on What Matters Most
Author/Editor: Stawski, Scott
The Power of Positive Coaching: The Mindset and Habits to Inspire Winning Results and Relationships
Author/Editor: Colan, Lee J.,Davis-Colan, Julie
The Power of Thanks: How Social Recognition Empowers Employees and Creates a Best Place to Work, 1
Author/Editor: Mosley, Eric,Irvine, Derek
The Power of Visual Storytelling: How to Use Visuals, Videos, and Social Media to Market Your Brand
Author/Editor: EkaterinaWalter,JessicaGioglio
Power Plant Equipment Operation and Maintenance Guide: Maximizing Efficiency and Profitability
Author/Editor: PhilipKiameh,
Power Plant Stability Capacitors and Grounding: Numerical Solutions
Author/Editor: Orlando N.Acosta
Power Sales Writing, Revised and Expanded Edition: Using Communication to Turn Prospects into Clients
Author/Editor: SueHershkowitz-Coore
PowerShell for Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Administrators
Author/Editor: NiklasGoude,MattiasKarlsson
Power Your Tribe: Create Resilient Teams in Turbulent Times
Author/Editor: en
Practical Antenna Handbook 5/e
Author/Editor: JosephCarr,GeorgeHippisley
Practical Care Planning for Personalised Mental Health Care
Author/Editor: MarjorieLloyd
Practical DMX Queries for Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 2008
Author/Editor: ArtTennick
Practical Electronic Design for Experimenters
Author/Editor: Frenzel, Louis E.
Practical Electronics for Inventors, Fourth Edition, 4
Author/Editor: Scherz, Paul,Monk, Simon
A Practical Guide to Care Planning in Health and Social Care
Author/Editor: MarjorieLloyd
A Practical Guide to End of Life Care
Author/Editor: Sadler, Clair
Practical Manual of Land Development
Author/Editor: BarbaraColley
Practical MDX Queries: For Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 2008
Author/Editor: ArtTennick
Practical Patient Literacy: The Medagogy Model
Author/Editor: MelissaStewart
Practical PowerPivot & DAX Formulas for Excel 2010
Author/Editor: ArtTennick
Practical Software Project Estimation: A Toolkit for Estimating Software Development Effort & Duration
Author/Editor: PeterHill
Practical SQL Queries for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
Author/Editor: ArtTennick
Practice Educating Social Work Students: Supporting Qualifying Students on Their Placements
Author/Editor: Showell Nicholas, Wendy,Kerr, Joanna
Practice Leadership in the Early Years: Becoming, Being and Developing as a Leader
Author/Editor: Hadfield, Mark,Jopling, Michael,Needham, Martin
Practice Make Perfect French Vocabulary
Author/Editor: ElianeKurbegov
Practice Makes Perfect: Advanced English Grammar for ESL Learners, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Lester, Mark
Practice Makes Perfect Advanced English Grammar for ESL Learners
Author/Editor: MarkLester
Practice Makes Perfect Advanced English Reading and Comprehension
Author/Editor: DianeEngelhardt
Practice Makes Perfect: Advanced French Grammar
Author/Editor: VéroniqueMazet
Practice Makes Perfect: Advanced French Grammar, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Mazet, Véronique
Practice Makes Perfect: Advanced Spanish Grammar
Author/Editor: RogelioVallecillos
Practice Makes Perfect: Advanced Spanish Grammar, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Vallecillos, Rogelio Alonso
Practice Makes Perfect Algebra II Review and Workbook, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Monahan, Christopher
Practice Makes Perfect Algebra I Review and Workbook, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Wheater, Carolyn
Practice Makes Perfect: Basic English
Author/Editor: JulieLachance
Practice Makes Perfect: Basic English, Premium Third Edition, Ed. 3
Author/Editor: Lachance, Julie
Practice Makes Perfect Basic French
Author/Editor: ElianeKurbegov
Practice Makes Perfect: Basic French, Premium Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Kurbegov, Eliane
Practice Makes Perfect: Basic French, Premium Third Edition, Ed. 3
Author/Editor: Kurbegov, Eliane
Practice Makes Perfect Basic Math Review and Workbook, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Wheater, Carolyn
Practice Makes Perfect Basic Spanish
Author/Editor: DorothyRichmond
Practice Makes Perfect: Basic Spanish, Premium Third Edition, Ed. 3
Author/Editor: Richmond, Dorothy
Practice Makes Perfect Basic Spanish, Second Edition: (Beginner) 325 Exercises + Flashcard App + 90-minute Audio
Author/Editor: en
Practice Makes Perfect Beginning Spanish
Author/Editor: RonniGordon,DavidStillman
Practice Makes Perfect Biology Review and Workbook, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Vivion, Nichole
Practice Makes Perfect Chemistry Review and Workbook, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: DeWane, Marian,Hattori, Heather
Practice Makes Perfect: Complete English All-in-One for ESL Learners
Author/Editor: Swick, Ed
Practice Makes Perfect: Complete French All-in-One, Premium Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Heminway, Annie
Practice Makes Perfect Complete French Grammar
Author/Editor: AnnieHeminway
Practice Makes Perfect: Complete French Grammar, Premium Fourth Edition, Ed. 4
Author/Editor: Heminway, Annie
Practice Makes Perfect: Complete French Grammar, Premium Third Edition
Author/Editor: en
Practice Makes Perfect: Complete Spanish All-in-One, Premium Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Nissenberg, Gilda
Practice Makes Perfect Complete Spanish Grammar
Author/Editor: GildaNissenberg
Practice Makes Perfect: Complete Spanish Grammar, Premium Fourth Edition, Ed. 4
Author/Editor: Nissenberg, Gilda
Practice Makes Perfect: Complete Spanish Grammar, Premium Third Edition
Author/Editor: en
Practice Makes Perfect English Articles and Determiners Up Close
Author/Editor: MarkLester
Practice Makes Perfect: English Conversation
Author/Editor: JeanYates
Practice Makes Perfect: English Conversation, Premium Second Edition, 2
Author/Editor: Yates, Jean
Practice Makes Perfect: English Conversation, Premium Third Edition, Ed. 3
Author/Editor: Yates, Jean
Practice Makes Perfect English Grammar for ESL Learners, 2nd Edition
Author/Editor: EdSwick
Practice Makes Perfect: English Grammar for ESL Learners, Third Edition, Ed. 3
Author/Editor: Swick, Ed
Practice Makes Perfect English Problem Solver
Author/Editor: EdSwick
Practice Makes Perfect English Pronouns and Prepositions, Second Edition
Author/Editor: EdSwick
Practice Makes Perfect English Sentence Builder
Author/Editor: EdSwick
Practice Makes Perfect English Sentence Builder, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Swick, Ed
Practice Makes Perfect English Verbs, 2nd Edition
Author/Editor: LorettaGray
Practice Makes Perfect English Verb Tenses Up Close
Author/Editor: MarkLester
Practice Makes Perfect English Vocabulary for Beginning ESL Learners
Author/Editor: JeanYates
Practice Makes Perfect: English Vocabulary for Beginning ESL Learners, Premium Fourth Edition, Ed. 4
Author/Editor: Yates, Jean
Practice Makes Perfect: English Vocabulary for Beginning ESL Learners, Third Edition, Ed. 3
Author/Editor: Yates, Jean
Practice Makes Perfect French Conversation
Author/Editor: ElianeKurbegov
Practice Makes Perfect: French Conversation, Premium Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Kurbegov, Eliane
Practice Makes Perfect: French Conversation, Premium Third Edition, Ed. 3
Author/Editor: Kurbegov, Eliane
Practice Makes Perfect French Nouns and Their Genders Up Close
Author/Editor: AnnieHeminway
Practice Makes Perfect French Past-Tense Verbs Up Close
Author/Editor: AnnieHeminway
Practice Makes Perfect French Problem Solver
Author/Editor: AnnieHeminway
Practice Makes Perfect: French Pronouns and Prepositions, Premium Third Edition, Ed. 3
Author/Editor: Heminway, Annie
Practice Makes Perfect French Pronouns and Prepositions, Second Edition
Author/Editor: AnnieHeminway
Practice Makes Perfect French Reading and Comprehension, 1
Author/Editor: Heminway , Annie
Practice Makes Perfect French Sentence Builder
Author/Editor: ElianeKurbegov
Practice Makes Perfect: French Sentence Builder, Premium Third Edition
Author/Editor: Kurbegov, Eliane
Practice Makes Perfect French Sentence Builder, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Kurbegov, Eliane
Practice Makes Perfect French Verb Tenses
Author/Editor: TrudieBooth
Practice Makes Perfect French Verb Tenses, Premium Third Edition, Ed. 3
Author/Editor: Booth, Trudie
Practice Makes Perfect French Vocabulary Building with Suffixes and Prefixes: (Beginner to Intermediate Level) 200 Exercises + Flashcard App, 1
Author/Editor: Kurbegov, Eliane
Practice Makes Perfect: Intermediate English Grammar for ESL Learners, Third Edition, Ed. 3
Author/Editor: Torres-Gouzerh, Robin
Practice Makes Perfect Intermediate English Grammar for ESL Learners
Author/Editor: en
Practice Makes Perfect: Intermediate English Grammar for ESL Learners
Author/Editor: RobinTorres-Gouzerh
Practice Makes Perfect Intermediate English Reading and Comprehension
Author/Editor: DianeEngelhardt
Practice Makes Perfect: Intermediate French Grammar
Author/Editor: ElianeKurbegov
Practice Makes Perfect: Intermediate Spanish Grammar
Author/Editor: GildaNissenberg
Practice Makes Perfect Linear Algebra
Author/Editor: Sandra LunaMcCune,William D.Clark
Practice Makes Perfect Organic Chemistry
Author/Editor: en
Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Conversation
Author/Editor: JeanYates
Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Conversation, Premium Second Edition, 2
Author/Editor: Yates, Jean
Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Conversation, Premium Third Edition, Ed. 3
Author/Editor: Yates, Jean
Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Irregular Verbs Up Close
Author/Editor: EricVogt
Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Past-Tense Verbs Up Close
Author/Editor: EricVogt
Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Past-Tense Verbs Up Close, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Vogt, Eric
Practice Makes Perfect Spanish Problem Solver
Author/Editor: EricVogt
Practice Makes Perfect Spanish Pronouns and Prepositions, Premium Third Edition, 3
Author/Editor: Richmond, Dorothy
Practice Makes Perfect Spanish Pronouns and Prepositions, Second Edition
Author/Editor: DorothyRichmond
Practice Makes Perfect Spanish Pronouns Up Close
Author/Editor: EricVogt
Practice Makes Perfect Spanish Sentence Builder
Author/Editor: GildaNissenberg
Practice Makes Perfect Spanish Sentence Builder, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Nissenberg, Gilda
Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Verb Tenses, Premium Fourth Edition, Ed. 4
Author/Editor: Richmond, Dorothy
Practice Makes Perfect Spanish Verb Tenses, Second Edition
Author/Editor: DorothyRichmond
Practice Makes Perfect Spanish Vocabulary, 2nd Edition
Author/Editor: DorothyRichmond
Practice Makes Perfect Spanish Vocabulary Building with Suffixes, 1
Author/Editor: Richmond, Dorothy
Practice Makes Perfect Spanish Vocabulary, Third Edition, Ed. 3
Author/Editor: Richmond, Dorothy
Practice Makes Perfect The French Subjunctive Up Close
Author/Editor: AnnieHeminway
Practice Makes Perfect: The Spanish Subjunctive Up Close
Author/Editor: EricVogt
Practice Makes Perfect: The Spanish Subjunctive Up Close, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Vogt, Eric W.
A PRACTITIONER'S GUIDE TO BUSINESS ANALYTICS: Using Data Analysis Tools to Improve Your Organization's Decision Making and Strategy
Author/Editor: RandyBartlett
Pre-Algebra DeMYSTiFieD, Second Edition
Author/Editor: AllanBluman
Pre-Calculus Demystified
Author/Editor: RhondaHuettenmueller
Predictable Prospecting: How to Radically Increase Your B2B Sales Pipeline, 1
Author/Editor: Tyler, Marylou,Donovan, Jeremey
Predicting and Changing Health Behaviour: Research and Practice with Social Cognition Models, 3rd Edition
Author/Editor: en
Preparación para el Examen de GED
Author/Editor: en
Preparación para el Examen de GED, Segunda edicion, Ed. 2
The Prescription Drug Guide for Nurses
Author/Editor: SueJordan
Prescription for Excellence: Leadership Lessons for Creating a World Class Customer Experience from UCLA Health System
Author/Editor: JosephMichelli
The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience
Author/Editor: CarmineGallo
Presentation Skills For Managers
Author/Editor: JenniferRotondo,MikeRotondo
Presentation Skills For Managers, Second Edition
Author/Editor: en
The Presenting Past, 4th edition
Author/Editor: en
Present Your Way to the Top
Author/Editor: DavidDempsey
Pressure Relief Devices
Author/Editor: MohammadMalek
Primary Care for Physician Assistants
Author/Editor: RodneyMoser
Principles and Practice of Managing Pain: A Guide for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals
Author/Editor: GarethParsons,WaynePreece
Principles of Computer Security: CompTIA Security+ and Beyond Lab Manual (Exam SY0-601)
Author/Editor: Weissman, Jonathan S.
Principles of Computer Security: CompTIA Security+ and Beyond, Sixth Edition (Exam SY0-601), Ed. 6
Author/Editor: Conklin, Wm. Arthur,White, Greg,Cothren, Chuck,Davis, Roger L.,Williams, Dwayne
Principles of Digital Audio, Sixth Edition
Author/Editor: Ken C.Pohlmann
Principles of Social Research
Author/Editor: JudithGreen,JohnBrowne
Printed Circuit Boards
Author/Editor: R.Khandpur
Printed Circuits Handbook
Author/Editor: ClydeCoombs
Private Wealth Management: The Complete Reference for the Personal Financial Planner, Ninth Edition
Author/Editor: en
Proactive Purchasing in the Supply Chain: The Key to World-Class Procurement
Author/Editor: DavidBurt,SheilaPetcavage,RichardPinkerton
Probability Demystified
Author/Editor: Allan G.Bluman
Process Equipment Malfunctions: Techniques to Identify and Correct Plant Problems
Author/Editor: NormanLieberman
Production Systems Engineering: Cost and Performance Optimization
Author/Editor: RichardGustavson
The Product Manager's Desk Reference 2E, 1
Author/Editor: Haines , Steven
The Product Manager's Desk Reference, Third Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Haines, Steven
The Product Manager's Handbook 4/E
Author/Editor: LindaGorchels
The Product Manager's Survival Guide: Everything You Need to Know to Succeed as a Product Manager
Author/Editor: StevenHaines
The Product Manager's Survival Guide, Second Edition: Everything You Need to Know to Succeed as a Product Manager, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Haines, Steven
Professional Property Development
Author/Editor: JohnMcMahan
Profit from the Positive: Proven Leadership Strategies to Boost Productivity and Transform Your Business, with a foreword by Tom Rath
Author/Editor: MargaretGreenberg,SeniaMaymin
Profiting With Forex
Author/Editor: JohnJagerson,S. WadeHansen
Programmable Logic Controllers: Industrial Control
Author/Editor: KhaledKamel,EmanKamel
Programming A Beginner's Guide
Author/Editor: RichardMansfield
Programming and Customizing the Multicore Propeller Microcontroller: The Official Guide
Programming and Customizing the PICAXE Microcontroller 2/E
Author/Editor: DavidLincoln
Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller
Author/Editor: MykePredko
Programming Arduino Getting Started with Sketches
Author/Editor: SimonMonk
Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches
Author/Editor: en
Programming Arduino Next Steps: Going Further with Sketches, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Monk, Simon
Programming Arduino Next Steps: Going Further with Sketches
Author/Editor: SimonMonk
Programming FPGAs: Getting Started with Verilog
Author/Editor: en
Programming the BBC micro:bit: Getting Started with MicroPython
Author/Editor: en
Programming the BeagleBone Black: Getting Started with JavaScript and BoneScript
Author/Editor: en
Programming the Intel Edison: Getting Started with Processing and Python
Author/Editor: en
Programming the Intel Galileo: Getting Started with the Arduino-Compatible Development Board, 1
Author/Editor: Rush, Christopher
Programming the Photon: Getting Started with the Internet of Things, 1
Author/Editor: Rush, Christopher
Programming the Propeller with Spin: A Beginner's Guide to Parallel Processing
Author/Editor: HarpritSandhu
Programming the Raspberry Pi, Second Edition: Getting Started with Python, 2
Author/Editor: Monk, Simon
Programming the Raspberry Pi, Third Edition: Getting Started with Python, Ed. 3
Author/Editor: Monk, Simon
Programming Video Games for the Evil Genius
Author/Editor: IanCinnamon
Programming with STM32: Getting Started with the Nucleo Board and C/C++
Author/Editor: en
Progressive Care Nursing Certification: Preparation, Review, and Practice Exams
Author/Editor: ThomasAhrens
Progressive Care Nursing Certification: Preparation, Review, and Practice Exams, Second Edition, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Johnson, Alexander,Crumlett, Hillary
Project Management
Author/Editor: Gary R.Heerkens
Project Management Demystified
Author/Editor: SidKemp
Project Management for Healthcare Information Technology
Author/Editor: ScottCoplan,DavidMasuda
Project Management in Construction
Author/Editor: Sidney M.Levy
Project Management in Construction, Sixth Edition
Author/Editor: SidneyLevy
Project Management in New Product Development
Author/Editor: BruceBarkley
Project Management, Second Edition (Briefcase Books Series)
Author/Editor: GaryHeerkens
Project Management with CompTIA Project+: On Track from Start to Finish, Fourth Edition (PPK), Ed. 4
Author/Editor: Phillips, Joseph
Project Manager's Handbook
Author/Editor: David L.Cleland,Lewis R.Ireland
Project Managers Portable Handbook, Third Edition
Author/Editor: DavidCleland,LewisIreland
Project Planning, Scheduling, and Control: The Ultimate Hands-On Guide to Bringing Projects in On Time and On Budget , Fifth Edition
Author/Editor: JamesLewis
The Promise of Bitcoin: The Future of Money and How It Can Work for You
Author/Editor: Lee, Bobby C.
Promoting Positive Behaviour in the Early Years
Author/Editor: Morris, Karen
Property Condition Assessments
Author/Editor: SamKubba
Protect and Enhance Your Estate: Definitive Strategies for Estate and Wealth Planning 3/E
Author/Editor: RobertEsperti,RennoPeterson
Protect Your 401(k)
Author/Editor: LarryChambers,KenZiesenheim
ProvenCare: How to Deliver Value-Based Healthcare the Geisinger Way
Author/Editor: en
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Demystified
Author/Editor: en
The Psychological Contract: Managing and Developing Professional Groups
Author/Editor: George, Christeen
Psychological Dimensions of Executive Coaching, 1
Author/Editor: Bluckert, Peter
Psychological Interventions in Mental Health Nursing
Author/Editor: GrahameSmith
Psychology and Health Promotion
Author/Editor: Bennett, Paul,Murphy, Simon
Psychology Demystified
Author/Editor: AnnaRomero,StevenKemp
Psychology for Nurses and the Caring Professions, Fourth Edition
Author/Editor: JanWalker,SheilaPayne,NikkiJarrett,TimLey
The Psychology of Appearance
Author/Editor: en
The Psychology Of Gender And Sexuality
Author/Editor: Rogers, Wendy Stainton,Rogers, Rex Stainton
The Psychology of Sales Success
Author/Editor: GerhardGschwandtner
Psychosocial Nursing Care: A Guide to Nursing the Whole Person
Author/Editor: en
Psychotherapy and its Discontents
Author/Editor: Dryden, Windy,Feltham, Colin
Psychotherapy Supervision: An integrative relational approach to psychotherapy supervision
Author/Editor: Gilbert, Maria C.,Evans, Kenneth
Public Health in History
Author/Editor: VirginiaBerridge,MartinGorsky,AlexMold
Public Mental Health: Global Perspectives, 1
Author/Editor: Knifton, Lee,Quinn, Neil
Public Speaking and Presentations Demystified
Author/Editor: MelodyTempleton
Pulmonary Disease Examination and Board Review, 1
Author/Editor: Go, Ronaldo Collo
The Pursuit of Excellence: The Uncommon Behaviors of the World's Most Productive Achievers
Author/Editor: Hawk, Ryan
Put Happiness to Work: 7 Strategies to Elevate Engagement for Optimal Performance
Author/Editor: Karpinski, Eric
Python for Microcontrollers: Getting Started with MicroPython, 1
Author/Editor: Norris, Donald