Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with N (99) | Information |
The NAACP's Legal Strategy against Segregated Education, 1925-1950 |
Author/Editor: Tushnet, Mark V
Nagô Grandma and White Papa |
Author/Editor: Dantas, Beatriz Góis
The Name Game |
Author/Editor: OSCAR MONTERO
Narradores hispanoamericanos de hoy |
Narrating Desire: Moral Consolation and Sentimental Fiction in Fifteenth-Century Spain |
A Narrative of the Adventures and Escape of Moses Roper, from American Slavery |
Author/Editor: Roper, Moses
Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Henry Bibb, An American Slave, Written by Himself |
Author/Editor: Bibb, Henry
Narrative of the Life of Henry Box Brown, Written by Himself |
Author/Editor: Ernest, John
Narrative of the Life of Moses Grandy, Late a Slave in the United States of America |
Author/Editor: Grandy, Moses
Narrative of William W. Brown, an American Slave |
Author/Editor: Brown, William Wells
Narrative Perspective in the Post-Civil War Novels of Francisco Ayala |
Narrative Technique in the Lais of Marie de France |
Nathaniel Bowditch and the Power of Numbers |
Author/Editor: Thornton, Tamara Plakins
National Insecurities |
Author/Editor: Moloney, Deirdre M
Nationalism in Europe and America |
Author/Editor: Kramer, Lloyd S
Nation Building in South Korea |
Author/Editor: Brazinsky, Gregg A
A Nation for All |
Author/Editor: de la Fuente, Alejandro
A Nation of Descendants: Politics and the Practice of Genealogy in U.S. History |
Native Americans, Christianity, and the Reshaping of the American Religious Landscape |
Author/Editor: Martin, Joel W.; Nicholas, Mark A
Native American Whalemen and the World |
Author/Editor: Shoemaker, Nancy
Native and National in Brazil |
Author/Editor: Devine Guzmán, Tracy
Natural History of the West Indies |
Author/Editor: Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo,STERLING A. STOUDEMIRE
Nature's Champion |
Author/Editor: Troyer, James R
Nature's Civil War |
Author/Editor: Meier, Kathryn Shively
Negotiating Paradise |
Author/Editor: Merrill, Dennis
The Negro and the Schools |
Author/Editor: Ashmore, Harry S
The Negro in the American Revolution |
Author/Editor: Quarles, Benjamin
Neruda: De 1904 a 1936 |
Author/Editor: Jaime Concha
A New Christian Identity: Christian Science Origins and Experience in American Culture |
Author/Editor: Amy B. Voorhees
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Griffin, Larry J.; Hargis, Peggy G.; Wilson, Charles Reagan
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Charles Reagan
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Hinson, Glenn; Ferris, William
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Holt, Thomas Cleveland; Green, Laurie B.; Wilson, Charles Reagan
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Montgomery, Michael; Johnson, Ellen
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Ray, Celeste
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Bonner, Judith H.; Pennington, Estill Curtis
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Walker, Melissa; Cobb, James C
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Ely, James W.; Bond, Bradley G
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Jackson, Harvey H
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Malone, Bill C
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Mohr, Clarence L
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Wilson, Charles Reagan
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Inge, M. Thomas
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Rushing, Wanda
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Bercaw, Nancy; Ownby, Ted
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Hill, Samuel S
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Wood, Amy Louise
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Crown, Carol; Rivers, Cheryl; Wilson, Charles Reagan
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Melosi, Martin V
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Thomas, James G.; Wilson, Charles Reagan
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Edge, John T
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Pillsbury, Richard
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture |
Author/Editor: Graham, Allison; Monteith, Sharon
A New History of the American South |
A New Interpretation of Chrétien's Conte del Graal |
Author/Editor: Urban T. Holmes Jr.
New Jersey's Jeffersonian Republicans |
Author/Editor: Prince, Carl E
A New Kind of Youth: Historically Black High Schools and Southern Student Activism, 1920–1975 |
Author/Editor: JON N. HALE
New Netherland Connections |
Author/Editor: Romney, Susanah Shaw
A New Order of Things: Origins of a Nurse Practitioner Movement |
Author/Editor: Cynthia Freund
New Testament Interpretation Through Rhetorical Criticism |
Author/Editor: Kennedy, George A
New Voyages to Carolina |
Author/Editor: Larry E. Tise,Jeffrey J. Crow
New Women of the Old Faith |
Author/Editor: Cummings, Kathleen Sprows
New World Cities |
Author/Editor: Tutino, John; Melosi, Martin V
The New York Intellectuals, Thirtieth Anniversary Edition |
Author/Editor: Wald, Alan M
The Nibelungenlied Today: Its Substance, Essence, and Significance, Vol. 34 |
Author/Editor: WERNER A. MUELLER
Nixon's War at Home: The FBI, Leftist Guerrillas, and the Origins of Counterterrorism |
Author/Editor: DANIEL S. CHARD
No Barrier Can Contain It: Cuban Antifascism and the Spanish Civil War |
Author/Editor: ARIEL MAE LAMBE
Noble Lies, Slant Truths, Necessary Angels: Aspects of Fictionality in the Novels of Christoph Martin Wieland, Vol. 118 |
The Noble Merchant |
Author/Editor: Jones, Catherine M
No Common Ground: Confederate Monuments and the Ongoing Fight for Racial Justice |
Author/Editor: KAREN L. COX
No Country for Old Age: America's War on Aging from Valley Forge to Silicon Valley |
Author/Editor: MISCHA HONECK
No Direction Home |
Author/Editor: Zaretsky, Natasha
No Game for Boys to Play: The History of Youth Football and the Origins of a Public Health Crisis |
No Higher Law |
Author/Editor: Loveman, Brian
No Mercy Here |
Author/Editor: Haley, Sarah
No More Work |
Author/Editor: Livingston, James
Nonviolence before King: The Politics of Being and the Black Freedom Struggle |
North Carolina and the Problem of AIDS |
Author/Editor: Inrig, Stephen J
North Carolina beyond the Connected Age |
Author/Editor: MICHAEL L. WALDEN
North Carolina Children’s Global Health Handbook |
Author/Editor: Bjornstad, Erica C.; Joyner, Benny L.; Mongella, Stella
North Carolina Children’s Global Health Handbook |
Author/Editor: Bjornstad, Erica C.; Joyner, Benny L.; Mongella, Stella
North Carolina in the Connected Age |
Author/Editor: Walden, Michael L
North Carolina's Hurricane History |
Author/Editor: Barnes, Jay
North Carolina's Revolutionary Founders |
Author/Editor: Jeff Broadwater,Troy L. Kickler
North Carolina Through Four Centuries |
Author/Editor: Powell, William S
North Carolinians in the Era of the Civil War and Reconstruction |
Author/Editor: Escott, Paul D
North of the Color Line |
Author/Editor: Mathieu, Sarah-Jane
No Sympathy for the Devil |
Author/Editor: Stowe, David W
Not a Gentleman's War |
Author/Editor: Milam, Ron
Not Alms but Opportunity |
Author/Editor: Reed, Touré F
Notes on the State of Virginia |
Author/Editor: Jefferson, Thomas
Not Straight, Not White |
Author/Editor: Mumford, Kevin
Novalis and Mathematics: A Study of Friedrich von Hardenberg's Fragments on Mathematics and its Relation to Magic, Music, Religion, Philosophy, Language, and Literature, Vol. 27 |
Author/Editor: MARTIN DYCK
Novalis: German Poet—European Thinker—Christian Mystic, Vol. 10, Ed. 2 |
Novel Lives |
The Novels and Travels of Camilo José Cela |
Author/Editor: Kirsner, Robert
The Novels of Mme Riccoboni |
Nuclear Apartheid |
Author/Editor: Maddock, Shane J
Nursing and Empire |
Author/Editor: Reddy, Sujani K