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Titles (200) Information
Abolitions as a Global Experience
Author/Editor: Hideaki Suzuki
Agriculture in the Malaysian Region
Author/Editor: R. D. Hill
The Annotated Malay Archipelago by Alfred Russel Wallace
Author/Editor: John van Wyhe
Aristocracy of Armed Talent: The Military Elite in Singapore
Author/Editor: Samuel Ling Wei Chan
Art and Trousers: Tradition and Modernity in Contemporary Asian Art
Author/Editor: David Elliott
Artists and the People: Ideologies of Art in Indonesia
Author/Editor: Elly Kent
The ASEAN Miracle: A Catalyst for Peace
Author/Editor: Kishore Mahbubani,Jeffery Sng
Asianisms: Regionalist Interactions and Asian Integration
Author/Editor: Marc Frey,Nicola Spakowski
The Aware Saga: Civil Society and Public Morality in Singapore
Author/Editor: Terence Chong
Banditry in West Java: 1869-1942
Author/Editor: Margreet van Till,David McKay,Beverley Jackson
Being Malay in Indonesia: Histories, Hopes and Citizenship in the Riau Archipelago
Author/Editor: Nicholas J. Long
The Blood of the People: Revolution and the End of Traditional Rule in Northern Sumatra
Author/Editor: Anthony Reid
Borneo Transformed: Agricultural Expansion on the Southeast Asian Frontier
Author/Editor: Rodolphe De Koninck,Stéphane Bernard,Jean-François Bissonnette
Boundaries and Beyond: China's Maritime Southeast in Late Imperial Times
Author/Editor: Chin-keong Ng
Britain and Sihanouk's Cambodia
Author/Editor: Nicholas Tarling
Britain and the Neutralisation of Laos
Author/Editor: Nicholas Tarling
The British and the Vietnam War: Their Way with LBJ
Author/Editor: Nicholas Tarling
Brunei: From the Age of Commerce to the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Marie-Sybille de Vienne,Emilia Lanier
Buddhist Pilgrim-Monks as Agents of Cultural and Artistic Transmission: The International Buddhist Art Style in East Asia, ca. 645-770
Author/Editor: Dorothy C. Wong
Building a New Legal Order for the Oceans
Author/Editor: Tommy Koh
Cambodia's Trials: Contrasting Visions of Truth, Transitional Justice and National Recovery
Author/Editor: Robin Biddulph ,Alexandra Kent
The Cardamom Conundrum: Reconciling Development and Conservation in the Kingdom of Cambodia
Author/Editor: Timothy J. Killeen
Celluloid Colony: Locating History and Ethnography in Early Dutch Colonial Films of Indonesia
Author/Editor: Sandeep Ray
Central Banking as State Building: Policymakers and their Nationalism in the Philippines, 1933-1964
Author/Editor: Yusuke Takagi
The Cham of Vietnam: History, Society and Art
Author/Editor: Trần Kỳ Phương,Bruce M. Lockhart
Champions of Buddhism: Weikza Cults in Contemporary Burma
Author/Editor: Bénédicte Brac de la Perrière,Guillaume Rozenberg,Alicia Turner
Changing Chinese Cities: The Potentials of Field Urbanism
Author/Editor: Renee Y. Chow
Changing Landscapes of Singapore: Old Tensions, New Discoveries
Author/Editor: Elaine Lynn-Ee Ho,Chih Yuan Woon,Kamalini Ramdas
China and the Shaping of Indonesia
Author/Editor: Hong Liu
China as a Sea Power, 1127–1368: A Preliminary Survey of the Maritime Expansion and Naval Exploits of the Chinese People During the Southern Song and Yuan Periods
Author/Editor: Lo Jung-pang,Bruce A. Elleman
China's Footprints in Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Maria Serena I. Diokno,Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao,Alan H. Yang
Chinese Food and Foodways in Southeast Asia and Beyond
Author/Editor: Tan Chee-Beng
The Chinese Question: Ethnicity, Nation, and Region in and Beyond the Philippines
Author/Editor: Caroline S. Hau
Christian Circulations: Global Christianity and the Local Church in Penang and Singapore, 1819-2000
Author/Editor: Jean DeBernardi
Churchill and the Lion City: Shaping Modern Singapore
Author/Editor: Brian P. Farrell
Clinical Psychology in Singapore: An Asian Casebook
Cold War and Decolonisation: Australia’s Policy towards Britain’s End of Empire in Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Andrea Benvenuti
Collaborative Governance of Forests: Towards Sustainable Forest Resource Utilization
Author/Editor: Motomu Tanaka,Makoto Inoue
The Collected Poems of Arthur Yap
Author/Editor: IRVING GOH
Colonial Law Making: Cambodia under the French
Author/Editor: Sally Frances Low
The Comfort Women of Singapore in History and Memory
Author/Editor: Kevin Blackburn
Community, Commons and Natural Resource Management in Asia
Author/Editor: Haruka Yanagisawa
Connecting Empires and States: Selected Papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists
Author/Editor: Mai Lin Tjoa-Bonatz,Andreas Reinecke,Dominik Bonatz
Contestations of Memory in Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Roxana Waterson,Kwok Kian-Woon
Contesting Space in Colonial Singapore: Power Relations and the Urban Built Environment
Author/Editor: Brenda S. A. Yeoh
Cosmopolitan Intimacies: Malay Film Music of the Independence Era
Author/Editor: Adil Johan
Cross-Cultural Exchange and the Colonial Imaginary: Global Encounters via Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: H. Hazel Hahn
Crossing Borders: Selected Papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists
Author/Editor: Mai Lin Tjoa-Bonatz,Andreas Reinecke,Dominik Bonatz
De Jiao - A Religious Movement in Contemporary China and Overseas: Purple Qi from the East
Author/Editor: Bernard Formoso
Discovering Vietnam’s Ancient Capital: The Archaeology and History of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long-Hanoi
Author/Editor: Andrew Hardy ,Nguyễn Tiến Đông
Divine Custody: A History of Singapore's Oldest Teochew Temple
Author/Editor: YEO KANG SHUA
Early Theravadin Cambodia: Perspectives from Art and Archaeology
Author/Editor: Ashley Thompson
Electoral Dynamics in Indonesia: Money Politics, Patronage and Clientelism at the Grassroots
Author/Editor: Edward Aspinall,Mada Sukmajati
Electoral Dynamics in the Philippines: Money Politics, Patronage and Clientelism at the Grassroots
Author/Editor: Allen Hicken,Edward Aspinall,Meredith Weiss
Entangled Landscapes: Early Modern China and Europe
Author/Editor: Yue Zhuang,Andrea M. Riemenschnitter
Faith in Writing: Forty Years of Essays
Author/Editor: Jennifer Lindsay,Terence Ward
Fields of Desire: Poverty and Policy in Laos
Author/Editor: Holly High
Freedom from the Press: Journalism and State Power in Singapore
Author/Editor: Cherian George
From the Blue Windows: Recollections of Life in Queenstown, Singapore, in the 1960s and 1970s
Author/Editor: Charles Dickens
Future Asian Space: Projecting the Urban Space of New East Asia
Author/Editor: Limin Hee,Davisi Boontharm,Erwin Viray
Gambling with the Land: The Contemporary Evolution of Southeast Asian Agriculture
Author/Editor: Rodolphe De Koninck,Jean-François Rousseau
Ghosts of the Past in Southern Thailand: Essays on the History and Historiography of Patani
Author/Editor: Patrick Jory
Global Movements, Local Concerns: Medicine and Health in Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Laurence Monnais,Harold J. Cook
Hard Choices: Challenging the Singapore Consensus
Author/Editor: Donald Low,Sudhir Thomas Vadaketh,Linda Lim,Thum Ping Tjin
Haunted Houses and Ghostly Encounters: Ethnography and Animism in East Timor, 1860–1975
Author/Editor: Christopher J. Shepherd
Heritage and Identity in Contemporary Thailand: Memory, Place and Power
Author/Editor: Ross King
Heroes and Revolution in Vietnam, 1948-1964
Author/Editor: Benoît de Tréglodé,Claire Duiker
A History of Korean Science and Technology
Author/Editor: Jeon Sang-woon,Robert Carrubba,Lee Sung Kyu
A History of the People's Action Party, 1985-2021
Home is Where We Are
Author/Editor: Wang Gungwu ,Margaret Wang
Identity and Pleasure: The Politics of Indonesian Screen Culture
Author/Editor: Ariel Heryanto
Imperial Creatures: Humans and Other Animals in Colonial Singapore, 1819–1942
Author/Editor: Timothy P. Barnard
Impressions of the Goh Chok Tong Years in Singapore
Author/Editor: Bridget Welsh,James Chin,Arun Mahizhnan,Tan Tarn How
Index of Drinking Water Adequacy (IDWA): International and Intra-national Explorations
Author/Editor: Seetharam Kallidaikurichi E.,Bhanoji Rao
Indonesian Women and Local Politics: Islam, Gender and Networks in Post-Suharto Indonesia
Author/Editor: Kurniawati Hastuti Dewi
Innovation, Style and Spectacle in Wayang: Purbo Asmoro and the Evolution of an Indonesian Performing Art
Author/Editor: Kathryn Emerson
Interactions with a Violent Past: Reading Post-Conflict Landscapes in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam
Author/Editor: Vatthana Pholsena,Oliver Tappe
Interpreting Southeast Asia’s Past: Monument, Image and Text
Author/Editor: Elisabeth A. Bacus,Ian C. Glover,Peter D. Sharrock,John Guy,Vincent C. Pigott
Isan Writers, Thai Literature: Writing and Regionalism in Modern Thailand
Author/Editor: Martin B. Platt
Islam and Politics in Indonesia: The Masyumi Party between Democracy and Integralism
Author/Editor: Rémy Madinier,Jeremy Desmond
Islamisation and Its Opponents in Java: A Political, Social, Cultural and Religious History, c. 1930 to Present
Author/Editor: M.C. Ricklefs
Islam, Nationalism and Democracy: a Political Biography of Mohammad Natsir
Author/Editor: Audrey R. Kahin
It's a Living: Work and Life in Vietnam Today
Author/Editor: Gerard Sasges,Mai Huyên Chi,Andrew X. Pham
Jakarta: City of a Thousand Dimensions
Author/Editor: Abidin Kusno
The Japanese Occupation of Malaya and Singapore, 1941-45: A Social and Economic History
Author/Editor: Paul H. Kratoska
Journal, Memorials and Letters of Cornelis Matelieff de Jonge: Security, Diplomacy and Commerce in 17th-century Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Peter Borschberg
Kent Ridge: An Untold Story
Author/Editor: Kevin Y.L. Tan,Victor R. Savage,David Higgitt,Hugh T.W. Tan,Kelvin K.P. Lim,Tan Ming Kai,Alex T.K. Yee,Ho Chi Tim,Erik Holmberg,Tan Chye Guan,Kevin Y.L. Tan,Peck Thian Guan,Lee Fook Ngian,Edwin Thumboo
The Khmer Lands of Vietnam: Environment, Cosmology and Sovereignty
Author/Editor: Philip Taylor
Labour Market Segmentation in Malaysian Services
Author/Editor: Khong How Ling,Jomo K.S.
Las Vegas in Singapore: Violence, Progress and the Crisis of Nationalist Modernity
Author/Editor: Lee Kah-Wee
Life Under the Palms: The Sublime World of the Anti-colonialist Jacob Haafner
Author/Editor: PAUL VAN DER VELDE ,Liesbeth Bennink
lives and times of hrh
Author/Editor: herman ronald hochstadt
Living with Risk: Precarity & Bangkok's Urban Poor
Author/Editor: Tamaki Endo
Love and Dread in Cambodia: Weddings, Births and Ritual Harm under the Khmer Rouge
Author/Editor: Peg LeVine
Love, Money and Obligation: Transnational Marriage in a Northeastern Thai Village
Author/Editor: Patcharin Lapanun
Malaysiakini and the Power of Independent Media in Malaysia
Author/Editor: Janet Steele
Malaysia's Original People: Past, Present and Future of the Orang Asli
Author/Editor: Kirk Endicott
Mandalay and the Art of Building Cities in Burma
Marriage Migration in Asia: Emerging Minorities at the Frontiers of Nation-States
Author/Editor: Sari K. Ishii
Materializing Southeast Asia's Past: Selected Papers from the 12th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists
Author/Editor: Marijke J. Klokke,Véronique Degroot
A Matter of Risk: Insurance in Malaysia, 1826-1990
Author/Editor: Lee Kam Hing
Melayu: The Politics, Poetics and Paradoxes of Malayness
Author/Editor: Maznah Mohamad,Syed Muhd Khairudin Aljunied
The Memoirs and Memorials of Jacques de Coutre: Security, Trade and Society in 16th- and 17th-century Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Peter Borschberg,Roopanjali Roy
The Men Who Lost Singapore, 1938–1942
Author/Editor: Ronald McCrum
Merdeka and Much More: The Reminiscences of a Raffles Professor, 1953-67
Author/Editor: K.G. Tregonning
Metamorphosis: Studies in Social and Political Change in Myanmar
Author/Editor: Renaud Egreteau,François Robinne
Migration Revolution: Philippine Nationhood and Class Relations in a Globalized Age
Author/Editor: Filomeno V. Aguilar Jr.
Modern Thai Buddhism and Buddhadasa Bhikku: A Social History
Author/Editor: Tomomi Ito
Money, Power, and Ideology: Political Parties in Post-Authoritarian Indonesia
Author/Editor: Marcus Mietzner
Moral Politics in the Philippines: Inequality, Democracy and the Urban Poor
Author/Editor: Wataru Kusaka
Mosques and Imams: Everyday Islam in Eastern Indonesia
Author/Editor: Kathryn M. Robinson
Museums, History and Culture in Malaysia
Author/Editor: Abu Talib Ahmad
The Mystery of “A Yellow Sleuth": Detective Sergeant Nor Nalla, Federated Malay States Police
Author/Editor: Ronald Allan,Paul Kratoska,Philip Holden
Nature Contained: Environmental Histories of Singapore
Author/Editor: Timothy P. Barnard
Nature's Colony: Empire, Nation and Environment in the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Author/Editor: Timothy P. Barnard
Nemesis: The First Iron Warship and Her World
Networked: Business and Politics in Decentralizing Indonesia, 1998-2004
Author/Editor: Wahyu Prasetyawan
Noon at Five O'Clock: The Short Stories of Arthur Yap
The Oil Palm Complex: Smallholders, Agribusiness and the State in Indonesia and Malaysia
Author/Editor: Rob Cramb,John F. McCarthy
On Asian Streets and Public Space
Author/Editor: Heng Chye Kiang,Low Boon Liang,Hee Limin
One or Two Words: Language and Politics in the Toraja Highlands of Indonesia
Author/Editor: Aurora Donzelli
Organising under the Revolution: Unions and the State in Java, 1945-48
Author/Editor: Jafar Suryomenggolo
Pan-Asian Sports and the Emergence of Modern Asia, 1913-1974
The Paradox of Agrarian Change: Food Security and the Politics of Social Protection in Indonesia
Author/Editor: John F. McCarthy ,Andrew McWilliam ,Gerben Nooteboom
The Peasant Robbers of Kedah, 1900-1929: Historical and Folk Perceptions
Author/Editor: Cheah Boon Kheng
Personal Names in Asia: History, Culture and Identity
Author/Editor: Zheng Yangwen,Charles J-H Macdonald
The Phantom World of Digul: Policing as Politics in Colonial Indonesia, 1926-1941
Author/Editor: Takashi Shiraishi
Polarising Javanese Society: Islamic and Other Visions (c. 1830-1930)
Author/Editor: M.C. Ricklefs
The Politics of the Malayan Communist Party from 1930 to 1948
Author/Editor: David Lockwood
Popular Culture Co-Productions and Collaborations in East and Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Nissim Otmazgin,Eyal Ben-Ari
The Portuguese and the Straits of Melaka, 1575-1619: Power, Trade and Diplomacy
Author/Editor: Paulo Jorge de Sousa Pinto,Roopanjali Roy
Prisms on the Golden Pagoda: Perspectives on National Reconciliation in Myanmar
Author/Editor: Kyaw Yin Hlaing
Promises and Predicaments: Trade and Entrepreneurship in Colonial and Independent Indonesia in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Author/Editor: Alicia Schrikker,Jeroen Touwen
Public Subsidy, Private Accumulation: The Political Economy of Singapore's Public Housing
Author/Editor: Chua Beng Huat
Pursuing Morality: Buddhism and Everyday Ethics in Southeastern Myanmar
Author/Editor: Justine Chambers
Questioning Modernity in Indonesia and Malaysia
Author/Editor: Wendy Mee,Joel S. Kahn
Racial Science and Human Diversity in Colonial Indonesia
Author/Editor: Fenneke Sysling
Reading Bangkok
Author/Editor: Ross King
Red Star Over Malaya: Resistance and Social Conflict During and After the Japanese Occupation, 1941-1946
Author/Editor: Cheah Boon Kheng
Reflections on the Making of the Modern Law of the Sea
Author/Editor: Satya N. Nandan ,Kristine E. Dalaker
Returning Southeast Asia's Past: Objects, Museums, and Restitution
Author/Editor: Louise Tythacott ,Panggah Ardiyansyah
Revolution in the City of Heroes: A Memoir of the Battle that Sparked Indonesia’s National Revolution
Rice in Malaya: A Study in Historical Geography
Author/Editor: R.D. Hill
Rubber Manufacturing in Malaysia: Resource-based Industrialization in Practice
Author/Editor: C.C. Goldthorpe
Savu: History and Oral Tradition on an Island of Indonesia
Author/Editor: Geneviève Duggan,Hans Hägerdal
Sea Nomads of Southeast Asia: From the Past to the Present
Author/Editor: Bérénice Bellina ,Roger Blench ,Jean-Christophe Galipaud
Seaways and Gatekeepers: Trade and State in the Eastern Archipelagos of Southeast Asia, c.1600–c.1906
Author/Editor: Heather Sutherland
Signs of Deference, Signs of Demeanour: Interlocutor Reference and Self-Other Relations across Southeast Asian Speech Communities
Author/Editor: Dwi Noverini Djenar ,Jack Sidnell
Singaporean Creatures: Histories of Humans and Other Animals in the Garden City
The Singapore and Melaka Straits: Violence, Security and Diplomacy in the 17th Century
Author/Editor: Peter Borschberg
Singapore and the Silk Road of the Sea, 1300–1800
Author/Editor: JOHN N. MIKSIC
Singapore, ASEAN and the Cambodian Conflict 1978-1991
Author/Editor: Ang Cheng Guan
Singapore from Temasek to the 21st Century: Reinventing the Global City
Author/Editor: Karl Hack,Jean-Louis Margolin,Karine Delaye
Singapore's Grand Strategy
Author/Editor: Ang Cheng Guan
Sites, Bodies and Stories: Imagining Indonesian History
Author/Editor: Susan Legêne,Bambang Purwanto,Henk Schulte Nordholt
Soldiers and Diplomacy in Burma: Understanding The Foreign Relations Of The Burmese Praetorian State
Author/Editor: Renaud Egreteau,Larry Jagan
Sonic City: Making Rock Music and Urban Life in Singapore
Author/Editor: Steve Ferzacca
Soul Catcher: Java’s Fiery Prince Mangkunagara I, 1726-1795
Author/Editor: M.C. Ricklefs
Southeast Asia After the Cold War: A Contemporary History
Author/Editor: Ang Cheng Guan
Southeast Asia's Modern Architecture: Questions of Translation, Epistemology and Power
Author/Editor: Jiat-Hwee Chang,Imran bin Tajudeen
Sovereignty and the Sea: How Indonesia Became an Archipelagic State
Author/Editor: John G. Butcher,R.E. Elson
Sovereign Women in a Muslim Kingdom: The Sultanahs of Aceh, 1641−1699
Author/Editor: Sher Banu A. L. Khan
Squatters into Citizens: The 1961 Bukit Ho Swee Fire and the Making of Modern Singapore
Author/Editor: Loh Kah Seng
State and Finance in the Philippines, 1898-1941: The Mismanagement of an American Colony
Author/Editor: Chen Tienshi Lara ,Louis Carlet
Stone Masters: Power Encounters in Mainland Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Holly High
The Story of Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Eric C. Thompson
Strong Soldiers, Failed Revolution: The State and Military in Burma, 1962-88
Author/Editor: Yoshihiro Nakanishi
Studying Singapore Before 1800
Author/Editor: Kwa Chong Guan,Peter Borschberg,Benjamin J.Q. Khoo,Xu Shengwei
Studying Singapore's Past: C.M. Turnbull and the History of Modern Singapore
Author/Editor: Nicholas Tarling
Surabaya, 1945–2010: Neighbourhood, State and Economy in Indonesia's City of Struggle
Author/Editor: Robbie Peters
Tales of Southeast Asia’s Jazz Age: Filipinos, Indonesians and Popular Culture, 1920-1936
Author/Editor: Peter Keppy
Tall Tales and MisAdventures of a Young Westernized Oriental Gentleman
Author/Editor: GOH POH SENG
Tall Tree, Nest of the Wind - The Javanese Shadow-play Dewa Ruci Performed by Ki Anom Soeroto: A Study in Performance Philology
Author/Editor: Bernard Arps
Taming the Wild: Aborigines and Racial Knowledge in Colonial Malaya
Author/Editor: Sandra Khor Manickam
Temiar Religion, 1964-2012: Enchantment, Disenchantment and Re-enchantment in Malaysia's Uplands
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Benjamin
Thomas Stamford Raffles: Schemer or Reformer?
Author/Editor: Syed Hussein Alatas ,Syed Farid Alatas
Those Days in Muramatsu: One Woman's Memoir of Occupied Japan
Author/Editor: Yumi Goto
A Tiger Remembers: The Way We Were in Singapore
Author/Editor: Ann Wee
To Cage the Red Dragon: SEATO and the Defence of Southeast Asia, 1955-1965
Author/Editor: Damien Fenton
To Nation by Revolution: Indonesia in the 20th Century
Author/Editor: Anthony Reid
To Remain Myself: The History of Onghokham
Author/Editor: David Reeve
Towards a New Malaysia?: The 2018 Election and Its Aftermath
Author/Editor: Meredith L. Weiss,Faisal S. Hazis
Trade and Society: The Amoy Network on the China Coast, 1683-1735
Author/Editor: Ng Chin-keong
Translating the Body: Medical Education in Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Hans Pols,C. Michele Thompson,John Harley Warner
Uncertainty, Anxiety, Frugality: Dealing with Leprosy in the Dutch East Indies, 1816–1942
Author/Editor: Leo van Bergen,Laurence Monnais
Unearthing Southeast Asia's Past: Selected Papers from the 12th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists
Author/Editor: Marijke J. Klokke,Véronique Degroot
Unequal Thailand: Aspects of Income, Wealth and Power
Author/Editor: Pasuk Phongpaichit,Chris Baker
Unmarked Graves: Death and Survival in the Anti-Communist Violence in East Java, Indonesia
Author/Editor: Vannessa Hearman
Upland Transformations in Vietnam
Author/Editor: Thomas Sikor,Nghiêm Phương Tuyến,Jennifer Sowerwine,Jeff Romm
Urbanization, Migration and Poverty in a Vietnamese Metropolis: Ho Chi Minh in Comparative Perspective
Author/Editor: Hy V. Luong
US-Singapore Relations, 1965-1975: Strategic Non-alignment in the Cold War
Author/Editor: Daniel Wei Boon Chua
Vietnamese Traditional Medicine: A Social History
Author/Editor: C. Michele Thompson
Wanderlust: The Amazing Ida Pfeiffer, the First Female Tourist
Author/Editor: JOHN VAN WYHE
War Memory and the Making of Modern Malaysia and Singapore
Author/Editor: Kevin Blackburn,Karl Hack
Wayang and Its Doubles: Javanese Puppet Theatre, Television and the Net
Author/Editor: Jan Mrázek
Wayward Distractions: Ornament, Emotion, Zombies and the Study of Buddhism in Thailand
Author/Editor: Justin Thomas McDaniel
Women in Southeast Asian Nationalist Movements
Author/Editor: Susan Blackburn,Helen Ting
Workers and Democracy: The Indonesian Labour Movement, 1949–1957
Author/Editor: John Ingleson
World War II Singapore: The Chōsabu Reports on Syonan
Author/Editor: Gregg Huff,Shinobu Majima