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Titles start with I ( displaying 500 of 1,650 ) Information
IAEA Atlas of Cardiac PET/CT: A Case-Study Approach
Author/Editor: Marcelo F. Di Carli,Maurizio Dondi,Raffaele Giubbini,Diana Paez
I Balcani occidentali tra romanico e bizantino: Tradizione e sperimentazione nell’architettura serba della seconda metà del XII secolo
Author/Editor: Aleksandra Filipović,Alberto Alberti,Francesca Romoli
I bandi liturgici nell’Egitto romano
Author/Editor: Marco Stroppa
I beni degli esuli
Author/Editor: Giacomo Girardi
Iberian world empires and the globalization of europe 1415–1668
Author/Editor: Bartolomé Yun-Casalilla
Ibn Al-Jazzar On Fevers: A critical edition of Zad al-musafir wa-qut al-hadir - Provisions for the Traveller and Nourishment for the Sedentary, Book 7, Chapters 1-6
Author/Editor: Gerrit Bos
Ibn Al-Jazzar On Sexual Diseases: A critical edition of Zad al-musafir wa-qut al-hadir - Provisions for the Traveller and Nourishment for the Sedentary, Book 6
Author/Editor: Gerrit Bos
Ibn Taymiyya on Reason and Revelation: A Study of <i>Darʾ taʿāruḍ al-ʿaql wa-l-naql</i>
Author/Editor: Carl Sharif El-Tobgui
Ibn Taymiyya's Theodicy of Perpetual Optimism
Author/Editor: Hoover ,J.
Ibn Taymiyya's Theodicy of Perpetual Optimism
Ibridazioni balzachiane: «Meditazioni eclettiche» su romanzo, teatro, illustrazione
Author/Editor: Anna Fierro
Ibsen and Degeneration: Familial Decay and the Fall of Civilization
Author/Editor: Henrik Johnsson
Ibsen at the Theatrical Crossroads of Europe: A Performance History of Henrik Ibsen's Plays on the Romanian Stages, 1894-1947
Author/Editor: Gianina Druta
Ice Blink: Navigating Northern Environmental History
Author/Editor: Brad Martin,Stephen Bocking
Ice Blocks from Norway: The Importation of Natural Ice to Britain, Circa 1870-1925
Author/Editor: Michael Freeman
The Ice Cave: A Woman’s Adventures from the Mojave to the Antarctic
Author/Editor: Lucy Jane Bledsoe
Icelandic Farmhouses: Identity, landscape and construction (1790-1945)
Author/Editor: SOFIA NANNINI
Icelandic Folklore and the Cultural Memory of Religious Change
Author/Editor: Eric Shane Bryan
I centri minori italiani nel tardo medioevo: Cambiamento sociale, crescita economica, processi di ristrutturazione (secoli XIII-XVI). San Miniato 22-24 settembre 2016
Author/Editor: Federico Lattanzio,Gian Maria Varanini
Ich-Diskurse in Maxim Billers Prosa
Author/Editor: Bettina Codrai
»Ich Tarzan.«: Affenmenschen und Menschenaffen zwischen Science und Fiction
Author/Editor: Gesine Krüger,Ruth Mayer,Marianne Sommer
Ichthyology in Context (1500–1880)
Author/Editor: Paul J. Smith,Florike Egmond
ICILS 2023: Digital kompetanse og algoritmisk tenkning hos norske niendeklassinger
Author/Editor: Björnsson K. Julius,Erstad A. Ola,Gudmundsdottir B. Greta,Hatlevik E. Ove,Rohatgi Anubha
iCity. Transformative Research for the Livable, Intelligent, and Sustainable City: Research Findings of University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart
Author/Editor: Volker Coors,Dirk Pietruschka,Berndt Zeitler
The Icon and the Square: Russian Modernism and the Russo-Byzantine Revival
Author/Editor: Maria Taroutina
The Iconic Power of the Short Story: Exploring Culture Cognition and Affective Involvement in Seamus Heaney
Author/Editor: Bretones M. Callejas Carmen
Iconographic Research Poetry
Author/Editor: Meyer Marcy
Iconographies of Occupation: Visual Cultures in Wang Jingwei’s China, 1939–1945
Author/Editor: Jeremy E. Taylor
Icons of Space: Advances in Hierotopy
Author/Editor: Bogdanović Jelena
I controlimiti al primato del diritto dell'Unione europea nel dialogo tra le Corti
Author/Editor: Daniele Pellegrini
I conventi degli ordini mendicanti nel Montefeltro medievale: Archeologia, tecniche di costruzione e decorazione plastica
Author/Editor: Cristiano Cerioni,Tommaso DI CARPEGNA GABRIELLI FALCONIERI
I Corpora LBC: Informatica Umanistica per il Lessico dei Beni Culturali
Author/Editor: RICCARDO BILLERO,Annick Farina,María Carlota Nicolás Martínez
ICS Materials: Interactive, connected, and smart materials
Author/Editor: Valentina Rognoli,Venere Ferraro
ICT en internet - 37
Author/Editor: Hoefnagel ,F.J.P.M.
I dati INVALSI come strumento per l'innovazione e il miglioramento scolastico: IV Seminario “I dati INVALSI: uno strumento per la ricerca e la didattica”
Author/Editor: Patrizia Falzetti
I dati INVALSI come strumento per migliorare la didattica della Matematica: IV Seminario "I dati INVALSI: uno strumento per la ricerca e per la didattica"
Author/Editor: Patrizia Falzetti
I dati INVALSI come strumento per migliorare la didattica della Matematica nella scuola primaria: IV Seminario "I dati INVALSI: uno strumento per la ricerca e la didattica"
Author/Editor: Patrizia Falzetti
I dati INVALSI per indagare alcune caratteristiche degli studenti italiani: III Seminario "I dati INVALSI: uno strumento per la ricerca"
Author/Editor: Patrizia Falzetti
I dati INVALSI per indagare e migliorare l'insegnamento della matematica: III Seminario "I dati INVALSI: uno strumento per la ricerca"
Author/Editor: Patrizia Falzetti
I dati Invalsi: uno strumento per la ricerca
Author/Editor: Patrizia Falzetti
Ideale und Interessen: Die mitteleuropäische Wirtschaft im Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg
Author/Editor: Patrick Gaul
The Idea of Economic Constitution in Europe: Genealogy and Overview
Author/Editor: Guillaume Grégoire,Xavier Miny
The Idea of Europe: Enlightenment Perspectives
The Idea of Infancy in Nineteenth-Century British Poetry: Romanticism, Subjectivity, Form
Author/Editor: D.B. Ruderman
The Idea of Political Representation and Its Paradoxes
Author/Editor: Andrzej Waśkiewicz
The Idea of South: Perspectives from the Global South about its meaning
Author/Editor: Fabricio Pereira da Silva
The Idea of the Book in the Middle Ages: Language Theory, Mythology, and Fiction
Author/Editor: Jesse Gellrich
The Idea of the Labyrinth from Classical Antiquity through the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Penelope Reed Doob
Ideas of poverty in the Age of Enlightenment
Author/Editor: Niall O’Flaherty,R. J. W. Mills
Ideational Leadership in German Welfare State Reform
Author/Editor: Stiller ,Sabina
Ideation, Conceptualization, Realization - Discovering the Creative Scope in Software Engineering from the Perspective of Copyright and Patent Law
Author/Editor: Sarah Leins
Idee di lavoro e di ozio per la nostra civiltà
Idee geografiche per educare al mondo
Author/Editor: Cristiano GIORDA,GIACOMO ZANOLIN
Identidad y política en la música del cine chileno (1939-1973)
Author/Editor: Martin Farías
Identificatie met Nederland
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid
Identification des poissons par leurs otolithes en 3D: Manche et mer du Nord
Author/Editor: Andrialovanirina Nicolas,Couette Sébastien,Laffont Rémi,MacKenzie Kirsteen,Mahé Kélig,Matéos Aurélie,Poisson Caillault Émilie
Identifikationspotenziale in den Psalmen: Emotionen, Metaphern und Textdynamik in den Psalmen 30, 64, 90 und 147
Author/Editor: Sigrid Eder
Identifying Security Logics in the EU Policy Discourse: The "Migration Crisis" and the EU
Author/Editor: Maciej Stępka
Identifying the Stones of Classical Hebrew: A Modern Philological Approach
Author/Editor: Ayil S. Ephraim
Identitaetsbildung und Partizipation im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert: Luxemburg im europaeischen Kontext
Author/Editor: Norbert Franz,Thorsten Fuchshuber,Sonja Kmec,Jean-Paul Lehners,Renée Wagener
Identitaetsorientiertes Stadtmarketing: Ein Beitrag zur Koordination und Steuerung des Stadtmarketing
Author/Editor: Christian Ebert
Identità e diritti delle donne. Per una cittadinanza di genere nella formazione
Author/Editor: Roberta Pace
IDENTITEETISTÄ INFORMAATIOLUKUTAITOON: tavoitteena itsenäinen ja yhteisöllinen oppija
Author/Editor: Ropo ,Eero (ed.),Sormunen ,Eero (ed.),Heinström ,Jannica (ed.)
IDENTITEETISTÄ INFORMAATIOLUKUTAITOON: tavoitteena itsenäinen ja yhteisöllinen oppija
Identities and Intimacies on Social Media: Transnational Perspectives
Author/Editor: Tonny Krijnen,Paul Nixon,Michelle Ravenscroft,Cosimo Marco Scarcelli
Identities in Practice: A Trans-Atlantic Ethnography of Sikh immigrants in Finland and in California
Author/Editor: Hirvi ,Laura
Identities in Practice: A Trans-Atlantic Ethnography of Sikh immigrants in Finland and in California
Identità instabili: Vivere in una società incandescente
Author/Editor: MARTINA VISENTIN,Thomas Hylland Eriksen
Identitäten im Prozess: Region, Nation, Staat, Individuum
Author/Editor: Anna Margaretha Horatschek,Anja Pistor-Hatam
Identitätskonstruktionen im postkolonialen Maghreb: Gender, Race und Class bei Abdellah Taïa und Nadia El Fani
Author/Editor: Madeleine Löning
Identitätsräume: Nation, Körper und Geschlecht in den Medien. Eine Topografie
Author/Editor: Brigitte Hipfl,Elisabeth Klaus,Uta Scheer
Identity and Conflict in Tuscany
Author/Editor: Claire Honess,Silvia Ross
Identity and Socio-Economic Relations in Luke’s Gospel: The Sermon on the Plain (Lk 6:20-49) and Greco-Roman Panegyrics
Author/Editor: Louis Ndekha
Identity, Gender, and Tracking: The Reality of Boundaries for Veterinary Students
Author/Editor: Jenny R. Vermilya
#identity: Hashtagging Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Nation: Hashtagging Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Nation
Author/Editor: Abigail De Kosnik,Keith Feldman
Identity in Crossroad Civilisations
Identity Matters: Different Conceptualisations of Belonging from the Perspective of Young Slovenes
Author/Editor: Daniela Gronold
Identity Politics and the New Genetics: Re/Creating Categories of Difference and Belonging
Author/Editor: Katharina Schramm,David Skinner,Richard Rottenburg
Identity Politics of Difference: The Mixed-Race American Indian Experience
Author/Editor: Michelle R. Montgomery
Identity Power and Group Formation: in Archaic Macedonia (600-400 BC)
Author/Editor: Giamakis Christos
Identity, Power, and Prestige in Switzerland's Multilingual Education
Author/Editor: Anna Becker
Identity Processes and Dynamics in Multi-Ethnic Europe
The Ideologies of Lived Space in Literary Texts, Ancient and Modern
Author/Editor: Heirman ,Jo,Klooster ,Jacqueline
Ideology and Holy Landscape in the Baltic Crusades
Author/Editor: Gregory Leighton
Ideology, Mimesis, Fantasy: Charles Sealsfield, Friedrich Gerstäcker, Karl May, and Other German Novelists of America
Author/Editor: Jeffrey L. Sammons
The ideology of the extreme right
Author/Editor: Mudde ,Cas
Idiotism: Capitalism and the Privatisation of Life
Author/Editor: Neal Curtis
I diritti sociali: un percorso filosofico-giuridico
Author/Editor: Thomas CASADEI
Idle Talk, Deadly Talk: The Uses of Gossip in Caribbean Literature
Author/Editor: Ana Rodriguez-Navas
IDT 2017, Band 1: Hauptvorträge
Author/Editor: Thomas Studer,Elisabeth Peyer
IDT 2017, Band 3: Sprachenpolitik: Expertenberichte und Freiburger Resolution
Author/Editor: Cornelia Gick,Brigitte Forster Vosicki
IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2022 Assessment Framework
Author/Editor: Wolfram Schulz,Julian Fraillon,Bruno Losito,Gabriella Agrusti,John Ainley,Valeria Damiani,Tim Friedman
IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2016 Assessment Framework
Author/Editor: Wolfram Schulz,John Ainley,Julian Fraillon,Bruno Losito,Gabriella Agrusti
IEA International Computer and Information Literacy Study 2023: Assessment Framework
Author/Editor: Fraillon Julian,Rožman Mojca
IEA International Computer and Information Literacy Study 2018 Assessment Framework
Author/Editor: Julian Fraillon,John Ainley,Wolfram Schulz,Daniel Duckworth,Tim Friedman
Ieder zijn eigen Arnon Grunberg. Vertaling, promotie en receptie in Italië, Spanje, Catalonië, Portugal en Roemenië
Author/Editor: Ross ,Dolores,Pos ,Arie,Mertens ,Marleen
IFA inside out
Author/Editor: Ralf Pasel,Sebastian Ernst
If I say If: The Poems and Short Stories of Boris Vian
Author/Editor: Rolls ,Alistair,West-Sooby ,John,Fornasiero ,Jean
I formati pedagogici nelle pratiche degli insegnanti
Author/Editor: Maila Pentucci
If You’re So Ethical, Why Are You So Highly Paid?: Ethics, Inequality and Executive Pay
Author/Editor: Alexander Pepper
Igitt: Ekel als Kultur
Author/Editor: Timo Heimerdinger
Igor’ Stravinskijs Theater der Zukunft: Das Choreodrama "Le Sacre du printemps" im Spiegel der 'Theaterreform um 1900'
Author/Editor: Leila Zickgraf
Author/Editor: Prins ,C.,Broeders ,D.,Griffioen ,H.,Keizer ,A.-G.,Keymolen ,E.
I have a dream (Volume 8)
Author/Editor: Bebe Vio,European Investment Bank
I have no Country, I have a homeland: Istanbulite Romiois:Place- Memory- Migration
Author/Editor: Nurdan Türker
I Kalasha del Hindu Kush: ricerche linguistiche e antropologiche
Author/Editor: Pierpaolo Di Carlo
I kalla krigets spår: Hot, våld och beskydd som kulturarv
Author/Editor: Mattias Frihammar,Fredrik Krohn Andersson,Maria Wendt,Cecilia Åse
The Ik language: Dictionary and grammar sketch
The Ik language: Dictionary and grammar sketch
Author/Editor: Schrock ,Terrill
Ikonen der Nation : Heldendarstellungen im post-sozialistischen Kroatien und Serbien
Author/Editor: Sabo ,Klaudija
Ikonische Kohärenz: Vom Erben des Kankurang in Senegal und Gambia
Author/Editor: Claudia Ba
Ikonische Macht: Zur sozialen Gestaltung von Pressebildern
Author/Editor: Heike Kanter
IKUWA6. Shared Heritage: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress for Underwater Archaeology : 28 November–2 December 2016, Western Australian Maritime Museum Fremantle, Western Australia
Author/Editor: Jennifer A. Rodrigues,Arianna Traviglia
Il '68 dei professori: l'Associazione nazionale docenti universitari, Giorgio Spini e la riforma dell'Università: Atti del Convegno L'archivio dell'ANDU (1968-1971) tenuto a Firenze il 23 settembre 2016
Author/Editor: Chiara Melacca,Lucilla Conigliello
Il bilancio sociale degli enti non profit: esperienze toscane
Author/Editor: Bagnoli, Luca,Catalano, Maurizio
Il bilancio sociale degli enti non profit: esperienze toscane
Author/Editor: Bagnoli, Luca,Catalano, Maurizio
Il bilancio sociale degli enti non profit: esperienze toscane
Il capitalismo è ancora progressivo?
Author/Editor: Cosimo Perrotta
Il cardinale Pietro Gasparri, segretario di Stato (1914–1930)
Author/Editor: Laura Pettinaroli,Massimiliano Valente
Il carteggio tra Luigi Schiaparelli e Carlo Cipolla (1894-1916)
Author/Editor: antonio olivieri
Il ciclo di «Guiron le Courtois», edizione critica diretta da L: Leonardi e R. Trachsler, vol. VI: «Continuazione del Roman de Guiron»
Author/Editor: Marco Veneziale
Il ciclo di «Guiron le Courtois», edizione critica diretta da L. Leonardi e R. Trachsler, vol. V: «Roman de Guiron», a cura di Elena Stefanelli
Author/Editor: Richard Trachsler
Il ciclo di «Guiron le Courtois», edizione critica, vol. II: «Roman de Meliadus. Seconda Parte», a cura di Sophie Lecomte
Author/Editor: Sophie Lecomte,Richard Trachsler
Il ciclo di «Guiron le Courtois», edizione critica, vol. I: «Roman de Meliadus. Prima Parte», a cura di Luca Cadioli e Sophie Lecomte
Author/Editor: Luca Cadioli,Sophie Lecomte,Richard Trachsler
Il commercio librario a Bologna tra XV e XVI secolo
Author/Editor: Rita De Tata
Il Corporativismo nell'Italia di Mussolini: Dal declino delle istituzioni liberali alla Costituzione repubblicana
Author/Editor: Piero Barucci,Piero Bini,Lucilla Conigliello
Il De modo audiendi confessiones di Heinrich Lur e la penitenza sacramentale nel basso medioevo
Author/Editor: Lorenzo Colombo
Il diritto al risarcimento educativo dei detenuti
Author/Editor: Francesca Torlone
Il discorso di Eraclito
Author/Editor: Gianvittorio ,Laura
Il dolo nella bancarotta: Alla ricerca della tipicità soggettiva della fattispecie patrimoniale
Il dono dell’airone: Scritti in onore di Ikuko Sagiyama
Il dono di sé, dono per gli altri: Tra civismo e solidarietà: indagine sui giovani donatori AVIS
Author/Editor: Andrea Bassi,Alessandro Fabbri,Gianpietro Briola
Il ducato di Filippo Maria Visconti, 1412-1447. Economia, politica, cultura
Author/Editor: Federica Cengarle,MARIA NADIA COVINI
Il Fantasma dell’Io. La massa e l’inconscio mimetico: The Phantom of the Ego: Modernism and the Mimetic Unconscious
Author/Editor: Nidesh Lawtoo
Il fattore “tempo” nella giustizia costituzionale
Il futuro della lettura ad alta voce: Alcuni risultati della ricerca educativa internazionale
Author/Editor: Federico Batini
Il futuro della scuola: Percorsi innovativi di tirocinio nella formazione iniziale degli insegnanti
Author/Editor: Federico Corni,Monica Parricchi
Il giardino riflesso: L’erbario di Luigi Meneghello
Author/Editor: Diego Salvadori
Il gioco d’azzardo: una prospettiva multidisciplinare: Atti del convegno tenutosi presso il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell’Università degli Studi di Siena il 1° dicembre 2023
Author/Editor: PERINI MARIO
Il gioco del killer: Culture mafiose e minori
Author/Editor: ANTONIA CAVA
Il giudizio nell’estrazione del terzo molare inferiore
Author/Editor: Paolo Tonelli
Il governo del consumo di territorio: Metodi, strategie, criteri
Author/Editor: Gianfranco Gorelli,Camilla Perrone
Il grande eclettico: Renato Simoni nel teatro italiano del primo Novecento
Author/Editor: Adela Gjata
Il granduca Cosimo I de’ Medici e il programma politico dinastico nel complesso di San Lorenzo a Firenze
Author/Editor: Monica Bietti,Emanuela Ferretti
Il graphic novel. Un crossover per la modernità
Author/Editor: ELISABETTA BACCHERETI,Federico Fastelli,Diego Salvadori
Illacrimate sepolture
Illacrimate sepolture
Author/Editor: Lippi, Donatella
Il lavoro 4.0: La Quarta Rivoluzione industriale e le trasformazioni delle attività lavorative
Author/Editor: Alessio Gramolati,Alberto Cipriani,Giovanni Mari
Il lavoro della ragione: Dimensioni del soggetto nella Fenomenologia dello spirito di Hegel
Author/Editor: Riccardo Roni
Il lavoro dopo il Novecento: da produttori ad attori sociali: La città del lavoro di Bruno Trentin per un’«altra sinistra»
Author/Editor: Alessio Gramolati,Giovanni Mari
Illegal Annexation and State Continuity: The Case of the Incorporation of the Baltic States by the USSR. Second Revised Edition
Author/Editor: Lauri Mälksoo
Illegal Migration and Gender in a Global and Historical Perspective
Illegal Residence and Public Safety in the Netherlands
Author/Editor: Leerkes ,Arjen
Il lessico miceneo riferito ai cereali
Author/Editor: Nicola Antonello Vittiglio
Il lettore 'distratto': Leggere e comprendere nell’epoca degli schermi digitali
Author/Editor: Andrea Nardi
The Illiberal Public Sphere: Media in Polarized Societies
Author/Editor: Václav Štětka,Sabina Mihelj
Illiberal Trends and Anti-EU Politics in East Central Europe
Author/Editor: Astrid Lorenz,Lisa H. Anders
Il libro de la cocina: Un ricettario tra Oriente e Occidente
Il libro de la cocina: Un ricettario tra Oriente e Occidente
Il limite come canone interpretativo: Riflessioni e ambiti di applicazione a confronto
Author/Editor: Donatella PACELLI
Il linguaggio dell'odio: Fra memoria e attualità
Author/Editor: Marilisa D’Amico,Marina Brambilla,Valentina Crestani,Nannerel Fiano
Il linguaggio del territorio fra principe e comunità
Author/Editor: Lazzarini, Isabella
The Illiterate Listener: On Music Cognition, Musicality and Methodology
Author/Editor: Honing ,Henkjan
Illokutive Strukturen und Dialoganalyse: Eine dialogisch begruendete und erweiterte Sprechakttheorie basierend auf Untersuchungen zur neueren tschechischen narrativen Prosa
Author/Editor: Katrin Unrath-Scharpenack
Illuminierte Urkunden. Beiträge aus Diplomatik, Kunstgeschichte und Digital Humanities / Illuminated Charters. Essays from Diplomatic, Art History and Digital Humanities: Illuminated Charters. Essays from Diplomatic, Art History and Digital Humanities
Author/Editor: Gabriele Bartz,Markus Gneiß
The Illusion of Risk Control: What Does it Take to Live With Uncertainty?
Author/Editor: Gilles Motet,Corinne Bieder
Illustrated Manual of Pediatric Dermatology: Diagnosis and Management
Author/Editor: Susan Mallory,Alanna F. Bree,Peggy Chern
Illustrated Pollen Terminology
Author/Editor: Heidemarie Halbritter,Silvia Ulrich,Friðgeir Grímsson,Martina Weber,Reinhard Zetter,Michael Hesse,Ralf Buchner,Matthias Svojtka,Andrea Frosch-Radivo
Il marketing della moda: Temi emergenti nel tessile-abbigliamento
Author/Editor: Aldo Burresi
Il matriarcato slavo: Antropologia culturale dei Protoslavi
Author/Editor: Evel Gasparini,Marcello GARZANITI,Donatella Possamai
Il mercato del vino nella Grande Distribuzione Organizzata in Italia: Tendenze 2009-2017 e previsioni
Author/Editor: Sara Fabbrizzi,Caterina Romano,Leonardo Casini,VERONICA ALAMPI SOTTINI,Andrea Dominici,FRANCESCA GERINI
Il mercato non basta: Attori, istituzioni e identità dell'Europa in tempo di crisi
Author/Editor: Gemma Scalise
Il mondo slavo e l’Europa: Contributi presentati al VI Congresso Italiano di Slavistica (Torino, 28-30 settembre 2016)
Author/Editor: Maria Cristina Bragone,Maria Bidovec
Il Montalbano nel Medioevo: Storia e archeologia di un territorio di frontiera
Author/Editor: Lapo Somigli
Il Museo di Storia Naturale dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze. Le collezioni antropologiche ed etnologiche / The Museum of Natural History of the University of Florence. The Anthropological and Ethnological Collections: Le collezioni antropologiche e
Author/Editor: Jacopo Moggi Cecchi,Roscoe Stanyon
Il Museo di Storia Naturale dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze. Le collezioni mineralogiche e litologiche | The Museum of Natural History of the University of Florence.The Mineralogical and Lithological Collections
Author/Editor: Giovanni Pratesi
Il Museo di Storia Naturale dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze. Le collezioni geologiche e paleontologiche / The Museum of Natural History of the University of Florence.The Geological and Paleontological Collections
Author/Editor: Simonetta Monechi,Lorenzo Rook
Il Museo di Storia Naturale dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze VOL. 1 LE COLLEZIONI DELLA SPECOLA: Le collezioni della Specola: zoologia e cere anatomiche | The Collections of La Specola: Zoology and Anatomical Waxes
Author/Editor: GIULIO BARSANTI,Guido Chelazzi
Il Museo di Storia Naturale dell'Università di Firenze – Le collezioni botaniche: Le collezioni botaniche
Author/Editor: Mauro Raffaelli
Il mutamento signorile. Assetti di potere e comunicazione politica nelle campagne dell’Italia centro-settentrionale (1080-1130 c.)
Author/Editor: Alessio FIORE
Il nazional-fascismo economico del giovane Franco Modigliani
Il nome e la lingua: Studi e documenti di storia linguistica svizzero-italiana
Author/Editor: Ariele Morinini
Il nuovo romanzo: La narrativa d'avanguardia nella prima fase della postmodernità (1953-1973)
The ILO @ 100: Addressing the past and future of work and social protection
Author/Editor: Christophe Gironde,Gilles Carbonnier,Ugo Panizza
Il paesaggio figurato: Disegnare le regole per orientare le trasformazioni
Author/Editor: Antonella Valentini
Il paesaggio nel governo del territorio: Riflessioni sul Piano Paesaggistico della Toscana
Author/Editor: Massimo Morisi,Daniela Poli,Maddalena Rossi
Il paesaggio storico delle Cinque Terre
Author/Editor: Storti, Maristella
Il palazzo in mezzo a una selva millenaria / The palace in the middle of a thousand-year old forest: Villa Borbone a Viareggio: progetto di conoscenza / Bourbon Villa in Viareggio: knowledge and conservation project
Il papiro di Vicenza (P.Vic.): Un nuovo papiro latino del VI secolo
Il passato nel presente: la lingua dei beni culturali
Author/Editor: Annick Farina,Fernando Funari
Il pensiero critico fra geografia e scienza del territorio: Scritti su Massimo Quaini
Author/Editor: Luisa Rossi,Roberta CEVASCO,Carlo Alberto Gemignani,Daniela Poli
Il pensiero della poesia: Da Leopardi ai contemporanei. Letture dal mondo di poeti italiani
Author/Editor: Enrico Minardi,Cristina Caracchini
Il pensiero estetico di Nikolaj Evreinov dalla teatralità alla 'poetica della rivelazione'
Il ʻpensiero per immaginiʼ e le forme dell'invisibile / Das ‚Denken in Bildern‘ und die Formen des Unsichtbaren: Atti del Convegno Internazionale Cagliari 7–9 marzo 2018 / Akten der Internationalen Tagung Cagliari 7.–9. Maerz 2018
Author/Editor: Laura Follesa
Il peso dell’infanzia: Una ricerca sociologica su abitudini alimentari e obesità
Author/Editor: Annalisa Plava
Il piccolo Pantheon: I grandi autori in scena sul teatro francese tra Settecento e Ottocento
Il potere e le libertà. Il percorso di un costituzionalista: Atti del Convegno per il centenario della nascita di Paolo Barile
Author/Editor: Stefano Merlini
Il premio Laboratorio Matematico “Riccardo Ricci” 2014-2016
Author/Editor: Luigi Barletti,Giorgio Ottaviani
Il principio del mutuo riconoscimento nell'ordinamento dell'Unione europea
Author/Editor: Eloisa Giorgi
Il Progetto L E O N E. Un'esperienza di formazione, inserimento lavorativo e avvio d'impresa di soggetti a rischio di emarginazione sociale
Author/Editor: Traverso ,Andrea,Faveto ,Paolo,Moretti ,Aldo
Il progetto memore: La rielaborazione dell’identità dall’oggetto allo spazio
Il progetto nei borghi abbandonati
Author/Editor: Maria Grazia Eccheli,CLAUDIA CAVALLO
Il puzzle dei ceti medi
Author/Editor: Andrea Bellini
Il racconto e il romanzo filosofico nella modernità
Author/Editor: Anna Dolfi
Il recupero del sé attraverso l'autobiografia
Author/Editor: Leonardo Trisciuzzi,Barbara Sandrucci,Tamara Zappaterra
Il ruolo di TAF12B e UVR3 nel ciclo circadiano dei vegetali
Author/Editor: Susanna Pollastri
Il saccheggio nazista dell'arte europea: Uno Sguardo Comparatistico sul Contenzioso Transnazionale nei Restitution Cases
Author/Editor: Livia Solaro
Il salterio commentato di Brunune di Wuerzburg in area slavo-orientale. Fra traduzione e tradizione: Con un'appenice di testi
Author/Editor: Vittorio S. Tomelleri
Il Settecento portoghese e lusofono
Author/Editor: Michela Graziani
Il sistema mantico ittita KIN
Author/Editor: Livio Warbinek
Il Sistema previdenziale pubblico tra vincoli e scelte
Il était une fois l'Ifremer
Author/Editor: Gilles Chatry
Il Telefono & Dintorni: Una selezione di eventi, contributi ed «immagini» dalle celebrazioni per il bicentenario della nascita di Antonio Meucci
Author/Editor: Franco Angotti,Giuseppe Pelosi
Il tempio nel tempio: Il monumento ligneo a Rousseau nel Panthéon di Parigi, dalla capanna vitruviana ai Lumi francesi
Author/Editor: Eleonora Guzzo
Il tempo del diaspro. La litosfera di Luigi Meneghello
Author/Editor: Diego Salvadori
Il tempo per pensare: Un bene essenziale per la comunità universitaria
Author/Editor: Silvia D'Addario,Brunella Casalini
Il territorio bene comune
Author/Editor: Alberto Magnaghi
Il territorio, il codice, la rappresentazione: Il disegno dello statuto dei luoghi
Author/Editor: Fabio Lucchesi
Il terzo libro dei Mottetti a sei voci (Milano, 1598) di Orfeo Vecchi: Introduzione storico-analitica ed edizione critica
Author/Editor: Dario De Cicco
Il Tirocinio Diretto Digitale Integrato (TDDI): Il progetto sperimentale per lo sviluppo delle competenze delle maestre e dei maestri
Author/Editor: Raffaella Biagioli,Stefano Oliviero
“Il tramonto d’Europa”. Ungaretti e le poetiche del secondo Novecento
Author/Editor: Gloria Manghetti,Elisa Caporiccio,Teresa Spignoli,GIOVANNA LO MONACO
Il "trompe-l'œil" letterario, ovvero il sorriso ironico nell'opera di Wilhelm Hauff
Author/Editor: Stefania Acciaioli
Il video a 360° nella didattica universitaria: Modelli ed esperienze
Author/Editor: Maria Ranieri,Damiana Luzzi,Stefano Cuomo
Il vino nel legno: La valorizzazione della biomassa legnosa dei boschi del Chianti
Author/Editor: Raffaello Giannini
Il voto italiano all'estero: Riflessioni, esperienze e risultati di un'indagine in Australia
Author/Editor: Bruno Mascitelli,Simone Battiston
Image Controversies: Contemporary Iconoclasm in Art, Media, and Cultural Heritage
Author/Editor: Birgit Mersmann,Christiane Kruse,Arnold Bartetzky
Image, Knife, and Gluepot: Early Assemblage in Manuscript and Print
Author/Editor: Kathryn M. Rudy
The Image of Africa in Ghana’s Press: The Influence of Global News Organisations
Author/Editor: Michael Yao Wodui Serwornoo
Image Photograph
Author/Editor: Marc Lafia
The Imagery of Interior Spaces
Author/Editor: Dominique Bauer,Michael J. Kelly
Images de Démocrite entre philosophie et légende
Author/Editor: Piero Schiavo
Images des corps / corps des images au cinéma
Author/Editor: Jérôme Game
Images from the Region of the Pueblo Indians of North America
Author/Editor: Aby M. Warburg
Images of Canadianness
Images of Canadianness : Images of Canadianness
Author/Editor: D'Haenens ,Leen
Images of Change: Visual Representations of Papal Power in Rome Following the Council of Trent
Author/Editor: Teresa Delgado-Jermann
Images of Dutchness: Popular Visual Culture, Early Cinema and the Emergence of a National Cliché
Author/Editor: Sarah Dellmann
Images of Immigrants and Refugees in Western Europe
Author/Editor: Leen d’Haenens,Willem Joris,François Heinderyckx
Images of Women in 20th-Century American Literature and Culture: Female emancipation and changing gender roles in ‘The Age of Innocence’, ‘Breakfast at Tiffany's’ and ‘Sex and the City’
Author/Editor: Janina Corda
Images on the Move: Materiality - Networks - Formats
Author/Editor: Olga Moskatova
Images von Gewicht: Soziale Bewegungen, Queer Theory und Kunst in den USA
Author/Editor: Lutz Hieber,Paula-Irene Villa
Image, Text, Stone: Intermedial Perspectives on Graeco-Roman Sculpture
Author/Editor: Nikolaus Dietrich,Johannes Fouquet
Image Understanding by Socializing the Semantic Gap
Image: Zur Genealogie eines Kommunikationscodes der Massenmedien
Author/Editor: York Kautt
Imaginando América Latina: Historia y cultura visual, siglos XIX - XXI
Author/Editor: Sven Schuster,Óscar Daniel Hernández Quiñones
The Imaginary Geography of Hollywood Cinema 1960–2000
Author/Editor: Long ,Christian B.
The Imaginary Geography of Hollywood Cinema 1960–2000
An Imaginary Trio: King Solomon, Jesus, and Aristotle
Author/Editor: Yaacov Shavit
Author/Editor: Ute Wardenga,Maren Möhring,Gabriele Pisarz-Ramirez
Imaginationen des Körpers: Fotografische Selbstdarstellungen als Medien der Subjektwerdung junger Menschen
Author/Editor: Schär Clarissa
Imaginationen von Nachhaltigkeit: Katastrophe. Krise. Normalisierung
Author/Editor: Heike Paul,Frank Adloff,Albrecht Koschorke,Sighard Neckel,Peter Wagner,Benno Fladvad,Martina Hasenfratz,Martina Hasenfratz,Benno Fladvad
Imagination without Borders: Feminist Artist Tomiyama Taeko and Social Responsibility
Author/Editor: Laura Hein,Rebecca Jennison
Imaginative Animals: Leibniz's Logic of Imagination
Author/Editor: Lucia Oliveri
The Imagined and Real Jerusalem in Art and Architecture
Author/Editor: Goudeau ,J.,Verhoeven ,M.,Weijers ,W.
The Imagined and Real Jerusalem in Art and Architecture
The Imagined and Real Jerusalem in Art and Architecture
Author/Editor: Jeroen Goudeau,Mariëtte Verhoeven,Wouter Weijers
Imagined Economies - Real Fictions: New Perspectives on Economic Thinking in Great Britain
Author/Editor: Jessica Fischer,Gesa Stedman
Imagined Germany: Richard Wagner's National Utopia, Second Edition
Author/Editor: Hannu Salmi
Imagined Human Beings: A Psychological Approach to Character and Conflict in Literature
Author/Editor: Bernard Jay Paris
Imagine Drones: Eine Kulturanalyse ziviler Drohnen
Author/Editor: Maximilian Jablonowski
Imaging and engineering optical localized modes at the nanoscale
Author/Editor: Niccolò Caselli
Imaging and Imagining Palestine: Photography, Modernity and the Biblical Lens, 1918–1948
Author/Editor: Karène Sanchez Summerer,Sary Zananiri
Imaging Identity: Media, memory and portraiture in the digital age
Imaging light transport at the femtosecond scale: A walk on the wild side of diffusion
Author/Editor: Lorenzo Pattelli
Imagining Afghanistan: Global Fiction and Film of the 9/11 Wars
Author/Editor: Alla Ivanchikova
Imagining Ageing: Representations of Age and Ageing in Anglophone Literatures (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Carmen Concilio
Imagining Air: Cultural Axiology and the Politics of Invisibility
Author/Editor: Tatiana Konrad
Imagining Chinese Medicine
Author/Editor: Vivienne Lo,Penelope Barrett
Imagining Earth: Concepts of Wholeness in Cultural Constructions of Our Home Planet
Author/Editor: Solvejg Nitzke,Nicolas Pethes
Imagining Europe: Memory, Visions, and Counter-Narratives
Author/Editor: Klein, Lars,Tamcke, Martin
Imagining Global Amsterdam
Author/Editor: Waard ,Marco de
Imagining Iberia in English and Castilian Medieval Romance
Author/Editor: Emily Houlik-Ritchey
Imagining Law: Essays in Conversation with Judith Gardam
Imagining Personal Data: Experiences of Self-Tracking
Author/Editor: Vaike Fors,Sarah Pink,Martin Berg,Tom O'Dell
Imagining the Future City
Imagining the Future City : London 2062
Author/Editor: Bell ,Sarah,Paskins ,James
Imagining the Future: Young Australians on sex, love and community
Author/Editor: Bulbeck ,Chilla
Imagining the Global: Transnational Media and Popular Culture Beyond East and West
Author/Editor: Fabienne Darling-Wolf
Imagining the Other: Mimetic Theory, Migration, Exclusionary Politics, and the Ambiguous Other
Author/Editor: Dietmar Regensburger,Nikolaus Wandinger
Imagining the Peoples of Europe
Author/Editor: Jan Zienkowski,Ruth Breeze
Imagining Unequals, Imagining Equals: Concepts of Equality in History and Law
Author/Editor: Ulrike Davy,Antje Flüchter
Imago noctis
Author/Editor: Borchhardt-Birbaumer ,Brigitte
Im Alltag der Reform: Gespräche zu den Gründungs­- und Anfangsjahren der Laborschule Bielefeld
Author/Editor: Devantié Rainer,Freke Nicole,Zenke Christian Timo
Imams in Western Europe: Developments, Transformations, and Institutional Challenges
Author/Editor: Mohammed Hashas,Khalid Hajji,Jan-Jaap de Ruiter,Niels Valdemar Vinding
I Mannelli di Firenze: Storia mecenatismo e identità di una famiglia fra cultura mercantile e cultura cortigiana
Im Auftrag der Wahrheit: Selbstpositionierungsstrategien der Philosophie im 20. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Maria Dätwyler
Im Brennpunkt der Wirtschaftspolitik: Innovation, Globalisierung und Klimawandel
Author/Editor: Christian Keuschnigg
Im Übrigen ging man zu Fuss.: Alltagsmobilität in der Schweiz 1848-1939
Author/Editor: Benjamin Spielmann
Im Dienste des Ich
Author/Editor: Krüger ,Steffen,Röske ,Thomas
Im Dienste einer Staatsidee
Author/Editor: Fritz-Hilscher ,Elisabeth
Im Dienste von Verwaltung, Archivwissenschaft und brandenburgischer Landesgeschichte: 50 Jahre Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv- Beitraege der Festveranstaltung vom 23. Juni 1999
Im Dienst Sozialer Dienste: Oekonomische Analyse der Beschaeftigung in sozialen Dienstleistungseinrichtungen des Nonprofit Sektors
Author/Editor: Birgit Trukeschitz
Im Diesseits das Jenseits bereiten - Eschatologie, Laienbildung und Zeitkritik bei den mittelniederländischen Autoren Jan van Boendale, Lodewijk van Velthem und Jan van Leeuwen
Author/Editor: Wuttke, Ulrike
The Imensity of Being Singular: Approaching Migrant Lives in São Paulo through Resonance
Author/Editor: Simone Toji
I mercati coperti di Giuseppe Mengoni: Architettura, ingegneria e urbanistica per Firenze Capitale
Im Geisteskampf: Der Verlag Philipp Reclam jun. 1933–1945
Author/Editor: Bove Karolin
Imidž, dialog, eksperiment - polja sovremennoj russkoj poezii: (Image, Dialog, Experiment - Felder der russischen Gegenwartsdichtung. Herausgegeben von Henrieke Stahl und Marion Rutz)
Author/Editor: Chenrike Štal',Marion Rutc
I mille volti del regime: Opposizione e consenso nella cultura giuridica, economica e politica italiana tra le due guerre
Author/Editor: Piero Barucci,Piero Bini,Lucilla Conigliello
Imitate Anacreon!: Mimesis, Poiesis and the Poetic Inspiration in the Carmina Anacreontea
Author/Editor: Nicola Dümmler,Manuel Baumbach
Im Kino der Humanwissenschaften: Studien zur Medialisierung wissenschaftlichen Wissens
Author/Editor: Ramón Reichert
Im Leben bleiben
Im Leben bleiben : Unterwegs zu Demenzfreundlichen Kommunen
Author/Editor: Rothe ,Verena,Kreutzner ,Gabriele,Gronemeyer ,Reimer
Immaculate Sounds: The Musical Lives of Nuns in New Spain
Author/Editor: Cesar D. Favila,Norman Hirschy
Immaginare l’altrove nell’epoca dell’Antropocene: Media, confini e cambiamenti climatici
Immagini d'Italia e d'Europa nella letteratura e nella documentazione di viaggio nel XVIII e nel XIX secolo: Atti del seminario internazionale (Firenze, 1999-2001)
Author/Editor: Teresa Isenburg,Renato Pasta
Immanente Kritik heute: Grundlagen und Aktualität eines sozialphilosophischen Begriffs
Author/Editor: José M. Romero
Immanuel Kant – Freiheit Vernunft Sinnlichkeit: Vielstimmiger Widerhall der Philosophie Kants im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Brinnich Max,Geml Gabriele,Schaller Philipp,Waibel L. Violetta
Immediation I
Author/Editor: Erin Manning,Anna Munster,Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen
Immediation II
Author/Editor: Erin Manning,Anna Munster,Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen
Immersion, Identification, and the Iliad
Author/Editor: Jonathan L. Ready
Immersion Into Noise
Author/Editor: Nechvatal ,Joseph
Immersion réciproque Apprentissages et enjeux didactiques en contexte bi-plurilingue
Author/Editor: Emile Jenny
Immersive Journalism as Storytelling: Ethics, Production, and Design
Author/Editor: Turo Uskali,Astrid Gynnild,Sarah Jones,Esa Sirkkunen
Immersives Lehren und Lernen mit Augmented und Virtual Reality – Teil 2
Author/Editor: Miriam Mulders,Jakob Arlt,Wolfgang Bührer,Adrian Degonda,Andreas Dengel,Maria Eisenmann,Sevinc Eroglu,Christian Dominic Fehling,Monika Fenn,Lea Frentzel-Beyme,Johannes Funk,Florian Furrer,Josef Buchner,Nicolas Arndt,David Gilbert,Micha Gittinger,Carolin H
Immersives Lehren und Lernen mit Augmented und Virtual Reality - Teil 1
Author/Editor: Josef Buchner,Adrian Degonda,Carolin Wienrich,Caterina Schäfer,Christian Hartmann,Christoph Braun,Corinne Wyss,David Wiesche,Dianchu Xie,Esther Winther,Fares Kayali,Florian Furrer,Miriam Mulders,Andreas Dengel,Jeanine Steinbock,Jeffrey Wimmer,Jessica Paeß
Immer. Wi(e)der. Universität.: Pluralistische Erkenntnis und universitäre Wissensverwaltung
Author/Editor: Simon Rettenmaier
Immigrant and Asylum Seekers Labour Market Integration upon Arrival: NowHereLand: A Biographical Perspective
Author/Editor: Irina Isaakyan,Anna Triandafyllidou,Simone Baglioni
Immigrant Associations, Integration and Identity
Author/Editor: Sardinha ,Jo�o
The Immigrant Organising Process
Author/Editor: Vermeulen ,Floris
Immigrant Performance in the Labour Market
Author/Editor: Lancee ,Bram
Immigrant Protest: Politics, Aesthetics, and Everyday Dissent
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Marciniak,Imogen Tyler
Immigratie- en integratieregimes in vier Europese landen
Author/Editor: Broeders ,D.W.J.
Immigration and Social Systems
Immigration Justice
Author/Editor: Peter Higgins
IM/MOBIL - Schnittstellen zwischen Architektur und Technik
Author/Editor: Augenstein Robin,Schmitz Frank
Immunogenetics: Methods and Protocols
Author/Editor: Anton W. Langerak
Im Namen der Dinge
Author/Editor: David Wörner
Im Namen der Emanzipation: Antimuslimischer Rassismus in Österreich
Author/Editor: Benjamin Opratko
„Im nationalen Abwehrkampf der Grenzlanddeutschen“
„Im nationalen Abwehrkampf der Grenzlanddeutschen“ : Akademische Burschenschaften und Politik in Österreich nach 1945
Author/Editor: Weidinger ,Bernhard
Im Nebel
Author/Editor: Kókai ,Károly
"I'm Not Gonna Die in This Damn Place": Manliness, Identity, and Survival of the Mexican American Vietnam Prisoners of War
Author/Editor: Juan David Coronado
I molti volti della violenza di genere: discipline a confronto
The Impact Challenge: Reframing Sustainability for Businesses
Author/Editor: Alessia Falsarone
Impact of climate change on agricultural and natural ecosystems
Author/Editor: Alessandro Dessì,marco bindi,Giada Brandani,Camilla Dibari,Roberto Ferrise,Marco Moriondo,Giacomo Trombi
The Impact of Climate Change on Vulnerable Populations: Social Responses to a Changing Environment
Author/Editor: Debra D. Joseph,Roshnie A. Doon
The Impact of Covid-19 on the Future of Law
The Impact of Covid-19 on the Institutional Fabric of Higher Education: Old Patterns, New Dynamics, and Changing Rules?
Author/Editor: Rómulo Pinheiro,Elizabeth Balbachevsky,Pundy Pillay,Akiyoshi Yonezawa
The Impact of Covid on International Disputes
Author/Editor: Shaheeza Lalani,Steven G. Shapiro
The Impact of Digital Technologies on Public Health in Developed and Developing Countries: 18th International Conference, ICOST 2020, Hammamet, Tunisia, June 24–26, 2020, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Mohamed Jmaiel,Mounir Mokhtari,Bessam Abdulrazak,Hamdi Aloulou,Slim Kallel
The Impact of EU Politicisation on Voting Behaviour in Europe
Author/Editor: Marina Costa Lobo
The Impact of Food Bioactives on Health: In Vitro and Ex Vivo Models
Author/Editor: Kitty Verhoeckx,Paul Cotter,Iván López-Expósito,Charlotte Kleiveland,Tor Lea,Alan Mackie,Teresa Requena,Dominika Swiatecka,Harry Wichers
The Impact of Formal and Informal Institutions on Economic Growth: A Case Study on the MENA Region
Author/Editor: Constanze Dobler
The Impact of Imperial Rome on Religions, Ritual and Religious Life in the Roman Empire: Proceedings from the Fifth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Roman Empire, 200 B.C. - A.D. 476) Münster, June 30 - July 4, 2004
Author/Editor: Lukas de Blois,Peter Funke,Johannes Hahn
The Impact of Individual Expertise and Public Information on Group Decision-Making
Author/Editor: Ulrich G. Strunz
Impact of Information Society Research in the Global South
Author/Editor: Arul Chib,Julian May,Roxana Barrantes
The Impact of Justice on the Roman Empire: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Gent, June 21-24, 2017)
Author/Editor: Olivier Hekster,Koenraad Verboven
The Impact of Losing Your Job
Author/Editor: Martin Ehlert
The Impact of Mass Media on Political Support: A Preferences-Perceptions Model of Media Effects (Volume 1)
Author/Editor: Daniela Floß
The Impact of Migration on Poland: EU Mobility and Social Change
Author/Editor: Anne White,Izabela Grabowska,Paweł Kaczmarczyk,Krystyna Slany
The Impact of Mobility and Migration in the Roman Empire: Proceedings of the Twelfth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Rome, June 17-19, 2015)
Author/Editor: Elio Lo Cascio,with J. the assistance of Miriam Groen-Vallinga
The Impact of Protracted Peace Processes on Identities in Conflict: The Case of Israel and Palestine
Author/Editor: Joana Ricarte
The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Human Rights: Collective Research Project –Frederick University
Author/Editor: Vasiliki Karagkouni
The Impact of the Illyrian Movement on the Croatian Lexicon
Author/Editor: George Thomas
The Impact of the Inter-American Human Rights System: Transformations on the Ground
Author/Editor: Armin von Bogdandy,Flávia Piovesan,Eduardo Ferrer Mac-Gregor,Mariela Morales Antoniazzi
The Impact of the Roman Army (200 B.C. – A.D. 476): Economic, Social, Political, Religious and Cultural Aspects: Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Roman Empire, 200 B.C. – A.D. 476), Capri, Italy, March 29-Ap
Author/Editor: Lukas de Blois,Elio Lo Cascio,Olivier Hekster,Gerda de Kleijn
The Impact of the Roman Empire on Landscapes: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Mainz, June 12-15, 2019)
Author/Editor: Marietta Horster,Nikolas Hächler
The Impact of the United Nations Human Rights Treaties on the Domestic Level: Twenty Years On: Second Revised Edition
Author/Editor: Christof Heyns,Frans Jacobus Viljoen,Rachel Murray
The Impact of War and Extraordinary Situations on Law in the Context of Agression against Ukraine
Author/Editor: Hugg R. Patrick,Jakulevičienė Lyra,Luchenko Dmytro
Impacts des produits phytopharmaceutiques sur la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques
Author/Editor: Sophie Leenhardt,Laure Mamy,Stéphane Pesce,Wilfried Sanchez
Impacts et services issus des élevages européens
Author/Editor: Bertrand Dumont,Pierre Dupraz,Catherine Donnars
Impacts of Climate Change on Rainfall Extremes and Urban Drainage Systems
Author/Editor: Patrick Willems,Jonas Olsson
Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic’s Distance Learning on Students and Teachers in Schools and in Higher Education.: International Perspectives
Author/Editor: Harald Burgsteiner,Georg Krammer
Impacts of natural disasters on supply chain performance
Author/Editor: Mariana Burkhardt
Impacts of plant protection products on biodiversity and ecosystem services
Author/Editor: Sophie Leenhardt,Laure Mamy,Stéphane Pesce,Wilfried Sanchez
The Impacts of Skiing and Related Winter Recreational Activities on Mountain Environments
Author/Editor: Christian Rixen,Antonio Rolando
Impacts of Study Abroad on Higher Education Development: Examining the Experiences of Faculty at Leading Universities in Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Kayashima Nobuko,Kitamura Yuto,Kuroda Kazuo,Sugimura Miki
Impacts of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident on Fish and Fishing Grounds
Author/Editor: Kaoru Nakata,Hiroya Sugisaki
Imparare ad apprendere senza soluzione di continuità negli spazi ibridi
Impasses of the Post-Global: Theory in the Era of Climate Change, Vol. 2
The Impatient Muse: Germany and the Sturm und Drang
Author/Editor: Alan C. Leidner
Impedance Spectroscopy: Advanced Applications: Battery Research, Bioimpedance, System Design
Author/Editor: Olfa Kanoun
Impedanzbasierte Spannungsprädiktion von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien
Author/Editor: Benjamin Hauck
Imperfect Creatures
Author/Editor: Cole ,Lucinda
Imperfect Creatures: Vermin, Literature, and the Sciences of Life, 1600–1740
Author/Editor: Lucinda Cole
Imperfections: Studies in Mistakes, Flaws, and Failures
Author/Editor: Caleb Kelly,Jakko Kemper,Ellen Rutten
Imperial Cities in the Tsarist, the Habsburg, and the Ottoman Empires
Author/Editor: Ulrich Hofmeister,Florian Riedler
Imperial Emotions: Cultural Responses to Myths of Empire in Fin-de-Siècle Spain
Author/Editor: Javier Krauel
Imperial Gateway: Colonial Taiwan and Japan's Expansion in South China and Southeast Asia, 1895–1945
Author/Editor: Seiji Shirane
Imperial Genus: The Formation and Limits of the Human in Modern Korea and Japan
Author/Editor: Travis Workman
Imperial Genus: The Formation and Limits of the Human in Modern Korea and Japan
Author/Editor: Workman ,Travis
An Imperialist Love Story: Desert Romances and the War on Terror
Author/Editor: Amira Jarmakani
Imperial Matter: Ancient Persia and the Archaeology of Empires
Author/Editor: Khatchadourian ,Lori
Imperial Matter: Ancient Persia and the Archaeology of Empires
Author/Editor: Lori Khatchadourian
Imperial Muslims
Imperial Muslims : Islam, Community and Authority in the Indian Ocean, 1839-1937
Author/Editor: Reese ,Scott S.
Imperial Overstretch: Germany in Soviet Policy from Stalin to Gorbachev
Author/Editor: Adomeit ,Hannes
Imperial Overstretch: Germany in Soviet Policy from Stalin to Gorbachev : An Analysis Based on New Archival Evidence, Memoirs, and Interviews
Author/Editor: Hannes Adomeit
Imperial Physique
Author/Editor: JH Phrydas
Imperial Standard: Imperial Oil, Exxon, and the Canadian Oil Industry from 1880
Author/Editor: Graham D. Taylor
The Imperial Style of Inquiry in Twentieth-Century China: The Emergence of New Approaches
Author/Editor: Donald J. Munro
Imperial Technology and 'Native' Agency: A Social History of Railways in Colonial India, 1850-1920
Author/Editor: Aparajita Mukhopadhyay
The Imperial Underbelly: Workers, Contractors, and Entrepreneurs in Colonial India and Scandinavia
Author/Editor: Gunnel Cederlöf
Imperien, Nationen, Regionen: Imperiale Konzeptionen in Deutschland und Russland zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Andreas Wirsching,Aleksandr O. Cubar'jan
Impersonations: The Artifice of Brahmin Masculinity in South Indian Dance
Author/Editor: Harshita Mruthinti Kamath
Implementation of EU Readmission Agreements: Identity Determination Dilemmas and the Blurring of Rights
Author/Editor: Sergio Carrera
Implementation of Sustainable Development in the Global South: Strategies Innovations and Challenges
Author/Editor: Alam Shawkat,Haque Muhammad Ekramul,Khair Sumaiya
The implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Austria and Germany
Author/Editor: Michael Ganner,elizabeth rieder,Caroline Voithofer,Felix Welti
Implementierung fachdidaktischer Innovationen durch das Angebot materialgestützter Unterrichtskonzeptionen (Volume 314)
Author/Editor: Judith Breuer
Implementierung von Ruecknahme- und Recyclingsystemen bei Gebrauchsguetern
Author/Editor: Irene Giesen-Netzer
Implementing Deeper Learning and 21st Century Education Reforms: Building an Education Renaissance After a Global Pandemic
Author/Editor: Fernando M. Reimers
Implementing Industry 4.0 in SMEs: Concepts, Examples and Applications
Author/Editor: Dominik T. Matt,Vladimír Modrák,Helmut Zsifkovits
Implementing international environmental agreements in Russia
Author/Editor: Hønneland ,Geir,Jørgensen ,Anne-Kristin
Implementing International Environmental Law and Policy: An Interactive Approach to Environmental Regulation
Author/Editor: Joanna Miller Smallwood
Implementing International Watercourses Law through the WEF Nexus and SDGs: An Integrated Approach Illustrated in the Zambezi River Basin
Author/Editor: Zeray Yihdego,Julie Gibson
Implementing open access mandates in Europe - OpenAIRE study on the development of open access repository communities in Europe
Author/Editor: Schmidt, Birgit,Kuchma, Iryna
Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation: Organisational and National Conditions
Author/Editor: Christian Wittrock,Ellen-Marie Forsberg,Auke Pols,Philip Macnaghten,David Ludwig
Implications of the Euro
Author/Editor: Mark Baimbridge,Brian Burkitt,Philip Whyman
Implicit Incremental Model Analyses and Transformations
Author/Editor: Georg Hinkel
Implizites Wissen: Berufs- und wirtschaftspädagogische Annäherungen
Author/Editor: Rico Hermkes,Georg Hans Neuweg,Tim Bonowski
The Importance and Value of Older Employees: Wise Workers in the Workplace
Author/Editor: Anne Inga Hilsen,Dorothy Sutherland Olsen
Imposing Standards: The North-South Dimension to Global Tax Politics
Author/Editor: Martin Hearson
The Impossibilities of the Circular Economy: Separating Aspirations from Reality
Author/Editor: Harry Lehmann,Christoph Hinske,Victoire de Margerie,Aneta Slaveikova Nikolova
Impossible Worlds
Author/Editor: Francesco Berto,Mark Jago
Impotent Warriors: Perspectives on Gulf War Syndrome, Vulnerability and Masculinity
Author/Editor: Susie Kilshaw
Impounded People: Japanese-Americans in the Relocation Centers
Author/Editor: Hansen T. Asael,Luomala Katherine,Opler K. Marvin,Spicer H. Edward
Imprenditore ed Università nello start-up di impresa: ruoli e relazioni critiche
Author/Editor: Lorenzo Petretto
Imprint of Action: The Sociocultural Impact of Public Activities in Archaeology
Author/Editor: Krijn H.J. Boom
IMPROVE - Innovative Modelling Approaches for Production Systems to Raise Validatable Efficiency: Intelligent Methods for the Factory of the Future
Author/Editor: Oliver Niggemann,Peter Schüller
Improving a Country’s Education: PISA 2018 Results in 10 Countries
Author/Editor: Nuno Crato
Improving Assessment and Evaluation Strategies on Online Learning: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI 2021), Malang, Indonesia, 29 July 2021
Author/Editor: Surjani Wonorahardjo,Sari Karmina
Improving food composition data by standardizing calculation methods
Author/Editor: Öhrvik ,Veronica,Carlsen Hauger ,Monica,Källman ,Anna,Martinsen Amalie ,Thea
Improving Frontline Responses to Domestic Violence in Europe
Author/Editor: Branko Lobnikar,Catharina Vogt,Joachim Kersten
Improving Health Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Case Book
Author/Editor: Lani Rice Marquez
Improving Health Literacy for People with Low Literacy: An analysis of a South African HIV health education programme
Author/Editor: Njabulo Mary-Louise Mbanda
Improving Inclusive Education through Universal Design for Learning
Author/Editor: Alvyra Galkiene,Ona Monkeviciene
Improving Interagency Collaboration, Innovation and Learning in Criminal Justice Systems: Supporting Offender Rehabilitation
Author/Editor: Sarah Hean,Berit Johnsen,Anu Kajamaa,Laure Kloetzer
Improving Learning Through Assessment Rubrics: Student Awareness of What and How They Learn
Author/Editor: Chahna Gonsalves,Jayne Pearson
Improving National Education Systems After COVID-19: Moving Forward After PIRLS 2021 and PISA 2022
Author/Editor: Crato Nuno,Patrinos Harry Anthony
Improving Oncology Worldwide: Education, Clinical Research and Global Cancer Care
Author/Editor: Uta Schmidt-Straßburger
Improving Potassium Recommendations for Agricultural Crops
Author/Editor: T. Scott Murrell,Robert L. Mikkelsen,Gavin Sulewski,Robert Norton,Michael L. Thompson
Improving Psychiatric Care for Older People: Barbara Robb’s Campaign 1965-1975
Author/Editor: Claire Hilton
Improving the global exchange of germplasm for crop breeding
Author/Editor: Selim Louafi,Eric Welch
Improving the Performance of Wireless LANs: A Practical Guide
Author/Editor: Nurul Sarkar
Improvisation and Social Aesthetics
Improvisation and Social Aesthetics
Improvisation und Organisation: Muster zur Innovation sozialer Systeme
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Stark,David Vossebrecher,Christopher Dell,Holger Schmidhuber
Improvising Across Abilities: Pauline Oliveros and the Adaptive Use Musical Instrument
Author/Editor: Thomas Ciufo,John Sullivan,Sherrie Tucker,Ellen Waterman,Ranita Wilks,Abbey L. Dvorak,Kip Haaheim,Jennifer Hurst,Grace Shih-en Leu,Leaf Miller,Ray Mizumura-Pence,Nicola Oddy,Jesse Stewart
Improvising Cinema
Author/Editor: Gilles Mouëllic
Improvising Reconciliation: Confession after the Truth Commission
Author/Editor: Ed Charlton
Im Rauschen der Schweizer Alpen: Eine auditive Ethnographie zu Klang und Kulturpolitik des internationalen Radios
Author/Editor: Patricia Jäggi
Im Schatten des Schweigens: Kulturtechniken des Geheimen in der Moderne
Author/Editor: Lotte Warnsholdt
Im Spannungsfeld brutalistischer Strömungen und Liturgischer Bewegung - Bauten der Nachkriegsmoderne von Klaus Franz
Author/Editor: Anette S. Busse
Im Spannungsfeld privater Anliegen und öffentlicher Interessen: Vormundschaft im Kanton Thurgau 1962 - 2012
Author/Editor: Karin Bauer
Im Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Selbst- und Fremdverstehen: Globale Herausforderungen und deutsch-chinesische Kulturbeziehungen
Author/Editor: Chunchun Hu,Odila Triebel,Thomas Zimmer
Im Spiegel der Migrationen: Transkulturelles Erzählen und Sprachpolitik bei Emine Sevgi Özdamar
Author/Editor: Angela Weber
Im städtischen Bad vor 500 Jahren
Author/Editor: Büchner ,Robert
Im Steilhang - der jüdische Friedhof zu Adelebsen
Author/Editor: Schaller, Berndt,Dietert, Eike,Kramer, Adelheid,Behnsen, Jens,König, Ralf,Kollatz, Thomas
Im Strom der Bewegungsbilder: Film-, Bildungs- und Pflegeprozesse ausgehend von Michael Hanekes »Liebe«
Author/Editor: Jonas Hänel
Im Theater - Vor Gericht: Partizipation in theatralen Gerichtsformaten
Author/Editor: Géraldine Boesch
Im Zeichen des Unverfügbaren: Literarische Selbst- und Fremdbilder im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Yvonne Dudzik,Arne Klawitter,Martin Fietze,Hiroshi Yamamoto
Im Zwischenraum der beschleunigten Moderne: Eine Bau- und Kulturgeschichte des Wartens auf Eisenbahnen, 1830-1935
Author/Editor: Robin Kellermann
Im Zwischenraum der Dinge: Eine Annäherung an die Figurensammlung Reinhart Kosellecks
Author/Editor: Lisa Regazzoni
«In Agro Crotoniensi» – Archéologie et histoire de Crotone durant la période romaine (3ème siècle av. J.-C. – 6ème siècle apr. J.-C.) – KROTON 2
Author/Editor: Marc Duret
In Alternativen denken – Kritik, Reflexion und Transformation im Sachunterricht
Author/Editor: Christina Egger,Herbert Neureiter,Markus Peschel,Thomas Goll
In and Out of Suriname
In and Out of Suriname
Author/Editor: Carlin ,E.B.,L,Migge ,B.,Tjon Sie Fat ,P.B.
In a New Land: A Comparative View of Immigration
Author/Editor: Nancy Foner
(In)Appropriate Online Behavior: A pragmatic analysis of message board relations
Author/Editor: Jenny Arendholz
In a Trance: On Paleo Art
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Skoblow
In a Wounded Land: Conservation Extraction and Human Well-Being in Coastal Tanzania
Author/Editor: Kamat R. Vinay
In azione: Prove di inclusione
Author/Editor: Catia Giaconi,Noemi Del Bianco
In betere banen
Author/Editor: Holtslag ,Jan Willem,Kremer ,Monique,Schrijvers ,Erik
In Beziehung treten: Etablierungsprozesse von Beratungs- und Arbeitsbeziehungen im Feld der aufsuchenden Sozialen Arbeit: Eine Ethnographie im Kontext der Prostitution
Author/Editor: Rebecca Mörgen
Incapacity: Wittgenstein, Anxiety, and Performance Behavior
Author/Editor: Spencer Golub
«In carne e ossa»: il corpo nelle opere di Georg Büchner
«In carne e ossa»: il corpo nelle opere di Georg Büchner
Author/Editor: Carnevale, Roberta
In Catastrophic Times: Resisting the Coming Barbarism
In Catastrophic Times: Resisting the Coming Barbarism
Author/Editor: Stengers ,Isabelle,Goffey ,Andrew (translated by)
The Incel Rebellion: The Rise of the Manosphere and the Virtual War Against Women
Author/Editor: Lisa Sugiura
Incentives for Women to Work. A comparison between the Netherlands, Sweden and West Germany
Author/Editor: Gustafsson ,S.S.,Bruyn-Hundt ,M.
Incest in Sweden, 1680–1940: A history of forbidden relations
Author/Editor: Bonnie Clementsson
Incidental Archaeologists: French Officers and the Rediscovery of Roman North Africa
Author/Editor: Bonnie Effros
'Incidental' Ethnographers: French Catholic Missions on the Tonkin-Yunnan Frontier, 1880-1930
Author/Editor: Jean Michaud
Incidere, Incidere, Incidere: Giorgio Trentin tra etica dell’arte e impegno politico
Author/Editor: Giovanni Sbordone
Including LGBT Parented Families in Schools: Research to Inform Policy and Practice
Author/Editor: Trent Mann,Tiffany Jones
Inclusión, integración, diferenciación: La diversidad funcional en la literatura, el cine y las artes escénicas
Author/Editor: Susanne Hartwig
Inclusion and Belonging in Cities of Tomorrow: Governance and Access by Design
Author/Editor: Victor Santiago Pineda
Inclusion Diversity and Innovation in Translation Education
Author/Editor: Bolaños García-Escribano Alejandro,Oaknín Mazal
Inclusione 3.0
Author/Editor: Catia Giaconi,Noemi Del Bianco
Inclusion, Education and Translanguaging: How to Promote Social Justice in (Teacher) Education?
Author/Editor: Julie A. Panagiotopoulou,Lisa Rosen,Jenna Strzykala
Inclusion through Exclusion: How Young Immigrant Israelis in the Nationalist Yisra'el Beitenu Party Read Israeli Citizenship
Author/Editor: Anja Schmidt-Kleinert
Inclusive Cities and Global Urban Transformation: Infrastructures Intersectionalities and Sustainable Development
Author/Editor: Bailey Ajay,Otsuki Kei
Inclusive Education in Africa: 6. Beiheft Sonderpädagogische Förderung heute
Author/Editor: Annette Leonhardt,Tirussew Teferra Kidanemariam
Inclusive Localities: Perspectives on Local Social Policies and Practices
Author/Editor: Sabine Meier,Lena Bertelmann,Lars Wissenbach
Inclusive Wealth Report 2018
Author/Editor: Shunsuke Managi,Pushpam Kumar
INCOBAT: Innovative Cost Efficient Management System for Next Generation High Voltage Batteries
Author/Editor: Eric Armengaud,Riccardo Groppo,Sven Rzepka
Incomparable Poetry: An Essay on the Financial Crisis of 2007–2008 and Irish Literature
Author/Editor: Robert Kiely
Inconceivable Effects: Ethics through Twentieth-Century German Literature, Thought, and Film
Author/Editor: Martin Blumenthal-Barby
In Contempt: Defending Free Speech, Defeating HUAC
Author/Editor: Ed Yellin,Jean Yellin
Inconvenient Heritage: Colonial Collections and Restitution in the Netherlands and Belgium
Author/Editor: Jos van Beurden
Incorporating the Digital Commons: Corporate Involvement in Free and Open Source Software
Author/Editor: Benjamin Birkinbine
Increase Supply, Reduce Demand and Punish Severely: A Contextual History of Meat in Communist Poland
Author/Editor: Maria Pasztor,Dariusz Jarosz
In Death's Waiting Room
Author/Editor: The ,Anne-Mei
In debat over Nederland
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid,Sleegers ,Fleur
In Defence of Country: Life Stories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Servicemen and Women
Author/Editor: Riseman ,Noah
In Defense of Don Giovanni: A Feminist Mythobiography
Author/Editor: Luisa Passerini,Stella Tillyard
In Defense of Free Speech in Universities: A Study of Three Jurisdictions
Author/Editor: Amy Lai
In Defense of La Raza: The Los Angeles Mexican Consulate and the Mexican Community 1929 to 1936
Author/Editor: Balderrama E. Francisco
In Defense of Monopoly: How Market Power Fosters Creative Production
Author/Editor: Richard B. McKenzie,Dwight R. Lee