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Titles start with G ( displaying 500 of 1,199 ) Information
Göytepe: Neolithic Excavations in the Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan
Author/Editor: Yoshihiro Nishiaki,Farhad Guliyev
Győr: How to compete with capital cities (Volume 7)
Author/Editor: Iván Tosics,European Investment Bank,Éva Gerőházi
Ägyptische Erzählungen oder Über die Vorsehung
Author/Editor: Martin Hose
Guts and Brains
Author/Editor: Roebroeks ,Wil
Gute Technik für ein gutes Leben im Alter?: Akzeptanz, Chancen und Herausforderungen altersgerechter Assistenzsysteme
Author/Editor: Debora Frommeld,Ulrike Scorna,Sonja Haug,Karsten Weber
Gute Sorge ohne gute Arbeit?: Live-in-Care in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Brigitte Aulenbacher,Helma Lutz,Karin Schwiter
Gutes Klima für die Zukunft. Dekarbonisierung als wichtiger Schlüssel zum nachhaltigen Bauen mit Beton: 18. Symposium Baustoffe und Bauwerkserhaltung, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), 10. März 2022
Author/Editor: Ulrich Nolting,Frank Dehn,Vanessa Mercedes Kind
Guter Unterricht in der zweiten Phase der Lehramtsausbildung: Eine qualitativ-rekonstruktive Studie zum impliziten Unterrichts- und Professionsverständnis von Seminarleitenden
Author/Editor: Alexander Wiernik
Guter Konsum: Alltägliche Ethiken zwischen Wissen und Handeln
Author/Editor: Gruhn Lara
Gute Kinderschutzverfahren: Tatsachenwissenschaftliche Grundlagen, rechtlicher Rahmen und Kooperation im familiengerichtlichen Verfahren
Author/Editor: Jörg M. Fegert,Thomas Meysen,Heinz Kindler,Katrin Chauviré-Geib,Ulrike Hoffmann,Eva Schumann
Gute Heime – Möglichkeiten der Sichtbarmachung der Qualitäten stationärer Hilfen zur Erziehung
Author/Editor: Mike Seckinger,Maria Burschel,Kathrin Klein-Zimmer
Gute Betreuung im Alter in der Schweiz: Eine Bestandsaufnahme
Author/Editor: Carlo Knöpfel,Riccardo Pardini,Claudia Heinzmann
Gut, dass wir einmal die hot potatoes ausgraben: Briefwechsel mit Theodor W. Adorno, Ernst Bloch, Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse und Helmuth Plessner
Author/Editor: Günther Anders
Gustav Amsinck. Ein Hamburger Großkaufmann in New York
Author/Editor: Constanze Rheinholz,Ekkehard W. Nümann,Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung
Gurus and Media: Sound, image, machine, text and the digital
Author/Editor: Jacob Copeman,Arkotong Longkumer,Koonal Duggal
The Guru in South Asia: New Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Author/Editor: Jacob Copeman,Aya Ikegame
Guns, Democracy, and the Insurrectionist Idea
Author/Editor: Joshua Horowitz,Casey Anderson
Gunnar Landtman in Papua: 1910 to 1912
Author/Editor: Lawrence ,David,Varjola ,Pirjo
Gumilëvskie čtenija
Author/Editor: V. F. Martynov
The Gulf in World History: Arabian, Persian and Global Connections
Author/Editor: Allen James Fromherz
The Gulf in World History: Arabia at the Global Crossroads
Author/Editor: Allen James Fromherz
Guimarães Rosa und Meyer-Clason: Literatur, Demokratie, ZusammenLebenswissen
Author/Editor: Ottmar Ette,Paulo Astor Soethe
Guido Gozzano: Anacronismi e didascalie. Prose varie 1903-1916
Author/Editor: Maggi Marco
Guido Adlers Erbe: Restitution und Erinnerung an der Universität Wien
Author/Editor: Markus Stumpf,Herbert Posch,Oliver Rathkolb
A Guide to Understanding the Fundamental Principles of Environmental Management: It Ain’t Magic: Everything Goes Somewhere
Author/Editor: Andy Manale,Skip Hyberg
A Guide to the Heavens: The Literary Reception of Herman Hugo's "Pia Desideria" in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Author/Editor: Radosław Grześkowiak
A Guide to Sustainable Corporate Responsibility: From Theory to Action
Author/Editor: Caroline D. Ditlev-Simonsen
A Guide to Responsible Research
Author/Editor: Ana Marusic
Guide to Qualitative Research in Parliaments: Experiences and Practices
Author/Editor: Valentine Berthet,Barbara Gaweda,Johanna Kantola,Cherry Miller,Petra Ahrens,Anna Elomäki
A Guide to Additive Manufacturing
Author/Editor: Damir Godec,Joamin Gonzalez-Gutierrez,Axel Nordin,Eujin Pei,Julia Ureña Alcázar
Guides of the Atlas: An Ethnography of Publicness, Transnational Cooperation and Mountain Tourism in Morocco
Author/Editor: Simon Holdermann
GUI Design for Android Apps
Author/Editor: Ryan Cohen,Tao Wang
Guide pour l'évaluation de l'agroécologie: Méthode pour apprécier ses effets et les conditions de son développement
Author/Editor: Laurent Levard
Guiden till Spaniensverige: Diaspora, integration och transnationalitet bland svenska föreningar i södra Spanien
Author/Editor: Erik Olsson
Guideline for Salinity Assessment, Mitigation and Adaptation Using Nuclear and Related Techniques
Author/Editor: Mohammad Zaman,Shabbir A. Shahid,Lee Heng
A Guide for the Idealist: Launching and Navigating Your Planning Career
Author/Editor: Richard Willson
Guide for Small Community Water Suppliers and Local Health Officials on Lead in Drinking Water
Author/Editor: Colin Hayes
Guide de gestion des dunes et des plages associées
Author/Editor: Loïc Gouguet
Guidebook to Carbon Neutrality in China: Macro and Industry Trends under New Constraints
Guida per la valorizzazione della multifunzionalità dell'agricoltura
Author/Editor: Casini, Leonardo
Guida per la valorizzazione della multifunzionalità dell'agricoltura
Guest People: Hakka Identity in China and Abroad
Author/Editor: Nicole Constable
The Guerrilla Is Like a Poet – Ang Gerilya Ay Tulad ng Makata
Author/Editor: Jose Maria Sison,Jonas Staal
Guardians of Public Value: How Public Organisations Become and Remain Institutions
Author/Editor: Arjen Boin,Arjen Boin,Lauren A. Fahy,Lauren A. Fahy,Paul 't Hart,Paul 't Hart
'Guardare' il paesaggio: Breve vademecum per gli Osservatori del Paesaggio in Toscana
Author/Editor: Massimo Morisi
A Guarantee System for Youth Policies. “One Step Ahead” Towards employment and autonomy
Author/Editor: Paolo Federighi,Francesca Torlone
Guaranteed Verification of Dynamic Systems
Author/Editor: Stefan Schwab
Guantánamo Frames
Author/Editor: Rebecca Boguska
Göttinger Künstlerlexikon: Maler - Grafiker – Bildhauer – Architekten Vom 14. bis zur Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Thomas Appel
Göttinger Kirchen des Mittelalters
Author/Editor: Reiche, Jens,Scholl, Christian
Götterdämmerung: Auf der Suche nach Religion
Author/Editor: Volkhard Krech
Grundzüge eines EU-Strafverfassungsrechts: Ein konzeptioneller Ansatz für die europäische Integration des Straf- und Strafverfahrensrechts
Author/Editor: Lukas Huthmann
Grundsätze ordnungsmäßiger Bilanzierung von Kundenbeziehungen nach GoB im Vergleich zu IFRS: Objektivierung des immateriellen Vermögensbegriffs
Author/Editor: Jana Katharina Müller
Grundsätze ordnungsmäßiger Aktivierung in der Handelsbilanz und in der Steuerbilanz
Author/Editor: Michael Knoblauch
Grundsätze über die Anlagen neuer Sternwarten - Mit Beziehung auf die Sternwarte der Universität Göttingen. Von Georg Heinrich Borheck
Author/Editor: Beuermann, Klaus
Grundsätze über die Anlagen neuer Sternwarten - Mit Beziehung auf die Sternwarte der Universität Göttingen. Von Georg Heinrich Borheck
Grundsicherung weiterdenken
Author/Editor: Florian Blank,Claus Schäfer,Dorothee Spannagel
Grundrechtsschutz zwischen Karlsruhe und Straßburg: Vortrag, gehalten vor der Juristischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin am 13. Juli 2011
Author/Editor: Andreas Zimmermann
Grundrechte: Klausur- und Examenswissen
Author/Editor: Dana-Sophia Valentiner,Maximilian Petras,Lisa Hahn,Nora Wienfort
Grundrechte: Klausur- und Examensfälle
Author/Editor: Dana-Sophia Valentine,Maximilian Petras
Grundlegende Kompetenzen sichern: Lernende und Lehrende im Blick ; Tagungsband des AK Grundschule in der GDM 2023
Author/Editor: Anna Susanne Steinweg
Grundlagenwissen zu Künstlicher Intelligenz von angehenden Lehrkräften: Modellbasierte Testentwicklung und Validierung
Author/Editor: Jacqueline M.-C. Schmidt,Marianne Friese,Susan Seeber
Grundlagenuntersuchungen an intrinsisch gefertigten lasttragenden FVK/Metall-Hybridträgern
Author/Editor: Markus Muth
Grundlagen seismischer Erkundung
Author/Editor: G. A Gamburzew
Grundlagenforschung zum Dualen System und Kompetenzentwicklung in der Lehrerbildung
Author/Editor: Uwe Faßhauer,Bärbel Fürstenau,Eveline Wuttke
Grundlagen der Informationswissenschaft
Author/Editor: Rainer Kuhlen,Dirk Lewandowski,Wolfgang Semar,Christa Womser-Hacker
Grundkurs Literatur aus Flandern und den Niederlanden II: Primärtexte in Auswahl und deutscher Übersetzung
Author/Editor: Johanna Bundschuh-van Duikeren,Lut Missinne,Jan Konst
Grundkurs Literatur aus Flandern und den Niederlanden: 12 Texte – 12 Zugänge
Author/Editor: Johanna Bundschuh-van Duikeren,Lut Missinne,Jan Konst
Grundgesetz und Rassismus
Author/Editor: Judith Froese,Daniel Thym
Grundfragen eines Suedosteuropasprachatlas: Geschichte, Problematik, Perspektive, Konzeption, Methode, Pilotprojekt
Author/Editor: Helmut Schaller
Grundfragen des Strafrechts, Rechtsphilosophie und die Reform der Juristenausbildung - Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium aus Anlass des 70. Geburtstages von Prof. Dr. Fritz Loos am 23. Januar 2009
Author/Editor: Koriath, Heinz,Krack, Ralf,Radtke, Henning,Jehle, Jörg-Martin
Grundfragen des Schadenersatzrechts aus rechtsvergleichender Sicht
Author/Editor: Helmut ,Koziol,Askeland ,Bjarte,Yamamoto ,Keizo,Oliphant ,Ken,Moreteau ,Olivier,Menyhard ,Attila,Ludwichowska-Redo ,Katarzyna,Green ,Michael D.,Cardi ,W. Jonathan
Grundbildung Medien im Studiengang Erwachsenenbildung: Untersuchung zu medienpädagogischen Professionalisierungsstrategien
Author/Editor: Franziska Bellinger
Grundbildung in der Arbeitswelt gestalten: Praxisbeispiele, Gelingensbedingungen und Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Lernende e.V. Region - Netzwerk Köln
Growth, Structural Transformation, and Rural Change in Viet Nam: A Rising Dragon on the Move
Growth, Poverty and Inequality Dynamics: Four Empirical Essays at the Macro and Micro Level
Author/Editor: Julian Weisbrod
Growth, Employment, and Poverty in Latin America
Author/Editor: Cruces ,Guillermo,Fields S. ,Gary,Jaume ,David,Viollaz ,Mariana
Growth and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa
Author/Editor: Arndt ,Channing,McKay ,Andy,Tarp ,Finn
Growth and Cycles in Australia’s Wine Industry: A Statistical Compendium, 1843 to 2013
Author/Editor: Anderson ,Kym,Aryal R. ,Nanda
Growth and Cycles in Australia’s Wine Industry: A Statistical Compendium, 1843 to 2013
Growing Up in the Cis-Baikal Region of Siberia, Russia: Reconstructing Childhood Diet of Middle Holocene Hunter-Gatherers
Author/Editor: Victoria van der Haas
Growing in the Shadow of Antifascism: Remembering the Holocaust in State-Socialist Eastern Europe
Author/Editor: Kata Bohus,Peter Hallama,Stephan Stach
The Groves Conference on Marriage and Family: History and Impact on Family Science
Groupwork with Refugees and Survivors of Human Rights Abuses: The Power of Togetherness
Author/Editor: Jude Boyles,Robin Ewart-Biggs,Rebecca Horn,Kirsten Lamb
Group Theory for the Standard Model of Particle Physics and Beyond
Author/Editor: Ken J. Barnes
The Group of Seven
Author/Editor: Andrew Baker
Groundwater overexploitation in the North China Plain: A path to sustainability
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Kinzelbach,Haijing Wang,Yu Li,Lu Wang,Ning Li
Groundwater Assessment and Management for sustainable water-supply and coordinated subsurface drainage: A Guidebook for Water Utilities & Municipal Authorities
Author/Editor: Stephen Foster,Radu Gogu
Ground Truths: Community-Engaged Research for Environmental Justice
Author/Editor: Chad Raphael,Martha Matsuoka
Ground Sea: Photography and the Right to Be Reborn
Author/Editor: Hilde Van Gelder
Grounding God: Religious Responses to the Anthropocene
Author/Editor: Arianne Conty
Ground Improvement by Deep Vibratory Methods
Author/Editor: Klaus Kirsch,Fabian Kirsch
Grotowski, Women, and Contemporary Performance: Meetings with Remarkable Women
Grote projecten in Nederland; een analyse van het tijdsbeslag van twintig besluitvormingsprocessen
Author/Editor: Bruning ,A.J.F.,Siersma ,J.
Grond voor keuzen: Vier perspectieven voor de landelijke gebieden in de Europese Gemeenschap
Author/Editor: WRR
Grof geschut: Artillerie en luchtstrijdkrachten in de Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog, 1945-1949
Author/Editor: Azarja Harmanny
Großerzählungen des Extremen: Neue Rechte, Populismus, Islamismus, War on Terror
Author/Editor: Jennifer Schellhöh,Jo Reichertz,Volker M. Heins,Armin Flender
Großbritannien und die Europaeische Integration unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung ordnungspolitischer Aspekte
Author/Editor: Simone Claber
Groß-Berlin – ein großer Wurf?: Ursachen, Akteure und Wechselwirkungen von Metropolbildungen um 1920
Author/Editor: Stefanie Fink,Oliver Gaida,Alexander Olenik,Christine Schoenmakers
Grüne Sonnen: Poetik und Politik der Fantasy am Medium Videospiel
Author/Editor: Daniel Illger
Grünes Band - Modellregion für Nachhaltigkeit - Abschlussbericht des Forschungsvorhabens
Author/Editor: Harteisen, Ulrich,Neumeyer, Silke,Schlagbauer, Susanne,Bizer, Kilian,Hensel, Stephan,Krüger, Lukas
Grüner Sozialismus?: Über das politische Bewusstsein von Arbeiter*innen in Zeiten des Umbruchs
Author/Editor: Thomas E. Goes
Griechische Götter unter sich: Lukian, Göttergespräche
Author/Editor: Andreas Bendlin,Adolf Martin Ritter,Janet Downie
Griechenland in der Europaeischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft
Author/Editor: Gert Ziegler
Griechen im Heiligen Römischen Reich: Migration und ihre wissensgeschichtliche Bedeutung
Author/Editor: Stefano Saracino
The Grid and the Park: Public Space and Urban Culture in Buenos Aires, 1887–1936.
Author/Editor: Adrián Gorelik,Natalia Majluf
Grey Matters: A Guide for Collaborative Research with Seniors
Author/Editor: Claudia Emes,Nancy Marlett
Grey Literature in Library and Information Studies
Grey Literature in Library and Information Studies
Author/Editor: Farace ,Dominic,Schöpfel ,Joachim
Grey Area: Regulating Amsterdam’s Coffeeshops
Author/Editor: Scott Jacques
Grenzziehungen und Grenzbeziehungen des Disziplinären: Verhältnisbestimmungen (in) der Erziehungswissenschaft
Author/Editor: Susann Hofbauer,Felix Schreiber,Katharina Vogel
Grenzueberschreitende Patientenmigration im zahnmedizinischen Bereich: Eine oekonomische Analyse am Beispiel Oesterreich und Ungarn
Author/Editor: Jose Gabriel Delgado Jimenez
Grenzobjekte und Medienforschung : (hg. von Sebastian Gießmann und Nadine Taha)
Author/Editor: Star Leigh ,Susan
Grenzobjekte und Medienforschung
Grenzlandsprache. Untersuchung der Sprachen und Identitaeten in der Region Lebus
Author/Editor: Anna Zielińska
Grenzjustierungen - Bildungsbiografien Zugewanderter zwischen Qualifikation und Re-Qualifizierung
Author/Editor: Milena Prekodravac
Grenzgänge zwischen den Künsten: Interventionen in Gattungshierarchien und Geschlechterkonstruktionen
Author/Editor: Jennifer John,Sigrid Schade
Grenzgänge und Grenzziehungen: Transdisziplinäre Ansätze in der Lehrer*innenbildung
Author/Editor: Nicola Brocca,Dittrich Ann-Kathrin,Jonas Kolb
Grenzgänge: Pädagogische Lektüren zeitgenössischer Romane
Author/Editor: Hans-Christoph Koller,Markus Rieger-Ladich
Grenzen und Strafe in der Heimerziehung: Eine sozialpädagogische Studie
Author/Editor: Sven Huber,Stephan Kirchschlager
Grenzen ueberwinden durch Kultur?: Identitaetskonstruktionen von Kulturakteuren in europaeischen Grenzraeumen
Author/Editor: Monika Sonntag
Grenzenlos menschlich?: Tierethische Positionen bei Elias Canetti, Marlen Haushofer und Brigitte Kronauer
Author/Editor: Vera Zimmermann
Grenzenlose Enthüllungen? Medien zwischen Öffnung und Schließung
Author/Editor: Uta Rußmann,Andreas Beinsteiner,Heike Ortner,Theo Hug
Grenzen in de ijle ruimte
Author/Editor: Borg ter ,E.,Dignum ,K.
Grenzen im Aufstieg: Frauenexpeditionen in den Himalaya (1955–2014)
Author/Editor: Martina Gugglberger
Grenzen.Gänge.Zwischen.Welten.: Kontroversen – Entwicklungen – Perspektiven der Inklusionsforschung
Author/Editor: Bernhard Schimek,Gertraud Kremsner,Michelle Proyer,Rainer Grubich,Florentine Paudel,Regina Grubich-Müller
Grenzen en mogelijkheden van het sociaal-economisch stelsel in Nederland
Author/Editor: Driel van ,G.J.
Grenzen. Differenzen. Übergänge.: Spannungsfelder inter- und transkultureller Kommunikation
Author/Editor: Antje Gunsenheimer
Grenzen des Miteinanders: Die Forschungsmethode Einmischende Beobachtung
Author/Editor: Sebastian Bührig
Grenzen des Hybriden?: Konzeptualisierungen von Kulturkontakt und Kulturvermischung in der niederländischen Literaturkritik (Volume 54)
Author/Editor: Cornelia Leune
Grenzen der Völkerrechtsfreundlichkeit
Author/Editor: Theresa Abend
Grenzen der Versicherbarkeit: Private Arbeitslosenversicherung
Author/Editor: Philipp Hartmann
Grenzen der Personalisierung des Rechts
Author/Editor: Philip Maximilian Bender
Grenzen der Menschenrechte: Staatsbürgerschaft, Zugehörigkeit, Partizipation
Author/Editor: Franziska Martinsen
Grenzen der Grenzüberschreitung : Zur "Übersetzungsleistung" deutsch-tschechischer Grenzorganisationen
Author/Editor: Engel ,Nicolas,Göhlich ,Michael,Höhne ,Thomas,Klemm ,Matthias,Kraetsch ,Clemens,Marx ,Christoph,Nekula ,Marek,Renn ,Joachim
Grenzen der Grenzüberschreitung
Grenzen auflösen – Grenzen ziehen: Grenzbearbeitungen zwischen Erziehungswissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Magnus Frank,Thomas Geier,Sabine Hornberg,Claudia Machold,Lukas Otterspeer,Mandy Singer-Brodowski,Patricia Stošić
Grenzen aan verandering; de verhouding tussen reorganisatie en structuurprincipes
Author/Editor: Pree de ,J.C.I.
Grenzüberschreitungen: Migration. Entterritorialisierung des Öffentlichen Rechts
Author/Editor: Stephan Breitenmoser,Kerstin Odendahl,Markus Krajewski
Grenzüberschreitungen (in) der Kunst: Eine praxisbezogene Ästhetik
Author/Editor: Tufan Acil
Grenzüberschreitende kommunale Zusammenarbeit
Author/Editor: Storbeck, Daniel
Grensverleggende beelden: Literaire transfer uit de Lage Landen naar Zuid-Europa
Author/Editor: Paola Gentile,Dolores Ross
Grenseløst Agder: Det som skilte og det som bandt
Author/Editor: Berit Eide Johnsen,Kristoffer Vadum
Grendel Grendel Grendel: Animating Beowulf
Author/Editor: Dan Torre,Lienors Torre
Gregorius: A Medieval Oedipus Legend
Author/Editor: Hartmann Von Aue,Edwin H. Zeydel,Bayard Quincy Morgan
Greep op de stad? Een institutionele visie op stedelijke ontwikkeling en de beënvloedbaarheid daarvan
Author/Editor: Lambooy ,J.G.
Greenwor(l)ds: Ecocritical Readings of Canadian Women's Poetry
Author/Editor: Diana M. A. Relke
Green Voices: Defending Nature and the Environment in American Civic Discourse
Author/Editor: Richard D. Besel,Bernard K. Duffy
Green Recovery with Resilience and High Quality Development: CCICED Annual Policy Report 2021
Green Politics in China: Environmental Governance and State-Society Relations
Author/Editor: Joy Y Zhang,Michael Barr
Green Parties, Green Future: From Local Groups to the International Stage
Author/Editor: Per Gahrton
The Green Middle Ages: The Depiction and Use of Plants in the Western World 600-1600
Author/Editor: Claudine A. Chavannes-Mazel,Linda IJpelaar
Greenland in Arctic Security: (De)securitization Dynamics under Climatic Thaw and Geopolitical Freeze
Author/Editor: Marc Jacobsen,Ole Wæver,Ulrik Pram Gad
Greening Water Risks: Natural Assurance Schemes
Author/Editor: Elena López-Gunn,Peter van der Keur,Nora Van Cauwenbergh,Philippe Le Coent,Raffaele Giordano
Greening the Maple: Canadian Ecocriticism in Context
Author/Editor: Ella Soper,Nicholas Bradley
Greening the Greyfields: New Models for Regenerating the Middle Suburbs of Low-Density Cities
Author/Editor: Peter W. Newton,Peter W.G. Newman,Stephen Glackin,Giles Thomson
Greening the Financial Sector: How to Mainstream Environmental Finance in Developing Countries
Author/Editor: Doris Köhn
The greening of golf: Sport, globalization and the environment
Greening International Jurisprudence: Environmental NGOs before International Courts, Tribunals, and Compliance Committees
Author/Editor: Cathrin Zengerling
Greening Europe: 2022 European Public Investment Outlook
Author/Editor: FLORIANA MARGHERITA CERNIGLIA,Francesco Saraceno
Greening China: The Benefits of Trade and Foreign Direct Investment
Author/Editor: Ka Zeng,Joshua Eastin
Green Infrastructure and Regional Planning: An Operational Framework: An Operational Framework
Author/Editor: Federica Isola,Sabrina Lai,Federica Leone,Corrado Zoppi
Green Infrastructure and Climate Change Adaptation: Function, Implementation and Governance
Author/Editor: Futoshi Nakamura
Green Hydrogen Production by Water Electrolysis
Author/Editor: Junbo Hou,Min Yang
Green Entrepreneur Handbook: The guide to building and growing a green and clean business
Author/Editor: Eric Koester
Green Economy in the Transport Sector: A Case Study of Limpopo Province, South Africa
Author/Editor: John Ogony Odiyo,Peter Bitta Bikam,James Chakwizira
Green Consensus and High Quality Development: CCICED Annual Policy Report 2020
Green Carbon Part 2
Author/Editor: Brookhouse ,Matthew,Jonson ,Justin,Keith ,Heather,Mackey ,Brendan,Berry ,Sandra
Green Carbon
Author/Editor: Keith ,Heather,Lindenmayer B. ,David,Mackey ,Brendan,Berry L. ,Sandra
Greek Tragedy, European Odyssey: The Politics and Economics of the Eurozone Crisis
Author/Editor: Robert W. Godby,Stephanie B. Anderson
A Greek State in Formation: The Origins of Mycenaean Pylos
Author/Editor: Jack L. Davis
Greek Palimpsests at Saint Catherine's Monastery (Sinai): Three Euchologia as Case Studies
Author/Editor: Giulia Rossetto
Greek Medicine from Hippocrates to Galen : Selected Papers
Author/Editor: Jouanna ,Jacques
Greek Medicine from Hippocrates to Galen
Greek Medical Papyri Text, Context, Hypertext
Author/Editor: Nicola Reggiani
Greek Inscriptions on the East Bank
Author/Editor: Maria Nilsson,Adrienn Almásy-Martin,John Ward
Greek Antiquity in Schiller's "Wallenstein"
Author/Editor: Gisela N. Berns
Greece’s labyrinth of language: A study in the early modern discovery of dialect diversity
Author/Editor: Raf Van Rooy
The Great West Ukrainian Prison Massacre of 1941: A Sourcebook
Author/Editor: Alexander Motyl,Ksenya Kiebuzinski
The Great War: Insights and Perspectives
Author/Editor: Elzbieta Katarzyna Dzikowska,Agata Handley,Piotr Zawilski
The Great Umar Khayyam
Author/Editor: Seyed-Gohrab ,A.A.
The Great Reset: 2021 European Public Investment Outlook
Author/Editor: Floriana Cerniglia,Floriana Cerniglia,Francesco Saraceno,Francesco Saraceno,Andrew Watt,Andrew Watt
Great Queer Provocation: The Seriously Playful Recognition Game
Author/Editor: Martin J. Goessl
Great Policy Successes
Author/Editor: Paul 't Hart,Mallory Compton
Greatness Engendered: George Eliot and Virginia Woolf
Author/Editor: Alison Booth
The Great Mindshift: How a New Economic Paradigm and Sustainability Transformations go Hand in Hand
Author/Editor: Maja Göpel
The Great Gatsby meets Alain Badiou: Rethinking fidelity in film adaptation
Author/Editor: Ursula Vooght
The Great Forest: An Appalachian Story
Author/Editor: Barry Buxton,Sam Gray
The Greatest Films Never Seen: The Film Archive and the Copyright Smokescreen
Author/Editor: Claudy Op den Kamp
The Great Disruptor: Über Trump, die Medien und die Politik der Herabsetzung
Author/Editor: Lars Koch,Tobias Nanz,Christina Rogers
The Great Awakening: New Modes of Life amidst Capitalist Ruins
Author/Editor: Anna Grear,David Bollier
Great and Small Games in Central Asia and the South Caucasus
Author/Editor: Tomasz Pugacewicz,Marcin Grabowski
Graz, Originalsammlung des Instituts für Archäologie der Karl-Franzens-Universität
Author/Editor: Karl ,Stephan,Christidis ,Maria,Schwarz ,Gerda,Koiner ,Gabriele
Grazing Communities: Pastoralism on the Move and Biocultural Heritage Frictions (Volume 29)
Author/Editor: Letizia Bindi
Graz 1914: Der Volkskrieg auf der Straße
Author/Editor: Bernhard Thonhofer
Graz 1914
Author/Editor: Thonhofer ,Bernhard
The Graveyard and the Table: The Catholic-Orthodox Borderland in Poland and Belarus
Author/Editor: Justyna Straczuk
Grave Reminders: Comparing Mycenaean tomb building with labour and memory
Author/Editor: Daniel R. Turner
Grave Goods: Objects and Death in Later Prehistoric Britain
Author/Editor: Anwen Cooper,Duncan Garrow,Catriona Gibson,Melanie Giles
Grauzonen staatlicher Gewalt : Staatlich produzierte Unsicherheit in Kolumbien und Mexiko
Author/Editor: Jenss ,Alke
Grauzonen staatlicher Gewalt
Grauzonen des Alltagsrassismus: Zum kommunikativen Umgang mit antimuslimischem »Wissen«
Author/Editor: Sabrina Schmidt
Author/Editor: Ingo Schneider,Reinhard Bodner,Kathrin Sohm
Grassroots Politics and Oil Culture in Venezuela: The Revolutionary Petro-State
Author/Editor: Iselin Åsedotter Strønen
Grassroots Law in Papua New Guinea
Author/Editor: Melissa Demian
Grassroots Innovation Movements
Author/Editor: Adrian Smith,Mariano Fressoli,Dinesh Abrol,Elisa Arond,Adrian Ely
Grassroots Governance? Chiefs in Africa and the Afro-Caribbean
Author/Editor: Donald I. Ray,P. S. Reddy
Grassroots Activisms: Public Rhetorics in Localized Contexts
Author/Editor: Lisa Phillips,Sarah Warren-Riley,Julie Bates
Grassland use in Europe
Author/Editor: Agnes van den Pol-van Dasselaar,Leanne Bastiaansen-Aantjes,Fergus Bogue,Michael O’Donovan,Christian Huyghe
Grasslands and Herbivore Production in Europe and Effects of Common Policies
Author/Editor: Christian Huyghe,Alex De Vliegher,Bert Van Gils,Alain Peeters
Grasping the Future: Advances in Powered Upper Limb Prosthetics
Author/Editor: Vincenzo Parenti Castelli,Marco Troncossi
Grappling with the Bomb : Britain’s Pacific H-bomb tests
Author/Editor: Maclellan ,Nic
Grappling with the Bomb
Graph Structures for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: 6th International Workshop, GKR 2020, Virtual Event, September 5, 2020, Revised Selected Papers
Author/Editor: Michael Cochez,Madalina Croitoru,Pierre Marquis,Sebastian Rudolph
Graphs for Pattern Recognition: Infeasible Systems of Linear Inequalities
Author/Editor: Damir Gainanov
“Granito e arcobaleno”. Forme e modi della scrittura auto/biografica
Author/Editor: Arianna Antonielli,Donatella PALLOTTI O BALLOTTI
The Grand Old Man and the Great Tradition: Essays on Tanizaki Jun’ichiro in Honor of Adriana Boscaro
Author/Editor: Luisa Blenati,Bonaventura Ruperti
“Grandiosos Batuques”: Tensões, arranjos e experiências coloniais em Moçambique (1890-1940)
Author/Editor: Matheus Pereira
Grandes et petites mythologies: I - Monts et abîmes : des dieux et des hommes
Author/Editor: Karin Ueltschi,Flore Verdon
Gramsci on Tahrir: Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Egypt
Author/Editor: Brecht De Smet
Grammatiktheorie und Empirie in der germanistischen Linguistik
Author/Editor: Angelika Wöllstein,Manfred Krifka,Mechthild Habermann,Peter Gallmann
Grammatik der russischen Verben
Author/Editor: Sebastian Kempgen
Grammatik der Natur
Author/Editor: Marc Müller
Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches
Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches, fifth edition
Author/Editor: Stefan Müller
Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches. Second revised and extended edition
Author/Editor: Stefan Müller
Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches
Author/Editor: Müller ,Stefan
Grammatical theory: Fourth revised and extended edition : From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches
Author/Editor: Stefan Müller
Grammatical theory, 3rd revised edition: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches (Edition 3)
Author/Editor: Stefan Müller
Grammatical systems without language borders: Lessons from free-range language
Author/Editor: Heike Wiese
Grammaticalization in the North: Noun phrase morphosyntax in Scandinavian vernaculars
Author/Editor: Dahl ,Östen
Grammaticalization and Language Change in Chinese
Author/Editor: Xiu-Zhi Zoe Wu
Grammatical gender and linguistic complexity, Volume 2: World-wide comparative studies
Author/Editor: Francesca Di Garbo,Bruno Olsson,Bernhard Wälchli
Grammatical gender and linguistic complexity, Volume 1: General issues and specific studies
Author/Editor: Francesca Di Garbo,Bruno Olsson,Bernhard Wälchli
Grammars of the Urban Ground
Author/Editor: Ash Amin,Michele Lancione
A Grammar of Yélî Dnye: The Papuan Language of Rossel Island
Author/Editor: Stephen C. Levinson
A grammar of Yauyos Quechua
Author/Editor: Shimelman ,Aviva
A grammar of Yauyos Quechua
A grammar of Yakkha
A grammar of Yakkha
Author/Editor: Schackow ,Diana
A grammar of Tuatschin: A Sursilvan Romansh dialect (Volume 3)
Author/Editor: Philippe Maurer-Cecchini
Grammar of the Sentani Language
Author/Editor: Cowan ,H.
Grammar of the Sentani Language
A Grammar of the Kabardian Language
Author/Editor: John Colarusso
A Grammar of the Eastern European Hasidic Hebrew Tale
Author/Editor: Kahn ,L.
A Grammar of the Eastern European Hasidic Hebrew Tale
A Grammar of the Bedouin Dialects of Central and Southern Sinai
Author/Editor: de Jong ,Rudolf E.
A Grammar of the Bedouin Dialects of Central and Southern Sinai
A grammar of Sanzhi Dargwa (Volume 2)
Author/Editor: Diana Forker
A grammar of Rapa Nui
Author/Editor: Kievit ,Paulus
A grammar of Rapa Nui
A grammar of Pite Saami
Author/Editor: Wilbur ,Joshua
A grammar of Pichi
Author/Editor: Kofi Yakpo
A grammar of Paunaka
Author/Editor: Lena Terhart
A Grammar of Paraguayan Guarani
Author/Editor: Bruno Estigarribia
A grammar of Papuan Malay
A grammar of Papuan Malay
Author/Editor: Kluge ,Angela
A grammar of Palula
Author/Editor: Liljegren ,Henrik
A grammar of Palula
A Grammar of Nese
Author/Editor: Lana Grelyn Takau
A grammar of Moloko
Author/Editor: Friesen ,Dianne
A grammar of Moloko
A grammar of Mauwake
A grammar of Mauwake
Author/Editor: Berghäll ,Liisa
A grammar of Komnzo
Author/Editor: Christian Döhler
A grammar of Kalamang
Author/Editor: Eline Visser
A grammar of Japhug
Author/Editor: Guillaume Jacques
A grammar of Iranian Armenian: Parskahayeren or Iranahayeren
Author/Editor: Hossep Dolatian,Bert Vaux,Afsheen Sharifzadeh
A grammar of Gyeli (Volume 2)
Author/Editor: Nadine Grimm
A grammar of Fwe
Author/Editor: Hilde Gunnink
A grammar of Choguita Rarámuri: In collaboration with Luz Elena León Ramírez, Sebastián Fuentes Holguín, Bertha Fuentes Loya and other Choguita Rarámuri language experts
Author/Editor: Gabriela Caballero
A Grammar of Akajeru: Fragments of a traditional North Andamanese dialect
Author/Editor: Raoul Zamponi,Bernard Comrie
A grammar and dictionary of Gayogo̱hó: nǫˀ (Cayuga)
Author/Editor: Carrie Dyck,Frances Froman,Alfred Keye,Lottie Keye
Grammar and Corpora 2016
Author/Editor: Eric Fuß,Marek Konopka,Beata Trawiński,Ulrich H. Waßner
Grammalepsy: Essays on Digital Language Art
Author/Editor: John Cayley
Grammaire et méthode Russes et Françoises 1724. Teil 2
Author/Editor: Jean Sohier
Grammaire et méthode Russes et Françoises 1724. Teil 1
Author/Editor: Jean Sohier
Gramatično izkazanje ob ruskom jeziku (1666): Nachdruck der Erstausgabe von 1848/59, besorgt von Gerd Freidhof
Author/Editor: Juraj Križanic
Grain & Noise - Artists in Synthetic Biology Labs: Constructive Disturbances of Art in Science
Author/Editor: Markus Schmidt
Graffiti Scratched, Scrawled, Sprayed: Towards a Cross-Cultural Understanding
Author/Editor: Ondřej Škrabal,Leah Mascia,Ann Lauren Osthof,Malena Ratzke
Grading Goal Four: Tensions, Threats, and Opportunities in the Sustainable Development Goal on Quality Education
Author/Editor: Antonia Wulff
Govor sela Vratarnica v vostočnoj Serbii v istoričeskom i areal'nom osveščenii: K postanovke problemy južnoslavjanskoj č-, c-zony
Author/Editor: Andrej N. Sobolev
Government in Wanggulam
Author/Editor: Ploeg ,A.
Government in Wanggulam
Government Communication: Cases and Challenges
Author/Editor: Karen Sanders,Maria Jose Canel
Governmental Migration Research in Germany: Knowledge Production at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
Author/Editor: Vinzenz Kratzer
Governing Water in India: Inequality, Reform, and the State
Author/Editor: Leela Fernandes
Governing the Young Poor in Switzerland: How the Moral Foundations of Work Ethics Guide Social Assistance Discourse
Author/Editor: Yann Bochsler,Christian Reutlinger,Eva Nadai,Christoph Maeder,Martina Koch,Jean-Pierre Tabin
Governing the Sustainable Development Goals: Quantification in Global Public Policy
Author/Editor: Justyna Bandola-Gill,Sotiria Grek,Marlee Tichenor
Governing the Pandemic: The Politics of Navigating a Mega-Crisis
Author/Editor: Arjen Boin,Allan McConnell,Paul 't Hart
Governing the Interlinkages between the SDGs: Approaches, Opportunities and Challenges
Author/Editor: Anita Breuer,Daniele Malerba,Srinivasa Srigiri,Pooja Balasubramanian
Governing the Galleys: Jurisdiction, Justice, and Trade in the Squadrons of the Hispanic Monarchy (Sixteenth-Seventeenth Centuries)
Author/Editor: Manuel Lomas Consuelo López-Morillas
Governing the dead: Sovereignty and the politics of dead bodies
Author/Editor: Finn Stepputat
Governing Social Protection in the Long Term: Social Policy and Employment Relations in Australia and New Zealand
Author/Editor: Gaby Ramia
Governing, Protecting, and Regulating the Future of Genome Editing: The Significance of ELSPI Perspectives
Author/Editor: Santa Slokenberga,Timo Minssen,Ana Nordberg
Governing New Guinea; An oral history of Papuan administrators, 1950-1990
Governing New Guinea; An oral history of Papuan administrators, 1950-1990
Author/Editor: Visser ,Leontine
Governing Migration for Development from the Global Souths: Challenges and Opportunities
Author/Editor: Dêlidji Eric Degila,Valeria Marina Valle
Governing Habits: Treating Alcoholism in the Post-Soviet Clinic
Author/Editor: Eugene Raikhel
Governing Gaza: Bureaucracy, Authority, and the Work of Rule, 1917–1967
Author/Editor: Ilana Feldman
Governing Failure - Provisional Expertise and the Transformation of Global Development Finance
Governing Failure - Provisional Expertise and the Transformation of Global Development Finance
Author/Editor: Best ,Jacqueline
Governing Extractive Industries: Politics, Histories, Ideas
Author/Editor: Anthony Bebbington,Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai,Denise Humphreys Bebbington,Marja Hinfelaar,Cynthia Sanborn
The Governing-Evaluation-Knowledge Nexus: Swedish Higher Education as a Case
Author/Editor: Christina Segerholm,Agneta Hult,Joakim Lindgren,Linda Rönnberg
Governing Diversity. Migrant Integration and Multiculturalism in North America and Europe
Author/Editor: Ilke Adam,andrea Rea,Alejandra Alarcon-Henriquez,Emmanuelle Bribosia,John W. Berry,Isabelle Rorive,Saskia Bonjour,Djordje Sredanovic,Emmanuelle Bribosia,Rachel Burns,Tiziana Caponio,Francois Crepeau
Governing Delinquency Through Freedom: Control, Rehabilitation and Desistance
Author/Editor: Géraldine Bugnon,Lucy Garnier
Governing China's Multiethnic Frontiers
Author/Editor: Morris Rossabi
Governing Cemeteries: State Responses to the New Diversity in The Netherlands, Norway and France (Volume 30, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Rosemarie van den Breemer,Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati,Trygve Wyller,Hans-Günter Heimbrock,Stefanie Knauss,Hans-Joachim Sander
Governing Abroad: Coalition Politics and Foreign Policy in Europe
Author/Editor: Sibel Oktay
Governare la città: Pratiche sociali e linguaggi politici a Genova in età medievale
Author/Editor: Giovanna Petti Balbi
Governance Through Social Learning
Governance Through Social Learning
Author/Editor: Paquet ,Gilles
The Governance Regime of the Mekong River Basin: Can the Global Water Conventions Strengthen the 1995 Mekong Agreement?
Author/Editor: Rémy Kinna,Alistair Rieu-Clarke
The Governance of International Migration
Author/Editor: Aysen Üstübici
The Governance of Insurance Undertakings: Corporate Law and Insurance Regulation
Author/Editor: Pierpaolo Marano,Kyriaki Noussia
The governance of female drug users: Women's experiences of drug policy
Author/Editor: Natasha Du Rose
The Governance of Educational Welfare Markets: A Comparative Analysis of the European Social Fund in Five Countries
Author/Editor: Pop ,Daniel,Stănuș ,Cristina
The Governance of Common Property in the Pacific Region
Author/Editor: Larmour ,Peter
Governance of Arctic Shipping: Rethinking Risk, Human Impacts and Regulation
Author/Editor: Aldo Chircop,Floris Goerlandt,Claudio Aporta,Ronald Pelot
Governance grenzüberschreitender Professionalisierung und gesellschaftlicher Integration: Strategien und multiple Rationalitäten beim Aufbau eines kommunalen Bildungsmanagements
Author/Editor: Katharina Lüthi
Governance for Sustainability Transitions: Herausforderungen und Veränderungsprozesse in Regionen gestalten; DOKONARA 2015 – Internationales DoktorandInnenkolleg Nachhaltige Raumentwicklung
Author/Editor: Felix Malte Dorn,Armin Kratzer
Governance for Justice and Environmental Sustainability: Lessons across natural resource sectors in sub-Saharan Africa
Author/Editor: Merle Sowman,Rachel Wynberg
Governance for Drought Resilience: Land and Water Drought Management in Europe
Author/Editor: Hans Bressers,Nanny Bressers,Corinne Larrue
Governance Ethics in Healthcare Organizations
Author/Editor: Gerard Magill,Lawrence Prybil
Governance der Kreativwirtschaft : Diagnosen und Handlungsoptionen
Governance der Kreativwirtschaft
Governance, democracy and ethics in crisis-decision-making: The pandemic and beyond
Author/Editor: Caroline Redhead,Melanie Smallman
Governance and City Regions: Policy and Planning in Europe
Author/Editor: Karsten Zimmermann,Patricia Feiertag
Governance and Business Models for Sustainable Capitalism
Author/Editor: Atle Midttun
Governable Spaces: Democratic Design for Online Life
Author/Editor: Nathan Schneider
Gouverner les ressources génétiquesLes stratégies des acteurs face aux droits de propriété et aux règles sur l’accès et le partage des avantages
Author/Editor: Nicolas Pauchard
Gouverner les migrations pour perpétuer la mondialisation: Gestion migratoire et Organisation internationale pour les migrations
Author/Editor: Younes Ahouga
Gouverner la biodiversité ou comment réussir à échouer
Author/Editor: Vincent Devictor
Gouvernementalität und Sicherheit: Zeitdiagnostische Beiträge im Anschluss an Foucault
Author/Editor: Patricia Purtschert,Katrin Meyer,Yves Winter
Gouvernementalität der Wissensgesellschaft : Politik und Subjektivität unter dem Regime des Wissens
Author/Editor: Junge ,Torsten
Gouvernementalität der Wissensgesellschaft
Gouvernance du secteur de la Sécurité : Leçons des expériences ouest-africaines
Author/Editor: Bryden ,Alan,Chappuis ,Fairlie
Gouvernance du secteur de la Sécurité
Gouden bergen, diepe dalen. De inkomensgevolgen van een betaalbare oudedagsvoorziening
Author/Editor: Jansweijer ,R.M.A.
Gottmenschentum und Menschgottum: Zur Auseinandersetzung von Christentum und Atheismus im russischen Denken
Author/Editor: Vera Ammer
Gott, Gaia und eine neue Gesellschaft: Theologie anders denken mit Bruno Latour
Author/Editor: Daniel Bogner,Michael Schüßler,Christian Bauer
Gott, Gaia und eine neue Gesellschaft: Theologie anders denken mit Bruno Latour
Author/Editor: Daniel Bogner,Daniel Bogner
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) . Akademievorlesungen Februar - März 2016
Author/Editor: Edwin J. Kreuzer,Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg,Eberhard Knobloch,Nora Gädeke,Horst Bredekamp,Thomas Sonar
Gottfried Semper, London Writings 1850–1855
Author/Editor: Michael Gnehm,Sonja Hildebrand,Dieter Weidmann
Gottfried Benn's Static Poetry: Aesthetic and Intellectual-Historical Interpretations
Author/Editor: Mark William Roche
Gottes Wort und menschliche Sprache: Christliche Offenbarungstheologie und islamische Positionen zur Unnachahmlichkeit des Koran
Author/Editor: Tobias Specker
Gottes Werk und Teufels Wirken: Traum, Vision, Imagination in der frühbyzantinischen monastischen Literatur
Author/Editor: Bettina Krönung
Gottes Haus: Untersuchungen zur Kirche als heiligem Raum von der Spätantike bis ins Frühmittelalter
Author/Editor: Miriam Czock
The Goths & Other Stories: Second Edition
Author/Editor: Tis Kaoru Zamler-Carhart
The Goths & Other Stories
Author/Editor: Sasha Zamler-Carhart
The gothic novel in Ireland: c. 1760–1829
Author/Editor: Christina Morin
Gothic incest : Gender, sexuality and transgression
Author/Editor: DiPlacidi ,Jenny
The Gospel of Thomas and Plato: A Study of the Impact of Platonism on the “Fifth Gospel”
Author/Editor: Ivan Miroshnikov
Go Southwest, Old Man
Author/Editor: Materassi, Mario
Go Online!: Reconfiguring Writing Courses for the New, Virtual World
Author/Editor: Laura Gray-Rosendale,Steven Rosendale
Goodwill Impairment: An Empirical Investigation of Write-Offs under SFAS 142
Author/Editor: Thorsten Sellhorn
Good White Queers?: Racism and Whiteness in Queer U.S. Comics
Author/Editor: Kai Linke
Good Vibrations: Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys in Critical Perspective
Author/Editor: Philip Lambert
Goods and Services of Marine Bivalves
Author/Editor: Aad C. Smaal,Joao G. Ferreira,Jon Grant,Jens K. Petersen,Øivind Strand
Good Research Practice in Non-Clinical Pharmacology and Biomedicine
Author/Editor: Anton Bespalov,Martin C. Michel,Thomas Steckler
Good practice in der institutionellen Kommunikation: Von der Deskription zur Bewertung in der Angewandten Gesprächsforschung
Author/Editor: Sylvia Bendel Larcher,Ina Pick
Goodna Girls: A History of Children in a Queensland Mental Asylum
Author/Editor: Adele Chynoweth
A Good Life: Human rights and encounters with modernity
Author/Editor: Edmunds ,Mary
Good Health, Quality Education, Sustainable Communities, Human Rights: The scientific contribution of Italian UNESCO Chairs and partners to SDGs 2030
Author/Editor: josep-e baños,Carlo Orefice,FRANCESCA BIANCHI,STEFANO COSTANTINI
Good Governance in the Era of Global Neoliberalism
Author/Editor: Jolle Demmers,Alex E. Fernández Jilberto,Barbara Hogenboom
Good Governance in Sport: Critical Reflections
Author/Editor: Arnout Geeraert,Frank van Eekeren
Good Governance and Modern International Financial Institutions: AIIB Yearbook of International Law 2018
Author/Editor: Peter Quayle,Xuan Gao
The Good Fight Continues: World War II Letters From the Abraham Lincoln Brigade
Author/Editor: Peter N. Carroll,Michael Nash,Melvin Small
A Good Example of Peaceful Coexistence?
Author/Editor: Mueller ,Wolfgang
Good Citizenship for the Next Generation: A Global Perspective Using IEA ICCS 2016 Data
Author/Editor: Ernesto Treviño,Diego Carrasco,Ellen Claes,Kerry J. Kennedy
The Good Christian Ruler in the First Millennium: Views from the Wider Mediterranean World in Conversation
Author/Editor: Philip Michael Forness,Alexandra Hasse-Ungeheuer,Hartmut Leppin
The Good Cause: Theoretical Perspectives on Corruption
Author/Editor: Gjalt de Graaf,Patrick von Maravic,Pieter Waagenar
Gongsheng Across Contexts: A Philosophy of Co-Becoming
Author/Editor: Bing Song,Yiwen Zhan
Gone to Pitchipoi : A Boy's Desperate Fight for Survival in Wartime
Author/Editor: Katz ,Rubin
Gone to Pitchipoi
Gončarovs drei Romane - eine Trilogie?
Author/Editor: Annette Huwyler-van der Haegen
Goldgrund und Perspektive: Fra Angelico im Glanz des Quattrocento
Author/Editor: Saskia C. Quené
Golden Years of Australian Radio Astronomy: An Illustrated History
Author/Editor: Wayne Orchiston,Peter Robertson,Woodruff T. Sullivan III
Goldenes Zeitalter der Stagnation?: Perspektiven auf die sowjetische Ordnung der Breznev-Ära
Author/Editor: Boris Belge,Martin Deuerlein
The Golden and Ghoulish Age of the Gibbet in Britain
Author/Editor: Sarah Tarlow
Golden Ages: Hasidic Singers and Cantorial Revival in the Digital Era
Author/Editor: Jeremiah Lockwood
Golda Meir : A Political Biography
Author/Editor: Medzini ,Meron
Golda Meir
Going to University: The Influence of Higher Education on the Lives of Young South Africans
Author/Editor: Jennifer M. Case,Delia Marshall,Sioux McKenna,Mogashana Disaapele
Going to Court to Change Japan: Social Movements and the Law in Contemporary Japan
Author/Editor: Patricia G. Steinhoff
Going Postcard: The Letter(s) of Jacques Derrida
Author/Editor: Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei
Going green: Who is investing in energy efficiency, and why it matters
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Going Europe or Going Dutch?
Author/Editor: Keulen van ,Mendeltje
Go home?: The politics of immigration controversies
Author/Editor: Jones ,Hannah,Gunaratnam ,Yasmin,Bhattacharyya ,Gargi,Davies ,William,Dhaliwal ,Sukhwant,Forkert ,Kirsten,Jackson ,Emma,Saltus ,Roiyah
Géographie et impérialisme: De la Suisse au Congo entre exploration géographique et conquête coloniale
Author/Editor: Fabio Rossinelli
Gogol' und das Problem der menschlichen Identitaet: Die "Petersburger Erzaehlungen" und der "Revisor" als Beispiele fuer ein grundlegendes Thema in den Werken von N. V. Gogol'.
Author/Editor: Andreas Larsson
Gogol's religioeses Weltbild und sein literarisches Werk: Zur Antagonie zwischen Kunst und Tendenz
Author/Editor: Hildegund Schreier
Gogol's eloquentia corporis: Einverleibung, Identifikation und die Grenzen der Figuration
Author/Editor: Natascha Drubek-Meyer
Goettinger Studien zu Wortschatz und Wortbildung im Polnischen
Author/Editor: André De Vincenz
Goethe, the Lyrist: 100 Poems in New Translations Facing the Originals with a Biographical Introduction
Author/Editor: Edwin H. Zeydel
Goethe's Social Philosophy: As Revealed in "Campagne in Frankreich" and "Belagerung von Mainz"
Author/Editor: Alfred G. Jr. Steer
Goethes Lyrik in russischer Uebersetzung
Author/Editor: Ulrike Kahlenborn
Goethe's "Faust": Seven Essays
Author/Editor: Alan P. Cottrell
Goethe’s Faust and the Divan of Ḥāfiẓ Body and Soul in Pursuit of Knowledge and Beauty
Author/Editor: Hiwa Michaeli
Goethe's Cyclical Narratives: "Die Unterhaltungen deutscher Ausgewanderten" and "Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre"
Author/Editor: Jane K. Brown
Goethe bei den Serben
Author/Editor: Dragoslava Perišic
Goed opdrachtgeverschap jegens ICTU - 50
Author/Editor: Loon van ,M.
Goederenstructuur en vooruitzichten van de transportsector
Author/Editor: Pauw ,J.W.
Goede bedoelingen in het onderwijs
Go East, Young Man : Imagining the American West as the Orient
Author/Editor: Francaviglia ,Richard
Go East, Young Man
God's Property: Islam, Charity, and the Modern State
Author/Editor: Nada Moumtaz
Gods huis in de steigers: Religieuze gebouwen in ontwikkeling
Author/Editor: Oskar Verkaaik,Pooyan Tamimi Arab,Daan Beekers
God's Babies
Author/Editor: McKeown ,John
A God of Time and Space: New Perspectives on Bob Dylan and Religion
Author/Editor: Robert W. Kvaalvaag,Geir Winje
God and Humans in Islamic Thought
Author/Editor: Maha Elkaisy-Friemuth
Gobernanza y gestión de áreas protegidas
Author/Editor: Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend,Nigel Dudley,Tilman Jaeger,Barbara Lassen,Neema Pathak Broome,Adrian Philips,Trevor Sandwith
The Goalkeeper : The Nabokov Almanac
Génétiquement indéterminé
Author/Editor: Sylvie Pouteau
Günter Grass und die Berliner Republik: Eine biografische Fallstudie über die kommunikative Macht von Intellektuellen
Author/Editor: Friederike Laura Stausberg
Góngora y Tirso de Molina: lo culto y lo sorprendente
Author/Editor: Laura Dolfi
Géneros y construcción literaria en el Siglo de Oro
A Glossary of Words and Phrases in the Oral Performing and Dramatic Literatures of the Jin, Yuan, and Ming
Author/Editor: Dale R. Johnson
Glossar und Kommentare zu V. Astafjews "Der traurige Detektiv"
Author/Editor: Aschot R. Isaakjan
Glocal Pharma
Author/Editor: Ericka Johnson,Ebba Sjögren,Cecilia Åsberg
Glocal Governance: How to Govern in the Anthropocene?
Author/Editor: Anja Mihr
Global Wine Markets, 1961 to 2009: A statistical compendium
Author/Editor: Anderson ,Kym,Nelgen ,Signe
Global wine markets, 1860 to 2016
Author/Editor: Anderson ,Kym,Nelgen ,Signe,Pinilla ,Vicente
Global Water Issues and Insights
Author/Editor: Grafton R. ,Quentin,Wyrwoll ,Paul,White  ,Chris,Allendes ,David
Global Warming in Local Discourses: How Communities around the World Make Sense of Climate Change
Author/Editor: Michael Brüggemann,Simone Rödde
Global Warming and Climate Change: What Australia knew and buried...then framed a new reality for the public
Author/Editor: Taylor ,Maria
Global War, Global Catastrophe: Neutrals, Belligerents and the Transformations of the First World War
Author/Editor: Maartje Abbenhuis,Ismee Tames
Global Value Chains
Global Urbanism: Knowledge, Power and the City
Author/Editor: Michele Lancione,Colin McFarlane
Global Trends & Challenges in Water Science, Research and Management
Author/Editor: Li ,Hong
The Global Spanish Empire: Five Hundred Years of Place Making and Pluralism
Author/Editor: Christine D. Beaule,John G. Douglass
The Global South and comparative and international education: A leitmotif
Author/Editor: Charl C. Wolhuter
A Global Sourcebook in Protestant Political Thought, Volume I: 1517–1660
Author/Editor: Matthew Rowley,Mariëtta van der Tol
Global Solutions, International Partnerships: The European Investment Bank Development Report 2021
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
The Global Smartphone: Beyond a youth technology
Author/Editor: Daniel Miller,Shireen Walton,Xinyuan Wang,Laila Abed Rabho,Patrick Awondo,Maya de Vries,Marília Duque,Pauline Garvey,Laura Haapio-Kirk,Charlotte Hawkins,Alfonso Otaegui
Global Resource Scarcity: Catalyst for Conflict or Cooperation?
Author/Editor: Marcelle C. Dawson,Christopher Rosin,Nave Wald
Global reach: The impact of the EIB beyond the European Union 2019
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
A Global Radical Waterfront: The International Propaganda Committee of Transport Workers and the International of Seamen and Harbour Workers, 1921–1937
Author/Editor: Holger Weiss
Global Public Goods and Sustainable Development in the Practice of International Organizations: Responding to Challenges of Today’s World
Author/Editor: Ewa Latoszek,Agnieszka Kłos
Global processes of flight and migration = Globale Flucht- und Migrationsprozesse: The explanatory power of case studies = Die Erklärungskraft von Fallstudien
Author/Editor: Eva Bahl,Johannes Becker
The Global Politics of Artificial Intelligence
Author/Editor: Maurizio Tinnirello
Global Political Leadership: In Search of Synergy
Author/Editor: Małgorzata Zachara-Szymańska
Global Political Demography: The Politics of Population Change
Author/Editor: Achim Goerres,Pieter Vanhuysse
Global Player EU? : Eine ideologiekritische Metaphernanalyse
Author/Editor: Bischof ,Karin
Global Player EU?
Global Platform Work: Negotiating Relations in a Translocal Assemblage
Author/Editor: Anna Oechslen
Global Photographies : Memory – History – Archives
Global Perspectives on Recognising Non-formal and Informal Learning: Why Recognition Matters
Author/Editor: Madhu Singh
Global Perspectives on NGO Communication for Social Change
Author/Editor: Giuliana Sorce
Global Perspectives on Leadership in Early Childhood Education
Author/Editor: Matshediso Rebecca Modise,Elina Fonsén,Johanna Heikka,Nkidi Phatudi,Marit Bøe,Thembi Phala
Global Perspectives on Educational Innovations for Emergency Situations
Author/Editor: Vanessa Dennen,Camille Dickson-Deane,Xun Ge,Dirk Ifenthaler,Sahana Murthy,Jennifer C. Richardson
Global Perspectives on China's Belt and Road Initiative: Asserting Agency through Regional Connectivity
Author/Editor: Florian Schneider
Global Perspectives on Anti-Feminism: Far-Right and Religious Attacks on Equality and Diversity
Author/Editor: Judith Goetz,Stefanie Mayer
Global Perspectives of COVID-19 Pandemic on Health, Education, and Role of Media
Author/Editor: Saroj Pachauri,Ash Pachauri
Global Pathways to Education: Cultural Spheres, Networks, and International Organizations
Author/Editor: Kerstin Martens,Michael Windzio
Global Mindset and International Business: Driving Process Outsourcing Organizations
Author/Editor: Magdalena Kossowska,Jerzy Rosiński
Global Metal Music and Culture: Current Directions in Metal Studies
Author/Editor: Andy R. Brown,Karl Spracklen,Keith Kahn-Harris,Niall Scott
Global Media Sport: Flows, Forms and Futures
Author/Editor: David Rowe
The Global Lives of German Migrants: Consequences of International Migration Across the Life Course
Author/Editor: Marcel Erlinghagen,Andreas Ette,Norbert F. Schneider,Nils Witte
Global Literary Studies: Key Concepts
Author/Editor: Diana Roig-Sanz,Neus Rotger
Global LGBTQ Health: Research, Policy, Practice, and Pathways
Author/Editor: Sel J. Hwahng,Michelle R. Kaufman
Global Legitimacy Crises: Decline and Revival in Multilateral Governance
Author/Editor: Thomas Sommerer,Hans Agné,Fariborz Zelli,Bart Bes
Globalizzazione: e la popolazione?: Le relazioni fra demografia e mondo globalizzato
Author/Editor: Maria Silvana SALVINI
Globalizing the Soybean: Fat, Feed, and Sometimes Food, c. 1900–1950
Author/Editor: Ines Prodöhl
Globalizing the Library: Librarians and Development Work, 1945–1970
Author/Editor: Amanda Laugesen
Globalizing Cricket: Englishness, Empire and Identity
Author/Editor: Dominic Malcolm
Globalizing Boxing
Author/Editor: Kath Woodward
Globalization's Contradictions
Author/Editor: Dennis Conway,Nik Heynen
Globalization: Past, Present, Future
Author/Editor: Manfred B. Steger,Roland Benedikter,Harald Pechlaner,Ingrid Kofler
The Globalization of Science Curricula
Author/Editor: Oliver Stacey,Giulia De Lazzari,Hilary Grayson,Hazel Griffin,Emily Jones,Amanda Taylor,David Thomas
The Globalization of Foreign Aid: Developing Consensus
Author/Editor: Liam Swiss
Globalization, Environmental Law, and Sustainable Development in the Global South: Challenges for Implementation (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Paolo Davide Farah,Kirk W. Junker
Globalization contested: An international political economy of work
Author/Editor: Amoore ,Louise
Globalization and the City: Two Connected Phenomena in Past and Present
Author/Editor: Exenberger ,Andreas,Strobl ,Philipp,Bischof ,Günter,Mokhiber ,James
Globalization and “Minority” Cultures: The Role of “Minor” Cultural Groups in Shaping Our Global Future
Author/Editor: Sophie Croisy
Globalization and Labour in the Twenty-First Century
Globalization and Labour in the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: Burgmann ,Verity
Globalization and Economic Diversification: Policy Challenges for Economies in Transition
Author/Editor: Rob Vos,Malinka Koparanova
Globalization and Capitalist Geopolitics
Author/Editor: Woodley ,Daniel
Globalität sehen: Zur visuellen Konstruktion von »Welt«
Author/Editor: Sebastian W. Hoggenmüller
Global Issues – Local Alternatives
Author/Editor: Iryna Bakhcheva,Adua Dalla Costa,Anna Katharina Grill,Yu-Po Hua,Davi Lemos,Syed Saad Ali Pasha,Mashiyat Rahman,Taïs Real,Amanda Zanchetta
Globalising Democracy
Author/Editor: Peter Burnell
Globalisierung und Integrales Bewusstsein
Author/Editor: Leopold ,Heinrich
Globalisierung und Ideologie: Eine Analyse der Existenz und Persistenz von Partisaneffekten bei zunehmender Internationalisierung der Maerkte
Author/Editor: Tobias Just
Globalisierung im Zwiespalt : Die postglobale Misere und Wege, sie zu bewältigen
Author/Editor: Turek ,Jürgen
Globalisierung im Zwiespalt
Author/Editor: Jörg Dürrschmidt
Globalisation vs Europeanisation: A Human-centric Interaction
Author/Editor: Léonce Bekemans
Globalisation, Migration and Socio-Economic Change in Contemporary Greece
Author/Editor: Hatziprokopiou ,Panos Arion
Globalisation, Geopolitics, and Gender in Professional Communication
Author/Editor: Louise Mullany,Stephanie Schnurr
Globalisation contested
Globalisation and Poverty
Author/Editor: Maurizio Bussolo,Jeffery I Round
Globalisation and Livelihood Transformations in the Indonesian Seaweed Industry
Author/Editor: Zannie Langford
Globalisation and its Economic Consequences: Looking at APEC Economies
Author/Editor: Shujiro Urata,Ha Thi Thanh Doan
Globalisation and Governance in the Pacific Islands
Author/Editor: Firth ,Stewart
Global Initiatives and Higher Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Author/Editor: Erna Oliver
Global Indian Diasporas
Global humanitarianism and media culture
Author/Editor: Michael Lawrence,Rachel Tavernor
The Global Horizon: Expectations of Migration in Africa and the Middle East
Author/Editor: Knut Graw,Samuli Schielke
Global History with Chinese Characteristics: Autocratic States along the Silk Road in the Decline of the Spanish and Qing Empires 1680-1796
Author/Editor: Manuel Perez-Garcia