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Titles start with I ( displaying 500 of 1,669 ) Information
Žiznetvorčestvo oder die Vor-Schrift des Textes: Eine Untersuchung zur Geschlechter-Ethik und Geschlechts-Aesthetik in der russichen Moderne
Author/Editor: Daniela Rippl
Iz istorii russkoj grammatiki: Nachdruck der Ausgabe Petrograd 1917 besorgt von Peter Kosta
Author/Editor: Nikolaj Kul'man,Peter Kosta
The Izala Movement in Nigeria: Genesis, Fragmentation and Revival
Author/Editor: Ramzi Ben Amara
I You He She It
Author/Editor: Crump ,Simon,Stewart ,Michael
Ivo Kozarčanin - Leben und Werk: Ein Beitrag zur kroatischen Zwischenkriegsliteratur
Author/Editor: Elfriede Bachmann
Živoe slovo. Archiepiskop Amvrosij: Izdanie vtoroe, Char'kov 1903: Nachdruck und Einleitung von Holger Kuße
Author/Editor: Aleksej I. Kljucarev
Ivo Andrić. Studien ueber seine Erzaehlkunst
Author/Editor: Regina Minde
Ivo Andrić 1892-1992
Author/Editor: Peter Thiergen
Ivan S. Turgenev. Leben, Werk und Wirkung: Beitraege der Internationalen Fachkonferenz aus Anlaß des 175. Geburtstages an der Otto-Friedrich-Universitaet Bamberg, 15-18. September 1993
Author/Editor: Peter Thiergen
Ivan Konevskoi : "Wise Child" of Russian Symbolism
Author/Editor: Grossman ,Joan Delaney
Ivan Aleksandăr (1331-1371): Splendore e tramonto del secondo impero bulgaro
IUTAM: A Short History
Author/Editor: Dr. Stephen Juhasz
Iustitia, Concordia, Pax: Vermittlung, Repräsentation und Legitimation von Frieden in Dichtungen zwischen 1648 und 1763
Author/Editor: Franziska Bauer
i used to love to dream
Author/Editor: A.D. Carson
iURBAN: Intelligent Urban Energy Tool
Author/Editor: Narcis Avellana,Alberto Fernandez
iURBAN: Intelligent Urban Energy Tool
Author/Editor: Narcis Avellana,Alberto Fernandez
It’s My Party: Tat Ming Pair and the Postcolonial Politics of Popular Music in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Yiu Fai Chow,Jeroen de Kloet,Leonie Schmidt
It’s All About Emotions Narratives of highly skilled migrants: A study of Swiss in Israel and Israelis in Switzerland
Author/Editor: Hélène Mona Oberlé
IT Laws in the Era of Cloud-Computing: A Comparative Analysis between EU and US Law on the Case Study of Data Protection and Privacy
Author/Editor: Xenofon Kontargyris
Itinerari danteschi nelle culture slave
Author/Editor: Giovanna Siedina
Itinerant Spectator/Itinerant Spectacle
Author/Editor: P.A. Skantze
Itinerant Philosophy: On Alphonso Lingis
Author/Editor: Bobby George,Tom Sparrow
IT für soziale Inklusion: Digitalisierung – Künstliche Intelligenz – Zukunft für alle
Author/Editor: Aljoscha Burchardt,Hans Uszkoreit
I testimoni del XIV secolo del "Pluto" di Aristofane
Author/Editor: Domenica Maria Cisterna
I testamenti dei cittadini romani d’Egitto tra storia sociale e prassi giuridica: Dal I secolo d.C. a Severo Alessandro
Author/Editor: Lucia C. Colella
I territori della contemporaneità: Percorsi di ricerca nella multidisciplinarietà
Author/Editor: Maddalena Rossi,CLAUDIO SARAGOSA
Iteration:Again: 13 Public Art Projects across Tasmania
Author/Editor: Marco Marcon
Italy to Argentina: Travel Writing and Emigrant Colonialism
Author/Editor: Tullio Pagano
Italienisches, europäisches und internationales Immaterialgüterrecht
Author/Editor: Simon Laimer,Simon Laimer,Christoph Perathoner,Christoph Perathoner
Italia, Russia e mondo slavo: Studi filologici e letterari
Author/Editor: Maria Giovanna Di Salvo,Giovanna Brogi Bercoff,Alberto Alberti,Maria Cristina Bragone,LAURA ROSSI
Italians in Early Modern Poland: Translated by Katarzyna Popowicz
Author/Editor: Wojciech Tygielski
Italian Proteomics Association, 5th Annual National Conference Abstract Volume
Author/Editor: Alessandra Modesti
Italiano con l'immaginario : Tre canovacci di simulation globale
Author/Editor: Montali ,Sandra
Italiano con l'immaginario
Italian National Forest Inventory—Methods and Results of the Third Survey: Inventario Nazionale delle Foreste e dei Serbatoi Forestali di Carbonio—Metodi e Risultati della Terza Indagine
Author/Editor: Patrizia Gasparini,Lucio Di Cosmo,Antonio Floris,Davide De Laurentis
Italian National Forest Inventory—Methods and Results of the Third Survey: Inventario Nazionale delle Foreste e dei Serbatoi Forestali di Carbonio—Metodi e Risultati della Terza Indagine
Author/Editor: Patrizia Gasparini,Lucio Di Cosmo,Antonio Floris,Davide De Laurentis
Italian Jewry in the Early Modern Era: Essays in Intellectual History
Author/Editor: Alessandro Guetta
Italiani di Milano: Studi in onore di Silvia Morgana
Author/Editor: Massimo Prada,Giuseppe Sergio
The Italian Diaspora in South Africa: Nostalgia, Identity, and Belonging in the Second and Third Generations
Author/Editor: Maria Chiara Marchetti-Mercer,Anita Virga
Italia ed Europa centro-orientale tra Medioevo ed Età moderna: Economia, Società, Cultura
Author/Editor: Andrea Fara
Is William Martinez Not Our Brother?: Twenty Years of the Prison Creative Arts Project
Author/Editor: William Alexander
Isurium Brigantum: an archaeological survey of Roman Aldborough
Author/Editor: Rose Ferraby,Martin Millett
I Succeeded Once
Author/Editor: Hansen Fels ,Marie
Is Two-Tier Health Care the Future?
Author/Editor: Colleen M. Flood,Bryan Thomas
Istoryčnyj slovnyk ukrajins'koho jazyka: Historisches Woerterbuch der ukrainischen Sprache. Nachdruck der Ausgabe Charkiv 1930-1932
Author/Editor: Jevhen Tymcenko
Istorija russkogo literaturnogo jazyka (XI-XVII vv.): (Az orosz irodalmi nyelv toerténete a XI-XVII. században). Na russ. jaz.
Author/Editor: Boris A. Uspenskij
Istorija oblika srpskoga ili hrvatskoga jezika do svršetka XVII vijeka: Geschichte der Form der serbischen oder kroatischen Sprache bis zum Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts. Nachdruck der Ausgabe Biograd, Državne Štamparije, 1874
Author/Editor: Đuro Daničić
Istorietta troiana con le Eroidi gaddiane glossate: Studio, edizione critica e glossario
Author/Editor: Alfonso D'Agostino,Luca Barbieri
Istället för äktenskap: Att driva jordbruk tillsammans med syskon i 1900-talets Sverige
Author/Editor: Martin Dackling
Is there a Judeo-Christian Tradition?: A European Perspective
Author/Editor: Emmanuel Nathan,Anya Topolski
Ist es der Sindtfluss? – Kulturelle Strategien & Reflexionen zur Prävention und Bewältigung von Naturgefahren
Author/Editor: Lackner ,Reinhard,Psenner ,Roland,Walcher ,Maria
Ist eine gute Schule eine inklusive Schule?: Entwicklung von Messinstrumenten durch Schulinspektionen
Author/Editor: Anne Piezunka
Ist das Hautfarbe?: Elementarpädagogische Präventionsmaßnahmen gegen Vorurteile und Diskriminierung bei Kindern
Author/Editor: Alexander Stärck
Ist Beten sinnvoll?: Die 5. Rede des Maximos von Tyros
Author/Editor: Rainer Hirsch-Luipold,Michael Trapp,Barbara Borg
Issues in Open Research Data
Author/Editor: Moore ,Sam
Issues in Open Research Data
Issues Around Aligning Theory, Research and Practice in Social Work Education
Author/Editor: Allucia Lulu Shokane,Jabulani Makhubele,Lisa V. Blitz
Issues and Challenges in Corporate and Capital Market Law: Germany and East Asia
Author/Editor: Holger Fleischer,Hideki Kanda
Issue Mapping for an Ageing Europe
Author/Editor: Rogers ,Richard,Sánchez-Querubín ,Natalia,Kil ,Aleksandra
Issledovanija po semantike predikatov vnutrennego sostojanija. Investigations in the semantics of inner state predicates
Author/Editor: Anna A. Zaliznjak
Israel’s Academic Arena: The Colleges and University Extensions Revolution
Author/Editor: Pinhas Haliwa
«Israelita ma di eccezione»: Ebrei perseguitati nell’università italiana
Author/Editor: Gabriele Turi
Israelische Satiren für ein westdeutsches Publikum: Ephraim Kishon, Friedrich Torberg und die Konstruktionen „jüdischen Humors“ nach der Schoah
Author/Editor: Birgit M. Körner
The Israeli response to Jewish extremism and violence
Author/Editor: Pedahzur ,Ami
Israel and the Question of Reparations from Germany: Post-Holocaust Reckonings (1949–1953)
Author/Editor: Jacob Tovy
Israel and Empire: A Postcolonial History of Israel and Early Judaism
Author/Editor: Leo G. Perdue,Warren Carter
Isotopic fractionation study towards massive star-forming regions across the Galaxy
Author/Editor: Laura Colzi
Isotopes in Economic Geology, Metallogenesis and Exploration
Author/Editor: David Huston,Jens Gutzmer
Islands of Turmoil
Author/Editor: Lal V. ,Brij
Islands of Salt: Historical Archaeology of Seafarers and Things in the Venezuelan Caribbean, 1624–1880
Author/Editor: Konrad A. Antczak
Islands of Inquiry: Colonisation, seafaring and the archaeology of maritime landscapes (TA29)
Islands of Hope: Indigenous Resource Management in a Changing Pacific
Author/Editor: Paul D'Arcy,Daya Dakasi Da-Wei Kuan
Island Rivers: Fresh Water and Place in Oceania
Author/Editor: John R. Wagner,Jerry K. Jacka
Island Encounters: Timor-Leste from the outside in
Author/Editor: Lisa Palmer
Islamunterricht - Islamischer Religionsunterricht - Islamkunde: Viele Titel - ein Fach?
Author/Editor: Irka-Christin Mohr,Michael Kiefer
Islam, Politics and Change
Author/Editor: van Dijk ,Kees,Kaptein J.G. ,Nico
Islam, Politics and Change
Islam, Politics and Change
Author/Editor: Kees van Dijk,Nico J.G. Kaptein
Islamophobia as a Form of Radicalisation: Perspectives on Media, Academia and Socio-political Scapes from Europe and Canada
Author/Editor: Leen d’Haenens,Abdelwahed Mekki-Berrada
Islam on the Move
Author/Editor: Noor ,Farish A.
Islam, Justice, and Democracy
Author/Editor: Sabri Ciftci
Islamistische Gewalttaten in Westeuropa: Entwicklung und empirische Überprüfung eines Erklärungsmodells der Radikalisierung und Tatbegehung
Author/Editor: Marco-Thejesh Lohmann
Islamistische Gewalttaten in Westeuropa: Entwicklung und empirische Überprüfung eines Erklärungsmodells der Radikalisierung und Tatbegehung
Author/Editor: Marco-Thejesh Lohmann
Islamismus in der Jugendphase: Eine rekonstruktive Studie zu Radikalisierungsprozessen
Author/Editor: Anja Frank,Anna Felicitas Scholz
Islamismus in der Jugendphase: Eine rekonstruktive Studie zu Radikalisierungsprozessen
Author/Editor: Anja Frank,Anna Felicitas Scholz
Islamising Indonesian: The Rise of Jemaah Tarbiyah and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS)
Author/Editor: Machmudi ,Yon
Islamische Stammesgesellschaften
Author/Editor: Kraus ,Wolfgang
Islamische Selbstbilder: Festschrift für Susanne Enderwitz
Author/Editor: Sarah Kiyanrad,Rebecca Sauer,Jan Scholz
Islamische Kultur und moderne Gesellschaft: Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Soziologie des Islams
Author/Editor: Georg Stauth
Islamisation and Its Opponents in Java: A Political, Social, Cultural and Religious History, c. 1930 to Present
Author/Editor: M.C. Ricklefs
Islam in Process: Historical and Civilizational Perspectives (Yearbook of the Sociology of Islam 7)
Author/Editor: Johann P. Arnason,Armando Salvatore,Georg Stauth
Islam in a Post-Secular Society
Author/Editor: Byrd ,Dustin
The Islamic Traditions of Cirebon: Ibadat and Adat Among Javanese Muslims
Author/Editor: Muhaimin ,A.G.
Islamic Studies in the Twenty-first Century : Transformations and Continuities
Islamic Studies in the Twenty-first Century
Islamic States in Java 1500-1700
Author/Editor: Pigeaud ,T.G.,Graaf de ,H.
Islamic States in Java 1500-1700
Islamic Shangri-La: Inter-Asian Relations and Lhasa’s Muslim Communities, 1600 to 1960
Author/Editor: David Atwill
Islamic Reformism and Christianity : A Critical Reading of the Works of Muḥammad Rashīd Riḍā and His Associates (1898-1935)
Author/Editor: Ryad ,Umar
Islamic Reformism and Christianity
Islamic Peace Ethics : Legitimate and Illegitimate Violence in Contemporary Islamic Thought
Islamic Law in Early Modern Iran: Sharīʿa Court Practice in the Sixteenth to Twentieth Centuries
Author/Editor: Zahir Bhalloo
Islamic Glass in the Making: Chronological and Geographical Dimensions
Author/Editor: Nadine Schibille
The Islamic Funerary Inscriptions of Bahrain, Pre-1317 AH/1900 AD
Author/Editor: Timothy Insoll,Salman Almahari,Rachel MacLean
Islamic Ethics and the Trusteeship Paradigm: Taha Abderrahmane’s Philosophy in Comparative Perspectives: الأخلاق الإسلامية ونسق الائتمانية: مقاربات في فلسفة طه عبد الرحمن
Author/Editor: Mohammed Hashas,Mutaz al-Khatib
Islamic Ethics and the Genome Question
Author/Editor: Mohammed Ghaly
Islamic Ethics and Incidental Findings: Genomic Morality Beyond the Secular Paradigm
Author/Editor: Mohammed Ghaly
Islamic Area Studies with Geographical Information Systems
Author/Editor: Atsuyuki Okabe
Islamic Activism and Democratization in the Middle East and North Africa
Author/Editor: Harchaoui ,S.,Schoonenboom ,J.,Joffé ,G.,Abu-Rumman ,M.S.,Hendriks ,B.,Luyendijk ,J.
Islam, Humanity and the Indonesian Identity: Reflections on History
Author/Editor: Ahmad Syafii Maarif,George A. Fowler
Islam, Gender, Intersektionalität: Bildungswege junger Frauen in der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Nathalie Gasser
Islam, Gender, Intersektionalität. Bildungswege junger Frauen in der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Nathalie Gasser
Islam, Civil Society and Social Work
Author/Editor: Harmsen ,Egbert
Islam at 250: Studies in Memory of G.H.A. Juynboll
Author/Editor: Petra Sijpesteijn,Camilla Adang
Islam and the Trajectory of Globalization: Rational Idealism and the Structure of World History
Author/Editor: Louay M. Safi
Islam and the making of the nation: Kartosuwiryo and political Islam in twentieth-century Indonesia
Author/Editor: Formichi ,Chiara
Islam and the making of the nation: Kartosuwiryo and political Islam in twentieth-century Indonesia
Islam and the Limits of the State: Reconfigurations of Practice, Community and Authority in Contemporary Aceh
Author/Editor: R. Michael Feener,David Kloos,Annemarie Samuels
Islam and Politics in Indonesia: The Masyumi Party between Democracy and Integralism
Author/Editor: Remy Madinier,Jeremy Desmond
Islam and Muslim Life in West Africa: Practices, Trajectories and Influences
Author/Editor: André Chappatte,Abdoulaye Sounaye
Islam and Muslim Life in West Africa: Practices, Trajectories and Influences
Author/Editor: André Chappatte,Abdoulaye Sounaye
Islam and Heritage in Europe: Pasts, Presents and Future Possibilities
Author/Editor: Katarzyna Puzon,Sharon Macdonald,Mirjam Shatanawi
Islam and Evolution: Al-Ghazālī and the Modern Evolutionary Paradigm
Author/Editor: Shoaib Ahmad Malik
Is it French? Popular Postnational Screen Fiction from France
Author/Editor: Mary Harrod,Raphaëlle Moine
I sistemi museali in Toscana: Primi risultati di una ricerca sul campo
Author/Editor: Luciana Lazzeretti
I sistemi locali turistici in Italia
Author/Editor: Capone, Francesco
Is Good Governance Good for Development?
Author/Editor: Anisuzzaman Chowdhury
Is Good Governance Good for Development?
Author/Editor: Anisuzzaman Chowdhury
@' is for Activism: Dissent, Resistance and Rebellion in a Digital Culture
Author/Editor: Joss Hands
I servizi ecosistemici nella pianificazione bioregionale
Author/Editor: Daniela Poli
I segreti degli strumenti di scrittura: Storia, design, materiali, produzione
Author/Editor: Alessandro Titone
Iscrizioni medievali nel territorio fiorentino fino al XIII secolo
Author/Editor: Tommaso Gramigni
Is Behavioral Economics Doomed?
Author/Editor: Levine K. ,David
Isar Maps: Anthropozäne Naturen entwerfen
Author/Editor: Undine Giseke,Edda Ostertag,Kathrin Wieck
Isaak Babel' auf der sowjetischen Buehne
Author/Editor: Petra Morsbach
Isaac Orobio: The Jewish Argument with Dogma and Doubt
Author/Editor: Carsten Wilke
Isaac Orobio: The Jewish Argument with Dogma and Doubt
Author/Editor: Carsten Wilke
Irritating Experiments: Haller’s Concept and the European Controversy on Irritability and Sensibility, 1750-90
Author/Editor: Hubert Steinke
Irreverent Persia : Invective, Satirical and Burlesque Poetry from the Origins to the Timurid Periode (10th to 15th Centuries)
Author/Editor: Zipoli ,Riccardo
Irreverent Persia
Irregular Unions: Clandestine Marriage in Early Modern English Literature
Author/Editor: Katharine Cleland
Irregular Migration: IMISCOE Short Reader
Author/Editor: Maurizio Ambrosini,Minke H.J. Hajer
Irregular Migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands: Aspirations and Incorporation
Author/Editor: Meeteren van ,Masja
Irradiated Cities
Author/Editor: nagai mariko
Iron WIll: Global Extractivism and Mining Resistance in Brazil and India
Author/Editor: Markus Kröger
Ironiens tænker, tænkningens ironi (Vol. 12):Kierkegaard læst retorisk
Author/Editor: Jacob Bøggild
Ironiens tænker, tænkningens ironi (Vol. 12):Kierkegaard læst retorisk
Iron Age Ritual: A hillfort and evidence for a minster at Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire
Author/Editor: Mike Farley,Gillian Jones
I risultati scolastici: alcune piste di approfondimento: III Seminario "I dati INVALSI: uno strumento per la ricerca"
Author/Editor: Patrizia Falzetti
I risultati scolastici: alcune piste di approfondimento: III Seminario "I dati INVALSI: uno strumento per la ricerca"
Author/Editor: Patrizia Falzetti
Irish Literature Since 1990 : Diverse Voices
Author/Editor: Brewster ,Scott,Parker ,Michael
Irish Literature Since 1990
The Irish Folklore Commission 1935-1970: History, ideology, methodology
Author/Editor: Briody ,Mícheál
The Irish Folklore Commission 1935-1970: History, ideology, methodology
Iridescent Kuwait: Petro-Modernity and Urban Visual Culture since the Mid-Twentieth Century
Author/Editor: Laura Hindelang
„Irgendwann brauch' ich dann auch Hilfe …!“ – Selbstorganisation, Engagement und Mitverantwortung älterer Menschen in ländlichen Räumen
Author/Editor: Monika Alisch,Martina Ritter,Annegret Boos-Krüger,Christine Schönberger,Roger Glaser,Yvonne Rubin,Barbara Solf-Leipold
Ireland's Long Economic Boom: The Celtic Tiger Economy, 1986–2007
Author/Editor: Eoin O'Malley
I prefissi verbali nella Povest’ vremennych let: Per un’analisi del processo di formazione dell’aspetto verbale in russo
I papiri di Eschilo e di Sofocle: Atti del convegno internazionale di studi. Firenze, 14-15 giugno 2012
Author/Editor: Angelo Alfredo Casanova,Guido BASTIANINI
I paesaggi nelle campagne di Roma
Author/Editor: Cazzola, Alessandra
«Io vivo fra le cose e invento, come posso, il modo di nominarle»: Pier Paolo Pasolini e la lingua della modernità
Author/Editor: Maria Teresa Venturi
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid
I Open Fire
Author/Editor: David Pol
Ionospheric Multi-Spacecraft Analysis Tools: Approaches for Deriving Ionospheric Parameters
Author/Editor: Malcolm Wray Dunlop,Hermann Lühr
Inzicht in de toekomst als basis voor beleid van vandaag
Author/Editor: WRR
Inzichten vanaf de zijlijn, wetenschappelijke coaching van het sportbeleid?
Author/Editor: Bottenburg van ,M.,Vanreusel ,B.,Verweel ,P.,Teeuwen ,M.
Inzestverbot und Gesetzgebung: Die Konstruktion eines Verbrechens (300-1100)
Author/Editor: Karl Ubl
Involving Anthroponomy in the Anthropocene: On Decoloniality
Author/Editor: Jeremy Bendik-Keymer
Involvierte Autonomie: Künstlerische Praxis zwischen Engagement und Eigenlogik
Author/Editor: Birgit Eusterschulte,Christian Krüger
Involvierte Autonomie: Künstlerische Praxis zwischen Engagement und Eigenlogik
Author/Editor: Birgit Eusterschulte,Christian Krüger
Involuntary Associations : Postcolonial Studies and World Englishes
Author/Editor: Huddart ,David
Involuntary Associations
Invoking Flora Nwapa: Nigerian women writers, femininity and spirituality in world literature
Author/Editor: Paula Uimonen
Invito alla Psicologia sociale
Author/Editor: Nicola Spinosi
Invited to Witness: Solidarity Tourism across Occupied Palestine
Author/Editor: Jennifer Lynn Kelly
Invited Lectures from the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education
Author/Editor: Gabriele Kaiser,Helen Forgasz,Mellony Graven,Alain Kuzniak,Elaine Simmt,Binyan Xu
An Invitation to Statistics in Wasserstein Space
Author/Editor: Victor M. Panaretos,Yoav Zemel
Invisible Weapons: Liturgy and the Making of Crusade Ideology
Author/Editor: M. Cecilia Gaposchkin
Invisible Search and Online Search Engines: The Ubiquity of Search in Everyday Life
Author/Editor: Jutta Haider,Olof Sundin
Invisible Reconstruction: Cross-disciplinary responses to natural, biological and man-made disasters
Author/Editor: Lucia Patrizio Gunning,Paola Rizzi
Invisible Reconstruction: Cross-disciplinary responses to natural, biological and man-made disasters
Author/Editor: Lucia Patrizio Gunning,Paola Rizzi
Invisible Manuscripts: Textual Scholarship and the Survival of 2 Baruch
Author/Editor: Liv Ingeborg Lied
Invisible Engines: How Software Platforms Drive Innovation and Transform Industries
Author/Editor: David S. Evans,Andrei Hagiu,Richard Schmalensee
(In)visible Acts of Resistance in the Twilight of the Franco Regime: A Historical Narration
Author/Editor: Aurora G. Morcillo
Invihsibles: Trajectoires de femmes séropositives
Author/Editor: Fargnoli Vanessa
In viaggio per il Congresso di Vienna: Lettere di Daniello Berlinghieri a Anna Martini, con un percorso tra le fonti archivistiche in appendice
Author/Editor: Josiane Tourres,Barbara Innocenti,Marco Lombardi
Investor-State Dispute Settlement and National Courts: Current Framework and Reform Options
Author/Editor: Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler,Michele Potestà
Investment Report 2022/2023 - Key Findings
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Investment Report 2021/2022 — Key Findings: Recovery as a springboard for change
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Investment barriers in the European Union 2023: A report by the European Investment Bank Group
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Investing in nature-based solutions: State-of-play and way forward for public and private financial measures in Europe
Investigations Into the Phenomenology and the Ontology of the Work of Art: What are Artworks and How Do We Experience Them?
Author/Editor: Peer F. Bundgaard,Frederik Stjernfelt
Investigation on the dissemination of unit watt in airborne sound and applications
Author/Editor: Spyros Brezas
Investigating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: A New Transdisciplinary Approach
Author/Editor: Andrew Loke
Investigating the Body in the Victorian Asylum: Doctors, Patients, and Practices
Author/Editor: Jennifer Wallis
Investigating Human Interaction through Mathematical Analysis: The Queue Transform
Author/Editor: Kurt T. Brintzenhofe
Investigating Human Interaction through Mathematical Analysis: The Queue Transform
Author/Editor: Kurt T. Brintzenhofe
Investigación educacional: Evidencias para la innovación educativa
Author/Editor: Alejandra Sánchez Bravo
Investigación educacional: Evidencias para la innovación educativa
Author/Editor: Alejandra Sánchez Bravo
Investeringen en de financiële infrastructuur
Author/Editor: Eijgenhuijse ,H.G.
Investeren in werkzekerheid
Inverse dynamics of underactuated flexible mechanical systems governed by quasi-linear hyperbolic partial differential equations
Author/Editor: Timo Ströhle
Inverse Dynamic Game Methods for Identification of Cooperative System Behavior
Author/Editor: Juan Jairo Inga Charaja
Inventory Analytics
Author/Editor: Roberto Rossi
Inventive/Interventive Demokratie?: Experimentelle Zukunftsszenarien der europäischen »Flüchtlingsfrage«
Author/Editor: Nora Rigamonti
Invention Pedagogy – The Finnish Approach to Maker Education
Author/Editor: Tiina Korhonen,Kaiju Kangas,Laura Salo
Invention Pedagogy – The Finnish Approach to Maker Education
Author/Editor: Tiina Korhonen,Kaiju Kangas,Laura Salo
The Invention of Palestinian Citizenship, 1918-1947
Author/Editor: Lauren Banko
The Invention of Mikhail Lomonosov : A Russian National Myth
Author/Editor: Usitalo ,Steven
Inventing the Third World: In Search of Freedom for the Postwar Global South
Author/Editor: Jeremy Adelman,Gyan Prakash
Inventing Origins? Aetiological Thinking in Greek and Roman Antiquity
Author/Editor: A.B. Wessels,J.J.H. Klooster
Inventing Cinema: Machines, Gestures and Media History
Author/Editor: Benoît Turquety
Inventing America’s First Immigration Crisis: Political Nativism in the Antebellum West
Author/Editor: Luke Ritter
Inventing Africa: History, Archaeology and Ideas
Author/Editor: Robin Derricourt
Inventar zur brandenburgischen Militaergeschichte 1914−1945: Quellen des Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchivs ueber das Zeitalter der Weltkriege − Bearbeitet von Klaus Geßner
Author/Editor: Klaus Neitmann
Inventar zur brandenburgischen Militaergeschichte 1815–1914: Quellen des Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchivs zum Verhaeltnis Militaer - Verwaltung - Bevoelkerung in der Provinz Brandenburg - Bearbeitet von Klaus Geßner
Author/Editor: Klaus Neitmann
Inventar zur brandenburgischen Militaergeschichte 1806–1815: Quellen des Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchivs ueber napoleonische Fremdherrschaft und Befreiungskriege. Bearbeitet von Klaus Geßner
Author/Editor: Klaus Neitmann
Inventare insieme una crescita possibile: Il Centro Tau: un’impresa educativa in un quartiere di Palermo
Author/Editor: Mario Schermi,Francesco DI GIOVANNI
Inventare insieme una crescita possibile: Il Centro Tau: un’impresa educativa in un quartiere di Palermo
Author/Editor: Mario Schermi,Francesco DI GIOVANNI
Inventar der Offenen Befehle der Sowjetischen Militaeradministration des Landes Brandenburg: Nach der Ueberlieferung im Staatsarchiv der Russischen Foederation
Invective Gaze - Das digitale Bild und die Kultur der Beschämung
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Heyne,Tanja Prokic
Invasive Species in Forests and Rangelands of the United States: A Comprehensive Science Synthesis for the United States Forest Sector
Author/Editor: Therese M. Poland,Toral Patel-Weynand,Deborah M. Finch,Chelcy Ford Miniat,Deborah C. Hayes,Vanessa M. Lopez
The Invasion of the South: Army Air Force Operations, and the Invasion of Northern and Central Sumatra
Author/Editor: Willem Remmelink
The invasion of the Dutch East Indies
Author/Editor: Remmelink ,Willem
Invarianti strutturali nel governo del territorio
Author/Editor: Marvi Maggio
Invariant Differential Operators: Volume 2 Quantum Groups (Volume 39)
Author/Editor: Vladimir K. Dobrev
INVALSI data to investigate the characteristics of students, school, and society: IV seminar "INVALSI data: a research and educational teaching tool"
Author/Editor: Patrizia Falzetti
INVALSI data: methodologies and results: III Seminar "INVALSI data: a reasearch tool"
Author/Editor: Patrizia Falzetti
INVALSI data: assessments on teaching and methodologies: IV Seminar “INVALSI data: a research and educational teaching tool”
Author/Editor: Patrizia Falzetti
Intuition und Erkenntnis
Author/Editor: Cyrill Mamin
Introspice mare pectoris tui: Ascendenze neoplatoniche nella produzione dialogica di H.S. Skovoroda (1722-1794)
Author/Editor: Maria Grazia Bartolini
Introspektive Verfahren und Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse in der Fremdsprachenforschung
Author/Editor: Karin Aguado,Lena Heine,Karen Schramm
Introduzione alla Statistica Computazionale con R
Author/Editor: Bruno Bertaccini
Introduzione ai Sistemi di Localizzazione Indoor
Author/Editor: Stefano Maddio
Introduktion till postkvalitativ metodologi
Author/Editor: Karin Gunnarsson,Linnea Bodén
An Introduction to Waste Management and Circular Economy
Author/Editor: Stijn van Ewijk,Julia Stegemann
An Introduction to Ultra-Fast Silicon Detectors
Author/Editor: Marco Ferrero,Roberta Arcidiacono,Marco Mandurrino,Valentina Sola,Nicolò Cartiglia
An Introduction to the Standard Model of Particle Physics
Author/Editor: W.N. Cottingham,D.A. Greenwood
An Introduction to the Passage of Energetic Particles through Matter
Author/Editor: N.J Carron
An Introduction to the Mechanics of Incompressible Fluids
Author/Editor: Michel O. Deville
An Introduction to the Mechanics of Incompressible Fluids
Author/Editor: Michel O. Deville
An Introduction to the Japonic Languages: Grammatical Sketches of Japanese Dialects and Ryukyuan Languages
Author/Editor: Michinori Shimoji
Introduction to Systems Biology: Workbook for Flipped-classroom Teaching
Author/Editor: Thomas Sauter,Marco Albrecht
Introduction to Swiss Law
Author/Editor: Marc Thommen
Introduction to Swiss Law
Author/Editor: Andreas Thier,Marc Thommen,Christoph B. Graber,Elisabetta Fiochi,Felix Uhlmann,Madeleine Simonek,Matthias Mahlmann,Matthias Oesch,David Roth,Alexander Kern
Introduction to Supersymmetric Field Theory
Author/Editor: Sergio M. Kuzenko
Introduction to Space Syntax in Urban Studies
Author/Editor: Akkelies van Nes,Claudia Yamu
Introduction to Scientific Programming with Python
Author/Editor: Joakim Sundnes
An Introduction to Regge Theory and High Energy Physics
Author/Editor: P.D.B. Collins
Introduction to Quantum Fields on a Lattice
Author/Editor: Jan Smit
Introduction to Permanent Plug and Abandonment of Wells
Author/Editor: Mahmoud Khalifeh,Arild Saasen
An Introduction to Particle Physics and the Standard Model
Author/Editor: Robert Mann
An Introduction to Particle Accelerators
Author/Editor: Edmund Wilson
Introduction to Old Javanese Language and Literature: A Kawi Prose Anthology
Author/Editor: Mary S. Zurbuchen
Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Experiments
Author/Editor: Genichiro Wakabayashi,Takahiro Yamada,Tomohiro Endo,Cheol Ho Pyeon
Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Experiments
Author/Editor: Genichiro Wakabayashi,Takahiro Yamada,Tomohiro Endo,Cheol Ho Pyeon
Introduction to Nordic Cultures
Author/Editor: Annika Lindskog,Jakob Stougaard-Nielsen
Introduction to Multiple Antenna Communications and Reconfigurable Surfaces
Author/Editor: Emil Björnson,Özlem Tuğfe Demir
Introduction to Migration Studies: An Interactive Guide to the Literatures on Migration and Diversity
Author/Editor: Peter Scholten
Introduction to microkinetic modeling
Author/Editor: I.A.W. Filot
Introduction to Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulations
Author/Editor: Vladimir Mityushev,Wojciech Nawalaniec,Natalia Rylko
Introduction to Louis Michel's lattice geometry through group action
Author/Editor: Boris Zhilinskii
Introduction to General Relativity, Black Holes and Cosmology
Author/Editor: Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat
Introduction to Gauge Field Theory Revised Edition
Author/Editor: D. Bailin,Alexander Love
An introduction to friendliness (mettā): Emotional intelligence and freedom in the Pāli discourses of the Buddha
Author/Editor: Andrea Sangiacomo
Introduction to Experimental Particle Physics
Author/Editor: Richard Clinton Fernow
Introduction to Experimental Particle Physics
Author/Editor: Richard Clinton Fernow
An Introduction to Ethics in Robotics and AI
Author/Editor: Christoph Bartneck,Christoph Lütge,Alan Wagner,Sean Welsh
Introduction to Epigenetics
Author/Editor: Renato Paro,Ueli Grossniklaus,Raffaella Santoro,Anton Wutz
Introduction to Environmental Economics and Policy in Japan
Author/Editor: Toshi H. Arimura,Akira Hibiki
An Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
Author/Editor: Stanley Mneney
An Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
Author/Editor: Stanley Mneney
Introduction to Digital Humanism: A Textbook
Author/Editor: Hannes Werthner,Carlo Ghezzi,Jeff Kramer,Julian Nida-Rümelin,Bashar Nuseibeh,Erich Prem,Allison Stanger
Introduction to Development Engineering: A Framework with Applications from the Field
Author/Editor: Temina Madon,Ashok J. Gadgil,Richard Anderson,Lorenzo Casaburi,Kenneth Lee,Arman Rezaee
Introduction to Development Engineering: A Framework with Applications from the Field
Author/Editor: Temina Madon,Ashok J. Gadgil,Richard Anderson,Lorenzo Casaburi,Kenneth Lee,Arman Rezaee
Introduction to Central Banking
Author/Editor: Ulrich Bindseil,Alessio Fotia
An Introduction to Beam Physics
Author/Editor: Martin Berz,Kyoko Makino,Weishi Wan
An Introduction to Andalusi Hebrew Metrics
Author/Editor: José Martínez Delgado
Introduction to a Future Way of Thought: On Marx and Heidegger
Author/Editor: Kostas Axelos,Stuart Elden
Author/Editor: Bourmistrov ,Anatoli,Mellemvik ,Frode
Introductie Voorlopige Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid, taak, plaats en werkwijze Auteur: WRR
Author/Editor: WRR
Introducing Vigilant Audiences
Author/Editor: Daniel Trottier,Rashid Gabdulhakov,Qian Huang
Introducing Foreign Models for Development: Japanese Experience and Cooperation in the Age of New Technology
Author/Editor: Izumi Ohno,Kimiaki Jin,Kuniaki Amatsu,Junichi Mori
Introducing China: The World's Oldest Great Power Charts its Next Comeback
Author/Editor: Huisken ,Ron
Introducción al ecomunitarismo y a la educación ambiental: Lectura chilena de la obra de Sirio López Velasco
Author/Editor: José de la Fuente,Ricardo Salas
Introducción a la gramática metaoperacional
Author/Editor: Inmaculada Solís García,Francisco De Asis MATTE BON
Intra-Writer Variation in Historical Sociolinguistics
Author/Editor: Markus Schiegg,Judith Huber
Intraocular Lens Calculations
Author/Editor: Jaime Aramberri,Kenneth J. Hoffer,Thomas Olsen,Giacomo Savini,H. John Shammas
Author/Editor: Christina Jauernik,Wolfgang Tschapeller
Intra-European Litigation in Eighteenth-Century Izmir: The Role of the Merchants’ Style
Author/Editor: Tijl Vanneste
Intra-Asian Trade and the World Market
Author/Editor: A.J.H. Latham,Heita Kawakatsu
Into the woods
Author/Editor: Sandrine Paradis-Grenouillet,Chantal Aspe,Sylvain Burri
Intorno a Boccaccio/Boccaccio e dintorni: Atti del Seminario internazionale di studi (Certaldo Alta, Casa di Giovanni Boccaccio, 25 giugno 2014)
Author/Editor: Giovanna Frosini,STEFANO ZAMPONI
Intorno a Boccaccio/Boccaccio e dintorni 2021: Atti del Seminario internazionale di studi (Certaldo Alta, Casa di Giovanni Boccaccio, 9-10 settembre 2021)
Author/Editor: MONICA BERTE'
Intorno a Boccaccio / Boccaccio e dintorni 2020: Atti del Seminario internazionale di studi (Certaldo Alta, Casa di Giovanni Boccaccio, 10-11 settembre 2020)
Author/Editor: Giovanna Frosini
Intorno a Boccaccio / Boccaccio e dintorni 2019: Atti del Seminario internazionale di studi (Certaldo Alta, Casa di Giovanni Boccaccio, 12-13 settembre 2019)
Author/Editor: Giovanna Frosini
Intorno a Boccaccio / Boccaccio e dintorni 2018: Atti del Seminario internazionale di studi (Certaldo Alta, Casa di Giovanni Boccaccio, 6-7 settembre 2018)
Author/Editor: Stefano Zamponi
Intorno a Boccaccio / Boccaccio e dintorni 2017: Atti del Seminario internazionale di studi (Certaldo Alta, Casa di Giovanni Boccaccio, 16 settembre 2017)
Author/Editor: Stefano Zamponi
Intorno a Boccaccio / Boccaccio e dintorni 2016: Atti del Seminario internazionale di studi (Certaldo Alta, Casa di Giovanni Boccaccio, 9 settembre 2016)
Author/Editor: Stefano Zamponi
Intorno a Boccaccio / Boccaccio e dintorni 2015: Atti del Seminario internazionale di studi (Certaldo Alta, Casa di Giovanni Boccaccio, 9 settembre 2015)
Author/Editor: Stefano Zamponi
Intonation between phrasing and accent: Spanish and Quechua in Huari
Author/Editor: Timo Buchholz
Intim und respektabel: Homosexualität und Freundinnenschaft in der deutschen Frauenbewegung um 1900
Author/Editor: Elisa Heinrich
Intim und respektabel: Homosexualität und Freundinnenschaft in der deutschen Frauenbewegung um 1900
Author/Editor: Elisa Heinrich
Intimités amoureuses à l’ère du numérique. Le cas des relations nouées dans les mondes sociaux en ligne
Author/Editor: Cecchini ,Amaranta
Intimités amoureuses à l’ère du numérique. Le cas des relations nouées dans les mondes sociaux en ligne
Intime Beziehungen. Ästhetik und Theorien der Sexualität um 1968
Intime Beziehungen. Ästhetik und Theorien der Sexualität um 1968
Author/Editor: Weder ,Christine
Intimate Strangers: Commercial Surrogacy in Russia and Ukraine and the Making of Truth
Author/Editor: Veronika Siegl
An Intimate Rebuke: Female Genital Power in Ritual and Politics in West Africa
Author/Editor: Laura S. Grillo
The Intimate Life of Dissent: Anthropological Perspectives
Author/Editor: Tobias Kelly,Harini Amarasuriya,Tobias Kelly,Sidharthan Maunaguru,Galina Oustinova-Stjepanovic,Jonathan Spencer
Intimate Japan: Ethnographies of Closeness and Conflict
Author/Editor: Allison Alexy,Emma Cook
Intimate Disconnections: Divorce and the Romance of Independence in Contemporary Japan
Author/Editor: Allison Alexy
Intimate Communities: Wartime Healthcare and the Birth of Modern China, 1937–1945
Author/Editor: Nicole Elizabeth Barnes
Intimate Bureaucracies
Author/Editor: dj readies
An intimate and contested relation
An intimate and contested relation
Author/Editor: Lorini, Alessandra
In This Together: Teachers' Experiences with Transnational, Telecollaborative Language Learning Projects
Author/Editor: Melinda Ann Dooly Owenby,Robert O'Dowd
In This Fragile World: Swahili Poetry of Commitment by Ustadh Mahmoud Mau
Author/Editor: Ustadh Mahmoud Mau,Annachiara Raia,Clarissa Vierke
In the Wake of the Compendia: Infrastructural Contexts and the Licensing of Empiricism in Ancient and Medieval Mesopotamia
Author/Editor: J. Cale Johnson
In the Shadow of War and Empire: Industrialisation, Nation-Building, and Working-Class Politics in Turkey
Author/Editor: Görkem Akgöz
In the Shadow of Transitional Justice: Cross-national Perspectives on the Transformative Potential of Remembrance
Author/Editor: Guy Elcheroth,Neloufer de Mel
In the Shadow of Saints: the Long Durée of Lyminge, Kent, as a Sacred Christian Landscape
Author/Editor: Gabor Thomas
In the Shadow of Saints: the Long Durée of Lyminge, Kent, as a Sacred Christian Landscape
Author/Editor: Gabor Thomas
In the Shadow of Genocide: Justice and Memory within Rwanda
Author/Editor: Stephanie Wolfe,Matthew Kane,Tawia Ansah
In the Shadow of Djoser’s Pyramid: Research of Polish Archaeologists in Saqqara
Author/Editor: Karol Jan Mysliwiec
In the Service of the Company Volume II
Author/Editor: Parry ,Edward
In the service of the Company Volume I
Author/Editor: x
In the Service of God and Humanity: Conscience, Reason, and the Mind of Martin R. Delany
Author/Editor: Tunde Adeleke
In The Red: The Politics of Public Debt Accumulation in Developed Countries
Author/Editor: Zsófia Barta
In The Red : The Politics of Public Debt Accumulation in Developed Countries
Author/Editor: Barta ,Zsófia
In the Province of the Gods
Author/Editor: Kenny Fries
In the Place of Utopia: Affect and Transformative Ideas (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Warwick Tie
In the National Interest: Canadian Foreign Policy and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 1909-2009
Author/Editor: Greg Donaghy,Michael K. Carroll
In the Lurch: Verbatim Theater and the Crisis of Democratic Deliberation
Author/Editor: Ryan Claycomb
In the Lurch: Verbatim Theater and the Crisis of Democratic Deliberation
Author/Editor: Ryan Claycomb
In the Lands of the Romanovs
Author/Editor: Cross ,Anthony
In the Land of the Eastern Queendom: The Politics of Gender and Ethnicity on the Sino-Tibetan Border
Author/Editor: Tenzin Jinba
In Their Own Words: Forgotten Women Pilots of Early Aviation
Author/Editor: Fred Erisman
In the garden of the world: Italy to a young 19th century Chinese traveler
Author/Editor: Miriam Castorina
In the Face of Adversity: Translating difference and dissent
Author/Editor: Thomas Nolden
In the Eye of the Storm
Author/Editor: Lal V. ,Brij
In the Eye of the Beholder: What Six Nineteenth-century Women Tell Us About Indigenous Authority and Identity
Author/Editor: Dawson ,Barbara
»In the Cause of Humanity«: Eine Geschichte der humanitären Intervention im langen 19. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Fabian Klose
In the borderland between song and speech: Vocal expressions in oral cultures
Author/Editor: Håkan Lundström,Jan-Olof Svantesson
In the Beginning was the Image: The Omnipresence of Pictures: Time, Truth, Tradition
Author/Editor: András Benedek,Ágnes Veszelszki
In the Balance: The Case for a Universal Basic Income in South Africa and Beyond
Author/Editor: Hein Marais
In the Balance: Indigeneity, Performance, Globalization
In the Balance: Indigeneity, Performance, Globalization
Interwar Itineraries: Authenticity in Anglophone and French Travel Writing
Author/Editor: Emily O. Wittman
Interwar Itineraries: Authenticity in Anglophone and French Travel Writing
Author/Editor: Emily O. Wittman
Interwar Crossroads: Entangled Histories of the Middle Eastern and North Atlantic World between the World Wars
Author/Editor: Leon Julius Biela,Anna Bundt
Interviews in the history of linguistics: Volume I
Author/Editor: James McElvenny
Interviews in the history of linguistics: Volume I
Author/Editor: James McElvenny
Interventionswissenschaft: Theorie und Praxis einer besonderen Wissenschaftsform
Author/Editor: Roland J. Schuster
Interventions in Digital Cultures: Technology, the Political, Methods
Author/Editor: Howard Caygill,Martina Leeker,Tobias Schulze
Interventionsalltag: Zu den Selbst- und Fremdverständnissen deutscher Intervenierender in Kriegs- und Krisengebieten
Author/Editor: Julika Bake
Interventions against child abuse and violence against women: Ethics and culture in practice and policy
Author/Editor: Carol Hagemann-White,Liz Kelly,Thomas Meysen
The Intervention of Philology: Gender, Learning, and Power in Lohenstein's Roman Plays
Author/Editor: Jane O. Newman
Intervallarithmetische Dependenzanalyse in der Oekonometrie: Ein konjekturaler Ansatz
Author/Editor: Max C. Wewel
Inter- und multidisziplinäre Perspektiven der Geschlechterforschung
Author/Editor: Kordula Schnegg,Julia Tschuggnall,caroline voithofer,Manfred Auer
Inter- und intragenerative Umverteilung im deutschen Steuer-Transfer-System: Langfristige Wirkungen im Lebenszyklus
Author/Editor: Tobias Arens
Intertwingled: The Work and Influence of Ted Nelson
Author/Editor: Douglas R. Dechow,Daniele C. Struppa
Intertwined Histories: Plants in their Social Contexts
Author/Editor: Jim Ellis
Intertemporale Wirkungen der Staatsverschuldung
Intertemporale Verteilungswirkungen in der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Author/Editor: Cornelia Behrens
Intertemporale Aspekte von Staatsverschuldung und Außenhandel
Author/Editor: Michael Ganske
Intertemporale Allokation
Interspezies Lernen: Grundlinien interdisziplinärer Tierschutz- und Tierrechtsbildung
Author/Editor: Simone Horstmann
Intersexualität im Sport: Mediale und medizinische Körperpolitiken
Author/Editor: Dennis Krämer
Intersexualität im Sport: Mediale und medizinische Körperpolitiken
Author/Editor: Dennis Krämer
Intersex Narratives : Shifts in the Representation of Intersex Lives in North American Literature and Popular Culture
Author/Editor: Amato ,Viola
Intersex Narratives
Intersektionalität und Postkolonialität: Kritische feministische Perspektiven auf Politik und Macht
Author/Editor: Heike Mauer,Heike Mauer,Johanna Leinius,Johanna Leinius
Intersektionalität und Gouvernementalität: Die Regierung von Prostitution in Luxemburg
Author/Editor: Heike Mauer
Intersektionale Sozialforschung
Author/Editor: Kathrin Ganz,Jette Hausotter
Intersections of language rights and social justice in the Caribbean context
Author/Editor: Clive Forrester
Intersections of ageing, gender, sexualities: Multidisciplinary international perspectives
Author/Editor: Andrew King,Kathryn Almack
Intersections: History, Memory and Discipline
Author/Editor: Lal V. ,Brij
Intersectional Lives: Chinese Australian Women in White Australia
Author/Editor: Alanna Kamp
Intersectionality in Feminist and Queer Movements: Confronting Privileges
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Evans,Eléonore Lépinard
Intersectional Challenges to Cohesion?: On Marginalization in an Inclusive Society
Author/Editor: Yudit Namer,Anne Stöcker,Amani Ashour,Janine Dieckmann,Philipp Schmidt,Carmen Zurbriggen
Intersecting Colors: Josef Albers and His Contemporaries
Author/Editor: Vanja Malloy
Intersecting Colors: Josef Albers and His Contemporaries
Author/Editor: Vanja Malloy
Interrogative and Negative Constructions in Sign Language
Author/Editor: Zeshan ,Ulrike
Interrogating Datafication: Towards a Praxeology of Data
Author/Editor: Marcus Burkhardt,Daniela van Geenen,Carolin Gerlitz,Sam Hind,Timo Kaerlein,Danny Lämmerhirt,Axel Volmar
Interrogating Datafication: Towards a Praxeology of Data
Author/Editor: Marcus Burkhardt,Daniela van Geenen,Carolin Gerlitz,Sam Hind,Timo Kaerlein,Danny Lämmerhirt,Axel Volmar
Interregional Interaction in Ancient Mesoamerica
Author/Editor: Joshua D. Englehardt,Michael D Carrasco
Interprétations du discours métalinguistique: La fortune du sutra A 1 1 68 chez Patañjali et Bhartrhari
Author/Editor: Maria Piera Candotti
Interpretive Social Research: An Introduction
Author/Editor: Gabriele Rosenthal
Interpretive Conventions: The Reader in the Study of American Fiction
Author/Editor: Steven Mailloux
Interpreting the Qur'an: Towards a Contemporary Approach
Author/Editor: Abdullah Saeed
Interpreting the Labour Party: Approaches to Labour politics and history
Author/Editor: Callaghan ,John,Fielding ,Steven,Ludlam ,Steve
Interpreting Quebec’s Exile Within the Federation: Selected Political Essays
Author/Editor: Guy Laforest
Interpreting Myanmar: A Decade of Analysis
Author/Editor: Andrew Selth
Interpreting language-learning data
Author/Editor: Pascale Leclercq,Aarnes Gudmestad,Amanda Edmonds
Interpreting Greek Tragedy: Myth, Poetry, Text
Author/Editor: Charles Segal
Interpreting Chekhov
Author/Editor: Borny ,Geoffrey
Interpreting Art
Author/Editor: Sam Rose
Interpreting Art
Author/Editor: Sam Rose
Interpreting and Translation for Agri-food Professionals in the Global Marketplace
Author/Editor: Isabel Peñuelas Gil,María-Teresa Ortego Antón
Interpreting and technology
Author/Editor: Claudio Fantinuoli
Interpreting and Living God's Law at Qumran: Migsat Ma'ase Ha-Torah, Some of the Works of the Torah
Author/Editor: Reinhard Gregor Kratz,Eibert Tigchelaaar
Interpreters and War Crimes
Author/Editor: Kayoko Takeda
Interpretationskonzepte von Deutschlehrkräften und ihren Schüler*innen: Eine explorative Studie
Author/Editor: Daniela Matz
The Interpretation of Freedom in the Letters of Paul
Author/Editor: Wayne Coppins
The Interpretation and Application of the Most-Favored-Nation Clause in Investment Arbitration
Author/Editor: Anqi Wang
Interpretaciones del delito: Para una hermenéutica materialista en la narrativa policial de Juan Carlos Martelli
Author/Editor: Lucía Feuillet
Interplay of Things: Religion, Art, and Presence Together
Author/Editor: Anthony B. Pinn
Interorganizational Diffusion in International Relations: Regional Institutions and the Role of the European Union
Author/Editor: Tobias Lenz
Interoperability of DRM Systems: Exchanging and Processing XML-based Rights Expressions
Author/Editor: Susanne Guth
Internment Refugee Camps: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Author/Editor: Gabriele Anderl,Linda Erker,Christoph Reinprecht
Internment Refugee Camps: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Author/Editor: Gabriele Anderl,Linda Erker,Christoph Reinprecht
Internierung und Militärdienst: Die ‚Lösung der Zigeunerfrage‘ in Österreich-Ungarn im Ersten Weltkrieg
Author/Editor: Marius Weigl
Internierung und Militärdienst: Die ‚Lösung der Zigeunerfrage‘ in Österreich-Ungarn im Ersten Weltkrieg
Author/Editor: Marius Weigl
Internetsicherheit in Europa: Zur Gewährleistung der Netz- und Informationssicherheit durch Informationsverwaltungsrecht
Author/Editor: Hannfried Leisterer
Internet Research Ethics
Author/Editor: Fossheim ,Hallvard,Steen-Johnsen ,Kari,Enjolras ,Bernard,Ingierd ,Helene,Elgesem ,Dag,Ess ,Charles,Larsson Olof ,Anders,Lüders ,Marika,Prabhu ,Robindra,Segadal Utaker ,Katrine,Staksrud ,Elisabeth
Internet of Things – The Call of the Edge: Everything Intelligent Everywhere
Author/Editor: Ovidiu Vermesan,Joël Bacquet
Internet of Things – The Call of the Edge: Everything Intelligent Everywhere
Author/Editor: Ovidiu Vermesan,Joël Bacquet
Internet of Things. Information Processing in an Increasingly Connected World: First IFIP International Cross-Domain Conference, IFIPIoT 2018, Held at the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, WCC 2018, Poznan, Poland, September 18-19, 2018, Revised Selected
Author/Editor: Leon Strous,Vinton G. Cerf
Internet of Things Applications - From Research and Innovation to Market Deployment
Author/Editor: Ovidiu Vermesan,Peter Friess
Internet of Things Applications - From Research and Innovation to Market Deployment
Author/Editor: Ovidiu Vermesan,Peter Friess
Internet of Things and the Law: Legal Strategies for Consumer-Centric Smart Technologies
Author/Editor: Guido Noto La Diega
Internet of Production: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications
Author/Editor: Christian Brecher,Günther Schuh,Wil van der Aalst,Matthias Jarke,Frank T. Piller,Melanie Padberg
The Internet of Everything: Advances, Challenges and Applications
Author/Editor: Nilanjan Dey,Gitanjali Shinde,Parikshit Mahalle,Henning Olesen
The Internet Myth: From the Internet Imaginary to Network Ideologies
Author/Editor: Paolo Bory
Internetökonomie der Medienbranche
Author/Editor: Hagenhoff, Svenja
Internet Health Report 2019
Author/Editor: Mozilla Foundation
Internet Govrnance at the Point of No Return
Author/Editor: Rolf H. Weber
Internetgeographien: Beobachtungen zum Verhältnis von Internet, Raum und Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Alexandra Budke,Detlef Kanwischer,Andreas Pott
Internet- en Internet of Things-vaardigheden in Nederland anno 2021
Author/Editor: Alexander van Deursen
Internet- en Internet of Things-vaardigheden in Nederland anno 2021
Author/Editor: Alexander van Deursen
Internet en cultuurbeleid; over de gevolgen van ICT voor het cultuurbeleid van de Nederlandse overheid
Author/Editor: Hoefnagel ,F.J.P.M.
Internet basierte Ausbildungssupervision
Author/Editor: Michael Ziemons
Interne Kundenorientierung des Controlling
Author/Editor: Thomas Mosiek
Interne adviesorganen van de centrale overheid
Author/Editor: WRR
International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy 2022
Author/Editor: Harald Ginzky,Fabiano De Andrade Corrêa,Elizabeth Dooley,Irene L. Heuser,Patricia Kameri-Mbote,Robert Kibugi,Oliver C. Ruppel
International Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering: From 1992 to Present & Proceedings of the 13th Workshop
Author/Editor: ROBERTO GRAGLIA,Giuseppe Pelosi,Stefano Selleri
The International Working Group on Women and Sport 1994-2024: The Challenge of Change
Author/Editor: Elizabeth C.J. Pike
The International Turn in American Studies
Author/Editor: Marietta Messmer,Armin Paul Frank
International Trade Regulation: Evolving Dynamics and Shifting Foundations
Author/Editor: Zhiqiong June Wang,Jianfu Chen
International Trade Policy
Author/Editor: Nigel Grimwade
International Trade Law and Global Data Governance: Aligning Perspectives and Practices
Author/Editor: Neha Mishra
International trade and recovery strategies in Kenya in the context of COVID-19
Author/Editor: Tabitha Kiriti-Nganga,Tabitha Kiriti-Nganga,Benedicto O. Ongeri,Socrates K. Majune,Justine O. Mogend,Daniel O. Abala,Gastone Otieno
International Teaching and Learning Settings in the Academic Professionalisation of Adult Education: An International and Comparative Study
Author/Editor: Monika Staab
International Symposium on Mathematics, Quantum Theory, and Cryptography: Proceedings of MQC 2019
Author/Editor: Tsuyoshi Takagi,Masato Wakayama,Keisuke Tanaka,Noboru Kunihiro,Kazufumi Kimoto,Yasuhiko Ikematsu
International Submarine Cables and Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: The Cloud Beneath the Sea
Author/Editor: Douglas R. Burnett,Lionel Carter
International Standardization and Trade Regulation: Exploring Linkages between International Standardization Organizations and International Trade Agreements
Author/Editor: Sebastian Klotz
International Security in a World of Fragile States: Islamic States and Islamist Organizations
Author/Editor: S. Yaqub Ibrahimi
International Security in a World of Fragile States: Islamic States and Islamist Organizations
Author/Editor: S. Yaqub Ibrahimi
International Research Network on Organizing by Projects (IRNOP) 2017
International Relations: A Self-Study Guide to Theory
Author/Editor: Manuela Spindler
International Reflections on the Netherlands Didactics of Mathematics: Visions on and Experiences with Realistic Mathematics Education
Author/Editor: Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizen
International Rainwater Catchment Systems Experiences: Towards sustainability
Author/Editor: José Arturo Gleason Espíndola,César Augusto Casiano Flores
International Project Management Association Research Conference 2017
The international politics of the Middle East
Author/Editor: Hinnebusch ,Raymond
International Politics and the Search for Peace
Author/Editor: Masataka Kōsaka,Masayuki Tadokoro,Carl Freire
International Perspectives on Writing Curricula and Development: A Cross-Case Comparison
Author/Editor: Jill V Jeffery,Judy M. Parr
International Perspectives on School Settings, Education Policy and Digital Strategies: A Transatlantic Discourse in Education Research
Author/Editor: Sieglinde Jornitz,Annika Wilmers
International Perspectives on Museum Management
Author/Editor: Darko Babic
International Perspectives on Inclusive Education: In the Light of Educational Justice
Author/Editor: Simone Seitz,Petra Auer,Rosa Bellacicco
International Perspectives in Values-Based Mental Health Practice: Case Studies and Commentaries
Author/Editor: Drozdstoy Stoyanov,Drozdstoy Stoyanov,Bill Fulford,Bill Fulford,Giovanni Stanghellini,Giovanni Stanghellini,Werdie Van Staden,Werdie Van Staden,Michael TH Wong,Michael TH Wong
International Organizations in Global Social Governance
Author/Editor: Kerstin Martens,Dennis Niemann,Alexandra Kaasch
International Organizations and the Promotion of Effective Dispute Resolution: AIIB Yearbook of International Law 2019
Author/Editor: Peter Quayle,Xuan Gao
International Organizations and Research Methods: An Introduction
Author/Editor: Fanny Badache,Leah R. Kimber,Lucile Maertens
International Organizations and Global Development
Author/Editor: Nicholas Ferns,Angela Villani
International Multiparty Mediation and Conflict Management: Challenges of Cooperation and Coordination
Author/Editor: Sinisa Vukovic
International Migration in Europe
International Librarianship: Developing Professional, Intercultural, and Educational Leadership
Author/Editor: Michael J. Miller,Constantia Constantinou
International Legal Responsibility of International Organizations in the ILC Draft Articles and Beyond
Author/Editor: Sarah Bayani
International Law and Transition to Peace in Colombia: Assessing Jus Post Bellum in Practice
Author/Editor: César Rojas-Orozco
International Law and Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts
International Law and Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts
Author/Editor: Eboe-Osuji ,Chile
International Law and Chemical, Biological, Radio-Nuclear (CBRN) Events: Towards an All-Hazards Approach
Author/Editor: Andreas de Guttry,Micaela Frulli,Federico Casolari,Ludovica Poli
International Lateinamerika-Kolloquium 2009 - abstracts and program
Author/Editor: Wörner, Gerhard,Möller-McNett, Stefan
International Labour Organization and Global Social Governance
Author/Editor: Tarja Halonen,Ulla Liukkunen
The International Labour Organization
Author/Editor: Daniel Maul
International Labour Migration to Europe’s Rural Regions
Author/Editor: Johan Fredrik Rye,KAREN O'Reilly
Internationalizing the History of Psychology
Author/Editor: Adrian C. Brock
Internationalizing "International Communication"
Author/Editor: Chin-Chuan Lee
The Internationalization of the Academic Library
Author/Editor: Emmett Lombard
Internationalismes éducatifs entre débats et combats (fin du 19e - premier 20e siècle)
Author/Editor: Joëlle Droux,Rita Hofstetter
Internationalisierungsprozesse und Finanzstrategien: Ansaetze und empirische Analysen
Author/Editor: Anna Guserl
Internationalisering en Europeanisering van strafrechtelijke rechtshandhaving in Nederland - 43
Author/Editor: Brink van den ,A.
Internationalisation and Professionalisation in Teacher Education: Challenges and Perspectives
Author/Editor: Susanne Linhofer,Heiko Haas-Vogl,Oliver Holz
International Intervention and the Use of Force: Military and Police Roles
Author/Editor: Cornelius Friesendorf
International Impacts on Social Policy: Short Histories in Global Perspective
Author/Editor: Frank Nullmeier,Delia González de Reufels,Herbert Obinger
International Humanitarian Law in Areas of Limited Statehood: Adaptable and Legitimate or Rigid and Unreasonable?
Author/Editor: Anton O. Petrov,Linus Mührel,Björnstjern Baade
International Handbook on Clinical Tax Education
Author/Editor: Amy Lawton
The International Handbook of Social Enterprise Law: Benefit Corporations and Other Purpose-Driven Companies
Author/Editor: Henry Peter,Carlos Vargas Vasserot,Jaime Alcalde Silva
The International Handbook of Social Enterprise Law: Benefit Corporations and Other Purpose-Driven Companies
Author/Editor: Henry Peter,Carlos Vargas Vasserot,Jaime Alcalde Silva
International Handbook of Practical Theology
Author/Editor: Wilhelm Gräb,Birgit Weyel,Emmanuel Lartey,Cas Wepener
International Handbook of Practical Theology
Author/Editor: Wilhelm Gräb,Birgit Weyel,Emmanuel Lartey,Cas Wepener
International Handbook of Health Literacy: Research, practice and policy across the lifespan
Author/Editor: Orkan Okan,Ullrich Bauer,Diane Levin-Zamir,Paulo Pinheiro,Kristine Sørensen
International Handbook of Engineering Education Research
Author/Editor: Aditya Johri
International Governance of Biotechnology: Needs, Problems and Potential
Author/Editor: Catherine Rhodes
International Governance of Biotechnology: Needs, Problems and Potential
Author/Editor: Catherine Rhodes
International Financial Centres after the Global Financial Crisis and Brexit
Author/Editor: Youssef Cassis,Dariusz Wójcik
Internationale Zielmarktanalyse und Vertriebsentwicklung: Die Implementierung der Methodik des International Sales Accelerator Modells
Author/Editor: Simone Reber geb. Wiesenauer
International Experience in Developing the Financial Resources of Universities
Author/Editor: Abdulrahman Obaid AI-Youbi,Adnan Hamza Mohammad Zahed,Abdullah Atalar