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Titles start with M ( displaying 500 of 1,743 ) Information
My Voice Is My Weapon - Music, Nationalism and the Poetics of Palestinian Resistance
My Voice Is My Weapon - Music, Nationalism and the Poetics of Palestinian Resistance
Author/Editor: McDonald A. ,David
My Voice Is My Weapon: Music, Nationalism and the Poetics of Palestinian Resistance
Author/Editor: David A. McDonald
Myth, Symbol, and Colonial Encounter : British and Mi'kmaq in Acadia, 1700-1867
Author/Editor: Reid ,Jennifer
Myth, Symbol, and Colonial Encounter
The Myths We Live By
Author/Editor: Mary Midgley
The Myths That Made America : An Introduction to American Studies
Author/Editor: Paul ,Heike
The Myths That Made America
Mythos in der slawischen Moderne
Author/Editor: Wolf Schmid
Mythos Enigma: Die Chiffriermaschine als Sammler- und Medienobjekt
Author/Editor: Dominik Landwehr
MythomaniaS: Crime Scenes & Psycho Case Studies
Author/Editor: Camille Lacadée,François Roche
The Mythology in Our Language: Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough
Author/Editor: Ludwig Wittgenstein,Giovanni da Col,Stephan Palmié
Mythologie am Werk: Kazantzakis, Andrić, Kadare: Eine vergleichende Untersuchung am besonderen Beispiel des Bauopfermotivs
Author/Editor: Ardian Klosi
The Myth of Piers Plowman - Constructing a Medieval Literary Archive
Author/Editor: Warner ,Lawrence
The Myth of Piers Plowman - Constructing a Medieval Literary Archive
Mythodologies: Methods in Medieval Studies, Chaucer, and Book History
Author/Editor: Joseph A. Dane
Myth, Materiality, and Lived Religion: In Merovingian and Viking Scandinavia
Author/Editor: Klas Wikström af Edholm,Peter Jackson Rova,Andreas Nordberg,Olof Sundqvist,Torun Zachrisson
Mythische Sphärenwechsel
Author/Editor: Annette Zgoll,Christian Zgoll
Mythic Discourses: Studies in Uralic Traditions
Author/Editor: Anna-Leena Siikala,Eila Stepanova
Mythen und Narrative des Entscheidens (Volume 3, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf,Bruno Quast,Jan Keupp,Harald Haferland,Michael Grünbart,Helene Basu,Helene Basu,Antonius Baehr-Olivia,Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf,Bernhard Zimmermann,Udo Friedrich,Alessio Musio,Bruno Quast,Johannes Schnocks,Peter Philipp Riedl
Mythen in deutschsprachigen Geschichtsschulbüchern : Von Marathon bis zum Élysée-Vertrag
Author/Editor: Bernhard ,Roland,Hinz ,Felix,Grindel ,Susanne,Kühberger ,Christoph
Myth and Mentality: Studies in Folklore and Popular Thought
Myth and Mentality: Studies in Folklore and Popular Thought
Myth and Ideology
Author/Editor: Cyril Levitt,Sabine Sander
Myter om velferd og velferdsstaten
Author/Editor: Karen Christensen,Liv Johanne Syltevik
Mystique: la passion de l’Un, de l’Antiquité à nos jours
Author/Editor: Alain Dierkens,Ysabel de Andia,Jean Dierkens,Jean-Charles Ducène,Sabrina Inowlocki,Lacrosse,Alain Dierkens,Benoît Beyer de Ryke,Benoît Beyer de Ryke,Damien Boquet,Luc Brisson,Christian Brouwer,Michel Cazenave,Jean-Michel Counet
Mystique, langage, image: Montrer l’invisible Mystik, Sprache, Bild. Die Visualisierung des Unsichtbaren
Author/Editor: René Wetzel,Laurence Wuidar,Katharina Gedigk
Mystik- Metapher- Bild - Beiträge des VII. Makarios-Symposiums Göttingen 2007
Author/Editor: Tamcke, Martin
Mystifying the Monarch
The Mystery of Yawning in Physiology and Disease
Author/Editor: Olivier Walusinski
Mysterious Minds: The Making of Private and Collective Consciousness in Marja-Liisa Vartio's Novels
Author/Editor: Elise Nykänen
Myst and Riven: The World of the D'ni
Author/Editor: Mark Wolf
My Son Wears Heels: One Mom's Journey from Clueless to Kickass
Author/Editor: Julie Tarney
My Phone Lies to Me: Fake News Poetry Workshops As Radical Digital Media Literacy Given the Fact of Fake News
Author/Editor: Alexandra Juhasz
Myopische Steuerungsperspektive versus Nachhaltigkeitsorientierung: Einfluss auf den langfristigen Markterfolg: Eine empirische Analyse deutscher Unternehmen
Author/Editor: Frank Tiefenbeck
'My Name Is Not Natasha'
Author/Editor: Davies ,John
My Name Is Lola
Author/Editor: Lola Rozsa,Susie Sparks
My Life as a Night Elf Priest: An Anthropological Account of World of Warcraft
Author/Editor: Bonnie Nardi
Mykola Chvyl'ovyj. Eine Studie zu Leben und Werk
Author/Editor: Alexander Kratochvil
My Gay Middle Ages
Author/Editor: A.W. Strouse
“MY DEAR, CLOSE AND DISTANT FRIEND”: Nina Berberova’s Letters to Sergej Rittenberg (1947–1975)
Author/Editor: Magnus Ljunggren
My Country, Mine Country: Indigenous people, mining and development contestation in remote Australia (CAEPR Monograph 33)
Author/Editor: Scambary ,Benedict
Myanmar: State, Community and the Environment
Author/Editor: Skidmore ,Monique,Wilson ,Trevor
Myanmar’s Education Reforms: A pathway to social justice?
Author/Editor: Marie Lall
Myanmar: Politics, Economy and Society (Second Edition)
Author/Editor: Adam Simpson,Nicholas Farrelly
Muuttuvat suomalaiset äänimaisemat
Mutualist Microfinance
Author/Editor: Swaan de ,Abram,Linden van der ,Marcel
Mutual Integration in Immigration Society: An Epistemic Argument
Author/Editor: Bodi Wang
Mutsaers en andere dieren: Naar een diergerichte benadering in de Nederlandse letterkunde
Author/Editor: Barbara Fraipont
Mutation Breeding in Coffee with Special Reference to Leaf Rust: Protocols
Author/Editor: Ivan L.W. Ingelbrecht,Maria do Céu Lavado da Silva,Joanna Jankowicz-Cieslak
Mutamenti delle democrazie europee contemporanee: I casi della Francia e dell'Italia
Author/Editor: Marc Lazar
Musterwandel – Sortenwandel. Aktuelle Tendenzen der diachronen Text(sorten)linguistik
Author/Editor: Stefan Hauser,Ulla Kleinberger,Kersten Sven Roth
Muster und Bedeutung: Bedeutungskonstitution als kontextuelle Aktivierung im Vektorraum
Author/Editor: Claes Neuefeind
Muslim Women’s Pilgrimage to Mecca and Beyond: Reconfiguring Gender, Religion, and Mobility
Author/Editor: Marjo Buitelaar,Manja Stephan-Emmrich,Viola Thimm
Muslim Subjectivity in Soviet Russia: The Memoirs of ’Abd al-Majid al-Qadiri
Author/Editor: Alfrid Bustanov,Vener Usmanov
Muslims in Spain, 1492-1814: Living and Negotiating in the Land of the Infidel
Author/Editor: Eloy Martín-Corrales
Muslims in Kenyan Politics : Political Involvement, Marginalization, and Minority Status
Author/Editor: Ndzovu ,Hassan
Muslims in Kenyan Politics
Muslims in Interwar Europe: A Transcultural Historical Perspective
Muslims in Interwar Europe: A Transcultural Historical Perspective
The Muslim Question in Europe
Author/Editor: O'Brien ,Peter
The Muslim Question in Europe
Author/Editor: Peter O'Brien
Muslim Marriage and Non-Marriage: Where Religion and Politics Meet Intimate Life
Author/Editor: Julie McBrien,Annelies Moors
Muslimischsein im Sicherheitsdiskurs: Eine rekonstruktive Studie über den Umgang mit dem Bedrohungsszenario
Author/Editor: Iman Attia,Ouassima Laabich-Mansour,Ozan Zakariya Keskinkiliç,Büsra Okcu
Muslim*innen- und Islamfeindlichkeit: Zur differenzierten Betrachtung von Vorurteilen gegenüber Menschen und Religion
Author/Editor: Isabell Diekmann
Muslime im säkularen Rechtsstaat
Author/Editor: Bielefeldt ,Heiner
Muslim Cultures of the Indian Ocean: Diversity and Pluralism, Past and Present
Author/Editor: Stephane Pradines,Farouk Topan
Muslima Theology : The Voices of Muslim Women Theologians
Muslima Theology
MUSINT Le Collezioni archeologiche egee e cipriote in Toscana: Ricerche ed esperienze di museologia interattiva
Author/Editor: Anna Margherita Jasink,Grazia Tucci,Luca Bombardieri
MUSINT 2: Nuove esperienze di ricerca e didattica nella museologia interattiva
Author/Editor: Anna Margherita Jasink,Given Names Deactivated Family Name Deactivated
Musikvermittlung lernen: Analysen und Empfehlungen zur Aus- und Weiterbildung von Musiker_innen
Author/Editor: Axel Petri-Preis
Musik und Schule: Musica e scuola
Author/Editor: Friedhelm Brusniak,Emma Mitterrutzner,Franz Comploi,Franz COMPLOI,Carlo Delfrati,Ute Jung-Kaiser,Christoph Khittl,Luca Marconi,Stefan Orgass
Musik und Melancholie im Werk Heimito von Doderers
Author/Editor: Brinkmann ,Martin
Musik und Dichtung: Das musikalische Element in der Lyrik Pasternaks
Author/Editor: Christine Fischer
Musiktheater im höfischen Raum des frühneuzeitlichen Europa: Hof – Oper – Architektur
Author/Editor: Margret Scharrer,Heiko Laß,Matthias Müller
Musik - Politik - Identität Band 3
Author/Editor: Gardner, Matthew,Walsdorf, Hanna
Musiklernwelten erkennen und gestalten
Author/Editor: Ardila-Mantilla ,Natalia
Musikk og religion: Tekster om musikk i religion og religion i musikk
Author/Editor: Kristina Socanski Celik,Henrik Holm,Karin Nelson,Svein Aage Christoffersen,Øivind Varkøy,Fr Damaskinos (Olkinuora) of Xenofontos,Torbjørn Eftestøl,Mathias Gillebo,Ola Graff,Henrik Holm,Christina Kast,Christine Mohn
Musikkfilosofiske tekster: Tanker om musikk – og språk, tolkning, erfaring, tid, klang, stillhet m.m.
Author/Editor: Øivind Varkøy,Henrik Holm
Musik in interreligiösen Begegnungen
Author/Editor: Reinhold Bernhardt,Verena Grüter
Musik in der Migration: Beobachtungen zur kulturellen Artikulation türkischer Jugendlicher in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Maria Wurm
Musikgeschichte ohne Markennamen: Soziologie und Ästhetik des Klavierquintetts
Author/Editor: Frédéric Döhl
Musikgeschichten: Von vergessenen Musikern und ›verlorenen Residenzen‹ im 18. Jahrhundert: Amateure und Hofmusiker – Edinburgh und Hannover
Author/Editor: Stefanie Acquavella-Rauch
Musikgeschichte auf der Bühne - Performing Music History
Author/Editor: Anna Langenbruch,Daniel Samaga,Clémence Schupp-Maurer
Musiker und ihr vokales Repertoire - Untersuchungen zu Inhalt und Organisation von Musikerberufen und Liedgattungen in altbabylonischer Zeit
Author/Editor: Shehata, Dahlia
Musikerne, bransjen og samfunnet
Author/Editor: Sigrid Røyseng,Heidi Stavrum,John Vinge
Musikalischer Humor als ästhetische Distanz?
Author/Editor: Jung-Kaiser, Ute,Diedrich, Stephan
Musikalische Repertoires in Zentraleuropa (1420-1450)
Author/Editor: Tammen ,Björn Renko,Rausch ,Alexander
Musikalische Praxis als Lebensform: Sinnfindung und Wirklichkeitserfahrung beim Musizieren
Author/Editor: Eva-Maria Houben
Music Worlding in Palau: Chanting, Atmospheres, and Meaningfulness
Author/Editor: Birgit Abels
Music Technology in Education: Channeling and Challenging Perspectives
Author/Editor: Øyvind Johan Eiksund,Elin Angelo,Jens Knigge
Music Practices Across Borders: (E)Valuating Space, Diversity and Exchange
Author/Editor: Glaucia Peres da Silva,Konstantin Hondros
Music on the Move
Author/Editor: Danielle Fosler-Lussier
A Musicology of Performance
Author/Editor: Fabian ,Dorottya
Music of the Twentieth Century
Author/Editor: Leeuw de ,Ton
Music of the Minnesinger and Early Meistersinger: A Bibliography
Author/Editor: Robert White Linker
Music of the Baduy People of Western Java: Singing is a Medicine
Author/Editor: Wim van Zanten
Music of a Thousand Years: A New History of Persian Musical Traditions
Author/Editor: Ann E. Lucas
Music - Media - History: Re-Thinking Musicology in an Age of Digital Media
Author/Editor: Matej Santi,Elias Berner
Music in New Guinea
Author/Editor: Kunst ,J.
Music in New Guinea
Music in Motion: Diversity and Dialogue in Europe. Study in the frame of the »ExTra! Exchange Traditions« project
Author/Editor: Bernd Clausen,Ursula Hemetek,Eva Sæther
Music in Evolution and Evolution in Music
Author/Editor: Steven Jan
Musicians' Mobilities and Music Migrations in Early Modern Europe : Biographical Patterns and Cultural Exchanges
Musicians in Transit : Argentina and the Globalization of Popular Music
Author/Editor: Karush ,Matthew B.
Musicians in Transit
Music beyond Airports: Appraising ambient music
Author/Editor: Monty Adkins,Simon Cummings
Music as Labour: Inequalities and Activism in the Past and Present
Author/Editor: Dagmar Abfalter,Rosa Reitsamer
Music as Intangible Cultural Heritage: Economic, Cultural and Social Identity
Author/Editor: Blanca de-Miguel-Molina,Virginia Santamarina-Campos,María de-Miguel-Molina,Rafael Boix-Doménech
Musica, scienziato!: Trilogia di monologhi scientifantastici
Author/Editor: Luigi Dei
Music, Art and Emotion: Depictions of the Night Inspired by Romantic Art Song
Author/Editor: Conroy Cupido,Conroy Cupido,Willem Venter,Jaco Meyer
Music and the Cultural Production of Scale
Author/Editor: Phil Dodds
Music and Levels of Narration in Film
Music and Levels of Narration in Film
Author/Editor: Heldt ,Guido
Music and Knowledge: A Performer's Perspective
Author/Editor: Per Dahl
Music and Digital Media: A planetary anthropology
Author/Editor: Georgina Born
Music and Democracy: Participatory Approaches
Author/Editor: Marko Kölbl,Fritz Trümpi
Musical worlds in Yogyakarta
Musical worlds in Yogyakarta
Author/Editor: Richter ,Max M.
Musicality of a Literary Work
Author/Editor: Andrzej Hejmej
Musical Haptics
Author/Editor: Stefano Papetti,Charalampos Saitis
Musical Gentrification: Popular Music, Distinction and Social Mobility
Author/Editor: Petter Dyndahl,Sidsel Karlsen,Ruth Wright
Musical Composition in the Context of Globalization: New Perspectives on Music History in the 20th and 21st Century
Author/Editor: Christian Utz
Musical Cities
Author/Editor: Sara Adhitya
MuseumsTheater: Theatrale Inszenierungen in der Ausstellungspraxis
Author/Editor: Gabriele Kindler
Museums Involving Communities: Authentic Connections
Author/Editor: Margaret Kadoyama
Museums in a Digital Culture
Author/Editor: Chiel van den Akker,Susan Legêne
Museums, Equality and Social Justice
Author/Editor: Richard Sandell,Eithne Nightingale
Museum of Nonhumanity
Author/Editor: Laura Gustafsson,Terike Haapoja
Museum Object Lessons for the Digital Age
Author/Editor: Haidy Geismar
Museum Digitisations and Emerging Curatorial Agencies Online: Vikings in the Digital Age
Author/Editor: Bodil Axelsson,Fiona R. Cameron,Katherine Hauptman,Sheenagh Pietrobruno
The Museum as Experience: Learning, Connection, and Shared Space
Author/Editor: Susan Shifrin
Museum Activism
Author/Editor: Robert R. Janes,Richard Sandell
The Muselmann at the Water Cooler
Museen und Stadtimagebildung: Amsterdam - Frankfurt/Main - Prag. Ein Vergleich
Author/Editor: Franziska Puhan-Schulz
Museen digital: Eine Gedächtnisinstitution sucht den Anschluss an die Zukunft
Author/Editor: Hubertus Kohle
Author/Editor: Nina Samuel,Felix Sattler
Musculoskeletal Diseases 2021-2024: Diagnostic Imaging
Author/Editor: Juerg Hodler,Rahel A. Kubik-Huch,Gustav K. von Schulthess
Musashino in Tuscany: Japanese Overseas Travel Literature, 1860–1912
Author/Editor: Susanna Fessler
Murder Most Queer: The Homicidal Homosexual in the American Theater
Author/Editor: Jordan Schildcrout
Murder Ballads: Exhuming the Body Buried beneath Wordsworth's Lyrical Ballads
Author/Editor: David John Brennan
Municipal Magdeburg Law (Ius municipale Magdeburgense) in Late Medieval Poland: A Study on the Evolution and Adaptation of Law
Author/Editor: Maciej Mikuła
Mundos del hispanismo: una cartografía para el siglo XXI AIH Jerusalén 2019
Author/Editor: Ruth Fine,Florinda F. Goldberg,Or Hasson
"Mulukī Ain" of 1854: Nepal’s First Legal Code
Author/Editor: Rajan Khatiwoda,Simon Cubelic,Axel Michaels
Multiword expressions: Insights from a multi-lingual perspective
Author/Editor: Manfred Sailer,Stella Markantonatou
Multiword expressions at length and in depth: Extended papers from the MWE 2017 workshop
Author/Editor: Stella Markantonatou,Carlos Ramisch,Agata Savary,Veronika Vincze
Multi-Winner Voting with Approval Preferences
Author/Editor: Martin Lackner,Piotr Skowron
Multi-verb constructions in Eastern Indonesia (Volume 28)
Author/Editor: Volker Unterladstetter
Multivariate Statistical Machine Learning Methods for Genomic Prediction
Author/Editor: Osval Antonio Montesinos López,Abelardo Montesinos López,José Crossa
Multivariate Statistical Analysis in the Real and Complex Domains
Author/Editor: Arak M. Mathai,Serge B. Provost,Hans J. Haubold
Multivariate scaling methods and the reconstruction of social spaces: Papers in honor of Jörg Blasius
Author/Editor: Alice Barth,Felix Leßke,Rebekka Atakan,Manuela Schmidt,Yvonne Scheit
Multi-User Gesture Recognition with Radar Technology
Author/Editor: Alexandros Ninos
Multispezies-Ethnographie: Zur Methodik einer ganzheitlichen Erforschung von Mensch, Tier, Natur und Kultur
Author/Editor: Katharina Ameli
Multispecies Storytelling in Intermedial Practices
Author/Editor: Ida Bencke,Jørgen Bruhn
Multiskalige Modellierung von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien
Author/Editor: Adrian Schmidt
Multisensorielle Navigation und Kartierung in schwierigen Bedingungen
Author/Editor: Christopher Doer
Multiscale X-ray Structural Analysis of Cardiac Cells and Tissues
Author/Editor: Marius Reichardt
Multi-scale transport and exchange processes in the atmosphere over mountains: Programme and experiment
Author/Editor: Stefano Serafin,Thomas Karl,Daniel J. Kirshbaum,Manuela Lehner,Stephen Mobbs,Alexandre Paci,Mathias W. Rotach,Marco Arpagaus,Ioana Colfescu,Joan Cuxart,Stephan F. J. De Wekker,Mathew Evans,Vanda Grubišić,Norbert Kalthoff
A Multiscale In Silico Study to Characterize the Atrial Electrical Activity of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation: A Translational Study to Guide Ablation Therapy
Author/Editor: Jorge Patricio Sánchez Arciniegas
Multiscale Cohort Modeling of Atrial Electrophysiology: Risk Stratification for Atrial Fibrillation through Machine Learning on Electrocardiograms
Author/Editor: Claudia Nagel
Multiscale Biomechanics and Tribology of Inorganic and Organic Systems: In memory of Professor Sergey Psakhie
Author/Editor: Georg-Peter Ostermeyer,Georg-Peter Ostermeyer,Valentin L. Popov,Valentin L. Popov,Evgeny V. Shilko,Evgeny V. Shilko,Olga S. Vasiljeva,Olga S. Vasiljeva
Multiregionalism and Multilateralism
Multiple-Aspect Analysis of Semantic Trajectories: First International Workshop, MASTER 2019, Held in Conjunction with ECML-PKDD 2019, Würzburg, Germany, September 16, 2019, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Konstantinos Tserpes,Chiara Renso,Stan Matwin
Multiphoton Microscopy and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging: Applications in Biology and Medicine
Author/Editor: Karsten König,Thérèse Baldeweck,Mihaela Balu
Multiperspektivität und dramatische Wirkung in der sophokleischen Tragödie
Author/Editor: Severin Hof
Multinational teams in the European Commission and the European Parliament
Author/Editor: Anne-Katrin Neyer
Multinational Teams in European and American Companies
Author/Editor: Aida Hajro
Multinational Corporations and Local Firms in Emerging Economies
Multimodal Texts in Disciplinary Education: A Comprehensive Framework
Author/Editor: Kristina Danielsson,Staffan Selander
Multimodal Panoptic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds
Author/Editor: Fabian Dürr
Multimodal Literacy in School Science: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Theory, Research and Pedagogy
Author/Editor: Len Unsworth,Russell Tytler,Lisl Fenwick,Sally Humphrey,Paul Chandler,Michele Herrington,Lam Pham
Multimodale Kommunikation im Social Web: Forschungsansaetze und Analysen zu Text–Bild-Relationen
Author/Editor: Christina Margrit Siever
Multimodale Interaktionsanalyse: Konzeptualisierung von Integration bei Brasilianer:innen in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Anna Ladilova
Multimedia Forensics
Author/Editor: Husrev Taha Sencar,Luisa Verdoliva,Nasir Memon
Multilingual Life Writing by French and Francophone Women: Translingual Selves
Author/Editor: Natalie Edwards
Multilingualism and third language acquisition: Learning and teaching trends (Volume 2)
Author/Editor: Jorge Pinto,Nélia Alexandre
Multilingualism and the Public Sector in South Africa
Author/Editor: Munene Mwaniki
Multilingualism across the Lifespan
Author/Editor: Unn Røyneland,Robert Blackwood
Multilevel Modelling for Public Health and Health Services Research: Health in Context
Author/Editor: Alastair H. Leyland,Peter P. Groenewegen
Multi-level Governance
Multilayer Thin Films: Versatile Applications for Materials Engineering
Author/Editor: Sukumar Basu
Multilateral Banks and the Development Process: Vital Links in the Results Chain
Author/Editor: Vinod Thomas,Xubei Luo
Multikulturalität in Europa : Teilhabe in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft
Multikulturalität in Europa
Multikodalität und Digitales Lehren und Lernen
Author/Editor: Christina Maria Ersch,Marion Grein
Multifunctional Land Uses in Africa: Sustainable Food Security Solutions
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Simelton,Madelene Ostwald
Multi-frequency and multi-GNSS PPP phase bias estimation and ambiguity resolution
Author/Editor: Guorui Xiao
Multi-field modeling and simulation of fiber-reinforced polymers
Author/Editor: Jonathan Schulte
A multi-factor approach to understanding socio-economic segregation in European capital cities
A multi-factor approach to understanding socio-economic segregation in European capital cities
Author/Editor: Tammaru ,Tiit,Musterd ,Sako,van Ham ,Maarten,Marcińczak ,Szymon
Multiethnic Societies of Central Asia and Siberia Represented in Indigenous Oral and Written Literature: The Role of Private Collections and Libraries
Author/Editor: Merle Schatz,Irina V. Lizunova,Lyudmila A. Mandrinina,Ellara Omakaeva,Evgeniya V. Pshenichnaya,Qahiri,Robert Barnett,P.T. Bitkeev,G.S. Bitkeeva,Merhaba Eli,Christian Faggionato,Anna A. Grinevich,Ahmet Hojam Pekiniy,Erich Kasten
Multidisciplinary Aspects of Design: Objects, Processes, Experiences and Narratives
Author/Editor: Francesca Zanella,Giampiero Bosoni,Elisabetta Di Stefano,Gioia Laura Iannilli,Giovanni Matteucci,Rita Messori,Raffaella Trocchianesi
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Capability in Age and Ageing
Author/Editor: Hanna Falk Erhag,Ulrika Lagerlöf Nilsson,Therese Rydberg Sterner,Ingmar Skoog
Multidimensional Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems for Differential Equations
Author/Editor: Yu. E. Anikonov
The multidimensional housing deprivation: Local dynamics of inequality, policies and challenges for the future
Multi-dimensional Approaches Towards New Technology: Insights on Innovation, Patents and Competition
Author/Editor: Ashish Bharadwaj,Vishwas H. Devaiah,Indranath Gupta
Multicultureel drama?
Multicultural Work in Five United Nations Organisations: An Austrian Perspective
Author/Editor: Dagmar Kiefer
Multiculturalismo alla francese?
Author/Editor: Costantini, Dino
Multiculturalism in the British Commonwealth: Comparative Perspectives on Theory and Practice
Author/Editor: Richard T. Ashcroft,Mark Bevir
Multiculturalism and Integration
Author/Editor: Clyne ,Michael,Jupp ,James
Multiculturalism and Conflict Reconciliation in the Asia-Pacific
Author/Editor: Kosuke Shimizu,William S. Bradley
Multicultural Dynamics and the Ends of History : Exploring Kant, Hegel, and Marx
Author/Editor: Fillion ,Real
Multicultural Dynamics and the Ends of History
Multicultural Cities of the Habsburg Empire, 1880–1914: Imagined Communities and Conflictual Encounters
Author/Editor: Horel Catherine
Multichannel Management: A Normative Model Towards Optimality
Author/Editor: Gottfried Gruber
The Multi Business Model Innovation Approach: Part 1
Author/Editor: Peter Lindgren
The Multi-Agent Transport Simulation MATSim
The Multi-Agent Transport Simulation MATSim
Mujeres y Política en Chile, siglos XIX y XX
Author/Editor: Ana Gálvez,Manuel Loyola,Rolando Álvarez
Muistitietotutkimuksen paikka: Teoriat, käytännöt ja muutos
Author/Editor: Ulla Savolainen,Riikka Taavetti
Muße und Rekursivität in der antiken Briefliteratur: Mit einem Ausblick in andere Gattungen
Author/Editor: Franziska C. Eickhoff
Muße und Moderne
Author/Editor: Tobias Keiling,Robert Krause,Heidi Liedke
Muße und Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Gregor Dobler,Peter Philipp Riedl
Muße und Erzählen: ein poetologischer Zusammenhang : Vom «Roman de la Rose» bis zu Jorge Semprún
Author/Editor: Thomas Klinkert
Muße und Erzählen: ein poetologischer Zusammenhang: Vom «Roman de la Rose» bis zu Jorge Semprún
Author/Editor: Thomas Klinkert
Muendliches und schriftliches Handeln im Deutschunterricht: Wie Themen entfaltet werden
Author/Editor: Ulrike Behrens,Olaf Gätje
Muße in mystischer Literatur: Paradigmen geistig tätigen Lebens bei Meister Eckhart
Author/Editor: Anna Keiling
Muße im höfischen Roman: Literarische Konzeptionen des Ausbruchs und der Außeralltäglichkeit im 'Erec', 'Iwein' und 'Tristan'
Author/Editor: Rebekka Becker
Muße im 18. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Niels Petersen,Kerstin Fest
Muße-Diskurse: Russland im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Cheauré
Méthodes d'investigation de l'alimentation et des mangeurs
Author/Editor: Olivier Lepiller,Tristan Fournier,Nicolas Bricas,Muriel Figuié
Møter og mangfold: Religion og kultur i historie, samtid og skole
Author/Editor: Hildegunn Valen Kleive,Jonas Gamborg Lillebø,Knut-Willy Saether
Música y Trabajo: Organizaciones gremiales de músicos en Chile, 1893-1940
Author/Editor: Eileen Karmy
The Müselmann at the Water Cooler
Author/Editor: Pfefferkorn ,Eli
Más allá del derecho de autor: Otros términos para debatir la propiedad intelectual
Author/Editor: Alberto López Cuenca,Renato Bermúdez Dini
Más allá de las Naciones: Revoluciones, contrarrevoluciones e independencias (1795-1830)
Author/Editor: Leonardo Bereche,César Martínez,Milagros Martínez-Flener
Mr Tulsi’s Store : A Fijian journey
Author/Editor: Lal V. ,Brij
Mr Tulsi’s Store
Mr. Emerson's Revolution
Märchenadaptionen in Romanen und Novellen von Christoph Martin Wieland zu Thomas Mann - Eine exemplarische Untersuchung
Author/Editor: Zhizi Yang
Mozart's Tempo-System: A Handbook for Practice and Theory
Author/Editor: Helmut Breidenstein
Mozart's 'La clemenza di Tito': A Reappraisal
Author/Editor: Magnus Tessing Schneider,Ruth Tatlow
Mo Yan in Context : Nobel Laureate and Global Storyteller
Author/Editor: Duran ,Angelica,Huang ,Yuhan
Mo Yan in Context
Moving Workers: Historical Perspectives on Labour, Coercion and Im/Mobilities
Author/Editor: Vilhelm Vilhelmsson,Claudia Bernardi,Viola Franziska Müller,Biljana Stojić
Moving Towards Europe: Diverse Trajectories and Multidimensional Drivers of Migration across the Mediterranean and the Atlantic
Author/Editor: Asli Selin Okyay,Luca Barana,Colleen Elizabeth Boland
Moving Toward Net-Zero Carbon Society: Challenges and Opportunities
Author/Editor: Hsing-Hao Wu,Wan-Yu Liu,Michael C. Huang
Moving Ourselves, Moving Others
Moving Natures: Mobility and Environment in Canadian History
Author/Editor: Colin M. Coates,Ben Bradley,Jay Young
Moving in the USSR: Western anomalies and Northern wilderness
Author/Editor: Pekka Hakamies
Moving Images: Mediating Migration as Crisis
Author/Editor: Krista Lynes,Tyler Morgenstern,Ian Alan Paul
Moving Home: Gender, Place, and Travel Writing in the Early Black Atlantic
Author/Editor: Sandra Gunning
Moving Histories: Irish Women’s Emigration to Britain from Independence to Republic
Author/Editor: Jennifer Redmond
Moving Forward, Looking Back
Author/Editor: Hagener ,Malte
Moving English Language Teaching Forward: Festschrift to Ragnhild Elisabeth Lund
Author/Editor: Magne Dypedahl
Moving Boundaries in Translation Studies
Author/Editor: Helle V. Dam,Matilde Nisbeth Brøgger,Karen Korning Zethsen
Moving across Differences: How Students Engage LGBTQ+ Themes in a High School Literature Class
Author/Editor: Mollie V. Blackburn
Moves - Spaces - Places: The Life Worlds of Jamaican Women in Montreal. An Ethnography
Author/Editor: Lisa Johnson
Mo(ve)ments of Resistance : Politics, Economy and Society in Israel/Palestine 1931–2013
Author/Editor: Grinberg ,Lev Luis
Mo(ve)ments of Resistance
Movements After Revolution: A History of People's Struggles in Mexico
Author/Editor: Miles V. Rodríguez
Movement of knowledge: Medical humanities perspectives on medicine, science, and experience
Author/Editor: Kristofer Hansson,Rachel Irwin
Movement, Knowledge, Emotion
Author/Editor: x
Movable Inn: The Rural Jewish Population of Minsk Guberniya in 1793-1914
Author/Editor: Judith Kalik
Mount Sacred: A Brief Global History of Holy Mountains Since 1500
Author/Editor: Jon Mathieu
Mount Pleasant, Dorset: Excavations 1970–1971
Author/Editor: G. J. Wainwright
Mountain, Water, Rock, God: Understanding Kedarnath in the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: Luke Whitmore
Motores de la deforestación en Colombia: una mirada desde la investigación penal
Author/Editor: Leonardo Güiza Suárez,José Félix Montoya Soto,Rodrigo Botero García,Erika Benítez Tapia,Carlos Andrés Cante Puentes
The Motorcycle Diaries: Youth, Travel and Politics in Latin America
Author/Editor: Nadia LIE
Motivation – Mechanisms of the Mind and their Quest for Expression: Introduction to a Study on a Theoretical Model of the Process of Motivation
Author/Editor: Menno A. Mennes
Motivation in Organisations: Searching for a Meaningful Work-Life Balance
Author/Editor: Manuel Guillen
Motivational Profiles in TIMSS Mathematics: Exploring Student Clusters Across Countries and Time
Author/Editor: Michalis P. Michaelides,Gavin T. L. Brown,Hanna Eklöf,Elena C. Papanastasiou
Motivationale Aspekte mathematischer Lernprozesse: Eine Untersuchung zu professionellen Kompetenzen der Motivationsförderung im Mathematikunterricht
Author/Editor: Maximilian Hettmann
Motion Structures: Deployable Structural Assemblies of Mechanisms
Author/Editor: Zhong You,Yan Chen
Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles in Partially Observable Environments
Author/Editor: Ömer Şahin Taş
Mother on Mothers: Maternal Readings of Popular Television
Author/Editor: Rebecca Feasey
Mothering, Public Leadership, and Women’s Life Writing: Explorations in Spirituality Studies and Practical Theology
Author/Editor: Claire Wolfteich
Mothering Performance: Maternal Action
Author/Editor: Lena Šimić,Emily Underwood-Lee
Motherhood and the Law
Author/Editor: Harry Willekens,Kirsten Scheiwe,Theresa Richarz,Eva Schumann
Mother Earth, Mother Africa and Theology
Author/Editor: Yolanda Dreyer,Sinenhlanhla Sithulisiwe Chisale,Sinenhlanhla Sithulisiwe Chisale,Rozelle (Robson) Bosch,Rozelle (Robson) Bosch,Kelebogile Thomas Resane,Sylvia Owusu-Ansah
Motetten am Hof Maximilians II. (1527–1576): Komponieren im Zeitalter der Konfessionalisierung
Author/Editor: Jonas Pfohl
The Mote of Mark: A Dark Age Hillfort in South-West Scotland
Author/Editor: Lloyd Laing,David Longley
Mot bedre vitende i norsk matsektor
Author/Editor: Frode Steen,Ivar Pettersen
›Mos uetustissimus‹ – Tito Livio e la percezione della clemenza
Author/Editor: Elisa Della Calce
Mosty mostite: Studi in onore di Marcello Garzaniti
Author/Editor: Alberto Alberti,Maria Chiara Ferro,Francesca Romoli
The Most Noble of People: Religious, Ethnic, and Gender Identity in Muslim Spain
Author/Editor: Jessica A. Coope
Mosterd bij de maaltijd 20/25 jaar Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het regerinsgebeleid
Author/Editor: Adriaansens ,H.P.M.,Bletz ,J.C.F.,Donner ,J.P.H.,Hoed den ,P.,Kempen van ,H.,Langeweg ,S.J.
Mosquitopia: The Place of Pests in a Healthy World
Author/Editor: Marcus Hall,Dan Tamïr
Moskovalainen: Ruotsi, Suomi ja Venäjä 1478–1721
Author/Editor: Kari Tarkiainen
Moskau und Petersburg in der russischen Literatur (ca. 1700-1850): Zur Gestaltung eines literarischen Stoffes
Author/Editor: Gudrun Ziegler
Moskaus (in)existente Mittelschicht: Eine Ethnographie
Author/Editor: Bernhard Braun
Moses Dobruska and the Invention of Social Philosophy: Utopia, Judaism, and Heresy under the French Revolution
Author/Editor: Silvana Greco
Author/Editor: Bayer ,Waltraud M.
Moschee-Neubauten: Institutionalisierung, Bedeutung und Sichtbarkeit in England und der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Lucia Stöckli
Moschee-Neubauten. Institutionalisierung, Bedeutung und Sichtbarkeit in England und der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Lucia Stöckli
Moscheeleben in Deutschland: Eine Ethnographie zu Islamischem Wissen, Tradition und religiöser Autorität
Author/Editor: Ayse Almila Akca
Mortal Kombat: Games of Death
Author/Editor: David Church
Morsmålsdidaktisk forskning og profesjonalisert lærerutdanning: Fem nordiske beretninger om 50 års utvikling og kamp
Author/Editor: Per-Olof Erixon,Per-Olof Erixon,Sigmund Ongstad,Sigmund Ongstad,Sven-Erik Hansén,Ellen Krogh,Jon Smidt
Morrison's Miracle: The 2019 Australian Federal Election
Author/Editor: Anika Gauja,Marian Sawer,Marian Simms
Morphosyntactic Variation in Medieval Celtic Languages: Corpus-Based Approaches
Author/Editor: Elliott Lash,Fangzhe Qiu,David Stifter
Morpho-Syntactic Expansions in Translation from English into Slovenian as a Prototypical Response to the Complexity of the Original
Author/Editor: Milena Milojevic Sheppard
Morphosyntactic change in Late Modern Swedish
Author/Editor: Ida Larsson,Erik M. Petzell
Morphologisch komplexe Wörter: Prosodische Struktur und phonetische Realisierung
Author/Editor: Pia Bergmann
Morfologische Atlas van de Nederlandse Dialecten
Author/Editor: Goeman ,Ton,Oostendorp van ,Marc,Reenen van ,Piet,Koornwinder ,oele,Berg van den ,Boudewijn
Morfologia verbale dei dialetti lombardi nord-orientali nel loro contesto geolinguistico
Author/Editor: Rührlinger ,Brigitte
Moretiana: Adversa y próspera fortuna de Agustín Moreto
Author/Editor: Maria Luisa Lobato,Juan Antonio Martínez Berbel
More Than Medals: A History of the Paralympics and Disability Sports in Postwar Japan
Author/Editor: Dennis J. Frost
More Than Machines?: The Attribution of (In)Animacy to Robot Technology
Author/Editor: Laura Voss
More Than Fiscal: The Intergenerational Report, Sustainability and Public Policy in Australia
Author/Editor: Jane Hall,Andrew Podger,Mike Woods
More than a game: The computer game as fictional form
Author/Editor: Atkins ,Barry
More Nights than Days: A Survey of Writings of Child Genocide Survivors
Author/Editor: Yudit Kiss
More&More: The Invisible Oceans
Author/Editor: Marina Zurkow,Marina Zurkow Kathleen Forde,Sarah Rothberg,Surya Mattu
More&More: A Guide to a Harmonized System
Author/Editor: Marina Zurkow
A more developed sign: interpreting the work of Jesper Hoffmeyer
Author/Editor: Favareau ,Donald,Cobley ,Paul,Kull ,Kalevi
More Crop Per Drop
Author/Editor: Frank R. Rijsberman,Meredith Giordano,R. Maria Saleth
Mord(s)bilder - Aufzählungen von Gewalt bei Seneca und Lucan
Author/Editor: Maria Backhaus
Morbidity in primary care: Epidemiologic data from Family Medicine Network
Author/Editor: Hilde Luijks,Floris Alexander Van de Laar,Henk Schers
Moral Uncertainty
Author/Editor: Michael MacAskill,Krister Bykvist,Toby Ord
Moral Teleology: A Theory of Progress
Author/Editor: Hanno Sauer
Morals Not Knowledge : Recasting the Contemporary U.S. Conflict Between Religion and Science
Author/Editor: Evans H. ,John
Morals Not Knowledge
Author/Editor: John H. Evans
Moral Reasoning at Work: Rethinking Ethics in Organizations
Author/Editor: Øyvind Kvalnes
Moral Reasoning at Work: Rethinking Ethics in Organizations
Author/Editor: Øyvind Kvalnes
The Moral Mappings of South and North
Author/Editor: Peter Wagner
Morality Made Visible: Edward Westermarck’s Moral and Social Theory
Author/Editor: Otto Pipatti
Morality and Nationalism
Author/Editor: Catherine Frost
Moralities of Drone Violence
Author/Editor: Christian Enemark
Moral Issues in the Natural Sciences and Technologies
Author/Editor: Hendrik Boshoff,Jurie van den Heever,Dawie van den Heever,Sarah Wurz,Jurie van den Heever,Johan Burger,Chris Jones,George Claassen,Louise du Toit,Chris Jones,Anita Kleinsmidt,Dave Pepler,Basie von Solms,Himla Soodyall
Moralische Gentrifizierung: Soziologische Zeitdiagnostik und politische Theorie negativer Emotionen
Author/Editor: Veith Selk,Olaf Jann
Moralische Dimensionen der Verletzlichkeit des Menschen: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf einen anthropologischen Grundbegriff und seine Relevanz für die Medizinethik
Author/Editor: Michael Coors
The Moral Implications of Human and Animal Vulnerability
Author/Editor: Angela K. Martin
Moral History from Herodotus to Diodorus Siculus
Moral History from Herodotus to Diodorus Siculus
Author/Editor: Hau ,Lisa Irene
Moral History from Herodotus to Diodorus Siculus
Author/Editor: Lisa Irene Hau
Moral Foods: The Construction of Nutrition and Health in Modern Asia
Author/Editor: Melissa L. Caldwell,Angela Ki Che Leung
The Moral Economy of Mobile Phones: Pacific Islands Perspectives
Author/Editor: Robert J. Foster,Heather A. Horst
Moral Economy at Work: Ethnographic Investigations in Eurasia
Author/Editor: Lale Yalçın-Heckmann
Moral Economies of Corruption
Author/Editor: Pierce ,Steven
Moral Economic Transitions in the Mongolian Borderlands: A proportional share
Author/Editor: Hedwig Amelia Waters
Moral Ecology of a Forest: The Nature Industry and Maya Post-Conservation
Author/Editor: José E. Martínez-Reyes
Moral Choices for Our Future Selves: An Empirical Theory of Prudential Perception and a Moral Theory of Prudence
Author/Editor: Eleonora Viganò
Moral Aspects of Economic Growth, and Other Essays
Author/Editor: Jr. Moore
Moonshine beyond the Monster: The Bridge Connecting Algebra, Modular Forms and Physics
Author/Editor: Terry Gannon
Author/Editor: James E. Dobson,Rena J. Mosteirin
A Monument to Medieval Syrian Book Culture: The Library of Ibn ʿAbd al-Hādī
Author/Editor: Konrad Hirschler
Monuments on the horizon: The formation of the barrow landscape throughout the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC
Author/Editor: Quentin Bourgeois
Monuments of Merv: Traditional Buildings of the Karakum
Author/Editor: Georgina Herrmann
Monumental Names: Archival Aesthetics and the Conjuration of History in Moscow
Author/Editor: Galina Oustinova-Stjepanovic
Monumental Matters : The Power, Subjectivity, and Space of India’s Mughal Architecture
Author/Editor: Kavuri-Bauer ,Santhi
Monumental Matters
A Monumental Hellenistic Funerary Ensemble at Callatis on the Western Black Sea: The Documaci Tumulus: Volume I
Author/Editor: Valeriu Sîrbu,Maria-Magdalena Ștefan
Author/Editor: Zavadil ,Michaela
Montaigne and the Origins of Modern Philosophy
Author/Editor: Ann Hartle
Monstrous Liminality: Or, The Uncanny Strangers of Secularized Modernity
Author/Editor: Robert Beghetto
Monstrosity and Philosophy: Radical Otherness in Greek and Latin Culture
Author/Editor: Filippo Del Lucchese
Monsoon: [+ other] Airs
Author/Editor: Lindsay Bremner,Georgia Trower
Monospace and Multiverse: Exploring Space with Actor-Network-Theory
Author/Editor: Sabine Hansmann
Monkey Trouble
Author/Editor: Peterson ,Christopher
Monitor Racisme & Extremisme
Author/Editor: Valk van der ,Ineke,Wagenaar ,Willem
Monitoring State Compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: An Analysis of Attributes
Author/Editor: Ziba Vaghri,Jean Zermatten,Gerison Lansdown,Roberta Ruggiero
Monitoring Biodiversity: Combining Environmental and Social Data
Author/Editor: Anna Allard,E. Carina H. Keskitalo,Alan Brown
Monitored: Business and Surveillance in a Time of Big Data
Author/Editor: Peter Bloom
Monitorare e valutare il miglioramento scolastico: III Seminario "I dati INVALSI: uno strumento per la ricerca"
Author/Editor: Patrizia Falzetti
Monimuotoinen ansiotyö: Näkökulmia monista lähteistä ansaintaan
Author/Editor: Arja Haapakorpi,Anu Järvensivu,Anu Järvensivu,Arja Haapakorpi,Merja Kauhanen,Harri Melin
Mongrel Nation: Diasporic Culture and the Making of Postcolonial Britain
Author/Editor: Ashley Dawson
The Mongols and the Armenians (1220-1335)
Author/Editor: Dashdondog ,Bayarsaikhan
The Mongols and the Armenians (1220-1335)
Mongol Court Dress, Identity Formation, and Global Exchange
Author/Editor: Eiren Shea
Mongameli Mabona: His Life and Work
Author/Editor: Ernst Wolff
Money Matters: Umgang mit Geld als soziale und kulturelle Praxis
Author/Editor: Silke Meyer
Money Matters: Addressing the Financial Sustainability of Security Sector Reform
Author/Editor: Rory Keane,Thorodd Ommundsen
Money and Exchange
Author/Editor: Sasan Fayazmanesh
Money and Debt: The Public Role of Banks
Author/Editor: Bart Stellinga,Josta de Hoog,Arthur van Riel,Casper de Vries
Money and Coinage in the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Rory Naismith
Monetary Stability as a Common Concern in International Law: Policy Cooperation and Coordination of Central Banks
Author/Editor: Lucía Satragno
Monetary Policy and Unemployment
Author/Editor: Will Semmler
A Monetary Hope for Europe: The Euro and the Struggle for the Creation of a New Global Currency
Author/Editor: Andrea Bosco,Massimiliano Guderzo
Monetary Authorities
Author/Editor: Allan Lumba
Mondiger of moeilijker
Author/Editor: Brink van den ,G.
Mondeggi: Rigenerazione sociale, culturale e agricola per una Città Metropolitana sostenibile
Author/Editor: Mario Biggeri,Giuseppe De Luca,Andrea Ferrannini,Carlo Pisano
Monastische Kultur als transkonfessionelles Phänomen: Beiträge einer deutsch-russischen interdisziplinären Tagung in Vladimir und Suzdal’
Author/Editor: Ludwig Steindorff,DHI Moskau - Stiftung DGIA,Oliver Auge
The Monastery Rules: Buddhist Monastic Organization in Pre-Modern Tibet
Author/Editor: Berthe Jansen
Monaci scrittori San Salvatore al Monte Amiata tra Impero e Papato (secoli VIII-XIII)
Author/Editor: Mario MARROCCHI
Molière et le théâtre arabe: Réception moliéresque et identités nationales arabes
Author/Editor: Angela Daiana Langone,Ottmar Ette
Molecules of an author in search of memory: A civil-scientific play of two acts
Author/Editor: Luigi Dei
Molecules in Superfluid Helium Nanodroplets: Spectroscopy, Structure, and Dynamics
Author/Editor: Alkwin Slenczka,Jan Peter Toennies
Molecular Regulation of Endocytosis
Molecular Photochemistry - Various Aspects
Molecular Motor Based on Single Chiral Tripodal Molecules Studied with STM
Author/Editor: Julian Skolaut
Molecular Mechanism of Congenital Heart Disease and Pulmonary Hypertension
Author/Editor: Toshio Nakanishi,H. Scott Baldwin,Jeffrey R. Fineman,Hiroyuki Yamagishi
Molecular Magnetic Materials on Solid Surfaces
Author/Editor: matteo mannini
Molecular imaging in Parkinson's disease
Author/Editor: Cristina Polito
Molecular Feminisms: Biology, Becomings, and Life in the Lab
Author/Editor: Deboleena Roy
Molecular Beams in Physics and Chemistry: From Otto Stern's Pioneering Exploits to Present-Day Feats
Author/Editor: Bretislav Friedrich,Horst Schmidt-Böcking
Molecole d'autore in cerca di memoria: Dramma scientifico-civile in due atti
Author/Editor: Luigi Dei
Molecole d'autore in cerca di memoria: Dramma scientifico-civile in due atti
Author/Editor: Luigi Dei
Moeglichkeiten zur Fortsetzung der Gemeindefinanzreform: Eine theoretische und empirische Analyse
Author/Editor: Grete Albers
Moedertaalonderrig en taalaktivisme in Suid-Afrika: Analise van gedrukte mediadekking tussen 2006 en 2010
Author/Editor: Johan C. Moll
Modifying mesophyll conductance to optimise photosynthesis in crops
Author/Editor: Coralie E. Salesse-Smith,Steven M. Driever,Victoria C. Clarke
Modes of Truth: The Unified Approach to Truth, Modality, and Paradox
Author/Editor: Carlo Nicolai,Johannes Stern
Modes of Philology in Medieval South India
Author/Editor: Whitney Cox
Modes of Migration Regulation and Control in Europe
Modes of Esports Engagement in Overwatch
Author/Editor: Maria Ruotsalainen,Maria Törhönen,Veli-Matti Karhulahti
Modes of Bio-Bordering: The Hidden (Dis)integration of Europe
Author/Editor: Nina Amelung,Rafaela Granja,Helena Machado
Modern Trends in Research on Steel, Aluminium and Composite Structures: PROCEEDINGS OF THE XIV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON METAL STRUCTURES (ICMS2021), POZNAŃ, POLAND, 16-18 JUNE 2021
Author/Editor: Marian A. Giżejowski,Aleksander Kozłowski,Marcin Chybiński,Katarzyna Rzeszut,Robert Studziński,Maciej Szumigała
Modern Socio-Technical Perspectives on Privacy
Author/Editor: Bart P. Knijnenburg,Xinru Page,Pamela Wisniewski,Heather Richter Lipford,Nicholas Proferes,Jennifer Romano
Modern Slavery: A Comparative Study of the Definition of Trafficking in Persons
Author/Editor: Dominika Borg Jansson
Modern Mathematics Education for Engineering Curricula in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of EU, Russia, Georgia and Armenia
Author/Editor: Seppo Pohjolainen,Tuomas Myllykoski,Christian Mercat,Sergey Sosnovsky
Modern Luck: Narratives of fortune in the long twentieth century
Author/Editor: Robert S.C. Gordon
Modern Languages Across the Curriculum
Author/Editor: Michael Grenfell
Modern Japan’s Place in World History: From Meiji to Reiwa
Author/Editor: Masayuki Yamauchi,Yuichi Hosoya
Modernizing George Eliot: The Writer as Artist, Intellectual, Proto-Modernist, Cultural Critic
Author/Editor: K.M. Newton
Modernizing Composition: Sinhala Song, Poetry, and Politics in Twentieth-Century Sri Lanka
Author/Editor: Field ,Garrett
Modernizing Composition: Sinhala Song, Poetry, and Politics in Twentieth-Century Sri Lanka
Author/Editor: Garrett Field
Modernization with Chinese Characteristics and Great Power
Author/Editor: Angang Hu
Modernity without a Project
Author/Editor: C.B. Johnson
Modernity, Minority, and the Public Sphere: Jews and Christians in the Middle East
Author/Editor: S.R. Goldstein-Sabbah,S.R. Goldstein-Sabbah,H.L. Murre-van den Berg Nijmegen,H.L. Murre-van den Berg
Modernity, History, and Politics in Czech Art
Author/Editor: Marta Filipová
Modernity and Spirit Worship in India: An Anthropology of the Umwelt
Author/Editor: Miho Ishii
Modernitet eller åndsdannelse? (Vol. 339):Engelsk i skole og samfund 1800-1935
Modernitet eller åndsdannelse? (Vol. 339):Engelsk i skole og samfund 1800-1935
Author/Editor: Jens Rahbek Rasmussen
The Modernist Bestiary: Translating Animals and the Arts through Guillaume Apollinaire, Raoul Dufy and Graham Sutherland
Author/Editor: Sarah Kay,Timothy Mathews
The Modernist Anthropocene: Nonhuman Life and Planetary Change in James Joyce, Virginia Woolf and Djuna Barnes
Author/Editor: Peter Adkins
Modernism, Fiction and Mathematics
Author/Editor: Nina Engelhardt
Modernism as Institution: On the Establishment of an Aesthetic and Historiographic Paradigm
Author/Editor: Hans Hayden
Modernism and the Spiritual in Russian Art
Modernism and the Frankfurt School
Author/Editor: Tyrus Miller
Modernism and the Choreographic Imagination: Salome’s Dance after 1890
Author/Editor: Megan Girdwood
Modern Islamic Thinking and Activism: Dynamics in the West and in the Middle East
Author/Editor: Erkan Toguslu
Modernising European Legal Education (MELE): Innovative Strategies to Address Urgent Cross-Cutting Challenges
Author/Editor: Oskar J. Gstrein,Mareike Fröhlich,Caspar van den Berg,Thomas Giegerich
Modernisation in Russia since 1900
Author/Editor: Markku Kangaspuro,Jeremy Smith
Modern IoT Onboarding Platforms for Advanced Applications: A Practitioner’s Guide to KIS.ME
Author/Editor: Marcin Witczak,Lothar Seybold,Eric Bulach,Niko Maucher
A Modern Introduction To Particle Physics (3rd Edition)
Author/Editor: . Fayyazuddin,. Riazuddin
Modern Industrial Services: A Cookbook for Design, Delivery, and Management
Author/Editor: Shaun West,Paolo Gaiardelli,Nicola Saccani
Modern Folk Devils: Contemporary Constructions of Evil
Author/Editor: Ida Harboe Knudsen,Martin Demant Frederiksen
The Modern Fairy Tale : Nation Branding, National Identity and the Eurovision Song Contest in Estonia
Author/Editor: Jordan ,Paul
The Modern Fairy Tale
Moderne vor Ort: Wiener Architektur 1889–1938
Author/Editor: Ruth Hanisch
Modern Etruscans: Close Encounters with a Distant Past
Author/Editor: Chiara Zampieri,Martina Piperno,Bart Van den Bossche
Moderne Beruflichkeit: Untersuchungen in der Energieberatung (Volume 36)
Author/Editor: Martin Frenz,Tim Unger,Christopher M. Schlick
Modern Cryptography Volume 2: A Classical Introduction to Informational and Mathematical Principle
Author/Editor: Zhiyong Zheng,Kun Tian,Fengxia Liu
Modern Cryptography Volume 1: A Classical Introduction to Informational and Mathematical Principle
Author/Editor: Zhiyong Zheng
Modern China, 1840–1972: An Introduction to Sources and Aids
Author/Editor: Andrew J. Nathan
Modern Aspects of Bulk Crystal and Thin Film Preparation
Moderieren im Museum: Theorie und Praxis der dialogischen Besucherführung
Author/Editor: Christiane Schrübbers,Christiane Schrübbers
Modenetze - Modeschwärme: Kleidungskulturen ohne zentrale Akteure
Author/Editor: Anna Kamneva-Wortmann
Model Tests and Numerical Simulations of Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading: LEAP-UCD-2017
Author/Editor: Bruce L. Kutter,Majid T. Manzari,Mourad Zeghal
Models, Simulations, and the Reduction of Complexity
Author/Editor: Ulrich Gähde,Stephan Hartmann,Jörn Henning Wolf
The Models of Space, Time and Vision in V. Nabokov’s Fiction: Narrative Strategies and Cultural Frames
Author/Editor: Grishakova ,Marina
The Models of Space, Time and Vision in V. Nabokov’s Fiction: Narrative Strategies and Cultural Frames
Models of Political Economy
Author/Editor: Hannu Nurmi
Models of Implementation of Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD): Private and Criminal Law Aspects
Author/Editor: Maciej Domański,Bogusław Lackoroński
The Models of Engaged Learning and Teaching: Connecting Sophisticated Thinking from Early Childhood to PhD
Author/Editor: John Willison
Models, Methods and Tools for Product Service Design: The Manutelligence Project
Author/Editor: Laura Cattaneo,Sergio Terzi
Models in Microeconomic Theory ('She' Edition)
Author/Editor: Martin J. Osborne,Ariel Rubinstein
Models in Microeconomic Theory ('He' Edition)
Author/Editor: Martin J. Osborne,Ariel Rubinstein
Models in Microeconomic Theory: Expanded Second Edition (She)
Author/Editor: Martin Osborne,Ariel Rubinstein
Models in Microeconomic Theory: Expanded Second Edition (He)
Author/Editor: Martin Osborne,Ariel Rubinstein
Models and Theories: A Philosophical Inquiry
Author/Editor: Roman Frigg
Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications: 3rd international workshop, december 10-12, 2003, Firenze, Italy
Author/Editor: Claudia Manfredi
Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications: 10th International Workshop, december, 13-15, 2017
Author/Editor: Claudia Manfredi
Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications: 13th International Workshop, September, 12-13, 2023
Author/Editor: Claudia Manfredi
Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications: 4th international workshop, october 29-31, 2005, Firenze, Italy
Author/Editor: Claudia Manfredi
Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications: 9th International Workshop, september, 2-4, 2015
Author/Editor: Claudia Manfredi
Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications: 7th International Workshop, 2011
Author/Editor: Claudia Manfredi
Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications: 12th International Workshop, December, 14-16, 2021
Author/Editor: Claudia Manfredi
Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications: 6th International Workshop, 2009
Author/Editor: Claudia Manfredi
Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications: 8th International Workshop, 2013
Author/Editor: Claudia Manfredi
Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications: 5th International Workshop: December 13-15, 2007, Firenze, Italy
Author/Editor: Claudia Manfredi
Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications: 11th International Workshop, December, 17-19, 2019
Author/Editor: Claudia Manfredi
Model Predictive Control mit MATLAB und Simulink: Model Predictive Control with MATLAB and Simulink
Author/Editor: Rainer Dittmar
Model Order Reduction: Volume 3 Applications
Author/Editor: Peter Benner,Wil Schilders,Stefano Grivet-Talocia,Alfio Quarteroni,Gianluigi Rozza,Luís Miguel Silveira
Model Order Reduction: Volume 2: Snapshot-Based Methods and Algorithms
Author/Editor: Peter Benner,Wil Schilders,Stefano Grivet-Talocia,Alfio Quarteroni,Gianluigi Rozza,Luís Miguel Silveira
Modelling Seismic Wave Propagation for Geophysical Imaging
Author/Editor: Virieux ,J.,Ribodetti ,A.,Tago ,J.,Cruz-Atienza ,V.,Brossier ,R.,Chaljub ,E.,Coutant ,O.,Garambois ,S.,Mercerat ,D.,Prieux ,V.,Operto ,S.
Modelling our Changing World
Author/Editor: Jennifer L. Castle,David F. Hendry
Modelling of spectroscopic and structural properties using molecular dynamics
Author/Editor: Francesco MUNIZ-MIRANDA
Modelling Between Digital and Humanities: Thinking in Practice
Author/Editor: Arianna Ciula,Øyvind Eide,CRISTINA MARRAS,Patrick Sahle
Modelling as Research Methodology
Author/Editor: G.D. Jordaan,Laetus O.K. Lategan
Modelling and Optimization of Wave Energy Converters
Author/Editor: Dezhi Ning,Boyin Ding
Modelling and Control of Switched Reluctance Machines
Author/Editor: José Roberto Camacho,Rui Esteves Araújo
Modellierung von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien zur Lebensdauerprädiktion unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Anodenüberhangeffekts
Author/Editor: Johannes Philipp Fath
Modellierung und Optimierung der strömungstechnischen Vorgänge in Abweiseradsichtern
Author/Editor: Michael Betz
Modellierung und Erfassung von Kompetenzen naturwissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisgewinnung bei (Lehramts-) Studierenden im Fach Physik
Author/Editor: Philipp Straube
Modellierung mehrkomponentiger Materialsysteme für die Phasenfeldmethode und Analyse der simulierten Mikrostrukturen
Author/Editor: Michael Kellner
Modellierung des Materialverhaltens Magnetorheologischer Fluide unter Verwendung der FOURIER-Transformations Rheologie
Author/Editor: Martin Boisly
Modellierung des Fachwissens von Lehrkräften in der Teilchenphysik (Volume 315)
Author/Editor: Michaela Oettle
Modellierung der Mechanik und der effektiven Transporteigenschaften von partikulären Kathoden sowie deren Einfluss auf die elektrochemische Performance von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien
Author/Editor: Verena Irene Becker
Modelli di valutazione di un sistema scolastico inclusivo: Prospettive di dialogo tra implementazione, ricerca e (auto-) miglioramento
Author/Editor: Silvia Dell'Anna,Dario Ianes
Modellgestützte Entwicklung eines Multi-Mode-Getriebes für einen plug-in-hybrid-elektrischen Antriebsstrang
Author/Editor: Stefan Geng
Modellgestützte Analyse des Stackbetriebs von Festoxidzellen
Author/Editor: Niklas Russner
Modellfreies Lernen optimaler zeitdiskreter Regelungsstrategien für Fertigungsprozesse mit endlichem Zeithorizont
Author/Editor: Johannes Dornheim
Modelle als Mittel der Erkenntnisgewinnung im Chemieunterricht der Sekundarstufe I: Entwicklung und quantitative Dimensionalitätsanalyse eines Testinstruments aus epistemologischer Perspektive
Author/Editor: Marvin Rost
Modellbasierte Entscheidungsunterstützung für Vertraulichkeit und Datenschutz in Geschäftsprozessen
Author/Editor: Sascha Alpers
Modeling transport properties and electrochemical performance of hierarchically structured lithium-ion battery cathodes using resistor networks and mathematical half-cell models
Author/Editor: Oleg Birkholz
Modeling the Pāṇinian System of Sanskrit Grammar
Author/Editor: Anand Mishra
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Wind Farms and Hybrid Systems
Author/Editor: Karam Y. Maalawi
Modeling of the Phase Change Material of a Hybrid Storage using the Finite Element Method
Author/Editor: Lukas Kasper
Modeling of Moving Sound Sources Based on Array Measurements
Author/Editor: Fanyu Meng
Modeling of Dislocation: Grain Boundary Interactions in Gradient Crystal Plasticity Theories
Author/Editor: Hannes Erdle
Modeling martensitic phase transformation in dual phase steels based on a sharp interface theory
Author/Editor: Johannes Ruck
Modeling information structure in a cross-linguistic perspective
Author/Editor: Song ,Sanghoun
Modeling information structure in a cross-linguistic perspective
Modeling Excitable Tissue: The EMI Framework
Author/Editor: Aslak Tveito,Kent-Andre Mardal,Marie E. Rognes
Modeling Backscattering Behavior of Vulnerable Road Users Based on High-Resolution Radar Measurements
Author/Editor: Sevda Abadpour
Modeling and control of power converters in weak and unbalanced electric grids
Author/Editor: Hendrik Just
Model-Driven Development and Operation of Multi-Cloud Applications: The MODAClouds Approach
Author/Editor: Elisabetta Di Nitto,Peter Matthews,Dana Petcu,Arnor Solberg
Model-Based Performance Prediction for Concurrent Software on Multicore Architectures: A Simulation-Based Approach
Author/Editor: Markus Kilian Frank
Model-based Filtering of Interfering Signals in Ultrasonic Time Delay Estimations
Author/Editor: Matthias Bächle