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Titles start with U ( displaying 500 of 516 ) Information
Author/Editor: Tiina Mahlamäki,Minna Opas
Uudistuva sosiaali- ja terveysala
Author/Editor: Anneli Hujala,Helena Taskinen
Uudisraivaajien maa: Ylä-Savon asutus ja elämisen ehdot
Author/Editor: Jari Ojala,Riina Turunen
Utterance structure in initial L2 acquisition
Author/Editor: Jacopo Saturno
Utopisches Denken bei V. Chlebnikov
Author/Editor: Peter Stobbe
Utopie und Politik: Potenziale kreativer Politikgestaltung
Author/Editor: Ina-Maria Maahs
Utopia of the Uniform: Affective Afterlives of the Yugoslav People's Army
Author/Editor: Tanja Petrovic
Utopian Moments: Reading Utopian Texts
Author/Editor: J. C. Davis,Miguel Ángel Ramiro Avilés
Utopian Discourses Across Cultures: Scenarios in Effective Communication to Citizens and Corporations
Author/Editor: Miriam Bait,Marina Brambilla,Valentina Crestani
Utopia Computer: The “New” in Architecture?
Author/Editor: Nathalie Bredella,Chris Dähne,Frederike Lausch
Utopia and Modernity in China: Contradictions in Transition
Author/Editor: David Margolies,Qing Cao
¿Utopía u oportunidad fallida?: Análisis crítico del Acuerdo de Paz
Author/Editor: Lina M. Céspedes-Baéz
Utmark i endring
Author/Editor: Frode Flemsæter,Bjørn Egil Flø
Utility, Progress, and Technology: Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the International Society for Utilitarian Studies
Author/Editor: Michael Schefczyk,Christoph Schmidt-Petri
Utenforskap, stigmatisering og fremmedfrykt på Agder: 1860 til i dag
Author/Editor: Kristoffer Vadum,Kristoffer Vadum,Mona Alasow,Hanne Haaland,Hege Wallevik,Kjetil Homane Grødum,Kjetil Homane Grødum,Thomas Olsen,Thomas Olsen,Anne Mette Seines,Thomas V. H. Hagen,Dag Hundstad,Monika Kurszus Håland,Solveig Hessaa-Szwinto,May-Linda Magnusse
Utdanning i kunstfag: Samarbeid, kvalitet og spenninger
Author/Editor: Bjørn-Terje Bandlien,Ingvild Olsen Olaussen,Mari-Ann Letnes,Elin Angelo
Utdanning for bærekraft: Erfaring og forskning fra barnehage og skole
Author/Editor: Tom Sverre Bredal-Tomren,Tom Sverre Bredal-Tomren,Ingjald Pilskog,Per Jarle Sætre,Irene Tollefsen,Helga Aadland,Yvonne Bakken,Marianne Presthus Heggen,Mona Kvivesen,Anne M. Lynngård,Øyvind K. Mellingen,Idar Mestad,Kari Grutle Nappen,Jørgen Nerland
Usus aquarum: Interdisziplinäre Studien zur Nutzung und Bedeutung von Gewässern im Mittelalter
Author/Editor: Christoph Mielzarek,Christian Zschieschang
#UsToo: How Jewish, Muslim, and Christian Women Changed Our Communities
Author/Editor: Keren R. McGinity
Ustojčivoe neravnovesie. Stichi 1923-1949
Author/Editor: Georgij N. Obolduev
US Nation Building in Afghanistan
Author/Editor: Keane ,Conor
US Nation Building in Afghanistan
Author/Editor: Conor Keane
US Nation Building in Afghanistan
Uskonto, kieli ja yhteiskunta: Johdatus diskursiiviseen uskonnontutkimukseen
Author/Editor: Titus Hjelm
Using the Patch-Clamp technique to shed light on ion channels structure, function and pharmacology
Author/Editor: Roberta Gualdani
Using Social Theory in Higher Education
Author/Editor: Remy Y.S. Low,Suzanne Egan,Amani Bell
Using Participatory Methods to Explore Freedom of Religion and Belief: Whose Reality Counts?
Author/Editor: Jo Howard,Mariz Tadros
Using Ostraca in the Ancient World New Discoveries and Methodologies
Author/Editor: Clementina Caputo,Julia Lougovaya
Using Gramsci : A New Approach
Author/Editor: Filippini ,Michele
Using Gramsci
Using Evidence to End Homelessness
Author/Editor: Lígia Teixeira,James Cartwright
Using Evidence in Policy and Practice: Lessons from Africa
Author/Editor: Ian Goldman,Mine Pabari
Using Commonplace Books to Enrich Medieval and Renaissance Courses
Author/Editor: Sarah E. Parker,Andie Silva
Using Brainpower in the Classroom
Author/Editor: Steve Garnett
US-Fantasy 1977–1987: Eine Genrebetrachtung
Author/Editor: Tobias Haupts
Uses of Technology in Upper Secondary Mathematics Education
Author/Editor: Stephen Hegedus,Colette Laborde,Corey Brady,Sara Dalton,Hans-Stefan Siller,Michal Tabach,Jana Trgalova,Luis Moreno-Armella
Uses of Technology in Lower Secondary Mathematics Education: A Concise Topical Survey
Author/Editor: Paul Drijvers,Lynda Ball,Bärbel Barzel,M. Kathleen Heid,Yiming Cao,Michela Maschietto
User Satisfaction with Personalised Internet Applications
Author/Editor: Ulrike Bauernfeind
The use of Pseudomonas spp. as bacterial biocontrol agents to control plant diseases
Author/Editor: Monica Hӧfte
Use of microorganisms in the removal of pollutants from the wastewater
Author/Editor: Giovanni Colica
The use of Bacillus spp. as bacterial biocontrol agents to control plant diseases
Author/Editor: Adrien Anckaert,Anthony Arguelles Arias,Grégory Hoff,Maryline Calonne-Salmon,Stéphane Declerck,Marc Ongena
Use and Appreciation of Mycenaean Pottery in the Levant, Cyprus and Italy
Author/Editor: Wijngaarden van ,Gert Jan
US Counterterrorism and the Human Rights of Foreigners Abroad: Putting the Gloves Back On?
Author/Editor: Monika Heupel,Caiden Heaphy,Janina Heaphy
USA oder Sowjetunion?: Konkurrierende Modernitätsentwürfe in den Massenmedien der Weimarer Republik (Volume 12)
Author/Editor: David M. Franz,Martin Schulze Wessel,Ulf Brunnbauer
US-amerikanische Exportfoerderung durch die Disc-Gesetzgebung
The Usage and Impact of ICTs during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Author/Editor: Shengnan Yang,Xiaohua Zhu,Pnina Fichman
A Usable Collection: Essays in Honour of Jaap Kloosterman on Collecting Social History
Usability research for interpreter-centred technology: The case study of SmarTerp
Author/Editor: Francesca Maria Frittella
Urteilsabsprachen im Strafprozess - die deutsche Regelung im Vergleich mit Entwicklungen in England & Wales, Frankreich und Polen
Author/Editor: Peters, Julia
Urteilen und Werten: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf narrative Axiologien
Author/Editor: Anja Burghardt,Nora Scholz
Ursachen der persistenten Produktivitaetsunterschiede zwischen den westdeutschen Bundeslaendern: Eine empirische Analyse fuer den Zeitraum von 1950 bis 1990
Author/Editor: Nicole Waidlein
The Ur-Portrait: Stephen Hero ed il processo di creazione artistica in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Author/Editor: ILARIA NATALI
#URL Holocaust digital: Verhandlungen des Genozids zwischen Public History, Geschichtspolitik und Kommerz
Author/Editor: Eva Pfanzelter
Urkunden und Memorialquellen zur älteren Geschichte des Klosters Rosazzo
Author/Editor: Reinhard Härtel,Cesare Scalon
Urkunden der Stadt Pritzwalk in Regesten (1256-1703): Bearbeitet von Friedrich Beck
Author/Editor: Klaus Neitmann
Urkunden der Stadt Beeskow in Regesten (1272-1649)
Author/Editor: Friedrich Beck
Urinary Stents: Current State and Future Perspectives
Author/Editor: Federico Soria,Duje Rako,Petra de Graaf
The Urge to Live: A Comparative Study of Franz Kafka's "Der Prozess" and Albert Camus' "L'Etranger"
Author/Editor: Phillip H. Rhein
Urgent Archives: Enacting Liberatory Memory Work
Author/Editor: Michelle Caswell
Urbild und Abbild: Untersuchungen zu Herrschaft und Weltbild in Altrußland 11.-16. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Cornelia Soldat
Urban Water Demand Management: A Guidebook for ASEAN
Author/Editor: Corinne Ong,Cecilia Tortajada,Ojasvee Arora
Urban transformations and public health in the emergent city
Author/Editor: Michael Keith,Andreza Aruska de Souza Santos
Urban Sustainability and Justice: Just Sustainabilities and Environmental Planning
Author/Editor: Vanesa Castán Broto,Linda Westman
Urban Studies: Border and Mobility: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Urban Studies (ICUS 2017), December 8-9, 2017, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Author/Editor: Thor Kerr,Bekisizwe Ndimande,Jan Van der Putten,Daniel F. Johnson-Mardones,Diah Ariani Arimbi,Yuni Sari Amalia
Urban Socio-Economic Segregation and Income Inequality: A Global Perspective
Author/Editor: Maarten van Ham,Tiit Tammaru,Rūta Ubarevičienė,Heleen Janssen
Urban Society In Roman Italy
Author/Editor: Tim J. Cornell,Kathryn Lomas
Urban Rituals in Sacred Landscapes in Hellenistic Asia Minor
Author/Editor: Christina G. Williamson
Urban Resilience in a Global Context: Actors, Narratives, and Temporalities
Author/Editor: Dorothee Brantz,Avi Sharma
Urban Re-Industrialization
Author/Editor: Krzysztof Nawratek
Urban Redevelopment and Modernity in Liverpool and Manchester, 1918-1939
Author/Editor: Charlotte Wildman
Urban Recycling Cooperatives: Building resilient communities
Author/Editor: Jutta Gutberlet
Urban Politics of Human Rights
Author/Editor: Janne Nijman,Barbara Oomen,Elif Durmuş,Sara Miellet,Lisa Roodenburg
Urban Planning During Socialism: Views from the Periphery
Author/Editor: Jasna Mariotti,Kadri Leetmaa
Urban Planning and Everyday Urbanisation: A Case Study on Bahir Dar, Ethiopia (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Nadine Appelhans
Urban Planning Against Poverty: How to Think and Do Better Cities in the Global South
Author/Editor: Jean-Claude Bolay
Urban Now: A Human in the Face of Borderliness and Urbanisation in Juba, South Sudan
Author/Editor: Maciej Kurcz
Urban Movements and Climate Change: Loss, Damage and Radical Adaptation
Author/Editor: Marco Armiero,Ethemcan Turhan,Salvatore Paolo de Rosa
Urban Modernity in the Contemporary Gulf: Obsolescence and Opportunities
Author/Editor: Roberto Fabbri,Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi
Urban Memory and Visual Culture in Berlin: Framing the Asynchronous City, 1957-2012
Author/Editor: Simon Ward
Urban Living Lab for Local Regeneration: Beyond Participation in Large-scale Social Housing Estates
Author/Editor: Nele Aernouts,Francesca Cognetti,Elena Maranghi
Urban Life and Intellectual Crisis in Middle-Period China, 800-1100
Author/Editor: Christian de Pee
Urbanizing the Regional Sector to Strengthen Economy and Business to Recover from Recession: Proceedings of the 5th International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2021), Malang, Indonesia, 10–11 November 2021
Author/Editor: Aulia Herdiani,Agus Hermawan,Setya Ayu Rahmawati,Mohd. Rizal Palil,Reza Havies
Urbanization in Europe: Past Developments and Pathways to a Sustainable Future
Author/Editor: David Evers,Ivana Katurić,Ries van der Wouden
Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities: A Global Assessment
Author/Editor: Thomas Elmqvist,Karen C. Seto,Cathy Wilkinson,Michail Fragkias,Julie Goodness,Burak Güneralp,Peter J. Marcotullio,Robert I. McDonald,Susan Parnell,Maria Schewenius,Marte Sendstad
Urban Interactions: Communication and Competition in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Michael J. Kelly,Lisa Kaaren Bailey,Ian Wood,Michael Burrows,Ann Christys,Dimitris J. Kyrtatas,Javier Martínez Jiménez,Pedro Mateos Cruz,Michael Mulryan,Isabel Sánchez Ramos,Mark Lewi Tizzoni,Douglas Underwood
Urban Informatics
Author/Editor: Wenzhong Shi,Michael F. Goodchild,Michael Batty,Mei-Po Kwan,Anshu Zhang
Urban Informality and the Built Environment: Infrastructure, exchange and image
Author/Editor: Nerea Amorós Elorduy,Nikhilesh Sinha,Colin Marx
Urban Inequality and Segregation in Europe and China: Towards a New Dialogue
Author/Editor: Gwilym Pryce,Ya Ping Wang,Yu Chen,Jingjing Shan,Houkai Wei
Urban Heritage Planning in Tehran and Beyond: Sequences of Disrupted Spatial-Discursive Assemblages
Author/Editor: Solmaz Yadollahi
Urban Food Systems Governance and Poverty in African Cities
Author/Editor: Jane Battersby,Vanessa Watson
Urban Food Sharing: Rules, tools and networks
Author/Editor: Anna R. Davies
Urban Fantasy: Exploring Modernity through Magic
Author/Editor: Stefan Ekman
Urban Exile: Theories, Methods, Research Practices
Author/Editor: Burcu Dogramaci,Ekaterina Aygun,Mareike Hetschold,Laura Karp Lugo,Rachel Lee,Helene Roth
Urban Europe. Fifty Tales of the City
Author/Editor: Mamadouh ,V.,Wageningen ,A.
Urban Europe: Fifty Tales of the City
Author/Editor: Virginie Mamadouh,Anne van Wageningen
Urbane Transformation durch soziale Innovation: Schlüsselbegriffe und Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Christian Peer,Emanuela Semlitsch,Simon Andreas Güntner,Mara Haas,Andreas Bernögger
Urban Ethics as Research Agenda: Outlooks and Tensions on Multidisciplinary Debates
Author/Editor: Raúl Acosta,Eveline Dürr,Moritz Ege,Ursula Prutsch,Clemens van Loyen,Gordon M. Winder
Urbane Psyche: Alltagsgestaltung und Biopolitik in Berlin aus ethnografischer Perspektive
Author/Editor: Patrick Bieler
Urbane Mixturen: Städtebau und Stadtplanung als relationales Handlungsfeld
Author/Editor: Christian Peer,Angelika Psenner
Urban Displacement and Trade in a Senegalese Market: An anthropology of endings
Author/Editor: Gunvor Jónsson
Urban Design Governance: Soft powers and the European experience
Author/Editor: Matthew Carmona,João Bento,Tommaso Gabrieli
Urban Design Futures
Author/Editor: Malcolm Moor,Jon Rowland
Urban Climate Justice: Theory, Praxis, Resistance
Author/Editor: Jennifer L. Rice,Joshua Long,Anthony Levenda
Urban Claims and the Right to the City: Urban Claims and the Right to the City
Author/Editor: Julian Walker,Marcos Bau Carvalho,Ilinca Diaconescu
Urban Blue Spaces: Planning and Design for Water, Health and Well-Being
Author/Editor: Simon Bell,Lora E. Fleming,James Grellier,Friedrich Kuhlmann,Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen,Mathew P. White
Urban and Regional Technology Planning
Author/Editor: Kenneth E. Corey,Mark Wilson
Urban and Regional Cooperation and Development: Challenges and Strategies for the Planning and Development of the Guangdong–Macao Intensive Cooperation Zone in Hengqin Island
Author/Editor: Long Zhou,Bin Li,Sihong Li,Ngan Leng Lei,Kengfong Cheong
Urban Agriculture in Public Space: Planning and Designing for Human Flourishing in Northern European Cities and Beyond
Author/Editor: Beata Sirowy,Deni Ruggeri
Urban Aerial Pesticide Spraying Campaigns: Government Disinformation, Industry Profits, and Public Harm
Author/Editor: Manuel Vallée
Uprooting Bias in the Academy: Lessons from the Field
Author/Editor: Linda F. Bisson,Laura Grindstaff,Lisceth Brazil-Cruz,Sophie J. Barbu
Upravljavska sposobnost lokalnih samoupravnih skupnosti
Author/Editor: Rožen ,Tomaž
Uppkomsten av ett professionellt medicinskt fält: Läkares, sjuksköterskors och laboratorieassistenters formering
Author/Editor: Carina Carlhed Ydhag
The Upper Guinea Coast in Global Perspective
Author/Editor: Knörr ,Jacqueline,Kohl ,Christoph
The Upper Guinea Coast in Global Perspective
Author/Editor: Jacqueline Knörr,Christoph Kohl
Upotreblenie vidov glagola v russkom jazyke
Author/Editor: Ol'ga P Rassudova
Upon Entropy: Architectonics of the Image in the Age of Information
Author/Editor: Riccardo M. Villa,Ludger Hovestadt,Vera Bühlmann
Upland Geopolitics: Postwar Laos and the Global Land Rush
Author/Editor: Michael B. Dwyer
Updates on Myopia: A Clinical Perspective
Author/Editor: Marcus Ang,Tien Y. Wong
Update!: Film- und Mediengeschichte im Zeitalter der digitalen Reproduzierbarkeit
Author/Editor: Franziska Heller
Unzuverlässiges Erzählen: Studien zur deutschsprachigen Nachkriegsliteratur
Author/Editor: Matthias Aumüller
Unzuverlässiges Erzählen in Literatur und Medien: Didaktische Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Sebastian Bernhardt
Unzeitgemäße Utopien: Migrantinnen zwischen Selbsterfindung und Gelehrter Hoffnung
Author/Editor: María do Mar Castro Varela
Unwiederholbares Gottessiegel: Personale Individualität nach Edith Stein
Author/Editor: Christof Betschart
Unvergleichbarkeit: Dürfen wir Entscheidungen dem Würfel überlassen?
Author/Editor: Michael Messerli
UN Use of Private Military and Security Companies: Practices and Policies
Author/Editor: Åse Gilje Østensen
Un trébol de cuatro hojas. Las Juventudes Comunistas de Chile en el siglo XX
Author/Editor: Loyola ,Manuel,Álvarez ,Rolando
Untotes Gedächtnis: Eine transatlantische Zombie-Geschichte
Author/Editor: Gudrun Rath
Untold Stories of the Spanish Civil War
Author/Editor: Raanan Rein,Susanne Zepp
Until the Storm Passes: Politicians, Democracy, and the Demise of Brazil’s Military Dictatorship
Author/Editor: Bryan Pitts
Unthinking Mastery : Dehumanism and Decolonial Entanglements
Author/Editor: Singh ,Juliette
Unthinking Mastery
Unterwegs – Mobiles Leben in der Erdgas- und Erdölindustrie in Russlands Arktis
Author/Editor: Saxinger ,Gertrud
Unterwegs ins Mittelalter: Zeitreisen in der deutschsprachigen Jugendliteratur des 21. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Sarah Böhlau
Unterwegs in eine Welt des Verstehens.Gehörlosenbildung in Hamburg vom 18. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart
Author/Editor: Iris Groschek,Rainer Hering
Unterwegs in die Stadt der Zukunft: Urbane Gärten als Orte der Transformation
Author/Editor: Andrea Baier,Christa Müller,Karin Werner
Unterwachen und Schlafen: Anthropophile Medien nach dem Interface
Author/Editor: Michael Andreas,Dawid Kasprowicz,Stefan Rieger
Unter Verschluss: Eine Geschichte des Suizids in der DDR 1952–1990
Author/Editor: Ellen von den Driesch
Untersuchung zur Entwicklung von Sprache und Text bei M. M. Zoščenko: Dargestellt an Kurzgeschichten der 20er Jahre
Author/Editor: Marlene Grau
Untersuchung und Optimierung eines Fischschutz- und Fischleitsystems für den Einsatz an Laufwasserkraftanlagen
Author/Editor: Heidi Kammerlander
Untersuchung und Modellierung des Haltezeiteinflusses auf die zyklische Entfestigung ferritisch-martensitischer Stähle
Author/Editor: Ulrich Führer
Untersuchung und Charakterisierung einer zweiflutigen asymmetrischen Radialturbine (Volume 88)
Author/Editor: Nils Brinkert
Untersuchungen zur Wortbildung: Das Problem der Nominalisierung in der polnischen Gegenwartssprache
Author/Editor: Alek Pohl
Untersuchungen zur Wirtschaftlichkeit von Building Information Modeling (BIM) in der Planungs- und Realisierungsphase von Bauprojekten
Author/Editor: Maximilian Deubel
Untersuchungen zur Translation von Substantiven zu Adjektiven im Altrussischen
Author/Editor: Walter Andreesen
Untersuchungen zur Theorie und Praxis der Typisierung bei I. A. Gončarov
Author/Editor: Mechtild Russell
Untersuchungen zur Stratigraphie und Chronologie der suedslavischen Volksepik
Author/Editor: Dagmar Burkhart
Untersuchungen zur Satzsemantik russischer Saetze mit freien Adverbialen: Am Beispiel von Lokal-, Temporal- u. Modaladverbialen
Author/Editor: Hildegard Spraul
Untersuchungen zur poetischen Struktur der Lyrik von Sima Pandurović. "Posmrtne počasti"
Author/Editor: Bärbel Schulte
Untersuchungen zur Phonologie und Prosodie einer kajkavischen Mundart (Gornja Stubica)
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Jakoby
Untersuchungen zur Improvisation und Tradierung der Sevdalinka an Hand der sprachlichen Figuren
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Eschker
Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung der Nominalkomposition im Russischen seit 1917
Author/Editor: Jochen Raecke
Untersuchungen zur Bildlichkeit im Prosawerk A. A. Bestužev-Marlinskijs
Author/Editor: Mechtild Becker-Nekvedavicius
Untersuchungen zum Wortschatz der Freisinger Denkmaeler: Christliche Terminologie
Author/Editor: Irene Wiehl
Untersuchungen zum Einsatz hochauflösender bathymetrischer LIDAR Daten in der2D-Abflusssimulation und Habitatmodellierung
Author/Editor: Stefan Jocham
Untersuchungen zum Arbeitsfluss in getakteten Bauproduktionssystemen aus Perspektive von Generalunternehmern
Author/Editor: Marco Binninger
Untersuchungen zum altrussischen Akzent: Anhand von Kirchengesangshandschriften
Author/Editor: Margarete Ditterich
Untersuchungen der Raumsprache im lyrischen Werk A. A. Bloks
Author/Editor: Holger Gemba
Untersuchung des Wärmeübergangs durch Einspritzkühlung für ein Höchstleistungsgetriebe (Volume 86)
Author/Editor: Felix von Plehwe
Untersuchung der innermotorischen Einflussgrößen auf die Partikelemission eines Ottomotors mit Saugrohreinspritzung
Author/Editor: Claudius Schück
Untersuchung der Augensicherheit durch Multi-Pulsbestrahlung für LiDAR-Anwendungen
Author/Editor: Scarlett Lipp
Unterstützung datenbasierter Schulentwicklung: Eine multiperspektivische Governancestudie zu Koordinationsprozessen bei der Schulinspektion
Author/Editor: Christina Luig
Unterstütztes Wohnen und Teilhabe
Author/Editor: Friedrich Dieckmann,Theresia Heddergott,Antonia Thimm
Unterschiedliche geldpolitische Transmissionsmechanismen und Stabilitaetskulturen als moegliche Ursache geldpolitischer Spannungen in der Europaeischen Waehrungsunion
Author/Editor: Torsten Gruber
Unterrichtszentrierte Schulentwicklung: Schulen auf dem Weg zu einer personalisierten Gestaltung von Lehr- und Lernprozessen
Author/Editor: Marco Galle
Unterrichtsforschung und Unterrichtspraxis im Gespräch: Interkulturelle und interprofessionelle Perspektiven auf eine Unterrichtsstunde
Author/Editor: Maria Hallitzky,Christine Kieres,Emi Kinoshita,Nariakira Yoshida
Unterrichten und Aneignen: Eine pädagogische Rekonstruktion von Unterricht
Author/Editor: Marion Pollmanns
Unterrichten als Beruf: Akteure, Praxen und Ordnungen in der Schulbildung
Author/Editor: Lina Franken
Unterricht als Bewertungsregime: Eine adressierungsanalytische Untersuchung von Bewertungspraktiken ohne Noten in der Sekundarstufe I
Author/Editor: Svenja Strauß
Unternehmerfamilien: Über den Einfluss des Unternehmens auf Lebenslauf, Generationenbeziehungen und soziale Identität
Author/Editor: Isabell Stamm
Unternehmensorganisationspflichten - Zivilrechtliche und �ffentlich-rechtliche Regelungskonzepte
Author/Editor: Spindler, Gerald
Unternehmensorganisationspflichten - Zivilrechtliche und öffentlich-rechtliche Regelungskonzepte
Author/Editor: Gerald Spindler
Unternehmensleitbilder im Vergleich: Sinn- und Bedeutungsrahmen deutschsprachiger Unternehmensleitbilder – Versuch einer empirischen (Re-)Konstruktion
Author/Editor: Monika Knassmüller
Unter Kriegsrecht: Die schweizerische Militärjustiz 1914–1921
Author/Editor: Sebastian Steiner
Unter Hügeln: Bronzezeitliche Transformationsprozesse in Schleswig-Holstein am Beispiel des Fundplatzes von Mang de Bargen (Bornhöved, Kr. Segeberg) BAND 2
Author/Editor: Stefanie Schaefer-Di Maida
Unter Hügeln: Bronzezeitliche Transformationsprozesse in Schleswig-Holstein am Beispiel des Fundplatzes von Mang de Bargen (Bornhöved, Kr. Segeberg) BAND 1
Author/Editor: Stefanie Schaefer-Di Maida
Unter Gleichen: APARIUZ XXII
Author/Editor: Ada Sofie Altobelli,Lukas Hussmann,Irina Lehner,Julia Meier,Christoph Mettler,Nebojsa Mijatovic,Rausch,Marisa Beier,Nicole Nickerson,Christoph Burckhard,Arezoo Sang Bastian,Carole Bruttin,Youlo Wujohktsang,Gian Ege,Tonia Graf,Anna Karczewski,Selma Kuratle
Unter Beobachtung | Under Surveillance: Vertriebenenverbände im Blick der sozialistischen Sicherheitsdienste | The Monitoring of Expellee Organizations by the Socialist Security Services
Author/Editor: Stefan Lehr
Unteilbar und untrennbar?
Author/Editor: Schmied-Kowarzik ,Anatol
Untamed Urbanisms
Author/Editor: Adriana Allen,Andrea Lampis,Mark Swilling
Un système « de milice » sélectif: Le mythe de la représentativité politique au sein des villes suisses (1945-2016)
Author/Editor: Roberto Di Capua
„Uns wurde die Würde genommen“: Gewalt in den Heimen der Evangelischen Brüdergemeinde Korntal in den 1950er bis 1980er Jahren
Author/Editor: Brigitte Baums-Stammberger,Benno Hafeneger,Andre Morgenstern-Einenkel
Unsung Land, Aspiring Nation: Journeys in Bougainville
Author/Editor: Gordon Peake
An Unspecific Dog: Artifacts of This Late Stage in History
Author/Editor: Joshua Rothes
Un soffitto viola
Author/Editor: Spinosi, Nicola
Un soffitto viola
(Un-)Sichtbarkeiten: Beiträge zum XXXI. Forum Junge Romanistik in Rostock (5.–7. März 2015)
Author/Editor: Beate Kern,Jennifer Roger,Stefan Serafin,Anna Charlotte Thode
Unsichtbares und Ungesagtes: 10 Female*Feminist*Gazes
Author/Editor: Bernadette Kolonko
Unsicherheit als Herausforderung fuer die Wissenschaft: Reflexionen aus Natur-, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften
Author/Editor: Nina Janich,Lisa Rhein
Unsicheres Mitleid: Eine Begriffssuche im Ausgang von Wittgenstein
Author/Editor: Georg Siller
Unsettling Translation: Studies in Honour of Theo Hermans
Author/Editor: Mona Baker
Unsettling Responsibility in Science Education: Indigenous Science, Deconstruction, and the Multicultural Science Education Debate
Author/Editor: Marc Higgins
Un-settling Middle Eastern Refugees: Regimes of Exclusion and Inclusion in the Middle East, Europe, and North America (Volume 40)
Author/Editor: Marcia C. Inhorn,Lucia Volk
Unsettled Urban Space: Routines, Temporalities and Contestations
Author/Editor: Tihomir Viderman,Sabine Knierbein,Elina Kränzle,Sybille Frank,Nikolai Roskamm,Ed Wall
UN Security Council Referrals to the International Criminal Court: Legal Nature, Effects and Limits
Author/Editor: Alexandre Skander Galand
Unschärfe in der Erziehungswissenschaft: Bilanzierung einer Wissensform
Author/Editor: Martin Eugen Gallmann
Unruly Narrative: Private Property, Self-Making, and Toni Morrison’s ›A Mercy‹
Author/Editor: Samira Spatzek
The Unreal Estate Guide to Detroit
Author/Editor: Andrew Herscher
Unraveling the Nagoya Protocol
Author/Editor: Morgera ,E.,Tsioumani ,E.,Buck ,M.
Unraveling the Nagoya Protocol
Un protagonismo recobrado: la Democracia Cristiana chilena y sus vínculos internacionales (1973-1990)
Author/Editor: Olga Ulianova,Alessandro Santoni,Raffaele Nocera
Unprecedented?: How coronavirus exposed the politics of our economy
Author/Editor: William Davies,Sahil Jai Dutta,Nick Taylor
Unpopular Culture
Author/Editor: Martin Luthe,Sascha Pohlmann
Un ponte tra università e mondo del lavoro per l'inclusione e la vita indipendente
Author/Editor: Marisa Pavone,Alberto ARENGHI,ELIO BORGONOVI,Fabio Ferrucci,Elisabetta Genovese,Alessandro Pepino
Un poetico sonnambulismo e una folle passione per la follia: La romantizzazione della medicina nell’opera di E.T.A. Hoffmann
Author/Editor: Sieglinde Cora
Un planeta sobrepoblado y platos vacíos: La nueva geopolítica de la escasez de alimentos
Author/Editor: Lester R. Brown
Un panno medievale dell’azienda pratese di Francesco Datini: Studio e ricostruzione sperimentale
Author/Editor: Daniela Degl’Innocenti,Giampiero Nigro
Unpaid Work in Nursing Homes: Flexible Boundaries
Author/Editor: Pat armstrong
Unpaid Work and the Economy
Author/Editor: Antonella Picchio
Unpacking Creativity for Language Teaching
Author/Editor: Tan Bee Tin
Uno stato d'animo
Author/Editor: Bordone, Renato
Uno spazio narrativo immersivo: La XIII Triennale di Milano, 1964
Author/Editor: Alessandro Bosco
Uno sguardo sulla scuola: Il Seminario "I dati INVALSI: uno strumento per la ricerca"
Author/Editor: Patrizia Falzetti
Uno più uno può fare tre, se il partito lo vuole!: La Repubblica Democratica Tedesca tra Mosca e Bonn, 1971-1985
Author/Editor: Valentina Zamperini
The Unnaming of Aliass
Author/Editor: Karin Bolender
Un mouvement contre le jeu d’argent. D’un loisir controversé à un problème public (Vancouver 1994-2004)
Author/Editor: Dubuis ,Claudia
Un mouvement contre le jeu d’argent. D’un loisir controversé à un problème public (Vancouver 1994-2004)
Un monastero sul mare: Ricerche archeologiche a San Quirico di Populonia (Piombino, LI)/ A Monastery by the Sea : Archaeological Research at San Quirico di Populonia (Piombino, LI)
Author/Editor: Giovanna Bianchi,Giovanna Bianchi,Riccardo Belcari,Hermann Salvadori,Laura Pagliantini,Cristina Cicali,Sauro Gelichi,Sauro Gelichi,Maria Cristina Rossi,Chiara Martinozzi,Francesco Venturini,Corinna Bagato,Elisabetta Ponta,Giuseppe Fichera,Luisa Dallai
Unmoeglichkeit der Erkenntnistheorie: Leonard Nelsons Kritik an der Erkenntnistheorie unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung des Neukantianismus
Author/Editor: Tomasz Kubalica
The Unmaking of Home in Contemporary Art
The Unmaking of Home in Contemporary Art
Author/Editor: Lauzon ,Claudette
The Unmaking of Arab Socialism
Author/Editor: Kadri ,Ali
Un éloge de Camaldoli pour Pierre le Goutteux: La Heremi descriptio de Ludovicus Camaldulensis monacus
Author/Editor: Cécile Caby
Unlocking Sustainable Private Sector Growth in the Middle East and North Africa
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Unlocking Private Investment in Sustainable Infrastructure in Asia
Author/Editor: Bhajan Grewal,Nella Hendriyetty,Iskandar Abdullaev,Chul Ju Kim,Naoyuki Yoshino,Eisa Khan Ayoob Ayoobi
Unlocking markets to smallholders: Lessons from South Africa
Unlocking markets to smallholders: Lessons from South Africa
Author/Editor: Schalkwyk ,Herman D. van,Fraser ,Gavin,Obi ,Ajuruchukwu,Tilburg ,Aad van
Unlocking Luhmann; Luhmann in Glossario. I concetti fondamentali della teoria: A Keyword Introduction to Systems Theory
Author/Editor: Claudio Baraldi,Giancarlo Corsi,Elena Esposito
Unlocking Environmental Narratives: Towards Understanding Human Environment Interactions through Computational Text Analysis
Author/Editor: Ross Purves,Olga Koblet,Benjamin Adams
Unless As Stone Is
Author/Editor: Sam Lohmann
Unknown God, Known in His Activities: Incomprehensibility of God during the Trinitarian Controversy of the 4th Century
Author/Editor: Tomasz Stępień,Karolina Kochańczyk-Bonińska
Unjust Conditions
Author/Editor: Tara Patricia Cookson
Uni von innen: Einblicke in eine unbekannte Welt
Author/Editor: Hans Michael Piper
The University Revolution: Outline of a Processual Theory of Modern Higher Education
Author/Editor: Eric Lybeck
The University in Africa and Democratic Citizenship
Author/Editor: Thierry M. Luescher-Mamashela
University Engagement with Farming Communities in Africa: Community Action Research Platforms
Author/Editor: Anthony Egeru,Megan Lindow,Kay Muir Leresche
University Collegiality and the Erosion of Faculty Authority
Author/Editor: Kerstin Sahlin,Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist
University Autonomy Decline: Causes, Responses, and Implications for Academic Freedom
Author/Editor: Kirsten Roberts Lyer,Ilyas Saliba,Janika Spannagel
University and School Collaborations during a Pandemic: Sustaining Educational Opportunity and Reinventing Education
Author/Editor: Fernando M. Reimers,Francisco J. Marmolejo
Universität und Studium im Postfordismus: Subjekttheoretische Perspektiven und bildungsbiografische Analysen
Author/Editor: Eik Gädeke
Universität und militärische Sicherheit: Über den Streit um die drohende Einrichtung eines militärischen Sicherheitsbereichs an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität
Author/Editor: Thomas Jung,Olaf Sanders
Universitätsmuseen und -sammlungen im Hochschulalltag – Aufgaben, Konzepte, Perspektiven ; Beiträge zum Symposium vom 18.–20. Februar 2010 an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (ums2010)
Author/Editor: Weber ,Cornelia,Mauersberger ,Klaus
Universitätskarrieren und soziale Klasse: Soziale Aufstiegs- und Reproduktionsmechanismen in der Rechts- und Erziehungswissenschaft
Author/Editor: Frerk Blome
Universität in der Pandemie / L'Université en temps de pandémie
Author/Editor: Daniel Kazmaier,Florian Weber
Universitäten und Hochschulen zwischen Beharrung und Reform: Bildungshistorische Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Edith Glaser,Carola Groppe,Jürgen Overhoff
Universitäre Industriekooperation, Informationszugang und Freiheit der Wissenschaft: Eine Fallstudie
Author/Editor: Klaus Ferdinand Gärditz
Universities, Stakeholders and Social Mission: Building Cooperation Through Action Research
Author/Editor: Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska,Piotr Jedynak,Sylwia Wrona,Anna Pluszyńska
Universities in Transition: Foregrounding Social Contexts of Knowledge in the First Year Experience
Author/Editor: Brook ,Heather,Fergie ,Deane,Maeorg ,Michael,Michell ,Dee
Universities, Innovation and the Economy
Author/Editor: Helen Lawton-Smith
Universities in Imperial Austria 1848–1918: A Social History of a Multilingual Space
Author/Editor: Jan Surman
Universities and Regional Engagement: From the Exceptional to the Everyday
Author/Editor: Tatiana Iakovleva,Elisa Thomas,Laila Nordstrand Berg,Rómulo Pinheiro,Paul Benneworth
Universities and Economic Development in Africa: Pact, academic core and coordination
Author/Editor: Nico Cloete,Tracy Bailey,Peter Maassen
Università e territorio: il decentramento dell'Ateneo nella Provincia di Firenze: Atti del convegno di studi Firenze, 23 gennaio 2004
Author/Editor: Sandro Rogari
Universiteit Utrecht en koloniale kennis: Bestuderen, bemeten en beleren sinds 1636
Author/Editor: Henk van Rinsum
Universiteit Stellenbosch en die onverkwiklike taalstryd (2003-2017): Vanaf “taaltameletjie” tot volskaalse “taaloorlog”
Author/Editor: Johan C. Moll
The Universe, Life and Everything...Dialogues on our Changing Understanding of Reality
Author/Editor: Durston ,Sarah,Baggerman ,Ton
The Universe behind Barbed Wire: Memoirs of a Ukrainian Soviet Dissident
Author/Editor: Myroslav Marynovych,Katherine Younger
Universe and Inner Self in Early Indian and Early Greek Thought
Universe and Inner Self in Early Indian and Early Greek Thought
Universal Smart Grid Agent for Distributed Power Generation Management
Author/Editor: Eric MSP Veith
Universal Singular: Public Space Design of the Early 21st Century
Author/Editor: Sonia Curnier
Universality after Universalism: On Francophone Literatures of the Present
Author/Editor: Markus Messling
Universalistisches Ideal und koloniale Kontinuitäten: Die »harkis« in der Fünften Französischen Republik
Author/Editor: Anna Laiß
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the 21st Century
The Universal Art of Samuel van Hoogstraten (1627-1678)
Universal Śaivism: The Appeasement of All Gods and Powers in the Śāntyadhyāya of the Śivadharmaśāstra
Author/Editor: Peter Bisschop
The unity of the capitalist economy and state: A systematic-dialectical exposition of the capitalist system
Author/Editor: Geert Reuten
Unity of Science
Author/Editor: Tuomas E. Tahko
The Unity of Plutarch's Work: 'Moralia' Themes in the 'Lives', Features of the 'Lives' in the 'Moralia'
Author/Editor: Anastasios Nikolaidis
Unity and Language: A Study in the Philosophy of Johann Georg Hamann
Author/Editor: James C. O'Flaherty
Unity and diversity in grammaticalization scenarios
Unity and diversity in grammaticalization scenarios
Unit Operations of Particulate Solids: Theory and Practice
Author/Editor: Enrique Ortega-Rivas,Allison Shatkin
Unite, Proletarian Brothers!: Radicalism and Revolution in the Spanish Second Republic
Author/Editor: Matthew Kerry
The United States in the Indo-Pacific: Obama’s Legacy and the Trump Transition
Author/Editor: Oliver Turner,Inderjeet Parmar
The United States Congress
Author/Editor: English ,Ross
The United States And South Asia From The Age Of Empire To Decolonization: A History of Entanglements
Author/Editor: Harald Fischer-Tiné,Nico Slate
A United Nations Renaissance: What the UN is, and what it could be
Author/Editor: John E. Trent,Laura Schnurr
United Nations Peace Operations in a Changing Global Order
Author/Editor: Cedric de Coning,Mateja Peter
The United Nations, intra-state peacekeeping and normative change
Author/Editor: Aksu ,Esref
United in Diversity: Contemporary European Jewry in an Interdisciplinary Perspective
Author/Editor: Marcela Menachem Zoufalá,Olaf Glöckner
Unionsrechtliche Probleme der Überlassungspflicht für sortenrein erfasste Haushaltsabfälle zur Verwertung - Eine Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der EU-Regelungen für Daseinsvorsorgeleistungen
Author/Editor: Christian Suhl
Union Catalogs at the Crossroad
Author/Editor: Andrew Lass,Richard E. Quandt
Unintended Lessons of Revolution: Student Teachers and Political Radicalism in Twentieth-Century Mexico
Author/Editor: Tanalis Padilla
Unintended Consequences: The impact of migration law and policy
Uninformative Information: Informationsübertragung als irreführende Leitmetapher der Informationsgesellschaft
Author/Editor: Jakob Krebs
Un incontro lusofono plurale di lingue, letterature, storie, culture
Author/Editor: Michela Graziani
Un impérialisme électrique: Un siècle de relations économiques helvetico-argentines (1890-1979)
Author/Editor: Lucas Isabelle
Un’illusione di femminile semplicità: Gli "Annali" delle Orsoline di Bellinzona (1730-1848)
Author/Editor: Miriam Nicoli,Franca Cleis
Unilateral Sanctions in International Law and the Enforcement of Human Rights: The Impact of the Principle of Common Concern of Humankind
Author/Editor: Iryna Bogdanova
Unifying Physics of Accelerators, Lasers and Plasma
Author/Editor: Andrei Seryi
The Unicode cookbook for linguists: Managing writing systems using orthography profiles
Author/Editor: Steven Moran,Michael Cysouw
Unibook: Per un database sull'UniversitÃ
Author/Editor: Paolo Rossi,Mario Morcellini,Elena Valentini
UN Human Rights Institutions and the Environment: Synergies, Challenges, Trajectories
Author/Editor: Sumudu Atapattu
Unhinging the National Framework: Perspectives on Transnational Life Writing
Author/Editor: Babs Boter,Marleen Rensen,Giles Scott-Smith
Unheimliche Inskriptionen: Eine Studie zu Körperbildern im postklassischen Horrorfilm
Author/Editor: Catherine Shelton
Unheil durch Dämonen?
Author/Editor: Fartacek ,Gebhard
Unhealthy Housing
Author/Editor: R. Burridge,D. Ormandy
The UNHCR and the Afghan Crisis: The Making of the International Refugee Regime
Author/Editor: Giulia Scalettaris
Ung Uro: Unsettling Climates in Nordic Art, Architecture and Design
Author/Editor: Ingrid Halland
Ung medvirkning: Kreativitet og konflikt i planlegging
Author/Editor: Aina Landsverk Hagen,Bengt Andersen
Ungleichheitsrelevanz im Bildungs- und Betreuungsalltag: Eine qualitative Mehrebenenanalyse
Author/Editor: Sylvia Nienhaus
Ungleiche ländliche Räume: Widersprüche, Konzepte und Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Bernd Belina,Andreas Kallert,Michael Mießner,Matthias Naumann
Ungleiche Geschlechtergleichheit: Geschlechterpolitik und Theorien des Humankapitals
Author/Editor: Rita Casale,Edgar Forster
Ungleiche Entwicklung in Zentraleuropa
Author/Editor: Kaps ,Klemens
Unglaubliche Bergwunder: Johann Jakob Scheuchzer und Graubünden. Ausgewählte Briefe, 1699-1707
Author/Editor: Simona Boscani Leoni
Ungheria 1945-2002. La dimensione letteraria
Author/Editor: Beatrice Tottossy
Ungewissheit und Objektivität
Author/Editor: Thomas Gil
Ungestört bei der Sache?: Eine Befragung von Lehrkräften an Grund- und Förderschulen zur Sachunterrichtspraxis unter Bedingungen des Förderschwerpunktes emotionale und soziale Entwicklung
Author/Editor: René Schroeder
(Un-)Gerechtigkeit!?: Beteiligung des Christentums an einer (un)gerechten Welt
Author/Editor: Alexander Schmitt,Lena Janneck,Stefan Huber,Sophia Bertold
Author/Editor: Guro Ødegård,Willy Pedersen
Un foyer intellectuel et artistique dans le Jura bernois au début du 19e siècle Charles-Ferdinand Morel et Isabelle Morel-de Gélieu
Author/Editor: Claude Hauser,Sylviane Messerli,Laurent Tissot
Un fiume per il territorio: Indirizzi progettuali per il parco fluviale del Valdarno empolese
Author/Editor: Alberto Magnaghi,Sara Giacomozzi
Unfinished Revolution: Haiti, Black Sovereignty and Power in the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic World
Author/Editor: Karen Salt
Unfinished Histories: Empire and Postcolonial Resonance in Central Africa and Belgium
Author/Editor: Pierre-Philippe Fraiture
The Unfinished European Integration
Author/Editor: WRR
Unfinished Business: Quentin Tarantinos »Kill Bill« und die offenen Rechnungen der Kulturwissenschaften
Author/Editor: Achim Geisenhanslüke,Christian Steltz
The Unfinished Art of Theater: Avant-Garde Intellectuals in Mexico and Brazil
Author/Editor: Sarah Townsend
Unfelt: The Language of Affect in the British Enlightenment
Author/Editor: James Noggle
Un fantasma recorre el campo: Comunismo y politización campesina en Chile (1935-1948)
Author/Editor: Nicolás Acevedo Arriaza
Unexpected Subjects: Intimate Partner Violence, Testimony, and the Law
Author/Editor: Alessandra Gribaldo
Uneven Encounters: Making Race and Nation in Brazil and the United States
Author/Editor: Micol Seigel
Uneven Connections: A Partial History of the Mobile Phone in Papua New Guinea
Author/Editor: Robert. J Foster
Une troisième voie entre l'État et le marché
Author/Editor: Martine Antona,François Bousquet
Unerhörte Jugendliche: Artikulationen von Klasse und Geschlecht in der stationären Jugendhilfe
Author/Editor: Nadine Sarfert
Unerfüllte Kinderwünsche und Reproduktionsmedizin: Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Analyse von Paaren in Kinderwunschbehandlung
Author/Editor: Jasmin Passet-Wittig
Une recherche responsable: L'intégrité scientifique
Author/Editor: Marianne Alunno-Bruscia,Christian Duquennoi,PHILIPPE GOULLETQUER,Estelle Jaligot,Antoine Kremer,Francoise Simon-Plas
The Unequal Pandemic: COVID- 19 and Health Inequalities
Author/Editor: Clare Bambra,Julia Lynch,Katherine E. Smith
Unequal Lives: Gender, Race and Class in the Western Pacific
Author/Editor: Kalissa Alexeyeff,Nicholas A. Bainton,John Cox,Debra McDougall
Unequal Friendship: The Patron-Client Relationship in Historical Perspective
Author/Editor: Antoni Mączak
Unequal Family Lives: Causes and Consequences in Europe and the Americas
Author/Editor: Naomi Cahn,June Carbone,Laurie F DeRose,W. Bradford Wilcox
Une petite histoire de l'alimentation française
Author/Editor: Véronique Bellemain,Karine Boquet,Théo Galichet,Katell Gouello,Ambroise Martin,Daniel Nairaud,Jean-Pierre Poulain
Une innovation pédagogique: Le cas de l’enseignement mutuel au XIXe siècle
Author/Editor: Sylviane Tinembart,Edward Pahud
Une fois ne compte pas (Vol. 56):Nihilisme et sens dans L’insoutenable légèreté de l’être
Author/Editor: Jørn Boisen
Une fois ne compte pas (Vol. 56):Nihilisme et sens dans L’insoutenable légèreté de l’être
Une Europe des élites: réflexions sur la fracture démocratique de l'Union européenne
Author/Editor: Paul Magnette,George Ross,Olivier Costa
Une doxographie sunnite du IVe/Xe siècle: ›Kitāb al-maqālāt‹ d'Abū al-ʿAbbās al-Qalānisī
Author/Editor: Ziad Bou Akl
Une écologie de l'alimentation
Author/Editor: Nicolas Bricas,Damien Conaré,Marie Walser
Une clôture hermétique?: Isolement régulier et intérêts séculiers au monastère Saint-Pierre de Lobbes, VIIe–XIVe siècle
Author/Editor: Jérôme Verdoot
Une cinquième Suisse au bord de la mer Noire - Nouvelle histoire documentée de la colonie suisse de Chabag (1822-1944)
Author/Editor: Elena Simonato
An Uneasy Relationship
Unearthing Shakespeare: Embodied Performance and the Globe
Author/Editor: Valerie Pye
Unearthing Gender : Folksongs of North India
Author/Editor: Jassal ,Smita Tewari
Unearthing Gender
Une agronomie pour le XXIe siècle
Author/Editor: Guy Richard,Pierre Stengel,Gilles Lemaire,Pierre Cellier,Egizio Valceschini
Une abbaye dans le siècle: Missions et ambitions de Saint-Maurice (1870-1970)
Author/Editor: Stéphanie Roulin
Un droit pour les forêts: D’une approche universelle à des droits localisés
Author/Editor: Katia Blairon
Un double compromis. Enjeux et débats relatifs à l’enseignement universitaire en Belgique au XIXe siècle
Author/Editor: Dhondt ,Pieter
Un double compromis. Enjeux et débats relatifs à l’enseignement universitaire en Belgique au XIXe siècle
Undokumentierte Migration in Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten - interne Migrationskontrollen und die Handlungsspielräume von Sans Papiers
Author/Editor: Stobbe, Holk
Un/doing Race: Rassifizierung in der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Jovita dos Santos Pinto,Pamela Ohene-Nyako,Mélanie-Evely Pétrémont,Anne Lavanchy,Barbara Lüthi,Patricia Purtschert,Damir Skenderovic
Un/doing Race: Racialisation en Suisse
Author/Editor: Jovita dos Santos Pinto,Pamela Ohene-Nyako,Mélanie-Evely Pétrémont,Anne Lavanchy,Barbara Lüthi,Patricia Purtschert,Damir Skenderovic
Undoing Networks
Author/Editor: Tero Karppi,Urs Stäheli,Clara Wieghorst,Lea P. Zierott
Undoing Homogeneity in the Nordic Region: Migration, Difference and the Politics of Solidarity
Author/Editor: Suvi Keskinen,Unnur Dís Skaptadóttir,Mari Toivanen
(Un)doing Gender empirisch: Qualitative Forschung in der Kita
Author/Editor: Julia C. Nentwich,Franziska Vogt
Un/doing Ethnicity im öffentlichen Dienst: Ethnografien zum ethnischen Differenzieren am Beispiel von Jugendamt und Polizei
Author/Editor: Esteban Piñeiro,Martina Koch,Nathalie Pasche
Undocumented Saints: The Politics of Migrating Devotions
Author/Editor: William A. Calvo-Quiros
Undocumented Migrants and their Everyday Lives: The Case of Finland
Author/Editor: Jussi S. Jauhiainen,Miriam Tedeschi
Undocumented Migrants and Healthcare: Eight Stories from Switzerland
Author/Editor: Marianne Jossen
Undisciplined: Science, Ethnography, and Personhood in the Americas, 1830-1940
Author/Editor: Nihad Farooq
Under the Shadow of the Rising Sun: Japan and the Jews during the Holocaust Era
Author/Editor: Meron Medzini
Under the Radar: Tracking Western Radio Listeners in the Soviet Union
Author/Editor: R. Eugene Parta
Understanding Willing Participants, Volume 2: Milgram’s Obedience Experiments and the Holocaust
Author/Editor: Nestar Russell
Understanding Well-being Data: Improving Social and Cultural Policy, Practice and Research
Author/Editor: Susan Oman
Understanding Values Work: Institutional Perspectives in Organizations and Leadership
Author/Editor: Harald Askeland,Gry Espedal,Beate Jelstad Løvaas,Stephen Sirris
Understanding the value of and reasoning behind farmer adoption of carbon centric practices
Author/Editor: Michelle M. Wander,Carmen M. Ugarte
Understanding the Rights of Nature: A Critical Introduction
Author/Editor: Mihnea Tanasescu
Understanding the Global Energy Crisis
Author/Editor: Eugene D. Coyle,Richard A. Simmons
Understanding the Global Energy Crisis
Understanding the Global Energy Crisis
Author/Editor: Coyle D. ,Eugene,Simmons A. ,Richard
Understanding the Generality of Mathematical Statements: An Experimental Study at the Transition from School to University
Author/Editor: Milena Damrau
Understanding The Everyday Digital Lives of Children and Young People
Author/Editor: Halla Holmarsdottir,Idunn Seland,Christer Hyggen,Maria Roth
Understanding the Creeping Crisis
Author/Editor: Arjen Boin,Magnus Ekengren,Mark Rhinard
Understanding the Bigger Energy Picture: DESERTEC and Beyond
Author/Editor: Michael Düren
Understanding Statistics and Experimental Design: How to Not Lie with Statistics
Author/Editor: Michael H. Herzog,Gregory Francis,Aaron Clarke
Understanding Society and Natural Resources: Forging New Strands of Integration Across the Social Sciences
Author/Editor: Manfredo J. ,Michael,Vaske; J. ,Jerry,Rechkemmer ,Andreas,Duke A. ,Esther
Understanding Sharia Processes: Women's Experiences of Family Disputes
Author/Editor: Farrah Ahmed,Ghena Krayem
Understanding Risks and Uncertainties in Energy and Climate Policy: Multidisciplinary Methods and Tools for a Low Carbon Society
Author/Editor: Haris Doukas,Alexandros Flamos,Jenny Lieu
Understanding Relations Between Scripts II: Early Alphabets
Author/Editor: Philip J. Boyes,Philippa Steele
Understanding Public Debates: What Literary Studies Can Do
Author/Editor: Jens Martin Gurr
Understanding Processes of Ethnic Concentration and Dispersal
Author/Editor: McGarrigle ,Jennifer Leigh
Understanding political ideas and movements
Author/Editor: Harrison ,Kevin,Boyd ,Tony
Understanding plant-pathogen interactions in Septoria tritici blotch infection of cereals
Author/Editor: Y. Petit-Houdenot,Marc-Henri Lebrun,G. Scalliet
Understanding Perspectivism: Scientific Challenges and Methodological Prospects
Author/Editor: Michela Massimi,Casey D. McCoy
Understanding Oceania: Celebrating the University of the South Pacific and its collaboration with The Australian National University
Author/Editor: Stewart Firth,Vijay Naidu
Understanding Linguistic Fieldwork
Author/Editor: Felicity Meakins,Jennifer Green,Myfany Turpin
Understanding Japanese Savings
Author/Editor: Robert Dekle
Understanding Immigration: Issues and Challenges in an Era of Mass Population Movement
Author/Editor: Marilyn Hoskin
Understanding History : An Introduction to Analytical Philosophy of History
Author/Editor: Gorman ,Jonathan
Understanding History
Understanding Higher Education: Alternative Perspectives
Author/Editor: Chrissie Boughey,Sioux McKenna
Understanding Globalization, Global Gaps, and Power Shifts in the 21st Century: CCG Global Dialogues
Author/Editor: Huiyao Wang,Lu Miao
Understanding Energy Innovation: Learning from Smart Grid Experiments
Author/Editor: Heather Lovell
Understanding Education for the Visually Impaired
Author/Editor: Ronél Ferreira,Ronél Ferreira,Maximus Monaheng Sefotho,Maximus Monaheng Sefotho,Juan Bornman,Karien Botha,Boitumelo Molegogeng Diale,Judite Ferreira-Prevost
Understanding Drugs Markets: An Analysis of Medicines, Regulations and Pharmaceutical Systems in the Global South
Author/Editor: Carine Baxerres,Maurice Cassier
Understanding Disability Throughout History: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Iceland from Settlement to 1936
Author/Editor: Hanna Björg Sigurjónsdóttir,James G. Rice
Understanding Cultural Non-Participation in an Egalitarian Context
Author/Editor: Riie Heikkilä
Understanding Contemporary Islamic Crises in the Middle East. The Issues beneath the Surface
Author/Editor: Fuller E. ,Graham
Understanding China’s School Leadership: Interpreting the Terminology
Author/Editor: Daming Feng
Understanding China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Author/Editor: Hong Yu
Understanding Chefchaouen: Traditional knowledge for a sustainable habitat
Author/Editor: Letizia Dipasquale
Understanding British and European political issues
Author/Editor: McNaughton ,Neil
Understanding Body Movement: A Guide to Empirical Research on Nonverbal Behaviour - With an Introduction to the NEUROGES Coding System
Author/Editor: Hedda Lausberg
Understanding Atrocities: Remembering, Representing and Teaching Genocide
Author/Editor: Scott W. Murray
Understanding and mitigating cyberfraud in Africa
Author/Editor: Oluwatoyin E Akinbowale,Mariann P Mashigo,Prof. Mulatu Zerihun
Understanding Al Qaeda: Changing War and Global Politics
Author/Editor: Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou
Understanding Acoustics: An Experimentalist’s View of Sound and Vibration
Author/Editor: Steven L. Garrett
Understanding Accountability in Democratic Governance
Author/Editor: Yannis Papadopoulos
Undercover Reporting
Author/Editor: Kroeger ,Brooke
Under Construction: Performing Critical Identity
Author/Editor: Marie-Anne Kohl
Under beredskap och krig: Nation, kön, främlingskap och våld hos svenska kvinnliga 1940-talsförfattare
Author/Editor: Kristin Järvstad
Uncovering Pacific Pasts: Histories of Archaeology in Oceania
Author/Editor: Hilary Howes,Tristen Jones,Matthew Spriggs
Unconventional Sisterhood: Feminist Catholic Nuns in the Philippines
Author/Editor: Heather Claussen
Unchopping a Tree: Reconciliation in the Aftermath of Political Violence
Author/Editor: Ernesto Verdeja
Uncertain Values: An Axiomatic Approach to Axiological Uncertainty
Author/Editor: Stefan Riedener
Uncertainty, Threat, and International Security: Implications for Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Ivan Savic,Zachary C. Shirkey
Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering (ICUME 2021), June 7–8, 2021
Author/Editor: Peter F. Pelz,Peter Groche
Uncertainty in Global Politics
Author/Editor: Miriam Matejova,Anastasia Shesterinina
Uncertainty in Engineering: Introduction to Methods and Applications
Author/Editor: Louis J. M. Aslett,Frank P. A. Coolen,Jasper De Bock
Uncertainty in deliberate lexical interventions: Exploring Esperanto speakers’ opinions through corpora
Author/Editor: Mélanie Maradan
Uncertain Safety
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid
Un/Certain Futures: Rollen des Designs in gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen
Author/Editor: Marius Förster,Saskia Hebert,Mona Hofmann,Wolfgang Jonas
An Uncertain Future - Anticipating Oil in Uganda
Author/Editor: Annika Witte
Uncertain Bioethics: Moral Risk and Human Dignity
Author/Editor: Stephen Napier
Un carteggio di Margherita Guidacci. Lettere a Tiziano Minarelli
Author/Editor: Carolina Gepponi
Un carteggio di fine secolo
Un carteggio di fine secolo
Author/Editor: Lazzeri, Claudia
The Uncanny Child in Transnational Cinema: Ghosts of Futurity at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century
Author/Editor: Jessica Balanzategui
Un cammino a ostacoli: Neocatecumenali e Chiesa di Roma
Author/Editor: Francesca CAMPIGLI
Unbuttoning America: A Biography of "Peyton Place"
Author/Editor: Ardis Cameron
Unburied Bodies: Subversive Corpses and the Authority of the Dead
Author/Editor: James R. Martel
Unbridling the Tongues of Women: a biography of Catherine Helen Spence
Author/Editor: Magarey ,Susan
Unbound Queer Time in Literature, Cinema, and Video Games
Author/Editor: Juan Francisco Belmonte Ávila,Estíbaliz Encarnación-Pinedo
Un bisogno di complementarità: Il carteggio Cassola-Fortini
Author/Editor: Giada Perciballi
unBinding Bodies - Zur Geschichte des Füßebindens in China
Author/Editor: Jasmin Mersmann,Evke Rulffes
Un-Bestimmungen: Zur Konstruktion »unbegleiteter minderjähriger Flüchtlinge« in der stationären Kinder- und Jugendhilfe
Author/Editor: Raimund Harloff
Unbestimmtheitssignaturen der Technik: Eine neue Deutung der technisierten Welt
Author/Editor: Gerhard Gamm,Andreas Hetzel
Unbehaglich Queer: Das ernste Spiel mit der Anerkennung
Author/Editor: Martin J. Gössl
Unbehagen im modernen Staat: Über die Grundlagen staatlicher Gewalt
Author/Editor: Maximilian Lakitsch
Unbegleitete minderjährige Geflüchtete: Ihre Lebenssituationen und Perspektiven in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Stefan Thomas,Madeleine Sauer,Ingmar Zalewski
Unbecoming Language: Anti-Identitarian French Feminist Fictions
Author/Editor: Annabel Kim
Unbecoming Cinema : Unsettling Encounters With Ethical Event Films
Author/Editor: Fleming ,David H.
Unbecoming Cinema
Una voce parigina nel Futurismo russo: la poesia di Ivan Aksenov
Author/Editor: Alessandro Farsetti
Unauthorized Access: The Crisis in Online Privacy and Security
Author/Editor: Robert H. Sloan,Richard Warner
Unauthorized Access: The Crisis in Online Privacy and Security
Author/Editor: Robert Sloan,Richard Warner
Una storia, un archivio: Idalberto Targioni nell’Italia tra Ottocento e Novecento
Author/Editor: Roberto Bianchi
Una scuola inclusiva: Azioni per contrastare i rischi di dispersione di alunne e alunni di origine straniera
Author/Editor: Giovanna Filosa,Emanuela Gamberoni
Una professione plurale: Il caso dell’avvocatura fiorentina
Author/Editor: Franca Alacevich,Andrea Bellini,ANNALISA TONARELLI
Un anno di Leggere: Forte! in Toscana: L'esperienza di una ricerca-azione
Author/Editor: Federico Batini
Una muchedumbre o nada: Coordenadas temáticas en la obra poética de Josefina Plá
The Un-Americans: Jews, the Blacklist, and Stoolpigeon Culture
Author/Editor: Joseph Litvak
Una investigación educativa y transformadora para el medio ambiente: Desarrollo de capacidades en Guatemala y Nicaragua. Con aportaciones de Maurizio Leonelli y Rodolfo Glenton
Author/Editor: Giovanna Del Gobbo,GLENDA GALEOTTI
Una historia comparada del cine latinoamericano
Author/Editor: Paul A. Schroeder Rodríguez,Juana de Suárez
Una generazione che cambia: Civismo, solidarietà e nuove incertezze dei giovani della provincia di Firenze
Una comunità rurale toscana di antico regime
Una comunità rurale toscana di antico regime
Author/Editor: Bicchierai, Marco
Una biblioteca in divenire. La biblioteca della Facoltà di Lettere dalla penna all'elaboratore
Una biblioteca in divenire. La biblioteca della Facoltà di Lettere dalla penna all'elaboratore
Author/Editor: Urso, Tommaso
(u)Mzantsi Classics: Dialogues in Decolonisation from Southern Africa
Author/Editor: Samantha Masters,Imkhitha Nzungu,Grant Parker
Umweltverträglichkeit und Menschenzuträglichkeit
Author/Editor: Lenk ,Hans
Umwelt und Technik in den Europaeischen Gemeinschaften: Teil 1: Die grenzueberschreitende Entsorgung von Abfaellen
Author/Editor: Bert Rürup,Uwe H. Schneider
Umwelt- und Bioressourcenmanagement für eine nachhaltige Zukunftsgestaltung
Author/Editor: Erwin Schmid,Tobias Pröll
Umweltressourcen als Gegenstand internationaler Verhandlungen: Eine theoretische Transaktionskostenanalyse
Umweltorientierte Beschaeftigungsprogramme. Eine Effizienzanalyse am Beispiel des «Sondervermoegens Arbeit und Umwelt»
Author/Editor: Andreas Burger
Umweltgeschichte und Umweltzukunft - Zur gesellschaftlichen Relevanz einer jungen Disziplin Graduiertenkolleg 1024 Interdisziplinäre Umweltgeschichte
Author/Editor: Masius, Patrick,Sparenberg, Ole,Sprenger, Jana
Umweltgerechtigkeit und sozialökologische Transformation: Konflikte um Nachhaltigkeit im deutschsprachigen Raum
Author/Editor: Silja Klepp,Jonas Hein
Umweltbewußtes Kaufverhalten von Konsumenten: Ein Beitrag zur Operationalisierung, Erklaerung und Typologie des Verhaltens in der Kaufsituation
Author/Editor: Kerstin Christiane Monhemius
Umweltallokation im Raum
Author/Editor: Horst Siebert
Umwege zum eigenen Kind - Ethische und rechtliche Herausforderungen an die Reproduktionsmedizin 30 Jahre nach Louise Brown
Author/Editor: Bockenheimer-Lucius, Gisela,Thorn, Petra,Wendehorst, Christiane
Umverteilungseffekte in Europa: Eine Analyse fuer ausgewaehlte Laender
Author/Editor: Katja Hölsch
Umstrittene Vergangenheit: Historische Argumente in der Auseinandersetzung Augustins mit den Donatisten
Author/Editor: Arne Hogrefe
Umstrittene Solidarität: Spannungsfelder und Praktiken eines Kampfbegriffs
Author/Editor: Ralf Mayer,Alfred Schäfer,Maren Schüll
Umstrittene Sammlungen - Vom Umgang mit kolonialem Erbe aus Kamerun in ethnologischen Museen Die Fälle Tange/Schiffschnabel und Ngonnso‘/Schalenträgerfigur in Deutschland und Kamerun
Author/Editor: Anne Splettstößer
Umstrittene Regierungsführung in Afghanistan: Kulturelle und politische Ordnungsvorstellungen der afghanischen Eliten
Author/Editor: Frangis Dadfar Spanta
Umstrittene Körperteile : Eine Geschichte der Organspende in der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Hofmann ,Simon
Umstrittene Körperteile
Umsetzung des datenschutzrechtlichen Auskunftsanspruchs auf Grundlage von Usage-Control und Data-Provenance-Technologien
Author/Editor: Philipp Christoph Sebastian Bier
Umrisse einer Dritten Kultur im interdisziplinären Zusammenspiel zwischen Literatur und Naturwissenschaft: Jahrbuch des Instituts für moderne Fremdsprachen an der Naturwissenschaftlich-Technischen Universität Norwegens (NTNU) in Trondheim
Author/Editor: Bernd Neumann
Umkämpfte Zukunft: Zum Verhältnis von Nachhaltigkeit, Demokratie und Konflikt
Author/Editor: Julia Zilles,Emily Drewing,Julia Janik
Umkämpfte Zivilgesellschaft: Mit menschenrechtsorientierter Gemeinwesenarbeit gegen Ideologien der Ungleichwertigkeit
Author/Editor: Friedemann Bringt
Umkämpfte Vielfalt: Affektive Dynamiken institutioneller Diversifizierung
Author/Editor: Matthias Warstat,Hansjörg Dilger
Umkämpfter Zugang zu Land: Land grabbing, Konflikte und die Rolle traditioneller Autoritäten in Ghana
Author/Editor: Sarah Kirst
Umkämpfte Kirche: Innerkatholische Konflikte im österreichisch-ungarischen Küstenland 1890–1914 (Volume 263, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Péter Techet
Umkämpfte Begriffe der Migration: Ein Inventar
Author/Editor: Inken Bartels,Isabella Löhr,Christiane Reinecke,Philipp Schäfer,Laura Stielike
Umfragen erstellen und auswerten: kompakt und leicht verständlich für Studierende und junge Forschende
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Ortmanns,Ralph Sonntag
Uma politics; An ethnography of democratization in West Sumba, Indonesia, 1986-2006
Uma politics; An ethnography of democratization in West Sumba, Indonesia, 1986-2006
Author/Editor: Vel ,Jacqueline A.C.
Umami: Taste for Health
Author/Editor: Ana San Gabriel,Tia M. Rains,Gary Beauchamp
Uma ilha brasileira no campo literário alemão: Dinâmicas de circulação literária pela editora Suhrkamp e a recepção da literatura do Brasil (1970-1990)
Author/Editor: Douglas Pompeu
Uma dramaturgia da violência: os filmes de João Canijo
Author/Editor: Daniel Ribas
Ultima and Worldbuilding in the Computer Role-Playing Game
Author/Editor: Carly Kocurek,Matthew Thomas Payne
Ulrich von Liechtenstein's "Service of Ladies"
Author/Editor: J.W. Thomas
Çukuriçi Höyük 5: Stratigraphie und Architektur der frühen Bronzezeit
Author/Editor: Barbara Horejs,Stefan Grasböck,Tina Bratschi,Christoph Schwall
The UK's Changing Democracy: The 2018 Democratic Audit
Author/Editor: Patrick Dunleavy,Alice Park,Ros Taylor
Ukrainian Private Law and the European Area of Justice
Author/Editor: Eugenia Kurzynsky-Singer,Rainer Kulms
Ukrainian Migration to the European Union: Lessons from Migration Studies
Author/Editor: Olena Fedyuk,Marta Kindler
The Ukrainian Intelligentsia and Genocide: The Struggle for History, Language, and Culture in the 1920s and 1930s
Author/Editor: Victoria Malko
Ukraine's Search for Justice in the Shadow of the Donbas Conflict: Strategic Reforms or Crisis Management?
Author/Editor: Igor Lyubashenko
Ukraine's Patronal Democracy and the Russian Invasion: The Russia-Ukraine War, Volume One
Author/Editor: Bálint Madlovics,Bálint Magyar
Ukraine's Many Faces: Land, People, and Culture Revisited
Author/Editor: Olena Palko,Manuel Férez Gil