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Titles start with U ( displaying 500 of 516 ) | Information |
Uushenkisyys |
Author/Editor: Tiina Mahlamäki,Minna Opas
Uudistuva sosiaali- ja terveysala |
Author/Editor: Anneli Hujala,Helena Taskinen
Uudisraivaajien maa: Ylä-Savon asutus ja elämisen ehdot |
Author/Editor: Jari Ojala,Riina Turunen
Utterance structure in initial L2 acquisition |
Author/Editor: Jacopo Saturno
Utopisches Denken bei V. Chlebnikov |
Author/Editor: Peter Stobbe
Utopie und Politik: Potenziale kreativer Politikgestaltung |
Author/Editor: Ina-Maria Maahs
Utopia of the Uniform: Affective Afterlives of the Yugoslav People's Army |
Author/Editor: Tanja Petrovic
Utopian Moments: Reading Utopian Texts |
Author/Editor: J. C. Davis,Miguel Ángel Ramiro Avilés
Utopian Discourses Across Cultures: Scenarios in Effective Communication to Citizens and Corporations |
Author/Editor: Miriam Bait,Marina Brambilla,Valentina Crestani
Utopia Computer: The “New” in Architecture? |
Author/Editor: Nathalie Bredella,Chris Dähne,Frederike Lausch
Utopia and Modernity in China: Contradictions in Transition |
Author/Editor: David Margolies,Qing Cao
¿Utopía u oportunidad fallida?: Análisis crítico del Acuerdo de Paz |
Author/Editor: Lina M. Céspedes-Baéz
Utmark i endring |
Author/Editor: Frode Flemsæter,Bjørn Egil Flø
Utility, Progress, and Technology: Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the International Society for Utilitarian Studies |
Author/Editor: Michael Schefczyk,Christoph Schmidt-Petri
Utenforskap, stigmatisering og fremmedfrykt på Agder: 1860 til i dag |
Author/Editor: Kristoffer Vadum,Kristoffer Vadum,Mona Alasow,Hanne Haaland,Hege Wallevik,Kjetil Homane Grødum,Kjetil Homane Grødum,Thomas Olsen,Thomas Olsen,Anne Mette Seines,Thomas V. H. Hagen,Dag Hundstad,Monika Kurszus Håland,Solveig Hessaa-Szwinto,May-Linda Magnusse
Utdanning i kunstfag: Samarbeid, kvalitet og spenninger |
Author/Editor: Bjørn-Terje Bandlien,Ingvild Olsen Olaussen,Mari-Ann Letnes,Elin Angelo
Utdanning for bærekraft: Erfaring og forskning fra barnehage og skole |
Author/Editor: Tom Sverre Bredal-Tomren,Tom Sverre Bredal-Tomren,Ingjald Pilskog,Per Jarle Sætre,Irene Tollefsen,Helga Aadland,Yvonne Bakken,Marianne Presthus Heggen,Mona Kvivesen,Anne M. Lynngård,Øyvind K. Mellingen,Idar Mestad,Kari Grutle Nappen,Jørgen Nerland
Usus aquarum: Interdisziplinäre Studien zur Nutzung und Bedeutung von Gewässern im Mittelalter |
Author/Editor: Christoph Mielzarek,Christian Zschieschang
#UsToo: How Jewish, Muslim, and Christian Women Changed Our Communities |
Author/Editor: Keren R. McGinity
Ustojčivoe neravnovesie. Stichi 1923-1949 |
Author/Editor: Georgij N. Obolduev
US Nation Building in Afghanistan |
Author/Editor: Keane ,Conor
US Nation Building in Afghanistan |
Author/Editor: Conor Keane
US Nation Building in Afghanistan |
Uskonto, kieli ja yhteiskunta: Johdatus diskursiiviseen uskonnontutkimukseen |
Author/Editor: Titus Hjelm
Using the Patch-Clamp technique to shed light on ion channels structure, function and pharmacology |
Author/Editor: Roberta Gualdani
Using Social Theory in Higher Education |
Author/Editor: Remy Y.S. Low,Suzanne Egan,Amani Bell
Using Participatory Methods to Explore Freedom of Religion and Belief: Whose Reality Counts? |
Author/Editor: Jo Howard,Mariz Tadros
Using Ostraca in the Ancient World New Discoveries and Methodologies |
Author/Editor: Clementina Caputo,Julia Lougovaya
Using Gramsci : A New Approach |
Author/Editor: Filippini ,Michele
Using Gramsci |
Using Evidence to End Homelessness |
Author/Editor: Lígia Teixeira,James Cartwright
Using Evidence in Policy and Practice: Lessons from Africa |
Author/Editor: Ian Goldman,Mine Pabari
Using Commonplace Books to Enrich Medieval and Renaissance Courses |
Author/Editor: Sarah E. Parker,Andie Silva
Using Brainpower in the Classroom |
Author/Editor: Steve Garnett
US-Fantasy 1977–1987: Eine Genrebetrachtung |
Author/Editor: Tobias Haupts
Uses of Technology in Upper Secondary Mathematics Education |
Author/Editor: Stephen Hegedus,Colette Laborde,Corey Brady,Sara Dalton,Hans-Stefan Siller,Michal Tabach,Jana Trgalova,Luis Moreno-Armella
Uses of Technology in Lower Secondary Mathematics Education: A Concise Topical Survey |
Author/Editor: Paul Drijvers,Lynda Ball,Bärbel Barzel,M. Kathleen Heid,Yiming Cao,Michela Maschietto
User Satisfaction with Personalised Internet Applications |
Author/Editor: Ulrike Bauernfeind
The use of Pseudomonas spp. as bacterial biocontrol agents to control plant diseases |
Author/Editor: Monica Hӧfte
Use of microorganisms in the removal of pollutants from the wastewater |
Author/Editor: Giovanni Colica
The use of Bacillus spp. as bacterial biocontrol agents to control plant diseases |
Author/Editor: Adrien Anckaert,Anthony Arguelles Arias,Grégory Hoff,Maryline Calonne-Salmon,Stéphane Declerck,Marc Ongena
Use and Appreciation of Mycenaean Pottery in the Levant, Cyprus and Italy |
Author/Editor: Wijngaarden van ,Gert Jan
US Counterterrorism and the Human Rights of Foreigners Abroad: Putting the Gloves Back On? |
Author/Editor: Monika Heupel,Caiden Heaphy,Janina Heaphy
USA oder Sowjetunion?: Konkurrierende Modernitätsentwürfe in den Massenmedien der Weimarer Republik (Volume 12) |
Author/Editor: David M. Franz,Martin Schulze Wessel,Ulf Brunnbauer
US-amerikanische Exportfoerderung durch die Disc-Gesetzgebung |
The Usage and Impact of ICTs during the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Author/Editor: Shengnan Yang,Xiaohua Zhu,Pnina Fichman
A Usable Collection: Essays in Honour of Jaap Kloosterman on Collecting Social History |
Usability research for interpreter-centred technology: The case study of SmarTerp |
Author/Editor: Francesca Maria Frittella
Urteilsabsprachen im Strafprozess - die deutsche Regelung im Vergleich mit Entwicklungen in England & Wales, Frankreich und Polen |
Author/Editor: Peters, Julia
Urteilen und Werten: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf narrative Axiologien |
Author/Editor: Anja Burghardt,Nora Scholz
Ursachen der persistenten Produktivitaetsunterschiede zwischen den westdeutschen Bundeslaendern: Eine empirische Analyse fuer den Zeitraum von 1950 bis 1990 |
Author/Editor: Nicole Waidlein
The Ur-Portrait: Stephen Hero ed il processo di creazione artistica in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man |
Author/Editor: ILARIA NATALI
#URL Holocaust digital: Verhandlungen des Genozids zwischen Public History, Geschichtspolitik und Kommerz |
Author/Editor: Eva Pfanzelter
Urkunden und Memorialquellen zur älteren Geschichte des Klosters Rosazzo |
Author/Editor: Reinhard Härtel,Cesare Scalon
Urkunden der Stadt Pritzwalk in Regesten (1256-1703): Bearbeitet von Friedrich Beck |
Author/Editor: Klaus Neitmann
Urkunden der Stadt Beeskow in Regesten (1272-1649) |
Author/Editor: Friedrich Beck
Urinary Stents: Current State and Future Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Federico Soria,Duje Rako,Petra de Graaf
The Urge to Live: A Comparative Study of Franz Kafka's "Der Prozess" and Albert Camus' "L'Etranger" |
Author/Editor: Phillip H. Rhein
Urgent Archives: Enacting Liberatory Memory Work |
Author/Editor: Michelle Caswell
Urbild und Abbild: Untersuchungen zu Herrschaft und Weltbild in Altrußland 11.-16. Jahrhundert |
Author/Editor: Cornelia Soldat
Urban Water Demand Management: A Guidebook for ASEAN |
Author/Editor: Corinne Ong,Cecilia Tortajada,Ojasvee Arora
Urban transformations and public health in the emergent city |
Author/Editor: Michael Keith,Andreza Aruska de Souza Santos
Urban Sustainability and Justice: Just Sustainabilities and Environmental Planning |
Author/Editor: Vanesa Castán Broto,Linda Westman
Urban Studies: Border and Mobility: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Urban Studies (ICUS 2017), December 8-9, 2017, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia |
Author/Editor: Thor Kerr,Bekisizwe Ndimande,Jan Van der Putten,Daniel F. Johnson-Mardones,Diah Ariani Arimbi,Yuni Sari Amalia
Urban Socio-Economic Segregation and Income Inequality: A Global Perspective |
Author/Editor: Maarten van Ham,Tiit Tammaru,Rūta Ubarevičienė,Heleen Janssen
Urban Society In Roman Italy |
Author/Editor: Tim J. Cornell,Kathryn Lomas
Urban Rituals in Sacred Landscapes in Hellenistic Asia Minor |
Author/Editor: Christina G. Williamson
Urban Resilience in a Global Context: Actors, Narratives, and Temporalities |
Author/Editor: Dorothee Brantz,Avi Sharma
Urban Re-Industrialization |
Author/Editor: Krzysztof Nawratek
Urban Redevelopment and Modernity in Liverpool and Manchester, 1918-1939 |
Author/Editor: Charlotte Wildman
Urban Recycling Cooperatives: Building resilient communities |
Author/Editor: Jutta Gutberlet
Urban Politics of Human Rights |
Author/Editor: Janne Nijman,Barbara Oomen,Elif Durmuş,Sara Miellet,Lisa Roodenburg
Urban Planning During Socialism: Views from the Periphery |
Author/Editor: Jasna Mariotti,Kadri Leetmaa
Urban Planning and Everyday Urbanisation: A Case Study on Bahir Dar, Ethiopia (Edition 1) |
Author/Editor: Nadine Appelhans
Urban Planning Against Poverty: How to Think and Do Better Cities in the Global South |
Author/Editor: Jean-Claude Bolay
Urban Now: A Human in the Face of Borderliness and Urbanisation in Juba, South Sudan |
Author/Editor: Maciej Kurcz
Urban Movements and Climate Change: Loss, Damage and Radical Adaptation |
Author/Editor: Marco Armiero,Ethemcan Turhan,Salvatore Paolo de Rosa
Urban Modernity in the Contemporary Gulf: Obsolescence and Opportunities |
Author/Editor: Roberto Fabbri,Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi
Urban Memory and Visual Culture in Berlin: Framing the Asynchronous City, 1957-2012 |
Author/Editor: Simon Ward
Urban Living Lab for Local Regeneration: Beyond Participation in Large-scale Social Housing Estates |
Author/Editor: Nele Aernouts,Francesca Cognetti,Elena Maranghi
Urban Life and Intellectual Crisis in Middle-Period China, 800-1100 |
Author/Editor: Christian de Pee
Urbanizing the Regional Sector to Strengthen Economy and Business to Recover from Recession: Proceedings of the 5th International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2021), Malang, Indonesia, 10–11 November 2021 |
Author/Editor: Aulia Herdiani,Agus Hermawan,Setya Ayu Rahmawati,Mohd. Rizal Palil,Reza Havies
Urbanization in Europe: Past Developments and Pathways to a Sustainable Future |
Author/Editor: David Evers,Ivana Katurić,Ries van der Wouden
Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities: A Global Assessment |
Author/Editor: Thomas Elmqvist,Karen C. Seto,Cathy Wilkinson,Michail Fragkias,Julie Goodness,Burak Güneralp,Peter J. Marcotullio,Robert I. McDonald,Susan Parnell,Maria Schewenius,Marte Sendstad
Urban Interactions: Communication and Competition in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages |
Author/Editor: Michael J. Kelly,Lisa Kaaren Bailey,Ian Wood,Michael Burrows,Ann Christys,Dimitris J. Kyrtatas,Javier Martínez Jiménez,Pedro Mateos Cruz,Michael Mulryan,Isabel Sánchez Ramos,Mark Lewi Tizzoni,Douglas Underwood
Urban Informatics |
Author/Editor: Wenzhong Shi,Michael F. Goodchild,Michael Batty,Mei-Po Kwan,Anshu Zhang
Urban Informality and the Built Environment: Infrastructure, exchange and image |
Author/Editor: Nerea Amorós Elorduy,Nikhilesh Sinha,Colin Marx
Urban Inequality and Segregation in Europe and China: Towards a New Dialogue |
Author/Editor: Gwilym Pryce,Ya Ping Wang,Yu Chen,Jingjing Shan,Houkai Wei
Urban Heritage Planning in Tehran and Beyond: Sequences of Disrupted Spatial-Discursive Assemblages |
Author/Editor: Solmaz Yadollahi
Urban Food Systems Governance and Poverty in African Cities |
Author/Editor: Jane Battersby,Vanessa Watson
Urban Food Sharing: Rules, tools and networks |
Author/Editor: Anna R. Davies
Urban Fantasy: Exploring Modernity through Magic |
Author/Editor: Stefan Ekman
Urban Exile: Theories, Methods, Research Practices |
Author/Editor: Burcu Dogramaci,Ekaterina Aygun,Mareike Hetschold,Laura Karp Lugo,Rachel Lee,Helene Roth
Urban Europe. Fifty Tales of the City |
Author/Editor: Mamadouh ,V.,Wageningen ,A.
Urban Europe: Fifty Tales of the City |
Author/Editor: Virginie Mamadouh,Anne van Wageningen
Urbane Transformation durch soziale Innovation: Schlüsselbegriffe und Perspektiven |
Author/Editor: Christian Peer,Emanuela Semlitsch,Simon Andreas Güntner,Mara Haas,Andreas Bernögger
Urban Ethics as Research Agenda: Outlooks and Tensions on Multidisciplinary Debates |
Author/Editor: Raúl Acosta,Eveline Dürr,Moritz Ege,Ursula Prutsch,Clemens van Loyen,Gordon M. Winder
Urbane Psyche: Alltagsgestaltung und Biopolitik in Berlin aus ethnografischer Perspektive |
Author/Editor: Patrick Bieler
Urbane Mixturen: Städtebau und Stadtplanung als relationales Handlungsfeld |
Author/Editor: Christian Peer,Angelika Psenner
Urban Displacement and Trade in a Senegalese Market: An anthropology of endings |
Author/Editor: Gunvor Jónsson
Urban Design Governance: Soft powers and the European experience |
Author/Editor: Matthew Carmona,João Bento,Tommaso Gabrieli
Urban Design Futures |
Author/Editor: Malcolm Moor,Jon Rowland
Urban Climate Justice: Theory, Praxis, Resistance |
Author/Editor: Jennifer L. Rice,Joshua Long,Anthony Levenda
Urban Claims and the Right to the City: Urban Claims and the Right to the City |
Author/Editor: Julian Walker,Marcos Bau Carvalho,Ilinca Diaconescu
Urban Blue Spaces: Planning and Design for Water, Health and Well-Being |
Author/Editor: Simon Bell,Lora E. Fleming,James Grellier,Friedrich Kuhlmann,Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen,Mathew P. White
Urban and Regional Technology Planning |
Author/Editor: Kenneth E. Corey,Mark Wilson
Urban and Regional Cooperation and Development: Challenges and Strategies for the Planning and Development of the Guangdong–Macao Intensive Cooperation Zone in Hengqin Island |
Author/Editor: Long Zhou,Bin Li,Sihong Li,Ngan Leng Lei,Kengfong Cheong
Urban Agriculture in Public Space: Planning and Designing for Human Flourishing in Northern European Cities and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Beata Sirowy,Deni Ruggeri
Urban Aerial Pesticide Spraying Campaigns: Government Disinformation, Industry Profits, and Public Harm |
Author/Editor: Manuel Vallée
Uprooting Bias in the Academy: Lessons from the Field |
Author/Editor: Linda F. Bisson,Laura Grindstaff,Lisceth Brazil-Cruz,Sophie J. Barbu
Upravljavska sposobnost lokalnih samoupravnih skupnosti |
Author/Editor: Rožen ,Tomaž
Uppkomsten av ett professionellt medicinskt fält: Läkares, sjuksköterskors och laboratorieassistenters formering |
Author/Editor: Carina Carlhed Ydhag
The Upper Guinea Coast in Global Perspective |
Author/Editor: Knörr ,Jacqueline,Kohl ,Christoph
The Upper Guinea Coast in Global Perspective |
Author/Editor: Jacqueline Knörr,Christoph Kohl
Upotreblenie vidov glagola v russkom jazyke |
Author/Editor: Ol'ga P Rassudova
Upon Entropy: Architectonics of the Image in the Age of Information |
Author/Editor: Riccardo M. Villa,Ludger Hovestadt,Vera Bühlmann
Upland Geopolitics: Postwar Laos and the Global Land Rush |
Author/Editor: Michael B. Dwyer
Updates on Myopia: A Clinical Perspective |
Author/Editor: Marcus Ang,Tien Y. Wong
Update!: Film- und Mediengeschichte im Zeitalter der digitalen Reproduzierbarkeit |
Author/Editor: Franziska Heller
Unzuverlässiges Erzählen: Studien zur deutschsprachigen Nachkriegsliteratur |
Author/Editor: Matthias Aumüller
Unzuverlässiges Erzählen in Literatur und Medien: Didaktische Perspektiven |
Author/Editor: Sebastian Bernhardt
Unzeitgemäße Utopien: Migrantinnen zwischen Selbsterfindung und Gelehrter Hoffnung |
Author/Editor: María do Mar Castro Varela
Unwiederholbares Gottessiegel: Personale Individualität nach Edith Stein |
Author/Editor: Christof Betschart
Unvergleichbarkeit: Dürfen wir Entscheidungen dem Würfel überlassen? |
Author/Editor: Michael Messerli
UN Use of Private Military and Security Companies: Practices and Policies |
Author/Editor: Åse Gilje Østensen
Un trébol de cuatro hojas. Las Juventudes Comunistas de Chile en el siglo XX |
Author/Editor: Loyola ,Manuel,Álvarez ,Rolando
Untotes Gedächtnis: Eine transatlantische Zombie-Geschichte |
Author/Editor: Gudrun Rath
Untold Stories of the Spanish Civil War |
Author/Editor: Raanan Rein,Susanne Zepp
Until the Storm Passes: Politicians, Democracy, and the Demise of Brazil’s Military Dictatorship |
Author/Editor: Bryan Pitts
Unthinking Mastery : Dehumanism and Decolonial Entanglements |
Author/Editor: Singh ,Juliette
Unthinking Mastery |
Unterwegs – Mobiles Leben in der Erdgas- und Erdölindustrie in Russlands Arktis |
Author/Editor: Saxinger ,Gertrud
Unterwegs ins Mittelalter: Zeitreisen in der deutschsprachigen Jugendliteratur des 21. Jahrhunderts |
Author/Editor: Sarah Böhlau
Unterwegs in eine Welt des Verstehens.Gehörlosenbildung in Hamburg vom 18. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart |
Author/Editor: Iris Groschek,Rainer Hering
Unterwegs in die Stadt der Zukunft: Urbane Gärten als Orte der Transformation |
Author/Editor: Andrea Baier,Christa Müller,Karin Werner
Unterwachen und Schlafen: Anthropophile Medien nach dem Interface |
Author/Editor: Michael Andreas,Dawid Kasprowicz,Stefan Rieger
Unter Verschluss: Eine Geschichte des Suizids in der DDR 1952–1990 |
Author/Editor: Ellen von den Driesch
Untersuchung zur Entwicklung von Sprache und Text bei M. M. Zoščenko: Dargestellt an Kurzgeschichten der 20er Jahre |
Author/Editor: Marlene Grau
Untersuchung und Optimierung eines Fischschutz- und Fischleitsystems für den Einsatz an Laufwasserkraftanlagen |
Author/Editor: Heidi Kammerlander
Untersuchung und Modellierung des Haltezeiteinflusses auf die zyklische Entfestigung ferritisch-martensitischer Stähle |
Author/Editor: Ulrich Führer
Untersuchung und Charakterisierung einer zweiflutigen asymmetrischen Radialturbine (Volume 88) |
Author/Editor: Nils Brinkert
Untersuchungen zur Wortbildung: Das Problem der Nominalisierung in der polnischen Gegenwartssprache |
Author/Editor: Alek Pohl
Untersuchungen zur Wirtschaftlichkeit von Building Information Modeling (BIM) in der Planungs- und Realisierungsphase von Bauprojekten |
Author/Editor: Maximilian Deubel
Untersuchungen zur Translation von Substantiven zu Adjektiven im Altrussischen |
Author/Editor: Walter Andreesen
Untersuchungen zur Theorie und Praxis der Typisierung bei I. A. Gončarov |
Author/Editor: Mechtild Russell
Untersuchungen zur Stratigraphie und Chronologie der suedslavischen Volksepik |
Author/Editor: Dagmar Burkhart
Untersuchungen zur Satzsemantik russischer Saetze mit freien Adverbialen: Am Beispiel von Lokal-, Temporal- u. Modaladverbialen |
Author/Editor: Hildegard Spraul
Untersuchungen zur poetischen Struktur der Lyrik von Sima Pandurović. "Posmrtne počasti" |
Author/Editor: Bärbel Schulte
Untersuchungen zur Phonologie und Prosodie einer kajkavischen Mundart (Gornja Stubica) |
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Jakoby
Untersuchungen zur Improvisation und Tradierung der Sevdalinka an Hand der sprachlichen Figuren |
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Eschker
Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung der Nominalkomposition im Russischen seit 1917 |
Author/Editor: Jochen Raecke
Untersuchungen zur Bildlichkeit im Prosawerk A. A. Bestužev-Marlinskijs |
Author/Editor: Mechtild Becker-Nekvedavicius
Untersuchungen zum Wortschatz der Freisinger Denkmaeler: Christliche Terminologie |
Author/Editor: Irene Wiehl
Untersuchungen zum Einsatz hochauflösender bathymetrischer LIDAR Daten in der2D-Abflusssimulation und Habitatmodellierung |
Author/Editor: Stefan Jocham
Untersuchungen zum Arbeitsfluss in getakteten Bauproduktionssystemen aus Perspektive von Generalunternehmern |
Author/Editor: Marco Binninger
Untersuchungen zum altrussischen Akzent: Anhand von Kirchengesangshandschriften |
Author/Editor: Margarete Ditterich
Untersuchungen der Raumsprache im lyrischen Werk A. A. Bloks |
Author/Editor: Holger Gemba
Untersuchung des Wärmeübergangs durch Einspritzkühlung für ein Höchstleistungsgetriebe (Volume 86) |
Author/Editor: Felix von Plehwe
Untersuchung der innermotorischen Einflussgrößen auf die Partikelemission eines Ottomotors mit Saugrohreinspritzung |
Author/Editor: Claudius Schück
Untersuchung der Augensicherheit durch Multi-Pulsbestrahlung für LiDAR-Anwendungen |
Author/Editor: Scarlett Lipp
Unterstützung datenbasierter Schulentwicklung: Eine multiperspektivische Governancestudie zu Koordinationsprozessen bei der Schulinspektion |
Author/Editor: Christina Luig
Unterstütztes Wohnen und Teilhabe |
Author/Editor: Friedrich Dieckmann,Theresia Heddergott,Antonia Thimm
Unterschiedliche geldpolitische Transmissionsmechanismen und Stabilitaetskulturen als moegliche Ursache geldpolitischer Spannungen in der Europaeischen Waehrungsunion |
Author/Editor: Torsten Gruber
Unterrichtszentrierte Schulentwicklung: Schulen auf dem Weg zu einer personalisierten Gestaltung von Lehr- und Lernprozessen |
Author/Editor: Marco Galle
Unterrichtsforschung und Unterrichtspraxis im Gespräch: Interkulturelle und interprofessionelle Perspektiven auf eine Unterrichtsstunde |
Author/Editor: Maria Hallitzky,Christine Kieres,Emi Kinoshita,Nariakira Yoshida
Unterrichten und Aneignen: Eine pädagogische Rekonstruktion von Unterricht |
Author/Editor: Marion Pollmanns
Unterrichten als Beruf: Akteure, Praxen und Ordnungen in der Schulbildung |
Author/Editor: Lina Franken
Unterricht als Bewertungsregime: Eine adressierungsanalytische Untersuchung von Bewertungspraktiken ohne Noten in der Sekundarstufe I |
Author/Editor: Svenja Strauß
Unternehmerfamilien: Über den Einfluss des Unternehmens auf Lebenslauf, Generationenbeziehungen und soziale Identität |
Author/Editor: Isabell Stamm
Unternehmensorganisationspflichten - Zivilrechtliche und �ffentlich-rechtliche Regelungskonzepte |
Author/Editor: Spindler, Gerald
Unternehmensorganisationspflichten - Zivilrechtliche und öffentlich-rechtliche Regelungskonzepte |
Author/Editor: Gerald Spindler
Unternehmensleitbilder im Vergleich: Sinn- und Bedeutungsrahmen deutschsprachiger Unternehmensleitbilder – Versuch einer empirischen (Re-)Konstruktion |
Author/Editor: Monika Knassmüller
Unter Kriegsrecht: Die schweizerische Militärjustiz 1914–1921 |
Author/Editor: Sebastian Steiner
Unter Hügeln: Bronzezeitliche Transformationsprozesse in Schleswig-Holstein am Beispiel des Fundplatzes von Mang de Bargen (Bornhöved, Kr. Segeberg) BAND 2 |
Author/Editor: Stefanie Schaefer-Di Maida
Unter Hügeln: Bronzezeitliche Transformationsprozesse in Schleswig-Holstein am Beispiel des Fundplatzes von Mang de Bargen (Bornhöved, Kr. Segeberg) BAND 1 |
Author/Editor: Stefanie Schaefer-Di Maida
Unter Gleichen: APARIUZ XXII |
Author/Editor: Ada Sofie Altobelli,Lukas Hussmann,Irina Lehner,Julia Meier,Christoph Mettler,Nebojsa Mijatovic,Rausch,Marisa Beier,Nicole Nickerson,Christoph Burckhard,Arezoo Sang Bastian,Carole Bruttin,Youlo Wujohktsang,Gian Ege,Tonia Graf,Anna Karczewski,Selma Kuratle
Unter Beobachtung | Under Surveillance: Vertriebenenverbände im Blick der sozialistischen Sicherheitsdienste | The Monitoring of Expellee Organizations by the Socialist Security Services |
Author/Editor: Stefan Lehr
Unteilbar und untrennbar? |
Author/Editor: Schmied-Kowarzik ,Anatol
Untamed Urbanisms |
Author/Editor: Adriana Allen,Andrea Lampis,Mark Swilling
Un système « de milice » sélectif: Le mythe de la représentativité politique au sein des villes suisses (1945-2016) |
Author/Editor: Roberto Di Capua
„Uns wurde die Würde genommen“: Gewalt in den Heimen der Evangelischen Brüdergemeinde Korntal in den 1950er bis 1980er Jahren |
Author/Editor: Brigitte Baums-Stammberger,Benno Hafeneger,Andre Morgenstern-Einenkel
Unsung Land, Aspiring Nation: Journeys in Bougainville |
Author/Editor: Gordon Peake
An Unspecific Dog: Artifacts of This Late Stage in History |
Author/Editor: Joshua Rothes
Un soffitto viola |
Author/Editor: Spinosi, Nicola
Un soffitto viola |
(Un-)Sichtbarkeiten: Beiträge zum XXXI. Forum Junge Romanistik in Rostock (5.–7. März 2015) |
Author/Editor: Beate Kern,Jennifer Roger,Stefan Serafin,Anna Charlotte Thode
Unsichtbares und Ungesagtes: 10 Female*Feminist*Gazes |
Author/Editor: Bernadette Kolonko
Unsicherheit als Herausforderung fuer die Wissenschaft: Reflexionen aus Natur-, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften |
Author/Editor: Nina Janich,Lisa Rhein
Unsicheres Mitleid: Eine Begriffssuche im Ausgang von Wittgenstein |
Author/Editor: Georg Siller
Unsettling Translation: Studies in Honour of Theo Hermans |
Author/Editor: Mona Baker
Unsettling Responsibility in Science Education: Indigenous Science, Deconstruction, and the Multicultural Science Education Debate |
Author/Editor: Marc Higgins
Un-settling Middle Eastern Refugees: Regimes of Exclusion and Inclusion in the Middle East, Europe, and North America (Volume 40) |
Author/Editor: Marcia C. Inhorn,Lucia Volk
Unsettled Urban Space: Routines, Temporalities and Contestations |
Author/Editor: Tihomir Viderman,Sabine Knierbein,Elina Kränzle,Sybille Frank,Nikolai Roskamm,Ed Wall
UN Security Council Referrals to the International Criminal Court: Legal Nature, Effects and Limits |
Author/Editor: Alexandre Skander Galand
Unschärfe in der Erziehungswissenschaft: Bilanzierung einer Wissensform |
Author/Editor: Martin Eugen Gallmann
Unruly Narrative: Private Property, Self-Making, and Toni Morrison’s ›A Mercy‹ |
Author/Editor: Samira Spatzek
The Unreal Estate Guide to Detroit |
Author/Editor: Andrew Herscher
Unraveling the Nagoya Protocol |
Author/Editor: Morgera ,E.,Tsioumani ,E.,Buck ,M.
Unraveling the Nagoya Protocol |
Un protagonismo recobrado: la Democracia Cristiana chilena y sus vínculos internacionales (1973-1990) |
Author/Editor: Olga Ulianova,Alessandro Santoni,Raffaele Nocera
Unprecedented?: How coronavirus exposed the politics of our economy |
Author/Editor: William Davies,Sahil Jai Dutta,Nick Taylor
Unpopular Culture |
Author/Editor: Martin Luthe,Sascha Pohlmann
Un ponte tra università e mondo del lavoro per l'inclusione e la vita indipendente |
Author/Editor: Marisa Pavone,Alberto ARENGHI,ELIO BORGONOVI,Fabio Ferrucci,Elisabetta Genovese,Alessandro Pepino
Un poetico sonnambulismo e una folle passione per la follia: La romantizzazione della medicina nell’opera di E.T.A. Hoffmann |
Author/Editor: Sieglinde Cora
Un planeta sobrepoblado y platos vacíos: La nueva geopolítica de la escasez de alimentos |
Author/Editor: Lester R. Brown
Un panno medievale dell’azienda pratese di Francesco Datini: Studio e ricostruzione sperimentale |
Author/Editor: Daniela Degl’Innocenti,Giampiero Nigro
Unpaid Work in Nursing Homes: Flexible Boundaries |
Author/Editor: Pat armstrong
Unpaid Work and the Economy |
Author/Editor: Antonella Picchio
Unpacking Creativity for Language Teaching |
Author/Editor: Tan Bee Tin
Uno stato d'animo |
Author/Editor: Bordone, Renato
Uno spazio narrativo immersivo: La XIII Triennale di Milano, 1964 |
Author/Editor: Alessandro Bosco
Uno sguardo sulla scuola: Il Seminario "I dati INVALSI: uno strumento per la ricerca" |
Author/Editor: Patrizia Falzetti
Uno più uno può fare tre, se il partito lo vuole!: La Repubblica Democratica Tedesca tra Mosca e Bonn, 1971-1985 |
Author/Editor: Valentina Zamperini
The Unnaming of Aliass |
Author/Editor: Karin Bolender
Un mouvement contre le jeu d’argent. D’un loisir controversé à un problème public (Vancouver 1994-2004) |
Author/Editor: Dubuis ,Claudia
Un mouvement contre le jeu d’argent. D’un loisir controversé à un problème public (Vancouver 1994-2004) |
Un monastero sul mare: Ricerche archeologiche a San Quirico di Populonia (Piombino, LI)/ A Monastery by the Sea : Archaeological Research at San Quirico di Populonia (Piombino, LI) |
Author/Editor: Giovanna Bianchi,Giovanna Bianchi,Riccardo Belcari,Hermann Salvadori,Laura Pagliantini,Cristina Cicali,Sauro Gelichi,Sauro Gelichi,Maria Cristina Rossi,Chiara Martinozzi,Francesco Venturini,Corinna Bagato,Elisabetta Ponta,Giuseppe Fichera,Luisa Dallai
Unmoeglichkeit der Erkenntnistheorie: Leonard Nelsons Kritik an der Erkenntnistheorie unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung des Neukantianismus |
Author/Editor: Tomasz Kubalica
The Unmaking of Home in Contemporary Art |
The Unmaking of Home in Contemporary Art |
Author/Editor: Lauzon ,Claudette
The Unmaking of Arab Socialism |
Author/Editor: Kadri ,Ali
Un éloge de Camaldoli pour Pierre le Goutteux: La Heremi descriptio de Ludovicus Camaldulensis monacus |
Author/Editor: Cécile Caby
Unlocking Sustainable Private Sector Growth in the Middle East and North Africa |
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Unlocking Private Investment in Sustainable Infrastructure in Asia |
Author/Editor: Bhajan Grewal,Nella Hendriyetty,Iskandar Abdullaev,Chul Ju Kim,Naoyuki Yoshino,Eisa Khan Ayoob Ayoobi
Unlocking markets to smallholders: Lessons from South Africa |
Unlocking markets to smallholders: Lessons from South Africa |
Author/Editor: Schalkwyk ,Herman D. van,Fraser ,Gavin,Obi ,Ajuruchukwu,Tilburg ,Aad van
Unlocking Luhmann; Luhmann in Glossario. I concetti fondamentali della teoria: A Keyword Introduction to Systems Theory |
Author/Editor: Claudio Baraldi,Giancarlo Corsi,Elena Esposito
Unlocking Environmental Narratives: Towards Understanding Human Environment Interactions through Computational Text Analysis |
Author/Editor: Ross Purves,Olga Koblet,Benjamin Adams
Unless As Stone Is |
Author/Editor: Sam Lohmann
Unknown God, Known in His Activities: Incomprehensibility of God during the Trinitarian Controversy of the 4th Century |
Author/Editor: Tomasz Stępień,Karolina Kochańczyk-Bonińska
Unjust Conditions |
Author/Editor: Tara Patricia Cookson
Uni von innen: Einblicke in eine unbekannte Welt |
Author/Editor: Hans Michael Piper
The University Revolution: Outline of a Processual Theory of Modern Higher Education |
Author/Editor: Eric Lybeck
The University in Africa and Democratic Citizenship |
Author/Editor: Thierry M. Luescher-Mamashela
University Engagement with Farming Communities in Africa: Community Action Research Platforms |
Author/Editor: Anthony Egeru,Megan Lindow,Kay Muir Leresche
University Collegiality and the Erosion of Faculty Authority |
Author/Editor: Kerstin Sahlin,Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist
University Autonomy Decline: Causes, Responses, and Implications for Academic Freedom |
Author/Editor: Kirsten Roberts Lyer,Ilyas Saliba,Janika Spannagel
University and School Collaborations during a Pandemic: Sustaining Educational Opportunity and Reinventing Education |
Author/Editor: Fernando M. Reimers,Francisco J. Marmolejo
Universität und Studium im Postfordismus: Subjekttheoretische Perspektiven und bildungsbiografische Analysen |
Author/Editor: Eik Gädeke
Universität und militärische Sicherheit: Über den Streit um die drohende Einrichtung eines militärischen Sicherheitsbereichs an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität |
Author/Editor: Thomas Jung,Olaf Sanders
Universitätsmuseen und -sammlungen im Hochschulalltag – Aufgaben, Konzepte, Perspektiven ; Beiträge zum Symposium vom 18.–20. Februar 2010 an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (ums2010) |
Author/Editor: Weber ,Cornelia,Mauersberger ,Klaus
Universitätskarrieren und soziale Klasse: Soziale Aufstiegs- und Reproduktionsmechanismen in der Rechts- und Erziehungswissenschaft |
Author/Editor: Frerk Blome
Universität in der Pandemie / L'Université en temps de pandémie |
Author/Editor: Daniel Kazmaier,Florian Weber
Universitäten und Hochschulen zwischen Beharrung und Reform: Bildungshistorische Perspektiven |
Author/Editor: Edith Glaser,Carola Groppe,Jürgen Overhoff
Universitäre Industriekooperation, Informationszugang und Freiheit der Wissenschaft: Eine Fallstudie |
Author/Editor: Klaus Ferdinand Gärditz
Universities, Stakeholders and Social Mission: Building Cooperation Through Action Research |
Author/Editor: Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska,Piotr Jedynak,Sylwia Wrona,Anna Pluszyńska
Universities in Transition: Foregrounding Social Contexts of Knowledge in the First Year Experience |
Author/Editor: Brook ,Heather,Fergie ,Deane,Maeorg ,Michael,Michell ,Dee
Universities, Innovation and the Economy |
Author/Editor: Helen Lawton-Smith
Universities in Imperial Austria 1848–1918: A Social History of a Multilingual Space |
Author/Editor: Jan Surman
Universities and Regional Engagement: From the Exceptional to the Everyday |
Author/Editor: Tatiana Iakovleva,Elisa Thomas,Laila Nordstrand Berg,Rómulo Pinheiro,Paul Benneworth
Universities and Economic Development in Africa: Pact, academic core and coordination |
Author/Editor: Nico Cloete,Tracy Bailey,Peter Maassen
Università e territorio: il decentramento dell'Ateneo nella Provincia di Firenze: Atti del convegno di studi Firenze, 23 gennaio 2004 |
Author/Editor: Sandro Rogari
Universiteit Utrecht en koloniale kennis: Bestuderen, bemeten en beleren sinds 1636 |
Author/Editor: Henk van Rinsum
Universiteit Stellenbosch en die onverkwiklike taalstryd (2003-2017): Vanaf “taaltameletjie” tot volskaalse “taaloorlog” |
Author/Editor: Johan C. Moll
The Universe, Life and Everything...Dialogues on our Changing Understanding of Reality |
Author/Editor: Durston ,Sarah,Baggerman ,Ton
The Universe behind Barbed Wire: Memoirs of a Ukrainian Soviet Dissident |
Author/Editor: Myroslav Marynovych,Katherine Younger
Universe and Inner Self in Early Indian and Early Greek Thought |
Universe and Inner Self in Early Indian and Early Greek Thought |
Universal Smart Grid Agent for Distributed Power Generation Management |
Author/Editor: Eric MSP Veith
Universal Singular: Public Space Design of the Early 21st Century |
Author/Editor: Sonia Curnier
Universality after Universalism: On Francophone Literatures of the Present |
Author/Editor: Markus Messling
Universalistisches Ideal und koloniale Kontinuitäten: Die »harkis« in der Fünften Französischen Republik |
Author/Editor: Anna Laiß
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the 21st Century |
The Universal Art of Samuel van Hoogstraten (1627-1678) |
Universal Śaivism: The Appeasement of All Gods and Powers in the Śāntyadhyāya of the Śivadharmaśāstra |
Author/Editor: Peter Bisschop
The unity of the capitalist economy and state: A systematic-dialectical exposition of the capitalist system |
Author/Editor: Geert Reuten
Unity of Science |
Author/Editor: Tuomas E. Tahko
The Unity of Plutarch's Work: 'Moralia' Themes in the 'Lives', Features of the 'Lives' in the 'Moralia' |
Author/Editor: Anastasios Nikolaidis
Unity and Language: A Study in the Philosophy of Johann Georg Hamann |
Author/Editor: James C. O'Flaherty
Unity and diversity in grammaticalization scenarios |
Unity and diversity in grammaticalization scenarios |
Unit Operations of Particulate Solids: Theory and Practice |
Author/Editor: Enrique Ortega-Rivas,Allison Shatkin
Unite, Proletarian Brothers!: Radicalism and Revolution in the Spanish Second Republic |
Author/Editor: Matthew Kerry
The United States in the Indo-Pacific: Obama’s Legacy and the Trump Transition |
Author/Editor: Oliver Turner,Inderjeet Parmar
The United States Congress |
Author/Editor: English ,Ross
The United States And South Asia From The Age Of Empire To Decolonization: A History of Entanglements |
Author/Editor: Harald Fischer-Tiné,Nico Slate
A United Nations Renaissance: What the UN is, and what it could be |
Author/Editor: John E. Trent,Laura Schnurr
United Nations Peace Operations in a Changing Global Order |
Author/Editor: Cedric de Coning,Mateja Peter
The United Nations, intra-state peacekeeping and normative change |
Author/Editor: Aksu ,Esref
United in Diversity: Contemporary European Jewry in an Interdisciplinary Perspective |
Author/Editor: Marcela Menachem Zoufalá,Olaf Glöckner
Unionsrechtliche Probleme der Überlassungspflicht für sortenrein erfasste Haushaltsabfälle zur Verwertung - Eine Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der EU-Regelungen für Daseinsvorsorgeleistungen |
Author/Editor: Christian Suhl
Union Catalogs at the Crossroad |
Author/Editor: Andrew Lass,Richard E. Quandt
Unintended Lessons of Revolution: Student Teachers and Political Radicalism in Twentieth-Century Mexico |
Author/Editor: Tanalis Padilla
Unintended Consequences: The impact of migration law and policy |
Uninformative Information: Informationsübertragung als irreführende Leitmetapher der Informationsgesellschaft |
Author/Editor: Jakob Krebs
Un incontro lusofono plurale di lingue, letterature, storie, culture |
Author/Editor: Michela Graziani
Un impérialisme électrique: Un siècle de relations économiques helvetico-argentines (1890-1979) |
Author/Editor: Lucas Isabelle
Un’illusione di femminile semplicità: Gli "Annali" delle Orsoline di Bellinzona (1730-1848) |
Author/Editor: Miriam Nicoli,Franca Cleis
Unilateral Sanctions in International Law and the Enforcement of Human Rights: The Impact of the Principle of Common Concern of Humankind |
Author/Editor: Iryna Bogdanova
Unifying Physics of Accelerators, Lasers and Plasma |
Author/Editor: Andrei Seryi
The Unicode cookbook for linguists: Managing writing systems using orthography profiles |
Author/Editor: Steven Moran,Michael Cysouw
Unibook: Per un database sull'Università |
Author/Editor: Paolo Rossi,Mario Morcellini,Elena Valentini
UN Human Rights Institutions and the Environment: Synergies, Challenges, Trajectories |
Author/Editor: Sumudu Atapattu
Unhinging the National Framework: Perspectives on Transnational Life Writing |
Author/Editor: Babs Boter,Marleen Rensen,Giles Scott-Smith
Unheimliche Inskriptionen: Eine Studie zu Körperbildern im postklassischen Horrorfilm |
Author/Editor: Catherine Shelton
Unheil durch Dämonen? |
Author/Editor: Fartacek ,Gebhard
Unhealthy Housing |
Author/Editor: R. Burridge,D. Ormandy
The UNHCR and the Afghan Crisis: The Making of the International Refugee Regime |
Author/Editor: Giulia Scalettaris
Ung Uro: Unsettling Climates in Nordic Art, Architecture and Design |
Author/Editor: Ingrid Halland
Ung medvirkning: Kreativitet og konflikt i planlegging |
Author/Editor: Aina Landsverk Hagen,Bengt Andersen
Ungleichheitsrelevanz im Bildungs- und Betreuungsalltag: Eine qualitative Mehrebenenanalyse |
Author/Editor: Sylvia Nienhaus
Ungleiche ländliche Räume: Widersprüche, Konzepte und Perspektiven |
Author/Editor: Bernd Belina,Andreas Kallert,Michael Mießner,Matthias Naumann
Ungleiche Geschlechtergleichheit: Geschlechterpolitik und Theorien des Humankapitals |
Author/Editor: Rita Casale,Edgar Forster
Ungleiche Entwicklung in Zentraleuropa |
Author/Editor: Kaps ,Klemens
Unglaubliche Bergwunder: Johann Jakob Scheuchzer und Graubünden. Ausgewählte Briefe, 1699-1707 |
Author/Editor: Simona Boscani Leoni
Ungheria 1945-2002. La dimensione letteraria |
Author/Editor: Beatrice Tottossy
Ungewissheit und Objektivität |
Author/Editor: Thomas Gil
Ungestört bei der Sache?: Eine Befragung von Lehrkräften an Grund- und Förderschulen zur Sachunterrichtspraxis unter Bedingungen des Förderschwerpunktes emotionale und soziale Entwicklung |
Author/Editor: René Schroeder
(Un-)Gerechtigkeit!?: Beteiligung des Christentums an einer (un)gerechten Welt |
Author/Editor: Alexander Schmitt,Lena Janneck,Stefan Huber,Sophia Bertold
Ungdommen |
Author/Editor: Guro Ødegård,Willy Pedersen
Un foyer intellectuel et artistique dans le Jura bernois au début du 19e siècle Charles-Ferdinand Morel et Isabelle Morel-de Gélieu |
Author/Editor: Claude Hauser,Sylviane Messerli,Laurent Tissot
Un fiume per il territorio: Indirizzi progettuali per il parco fluviale del Valdarno empolese |
Author/Editor: Alberto Magnaghi,Sara Giacomozzi
Unfinished Revolution: Haiti, Black Sovereignty and Power in the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic World |
Author/Editor: Karen Salt
Unfinished Histories: Empire and Postcolonial Resonance in Central Africa and Belgium |
Author/Editor: Pierre-Philippe Fraiture
The Unfinished European Integration |
Author/Editor: WRR
Unfinished Business: Quentin Tarantinos »Kill Bill« und die offenen Rechnungen der Kulturwissenschaften |
Author/Editor: Achim Geisenhanslüke,Christian Steltz
The Unfinished Art of Theater: Avant-Garde Intellectuals in Mexico and Brazil |
Author/Editor: Sarah Townsend
Unfelt: The Language of Affect in the British Enlightenment |
Author/Editor: James Noggle
Un fantasma recorre el campo: Comunismo y politización campesina en Chile (1935-1948) |
Author/Editor: Nicolás Acevedo Arriaza
Unexpected Subjects: Intimate Partner Violence, Testimony, and the Law |
Author/Editor: Alessandra Gribaldo
Uneven Encounters: Making Race and Nation in Brazil and the United States |
Author/Editor: Micol Seigel
Uneven Connections: A Partial History of the Mobile Phone in Papua New Guinea |
Author/Editor: Robert. J Foster
Une troisième voie entre l'État et le marché |
Author/Editor: Martine Antona,François Bousquet
Unerhörte Jugendliche: Artikulationen von Klasse und Geschlecht in der stationären Jugendhilfe |
Author/Editor: Nadine Sarfert
Unerfüllte Kinderwünsche und Reproduktionsmedizin: Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Analyse von Paaren in Kinderwunschbehandlung |
Author/Editor: Jasmin Passet-Wittig
Une recherche responsable: L'intégrité scientifique |
Author/Editor: Marianne Alunno-Bruscia,Christian Duquennoi,PHILIPPE GOULLETQUER,Estelle Jaligot,Antoine Kremer,Francoise Simon-Plas
The Unequal Pandemic: COVID- 19 and Health Inequalities |
Author/Editor: Clare Bambra,Julia Lynch,Katherine E. Smith
Unequal Lives: Gender, Race and Class in the Western Pacific |
Author/Editor: Kalissa Alexeyeff,Nicholas A. Bainton,John Cox,Debra McDougall
Unequal Friendship: The Patron-Client Relationship in Historical Perspective |
Author/Editor: Antoni Mączak
Unequal Family Lives: Causes and Consequences in Europe and the Americas |
Author/Editor: Naomi Cahn,June Carbone,Laurie F DeRose,W. Bradford Wilcox
Une petite histoire de l'alimentation française |
Author/Editor: Véronique Bellemain,Karine Boquet,Théo Galichet,Katell Gouello,Ambroise Martin,Daniel Nairaud,Jean-Pierre Poulain
Une innovation pédagogique: Le cas de l’enseignement mutuel au XIXe siècle |
Author/Editor: Sylviane Tinembart,Edward Pahud
Une fois ne compte pas (Vol. 56):Nihilisme et sens dans L’insoutenable légèreté de l’être |
Author/Editor: Jørn Boisen
Une fois ne compte pas (Vol. 56):Nihilisme et sens dans L’insoutenable légèreté de l’être |
Une Europe des élites: réflexions sur la fracture démocratique de l'Union européenne |
Author/Editor: Paul Magnette,George Ross,Olivier Costa
Une doxographie sunnite du IVe/Xe siècle: ›Kitāb al-maqālāt‹ d'Abū al-ʿAbbās al-Qalānisī |
Author/Editor: Ziad Bou Akl
Une écologie de l'alimentation |
Author/Editor: Nicolas Bricas,Damien Conaré,Marie Walser
Une clôture hermétique?: Isolement régulier et intérêts séculiers au monastère Saint-Pierre de Lobbes, VIIe–XIVe siècle |
Author/Editor: Jérôme Verdoot
Une cinquième Suisse au bord de la mer Noire - Nouvelle histoire documentée de la colonie suisse de Chabag (1822-1944) |
Author/Editor: Elena Simonato
An Uneasy Relationship |
Unearthing Shakespeare: Embodied Performance and the Globe |
Author/Editor: Valerie Pye
Unearthing Gender : Folksongs of North India |
Author/Editor: Jassal ,Smita Tewari
Unearthing Gender |
Une agronomie pour le XXIe siècle |
Author/Editor: Guy Richard,Pierre Stengel,Gilles Lemaire,Pierre Cellier,Egizio Valceschini
Une abbaye dans le siècle: Missions et ambitions de Saint-Maurice (1870-1970) |
Author/Editor: Stéphanie Roulin
Un droit pour les forêts: D’une approche universelle à des droits localisés |
Author/Editor: Katia Blairon
Un double compromis. Enjeux et débats relatifs à l’enseignement universitaire en Belgique au XIXe siècle |
Author/Editor: Dhondt ,Pieter
Un double compromis. Enjeux et débats relatifs à l’enseignement universitaire en Belgique au XIXe siècle |
Undokumentierte Migration in Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten - interne Migrationskontrollen und die Handlungsspielräume von Sans Papiers |
Author/Editor: Stobbe, Holk
Un/doing Race: Rassifizierung in der Schweiz |
Author/Editor: Jovita dos Santos Pinto,Pamela Ohene-Nyako,Mélanie-Evely Pétrémont,Anne Lavanchy,Barbara Lüthi,Patricia Purtschert,Damir Skenderovic
Un/doing Race: Racialisation en Suisse |
Author/Editor: Jovita dos Santos Pinto,Pamela Ohene-Nyako,Mélanie-Evely Pétrémont,Anne Lavanchy,Barbara Lüthi,Patricia Purtschert,Damir Skenderovic
Undoing Networks |
Author/Editor: Tero Karppi,Urs Stäheli,Clara Wieghorst,Lea P. Zierott
Undoing Homogeneity in the Nordic Region: Migration, Difference and the Politics of Solidarity |
Author/Editor: Suvi Keskinen,Unnur Dís Skaptadóttir,Mari Toivanen
(Un)doing Gender empirisch: Qualitative Forschung in der Kita |
Author/Editor: Julia C. Nentwich,Franziska Vogt
Un/doing Ethnicity im öffentlichen Dienst: Ethnografien zum ethnischen Differenzieren am Beispiel von Jugendamt und Polizei |
Author/Editor: Esteban Piñeiro,Martina Koch,Nathalie Pasche
Undocumented Saints: The Politics of Migrating Devotions |
Author/Editor: William A. Calvo-Quiros
Undocumented Migrants and their Everyday Lives: The Case of Finland |
Author/Editor: Jussi S. Jauhiainen,Miriam Tedeschi
Undocumented Migrants and Healthcare: Eight Stories from Switzerland |
Author/Editor: Marianne Jossen
Undisciplined: Science, Ethnography, and Personhood in the Americas, 1830-1940 |
Author/Editor: Nihad Farooq
Under the Shadow of the Rising Sun: Japan and the Jews during the Holocaust Era |
Author/Editor: Meron Medzini
Under the Radar: Tracking Western Radio Listeners in the Soviet Union |
Author/Editor: R. Eugene Parta
Understanding Willing Participants, Volume 2: Milgram’s Obedience Experiments and the Holocaust |
Author/Editor: Nestar Russell
Understanding Well-being Data: Improving Social and Cultural Policy, Practice and Research |
Author/Editor: Susan Oman
Understanding Values Work: Institutional Perspectives in Organizations and Leadership |
Author/Editor: Harald Askeland,Gry Espedal,Beate Jelstad Løvaas,Stephen Sirris
Understanding the value of and reasoning behind farmer adoption of carbon centric practices |
Author/Editor: Michelle M. Wander,Carmen M. Ugarte
Understanding the Rights of Nature: A Critical Introduction |
Author/Editor: Mihnea Tanasescu
Understanding the Global Energy Crisis |
Author/Editor: Eugene D. Coyle,Richard A. Simmons
Understanding the Global Energy Crisis |
Understanding the Global Energy Crisis |
Author/Editor: Coyle D. ,Eugene,Simmons A. ,Richard
Understanding the Generality of Mathematical Statements: An Experimental Study at the Transition from School to University |
Author/Editor: Milena Damrau
Understanding The Everyday Digital Lives of Children and Young People |
Author/Editor: Halla Holmarsdottir,Idunn Seland,Christer Hyggen,Maria Roth
Understanding the Creeping Crisis |
Author/Editor: Arjen Boin,Magnus Ekengren,Mark Rhinard
Understanding the Bigger Energy Picture: DESERTEC and Beyond |
Author/Editor: Michael Düren
Understanding Statistics and Experimental Design: How to Not Lie with Statistics |
Author/Editor: Michael H. Herzog,Gregory Francis,Aaron Clarke
Understanding Society and Natural Resources: Forging New Strands of Integration Across the Social Sciences |
Author/Editor: Manfredo J. ,Michael,Vaske; J. ,Jerry,Rechkemmer ,Andreas,Duke A. ,Esther
Understanding Sharia Processes: Women's Experiences of Family Disputes |
Author/Editor: Farrah Ahmed,Ghena Krayem
Understanding Risks and Uncertainties in Energy and Climate Policy: Multidisciplinary Methods and Tools for a Low Carbon Society |
Author/Editor: Haris Doukas,Alexandros Flamos,Jenny Lieu
Understanding Relations Between Scripts II: Early Alphabets |
Author/Editor: Philip J. Boyes,Philippa Steele
Understanding Public Debates: What Literary Studies Can Do |
Author/Editor: Jens Martin Gurr
Understanding Processes of Ethnic Concentration and Dispersal |
Author/Editor: McGarrigle ,Jennifer Leigh
Understanding political ideas and movements |
Author/Editor: Harrison ,Kevin,Boyd ,Tony
Understanding plant-pathogen interactions in Septoria tritici blotch infection of cereals |
Author/Editor: Y. Petit-Houdenot,Marc-Henri Lebrun,G. Scalliet
Understanding Perspectivism: Scientific Challenges and Methodological Prospects |
Author/Editor: Michela Massimi,Casey D. McCoy
Understanding Oceania: Celebrating the University of the South Pacific and its collaboration with The Australian National University |
Author/Editor: Stewart Firth,Vijay Naidu
Understanding Linguistic Fieldwork |
Author/Editor: Felicity Meakins,Jennifer Green,Myfany Turpin
Understanding Japanese Savings |
Author/Editor: Robert Dekle
Understanding Immigration: Issues and Challenges in an Era of Mass Population Movement |
Author/Editor: Marilyn Hoskin
Understanding History : An Introduction to Analytical Philosophy of History |
Author/Editor: Gorman ,Jonathan
Understanding History |
Understanding Higher Education: Alternative Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Chrissie Boughey,Sioux McKenna
Understanding Globalization, Global Gaps, and Power Shifts in the 21st Century: CCG Global Dialogues |
Author/Editor: Huiyao Wang,Lu Miao
Understanding Energy Innovation: Learning from Smart Grid Experiments |
Author/Editor: Heather Lovell
Understanding Education for the Visually Impaired |
Author/Editor: Ronél Ferreira,Ronél Ferreira,Maximus Monaheng Sefotho,Maximus Monaheng Sefotho,Juan Bornman,Karien Botha,Boitumelo Molegogeng Diale,Judite Ferreira-Prevost
Understanding Drugs Markets: An Analysis of Medicines, Regulations and Pharmaceutical Systems in the Global South |
Author/Editor: Carine Baxerres,Maurice Cassier
Understanding Disability Throughout History: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Iceland from Settlement to 1936 |
Author/Editor: Hanna Björg Sigurjónsdóttir,James G. Rice
Understanding Cultural Non-Participation in an Egalitarian Context |
Author/Editor: Riie Heikkilä
Understanding Contemporary Islamic Crises in the Middle East. The Issues beneath the Surface |
Author/Editor: Fuller E. ,Graham
Understanding China’s School Leadership: Interpreting the Terminology |
Author/Editor: Daming Feng
Understanding China’s Belt and Road Initiative |
Author/Editor: Hong Yu
Understanding Chefchaouen: Traditional knowledge for a sustainable habitat |
Author/Editor: Letizia Dipasquale
Understanding British and European political issues |
Author/Editor: McNaughton ,Neil
Understanding Body Movement: A Guide to Empirical Research on Nonverbal Behaviour - With an Introduction to the NEUROGES Coding System |
Author/Editor: Hedda Lausberg
Understanding Atrocities: Remembering, Representing and Teaching Genocide |
Author/Editor: Scott W. Murray
Understanding and mitigating cyberfraud in Africa |
Author/Editor: Oluwatoyin E Akinbowale,Mariann P Mashigo,Prof. Mulatu Zerihun
Understanding Al Qaeda: Changing War and Global Politics |
Author/Editor: Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou
Understanding Acoustics: An Experimentalist’s View of Sound and Vibration |
Author/Editor: Steven L. Garrett
Understanding Accountability in Democratic Governance |
Author/Editor: Yannis Papadopoulos
Undercover Reporting |
Author/Editor: Kroeger ,Brooke
Under Construction: Performing Critical Identity |
Author/Editor: Marie-Anne Kohl
Under beredskap och krig: Nation, kön, främlingskap och våld hos svenska kvinnliga 1940-talsförfattare |
Author/Editor: Kristin Järvstad
Uncovering Pacific Pasts: Histories of Archaeology in Oceania |
Author/Editor: Hilary Howes,Tristen Jones,Matthew Spriggs
Unconventional Sisterhood: Feminist Catholic Nuns in the Philippines |
Author/Editor: Heather Claussen
Unchopping a Tree: Reconciliation in the Aftermath of Political Violence |
Author/Editor: Ernesto Verdeja
Uncertain Values: An Axiomatic Approach to Axiological Uncertainty |
Author/Editor: Stefan Riedener
Uncertainty, Threat, and International Security: Implications for Southeast Asia |
Author/Editor: Ivan Savic,Zachary C. Shirkey
Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering (ICUME 2021), June 7–8, 2021 |
Author/Editor: Peter F. Pelz,Peter Groche
Uncertainty in Global Politics |
Author/Editor: Miriam Matejova,Anastasia Shesterinina
Uncertainty in Engineering: Introduction to Methods and Applications |
Author/Editor: Louis J. M. Aslett,Frank P. A. Coolen,Jasper De Bock
Uncertainty in deliberate lexical interventions: Exploring Esperanto speakers’ opinions through corpora |
Author/Editor: Mélanie Maradan
Uncertain Safety |
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid
Un/Certain Futures: Rollen des Designs in gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen |
Author/Editor: Marius Förster,Saskia Hebert,Mona Hofmann,Wolfgang Jonas
An Uncertain Future - Anticipating Oil in Uganda |
Author/Editor: Annika Witte
Uncertain Bioethics: Moral Risk and Human Dignity |
Author/Editor: Stephen Napier
Un carteggio di Margherita Guidacci. Lettere a Tiziano Minarelli |
Author/Editor: Carolina Gepponi
Un carteggio di fine secolo |
Un carteggio di fine secolo |
Author/Editor: Lazzeri, Claudia
The Uncanny Child in Transnational Cinema: Ghosts of Futurity at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century |
Author/Editor: Jessica Balanzategui
Un cammino a ostacoli: Neocatecumenali e Chiesa di Roma |
Author/Editor: Francesca CAMPIGLI
Unbuttoning America: A Biography of "Peyton Place" |
Author/Editor: Ardis Cameron
Unburied Bodies: Subversive Corpses and the Authority of the Dead |
Author/Editor: James R. Martel
Unbridling the Tongues of Women: a biography of Catherine Helen Spence |
Author/Editor: Magarey ,Susan
Unbound Queer Time in Literature, Cinema, and Video Games |
Author/Editor: Juan Francisco Belmonte Ávila,Estíbaliz Encarnación-Pinedo
Un bisogno di complementarità: Il carteggio Cassola-Fortini |
Author/Editor: Giada Perciballi
unBinding Bodies - Zur Geschichte des Füßebindens in China |
Author/Editor: Jasmin Mersmann,Evke Rulffes
Un-Bestimmungen: Zur Konstruktion »unbegleiteter minderjähriger Flüchtlinge« in der stationären Kinder- und Jugendhilfe |
Author/Editor: Raimund Harloff
Unbestimmtheitssignaturen der Technik: Eine neue Deutung der technisierten Welt |
Author/Editor: Gerhard Gamm,Andreas Hetzel
Unbehaglich Queer: Das ernste Spiel mit der Anerkennung |
Author/Editor: Martin J. Gössl
Unbehagen im modernen Staat: Über die Grundlagen staatlicher Gewalt |
Author/Editor: Maximilian Lakitsch
Unbegleitete minderjährige Geflüchtete: Ihre Lebenssituationen und Perspektiven in Deutschland |
Author/Editor: Stefan Thomas,Madeleine Sauer,Ingmar Zalewski
Unbecoming Language: Anti-Identitarian French Feminist Fictions |
Author/Editor: Annabel Kim
Unbecoming Cinema : Unsettling Encounters With Ethical Event Films |
Author/Editor: Fleming ,David H.
Unbecoming Cinema |
Una voce parigina nel Futurismo russo: la poesia di Ivan Aksenov |
Author/Editor: Alessandro Farsetti
Unauthorized Access: The Crisis in Online Privacy and Security |
Author/Editor: Robert H. Sloan,Richard Warner
Unauthorized Access: The Crisis in Online Privacy and Security |
Author/Editor: Robert Sloan,Richard Warner
Una storia, un archivio: Idalberto Targioni nell’Italia tra Ottocento e Novecento |
Author/Editor: Roberto Bianchi
Una scuola inclusiva: Azioni per contrastare i rischi di dispersione di alunne e alunni di origine straniera |
Author/Editor: Giovanna Filosa,Emanuela Gamberoni
Una professione plurale: Il caso dell’avvocatura fiorentina |
Author/Editor: Franca Alacevich,Andrea Bellini,ANNALISA TONARELLI
Un anno di Leggere: Forte! in Toscana: L'esperienza di una ricerca-azione |
Author/Editor: Federico Batini
Una muchedumbre o nada: Coordenadas temáticas en la obra poética de Josefina Plá |
The Un-Americans: Jews, the Blacklist, and Stoolpigeon Culture |
Author/Editor: Joseph Litvak
Una investigación educativa y transformadora para el medio ambiente: Desarrollo de capacidades en Guatemala y Nicaragua. Con aportaciones de Maurizio Leonelli y Rodolfo Glenton |
Author/Editor: Giovanna Del Gobbo,GLENDA GALEOTTI
Una historia comparada del cine latinoamericano |
Author/Editor: Paul A. Schroeder Rodríguez,Juana de Suárez
Una generazione che cambia: Civismo, solidarietà e nuove incertezze dei giovani della provincia di Firenze |
Una comunità rurale toscana di antico regime |
Una comunità rurale toscana di antico regime |
Author/Editor: Bicchierai, Marco
Una biblioteca in divenire. La biblioteca della Facoltà di Lettere dalla penna all'elaboratore |
Una biblioteca in divenire. La biblioteca della Facoltà di Lettere dalla penna all'elaboratore |
Author/Editor: Urso, Tommaso
(u)Mzantsi Classics: Dialogues in Decolonisation from Southern Africa |
Author/Editor: Samantha Masters,Imkhitha Nzungu,Grant Parker
Umweltverträglichkeit und Menschenzuträglichkeit |
Author/Editor: Lenk ,Hans
Umwelt und Technik in den Europaeischen Gemeinschaften: Teil 1: Die grenzueberschreitende Entsorgung von Abfaellen |
Author/Editor: Bert Rürup,Uwe H. Schneider
Umwelt- und Bioressourcenmanagement für eine nachhaltige Zukunftsgestaltung |
Author/Editor: Erwin Schmid,Tobias Pröll
Umweltressourcen als Gegenstand internationaler Verhandlungen: Eine theoretische Transaktionskostenanalyse |
Umweltorientierte Beschaeftigungsprogramme. Eine Effizienzanalyse am Beispiel des «Sondervermoegens Arbeit und Umwelt» |
Author/Editor: Andreas Burger
Umweltgeschichte und Umweltzukunft - Zur gesellschaftlichen Relevanz einer jungen Disziplin Graduiertenkolleg 1024 Interdisziplinäre Umweltgeschichte |
Author/Editor: Masius, Patrick,Sparenberg, Ole,Sprenger, Jana
Umweltgerechtigkeit und sozialökologische Transformation: Konflikte um Nachhaltigkeit im deutschsprachigen Raum |
Author/Editor: Silja Klepp,Jonas Hein
Umweltbewußtes Kaufverhalten von Konsumenten: Ein Beitrag zur Operationalisierung, Erklaerung und Typologie des Verhaltens in der Kaufsituation |
Author/Editor: Kerstin Christiane Monhemius
Umweltallokation im Raum |
Author/Editor: Horst Siebert
Umwege zum eigenen Kind - Ethische und rechtliche Herausforderungen an die Reproduktionsmedizin 30 Jahre nach Louise Brown |
Author/Editor: Bockenheimer-Lucius, Gisela,Thorn, Petra,Wendehorst, Christiane
Umverteilungseffekte in Europa: Eine Analyse fuer ausgewaehlte Laender |
Author/Editor: Katja Hölsch
Umstrittene Vergangenheit: Historische Argumente in der Auseinandersetzung Augustins mit den Donatisten |
Author/Editor: Arne Hogrefe
Umstrittene Solidarität: Spannungsfelder und Praktiken eines Kampfbegriffs |
Author/Editor: Ralf Mayer,Alfred Schäfer,Maren Schüll
Umstrittene Sammlungen - Vom Umgang mit kolonialem Erbe aus Kamerun in ethnologischen Museen Die Fälle Tange/Schiffschnabel und Ngonnso‘/Schalenträgerfigur in Deutschland und Kamerun |
Author/Editor: Anne Splettstößer
Umstrittene Regierungsführung in Afghanistan: Kulturelle und politische Ordnungsvorstellungen der afghanischen Eliten |
Author/Editor: Frangis Dadfar Spanta
Umstrittene Körperteile : Eine Geschichte der Organspende in der Schweiz |
Author/Editor: Hofmann ,Simon
Umstrittene Körperteile |
Umsetzung des datenschutzrechtlichen Auskunftsanspruchs auf Grundlage von Usage-Control und Data-Provenance-Technologien |
Author/Editor: Philipp Christoph Sebastian Bier
Umrisse einer Dritten Kultur im interdisziplinären Zusammenspiel zwischen Literatur und Naturwissenschaft: Jahrbuch des Instituts für moderne Fremdsprachen an der Naturwissenschaftlich-Technischen Universität Norwegens (NTNU) in Trondheim |
Author/Editor: Bernd Neumann
Umkämpfte Zukunft: Zum Verhältnis von Nachhaltigkeit, Demokratie und Konflikt |
Author/Editor: Julia Zilles,Emily Drewing,Julia Janik
Umkämpfte Zivilgesellschaft: Mit menschenrechtsorientierter Gemeinwesenarbeit gegen Ideologien der Ungleichwertigkeit |
Author/Editor: Friedemann Bringt
Umkämpfte Vielfalt: Affektive Dynamiken institutioneller Diversifizierung |
Author/Editor: Matthias Warstat,Hansjörg Dilger
Umkämpfter Zugang zu Land: Land grabbing, Konflikte und die Rolle traditioneller Autoritäten in Ghana |
Author/Editor: Sarah Kirst
Umkämpfte Kirche: Innerkatholische Konflikte im österreichisch-ungarischen Küstenland 1890–1914 (Volume 263, Edition 1) |
Author/Editor: Péter Techet
Umkämpfte Begriffe der Migration: Ein Inventar |
Author/Editor: Inken Bartels,Isabella Löhr,Christiane Reinecke,Philipp Schäfer,Laura Stielike
Umfragen erstellen und auswerten: kompakt und leicht verständlich für Studierende und junge Forschende |
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Ortmanns,Ralph Sonntag
Uma politics; An ethnography of democratization in West Sumba, Indonesia, 1986-2006 |
Uma politics; An ethnography of democratization in West Sumba, Indonesia, 1986-2006 |
Author/Editor: Vel ,Jacqueline A.C.
Umami: Taste for Health |
Author/Editor: Ana San Gabriel,Tia M. Rains,Gary Beauchamp
Uma ilha brasileira no campo literário alemão: Dinâmicas de circulação literária pela editora Suhrkamp e a recepção da literatura do Brasil (1970-1990) |
Author/Editor: Douglas Pompeu
Uma dramaturgia da violência: os filmes de João Canijo |
Author/Editor: Daniel Ribas
Ultima and Worldbuilding in the Computer Role-Playing Game |
Author/Editor: Carly Kocurek,Matthew Thomas Payne
Ulrich von Liechtenstein's "Service of Ladies" |
Author/Editor: J.W. Thomas
Çukuriçi Höyük 5: Stratigraphie und Architektur der frühen Bronzezeit |
Author/Editor: Barbara Horejs,Stefan Grasböck,Tina Bratschi,Christoph Schwall
The UK's Changing Democracy: The 2018 Democratic Audit |
Author/Editor: Patrick Dunleavy,Alice Park,Ros Taylor
Ukrainian Private Law and the European Area of Justice |
Author/Editor: Eugenia Kurzynsky-Singer,Rainer Kulms
Ukrainian Migration to the European Union: Lessons from Migration Studies |
Author/Editor: Olena Fedyuk,Marta Kindler
The Ukrainian Intelligentsia and Genocide: The Struggle for History, Language, and Culture in the 1920s and 1930s |
Author/Editor: Victoria Malko
Ukraine's Search for Justice in the Shadow of the Donbas Conflict: Strategic Reforms or Crisis Management? |
Author/Editor: Igor Lyubashenko
Ukraine's Patronal Democracy and the Russian Invasion: The Russia-Ukraine War, Volume One |
Author/Editor: Bálint Madlovics,Bálint Magyar
Ukraine's Many Faces: Land, People, and Culture Revisited |
Author/Editor: Olena Palko,Manuel Férez Gil