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Titles start with A ( displaying 500 of 1,997 ) Information
Aachens Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit: 100 Jahre Tradition – Reflexion – Innovation
Author/Editor: Marion Gerards,Ute Antonia Lammel,Norbert Frieters-Reermann,Rainer Krockauer
Aan het buitenland gehecht
Author/Editor: Knapen ,Ben,Arts ,Gera,Kleistra ,Yvonne,Klem ,Martijn,Rem ,Marijke
Aantekeningen bij Tjan Tjoe Siem's vertaling van de Lakon Kurupati Rabi
Author/Editor: Uhlenbeck ,E.
Aantekeningen bij Tjan Tjoe Siem's vertaling van de Lakon Kurupati Rabi
Aanvullende en vervangende zwarte arbeid
Author/Editor: Mot ,E.S.,Roozen ,I.T.M.
"A Banca do Serviço do Povo": Política e Economia durante o PREC (1974-75)
Author/Editor: Ricardo Noronha
Abbazie e paesaggi medievali in Toscana
Author/Editor: Gabriele Corsani,Leonardo Rombai,Maria Concetta ZOPPI
Abbildende Ellipsometrie mit Lichtwegumkehrung für die optische Charakterisierung von gekrümmten Oberflächen
Author/Editor: Christian Emanuel Negara
(Ab)Bilder: Zur Ideengeschichte und Ikonologie der Darstellungen menschlicher Embryonen in den Arbeiten Erich Blechschmidts (1904 – 1992)
Author/Editor: Hannah Sophie Menne
Abbott's Gambit: The 2013 Australian Federal Election
Author/Editor: Johnson ,Carol,Wanna ,John,Lee ,Hsu-Ann
abbreviatio: Historische Perspektiven auf ein rhetorisch-poetisches Prinzip
Author/Editor: Julia Frick,Oliver Grütter
Abbreviaturae vocabulorum usitatae in scripturis praecipue Latinis medii aevi, tum etiam Slavicis et Germanicis: Nachdruck der Ausgabe Pragae 1852
Author/Editor: Jan M. Hulákovský
The ABCs of Political Economy: A Modern Approach
Author/Editor: Robin Hahnel
Abduction, Marriage, and Consent in the Late Medieval Low Countries
Author/Editor: Chanelle Delameillieure
‘Abdurra’uf Fitrat in Istanbul: Quest for Freedom
Author/Editor: Zaynabidin Abdirashidov
Abenteuer in der Moderne
Author/Editor: Oliver Grill,Brigitte Obermayr
Aber die Zeit fürchtet die Pyramiden: Die Wissenschaften vom Alten Orient und die zeitliche Dimension von Kulturgeschichte
Author/Editor: Thomas L. Gertzen
Aberration of Mind: Suicide and Suffering in the Civil War–Era South
Author/Editor: Diane Miller Sommerville
„Aber was ist der Künstler?“: Künstlertypologien im novellistischen Werk Thomas Manns
Author/Editor: Jan Hurta
Abgehängt im Aufschwung: Demografie, Arbeit und rechter Protest in Ostdeutschland
Author/Editor: Stefan Schmalz,Sarah Hinz,Ingo Singe,Anne Hasenohr
Abgrenzen, Entgrenzen, Begrenzen: Zur Geschichte des Liminalen in der Moderne
Author/Editor: Hannah Ahlheim,Franziska Rehlinghaus
Abiayalan Pluriverses: Bridging Indigenous Studies and Hispanic Studies
Author/Editor: Gloria Elizabeth Chacón,Juan G. Sánchez Martínez,Lauren Beck
Ab Initio Language Teaching in British Higher Education: The Case of German
Author/Editor: Ulrike Bavendiek,Silke Mentchen,Christian Mossmann,Dagmar Paulus
Abitur und Abituraufsätze zwischen 1882 und 1972: Prüfungspraktiken, professionelle Debatten und Aufsatztexte
Author/Editor: Michael Kämper-van den Boogaart,sabine reh,Christoph Schindler,Joachim Scholz
Ablasskampagnen des Spätmittelalters: Luthers Thesen von 1517 im Kontext
Author/Editor: Andreas Rehberg
Ablehnungs- und Umsetzungsraten von Organtransplantationen – mögliche Ursachen und denkbare Auswege: Eine empirische Datenanalyse aller im Jahr 2013 im Kantonsspital St. Gallen verstorbener Patienten
Author/Editor: Monika Pfyffer von Altishofen,Daniel Huerlimann,Marc Thommen
Ableism in Academia: Theorising experiences of disabilities and chronic illnesses in higher education
Author/Editor: Nicole Brown,Jennifer Leigh
Abū Manṣūr al-Tha᾽ālibī: Kitāb Khāṣṣ al-Khāṣṣ
Author/Editor: Bilal Orfali,Ramzi Baalbaki
Aboriginal Placenames
Author/Editor: Hercus ,luise,Koch ,Harold
Aboriginal Population Profiles for Development Planning in the Northern East Kimberley
Author/Editor: Taylor ,John
About Russia, Its Revolutions, Its Development and Its Present
Author/Editor: Michal Reiman
About That Life: Barry Lopez and the Art of Community
Author/Editor: Matthew Cheney
Abraham Abulafia’s Esotericism Secrets and Doubts
Author/Editor: Moshe Idel
Abrahamic Reflections on Randomness and Providence
Author/Editor: Kelly James Clark,Jeffrey Koperski
Abraham in Jewish and Early Christian Literature
Author/Editor: Zanne Domoney-Lyttle,Sean A. Adams
Abrahams Aufbruch: Philon von Alexandria, De migratione Abrahami
Author/Editor: Maren R. Niehoff,Reinhard Feldmeier
Abruptly Dogen
Author/Editor: Kidder Smith
Abschlusspolitische Ergebnisspaltungen mit aufgegebenen Geschäftsbereichen nach IFRS 5: Existenz und Prävention
Author/Editor: Kai Czupalla
Absent Culture: The Case of Polish Livonia
Author/Editor: Krzysztof Zajas
The Absent Presence of the State in Large-Scale Resource Extraction Projects
Author/Editor: Nicholas A. Bainton,Emilia E. Skrzypek
Absent Presences in the Colonial Archive: Dealing with the Berlin Sound Archive's Acoustic Legacies
Author/Editor: Irene Hilden
Absolute Komplexität in der Nominalflexion
Absolute Komplexität in der Nominalflexion : Althochdeutsch, Mittelhochdeutsch, Alemannisch und deutsche Standardsprache
Author/Editor: Baechler ,Raffaela
Abstractions Based on Circles: : Papers on prehistoric rock art presented to Stan Beckensall on his 90th birthday
Author/Editor: Paul Frodsham,Kate Sharpe
Absurde Literatur in Rußland: Entstehung und Entwicklung
Author/Editor: Bertram Müller
Abweichungen vom Deutschen Corporate Governance Kodex und von §161 AktG als Pflichtverletzung im Sinne der Untreue
Author/Editor: Michaelsen, Amir
Abweichungen vom Deutschen Corporate Governance Kodex und von §161 AktG als Pflichtverletzung im Sinne der Untreue
Abwesenheit von Rom: Aristokratische Interaktion in der späten römischen Republik und in der frühen Kaiserzeit
Author/Editor: Habenstein ,Astrid
Abwesenheit von Rom: Aristokratische Interaktion in der späten römischen Republik und in der frühen Kaiserzeit
Abwägung im Kommunikationsstrafrecht: Strafrechtliche Verbote an der Grenze zur Grundrechtsausübung
Author/Editor: Nina Marlene Schallmoser
Academia in Crisis: Dystopic Optimism and Postalgic Realism in University Life
Author/Editor: Ida Sabelis
Academia in Crisis: The Rise and Risk of Neoliberal Education in Europe
Author/Editor: Leonidas Donskis,Ida Sabelis,Frans Kamsteeg,Harry Wels
Academia in Transformation: Scholars Facing the Arab Uprisings
Author/Editor: Florian Kohstall,Carola Richter,Sarhan Dhouib,Fatima Kastner
Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education
Author/Editor: Jay T Dolmage
The Academic Book of the Future
Author/Editor: Rebecca E. Lyons,Samantha J. Rayner
Academic E-Books
Academic E-Books : Publishers, Librarians, and Users
Author/Editor: Ward ,Suzanne M.,Freeman ,Robert S.,Nixon ,Judith M.
Academic Flying and the Means of Communication
Author/Editor: Kristian Bjørkdahl,Adrian Santiago Franco Duharte
Academic Integrity in Canada: An Enduring and Essential Challenge
Author/Editor: Sarah Elaine Eaton,Julia Christensen Hughes
Academic Libraries in Africa
Author/Editor: Maria Frahm-Arp
Academic Libraries: Reflecting on Crisis, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Way Forward
Author/Editor: Anette Janse van Vuren
Academic Pipeline Programs: Diversifying Pathways from the Bachelor's to the Professoriate
Author/Editor: Curtis D. Byrd,Rihana S. Mason
Academics in Exile: Networks, Knowledge Exchange and New Forms of Internationalization
Author/Editor: Vera Axyonova,Florian Kohstall,Carola Richter
Academics Writing: The Dynamics of Knowledge Creation
Author/Editor: Karin Tusting,Sharon McCulloch,Ibrar Bhatt,Mary Hamilton,David Barton
An Academy at the Court of the Tsars: Greek Scholars and Jesuit Education in Early Modern Russia
Author/Editor: Nikolaos A. Chrissidis
Acadians and Cajuns. The Politics and Culture of French Minorities in North America / Acadiens et Cajuns. Politique et culture de minorités francophones en Amérique du Nord
Author/Editor: Ursula Mathis-Moser,Günter Bischof
Accelerating Digitalization: Chancen der Digitalisierung erkennen und nutzen
Author/Editor: Harald Proff,Claudia Ahrens,Wencke Neuroth,Heike Proff,Florian Knobbe,Gregor Szybisty,Stefan Sommer
Accelerating Human Evolution by Theosophical Initiation: Annie Besant’s Pedagogy and the Creation of Benares Hindu University
Author/Editor: Yves Mühlematter
Accelerating the 5G transition in Europe: How to boost investments in transformative 5G solutions
Author/Editor: François Gilles,Jaroslav Toth
Acceleration and Cultural Change: Dialogues from an Overheated World
Author/Editor: Thomas Hylland Eriksen,Martina Visentin
Accelerator-Driven System at Kyoto University Critical Assembly
Author/Editor: Cheol Ho Pyeon
Accelerator Physics (Fourth Edition)
Author/Editor: Shyh-yuan Lee
Accelerators in Silicon Valley: Building Successful Startups
Author/Editor: Peter Ester
Acceso abierto como bien común y público en Angola: colaboración Sur-Sur
Author/Editor: Arianna Becerril-García,Eduardo Aguado-López,Alejandro Macedo-García,Bhanu Neupane,Eurico Wongo Gungula
Access Controlled: The Shaping of Power, Rights, and Rule in Cyberspace
Author/Editor: Ronald Deibert,John Palfrey,Rafal Rohozinski,Jonathan Zittrain
Access Denied: The Practice and Policy of Global Internet Filtering
Author/Editor: Ronald Deibert,John Palfrey,Rafal Rohozinski,Jonathan Zittrain
Accessibilité et offre active: Santé et services sociaux en contexte linguistique minoritaire
Author/Editor: Marie Drolet,Pier Bouchard,Jacinthe Savard
Accessibility and Active Offer: Health Care and Social Services in Linguistic Minority Communities
Author/Editor: Marie Drolet,Pier Bouchard,Jacinthe Savard
Accessibility Denied: Understanding Inaccessibility and Everyday Resistance to Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities
Author/Editor: Hanna Egard,Kristofer Hansson,David Wästerfors
Accessibility – Health Literacy – Health Information: Interdisciplinary Approaches to an Emerging Field of Communication
Author/Editor: Sarah Ahrens,Rebecca Schulz,Janina Kröger,Sergio Fernández-Garrido,Loraine Keller,Isabel Rink
Accessible Communication: A Cross-country Journey
Author/Editor: Elisa Perego
The Accession of Turkey to the European Union: the political decision-making process - 29
Author/Editor: Hollander ,S.
Access to Justice and Legal Empowerment. Making the Poor Central in Legal Development Co-operation
Author/Editor: van de Meene ,Ineke,van Rooij ,Benjamin
Access to Justice for Disadvantaged Communities
Author/Editor: Marjorie Mayo,Gerald Koessl,Matthew Scott,Imogen Slater
Access to Knowledge in Africa: The role of copyright
Author/Editor: Chris Armstrong,Jeremy De Beer
Access to Knowledge in Brazil: New Research on Intellectual Property, Innovation and Development
Author/Editor: Lea Shaver
Access to Knowledge in Egypt: New Research on Intellectual Property, Innovation and Development
Author/Editor: Lea Shaver,Nagla Rizk
Access to Knowledge in India: New Research on Intellectual Property, Innovation and Development
Author/Editor: Ramesh Subramanian,Lea Shaver
Access to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property
Author/Editor: Gaëlle Krikorian,Amy Kapczynski
Access to Medicines and Vaccines: Implementing Flexibilities Under Intellectual Property Law
Author/Editor: Carlos M. Correa,Reto M. Hilty
Access to Online Resources: A Guide for the Modern Librarian
Author/Editor: Kristina Botyriute
Access to Power: Electricity and the Infrastructural State in Pakistan
Author/Editor: Ijlal Naqvi
Accidental Archivism: Shaping Cinema’s Futures with Remnants of the Past
Author/Editor: Añulika Agina,Stefanie Schulte Strathaus,Sonia Campanini,Erica Carter,Özge Çelikaslan,Filipa César,Didi Cheeka,Vaginal Davis,Madhusree Dutta,Tamer El Said,Almudena Escobar López,Mariia Glazunova,Hadi Alipanah,Vinzenz Hediger,Ulrich Gregor,Olena Goncharuk,
Accidental Holy Land: The Communist Revolution in Northwest China (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Joseph W. Esherick
Accommodating the Individual: Identity and Control after Alexander
Author/Editor: Henry Heitmann-Gordon
Accommodation in Crisis: Forgotten Women in Western Sydney
Author/Editor: Catherine Robinson,Rose Searby
Accountability and the Law: Rights, Authority and Transparency of Public Power
Author/Editor: Piotr Mikuli,Grzegorz Kuca
Accountability in Public Policy Partnerships
Author/Editor: Steets ,Julia
Accountable Government in Africa: Perspectives from public law and political studies
Author/Editor: Danwood Chirwa,Lia Nijzink
Accounting and Statistical Analyses for Sustainable Development: Multiple Perspectives and Information-Theoretic Complexity Reduction
Author/Editor: Claudia Lemke
Accounting for Culture
Accounting for Culture : Thinking Through Cultural Citizenship
Author/Editor: Andrew ,Caroline,Gattinger ,Monica,Jeannotte M. ,Sharon
Accounts and Accountability in Late Medieval Europe: Records, Procedures, and Socio-Political Impact
Author/Editor: Ionuț Epurescu-Pascovici
Accustomed to Obedience?: Classical Ionia and the Aegean World, 480–294 BCE
Author/Editor: Joshua P. Nudell
Acetylsalicylic Acid
Author/Editor: Karsten Schrör
Achievements in breeding cereals with durable disease resistance in Northwest Europe
Author/Editor: James K. M. Brown
Achieving Access to Justice in a Business and Human Rights Context: An Assessment of Litigation and Regulatory Responses in European Civil-Law Countries
Author/Editor: Virginie Rouas
Achieving Global Open Access: The Need for Scientific, Epistemic and Participatory Openness
Author/Editor: Stephen Pinfield
Achieving Inclusive Growth in the Asia Pacific
Author/Editor: Adam Triggs,Shujiro Urata
Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals: Global and Regional 100% Renewable Energy Scenarios with Non-energy GHG Pathways for +1.5°C and +2°C
Author/Editor: Sven Teske
Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals: Part 2: Science-based Target Setting for the Finance industry — Net-Zero Sectoral 1.5˚C Pathways for Real Economy Sectors
Author/Editor: Sven Teske
Achieving Viability for Public Service Media in Challenging Settings: A Holistic Approach
Author/Editor: James Deane,Pierre François Docquir,Winston Mano,Tarik Sabry,Naomi Sakr
Achieving Zero Hunger in India: Challenges and Policies
Author/Editor: S. Mahendra Dev,A. Ganesh-Kumar,Vijay Laxmi Pandey
Acht Geschichten über die Integrationsgeschichte
Author/Editor: Pichler ,Peter
Achtsamkeit als kulturelle Praxis: Zu den Selbst-Welt-Modellen eines populären Phänomens
Author/Editor: Jacob Schmidt
Achtsamkeit und Meditation im Hochschulkontext: 10 Jahre Münchner Modell
Author/Editor: Andreas de Bruin
Achtsamkeit und pädagogische Professionalität in der Lehrer*innenbildung
Author/Editor: Dominik Weghaupt
Achtzehntes Jahrhundert digital: zentraleuropäische Perspektiven : Digital Eighteenth Century: Central European Perspectives. Dix-huitième siècle numérique: perspectives de l'Europe centrale
Author/Editor: Thomas Wallnig,Marion Romberg,Joelle Weis
Ackerbau des Lebendigen: Tiere, Wissenschaft und Anthroposophie in der biodynamischen Landwirtschaft
Author/Editor: Stéphanie Majerus
AC Losses in High-Temperature Superconductor Tapes and Cables for Power Applications
Author/Editor: Aurélien Godfrin
Посткомуністичні режими = A Concise Field Guide to Post-Communist Regimes: Актори, інституції та динаміка
Author/Editor: Bálint Magyar,Bálint Madlovics
‘A Course of Severe and Arduous Trials’: Bacon, Beckett and Spurious Freemasonry in Early Twentieth-Century Ireland
Author/Editor: Lynn Brunet
Acoustemologies in Contact: Sounding Subjects and Modes of Listening in Early Modernity
Author/Editor: Emily Wilbourne,Suzanne G. Cusick
The Acoustic Self in English Modernism and Beyond: Writing Musically
Author/Editor: Zoltan Varga
Acoustics of the Vowel - Preliminaries
Author/Editor: Maurer ,Dieter
Acquired Alterity: Migration, Identity, and Literary Nationalism (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Edward Mack
Acquisition and Loss of Nationality|Volume 1: Comparative Analyses
Acquisition and Loss of Nationality|Volume 2: Country Analyses
The Acquisition of Africa (1870-1914): The Nature of International Law (Volume 20/8)
Author/Editor: Mieke van der Linden
The acrolect in Jamaica: The architecture of phonological variation
Author/Editor: G. Alison Irvine-Sobers
Across Anthropology: Troubling Colonial Legacies, Museums, and the Curatorial
Author/Editor: Margareta von Oswald,Jonas Tinius
AcrossBorders I: The New Kingdom Town of Sai Island, Sector SAV1 North
Author/Editor: Julia Budka
Across Space and Time. Papers from the 41st Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Perth, 25-28 March 2013
Across Species and Cultures: Whales, Humans, and Pacific Worlds
Author/Editor: Ryan Tucker Jones,Angela Wanhalla
Across the Copperbelt: Urban & Social Change in Central Africa's Borderland Communities
Author/Editor: Miles Larmer,Enid Guene,Benoît Henriet
Across the margins: Cultural identity
Author/Editor: Norquay ,Glenda,Smyth ,Gerry
Across the Oceans: Development of the overseas business information transmission
Author/Editor: Laakso ,Seija-Riitta
Across the Oceans: Development of the overseas business information transmission
Across the Sahara: Tracks, Trade and Cross-Cultural Exchange in Libya
Author/Editor: Klaus Braun,Jacqueline Passon
Acting Emotions
Author/Editor: Konijn ,Elly
Action at a Distance
Author/Editor: John Durham Peters,Florian Sprenger,Christina Vagt
Action [poems]
Author/Editor: Anthony Opal
Action publique, gouvernance et recherche en éducation
Author/Editor: Bernard Wentzel,Georges Felouzis,Abdeljalil Akkari,Francesco Arcidiacono
Action-Related Representations: An Action-Based Approach to Grounded Cognition
Author/Editor: Tim Seuchter
Action Research in Organizations: Participation in Change Processes
Author/Editor: Marianne Kristiansen,Asher Ariel,Jørgen Bloch-Poulsen
Actions et conduites mimo-gestuelles dans l’usage conversationnel des relatives en français
Author/Editor: Ioana-Maria Stoenică
Actions of Their Own to Learn: Studies in Knowing, Acting, and Being
Author/Editor: Bonnie Shapiro
Action Sports and the Olympic Games: Past, Present, Future
Author/Editor: Belinda wheaton,Holly Thorpe
Activated Sludge and Aerobic Biofilm Reactors
Author/Editor: Von Sperling ,Marcos
Activated Sludge and Aerobic Biofilm Reactors
Active ageing: Voluntary work by older people in Europe
Author/Editor: Andrea Principi,Per H. Jensen,Giovanni Lamura
Active Assisted Living: Anwendungsszenarien und Lösungsansätze für ein selbstbestimmtes Leben
Author/Editor: Marcel Sailer,Andreas Mahr
Active Materials
Author/Editor: Peter Fratzl,Michael Friedman,Karin Krauthausen,Wolfgang Schäffner
Activerend arbeidsmarktbeleid
Author/Editor: WRR
Active Rheology Control of Cementitious Materials
Author/Editor: Geert De Schutter,Karel Lesage
Active Vision for Scene Understanding
Author/Editor: Markus Grotz
Activist Biology: The National Museum, Politics, and Nation Building in Brazil
Author/Editor: Regina Horta Duarte
Activist Media and Biopolitics: Critical Media Interventions in the Age of Biopower
Author/Editor: Sützl ,Wolfgang,Hug ,Theo
Activist New York: A History of People, Protest, and Politics
Author/Editor: Steven H. Jaffe
Activists in the Data Stream: The Practices of Daily Grassroots Politics in Southern Europe
Author/Editor: Alice MATTONI,Diego Ceccobelli
Act Like A Man: Challenging Masculinities in American Drama
Author/Editor: Robert Vorlicky
Actor & Avatar: A Scientific and Artistic Catalog
Author/Editor: Dieter Mersch,Anton Rey,Thomas Grunwald,Jörg Sternagel,Lorena Kegel,Miriam Laura Loertscher
Actors and Networks in the Megacity: A Literary Analysis of Urban Narratives (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Prachi More
Actors and the Art of Performance
Author/Editor: Granzer ,Susanne Valerie
Acts of Care: Recovering Women in Late Medieval Health
Author/Editor: Sara Ritchey
Acts of Gaiety: LGBT Performance and the Politics of Pleasure
Author/Editor: Sara Warner
Actualizing Human Rights: Global Inequality, Future People, and Motivation
Author/Editor: Jos Philips
Actuele bestaansonzekerheid
Adamantiana 21: Perspectives on Origen and the History of his Reception
Author/Editor: Alfons Fürst
Adaptation and Evaluation of a German Sign Language Test
Author/Editor: Tobias Haug
Adaptation and resilience in the performing arts: The pandemic and beyond
Author/Editor: Pascale Aebischer,Rachael Nicholas
Adaptation in the Age of Media Convergence
Author/Editor: Johannes Fehrle,Werner Schäfke-Zell
Adaptation of Western Economics by Russian Universities
Author/Editor: Tatiana Suspitsyna
Adapting for Inertia: Delivering Large Government ICT Projects in Australia and New Zealand
Author/Editor: Grant Douglas
Adaptive Collaborative Management in Forest Landscapes: Villagers, Bureaucrats and Civil Society
Author/Editor: Carol J. Pierce Colfer,Ravi Prabhu,Anne M. Larson
Adaptive Dynamic Programming: For Chemotherapy Drug Delivery
Author/Editor: Jiayue Sun,Shun Xu,Yang Liu,Huaguang Zhang
Adaptive Dynamic Programming: Solltrajektorienfolgeregelung und Konvergenzbedingungen
Author/Editor: Florian Köpf
Adaptive Fahrhinweise für ein längsdynamisches Fahrerassistenzsystem zur Steigerung der Energieeffizienz
Author/Editor: Dominik Dörr
Adaptive Mediation and Conflict Resolution: Peace-making in Colombia, Mozambique, the Philippines, and Syria
Author/Editor: Cedric de Coning,Ako Muto,Rui Saraiva
Adaptive Middleware for the Internet of Things: The GAMBAS Approach
Author/Editor: Marcus Handte,Pedro José Marrón,Gregor Schiele,Matoses Manuel Serrano
Adaptive Modulationsverfahren für die schmalbandige Powerline-Kommunikation in Niederspannungsnetzen
Author/Editor: Cornelius Kaiser
Adaptive Nutzenbewertung für Untersuchungs- und Behandlungsmethoden mit Medizinprodukten hoher Klassen: Die Abwägung von Patientennutzen, Evidenz und Zugang
Author/Editor: Axel Mühlbacher,Christin Juhnke
Adaptive Peacebuilding: A New Approach to Sustaining Peace in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Cedric de Coning,Rui Saraiva,Ako Muto
Adaptive Reuse
Author/Editor: Freschi ,Elisa,Maas ,Philipp A.
Adaptive Strategies for Water Heritage: Past, Present and Future
Author/Editor: Carola Hein
Adaptive Umweltmodellierung für kognitive Systeme in offener Welt durch dynamische Konzepte und quantitative Modellbewertung
Author/Editor: Achim Christian Kuwertz
Adaptive Urban Transformation: Urban Landscape Dynamics, Regional Design and Territorial Governance in the Pearl River Delta, China
Author/Editor: Steffen Nijhuis,Yimin Sun,Eckart Lange
Adat and Indigeneity in Indonesia - Culture and Entitlements between Heteronomy and Self-Ascription
Author/Editor: Hauser-Schäublin, Brigitta
Adat Atjèh
Author/Editor: Voorhoeve ,P.,Drewes ,G.
Adat Atjèh
The ADB’s Story
Author/Editor: Nolan ,Melanie,Fernon ,Christine
The ADB’s Story
Addiction, Modernity, and the City: A Users’ Guide to Urban Space
Author/Editor: Christopher B.R. Smith
Adding nonlinearity to an electromagnetic-magnonic quantum hybrid device
Author/Editor: Marco Pfirrmann
Additive Fertigung von endlosfaserverstärkten Verbundwerkstoffen: Von der Faser-Matrix-Auswahl über die Druckkopfentwicklung bis zum Faserverbund
Author/Editor: Mathias Czasny
Addressing Global Challenges - Exploring Socio-Cultural Dynamics and Sustainable Solutions in a Changing World: Proceedings of International Symposium on Humanities and Social Sciences (ISHSS 2023, August 11-13, 2023, Macau, China)
Author/Editor: Parfait M. Eloundou-Enyegue
Addressing the Climate Crisis: Local action in theory and practice
Author/Editor: Candice Howarth,Matthew Lane,Amanda Slevin
Addressing Tipping Points for a Precarious Future
Address in Portuguese and Spanish: Studies in diachrony and diachronic reconstruction
Author/Editor: Martin Hummel,Célia dos Santos Lopes
Address in Portuguese and Spanish: Studies in Diachrony and Diachronic Reconstruction
Author/Editor: Martin Hummel,Célia dos Santos Lopes
Adelaide: a literary city
Author/Editor: Butterss ,Philip
Adelige Streitkultur
Author/Editor: Gerd Dethlefs
Adelphotes: die erste gedruckte griechisch-kirchenslavische Grammatik, L'viv-Lemberg 1591: 2., um das Faksimile erweiterte Auflage
Author/Editor: Olexa Horbatsch
Adelphotes: die erste gedruckte griechisch-kirchenslavische Grammatik, L'viv-Lemberg 1591: L'viv-Lemberg 1591
Author/Editor: Olexa Horbatsch
¡A desalambrar! Resistencias, desigualdades e itinerarios posibles en sociedades latinoamericanas
Author/Editor: Celia Cristina Basconzuelo,Víctor Díaz Esteves,Antonio Aravena Carrasco
Adhesive Bonding of Aircraft Composite Structures: Non-destructive Testing and Quality Assurance Concepts
Author/Editor: Welchy Leite Cavalcanti,Kai Brune,Michael Noeske,Konstantinos Tserpes,Wiesław M. Ostachowicz,Mareike Schlag
Adieu ihr lieben Schwarzen
Author/Editor: Gütl ,Clemens
Adipositas-Management: Versorgung, Betreuung und Behandlung in Anästhesie, Chirurgie, Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin
Author/Editor: Thomas Bein,Klaus Lewandowski
Adipositas Management: Versorgung, Betreuung und Behandlung in Anästhesie, Chirurgie, Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin
Author/Editor: Klaus Lewandowski,Thomas Bein
Adjective attribution
Author/Editor: Rießler ,Michael
Adjective attribution
Administering Justice: Placing the Chief Justice in American State Politics
Author/Editor: Richard L. Vining Jr.,Teena Wilhelm
Administering the Empire, 1801-1968: A Guide to the Records of the Colonial Office in the National Archives of the UK
Author/Editor: Mandy Banton
Administración Reyes (1904-1909)
Author/Editor: Baldomero Sanín Cano
Administrating Kinship: Marriage Impediments and Dispensation Policies in the 18th and 19th Centuries
Author/Editor: Margareth Lanzinger
Administration, Prosopography and Appointment Policies in the Roman Empire: Proceedings of the First Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Roman Empire, 27 B.C. - A.D. 406), Leiden, June 28-July 1, 2000
Author/Editor: L. de Blois
Administrative Capacity Development.
Author/Editor: Verheijen ,A.J.G.
Administrative Practices and Political Control in Anatolian and Syro-Anatolian Polities in the 2nd and 1st Millennium BCE
Author/Editor: Clelia Mora,Giulia Torri
Adolescence, Discrimination, and the Law: Addressing Dramatic Shifts in Equality Jurisprudence
Author/Editor: Roger J.R. Levesque
Adolescent Boys: Exploring Diverse Cultures of Boyhood
Author/Editor: Niobe Way,Judy Y. Chu
Adolescent Psychiatry: A Contemporary Perspective for Health Professionals
Author/Editor: Leo Sher,Joav Merrick
Adolescents in Humanitarian Crisis: Displacement, Gender and Social Inequalities
Author/Editor: Nicola Jones,Kate Pincock,Bassam Abu Hamad
Adolescents maltraités et familles - Vers une pastorale prospective au Liban
Author/Editor: Randa Kousseifi
Adoleszenz und Alterität: Aktuelle Perspektiven der interkulturellen Literaturwissenschaft und Literaturdidaktik
Author/Editor: Stefanie Jakobi,Julian Osthues,Jennifer Pavlik
Adolph Lewisohn (English edition): Copper Magnate in the "Gilded Age"
Author/Editor: Henning Albrecht
Adolph Lewisohn. Kupfermagnat im "Goldenen Zeitalter"
Author/Editor: Henning Albrecht,Ekkehard W. Nümann,Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung
Adoption across Race and Nation: US Histories and Legacies
Author/Editor: Silke Hackenesch
Adoption and Impact of OER in the Global South
Author/Editor: C. Hodgkinson-Williams,P. Arinto
Adoption from Care: International Perspectives on Children’s Rights, Family Preservation and State Intervention
Author/Editor: Tarja Pösö,Marit Skivenes,June Thoburn
Adorno versus Lyotard
Author/Editor: Kogler ,Susanne
'A dream within a dream within a dream ...'?: Formen, Funktionen und komparatistische Analysen von Traum-im-Traum-Strukturen
Author/Editor: Kathrin Neis
Adrianus van Selms: Concise versions of his contributions in Dutch and Afrikaans theological journals (1936-1982)
Author/Editor: Hans van Rensburg
Ad ripam fluminis Danuvi: Papers of the 3rd International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces, Vienna, 11th-14th November 2015
Adrodd ar Dlodi: Naratif y Cyfryngau Newyddion a Chyfathrebiadau’r Trydydd Sector yng Nghymru
Author/Editor: Kerry Moore
Ḥadīth and Ethics through the Lens of Interdisciplinarity: الحديث والأخلاق: مقاربة متعددة التخصصات
Author/Editor: Mutaz al-Khatib
Adult and Continuing Education in Belarus
Author/Editor: Veramejchyk ,Galina
Adult and Continuing Education in Cyprus
Author/Editor: Gravani ,Maria,Ioannidou ,Alexandra
Adult and Continuing Education in France
Author/Editor: Schreiber-Barsch ,Silke
Adult and Continuing Education in Norway
Author/Editor: Bjerkaker ,Sturla
Adult Education and Lifelong Learning in Europe and Beyond: Comparative Perspectives from the 2015 Wuerzburg Winter School
Author/Editor: Regina Egetenmeyer
Adult Education and Lifelong Learning in Europe and Beyond: Comparative Perspectives from the 2015 Wuerzburg Winter School
Author/Editor: Regina Egetenmeyer
Adult Education and Social Justice: International Perspectives
Author/Editor: Maria Slowey,Heribert Hinzen,Michael Omolewa,Michael Osborne
Adult Education and Work Contexts: International Perspectives and Challenges: Comparative Perspectives from the 2017 Wuerzburg Winter School
Author/Editor: Regina Egetenmeyer,Monica Fedeli
Adult Education Policy and the European Union: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives
Adulterous Nations
Adulterous Nations : Family Politics and National Anxiety in the European Novel
Author/Editor: Kuzmic ,Tatiana
Adult Language Education and Migration: Challenging agendas in policy and practice
Author/Editor: James Simpson,Anne Whiteside
Advanced Communication and Control Methods for Future Smartgrids
Author/Editor: Taha Selim Ustun
Advanced Concepts for Renewable Energy Supply of Data Centres
Author/Editor: Jaume Salom,Thorsten Urbaneck,Eduard Oró
Advanced Concepts in Particle and Field Theory
Author/Editor: Tristan Hübsch
Advanced Digital Auditing: Theory and Practice of Auditing Complex Information Systems and Technologies
Author/Editor: Egon Berghout,Rob Fijneman,Lennard Hendriks,Mona de Boer,Bert-Jan Butijn
Advanced Elastocaloric Cooling Devices Based on Shape Memory Alloy Films
Author/Editor: Florian Brüderlin
Advanced Ground-Based Real and Synthetic Aperture Radar
Author/Editor: Lapo Miccinesi
Advanced Land Warfare: Tactics and Operations
Author/Editor: Mikael Weissmann,Niklas Nilsson
Advanced Location-Based Technologies and Services
Author/Editor: Hassan A. Karimi
Advanced Macroeconomics: An Easy Guide
Author/Editor: Filipe Campante,Federico Sturzenegger,Andres Velasco
Advanced Mathematical Science for Mobility Society
Author/Editor: Kazushi Ikeda,Yoshiumi Kawamura,Kazuhisa Makino,Satoshi Tsujimoto,Nobuo Yamashita,Shintaro Yoshizawa,Hanna Sumita
Advanced Memristor Modeling: Memristor Circuits and Networks
Author/Editor: Valeri Mladenov
Advanced Oxidation Processes: Applications, Trends, and Prospects
Author/Editor: Ciro Bustillo-Lecompte
Advanced Problems in Mathematics
Author/Editor: Siklos ,Stephen
Advanced Problems in Mathematics: Preparing for University
Author/Editor: Stephen Siklos
Advanced Statistical Modeling, Forecasting, and Fault Detection in Renewable Energy Systems
Author/Editor: Fouzi Harrou,Ying Sun
Advanced Technologies for Protein Complex Production and Characterization: Volume II
Author/Editor: M. Cristina Vega,Francisco J. Fernández
Advanced Terrain Mapping of the Gioia Tauro Plain Calabria Region, Italy: ESA GMES Terrafirma
Author/Editor: Federico Raspini,Francesca Cigna,Moretti Sandro,Nicola Casagli
Advanced Testing and Characterization of Bituminous Materials, Two Volume Set
Author/Editor: Andreas Loizos,Manfred N. Partl,Tom Scarpas,Imad L. Al-Qadi
Advancements in Design Research: 11 PhD theses on Design as we do in POLIMI
Author/Editor: Lucia Rampino,Ilaria Mariani
Advances in Aquatic Invertebrate Stem Cell Research: From Basic Research to Innovative Applications
Author/Editor: Loriano Ballarin,Baruch Rinkevich,Bert Hobmayer
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2023
Author/Editor: Kathrin Dörfler,Jan Knippers,Achim Menges,Stefana Parascho,Helmut Pottmann,Thomas Wortmann
Advances in Assessment and Modeling of Earthquake Loss
Author/Editor: Sinan Akkar,Alper Ilki,Caglar Goksu,Mustafa Erdik
Advances in Automotive Production Technology – Towards Software-Defined Manufacturing and Resilient Supply Chains: Stuttgart Conference on Automotive Production (SCAP2022)
Author/Editor: Niklas Kiefl,Frederik Wulle,Clemens Ackermann,Daniel Holder
Advances in Bioengineering
Advances in biostimulants as an integrated pest management tool in horticulture
Author/Editor: Surendra K. Dara
Advances in Cancer Therapy
Advances in Crowdfunding: Research and Practice
Author/Editor: Rotem Shneor,Liang Zhao,Bjørn-Tore Flåten
Advances in Discrete Differential Geometry
Author/Editor: Alexander I. Bobenko
Advances in Energy System Optimization: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Energy System Optimization
Author/Editor: Valentin Bertsch,Armin Ardone,Michael Suriyah,Wolf Fichtner,Thomas Leibfried,Vincent Heuveline
Advances in Fibre Production Science in South American Camelids and other Fibre Animals
Author/Editor: Martina Gerken,Carlo Renieri,Daniel Allain,Hugh Galbraith,Juan Pablo Gutiérrez,Lisa McKenna,Roman Niznikowski,Maria Wurzinger
Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2016
Author/Editor: Denisa Lenertová,Roland Meyer,Radek Šimík,Luka Szucsich
Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2017
Author/Editor: Franc Marušič,Rok Žaucer,Petra Mišmaš
Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2018 (Volume 4)
Author/Editor: Ljudmila Geist,Hagen Pitsch,Jovana Gajić,Andreas Blümel,Uwe Junghanns
Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2021
Author/Editor: Petr Biskup,Marcel Börner,Olav Mueller-Reichau,Iuliia Shcherbina
Advances in Frontier Research on Engineering Structures
Author/Editor: Yang Yang
Advances in genetic mapping of Septoria nodorum blotch resistance in wheat and applications in resistance breeding
Author/Editor: Min Lin,Morten Lillemo
Advances in identifying GM plants: current frame of the detection of transgenic GMOs
Author/Editor: Yves Bertheau
Advances in identifying GM plants: toward the routine detection of 'hidden' and 'new' GMOs
Author/Editor: Yves Bertheau
Advances in Induction and Microwave Heating of Mineral and Organic Materials
Advances in insect pest and disease monitoring and forecasting in horticulture
Author/Editor: Irene Vänninen
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XVIII: 18th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, IDA 2020, Konstanz, Germany, April 27–29, 2020, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Michael Berthold,Ad Feelders,Georg Krempl
Advances in Intelligent Robotics and Collaborative Automation
Author/Editor: Richard Duro,Yuriy Kondratenko
Advances in managing organic matter in turfgrass ecosystems
Author/Editor: Alec Kowalewski,Charles Schmid,Ruying Wang,Emily Braithwaite
Advances in measuring soil organic carbon stocks and dynamics at the profile scale
Author/Editor: Christopher Poeplau,Edward Gregorich
Advances in mechanical weed control technologies
Author/Editor: Bo Melander,Margaret R. McCollough
Advances in Membrane Technologies
Author/Editor: Amira Abdelrasoul
Advances in Microfluidic Technologies for Energy and Environmental Applications
Author/Editor: Yong Ren
Advances in Modelling and Control of Wind and Hydrogenerators
Author/Editor: Amir Ebrahimi
Advances in Neural Signal Processing
Author/Editor: Ramana Vinjamuri
Advances in Pharma Business Management and Research: Volume 1
Author/Editor: Lars Schweizer,Theodor Dingermann,Otto Quintus Russe,Christian Jansen
Advances in Phytochemistry, Textile and Renewable Energy Research for Industrial Growth: Proceedings of the International Conference of Phytochemistry, Textile and Renewable Energy for Sustainable development (ICPTRE 2020), August 12-14, Eldoret, Kenya
Author/Editor: Charles Nzila,Nyamwala Oluoch,Ambrose Kiprop,Rose Ramkat,Isaac S. Kosgey
Advances in Production Technology
Author/Editor: Christian Brecher
Advances in Proof-Theoretic Semantics
Author/Editor: Thomas Piecha,Peter Schroeder-Heister
Advances in raw material industries for sustainable development goals: PROCEEDINGS OF THE XII RUSSIAN-GERMAN RAW MATERIALS CONFERENCE (SAINT-PETERSBURG, RUSSIA, 27-29 NOVEMBER 2019)
Author/Editor: Vladimir Litvinenko
Advances in Research Using the C-SPAN Archives
Author/Editor: Browning ,Robert X.
Advances in Research Using the C-SPAN Archives
Advances in Spacecraft Attitude Control
Author/Editor: Timothy Sands
Advances in the Analysis of Spanish Exclamatives
Author/Editor: Bosque ,Ignacio
Advances in the Analysis of Spanish Exclamatives
Advances in the Sociology of Trust and Cooperation: Theory, Experiments, and Field Studies
Author/Editor: Vincent Buskens,Rense Corten,Chris Snijders
Advances in the study of Siouan languages and linguistics
Author/Editor: Rudin ,Catherine (ed.),Gordon James ,Bryan (ed.)
Advances in the study of Siouan languages and linguistics
Advances in turfgrass weed management
Author/Editor: Matthew T. Elmore,Aaron J. Patton,Travis W. Gannon,James T. Brosnan
Advances in UAE Archaeology: Proceedings of Abu Dhabi’s Archaeology Conference 2022
Author/Editor: Zayed National Museum
Advances in understanding allelopathic interactions between weeds and crops
Author/Editor: Çağla Görkem Eroğlu,Aurélie Gfeller,Anna Elizabeth Louw-Gaume,Judith Wirth
Advances in understanding the genetics of pig behaviour
Author/Editor: Lotta Rydhmer
Advances in Wheat Genetics: From Genome to Field: Proceedings of the 12th International Wheat Genetics Symposium
Author/Editor: Yasunari Ogihara,Shigeo Takumi,Hirokazu Handa
Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing III: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing, JCM 2020, June 2-4, 2020
Author/Editor: Lionel Roucoules,Manuel Paredes,Benoit Eynard,Paz Morer Camo,Caterina Rizzi
Advancing Culture of Living with Landslides: Volume 1 ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025
Author/Editor: Kyoji Sassa,Matjaž Mikoš,Yueping Yin
Advancing Edge Artificial Intelligence: System Contexts
Author/Editor: Ovidiu Vermesan,Dave Marples
Advancing Energy Policy: Lessons on the integration of Social Sciences and Humanities
Author/Editor: Chris Foulds,Rosie Robison
Advancing Environmental Education Practice
Author/Editor: Marianne E. Krasny
Advancing Equality: How Constitutional Rights Can Make a Difference Worldwide
Author/Editor: Jody Heymann,Aleta Sprague,Amy Raub
Advancing Equity Planning Now
Author/Editor: Norman Krumholz,Kathryn Wertheim Hexter
Advancing Human Assessment: The Methodological, Psychological and Policy Contributions of ETS
Author/Editor: Randy E. Bennett,Matthias von Davier
Advancing IoT Platforms Interoperability
Author/Editor: Ovidiu Vermesan
Advancing Natural Language Processing in Educational Assessment
Author/Editor: Victoria Yaneva,Matthias von Davier
Advancing Responsible Sourcing in Mineral Value Chains: Environmental, Social, and Economic Sustainability
Author/Editor: Masuma Farooki,Alexander Graf,Stefanie Degreif
Advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Africa: Constraints and Opportunities
Author/Editor: Ebenezer Durojaye,Gladys Mirugi-Mukundi,Charles Ngwena
Advancing the Human Self: Do Technologies Make Us “Posthuman”?
Author/Editor: Ewa Nowak
Advancing the Learning Agenda in Jewish Education
Author/Editor: Jon A. Levisohn,Jeffrey S. Kress
Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos
Author/Editor: Amelie G. Ramirez,Edward J. Trapido
Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos: Building Collaboration for Action
Author/Editor: Amelie G. Ramirez,Edward J. Trapido
Adventures in Small Tourism: Studies and Stories
Author/Editor: Kathleen Scherf
Adventures in Sustainable Urbanism
Author/Editor: Robert Krueger,Tim Freytag
Adventures of the Mind: The Memoirs of Natalie Clifford Barney
Author/Editor: Natalie Clifford Barney
Adverb und Sprachstil: Untersuchungen zur stilistischen Differenziertheit in der russischen Literatursprache, insbesondere im lexikalischen Bereich
Author/Editor: Golubzowa
Advertising and the Transformation of Screen Cultures
Author/Editor: Bo Florin,Patrick Vonderau,Yvonne Zimmermann
Advertising as a Creative Industry: Regime of Paradoxes
Author/Editor: Izabela Derda
Advertising Literacy: How Can Children and Adolescents Deal with Persuasive Messages in a Complex Media Environment?
Author/Editor: Brigitte Naderer,Brigitte Naderer,Stephan Dreyer,Anne Schulze,Thorsten Naab,Ruth Wendt,Nils S. Borchers,Nils S. Borchers,Claudia Lampert,Ruth Wendt,Michael Haas,Thorsten Naab Naab,Claudia Riesmeyer,Jessica Kühn,Ines Katrin Spielvogel,Pauline Sawatzki,Amel
Adviesorganen in de politieke besluitvorming. Symposiumverslag
Author/Editor: Delden van ,A.Th.,Kooiman ,J.
Adviseren aan de overheid. Met bijdragen van economische, juridische en politicologische bestuurskundigen
Author/Editor: Rijnen van ,A.Ch.M.
Advising in austerity: Reflections on challenging times for advice agencies
The Advisory Roles of Political Scientists in Europe: Comparing Engagements in Policy Advisory Systems
Author/Editor: Marleen Brans,Arco Timmermans
Aegypten und aegyptische Mythologie, Bilder der Transition im Werk Andrej Belyjs
Author/Editor: Evelies Schmidt
Aegyptiaca in der nördlichen Levante: Eine Studie zur Kontextualisierung und Rezeption ägyptischer und ägyptisierender Objekte in der Bronzezeit
Author/Editor: Alexander Ahrens
Aelita - als morgen gestern heute war: Die Zukunftsmodellierung in Jakov Protazanovs Film
Author/Editor: Katja Huber
Aeroelastic Phenomena and Pedestrian-Structure Dynamic Interaction on Non-Conventional Bridges and Footbridges
Author/Editor: Claudio Borri,Claudio Mannini
Aesthetic Experience of Metabolic Processes
Author/Editor: Desiree Förster
Aesthetic Politics in Fashion
Author/Editor: Elke Gaugele
Aesthetic Programming: A Handbook of Software Studies
Author/Editor: Winnie Soon,Geoff Cox
The Aesthetics and Politics of Linguistic Borders: Multilingualism in Northern European Literature
Author/Editor: Heidi Grönstrand,Markus Huss,Ralf Kauranen
Aesthetics and subjectivity
Author/Editor: Bowie ,Andrew
Aesthetics of Displacement: Turkey and its Minorities on Screen
Author/Editor: Ozlem Koksal
Aesthetics of Gentrification: Seductive Spaces and Exclusive Communities in the Neoliberal City
Author/Editor: Christoph Lindner,Gerard Sandoval
The Aesthetics of Global Protest: Visual Culture and Communication
Author/Editor: Aidan McGarry,Itir Erhart,Hande Eslen-Ziya,Olu Jenzen,Umut Korkut
The Aesthetics of Taste: Eating within the Realm of Art
Author/Editor: Dorota Koczanowicz
Afectos y violencias en la cultura latinoamericana
Author/Editor: Reindert Dhondt,Silvana Mandolessi,Martín Zícari
Affect and Mathematics Education: Fresh Perspectives on Motivation, Engagement, and Identity
Author/Editor: Markku S. Hannula,Gilah C. Leder,Francesca Morselli,Maike Vollstedt,Qiaoping Zhang
Affectedness at the Morphosyntax-Semantics Interface: Evidence from Differential Object Marking
Author/Editor: Semra Kızılkaya
Affective Disorders: Emotion in Colonial and Postcolonial Literature
Author/Editor: Bede Scott
Affective Images: Post-apartheid Documentary Perspectives
Author/Editor: Marietta Kesting
Affective Intellectuals and the Space of Catastrophe in the Americas
Author/Editor: Judith Sierra-Rivera
Affective intimacies
Author/Editor: Marjo Kolehmainen,Annukka Lahti,Kinneret Lahad
Affective Justice: The International Criminal Court and the Pan-Africanist Pushback
Author/Editor: Kamari Maxine Clarke
Affective Trajectories: Religion and Emotion in African Cityscapes
Author/Editor: Hansjörg Dilger,Astrid Bochow,Marian Burchardt,Matthew Wilhelm-Solomon
Affective Transformations: Politics – Algorithms – Media
Author/Editor: Bernd Bösel,Serjoscha Wiemer
Affective Worldmaking: Narrative Counterpublics of Gender and Sexuality
Author/Editor: Silvia Schultermandl,Jana Aresin,Si Sophie Pages Whybrew,Dijana Simic
Affektdramaturgien im Fußballsport: Die Entzauberung kollektiver Emotionen aus wissenssoziologischer Perspektive
Author/Editor: Michael Wetzels
Affekte: Analysen ästhetisch-medialer Prozesse
Author/Editor: Mieke Bal,Antje Krause-Wahl,Heike Oehlschlägel,Serjoscha Wiemer
Affektökologie: Intensive Milieus und zufällige Begegnungen
Author/Editor: Marie-Luise Angerer
Affekt Macht Netz: Auf dem Weg zu einer Sozialtheorie der Digitalen Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Rainer Mühlhoff,Anja Breljak,Jan Slaby
Affektpoetiken des New Hollywood: Suspense, Paranoia und Melancholie
Author/Editor: Hauke Lehmann
Affe und Affekt: Die Poetik und Politik der Emotionalität in der Primatologie
Author/Editor: Mira Shah
Affinity Online: How Connection and Shared Interest Fuel Learning
Author/Editor: Mizuko Ito,Crystle Martin,Rachel Cody Pfister,Matthew H. Rafalow,Katie Salen,Amanda Wortman
Affirmative Aesthetics and Wilful Women: Gender, Space and Mobility in Contemporary Cinema
Author/Editor: Maud Ceuterick
Afghanistan 2001-2021: Gewaltideologien und ein Hauch von offener Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Abbas Poya
Afghanistan in der Rekonstruktion: Darisprachige Erinnerungsliteratur des 20. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Schayan Gharevi
Afghanistan: Long War, Forgotten Peace
Author/Editor: Michael Cox
Afghanistan’s Islam: From Conversion to the Taliban
Afghanistan’s Islam: From Conversion to the Taliban
Author/Editor: Nile Green
Africa and the North
Author/Editor: Ulf Engel,Gorm Rye Olsen
Africa and Urban Anthropology: Theoretical and Methodological Contributions from Contemporary Fieldwork
Author/Editor: Deborah Pellow,Suzanne Scheld
Africa-EU Renewable Energy Research and Innovation Symposium 2018 (RERIS 2018): 23–26 January 2018, National University of Lesotho On occasion of NULISTICE 2018
Author/Editor: Moeketsi Mpholo,Dirk Steuerwald,Tonny Kukeera
Africa–Europe Cooperation and Digital Transformation
Author/Editor: Chux Daniels,Benedikt Erforth,Chloe Teevan
Africa-Europe Research and Innovation Cooperation: Global Challenges, Bi-regional Responses
Author/Editor: Andrew Cherry,James Haselip,Gerard Ralphs,Isabella E. Wagner
Africa in International Politics
Author/Editor: Ian Taylor,Paul Williams
African American Females: Addressing Challenges and Nurturing the Future
Author/Editor: Eboni M. Zamani-Gallaher,Vernon C. Polite
African Archaeology Without Frontiers: Papers from the 2014 PanAfrican Archaeological Association Congress
Author/Editor: Kusimba M ,Chapurukha,Gabriel W ,Festo,Mjema ,Elinaza,de Barros ,Philip,Lucidi ,Gabriella,Tchandeu Narcisse ,Santores,Seidensticker ,Dirk,Daggett ,Adrianne,Wood ,Marilee,Dussubieux ,Laure,Forssman ,Tim,Ogundiran ,Akin,Smuts ,Kate,Wiltshire ,Nick,Davies ,M
African Archaeology Without Frontiers: Papers from the 2014 PanAfrican Archaeological Association Congress
African Asylum at a Crossroads: Activism, Expert Testimony, and Refugee Rights
Author/Editor: Iris Berger,Tricia Hepner,Benjamin Lawrence,Joanna Tague,Meredith Terretta
African Border Disorders: Addressing Transnational Extremist Organizations
Author/Editor: Olivier J. Walther,William F.S. Miles
African cities and collaborative futures: Urban platforms and metropolitan logistics
Author/Editor: Michael Keith,Andreza Aruska de Souza Santos
African Cities and the Development Conundrum
Author/Editor: Carole Ammann,Till Förster
African Data Protection Laws: Regulation, Policy, and Practice
Author/Editor: Moritz Hennemann,Raymond Atuguba Akongburo,Sena Afua Dei-Tutu,Patricia Boshe
The African Diaspora in Canada: Negotiating Identity and Belonging
Author/Editor: Wisdom J. Tettey,Korbla P. Puplampu
African Economic Development: Evidence, Theory, Policy
Author/Editor: Christopher Cramer,JOHN SENDER,Arkebe Oqubay
African Environmental Crisis: A History of Science for Development
Author/Editor: Gufu Oba
African Futures
Author/Editor: Clemens Greiner,Steven Van Wolputte,Michael Bollig
African Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation
Author/Editor: Nicholas Oguge,Desalegn Ayal,Lydia Adeleke,Izael da Silva
African Identities and International Politics
Author/Editor: Frank Aragbonfoh Abumere
African Initiated Christianity and the Decolonisation of Development: Sustainable Development in Pentecostal and Independent Churches
Author/Editor: Philipp Öhlmann,Wilhelm Gräb,Marie-Luise Frost
The African-Jamaican Aesthetic: Cultural Retention and Transformation Across Borders (Volume 196)
Author/Editor: Lisa Tomlinson
African Land Reform Under Economic Liberalisation: States, Chiefs, and Rural Communities
Author/Editor: Shinichi Takeuchi
African languages from a Role and Reference Grammar perspective: Studies on the syntax-semantics-pragmatics interface
Author/Editor: Jens Fleischhauer,Claudius Patrick Kihara
African linguistics across the disciplines: Selected papers from the 48th Annual Conference on African Linguistics
Author/Editor: Samson Lotven,Silvina Bongiovanni,Phillip Weirich,Robert Botne,Samuel Gyasi Obeng
African linguistics on the prairie: Selected papers from the 45th Annual Conference on African Linguistics
Author/Editor: Jason Kandybowicz,Travis Major,Harold Torrence,Philip T. Duncan
African Literature in African Languages: AFRICAN LITERATURE TODAY 41
Author/Editor: Nduka Otiono,Chiji Akoma
African Literature in the Digital Age: Class and Sexual Politics in New Writing from Nigeria and Kenya
Author/Editor: Shola Adenekan
African Luxury: Aesthetics and Politics
Author/Editor: Simidele Dosekun,Mehita Iqani
The African Marine Litter Outlook
Author/Editor: Thomas Maes,Fiona Preston-Whyte
African Markets and the Utu-buntu Business Model: A Perspective on Economic Informality in Nairobi
Author/Editor: Mary Njeri Kinyanjui
The African National Congress and the Regeneration of Political Power
Author/Editor: Booysen ,Susan
African Pentecostalism, the Bible, and Cultural Resilience: The Case of the Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa
Author/Editor: Kudzai Biri
African Perspectives on Religion and Climate Change
Author/Editor: Ezra Chitando,Ernst M. Conradie,Susan M. Kilonzo
African Perspectives on South–South Migration
Author/Editor: Meron Zeleke,Lahra Smith
African Principles on the Law Applicable to International Commercial Contracts: International Commercial Contracts
Author/Editor: Jan Neels
Africa Research in Austria: Approaches and Perspectives
Author/Editor: Andreas Exenberger,Ulrich Pallua (Hg.)
Africa's digital future: From theory to action
Author/Editor: Susara J. Jansen van Rensburg,Wilma Viviers,Wilma Viviers,Ali Parry,Ali Parry,Susara J. Jansen van Rensburg,Petrus D.F. Strydom,Marie-Luce Kühn,Emmanuel Orkoh
Africa’s digital solutions to tackle COVID-19
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Africa's Lions
Africa's Lions : Growth Traps and Opportunities for Six African Economies
Africa's Soft Power: Philosophies, Political Values, Foreign Policies and Cultural Exports
Author/Editor: Oluwaseun Tella
Africa, the Cradle of Human Diversity: Cultural and Biological Approaches to Uncover African Diversity
Author/Editor: Cesar Fortes-Lima,Ezekia Mtetwa,Carina Schlebusch
Afrikaanse Filosofie: Perspektiewe en dialoë
Author/Editor: Pieter Duvenage
Afrika – Atlantik – Amerika: Sklaverei und Sklavenhandel in Afrika, auf dem Atlantik und in den Amerikas sowie in Europa
Author/Editor: Michael Zeuske
Afrika im deutschsprachigen Kommunikationsraum: Neue Perspektiven interkultureller Sprach- und Literaturforschung
Author/Editor: Friederike Heinz,Simplice Agossavi,Akila Ahouli,Ursula Logossou,Gesine Lenore Schiewer
Afrika – Kontinent der Extreme
Author/Editor: Exenberger ,Andreas
Afrikaners and the Boundaries of Faith in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Author/Editor: Annika Björnsdotter Teppo
AfroAsian Encounters: Culture, History, Politics
Author/Editor: Heike Raphael-Hernandez,Shannon Steen
Afro-Peruvian Spanish: Spanish slavery and the legacy of Spanish Creoles
Author/Editor: Sandro Sessarego
Afropolitan Horizons: Essays toward a Literary Anthropology of Nigeria
Author/Editor: Ulf Hannerz
After 9/11: Leading Political Thinkers about the World, the U.S. and Themselves
Author/Editor: Tobias Endler
After 9/11: Leading Political Thinkers about the World, the U.S. and Themselves : 17 Conversations
Author/Editor: Tobias Endler
After Appropriation: Explorations in Intercultural Philosophy and Religion
Author/Editor: Morny Joy
After Confucius
After Confucius : Studies in Early Chinese Philosophy
Author/Editor: Goldin ,Paul R.
After Conversion: Iberia and the Emergence of Modernity
Author/Editor: Mercedes García-Arenal
After Corporate Paternalism: Material Renovation and Social Change in the Time of Ruination (Volume 24)
Author/Editor: Christian Straube
After Dictatorship: Instruments of Transitional Justice in Post-Authoritarian Systems
Author/Editor: Peter Hoeres,Hubertus Knabe
After Disruption: A Future for Cultural Memory
Author/Editor: Trevor Owens
After Ethnos
Author/Editor: Tobias Rees
The Afterlife of Apuleius
Author/Editor: F. Bistagne,C. Boidin,R. Mouren
The Afterlife of Genre: Remnants of the Trauerspiel in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Author/Editor: Anthony Curtis Adler
The Afterlife of the Shoah in Central and Eastern European Cultures: Concepts, Problems, and the Aesthetics of Postcatastrophic Narration
Author/Editor: Anna Artwinska,Anja Tippner
Afterlives of Chinese Communism: Political Concepts from Mao to Xi
Author/Editor: Christian Sorace,Ivan Franceschini,Nicholas Loubere
The Afterlives of Extraction: Alternatives and Sustainable Futures
Author/Editor: Filipe Calvão,Matthew Archer,Asanda Benya
Afterlives of the Garden: Receptions of Epicurean Thought in the Early Empire and Late Antiquity
Author/Editor: Gregson Davis,Sergio Yona
The Afterlives of the Terror: Facing the Legacies of Mass Violence in Postrevolutionary France
Author/Editor: Ronen Steinberg
Afterlives of war: A Descendants' History
Author/Editor: Michael Roper
Afterlives: Scandinavian Classics as Comic Art Adaptation
Aftermath : Genocide, Memory and History
The Aftermaths of Participation: Outcomes and Consequences of Participatory Work with Forced Migrants in Museums
Author/Editor: Susanne Boersma
After Queer Theory
After Queer Theory : The Limits of Sexual Politics
Author/Editor: Penney ,James
After Race: Racism After Multiculturalism
Author/Editor: Antonia Darder,Rodolfo D. Torres
Author/Editor: Hemerijck ,Anton,Knapen ,Ben,Doorne van ,Ellen
After the Berlin Wall: A History of the EBRD, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Andrew Kilpatrick
After the Break
After the Coup: Myanmar's Political and Humanitarian Crises
Author/Editor: Monique Skidmore,Anthony Ware
After the deluge: A palaeogeographical reconstruction of Bronze Age West-Frisia (2000-800 BC)
Author/Editor: Wilko van Zijverden
After the Miners’ Strike: A39 and Cornish Political Theatre versus Thatcher’s Britain: Volume 1
Author/Editor: Paul Farmer,Rebecca (0000-0001-8612-0422) Hillman,Mark Kilburn
After the new social democracy: Social welfare for the 21st century
Author/Editor: Fitzpatrick ,Tony
After the "Socialist Spring": Collectivisation and Economic Transformation in the GDR
Author/Editor: George Last
After the "Speculative Turn": Realism, Philosophy, and Feminism
Author/Editor: Katerina Kolozova,Eileen A. Joy
After the Victorians
Author/Editor: Peter Mandler,Susan Pedersen
After the War on Crime: Race, Democracy, and a New Reconstruction
Author/Editor: Mary Louise Frampton,Ian Haney Lopez,Jonathan Simon
After Tomorrow the Days Disappear: Ghazals and Other Poems
Author/Editor: Hasan Sijzi,Rebecca Gould
After Whiteness: Unmaking an American Majority
Author/Editor: Mike Hill
The Afterworld: Long COVID and International Relations
Author/Editor: Frédéric Mérand,Jennifer Welsh
Against Meritocracy: Culture, power and myths of mobility
Author/Editor: Jo Littler
Against Sex Education: Pedagogy, Sex Work, and State Violence
Author/Editor: Caitlin Howlett
AGB-Reform und Rechtsflucht: Bedeutung der Rechtsflucht für die AGB-Reformdebatte im unternehmerischen Rechtsverkehr
Author/Editor: Antonia Sommerfeld
Age-Inclusive ICT Innovation for Service Delivery in South Africa: A Developing Country Perspective
Author/Editor: Vera Roos,Jaco Hoffman
Age in David Almond’s Oeuvre: A Multi-Method Approach to Studying Age and the Life Course in Children’s Literature
Author/Editor: Vanessa Joosen,Michelle Anya Anjirbag,Leander Duthoy,Lindsey Geybels,Frauke Pauwels,Emma-Louise Silva
Ageing and Covid-19: Making Sense of a Disrupted World
Author/Editor: Maria Łuszczyńska,Marvin Formosa
Ageing and Technology
Ageing and Technology : Perspectives from the Social Sciences
Ageing as Future: A Study by the Volkswagen Foundation
Author/Editor: Frieder R. Lang,Stephan Lessenich,Klaus Rothermund
Ageing, Diversity and Equality: Social Justice Perspectives
Author/Editor: Sue Westwood
Ageing in Place in Urban Environments: Critical Perspectives
Author/Editor: Tine Buffel,Chris Phillipson
Ageing in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Author/Editor: Julia Simonson,Jenna Wünsche,Clemens Tesch-Römer
Ageing Masculinities, Alzheimer's and Dementia Narratives
Author/Editor: Heike Hartung,Rüdiger Kunow,Matthew Sweney
Ageing with Smartphones in Ireland: When life becomes craft
Author/Editor: Pauline Garvey,Daniel Miller
Ageing with Smartphones in Uganda: Togetherness in the dotcom age
Author/Editor: Charlotte Hawkins
Ageing with Smartphones in Urban Brazil: A work in progress
Author/Editor: Marília Duque
Ageing with Smartphones in Urban Chile: The experience of Peruvian migrants
Author/Editor: Alfonso Otaegui
Ageing with Smartphones in Urban China: From the cultural to the digital revolution in Shanghai
Author/Editor: Xinyuan Wang
Ageing with Smartphones in Urban Italy: Care and community in Milan and beyond
Author/Editor: Shireen Walton
Author/Editor: Lummerding ,Susanne
Agency and Causal Explanation in Economics
Author/Editor: Peter Róna,László Zsolnai
Agency, contingency and census process: Observations of the 2006 Indigenous Enumeration Strategy in remote Aboriginal Australia
Author/Editor: Morphy ,Frances
Agency – Memory – Community: der Kranz in Festszenen auf attischer Keramik: Eine bildwissenschaftliche Analyse unter Berücksichtigung phänomenologischer Prämissen
Author/Editor: Lioba Tempel
Agency: Moral Identity and Free Will
Author/Editor: David Weissman
The Agency of Art Objects in Northern Europe, 1380–1520
Author/Editor: Antoni Ziemba
The Agency of Things in Medieval and Early Modern Art: Materials, Power and Manipulation
Author/Editor: Grażyna Jurkowlaniec,Ika Matyjaszkiewicz,Zuzanna Sarnecka
Agency: The Entrepreneurial Self in Narratives of Transformation: Debuting in the Literary Field at the Dawn of the Twenty-First-Century
Author/Editor: Jessica Fischer
Agency Theory: Methodology, Analysis: A Structured Approach to Writing Contracts
Author/Editor: Alexander Stremitzer
Agenda 2030: Survey on Sustainable Development Goals through INVALSI data
Author/Editor: Patrizia Falzetti
Agenda-Setting zwischen Parlament und Medien: Normative Herleitung und empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Marko Kovic
Agential Realism als Basis queer(end)er Experimentalpsychologie: Eine wissenschaftstheoretische Auseinandersetzung
Author/Editor: Julia Scholz
Agents' Abilities
Author/Editor: Romy Jaster