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Titles ( displaying 5,000 of 30,605 ) Information
Zyklus und Serie: Van Goghs Ansichten des ummauerten Feldes in Saint-Rémy
Author/Editor: Lukas Baumann
Zwischen Wiener Wald und Moslemkutten
Author/Editor: Rüdiger Lohlker
Zwischenstadtland Schweiz : Zur politischen Steuerung der suburbanen Entwicklung in Schweizer Gemeinden
Author/Editor: Devecchi ,Lineo Umberto
Zwischenstadtland Schweiz
Zwischenstadtland Schweiz
Zwischenstaatliche Finanzzuweisungen im zusammenwachsenden Europa: Zur Gestaltung eines Finanzausgleichs fuer die Europaeische Union
Author/Editor: Steffen Meyer
Zwischen Sprachen en culturen: Wechselbeziehungen im niederländischen, deutschen und afrikaansen Sprachgebiet
Author/Editor: Ute K. Boonen
Zwischen Schul- und Freizeitpädagogik
Author/Editor: Michelle Jutzi
Zwischen Sandkasten und Abschiebung: Zum Alltag junger Kinder in Unterkünften für Geflüchtete
Author/Editor: Anne Wihstutz
Zwischen Sagen und Zeigen: Wittgensteins Weg von der literarischen zur dichtenden Philosophie
Author/Editor: Fabian Goppelsröder
Zwischen Reformen und Verantwortung fuer Vollbeschaeftigung: Die Finanz- und Haushaltspolitik der sozial-liberalen Koalition von 1969 bis 1982
Author/Editor: Monika Hanswillemenke,Bernd Rahmann
Zwischen Propaganda und Unterhaltung.: Das Kino in der Schweiz zur Zeit des Ersten Weltkriegs
Author/Editor: Adrian Gerber
Zwischen Mensch und Modell: Essays rund um die Humanembryologische Dokumentationssammlung Blechschmidt
Author/Editor: Anna Domdey,Corinne Astrid Iffert,Jakob Krahl,Denise Simone Walter
Zwischen Liebesideal und Realismus: Theologische Anthropologie als soziale Ressource bei Reinhold Niebuhr
Author/Editor: Tina Bellmann
Zwischen Kunst, Wissenschaft und Politik: Die Staatlichen Sammlungen für Kunst und Wissenschaft in Dresden und ihre Mitarbeiter im Nationalsozialismus
Author/Editor: Karin Müller-Kelwing,Gilbert Lupfer
Zwischen Krieg und Frieden: Die politischen Beziehungen Landgraf Philipps des Großmütigen von Hessen zum Haus Habsburg (1534–1541) (Volume 231, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Jan Martin Lies
Zwischen Krieg und Euthanasie
Author/Editor: Spring ,Claudia Andrea
Zwischen Koenigtum und Volkssouveraenitaet: Die Revolution von 1848/49 in Brandenburg
Zwischen Internationalismus und Sachpolitik: Die trotzkistische Bewegung in der Schweiz, 1945-1968
Author/Editor: Lucas Federer
Zwischen Ingenieurpädagogik, Lehrkräftebildung und betrieblicher Praxis: Eine Festschrift für Klaus Jenewein
Author/Editor: Michael Dick,Frank Bünning,Robert W. Jahn,Astrid Seltrecht
Zwischen Ideal und Ambivalenz: Geschwisterbeziehungen in ihren soziokulturellen Kontexten
Author/Editor: Ulrike Schneider,Helga Völkening,Daniel Vorpahl
Zwischen geistiger Erneuerung und Restauration
Author/Editor: Stifter ,CHristian H.
Zwischen den Zeiten. Einblicke in Werk und Rezeption Anton Čechovs. Gerhard Ressel zum 65. Geburtstag
Author/Editor: Henrieke Stahl,Karoline Thaidigsmann
Zwischen bürgerlicher Identität und musikalischer Profession: Die Geschichte der Philharmonischen Gesellschaft Bremen im 19. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Katrin Bock
Zwischen Bürgerkrieg und friedlicher Koexistenz : Interethnische Konfliktbearbeitung in den Philippinen, Sri Lanka und Malaysia
Author/Editor: Kreuzer ,Peter,Weiberg-Salzmann ,Mirjam
Zwischen Bürgerkrieg und friedlicher Koexistenz
Zwischen Biomacht und Lebensmacht: Biopolitisches Denken bei Michel Foucault und Ernst Jünger (Volume 113, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Nasser Ahmed
Zwischen Authentizität und Fiktion
Author/Editor: Stangl ,Werner
Zwischen Apologie und Ablehnung
Author/Editor: Prieto ,Moises
Zwischen Anthropologie und Gesellschaftstheorie: Zur Renaissance Helmuth Plessners im Kontext der modernen Lebenswissenschaften
Author/Editor: Gerhard Gamm,Mathias Gutmann,Alexandra Manzei
Zwischen Anstalt und Schule: Eine Wissensgeschichte der Erziehung »schwachsinniger« Kinder in Berlin, 1845-1914
Author/Editor: Jona Tomke Garz
Zwischen Amazonas und East River: Indigene Bewegungen und ihre Repräsentation in Peru und bei der UNO
Author/Editor: Maren Rößler
Zweiundsiebzig Lieder des bulgarischen Volkes
Author/Editor: Gerhard Gesemann
Zweite „Tagung der Fachdidaktik“ 2015: Sprachsensibler Sach-Fach-Unterricht – Sprachen im Sprachunterricht
Author/Editor: Barbara Hinger
Zweisprachigkeit und das semantische Lexikon: Gezielte, sprachspezifische Foerderung und Therapie in der Kita und Grundschule
Author/Editor: Claudia Wahn
Zweijährige Berufsausbildung im Kfz-Service: Kfz-Servicemechaniker/innen aus der Perspektive v. Auszubildenden, Lehrenden u. betriebl. Akteuren (Volume 35)
Author/Editor: Matthias Becker,Frank Musekamp,Georg Spöttl
Zwei Alpentäler im Klimawandel
Author/Editor: Auer ,Ingeborg,Prettenthaler ,Franz,Böhm ,Reinhard,Proske ,Herwig
Zwangsbehandlung bei Selbstgefährdung - 14. Göttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht 2015
Author/Editor: Coester-Waltjen, Dagmar,Lipp, Volker,Schumann, Eva,Veit, Barbara
Zuteilungskriterien im Gesundheitswesen: Grenzen und Alternativen : Eine Einführung mit medizinethischen und philosophischen Verortungen
Author/Editor: Heiner Fangerau,Kathrin Dengler
Zuteilungskriterien im Gesundheitswesen: Grenzen und Alternativen
Zusammenwirken von natürlicher und künstlicher Intelligenz
Author/Editor: Reinhold Haux,Klaus Gahl,Meike Jipp,Rudolf Kruse,Otto Richter
Zur Wortbildung im modernen Russisch
Author/Editor: Paul W. Schönle
Zur Wechselwirkung zwischen Fahrbahntextur und Laufstreifenmischung von Pkw-Reifen
Author/Editor: Patrick Riehm
Zur Vitalitaet slavischer Idiome in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Jörn Achterberg
Zur Verleihung der Ehrensenatorwürde der Universität Hamburg an Professor Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky am 6. Juli 2006
Author/Editor: Hartwig Spitzer
Zur Unterstützung des Strebens nach Erkenntnis und Selbstständigkeit hoch begabter Grundschulkinder in außerschulischen naturwissenschaftlichen Lernkontexten
Author/Editor: Marcus Bohn
Zur Uebersetzungstechnik des altrussischen "Juedischen Krieges" des Josephus Flavius
Author/Editor: Alfons Höcherl
Zur Theorie der laengerfristigen Wirkungen «expansiver» Fiskalpolitik: Eine dynamische Analyse unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der staatlichen Budgetbeschraenkung und ausgewaehlter Moeglichkeiten der oeffentlichen Defizitfinanzierung
Author/Editor: Peter Bartsch
Zur syntaktischen und kommunikativen Struktur slavischer Partizipial- und Gerundiokonstruktionen
Author/Editor: Christoph Höck
Zur sprachwissenschaftstheoretischen Diskussion in der Sowjetunion: Gibt es eine marxistische Sprachwissenschaft?
Author/Editor: Silke Jacobs
Zur Spaltrissbildung von textilbewehrtem Beton
Author/Editor: Philipp Preinstorfer
Zur Soziologie der Software: Die Rolle digitaler Technik bei der Kontrolle von Unsicherheiten
Author/Editor: Dzifa Ametowobla
Zur Rolle der Terminativitaet / Aterminativitaet (T/AT) im Aspekt- und Aspektbildungssystem der russischen Sprache der Gegenwart: Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Aspektualitaet
Author/Editor: Hans Schlegel
Zur Reformbedürftigkeit der Verkehrsunfallflucht (§ 142 StGB)
Author/Editor: Kubatta, Ziva
Zur Reformbedürftigkeit der Verkehrsunfallflucht (§ 142 StGB)
Zur Poetik des Lyrikers Konstantin M. Fofanov
Author/Editor: Ingrid Fenner
Zur oekonomischen und politisch-institutionellen Analyse oeffentlicher Kredithilfen
Author/Editor: Peter Mendler
Zur oekonomischen Analyse der Gewerkschaften in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Theoretische und empirische Untersuchungen von Mitgliederentwicklung, Verhalten und Einfluss auf wirtschaftliche Groessen
Author/Editor: Claus Schnabel
Zur Oekonomie politischer Systeme
Author/Editor: Heiko Geruschkat
Zur Negation im Russischen und Polnischen
Author/Editor: Juliane Besters-Dilger
Zur Negation im Gegenwartsdeutschen und im Modernen Hocharabisch: Eine linguistisch-kontrastive Untersuchung
Author/Editor: Ouafaa Qaddioui
Zur nachhaltigen Finanzierung des gesetzlichen Gesundheitssystems
Author/Editor: Stefan Fetzer
Zur Modernisierung der Schule: Leitideen - Konzepte - Akteure. Ein Überblick
Author/Editor: Thomas Brüsemeister,Klaus-Dieter Eubel
Zur Methodik der Untersuchung aelterer slavischer schriftsprachlicher Texte
Author/Editor: Anna Kretschmer
Zur Metaphorik in den Epen "Živana", "Medvjed Brundo", "Utva" und "Ahasver" des kroatischen Dichters Vladimir Nazor
Author/Editor: Hartmut Albert
Zur Kriminal- und Strafrechtspolitik des 21. Jahrhunderts: Der Blickwinkel eines nordischen Wohlfahrtsstaates und dessen Strafgesetzreformen: Finnland
Author/Editor: Raimo Lahti
Zur Koordination im Russischen: и, a und дa als als pragmatische Konnektoren
Author/Editor: Imke Mendoza
Zur Kontextdeterminierung des Verbalaspekts im modernen Polnisch
Author/Editor: Gerd Lenga
Zur Ökonomik von Spitzenleistungen im internationalen Sport
Author/Editor: Martin-Peter Büch,Wolfgang Maennig,Hans-Jürgen Schulke
Zur Interpretation russischer Nominalgruppen: Anaphorische Bezuege und thematische Strukturen im Satz und im Text.
Author/Editor: Christa Hauenschild
Zur Integration ausgewaehlter mittel- und osteuropaeischer Laender in die waehrungspolitische Ordnung Europas
Author/Editor: Ingo Konrad
Zur Grammatik von Referenz und Episodizitaet
Author/Editor: Björn Hansen
Zur Geschichte des Schriftrussischen: Privatkorrespondenz des 17. und fruehen 18. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Anna Kretschmer
Zur Geschichte des Eigengebrauchs im schweizerischen Urheberrecht - Entwicklung, Erkenntnisse, Quellen
Author/Editor: Florent Thouvenin,Eva-Maria Messerle
Zur Geschichte der Reedereigebaude an der Elbstrase bei der Alten Liebe in Cuxhaven seit den 1920er Jahren
Author/Editor: Rolf-Jurgen Gleitsmann-Topp
Zur Genese buddhistischer Identität bei westlich sozialisierten Menschen
Author/Editor: Gut ,Jürgen
Zur Funktion und Bedeutung kognitiver Metaphern in Hermann Hesses Märchen - Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der China-Symbole
Author/Editor: Nana Pang
Zur Förderung des Verständnisses der Variablenkontrolle im naturwissenschaftlichen Sachunterricht
Author/Editor: Mareike Bohrmann
Zur Frage der zweckmaessigen Gestalt gemeindlicher Steuern: Ein Diskussionsbeitrag zur Gemeindesteuerreform
Zur Finanzierung von Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung: Entwicklung, Probleme und Reformmodelle
Author/Editor: Christian Igel
Zur Erklaerung und Modellierung diachroner Wortbildungsprozesse (anhand russischer substantivischer Neologismen)
Author/Editor: Helmut Jachnow
Zur Eröffnung des Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Zentrums für Naturwissenschaft und Friedensforschung
Author/Editor: Martin B. Kalinowski,Hartwig Spitzer
Zur Entstehung des Tiroler Volkskunstmuseums in Innsbruck
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Meixner
Zur Entfremdungs- und Identitaetsproblematik in der Sowjetprosa der 60er und 70er Jahre: Eine literatursoziologische Untersuchung
Author/Editor: Johann Meichel
Zurechnung: Vom Trennungsprinzip zum Mehrebenensystem
Author/Editor: Michael Denga
Zur Durchsetzung der Einmalbesteuerung deutscher Koerperschaftsgewinne: Strategien zur Vermeidung der im deutschen Koerperschaftsteuersystem angelegten Benachteiligung auslaendischer Anteilseigner- Eine finanzwissenschaftliche Analyse
Author/Editor: Hans-Werner Seiler
Zur Doppelbödigkeit des Unterrichts als Bühne: Eine rekonstruktive Fallanalyse zur Untersuchung der Interaktionsordnung des Unterrichts
Author/Editor: Julia Reischl
Zurück in den Alltag – Mütter nach Behandlung ihrer Alkoholabhängigkeit
Author/Editor: Silvia Gavez,Samuel Keller,Trudi Beck
Zur Analyse dreier Erzaehlungen von Vl. l. Dal': Modellierung eines Lebensweges. Mit einem methodologischen Geleitwort von Johannes Holthusen
Author/Editor: Johanna Renate Döring
Zum Selbstbewusstsein der Erwachsenenbildung: Beiträge aus der >>Werkstatt kritische Bildungstheorie<<
Author/Editor: Andreas Seiverth,Joachim Twisselmann,Malte Ebner von Eschenbach
Zum Problem der Kategorie der Person im Russischen
Author/Editor: Una Winter
"Zum Landrat nicht geeignet“: Leitendes Personal der zentralen, regionalen und lokalen Verwaltungsdienststellen in Brandenburg 1945-1952 (Volume 78)
Author/Editor: Torsten Hartisch
Zum Konvergenzprozess der mittel- und osteuropaeischen EU-Beitrittslaender
Author/Editor: Susanne Reichart
Zum jüdischen Erbe in der Wiener Architektur
Author/Editor: Prokop ,Ursula
Zum Identitätsdiskurs in den Sozialwissenschaften: Eine postkolonial und queer informierte Kritik an George H. Mead, Erik H. Erikson und Erving Goffman
Author/Editor: Ingrid Jungwirth
Zum Handlungs- und Entscheidungsspielraum der kommunalen Investitionspolitik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Zum gesellschaftlichen Nutzen pharmazeutischer Innovationen
Author/Editor: Eberhard Wille,Angelika Mehnert,Jan Philipp Rohweder
Zum Gedenken an Peter Herrmann. 22. 5. 1927 - 22. 11. 2002
Author/Editor: Seminar für Alte Geschichte
Zum Gedenken an Peter Borowsky
Author/Editor: Rainer Hering,Rainer Nicolaysen
Zum Gedenken an Magdalene Schoch (1897-1987)
Author/Editor: Rainer Nicolaysen,Eckart Krause
Zum Gedenken an Gerhard Fezer (1938-2014). Reden der Akademischen Gedenkfeier der Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft am 30. Oktober 2015
Author/Editor: Tilman Repgen,Der Präsident der Universität Hamburg,Michael Köhler,Wilhelm Degener,Wolfgang Wohlers,Frank Meyer,Michael Labe
Zum Gedenken an Erwin Panofsky (1892-1968)/Reden aus Anlass der Benennung des Hörsaals C im Hauptgebäude der Universität Hamburg in Erwin-Panofsky-Hörsaal am 20. Juni 2000
Author/Editor: Eckart Krause,Rainer Nicolaysen
Zum Gedenken an Emil Artin (1898-1962)
Author/Editor: Der Präsident der Universität Hamburg
Zum Gedenken an Eberhard Schmidhäuser
Author/Editor: Institut für Kriminalwissenschaften
Zum Gedenken an Dorothee Sölle
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Grünberg,Wolfram Weiße
Zum Deutschlandbild der nichtmarxistischen russischen Sozialisten: Analyse der Zeitschrift "Russkoe Bogatstvo" von 1880 bis 1904
Author/Editor: Andrea Hermann
Zukunftsperspektiven der Rechtsvergleichung
Author/Editor: Reinhard Zimmermann
Zukunftsperspektiven der Rechtsvergleichung
Author/Editor: Reinhard Zimmermann
Zukunftsperspektiven der Donauschiffahrt nach 1980
Author/Editor: Walter Althammer
Zukunftsorientierte Industriepolitik: Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen
Author/Editor: Guntram Hepperle
Zukunftsmodell: Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften
Author/Editor: Andreas Slopinski,Meike Panschar,Florian Berding,Karin Rebmann
Zukunftsgestaltung durch Öffentliches Recht: Referate und Diskussionen auf der Tagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer in Greifswald vom 2. bis 5. Oktober 2013
Author/Editor: Bernhard Ehrenzeller,Astrid Wallrabenstein,Ulrich Haltern
Zukunftsfeld Bildungs- und Berufsberatung IV
Zukunft Lernwelt Hochschule: Perspektiven und Optionen für eine Neuausrichtung
Author/Editor: Richard Stang,Alexandra Becker
Zukunft gestalten mit Sozialen Innovationen: Neue Herausforderungen für Politik, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft
Author/Editor: Jürgen Howaldt,Miriam Kreibich,Jürgen Streicher,Carolin Thiem
Zukunft der Werkstätten: Perspektiven für und von Menschen mit Behinderung zwischen Teilhabe-Auftrag und Mindestlohn
Author/Editor: Viviane Schachler,Werner Schlummer,Roland Weber
Zukunft der Arbeit in Industrie 4.0
Author/Editor: Alfons Botthof,Ernst Andreas Hartmann
Zukunft der Arbeit – Eine praxisnahe Betrachtung
Author/Editor: Steffen Wischmann,Ernst Andreas Hartmann
Zukünfte nachhaltiger Bioökonomie: Kommunikation und Partizipation in neuen Wirtschaftsformen
Author/Editor: Julia-Lena Reinermann,Jan-Hendrik Kamlage,Nicole de Vries,Ute Goerke,Britta Oertel,Silvia Diane Schrey
Zuhause fremd : Russlanddeutsche zwischen Russland und Deutschland
Author/Editor: Ipsen-Peitzmeier ,Sabine,Kaiser ,Markus
Zuhause fremd
Zugriffe auf das Ich: Psychoaktive Stoffe und Personenkonzepte in der Schweiz, 1945 bis 1980
Author/Editor: Magaly Tornay
Zugehörigkeit und Teilhabe junger Frauen im Übergang in die Arbeitswelt: Institutionelle Interventionen der Jugendhilfe und Arbeitsvermittlung aus Adressatinnen-Sicht
Author/Editor: Júlia Wéber
Zufriedenheit mit Dienstleistungen: Ein phasenorientierter Ansatz zur Operationalisierung und Erklaerung der Kundenzufriedenheit im Verkehrsbereich auf empirischer Basis
Author/Editor: Andreas Siefke
Zéro pesticide: Un nouveau paradigme de recherche pour une agriculture durable
Author/Editor: Florence Jacquet,Marie-Hélène Jeuffroy,Julia Jouan,Edith Le Cadre,Thibaut Malausa,Xavier Reboud,Christian Huyghe
Zootechnologies: A Media History of Swarm Research
Author/Editor: Sebastian Vehlken
Zoonoses: The ties that bind humans to animals
Author/Editor: Gwenaël Vourc’h,François Moutou,Serge Morand,Elsa Jourdain
Zoomorphic Penannular Brooches
Author/Editor: H.E. Kilbride-Jones
Zones Virtopiques
Author/Editor: Dander ,Valentin
Zones of Tradition - Places of Identity: Cities and Their Heritage
Author/Editor: Gerhard Vinken
Zombies in Western Culture
Author/Editor: Vervaeke ,John,Mastropietro ,Christopher,Miscevic ,Filip
Zivilisieren durch Strafen: Britisch-Indiens Gefängnisse in der globalen Wissenszirkulation über die strafende Haft, 1820–1889
Author/Editor: Michael Kläger
Zivilgesellschaftliche Performanz von religiösen und säkularen Migrantenselbstorganisationen: Eine Studie in Nordrhein-Westfalen
Author/Editor: Anna Wiebke Klie
Zivilgesellschaft in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Aufbrüche, Umbrüche, Ausblicke
Author/Editor: Brigitte Grande,Edgar Grande,Udo Hahn
Zivile Sicherheit : Gesellschaftliche Dimensionen gegenwärtiger Sicherheitspolitiken
Zivile Sicherheit
Zitate der Aeneis in den Briefen des Hieronymus: Eine digitale Intertextualitätsanalyse zur Untersuchung kultureller Transformationsprozesse
Author/Editor: Marie Revellio
ZISU – Zeitschrift für interpretative Schul- und Unterrichtsforschung: Empirische Beiträge aus Erziehungswissenschaft und Fachdidaktik
Author/Editor: Ulrich Gebhard,Merle Hummrich,Kerstin Rabenstein,Sabine Rah
Zionist Israel and the Question of Palestine : Jewish Statehood and the History of the Middle East Conflict
Author/Editor: Amar-Dahl ,Tamar
Zionist Israel and the Question of Palestine
Zionism and Cosmopolitanism: Franz Oppenheimer and the Dream of a Jewish Future in Germany and Palestine
Author/Editor: Dekel Peretz
Zingend door het leven
Author/Editor: Veldhorst ,Natascha
Zijlicht op toekomstonderzoek
Zielkonflikt zwischen Lärmschutz und Siedlungsverdichtung
Author/Editor: Miriam Lüdi
Zielgruppenmarketing im Fremdenverkehr von Regionen: Ein Beitrag zur Marktsegmentierung auf der Grundlage von Werten, Motiven und Einstellungen
Author/Editor: Simone Frömbling
Zielgerichtete Ressourcenallokation: Ein Modellentwurf zur Effektivitaetsanalyse praktischer Budgetplanung am Beispiel von Berlin (West)
Author/Editor: Karl Sputek
Zieldimensionen für Multiplikatorinnen und Multiplikatoren früher MINT-Bildung
Author/Editor: Olaf Köller,Johannes Magenheim,Heike Molitor,Jörg Ramseger,Mirjam Steffensky,Esther Winther,Bernd Wollring
Zhang Peili: From Painting to Video
Author/Editor: Olivier Krischer
Zeven hoofdzonden en een paar deugden: Theologische inzichten voor het alledaagse leven
Author/Editor: Carl Sterkens,Christoph Hübenthal
Zerstörung von Geschriebenem Historische und transkulturelle Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Carina Kühne-Wespi,Klaus Peter Oschema,Joachim Friedrich Quack
Zero Distance: Management in the Quantum Age
Author/Editor: Danah Zohar
Zerbrochene Schönheit: Essays über Kunst, Ästhetik und Behinderung
Author/Editor: Tobin Siebers
Zeolites and Metal-Organic Frameworks
Author/Editor: Vincent Blay,Luis Francisco Bobadilla,Alejandro Cabrera García
Zentrum und Peripherie: Beiträge zum 32. Forum Junge Romanistik in Würzburg (16.–19. März 2016)
Author/Editor: Julien Bobineau,Julius Goldmann,Stefanie Goldschmitt,Robert Hesselbach,Gabriella-Maria Lambrecht
Zentrale versus dezentrale Internalisierung externer Effekte bei unvollstaendiger Information
Author/Editor: Christian Haslbeck
Zentrale Themen der Ideengeschichte physikdidaktischer Forschung in Deutschland anhand ausgew ̈ahlter Originalquellen
Author/Editor: David Woitkowski,Christoph Vogelsang
Zellen, Wellen, Systeme : Eine Genealogie systemischen Denkens, 1880–1980
Author/Editor: Bauer ,Julian
Zellen, Wellen, Systeme
Zelfstandige bestuursorganen. Verslag van een conferentie gehouden op 16 mei 1986
Author/Editor: WRR
Zeitwesen: Autobiographik österreichischer Künstlerinnen und Künstler im Spannungsfeld von Politik und Gesellschaft 1900-1945. Eine Studie zu Alfred Kubin, Oskar Kokoschka, Aloys Wach, Erika Giovanna Klien und Margret Bilger
Author/Editor: Birgit Kirchmayr
Zeit und Zeitperzeption: Historische Beiträge zur interdisziplinären Debatte (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Jon Mathieu
Zeit- und Alterstopik im Minnesang: Eine Untersuchung zu Liedern Walthers von der Vogelweide, Reinmars, Neidharts und Oswalds von Wolkenstein
Author/Editor: Simone Loleit,Thomas Bein
Zeitlichkeit und Geschichtlichkeit des bewegten Bildes in der Gegenwartskunst
Author/Editor: Nina Steinmüller
Zeit im Lebensverlauf: Ein Glossar
Author/Editor: Sebastian Schinkel,Fanny Hösel,Sina-Mareen Köhler,Alexandra König,Elisabeth Schilling,Julia Schreiber,Regina Soremski,Maren Zschach
Zeitgenössischer Tanz: Körper - Konzepte - Kulturen. Eine Bestandsaufnahme
Author/Editor: Reto Clavadetscher,Claudia Rosiny
Zeitgenössische Kunst aus Afrika
Author/Editor: Fillitz ,Thomas
Zeitgenössische jüdische Autobiographie
Author/Editor: Christoph Miething
Zeitenwende?: Zur Selbstbehauptung der Europäischen Union in einer neuen Welt
Author/Editor: Daniel S. Hamilton,Gregor Kirchhof
Zeitenwende: deutsche und russische Erfahrungen 1917–1919 : На рубеже эпох: русский и немецкий опыт 1917–1919 гг. (Volume 10)
Author/Editor: Joachim Tauber,Alexander Tschubarjan
Zeiten der Wachsamkeit
Author/Editor: Arndt Brendecke,Susanne Reichlin
Zeitdiagnose Männlichkeiten Schweiz
Author/Editor: AG Transformation von Männlichkeiten
Zeit der Unterhändler: Koordinierter Kapitalismus in Deutschland und Frankreich zwischen 1920 und 1950
Author/Editor: Philipp Müller
Zeitbezogene Nutzenkomponenten von Verkehrsdienstleistungen: Erklaerung und Wirkung am Beispiel von Bahnreisen
Author/Editor: Bastian Grunberg
Zeichen und Funktion: Beitraege zur aesthetischen Konzeption Jan Mukařovskýs
Author/Editor: Hans Günther
Zeichentragende Artefakte im sakralen Raum: Zwischen Präsenz und UnSichtbarkeit
Author/Editor: Wilfried E. Keil,Sarah Kiyanrad,Christoffer Theis,Laura Willer
Zeichenform und Warenverkehr: Eine Formatgeschichte der Marke, 1840–1891
Author/Editor: Wendelin Brühwiler
Zeichen des Fremden und ihre Metaisierung in ästhetischen Diskursen der Gegenwart
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Lukas,Martin Nies
Zehn Jahre in Deutschland 1935-1945
Author/Editor: Ji Xianlin,Li Kuiliu,Roswitha Brinkmann,Liu Daoqian
Zehn Jahre in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Ji, Xianlin,Li, Kuiliu,Brinkmann, Roswitha,Liu, Daoqian
Zaveščanie Carja: Neopublikovannyj kinoscenarij. Rasskazy. Stat'i. Recenzii. Pis'ma. Nekrologi. Sostavlenie i predislovie Vol'fganga Šrika
Author/Editor: Lev Lunc
Zahlungsbilanzkrisen bei begrenzter Devisenmarkteffizienz: Ein kapitalmarkttheoretischer Ansatz
Author/Editor: Jens Bruderhausen
Zabytoe: Rannjaja proza. Sostavlenie i predislovie Fol'kera Levina
Author/Editor: Michail Bulgakov
Yyteistä uuteen alkuun
Author/Editor: Harju ,Auli,Koljonen ,Kari,Heinonen ,Ari
Yvan Goll ed il crollo del mito d'Europa
Author/Editor: Elisabetta Terigi
Yuendumu, legacy of a longitudinal growth study in Central Australia
Author/Editor: Townsend C ,Grant,Rogers R ,James,Pinkerton K ,Sandra,Brown ,Tasman
Yuarn Music Dramas: Studies in Prosody and Structure and a Complete Catalogue of Northern Arias in the Dramatic Style
Author/Editor: Dale R. Johnson
YouTube vs. GEMA: Musik und Urheberrecht im digitalen Kapitalismus
Author/Editor: Philip Stade
YouTube and Music: Online Culture and Everyday Life
Author/Editor: Holly Rogers,Joana Freitas,João Francisco Porfírio
Youth without Representation: The Absence of Young Adults in Parliaments, Cabinets, and Candidacies
Author/Editor: Daniel Stockemer,Aksel Sundstrom
Youth Violence: Sources and solutions in South Africa
Author/Editor: Cathy Ward,Andrew Dawes
Youth Transitions among Descendants of Turkish Immigrants in Amsterdam and Strasbourg: A Generation in Transition
Author/Editor: Elif Keskiner
Youth Suicide Prevention and Intervention: Best Practices and Policy Implications
Author/Editor: John P. Ackerman,Lisa M. Horowitz
Youthquake 2017: The Rise of Young Cosmopolitans in Britain
Author/Editor: James Sloam,Matt Henn
Youth on the Move: Tendencies and Tensions in Youth Policies and Practices
Author/Editor: Kristiina Brunila,Lisbeth Lundah
The Youth of Early Modern Women
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Cohen,Margaret Reeves
Youth Ministry: An Inclusive Missional Approach
Author/Editor: Malan Nel
Youth-Led Social Movements and Peacebuilding in Africa
Author/Editor: Ibrahim Bangura
Youth in Fiji and Solomon Islands: Livelihoods, Leadership and Civic Engagement
Author/Editor: Aidan Craney
Youth, Identity, and Digital Media
Author/Editor: David Buckingham
Youth at the crossroads - Discourses on socio-cultural change in post-war Northern Uganda
Author/Editor: Vorhölter, Julia
Youth and the Politics of the Present: Coping with Complexity and Ambivalence
Author/Editor: Enzo Colombo,Paola Rebughini
Youth and the Crisis
Youth and Memory in Europe: Defining the Past, Shaping the Future
Author/Editor: Félix Krawatzek,Nina Friess
Youth and Jobs in Rural Africa: Beyond Stylized Facts
Author/Editor: Valerie Mueller,James Thurlow
You Shook Me All Campaign Long: Music in the 2016 Presidential Election and Beyond
Author/Editor: Eric T. Kasper,Benjamin S. Schoening
Your Post has been Removed: Tech Giants and Freedom of Speech
Author/Editor: Frederik Stjernfelt,Anne Mette Lauritzen
You're Not from Around Here, Are You?: A Lesbian in Small-Town America
Author/Editor: Louise A. Blum
You're Dead—So What?: Media, Police, and the Invisibility of Black Women as Victims of Homicide
Author/Editor: Cherly L. Neely
Your Diamond Dreams Cut Open My Arteries: Poems by Else Lasker-Schüler
Author/Editor: Else Lasker-Schüler,Robert P. Newton
Young Perspectives for Old Diseases: Recent Updates on the Understanding and Therapies for Neurodegenerative Diseases
Author/Editor: Glaucia NoeliMaroso Hajj
Young People, Wellbeing and Sustainable Arctic Communities
Author/Editor: Florian Stammler,Reetta Toivanen
Young People's Views of Government, Peaceful Coexistence, and Diversity in Five Latin American Countries: IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2016 Latin American Report
Author/Editor: Wolfram Schulz,John Ainley,Cristián Cox,Tim Friedman
Young People's Perceptions of Europe in a Time of Change: IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2016 European Report
Author/Editor: Bruno Losito,Gabriella Agrusti,Valeria Damiani,Wolfram Schulz
Young People, Social Media and Health
Author/Editor: Victoria A. Goodyear,Kathleen M. Armour
Young People, Ethics, and the New Digital Media: A Synthesis from the GoodPlay Project
Author/Editor: Carrie James
Young People as Agents of Sustainable Society: Reclaiming the Future
Author/Editor: Päivi Honkatukia,Tiina Rättilä
Young Nietzsche and the Wagnerian Experience
Author/Editor: Frederick R. Love
Young, Female and Black
Author/Editor: Heidi Safia Mirza
Young Entrepreneurs in Sub-Saharan Africa
Young Entrepreneurs in Sub-Saharan Africa
Young Children’s Play Practices with Digital Tablets: Playful Literacy
Author/Editor: Isabel Fróes
Young Children and Their Parents
Author/Editor: Diem-Wille ,Gertraud
Young American Muslims: Dynamics of Identity
Author/Editor: Nahid Afrose Kabir
Young Adults and Active Citizenship: Towards Social Inclusion through Adult Education
Author/Editor: Natasha Kersh,Hanna Toiviainen,Pirkko Pitkänen,George K. Zarifis
YOUMARES 9 - The Oceans: Our Research, Our Future: Proceedings of the 2018 conference for YOUng MArine RESearcher in Oldenburg, Germany
Author/Editor: Simon Jungblut,Viola Liebich,Maya Bode-Dalby
YOUMARES 8 – Oceans Across Boundaries: Learning from each other: Proceedings of the 2017 conference for YOUng MARine RESearchers in Kiel, Germany
Author/Editor: Simon Jungblut,Viola Liebich,Maya Bode
You Can Help Your Country: English children's work during the Second World War
Author/Editor: Berry Mayall,Virginia Morrow
Yosano Akiko and The Tale of Genji: Revised editon
Author/Editor: Gaye Rowley
Yosano Akiko and The Tale of Genji
Author/Editor: Gaye Rowley
Yoga in Transformation: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Author/Editor: Karl Baier,Philipp André Maas,Karin Preisendanz
Ympäristö, politiikka ja julkisuus: Kolme tapaustutkimusta journalistisen julkisuuden rakentumisesta ja merkityksestä ympäristöpolitiikassa
Author/Editor: Ville Kumpu
Ympäristö, estetiikka ja hyvinvointi
Ympäristö, estetiikka ja hyvinvointi
Y la independencia de Iberoamérica se hizo: Varios procesos, múltiples enfoques, una mirada global
Author/Editor: Manuel Chust,Sigfredo Vásquez
“Ye Shall Know Them by Their Fruits”: A Mixed Methods Study on Corruption, Competitiveness, and Christianity in Europe and the Americas
Author/Editor: Jason García Portilla
Yeats's Mask
Yeats's Legacies: Yeats Annual No. 21
Author/Editor: Warwick Gould
The Years of Jesuit Suppression, 1773–1814: Survival, Setbacks, and Transformation
Author/Editor: Paul Shore
Yankees, cookies en dollars
Author/Editor: Sijs van der ,Nicoline
xxAI - Beyond Explainable AI: International Workshop, Held in Conjunction with ICML 2020, July 18, 2020, Vienna, Austria, Revised and Extended Papers
Author/Editor: Andreas Holzinger,Randy Goebel,Ruth Fong,Taesup Moon,Klaus-Robert Müller,Wojciech Samek
X-Ray Contrast Media: Overview, Use and Pharmaceutical Aspects
Author/Editor: Ulrich Speck
X-Machines for Agent-Based Modeling: FLAME Perspectives
Author/Editor: Mariam Kiran
Xinjiang Year Zero
Author/Editor: Darren Byler,Ivan Franceschini,Nicholas Loubere
Xinjiang and the Modern Chinese State
Author/Editor: Justin M. Jacobs
X-Ineffizienz, Managementanreize und Produktmarktwettbewerb
Author/Editor: Uwe Jirjahn
Xiipúktan (First of All)
Author/Editor: Bryant ,George,Miller ,Amy
XIII Conference "Root and Butt Rot of Forest Trees" IUFRO Working Party 7.02.01: September 4th–10th 2011 Firenze – Auditorium di S. Apollonia S. Martino di Castrozza (TN) – Palazzo Sass Maor, Italy
Author/Editor: Matteo Garbelotto,PAOLO CAPRETTI,Cecilia Comparini,Nicola La Porta
Xerxes and Babylonia: The Cuneiform Evidence
Author/Editor: Caroline Waerzeggers,Maarja Seire
Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus-Related Virus as a Case Study: Using a Precautionary Risk Management Approach for Emerging Blood-Borne Pathogens in Canada
Author/Editor: Tyshenko ,Michael G.,ElSaadany ,Susie,Oraby ,Tamer,Laderoute ,Marian,Wu ,Jun,Aspinall ,Willy,Krewski ,Daniel,Ganz ,Peter R.
Xenopus: From Basic Biology to Disease Models in the Genomic Era
Author/Editor: Abraham Fainsod,Sally A. Moody
Author/Editor: James Harley
XcalableMP PGAS Programming Language: From Programming Model to Applications
Author/Editor: Mitsuhisa Sato,Mitsuhisa Sato
WTO Law and Trade Policy Reform for Low-Carbon Technology Diffusion: Common Concern of Humankind, Carbon Pricing, and Export Credit Support
Author/Editor: Zaker Ahmad
Wütende Texte: Die Sprache heißen Zorns in der deutschen Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Alfred Stumm
Written Culture in a Colonial Context : Africa and the Americas 1500-1900
Author/Editor: Delmas ,Adrien,Penn ,Nigel
Written Culture in a Colonial Context
Writing Together: Kollaboratives Schreiben mit Personen aus dem Feld
Author/Editor: Martina Blank,Sarah Nimführ
Writing the Yugoslav Wars : Literature, Postmodernism, and the Ethics of Representation
Author/Editor: Obradović ,Dragana
Writing the Yugoslav Wars
Writing the Reader: Configurations of a Cultural Practice in the English Novel (Volume 59)
Author/Editor: Dorothee Birke
Writing the Past in Twenty-first-century American Fiction
Author/Editor: Alexandra Lawrie
Writing the Digital History of Nazi Germany: Potentialities and Challenges of Digitally Researching and Presenting the History of the Third Reich, World War II, and the Holocaust
Author/Editor: Julia Timpe,Frederike Buda
Writing Systems and Their Use: An Overview of Grapholinguistics
Author/Editor: Dimitrios Meletis,Christa Dürscheid
Writing Self, Writing Empire: Chandar Bhan Brahman and the Cultural World of the Indo-Persian State Secretary
Author/Editor: Kinra ,Rajeev
Writing Self, Writing Empire: Chandar Bhan Brahman and the Cultural World of the Indo-Persian State Secretary
Author/Editor: Rajeev Kinra
Writing(s) at the Crossroads: The process–product interface
Author/Editor: Georgeta Cislaru
Writing Revolution in Latin America: From Martí to García Márquez to Bolaño
Author/Editor: Juan E. De Castro
Writing Resistance: Revolutionary memoirs of Shlissel´burg Prison, 1884-1906
Author/Editor: Sarah J. Young
The Writing Public: Participatory Knowledge Production in Enlightenment and Revolutionary France
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Andrews Bond
Writing Pirates: Vernacular Fiction and Oceans in Late Ming China
Author/Editor: Yuanfei Wang
Writing Palestine: 1933-1950
Author/Editor: Dorothy Kahn Bar-Adon,Esther Carmel-Hakim,Nancy Rosenfeld
The Writing on the Wall: The Work of Joane Cardinal-Schubert
Author/Editor: Lindsey Sharman
Writing, Medium, Machine: Modern Technographies
Writing, Medium, Machine: Modern Technographies
Writing Manuals for the Masses: The Rise of the Literary Advice Industry from Quill to Keyboard
Author/Editor: Anneleen Masschelein,Dirk de Geest
Writing in Time: Emily Dickinson's Master Hours
Author/Editor: Marta L. Werner
Writing in Limbo: Modernism and Caribbean Literature
Author/Editor: Simon Gikandi
Writing History in the Digital Age
Author/Editor: Jack Dougherty,Kristen Nawrotzki
Writing Gender in Early Modern Chinese Women's Tanci Fiction
Author/Editor: Li Guo
Writing for the Medium
Author/Editor: Elsaesser ,Thomas,Simons ,Jan,Bronk ,Lucette
Writing Facts: Interdisciplinary Discussions of a Key Concept in Modernity
Author/Editor: Susanne Knaller
Writing Equipment
Author/Editor: Anna Willi
Writing Emotions : Theoretical Concepts and Selected Case Studies in Literature
Writing Emotions
Writing Development in Struggling Learners: Understanding the Needs of Writers across the Lifecourse
Author/Editor: Brett Miller,Peggy McCardle,Vince Connelly
Writing Death
Author/Editor: Jeremy Fernando,Avital Ronell
The Writing Culture of Ancient Dadān: A Description and Quantitative Analysis of Linguistic Variation
Author/Editor: Fokelien Kootstra
Writing Black Scotland: Race, Nation and the Devolution of Black Britain
Author/Editor: Joseph H. Jackson
Writing Beyond Pen and Parchment Inscribed Objects in Medieval European Literature
Author/Editor: Ricarda Wagner,Christine Neufeld,Ludger Lieb
Writing Beloveds : Humanist Petrarchism and the Politics of Gender
Author/Editor: Feng ,Aileen A.
Writing Beloveds
Writing as Material Practice : Substance, surface and medium
Author/Editor: Piquette E. ,Kathryn,Whitehouse D. ,Ruth
Writing as Material Practice
Writing Art
Author/Editor: Jeremy Fernando,Alessandro De Francesco
Writing Around the Ancient Mediterranean: Practices and Adaptations (Volume 6)
Author/Editor: Philippa M. Steele
Writing and the West German Protest Movements: The Textual Revolution
Author/Editor: Mererid Puw Davies,Puw Davies Meredid
Writing and Renunciation in Medieval Japan: The Works of the Poet-Priest Kamo no Chomei
Author/Editor: Rajyashree Pandey
Writing and Publishing Scientific Papers: A Primer for the Non-English Speaker
Author/Editor: Gabor Lövei
Writing Alberta: Building on a Literary Identity
Author/Editor: Donna Coates,George Melnyk
Writers, Literature and Censorship in Poland. 1948–1958
Author/Editor: Kamila Budrowska
Würde und Selbstbestimmung über den Tod hinaus
Author/Editor: Duttge, Gunnar,Viebahn, Christoph
Wounds and Words : Childhood and Family Trauma in Romantic and Postmodern Fiction
Author/Editor: Schönfelder ,Christa
Wounds and Words
Wounded Heroes
Author/Editor: McCoy Berzins ,Marina
Wound Building: Dispatches from the Latest Disasters in UK Poetry
Author/Editor: Danny Hayward
Wortschatz: Theorie, Empirie, Dokumentation
Author/Editor: Stefan Engelberg,Heidrun Kämper,Petra Storjohann
Wort – Satz – Korpus: Multimethodische digitale Forschung in der Linguistik
Author/Editor: Claudia Posch,Karoline Irschara,Gerhard Rampl
›Wort für Wort‹ – Lektüren zum Werk von Oswald Egger
Author/Editor: Martin Endres,Ralf Simon
Worte am Werk
Author/Editor: Carrujo Covas ,Luis Miguel
Wortbildung und Kategorisierung am Beispiel der desubstantivischen Wortbildung des Russischen
Author/Editor: Yannis Kakridis
Wortbildung und Akzent im Russischen
Author/Editor: Tilman Berger
Wortbildung diamedial: Korpusstudien zum geschriebenen und gesprochenen Deutsch
Author/Editor: Sören Stumpf
Worrorra: a language of the north-west Kimberley coast
Author/Editor: Clendon ,Mark
A World You Do Not Know: Settler Societies, Indigenous Peoples and the Attack on Cultural Diversity
Author/Editor: Colin Samson
The World Wide Web of Work: A history in the making
Author/Editor: Marcel van der Linden
World Wide Warriors: How Jihadis Operate Online
Author/Editor: Rüdiger Lohlker
The World We Want to Live In: Compendium of Digitalisation, Digital Networks, and Artificial Intelligence
Author/Editor: Frank Schmiedchen,Klaus Peter Kratzer,Jasmin S. A. Link,Heinz Stapf-Finé
World under Revision: The Poetry of Wisława Szymborska
Author/Editor: Wojciech Ligeza
World Trade Evolution: Growth, Productivity and Employment
Author/Editor: Lili Yan Ing,Miaojie Yu
The World's Oldest Church
Author/Editor: Peppard ,Michael
The Worlds of Langston Hughes : Modernism and Translation in the Americas
Author/Editor: Kutzinski ,Vera M.
The Worlds of Langston Hughes
Worlds of Labour Turned Upside Down: Revolutions and Labour Relations in Global Historical Perspective
Author/Editor: Pepijn Brandon,Peyman Jafari,Stefan Müller
Worlds in Miniature: Contemplating Miniaturisation in Global Material Culture
Author/Editor: Jack Davy,Charlotte Dixon
The World's First Full Press Freedom: The Radical Experiment of Denmark-Norway 1770–1773
Author/Editor: Ulrik Langen,Frederik Stjernfelt
World's End
Author/Editor: Charlie Gere
Worlds Apart : Bosnian Lessons for Global Security
Author/Editor: Hunt ,Swanee
Worlds Apart
The World Refugees Made: Decolonization and the Foundation of Postwar Italy
Author/Editor: Pamela Ballinger
World Protests: A Study of Key Protest Issues in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Isabel Ortiz,Sara Burke,Mohamed Berrada,Hernán Saenz Cortés
World Politics at the Edge of Chaos: Reflections on Complexity and Global Life
Author/Editor: Emilian Kavalski
A world of water: Rain, rivers and seas in Southeast Asian histories
Author/Editor: Boomgaard ,Peter
A world of water: Rain, rivers and seas in Southeast Asian histories
World of Walls
Author/Editor: Saddiki ,Said
World of UCL
Author/Editor: Georgina Brewis,John North,Negley Harte
The World of the Seafarer: Qualitative Accounts of Working in the Global Shipping Industry
Author/Editor: Victor Oyaro Gekara,Victor Oyaro Gekara,Helen Sampson,Helen Sampson
The World of Rules: A Somewhat Different Measurement of the World
Author/Editor: Gunnar Folke Schuppert,Thomas Duve,Stefan Vogenauer
World of Patterns: A Global History of Knowledge
Author/Editor: Rens Bod,Leston Buell
A world of nourishment: Reflections on food in indian culture
Author/Editor: Cinzia Pieruccini,Paola M. Rossi
A World of Fiction: Digital Collections and the Future of Literary History
Author/Editor: Katherine Bode
A World of Disorderly Notions: Quixote and the Logic of Exceptionalism
Author/Editor: Aaron R. Hanlon
World of Difference: A Moral Perspective on Social Inequality
Author/Editor: Naomi Ellemers
World Literatures: Exploring the Cosmopolitan-Vernacular Exchange
Author/Editor: Stefan Helgesson,Annika Mörte Alling,Yvonne Lindqvist,Helena Wulff
World Literature, Cosmopolitanism, Globality Beyond, Against, Post, Otherwise
Author/Editor: Gesine Müller,Mariano Siskind
World Literature and Dissent
Author/Editor: Lorna Burns,Katie Muth
The World Jewish Congress During The Holocaust - Between Activism and Restraint
Author/Editor: Segev ,Zohar
The World Jewish Congress During The Holocaust - Between Activism and Restraint
The World Jewish Congress During The Holocaust: Between Activism and Restraint
Author/Editor: Zohar Segev
Worlding the south: Nineteenth-century literary culture and the southern settler colonies
Author/Editor: Sarah Comyn,Porscha Fermanis
Worlding Postcolonial Sexualities: Publics, Counterpublics, Human Rights
Author/Editor: Kanika Batra
The World in Eleven Dimensions: Supergravity, supermembranes and M-theory
Author/Editor: M.J Duff
World History for International Studies
Author/Editor: Isabelle Duyvesteyn,Anne Marieke van der Wal
World History – a Genealogy: Private Conversations with World Historians, 1996-2016
Author/Editor: Carolien Stolte,Alicia Schrikker
World Heritage Angkor and Beyond - Circumstances and Implications of UNESCO Listings in Cambodia
Author/Editor: Hauser-Schäublin, Brigitta
World Food Trends and the Future of Food (Volume 6)
Author/Editor: Marianna Nobile
World Editors: Dynamics of Global Publishing and the Latin American Case between the Archive and the Digital Age
Author/Editor: Gustavo Guerrero,Benjamin Loy,Gesine Müller
World Compendium of Healthcare Facilities and Nonprofit Organizations
Author/Editor: Ebby Elahi
World Class Universities: A Contested Concept
Author/Editor: Sharon Rider,Michael A. Peters,Mats Hyvönen,Tina Besley
World Christianity: Methodological Considerations
Author/Editor: Martha Frederiks,Dorottya Nagy
World Building: Transmedia, Fans, Industries
Author/Editor: Marta Boni
World Beats
Author/Editor: Fazzino ,Jimmy
The World as Abyss: The Caribbean and Critical Thought in the Anthropocene
Author/Editor: Jonathan Pugh,David Chandler
The Works of Stefan George
Author/Editor: Olga Marx,Ernst Morwitz
The Works of Peter Schott, 1460-1490, Vol. I: Introduction and Text
Author/Editor: Murray A. Cowie,Marian L. Cowie
The Works of Peter Schott, 1460-1490, Vol. II: Commentary
Author/Editor: Marian L. Cowie,Murray A. Cowie
The Works of Li Qingzhao
Author/Editor: Sarah M. Allen,Paul Kroll,Christopher M. B. Nugent,Stephen Owen,Anna M. Shields,Xiaofei Tian,Ding Xiang Warner
Workshops in International Conference on Social Robotics
The Workshop Morality: The Islamic Creativity of Pesantren Daarut Tauhid in Bandung, Java
Author/Editor: Solahudin ,Dindin
Worksharing as a policy to increase employment: an evaluation
Author/Editor: Kapteyn ,A.,Zaidi ,A.,Kalwij ,A.
Works for Works, Book 1: Useless Beauty
Author/Editor: Gavin Keeney
Work, Sex and Power: The Forces that Shaped Our History
Author/Editor: Willie Thompson
Work Requirements: Race, Disability, and the Print Culture of Social Welfare
Author/Editor: Todd Carmody
Workplace Spirituality: Making a Difference
Author/Editor: Yochanan Altman,Judi Neal,Wolfgang Mayrhofer
Workplaces as learning spaces - conceptual and empirical insights
Author/Editor: Annette Ostendorf,Chompoonuh K. Permpoonwiwat
The Workplace of the Future: The Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Precariat and the Death of Hierarchies
Author/Editor: Jon-Arild Johannessen
The Work of Professional Football
Author/Editor: Martin Roderick
The Work of Communication: Relational Perspectives on Working and Organizing in Contemporary Capitalism
Author/Editor: Timothy Kuhn,Karen Lee Ashcraft,François Cooren
The Work of Authorship
Working Women in the Sandwich Generation: Theories, Tools and Recommendations for Supporting Women’s Working Lives
Author/Editor: Mervi Rajahonka,Dorota Kwiatkowska-Ciotucha,Miet Timmers,Urszula Załuska,Kaija Villman,Veerle Lengeler,Tim Gielens
Working with LGBTQIA+ youth in the child welfare system: Perspectives from youth and professionals
Author/Editor: Mónica López López,Rodrigo González Álvarez,Mijntje ten Brummelaar,Kevin van Mierlo,Leo Wieldraaijer-Vincent
Working with indigenous knowledge: Strategies for health professionals
Author/Editor: Seepaneng S. Moloko-Phiri,Fhumulani Mavis Mulaudzi,Ntsieni S. Mashau,Lufuno Makhado,Maurine R. Musie,Rafiat A. Anokwuru,Roinah N. Ngunyulu,Sanele Lukhele,Khathutshelo G. Simane-Netshisaulu,Patience M. Tulelo,Melitah M. Rasweswe,Miriam Moagi,Nombulelo V. S
Working Together in Vanuatu
Author/Editor: Thieberger ,Nick,Taylor ,J.
Working Through Colonial Collections: An Ethnography of the Ethnological Museum in Berlin
Author/Editor: Margareta von Oswald
Working the Spaces of Power: Activism, Neoliberalism and Gendered Labour
Author/Editor: Janet Newman
Working the Phones: Control and Resistance in Call Centres
Author/Editor: Jamie Woodcock
Working on the Railroad, Walking in Beauty : Navajos, Hozho, and Track Work
Author/Editor: Youngdahl ,Jay
Working on the Railroad, Walking in Beauty
Working Misunderstandings: An Ethnography of Project Collaboration in a Multinational Corporation in India
Author/Editor: Frauke Mörike
Working in the Service Sector
Author/Editor: Gerhard Bosch,Steffen Lehndorff
Working in the Context of Austerity
Author/Editor: Donna Baines,Ian Cunningham
Working in China
Author/Editor: Ching Kwan Lee
Working, Housing: Urbanizing: The International Year of Global Understanding - IYGU
Author/Editor: Jennifer Robinson,Allen J. Scott,Peter J. Taylor
Working for Policy
Working for Canada: A Pilgrimage in Foreign Affairs from the New World Order to the Rise of Populism
Author/Editor: Geoff White
Working-Class Literature(s) Volume II: Historical and International Perspectives
Author/Editor: John Lennon,Magnus Nilsson
Working-Class Literature(s) : Historical and International Perspectives
Working-Class Literature(s)
Working At Night: The Temporal Organisation of Labour Across Political and Economic Regimes
Author/Editor: Lucie Dušková,Ger Duijzings
Working and Learning in Times of Uncertainty: Challenges to Adult, Professional and Vocational Education
Workfare in den USA : Das Elend der US-amerikanischen Sozialhilfepolitik
Author/Editor: Grell ,Britta
Workfare in den USA
Workfare als Mindestsicherung : Von der Sozialhilfe zu Hartz IV. Deutsche Sozialpolitik 1962 bis 2005
Author/Editor: Brütt ,Christian
Workfare als Mindestsicherung
Worker Voice
Author/Editor: Patmore ,Greg
Workers Unite!: The International 150 Years Later
Author/Editor: Marcello Musto
Workers, Managers, Productivity: Kaizen in Developing Countries
Author/Editor: Akio Hosono,John Page,Go Shimada
Workers Leaving the Studio: Looking Away from Socialist Realism
Author/Editor: Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei,Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei,Genti Gjikola
Worked to the Bone: A Study of Gilded-Age Transatlantic Scientific Networks in Paleontology
Author/Editor: Philipp Wendler
Work and Occupation in French and English Mental Hospitals, c.1918-1939
Author/Editor: Jane Freebody
Work and Livelihoods: History, Ethnography and Models in Times of Crisis
Author/Editor: Susana Narotzky,Victoria Goddard
Words, Objects and Events in Economics: The Making of Economic Theory
Author/Editor: Peter Róna,László Zsolnai,Agnieszka Wincewicz-Price
Words in Space and Time: A Historical Atlas of Language Politics in Modern Central Europe
Author/Editor: Tomasz Kamusella
Words as Events: Cretan Mandinádes in Performance and Composition
Author/Editor: Sykäri ,Venla
Words as Events: Cretan Mandinádes in Performance and Composition
Words are Physicians for an Ailing mind: For Andrzej Boguslawski on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday
Author/Editor: Maciej Grochowski,Daniel Weiss
Words and visions around/about Chinese transnational mobilities 流动
Author/Editor: Valentina Pedone,Miriam Castorina
Word Knowledge and Word Usage
Author/Editor: Wolfgang U. Dressler,Vito Pirrelli,Ingo Plag
Word and Image in Russian History : Essays in Honor of Gary Marker
Word and Image in Russian History
Word Accent and Vowel Duration in Standard Slovene: An Acoustic and Linguistic Investigation
Author/Editor: Tatjana Srebot-Rejec
Worauf ich mich verlassen kann: Kognition und Affekt in Schülereinstellungen zu Schöpfung und Evolution
Author/Editor: Sabine Hermisson
Woran arbeiten wir?: E-Commerce-Plattformen ethnografisch verstehen
Author/Editor: Dennis Eckhardt
WOOD-UP: Valorizzazione della filiera di gassificazione di biomasse legnose per l’energia, la fertilità del suolo e la mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici
Author/Editor: Agnese Aguzzoni,Giustino Tonon,Eleonora Cordioli,Stefano Cesco,Irene Criscuoli,Stefano Dal Savio,Giovanna Ferrentino,Carlo Andreotti,Marco Baratieri,Daniele Basso,Elisa Bonadio,Luigimaria Borruso,Christian Ceccon,Silvia Celletti,Piers Cooper
Woodstock Scholarship
Author/Editor: Gatten N. ,Jeffrey
Wood Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage – Florence 2007
Author/Editor: Uzielli, Luca
Wood Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage – Braga 2008: Proceedings of the International Conference held by COST Action IE0601 (Braga - Portugal, 5-7 November 2008
Author/Editor: Joseph Gril
Wood. Rethinking Material
Author/Editor: Architekturfakultät der Technischen Universität Graz
Wood Modification in Europe: A state-of-the-art about processes, products and applications
Author/Editor: Dennis Jones,Dick Sandberg,Giacomo Goli,Luigi Todaro
Woodcuts as Reading Guides: How Images Shaped Knowledge Transmission in Medical-Astrological Books in Dutch (1500-1550)
Author/Editor: Andrea van Leerdam
Woningcorporaties: een beleidsanalyse
Author/Editor: Gerrichhauzen ,L.G.
Wonen, zorg en pensioenen
Author/Editor: Asbeek Brusse ,W.,Montfort van ,C.J.
Wonder, Horror, Mystery: Letters on Cinema and Religion in Malick, Von Trier, and Kieślowski
Author/Editor: Morgan Meis,J.M. Tyree
Wonder, Education, and Human Flourishing: Theoretical, Empirical, and Practical Perspectives
Author/Editor: Anders Schinkel,Vasco d’Agnese,A Gilbert,Jan B.W. Pedersen,Joseph Moore,Genevieve Lloyd,Sophia Vasalou,David Erlich,Marina Bazhydai,Gert Westermann,Yannis Hadzigeorgiou
Women Writing War: From German Colonialism through World War I (Volume 24)
Author/Editor: Katharina von Hammerstein,Barbara Kosta,Julie Shoults
Women Writing Portuguese Colonialism in Africa (Volume 22)
Author/Editor: Ana Paula Ferreira
Women Workers And Technological Change In Europe In The Nineteenth And twentieth century
Author/Editor: Gertjan De Groot,Marlou Schrover
Women Who Stay Behind: Pedagogies of Survival in Rural Transmigrant Mexico
Author/Editor: Ruth Trinidad Galván
Women Warriors and National Heroes: A Global History
Author/Editor: Boyd Cothran,Joan Judge,Adrian Shubert
Women's writing in contemporary France: New writers, new literatures in the 1990s
Author/Editor: Rye ,Gill,Worton ,Michael
Women's writing in contemporary France: New writers, new literatures in the 1990s
Women's Work and Chicano Families: Cannery Workers of the Santa Clara Valley
Author/Editor: Patricia Zavella
Women’s Tanci Fiction in Late Imperial and Early Twentieth-Century China
Author/Editor: Li Guo
Women's Rights?
Author/Editor: Kato ,Masae
Women’s Political Representation in Iran and Turkey: Demanding a Seat at the Table
Author/Editor: Mona Tajali
Women's Political and Social Thought: An Anthology
Author/Editor: Hilda Smith,Berenice Carroll
Women's Perspectives on (Post)Migration: Between Literature, Arts and Activism – Between Africa and Europe.
Author/Editor: Julia Borst,Stephanie Neu-Wendel,Juliane Tauchnitz
Women's medicine: Sex, family planning and British female doctors in transnational perspective, 1920–70
Author/Editor: Caroline Rusterholz
Women’s Lived Landscapes of War and Liberation in Mozambique: Bodily Memory and the Gendered Aesthetics of Belonging
Author/Editor: Jonna Katto
Women's Literary Networks and Romanticism: A Tribe of Authoresses
Author/Editor: Andrew O. Winckles,Angela Rehbein
Women's Leadership in Music: Modes, Legacies, Alliances
Author/Editor: Iva Nenic,Linda Cimardi
Women’s Friendship in Medieval Literature
Author/Editor: Karma Lochrie,Usha Vishnuvajjala
Women's Experimental Cinema: Critical Frameworks
Author/Editor: Robin Blatez
Women's Emancipation and Civil Society Organisations: Challenging or maintaining the status quo?
Author/Editor: Christina Schwabenland,Chris Lange,Jenny Onyx,Sachiko Nakagawa
Women’s Choices in Europe: Influence of Gender on Education, Occupational Career and Family Development
Author/Editor: Claudia Quaiser-Pohl,Martina Endepohls-Ulpe
Women’s Activism and "Second Wave" Feminism: Transnational Histories
Author/Editor: Barbara Molony
Women Religious Crossing between Cloister and the World: Nunneries in Europe and the Americas, ca. 1200–1700
Author/Editor: Mercedes Pérez Vidal
Women Political Leaders in Rwanda and South Africa: Narratives of Triumph and Loss
Author/Editor: Naleli Mpho Soledad Morojele
Women Political Leaders in Rwanda and South Africa: Narratives of Triumph and Loss
Author/Editor: Naleli Mpho Soledad Morojele
Women Poets and the American Sublime
Author/Editor: Joanne Diehl
Women, Philanthropy, and Civil Society
Author/Editor: Kathleen McCarthy
Women of Trachis: Sophokles
Author/Editor: Rachel Kitzinger,Eamon Grennan
Women of the Washington Press: Politics, Prejudice, and Persistence
Author/Editor: Maurine H. Beasley
Women, Migration and Gendered Experiences: The Case of Post-1991 Albanian Migration
Author/Editor: Ermira Danaj
Women, Love and Learning: The Double Bind
Author/Editor: Alison Mackinnon
Women, Life, Freedom: Our Fight for Human Rights and Equality in Iran
Author/Editor: Nasrin Sotoudeh
Women Judges in the Muslim World: A Comparative Study of Discourse and Practice
Author/Editor: Monika Lindbekk,Nadia Sonneveld
Women in Wartime: Dress Studies from Picture Post 1938-1945
Author/Editor: Geraldine Howell
Women in the Silent Cinema: Histories of Fame and Fate
Author/Editor: Annette Förster
Women in the Silent Cinema: Histories of Fame and Fate
Author/Editor: Annette Förster
Women in the History of Science: A sourcebook
Author/Editor: Hannah Wills,Sadie Harrison,Erika Jones,Farrah Lawrence-Mackey,Rebecca Martin
Women in the Bible, Qumran and Early Rabbinic Literature: Their Status and Roles
Author/Editor: Paul Heger
Women in the Bible, Qumran and Early Rabbinic Literature
Author/Editor: Heger ,P.
Women in the Bible, Qumran and Early Rabbinic Literature
Women in the Balkans/ Southeastern Europe
Author/Editor: Gabriella Schubert,Johanna Deimel
Women in the Ancient Near East
Author/Editor: Stol ,Marten
Women in the Ancient Near East
Author/Editor: Marten Stol
Women in Supramolecular Chemistry: Collectively Crafting the Rhythms of Our Work and Lives in STEM
Author/Editor: Jennifer Leigh,Jennifer Hiscock,Anna McConnell,Cally Haynes,CLAUDIA CALTAGIRONE,Marion Kieffer
Women in STEM in Higher Education: Good Practices of Attraction, Access and Retainment in Higher Education
Author/Editor: Francisco José García-Peñalvo,Alicia García-Holgado,Angeles Dominguez,Jimena Pascual
Women in Southeast Asian Nationalist Movements
Author/Editor: Susan Blackburn,Helen Ting
Women in Nineteenth-Century Russia
Women in Mongol Iran : The Kahtuns, 1206-1335
Author/Editor: de Nicola ,Bruno
Women in Mongol Iran
Women in Kararau - Gendered Lives, Works, and Knowledge in a Middle Sepik Village, Papua New Guinea
Author/Editor: Brigitta Hauser-Schäublin
Women in German Expressionism: Gender, Sexuality, Activism
Author/Editor: Anke Finger,Julie Shoults
Women in Cleveland: An Illustrated History
Author/Editor: Marion Morton
Women from Traditional Islamic Educational Institutions in Indonesia
Author/Editor: Srimulyani ,Eka
Women Count: A Guide to Changing the World
Author/Editor: Susan Bulkeley Butler,Bob Keefe
Women, Consumption, and the Circulation of Ideas in South-Eastern Europe, 17th - 19th Centuries
Author/Editor: Constanţa Vintilă-Ghiţulescu
Women Build the Welfare State: Performing Charity and Creating Rights in Argentina, 1880–1955
Author/Editor: Donna J. Guy
Women as Candidates in American Politics
Author/Editor: Susan Carroll
Women and Work in Preindustrial Europe
Author/Editor: Barbara Hanawalt
Women and the UN: A New History of Women's International Human Rights
Author/Editor: Rebecca Adami,Dan Plesch
Women and the Press: The Struggle for Equality
Author/Editor: Patricia Bradley
Women and the Law
Author/Editor: Susan Atkins,Baroness Brenda Hale
Women and the Colonial State
Author/Editor: Locher-Scholten ,Elsbeth
Women and Romance: The Consolations of Gender in the English Novel
Author/Editor: Laurie Langbauer
Women and Reproductive Technologies: The Socio-Economic Development of Technologies Changing the World
Author/Editor: Annette Burfoot,Derya Güngör
Women and Public Life in Early Meiji Japan: The Development of the Feminist Movement
Author/Editor: Mara Patessio
Women and Power at the French Court, 1483-1563
Author/Editor: Susan Broomhall
Women and Politeness in Eighteenth-Century England: Bodies, Identities, and Power
Author/Editor: Soile Ylivuori
Women and Muslim Family Laws in Arab States
Author/Editor: Welchman ,Lynn
Women and Migration(s) II
Author/Editor: Kalia Brooks,Cheryl Finley,Ellyn Toscano,Deborah Willis
Women and Migration: Responses in Art and History
Author/Editor: Deborah Willis,Ellyn Toscano,Kalia Brooks Nelson
Women and Knowledge in Early Christianity
Author/Editor: Ulla Tervahauta,Ivan Miroshnikov,Outi Lehtipuu,Ismo Dunderberg
Women and Inequality in a Changing World: Exploring New Paradigms for Peace
Author/Editor: Hoda Mahmoudi,Jane L. Parpart,Kate Seaman
Women and Gender in the Early Modern Low Countries, 1500-1750
Author/Editor: Sarah Moran,Amanda Pipkin
Women and Crime in Post-Transitional South African Crime Fiction: A Study of Female Victims, Perpetrators and Detectives
Author/Editor: Sabine Binder
Women, Agency, and the State in Guinea: Silent Politics
Author/Editor: Carole Ammann
Womanpriest: Tradition and Transgression in the Contemporary Roman Catholic Church
Womanism, Literature, and the Transformation of the Black Community, 1965-1980
Author/Editor: Kalenda C. Eaton
Woman between Two Kingdoms: Dara Rasami and the Making of Modern Thailand
Author/Editor: Leslie Castro-Woodhouse
Wollstonecraft, Mill, and Women's Human Rights
Author/Editor: Botting Hunt ,Eileen
The Wolio Language: Outline of Grammatical Description and Texts. 2nd Edition
Author/Editor: J.C. Anceaux
The Wolio Language
Author/Editor: Anceaux ,J.
The Wolio Language
Wolfram Paulus
Author/Editor: Andrey Arnold,Andreas Ehrenreich,Klaus Händl,Friederike Rückert,Sven Sonne,Christian Strasser,Wolfgang Straub,Martin Thomson,Florian Widegger,Andreas Ehrenreich,Iris Laner,Wolfram Paulus,Lukas Foerster,Florian Widegger,Manuela Strihavka,Iris Fraueneder,Mi
Wolfgang von Weisl: Der Weg eines österreichischen Zionisten vom Untergang der Habsburgermonarchie zur Gründung des Staates Israel
Author/Editor: Dietmar Goltschnigg
Wolfgang Kraus und der österreichische Literaturbetrieb nach 1945
Author/Editor: Stefan Maurer,Werner Michler,Norbert Christian Wolf
Wohnungsnot, Geschlecht und Gesundheit: Eine Analyse von Teilhabe und Stigmatisierung
Author/Editor: Jan A. Finzi
Wohnungsbau- und Wohneigentumspolitik im Rahmen der Einkommensteuer: Eine Analyse unter steuersystematischen, verteilungspolitischen und fiskalischen Aspekten
Author/Editor: Christian Rüsch
Wohnen und Gesundheit im Alter
Author/Editor: Andrea Teti,Enno Nowossadeck,Judith Fuchs,Harald Künemund
Wohnen in Hamburg: Akteure, Instrumente und Konfliktfelder
Author/Editor: Monika Grubbauer,Joscha Metzger
Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit im Jugendalter: Theoretische Perspektiven, empirische Befunde und Praxisansätze
Author/Editor: Andreas Heinen,Robin Samuel,Claus Vögele,Helmut Willems
Woekering en weigering: Metamorfosen en identiteit in het werk van Jacq Vogelaar
Author/Editor: Hans Demeyer,Sven Vitse
«Woche für Woche neue Preisaufschläge»: Nahrungsmittel-, Energie- und Ressourcenkonflikte in der Schweiz des Ersten Weltkrieges
Author/Editor: Daniel Krämer,Christian Pfister,Daniel Marc Segesser
Wives, Mothers, and the Red Menace : Conservative Women and the Crusade against Communism
Author/Editor: Brennan ,Mary
Wives, Mothers, and the Red Menace
Wives and Wanderers in a New Guinea Highlands Society: Women's lives in the Wahgi Valley
Author/Editor: Marie Olive Reay
Wives and Wanderers in a New Guinea Highlands Society
Author/Editor: Reay Olive ,Marie
Wittgenstein's Novels
Author/Editor: Martin Klebes
Wittgensteins «Bemerkungen ueber die Farben»
Author/Editor: Frederik Gierlinger
Wittenwiler's "Ring" and the Anonymous Scots Poem "Colkelbie Sow": Two Comic-Didactic Works from the Fifteenth Century
Author/Editor: George Fenwick Jones
‘Wit’s Wild Dancing Light’: Reading the Poems of Alexander Pope
Author/Editor: William Hutchings
Wits and Interpretation: Keyboard Thoughts
Author/Editor: Bengt Edlund
Witness to Marvels
Author/Editor: Tony K. Stewart
The Witness as Object: Video Testimonies in Holocaust Museums
Author/Editor: Steffi de Jong
With the benefit of hindsight: Valedictory reflections from departmental secretaries, 2004-11
Author/Editor: Vincent ,Sam,Wanna ,John,Podger ,Andrew
Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life: Dynamics of Stressors, Resources, and Reserves
Author/Editor: Dario Spini,Eric Widmer
Without Foundations: Justification in Political Theory
Author/Editor: Donald J. Herzog
With God on their Side
Author/Editor: Timothy Chandler,Tara Magdalinski
With God on Our Side: The Struggle for Workers' Rights in a Catholic Hospital
Author/Editor: Adam D. Reich
With and Without Galton: Vasilii Florinskii and the Fate of Eugenics in Russia
Author/Editor: Nikolai Krementsov
The Witching Hour and Other Plays
Author/Editor: Sadur ,Nina
The Witching Hour and Other Plays
Witchcraft narratives in Germany: Rothenburg, 1561-1652
Author/Editor: Rowlands ,Alison
Witchcraft, Gender and Society in Early Modern Germany
Author/Editor: Durrant ,Jonathan B.
Witchcraft, Gender and Society in Early Modern Germany
Witchcraft continued: Popular magic in modern Europe
Author/Editor: de Blécourt ,Willem,Davies ,Owen
The Witch and the Hysteric: The Monstrous Medieval in Benjamin Christensen's Häxan
Author/Editor: Alexander Doty,Patricia Clare Ingham
Wissen und Ueberzeugungen von Deutschlehrkraeften: Aktuelle Befunde in der deutschdidaktischen Professionsforschung
Author/Editor: Frederike Schmidt,Kirsten Schindler
Wissen und literarisches Lernen: Grundlegende theoretische und didaktische Aspekte
Author/Editor: Thomas Möbius,Michael Steinmetz
Wissenstransfer - Komplexitätsreduktion - Design
Author/Editor: Gerald Moll,Julia Schütz
Wissensproduktion, Wissensmobilisierung und Wissenstransfer: Chancen und Grenzen der Entwicklung von Wissenschaft und Praxis
Author/Editor: Johannes Schuster,Julia Hugo,Nina Bremm,Nina Kolleck,Enikö Zala-Mezö
Wissenskultur Tanz: Historische und zeitgenössische Vermittlungsakte zwischen Praktiken und Diskursen
Author/Editor: Sabine Huschka
Wissenskulturen muslimischer Gesellschaften: Philosophische und islamwissenschaftliche ZugängeFestschrift für Anke von Kügelgen
Author/Editor: Kata Moser,Serena Tolino
Wissenskrisen - Krisenwissen: Zum Umgang mit Krisenzuständen in und durch Wissenschaft und Technik
Author/Editor: Julia Engelschalt,Jason Lemberg,Arne Maibaum,Andie Rothenhäusler,Meike Wiegand
Wissenschaft weltoffen 2023: Facts and Figures on the International Nature of Studies and Research in Germany and Worldwide
Wissenschaft Weltoffen 2017
Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft: Ein vertrauensvoller Dialog: Positionen und Perspektiven der Wissenschaftskommunikation heute
Author/Editor: Johannes Schnurr,Alexander Mäder
Wissenschaftsdidaktik III: Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Gabi Reinmann,Rüdiger Rhein
Wissenschaftsdidaktik II: Einzelne Disziplinen
Author/Editor: Gabi Reinmann,Rüdiger Rhein
Wissenschaftsdidaktik I: Einführung
Author/Editor: Gabi Reinmann,Rüdiger Rhein
Wissenschaftliches Schreiben interkulturell: Kontrastive Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Lesław Cirko,Karin Pittner
Wissenschaftliche Kontroversen im Physikunterricht: Explorationsstudie zum Umgang von Physiklehrkräften und Physiklehramtsstudierenden mit einer wissenschaftlichen Kontroverse am Beispiel der Masse in der Speziellen Relativitätstheorie (Volume 333)
Author/Editor: Erik Heine
Wissenschaftliche Fairness: Wissenschaft zwischen Integrität und Fehlverhalten
Author/Editor: Katrin Frisch,Felix Hagenström,Nele Reeg
Wissenschaftliche berufliche Weiterbildung für Kunst und Kultur: Bildungssphäre für das künstlerisch-kulturelle Selbst: Entfalten. Platzieren. Gestalten.
Author/Editor: Steffi Robak,Wiltrud Gieseke
Wissenschaft kommuniziert: Eine wissenssoziologische Gattungsanalyse des akademischen Group-Talks am Beispiel der Computational Neuroscience
Author/Editor: René Wilke
Wissenschafterinnen in und aus Österreich : Leben - Werk - Wirken
Author/Editor: Keintzel ,Brigitta,Korotin ,Ilse
Wissenschafterinnen in und aus Österreich
Wissenschaft, die Grenzen schafft: Geschlechterkonstellationen im disziplinären Vergleich
Author/Editor: Bettina Heintz,Martina Merz,Christina Schumacher
Wissenschaft: Ausbildung - Politik - Die Göttinger Theologische Fakultät in der Weimarer Republik, dem Nationalsozialismus und der Nachkriegszeit
Author/Editor: Hansjörg Buss
Wissen, Medium und Geschlecht: Frauenzimmer-Studien zu Lexikographie, Lehrdichtung und Zeitschrift
Author/Editor: Nikola Roßbach
Wissen Macht Tracht: im Ötztal
Author/Editor: Nadja Neuner-Schatz
Wissen in Zahlen?: Zur Herstellung quantitativen Wissens in der Sozialwissenschaft
Author/Editor: Andreas Schadauer
Wissen in institutioneller Interaktion
Author/Editor: Alexandra Groß,Inga Harren
Wissen in Bewegung: Institution – Iteration – Transfer
Author/Editor: Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum,Anita Traninger
Wissen. Erzählen.: Narrative der Humanwissenschaften
Author/Editor: Arne Höcker,Jeannie Moser,Philippe Weber
The Wise Merchant
Author/Editor: Caspar Barlaeus,Anna-Luna Post,Corinna Vermeulen
Wirtschafts- und Rechnungsbücher des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit - Formen und Methoden der Rechnungslegung: Städte, Klöster und Kaufleute
Author/Editor: Gleba, Gudrun,Petersen, Niels
Wirtschaftsnationalismus lokal: Interaktion und Abgrenzung zwischen rumänischen und sächsischen Gewerbeorganisationen in den siebenbürgischen Zentren Hermannstadt und Kronstadt, 1868–1914
Author/Editor: Stéphanie Danneberg,Ulf Brunnbauer,Martin Schulze Wessel
Wirtschaftserfolg zwischen Zufall und Innovativität: Oberdeutsche Städte und ihre Exportwirtschaft im Vergleich (1350–1550)
Author/Editor: Beat Fumasoli
Wirtschaft neu lehren: Erfahrungen aus der pluralen, sozioökonomischen Hochschulbildung
Author/Editor: Janina Urban,Janina Urban,Lisa-Marie Schröder,Lisa-Marie Schröder,Harald Hantke,Harald Hantke,Lukas Bäuerle,Lukas Bäuerle
Wirtschaftliche Integration und Kooperation im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum. Die APEC
Author/Editor: Antje Gerhold
Wirtschaft, Krieg und Seelenheil: Papst Martin V., Kaiser Sigismund und das Handelsverbot gegen die Hussiten in Böhmen
Author/Editor: Alexandra Kaar
Wirtschaft hacken: Von einem ganz normalen Unternehmer, der fast alles anders macht
Author/Editor: Uwe Lübbermann
Wirtlich handeln in Sozialer Arbeit: Die ökosoziale Theorie in Revision
Author/Editor: Wolf Rainer Wendt
Wir sind nicht auf der Welt, um zu schweigen: Eine Einleitung in die Rhetorik
Author/Editor: Josef Kopperschmidt
Wir sind die Medien : Internet und politischer Wandel in Iran
Author/Editor: Michaelsen ,Marcus
Wir sind die Medien
"Wir schützen unseren Park" - Aushandlungsprozesse von Räumen, Identitäten und Institutionen im Pendjari-Nationalpark (Benin)
Author/Editor: Kesseler, Sascha
»Wir machen Stoff«: Die Gewerkschaft Textil-Bekleidung 1949-1998
Author/Editor: Peter Donath,Annette Szegfü
»Wir machen Kunst für Künstler«: Lohnarbeit in Kunstmanufakturen. Eine ethnografische Studie
Author/Editor: Franz Schultheis
Wirkungsorientiertes Controlling staatlichen Handelns: Systematische Identifikation und Bewertung der gesamtgesellschaftlichen Wirkungen staatlichen Handelns
Author/Editor: Thorsten Pieper
Wirkungsorientiertes Controlling im politisch-administrativen System: Unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Gestaltungsmoeglichkeiten von oeffentlichen Verwaltungen
Author/Editor: Andreas Röhrig
Wirkungsevaluation mobiler Jugendarbeit: Methodische Zugänge und empirische Ergebnisse
Author/Editor: Hemma Mayrhofer
Wirkung im Coaching
Author/Editor: Robert Wegener,Silvia Deplazes
Wirkungen einer Auslandsverschuldung des Staates bei flexiblen Wechselkursen
Author/Editor: Manfred Scheuer
Wirksamkeit der Taktplanung aus Perspektive des Bauherrn am Beispiel von Produktionsimmobilien in der Automobilindustrie
Author/Editor: Janosch Dlouhy
Wirklichkeit oder Konstruktion?: Sprachtheoretische und interdisziplinäre Aspekte einer brisanten Alternative
Author/Editor: Ekkehard Felder,Andreas Gardt
Wir Kinder. La questione del potere nelle relazioni adulti/bambini
Author/Editor: Nicola Spinosi
„Wir haben ja jetzt auch ein paar Damen bei uns“ – Symbolische Grenzziehungen und Heteronormativität in den Ingenieurwissenschaften
Author/Editor: Inka Greusing
Wir haben ja alle Deutschland nicht gekannt: Das Deutschlandbild der Deutschen in der Zeit der Weimarer Republik
Author/Editor: Kemp ,Wolfgang
Wir haben ja alle Deutschland nicht gekannt: Das Deutschlandbild der Deutschen in der Zeit der Weimarer Republik
"Wir haben getan, was wir zu tun schuldig waren" (Lukas 17, 10). Festschrift zur Ehrenpromotion von Helmut Greve
Author/Editor: Hans-Martin Gutmann
Wireless Terahertz Communications: Optoelectronic Devices and Signal Processing
Author/Editor: Tobias Harter
The Winter of Russia’s Discontent: Russia’s Futures from Within and Without. The Conference on Russia Papers 2023
Author/Editor: Sandis Šrāders,George Spencer Terry
Win in Chinese Courts: Practice Guide to Civil Litigation in China
Author/Editor: Chenyang Zhang
Wind power deployment in urbanised regions: An institutional analysis of planning and implementation
Author/Editor: Pia Nabielek
Window Functions and Their Applications in Signal Processing
Author/Editor: K.M.M. Prabhu
Window Functions and Their Applications in Signal Processing
Author/Editor: K. M. M. Prabhu
WINDERFUL Wind and INfrastructures: Dominating Eolian Risk For Utilities and Lifelines
Author/Editor: Francesco Ricciardelli,Vincenzo Sepe,Gianni Bartoli
The Wind ~ An Unruly Living
Author/Editor: Jeremy Bendik-Keymer
Winchester: Swithun's 'City of Happiness and Good Fortune'
Author/Editor: Patrick Ottaway
Will Schooling Ever Change?: School Culture, Distance Learning and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Author/Editor: Piotr Mikiewicz,MARTA JURCZAK-Morris
William Sharp and “Fiona Macleod”: A Life
Author/Editor: William F. Halloran
William Rimmer: Champion of Imagination in American Art
Author/Editor: Dorinda Evans
William Moorcroft, Potter: Individuality by Design
Author/Editor: Jonathan Mallinson
William Blake e William Butler Yeats
Author/Editor: Antonielli, Arianna
Author/Editor: Geert Keil
Wilhelm Windelband und die Psychologie: Das Fach Philosophie und die Wissenschaft Psychologie im Deutschen Kaiserreich
Author/Editor: Horst Gundlach
Wilhelm Waiblinger in Italy
Author/Editor: Lawrence S. Thompson
Wilhelm Müller's Lyrical Song-Cycles: Interpretations and Texts
Author/Editor: Alan P. Cottrell
Wilhelm Flitner (1889 - 1990) - ein Klassiker der Erziehungswissenschaft? Zur 125. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstags/
Author/Editor: Rainer Nicolaysen
Wildlife Trafficking: the illicit trade in wildlife, animal parts, and derivatives
Author/Editor: Gian Ege,Andreas Schloenhardt,Christian Schwarzenegger
Wildland Fire Smoke in the United States: A Scientific Assessment
Author/Editor: David L. Peterson,Sarah M. McCaffrey,Toral Patel-Weynand
The Wild Goose
Author/Editor: Ogai Mori,Burton Watson
Wilde und verweigerte Bilder - Untersuchungen zur literarischen Medialität der Figur um 1200
Author/Editor: Koch, Susanne
Wildes Übersetzen: Zu Theorie und Geschichte eines literarischen Verfahrens bei Johann Fischart und Arno Schmidt
Author/Editor: Jodok Trösch
Wilderness and Waterpower: How Banff National Park Became a Hydroelectric Storage Reservoir
Author/Editor: H. V. Nelles,Christopher Armstrong
The Wild East: Criminal Political Economics in South Asia
Author/Editor: Barbara Harris-White,Lucia Michelutti
Wiki Writing: Collaborative Learning in the College Classroom
Author/Editor: Robert E. Cummings,Matt Barton
Wikis und die Wikipedia verstehen: Eine Einführung
Author/Editor: Ziko van Dijk
Wikipedia and the Representation of Reality
Author/Editor: Zachary J. McDowell,Matthew A. Vetter
Wikipedia @ 20: Stories of an Incomplete Revolution
Author/Editor: Joseph Reagle,Jackie Koerner
Wijdvertakte wortels. Over etnolectisch Nederland
Author/Editor: Hinskens ,Hans
Wiidhaa: An Introduction to Gamilaraay
Author/Editor: John Giacon
Wi-Fi Enabled Healthcare
Author/Editor: Ali Youssef,Douglas McDonald II,Jon Linton,Bob Zemke,Aaron Earle
Wie wir uns an der Universität aufführen: Zur performativen Wechselwirkung von Hochschule und Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Anna Suchard
Wie wir leben wollen: Kompendium zu Technikfolgen von Digitalisierung, Vernetzung und Künstlicher Intelligenz
Author/Editor: Frank Schmiedchen,Klaus Peter Kratzer,Jasmin S.A. Link,Heinz Stapf-Finé
Wie wird Weltliteratur gemacht?: Globale Zirkulationen lateinamerikanischer Literaturen
Author/Editor: Gesine Müller
Wie werden Wissenschaftler gemacht?: Beobachtungen zur wechselseitigen Konstitution von Geschlecht und Wissenschaft
Author/Editor: Sandra Beaufaÿs
Wie ticken Jugendliche 2016?: Lebenswelten von Jugendlichen im Alter von 14 bis 17 Jahren in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Marc Calmbach,Silke Borgstedt,Inga Borchard,Peter Martin Thomas,Berthold Bodo Flaig
Wie Sprache dem Verstehen hilft: Ergebnisse einer Interventionsstudie zu sprachsensiblem Geographieunterricht
Author/Editor: Santina Wey
Wie postdigital schreiben?: Neue Verfahren der Gegenwartsliteratur
Author/Editor: Hanna Hamel,Eva Stubenrauch
Wien und die jüdische Erfahrung 1900-1938
Author/Editor: Stern ,Frank,Eichinger ,Barabara
Wie normal ist die Norm? Sprachliche Normen im Spannungsfeld von Sprachwissenschaft, Sprachöffentlichkeit und Sprachdidaktik.
Author/Editor: Hennig ,Mathilde,Müller ,Christoph
Wien im Jahre 1703: Die Vogelschau des Dessauer Gesandten Bernhard Georg Andermüller und die Transformation des Wiener Stadtbildes
Author/Editor: Martin Scheutz,Ferdinand Oppl
Wien - Geschichte einer Stadt
Author/Editor: Opll ,Ferdinand,Csendes ,Peter
Wien - Geschichte einer Stadt
Author/Editor: Csendes ,Peter,Opll ,Ferdinand
Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte
Author/Editor: Aurenhammer ,Hans H.,Schwarz ,Michael Viktor
Wien als Festungsstadt im 16. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Opll ,Ferdinand,Krause ,Heike,Sonnlechner ,Christoph
Wie mächtig sind Archive?/Perspektiven der Archivwissenschaft
Author/Editor: Rainer Hering,Dietmar Schenk
Wie Kunst für Zukunft unterrichten?: Feministische Sorgeethik als Perspektive der Vermittlung in Zeiten planetarischer Katastrophe und digitaler Toxizität
Author/Editor: Elke Krasny,Sophie Lingg,Joonas Lahtinen,Johannes Köck
Wie können wir den Schaden maximieren?: Gestaltung trotz Komplexität. Beiträge zu einem Public Interest Design
Author/Editor: Christoph Rodatz,Pierre Smolarski
Wie Katie Tingle sich weigerte, ordentlich zu posieren und Walker Evans darüber nicht grollte: Eine kritische Bildbetrachtung sozialdokumentarischer Fotografie
Author/Editor: Michael Leicht
Wie ist Dein Leben in und um Marburg?: Teilhabe von Frauen und Mädchen – ein Forschungs-Bericht
Author/Editor: Susanne Gerner,Mandy Lauer,Johanna Zühlke
Wie geht Kultur unter die Haut?: Emergente Praxen an der Schnittstelle von Medizin, Lebens- und Sozialwissenschaft
Author/Editor: Jörg Niewöhner,Christoph Kehl,Stefan Beck
Wieder mächtig werden: Gewerkschaftliche Erneuerung durch bedingungsgebundene Tarifarbeit?
Author/Editor: Marcel Thiel
Wie der Krieg ins Museum kam: Akteure der Erinnerung in Moskau, Minsk und Tscheljabinsk, 1941-1956
Author/Editor: Anne E. Hasselmann
Wiederholung und Variation im Gespräch des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit
Author/Editor: Nikola Roßbach,Angela Schrott
Wie Bilder «entstehen»: Prozess und Produkt (Band 4)
Author/Editor: Dieter Maurer,Nicole Schwarz,Claudia Riboni,Xenia Guhl
Wie Bilder «entstehen».: Produkt und Kode [Band 5]
Author/Editor: Birute Gujer,Dieter Maurer,Claudia Riboni
Wie Bilder «entstehen».: Eigenschaften und Entwicklung [Band 1]
Author/Editor: Dieter Maurer,Claudia Riboni
Wie Bilder «entstehen».: Bildarchiv Europa und Materialien [Band 2]
Author/Editor: Dieter Maurer,Claudia Riboni
Wie Bilder «entstehen».: Beschreibende Methode [Band 3]
Author/Editor: Dieter Maurer,Claudia Riboni
Widescreen Dreams: Growing Up Gay at the Movies
Author/Editor: Patrick E. Horrigan
Widerständige Ressource: Typologie und Gebrauch historischer Bauernhäuser
Author/Editor: Ines Lüder
Widerstand im Arbeitsprozess: Eine arbeitssoziologische Einführung
Author/Editor: Heiner Heiland,Simon Schaupp
Widerstand als Selbstbehauptung: »Gefährdete« Jugendliche im Übergangs- und Berufsbildungssystem
Author/Editor: Luca Preite
Widersprechen in vereinnahmenden Verhältnissen
Author/Editor: Katharina Danner
Author/Editor: Hans Heinz Holz
Widerspenstige Hände: Literarische Handdarstellungen und anthropologische Formationen im frühen 20. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Anatol Heller
Wider die Verunsicherung: Arbeitslosenkomitees in der Schweiz, 1975–2002
Author/Editor: Anina Zahn
Wider die Geschichtsvergessenheit: Inszenierte Geschichte - historische Differenz - kritisches Bewusstsein
Author/Editor: Gisela Febel,Sonja Kerth,Elisabeth Lienert
Widening Scripts: Cultivating Feminist Care in Academic Labor
Author/Editor: Mariana Prandini Assis,Angela Henderson,Lindsey MacCallum,Ian Reilly,Ellen Shaffner,Scott Stoneman
Wicked Problems in Public Policy: Understanding and Responding to Complex Challenges
Author/Editor: Brian W. Head
Why We Play: An Anthropological Study
Author/Editor: Roberte Hamayon
Why Vienna gets high marks (Volume 2)
Author/Editor: Jana Löw,European Investment Bank,Eugen Antalovsky
Why Universities Should Seek Happiness and Contentment
Author/Editor: Paul Gibbs
Why the Center Can't Hold: A Diagnosis of Puritanized America
Author/Editor: Tom O’Neill
Why Noncompliance: The Politics of Law in the European Union
Author/Editor: Tanja A. Börzel
Why Knowing What To Do Is Not Enough: A Realistic Perspective on Self-Reliance
Author/Editor: Anne-Greet Keizer,Will Tiemeijer,Mark Bovens
Why Is There I Rather Than It?: Ontology of the Subject in the Upaniṣads
Author/Editor: Marta Kudelska
Why International Organizations Hate Politics: Depoliticizing the World
Author/Editor: Marieke Louis,Lucile Maertens
Why Icebergs Float: Exploring Science in Everyday Life
Author/Editor: Morris ,Andrew
Why Do We Quote?
Author/Editor: Finnegan ,Ruth
Why Current Affairs Needs Social Theory
Author/Editor: Rob Stones
Why Be Moral?
Author/Editor: Beatrix Himmelmann,Robert B. Louden
Why are women entrepreneurs missing out on funding?: Reflections and considerations - Executive summary
Author/Editor: Surya Fackelmann,European Investment Bank,Alessandro De Concini
Why Are Artists Poor?
Author/Editor: Abbing ,Hans
Why Agriculture Productivity Falls: The Political Economy of Agrarian Transition
Author/Editor: Rashed Titumir
Währungsidentitäten und kulturen im Kontext europäischer und globale: Hildesheimer Europagespräche VI
Author/Editor: Sanne Ziethen,Michael Gehler
Währung - Krise - Emotion: Kollektive Wahrnehmungsweisen von Wirtschaftskrisen
Author/Editor: Sanne Ziethen,Sanne Ziethen,Nina Peter,Nina Peter
Who Will Be the Next President?: A Guide to the U.S. Presidential Election System
Author/Editor: Alexander S. Belenky
Whose Responsibility?: Community anti-racism strategies after September 11, 2001
Author/Editor: Tanja Dreher
Whose Man in Havana? Adventures from the Far Side of Diplomacy
Author/Editor: John W. Graham
Whose History? Engaging History Students through Historical Fiction
Author/Editor: Rodwell ,Grant
Whose Heritage?: Challenging Race and Identity in Stuart Hall’s Post-nation Britain
Author/Editor: Susan L.T. Ashley,Degna Stone
Whose Book Is it Anyway?: A View from Elsewhere on Publishing, Copyright and Creativity
Author/Editor: Janis Jefferies,Sarah Kember
Who Saved the Parthenon?: A New History of the Acropolis Before, During and After the Greek Revolution
Author/Editor: william st. clair
Whom to blame for Judah’s doom?: A narratological and intertextual Analysis of 2 Kgs 23:30–25:30
Author/Editor: Benedikt J. Collinet
Whole-Body Regeneration: Methods and Protocols
Author/Editor: Gemma Bale,Simon Blanchoud,Nathan Taylor,Brigitte Galliot,Subhabrata Mitra,Aleh Sudakou,Isabel de Roever,Judith Meek,Nicola Robertson,Ilias Tachtsidis
Who Killed the Berkeley School?: Struggles Over Radical Criminology
Author/Editor: Herman Schwendinger,Jeff Shantz,Julia Schwendinger
Who is prepared for the new digital age?: Evidence from the EIB Investment Survey
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Who Counts?: Ghanaian Academic Publishing and Global Science
Author/Editor: David Mills,Patricia Kingori,Abigail Branford,Samuel T. Chatio,Natasha Robinson,Paulina Tindana
Whitman and Nietzsche: A Comparative Study of Their Thought
Author/Editor: C.N. Stavrou
White Working-Class Voices: Multiculturalism, Community-Building and Change
Author/Editor: Harris Beider
White Paper on Joint Replacement: Status of Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Care in Germany
Author/Editor: Hans-Holger Bleß,Miriam Kip
The ‘White’ Mask and the ‘Gypsy’ Mask in Film
Author/Editor: Radmila Mladenova
The White Indians of Mexican Cinema: Racial Masquerade throughout the Golden Age
Author/Editor: Mónica Garcia Blizzard
White Gold: The Commercialisation of Rice Farming in the Lower Mekong Basin
Author/Editor: Rob Cramb
White Field, black seeds: Nordic literacy practices in the long nineteenth century
White Field, black seeds: Nordic literacy practices in the long nineteenth century
Whiteface: Improv Comedy and Anti-Blackness
Author/Editor: Michel Büch
White-Collar Crime in the Shadow Economy: Lack of Detection, Investigation and Conviction Compared to Social Security Fraud
Author/Editor: Petter Gottschalk,Lars Gunnesdal
Whistling While They Work
Author/Editor: Tamura ,Keiko
Whistling While They Work
Whistleblowing in the Australian Public Sector: Enhancing the theory and practice of internal witness management in public sector organisations
Author/Editor: Brown ,A.J.
Whistleblowing for Change: Exposing Systems of Power and Injustice (Volume 38, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Tatiana Bazzichelli
Whistleblowing, Communication and Consequences: Lessons from The Norwegian National Lottery
Author/Editor: Peer Jacob Svenkerud,Jan-Oddvar Sørnes,Larry Browning
While Waiting for Rain: Community, Economy, and Law in a Time of Change
Author/Editor: John Henry Schlegel
Which Winegrape Varieties are Grown Where? A Global Empirical Picture
Author/Editor: Anderson ,Kym,Aryal R. ,Nanda
Where Truth Lies: Digital Culture and Documentary Media after 9/11
Author/Editor: Kris Fallon
Where the Tiny Things Are: Feathered Essays
Author/Editor: Nicole Walker
Where Shrimp Eat Better than People: Globalized Fisheries, Nutritional Unequal Exchange and Asian Hunger
Author/Editor: Wilma Dunaway,Maria Cecilia Macabuac
Where is the Field?: The Experience of Migration Viewed through the Prism of Ethnographic Fieldwork
Author/Editor: Laura Hirvi,Hanna Snellman
Where Community Happens: The Kibbutz and the Philosophy of Communalism
Author/Editor: Henry Near
When Tibetan Meditation Goes Global: A Study of the Adaptation of Bon Religious Practices in the West
Author/Editor: Mara Lisa Arizaga
When the Nerds Go Marching In: How Digital Technology Moved from the Margins to the Mainstream of Political Campaigns
Author/Editor: Rachel K. Gibson
When Right Makes Might: Rising Powers and World Order
Author/Editor: Goddard Stacie
When Protest Makes Policy: How Social Movements Represent Disadvantaged Groups
Author/Editor: Sirje Laurel Weldon
When Protest Becomes Crime: Politics and Law in Liberal Democracies
Author/Editor: Carolijn Terwindt
When populism meets nationalism: Reflections on Parties in Power
Author/Editor: Alberto Martinelli
When poetry comes to its senses: * inscribed Roman verse and the human sensorium : Chapter 7 of Dynamic Epigraphy: New Approaches to Inscriptions
Author/Editor: Eleri H. Cousins
When Music Takes Over in Film
Author/Editor: Anna K. Windisch,Claus Tieber,Phil Powrie
When Juvenile Delinquency Became an International Post-War Concern: The United Nations, the Council of Europe and the Place of Greece
Author/Editor: Efi Avdela
When Gods Speak to Men: Divine Speech according to Textual Sources in the Ancient Mediterranean Basin
Author/Editor: Stéphanie Anthonioz,Alice Mouton,Daniel Petit
When Europa meets Bismarck. How Europe is used in the Australian Healthfare System
Author/Editor: Thomas Kostera
When Children Draw Gods: A Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Approach to Children's Representations of Supernatural Agents
Author/Editor: Pierre-Yves Brandt,Zhargalma Dandarova-Robert,Christelle Cocco,Dominique Vinck,Frédéric Darbellay
Whence They Came : Deportation from Canada 1900 - 1935
Author/Editor: Roberts ,Barbara
Whence They Came
When Can Oil Economies Be Deemed Sustainable?
Author/Editor: Giacomo Luciani,Tom Moerenhout
When a Human Gives Birth to a Raven: Rabbis and the Reproduction of Species
Author/Editor: Rafael Rachel Neis
Wheat Improvement: Food Security in a Changing Climate
Author/Editor: Matthew P. Reynolds,Hans-Joachim Braun
Wheat Evolution and Domestication
Author/Editor: Moshe Feldman,Avraham A. Levy
What Would Hercules Do?: Lessons for Autistic Children Using Classical Myth
Author/Editor: Professor Susan Deacy
What Works in Improving Gender Equality: International Best Practice in Childcare and Long-term Care Policy
Author/Editor: Kirstein Rummery,Craig McAngus,Alcuin Edwards
What Works in Conservation 2021
Author/Editor: William J. Sutherland,Lynn V. Dicks,Silviu O. Petrovan,Rebecca K. Smith
What Works in Conservation 2020
Author/Editor: William J. Sutherland,Lynn V. Dicks,Silviu O. Petrovan,Rebecca K. Smith
What Works in Conservation: 2018
Author/Editor: William J. Sutherland,Lynn V. Dicks,Nancy Ockendon,Silviu O. Petrovan,Rebecca Smith
What Works in Conservation: 2017
What Will Be Already Exists: Temporalities of Cold War Archives in East-Central Europe and Beyond
Author/Editor: Emese Kürti,Zsuzsa László
What We Now Know about Race and Ethnicity
Author/Editor: Michael Banton
What Was Artificial Intelligence?
Author/Editor: Sue Curry Jansen
What’s Left of the Left?: Democrats and Social Democrats in Challenging Times
Author/Editor: James Cronin,George Ross,James Shoch
What Should Schools Teach?: Disciplines, subjects and the pursuit of truth
Author/Editor: Alka Sehgal Cuthbert,Alex Standish
What’s France got to do with it?: Contemporary memoirs of Australians in France
Author/Editor: Juliana de Nooy
What Politics?: Youth and Political Engagement in Africa
Author/Editor: Elina Oinas,Henri Onodera,Leena Suurpää
What Photographs Do: The making and remaking of museum cultures
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Edwards,Ella Ravilious
What People Leave Behind: Marks, Traces, Footprints and their Relevance to Knowledge Society
Author/Editor: Francesca Comunello,Fabrizio Martire,Lorenzo Sabetta
What Makes Writing Academic: Rethinking Theory for Practice
Author/Editor: Julia Molinari
What Makes a Church Sacred?: Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity
Author/Editor: Mary K. Farag
What Literature Knows: Forays into Literary Knowledge Production
Author/Editor: Antje Kley,Kai Merten
What Kind of Island in What Kind of Sea?
Author/Editor: Franz Fühmann
What is the Avatar?: Fiction and Embodiment in Avatar-Based Singleplayer Computer Games. Revised and Commented Edition
Author/Editor: Rune Klevjer
What is Social Network Analysis?
Author/Editor: John Scott
What is Québécois Literature?: Reflections on the Literary History of Francophone Writing in Canada
Author/Editor: Rosemary Chapman
What is Qualitative Research?
Author/Editor: Martyn Hammersley
What is Qualitative Interviewing?
Author/Editor: Rosalind Edwards,Janet Holland
What is Public Trust in the Health System?: Insights into Health Data Use
Author/Editor: Felix Gille
What Is Philosophy?
Author/Editor: Michael Munro
What is Online Research?: Using the Internet for Social Science Research
Author/Editor: Tristram Hooley,Jane Wellens,John Marriott
What is New in Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Author/Editor: Ioan Sporea,Alina Popescu
What is Narrative Research?
Author/Editor: Corinne Squire,Molly Andrews,Mark Davis,Cigdem Esin,Barbara Harrison,Lars-Christer Hyden,Margareta Hyden
What is Good Academic Writing?: Insights into Discipline-Specific Student Writing
Author/Editor: Melinda Whong,Jeanne Godfrey
What is Europe?: Second Edition
Author/Editor: Anna Triandafyllidou,Ruby Gropas
What is Discourse Analysis?
Author/Editor: Stephanie Taylor
What is Digital Journalism Studies?
Author/Editor: Steen Steensen,Oscar Westlund
What is Authorial Philology?
Author/Editor: Paola Italia,Giulia Raboni,MARCO PRESOTTO,Sònia Boadas,Margherita CENTENARI,Francesco Feriozzi,Carmela Marranchino,Olga Beloborodova
What Is Antiracism?: And Why It Means Anticapitalism
Author/Editor: Arun Kundnani
What Is a Family?: Answers from Early Modern Japan
Author/Editor: Mary Elizabeth Berry,Marcia Yonemoto
What is Academic Freedom?: A Century of Debate, 1915–Present
Author/Editor: Daniel Gordon
What if we could reimagine copyright?
What, if anything, are species?
Author/Editor: Brent D. Mishler
What Good Condition?
Author/Editor: Read ,Peter,Meyers ,Gary,Reece ,Bob
What Future for Political Islam
Author/Editor: Fuller ,G.,Kurpershoek ,M.
Whatever Happened to Tory Liverpool?: Success, Decline and Irrelevance since 1945
Author/Editor: David Jeffery
Whatever Happened to Frank and Fearless?
Author/Editor: MacDermott ,Kathy
What Even Is Gender?
Author/Editor: R. A. Briggs,B. R. George
What Drowns the Flowers in Your Mouth: A Memoir of Brotherhood
Author/Editor: Rigoberto González
What drives firms' investment in climate change?: Evidence from the 2022-2023 EIB Investment Survey
What drives firms' investment in climate action?
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
What Do Science, Technology, and Innovation Mean from Africa?
What does the honeybee see? And how do we know?
Author/Editor: Horridge ,Adrian
What Caused the Big Bang?
Author/Editor: Rem B. Edwards
What are Qualitative Research Ethics?
Author/Editor: Rose Wiles
What about Asia?
WeXel oder Die Musik einer Landschaft
Author/Editor: Deutsch ,Walter,Sieder ,Erika
We Were All in Adam: The Unity of Mankind in Adam in the Teaching of the Church Fathers
Author/Editor: Marta Przyszychowska
We Used to Wait: Music Videos and Creative Literacy
Author/Editor: Rebecca Kinskey
Wettbewerbsvorteile durch strategisches Betriebsformenmanagement: Ein dynamischer Bezugsrahmen fuer Einzelhandelsunternehmen
Author/Editor: Vera Südmeyer
Wettbewerbsvorteile durch Integration von Geschaeftsaktivitaeten: Ein zeitablaufbezogener wettbewerbsstrategischer Analyseansatz unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung des Einsatzes von Kommunikations- und Informationssystemen (KIS)
Author/Editor: Nicolaus Henke
Wettbewerb im Gesundheitswesen: Chancen und Grenzen: 11. Bad Orber Gespraeche- 16.-18. November 2006
Author/Editor: Eberhard Wille,Klaus Knabner
Wettbewerb im Arzneimittel- und Krankenhausbereich: 17. Bad Orber Gespraeche ueber kontroverse Themen im Gesundheitswesen
Author/Editor: Eberhard Wille
Wetland Technology: Practical Information on the Design and Application of Treatment Wetlands
Author/Editor: Guenter Langergraber,Gabriela Dotro
Wetlands and Water Framework Directive
Author/Editor: Stefan Ignar,Mateusz Grygoruk
We, the City: Plurality and Resistance in Berlin and Istanbul
Author/Editor: Tuba İnal-Çekiç,Urszula Ewa Woźniak
Wetenschap in Nederland. Waar een klein land groot in is en moet blijven
Author/Editor: Dijck van ,Dijck,Saarloos van ,Wim
Westward on the High-Hilled Plains: The Later Prehistory of the West Midlands
Author/Editor: Derek Hurst
West-östliche Wahlverwandtschaften: Hans Bethge und die historischen und ästhetischen Konstellationen um 1900
Author/Editor: Yixu Lü,Gerhard Lauer
Westliche Moderne, Christentum und Islam
Author/Editor: Palaver ,Wolfgang,Siebenrock A. ,Roman,Regensburger ,Dietmar
The West in Early Cinema
Author/Editor: Verhoeff ,Nanna
West Indian intellectuals in Britain:
Author/Editor: Schwarz ,Bill
Westeuropa und Rußland im Weltbild Aleksandr Bloks
Author/Editor: Rolf-Dieter Kluge
Western Mesoamerican Calendars and Writing Systems: Proceedings of the Copenhagen Roundtable
Author/Editor: Mikkel Bøg Clemmensen,Christophe Helmke
The Western Karaim Torah: A Critical Edition of a Manuscript from 1720
Author/Editor: Michał Németh
Western Arabia in the Leiden Collections. Traces of a Colourful Past
Author/Editor: Mols ,Luitgard,Vrolijk ,Arnoud
Western Anatolia before Troy. Proto-Urbanisation in the 4th Millenium BC? : Proceedings of the International Symposium held at the Kunsthistorisces Museum Wien Vienna, Austria, 21-24 November, 2012
Western Anatolia before Troy
West Cotton, Raunds: A Study of Medieval Settlement Dynamics AD 450-1450. Excavation of a deserted medieval hamlet in Northamptonshire, 1985-89
Author/Editor: Andy Chapman
West African Youth Challenges and Opportunity Pathways
Author/Editor: Mora L. McLean
West African Masking Traditions and Diaspora Masquerade Carnivals: History, Memory, and Transnationalism
Author/Editor: Raphael Chijioke Njoku
We Shall Not Be Moved/No nos moverán
Author/Editor: Spener ,David
We Shall Not Be Moved/No nos moverán
Author/Editor: David Spener
Wesen und Funktion des Geldes im Sozialismus
Author/Editor: Stefan Varga
Wer wird gefördert?: Die Konstruktion von Stipendienwürdigkeit durch Lehrer:innen
Author/Editor: Franziska Sophie Proskawetz
Wertschöpfung hybrid gestalten: Geschäftsmodellentwicklung und Arbeitsgestaltung in der Digitalisierung
Wertorientierungen und Wahlverhalten: Effekte gesellschaftlicher Wertorientierungen bei den Bundestagswahlen 2009 - 2017
Author/Editor: L. Constantin Wurthmann
Author/Editor: Şeyda Ozil,Michael Hofmann,Jens Peter Laut,Yasemin Dayıoğlu-Yücel,Cornelia Zierau,Didem Ucaq
Wertorientierte Steuerung dezentraler Entscheidungstraeger im Produktlebenszyklus: Integration von wertorientierter Unternehmenssteuerung und strategischem Kosten- und Erloesmanagement auf Produktebene
Author/Editor: Jochen Hönninger
Wertorientierte Managemententlohnung, Unternehmensrechnung und Investitionssteuerung: Analyse unter Beruecksichtigung von Realoptionen
Author/Editor: Nils Crasselt
Wer sucht, kann gefunden werden: Problemgeschichten der Wissensorganisation von der Scholastik bis zur Suchmaschinenforschung
Author/Editor: Robin Schrade
Wer organisiert die "Entbehrlichen"? : Viertelgestalterinnen und Viertelgestalter in benachteiligten Stadtquartieren
Author/Editor: Hoeft ,Christoph,Klatt ,Johanna,Klimmeck ,Annike,Kopp ,Julia,Messinger-Zimmer ,Sören,Rugenstein ,Jonas,Walter ,Franz
Wer organisiert die Entbehrlichen?
Werner Kofler: Kommentierte Werkausgabe, Bd. V
Werner Kofler: Kommentierte Werkausgabe, Bd. IV
Werkzeug- und Prozessentwicklung des Roll-to-Roll-Hochdurchsatzverfahrens zur kontinuierlichen, großflächigen Mikrostrukturierung
Author/Editor: Andreas Maximilian Striegel
Werkzeuge und Konzepte für die Untersuchung und Entwicklung zukünftiger Kfz-Bremssysteme
Author/Editor: Christian Riese
Werkstatt Multihalle – Contemporary Living Experiments
Author/Editor: Ralf Pasel,Kerstin Schultz,Stefan Krötsch,Tatjana Dürr,César Trujillo Moya
Werkprogramma voor de vierde Raadsperiode 1988-1992 deel 1
Author/Editor: WRR
Werkprogramma voor de derde Raadsperiode 1983-1987; deel 2
Author/Editor: WRR
Werkprogramma voor de derde Raadsperiode 1983-1987 deel 1
Author/Editor: WRR
Werkprogramma 2011-2012
Author/Editor: WRR
Werkloosheidsbestrijding in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Haag en Utrecht
Author/Editor: Derksen ,W.J.,Luijk van ,E.W.,Hoed den ,P.
Werkloosheid en inkomens bij etnische minderheden; een analyse op basis van het woningbehoefte-onderzoek 1985/86
Author/Editor: Praag van ,C.S.
Werk en inkomsten na massaontslag
Author/Editor: Scheele ,Dirk,Gaalen van ,Ruben,Rooijen van ,Johan
»Wer helfen kann, der helfe!«: Deutsche SklavereigegnerInnen und die atlantische Abolitionsbewegung, 1780–1860
Author/Editor: Sarah Lentz
Wereld van verschil: Sociale ongelijkheid vanuit een moreel perspectief
Author/Editor: Naomi Ellemers
Werbung und Identität im multikulturellen Raum: Der Werbediskurs in Luxemburg. Ein kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Beitrag
Author/Editor: Sebastian Reddeker
Werbeblocker im Internet: Eine Beurteilung nach dem Urheber- und Lauterkeitsrecht, zugleich ein Beitrag zum Begriff des Mitbewerbers im Lauterkeitsrecht (Volume 126)
Author/Editor: Jonathan Jung
Wenn Parlamente vors Volk ziehen: Ratsreferenden in der kommunalen Demokratie
Author/Editor: Nils Arne Brockmann
'We Need Two Worlds':
Author/Editor: Minghuan ,Li
We Need to Do This: A History of the Women's Shelter Movement in Alberta and the Alberta Council of Women's Shelters
Author/Editor: Alexandra Zabjek
Wendezeiten in der bulgarischen Literatur
Author/Editor: Burneva, Nikolina
Wende, und dann? Die Verkehrsentwicklung in der Region Berlin-Brandenburg seit der Wiedervereinigung
Author/Editor: Alexander Kendziora
Wende und Übergang : Die Kulturpolitik Bulgariens, 1989-2012
Author/Editor: Alexandrov ,Alexandar
Wende und Ãœbergang
WeltWissen : Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in der Weltgesellschaft
Weltwirtschaftsstatistik: Internationale Wirtschaftsstatistik und die Geschichte der Globalisierung, 1850–1950
Author/Editor: Martin Bemmann
Weltweit und virtuell - Praxisbeispiele aus dem digitalen Hochschulmarketing
Welt.Raum.Körper: Transformationen und Entgrenzungen von Körper und Raum
Author/Editor: Carsten Würmann,Martina Schuegraf,Sandra Smykalla,Angela Poppitz
Weltmarktintegration, Wachstum und Innovationsverhalten in Schwellenlaendern: Eine theoretische Diskussion mit einer Fallstudie ueber «Argentinien 1990-1999»
Author/Editor: Matthias Blum
Author/Editor: Theresa Wobbe
Weltereignisse und Massenmedien: Zur Theorie des Weltmedienereignisses: Studien zu John F. Kennedy, Lady Diana und der Titanic
Author/Editor: Christian Morgner
Weltbildgesteuerte Wirklichkeitskonstruktion: Beitraege zum Phaenomen Weltbild
Author/Editor: Michael Fleischer
"Weltbeziehung": The Study of our Relationship to the World
Author/Editor: Bettina Hollstein,Hartmut Rosa,Jörg Rüpke
Welt als ideales Artefakt: Eine Geschichte von Ideen und Konstrukten
Author/Editor: Ulrich Gehmann
Weltagrarbericht: Synthesebericht
Author/Editor: Albrecht ,Stephan,Engel ,Albert
Weltagrarbericht: Bericht zu Afrika südlich der Sahara (SSA)/
Author/Editor: Stephan Albrecht
Wellness in Whiteness: Biomedicalization and the Promotion of Whiteness and Youth among Women
Author/Editor: Amina Mire
Well-being, Sustainability and Social Development: The Netherlands 1850–2050
Author/Editor: Harry Lintsen,Frank Veraart,Jan-Pieter Smits,John Grin
Wellbeing of Transnational Muslim Families: Marriage, Law and Gender
Author/Editor: Marja Tiilikainen,Mulki Al-Sharmani,Sanna Mustasaari
Wellbeing, Freedom and Social Justice
Author/Editor: Robeyns ,Ingrid
Wellbeing Economics: The Capabilities Approach to Prosperity
Author/Editor: Paul Dalziel,Caroline Saunders,Joe Saunders
Well-Being and Mental Health in the Gig Economy: Policy Perspectives on Precarity
Author/Editor: Sally-Anne Gross,George Musgrave,Laima Janciute
Wellbeing and Devolution: Reframing the Role of Government in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
Author/Editor: Jennifer Wallace
Wellbeing: Alternative Policy Perspectives
Author/Editor: Timothy Besley,IRENE BUCELLI
Welcoming Africa's children
Author/Editor: Grobbelaar ,Jan,Breed ,Gert
Welcome to Europe - Die Grenzen des europäischen Migrationsrechts : Juridische Auseinandersetzungen um das "Staatsprojekt Europa"
Author/Editor: Buckel ,Sonja
Welcome to Europe - Die Grenzen des europäischen Migrationsrechts
Welche Rechte braucht die Natur?: Wege aus dem Artensterben
Author/Editor: Frank Adloff,Tanja Busse
Welchen Finanzausgleich braucht Europa?: Ein konkreter Vorschlag zur Neugestaltung der europaeischen Finanzbeziehungen mit Simulationsmodell
Author/Editor: Holger Niermann
Welche Öffentlichkeit brauchen wir?: Zur Zukunft des Journalismus und demokratischer Medien
Author/Editor: Jupp Legrand,Benedikt Linden,Hans-Jürgen Arlt
Weiterentwicklung von Modellen betrieblichen Lerne ns: Durch Einbezug des Lernens mit digitalen Medien (Volume 58)
Author/Editor: Tanja Arnold
Weiterbildungswiderstand : Eine kritische Theorie der Verweigerung
Author/Editor: Holzer ,Daniela
Author/Editor: Holzer ,Daniela
Weiterbildungsstatistik im Verbund: Ergebnisse für das Berichtsjahr 2018
Author/Editor: Johannes Christ,Heike Horn,Thomas Lux
Weiterbildungsstatistik im Verbund 2017 - Kompakt
Author/Editor: Heike Horn,Thomas Lux,Johannes Christ,Ingrid Ambos
Weiterbildungsstatistik im Verbund 2016 - Kompakt
Author/Editor: Heike Horn,Thomas Lux,Ingrid Ambos
Weiterbildungspartizipation und Bildungsurlaub: Theorie, Forschungsstand und empirische Analyse (Volume 41)
Author/Editor: Lena Heidemann,Sabine Schmidt-Lauff,Julia Schütz
Weiterbildungsgutscheine: Wirkungen eines Finanzierungsmodells in vier europäischen Ländern (Volume 21)
Author/Editor: Bernd Käpplinger,Erik Haberzeth,Rosemarie Klein
Weiterbildungsbeteiligung sogenannter "bildungsferner Gruppen": in sozialraumorientierter Forschungsperspektive
Author/Editor: Ewelina Mania
Weiterbildung an Hochschulen
weiterbilden#weiterdenken: Den Strukturwandel in der Metall- und Elektro- industrie durch berufliche Weiterbildung gestalten
Author/Editor: Stefan Baron,Peer-Michael Dick
Weissbuch Gastroenterologie 2023/24: Erkrankungen des Magen-Darm-Traktes, der Leber und der Bauchspeicheldrüse – Gegenwart und Zukunft
Author/Editor: Frank Lammert,Petra Lynen Jansen,Markus M. Lerch,Heiner Wedemeyer
Weissbuch Gastroenterologie 2020/2021 Erkrankungen des Magen-Darm-Traktes, der Leber und der Bauchspeicheldrüse – Gegenwart und Zukunft
Author/Editor: Frank Lammert,Petra Lynen Jansen,Markus M. Lerch
Weismanns Petersburger Lexikon von 1731: Teil 3: Grammatischer Anhang. Nachdruck der Ausgabe SPb. 1731
Author/Editor: Erik Weismann
Weismanns Petersburger Lexikon von 1731: Teil 2. Nachdruck der Ausgabe SPb. 1731
Author/Editor: Erik Weismann
Weismanns Petersburger Lexikon von 1731: Teil 1. Nachdruck der Ausgabe SPb. 1731
Author/Editor: Erich Weismann
Weißrussische Anthologie: Ein Lesebuch zur weißrussischen Literatur (mit deutschen Uebersetzungen)
Author/Editor: Ferdinand Neureiter
The Weight of Love
Author/Editor: Davis ,Robert Glenn
Weißbuch Multiple Sklerose: Versorgungssituation in Deutschland
Author/Editor: M. Kip,T. Schönfelder,H.-H. Bleß
Weißbuch Gelenkersatz: Versorgungssituation bei endoprothetischen Hüft- und Knieoperationen in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Hans-Holger Bleß,Miriam Kip
Weiblichkeit – Macht – Männlichkeit: Perspektiven für eine Geschlechtergeschichte der Antike
Author/Editor: Jan B. Meister,Seraina Ruprecht
Weiblichkeit – Ansätze zur Theoretisierung
Author/Editor: Antje Langer,Claudia Mahs,Barbara Rendtorff
Weibliche Genitalbeschneidung im Kontext von Migration
Author/Editor: Isabelle Ihring
Wehrgerechtigkeit als finanzpolitisches Verteilungsproblem: Moeglichkeiten einer Kompensation von Wehrungerechtigkeit durch monetaere Transfers
Author/Editor: Konrad Beiwinkel
Wehali: The Female Land: Traditions of a Timorese Ritual Centre
Author/Editor: Tom Therik
Wege zur Integration: Lebenswelten muslimischer Jugendlicher in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Halit Öztürk
Wege zum illuminierten Buch
Author/Editor: Tif ,Armand,Amstrong ,Lilian,Schwarz ,Michael Viktor,Saurma Jeltsch ,Liselotte,Rob Santer ,Carmen,Rischpler ,Susanne,Pfändtner ,Karl-Georg,Hranitzky ,Katharina,Eberlein ,Konrad,Cermann ,Regina
Wege zu einer erklaerungsorientierten Linguistik im systemtheoretischen Paradigma: Grundlagentheoretische Untersuchungen
Author/Editor: Walther Kindt
Wege nach Translantis: Leitfaden für Übersetzer: Niederländisch – Deutsch (Volume 6)
Author/Editor: Lisa Mensing,Lut Missinne
Wegekostenfinanzierung und Lenkung im deregulierten europaeischen Verkehrsmarkt
Author/Editor: Axel Hennighausen
Wege der Kooperation im Kontext inklusiver Bildung
Author/Editor: Björn Serke,Bettina Streese
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 8) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 2) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 9) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 4) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 1) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 5) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 10) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 3) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 6) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 12) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 11) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 7) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Erreichbarkeit sozioökonomisch benachteiligter Familien: Ein umsetzungsorientierter Dialog zwischen Forschung und Praxis in der Suchtprävention
Author/Editor: Andreas Pfister,Nikola Koschmieder,Sabrina Wyss
Wege aus der Insolvenz: Eine Analyse der Fortfuehrung und Sanierung insolventer Klein- und Mittelbetriebe unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung des Konfigurationsansatzes
Author/Editor: Markus Imgrund
Wegbegleitung, Trost und Hoffnung: Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zum Umgang mit Sterben, Tod und Trauer
Author/Editor: Johannes Jungbauer,Rainer Krockauer
Wees positief!: Voorbij de retoriek van empowerment in het sociale domein
Author/Editor: Richard de Brabander
We Dream Together : Dominican Independence, Haiti, and the Fight for Caribbean Freedom
Author/Editor: Eller ,Anne
We Dream Together
Wechselwirkungen zwischen Landnutzung und Klimawandel
Author/Editor: Horst Gömann,Johanna Fick
Wechselkurssicherungsstrategien exportorientierter Unternehmen: Effizienzmessung von regelgebundenen Selektionsentscheidungen
Author/Editor: Christian Geier
Wechselkurspolitik in Mittel- und Osteuropa: Eine theoretische Analyse unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Erfahrungen der zehn Kandidaten fuer eine EU-Osterweiterung
Author/Editor: Axel Gerloff
Wechselkurspolitik des Eurolandes: Konfliktstoff fuer die neue waehrungspolitische Aera
Author/Editor: Henrik Müller
We cannot continue like this: Facing modernity in Africa and Europe
Author/Editor: Attie van Niekerk,Attie van Niekerk,Sytse Strijbos,Sytse Strijbos,Kristy Langerman,Louisa Farina Lindeque,Montagu Murray,Christiaan Pauw,le Roux
Web Writing: Why and How for Liberal Arts Teaching and Learning
Author/Editor: Jack Dougherty,Tennyson O'Donnell
A Web-Based Approach to Measure Skill Mismatches and Skills Profiles for a Developing Country: The Case of Colombia"
Author/Editor: Jeisson Arley Cárdenas Rubio
The Web as History : Using Web Archives to Understand the Past and the Present
The Web as History
The Web as History
Weaving Solidarity: Decolonial Perspectives on Transnational Advocacy of and with the Mapuche
Author/Editor: Sebastian Garbe
Weather & Climate Services for the Energy Industry
Author/Editor: Alberto Troccoli
Weary Warriors: Power, Knowledge, and the Invisible Wounds of Soldiers
Author/Editor: Pamela Moss,Michael J. Prince
“We are not only English Jews—we are Jewish Englishmen”: The Making of an Anglo-Jewish Identity, 1840–1880
Author/Editor: Sara Abosch-Jacobson
We Are Not Amused: Failed Humor in Interaction
Author/Editor: Nancy Bell
'We Are All Here to Stay': Citizenship, Sovereignty and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Author/Editor: Dominic O'Sullivan
»We Are All Activists«: Exploring Solidarities in Activism By, With and For Refugees and Migrants in Hamburg
Author/Editor: Lea Rzadtki
Weaponising Speculation
Author/Editor: Caoimhe Doyle
Weana Tanz (Wiener Tänze)
Author/Editor: Deutsch ,Walter,Weber ,Ernst
The Wealthy, the Brilliant, the Few: Elite Education in Contemporary American Discourse
Author/Editor: Sophie Spieler
Wealth Creation without Pollution: Designing for Industry, Ecobusiness Parks and Industrial Estates
Author/Editor: Brian D'Arcy,Lee-Hyung Kim,Marla Maniquiz-Redillas
Wealth and Power: Philosophical Perspectives
Author/Editor: Michael Bennett,Huub Brouwer,Rutger Claassen
Weak Scale Supersymmetry: From Superfields to Scattering Events
Author/Editor: Howard Baer,Xerxes Tata
Weakly Nonlinear Systems: With Applications in Communications Systems
Author/Editor: Federico Beffa
The Weaker Sex in War: Gender and Nationalism in Civil War Virginia
Author/Editor: Kristen Brill
W. B. Yeats e la cultura italiana
Author/Editor: Fantaccini, Fiorenzo
The Way Things Go
Author/Editor: Louis Bury
Ways of Following: Art, Materiality, Collaboration
Author/Editor: Katve-Kaisa Kontturi
Ways of Being Ethnic in Southwest China
Author/Editor: Stevan Harrell
Ways into Shakespeare's Sonnets
Author/Editor: Helen Vendler
The Way Ahead : Meeting Canada's Productivity Challenge
Author/Editor: Brzustowski ,Tom
The Way Ahead
Wavelet Transforms and Their Recent Applications in Biology and Geoscience
Wavelet Analysis on the Sphere: Spheroidal Wavelets
Author/Editor: Anouar Ben Mabrouk,Sabrine Arfaoui,Imen Rezgui
Wavelet Analysis for the Extraction of Morphological Features for Orthopaedic Bearing Surfaces
Author/Editor: Jiang ,X.,Zeng ,W.,Scott ,Paul J.
Waveguide-Based Photonic Sensors: From Devices to Robust Systems
Author/Editor: Johannes Milvich
Watriama and Co: Further Pacific Islands Portraits
Author/Editor: Laracy ,Hugh
The Watlington Hoard: Coinage, Kings and the Viking Great Army in Oxfordshire, AD875–880
Author/Editor: John Naylor,Eleanor Standley
Water-Wise Cities and Sustainable Water Systems: Concepts, Technologies, and Applications
Author/Editor: Guangtao Fu,Xiaochang C. Wang
Water Supply and Sanitation for All
Water Stewardship
Author/Editor: Pernille Ingildsen
Waters of Belonging: Al-miyahu Tajma'unah: Arabic Australians and the Georges River Parklands
Author/Editor: Heather Goodall,Denis Byrne,Alison Cadzow,Stephen Wearing
Water Societies and Technologies from the Past and Present
Author/Editor: Mark Altaweel,Yijie Zhuang
Watership Down: Perspectives On and Beyond Animated Violence
Author/Editor: Catherine Lester
Water Services Management and Governance: Lessons for a Sustainable Future
Author/Editor: Tapio Katko,Petri Juuti
Water Security in the Middle East
Water Security, Conflict and Cooperation in Peri-Urban South Asia: Flows across Boundaries
Author/Editor: Vishal Narain,Dik Roth
Water Rites: Reimagining Water in the West
Author/Editor: Jim Ellis
Water Resource Systems Planning and Management: An Introduction to Methods, Models, and Applications
Author/Editor: Daniel P. Loucks,Eelco van Beek
Water Resources Allocation and Agriculture: Transitioning from open to regulated access
Author/Editor: Josselin Rouillard
Water management systems at Shikha Ecovillage
Author/Editor: Sibaji Panda,Santanu Panda,Ulrike Zeshan
Waterlands: : Prehistoric Life at Bar Pasture, Pode Hole Quarry, Peterborough
Author/Editor: Andy Richmond,Karen Francis
Water in Times of Climate Change: A Values-driven Dialogue
Author/Editor: Jan Jorrit Hasselaar,Elisabeth IJmker
Water interactions: A systemic view : Why we need to comprehend the water-climate-energy-food-economics-lifestyle connections
Author/Editor: Gustaf Olsson
Water for Energy and Fuel Production
Author/Editor: Yatish T. Shah
Water-filtered Infrared A (wIRA) Irradiation: From Research to Clinical Settings
Author/Editor: Peter Vaupel
Water, Energy, and Environment: A Primer
Author/Editor: Allan Hoffman
Waterborne: Vietnamese Australians and Sydney's Georges River parks and green spaces
Author/Editor: Heather Goodall,Alison Cadzow,Denis Byrne,Stephen Wearing
Waterbeheer en waterveiligheid - 39
Author/Editor: Leeuwe van ,P.J.H.
The Water Balance of the Alps – What do we need to protect the water resources of the Alps? Proceedings of the Conference held at Innsbruck University, 28-29 September 2006
Author/Editor: Psenner ,Roland,Lackner ,Reinhard
Water and Society: Changing Perceptions of Societal and Historical Development
Author/Editor: Terje Tvedt
Water and Los Angeles: A Tale of Three Rivers, 1900–1941
Author/Editor: Deverell ,William,Sitton ,Tom
Water and Los Angeles: A Tale of Three Rivers, 1900–1941
Author/Editor: William Deverell
Water and Heritage: Material, conceptual and spiritual connections
Author/Editor: Willem J.H. Willems,Henk van Schaik
Water and Earthquakes
Author/Editor: Chi-Yuen Wang,Michael Manga
Watching, Waiting: The Photographic Representation of Empty Places
Author/Editor: Sandra Krizic Roban,Ana Sverko
Watchful Lives in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands
Author/Editor: Catherine Whittaker,Eveline Dürr,Jonathan Alderman,Carolin Luiprecht
Watch and Learn
Author/Editor: Masson ,Eef
Was vom Krieg übrig bleibt : Unfriedliche Beziehungen in Sierra Leone
Author/Editor: Menzel ,Anne
Was vom Krieg übrig bleibt
Was vom Himmel kommt: Stoffanalytische Zugänge zu antiken Mythen aus Mesopotamien, Ägypten, Griechenland und Rom
Author/Editor: Gösta Ingvar Gabriel,Brit Kärger,Annette Zgoll,Christian Zgoll
Wastiary: A bestiary of waste
Author/Editor: Michael Hennessy Picard,Albert Brenchat Aguilar,Timothy Carroll,Jane Gilbert,Nicola Miller
Wastewater Characteristics, Treatment and Disposal
Author/Editor: Von Sperling ,Marcos
Wastewater Characteristics, Treatment and Disposal
Waste Stabilisation Ponds
Author/Editor: Von Sperling ,Marcos
Waste Stabilisation Ponds
Waste PET-MOF-Cleanwater: Waste PET-Derived Metal-Organic Framework (MOFs) as Cost-Effective Adsorbents for Removal of Hazardous Elements from Polluted Water
Author/Editor: Jianwei Ren,Philiswa Nosizo Nomngongo,Tien-Chien Jen
Waste: Capitalism and the Dissolution of the Human in Twentieth-Century Theater
Author/Editor: Jessica Rizzo
Waste and the City: The Crisis of Sanitation and the Right to Citylife
Author/Editor: Colin Mcfarlane
Was sprach der eine zum anderen? Argumentationsformen in den sumerischen Rangstreitgesprächen
Author/Editor: Catherine Mittermayer
Wasserträume und Wasserräume im Staatssozialismus: Ein umwelthistorischer Vergleich anhand der tschechoslowakischen und rumänischen Wasserwirtschaft 1948–1989 (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Arnošt Štanzel,Martin Schulze Wessel,Ulf Brunnbauer
Wasser als Gemeinsames: Potenziale und Probleme von Commoning bei Konflikten der Wasserbewirtschaftung (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Johannes Euler
Was macht die Digitalisierung mit der Politik?: Einwürfe und Provokationen
Author/Editor: Robin Schmidt,Björn Klein
Was kann der Staat? : Eine Analyse der rot-grünen Reformen in der Sozialpolitik
Author/Editor: Meyer ,Hendrik
Was kann der Staat?
Was ist wahre Freiheit?: Epiktet
Author/Editor: Samuel Vollenweider
Was ist Strafverteidigung?: Eine Praxiseinführung
Author/Editor: Stephan Bernard,Daniel Huerlimann,Marc Thommen
Was ist Public Interest Design?: Beiträge zur Gestaltung öffentlicher Interessen
Author/Editor: Christoph Rodatz,Pierre Smolarski
Was ist Gesundheit?: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven aus Medizin, Geschichte und Kultur
Author/Editor: Philip Eijk,Detlev Ganten,Roman Marek
Was ist eine Universität?: Schlaglichter auf eine ruinierte Institution
Author/Editor: Ulrike Haß,Nikolaus Müller-Schöll
Was ist den Buergern die Verminderung eines Risikos wert?: Eine Anwendung des kontingenten Bewertungsansatzes auf das Giftmuellrisiko
Author/Editor: Anselm Römer
Was heißt digitale Souveränität?: Diskurse, Praktiken und Voraussetzungen »individueller« und »staatlicher Souveränität« im digitalen Zeitalter
Author/Editor: Georg Glasze,Eva Odzuck,Ronald Staples
Was heisst und zu welchem Ende studiert man romanische Literaturwissenschaft?: Potsdamer Vorlesungen zur Romanistik
Author/Editor: Ottmar Ette
Was die Partikeln bedeuten: Eine kontrastive Analyse Russisch-Deutsch.
Author/Editor: Lew Zybatow
Was beeinflusst den Erfolg beim Problemlösen in der Physik?
Author/Editor: Martina Brandenburger
Warum weinen?: Eine Geschichte des Trauerns im liberalen Italien (1850–1915)
Author/Editor: Moritz Buchner
Warum treffen sich soziale Bewegungen?: Vom Wert der Begegnung: Interaktionssoziologische Perspektiven auf das Weltsozialforum
Author/Editor: Rainald Manthe
Warum machen wir nicht einfach Inklusion?: Entwicklung einer Theorie schulischer Inklusion
Author/Editor: Jennifer Lambrecht
Warum Lehrerin, warum Lehrer werden?: Motive und Selbstkonzept von Lehramtsstudierenden im internationalen Vergleich
Author/Editor: Jonas Scharfenberg
War Traditions from the Qumran Caves: Re-Thinking Textual Stability and Fluidity in the War Text manuscripts
Author/Editor: Hanna Vanonen
Wartime Shanghai and the Jewish Refugees from Central Europe : Survival, Co-Existence, and Identity in a Multi-Ethnic City
Author/Editor: Eber ,Irene
Wartime Shanghai and the Jewish Refugees from Central Europe
War, Strategy and History: Essays in Honour of Professor Robert O’Neill
War, Strategy and History: Essays in Honour of Professor Robert O’Neill
Warsaw: Revival and realignment (Volume 3)
Author/Editor: Jacek Szlachta,European Investment Bank,Wojciech Dziemianowicz
Warriors and Politicians
Author/Editor: Charles A. Stevenson
War Remains: Mediations of Suffering and Death in the Era of the World Wars
Author/Editor: Marie Cronqvist,Lina Sturfelt
Warraparna Kaurna! Reclaiming an Australian language
Author/Editor: Amery ,Rob
Warranty Obligations in Western France, 1040–1270: Law, Custom, and Lordship
Author/Editor: M.W McHaffie
Warping Time: How Contending Political Forces Manipulate the Past, Present, and Future
Author/Editor: Benjamin Ginsberg,Jennifer Bachner
War Pictures
Author/Editor: Puckett ,Kent
Waropense teksten (Geelvinkbaai, Noord Nieuw-Guinea)
Waropense teksten (Geelvinkbaai, Noord Nieuw-Guinea)
War of Words
Author/Editor: Kuitenbrouwer ,Vincent
A war of individuals: Bloomsbury attitudes to the Great War
Author/Editor: Atkin ,Jonathan
Warlike and Peaceful Societies
Author/Editor: Fog ,Agner
War in Film: Semiotics and Conflict Related Sign Constructions on the Screen
Author/Editor: Frank Jacob
Warez: The Infrastructure and Aesthetics of Piracy
Author/Editor: Martin Paul Eve
War der Coronavirus-Lockdown notwendig?: Versuch einer wissenschaftlichen Antwort
Author/Editor: Dirk Richter
The War Correspondent - Second Edition (Edition 2)
Author/Editor: Greg McLaughlin
The War Correspondent - Second Edition
Author/Editor: McLaughlin ,Greg
War at the Margins: Indigenous Experiences in World War II
Author/Editor: Lin Poyer
War as Entertainment and Contents Tourism in Japan
Author/Editor: Takayoshi Yamamura,Philip Seaton
War and Peace in the Western Political Imagination: From Classical Antiquity to the Age of Reason
Author/Editor: Roger B. Manning
War and Other Means
Author/Editor: Naepels ,Michel
War and Law in the Islamic World
Author/Editor: Matthias Vanhullebusch
War and Genocide in South Sudan
Author/Editor: Clémence Pinaud
Wandlungsdynamiken transnationaler Familien unter Krisenbedingungen: Biographische Perspektiven auf Familienfigurationen zwischen Spanien und Ecuador
Author/Editor: Christian Schramm
Wanderungen eines Ortes: Das Gelände der alten Messe („Staro Sajmište“), Belgrad
Author/Editor: Magdalena Saiger
Wandering the Wards: An Ethnography of Hospital Care and its Consequences for People Living with Dementia
Author/Editor: Katie Featherstone,Andy Northcott
Wanderers: Literature, Culture and the Open Road
Author/Editor: David Brown Morris
Wampar–English Dictionary with an English–Wampar finder list
Author/Editor: Bettina Beer,Hans Fischer
Waltzing Through Europe: Attitudes towards Couple Dances in the Long Nineteenth-Century
Author/Editor: Egil Bakka,Theresa Jill Buckland,Helena Saarikoski,Anne Von Bibra Wharton
Wallerstein 2.0: Thinking and Applying World-Systems Theory in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Frank Jacob
Author/Editor: Schiller ,Friedrich,Paulin ,Roger
The Wallachian Gold-Washers: Unlocking the Golden Past of the Rudari Woodworkers
Author/Editor: Julieta Rotaru,David Gaunt
The walk without limbs: Searching for indigenous health knowledge in a rural context in South Africa
Author/Editor: Gubela Mji,Gubela Mji,Melanie Alperstein,Nondwe Bongokazi Mlenzana,Karen Galloway,Chioma Ohajunwa,Lieketseng Ned,Ntombekhaya Tshabalala
Walk on the Beach: Things from the Sea, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Maggie M. Williams,Karen Eileen Overbey
Walking with Asafo in Ghana: An Ethnographic Account of Kormantse Bentsir Warrior Music
Author/Editor: Ama Oforiwaa Aduonum
Walking the Gendered Tightrope: Theresa May and Nancy Pelosi as Legislative Leaders
Author/Editor: Melissa Haussman,Karen M. Kedrowski
Walking on the Pages of the Word of God: Self, Land, and Text Among Evangelical Volunteers in Jerusalem
Author/Editor: Aron Engberg
The Walking Dead at Saqqara: Strategies of Social and Religious Interaction in Practice
Author/Editor: Lara Weiss
Waldwissen: Professionalisierung der Forstwissenschaft in Hann. Münden 1868-1972
Author/Editor: Peter-Michael Steinsiek
Waiting For The Revolution To End: Syrian displacement, time and subjectivity
Author/Editor: Charlotte Al-Khalili
Waiting for the Call: From Preacher's Daughter to Lesbian Mom
Author/Editor: Jacqueline Taylor
Waiting and the Temporalities of Irregular Migration
Author/Editor: Christine M. Jacobsen,Marry-Anne Karlsen,Shahram Khosravi
Wahrnehmungsvignetten. Phänomenologisch-reflexives Denken und professionelle Haltung: Studien- und Arbeitsbuch
Author/Editor: Ulrike Barth,Angelika Wiehl
Wahrnehmung - Kognition - Ästhetik: Neurobiologie und Medienwissenschaften
Author/Editor: Ralf Schnell
Wahrnehmen, fühlen, verstehen
Author/Editor: Christina Schmitt
Author/Editor: Michael Weingarten
Wahrheit und Revolution: Studien zur Grundproblematik der Marx'schen Gesellschaftskritik
Author/Editor: Matthias Bohlender,Anna-Sophie Schönfelder,Matthias Spekker
Wahrheit und Revolution: Studien zur Grundproblematik der Marx'schen Gesellschaftskritik (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Matthias Bohlender,Matthias Spekker,Anna-Sophie Schönfelder
Wahrheit und Recht: Störung und Schutz regulatorischer, asylrechtlicher und medialer Wahrheitsfindung
Author/Editor: Björnstjern Baade
Wahrheit und Nützlichkeit: Selbstbeschreibungen der Wissenschaft zwischen Autonomie und gesellschaftlicher Relevanz
Author/Editor: David Kaldewey
Wahrheit – Geschwindigkeit – Pluralität: Chancen und Herausforderungen durch den Buchdruck im Zeitalter der Reformation (Volume 132, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Martin Hille,Jan Martin Lies,Stefan Michel,Johann Anselm Steiger,Eike Wolgast,Hans-Peter Hasse,Stephan Füssel,He Jürgens,Armin Kohnle,Irene Dingel,Markus Müller,Andrea Hofmann,Claudine Moulin,Hans-Otto Schneider,Klaus Unterburger,Bridget Heal,Irene Dingel
Author/Editor: Thomas Stompe
Wahlen ohne Kampf?: Schweizer Parteien auf Stimmenfang, 1947–1983
Author/Editor: Zoé Kergomard
Wag the Dog: A Study on Film and Reality in the Digital Age
Author/Editor: Eleftheria Thanouli
Wag the Dog: A Study on Film and Reality in the Digital Age
Author/Editor: Eleftheria Thanouli
Wagner – Weimar – Eisenach: Richard Wagner im Spannungsfeld von Kultur und Politik
Author/Editor: Helen Geyer,Kiril Georgiev,Stefan Alschner
Wage Setting, Social Pacts and the Euro
Author/Editor: Hassel ,Anke
The Wages Crisis in Australia: What it is and what to do about it
Author/Editor: Andrew Stewart,Jim Stanford,Tess Hardy
Wagenscheins Pädagogik neu reflektiert: Mit Martin Wagenschein Bildungserfahrungen verstehen und unterstützen
Author/Editor: Marc Müller,Svantje Schumann
Waffengleichheit im Vorverfahren: Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der konzeptionellen Ausgestaltung des Strafverfahrens in der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Lorenz Garland
Wadi Flash Floods: Challenges and Advanced Approaches for Disaster Risk Reduction
Author/Editor: Tetsuya Sumi,Sameh A. Kantoush,Mohamed Saber
Waddenland Outstanding: History, Landscape and Cultural Heritage of the Wadden Sea Region
Author/Editor: Linde Egberts,Meindert Schroor
Wackenroder e Reichardt: Musica e letteratura nel primo Romanticismo tedesco
Author/Editor: Serena Alcione
Wachstumseffiziente Unternehmensbesteuerung
Author/Editor: Stefan Lewe
Waarden, normen en de last van het gedrag
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid
Waarborgen voor zekerheid. Een nieuw stelsel van sociale zekerheid in hoofdlijnen
Author/Editor: WRR
Väyrysen ja Kääriäisen korkean profiilin aika 1981‒1991: Keskustan historia 6
Author/Editor: Kati Katajisto
V. V. Majakovskij: Pro éto: Uebersetzung und Interpretation
Author/Editor: Senta Everts-Grigat
Vvedenie v slavjanovedenie. Izbrannaja bibliografija
Author/Editor: V. E. Moiseenko,K Gadani
Vvedenie v psichiatričeskoe literaturovedenie: (= Specimina philologiae slavicae; 107)
Author/Editor: Valerij P. Beljanin
Vulnerable: The Law, Policy and Ethics of COVID-19
Author/Editor: Colleen M. Flood,Vanessa MacDonnell,Jane Philpott
Vulnerable responsibility: Small vices for caregivers
Author/Editor: Roger Burggraeve,Laetus O.K Lategan,Linus Vanlaere
Vulnerable Households in the Energy Transition: Energy Poverty, Demographics and Policies
Author/Editor: Rossella Bardazzi,Maria Grazia Pazienza
Vulnerability in Scandinavian Art and Culture
Author/Editor: Adriana Margareta Dancus,Mats Hyvönen,Maria Karlsson
Vulnerability and Transformation of Indonesian Peatlands
Author/Editor: Kosuke Mizuno,Osamu Kozan,Haris Gunawan
Vulnerability and Resilience to Violent Extremism: An Actor-Centric Approach
Author/Editor: Juline Beaujouan,Veronique Dudouet,Maja Halilovic-Pastuovic,Johanna-Maria Hülzer,Marie Kortam,Amjed Rasheed
Vulnerability and Adaptation to Drought: The Canadian Prairies and South America
Author/Editor: Jim Warren,Harry Diaz,Margot Hurlbert
VR Technologies in Cultural Heritage: First International Conference, VRTCH 2018, Brasov, Romania, May 29–30, 2018, Revised Selected Papers
Author/Editor: Mihai Duguleană,Marcello Carrozzino,Matjaž Gams,Iulian Tanea
Author/Editor: Soen ,Violet
Voyages : Short Narratives of Susanna Moodie
Author/Editor: Moodie ,Susanna,Thurston ,John
Vox Romanica 79 (2020)
Author/Editor: Monica Castillo Lluch,Elwys De Stefani
Vox Romanica 78 (2019)
Author/Editor: Andres M. Kristol,Elwys De Stefani
Vox Romanica 77 (2018)
Author/Editor: Andres M. Kristol
Vox Romanica 76 (2017)
Author/Editor: Andres M. Kristol
Vox Romanica 75 (2016)
Author/Editor: Elwys De Stefani,Andres M. Kristol
« Vous n'en mangerez point »: L'alimentation comme distinction religieuse
Author/Editor: Paula Almeida Mendes,Elena Mazzetto,Jean Tolan,Christian Brouwer,Caroll Davila,Sylvio Hermann de Franceschi,Arnaud Delhove,Stefania Ermidoro,Marie-Claude Mahias,Pauline Mancina,Philippe Swennen
Vote Buying in Indonesia: The Mechanics of Electoral Bribery
Author/Editor: Burhanuddin Muhtadi
"Vorträge der Bibliothek Warburg": Das intellektuelle Netzwerk der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Bibliothek Warburg
Author/Editor: Ernst Müller,Barbara Picht
The Vortex and The Jet: A Journey into the Beauty and Mystery of Flight
Author/Editor: Reiner Decher
(Vor)Sorge und (Un)Gleichheiten in pandemischen Zeiten: Rationalitäten - Geschichten
Author/Editor: Friederike Schmidt,Hanna Weinbach
Vorschlaege zur Einordnung der Suedosteuropa-Forschung in die Aufbauplaene der Deutschen Hochschulen
Author/Editor: Franz Ronneberger
Vorrei. Corso di lingua italiana di livello elementare 1 e 2: Libro di testo e libro degli esercizi
Author/Editor: Serena Baldini,David Marini
Vorlaeufige Untersuchungen ueber den bairischen Bulgarenmord von 631/632
Author/Editor: Heinrich Kunstmann
Vor der Revolution: Die Vereinigten Staaten und die Permanente Intervention in Iran, 1953-1975
Author/Editor: Roland Popp
Vor den Gemälden - Eduard Bendemann zeichnet ; Bestandskatalog der Zeichnungen und Skizzenbücher eines Hauptvertreters der Düsseldorfer Malerschule in der Göttinger Universitätskunstsammlung
Author/Editor: Scholl, Christian,Sors, Anne-Katrin
Vorausschauende Regelung von Fahrzeugsystemen durch stochastische Vorhersage der Fahrzeugdynamik
Author/Editor: Sebastian Fünfgeld
Vorausberechnung von Verwandtschaft: Wie sich die gemeinsame Lebenszeit von Kindern, Eltern und Großeltern zukünftig entwickelt
Author/Editor: Christian Dudel
Vor 400 Jahren – Der Dreißigjährige Krieg
Author/Editor: Robert Rebitsch,Lothar Höbelt,Erwin A. Schmidl
Voor vorst en stad
Author/Editor: Mareel ,Samuel
Vooruitzichten voor de verzorgende dienstverlening
Author/Editor: Zandstra ,M.J.
Vooruitzichten voor de metaalverwerkende industrie
Author/Editor: Swank ,O.H.
Voor de eenheid van beleid
Author/Editor: WRR
Von Verteidigern und Entdeckern: Ein neuer Identitätskonflikt in Europa
Author/Editor: Mitja Back,Gerald Echterhoff,Olaf Müller,Detlef Pollack,Bernd Schlipphak
Von unmittelbarer Demokratie zur Repräsentation: Eine Ideengeschichte der großen bürgerlichen Revolutionen
Author/Editor: Philip Dingeldey
Von Tierdaten zu Datentieren: Eine Mediengeschichte der elektronischen Tierkennzeichnung und des datengestützten Herdenmanagements
Author/Editor: Ina Bolinski
Von Stadtplanung und Immobilienwirtschaft: Die »South Boston Waterfront« als Beispiel für eine neue Strategie städtischer Baupolitik
Author/Editor: Susanne Heeg
Von Preußen lernen?: Die preußische Monarchie im Spiegel französischer Reformdiskurse am Ende des Ancien Régime
Author/Editor: Isabelle Deflers
Von Polen nach Deutschland und zurück: Die Arbeitsmigration und ihre Herausforderungen für Europa
Author/Editor: Magdalena Nowicka
Von Pflanzen und Pflichten – Zum naturalistischen Ursprung des stoischen kathēkon
Author/Editor: Manuel Lorenz
Von Open Access zu Open Science: Zum Wandel digitaler Kulturen der wissenschaftlichen Kommunikation
Author/Editor: Christian Heise
Von Notstand und Wohlstand: Die Basler Lebensmittelversorgung im Krieg, 1914–1918
Author/Editor: Maria Meier
Von »Neuer Unterschicht« und Prekariat: Gesellschaftliche Verhältnisse und Kategorien im Umbruch. Kritische Perspektiven auf aktuelle Debatten
Author/Editor: Claudio Altenhain,Anja Danilina,Erik Hildebrandt,Stefan Kausch,Annekathrin Müller,Tobias Roscher
Von Netzwerken zu Märkten: Die Entstehung eines globalen Getreidemarktes
Author/Editor: Martin Bühler
Von Monstern und Menschen: Begegnungen der anderen Art in kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
Author/Editor: Gunther Gebhard,Oliver Geisler,Steffen Schröter
Von Körpermärkten
Author/Editor: Andreas Exenberger,Josef Nussbaumer
Von Katterburg zu Schönbrunn
Author/Editor: Hassmann ,Elisabeth
Von Kant zu Schelling: Die beiden Wege des Deutschen Idealismus
Author/Editor: Miklós Vető
Von Jesus zur neutestamentlichen Theologie: Kleine Schriften II
Author/Editor: Jörg Frey,Benjamin Schliesser
Von illusionärer Wirklichkeit und wahrer Illusion
Author/Editor: Winter ,Susanne
Von Historikern, Politikern, Turnern und anderen. Schlaglichter auf die Geschichte des oestlichen Europa: Festschrift fuer Detlef Brandes zum 75. Geburtstag
Author/Editor: Dietmar Neutatz,Volker Zimmermann
Von Herodas zu Elytis
Author/Editor: Puchner ,Walter
Von Ein- und Ausschlüssen in Europa: Eine ethnographische Studie zu EU-Migration und Wohnungslosigkeit in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Marie-Therese Haj Ahmad
Von einem Traum getrieben: Wie der Physiker Rolf Widerøe den Teilchenbeschleuniger erfand
Author/Editor: Aashild Sørheim
"Von einem sensationellen Erlebnis zum anderen getrieben..." - Kriminalheftromane und die Zeitgestalt 'Serialität' in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren
Author/Editor: Weiland, Gudrun
Von der Volkskunst zur proletarischen Kunst: Theorien zur Sprache der Literatur in Rußland und der Sowjetunion
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Eismann
Von der Szene in die Forschung: Fans als Citizen Scientists
Author/Editor: Elfi Katharina Vomberg
Von der Schule in die Berufsausbildung: Soziale Konstruktionen durch Lehrkräfte über ungünstige Faktoren in der Bildungsbiografie von Schülerinnen und Schülern
Author/Editor: André Epp
Von der philosophisch-moralischen Erzählung zur modernen Novelle
Author/Editor: Ackermann ,Kathrin
Von der Ost-West-Konfrontation zur Europaeischen Friedensordnung
Author/Editor: Günther Wagenlehner
Von der Makroökonomie zum Kleinbauern: Die Wandlung der Idee eines gerechten Nord-Süd-Handels in der schweizerischen Dritte-Welt-Bewegung (1964-1984)
Author/Editor: Andrea Franc
Von der »Kultur« zur »Rasse« - vom Objekt zum Körper?: Völkerkundemuseen und ihre Wissenschaften zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Anja Laukötter
Von der Innovation zur Institution
Author/Editor: Girgensohn ,Katrin
Von der Höhlenmalerei zur Hochkultur am Göbekli Tepe
Author/Editor: Lars Hennings
Von der Frühverrentung bis zur Rente mit 67: Der Wandel des Altersübergangs von 1990 bis 2012
Author/Editor: Martin Brussig,Matthias Knuth,Sarah Mümken
Von der Freiheit, Schmerz zu spüren
Author/Editor: Burkhart Bromm,Jörn Henning Wolf,Akademie der Wissenschaften
Von der Exklusion zur Inklusion: Weiterbildung im Sozialsystem Hochschule
Author/Editor: Carola Iller
Von der Dämonologie zum Unbewussten: Die Transformation der Anthropologie um 1800
Author/Editor: Maren Sziede,Helmut Zander
Von der Dekoration zur Narration: Zur Entstehungsgeschichte der slovenischen Literatur
Author/Editor: Jože Pogacnik
Von der bronzezeitlichen Geschichte zur modernen Antikenrezeption - Vorträge aus dem Sommersemester 2008 und Wintersemester 2008/09
Author/Editor: Lehmann, Gustav Adolf,Engster, Dorit,Nuss, Alexander
Von der Ausbildung ins Erwerbsleben: Untersuchung zu Übergangsprozessen und Zufriedenheit (Volume 72)
Author/Editor: Patrick Richter
Von den Nazis vertrieben: Autobiographische Zeugnisse von Emigrantinnen und Emigranten. Das wissenschaftliche Preisausschreiben der Harvard Universität aus dem Jahr 1939
Author/Editor: Detlef Garz
Von den Medien zu den Plattformen: Die Regulierung öffentlicher Kommunikation im Zeichen der digitalen Revolution
Author/Editor: Urs Saxer
Von den historischen Avantgarden bis nach der Postmoderne: Potsdamer Vorlesungen zu den Hauptwerken der Romanischen Literaturen des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Ottmar Ette
Von Cádiz nach London: Spanischer Liberalismus im Spannungsfeld von nationaler Selbstbestimmung, Internationalität und Exil (1820–1833)
Author/Editor: Christiana Brennecke
Von Causenflickern und Rittern der Rechte: Juristenkritik und Juristenideal in der Frühen Neuzeit
Author/Editor: Katharina Flechsig
Von Beteiligung zur Koproduktion: Wege der Zusammenarbeit von Kommune und Bürgerschaft für eine zukunftsfähige kommunale Entwicklung
Author/Editor: Jan Abt,Lutke Blecken,Stephanie Bock,Julia Diringer,Katrin Fahrenkrug
Von Bauingenieurinnen und Sozialarbeitern: Studien(fach)wahlen im Kontext von sozialem Milieu und Geschlecht
Author/Editor: Lena Loge
Von Amtsgärten und Vogelkojen - Beiträge zum Göttinger Umwelthistorischen Kolloquium 2011-2012
Author/Editor: Jakubowski-Tiessen, Manfred
Von alternativen Paradigmen zur umfassenden Transformation: Analyse transformativer Forschungsprojekte anhand des diskursiven Institutionalismus
Author/Editor: Katharina Schleicher
Von Aachen bis Akkon: Grenzüberschreitungen im Mittelalter
Author/Editor: Francesco PANARELLI,Kristjan Toomaspoeg,Georg Vogeler,Kordula Wolf
Vom Weichen über den Schönen Stil zur Ars Nova: Neue Beiträge zur europäischen Kunst zwischen 1350 und 1470
Author/Editor: Jiri Fajt,Markus Hörsch
Vom „Wächter am Tor“ zum „einsamen Wolf“.: Der Multifunktionär Hans-Michael Fiedler und die Transformation der radikalen Rechten in Südniedersachsen
Author/Editor: Katharina Trittel,Sören Isele,Florian Finkbeiner
Vom Verteilen zum Gestalten: Geschichte der betrieblichen Mitbestimmung in der westdeutschen Automobilindustrie nach 1945
Author/Editor: Dimitrij Owetschkin
Vom Verstehen zur Verständigung - Dokumentation der öffentlichen Vorlesungsreihe zum Europäischen Jahr des Interkulturellen Dialogs 2008
Author/Editor: Casper-Hehne, Hiltraud,Schweiger, Irmy
Vom „Türkenjoch“ zu „Deutschlands Freundschaft für die Türkei“: Der Wandel des Wissens über das Osmanische Reich in deutschen Geschichtsschulbüchern 1839–1918
Author/Editor: Timm Gerd Hellmanzik
Vom Staunen der Vernunft
Author/Editor: Luigi Pareyson,Gianluca De Candia
Vom Salpetergeschäft zum Sammlerglück: Die Gemäldesammlung Eduard F. Weber – glanzvoll und doch verschmäht
Author/Editor: Martina Sitt
Vom Publicum : Das Öffentliche in der Kunst
Author/Editor: Kammerer ,Dietmar
Vom Publicum
"Vom Polocker Venedig": Kollektives Handeln sozialer Gruppen einer Stadt zwischen Ost- und Mitteleuropa (Mittelalter, frühe Neuzeit, 19. Jh. bis 1914)
Author/Editor: Stefan Rohdewald
Vom Kollektiv zum Individuum: Transformationsprozesse am Übergang vom 4. zum 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr. in der Deutschen Mittelgebirgszone
Author/Editor: Clara Drummer
Vom Individuum her denken: Berufs- und Bildungsberatung in Wissenschaft und Praxis
Author/Editor: Michael Scharpf,Andreas Frey
Vom Hymnus zum Gebet: Gattungs- und Gebrauchswechsel liturgischer Lieder in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit
Author/Editor: Pavlina Kulagina,Franziska Lallinger
Vom Germanenerbe zum Urkommunismus: Urgeschichtsbilder in Museen der SBZ und DDR
Author/Editor: Arne Lindemann
Vom Dialog in der Epik zum epischen Dialog
Author/Editor: Walter Koschmal
Vom byzantinischen zum arabischen Ägypten: Neue dokumentarische Papyri aus dem 5. bis 8. Jh. (P.Heid. XI)
Author/Editor: Lajos Berkes
Voluntary Assisted Dying: Law? Health? Justice?
Author/Editor: Daniel J Fleming,David J Carter
Volume 1: Context and Methodology :
Author/Editor: Vincent Gaffney,Simon Fitch
Voltaire et Rousseau dans le théâtre de la Révolution française (1789-1799)
Author/Editor: Ling-Ling Sheu,Roland Mortier
Volksschauspiele Genese einer kulturgeschichtlichen Formation
Author/Editor: Toni Bernhart
Volkspoesie versus Kunstpoesie
Author/Editor: Jesko Reiling
Volkshochschul-Statistik: 57. Folge, Berichtsjahr 2018
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Reichart,Hella Huntemann,Thomas Lux
Volkshochschul-Statistik: 56. Folge, Arbeitsjahr 2017
Author/Editor: Hella Huntemann,Thomas Lux,Elisabeth Reichart
Author/Editor: WRR
Volkserzählungen der Südslaven
Author/Editor: Krauss ,Friedrich Salomo
Volk oder Religion?: Die Entstehung moderner jüdischer Ethnizität in Frankreich und Deutschland 1782–1848
Author/Editor: Philipp Lenhard
Volitilisering in de economie
Author/Editor: Gelok ,M.F.,Jong de ,W.M.
Voles and Lemmings (Arvicolinae) of the Palaearctic Region
Author/Editor: Boris Kryštufek,Georgy Shenbrot
Vold i nære relasjoner i et mangfoldig Norge
Author/Editor: Anja Bredal,Helga Eggebø,Astrid Eriksen
Volcanic Unrest: From Science to Society
Author/Editor: Joachim Gottsmann,Jürgen Neuberg,Bettina Scheu
Vokalperzeption und natuerliche Phonologie: Eine kontrastive Untersuchung zum Deutschen und Polnischen
Author/Editor: Gerd Hentschel
Voitures de société et mobilité durable. Diagnostic et enjeux
Author/Editor: Xavier May,Anneloes Vandenbroucke,Thomas Ermans,Aniss M. Mezoued,Nils Hooftman,Joost Vaesen,Thomas Crispeels,Jason Roncancio,Céline Brandeleer,Michel HUBERT,Kevin Lebrun,Florentine| Sieux
Voijslav Ilić. Leben und Werk: Referate des XXXIV. Konstanzer Slavistischen Arbeitstreffens in Oldenburg, 22.-26. September 2008 und des XXXV. Konstanzer Slavistischen Arbeitstreffens in Salzburg, 21.-25. September 2009 und weitere linguistische Beitraege
Author/Editor: Robert Felber
Voicing in Contrast. Acquiring a Second Language Laryngeal System
Author/Editor: Simon ,Ellen
Voice syncretism
Author/Editor: Nicklas N. Bahrt
Voices past and present: A comparison of Old Cape dialectal, Bushman and Khoikhoi words
Author/Editor: Peter E. Raper
Voices of Long-Term Care Workers: Elder Care in the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond
Author/Editor: Andrea Freidus
Voices of Labor: Creativity, Craft, and Conflict in Global Hollywood
Author/Editor: Curtin ,Michael,Sanson ,Kevin
Voices of Labor: Creativity, Craft, and Conflict in Global Hollywood
Author/Editor: Michael Curtin,Kevin Sanson
Voices in the Band: A Doctor, Her Patients, and How the Outlook on AIDS Care Changed from Doomed to Hopeful
Author/Editor: Susan C. Ball
Voices in Psychosis: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Author/Editor: Angela Woods,Ben Alderson-Day,Charles Fernyhough
Voices from the South: Digital Arts and Humanities
Author/Editor: Amanda du Preez
Voices from the Digital Classroom: 25 Interviews about Teaching and Learning in the Face of a Global Pandemic
Author/Editor: Sandra Abegglen,Fabian Neuhaus,Kylie Wilson
Voices and Practices in Applied Linguistics: Diversifying a Discipline
Author/Editor: Clare Wright,Lou Harvey,James Simpson
The Voice of the Century: The Culture of Italian Bel Canto in Luisa Tetrazzini’s Recorded Interpretations
Author/Editor: Massimo Zicari
A Voice for Maria Favela: An Adventure in Creative Literacy
Author/Editor: Antonio Leal
Voice at the interfaces: The syntax, semantics, and morphology of the Hebrew verb
Author/Editor: Itamar Kastner
Voedsel en geneesmiddelen - 38
Author/Editor: Jonkers ,A.P.
Voci dal mondo per Primo Levi: In memoria, per la memoria
Author/Editor: Luigi Dei
Voces de mujeres en la Edad Media: Entre realidad y ficción
Author/Editor: Esther Corral Díaz
Vocational Teacher Education in Central Asia: Developing Skills and Facilitating Success
Author/Editor: Jens Drummer,Gafurjon Hakimov,Mamatair Joldoshov,Thomas Köhler,Svetlana Udartseva
Vocational Education and Training: The Northern Territory’s history of public philanthropy
Author/Editor: Zoellner ,Don
Vocational Education and Training: The Northern Territory’s history of public philanthropy
Vocational Education and Training in the Age of Digitization: Challenges and Opportunities
Author/Editor: Eveline Wuttke,Jürgen Seifried,Helmut M. Niegemann
Vocational Education and Training in Sub-Saharan Africa
Author/Editor: Eicker ,Friedhelm,Haseloff ,Gesine,Lennartz ,Bernd
Vocalization in Group Writing: A New Proposal
Author/Editor: Marwan Kilani
Vocabolar dl ladin leterar 1/Vocabolario del ladino letterario1/Wörterbuch des literarischen Ladinisch 1: Lessich documenté dant 1879/Lessico documentato prima del 1879/Vor 1879 belegter Wortschatz
Author/Editor: Paul Videsott
Vluchtlijnen van de poëzie: Over het werk van Jeroen Mettes
Author/Editor: Siebe Bluijs,bram ieven
"Völkisch" Writers and National Socialism: A Study of Right-Wing Political Culture in Germany, 1890-1960
Author/Editor: Guy Tourlamain
Völkisches Denken 1848 bis 1948: Von der Paulskirche über Weimar zum Petersberg
Author/Editor: Julien Reitzenstein,Bernd-A. Rusinek,Dirk Rupnow
Vladimir Soloviev and the Spiritualization of Matter
Author/Editor: Smith ,Oliver
Vladimir Soloviev and the Spiritualization of Matter
Vjačeslav Ivanovs Tragoedie "Tantal": Eine literarhistorische Interpretation
Author/Editor: Armin Hetzer
Vjačeslav Ivanov. Dichtung und Dichtungstheorie
Author/Editor: Carin Tschöpl
Vivir en tiempos convulsionados: Reflexiones sociocríticas para propuestas de intervención social
Author/Editor: Sandra Iturrieta
Vivir Bien as an Alternative to Neoliberal Globalization: Can Indigenous Terminologies Decolonize the State?
Author/Editor: Eija Ranta
Vitenskapelig (u)redelighet
Author/Editor: Vinther ,Torkild,Rognstad ,Ole-Andreas,Solberg ,Berge,Enebakk ,Vidar,Hølen C. ,Jacob,Haug J. ,Charlotte,Hofmann ,Bjørn,Irgens-Jensen ,Harald,Kalleberg ,Ragnvald,Nagel ,Anne-Hilde,Nydal ,Rune
Vita sotto le armi, vita clandestina: Cronaca e silenzio nei diari di un ufficiale (1940-1943)
Author/Editor: Elisabetta Ricciardi
Vita Radbodi: Het Leven van Radboud
Author/Editor: Peter Nissen,Vincent Hunink
Vita perfecta?: Zum Umgang mit divergierenden Ansprüchen an religiöse Lebensformen in der Vormoderne
Author/Editor: Daniel Eder,Henrike Manuwald,Christian Schmidt
The Vitamin A Story: Lifting the Shadow of Death
Author/Editor: Richard D. Semba
Vital Subjects: Race and Biopolitics in Italy
Author/Editor: Welch ,Rhiannon Noel
Vital Reenchantments: Biophilia, Gaia, Cosmos, and the Affectively Ecological
Author/Editor: Lauren Greyson
Vitality and Dynamism : Interstitial Dialogues of Language, Politics, and Religion in Morocco's Literary Tradition
Vitality and Dynamism
Vitalitätseffekte: Erkenntnis und Affekt in der Medienkultur der Zellbiologie
Author/Editor: Bettina Papenburg
Vitalism and Its Legacy in Twentieth Century Life Sciences and Philosophy
Author/Editor: Christopher Donohue,Charles T. Wolfe
A Vital Frontier: Water Insurgencies in Europe
Author/Editor: Andrea Muehlebach
Vitale Mystik: Formen und Rezeptionen mystischen Schreibens in der Lyrik von Anna de Noailles, Ernestina de Champourcin und Antonia Pozzi
Author/Editor: Jenny Haase
Vitale democratie
Author/Editor: Hendriks ,Frank
Vita di un monumento: Il Ninfeo di Egeria tra storia e rappresentazione
Author/Editor: Paolo Cimadomo,Marika Griffo
Vitaal en bevlogen - 53
Author/Editor: Meershoek ,A.
Visuelle Medien im christlichen Kult
Author/Editor: Schwarz ,Michael Viktor
Visuelle Linguistik: Zur Genese, Funktion und Kategorisierung von Diagrammen in der Sprachwissenschaft
Author/Editor: Noah Bubenhofer
Visuelle Kompetenz
Author/Editor: Hug ,Theo,Kriwak ,Andreas
Visuelle Dimensionen des Antiziganismus
Author/Editor: Frank Reuter,Daniela Gress,Radmila Mladenova
The Visual Worlds of Social Network Sites: Images and image-based communication on Facebook and Co. (Volume 4)
Author/Editor: Ulla P. Autenrieth,Klaus Neumann-Braun
Visual Texts, Ceremonial Texts, Texts of Exploration: Collected Articles on the Representation of Russian Monarchy
Author/Editor: Richard Wortman
Visual Securitization: Humanitarian Representations and Migration Governance
Author/Editor: Alice Massari
Visual Methodology in Migration Studies: New Possibilities, Theoretical Implications, and Ethical Questions
Author/Editor: Karolina Nikielska-Sekula,Amandine Desille
The Visual Memory of Protest
Author/Editor: Ann Rigney,Thomas Smits
Visually Provoking: Dissertations in Art Education
Author/Editor: Anita Sinner,Rita Irwin,Timo Jokela
Visualizing the Street: New Practices of Documenting, Navigating and Imagining the City
Author/Editor: Pedram Dibazar,Judith Naeff
Visualizing the invisible with the human body
Author/Editor: J. Cale Johnson,Alessandro Stavru
Visualizing Mortality Dynamics in the Lexis Diagram
Author/Editor: Rau ,Roland,Bohk-Ewald ,Christina,Muszynska M. ,Magdalena,Vaupel W. ,James
Visualizing Mortality Dynamics in the Lexis Diagram
Visualizing Fascism: The Twentieth-Century Rise of the Global Right
Author/Editor: Geoff Eley,Julia Adeney Thomas
Visualising Safety, an Exploration: Drawings, Pictures, Images, Videos and Movies
Author/Editor: Jean-Christophe Le Coze,Teemu Reiman
Visualising Facebook
Author/Editor: Miller ,Daniel,Sinanan ,Jolynna
Visualisierung sprachlicher Daten: Visual Linguistics – Praxis – Tools
Author/Editor: Noah Bubenhofer,Marc Kupietz
Visualisierungen von Kult
Author/Editor: Meyer ,Marion,Klimburg-Salter ,Deborah
Visualisierungen des Ereignisses: Medienästhetische Betrachtungen zu Bewegung und Stillstand
Author/Editor: Gunnar Schmidt
Visual Histories of Occupation: A Transcultural Dialogue
Author/Editor: Jeremy E. Taylor
Visual Effects: Filmbilder aus dem Computer
Author/Editor: Barbara Flueckiger
Visual Citizenship: Communicating political opinions and emotions on social media
Author/Editor: Catherine Bouko
A Visual Atlas for Soil Micromorphologists
Author/Editor: Eric P. Verrecchia,Luca Trombino
Visser 't Hooft, 1900-1985: Living for the Unity of the Church
Author/Editor: Jurjen Zeilstra,Henry Jansen
The Visnu Purana: Ancient Annals of the God with Lotus Eyes
Author/Editor: McComas Taylor
Visions of the End in Medieval Spain. Catalogue of Illustrated Beatus Commentaries on the Apocalypse and Study of the Geneva Beatus
Author/Editor: Williams ,John
Visions of Justice: <i>Sharīʿa</i> and Cultural Change in Russian Central Asia
Author/Editor: Paolo Sartori
Visions of Electric Media: Television in the Victorian and Machine Ages
Author/Editor: Ivy Roberts
Visions of DNA Nanotechnology at 40 for the Next 40: A Tribute to Nadrian C. Seeman
Author/Editor: Nataša Jonoska,Erik Winfree
Visions for Intercultural Music Teacher Education
Author/Editor: Heidi Westerlund,Sidsel Karlsen,Heidi Partti
Visions and Revisions of Europe
Author/Editor: Karolina Czerska-Shaw,Marcin Galent,Bożena Gierat-Bieroń
A vision of Africa's future: Mapping change, transformations and trajectories towards 2030
Author/Editor: Giovanni Carbone
Vision, Narrative, and Wisdom in the Aramaic Texts from Qumran: Essays from the Copenhagen Symposium, 14-15 August, 2017
Author/Editor: Mette Bundvad,Kasper Siegismund,Melissa Sayyad Bach,Søren Holst,Jesper Høgenhaven
Vision Impairment: Science, art and lived experience
Author/Editor: Michael Crossland
Visioni critiche: Recensioni teatrali da «l'Unità-Toscana» (1975-1983)
A Vision for Change: Speeches and Writings of AD Patel, 1929-1969
Author/Editor: Lal V. ,Brij
A Vision for Change: AD Patrel and the Politics of Fiji
Author/Editor: Lal V. ,Brij
Visiones histórico-literarias de España y el Nuevo Mundo en la tradición clásica (siglos XVI-XIX)
Author/Editor: Jesús Paniagua Pérez,Ángel Ruiz Pérez
Vision-Division : L'oeuvre de Nancy Huston
Author/Editor: Dvorák ,Marta,Koustas ,Jane
Vision Assessment: Theoretische Reflexionen zur Erforschung soziotechnischer Zukünfte
Author/Editor: Philipp Frey,Paulina Dobroc,Alexandra Hausstein,Reinhard Heil,Andreas Lösch,Maximilian Roßmann,Christo Schneider
The vision and the path (Volume 11)
Author/Editor: Javier Cercas,European Investment Bank
The Visigothic Kingdom: The Negotiation of Power in Post-Roman lberia
Author/Editor: Sabine Panzram,Paulo Pachá
The Visible World
Author/Editor: Weststeijn ,Thijs
The Viscous: Slime, Stickiness, Fondling, Mixtures
Author/Editor: Freddie Mason
Visceral Prostheses: Somatechnics and Posthuman Embodiment
Author/Editor: Margrit Shildrick
Visceral: Essays on Illness Not as Metaphor
Author/Editor: Maia Dolphin-Krute
VIRUS!: Mutationen einer Metapher
Author/Editor: Ruth Mayer,Brigitte Weingart
Virulent Zones: Animal Disease and Global Health at China's Pandemic Epicenter
Author/Editor: Lyle Fearnley
Virtuous Waters
Author/Editor: Casey Walsh
The virtuous circle (Volume 7)
Author/Editor: Ellen MacArthur,European Investment Bank
The Virtues of Green Marketing: A Constructive Take on Corporate Rhetoric
Author/Editor: Erik Bengtson,Oskar Mossberg
Virtues for the People: Aspects of Plutarchan Ethics
Author/Editor: Geert Roskam
Virtuelle Wirklichkeiten: Atmosphärisches Vergangenheitserleben im Digitalen Spiel
Author/Editor: Felix Zimmermann
Virtuelle Welten als Basistechnologie für Kunst und Kultur?: Eine Bestandsaufnahme
Author/Editor: Manfred Bogen,Roland Kuck,Jens Schröter
Virtuelle und hybride Fremdsprachenlehre
Author/Editor: Henriette Reiche
Virtue Ethics and Education from Late Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century
Author/Editor: Andreas Hellerstedt
Virtual Works – Actual Things: Essays in Music Ontology
Author/Editor: Lydia Goehr,Paulo de Assis,David Davie,Kathy Kiloh,Jake McNulty,Gunnar Hindrichs,John Rink
»Virtual Skills Lab« - Transdisziplinäres Forschen zur Vermittlung sozialer Kompetenzen im digitalen Wandel
Author/Editor: Klaus Neundlinger,Elisabeth Frankus,Ines Häufler,Thomas Layer-Wagner,Simone Kriglstein,Beate Schrank
Virtual Reality Methods: A Guide for Researchers in the Social Sciences and Humanities
Author/Editor: Phil Jones,Tess Osborne,Calla Sullivan-Drage,Natasha Keen,Eleanor Gadsby
Virtual Internationalization in Higher Education
Author/Editor: Elisa Bruhn
Virtual Heritage: A Guide
Author/Editor: Erik Champion
The Virgin Mary across Cultures: Devotion among Costa Rican Catholic and Finnish Orthodox Women
Author/Editor: Elina Vuola
Virgil, Aeneid, 4.1–299
Author/Editor: Gildenhard ,Ingo
Virgil, Aeneid 11, Pallas and Camilla, 1–224, 498–521, 532–596, 648–689, 725–835: Latin Text, Study Aids with Vocabulary, and Commentary
Author/Editor: Ingo Gildenhard,John Henderson
Viral Performance: Contagious Theaters from Modernism to the Digital Age
Author/Editor: Miriam Felton-Dansky
Viral Lobbying: Strategies, Access and Influence During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Author/Editor: Michele Crepaz,Wiebke Marie Junk,Marcel Hanegraaff,Joost Berkhout
Viral Loads: Anthropologies of urgency in the time of COVID-19
Author/Editor: Lenore Manderson,Nancy J. Burke,Ayo Wahlberg
VIOT 2018: Duurzame taalbeheersing
Author/Editor: Carel Jansen
Violets between Cherry Blossoms. The diffusion of classical motifs to the East
Author/Editor: Arts ,P.L.W.
Violent Times Rising Resistance: An Interdisciplinary Gender Perspective
Author/Editor: Dominique Grisard,Annelise Erismann,Janine Dahinden
Violent Modernists: The Aesthetics of Destruction in Twentieth-Century German Literature
Author/Editor: Kai Evers
Violent Extremism: A handbook of risk assessment and management
Author/Editor: Caroline Logan,Randy Borum,Paul Gill
Violent Exceptions: Children’s Human Rights and Humanitarian Rhetorics
Author/Editor: Wendy S. Hesford
Violent Affections: Queer sexuality, techniques of power, and law in Russia
Author/Editor: Alexander Sasha Kondakov
Violence: Situation, Speciality, Politics, and Storytelling
Author/Editor: David Wästerfors
The Violence of the Letter: Toward a Theory of Writing
Author/Editor: Melanie McMahon
Violence in the Balkans: First findings from the Balkan Homicide Study
Author/Editor: Anna-Maria Getoš Kalac
Violence in Extreme Conditions: Ethical Challenges in Military Practice
Author/Editor: Eric-Hans Kramer,Tine Molendijk
Violence and Trolling on Social Media: History, Affect, and Effects of Online Vitriol
Author/Editor: Sara Polak,Daniel Trottier
Violence Against Women's Health in International Law
Author/Editor: Sara De Vido
Violence Against Women During Coronavirus: When Staying Home Isn’t Safe
Author/Editor: Naomi Pfitzner,Kate Fitz-Gibbon,Sandra Walklate,Silke Meyer,Marie Segrave
Violence against Women and Ethnicity: Commonalities and Differences across Europe
Author/Editor: Monika Schröttle,Ravi K. Thiara,Stephanie A. Condon
Violence against Women and Ethnicity: Commonalities and Differences across Europe
Author/Editor: Ravi K. Thiara
Vinyl Theory
Author/Editor: Jeffrey R. Di Leo
Vin et altérité: Le vin à l'épreuve des sciences humaines
Author/Editor: Augustin Voegele,Thomas Nicklas,Frédérique Toudoire-Surlapierre,Michel Faure,Sonia Goldblum
Vincenzo Consolo: gli anni de «l’Unità» (1992-2012), ovvero la poetica della colpa-espiazione
Author/Editor: Joseph Francese
Villenarchitektur am Semmering
Author/Editor: Buchinger ,Günther
Villard de Honnecourt, architecte du XIIIe siècle
Author/Editor: Wirth ,Jean
Villages et quartiers à risque d’abandon: Stratégies pour la connaissance, la valorisation et la restauration
Author/Editor: Lamia Hadda,Saverio Mecca,GIOVANNI PANCANI,Massimo Carta,Fabio Fratini,Stefano Galassi
Village Housing: Constraints and opportunities in rural England
Author/Editor: Nick Gallent,Iqbal Hamiduddin,Phoebe Stirling,Meiling Wu
Vilkår for nynorsk mellom barn og unge
Author/Editor: Gudrun Kløve Juuhl,Stig J. Helset,Endre Brunstad
Viktor Franz Freiherr von Andrian-Werburg
Author/Editor: Adlgasser ,Franz
Viktor E. Frankl - Gesammelte Werke: Psychotherapie, Psychiatrie und Religion
Author/Editor: Batthyany ,Alexander,Vik ,Janos,Biller ,Karlheinz,Fizzotti ,Eugenio
Viking Age Swords from Telemark, Norway: An Integrated Technical and Archaeological Investigation
Author/Editor: Irmelin Martens,Eva Elisabeth Astrup,Kjetil Loftsgarden,Vegard Vike
Vijfentwintig jaar later
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid
Vignettes from the Late Ming: A Hsiao-p’in Anthology
Author/Editor: Yang Ye
The vignette as an exercise in perception / Η βινιέτα ως άσκηση αντίληψης: On the professionalisation of educational practices / Μία προσέγγιση για την επαγγελματοποίηση της παιδαγωγικής δράσης
Author/Editor: Evi Agostini,Hans Karl Peterlini,Jasmin Donlic,Verena Kumpusch,Daniela Lehner,Isabella Sandner
Vigilantism against Migrants and Minorities
Author/Editor: Tore Bjørgo,Miroslav Mareš
A view to a kill: Investigating Middle Palaeolithic subsistence using an Optimal Foraging perspective
Author/Editor: Gerrit L. Dusseldorp
Views on Early Music as Representation: Invitations, Congruity, Performance
Author/Editor: Robin Rolfhamre,Elin Angelo
Viewers in Distress: Race, Gender, Religion, and Avant-Garde Performance at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: Stefka G. Mihaylova
Vietnam Vanguard: The 5th Battalion's Approach to Counter-Insurgency, 1966
Author/Editor: Ron Boxall,Robert O’Neill
Vietnam Task: The 5th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment, 1966–67
Author/Editor: Robert O'Neill
Vietnam’s Post-1975 Agrarian Reforms: How local politics derailed socialist agriculture in southern Vietnam
Author/Editor: Trung Dang
A Vietnamese Moses: Philiphê Bỉnh and the Geographies of Early Modern Catholicism
Author/Editor: George Dutton
A Vietnamese Moses: Philiphê Bỉnh and the Geographies of Early Modern Catholicism
Author/Editor: Dutton E. ,George
Viet Nam - a transition tiger?
Author/Editor: Mallon ,Raymond,Van Arkadie ,Brian
Vietnam as if… Tales of youth, love and destiny
Author/Editor: Huynh ,Kim
Vierte „Tagung der Fachdidaktik“ 2019: Interdisziplinäre fachdidaktische Diskurse zur Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung
Author/Editor: Suzanne Kapelari
Vienna: Still a Just City?
Author/Editor: Yuri Kazepov,Roland Verwiebe
The Vienna Genesis: Material analysis and conservation of a Late Antique illuminated manuscript on purple parchment
Author/Editor: Christa Hofmann,Maurizio Aceto,Sophie Rabitsch,Jiři Vnouček
Vielfältig geprägt: Das spätperserzeitliche Samaria und seine Münzbilder
Author/Editor: Patrick Wyssmann
Viele Wege führen nach Indien - Reorganisation von Arbeit im Zuge der Internationalisierung der IT-Industrie
Author/Editor: Feuerstein, Patrick
«Viele Anspielungen gehen ohnehin verloren»: Autofiktion und Intertextualität in Max Frischs «Montauk»
Author/Editor: Hanspeter Affolter
Videovernehmung kindlicher Zeugen - zur Praxis des Zeugenschutzgesetzes
Author/Editor: Scheumer, Maike
Video thrills the Radio Star: Musikvideos: Geschichte, Themen, Analysen
Author/Editor: Henry Keazor,Thorsten Wübbena
Video Games, Crime and Next-Gen Deviance: Reorienting the Debate
Author/Editor: Adam Lynes,Craig Kelly
Videogames and Agency
Author/Editor: Bettina Bódi
Videogame Formalism: On Form, Aesthetic Experience and Methodology
Author/Editor: Alex Mitchell,Jasper Van Vught
Video Game Characters and Transmedia Storytelling: The Dynamic Game Character
Author/Editor: Joleen Blom
Video Game Art Reader: Volume 4
Author/Editor: Tiffany Funk
Video Game Art Reader: Volume 3
Author/Editor: Tiffany Funk
Video Game Art Reader: Volume 2
Author/Editor: Tiffany Funk
Video Game Art Reader: Volume 1
Author/Editor: Tiffany Funk
Videoforskning på ulike læringsarenaer: Mangfoldig videodata i pedagogisk forskning og utvikling
Author/Editor: Fredrik Rusk
Video Conference as a tool for Higher Education: the TEMPUS ViCES experience
Author/Editor: Enrica Caporali,Vladimir Trajkovik
Videoanalysen von Fernsehshows und Musikvideos: Ausgewählte Fallbeispiele zur dokumentarischen Methode
Author/Editor: Stefan Hampl
Vidding: A History
Author/Editor: Francesca Coppa
Victor Tedesco, ein früher Gefährte von Karl Marx in Belgien.: Sein Leben, Denken und Wirken in der 1. Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Mit einer Dokumentation seiner Schriften. Mit einer Dokumentation der Schriften Tedescos und zahlreichen Abbildungern. 1. B
Author/Editor: Rudolf Kern
The Victorian soldier in Africa
Author/Editor: Spiers ,Edward M.
A Victorian Curate: A Study of the Life and Career of the Rev. Dr John Hunt
Author/Editor: David Yeandle
Victorian Alchemy: Science, magic and ancient Egypt
Author/Editor: Eleanor Dobson
Victim Support and the Welfare State
Author/Editor: Carina Gallo,Kerstin Svensson
Victims' State: War and Welfare in Austria, 1868-1925
Author/Editor: KE-CHIN HSIA
Victims of Political Violence and Terrorism: Making Up Resilient Survivors
Author/Editor: William McGowan
Victimhood and Acknowledgement: The Other Side of Terrorism
Author/Editor: Petra Terhoeven
Vico Wallari – San Genesio ricerca storica e indagini archeologiche su una comunità del medio Valdarno inferiore fra alto e pieno medioevo
Author/Editor: Federico Cantini,Francesco Salvestrini
The Vicious Circle 1832–1864: A History of the Polish Intelligentsia – Part 2
Author/Editor: Jerzy Jedlicki
ViCES - Video Conferencing Educational Services Main Project Outcomes
Author/Editor: Enrica Caporali,Vladimir Trajkovik
Vibroakustische Analyse eines elektrischen Radnabenmotors und Optimierung durch geeignete Steuerungsansätze
Author/Editor: Dominik Stretz
Via verde e via d’oro: Le politiche open access dell’Università di Firenze
Author/Editor: Mauro Guerrini,Giovanni Mari
Viaggio in Dalmazia
Author/Editor: Alberto Fortis
Viaggio e politica
Author/Editor: Campos Boralevi, Lea,Lagi, Sara
Viaggio e politica
The Viability of Human Security
Veto Power: Institutional Design in the European Union
Author/Editor: Jonathan B. Slapin
Veto Power
Author/Editor: Slapin ,Jonathan B.
Veterans, Victims, and Memory: The Politics of the Second World War in Communist Poland
Author/Editor: Joanna Wawrzyniak
Vetenskapen som försvann?: Svensk rasforskning efter 1935
Author/Editor: Martin Ericsson
Vessel Health and Preservation: The Right Approach for Vascular Access
Author/Editor: Nancy L. Moureau
Verzet en vrijheid: Het Gronings Ontzet van 1672 en de Universiteit
Author/Editor: Arjen Dijkstra,Joop W. Koopmans,Judith Brouwer,Benjamin Van der Linde
Verzeihen, Versöhnen, Vergessen: Soziologische Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Morikawa Takemitsu
Verworfene Frauenzimmer-- Geschlecht als Kategorie des Wissens vor dem Strafgericht
Author/Editor: Grütter ,Melanie
Verworfene Frauenzimmer-- Geschlecht als Kategorie des Wissens vor dem Strafgericht
Verwertungsgesellschaften: Ihre Rechtsnatur und die Mitwirkungsrechte am Beispiel der GEMA
Author/Editor: Niklas Hoßbach
Verwandtsein und Herrschen: Die Königinmutter Catherine de Médicis und ihre Kinder in Briefen, 1560–1589
Author/Editor: Julia Heinemann
Verwaltungsrecht in der Klausur
Author/Editor: Nikolas Eisentraut
Verwaltung im digitalen Zeitalter: Die Rolle digitaler Kompetenzen in der Personalakquise des höheren Dienstes
Author/Editor: Derya Catakli
Verwaltete Vielfalt: Die königlichen Tafelgüter in Polen-Litauen, 1697–1763
Author/Editor: Peter Collmer
Verwaltete Verwandtschaft
Author/Editor: Lanzinger ,Margareth
Verulamium Excavations. Volume II
Author/Editor: Frere Shephard
Verulamium Excavations
Author/Editor: Sheppard Frere
Verulamium: a Belgic and two Roman cities
Author/Editor: R.E.M. Wheeler,T.V. Wheeler
Vertrouwen in de school
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid
Vertrouwen in de buurt
Author/Editor: WRR
Vertrouwen in burgers
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid
Vertrieben aus Hamburg: Die Ärztin Rahel Liebeschütz-Plaut
Author/Editor: Doris Fischer-Radizi
Vertretung handlungsunfähiger volljähriger Patienten durch Angehörige
Author/Editor: Burchardt, Monika
Vertrauen - zwischen sozialem Kitt und der Senkung von Transaktionskosten
Author/Editor: Maring ,Matthias
Vertrauen, Solidarität und Emotionen in Non-Profit-Organisationen. Eine soziologische Analyse des Dritten Sektors in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Jenny Weggen
Vertrauen in Roboter und dessen Beeinflussbarkeit durch sprachliches Framing: Eine empirische Untersuchung der Interaktion mit Cobots am Arbeitsplatz
Author/Editor: Tobias Kopp
Vertrauen in Journalismus unter Online-Bedingungen: Zum Einfluss von Personenmerkmalen, Qualitätswahrnehmungen und Nachrichtennutzung
Author/Editor: Fabian Prochazka
Vertragsmanagement fuer Investitionsprojekte: Quantitative Projektplanung zur Unterstuetzung des Contract Managements unter Beruecksichtigung von Informationsasymmetrie
Author/Editor: Bernd Slaghuis
Vertragliche Rechtsfolge der «Verwendung missbräuchlicher Geschäftsbedingungen»
Author/Editor: Reto Pfeiffer
Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy: Volume 1
Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy
Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy
Vertical Green 2.0 – The Good, the Bad and the Science
Author/Editor: Karin A. Hoffmann,Sebastian Schröder,Thomas Nehls,Ulrike Pitha,Bernhard Pucher,Irene Zluwa,Damjana Gantar,Ina Suklje Erjavec,Jana Kozamernik
Verteilungswirkungen der Staatsverschuldung: Eine kreislauftheoretische Inzidenzbetrachtung
VERSUS: Heritage for Tomorrow: Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture
Author/Editor: Mariana Correia,LETIZIA DIPASQUALE,Saverio Mecca
Verstümmelte Körper?: Lebenswelten und soziale Praktiken von Kastratensängern in Mitteleuropa 1712–1844 (Volume 257)
Author/Editor: Johanna E. Blume
Verstehen verstehen: Eine erkenntnistheoretische Untersuchung
Author/Editor: Federica Isabella Malfatti
Verstehendes Forschen in der Pandemie und anderen Ausnahmesituationen: Praktische und methodologische Erkenntnisse der Rekonstruktiven Sozialen Arbeit
Author/Editor: Sylke Bartmann,Nina Erdmann,Meike Haefker,Christin Schörmann,Claudia Dr. Streblow-Poser
Verstehende Kooperation: Herausforderungen für Soziologie und Evolutionsforschung im Anthropozän
Author/Editor: Ludger Pries
Verso un nuovo diritto penale sessuale: Diritto vivente, diritto comparato e prospettive di riforma della disciplina dei reati sessuali in Italia
Author/Editor: Francesco Macrì
Versorgungsstrukturen und Finanzierungsoptionen auf dem Pruefstand: 9. Bad Orber Gespraeche- 11.-13. November 2004
Author/Editor: Eberhard Wille,Manfred Albring
Versorgungs-Report Leitlinien: Evidenz für die Praxis
Author/Editor: Christian Günster,Jürgen Klauber,David Klemperer,Monika Nothacker,Bernt-Peter Robra,Caroline Schmuker
Versorgungs-Report: Klima und Gesundheit
Author/Editor: Christian Günster,Jürgen Klauber,Bernt-Peter Robra,Caroline Schmuker,Alexandra Schneider
Versorgungs-Report Klima und Gesundheit
Author/Editor: Alexandra Schneider,Caroline Schmuker,Christian Günster,Jürgen Klauber,Bernt-Peter Robra
Versorgungs-Report Früherkennung
Author/Editor: Christian Günster,Jürgen Klauber,Bernt-Peter Robra,Norbert Schmacke,Caroline Schmuker
Versorgungsdefizite im deutschen Gesundheitswesen: 18. Bad Orber Gespraeche ueber kontroverse Themen im Gesundheitswesen
Author/Editor: Eberhard Wille
Versorgungsbedarf, Angebot und Inanspruchnahme ambulanter hausaerztlicher Leistungen im kleinraeumigen regionalen Vergleich
Author/Editor: Anke Schliwen
Verso la neutralità climatica di architetture e città green: Sperimentazioni e casi di studio nel Nord e Mittel Europa
Author/Editor: Fabrizio Tucci,Fabrizio Amadei,Maria Michaela Pani,Giada Romano
Verso la neutralità climatica di architetture e città green: Approcci, indirizzi, strategie, azioni
Author/Editor: Fabrizio Tucci,Valeria Cecafosso,Paola Altamura,Gaia Turchetti
Verso la neutralità climatica di architetture e città green: Sperimentazioni e casi di studio nel Sud Europa e in area mediterranea
Author/Editor: Fabrizio Tucci,Marco Giampaoletti,Federica Nava,Violetta Tulelli
Verso il restauro: Temi, tesi, progetti per la conservazione
Author/Editor: Maurizio De Vita
Versnelling juridische procedures grote projecten
Author/Editor: Lambers ,C.,Lubach ,D.A.,Scheltema ,M.
Verslag en evaluatie vierde raadsperiode; 1988-1992
Author/Editor: WRR
Verslag en evaluatie van de vijfde raadsperiode 1993-1997
Author/Editor: WRR
Verslag en evaluatie van de vijfde raadsperiode 1993 - 1997
Author/Editor: WRR
Verslag en evaluatie van de vierde raadsperiode 1988-1992
Author/Editor: WRR
Verslag Eerste Raadsperiode 1972-1977
Author/Editor: WRR
Verskyning en verdwyning van ‘n verligte mens: ‘n Boeddha in Theravāda perspektief, mistiek vertolk
Author/Editor: .S. Krüger
The version that wanted to be written: Writing the Nazi past as historiographic metafiction (Volume 13)
Author/Editor: Kylie Giblett
Versification: Metrics in Practice
Author/Editor: Satu Grünthal,Kati Kallio,Jarkko Niemi
Verse and Transmutation - A Corpus of Middle English Alchemical Poetry (Critical Editions and Studies)
Author/Editor: Timmermann ,Anke
Verse and Transmutation - A Corpus of Middle English Alchemical Poetry (Critical Editions and Studies)
Verse and Transmutation: A Corpus of Middle English Alchemical Poetry (Critical Editions and Studies)
Author/Editor: Anke Timmermann
Verschwindet die Natur?: Die Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie in der umweltsoziologischen Diskussion
Author/Editor: Martin Voss,Birgit Peuker
Verschuivingen in het technologiebeleid
Author/Editor: Roobeek ,A.J.M.,Broesterhuizen ,E.
Verschuivende vensters: veranderingen in het institutionele landschap van de Nederlandse ontwikkelingssamenwerking - 40
Author/Editor: Hoebink ,P.
Verrechnungspreise: Grundlagen und Praxis
Author/Editor: Roman Dawid
Ver-rückte Expertisen: Ethnografische Perspektiven auf Genesungsbegleitung
Author/Editor: Christine Schmid
Verortungen der Interkulturalität: Die ›Europäischen Kulturhauptstädte‹ Luxemburg und die Großregion (2007), das Ruhrgebiet (2010) und Istanbul (2010)
Author/Editor: Thomas Ernst,Dieter Heimböckel
Verordnete Entgrenzung: Kulturpolitik, Artist-in-Residence-Programme und die Praxis der Kunst
Author/Editor: Andrea Glauser
Vernieuwingen in het arbeidsbestel
Author/Editor: WRR
Vernetztes Leben. Soziale und digitale Kulturen
Author/Editor: Trotha ,Robertson von
Vernetzte Islamfeindlichkeit: Die transatlantische Bewegung gegen »Islamisierung«. Events – Organisationen – Medien
Author/Editor: Oliver Wäckerlig
Vernakuläre Wissenschaftskommunikation: Beiträge zur Entstehung und Frühgeschichte der modernen deutschen Wissenschaftssprachen
Author/Editor: Michael Prinz,Jürgen Schiewe
Vernaculars in an Age of World Literatures
Author/Editor: Christina Kullberg,David Watson
Vermoegensverteilung und staatliche Aktivitaet: Zur Theorie distributiver Prozesse im Interventionsstaat
Author/Editor: Cay Folkers
Vermoegenspreisinflation als wirtschaftspolitische Herausforderung
Author/Editor: Christoph Kimmel
Vermoegensdekonzentration und Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligungsgesetz
Author/Editor: Anna Rosinus
Vermitteln – Verbinden – Verstehen: 46. Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz 2019
Author/Editor: Friederike Hinzmann,Coretta Storz,Annemarie Hülsmann,Ulrike Rosner,Benjamin Dupke
Vermin, Victims and Disease: British Debates over Bovine Tuberculosis and Badgers
Author/Editor: Angela Cassidy
Verlängerte Praxisphasen in der Lehrer*innenbildung: Konzeptionelle und empirische Aspekte der Relationierung von Theorie und Praxis
Author/Editor: Kathrin Rheinländer,Daniel Scholl
Verlichte verhalen: De omgang met het verleden in de Nederlandse Verlichting
Author/Editor: Eleá de la Porte
Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde an Herrn Prof. Dr. Klaus Garber. Ansprachen zur Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde an Professor Dr. Klaus Garber am 5. Februar 2003 im Warburg-Haus
Author/Editor: Literatur- und Medienwissenschaft Fachbereich Sprach-
Verleihung der Bruno Snell-Plakette an Fritz Stern. Reden zur Festveranstaltung am 19. November 2002 an der Universität Hamburg
Author/Editor: Heike Brandstädter
Verleger als Leser und als Vermittler von Lesekultur: Britische Verlegerkarrieren zwischen 1800 und 1926 unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung lesebiographischer Ansaetze
Author/Editor: Sandra Simon
Verkörperungen des Waldes: Eine Körper-, Geschlechter- und Herrschaftsgeschichte
Author/Editor: Marcus Termeer
Verknüpfte Modernitäten: Brasilianisch-deutsche Interferenzen in Bezug auf Kulturpolitik und Menschenbild in der Nachkriegszeit
Author/Editor: Susanne Neubauer
Verkehrte Leidenschaft: Gleichgeschlechtliche Unzucht im Kontext von Strafrecht und Medizin, Aus- und Verhandlungsprozesse vor dem Landesgericht Linz 1918-1938
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Greif
Verkehrsphasenbasierte Datenanalyse von zeitlich-räumlichen Strukturen der Staufronten
Author/Editor: Sven-Eric Molzahn
Verkehr im Kapitalismus
Author/Editor: Oliver Schwedes
Verhältnisse reparieren: Wie Reparieren und Selbermachen die Beziehungen zur Welt verändern
Author/Editor: Melanie Jaeger-Erben,Sabine Hielscher
Verhüllte Schaulust: Die Maske in Schnitzlers »Traumnovelle« und in Kubricks »Eyes Wide Shut«
Author/Editor: Julia Freytag
Verhandeln mit Republiken: Die französisch-eidgenössischen Beziehungen im frühen 18. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Andreas Affolter
Verhaltensökonomik und Normativität: Die Grenzen des Informationsmodells im Privatrecht und seine Alternativen
Author/Editor: Philipp Hacker
Verhaltensforschung am Point of Sale - Ansatzpunkte und Methodik
Author/Editor: Silberer, Günter
Verhaltensdesign: Technologische und ästhetische Programme der 1960er und 1970er Jahre
Author/Editor: Jeannie Moser,Christina Vagt
Vergängliche Kunst und fortwährende Macht: Die Blijde Inkomst für Erzherzog Ernst von Österreich in Brüssel und Antwerpen, 1594
Author/Editor: Ivo Raband
Vergleichsweise menschlich?: Ambulante Sanktionen als Alternative zur Freiheitsentziehung aus europäischer Perspektive
Author/Editor: Christine M. Graebsch,Sven-Uwe Burkhardt
Vergleichende griechisch-slavische Aspektstudien
Author/Editor: Käthe Koschmieder-Schmid
Vergleich der Verguenstigungseffekte der verschiedenen investitionsfoerdernden Maßnahmen
Author/Editor: Rainer Volk
Vergewaltigung und sexuelle Nötigung - Untersuchung der Strafverfahrenswirklichkeit
Author/Editor: Goedelt, Katja
Vergessen und verloren
Author/Editor: Führer ,Bernhard
Vergessene Stimmen, nationale Mythen / Forgotten Voices, National Myths: Literarische Beziehungen zwischen Österreich und Kanada / Literary Relations Between Austria and Canada
Author/Editor: Nicole Perry,Marc-Oliver Schuster
Vergemeinschaftung und Distinktion: Eine gesprächsanalytische Studie über Positionierungspraktiken in Diskussionen über TV-Serien
Author/Editor: Kristin Weiser-Zurmühlen
Vergeben und Vergessen? Amnestie in der Antike
Author/Editor: Harter-Uibopuu ,Kaja,Mitthof ,Fritz
Vergangenheit, die nicht vergeht
Author/Editor: Schmoller ,Andreas
Vergangenheit als Gegenwart – Zum 40-jährigen Bestehen der Sektion Erwachsenenbildung der DGfE
Author/Editor: Sabine Schmidt-Lauff,Sabine Schmidt-Lauff
Vergangene Zukünfte – neue Vergangenheiten: Geschichte und Geschichtlichkeit der Erwachsenenbildung
Author/Editor: Olaf Dörner,Anke Grotlüschen,Bernd Käpplinger,Gabriele Molzberger,Jörg Dinkelaker
Vergangenes verhandeln: Spätantike Statusdiskurse senatorischer Eliten in Gallien und Italien
Author/Editor: Tabea L. Meurer
Verflochtene Geschichten im postkolonialen Grenzraum: Biographien, Zugehörigkeiten und Erinnerungspraktiken in Ceuta und Melilla
Author/Editor: Eva Bahl
Verfestigungen in der Interaktion Konstruktionen, sequenzielle Muster, kommunikative Gattungen
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Imo,Katharina König,Beate Weidner,Lars Wegner
Verfassungsrechtliche Vorgaben für die Zusammenarbeit von Arbeitgeberverbänden und Gewerkschaften unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Problematik von Blitzaustritten und Blitzwechseln aus Arbeitgeberverbänden
Author/Editor: Farouq, Hasina
Verfassungsrechtliche Anforderungen an Sperrmaßnahmen von kinderpornographischen Inhalten im Internet - Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Zugangserschwerungsgesetzes
Author/Editor: Heliosch, Alexandra
Verfassungsrechtliche Anforderungen an Sperrmaßnahmen von kinderpornographischen Inhalten im Internet - Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Zugangserschwerungsgesetzes
Verfassung als Ordnungskonzept: Referate und Diskussionen auf der Tagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer in Speyer vom 7. bis zum 10. Oktober 2015
Author/Editor: Franz Mayer,Hans Michael Heinig,Lothar Michael
Verfasste Freiheit
Verfahren zur Beurteilung der Schadensumfangs- und Zustandsentwicklung vorgespannter Brückenbauwerke
Author/Editor: Eric Kirpal
Verfahren und Intention des Kombinatorischen in B. A. Pil'njaks "Ivan da Mar'ja"
Author/Editor: Hee-Sok Kim
Vererbte Regionen: Aneignungen und Nutzungen von regionalem Heritage im Wendland und in der Lausitz im Vergleich
Author/Editor: Jenny Hagemann
Vereinigungsbedingte Dimensionen regionaler Arbeitsmobilitaet: Wirkungen unter analytisch einfachen Bedingungen und potentielle individuelle Migrationsgewinne in Deutschland nach der Vereinigung
Author/Editor: Annette Schönherr
Verdrängungen des Ökonomischen: Bourdieus Theorie der Moderne
Author/Editor: Gregor Bongaerts
Verdrängter Antisemitismus: Eine empirisch fundierte Entwicklung des Begriffs der Abwehr als soziale Handlung
Author/Editor: Michael Höttemann
Verdi in Victorian London
Author/Editor: Zicari ,Massimo
Verdier i konflikt: Etikk i et mangfoldig samfunn
Author/Editor: Odin Lysaker,Terje Emil Fredwall
Verdier i barnevern
Author/Editor: Halvor Nordby,Astrid Halsa
Verder: Beckett en de 21e eeuw
Verdeckungen: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf gesellschaftliche Ein- und Ausschlüsse
Author/Editor: Saskia Bender,Oliver Flügel-Martinsen,Michaela Vogt
Verbundanalyse im Einzelhandel auf der Grundlage von Kundenkarteninformationen: Eine empirische Untersuchung von Verbundbeziehungen zwischen Abteilungen
Author/Editor: Marcus Poggenpohl
Verbum e ius: Predicazione e sistemi giuridici nell’Occidente medievale / Preaching and legal Frameworks in the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Rosa Maria Parrinello,Laura Gaffuri
Verb-second as a reconstruction phenomenon: Evidence from grammar and processing
Author/Editor: Constantin Freitag
Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit durch Migrationskontrolle?: Eine völkerstrafrechtliche Untersuchung zur Situation an den südlichen EU-Außengrenzen
Author/Editor: Stine von Förster
Author/Editor: Martin Fries
Verbraucherkreditregulierung in Japan
Author/Editor: Julius Weitzdörfer,Christian H. Bull
The Verb in Nyakyusa (Second edition): A focus on tense, aspect, and modality
Author/Editor: Bastian Persohn
The Verb in Nyakyusa : A focus on tense, aspect, and modality
Author/Editor: Persohn ,Bastian
The Verb in Nyakyusa
Verbindung halten: (Post)kommunikation unter schwierigen Verhältnissen (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Christoph Borbach,René Smolarski,Maksim Fomenko,Konstanze Soch,Amelie Dreecke,Christian Methfessel,Stefan Geissler,René Smolarski,Reiner Prass,Heinz Wewer
Verbinder aus Kunstharzpressholz mit erhöhter Reibung in der Scherfuge
Author/Editor: Simon Aurand,Hans Joachim Blaß
Verbesserungen beim Laserschneiden mit Methoden des maschinellen Lernens
Author/Editor: Leonie Felica Tatzel
Verbesserung der Prozesskette zur Herstellung mikrostrukturierter Linsen für automobile Scheinwerfer
Author/Editor: Dennis Zimmermann
Verbesserung der Patientenversorgung durch Innovation und Qualitaet: 19. Bad Orber Gespraeche ueber kontroverse Themen im Gesundheitswesen
Author/Editor: Eberhard Wille
Verbannte Muse: Zehn Essays ueber russische Lyriker der Emigration
Author/Editor: Jan Paul Hinrichs
Verbandsautonomie im Sport: Bestimmung der rechtlichen Grenzen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des europäischen Kartellrechts
Author/Editor: Peter W. Heermann
Verantwortungsvoller Umgang mit Cannabis - Medizinische, juristische und psychosoziale Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Duttge, Gunnar,Holm-Hadulla, Rainer M.,Müller, Jürgen L.,Steuer, Melanie
Verantwortungsvoller Umgang mit Cannabis - Medizinische, juristische und psychosoziale Perspektiven
Verantwortungsbewusste Konfliktlösungen bei embryopathischem Befund
Author/Editor: Schumann, Eva
Verantwortung in Technik und Ökonomie
Author/Editor: Maring ,Matthias
Verantwortung in Technik und Ökonomie
Verantwortlichkeit in komplexen Daten-Ökosystemen: Versuch einer Weiterentwicklung des Datenschutzes im Kontext der verteilten Verarbeitungsrealität
Author/Editor: Florian Nikolas Wittner
Verantwoordingh van Renatus Descartes aen d'achtbare overigheit van Uitrecht
Author/Editor: Bos ,Erik-Jan
Vera Lex Historiae?: Constructions of Truth in Medieval Historical Narrative
Author/Editor: Catalin Taranu,Michael J. Kelly
Veraenderung und Innovativitaet in der deutschen Kreditwirtschaft: Eine institutionenoekonomische Analyse im Kontext der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie
Author/Editor: Tanja Leicht
Verabschiedungen der »Postmoderne«: Neuere Historisierungen von »Theorie« zwischen »Post-Truth«-Narrativen und Generationengeschichte
Author/Editor: Florian Scherübl
Ventottesimo Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2022
Author/Editor: Fondazione ISMU ETS
Ventisettesimo Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2021
Author/Editor: [organisation] Fondazione ISMU
Ventiseiesimo Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2020
Author/Editor: [organisation] Fondazione ISMU
Venice and the Veneto during the Renaissance: the Legacy of Benjamin Kohl
Author/Editor: John Easton Law,Alison A. Smith,Michael William KNAPTON
The Venetian Instrumental Concerto During Vivaldi’s Time
Author/Editor: Piotr Wilk
Velimir Chlebnikov 1885-1985: Festschrift Velemir V. Chlebnikov
Author/Editor: Johannes Holthusen,Johanna Renata Döring-Smirnov,Walter Koschmal
Velar fronting in German dialects: A study in synchronic and diachronic phonology
Author/Editor: Tracy Alan Hall
Veiled Threats: Representing the Muslim Woman in Public Policy Discourses
Author/Editor: Naaz Rashid
Veelvoorkomende criminaliteit - 35
Author/Editor: Brandhof van den ,M.
Vedic Cosmology and Ethics: Selected Studies
Author/Editor: Henk W. Bodewitz. Dory Heilijgers,Jan Houben,Karel van Kooij
Vector Semantics
Author/Editor: András Kornai
Vascular Plants of Alberta, Part 1: Ferns, Fern Allies, Gymnosperms, and Monocots
Author/Editor: A. Joyce Gould,John Packer
Varslingsklokken: Berte Kanutte Aarflot - bondekone og vekkerrøst
Author/Editor: Andreas Aarflot
Varietates topiorum
Author/Editor: Hinterhöller-Klein ,Monika
Variation und Wandel im Blickpunkt: Beiträge aus dem Forum Sprachvariation.
Author/Editor: Christoph Purschke,Brigitte Ganswindt
Variation – Normen – Identitäten
Author/Editor: Alexandra N. Lenz,Albrecht Plewnia
VARIATIONist Linguistics meets CONTACT Linguistics
Author/Editor: Alexandra N. Lenz,Mateusz Maselko
Variant scholarship: Ancient texts in modern contexts
Author/Editor: Neil Brodie,Morag Kersel,Josephine Munch Rasmussen
Variant Construction from Theoretical Foundation to Applications
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Zheng
Variance in Approach Toward a ‘Sustainable’ Coffee Industry in Costa Rica: Perspectives from Within; Lessons and Insights
Author/Editor: Melissa Vogt
Variable Pitot-Triebwerkseinlässe für kommerzielle Überschallflugzeuge: Konzeptstudie mittels eines Entwicklungsansatzes für sichere Produkte
Author/Editor: Stefan Kazula
Van verdelen naar verdienen. Afwegingen voor de sociale zekerheid in de 21e eeuw
Author/Editor: WRR
Van Siska van Rosemael tot Max Havelaar: Receptie van Nederlandstalige literatuur in Tsjechische vertaling tussen 1848 en 1948
Author/Editor: Wilken Engelbrecht
Van Rij en Stam: Rapporten van de Commissie van onderzoek naar beweerde excessen gepleegd door Nederlandse militairen in Indonesië, 1949-1954
Author/Editor: Maarten van der Bent
Van oude en nieuwe kennis: de gevolgen van ICT voor het kennisbeleid
Author/Editor: WRR
Vann, juss og samfunn: rettigheter og regulering i utvikling
Author/Editor: Tor Haakon Bakken,Steinar Taubøll,Lars Baklund,David N. Barton,Ingvild Skumlien Furuseth,Karoline Hagen,Jo Halvard Halleraker,Erling Dokk Holm,Guttorm Jakobsen,Ingr Wang Larsen
Van natuurlandschap tot risicomaatschappij
Author/Editor: Dietz ,Ton,Hertog den ,Frank,Wusten van der ,Herman
Van maakbaar naar betekenisvol bestuur - 63
Author/Editor: Noordegraaf ,M.,Wit de ,B.
Vanitas und Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Claudia Benthien,Antje Schmidt,Christian Wobbeler
Vanitas als Wiederholung
Author/Editor: Victoria von Flemming,Julia Catherine Berger
Van isolatie naar integratie
Author/Editor: Groot de ,S.W.
Van isolatie naar integratie
The Vanguard of the Atlantic World: Creating Modernity, Nation, and Democracy in Nineteenth-Century Latin America
Author/Editor: James E. Sanders
Van Gogh TV's »Piazza Virtuale«: The Invention of Social Media at documenta IX in 1992
Author/Editor: Tilman Baumgärtel,Julian Weinert
Van generatie op generatie
Van Eeden tot heden
Author/Editor: Heuckelom Van ,Kris,Bruyn De ,Dieter,Strycker De ,Carl
Van dubbeltjes en kwartjes. Een literatuurstudie over de ongelijkheid in de Nederlandse inkomensverdeling
Author/Editor: Mustert ,G.R.
Van de stad en de rand
Author/Editor: WRR
Van Batavia naar Weltevreden; Het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappan, 1778-1867
Author/Editor: Groot ,Hans
Van Batavia naar Weltevreden; Het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappan, 1778-1867
Vampires and a Reasonable Dictionary
Author/Editor: Scott Abbot,Zarko Radaković
Valutazioni imprenditoriali per la successione nell'impresa familiare
Author/Editor: Passeri, Riccardo
Valutazioni imprenditoriali per la successione nell'impresa familiare
Valuing Nature: The Roots of Transformation
Author/Editor: Robert Fish,Holly McKelvey
Value without Fetish: Uno Kōzō’s Theory of ‘Pure Capitalism’ in Light of Marx’s Critique of Political Economy
Author/Editor: Elena Louisa Lange
Values – Politics – Religion: The European Values Study: In-depth Analysis – Interdisciplinary Perspectives – Future Prospects
Author/Editor: Regina Polak,Patrick Rohs
The Values of Independent Hip-Hop in the Post-Golden Era: Hip-Hop’s Rebels
Author/Editor: Christopher Vito
Values of Happiness: Toward an Anthropology of Purpose in Life
Author/Editor: Iza Kavedžija,Harry Walker
Values, Objectivity, and Explanation in Historiography
Author/Editor: Tor Egil Førland
Values for a Post-Pandemic Future
Author/Editor: Matthew J. Dennis,Georgy Ishmaev,Steven Umbrello,Jeroen van den Hoven
Value Sets for EQ-5D-5L: A Compendium, Comparative Review & User Guide
Author/Editor: Nancy Devlin,Bram Roudijk,Kristina Ludwig
Values and Valuing in Mathematics Education: Scanning and Scoping the Territory
Author/Editor: Philip Clarkson,Wee Tiong Seah,JeongSuk Pang
Values and Revaluations: The Transformation and Genesis of 'Values in Things' from Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives
Author/Editor: Hans Peter Hahn,Anja Klöckner
The Value & Purpose of Management Education: Looking Back and Thinking Forward in Global Focus
Author/Editor: Eric Cornuel,Howard Thomas,Matthew Wood
The Value of the University Armed Service Units
Author/Editor: Woodward ,Rachel,Jenkings Neil ,K.,Williams J. ,Alison
The Value of the University Armed Service Units
The Value of Hawaiʻi 3: Hulihia, the Turning
Author/Editor: Noelani Goodyear-Ka‘ōpua,Craig Howes,Jonathan Kay Kamakawiwoʻole Osorio,Aiko Yamashiro
The Value of Culture
The Value of an Archaeological Open-Air Museum is in its Use: Understanding Archaeological Open-Air Museums and their Visitors
Author/Editor: Roeland Paardekooper
Value Incommensurability: Ethics, Risk, and Decision-Making
Author/Editor: Henrik Andersson,Anders Herlitz
Value for Money
Value and the Humanities: The Neoliberal University and Our Victorian Inheritance
Author/Editor: Zoe Hope Bulaitis
«Value-Added Services» als Profilierungsinstrument im Wettbewerb: Analyse, Generierung und Bewertung
Author/Editor: Kai Laakmann
Valtion antropologiaa: Tutkimuksia ihmisten hallitsemisesta ja vastarinnasta
Author/Editor: Tuomas Tammisto,Heikki Wilenius
Valori e tecniche nel diritto del lavoro
Valori della persona e modelli di tutela contro i rischi ambientali e genotossici: Esperienze a confronto
Author/Editor: Francesco Pernice,FRANCESCO ALCARO,Concettina Fenga,Enrico MOSCATI,Raffaele Tommasini
Valkea kaupunki, mustat vedet : Helsingin vedet 1800-luvun lopusta 2000-luvulle
Author/Editor: Petri ,Juuti
Valkea kaupunki, mustat vedet
Validitaet und schriftliche Sprachkompetenz: Eine Studie zur Bewertung schriftlicher Leistungen im Fach Deutsch an schwedischen Schulen
Author/Editor: Maria Ramberg
Validation of Score Meaning for the Next Generation of Assessments: The Use of Response Processes
Author/Editor: Kadriye Ercikan,James W. Pellegrino
Validating Bachelorhood
Author/Editor: Scott Slawinski
The VALIDATE handbook: An approach on the integration of values in doing assessments of health technologies
Author/Editor: Wija Oortwijn,Laura Sampietro-Colom
Valerij Brjusovs Beitrag zur Literaturtheorie
Author/Editor: Alexander Schmidt
Valenz im ,Smysl-Tekst'-Modell: Eine konfrontative Analyse russischer und polnischer Verben
Author/Editor: Evelina Pantel
Valency over Time: Diachronic Perspectives on Valency Patterns and Valency Orientation
Author/Editor: Silvia Luraghi,Elisa Roma
The Valediction of Moses: A Proto-Biblical Book
Author/Editor: Idan Dershowitz
Vagueness Markers in Italian: Age variation and pragmatic change
Author/Editor: Chiara Ghezzi
Vages Terrain: Fragmente einer Standortwahl von übermorgen
Author/Editor: Jerome Becker,Tobias Gunnar Grandel,Madlyn Miessgang,Mathias Mitteregger,Sebastian Sattlegger
Vagaries of Desire: A Collection of Philosophical Essays
Author/Editor: Timo Airaksinen
Vaccines, Medicines and COVID-19: How Can WHO Be Given a Stronger Voice?
Author/Editor: Germán Velásquez
Vaccines for Neglected Pathogens: Strategies, Achievements and Challenges: Focus on Leprosy, Leishmaniasis, Melioidosis and Tuberculosis
Author/Editor: Myron Christodoulides
Vaccine Rhetorics
Author/Editor: Heidi Yoston Lawrence
Vaccination Programmes: Epidemiology, Monitoring, Evaluation
Author/Editor: Susan Hahné,Kaatje Bollaerts,Paddy Farrington
Vaccinating Britain: Mass vaccination and the public since the Second World War
Author/Editor: Gareth Millward
Author/Editor: Tiina Mahlamäki,Minna Opas
Uudistuva sosiaali- ja terveysala
Author/Editor: Anneli Hujala,Helena Taskinen
Utterance structure in initial L2 acquisition
Author/Editor: Jacopo Saturno
Utopisches Denken bei V. Chlebnikov
Author/Editor: Peter Stobbe
Utopie und Politik: Potenziale kreativer Politikgestaltung
Author/Editor: Ina-Maria Maahs
Utopian Moments: Reading Utopian Texts
Author/Editor: J. C. Davis,Miguel Ángel Ramiro Avilés
Utopian Discourses Across Cultures: Scenarios in Effective Communication to Citizens and Corporations
Author/Editor: Miriam Bait,Marina Brambilla,Valentina Crestani
Utopia and Modernity in China: Contradictions in Transition
Author/Editor: David Margolies,Qing Cao
¿Utopía u oportunidad fallida?: Análisis crítico del Acuerdo de Paz
Author/Editor: Lina M. Céspedes-Baéz
Utmark i endring
Author/Editor: Frode Flemsæter,Bjørn Egil Flø
Utility, Progress, and Technology: Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the International Society for Utilitarian Studies
Author/Editor: Michael Schefczyk,Christoph Schmidt-Petri
Utdanning i kunstfag: Samarbeid, kvalitet og spenninger
Author/Editor: Bjørn-Terje Bandlien,Ingvild Olsen Olaussen,Mari-Ann Letnes,Elin Angelo
Utdanning for bærekraft: Erfaring og forskning fra barnehage og skole
Author/Editor: Tom Sverre Bredal-Tomren,Tom Sverre Bredal-Tomren,Ingjald Pilskog,Per Jarle Sætre,Irene Tollefsen,Helga Aadland,Yvonne Bakken,Marianne Presthus Heggen,Mona Kvivesen,Anne M. Lynngård,Øyvind K. Mellingen,Idar Mestad,Kari Grutle Nappen,Jørgen Nerland
Usus aquarum: Interdisziplinäre Studien zur Nutzung und Bedeutung von Gewässern im Mittelalter
Author/Editor: Christoph Mielzarek,Christian Zschieschang
#UsToo: How Jewish, Muslim, and Christian Women Changed Our Communities
Author/Editor: Keren R. McGinity
Ustojčivoe neravnovesie. Stichi 1923-1949
Author/Editor: Georgij N. Obolduev
US Nation Building in Afghanistan
Author/Editor: Keane ,Conor
US Nation Building in Afghanistan
US Nation Building in Afghanistan
Author/Editor: Conor Keane
Uskonto, kieli ja yhteiskunta: Johdatus diskursiiviseen uskonnontutkimukseen
Author/Editor: Titus Hjelm
Using the Patch-Clamp technique to shed light on ion channels structure, function and pharmacology
Author/Editor: Roberta Gualdani
Using Social Theory in Higher Education
Author/Editor: Remy Y.S. Low,Suzanne Egan,Amani Bell
Using Participatory Methods to Explore Freedom of Religion and Belief: Whose Reality Counts?
Author/Editor: Jo Howard,Mariz Tadros
Using Ostraca in the Ancient World New Discoveries and Methodologies
Author/Editor: Clementina Caputo,Julia Lougovaya
Using Gramsci : A New Approach
Author/Editor: Filippini ,Michele
Using Gramsci
Using Evidence to End Homelessness
Author/Editor: Lígia Teixeira,James Cartwright
Using Evidence in Policy and Practice: Lessons from Africa
Author/Editor: Ian Goldman,Mine Pabari
Using Commonplace Books to Enrich Medieval and Renaissance Courses
Author/Editor: Sarah E. Parker,Andie Silva
Using Brainpower in the Classroom
Author/Editor: Steve Garnett
US-Fantasy 1977–1987: Eine Genrebetrachtung
Author/Editor: Tobias Haupts
Uses of Technology in Upper Secondary Mathematics Education
Author/Editor: Stephen Hegedus,Colette Laborde,Corey Brady,Sara Dalton,Hans-Stefan Siller,Michal Tabach,Jana Trgalova,Luis Moreno-Armella
Uses of Technology in Lower Secondary Mathematics Education: A Concise Topical Survey
Author/Editor: Paul Drijvers,Lynda Ball,Bärbel Barzel,M. Kathleen Heid,Yiming Cao,Michela Maschietto
User Satisfaction with Personalised Internet Applications
Author/Editor: Ulrike Bauernfeind
Use of microorganisms in the removal of pollutants from the wastewater
Author/Editor: Giovanni Colica
Use and Appreciation of Mycenaean Pottery in the Levant, Cyprus and Italy
Author/Editor: Wijngaarden van ,Gert Jan
US Counterterrorism and the Human Rights of Foreigners Abroad: Putting the Gloves Back On?
Author/Editor: Monika Heupel,Caiden Heaphy,Janina Heaphy
USA oder Sowjetunion?: Konkurrierende Modernitätsentwürfe in den Massenmedien der Weimarer Republik (Volume 12)
Author/Editor: David M. Franz,Martin Schulze Wessel,Ulf Brunnbauer
US-amerikanische Exportfoerderung durch die Disc-Gesetzgebung
The Usage and Impact of ICTs during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Author/Editor: Shengnan Yang,Xiaohua Zhu,Pnina Fichman
A Usable Collection: Essays in Honour of Jaap Kloosterman on Collecting Social History
Usability research for interpreter-centred technology: The case study of SmarTerp
Author/Editor: Francesca Maria Frittella
Urteilsabsprachen im Strafprozess - die deutsche Regelung im Vergleich mit Entwicklungen in England & Wales, Frankreich und Polen
Author/Editor: Peters, Julia
Ursachen der persistenten Produktivitaetsunterschiede zwischen den westdeutschen Bundeslaendern: Eine empirische Analyse fuer den Zeitraum von 1950 bis 1990
Author/Editor: Nicole Waidlein
The Ur-Portrait: Stephen Hero ed il processo di creazione artistica in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Author/Editor: ILARIA NATALI
#URL Holocaust digital: Verhandlungen des Genozids zwischen Public History, Geschichtspolitik und Kommerz
Author/Editor: Eva Pfanzelter
Urkunden und Memorialquellen zur älteren Geschichte des Klosters Rosazzo
Author/Editor: Reinhard Härtel,Cesare Scalon
Urkunden der Stadt Pritzwalk in Regesten (1256-1703): Bearbeitet von Friedrich Beck
Author/Editor: Klaus Neitmann
Urkunden der Stadt Beeskow in Regesten (1272-1649)
Author/Editor: Friedrich Beck
Urinary Stents: Current State and Future Perspectives
Author/Editor: Federico Soria,Duje Rako,Petra de Graaf
The Urge to Live: A Comparative Study of Franz Kafka's "Der Prozess" and Albert Camus' "L'Etranger"
Author/Editor: Phillip H. Rhein
Urgent Archives: Enacting Liberatory Memory Work
Author/Editor: Michelle Caswell
Urbild und Abbild: Untersuchungen zu Herrschaft und Weltbild in Altrußland 11.-16. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Cornelia Soldat
Urban Water Demand Management: A Guidebook for ASEAN
Author/Editor: Corinne Ong,Cecilia Tortajada,Ojasvee Arora
Urban transformations and public health in the emergent city
Author/Editor: Michael Keith,Andreza Aruska de Souza Santos
Urban Sustainability and Justice: Just Sustainabilities and Environmental Planning
Author/Editor: Vanesa Castán Broto,Linda Westman
Urban Studies: Border and Mobility: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Urban Studies (ICUS 2017), December 8-9, 2017, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Author/Editor: Thor Kerr,Bekisizwe Ndimande,Jan Van der Putten,Daniel F. Johnson-Mardones,Diah Ariani Arimbi,Yuni Sari Amalia
Urban Socio-Economic Segregation and Income Inequality: A Global Perspective
Author/Editor: Maarten van Ham,Tiit Tammaru,Rūta Ubarevičienė,Heleen Janssen
Urban Society In Roman Italy
Author/Editor: Tim J. Cornell,Kathryn Lomas
Urban Rituals in Sacred Landscapes in Hellenistic Asia Minor
Author/Editor: Christina G. Williamson
Urban Resilience in a Global Context: Actors, Narratives, and Temporalities
Author/Editor: Dorothee Brantz,Avi Sharma
Urban Re-Industrialization
Author/Editor: Krzysztof Nawratek
Urban Redevelopment and Modernity in Liverpool and Manchester, 1918-1939
Author/Editor: Charlotte Wildman
Urban Recycling Cooperatives: Building resilient communities
Author/Editor: Jutta Gutberlet
Urban Politics of Human Rights
Author/Editor: Janne Nijman,Barbara Oomen,Elif Durmuş,Sara Miellet,Lisa Roodenburg
Urban Planning During Socialism: Views from the Periphery
Author/Editor: Jasna Mariotti,Kadri Leetmaa
Urban Planning and Everyday Urbanisation: A Case Study on Bahir Dar, Ethiopia (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Nadine Appelhans
Urban Planning Against Poverty: How to Think and Do Better Cities in the Global South
Author/Editor: Jean-Claude Bolay
Urban Now: A Human in the Face of Borderliness and Urbanisation in Juba, South Sudan
Author/Editor: Maciej Kurcz
Urban Movements and Climate Change: Loss, Damage and Radical Adaptation
Author/Editor: Marco Armiero,Ethemcan Turhan,Salvatore Paolo de Rosa
Urban Modernity in the Contemporary Gulf: Obsolescence and Opportunities
Author/Editor: Roberto Fabbri,Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi
Urban Memory and Visual Culture in Berlin: Framing the Asynchronous City, 1957-2012
Author/Editor: Simon Ward
Urban Living Lab for Local Regeneration: Beyond Participation in Large-scale Social Housing Estates
Author/Editor: Nele Aernouts,Francesca Cognetti,Elena Maranghi
Urban Life and Intellectual Crisis in Middle-Period China, 800-1100
Author/Editor: Christian de Pee
Urbanizing the Regional Sector to Strengthen Economy and Business to Recover from Recession: Proceedings of the 5th International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2021), Malang, Indonesia, 10–11 November 2021
Author/Editor: Aulia Herdiani,Agus Hermawan,Setya Ayu Rahmawati,Mohd. Rizal Palil,Reza Havies
Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities: A Global Assessment
Author/Editor: Thomas Elmqvist,Karen C. Seto,Cathy Wilkinson,Michail Fragkias,Julie Goodness,Burak Güneralp,Peter J. Marcotullio,Robert I. McDonald,Susan Parnell,Maria Schewenius,Marte Sendstad
Urban Interactions: Communication and Competition in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Michael J. Kelly,Lisa Kaaren Bailey,Ian Wood,Michael Burrows,Ann Christys,Dimitris J. Kyrtatas,Javier Martínez Jiménez,Pedro Mateos Cruz,Michael Mulryan,Isabel Sánchez Ramos,Mark Lewi Tizzoni,Douglas Underwood
Urban Informatics
Author/Editor: Wenzhong Shi,Michael F. Goodchild,Michael Batty,Mei-Po Kwan,Anshu Zhang
Urban Inequality and Segregation in Europe and China: Towards a New Dialogue
Author/Editor: Gwilym Pryce,Ya Ping Wang,Yu Chen,Jingjing Shan,Houkai Wei
Urban Food Systems Governance and Poverty in African Cities
Author/Editor: Jane Battersby,Vanessa Watson
Urban Food Sharing: Rules, tools and networks
Author/Editor: Anna R. Davies
Urban Exile: Theories, Methods, Research Practices
Author/Editor: Burcu Dogramaci,Ekaterina Aygun,Mareike Hetschold,Laura Karp Lugo,Rachel Lee,Helene Roth
Urban Europe. Fifty Tales of the City
Author/Editor: Mamadouh ,V.,Wageningen ,A.
Urban Europe: Fifty Tales of the City
Author/Editor: Virginie Mamadouh,Anne van Wageningen
Urban Ethics as Research Agenda: Outlooks and Tensions on Multidisciplinary Debates
Author/Editor: Raúl Acosta,Eveline Dürr,Moritz Ege,Ursula Prutsch,Clemens van Loyen,Gordon M. Winder
Urban Design Governance: Soft powers and the European experience
Author/Editor: Matthew Carmona,João Bento,Tommaso Gabrieli
Urban Design Futures
Author/Editor: Malcolm Moor,Jon Rowland
Urban Climate Justice: Theory, Praxis, Resistance
Author/Editor: Jennifer L. Rice,Joshua Long,Anthony Levenda
Urban Claims and the Right to the City: Urban Claims and the Right to the City
Author/Editor: Julian Walker,Marcos Bau Carvalho,Ilinca Diaconescu
Urban Blue Spaces: Planning and Design for Water, Health and Well-Being
Author/Editor: Simon Bell,Lora E. Fleming,James Grellier,Friedrich Kuhlmann,Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen,Mathew P. White
Urban and Regional Technology Planning
Author/Editor: Kenneth E. Corey,Mark Wilson
Urban and Regional Cooperation and Development: Challenges and Strategies for the Planning and Development of the Guangdong–Macao Intensive Cooperation Zone in Hengqin Island
Author/Editor: Long Zhou,Bin Li,Sihong Li,Ngan Leng Lei,Kengfong Cheong
Uprooting Bias in the Academy: Lessons from the Field
Author/Editor: Linda F. Bisson,Laura Grindstaff,Lisceth Brazil-Cruz,Sophie J. Barbu
Upravljavska sposobnost lokalnih samoupravnih skupnosti
Author/Editor: Rožen ,Tomaž
Uppkomsten av ett professionellt medicinskt fält: Läkares, sjuksköterskors och laboratorieassistenters formering
Author/Editor: Carina Carlhed Ydhag
The Upper Guinea Coast in Global Perspective
Author/Editor: Knörr ,Jacqueline,Kohl ,Christoph
The Upper Guinea Coast in Global Perspective
Author/Editor: Jacqueline Knörr,Christoph Kohl
Upotreblenie vidov glagola v russkom jazyke
Author/Editor: Ol'ga P Rassudova
Upland Geopolitics: Postwar Laos and the Global Land Rush
Author/Editor: Michael B. Dwyer
Updates on Myopia: A Clinical Perspective
Author/Editor: Marcus Ang,Tien Y. Wong
Update!: Film- und Mediengeschichte im Zeitalter der digitalen Reproduzierbarkeit
Author/Editor: Franziska Heller
Unzuverlässiges Erzählen: Studien zur deutschsprachigen Nachkriegsliteratur
Author/Editor: Matthias Aumüller
Unzeitgemäße Utopien: Migrantinnen zwischen Selbsterfindung und Gelehrter Hoffnung
Author/Editor: María do Mar Castro Varela
Unwiederholbares Gottessiegel: Personale Individualität nach Edith Stein
Author/Editor: Christof Betschart
Unvergleichbarkeit: Dürfen wir Entscheidungen dem Würfel überlassen?
Author/Editor: Michael Messerli
UN Use of Private Military and Security Companies: Practices and Policies
Author/Editor: Åse Gilje Østensen
Un trébol de cuatro hojas. Las Juventudes Comunistas de Chile en el siglo XX
Author/Editor: Loyola ,Manuel,Álvarez ,Rolando
Untold Stories of the Spanish Civil War
Author/Editor: Raanan Rein,Susanne Zepp
Until the Storm Passes: Politicians, Democracy, and the Demise of Brazil’s Military Dictatorship
Author/Editor: Bryan Pitts
Unthinking Mastery : Dehumanism and Decolonial Entanglements
Author/Editor: Singh ,Juliette
Unthinking Mastery
Unterwegs – Mobiles Leben in der Erdgas- und Erdölindustrie in Russlands Arktis
Author/Editor: Saxinger ,Gertrud
Unterwegs in eine Welt des Verstehens.Gehörlosenbildung in Hamburg vom 18. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart
Author/Editor: Iris Groschek,Rainer Hering
Unterwachen und Schlafen: Anthropophile Medien nach dem Interface
Author/Editor: Michael Andreas,Dawid Kasprowicz,Stefan Rieger
Unter Verschluss: Eine Geschichte des Suizids in der DDR 1952–1990
Author/Editor: Ellen von den Driesch
Untersuchung zur Entwicklung von Sprache und Text bei M. M. Zoščenko: Dargestellt an Kurzgeschichten der 20er Jahre
Author/Editor: Marlene Grau
Untersuchung und Optimierung eines Fischschutz- und Fischleitsystems für den Einsatz an Laufwasserkraftanlagen
Author/Editor: Heidi Kammerlander
Untersuchung und Modellierung des Haltezeiteinflusses auf die zyklische Entfestigung ferritisch-martensitischer Stähle
Author/Editor: Ulrich Führer
Untersuchung und Charakterisierung einer zweiflutigen asymmetrischen Radialturbine (Volume 88)
Author/Editor: Nils Brinkert
Untersuchungen zur Wortbildung: Das Problem der Nominalisierung in der polnischen Gegenwartssprache
Author/Editor: Alek Pohl
Untersuchungen zur Wirtschaftlichkeit von Building Information Modeling (BIM) in der Planungs- und Realisierungsphase von Bauprojekten
Author/Editor: Maximilian Deubel
Untersuchungen zur Translation von Substantiven zu Adjektiven im Altrussischen
Author/Editor: Walter Andreesen
Untersuchungen zur Theorie und Praxis der Typisierung bei I. A. Gončarov
Author/Editor: Mechtild Russell
Untersuchungen zur Stratigraphie und Chronologie der suedslavischen Volksepik
Author/Editor: Dagmar Burkhart
Untersuchungen zur Satzsemantik russischer Saetze mit freien Adverbialen: Am Beispiel von Lokal-, Temporal- u. Modaladverbialen
Author/Editor: Hildegard Spraul
Untersuchungen zur poetischen Struktur der Lyrik von Sima Pandurović. "Posmrtne počasti"
Author/Editor: Bärbel Schulte
Untersuchungen zur Phonologie und Prosodie einer kajkavischen Mundart (Gornja Stubica)
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Jakoby
Untersuchungen zur Improvisation und Tradierung der Sevdalinka an Hand der sprachlichen Figuren
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Eschker
Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung der Nominalkomposition im Russischen seit 1917
Author/Editor: Jochen Raecke
Untersuchungen zur Bildlichkeit im Prosawerk A. A. Bestužev-Marlinskijs
Author/Editor: Mechtild Becker-Nekvedavicius
Untersuchungen zum Wortschatz der Freisinger Denkmaeler: Christliche Terminologie
Author/Editor: Irene Wiehl
Untersuchungen zum Einsatz hochauflösender bathymetrischer LIDAR Daten in der2D-Abflusssimulation und Habitatmodellierung
Author/Editor: Stefan Jocham
Untersuchungen zum Arbeitsfluss in getakteten Bauproduktionssystemen aus Perspektive von Generalunternehmern
Author/Editor: Marco Binninger
Untersuchungen zum altrussischen Akzent: Anhand von Kirchengesangshandschriften
Author/Editor: Margarete Ditterich
Untersuchungen der Raumsprache im lyrischen Werk A. A. Bloks
Author/Editor: Holger Gemba
Untersuchung des Wärmeübergangs durch Einspritzkühlung für ein Höchstleistungsgetriebe (Volume 86)
Author/Editor: Felix von Plehwe
Untersuchung der innermotorischen Einflussgrößen auf die Partikelemission eines Ottomotors mit Saugrohreinspritzung
Author/Editor: Claudius Schück
Untersuchung der Augensicherheit durch Multi-Pulsbestrahlung für LiDAR-Anwendungen
Author/Editor: Scarlett Lipp
Unterstützung datenbasierter Schulentwicklung: Eine multiperspektivische Governancestudie zu Koordinationsprozessen bei der Schulinspektion
Author/Editor: Christina Luig
Unterschiedliche geldpolitische Transmissionsmechanismen und Stabilitaetskulturen als moegliche Ursache geldpolitischer Spannungen in der Europaeischen Waehrungsunion
Author/Editor: Torsten Gruber
Unterrichtszentrierte Schulentwicklung: Schulen auf dem Weg zu einer personalisierten Gestaltung von Lehr- und Lernprozessen
Author/Editor: Marco Galle
Unterrichtsforschung und Unterrichtspraxis im Gespräch: Interkulturelle und interprofessionelle Perspektiven auf eine Unterrichtsstunde
Author/Editor: Maria Hallitzky,Christine Kieres,Emi Kinoshita,Nariakira Yoshida
Unterrichten und Aneignen: Eine pädagogische Rekonstruktion von Unterricht
Author/Editor: Marion Pollmanns
Unterrichten als Beruf: Akteure, Praxen und Ordnungen in der Schulbildung
Author/Editor: Lina Franken
Unternehmerfamilien: Über den Einfluss des Unternehmens auf Lebenslauf, Generationenbeziehungen und soziale Identität
Author/Editor: Isabell Stamm
Unternehmensorganisationspflichten - Zivilrechtliche und �ffentlich-rechtliche Regelungskonzepte
Author/Editor: Spindler, Gerald
Unternehmensorganisationspflichten - Zivilrechtliche und öffentlich-rechtliche Regelungskonzepte
Author/Editor: Gerald Spindler
Unternehmensleitbilder im Vergleich: Sinn- und Bedeutungsrahmen deutschsprachiger Unternehmensleitbilder – Versuch einer empirischen (Re-)Konstruktion
Author/Editor: Monika Knassmüller
Unter Hügeln: Bronzezeitliche Transformationsprozesse in Schleswig-Holstein am Beispiel des Fundplatzes von Mang de Bargen (Bornhöved, Kr. Segeberg) BAND 1
Author/Editor: Stefanie Schaefer-Di Maida
Unter Hügeln: Bronzezeitliche Transformationsprozesse in Schleswig-Holstein am Beispiel des Fundplatzes von Mang de Bargen (Bornhöved, Kr. Segeberg) BAND 2
Author/Editor: Stefanie Schaefer-Di Maida
Unter Gleichen: APARIUZ XXII
Author/Editor: Ada Sofie Altobelli,Lukas Hussmann,Irina Lehner,Julia Meier,Christoph Mettler,Nebojsa Mijatovic,Rausch,Marisa Beier,Nicole Nickerson,Christoph Burckhard,Arezoo Sang Bastian,Carole Bruttin,Youlo Wujohktsang,Gian Ege,Tonia Graf,Anna Karczewski,Selma Kuratle
Unter Beobachtung | Under Surveillance: Vertriebenenverbände im Blick der sozialistischen Sicherheitsdienste | The Monitoring of Expellee Organizations by the Socialist Security Services
Author/Editor: Stefan Lehr
Unteilbar und untrennbar?
Author/Editor: Schmied-Kowarzik ,Anatol
Untamed Urbanisms
Author/Editor: Adriana Allen,Andrea Lampis,Mark Swilling
Un système « de milice » sélectif: Le mythe de la représentativité politique au sein des villes suisses (1945-2016)
Author/Editor: Roberto Di Capua
„Uns wurde die Würde genommen“: Gewalt in den Heimen der Evangelischen Brüdergemeinde Korntal in den 1950er bis 1980er Jahren
Author/Editor: Brigitte Baums-Stammberger,Benno Hafeneger,Andre Morgenstern-Einenkel
Unsung Land, Aspiring Nation: Journeys in Bougainville
Author/Editor: Gordon Peake
An Unspecific Dog: Artifacts of This Late Stage in History
Author/Editor: Joshua Rothes
Un soffitto viola
Author/Editor: Spinosi, Nicola
Un soffitto viola
(Un-)Sichtbarkeiten: Beiträge zum XXXI. Forum Junge Romanistik in Rostock (5.–7. März 2015)
Author/Editor: Beate Kern,Jennifer Roger,Stefan Serafin,Anna Charlotte Thode
Unsichtbares und Ungesagtes: 10 Female*Feminist*Gazes
Author/Editor: Bernadette Kolonko
Unsicherheit als Herausforderung fuer die Wissenschaft: Reflexionen aus Natur-, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften
Author/Editor: Nina Janich,Lisa Rhein
Unsettling Translation: Studies in Honour of Theo Hermans
Author/Editor: Mona Baker
Unsettling Responsibility in Science Education: Indigenous Science, Deconstruction, and the Multicultural Science Education Debate
Author/Editor: Marc Higgins
Un-settling Middle Eastern Refugees: Regimes of Exclusion and Inclusion in the Middle East, Europe, and North America (Volume 40)
Author/Editor: Marcia C. Inhorn,Lucia Volk
Unsettled Urban Space: Routines, Temporalities and Contestations
Author/Editor: Tihomir Viderman,Sabine Knierbein,Elina Kränzle,Sybille Frank,Nikolai Roskamm,Ed Wall
UN Security Council Referrals to the International Criminal Court: Legal Nature, Effects and Limits
Author/Editor: Alexandre Skander Galand
Unschärfe in der Erziehungswissenschaft: Bilanzierung einer Wissensform
Author/Editor: Martin Eugen Gallmann
Unruly Narrative: Private Property, Self-Making, and Toni Morrison’s ›A Mercy‹
Author/Editor: Samira Spatzek
The Unreal Estate Guide to Detroit
Author/Editor: Andrew Herscher
Unraveling the Nagoya Protocol
Author/Editor: Morgera ,E.,Tsioumani ,E.,Buck ,M.
Unraveling the Nagoya Protocol
Un protagonismo recobrado: la Democracia Cristiana chilena y sus vínculos internacionales (1973-1990)
Author/Editor: Olga Ulianova,Alessandro Santoni,Raffaele Nocera
Unprecedented?: How coronavirus exposed the politics of our economy
Author/Editor: William Davies,Sahil Jai Dutta,Nick Taylor
Unpopular Culture
Author/Editor: Martin Luthe,Sascha Pohlmann
Un ponte tra università e mondo del lavoro per l'inclusione e la vita indipendente
Author/Editor: Marisa Pavone,Alberto ARENGHI,ELIO BORGONOVI,Fabio Ferrucci,Elisabetta Genovese,Alessandro Pepino
Un poetico sonnambulismo e una folle passione per la follia: La romantizzazione della medicina nell’opera di E.T.A. Hoffmann
Author/Editor: Sieglinde Cora
Un planeta sobrepoblado y platos vacíos: La nueva geopolítica de la escasez de alimentos
Author/Editor: Lester R. Brown
Un panno medievale dell’azienda pratese di Francesco Datini: Studio e ricostruzione sperimentale
Author/Editor: Daniela Degl’Innocenti,Giampiero Nigro
Unpaid Work in Nursing Homes: Flexible Boundaries
Author/Editor: Pat armstrong
Unpaid Work and the Economy
Author/Editor: Antonella Picchio
Unpacking Creativity for Language Teaching
Author/Editor: Tan Bee Tin
Uno stato d'animo
Author/Editor: Bordone, Renato
Uno spazio narrativo immersivo: La XIII Triennale di Milano, 1964
Author/Editor: Alessandro Bosco
Uno sguardo sulla scuola: Il Seminario "I dati INVALSI: uno strumento per la ricerca"
Author/Editor: Patrizia Falzetti
Uno più uno può fare tre, se il partito lo vuole!: La Repubblica Democratica Tedesca tra Mosca e Bonn, 1971-1985
Author/Editor: Valentina Zamperini
The Unnaming of Aliass
Author/Editor: Karin Bolender
Un mouvement contre le jeu d’argent. D’un loisir controversé à un problème public (Vancouver 1994-2004)
Author/Editor: Dubuis ,Claudia
Un mouvement contre le jeu d’argent. D’un loisir controversé à un problème public (Vancouver 1994-2004)
Un monastero sul mare: Ricerche archeologiche a San Quirico di Populonia (Piombino, LI)/ A Monastery by the Sea : Archaeological Research at San Quirico di Populonia (Piombino, LI)
Author/Editor: Giovanna Bianchi,Giovanna Bianchi,Riccardo Belcari,Hermann Salvadori,Laura Pagliantini,Cristina Cicali,Sauro Gelichi,Sauro Gelichi,Maria Cristina Rossi,Chiara Martinozzi,Francesco Venturini,Corinna Bagato,Elisabetta Ponta,Giuseppe Fichera,Luisa Dallai
The Unmaking of Home in Contemporary Art
Author/Editor: Lauzon ,Claudette
The Unmaking of Home in Contemporary Art
The Unmaking of Arab Socialism
Author/Editor: Kadri ,Ali
Un éloge de Camaldoli pour Pierre le Goutteux: La Heremi descriptio de Ludovicus Camaldulensis monacus
Author/Editor: Cécile Caby
Unlocking Sustainable Private Sector Growth in the Middle East and North Africa
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Unlocking Private Investment in Sustainable Infrastructure in Asia
Author/Editor: Bhajan Grewal,Nella Hendriyetty,Iskandar Abdullaev,Chul Ju Kim,Naoyuki Yoshino,Eisa Khan Ayoob Ayoobi
Unlocking markets to smallholders: Lessons from South Africa
Author/Editor: Schalkwyk ,Herman D. van,Fraser ,Gavin,Obi ,Ajuruchukwu,Tilburg ,Aad van
Unlocking markets to smallholders: Lessons from South Africa
Unlocking Luhmann; Luhmann in Glossario. I concetti fondamentali della teoria: A Keyword Introduction to Systems Theory
Author/Editor: Claudio Baraldi,Giancarlo Corsi,Elena Esposito
Unlocking Environmental Narratives: Towards Understanding Human Environment Interactions through Computational Text Analysis
Author/Editor: Ross Purves,Olga Koblet,Benjamin Adams
Unless As Stone Is
Author/Editor: Sam Lohmann
Unknown God, Known in His Activities: Incomprehensibility of God during the Trinitarian Controversy of the 4th Century
Author/Editor: Tomasz Stępień,Karolina Kochańczyk-Bonińska
Unjust Conditions
Author/Editor: Tara Patricia Cookson
The University Revolution: Outline of a Processual Theory of Modern Higher Education
Author/Editor: Eric Lybeck
The University in Africa and Democratic Citizenship
Author/Editor: Thierry M. Luescher-Mamashela
University Engagement with Farming Communities in Africa: Community Action Research Platforms
Author/Editor: Anthony Egeru,Megan Lindow,Kay Muir Leresche
University Collegiality and the Erosion of Faculty Authority
Author/Editor: Kerstin Sahlin,Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist
University Autonomy Decline: Causes, Responses, and Implications for Academic Freedom
Author/Editor: Kirsten Roberts Lyer,Ilyas Saliba,Janika Spannagel
University and School Collaborations during a Pandemic: Sustaining Educational Opportunity and Reinventing Education
Author/Editor: Fernando M. Reimers,Francisco J. Marmolejo
Universitätsmuseen und -sammlungen im Hochschulalltag – Aufgaben, Konzepte, Perspektiven ; Beiträge zum Symposium vom 18.–20. Februar 2010 an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (ums2010)
Author/Editor: Weber ,Cornelia,Mauersberger ,Klaus
Universität in der Pandemie / L'Université en temps de pandémie
Author/Editor: Daniel Kazmaier,Florian Weber
Universitäre Industriekooperation, Informationszugang und Freiheit der Wissenschaft: Eine Fallstudie
Author/Editor: Klaus Ferdinand Gärditz
Universities, Stakeholders and Social Mission: Building Cooperation Through Action Research
Author/Editor: Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska,Piotr Jedynak,Sylwia Wrona,Anna Pluszyńska
Universities in Transition: Foregrounding Social Contexts of Knowledge in the First Year Experience
Author/Editor: Brook ,Heather,Fergie ,Deane,Maeorg ,Michael,Michell ,Dee
Universities, Innovation and the Economy
Author/Editor: Helen Lawton-Smith
Universities in Imperial Austria 1848–1918: A Social History of a Multilingual Space
Author/Editor: Jan Surman
Universities and Regional Engagement: From the Exceptional to the Everyday
Author/Editor: Tatiana Iakovleva,Elisa Thomas,Laila Nordstrand Berg,Rómulo Pinheiro,Paul Benneworth
Universities and Economic Development in Africa: Pact, academic core and coordination
Author/Editor: Nico Cloete,Tracy Bailey,Peter Maassen
Università e territorio: il decentramento dell'Ateneo nella Provincia di Firenze: Atti del convegno di studi Firenze, 23 gennaio 2004
Author/Editor: Sandro Rogari
Universiteit Utrecht en koloniale kennis: Bestuderen, bemeten en beleren sinds 1636
Author/Editor: Henk van Rinsum
Universiteit Stellenbosch en die onverkwiklike taalstryd (2003-2017): Vanaf “taaltameletjie” tot volskaalse “taaloorlog”
Author/Editor: Johan C. Moll
The Universe, Life and Everything...Dialogues on our Changing Understanding of Reality
Author/Editor: Durston ,Sarah,Baggerman ,Ton
The Universe behind Barbed Wire: Memoirs of a Ukrainian Soviet Dissident
Author/Editor: Myroslav Marynovych,Katherine Younger
Universe and Inner Self in Early Indian and Early Greek Thought
Universe and Inner Self in Early Indian and Early Greek Thought
Universal Smart Grid Agent for Distributed Power Generation Management
Author/Editor: Eric MSP Veith
Universal Singular: Public Space Design of the Early 21st Century
Author/Editor: Sonia Curnier
Universalistisches Ideal und koloniale Kontinuitäten: Die »harkis« in der Fünften Französischen Republik
Author/Editor: Anna Laiß
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the 21st Century
The Universal Art of Samuel van Hoogstraten (1627-1678)
Universal Śaivism: The Appeasement of All Gods and Powers in the Śāntyadhyāya of the Śivadharmaśāstra
Author/Editor: Peter Bisschop
The unity of the capitalist economy and state: A systematic-dialectical exposition of the capitalist system
Author/Editor: Geert Reuten
Unity of Science
Author/Editor: Tuomas E. Tahko
The Unity of Plutarch's Work: 'Moralia' Themes in the 'Lives', Features of the 'Lives' in the 'Moralia'
Author/Editor: Anastasios Nikolaidis
Unity and Language: A Study in the Philosophy of Johann Georg Hamann
Author/Editor: James C. O'Flaherty
Unity and diversity in grammaticalization scenarios
Unity and diversity in grammaticalization scenarios
Unit Operations of Particulate Solids: Theory and Practice
Author/Editor: Enrique Ortega-Rivas,Allison Shatkin
Unite, Proletarian Brothers!: Radicalism and Revolution in the Spanish Second Republic
Author/Editor: Matthew Kerry
The United States in the Indo-Pacific: Obama’s Legacy and the Trump Transition
Author/Editor: Oliver Turner,Inderjeet Parmar
The United States Congress
Author/Editor: English ,Ross
The United States And South Asia From The Age Of Empire To Decolonization: A History of Entanglements
Author/Editor: Harald Fischer-Tiné,Nico Slate
A United Nations Renaissance: What the UN is, and what it could be
Author/Editor: John E. Trent,Laura Schnurr
United Nations Peace Operations in a Changing Global Order
Author/Editor: Cedric de Coning,Mateja Peter
The United Nations, intra-state peacekeeping and normative change
Author/Editor: Aksu ,Esref
Unionsrechtliche Probleme der Überlassungspflicht für sortenrein erfasste Haushaltsabfälle zur Verwertung - Eine Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der EU-Regelungen für Daseinsvorsorgeleistungen
Author/Editor: Christian Suhl
Union Catalogs at the Crossroad
Author/Editor: Andrew Lass,Richard E. Quandt
Unintended Lessons of Revolution: Student Teachers and Political Radicalism in Twentieth-Century Mexico
Author/Editor: Tanalis Padilla
Unintended Consequences: The impact of migration law and policy
Un incontro lusofono plurale di lingue, letterature, storie, culture
Author/Editor: Michela Graziani
Unilateral Sanctions in International Law and the Enforcement of Human Rights: The Impact of the Principle of Common Concern of Humankind
Author/Editor: Iryna Bogdanova
Unifying Physics of Accelerators, Lasers and Plasma
Author/Editor: Andrei Seryi
The Unicode cookbook for linguists: Managing writing systems using orthography profiles
Author/Editor: Steven Moran,Michael Cysouw
Unibook: Per un database sull'UniversitÃ
Author/Editor: Paolo Rossi,Mario Morcellini,Elena Valentini
UN Human Rights Institutions and the Environment: Synergies, Challenges, Trajectories
Author/Editor: Sumudu Atapattu
Unhinging the National Framework: Perspectives on Transnational Life Writing
Author/Editor: Babs Boter,Marleen Rensen,Giles Scott-Smith
Unheimliche Inskriptionen: Eine Studie zu Körperbildern im postklassischen Horrorfilm
Author/Editor: Catherine Shelton
Unheil durch Dämonen?
Author/Editor: Fartacek ,Gebhard
Unhealthy Housing
Author/Editor: R. Burridge,D. Ormandy
Ung Uro: Unsettling Climates in Nordic Art, Architecture and Design
Author/Editor: Ingrid Halland
Ung medvirkning: Kreativitet og konflikt i planlegging
Author/Editor: Aina Landsverk Hagen,Bengt Andersen
Ungleichheitsrelevanz im Bildungs- und Betreuungsalltag: Eine qualitative Mehrebenenanalyse
Author/Editor: Sylvia Nienhaus
Ungleiche ländliche Räume: Widersprüche, Konzepte und Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Bernd Belina,Andreas Kallert,Michael Mießner,Matthias Naumann
Ungleiche Geschlechtergleichheit: Geschlechterpolitik und Theorien des Humankapitals
Author/Editor: Rita Casale,Edgar Forster
Ungleiche Entwicklung in Zentraleuropa
Author/Editor: Kaps ,Klemens
Unglaubliche Bergwunder: Johann Jakob Scheuchzer und Graubünden. Ausgewählte Briefe, 1699-1707
Author/Editor: Simona Boscani Leoni
Ungheria 1945-2002. La dimensione letteraria
Author/Editor: Beatrice Tottossy
Ungestört bei der Sache?: Eine Befragung von Lehrkräften an Grund- und Förderschulen zur Sachunterrichtspraxis unter Bedingungen des Förderschwerpunktes emotionale und soziale Entwicklung
Author/Editor: René Schroeder
Author/Editor: Guro Ødegård,Willy Pedersen
Un fiume per il territorio: Indirizzi progettuali per il parco fluviale del Valdarno empolese
Author/Editor: Alberto Magnaghi,Sara Giacomozzi
Unfinished Revolution: Haiti, Black Sovereignty and Power in the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic World
Author/Editor: Karen Salt
Unfinished Histories: Empire and Postcolonial Resonance in Central Africa and Belgium
Author/Editor: Pierre-Philippe Fraiture
The Unfinished European Integration
Author/Editor: WRR
Unfinished Business: Quentin Tarantinos »Kill Bill« und die offenen Rechnungen der Kulturwissenschaften
Author/Editor: Achim Geisenhanslüke,Christian Steltz
The Unfinished Art of Theater: Avant-Garde Intellectuals in Mexico and Brazil
Author/Editor: Sarah Townsend
Unfelt: The Language of Affect in the British Enlightenment
Author/Editor: James Noggle
Un fantasma recorre el campo: Comunismo y politización campesina en Chile (1935-1948)
Author/Editor: Nicolás Acevedo Arriaza
Unexpected Subjects: Intimate Partner Violence, Testimony, and the Law
Author/Editor: Alessandra Gribaldo
Uneven Encounters: Making Race and Nation in Brazil and the United States
Author/Editor: Micol Seigel
Une troisième voie entre l'État et le marché
Author/Editor: Martine Antona,François Bousquet
Unerhörte Jugendliche: Artikulationen von Klasse und Geschlecht in der stationären Jugendhilfe
Author/Editor: Nadine Sarfert
Unerfüllte Kinderwünsche und Reproduktionsmedizin: Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Analyse von Paaren in Kinderwunschbehandlung
Author/Editor: Jasmin Passet-Wittig
Une recherche responsable: L'intégrité scientifique
Author/Editor: Marianne Alunno-Bruscia,Christian Duquennoi,PHILIPPE GOULLETQUER,Estelle Jaligot,Antoine Kremer,Francoise Simon-Plas
The Unequal Pandemic: COVID- 19 and Health Inequalities
Author/Editor: Clare Bambra,Julia Lynch,Katherine E. Smith
Unequal Lives: Gender, Race and Class in the Western Pacific
Author/Editor: Kalissa Alexeyeff,Nicholas A. Bainton,John Cox,Debra McDougall
Unequal Family Lives: Causes and Consequences in Europe and the Americas
Author/Editor: Naomi Cahn,June Carbone,Laurie F DeRose,W. Bradford Wilcox
Une petite histoire de l'alimentation française
Author/Editor: Véronique Bellemain,Karine Boquet,Théo Galichet,Katell Gouello,Ambroise Martin,Daniel Nairaud,Jean-Pierre Poulain
Une innovation pédagogique: Le cas de l’enseignement mutuel au XIXe siècle
Author/Editor: Sylviane Tinembart,Edward Pahud
Une fois ne compte pas (Vol. 56):Nihilisme et sens dans L’insoutenable légèreté de l’être
Author/Editor: Jørn Boisen
Une fois ne compte pas (Vol. 56):Nihilisme et sens dans L’insoutenable légèreté de l’être
Une Europe des élites: réflexions sur la fracture démocratique de l'Union européenne
Author/Editor: Paul Magnette,George Ross,Olivier Costa
Une doxographie sunnite du IVe/Xe siècle: ›Kitāb al-maqālāt‹ d'Abū al-ʿAbbās al-Qalānisī
Author/Editor: Ziad Bou Akl
Une écologie de l'alimentation
Author/Editor: Nicolas Bricas,Damien Conaré,Marie Walser
An Uneasy Relationship
Unearthing Gender : Folksongs of North India
Author/Editor: Jassal ,Smita Tewari
Unearthing Gender
Une agronomie pour le XXIe siècle
Author/Editor: Guy Richard,Pierre Stengel,Gilles Lemaire,Pierre Cellier,Egizio Valceschini
Une abbaye dans le siècle: Missions et ambitions de Saint-Maurice (1870-1970)
Author/Editor: Stéphanie Roulin
Un double compromis. Enjeux et débats relatifs à l’enseignement universitaire en Belgique au XIXe siècle
Author/Editor: Dhondt ,Pieter
Un double compromis. Enjeux et débats relatifs à l’enseignement universitaire en Belgique au XIXe siècle
Undokumentierte Migration in Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten - interne Migrationskontrollen und die Handlungsspielräume von Sans Papiers
Author/Editor: Stobbe, Holk
Un/doing Race: Rassifizierung in der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Jovita dos Santos Pinto,Pamela Ohene-Nyako,Mélanie-Evely Pétrémont,Anne Lavanchy,Barbara Lüthi,Patricia Purtschert,Damir Skenderovic
Un/doing Race: Racialisation en Suisse
Author/Editor: Jovita dos Santos Pinto,Pamela Ohene-Nyako,Mélanie-Evely Pétrémont,Anne Lavanchy,Barbara Lüthi,Patricia Purtschert,Damir Skenderovic
Undoing Networks
Author/Editor: Tero Karppi,Urs Stäheli,Clara Wieghorst,Lea P. Zierott
Undoing Homogeneity in the Nordic Region: Migration, Difference and the Politics of Solidarity
Author/Editor: Suvi Keskinen,Unnur Dís Skaptadóttir,Mari Toivanen
(Un)doing Gender empirisch: Qualitative Forschung in der Kita
Author/Editor: Julia C. Nentwich,Franziska Vogt
Un/doing Ethnicity im öffentlichen Dienst: Ethnografien zum ethnischen Differenzieren am Beispiel von Jugendamt und Polizei
Author/Editor: Esteban Piñeiro,Martina Koch,Nathalie Pasche
Undocumented Saints: The Politics of Migrating Devotions
Author/Editor: William A. Calvo-Quiros
Undocumented Migrants and their Everyday Lives: The Case of Finland
Author/Editor: Jussi S. Jauhiainen,Miriam Tedeschi
Undocumented Migrants and Healthcare: Eight Stories from Switzerland
Author/Editor: Marianne Jossen
Under the Shadow of the Rising Sun: Japan and the Jews during the Holocaust Era
Author/Editor: Meron Medzini
Under the Radar: Tracking Western Radio Listeners in the Soviet Union
Author/Editor: R. Eugene Parta
Understanding Willing Participants, Volume 2: Milgram’s Obedience Experiments and the Holocaust
Author/Editor: Nestar Russell
Understanding Well-being Data: Improving Social and Cultural Policy, Practice and Research
Author/Editor: Susan Oman
Understanding Values Work: Institutional Perspectives in Organizations and Leadership
Author/Editor: Harald Askeland,Gry Espedal,Beate Jelstad Løvaas,Stephen Sirris
Understanding the Rights of Nature: A Critical Introduction
Author/Editor: Mihnea Tanasescu
Understanding the Global Energy Crisis
Author/Editor: Coyle D. ,Eugene,Simmons A. ,Richard
Understanding the Global Energy Crisis
Understanding the Global Energy Crisis
Author/Editor: Eugene D. Coyle,Richard A. Simmons
Understanding the Creeping Crisis
Author/Editor: Arjen Boin,Magnus Ekengren,Mark Rhinard
Understanding the Bigger Energy Picture: DESERTEC and Beyond
Author/Editor: Michael Düren
Understanding Statistics and Experimental Design: How to Not Lie with Statistics
Author/Editor: Michael H. Herzog,Gregory Francis,Aaron Clarke
Understanding Society and Natural Resources: Forging New Strands of Integration Across the Social Sciences
Author/Editor: Manfredo J. ,Michael,Vaske; J. ,Jerry,Rechkemmer ,Andreas,Duke A. ,Esther
Understanding Sharia Processes: Women's Experiences of Family Disputes
Author/Editor: Farrah Ahmed,Ghena Krayem
Understanding Risks and Uncertainties in Energy and Climate Policy: Multidisciplinary Methods and Tools for a Low Carbon Society
Author/Editor: Haris Doukas,Alexandros Flamos,Jenny Lieu
Understanding Relations Between Scripts II: Early Alphabets
Author/Editor: Philip J. Boyes,Philippa Steele
Understanding Processes of Ethnic Concentration and Dispersal
Author/Editor: McGarrigle ,Jennifer Leigh
Understanding political ideas and movements
Author/Editor: Harrison ,Kevin,Boyd ,Tony
Understanding Perspectivism: Scientific Challenges and Methodological Prospects
Author/Editor: Michela Massimi,Casey D. McCoy
Understanding Oceania: Celebrating the University of the South Pacific and its collaboration with The Australian National University
Author/Editor: Stewart Firth,Vijay Naidu
Understanding Linguistic Fieldwork
Author/Editor: Felicity Meakins,Jennifer Green,Myfany Turpin
Understanding Japanese Savings
Author/Editor: Robert Dekle
Understanding Immigration: Issues and Challenges in an Era of Mass Population Movement
Author/Editor: Marilyn Hoskin
Understanding History : An Introduction to Analytical Philosophy of History
Author/Editor: Gorman ,Jonathan
Understanding History
Understanding Higher Education: Alternative Perspectives
Author/Editor: Chrissie Boughey,Sioux McKenna
Understanding Globalization, Global Gaps, and Power Shifts in the 21st Century: CCG Global Dialogues
Author/Editor: Huiyao Wang,Lu Miao
Understanding Energy Innovation: Learning from Smart Grid Experiments
Author/Editor: Heather Lovell
Understanding Education for the Visually Impaired
Author/Editor: Ronél Ferreira,Ronél Ferreira,Maximus Monaheng Sefotho,Maximus Monaheng Sefotho,Juan Bornman,Karien Botha,Boitumelo Molegogeng Diale,Judite Ferreira-Prevost
Understanding Drugs Markets: An Analysis of Medicines, Regulations and Pharmaceutical Systems in the Global South
Author/Editor: Carine Baxerres,Maurice Cassier
Understanding Disability Throughout History: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Iceland from Settlement to 1936
Author/Editor: Hanna Björg Sigurjónsdóttir,James G. Rice
Understanding Cultural Non-Participation in an Egalitarian Context
Author/Editor: Riie Heikkilä
Understanding Contemporary Islamic Crises in the Middle East. The Issues beneath the Surface
Author/Editor: Fuller E. ,Graham
Understanding China’s School Leadership: Interpreting the Terminology
Author/Editor: Daming Feng
Understanding Chefchaouen: Traditional knowledge for a sustainable habitat
Author/Editor: Letizia Dipasquale
Understanding British and European political issues
Author/Editor: McNaughton ,Neil
Understanding Body Movement: A Guide to Empirical Research on Nonverbal Behaviour - With an Introduction to the NEUROGES Coding System
Author/Editor: Hedda Lausberg
Understanding Atrocities: Remembering, Representing and Teaching Genocide
Author/Editor: Scott W. Murray
Understanding Al Qaeda: Changing War and Global Politics
Author/Editor: Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou
Understanding Acoustics: An Experimentalist’s View of Sound and Vibration
Author/Editor: Steven L. Garrett
Undercover Reporting
Author/Editor: Kroeger ,Brooke
Under Construction: Performing Critical Identity
Author/Editor: Marie-Anne Kohl
Under beredskap och krig: Nation, kön, främlingskap och våld hos svenska kvinnliga 1940-talsförfattare
Author/Editor: Kristin Järvstad
Uncovering Pacific Pasts: Histories of Archaeology in Oceania
Author/Editor: Hilary Howes,Tristen Jones,Matthew Spriggs
Unconventional Sisterhood: Feminist Catholic Nuns in the Philippines
Author/Editor: Heather Claussen
Unchopping a Tree: Reconciliation in the Aftermath of Political Violence
Author/Editor: Ernesto Verdeja
Uncertain Values: An Axiomatic Approach to Axiological Uncertainty
Author/Editor: Stefan Riedener
Uncertainty, Threat, and International Security: Implications for Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Ivan Savic,Zachary C. Shirkey
Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering (ICUME 2021), June 7–8, 2021
Author/Editor: Peter F. Pelz,Peter Groche
Uncertainty in Global Politics
Author/Editor: Miriam Matejova,Anastasia Shesterinina
Uncertainty in Engineering: Introduction to Methods and Applications
Author/Editor: Louis J. M. Aslett,Frank P. A. Coolen,Jasper De Bock
Uncertainty in deliberate lexical interventions: Exploring Esperanto speakers’ opinions through corpora
Author/Editor: Mélanie Maradan
Uncertain Safety
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid
Un/Certain Futures: Rollen des Designs in gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen
Author/Editor: Marius Förster,Saskia Hebert,Mona Hofmann,Wolfgang Jonas
An Uncertain Future - Anticipating Oil in Uganda
Author/Editor: Annika Witte
Uncertain Bioethics: Moral Risk and Human Dignity
Author/Editor: Stephen Napier
Un carteggio di Margherita Guidacci. Lettere a Tiziano Minarelli
Author/Editor: Carolina Gepponi
Un carteggio di fine secolo
Author/Editor: Lazzeri, Claudia
Un carteggio di fine secolo
The Uncanny Child in Transnational Cinema: Ghosts of Futurity at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century
Author/Editor: Jessica Balanzategui
Un cammino a ostacoli: Neocatecumenali e Chiesa di Roma
Author/Editor: Francesca CAMPIGLI
Unburied Bodies: Subversive Corpses and the Authority of the Dead
Author/Editor: James R. Martel
Unbridling the Tongues of Women: a biography of Catherine Helen Spence
Author/Editor: Magarey ,Susan
Un bisogno di complementarità: Il carteggio Cassola-Fortini
Author/Editor: Giada Perciballi
unBinding Bodies - Zur Geschichte des Füßebindens in China
Author/Editor: Jasmin Mersmann,Evke Rulffes
Unbestimmtheitssignaturen der Technik: Eine neue Deutung der technisierten Welt
Author/Editor: Gerhard Gamm,Andreas Hetzel
Unbegleitete minderjährige Geflüchtete: Ihre Lebenssituationen und Perspektiven in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Stefan Thomas,Madeleine Sauer,Ingmar Zalewski
Unbecoming Language: Anti-Identitarian French Feminist Fictions
Author/Editor: Annabel Kim
Unbecoming Cinema : Unsettling Encounters With Ethical Event Films
Author/Editor: Fleming ,David H.
Unbecoming Cinema
Una voce parigina nel Futurismo russo: la poesia di Ivan Aksenov
Author/Editor: Alessandro Farsetti
Unauthorized Access: The Crisis in Online Privacy and Security
Author/Editor: Robert H. Sloan,Richard Warner
Unauthorized Access: The Crisis in Online Privacy and Security
Author/Editor: Robert Sloan,Richard Warner
Una storia, un archivio: Idalberto Targioni nell’Italia tra Ottocento e Novecento
Author/Editor: Roberto Bianchi
Una scuola inclusiva: Azioni per contrastare i rischi di dispersione di alunne e alunni di origine straniera
Author/Editor: Giovanna Filosa,Emanuela Gamberoni
Una professione plurale: Il caso dell’avvocatura fiorentina
Author/Editor: Franca Alacevich,Andrea Bellini,ANNALISA TONARELLI
Un anno di Leggere: Forte! in Toscana: L'esperienza di una ricerca-azione
Author/Editor: Federico Batini
Una muchedumbre o nada: Coordenadas temáticas en la obra poética de Josefina Plá
The Un-Americans: Jews, the Blacklist, and Stoolpigeon Culture
Author/Editor: Joseph Litvak
Una investigación educativa y transformadora para el medio ambiente: Desarrollo de capacidades en Guatemala y Nicaragua. Con aportaciones de Maurizio Leonelli y Rodolfo Glenton
Author/Editor: Giovanna Del Gobbo,GLENDA GALEOTTI
Una historia comparada del cine latinoamericano
Author/Editor: Paul A. Schroeder Rodríguez,Juana de Suárez
Una generazione che cambia: Civismo, solidarietà e nuove incertezze dei giovani della provincia di Firenze
Una comunità rurale toscana di antico regime
Author/Editor: Bicchierai, Marco
Una comunità rurale toscana di antico regime
Una biblioteca in divenire. La biblioteca della Facoltà di Lettere dalla penna all'elaboratore
Author/Editor: Urso, Tommaso
Una biblioteca in divenire. La biblioteca della Facoltà di Lettere dalla penna all'elaboratore
(u)Mzantsi Classics: Dialogues in Decolonisation from Southern Africa
Author/Editor: Samantha Masters,Imkhitha Nzungu,Grant Parker
Umweltverträglichkeit und Menschenzuträglichkeit
Author/Editor: Lenk ,Hans
Umwelt und Technik in den Europaeischen Gemeinschaften: Teil 1: Die grenzueberschreitende Entsorgung von Abfaellen
Author/Editor: Bert Rürup,Uwe H. Schneider
Umwelt- und Bioressourcenmanagement für eine nachhaltige Zukunftsgestaltung
Author/Editor: Erwin Schmid,Tobias Pröll
Umweltressourcen als Gegenstand internationaler Verhandlungen: Eine theoretische Transaktionskostenanalyse
Umweltorientierte Beschaeftigungsprogramme. Eine Effizienzanalyse am Beispiel des «Sondervermoegens Arbeit und Umwelt»
Author/Editor: Andreas Burger
Umweltgeschichte und Umweltzukunft - Zur gesellschaftlichen Relevanz einer jungen Disziplin Graduiertenkolleg 1024 Interdisziplinäre Umweltgeschichte
Author/Editor: Masius, Patrick,Sparenberg, Ole,Sprenger, Jana
Umweltgerechtigkeit und sozialökologische Transformation: Konflikte um Nachhaltigkeit im deutschsprachigen Raum
Author/Editor: Silja Klepp,Jonas Hein
Umweltbewußtes Kaufverhalten von Konsumenten: Ein Beitrag zur Operationalisierung, Erklaerung und Typologie des Verhaltens in der Kaufsituation
Author/Editor: Kerstin Christiane Monhemius
Umweltallokation im Raum
Author/Editor: Horst Siebert
Umwege zum eigenen Kind - Ethische und rechtliche Herausforderungen an die Reproduktionsmedizin 30 Jahre nach Louise Brown
Author/Editor: Bockenheimer-Lucius, Gisela,Thorn, Petra,Wendehorst, Christiane
Umverteilungseffekte in Europa: Eine Analyse fuer ausgewaehlte Laender
Author/Editor: Katja Hölsch
Umstrittene Vergangenheit: Historische Argumente in der Auseinandersetzung Augustins mit den Donatisten
Author/Editor: Arne Hogrefe
Umstrittene Sammlungen - Vom Umgang mit kolonialem Erbe aus Kamerun in ethnologischen Museen Die Fälle Tange/Schiffschnabel und Ngonnso‘/Schalenträgerfigur in Deutschland und Kamerun
Author/Editor: Anne Splettstößer
Umstrittene Regierungsführung in Afghanistan: Kulturelle und politische Ordnungsvorstellungen der afghanischen Eliten
Author/Editor: Frangis Dadfar Spanta
Umstrittene Körperteile : Eine Geschichte der Organspende in der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Hofmann ,Simon
Umstrittene Körperteile
Umsetzung des datenschutzrechtlichen Auskunftsanspruchs auf Grundlage von Usage-Control und Data-Provenance-Technologien
Author/Editor: Philipp Christoph Sebastian Bier
Umrisse einer Dritten Kultur im interdisziplinären Zusammenspiel zwischen Literatur und Naturwissenschaft: Jahrbuch des Instituts für moderne Fremdsprachen an der Naturwissenschaftlich-Technischen Universität Norwegens (NTNU) in Trondheim
Author/Editor: Bernd Neumann
Umkämpfte Zukunft: Zum Verhältnis von Nachhaltigkeit, Demokratie und Konflikt
Author/Editor: Julia Zilles,Emily Drewing,Julia Janik
Umkämpfte Vielfalt: Affektive Dynamiken institutioneller Diversifizierung
Author/Editor: Matthias Warstat,Hansjörg Dilger
Umkämpfter Zugang zu Land: Land grabbing, Konflikte und die Rolle traditioneller Autoritäten in Ghana
Author/Editor: Sarah Kirst
Umkämpfte Kirche: Innerkatholische Konflikte im österreichisch-ungarischen Küstenland 1890–1914 (Volume 263, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Péter Techet
Umkämpfte Begriffe der Migration: Ein Inventar
Author/Editor: Inken Bartels,Isabella Löhr,Christiane Reinecke,Philipp Schäfer,Laura Stielike
Umfragen erstellen und auswerten: kompakt und leicht verständlich für Studierende und junge Forschende
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Ortmanns,Ralph Sonntag
Uma politics; An ethnography of democratization in West Sumba, Indonesia, 1986-2006
Author/Editor: Vel ,Jacqueline A.C.
Uma politics; An ethnography of democratization in West Sumba, Indonesia, 1986-2006
Umami: Taste for Health
Author/Editor: Ana San Gabriel,Tia M. Rains,Gary Beauchamp
Uma ilha brasileira no campo literário alemão: Dinâmicas de circulação literária pela editora Suhrkamp e a recepção da literatura do Brasil (1970-1990)
Author/Editor: Douglas Pompeu
Uma dramaturgia da violência: os filmes de João Canijo
Author/Editor: Daniel Ribas
Ulrich von Liechtenstein's "Service of Ladies"
Author/Editor: J.W. Thomas
Çukuriçi Höyük 5: Stratigraphie und Architektur der frühen Bronzezeit
Author/Editor: Barbara Horejs,Stefan Grasböck,Tina Bratschi,Christoph Schwall
The UK's Changing Democracy: The 2018 Democratic Audit
Author/Editor: Patrick Dunleavy,Alice Park,Ros Taylor
Ukrainian Private Law and the European Area of Justice
Author/Editor: Eugenia Kurzynsky-Singer,Rainer Kulms
Ukrainian Migration to the European Union: Lessons from Migration Studies
Author/Editor: Olena Fedyuk,Marta Kindler
Ukraine's Search for Justice in the Shadow of the Donbas Conflict: Strategic Reforms or Crisis Management?
Author/Editor: Igor Lyubashenko
Ukraine's Patronal Democracy and the Russian Invasion: The Russia-Ukraine War, Volume One
Author/Editor: Bálint Madlovics,Bálint Magyar
Ukraine's Many Faces: Land, People, and Culture Revisited
Author/Editor: Olena Palko,Manuel Férez Gil
Ukraine: Russia’s War and the Future of the Global Order
Author/Editor: Michael Cox
UK Child Migration to Australia, 1945-1970: A Study in Policy Failure
Author/Editor: Gordon Lynch
Uit zicht
Äußerungsrechte staatlicher Funktionsträger: Neutralität, Meinungsfreiheit, Mäßigungsgebot: Determinanten der Teilnahme staatlicher Funktionsträger am öffentlichen Meinungsbildungsprozess
Author/Editor: Sebastian Nellesen
Ueberwaelzte Leistungen der Administration: Eine empirische und theoretische Analyse
Author/Editor: Ute Hansen
Uebergang zur Marktwirtschaft am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: iván Berend
Ueber den Ort der Einstellungen im Satz: Ueberlegungen im Grenzgebiet von Syntax und Pragmatik
Author/Editor: Horst Dippong
The UCL Institute of Education: From training college to global institution
Author/Editor: Richard Aldrich,Tom Woodin
Ubushakashatsi mu Bumenyi Nyamuntu n’Imibanire y’Abantu
Author/Editor: Evode Mukama,Laurent Nkusi
Ubi Social, Ibi Ius: Fondamenti costituzionali dei social network e profili giuridici della responsabilità dei provider
Author/Editor: Maria Romana Allegri
Ubiquity: Photography's Multitudes
Author/Editor: Jacob W. Lewis,Kyle Parry
Ubiquität, Interaktivität, Konvergenz und die Medienbranche - Ergebnisse des interdisziplinären Forschungsprojektes intermedia
Author/Editor: Hess, Thomas
The Uşaklı Höyük Survey Project (2008-2012)
Author/Editor: Franca Pecchioli,Stefania Mazzoni
Tyrolis Latina
Author/Editor: Korenjak ,Martin,Schaffenrath ,Florian,Subaric ,Lav,Töchterle ,Karlheinz
A typology of questions in Northeast Asia and beyond: An ecological perspective
Author/Editor: Andreas Hölzl
A typology of marked-S languages
Author/Editor: Handschuh ,Corinna
Typologie des Marketing-Management: Theoretisch-konzeptionelle Grundlagen und internationale empirische Befunde
Author/Editor: Andreas Seifert
The Typological Diversity of Morphomes: A Cross-Linguistic Study of Unnatural Morphology
Author/Editor: Borja Herce
Typisierung des Verständnisses mentaler Modelle mittels empirischer Datenerhebung am Beispiel der Quantenphysik (Volume 304)
Author/Editor: Malte Ubben
Typisch Social Entrepreneurship: Arbeitsgestaltung und Wirkung von Arbeit bei Sozialunternehmer*innen in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Rüdiger Hein
Typical Girls: The Rhetoric of Womanhood in Comic Strips
Author/Editor: Susan E. Kirtley
Tyneside Neighbourhoods
Author/Editor: Nettle ,Daniel
Tying the Threads of Eurasia: Trans-regional Routes and Material Flows in Transcaucasia, eastern Anatolia and western Central Asia, c.3000-1500BC
Author/Editor: Toby C. Wilkinson
Two Twelfth-Century Texts on Chinese Painting
Author/Editor: Robert J. Maeda
Two Studies on Ming History
Author/Editor: Charles O. Hucker
Two Sides of a Barricade: (Dis)order and Summit Protest in Europe
Author/Editor: Christian Scholl
The Two Rainbow Serpents travelling: Mura track narratives from the 'Corner Country'
Author/Editor: Beckett ,Jeremy,Hercus ,Luise
Two Novels: Development and Two Selves
Author/Editor: Joanne Winning
Two Lenins
Author/Editor: Ssorin-Chaikov ,Nikolai
Two Centuries of Solidarity
Author/Editor: Companje ,K.P.,Hendriks ,R.H.M.,Veraghtert ,K.F.E.,Widdershoven ,B.E.M.
Twitter als Basis wissenschaftlicher Studien: Eine Bewertung gängiger Erhebungs- und Analysemethoden der Twitter-Forschung
Author/Editor: Fabian Pfaffenberger
Twisted Isospectrality, Homological Wideness, and Isometry: A Sample of Algebraic Methods in Isospectrality
Author/Editor: Gunther Cornelissen,Norbert Peyerimhoff
Twin Studies: Research in Genes, Teeth and Faces
Author/Editor: Townsend C ,Grant,Pinkerton K ,Sandra,Rogers R ,James,Bockmann R ,Michelle,Hughes E ,Toby
Twining: Critical and Creative Approaches to Hypertext Narratives
Author/Editor: Anastasia Salter,Stuart Moulthrop
Twin-Control: A Digital Twin Approach to Improve Machine Tools Lifecycle
Author/Editor: Mikel Armendia,Mani Ghassempouri,Erdem Ozturk,Flavien Peysson
The Twilight of the British Empire: British Intelligence and Counter-Subversion in the Middle East, 1948–63
Author/Editor: Chikara Hashimoto
The Twilight of the Avant-Garde
Author/Editor: Mayhew ,Jonathan
Twilight of the Anthropocene Idols
Author/Editor: Cohen ,Tom,Colebrook ,Claire,Miller Hillis ,J.
Twilight of the Anthropocene Idols
Twilight of the American State: An Essay
Author/Editor: PIERRE SCHLAG
Twenty Years of Education Transformation in Gauteng 1994 to 2014
Author/Editor: Feliz Maringe,Martin Prew
Twenty K.R. Narayanan Orations: Essays by Eminent Persons on the Rapidly Transforming Indian Economy
Author/Editor: Raghbendra Jha
Twentieth-Century Russian Poetry
The Twentieth Century in European Memory: Transcultural Mediation and Reception
Author/Editor: Tea Sindbæk Andersen,Barbara Törnquist-Plewa
Tweets from the Campaign Trail: Researching Candidates’ Use of Twitter During the European Parliamentary Elections
Author/Editor: Alex Frame,Arnaud Mercier,Gilles Brachotte,Caja Thimm
Tweets and the Streets : Social Media and Contemporary Activism
Author/Editor: Gerbaudo ,Paolo
Tweets and the Streets
Tweedeling in perspectief
Author/Editor: WRR
Tvivl og tolerance (Vol. 15):Et skrift om Pierre Bayle, en milepæl og et paradoks i oplysningens historie
Author/Editor: John Pedersen
Tvivl og tolerance (Vol. 15):Et skrift om Pierre Bayle, en milepæl og et paradoks i oplysningens historie
Tutankhamun Knew the Names of the Two Great Gods: : Dt and nHH as Fundamental Concepts of Pharaonic Ideology
Author/Editor: Steven R.W. Gregory
Tussen twee stoelen, tussen twee vuren: Nederlandse literatuur op weg naar de buitenlandse lezer
Author/Editor: Lut Missinne,Jaap Grave
Tussen hoop en vrees
Tussen erfgoed en eredienst: Meervoudig gebruik van vier monumentale stadskerken
Author/Editor: Elza Kuyk
Turn-Taking in Human Communicative Interaction
Author/Editor: Holler ,Judith,Kendrick H. ,Kobin,Casillas ,Marisa,Levinson C. ,Stephen
Turn on the light on science : A research-based guide to break down popular stereotypes about science and scientists
Author/Editor: Tintori ,Antonio,Palomba ,Rossella
Turn on the light on science
Turn It and Turn It Again: Studies in the Teaching and Learning of Classical Jewish Texts
Author/Editor: Susan P. Fendrick,Jon A. Levisohn
Turning toward Edification: Foreigners in Chosŏn Korea
Author/Editor: Adam Bohnet
Turnings Fiji Factions
Author/Editor: Lal V. ,Brij
The Turning Point in China's Economic Development
Author/Editor: Garnaut ,Ross,Song ,Ligang
Turning over a New Leaf
Author/Editor: Kwakkel ,Erik,McKitterick ,Rosamond,Thomson ,Rodney
Turkish Voices
Author/Editor: Murat Nemet-Nejat
Turkish German Muslims and Comedy Entertainment: Settling into Mainstream Culture in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Benjamin Nickl
Turkish Drama Serials: The Importance and Influence of a Globally Popular Television Phenomenon
Author/Editor: Miriam Berg
Turkey, Migration and the EU: Potentials, Challenges and Opportunities
Author/Editor: Seçil Paçaci Elitok,Thomas Straubhaar
Turkey facing a new millenium: Coping with intertwined conflicts
Author/Editor: Nachmani ,Amikam
Turkey facing a new millenium: Coping with intertwined conflicts
Turbulence: A Corporate Perspective on Collaborating for Resilience
Author/Editor: Kupers ,Roland
Tupo ja media: Talous- ja työmarkkinapoliittisen julkisuuden toimintahorisontit kolmella vuosikymmenellä
Author/Editor: Esa Reunanen,Jari Väliverronen
Tuo lumine. L'accademia dei Risvegliati e lo spettacolo a Pistoia tra Sei e Settecento
Author/Editor: Maria Fedi
Tunnelling: Management by Design
Author/Editor: Alan Muir Wood
Tuning up! The Innovative Potential of Musikvermittlung
Author/Editor: Sarah Chaker,Axel Petri-Preis
Tuning Biological Nutrient Removal Plants
Author/Editor: Ken Hartley
Tungusic languages: Past and present
Author/Editor: Andreas Hölzl,Thomas E. Payne
Tunesien: Die Entwicklung einer arabischen Zivilgesellschaft
Author/Editor: Roman Loimeier
a tumblr book: platform and cultures
Author/Editor: Allison McCracken,Alexander Cho,Louisa Stein,Indira Neill Hoch
Tulagi: Pacific Outpost of British Empire
Author/Editor: Clive Moore
Tuberculosis in Adults and Children
Author/Editor: Maxine Caws,Ben Marais,Dorothee Heemskerk,Jeremy Farrar
Tötungsdelikte in der Schweiz von 1990 bis 2014
Author/Editor: Simone Walser,Nora Markwalder,Martin Killias
Þáttasyrpa – Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Sprache in Nordeuropa: Festschrift für Stefanie Gropper
Author/Editor: Anna Katharina Heiniger,Rebecca Merkelbach,Alexander Wilson
The Tsar, The Empire, and The Nation: Dilemmas of Nationalization in Russia's Western Borderlands, 1905-1915
Author/Editor: Darius Staliūnas,Yoko Aoshima
“Tsar and God” : and Other Essays in Russian Cultural Semiotics
Author/Editor: Uspensky ,Boris,Zhivov ,Victor
“Tsar and God”
Tsangnyön Herukas sånger: En studie och översättning av en tibetansk buddhistisk yogis religiösa poesi
Author/Editor: Stefan Larsson
«Truth is an odd number». La narrativa di Flann O’Brien e il fantastico
Author/Editor: Valentina Milli
Truth in Serial Form: Serial Formats and the Form of the Series, 1850–1930
Author/Editor: Malika Maskarinec
Truth and Fiction: Notes on (Exceptional) Faith in Art
Author/Editor: Milcho Manchevski,Adrian Martin
»Truth« and Fiction: Conspiracy Theories in Eastern European Culture and Literature
Author/Editor: Peter Deutschmann,Jens Herlth,Alois Woldan
The Truth About Denial: Bias and Self-Deception in Science, Politics, and Religion
Author/Editor: Adrian Bardon
Trust Responsibly: Non-Evidential Virtue Epistemology
Author/Editor: Jakob Ohlhorst
Trust in Robots
Author/Editor: Sabine T. Koeszegi,Markus Vincze
Trusting the Police : Comparisons across Eastern and Western Europe
Author/Editor: Staubli ,Silvia
Trusting the Police
Author/Editor: Staubli ,Silvia
Trusting the Police
Trust in Contemporary Society
Author/Editor: Masamichi Sasaki
Trusted Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing; Trusted Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing: A Review of the Emerging Wave of Ethical and Human Centric AI Technologies for Smart Production; A Review of the Emerging Wave of Ethical and Human Centric
Author/Editor: John Soldatos,Dimosthenis Kyriazis
Trust and Transparency in an Age of Surveillance
Author/Editor: Lora Anne Viola,Paweł Laidler
Trust and Terror: Social Capital and the Use of Terrorism as a Tool of Resistance
Author/Editor: Ammar Shamaileh
Trust and Mistrust in the Economies of the China-Russia Borderlands
Trust and Communication: Foundations of Interconnectivity
Author/Editor: Anil Jacob Kunnel
Tru på Vestlandet: Tradisjonar i endring
Author/Editor: Birger Løvlie,Per Halse,Kristin Hatlebrekke
Trump - ein amerikanischer Traum?: Warum Amerika sich verwählt hat (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Fach
Träume, Tränen und Tempel: Thai-buddhistische Religiosität im Alltag thailändischer Heiratsmigrantinnen in der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Andrea Zimmermann
The True Face of Sir Isaac Brock
Author/Editor: Guy St-Denis
True Cost Accounting for Food: Balancing the Scale
Author/Editor: Barbara Gemmill-Herren,Lauren E. Baker,Paula A. Daniels
True Biographies of Nations?: The Cultural Journeys of Dictionaries of National Biography
Author/Editor: Karen Fox
Author/Editor: Ken Reid
Útrásarvíkingar!: The Literature of the Icelandic Financial Crisis (2008–2014)
Author/Editor: Alaric Hall
The Trouble With Big Data: How Datafication Displaces Cultural Practices
Author/Editor: Jennifer Edmond,Nicola Horsley,Jörg Lehmann,Mike Priddy
Trouble Songs: A Musicological Poetics
Author/Editor: Jeff T. Johnson
The Troubles in Northern Ireland and Theories of Social Movements
Author/Editor: Lorenzo Bosi,Gianluca Fazio
Trouble: Grist anthology of protest - short stories
Author/Editor: Caitlin Bastow,Liam Crew,Jonathan Croft,Simon Crump,Lottie Edwards,Beth Greenhalgh,Charlotte Rhodes,Beth Ridley-Duff,Georgia Turner-Beach
Troubled Waters: Confronting the Water Crisis in Australia's Cities
Author/Editor: Troy ,Patrick
Trouble at Work
Author/Editor: Ralph Fevre,Duncan Lewis,Amanda Robinson,Trevor Jones
The Trouble and Strife Reader
Author/Editor: Deborah Cameron,Joan Scanlon
"Trotz allem glaube ich an das Gute im Menschen". Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank und seine Rezeption in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Author/Editor: Katja Heimsath,Rainer Hering
Troplowitz: Porträt eines Unternehmerpaares
Author/Editor: Henning Albrecht
Tropical Forests Of Oceania. Anthropological Perspectives
Author/Editor: Bell A. ,Joshua,West ,Paige,Filer ,Colin
Tropical Forests Of Oceania. Anthropological Perspectives
Tropes of Transport : Hegel and Emotion
Author/Editor: Pahl ,Katrin
Tropes of Transport
The Troll Inside You: Paranormal Activity in the Medieval North
Author/Editor: Ármann Jakobsson
The Trojan Horse: The Growth of Commercial Sponsorship
Author/Editor: Deborah Philips,Garry Whannel
The Troika of Adult Learners, Lifelong Learning, and Mathematics
Author/Editor: Katherine Safford-Ramus,Pradeep Kumar Misra,Terry Maguire
Tránsitos materiales e inmateriales entre África, Latinoamérica y El Caribe
Author/Editor: Mbuyi Kabunda Badi,César Ross
Türkische Männer in Deutschland: Familie und Identität. Migranten der ersten Generation erzählen ihre Geschichte
Author/Editor: Margret Spohn
Türken- und Türkeibilder im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert: Pädagogik, Bildungspolitik, Kulturtransfer
Author/Editor: Ingrid Lohmann,Julika Böttcher
TRIZ Future Conference 2004: (Florence, 3-5 November 2004)
Author/Editor: Gaetano Cascini
The Triumph of Uncertainty: Science and Self in the Postmodern Age
Author/Editor: Alfred I. Tauber
Triumphant Love
Author/Editor: Kommers ,J.(Hans)
Tripolye Typo-chronology. Mega and Smaller Sites in the Sinyukha River Basin
Author/Editor: Liudmyla Shatilo
The triple bind of single-parent families : Resources, employment and policies to improve well-being
The triple bind of single-parent families
The triple bind of single-parent families
The Trillion Dollar Shift
Author/Editor: Marga Hoek
Trickbox of Memory: Essays on Power and Disorderly Pasts
Author/Editor: Felicitas Macgilchrist,Alexandra Binnenkade,Rosalie Metro,Lisa Farley,Heidi Grunebaum,Matthew Howard,Rosalie Metro,Felicitas Macgilchrist,Alexandra Oeser,Lorraine Ryan,Elizabeth Anderson Worden
Trick 17: Mediengeschichten zwischen Zauberkunst und Wissenschaft
Author/Editor: Sebastian Vehlken,Katja Müller-Helle,Jan Müggenburg,Florian Sprenger
Triangulation in der Fremdsprachenforschung
Author/Editor: Daniela Elsner,Britta Viebrock
A Trial Separation
Author/Editor: Denoon ,Donald
Trial by Farce: A Dozen Medieval French Comedies in English for the Modern Stage
Author/Editor: Jody Enders
Treuhänderische Übernahme und Verwahrung: International und interdisziplinär betrachtet
Author/Editor: Olivia Kaiser,Christina Köstner-Pemsel,Markus Stumpf
Treue zum Stil: Die aufgeführte Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Uwe Flick,Robert Schmidt,Gunter Gebauer,Thomas Alkemeyer,Bernhard Boschert
Tre sculture del Rinascimento: Recuperi e restauri a Villa La Quiete
Trente années d'observation des micro-algues et des toxines d'algues sur le littoral
Author/Editor: Catherine Belin,Dominique Soudant
Trends und Determinanten sozialer Probleme in reichen Ländern: Eine Zeitreihenanalyse über drei Dekaden
Author/Editor: Marcus Gercke
Trends in Tourism and Recreation in the European Community
Author/Editor: NRIT
Trends in Statistical Codicology
Author/Editor: Marilena Maniaci
Trends in het medialandschap - 7
Author/Editor: Donk van de ,W.B.H.J.,Broeders ,D.W.J.
Trends in Data Protection and Encryption Technologies
Author/Editor: Valentin Mulder,Alain Mermoud,Vincent Lenders,Bernhard Tellenbach
Trends in Cerebrovascular Surgery and Interventions
Author/Editor: Giuseppe Esposito,Luca Regli,Marco Cenzato,Yasuhiko Kaku,Michihiro Tanaka,Tetsuya Tsukahara
Trender for idrettspsykologisk forskning i Skandinavia
Author/Editor: Tommy Haugen,Rune Høigaard
Trediakovskij und die "Argenida": Ein Vorbild, das keines wurde
Author/Editor: Capucine Carrier
Treatment Wetlands
Author/Editor: Dotro ,Gabriela,Langergraber ,Günter,Molle ,Pascal,Nivala ,Jaime,Puigagut ,Jaume,Stein ,Otto,Von Sperling ,Marcos
Treatment Wetlands
Treatment of Micropollutants in Water and Wastewater
Author/Editor: Jurate Virkutyte,Rajender Varma
Treatment and Valorisation of Saline Wastewater: Principles and Practice
Author/Editor: Ángeles Val del Río,José Luis Campos Gómez,Anuska Mosquera Corral
Treatise on the Marvelous for Prestigious Museums
Author/Editor: Daniel C. Remein
A treatise on Christian Banking
Author/Editor: Morten Bøsterud
Treasures in Trusted Hands: Negotiating the Future of Colonial Cultural Objects
Author/Editor: Jos van Beurden
Treasures from UCL
Author/Editor: Furlong ,Gillian
Treasures from UCL
Treasured Oases: A Selection of Jao Tsung-i’s Dunhuang Studies
Author/Editor: Tsung-i Jao,David J. Lebovitz
Treason: Medieval and Early Modern Adultery, Betrayal, and Shame
Author/Editor: Larissa Tracy
Tre amici tra la Sardegna e Ferrara: Le lettere di Mario Pinna a Giuseppe Dessí e Claudio Varese
Author/Editor: Giuseppe Dessì,Costanza Chimirri,Mario Pinna
The TRB West Group: Studies in the Chronology and Geography of the Makers of Hunebeds and Tiefstich Pottery
Author/Editor: Jan Albert Bakker
Trazos de sangre y fuego: Bio-Necropolítica y juvenicidio en América Latina
Author/Editor: José Manuel Valenzuela Arce
Travesía de la Esperanza: La inmigración portuguesa en Barquisimeto (1948-1958)
Author/Editor: Froilán Ramos Rodríguez
Traversing the Divide: Honouring Deborah Cass's Contributions to Public and International Law
Author/Editor: Kim Rubenstein
Travel Writings on Asia: Curiosity, Identities, and Knowledge Across the East, c. 1200 to the Present
Author/Editor: Christian Mueller,Matteo Salonia
Travel Writing in Mongolia and Northern China, 1860-2020
Author/Editor: Phillip Marzluf
Travelling the Korosko Road: Archaeological Exploration in Sudan’s Eastern Desert
Author/Editor: W. Vivian Davies,Derek A. Welsby
Travelling Gestures – Elfriede Jelineks Theater der (Tragödien-)Durchquerung
Author/Editor: Silke Felber
Travelling Chronicles: News and Newspapers from the Early Modern Period to the Eighteenth Century
Author/Editor: Siv Gøril Brandtzæg,Paul Goring,Christine Watson
Travailler dans une école: Sociologie du travail dans les établissements scolaires en Suisse romande
Author/Editor: Heloïse Durler,Philippe Losego
Travailler dans la grande distribution: La journée de travail va-t-elle redevenir une question sociale?
Author/Editor: Nicola Cianferoni
Traum - Mantik - Allegorie: Die Hieroi Logoi des Aelius Aristides im weiteren Kontext der griechisch-römischen Traumliteratur
Author/Editor: Ursula Bittrich
Traumdramaturgie und Selbstreflexion: Bildstrategien romantischer Traumdarstellungen im Spannungsfeld zeitgenössischer Traumtheorie und Ästhetik
Author/Editor: Dieckmann ,Lisa
Traumdramaturgie und Selbstreflexion: Bildstrategien romantischer Traumdarstellungen im Spannungsfeld zeitgenössischer Traumtheorie und Ästhetik
Trauma und Terror
Author/Editor: Szyszkowitz ,Tessa
Traumatisierung durch politisierte Medizin: Geschlossene Venerologische Stationen in der DDR
Author/Editor: Florian Steger,Maximilian Schochow
Traumatic Stress in South Africa
Author/Editor: Kaminer ,Deborah,Eagle ,Gillian
Traumata: Psychische Krisen in Texten von Annette von Droste-Hülshoff bis Jan Christoph Zymny. Ein Materialienbuch (Volume 91)
Author/Editor: Walter Gödden
Trauma im Computerspiel: Mediale Repräsentationen mentaler Extremerfahrungen
Author/Editor: Thomas Spies
Trauma – Generationen – Erzählen: Transgenerationale Narrative in der Gegenwartsliteratur zum ost-, ostmittel- und südosteuropäischen Raum
Author/Editor: Yvonne Drosihn,Ingeborg Jandl,Eva Kowollik
Traumaattinen muisti nykyproosassa
Author/Editor: Riitta Jytilä
Trauma and Resilience Among Displaced Populations: A Sociocultural Exploration
Author/Editor: Gail Theisen-Womersley
Trauma als Wissensarchiv: Postkoloniale Erinnerungspraxis in der Sakralen Globalisierung am Beispiel der zeitgenössischen Umbanda im deutschsprachigen Europa
Author/Editor: Inga Scharf da Silva
Trauerspiele mit Gesang und Tanz
Author/Editor: Dalinger ,Brigitte
Tra territorio e città: Ricerche e progetti per luoghi in transizione
Author/Editor: Francesco Berni,Alessandro Tirinnanzi,David Fanfani
Tratamiento biológico de aguas residuales
Tra sperimentalismo scapigliato ed espressivismo primonovecentesco poemetto in prosa, prosa lirica e frammento
Author/Editor: Carolina Nutini
Trasparenze ed epifanie: Quando la luce diventa letteratura, arte, storia, scienza
Author/Editor: Michela GRAZIANI
Traslocare, riaggregare, rifondare
Author/Editor: Galeota, Gianni
Traslocare, riaggregare, rifondare
Trasformazioni geometriche e figure dell'architettura: L'Architectura Obliqua di Juan Caramuel de Lobkowitz
Author/Editor: Stefania Iurilli
Tra sensi e spirito
Author/Editor: Di Manno, Marco
Tra regole ed eccezioni: La messa in opera delle politiche pubbliche in Italia
Traps: African American Men on Gender and Sexuality
Author/Editor: Rudolph P. Byrd,Beverly Guy-Sheftall
Trans* Time: Projecting Transness in European (TV) Series
Author/Editor: Danae Gallo González
Transstaatliche Räume : Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur in und zwischen Deutschland und der Türkei
Transstaatliche Räume
Transregional Connections in the History of East-Central Europe
Author/Editor: Katja Castryck-Naumann
Transregional and Regional Elites – Connecting the Early Islamic Empire
Author/Editor: Hannah-Lena Hagemann,Stefan Heidemann
Transpositions: Aesthetico-Epistemic Operators in Artistic Research
Author/Editor: Annette Arlander,Michael Schwab,Hanns Holger Rutz,Birk Weiberg,Michael Schwab,Hans-Jörg Rheinberger,Cecile Malaspina,Paulo de Assis,Rosi Braidotti,Esa Kirkkopelto,Lucia D'Errico,Laura Gonzalez,Leif Dahlberg,Tor-Finn Malum Fitje,David Pirrò
Transportproblem Nahost. Gueterstroeme suchen ihren Weg
Author/Editor: Walter Althammer
Transport Planning and Mobility in Urban East Africa
Author/Editor: Nadine Appelhans,Wolfgang Scholz,Sabine Baumgart
Transport in Transition: The Evolution of Traditional Shipping in China
Author/Editor: Andrew Watson
Transport Corridors in Africa
Author/Editor: Hugh Lamarque,Paul Nugent
Transparenz öffentlicher Einkaufsdaten in Deutschland: Anforderungen und Handlungsfelder im Kontext von Open Government
Author/Editor: Britta Reuter
Transparent Things: A Cabinet
Author/Editor: Maggie M. Williams,Karen Eileen Overbey
Transparent Minds in Science Fiction: An Introduction to Alien, AI and Post-Human Consciousness
Author/Editor: Paul Matthews
Transottomanica – Osteuropäisch-osmanisch-persische Mobilitätsdynamiken: Perspektiven und Forschungsstand
Author/Editor: Stefan Rohdewald,Stephan Conermann,Albrecht Fuess
Transnational Trailblazers of Early Cinema: Sarah Bernhardt, Gabrielle Réjane, Mistinguett
Author/Editor: Victoria Duckett
Transnational Ties: Australian Lives in the World
Author/Editor: Russell ,Penny,Deacon ,Desley,Woollacott ,Angela
Transnational Solidarity in Times of Crises: Citizen Organisations and Collective Learning in Europe
Author/Editor: Christian Lahusen,Ulrike Zschache,Maria Kousis
Transnational Social Work and Social Welfare: Challenges for the Social Work Profession
Author/Editor: Beatrix Schwarzer,Ursula Kämmerer-Rütten,Alexandra Schleyer-Lindenmann,Yafang Wang
Transnational Organized Crime : Analyses of a Global Challenge to Democracy
Author/Editor: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung ,N/A,Schönenberg ,Regine
Transnational Organized Crime
Transnational Modern Languages: A Handbook
Author/Editor: Jennifer Burns,Derek Duncan
Transnational Migration and Work in Asia
Author/Editor: Kevin Hewison,Ken Young
Transnational Legal Activism in Global Value Chains: The Ali Enterprises Factory Fire and the Struggle for Justice
Author/Editor: Miriam Saage-Maaß,Miriam Saage-Maaß,Peer Zumbansen,Peer Zumbansen,Michael Bader,Michael Bader,Palvasha Shahab,Palvasha Shahab
Transnational Japan in the Global Environmental Movement
Author/Editor: Avenell ,Simon
Transnational Japan in the Global Environmental Movement
Transnationalizing Radio Research: New Approaches to an Old Medium
Author/Editor: Golo Föllmer,Alexander Badenoch
Transnationalität und Öffentlichkeit : Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven
Transnationalität und Öffentlichkeit
Transnational Flows and Permissive Polities
Transnationale Verträge im nationalen Recht: Theorie und Dogmatik transnationaler Ordnungsstrukturen am Beispiel von Musterverträgen im Finanzbereich
Author/Editor: Torsten Kindt,Stefan Korch
Transnationale Rechtserzeugung: Elemente einer normativen Theorie der Lex Financiaria
Author/Editor: Johan Horst
Transnationale Rechtserzeugung: Elemente einer normativen Theorie der Lex Financiaria
Author/Editor: Johan Horst
Transnationaler Bergbau und lokale Politik: Politische Einflussnahme im Kontext des industriellen Goldbergbaus in Argentinien
Author/Editor: Alexandra Bechtum
Transnationale Perspektiven: Eine Studie zur Migration zwischen Polen und Deutschland
Author/Editor: Birgit Glorius
Transnational Entrepreneurship in South East Asia: Japanese Self-Initiated Expatriate Entrepreneurs
Author/Editor: Kazuko Yokoyama,Sarah Louisa Birchley
Transnationale Migrationen: Post-jugoslawische Biografien in der Weltgesellschaft
Author/Editor: Pascal Goeke
Transnationale Bildungsräume: Wissenstransfers im Schnittfeld von Kultur, Politik und Religion (Volume 96, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Jana Tschurenev,Johannes Wischmeyer,Johannes Wischmeyer,Esther Möller,Mustafa Gencer,Klaus Dittrich,Sylvia Kesper-Biermann,Esther Möller,Francesco Marin,Bettina Severin-Barboutie
Transnational Death
Author/Editor: Samira Saramo,Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto,Hanna Snellman
Transnational Black Dialogues : Re-Imagining Slavery in the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: Nehl ,Markus
Transnational Biographies: Changing We-images, Collective Belongings and Power Chances of Migrants and Refugees
Author/Editor: Gabriele Rosenthal,Gabriele Rosenthal,Lucas Cé Sangalli,Ahmed Albaba,Arne Worm,Eva Bahl,Sevil Çakır Kılınçoğlu,Hendrik Hinrichsen,Johannes Becker
Transnational Archipelago
(Trans)missions: Monasteries as Sites of Cultural Transfers
Author/Editor: Monika Brenišínová
Transmission et sentiments : les relations familiales en Dordogne, 1780-1839
Author/Editor: Isabelle Leveque Lamotte
Transmedial Narration: Narratives and Stories in Different Media
Author/Editor: Lars Elleström
The Translator’s Doubts : Vladimir Nabokov and the Ambiguity of Translation
Author/Editor: Trubikhina ,Julia
The Translator’s Doubts
Translatio sanctitatis: I furti di reliquie nell’Italia medievale
Author/Editor: Marco Papasidero
Translation und Exil (1933–1945) I: Namen und Orte. Recherchen zur Geschichte des Übersetzens
Author/Editor: Aleksey Tashinskiy,Julija Boguna,Tomasz Rozmysłowicz
Translation und Exil (1933–1945) II: Netzwerke des Übersetzens
Author/Editor: Irene Weber Henking,Pino Dietiker,Marina Rougemont
Translationspolitik für Regional- oder Minderheitensprachen: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung einer Strategie der Offenheit
Author/Editor: Peter Sandrini
Translations of Security: A Framework for the Study of Unwanted Futures
Author/Editor: Trine Villumsen Berling,Ulrik Pram Gad,Karen Lund Petersen,Ole Wæver
Translations of Responsibility: Innovation Governance in Three European Regions
Author/Editor: Thomas Völker,Rasmus Slaattelid,Roger Strand
Translation Policies in Legal and Institutional Settings
Author/Editor: Marie Bourguignon,Bieke Nouws,Heleen van Gerwen
A Translation of Lao-tzu’s Tao Te Ching and Wang Pi’s Commentary
Author/Editor: Paul J. Lin
Translation, Mediation and Accessibility for Linguistic Minorities
Author/Editor: María Pilar Castillo Bernal,Marta Estévez Grossi
Translation, interpreting, cognition: The way out of the box (Volume 15)
Author/Editor: Tra&Co Group
Translation and Transfer of Knowledge in Encyclopedic Compilations: 1680–1830
Author/Editor: Clorinda Donato,Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink
Translation and State: The Mahābhārata at the Mughal Court
Author/Editor: Michael Willis
Translation and Social Media Communication in the Age of the Pandemic
Author/Editor: Tong King Lee,Dingkun Wang
Translation and Openness
Author/Editor: Peter Sandrini,Marta García González
Translating Wisdom: Hindu-Muslim Intellectual Interactions in Early Modern South Asia
Author/Editor: Shankar Nair
Translating the Hebrew Bible in Medieval Iberia: Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Hunt. 268
Author/Editor: Esperanza Alfonso,Javier del Barco
Translating Human Rights in Education: The Influence of Article 24 UN CRPD in Nigeria and Germany
Author/Editor: Julia Biermann
Translating Great Russian Literature: The Penguin Russian Classics
Author/Editor: Cathy McAteer
Translating Feminism in China
Author/Editor: Zhongli Yu
Translating Early Modern Science (Volume 51)
Author/Editor: Sietske Fransen,Niall Hodson,Karl A.E. Enenkel
Translanguaging for Equal Opportunities: Speaking Romani at School
Author/Editor: János Imre Heltai,Eszter Tarsoly
Transkulturelle Verflechtungsprozesse in der Vormoderne
Author/Editor: Wolfram Drews,Christian Scholl
Transkulturelle Verflechtungen - Mediävistische Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Netzwerk Transkulturelle Verflechtungen
Transkulturelle Erkundungen: Wissenschaftlich-künstlerische Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Ursula Hemetek,Daliah Hindler,Harald Huber,Therese Kaufmann,Isolde Malmberg,Hande Saglam
Transkulturelle Begegnungen - Südpazifik und Sahara - Begleitband zur Ausstellung
Author/Editor: Racz, Julia,Krüger, Gundolf
Transkulturalität: Gender- und bildungshistorische Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Gippert,Petra Götte,Elke Kleinau
Transkulturalität als Praxis: Unternehmer türkischer Herkunft in Berlin
Author/Editor: Robert Pütz
Transkription wortloser Gesänge: Technik und Rückwirkungen der Verschriftlichung des Jodelns und verwandter Gesänge im deutschsprachigen Alpenraum
Author/Editor: Yannick Wey
Transizione ecologica e universo fisico-cibernetico: Soggetti, strategie, lavoro
Author/Editor: Mauro Lombardi
Transit Migration in Europe
Author/Editor: Frank Duvell,Michael Collyer,Irina Molodikova
Transit Marseille: Filmgeschichte einer Mittelmeermetropole
Author/Editor: Daniel Winkler
A Transition to Sustainable Housing: Progress and Prospects for a Low Carbon Housing Future
Author/Editor: Trivess Moore,Andréanne Doyon
Transitions in Segmented Labor Markets: The Case of Brazil
Author/Editor: Silke Woltermann
Transitions in Mathematics Education
Author/Editor: Ghislaine Gueudet,Marianna Bosch,Andrea A. diSessa,Oh Nam Kwon,Lieven Verschaffel
Transitions in Energy Efficiency and Demand: The Emergence, Diffusion and Impact of Low-Carbon Innovation
Author/Editor: Kirsten E.H. Jenkins,Debbie Hopkins
Transitioning Vocational Education and Training in Africa: A Social Skills Ecosystem Perspective VET Africa 4.0 Collective
Author/Editor: Simon McGrath,George Ladaah Openjuru,Heila Lotz-Sisitka,Stephanie Allais,Jacques Zeelen,Volker Wedekind
Transitioning to Sustainable Life on Land
Author/Editor: Volker Beckmann
Transitioning to Sustainable Life below Water
Author/Editor: Werner Ekau,Anna-Katharina Hornidge
Transitioning to Strong Partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals
Author/Editor: Georg von Schnurbein 
Transitioning to Responsible Consumption and Production
Author/Editor: Lisa McNeill
Transitioning to Reduced Inequalities
Author/Editor: Sabin Bieri,Christoph Bader
Transitioning to No Poverty
Author/Editor: Isabel Günther,Rahul Lahoti
Transitioning to Gender Equality
Author/Editor: Christa Binswanger,Andrea Zimmermann
Transitioning to Decent Work and Economic Growth
Author/Editor: Philipp Aerni,Mariantheand Stavridou,Isabelle Schluep
Transitioning to Clean Water and Sanitation
Author/Editor: Gueladio Cisse
Transitioning to Affordable and Clean Energy
Author/Editor: Edwin C. Constable
Transitioning to a circular economy: Changing Business Models and Business Ecosystems
Author/Editor: Jean Mansuy,Giulia Caterina Verga,Bonno Pel,Maarten Messagie,Philippe Lebeau,Wouter Achten
Transitionen in der Erwachsenenbildung: Gesellschaftliche, institutionelle und individuelle Übergänge
Author/Editor: Sabine Schmidt-Lauff,Heide von Felden,Henning Pätzold
Transitionen im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter: Ergebnisse der Schweizer Längsschnittstudie TREE
Author/Editor: Katja scharenberg,Sandra Hupka-Brunner,Thomas Meyer,Manfred Max Bergman
Transition Engineering: Building a Sustainable Future
Author/Editor: Susan Krumdieck
Transition and Transformation
Author/Editor: Florin ,Bo
Transition and Opportunity: Strategies from Business Leaders on Making the Most of China's Future
Author/Editor: Huiyao Wang,Lu Miao
Transitional Justice and Education: Engaging Young People in Peacebuilding and Reconciliation
Author/Editor: Clara Ramirez-Barat,Martina Schulze
Transities in kunst, cultuur en politiek = Transitions in Art, Culture, and Politics
Author/Editor: Sandra Ponzanesi,Kathrin Thiele,Eva Midden,Domitilla Olivieri,Trude Oorschot
Transidentität im System der Grund- und Menschenrechte: Eine kritische Analyse der deutschen und europäischen (Rechtsprechungs-)Entwicklung
Author/Editor: Florina Neßmann
Transgressive Truths and Flattering Lies: The Poetics and Ethics of Anglophone Arab Representations
Author/Editor: Markus Schmitz
Transgressions: critical Australian Indigenous histories
Author/Editor: Macfarlane ,Ingereth,Hannah ,Mark
Transgovernance: Advancing Sustainability Governance
Author/Editor: Louis Meuleman
Transgender Identities : Towards a Social Analysis of Gender Diversity
Transgender Identities: Towards a Social Analysis of Gender Diversity
Author/Editor: Sally Hines,Tam Sanger
Transgender Identities
The Transgender Exigency: Defining Sex and Gender in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Edward Schiappa
Transgender and The Literary Imagination: Changing Gender in Twentieth-Century Writing
Author/Editor: Rachel Carroll
Transforming Vòdún: Musical Change and Postcolonial Healing in Benin's Jazz and Brass Band Music
Author/Editor: Sarah Politz
Transforming Urban Food Systems in Secondary Cities in Africa
Author/Editor: Liam Riley,Jonathan Crush
Transforming Trauma: Resilience and Healing Through Our Connections With Animals
Author/Editor: Philip Tedeschi,Molly Jenkins
Transforming Theological Knowledge: Essays on theology and the university after apartheid
Author/Editor: Rian Venter,Donald Francois Tolmie
Transforming the Future : Anticipation in the 21st Century
Transforming the Future
Transforming the Authority of the Archive: Undergraduate Pedagogy and Critical Digital Archives
Author/Editor: Andi Gustavson,Charlotte Nunes
Transforming Subjectivities: Studies in Human Malleability in Contemporary Times
Author/Editor: Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand,Kerstin Jacobsson
Transforming Social Work Field Education: New Insights from Practice Research and Scholarship
Author/Editor: Julie L. Drolet,Grant Charles,Sheri McConnell,Marion Bogo
Transforming Sexual Health in Scotland: Cultural, Organisational and Partnership Approaches
Author/Editor: Rosie Ilett,Alison Bigrigg
Transforming Research Methods in the Social Sciences: Case Studies from South Africa
Author/Editor: Sumaya Laher,fynn,Sherianne Kramer
Transforming Research Excellence: New Ideas from the Global South
Author/Editor: Erika Kraemer-Mbula,Robert Tijssen,Matthew L. Wallace,Robert McClean
»Transforming our World« - Zukunftsdiskurse zur Umsetzung der UN-Agenda 2030
Author/Editor: Christiane Meyer
Transforming Markets: A Development Bank for the 21st Century – A History of the EBRD, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Andrew Kilpatrick,Anthony Williams
Transforming Lives and Systems: Cultural Competence and the Higher Education Interface
Author/Editor: Jack Frawley,Tran Nguyen,Emma Sarian
Transforming Institutions: Undergraduate STEM Education for the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Gabriela Weaver,Wilella Burgess
Transforming Identities in Contemporary Europe: Critical Essays on Knowledge, Inequality and Belonging
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Lund Engebretsen,Mia Liinason
Transforming Hawai'i: Balancing Coercion and Consent in Eighteenth-Century Kānaka Maoli Statecraft
Author/Editor: Paul D’Arcy
Transforming Gender and Emotion : The Butterfly Lovers Story in China and Korea
Author/Editor: Cho ,Sookja
Transforming Gender and Emotion
Transforming Food Systems for a Rising India
Author/Editor: Prabhu Pingali,Anaka Aiyar,Mathew Abraham,Andaleeb Rahman
Transforming Entrepreneurship Education: Interdisciplinary Insights on Innovative Methods and Formats
Author/Editor: Jantje Halberstadt,Antonieta Alcorta de Bronstein,Jean Greyling,Shaun Bissett
Transforming Education Outcomes in Africa: Learning from Togo
Author/Editor: Johannes Hoogeveen,Mariacristina Rossi
Transforming Education for Sustainability: Discourses on Justice, Inclusion, and Authenticity
Author/Editor: María S. Rivera Maulucci,Stephanie Pfirman,Hilary S. Callahan
Transforming Conservation: A Practical Guide to Evidence and Decision Making
Author/Editor: William Sutherland
Transforming Cities
Author/Editor: Nick Jewson,Susanne MacGregor
Transforming Agriculture in Southern Africa: Constraints, Technologies, Policies and Processes
Author/Editor: Richard Sikora,Eugene R. Terry,Paul Vlek,Joyce Chitja
Transforming Acquisitions and Collection Services: Perspectives on Collaboration Within and Across Libraries
Author/Editor: Michelle Flinchbaugh
Transformer l’excellence en recherche : nouvelles idées des pays du Sud Global
Author/Editor: Erika Kraemer-Mbula,Robert Tijssen,Matthew Wallace,Robert McLean
Transformer le lait local en Afrique de l'Ouest: Procédés et clés du développement des minilaiteries
Author/Editor: Cécile Brouti,Marie-Christine Goudiaby
Transformative und agile Innovationssysteme: Neue Praktiken und innovationspolitische Herausforderungen
Author/Editor: Matthias Weber,Hartmut Hirsch-Kreinsen,Alfons Botthof,Jakob Edler,Katrin Hahn,Jan Wessels
The Transformative Power of the Copy: A Transcultural and Interdisciplinary Approach
Author/Editor: Corinna Forberg,Philipp W. Stockhammer
Transformative pathways to sustainability: Learning across disciplines, cultures and context
Author/Editor: Adrian Ely
Transformative Governance for the Future: Navigating Profound Transitions
Author/Editor: Antonia Caro-Gonzalez
Transformative Communication Technologies: The Accountability Challenge (36th Böhm-Bawerk-Lectures)
Author/Editor: Robin Mansell
Transformation und Emanzipation: Perspektiven für Arbeit und Demokratie
Author/Editor: Jupp Legrand,Benedikt Linden,Hans-Jürgen Arlt
Transformation through destruction: A monumental and extraordinary Early Iron Age Hallstatt C barrow from the ritual landscape of Oss-Zevenbergen
Author/Editor: David Fontijn,Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof,Richard Jansen
Transformation Thermotics and Extended Theories: Inside and Outside Metamaterials
Author/Editor: Liu-Jun Xu,Ji-Ping Huang
Transformations of Trade Unionism: Comparative and Transnational Perspectives on Workers Organizing in Europe and the United States, Eighteenth to Twenty-First Centuries
Author/Editor: Ad Knotter
Transformations of the Military Profession and Professionalism in Scandinavia
Author/Editor: Anne Roelsgaard Obling,Lotta Victor Tillberg
Transformations of Social Bonds: The Outline of the Theory of Social Change
Author/Editor: Miroslawa Marody,Anna Giza-Poleszczuk
Transformations of Sensibility: The Phenomenology of Meiji Literature
Author/Editor: Hideo Kamei,Michael Bourdaghs
Transformations of Romanness: Early Medieval Regions and Identities
Author/Editor: Walter Pohl,Clemens Gantner,Cinzia Grifoni,Marianne Pollheimer-Mohaupt
Transformations in Twentieth Century Korea
Author/Editor: Yun-shik Chang,Steven Hugh Lee
Transformations agricoles et agroalimentaires
Author/Editor: Gilles Allaire,Benoit Daviron
The Transformation of Welfare States?
Author/Editor: Nick Ellison
The Transformation of Urban Space in Post-Soviet Russia
Author/Editor: Isolde Brade,Konstantin Axenov,Evgenij Bondarchuk
The Transformation of the Liberal International Order: Evolutions and Limitations
Author/Editor: Yuichi Hosoya,Hans Kundnani
The Transformation of Tamil Religion: Ramalinga Swamigal (1823–1874) and Modern Dravidian Sainthood
Author/Editor: Srilata Raman
The Transformation of Solidarity
Transformation of learning and teaching in rehabilitation sciences: A case study from South Africa, in Human Functioning
Author/Editor: Monique Visser,Dawn Verna Ernstzen,Faeza Bardien,Lorisha Manas,Marisa Coetzee,Monique de Wit,Eugene Nizeyimana,Gouwa Dawood,Nicola Plastow,Conran Joseph,Quinette Louw,Maatje Kloppers,Helena Oosthuizen,Lee-Ann Jacobs-Nzuzi Khuabi,Juanita Bester,Anja Baxter
The Transformation of Economic Life under the Roman Empire: Proceedings of the Second Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Roman Empire, c. 200 B.C. - A.D. 476), Nottingham, July 4-7, 2001
Author/Editor: L. de Blois,J. Rich
Transformation Literacy: Pathways to Regenerative Civilizations
Author/Editor: Petra Künkel,Kristin Vala Ragnarsdottir
Transformationen städtischer Umwelt: Das Beispiel Linz, 1700 bis 1900 (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Georg Stöger
Transformationen der Theaterlandschaft: Zur Fördersituation der Freien Darstellenden Künste in Deutschland. 2., erweiterte Ausgabe der Gesamtstudie
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Schneider
Transformationen der Theaterlandschaft: Zur Fördersituation der Freien Darstellenden Künste in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Schneider
Transformation der Wirtschaftssysteme in Ostmitteleuropa
Author/Editor: Roland Schönfeld
Transformation and Legitimation in Post-apartheid Universities: Reading Discourses from ‘Reitz’
Author/Editor: J.C. van der Merwe,Dionne van Reenen
Transformation and Development: Studies in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Member States
Author/Editor: Anja Mihr
The Transformational Potential of Higher Education Inclusion - Biographical Trajectories of Students from Disadvantaged Environments in Venezuela
Author/Editor: Pineda Olivieri, Jesús Humberto
Transformational Moments in Social Welfare: What Role for Voluntary Action?
Author/Editor: Georgina Brewis,Angela Ellis Paine,irene hardill,Rose Lindsey,Rob Macmillan
Transformational Change for People and the Planet: Evaluating Environment and Development
Author/Editor: Juha I. Uitto,Geeta Batra
Transformatieprocessen in Midden- en Oost-Europa: de internationale dimensie
Author/Editor: Holman ,O.
Transfigured World: Walter Pater's Aesthetic Historicism
Author/Editor: Carolyn Williams
Author/Editor: Gr�nstad ,Asbj�rn
Transferwissenschaften: Mode oder Mehrwert?: Unter Mitarbeit von Koray Parlar und Anna Malena Pichler
Author/Editor: Konstantin S. Kiprijanov,Thorsten Philipp,Thorsten Roelcke
Transfer von Expertenwissen in der Frühen Neuzeit: Gelehrte Diskurse in der volkssprachigen Praxis
Author/Editor: Udo Friedrich,Eva Schumann
Transfert : Exploration d'un champ conceptuel
Author/Editor: Gin ,Pascal,Goyer ,Nicolas,Moser ,Walter
Transfer Queen
Author/Editor: A.W. Strouse,Patty Barth
Transferprotokolle: Kommunikation und Storytelling in Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung
Author/Editor: Christian Horn
Transfer of Buddhism Across Central Asian Networks (7th to 13th Centuries)
Author/Editor: Carmen Meinert
Transfer in der Lehre: Zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement als Zumutung oder Chance für die Hochschulen?
Author/Editor: Albert Kümmel-Schnur,Sibylle Mühleisen,Thomas S. Hoffmeister
Transdisziplinär und transformativ forschen: Eine Methodensammlung
Author/Editor: Antonietta Di Giulio,Rico Defila
Transdisziplinär und transformativ forschen, Band 2: Eine Methodensammlung
Author/Editor: Rico Defila,Antonietta Di Giulio
Transdisziplinär forschen - zwischen Ideal und gelebter Praxis: Hotspots, Geschichten, Wirkungen
Author/Editor: Rico Defila,Antonietta Di Giulio
Transdisziplinäres Innovationsmanagement: Nachhaltigkeitsprojekte wirksam umsetzen
Author/Editor: Susanne Schön,Christian Eismann,Helke Wendt-Schwarzburg,David Kuhn
Transdisciplinarity in Financial Communication: Writing for Target Readers
Author/Editor: Marlies Whitehouse
Transdifferenz und Transkulturalität: Migration und Alterität in den Literaturen und Kulturen Österreich-Ungarns
Author/Editor: Alexandra Millner,Alexandra Millner,Katalin Teller,Katalin Teller
Transcultural Modernisms
Author/Editor: Model House Research Group,Eva Egermann,Jakob Krameritsch,Christian Kravagna,Christina Linortner,Marion von Osten,Fahim Amir,Moira Hille,Peter Spillmann
Transcultural Encounters in the Himalayan Borderlands: Kalimpong as a “Contact Zone"
Author/Editor: Markus Viehbeck
The Transcultural Critic: Sabahattin Ali and Beyond
Author/Editor: Ozil, Seyda,Hofmann, Michael,Laut, Jens-Peter,Dayioglu-Yücel, Yasemin,Zierau, Cornelia,Uca, Didem
Transcultural Approaches to the Concept of Imperial Rule in the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Christian Scholl,Torben R Gebhardt,Jan Clauß
Transcription of the Stichera Idiomela for the Month of April from Russian Manuscripts from the 12th Century
Author/Editor: Nina K. Ulff-Möller
Transcontinental Dialogues: Activist Alliances with Indigenous Peoples of Canada, Mexico, and Australia
Author/Editor: R. Aída Hernández Castillo,Suzi Hutchings,Brian Noble
TransCoding – From `Highbrow Art' to Participatory Culture: Social Media – Art – Research
Author/Editor: Barbara Lüneburg
Transcending the Nostalgic: Landscapes of Postindustrial Europe beyond Representation (Volume 42)
Author/Editor: George S. Jaramillo,Juliane Tomann
Transcending the Culture–Nature Divide in Cultural Heritage : Views from the Asia–Pacific region
Author/Editor: Brockwell ,Sally,O’Connor ,Sue,Byrne ,Denis
Transcending the Culture–Nature Divide in Cultural Heritage
Transcending Modernity with Relational Thinking
Author/Editor: Pierpaolo Donati
Transcending Borders: Selected papers in East Asian studies
Author/Editor: Valentina Pedone,Ikuko Sagiyama
Transcendent God, Rational World: A Maturidi Theology
Author/Editor: Ramon Harvey
The Transcendent Character of the Good: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives
Author/Editor: Petruschka Schaafsma
The Transatlantic Sixties : Europe and the United States in the Counterculture Decade
Author/Editor: Kosc (Ed.) ,Grzegorz,Juncker (Ed.) ,Clara,Monteith (Ed.) ,Sharon,Waldschmidt-Nelson (Ed.) ,Britta
The Transatlantic Sixties
A Transatlantic History of the Social Sciences: Robber Barons, the Third Reich and the Invention of Empirical Social Research
Author/Editor: Christian Fleck
Transatlantic Anglophone Literatures, 1776–1920: An Anthology
Author/Editor: Linda K. Hughes,Sarah R. Robbins,Andrew Taylor
TransArea: A Literary History of Globalization
Author/Editor: Ottmar Ette
Trans and Genderqueer Subjects in Medieval Hagiography
Author/Editor: Alicia Spencer-Hall,Blake Gutt
Transactive Control of Coupled Electric Power and District Heating Networks
Author/Editor: Jona Maurer
Transactions with the World: Ecocriticism and the Environmental Sensibility of New Hollywood
Author/Editor: Adam O’Brien
Transaction Cost Management: Strategies and Practices for a Global Open Economy
Author/Editor: Chihiro Suematsu
Author/Editor: Marsha Bradfield,Cinzia Cremona,Amy McDonnell,eva sajovic
Transactie als bestuurlijke vernieuwing
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid;,Wolfson ,Dik
Tra notariato e letteratura: L'edizione critica del Cammino di Dante di ser Piero Bonaccorsi
Author/Editor: Claudia Bassani
Tranformations of Gender in Melanesia
Tranen van bloed
Author/Editor: Cauwer de ,Peter
Trame sottili: Voci diverse per un vestiario sentimentale
Author/Editor: Emanuela Mancino
Trame controluce. Il patriarca 'protestante' Cirillo Loukaris / Backlighting Plots. The 'Protestant' Patriarch Cyril Loukaris
Tramandare la memoria sociale del Novecento: L’archivio di Gino Cerrito presso la Biblioteca di scienze sociali dell’Università di Firenze. Atti della giornata di studio (Firenze, 21 novembre 2019)
Author/Editor: Enrica Boldrini,Lucilla Conigliello
Trajectories: selected papers in East Asian studies 軌跡
Author/Editor: Ikuko Sagiyama,Miriam CASTORINA
Trajectories of State Formation across Fifteenth-Century Islamic West-Asia: Eurasian Parallels, Connections and Divergences
Author/Editor: Jo Van Steenbergen
Trajectories of Memory: Excavating the Past in Indonesia
Author/Editor: Melani Budianta,Sylvia Tiwon
The Train That Had Wings: Selected Stories of M. Mukundan
Author/Editor: M. Mukundan,Donald Davis
The Train Journey : Transit, Captivity, and Witnessing in the Holocaust
Author/Editor: Gigliotti ,Simone
The Train Journey
Tra i libri di Isacco Argiro
Author/Editor: Anna Gioffreda
Trailblazing in Entrepreneurship: Creating New Paths for Understanding the Field
Author/Editor: Dean A. Shepherd,Holger Patzelt
Tragsessel in europäischen Herrschaftszentren: Vom Spätmittelalter bis Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Mario Döberl,Alejandro López Àlaverez
Tragischer Liberalismus
Author/Editor: Leonie Hunter
Tragfähigkeit mechanischer und geklebter Verbindungsmittel in Buchenfurnierschichtholz
Author/Editor: Nico Meyer
Tra genere e generi: Tradurre e pubblicare testi per ragazze e ragazzi
Author/Editor: Roberta Pederzoli,Valeria Illuminati
Tragedy and Triumph: Early Testimonies of Jewish Survivors of World War II
Author/Editor: Freda Hodge
Trafülkantun: cantos cruzados entre Garrido y Curilem
Author/Editor: Laura Jordán,Andrea Salazar
Traffic Jams: Analysing Everyday Life through the Immanent Materialism of Deleuze & Guattari
Author/Editor: David R. Cole
Traffici commerciali e approdi portuali nella Sardegna meridionale: Analisi dei contenitori da trasporto e dei contesti subacquei (III-VII secolo)
Author/Editor: Laura Soro
Tra economia e politica: l'internazionalizzazione di Finmeccanica, Eni ed Enel
Author/Editor: Francesco RENDA,Roberto Ricciuti
Traduzione di Deideia / Dell’idea e Amagao meu amor / Macao amore mio: Omaggio al poeta
Author/Editor: António Correia,Michela Graziani,Anna Tylusinska-Kowalska
Traduzione di A presença dos dias / La presenza dei giorni
Author/Editor: Adalberto Alves,Michela Graziani,Anna Tylusinska Kowalska
Traduzione di A China fica ao lado / La Cina è accanto
Author/Editor: Maria Ondina Braga,Michela Graziani,Anna Tylusinska-Kowalska
Traduire Cicéron au XVe siècle Le ›Livre des offices‹ d'Anjourrant Bourré V: Édition critique
Author/Editor: Olivier Delsaux
Tradition und Zukunft - die Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen - eine Leistungsbilanz zum 65. Geburtstag von Elmar Mittler
Author/Editor: Bargheer, Margo,Ceynowa, Klaus
Tradition und Traditionsverhalten: Literaturwissenschaftliche Zugänge und kulturhistorische Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Karolin Toledo Flores,Dirk Werle,Philip Reich
Tradition und Schrift: Eine Verhältnisbestimmung bei Wolfhart Pannenberg und Walter Kasper
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Maikranz
Tradition und Moderne in der Literatur der Schweiz im 20. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Pormeister ,Eve,Graubner ,Hans
Tradition und Moderne in Bewegung
Author/Editor: Seyda Ozil,Michael Hofmann,Jens-Peter Laut,Yasemin Dayioglu-Yücel,Cornelia Zierau,Didem Uca
Tradition und Innovation in der sowjetrussischen Dorfprosa der sechziger und siebziger Jahre: Zu Funktion, Darstellung und Gehalt des doerflichen Helden bei Vasilij Šukšin und Valentin Rasputin
Author/Editor: Heide Wüst
Tradition und Diskurs: Wandel als Möglichkeit islamischer Hermeneutik
Author/Editor: Amir Dziri
Tradition through Modernity: Postmodernism and the Nation-State in Folklore Scholarship
Author/Editor: Anttonen J. ,Pertti
Tradition through Modernity: Postmodernism and the Nation-State in Folklore Scholarship
Traditions in German-Speaking Mathematics Education Research
Author/Editor: Hans Niels Jahnke,Lisa Hefendehl-Hebeker
Tradition: Ein christlich-muslimisches Gespräch
Author/Editor: Katrin Visse
Tradition and Innovation in Old English Metre
Author/Editor: Rachel A. Burns,Rafael J. Pascual
Traditional Authority and Security in Contemporary Nigeria
Author/Editor: David Ehrhardt,David Oladimeji Alao,M. Sani Umar
Traditional Authorities in Africa. Resurgence in an Era of Democratisation
Author/Editor: Ubink ,Janine
Trading Zones of Digital History
Author/Editor: Max Kemman
Trading places: Accessing Land in African Cities
Author/Editor: Mark Napier,Stephen Berrisford,Caroline Wanjiku Kihato,Rob McGaffin,Lauren Royston
Trading Justice for Peace? Reframing reconciliation in TRC processes in South Africa, Canada and Nordic countries
Author/Editor: Stanley Henkeman,Sigríður Guðmarsdóttir,Line M. Skum,Sigríður Guðmarsdóttir,Paulette Regan,Paulette Regan,Demaine Solomons,Demaine Solomons,Tore Johnsen,Kjell-Åke Nordquist
Trade Unions on YouTube: Online Revitalization in Sweden
Author/Editor: Jenny Jansson,Katrin Uba
Trade Unions in the European Union
Author/Editor: Jeremy Waddington,Torsten Müller,Kurt Vandaele
Trade Union Cooperation in Europe: Patterns, Conditions, Issues
Author/Editor: Bengt Furåker,Bengt Larsson
Trade and Women’s Economic Empowerment: Evidence from Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Author/Editor: Yiagadeesen Samy,Adeniran Adedeji,Augustine Iraoya,Madhurjya Kumar Dutta,Jasmine Lal Fakmawii,Wen Hao
Tractatus mythologicus Theorie und Methodik zur Erforschung von Mythen als Grundlegung einer allgemeinen, transmedialen und komparatistischen Stoffwissenschaft
Author/Editor: Christian Zgoll
Tracks from the Crypt
Author/Editor: John Mowitt,Rebecca Boguska,Vinzenz Hediger
Tracking von Menschen und menschlichen Zuständen
Author/Editor: Patrick Dunau
Tracking Rural Change
Author/Editor: Merlan ,Francesca,Raftery ,David
Tracing the Melanesian Person: Emotions and Relationships in Lihir
Author/Editor: Hemer R ,Susan
Tracing the Jerusalem Code: Volume 3: The Promised Land Christian Cultures in Modern Scandinavia (ca. 1750–ca. 1920)
Author/Editor: Ragnhild Johnsrud Zorgati,Anna Bohlin
Tracing the Jerusalem Code: Volume 2: The Chosen People Christian Cultures in Early Modern Scandinavia (1536–ca. 1750)
Author/Editor: Eivor Andersen Oftestad,Joar Haga
Tracing the consequences of child poverty
Author/Editor: Jo Boyden,Andrew Dawes,Paul Dornan,Colin Tredoux
Tracing the Atom: Nuclear Legacies in Russia and Central Asia
Author/Editor: Susanne Bauer,Tanja Penter
Tracing Pathways 雲路: Interdisciplinary Studies on Modern and Contemporary East Asia
Author/Editor: Diego CUCINELLI,Andrea Scibetta
Traces of War
Author/Editor: Davis ,Colin
Traces of the Old, Uses of the New: The Emergence of Digital Literary Studies
Author/Editor: Amy Earhart
Traces of the Foreign: The Reception of Translations of Spanish American Prose in Poland in 1945-2005 from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication
Author/Editor: Malgorzata Gaszynska-Magiera
Traces of the Animal Past: Methodological Challenges in Animal History
Author/Editor: Jennifer Bonnell,Sean Kheraj
Traces of Ink: Experiences of Philology and Replication
Author/Editor: Lucia Raggetti
Traces of Contact in the Lexicon: Austronesian and Papuan Studies
Author/Editor: Marian Klamer,Francesca Moro
Traces numériques. De la production à l'interprétation: De la production à l'interprétation
Author/Editor: Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec,Sami Zlitni
Traces numériques: De la production à l'interprétation
Author/Editor: Sami Zlitni,Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec
Trace element supplementation as a management tool for anaerobic digester operation
Author/Editor: Roussel ,Jimmy,Fermoso G. ,Fernando,Collins ,Gavin,Van Hullebusch ,Eric,Esposito ,Giovanni,Mucha Paula ,Ana
Trace Elements in Anaerobic Biotechnologies
Author/Editor: Fernando G. Fermoso,Eric van Hullebusch,Gavin Collins,Jimmy Roussel,Ana Paula Mucha,Giovanni Esposito
Trace Elements in Abiotic and Biotic Environments
Author/Editor: Alina Kabata-Pendias,Barbara Szteke
Tracce di iper-in-visibilità: Rappresentazione e disparità di genere: uno sguardo sulla quotidianità
Author/Editor: Valeria Bucchetti,Francesca Casnati
Trabajo, género y vida cotidiana en Iberoamérica
Author/Editor: Valentina Viego,Juliana A. O. de Camilo
Tra argento, grano e panni: Piero Pantella, un operatore italiano nella Ragusa del primo Quattrocento
Author/Editor: Paola Pinelli
Tra archivi e storia: Scritti dedicati ad Alessandra Contini Bonacossi
Author/Editor: Elisabetta Insabato,Rosalia Manno Tolu,Anna Scattigno,Ernestina Pellegrini
Tra Archeologia e Archeometria: Uno studio archeometrico e storico-economico di alcune ceramiche provenienti dai Monti Sicani e dalla chora di Camarina
Author/Editor: Federica Pendolino
Tra altari e barricate: La vita religiosa a Roma durante la Repubblica romana del 1849
Author/Editor: Jacopo De Santis
Toy Story: How Pixar Reinvented the Animated Feature
Author/Editor: Susan Smith,Noel Brown,Sam Summers
Toxoplasmosis: Epidemiology, Prevention and Control
Author/Editor: Ionela Hotea,Gheorghe Dărăbuș
TOX: lezioni di tossicologia
Author/Editor: Piero Dolara
Toxic truths: Environmental justice and citizen science in a post-truth age
Author/Editor: Thom Davies,Alice Mah
Toxic Heritage: Legacies, Futures, and Environmental Injustice
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Kryder-Reid,Sarah May
Toxic Cyanobacteria in Water: A Guide to Their Public Health Consequences, Monitoring and Management
Author/Editor: Ingrid Chorus,Martin Welker
Toxic Chemicals: Risk Prevention Through Use Reduction
Author/Editor: Thomas E. Higgins,Irma Britton,Jayanti A. Sachdev,Stephen A. Engleman
Toward Undogmatic Reading: Narratology, Digital Humanities and Beyond
Author/Editor: Marie Flüh,Jan Horstmann,Janina Jacke,Mareike Schumacher
Towards User-Centric Transport in Europe 3: Making Digital Mobility Inclusive and Accessible
Author/Editor: Imre Keseru,Annette Randhahn
Towards Turkish American Literature: Narratives of Multiculturalism in Post-Imperial Turkey
Author/Editor: Elena Furlanetto,Barabar Buchenau
Towards the “Perfect” Weather Warning: Bridging Disciplinary Gaps through Partnership and Communication
Author/Editor: Brian Golding
Towards the Ethics of a Green Future
Author/Editor: Marcus Duewell,Gerhard Bos,Naomi van Steenbergen
Towards Sustainable Transport and Mobility: Perspectives on Travelling and Commuting in Small Island States
Author/Editor: Julia Kotzebue
Towards Sustainable Innovation: A five step approach to sustainable change
Author/Editor: Sven Pastoors,Ulrich Scholz,Joachim H. Becker,Rob van Dun
Towards Sustainable Global Food Systems: Conceptual and Policy Analysis of Agriculture, Food and Environment Linkages
Author/Editor: Ruerd Ruben,Jan Verhagen
Towards Socially Integrative Cities: Perspectives on Urban Sustainability in Europe and China
Author/Editor: Bernhard Müller,Jian Liu,Jianming Cai,Paulina Schiappacasse,Hans-Martin Neumann,Baojun Yang
Towards Shared Research: Participatory and Integrative Approaches in Researching African Environments
Author/Editor: Tobias Haller,Claudia Zingerli
Towards Responsible Plant Data Linkage: Data Challenges for Agricultural Research and Development
Author/Editor: Hugh F. Williamson,Sabina Leonelli
Towards Resilient Organizations and Societies: A Cross-Sectoral and Multi-Disciplinary Perspective
Author/Editor: Rómulo Pinheiro,Maria Laura Frigotto,Mitchell Young
Towards Principled Oceans Governance
Author/Editor: Donald R. Rothwell,David L. VanderZwaag
Towards Marine Ecosystem-based Management in the Wider Caribbean
Towards Interoperable Research Infrastructures for Environmental and Earth Sciences: A Reference Model Guided Approach for Common Challenges
Author/Editor: Zhiming Zhao,Margareta Hellström
Towards Human Rights Compliance in Australian Prisons
Author/Editor: Anita Mackay
Towards Gender Equity in Development
Author/Editor:   Anderson,Lori Beaman,Jean-Philippe Platteau
Towards Gender Equality in the Music Industry: Education, Practice and Strategies for Change
Author/Editor: Catherine Strong,Sarah Raine
Towards Gender Equality in Law: An Analysis of State Failures from a Global Perspective
Author/Editor: Gizem Guney,David Davies,Po-Han Lee
Towards Consistency and Transparency in Academic Integrity
Author/Editor: Salim Razi,Irene Glendinning,Tomáš Foltýnek
Towards Bayesian Model-Based Demography: Agency, Complexity and Uncertainty in Migration Studies
Author/Editor: Jakub Bijak
Towards a Systemic Theory of Irregular Migration: Explaining Ecuadorian Irregular Migration in Amsterdam and Madrid
Author/Editor: Gabriel Echeverría
Towards a Sustainable Future - Life Cycle Management: Challenges and Prospects
Author/Editor: Zbigniew Stanislaw Klos,Joanna Kalkowska,Jędrzej Kasprzak
Towards a Social History of Early Modern Dutch
Author/Editor: Burke ,Peter
Towards a Philosophical Anthropology of Culture: Naturalism, Relativism, and Skepticism
Author/Editor: Kevin M. Cahill
Towards an International Code of Conduct for Private Security Providers: A View from Inside a Multistakeholder Process
Author/Editor: Anne-Marie Buzatu
Towards an Integrated Agriculture
Author/Editor: Weijden van der ,W.J.,Wal van der ,H.,Graaf de ,H.J.,Brussel van ,N.A.,Keurs ter ,W.J.,Department Environmental Biology, University of Leiden, Th. Bakker, Agricultural Economics Institute
Towards a New Welfare State
Author/Editor: Sassen ,S.,Esping-Andersen ,G.
Towards a New Enlightenment - The Case for Future-Oriented Humanities
Author/Editor: Markus Gabriel,Christoph Horn,Anna Katsman,Wilhelm Krull,Anna Luisa Lippold,Corine Pelluchon,Ingo Venzke
Towards a New Curriculum: The DEREC Experience
Author/Editor: Atanasko Tuneski,ENRICA CAPORALI
Towards an Ethic of Autism: A Philosophical Exploration
Author/Editor: Kristien Hens
Towards an Emissions Trading System in Mexico: Rationale, Design and Connections with the Global Climate Agenda: Outlook on the first ETS in Latin-America and Exploration of the Way Forward
Author/Editor: Simone Lucatello
Towards a Natural Social Contract: Transformative Social-Ecological Innovation for a Sustainable, Healthy and Just Society
Author/Editor: Patrick Huntjens
Towards a Multiversity?: Universities between Global Trends and National Traditions
Author/Editor: Georg Krücken,Anna Kosmützky,Marc Torka
Towards a Metropolitan City Centre for Brussels
Author/Editor: Mathieu Berger,Sofie Vermeulen,Kobe Boussauw,Aniss M. Mezoued,Eric Corijn,Jean-Philippe De Visscher,Alexis Creten,Nicola da Schio,Jean-Michel Decroly,Jean-Philippe De Visscher
Towards a Global Core Value System in Doctoral Education
Author/Editor: Maresi Nerad,David Bogle,Ulrike Kohl,Conor O’Carroll,Christian Peters,Beate Scholz
Towards a Feminist Cinematic Ethics: Claire Denis, Emmanuel Levinas and Jean-Luc Nancy
Author/Editor: Kristin Hole
Towards a Digital Epistemology: Aesthetics and Modes of Thought in Early Modernity and the Present Age
Author/Editor: Jonas Ingvarsson
Towards a Democratic Franchise: Suffrage Reform in the Twentieth-Century Bahamas
Author/Editor: Stephen B. Aranha,Marietta Auer,Thomas Duve,Stefan Vogenauer
Towards a Decent Labour Market for Low-Waged Migrant Workers
Author/Editor: Conny Rijken,Tesseltje de Lange
Towards a data-driven military: A multi-disciplinary perspective
Author/Editor: Peter B.M.J. Pijpers,Mark Voskuijl,Robert Beeres
Towards a Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities between Europe and Latin America
Author/Editor: Pedro López-Roldán,Pedro López-Roldán,Sandra Fachelli,Sandra Fachelli
Towards a Common Software/Hardware Methodology for Future Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Author/Editor: Guillermo Payá-Vayá,Holger Blume
Towards a Climate-Neutral Europe: Curbing the Trend
Author/Editor: Jos Delbeke,Peter Vis
Toward a Theory of Peace: The Role of Moral Beliefs
Author/Editor: Randall Caroline Watson Forsberg,Matthew Evangelista,Neta C. Crawford
Toward a Sustainable Agriculture: Farming Practices and Water Use
Author/Editor: Henry Jordaan,Manfred Max Bergman
Toward a Radical Metaphysics of Socialism: Marx and Laruelle
Author/Editor: Katerina Kolozova
Toward a Pragmatist Sociology: John Dewey and the Legacy of C. Wright Mills
Author/Editor: Robert G. Dunn
Toward an Intercultural Natural History of Brazil: The Historia Naturalis Brasiliae Reconsidered
Author/Editor: Mariana Françozo
Toward an Inclusive Creative Writing: Threshold Concepts to Guide the Literary Curriculum
Author/Editor: Janelle Adsit
Toward a Liberalism
Author/Editor: Richard Flathman
Toward a Cognitive Classical Linguistics: The Embodied Basis of Constructions in Greek and Latin
Author/Editor: Egle Mocciaro,William Michael
Toward a Biopsychosocial Welfare State?: How Medicine and Psychology Transform Social Policy
Author/Editor: Nadine Reibling,Mareike Ariaans
Toussaint Louverture : A Black Jacobin in the Age of Revolutions
Author/Editor: Forsdick ,Charles,Høgsbjerg ,Christian
Toussaint Louverture
Tourismus und Klimawandel
Author/Editor: Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider,Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider,Dagmar Lund-Durlacher,Dagmar Lund-Durlacher,Marc Olefs,Marc Olefs,Franz Prettenthaler,Franz Prettenthaler
Tourismus in der Krise: COVID-19 als Auslöser für neue Geschäftsmodelle und Digitalisierung: Fallstudie mit Akteuren einer Flusskreuzfahrtdestination im ersten COVID-Lockdown
Author/Editor: Yves Clément Zimmermann
Tourism Research and Landscape Interpretation - Tourismusforschung und Landschaftsinterpretationen
Author/Editor: Werner Kreisel,Tobias Reeh
Tourism, Knowledge and Learning
Author/Editor: Eva Maria Jernsand,Maria Persson,Erik Lundberg
Tourism Geopolitics: Assemblages of Infrastructure, Affect, and Imagination
Author/Editor: Mary Mostafanezhad,Matilde Córdoba Azcárate,Roger Norum
Tourisme, mobilités et développement régional dans les Alpes Suisses: mise en scène et valeur territoriale. Montreux, Finhaut et Zermatt du XIXe siècle à nos jours
Author/Editor: Guex ,Delphine
Tourisme, mobilités et développement régional dans les Alpes Suisses: mise en scène et valeur territoriale. Montreux, Finhaut et Zermatt du XIXe siècle à nos jours
Tourisme et société: Mutations, enjeux et défis
Author/Editor: Georges Cazes,Jean-Michel Decroly,Klaus Weiermair,Jeffrey West,Florence Deprest,Anne-Marie Duquesne,Jean-Michel Dewailly,Roland Delbaere,Marie-Françoise Godart,Anya Diekmann,Arthur Haulot,Eric Hellendorff,Louis Jolin,Robert Lanquar,Mario Ruffino
Tourism And The Emergence Of Nation-States In The Arab Eastern Mediterranean, 1920s-1930s
Author/Editor: Jasmin Daam
Tourism and Heritage in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone
Author/Editor: Magdalena Banaszkiewicz
Tourism and Global Environmental Change
Author/Editor: Stefan Gössling,Michael C. Hall
Tourism and Conservation-based Development in the Periphery: Lessons from Patagonia for a Rapidly Changing World
Author/Editor: Trace Gale-Detrich,Andrea Ednie,Keith Bosak
Touring Pacific Cultures
Touchscreen Archaeology: Tracing Histories of Hands-On Media Practices
Author/Editor: Wanda Strauven
A Touch of Doubt: On Haptic Scepticism
Author/Editor: Rachel Aumiller
Touch of Civilization : Comparing American and Russian Internal Colonization
Author/Editor: Sabol ,Steve
The Touch of Civilization
Touch in the Time of Corona: Reflections on Love, Care, and Vulnerability in the Pandemic
Author/Editor: Kristin Veel,Henriette Steiner
Touch in the Helping Professions: Research, Practice and Ethics
Author/Editor: Martin Rovers,Judith Malette,Manal Guirguis-Younger
Touching Parchment: How Medieval Users Rubbed, Handled, and Kissed Their Manuscripts Volume 1: Officials and Their Books
Author/Editor: Kathryn Rudy
Touching at a Distance: Shakespeare's Theatre
Author/Editor: Johannes Ungelenk
TouchDevelop: Programming on the Go
Author/Editor: Nigel Horspool,Nikolai Tillmann,Judith Bishop
Author/Editor: Caterina Nirta,Danilo Mandic,Andrea Pavoni,Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos
To the Last Drop - Affective Economies of Extraction and Sentimentality
Author/Editor: Axelle Germanaz,Daniela Gutiérrez Fuentes,Sarah Marak,Heike Paul
Totenklage und Erzaehlkultur in Stinatz im suedlichen Burgenland
Author/Editor: Gerhard Neweklowsky,Károly Gaál
Tot de bodem: De toekomst van landbouw in Vlaanderen
Author/Editor: Maïka De Keyzer
The Total Work of Art in European Modernism
Author/Editor: David Roberts
Totalitarismustheorien in der jungen BRD: Zur Kritik des Nationalsozialismus und des Sowjetkommunismus in der Zeitschrift »Der Monat«
Author/Editor: Joachim Gmehling
Totalitarian Communication: Hierarchies, Codes and Messages
Author/Editor: Kirill Postoutenko
Toscana bilingue (1260 ca.–1430 ca.): Per una storia sociale del tradurre medievale
Author/Editor: Antonio Montefusco,Sara Bischetti,Michele Lodone,Cristiano Lorenzi
Torture: Moral Absolutes and Ambiguities (Volume 2)
Author/Editor: Bev Clucas,Gerry Johnstone,Tony Ward
Torture, Inhumanity and Degradation under Article 3 of the ECHR: Absolute Rights and Absolute Wrongs
Author/Editor: Natasa Mavronicola
Torture, Humiliate, Kill: Inside the Bosnian Serb Camp System
Author/Editor: Hikmet Karcic
Tortuosity and Microstructure Effects in Porous Media: Classical Theories, Empirical Data and Modern Methods
Author/Editor: Lorenz Holzer,Philip Marmet,Mathias Fingerle,Andreas Wiegmann,Matthias Neumann,Volker Schmidt
Torregarcía, Purpura y Agua: Aplicación Histórica de Metodología No Invasiva en una Officina Purpuraria en el Litoral Almeriense (España)
Author/Editor: María Juana López Medina
Torlak Accentuation
Author/Editor: Ronelle Alexander
The Tories: From Winston Churchill to David Cameron
Author/Editor: Timothy Heppell
Torah, Temple, Land: Constructions of Judaism in Antiquity
Author/Editor: Markus Witte,Verena M. Lepper,Jens Schröter
Topologie-Optimierung eines radselektiv angesteuerten Fahrzeugs basierend auf einer optimalen Fahrzeugführungsregelung
Author/Editor: Manuel Schwartz
Topological Obstructions to Stability and Stabilization: History, Recent Advances and Open Problems
Author/Editor: Wouter Jongeneel,Emmanuel Moulay
The Topography of Modernity: Karl Philipp Moritz and the Space of Autonomy
Author/Editor: Elliott Schreiber
Topographies of Tolerance and Intolerance: Responses to Religious Pluralism in Reformation Europe
Author/Editor: Marjorie Elizabeth Plummer,Victoria Christman
Topographies of the Early Modern City
Author/Editor: Arthur Groos,Hans-Jochen Schiewer,Markus Stock
Topographie du sacré. L’emprise religieuse sur l’espace
Author/Editor: Anne Morelli,Anne Morelli,Jean-Pierre Gutton,Bram Cleys,Bruno De Meulder,Stephen Ricks,Alain Dierkens,Catherine Maurer,Michèle Broze,Aviva Cywié,Baudouin Decharneux,Benoît Beyer de Ryke,Christophe Cailleaux,Christophe Duhamelle
Topographie des Reiches Gottes: Die „Sammlung auserlesener Materien zum Bau des Reiches Gottes“ und ihre Fortsetzungsserien (Volume 066)
Author/Editor: Gergely Csukás
Topografien des 20. Jahrhunderts: Die memoriale Poetik des Stolperns in Haroldo de Campos' «Galáxias»
Author/Editor: Jasmin Wrobel
Topografie der Einbildungskraft: (Re-)Lektüren aus dem Diskurs des Gedenkens
Author/Editor: Sabine Kock
Topie Impitoyable: The Corporeal Politics of the Cloth, the Wall, and the Street / Les politiques corporelles du vêtement, du mur et la rue
Author/Editor: Léopold Lambert,Ana Kłosowska
Topics of Thought: The Logic of Knowledge, Belief, Imagination
Author/Editor: Francesco Berto
Topics in fluvial and lagoon morphodynamics
Author/Editor: Luca Solari
Topics in Complex Analysis
Author/Editor: Dan Romik
The Tools of Owatatsumi: Japan's Ocean Surveillance and Coastal Defence Capabilities
Author/Editor: Ball ,Desmond,Tanter ,Richard
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 28th International Conference, TACAS 2022, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022, Munich, Germany, April 2–7, 2022, Proceedings, Par
Author/Editor: Dana Fisman,Grigore Rosu
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 28th International Conference, TACAS 2022, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022, Munich, Germany, April 2–7, 2022, Proceedings, Par
Author/Editor: Dana Fisman,Grigore Rosu
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 29th International Conference, TACAS 2023, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022, Paris, France, April 22–27, 2023, Proceedings, Par
Author/Editor: Sriram Sankaranarayanan,Natasha Sharygina
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 29th International Conference, TACAS 2023, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022, Paris, France, April 22–27, 2023, Proceedings, Par
Author/Editor: Sriram Sankaranarayanan,Natasha Sharygina
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 26th International Conference, TACAS 2020, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2020, Dublin, Ireland, April 25–30, 2020, Proceedings, P
Author/Editor: Armin Biere,David Parker
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 24th International Conference, TACAS 2018, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 14-20, 2018, Proceedin
Author/Editor: Dirk Beyer,Marieke Huisman
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 26th International Conference, TACAS 2020, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2020, Dublin, Ireland, April 25–30, 2020, Proceedings, P
Author/Editor: Armin Biere,David Parker
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 25 Years of TACAS: TOOLympics, Held as Part of ETAPS 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, April 6–11, 2019, Proceedings, Part III
Author/Editor: Dirk Beyer,Marieke Huisman,Fabrice Kordon,Bernhard Steffen
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 24th International Conference, TACAS 2018, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 14-20, 2018, Proceedin
Author/Editor: Dirk Beyer,Marieke Huisman
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 25th International Conference, TACAS 2019, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, April 6–11, 2019, Proceedi
Author/Editor: Tomáš Vojnar,Lijun Zhang
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 27th International Conference, TACAS 2021, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2021, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, March 27 – April 1, 2
Author/Editor: Jan Friso Groote,Kim Guldstrand Larsen
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 27th International Conference, TACAS 2021, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2021, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, March 27 – April 1, 2
Author/Editor: Jan Friso Groote,Kim Guldstrand Larsen
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 25th International Conference, TACAS 2019, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, April 6–11, 2019, Proceedi
Author/Editor: Tomáš Vojnar,Lijun Zhang
Tony Conrad. Video - und darüber hinaus
Author/Editor: Lurk ,Tabea
Tone in Yongning Na: Lexical tones and morphotonology
Author/Editor: Michaud ,Alexis
Tone in Yongning Na: Lexical tones and morphotonology
Tonal placement in Tashlhiyt : How an intonation system accommodates to adverse phonological environments
Author/Editor: Roettger B. ,Timo
Tonal placement in Tashlhiyt
Tonality as Drama : Closure and Interruption in Four Twentieth-Century American Operas
Author/Editor: Latham ,Edward
Tonality as Drama
The tombs and Moon temple of Hureidha (Hadhramaut)
Author/Editor: G. Caton Thompson
To Make Negro Literature: Writing, Literary Practice, and African American Authorship
Author/Editor: Elizabeth McHenry
Tolerated Evil: Prostitution in the Kingdom of Poland in the Nineteenth Century
Author/Editor: Jolanta Sikorska-Kulesza
Tokens in Classical Athens and Beyond
Author/Editor: M.E. Gkikaki
To Jerusalem and Beyond: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Latin Travel Literature, c.1200-1500
Author/Editor: Susanna Fischer,Philip Booth,Martin M. Bauer
Toiveiden maa: Ylioppilaiden matkakertomuksia autonomian ajalta
Author/Editor: Ulla Piela
Toista ajatellen: Historiallisia ja kulttuurisia näkökulmia toiseuden kohtaamiseen
Author/Editor: Sari Kivistö,Sami Pihlström
Togo Mizrahi and the Making of Egyptian Cinema
Author/Editor: Deborah A. Starr
Togetherness in South Africa
Togetherness: A new heritage deal for Europe
Author/Editor: Hermann Parzinger
Toezicht op ondernemingen in de chemische industrie - 66
Author/Editor: Ale ,B.J.M.,Mertens ,F.J.H.
Toevallige ontmoetingen: Bio-ethiek voor een gehavende planeet
Author/Editor: Kristien Hens
TOepassing van computersystemen in het onderwijs
Author/Editor: Moonen ,J.
Toekomstige zorgbehoefte in Nederland; een kwantitatieve verkenning
Author/Editor: Mheen van de ,P.J.,Barendregt ,J.J.
Tod und Tabu in der Pandemie: Kulturökonomische Lehren aus der Covid-19-Politik
Author/Editor: Ernst Mohr
Tod im Kino: Indexikalisches Sterben in ikonisch-symbolischen Ordnungen des kinematographischen Diskurses
Author/Editor: Christoph Seelinger
Tocqueville and Democracy in the Internet Age
Author/Editor: Delogu Jon ,C.
To Build as Well as Destroy: American Nation Building in South Vietnam
Author/Editor: Gawthorpe Andrew
To Be Unfree : Republicanism and Unfreedom in History, Literature, and Philosophy
Author/Editor: Dahl ,Christian,Nexø ,Tue Andersen
To Be Unfree
To Be, or Not to Be: Paraphrased
Author/Editor: Bardsley Rosenbridge
To Be a Minority Teacher in a Foreign Culture: Empirical Evidence from an International Perspective
Author/Editor: Mary Gutman,Wurud Jayusi,Michael Beck,Zvi Bekerman
Tobacco Control Policy in the Netherlands: Between Economy, Public Health, and Ideology
Author/Editor: Marc C. Willemsen
Töne und Schälle: Robert Walser-Vertonungen 1912 bis 2021
Author/Editor: Roman Brotbeck
Télédétection et modélisation spatiale: Applications à la surveillance et au contrôle des maladies liées aux moustiques
Author/Editor: Annelise Tran,Éric Daudé,Thibault Catry
Tissue Engineering - Rechtliche Grenzen und Voraussetzungen
Author/Editor: Wernscheid, Verena
Tiroler Geotechniktag 2022: Naturgefahren
Author/Editor: Robert Hofmann
Tipy informacij dlja poverchnostno-semantičeskogo komponenta modeli smysl-tekst
Author/Editor: Jurij D. Apresjan
Tinqueux « la Haubette » (Marne, France): Un site exceptionnel du Néolithique ancien
Author/Editor: Lamys Hachem
Timur Kibirovs dichterisches Werk in seiner Entwicklung (1979–2009): Ringen um Werte in einer Zeit der Umbrueche
Author/Editor: Marion Rutz
Timor-Leste's Bill of Rights: A Preliminary History
Author/Editor: Devereux ,Annemarie
Timing is Everything
Author/Editor: Greener ,Peter
Timing and Time Perception: Procedures, Measures, & Applications
Author/Editor: Argiro Vatakis,Fuat Balcı,Massimiliano Di Luca,Ángel Correa
A Time Travel Dialogue
Author/Editor: Carroll W. ,John
Times of Insight: Conscience, Corporations, and the Common Good
Author/Editor: Kenneth E. Goodpaster
Time Predictions: Understanding and Avoiding Unrealism in Project Planning and Everyday Life
Author/Editor: Torleif Halkjelsvik,Magne Jørgensen
Time-Periodic Solutions to the Equations of Magnetohydrodynamics with Background Magnetic Field
Author/Editor: Jens-Henning Möller
Time, Migration and Forced Immobility: Sub- Saharan African Migrants in Morocco
Author/Editor: Inka Stock
Time in Music and Culture
Author/Editor: Ludwik Bielawski
Time in Ancient Greek Literature: Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Irene J.F. de Jong,René Nünlist
Time Geography in the Global Context: An Anthology
Author/Editor: Kajsa Ellegård
Time for the Ancients: Measurement, Theory, Experience
Author/Editor: P. N. Singer
A Time for Metabolism and Hormones
Author/Editor: Paolo Sassone-Corsi,Yves Christen
Time for mapping: Cartographic temporalities
Author/Editor: Sam Hind,Chris Perkins,Alex Gekker,Daniel Evans,Sybille Lammes,Clancy Wilmott
Time Distortions in Mind: Temporal Processing in Clinical Populations
Author/Editor: Argiro Vatakis,Melissa Allman
Time Distortions in Mind
Author/Editor: Vatakis ,A.,Allman ,M.
Time Distortions in Mind
A Time Bomb Lies Buried
Author/Editor: Lal V. ,Brij
Time-Based Design Paradigms
Author/Editor: Anna Barbara,Gramegna Silvia Maria
Time and the Shared World: Heidegger on Social Relations
Author/Editor: Irene McMullin
Time and the Rhythms of Emancipatory Education: Rethinking the temporal complexity of self and society
Author/Editor: Michel Alhadeff-Jones
Time and the Ancestors: Aztec and Mixtec Ritual Art
Author/Editor: Maarten Jansen,Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez
Time and Space
Author/Editor: Maria do Rosário Monteiro,Mário S. Ming Kong,Maria João Pereira Neto
Time and Soul: From Aristotle to St. Augustine
Author/Editor: Johannes Zachhuber
Tilting at Windmills: the literary magazine in Australia, 1968-2012
Author/Editor: Edmonds ,Phillip
Tilintarkastus ja evaluaatio: Talouden ja sääntelyn vuoropuhelu
Author/Editor: Janne Ruohonen,Lili-Anne Kihn,Lasse Oulasvirta,Elisa Veikkola
Tijding en Tendens. Literatuurwetenschap in de Nederlanden
Author/Editor: Bru ,Sascha,Masschelein ,Anneleen
Tied and Bound: A Comparative View on Manuscript Binding
Author/Editor: Alessandro Bausi,Michael Friedrich
Tid for anerkjennelse: Andre verdenskrig i nåtid og i fortid
Author/Editor: Trond Bjerkås,Thomas V. H. Hagen,Gunhild Aaby
Tides of Innovation in Oceania: Value, materiality and place
Tid att städa: Om vardagsstädningens praktik och politik
Author/Editor: Fanny Ambjörnsson
TIC’s latinoamericanas Antecedentes, tendencias, usos y representaciones
Author/Editor: Machado da Silveira C. ,Ada,Carter Poggi ,Marina,Masi Duarte ,Sergio
TIC’s latinoamericanas Antecedentes, tendencias, usos y representaciones
Ética sexual y estética de la existencia en la antigua Grecia: "reflexiones sobre la homosexualidad desde Focault"
Author/Editor: Rubén Darío Montoya Gómez
Tibetan Printing: Comparison, Continuities, and Change
Author/Editor: Hildegard Diemberger,Franz-Karl Ehrhard,Peter Kornicki
The Tibetan Nun Mingyur Peldrön: A Woman of Power and Privilege
Author/Editor: Alison Melnick Dyer
The Tiberian Pronunciation Tradition of Biblical Hebrew: Volume 2
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Khan
The Tiberian Pronunciation Tradition of Biblical Hebrew: Volume 1
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Khan
Thyroid Surgery
Author/Editor: Mario Testini,Angela Gurrado
The Thun-Hohenstein University Reforms 1849–1860
Author/Editor: Aichner ,Christof,Mazohl ,Brigitte
Thunau am Kamp - Das frühmittelalterliche Gräberfeld auf der Oberen Holzwiese
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Nowotny,Barbara Horejs
Thumb Culture: The Meaning of Mobile Phones for Society
Author/Editor: Peter Glotz,Stefan Bertschi,Chris Locke
Thuis voorlezen met digitale prentenboeken: Een veelbelovende interventie voor twee- en driejarigen met een taalachterstand?
Author/Editor: Adriana Bus,Rosalie Anstadt
Thuis voelen in de buurt: een opgave voor stedelijke vernieuwing
Author/Editor: Van der Graaf ,Peter,Duyvendak ,Jan Willem
Through the Back Door: The Black Market in Poland 1944–1989
Author/Editor: Jerzy Kochanowski
Through a Glass Darkly: The Social Sciences Look at the Neoliberal University
Author/Editor: Thornton ,Margaret
Three-Way Street: Jews, Germans, and the Transnational
Author/Editor: Leslie Morris,Jay Howard Geller
Three Nations, One Place
Author/Editor: Martha McCollough
Three foundations: A competitive, sustainable, inclusive Europe
Author/Editor: Tim Bending,European Investment Bank,Rocco L. Bubbico
Three Essays on Empirical Asset Pricing in International Equity Markets
Author/Editor: Birgit Charlotte Müller
Three Early Mahāyāna Treatises from Gandhāra: Bajaur Kharoṣṭhī Fragments 4, 6, and 11
Author/Editor: Andrea Schlosser
Three Chapters on Courtly Love in Arthurian France and Germany: Lancelot—Andreas Capellanus—Wolfram von Eschenbach's "Parzival"
Author/Editor: Hermann J. Weigand
Three Centuries of Conflict in East Timor
Author/Editor: Douglas Kammen
The Three Ages of Government: From the Person, to the Group, to the World
Author/Editor: Jos C.N. Raadschelders
Thou Shalt Forget: Indigenous sovereignty, resistance and the production of cultural oblivion in Canada
Author/Editor: Pierrot Ross-Tremblay
Thoughts on grammaticalization
Author/Editor: Lehmann ,Christian
Thoughts on grammaticalization
Thoughts and Ways of Thinking : Source Theory and Its Applications
Author/Editor: Brown ,Benjamin
Thoughts and Ways of Thinking
The Thought Remolding Campaign of the Chinese Communist Party-state
Author/Editor: Hu Ping
Thoughtrave: An Interdimensional Conversation with Lady Gaga
Author/Editor: Robert Craig Baum,Brianne Bolin,George Elerick
"Those Infidel Greeks" (2 vols.): The Greek War of Independence through Ottoman Archival Documents
Author/Editor: H. Şükrü Ilıcak
Thomistic Principles and Bioethics
Author/Editor: Jason T. Eberl
Thomas Mann's War: Literature, Politics, and the World Republic of Letters
Author/Editor: Tobias Boes
Thomas Frederick Tout (1855-1929): Refashioning history for the twentieth century
Author/Editor: Caroline M. Barron,Joel T. Rosenthal
Thomas Erastus and the Palatinate: A Renaissance Physician in the Second Reformation
Author/Editor: Charles D. Gunnoe
Thomas Annan of Glasgow
Author/Editor: Gossman ,Lionel
Théologies de la guerre
Author/Editor: Jean-Philippe Schreiber,Jean-Philippe Schreiber,Jean Levi,Monique Weis,Olivier Chaline,Frédérique Dufour,Annette Becker,Anne Morelli,Baudouin Decharneux,Jean-Charles Ducène,Régine Azria
thN Lng Folk 2go: Investigating Future Premoderns™
Author/Editor: The Confraternity of Neoflagellants
This Was Not Our War : Bosnian Women Reclaiming the Peace
Author/Editor: Hunt ,Swanee
This Was Not Our War
This Land Is Not For Sale: Trust and Transitions in Northern Uganda
Author/Editor: Lotte Meinert,Susan Reynolds Whyte
This Is Not an Atlas: A Global Collection of Counter-Cartographies
Author/Editor: kollektiv orangotango+
This is not a grass skirt: On fibre skirts (liku) and female tattooing (veiqia) in nineteenth century Fiji
Author/Editor: Karen Jacobs
This Gaming Life: Travels in Three Cities
Author/Editor: Jim Rossignol
This Contentious Storm: An Ecocritical and Performance History of King Lear
Author/Editor: Jennifer Mae Hamilton
This Cannot Happen Here: Integration and Jewish Resistance in the Netherlands, 1940-1945
Author/Editor: Braber ,Ben
Thirteen Fundamental Psychological Needs
Author/Editor: Pieter M.A. Desmet,Steven F. Fokkinga
The Third Way and beyond: Criticisms, futures and alternatives
Author/Editor: Hale ,Sarah,Leggett ,Will,Martell ,Luke
The Third Sector as a Renewable Resource for Europe: Concepts, Impacts, Challenges and Opportunities
Author/Editor: Bernard Enjolras,Lester M. Salamon,Karl Henrik Sivesind,Annette Zimmer
Third report on the excavations on the site of the Roman town at Wroxeter, Shropshire, 1914
Author/Editor: Joscelyn Plunkett Bushe-Fox
Third Report on the Excavations of the Roman Fort at Richborough, Kent
Author/Editor: J. P. Bushe-Fox
Third language acquisition: Age, proficiency and multilingualism
Author/Editor: Camilla Bardel,Laura Sánchez
Third-Generation Holocaust Representation : Trauma, History, and Memory
Author/Editor: Aarons ,Victoria,Berger ,Alan
Third-Generation Holocaust Representation
Thinking with an Accent: Toward a New Object, Method, and Practice
Author/Editor: Pooja Rangan,Akshya Saxena,Ragini Srinivasan,Pavitra Sundar
Thinking Time Geography: Concepts, Methods and Applications
Author/Editor: Kajsa Ellegård
Thinking the Re-Thinking of the World: Decolonial Challenges to the Humanities and Social Sciences from Africa, Asia and the Middle East
Author/Editor: Kai Kresse,Abdoulaye Sounaye
Thinking the Problematic: Genealogies and Explorations between Philosophy and the Sciences
Author/Editor: Oliver Leistert,Isabell Schrickel
The Thinking State?
Author/Editor: Schuyt ,K.,Latour ,B.,Balkenende ,J.P.,Donk van de ,W.B.J.,Hemerijkck ,A.C.,Anderson ,L.,Dror ,Y.,Vignon ,J.,Weingart ,P.
Thinking of Space Relationally: Critical Realism Beyond Relativism - A Manifold Study of the Artworld in Beijing
Author/Editor: Xiaoxue Gao
Thinking Narratively: Between Novel-Essay and Narrative Essay
Author/Editor: Massimo Fusillo,Gianluigi Simonetti,Lorenzo Marchese
Thinking Media Aesthetics: Media Studies, Film Studies and the Arts
Author/Editor: Liv Hausken
Thinking Literature across Continents
Author/Editor: Ghosh ,Ranjan,Miller ,J. Hillis
Thinking Literature across Continents
Thinking like a Climate: Governing a City in Times of Environmental Change
Author/Editor: Hannah Knox
Thinking Beyond Sectors for Sustainable Development
Author/Editor: Waage ,Jeff,Yap ,Christopher
Thinking Beyond Sectors for Sustainable Development
Thinking and Killing - Philosophical Discourse in the Shadow of the Third Reich
Author/Editor: Segev ,Alon
Thinking and Killing - Philosophical Discourse in the Shadow of the Third Reich
Thinking and Killing: Philosophical Discourse in the Shadow of the Third Reich
Author/Editor: Alon Segev
Thinking About Dementia
Author/Editor: Leibing ,Annette,Cohen ,Lawrence
Thinking About Criminology
Author/Editor: Simon Holdaway,Paul Rock
Thinking about Christian Life in the Turmoil Times of the Middle East - Insights and Reflections from East and West
Author/Editor: Martin Tamcke,Claudia Rammelt
Think Big, Start Small: StreetScooter die e-mobile erfolgsstory: Innovationsprozesse radikal effizienter
Author/Editor: Achim Kampker,Jürgen Gerdes,Günther Schuh
Things that travelled-Mediterranean Glass in the First Millennium CE
The Things That Really Matter: Philosophical conversations on the cornerstones of life
Author/Editor: Michael Hauskeller
Things in Culture, Culture in Things
Author/Editor: Kannike ,Anu,Laviolette ,Patrick
Things in Culture, Culture in Things
Thin Culture, High Art: Gogol, Hawthorne, and Authorship in Nineteenth-Century Russia and America
Author/Editor: Anne Lounsbery
Thick Evaluation
Author/Editor: Kirchin ,Simon
The(y)ology: Mythopoetics for Queer/Trans Liberation
Author/Editor: Max Yeshaye Brumberg-Kraus
They did not stop at Eboli
Author/Editor: Karin Priem,Giovanna Hendel,Carole Naggar
They Came to Murramarang
Author/Editor: Hamon ,Bruce,Greig ,Alastair,Feary ,Sue
They Aren’t, Until I Call Them: Performing the Subject in American Literature
Author/Editor: Enikö Bollobás
“The Turk” in the Czech Imagination (1870s-1923)
Author/Editor: Jitka Malečková
“The Truth about the Desert” : Exile, Memory, and the Making of Communities among Malian Tuareg Refugees in Niger
Author/Editor: Diallo ,Souleymane
“The Truth about the Desert”
'The truest form of patriotism': Pacifist feminism in Britain, 1870-1902
Author/Editor: Brown ,Heloise
'The truest form of patriotism': Pacifist feminism in Britain, 1870-1902
“The Sting of Death” and Other Stories
Author/Editor: Toshio Shimao
"The Star" for Beginners: Introductions to the Magnum Opus of Franz Rosenzweig
Author/Editor: Martin Brasser,Francesco Paolo Ciglia,Petar D. Bojanić
The Stains of Imprisonment: Moral Communication and Men Convicted of Sex Offenses
Author/Editor: Alice Ievins
These Oppressions Won't Cease
"The Romano-British Villa and Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Eccles, Kent": A Summary of the Excavations by Alex Detsicas with a Consideration of the Archaeological, Historical and Linguistic Context
Author/Editor: Nick Stoodley,Stephen R. Cosh
-: The Role of Technology in Subverting Digital Copyright
Author/Editor: Hector Postigo
Thermomechanischer Kontakt und stochastische Dynamik gleitender Körper mit rauen Oberflächen
Author/Editor: Lukas Julian Oestringer
Thermomechanical Modeling and Experimental Characterization of Sheet Molding Compound Composites
Author/Editor: Juliane Lang
Thermodynamik von Kobaltoxid Anodenmaterialien für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien und ihr elektrochemisches Verhalten
Author/Editor: Nicolas A. Mayer
Thermodynamically consistent space-time discretization of non-isothermal mechanical systems in the framework of GENERIC
Author/Editor: Mark Georg Schiebl
Thermische Untersuchungen an Laser-aktivierten Leuchtstoff-Systemen mit dynamischer Leuchtdichteverteilung
Author/Editor: Maximilian Vogl
There ís water: A traveller’s view of the Xhariepean community in transition
Author/Editor: Lut Teck,Jeanne-Leanne Smit
There's No Such Thing as "The Economy": Essays on Capitalist Value
Author/Editor: Samuel A. Chambers
There is no Software, there are just Services
Author/Editor: Irina Kaldrack,Martina Leeker
"The Plague Cemetery of Alghero, Sardinia (1582-1583) ": The Bioarchaeological Study
Author/Editor: Valentina Giuffra
'The Philosophes' by Charles Palissot
Author/Editor: Jessica Goodman,Olivier Ferret
Theory of Vibrating Lifting Tools of Sugar Beet Harvesters
Author/Editor: Volodymyr Bulgakov,Simone Pascuzzi,Ivan Holovach,Olt Jüri,Adamchuk Valerii,Santoro Francesco
A Theory of Regret
Author/Editor: Price ,Brian
A Theory of Regret
Theory of Provocation: In Light of Political Science
Author/Editor: Mirosław Karwat
A Theory of ISIS : Political Violence and the Transformation of the Global Order
Author/Editor: Mohamedou ,Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould
A Theory of ISIS
Theory Is Like a Surging Sea
Author/Editor: Michael Munro
Theory into practice: Composition, Performance and the Listening Experience
Author/Editor: Nicholas Cook,Peter Johnson,Hans Zender
Theory and reform in the European Union
Author/Editor: Chryssochoou ,Dimitris N.,Tsinisizelis ,Michael J.,Stavridis ,Stelios,Ifantis ,Kostas
Theory and reform in the European Union
Theory and Methods for Sociocultural Research in Science and Engineering Education
Author/Editor: Gregory J. Kelly,Judith L. Green
Theory and description in African Linguistics: Selected papers from the 47th Annual Conference on African Linguistics
Author/Editor: Emily Clem,Peter Jenks,Hannah Sande
Theory and Applications of Ordered Fuzzy Numbers: A Tribute to Professor Witold Kosiński
Author/Editor: Piotr Prokopowicz,Jacek Czerniak,Dariusz Mikołajewski,Łukasz Apiecionek,Dominik Ślȩzak
The Theory and Applications of Instanton Calculations
Author/Editor: Manu Paranjape
Theorizing Teaching: Current Status and Open Issues
Author/Editor: Anna-Katharina Praetorius,Charalambos Y. Charalambous
Theorizing Feminist Ethics of Care in Early Childhood Practice: Possibilities and Dangers
Author/Editor: Rachel Langford
Theorizing Cultures of Political Violence in Times of Austerity: Studying Social Movements in Comparative Perspective
Author/Editor: Joanna Rak
Theorising Justice: A Primer for Social Scientists
Author/Editor: Johanna Ohlsson,Stephen Przybylinski
Theorie und Systematik materialer Textkulturen: Abschlussband des SFB 933
Author/Editor: Nikolaus Dietrich,Ludger Lieb,Nele Schneidereit
Theorie und Praxis der Unternehmerfamilie und des Familienunternehmens – Theory and Practice of Business Families and Family Businesses: Festschrift für Arist von Schlippe – Commemorative Publication for Arist von Schlippe (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Tom A. Rüsen,Tom A. Rüsen,Jürgen Kriz,Natalie Rauschendorfer,Jörg Mittelsten Scheid,Hermann Frank,Christo Schreiber,Andreas Hack,Adrian Thomas,Fritz B. Simon,Anita von Hertel,Claudia Astrachan Binz,Ethel Brundin,Dinah Spitzley,Torsten Pieper
Theorie und Politik der Steuerreform in der Demokratie
Author/Editor: Hugo Mann
Theorie und Politik der Personalsteuern: Eine Kritik ihrer Einkommens- und Vermoegensbegriffe mit Blick auf die Leistungsfaehigkeitstheorie
Author/Editor: Heinz Hessler,Anneliese Hessler-Otte
Theorie und Ideengeschichte der Steuergerechtigkeit: Eine steuertheoretische, steuerrechtliche und politische Betrachtung
Author/Editor: Reiner Sahm
Theorie und Empirie der Arzt-Patient-Beziehung: Zur Anwendung der Principal-Agent-Theorie auf die Gesundheitsnachfrage
Author/Editor: Udo Schneider
Theorie und Empirie der Alterssicherung in Deutschland: Eine Bestandsaufnahme zu den Versorgungswegen des Drei-Schichten-Modells unter Beruecksichtigung regionaler Aspekte
Author/Editor: Jörg Schoder
Theorie und Empirie betrieblicher Ausbildungsplatzangebote
Theories of Social Capital : Researchers Behaving Badly
Author/Editor: Fine ,Ben
Theories of Social Capital
Theories of Informetrics and Scholarly Communication
Author/Editor: Cassidy Sugimoto
Theories of History: History Read across the Humanities
Author/Editor: Michael J. Kelly,Arthur Rose
Theories in and of Mathematics Education
Author/Editor: Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs,Andreas Vohns,Oliver Schmitt,Regina Bruder,Willi Dörfler
Theories in Adult Learning and Education
Author/Editor: Paul Bélanger
Theorien in der qualitativen Bildungsforschung: Qualitative Bildungsforschung als Theoriegenerierung
Author/Editor: Robert Kreitz,Ingrid Miethe,Anja Tervooren
Theorie der Klassik: Eine kulturelle Praxis von Goethe bis Grandmaster Flash
Author/Editor: Paula Wojcik
Theoretische und praktische Entwicklung einer aufgeklebten CFK Stahlbetonverstärkung unter Berücksichtigung der vollständigen Kompatibilität zum Betonstahl
Author/Editor: Roman Sedlmair
Theoretical Knowledge in the Mohist Canon
Author/Editor: Matthias Schemmel,William G. Boltz
Theoretical Foundations of Synchrotron and Storage Ring RF Systems
Author/Editor: Harald Klingbeil,Ulrich Laier,Dieter Lens
The Theoretical Foundation of Dendritic Function: The Collected Papers of Wilfrid Rall with Commentaries
Author/Editor: Idan Segev,John Rinzel,Gordon M. Shepherd
Theoretical Comparative Syntax
Author/Editor: Naoki Fukui
Theoretical and Practical Advances in Computer-based Educational Measurement
Author/Editor: Bernard P. Veldkamp,Cor Sluijter
Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives on Higher Education Management and Transformation: An advanced reader for PhD students
Author/Editor: Elias Pekkola,Jussi Kivistö,Vuokko Kohtamäki,Yuzhuo Cai,Anu Lyytinen
Theoretical and Experimental Studies on Steady-State Microbunching
Author/Editor: Xiujie Deng
Theonyms, Panthea and Syncretisms in Hittite Anatolia and Northern Syria: Proceedings of the TeAI Workshop Held in Verona, March 25-26, 2022
Author/Editor: Livio Warbinek,FEDERICO GIUSFREDI
Theology Without Walls: The Transreligious Imperative
Author/Editor: Jerry L. Martin
Theology at the University of Pretoria - 100 years: (1917-2017) Past, present and future
Author/Editor: Buitendag ,Johan,Human J. ,Dirk,van Rensburg Janse ,Hanré,Meyer E. ,E.(Sias),Meylahn A. ,Johann,Ndoga S.(Sam) ,Sampson,Niemandt J. ,Cornelius,Pilay ,Jerry,Simut C. ,Corneliu,van Aarde G. ,Andries,van Aarde S. ,Attie,Beyers ,Jaco,Veldsman P. ,Daniël,Wepene
Theology and the (post)apartheid condition: Genealogies and future directions
Author/Editor: Rian Venter
Theology and Ecology across the Disciplines: On Care for Our Common Home (Volume 5)
Author/Editor: Celia Deane-Drummond,Rebecca Artinian-Kaiser
Theology and Ecology Across the Disciplines: On Care for Our Common Home
Author/Editor: Celia Deane-Drummond,Rebecca Artinian-Kaiser
Theologies of Childhood and the Children of Africa
Author/Editor: Grobbelaar ,Jan,Breed ,Gert
Theologie im öffentlichen Ethikdiskurs: Studien zur Rolle der Theologie in den nationalen Ethikgremien Deutschlands und der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Christine Schliesser
Theological Libraries and Library Associations in Europe: A Festschrift on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of BETH
Author/Editor: Leo Kenis,Penelope R. Hall,Marek Rostkowski
Theologian of Sin and Grace: The Process of Radicalization in the Theology of Matthias Flacius Illyricus (Volume 225, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Luka Ilic
Theodor Storm’s Novellen: Essays on Literary Technique
Author/Editor: E. Allen McCormick
Theodor Storm's Craft of Fiction: The Torment of a Narrator
Author/Editor: Clifford A. Bernd
Theodore Metochites’ Sententious Notes: Semeioseis gnomikai 61–70 & 72–81
Author/Editor: Staffan Wahlgren
Theodore Metochites on the Human Condition and the Decline of Rome: Semeioseis gnomikai 27–60
Author/Editor: Hult ,Karin
"The Neolithic Settlement of Aknashen (Ararat valley, Armenia)"
Author/Editor: Ruben Badalyan,Christine Chataigner
"The Neolithic Cemetery at Tell el-Kerkh"
Author/Editor: Akira Tsuneki,Naoko Hironaga
'The Most Dreadful Visitation': Male Madness in Victorian Fiction
Author/Editor: Pedlar ,Valerie
Themes in Plato, Aristotle, and Hellenistic Philosophy: Keeling Lectures 2011-18
Author/Editor: Fiona Leigh
Themenkarrieren in der Wissenschaft: Die Entstehung der Themen Stadtschrumpfung und Klimawandel in der Raumforschung
Author/Editor: Andreas Gravert
Thema und Anweisungsstruktur im Text mit einer Analyse des ersten Abschnittes aus "Noc s Hamletem" von Vladimír Holan
Author/Editor: Eva Nitsch
Their Footprints Remain
Author/Editor: McKay ,Alex
'The House of the Priest': A Palestinian Life (1885-1954)
Author/Editor: Sarah Irving,CHARBEL NASSIF,Sanchez Summerer Karène
«The good comic novel»: la narrativa comica di Henry Fielding e l’importanza dell’esempio cervantino
Author/Editor: Annalisa Martelli
グローバル・スマートフォン; The Global Smartphone: A Japanese Translation of The Global Smartphone; Beyond a Youth Technology
Author/Editor: Daniel Miller,Shireen Walton,Xinyuan Wang,Laila Abed Rabho,Patrick Awondo,Maya de Vries,Marília Duque,Pauline Garvey,Laura Haapio-Kirk,Charlotte Hawkins,Alfonso Otaegui
Theft Is Property!: Dispossession and Critical Theory
Author/Editor: Robert Nichols
The Commons: Economic Alternatives in the Digital Age
Author/Editor: Vangelis Papadimitropoulos
'The Bell Curve' in Perspective: Race, Meritocracy, Inequality and Politics
Author/Editor: William H. Tucker
"The Bell Beaker Culture in All its Forms": Proceedings of the 22nd Meeting of ‘Archéologie et Gobelets’ 2021 (Geneva, Switzerland)
Author/Editor: Claudine Abegg,Delia Carloni
Theatron: Rhetorische Kultur in Spätantike und Mittelalter / Rhetorical Culture in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Michael Grünbart
The Theatre of Tennessee Williams
Author/Editor: Brenda Murphy
The Theatre of Shelley
Author/Editor: Mulhallen ,Jacqueline
Theatre in Towns
Author/Editor: Helen Nicholson,Jenny Hughes,Gemma Edwards,Cara Gray
Theatre Cultures within Globalising Empires: Looking at Early Modern England and Spain
Author/Editor: Joachim Küpper,Leonie Pawlita
Theatre and War
Author/Editor: Dinesh ,Nandita
Theatre and Metatheatre: Definitions, Problems, Limits
Author/Editor: Silvia Sueli Milanezi,Elodie Paillard
Theatre and Its Other: Abhinavagupta on Dance and Dramatic Acting
Author/Editor: Elisa Ganser
Theatre and Democracy: Building Democracy in Post-war and Post-democratic Contexts
Author/Editor: Petro Janse van Vuuren,Bjørn Rasmussen,Ayanda Khala
Theaterwissenschaft postkolonial/dekolonial: Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme
Author/Editor: Azadeh Sharifi,Lisa Skwirblies
Theater und Medien / Theatre and the Media: Grundlagen - Analysen - Perspektiven. Eine Bestandsaufnahme
Author/Editor: Henri Schoenmakers,Stefan Bläske,Kay Kirchmann,Jens Ruchatz
Theaters of Citizenship: Aesthetics and Politics of Avant-Gardist Performance in Egypt
Author/Editor: Sonali Pahwa
Theaternarratologie: Ein erzähltheoretisches Analyseverfahren für Theaterinszenierungen
Author/Editor: Jan Horstmann
Theatermaschinen - Maschinentheater: Von Mechaniken, Machinationen und Spektakeln
Author/Editor: Bettine Menke,Wolfgang Struck
Theater in the Planned Society: Contemporary Drama in the German Democratic Republic in its Historical, Political, and Cultural Context
Author/Editor: H.G. Huettich
Theater im Gespräch: Sprachliche Publikumspraktiken in der Theaterpause
Author/Editor: Jan Gerwinski,Stephan Habscheid,Erika Linz,Marit Besthorn,Mareike Hesse,Christine Hrncal,Eva Schlinkmann
Theater as Metaphor
Author/Editor: Elena Penskaya,Joachim Küpper
Theater as Data: Computational Journeys into Theater Research
Author/Editor: Miguel Escobar Varela
Theater and the Sacred in the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Andrzej Dabrówka
"THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF TANAMU 1: A Pre-Lapita to Post-Lapita Site from Caution Bay, South Coast of Mainland Papua New Guinea
Author/Editor: Bruno David,Katherine Szabó
That Greece Might Still Be Free
Author/Editor: St Clair ,William,Beaton ,Roderick
Thanks for Watching: An Anthropological Study of Video Sharing on YouTube
Author/Editor: Patricia Lange
Text und Holocaust: Die Erfahrung des Ghettos in Zeugnissen und literarischen Entwuerfen
Author/Editor: Jacek Leociak
Text- und Data-Mining in den digitalen Geisteswissenschaften: Gutachten zu den urheberrechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes „XSample – Text- und Data-Mining auf geschützten Werken durch Auszüge transparent erschließen“
Author/Editor: Felicitas Lea Kleinkopf
Textualization of Experience: Studies on Ancient Greek Literature
Author/Editor: Paweł Majewski
Textual Exposures: Photography in Twentieth Century Spanish American Narrative Fiction
Author/Editor: Dan Russek
Texts, Transmissions, Receptions: Modern Approaches to Narratives
Author/Editor: André Lardinois,Sophie Levie,Hans Hoeken,Christoph Lüthy
Texts, Transmissions, Receptions
Author/Editor: Lardinois ,A.,Levie ,S.,Hoeken ,H.,L
Texts, Transmissions, Receptions
Texts, Scribes and Transmission: Manuscript Cultures of the Ismaili Communities and Beyond
Author/Editor: Wafi A. Momin
Textsortenbedingter Aspekt-Tempus-Gebrauch im Russischen
Author/Editor: Daniela Appel
Texts, Contexts and Intertextuality: Dickens as a Reader
Author/Editor: Norbert Lennartz,Dieter Koch
Texts and studies on Russian universal grammar 1806 - 1812: Teil 1. The universal grammars of I. Rižskij, Char'kov 1806, N. Jazvickij, SPb. 1810. I. Timkovskij, Char'kov 1811. L.G. Jakob, SPb. 1812
Author/Editor: Johann Biedermann,Gerd Freidhof
Texts and studies on Russian universal grammar 1806 - 1812: Teil 2. The universal grammars of I. Rižskij, Char'kov 1806, N. Jazvickij, SPb. 1810. I. Timkovskij, Char'kov 1811. L.G. Jakob, SPb. 1812
Author/Editor: Johann Biedermann,Gerd Freidhof
The Text of Leviticus: Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium of the Dominique Barthélemy Institute, held in Friboutg (October 2015)
Author/Editor: Innocent Himbaza
Textimmanente Wahrnehmung bei Gajto Gazdanov: Sinne und Emotion als motivische und strukturelle Schnittstelle zwischen Subjekt und Weltbild
Author/Editor: Ingeborg Jandl
Textilzirkel in der DDR
Author/Editor: Sarah Wassermann
Textiles in Ancient Mediterranean Iconography
Author/Editor: Susanna Harris,Cecilie Brøns,Marta Zuchowska
Text Genetics in Literary Modernism and other Essays
Author/Editor: Hans Walter Gabler
Texte zur Geschichte der serbokroatischen und slowenischen Sprache
Author/Editor: Gerd Freidhof
Texte zur Geschichte der polnischen und tschechischen Sprache: Materialien zum Curriculum der West- und Suedslawischen Linguistik 2
Author/Editor: Gerd Freidhof
“Texte des Versuchens”: un’analisi della raccolta di collages Und. Überhaupt. Stop. di Marlene Streeruwitz
Author/Editor: Emma Linford
Textbook on Scar Management: State of the Art Management and Emerging Technologies
Author/Editor: Luc Téot,Luc Téot,Thomas A. Mustoe,Thomas A. Mustoe,Esther Middelkoop,Esther Middelkoop,Gerd G. Gauglitz,Gerd G. Gauglitz
Textbook of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Textbook of Patient Safety and Clinical Risk Management
Author/Editor: Liam Donaldson,Walter Ricciardi,Susan Sheridan,Riccardo Tartaglia
Textbook of Arthropod Anatomy
Author/Editor: R. E. Snodgrass
Textbeziehungen im dichterischen Werk Vladimir Vysockijs
Author/Editor: Heinrich Pfandl
Text and Image: Proceedings of the 61e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Geneva and Bern, 22-26 June 2015
Author/Editor: Pascal Attinger,Antoine Cavigneaux,Catherine Mittermayer,Mirko Novák
Text and Genre in Reconstruction
Testo. Dialogo. Traduzione. Per una analisi del tedesco tra codici e varietà
Author/Editor: Mocali, Maria Chiara
Testing the Margins of Leisure: Case Studies on China, Japan, and Indonesia
Author/Editor: Rudolf G. Wagner,Catherine V. Yeh,Eugenio Menegon,Robert P. Weller
Testing Knowledge: Toward an Ecology of Diagnosis, Preceded by the Dingdingdong Manifesto
Author/Editor: Katrin Solhdju,Isabelle Stengers,Alice Rivières,Alice Wexler
Testing in the Professions: Credentialing Policies and Practice
Author/Editor: Susan Davis-Becker,Chad W. Buckendahl
Testimony from the Nazi Camps
Author/Editor: Margaret Anne Hutton
Testierfreiheit und Werteordnung: Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung anstößiger letztwilliger Verfügungen in Deutschland, England und Südafrika
Author/Editor: Andreas Humm
Testen wir relevantes Wissen?
Author/Editor: Eva Cauet
Tessuti di seta tra Firenze e il Levante (ca. 1350-1550): Le fonti
Terveyshistoria: Näkökulmia ja lähestymistapoja keskiajalta nykypäivään
Author/Editor: Kalle Kananoja
Terugblik op toekomstverkenningen
Author/Editor: Stuurgroep op toekomstonderzoeken Strategisch Omgevingsbeleid
Tertullian the African: An Anthropological Reading of Tertullian's Context and Identities
Author/Editor: David E. Wilhite
Tertiaerisierungsdefizite im Industrieland Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Nachweis und politische Konsequenzen
Author/Editor: Reinhard Grünewald
Terrortimes, Terrorscapes: Continuities of Space, Time, and Memory in Twentieth-Century War and Genocide
Author/Editor: Volke Benkert,Michael Mayer
Terror, Theory, and the Humanities
Terrorizing Images: Trauma and Ekphrasis in Contemporary Literature
Author/Editor: Charles Ivan Armstrong,Unni Langas
Terrorists on Trial: A Performative Perspective
Author/Editor: Beatrice de Graaf,Alex P. Schmid
Terrorismus und moderne Kriegsführung : Politische Gewaltstrategien in Zeiten des "War on Terror"
Author/Editor: Heinke ,Eva-Maria
Terrorismus und moderne Kriegsführung
Terrorismus, Crash und Krise in der Literatur: Spanischsprachige Krisenerzählungen des 21. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Rebecca Kaewert
Author/Editor: Riegler ,Thomas
Terrorism, Criminal Law and Politics: The Decline of the Political Offence Exception to Extradition
Author/Editor: Julia Jansson
Terrorism and the Pandemic: Weaponizing of COVID-19
Author/Editor: Rohan Gunaratna,Katalin Petho-Kiss
Terror Crime Prevention with Communities
Author/Editor: Basia Spalek
The Territory of Japan: Its History and Legal Basis
Author/Editor: Kentaro Serita
Territory and Democratic Politics: A Critical Introduction
Author/Editor: Oscar Mazzoleni
Territorio y prácticas socio-culturales en debate: Aportes desde América Latina
Author/Editor: Mónica Vargas Aguirre,Celia Basconzuelo,María Virginia Quiroga,José David Buelvas
Territorio e turismo: un lungo dialogo: Il modello di specializzazione turistica di Montecatini Terme
Author/Editor: Patrizia Romei
Territori e piani dopo la crescita: Una esperienza di conoscenza e di progetto nella Puglia dell’innovazione
Author/Editor: Francesca CALACE
Territori di carta: Dalla lettura delle carte al riconoscimento dei luoghi
Author/Editor: Carlo Natali
Territorial Stigmatisation: Urban Renewal and Displacement in a Central Istanbul Neighbourhood
Author/Editor: Constanze Letsch
Territori ad alta energia: Governo del territorio e pianificazione energetica sostenibile: metodi ed esperienze
Author/Editor: David Fanfani,Claudio Fagarazzi
Terrestrial Mammal Conservation: Global Evidence for the Effects of Interventions for Terrestrial Mammals Excluding Bats and Primates
Author/Editor: Nick A. Littlewood,Stuart Pimm,William J. Sutherland,Ricardo Rocha,Rebecca K. Smith,Philip K. Martin,Sarah L. Lockhart,Rebecca F. Schoonover,Elspeth Wilman,Andrew J. Bladon,Katie A. Sainsbury
Terres de taureaux: Les jeux taurins de l'Europe à l'Amérique
Author/Editor: Jean-Baptiste Maudet
Terres chinoises
Author/Editor: Marlène Leroux
Terra Petraea
Author/Editor: Will M. Kennedy
Terra Incognita. Globalisering, ecologie en rechtvaardige duurzaamheid
Author/Editor: Jones ,Peter Tom,Jacobs ,Roger
Terraforming: Ecopolitical Transformations and Environmentalism in Science Fiction
Author/Editor: Chris Pak
Terrace Heroes
Author/Editor: Graham Kelly
The Terms of Our Surrender: Colonialism, Dispossession and the Resistance of the Innu
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Cassell
Terminologien und Ordnungssysteme in der Medizin: Standortbestimmung und Handlungsbedarf in den deutschsprachigen Ländern
Author/Editor: Otto Rienhoff,Sebastian C. Semler
Terminologie numérique : conception, représentation et gestion
Author/Editor: Federica Vezzani
Terminologie e vocabolari: Lessici specialistici e tesauri, glossari e dizionari
Author/Editor: Claudio Grimaldi,Maria Teresa ZANOLA
Teorie sociologiche alla prova
Author/Editor: Paolo GIOVANNINI
Teorie e sperimentalismo progettuale per la ricerca in tecnologia dell’architettura / Theories and experimental design for research in architectural technology
Author/Editor: Monica Rossi,Federica Ottone
Teoria e ricerca sull’apprendimento del tedesco L2: Manuale per insegnanti in formazione
Author/Editor: Sabrina Ballestracci
Teoretičeskaja i praktičeskaja leksikografija
Author/Editor: Vladimir V. Dubicinskij
Teologie dell’Antico Testamento
Author/Editor: Fischer ,Georg
Teologie dell’Antico Testamento
Ten years of the Vienna Initiative: 2009-2019
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Ten Thousand Years of Cultivation at Kuk Swamp in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea (Terra Australis 46)
Tensor Network Contractions: Methods and Applications to Quantum Many-Body Systems
Author/Editor: Shi-Ju Ran,Emanuele Tirrito,Cheng Peng,Xi Chen,Luca Tagliacozzo,Gang Su,Maciej Lewenstein
The Tensions between Culture and Human Rights: Emancipatory Social Work and Afrocentricity in a Global World
Author/Editor: Vishanthie Sewpaul,Linda Kreitzer,Tanusha Raniga
Tense and Text in Classical Arabic: A Discourse-oriented Study of the Classical Arabic Tense System
Author/Editor: Michal Marmorstein
Tense and Text in Classical Arabic
Author/Editor: Michal Marmorstein
Tennyson’s Poems: New Textual Parallels
Author/Editor: R.H. Winnick
Ten Lectures on Diachronic Construction Grammar
Author/Editor: Martin Hilpert
Ten Journeys to Cameron’s Farm : An Australian Tragedy
Author/Editor: Hazlehurst ,Cameron
Ten Journeys to Cameron’s Farm
Tendenzen der Entwicklung des sowjetischen satirischen Romans (1919-1931)
Author/Editor: Jörg Ebding
Ten Crises: The Political Economy of China’s Development (1949-2020)
Author/Editor: Tiejun Wen
Ten Books that Shaped the British Empire: Creating an Imperial Commons
Author/Editor: Antoinette Burton,Isabel Hofmeyr
The Tenacity of the Couple-Norm: Intimate citizenship regimes in a changing Europe
Author/Editor: Sasha Roseneil,Isabel Crowhurst,Tone Hellesund,Ana Cristina Santos,Mariya Stoilova
Tempus und Aspekt im serbokroatischen Praesens
Author/Editor: Mihailo Mihailovic
Tempting Fate: Why Nonnuclear States Confront Nuclear Opponents
Author/Editor: Paul C. Avey
Temptation in the Archives
Author/Editor: Jardine ,Lisa
Temptation in the Archives
Temporäre An- und Abwesenheiten in ländlichen Räumen: Auswirkungen multilokaler Lebensweisen auf Land und Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Frank Othengrafen,Linda Lange,Lena Greinke
Temporary Contemporary: Creating vibrant spaces to support the conditions for creative and cultural activity
Author/Editor: Rowan Bailey,Nic Clear,Chris Cotton,Kath Davies,Donal Fitzpatrick,Anna Powell,Linda Jean Pittwood
Tempohomes: Untersuchung sozial-räumlicher Aneignungspraktiken von Geflüchteten in ausgewählten Berliner Gemeinschaftsunterkünften
Author/Editor: Philipp Misselwitz,Ayham Dalal,Aline Fraikin,Antonia Noll,Veronika Zaripova
Temple Tracks: Labour, Piety and Railway Construction in Asia
Author/Editor: Vineeta Sinha
Tempi der Bewegung – Modi des Gefühls
Author/Editor: Sarah Greifenstein
Tempest: Geometries of Play
Author/Editor: Judd Ruggill,Ken McAllister
Telling the Truth: The Theory and Practice of Documentary Fiction
Author/Editor: Barbara C. Foley
Telling Tales
Author/Editor: Blamires ,David
Tellings and Texts: Music, Literature and Performance in North India
Telling Pacific Lives: Prisms of Process
Author/Editor: Luker ,Vicki,Lal V. ,Brij
Tell el-Dabca XXIV: The Late Middle Kingdom Settlement of Area A/II A Holistic Study of Non-élite Inhabitants at Tell el-Dabca, Vol. 1
Author/Editor: Bettina Bader
Tell el-Dab’a XXII. „Der Mund der beiden Wege“. Teil I:Text : Die Siedlung und der Tempelbezirk des Mittleren Reiches von Ezbet Ruschdi
Author/Editor: Czerny ,Ernst
Tell el-Dab’a XXII. „Der Mund der beiden Wege“. Teil I:Text
Tell el-Dab’a XXII. „Der Mund der beiden Wege“. Teil II: Abbildungen-Tafeln-Pläne-Profile-Schnitte : Die Siedlung und der Tempelbezirk des Mittleren Reiches von Ezbet Ruschdi
Author/Editor: Czerny ,Ernst
Tell el-Dab’a XXII. „Der Mund der beiden Wege“. Teil II: Abbildungen-Tafeln-Pläne-Profile-Schnitte
Tell Barri / Kahat. La campagna del 2004
Author/Editor: Paolo Emilio Pecorella,Raffaella Pierobon Benoit
Tell Barri / Kahat. La campagna del 2003: Relazione preliminare
Author/Editor: Paolo Emilio Pecorella,Raffaella Pierobon Benoit
Tell Barri/Kahat: la campagna del 2002
Author/Editor: Pecorella, Paolo Emilio,Pierobon Benoit, Raffaella
Tell Barri/Kahat: la campagna del 2002
Tell Barri/Kahat: la campagna del 2001
Author/Editor: Pecorella, Paolo Emilio,Pierobon Benoit, Raffaella
Tell Barri/Kahat: la campagna del 2001
Tell Barri/Kahat: la campagna del 2000
Author/Editor: Pecorella, Paolo Emilio
Tell Barri/Kahat: la campagna del 2000
Tell Abu al-Kharaz in the Jordan Valley
Author/Editor: Fischer ,Peter M.
Television with Stanley Cavell in Mind
Author/Editor: David LaRocca,Sandra Laugier
Television Scales
Author/Editor: Nick Salvato
Television Drama in Spain and Latin America: Genre and Format Translation
Author/Editor: Paul Julian Smith
Television before TV: New Media and Exhibition Culture in Europe and the USA, 1928-1939
Author/Editor: Anne-Katrin Weber
Teleologie und politische Vernunft
Author/Editor: Maier ,Eva Maria
The Teleological and Kalam Cosmological Arguments Revisited
Author/Editor: Andrew Loke
Telemorphosis: Theory in the Era of Climate Change, Vol. 1
Telekommunikation als Standortfaktor fuer Klein- und Mittelbetriebe: Telekommunikative Entwicklungstendenzen und regionale Wirtschaftspolitik am Beispiel Hessen
Author/Editor: Stephan Russ
Telecommunication Economics: Selected Results of the COST Action IS0605
Author/Editor: Antonis M. Hadjiantonis,Burkhard Stiller
Teksty-matreški Vladimira Nabokova
Author/Editor: Sergej Davydov
Tekstin nautinnosta: Kuvan luennasta kirjoittamisen aktiin
Author/Editor: Asta Kihlman
Teklife, Ghetto, Eski: The Sonic Ecologies of Black Music in the Early Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: Dhanveer Singh Brar
Teilzeitarbeit im Lebensverlauf von Männern: Zur beruflichen Strukturierung von Übergängen und Konsequenzen
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Althaber
Teilnehmerkreis der Basler Lesegesellschaft 1825-1915. Eine Kollektivbiographie im sozialen und politischen Kontext der Basler Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Kriemler ,Daniel
Teilnahme an Weiterbildung in der Migrationsgesellschaft: Perspektiven deutscher Frauen mit »Migrationshintergrund«
Author/Editor: Alisha M.B. Heinemann
Teilhabeforschung – Konturen eines neuen Forschungsfeldes
Author/Editor: Gudrun Wansing,Markus Schäfers,Swantje Köbsell
Tegen de natuur? = Against Nature?
Author/Editor: Sophie Wennerscheid
Teenagers, Literacy and School
Author/Editor: Ken Cruickshank
Ted Freeman and the Battle for the Injured Brain: A case history of professional prejudice
Author/Editor: McCullagh ,Peter
Tectono-metamorphic evolution of the continental units along the edge between Alpine and Hercynian Corsica: Constraints for the exhumation models in the continental collision setting
Author/Editor: Maria Di Rosa
Tecnologie riproduttive e tutela della persona: Verso un comune diritto europeo per la bioetica
Author/Editor: Gianni Baldini,Monica Soldano
Tecnologie, lingua, cittadinanza: Percorsi di inclusione dei migranti nei CPIA
Author/Editor: Paola Floreancig,Fabiana Fusco,Flavia Virgilio,Francesca Zanon,Davide Zoletto
Tecnologie di progetto per il terminal aeroportuale
Author/Editor: Maria Antonietta Esposito
Tecnologia per il web learning: Realtà e scenari
Author/Editor: Cristina Delogu
Tecnologia dell'architettura: creatività e innovazione nella ricerca: Materiali del I Seminario OSDOTTA (Viareggio, 14-16 settembre 2005)
Author/Editor: Maria Antonietta Esposito
Tecniche per la lettura ad alta voce: 27 suggerimenti per la fascia 0-6 anni
Author/Editor: Federico Batini,Simone Giusti
Techné/Technology: Researching Cinema and Media Technologies - their Development, Use, and Impact
Author/Editor: Van den Oever ,Annie
Author/Editor: Precarity Lab
Technology, Trust, and Religion
Author/Editor: Drees ,Willem
Technology’s Refuge: The use of technology by asylum seekers and refugees
Author/Editor: Linda Leung,Cath Finney Lamb,Liz Emrys
Technology, Policy, and Inclusion: An Intersection of Ideas for Public Policy
Author/Editor: Anjal Prakash,Aarushi Jain,Puran Singh,Avik Sarkar
Technology, Media Literacy, and the Human Subject: A Posthuman Approach
Author/Editor: Richard S. Lewis
Technology, Innovation and Access to Justice: Dialogues on the Future of Law
Author/Editor: Maximilian Spohr,Siddharth de Souza
Technology, Design and the Arts - Opportunities and Challenges
Author/Editor: Rae Earnshaw,Susan Liggett,Peter Excell,Daniel Thalmann
Technology Assessment in a Globalized World: Facing the Challenges of Transnational Technology Governance
Author/Editor: Leonhard Hennen,Julia Hahn,Miltos Ladikas,Ralf Lindner,Walter Peissl,Rinie van Est
Technology and Testing: Improving Educational and Psychological Measurement
Author/Editor: Fritz Drasgow
Technology and Sustainable Development: The Promise and Pitfalls of Techno-Solutionism
Author/Editor: Henrik Skaug Sætra
Technology and readout for scaling up superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors
Author/Editor: Emanuel Marius Knehr
Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development
Author/Editor: Rob Vos
Technology and Film Scholarship: Experience, Study, Theory
Author/Editor: Santiago Hidalgo,André Gaudreault
Technologisches Regieren: Der Aufstieg des Netzwerk-Denkens in der Krise der Moderne. Foucault, Luhmann und die Kybernetik
Author/Editor: Vincent August
Technologische Beschreibung und physiologische Bewertung eines hochaufgelösten Laserscanner- Scheinwerfersystems
Author/Editor: Philipp Ansorg
Technologies of Suspicion and the Ethics of Obligation in Political Asylum
Author/Editor: Bridget M. Haas,Amy Shuman
Technologies in Decline: Socio-Technical Approaches to Discontinuation and Destabilisation
Author/Editor: Zahar Koretsky,Peter Stegmaier,Bruno Turnheim,Harro van Lente
Technologies for Development: From Innovation to Social Impact
Author/Editor: Silvia Hostettler,Samira Najih Besson,Jean-Claude Bolay
Technologies and trust
Author/Editor: Rossi Giuseppe ,Pier,Giannandrea ,Lorella
Technologies and Innovations in Regional Development: The European Union and its Strategies
Author/Editor: Borut Roncevic,Victor Cepoi
Technologies and Applications for Big Data Value
Author/Editor: Edward Curry,Sören Auer,Arne J. Berre,Andreas Metzger,Maria S. Perez,Sonja Zillner
Technologieoffenheit und Realisierungsquote im Rechtsvergleich zwischen deutschen EEG-Ausschreibungen und brasilianischen Stromauktionen
Author/Editor: Lennart Berthold
Technologien der Krise: Die Covid-19-Pandemie als Katalysator neuer Formen der Vernetzung
Author/Editor: Dennis Krämer,Joschka Haltaufderheide,Jochen Vollmann
Technologie in de landbouw. Effecten in het verledenen beleidsoverwegingen voor de toekomst
Author/Editor: Meer van der ,C.L.J.,Rutten ,H.,Dijkeveld Stol ,N.A.
Technologie en wetenschapsbeleid in veranderende economische theorievorming
Author/Editor: Dankbaar ,B.,Dijk ,Th.,Soete ,L.,Verspagen ,B.
Technologie en overheid
Author/Editor: WRR
Technological Solutions for Water Sustainability: Challenges and Prospects: Towards a water-secure India
Author/Editor: Ligy Philip,Thalappil Pradeep,S. Murty Bhallamudi
Technological innovation and change in the university
Author/Editor: Calvani, Antonio
Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transition
Author/Editor: Eugenio Arbizzani,Eliana Cangelli,Carola Clemente,Fabrizio Cumo,Francesca Giofrè,Anna Maria Giovenale,Massimo Palme,Spartaco Paris
Technological and Institutional Innovations for Marginalized Smallholders in Agricultural Development
Author/Editor: Franz W. Gatzweiler,Joachim von Braun
The Technological and Economic Future of Nuclear Power
Author/Editor: Reinhard Haas,Lutz Mez,Amela Ajanovic
Technocrats of the Imagination: Art, Technology, and the Military-Industrial Avant-Garde
Author/Editor: John Beck,Ryan Bishop
Technocrats and the Politics of Drought and Development in Twentieth-Century Brazil
Author/Editor: Eve E. Buckley
Technische Reproduzierbarkeit: Zur Kultursoziologie massenmedialer Vervielfältigung
Author/Editor: Lutz Hieber,Dominik Schrage
Technische Hochschulen: attraktive Arbeitsorte für Frauen und Männer?: Der Weg von technischen Hochschulen zu geschlechtergerechten Organisationen
Author/Editor: Antje Ducki,Randi Worath,Hedda Ofoole Knoll,Lena Ziesmann
Technische Bildung im Sachunterricht der Grundschule: Elementar bildungsbedeutsam und dennoch vernachlässigt?
Author/Editor: Brunhild Landwehr,Ingelore Mammes,Lydia Murmann
Techniques of Social Influence: The psychology of gaining compliance
Author/Editor: Dariusz Dolinski
Technik und Kultur
Author/Editor: Banse ,Gerhard,Grunwald ,Armin
Technik-Ästhetik: Zur Theorie techno-ästhetischer Realität
Author/Editor: Oliver Ruf,Lars C. Grabbe
Techniknostalgie und Retrotechnologie
Author/Editor: Böhn ,Andreas,Möser ,Kurt
Technik – Kultur – Bildung: Analyse philosophischer Ansätze zum Technikbegriff im Hinblick auf eine Technische Allgemeinbildung
Author/Editor: Thomas-Hugo Möllers
Techniken der Täuschung: Eine Kultur- und Mediengeschichte der Bühnenzauberkunst im späten neunzehnten Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Katharina Rein
Techniek en wetenschap als basis voor industriële innovatie : Verslag van een reeks van interviews
Author/Editor: Jong de ,W.M.
Technicolored: Reflections on Race in the Time of TV
Author/Editor: Ann duCille
Technicians of Human Dignity
Author/Editor: Bennett ,Gaymon
Technical Universities: Past, present and future
Author/Editor: Lars Geschwind,Anders Broström,Katarina Larsen
Technical Territories: Data, Subjects, and Spaces in Infrastructural Asia
Author/Editor: Luke Munn
Technical politics: Andrew Feenberg’s critical theory of technology
Author/Editor: Graeme Kirkpatrick
Technical, Economic and Societal Effects of Manufacturing 4.0: Automation, Adaption and Manufacturing in Finland and Beyond
Author/Editor: Mikael Collan,Karl-Erik Michelsen
Technical Communication for Environmental Action
Author/Editor: Sean D. Williams
Techlash: The Future of the Socially Responsible Tech Organization
Author/Editor: Ian I. Mitroff,Rune Storesund
Tech Giants, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Journalism
Author/Editor: Jason Paul Whittaker
Teaterproduksjon: ti produksjonsestetiske innganger
Author/Editor: Vigdis Aune,Cecilie Haagensen
Team Teaching and Team Learning in the Language Classroom: Collaboration for innovation in ELT
Author/Editor: Akira Tajino,Tim Stewart,David Dalsky
Teaching Under Pressure
Author/Editor: Anne Cockburn
Teaching Translation from Spanish to English : Worlds Beyond Words
Author/Editor: Beeby-Lonsdale ,Allison
Teaching Translation from Spanish to English
Teaching Tolerance in a Globalized World
Author/Editor: Andrés Sandoval-Hernández,Maria Magdalena Isac,Daniel Miranda
Teaching, Research and Academic Careers: An Analysis of the Interrelations and Impacts
Author/Editor: Daniele Checchi,Tullio Jappelli,Antonio Uricchio
Teaching ‘Proper’ Drinking? : Clubs and pubs in Indigenous Australia
Author/Editor: Brady ,Maggie
Teaching ‘Proper’ Drinking?
Teaching Myself To See
Author/Editor: Tito Mukhopadhyay
Teaching Multiplication with Lesson Study: Japanese and Ibero-American Theories for International Mathematics Education
Author/Editor: Masami Isoda,Masami Isoda,Raimundo Olfos,Raimundo Olfos
Teaching Media -- Medientheorie für die Schulpraxis – Grundlagen, Beispiele, Perspektiven (unter Mitarbeit von Linda Leskau, Kathrin Lohse, Arne Malmsheimer und Jens Schröter)
Author/Editor: Kampmann ,Elisabeth,Schwering ,Gregor
Teaching Media -- Medientheorie für die Schulpraxis – Grundlagen, Beispiele, Perspektiven (unter Mitarbeit von Linda Leskau, Kathrin Lohse, Arne Malmsheimer und Jens Schröter)
Teaching Media: Medientheorie für die Schulpraxis – Grundlagen, Beispiele, Perspektiven (unter Mitarbeit von Linda Leskau, Kathrin Lohse, Arne Malmsheimer und Jens Schröter)
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Kampmann,Gregor Schwering,Linda Leskau,Kathrin Lohse,Arne Malmsheimer,Jens Schröter
Teaching Mathematics at Secondary Level
Author/Editor: Gardiner ,Tony
Teaching Mathematics as to be Meaningful – Foregrounding Play and Children’s Perspectives: Results from the POEM5 Conference, 2022
Author/Editor: Hanna Palmér,Camilla Björklund,Elin Reikerås,Jessica Elofsson
Teaching Literacies in Diverse Contexts
Author/Editor: Sinead Harmey,Bobbie Kabuto
Teaching Learners with Visual Impairment
Author/Editor: Maximus Monaheng Sefotho,Maximus Monaheng Sefotho,Ronél Ferreira,Ronél Ferreira,Anna-Barbara Du Plessis,Juan Erwee,Ann Heard,Hildah Mokgolodi
Teaching Languages for Specific and Academic Purposes in Higher Education - English, Deutsch, Italiano
Author/Editor: Elena Ballarin,Elena Bonetto,Eleni Peleki,Vaijayanthi M. Sarma,Eva Seidl,Birgit Simschitz,Dietmar Unterkofler,Victor Zirate,Elena Bonetto,Dietmar Unterkofler,M. Cristina Boscolo,Michael Joseph Ennis,Michael Joseph Ennis,Regina Graßmann,Thomas Grimm,Simone
Teaching India–Pakistan Relations: Teachers’ attitudes, practices and agency
Author/Editor: Kusha Anand
Teaching history to face the world today: Socially-conscious approaches, activity proposals and historical thinking competencies
Author/Editor: Cosme J. Gómez Carrasco,José Monteagudo Fernández,Juan Ramón Moreno Vera
Teaching History in the Digital Age
Author/Editor: T.M. Kelly
Teaching Health Care in Virtual Space: Best Practices for Educators in Multi-User Virtual Environments
Author/Editor: Estelle Codier
Teaching for Excellence and Equity: Analyzing Teacher Characteristics, Behaviors and Student Outcomes with TIMSS
Author/Editor: Nathan Burroughs,Jacqueline Gardner,Youngjun Lee,Siwen Guo,Israel Touitou,Kimberly Jansen,William Schmidt
Teaching ethics in organ transplantation and tissue donation - cases and movies
Author/Editor: Schicktanz, Silke,Wiesemann, Claudia,Wöhlke, Sabine,Carmi, Amnon
Teaching and Learning of Calculus
Author/Editor: David Bressoud,Imène Ghedamsi,Victor Martinez-Luaces,Günter Törner
The Teaching and Learning of Arabic in Early Modern Europe
Author/Editor: Jan Loop,Alastair Hamilton,Charles Burnett
Teaching and Learning Mathematical Modelling: Approaches and Developments from German Speaking Countries
Author/Editor: Gilbert Greefrath,Katrin Vorhölter
Teaching and Learning for Change: Education and Sustainability in South Africa
Author/Editor: Ingrid Schudel,Zintle Songqwaru,Sirkka Tshiningayamwe,Heila Lotz-Sisitka
Teaching and Learning About Whole Numbers in Primary School
Author/Editor: Terezinha Nunes,Beatriz Vargas Dorneles,Pi-Jen Lin,Elisabeth Rathgeb-Schnierer
Teacher Transition into Innovative Learning Environments: A Global Perspective
Author/Editor: Wesley Imms,Wesley Imms,Thomas Kvan,Thomas Kvan
Teacher Thinking & Professional Action
Author/Editor: Pam Denicolo,Michael Kompf
Teachers' Work in a Globalizing Economy
Author/Editor: Alistair Dow,Robert Hattam,Alan Reid,Geoffrey Shacklock,John Smyth
Teachers with disabilities: Dilemmas, challenges and opportuties
Author/Editor: Rosa Bellacicco,Dario Ianes
Teachers' Beliefs and Strategies when Teaching Reading in Multilingual Settings
Author/Editor: Monica Bravo Granström
Teacher Quality, Instructional Quality and Student Outcomes: Relationships Across Countries, Cohorts and Time
Author/Editor: Trude Nilsen,Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Teacher for Justice: Lucy Woodcock's Transnational Life
Author/Editor: Heather Goodall,Helen Randerson,Devleena Ghosh
Teacher Education in the Nordic Region: Challenges and Opportunities
Author/Editor: Eyvind Elstad
Teacher Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship: Critical Perspectives on Values, Curriculum and Assessment
Author/Editor: Philip Bamber
Taymāʾ II: Catalogue of the Inscriptions Discovered in the Saudi-German Excavations at Taymāʾ 2004–2015
Author/Editor: Michael C.A. Macdonald
Tax Systems and Tax Reforms in New EU Member States
Author/Editor: Luigi Bernardi,Mark Chandler,Luca Gandullia
Tax, Social Policy and Gender
Taxonomic Tapestries: The Threads of Evolutionary, Behavioural and Conservation Research
Author/Editor: Behie M ,Alison,Oxenham F ,Marc
Taxing Africa: Coercion, Reform and Development
Author/Editor: Mick Moore,Wilson Prichard,Odd-Helge Fjeldstad
Taxes and Trust: From Coercion to Compliance in Poland, Russia and Ukraine
Author/Editor: Marc P. Berenson
Taxation in the Digital Economy: New Models in Asia and the Pacific
Author/Editor: Nella Hendriyetty,Chris Evans,Chul Ju Kim,Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary
Taxation, International Cooperation and the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda
Author/Editor: Irma Johanna Mosquera Valderrama,Dries Lesage,Wouter Lips
Taxation and the Financial Crisis
Author/Editor: Alworth S. ,Julian,Arachi ,Giampaolo
Tavoitteena sujuva arki : kulttuurien välinen työ sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon työyhteisöissä
Tavoitteena sujuva arki
Tausend Jahre Russische Orthodoxe Kirche: Beitraege von Geistlichen der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche im Ausland und Wissenschaftlern verschiedener Disziplinen
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Kasack
Tattooed Skin and Health
Author/Editor: Jørgen Serup,Nicolas Kluger,Wolfgang Bäumler
Tatort Gesundheitsmarkt - Rechtswirklichkeit - Strafwürdigkeit - Prävention
Author/Editor: Duttge, Gunnar
Taste, Waste and the New Materiality of Food
Author/Editor: Bethaney Turner
Taste | Power | Tradition - Geographical Indications as Cultural Property
Author/Editor: May, Sarah,Sidali, Katia Laura,Spiller, Achim,Tschofen, Bernhard
Tasten in het duister: Inlichtingenstrijd tijdens de Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog, 1945-1949
Author/Editor: Rémy Limpach
Author/Editor: Andrea Pavoni,Danilo Mandic,Caterina Nirta,Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos
Tasks, Skills, and Institutions: The Changing Nature of Work and Inequality
Author/Editor: Carlos Gradín,Piotr Lewandowski,Simone Schotte,Kunal Sen
A Task for Sisyphus: Why Europe’s Roma Policies Fail
Author/Editor: Iulius Rostas
Task Design In Mathematics Education: an ICMI study 22
Author/Editor: Anne Watson,Minoru Ohtani
Tarkastus, arviointi ja valvonta murroksessa
Author/Editor: Lili-Anne Kihn,Lasse Oulasvirta,Janne Ruohonen,Jaakko Rönkkö,Matti Urpilainen,Jani Wacker
Target Suitability and the Crime Drop: Chapter 5 from The Criminal Act: The Role and Influence of Routine Activity Theory
Author/Editor: N. Tilley,G. Farrell,R. Clarke,John D Maguire
Target Markets – International Terrorism Meets Global Capitalism in the Mall
Author/Editor: Mirgani ,Suzi
Target Markets – International Terrorism Meets Global Capitalism in the Mall
Targeting Tumor Perfusion and Oxygenation Modulates Hypoxia and Cancer Sensitivity to Radiotherapy and Systemic Therapies
Author/Editor: Jordan ,Bénédicte F.,Sonveaux ,Pierre
Targeted': Experiences of Racism in NSW after September 11, 2001
Author/Editor: Tanja Dreher
Tar for Mortar: "The Library of Babel" and the Dream of Totality
Author/Editor: Jonathan Basile
Taras Ševčenko 1814-1861: Zum 150. Geburts- und 100. Todestag des ukrainischen Nationaldichters. Herausgegeben vom Seminar fuer Slavische und Baltische Philologie der Universitaet Muenchen und der Ukrainischen Freien Universitaet Muenchen
Tanzpraxis in der Forschung – Tanz als Forschungspraxis: Choreographie, Improvisation, Exploration. Jahrbuch TanzForschung 2016
Author/Editor: Susanne Quinten,Stephanie Schroedter
Tanz - Diversität - Inklusion: Jahrbuch TanzForschung 2018
Author/Editor: Susanne Quinten,Christiana Rosenberg
Tanz der Dinge/Things that dance: Jahrbuch TanzForschung 2019
Author/Editor: Johannes Birringer,Josephine Fenger
Tantalisingly Close
Author/Editor: Vries de ,Imar
Tannhäuser: Poet and Legend: With Texts and Translations of his Works
Author/Editor: J.W. Thomas
Tanna Times: Islanders in the World
Author/Editor: Lamont Lindstrom
Tan Malaka: strijder voor Indonesië's vrijheid
Author/Editor: Poeze ,H.A.
Tan Malaka: strijder voor Indonesië's vrijheid
A Tanizaki Feast: The International Symposium in Venice
Author/Editor: Adriana Boscaro,Anthony Hood Chambers
Tania El Khoury's Live Art: Collaborative Knowledge Production
Author/Editor: Laurel V. McLaughlin,Carrie Robbins
Tango Lessons : Movement, Sound, Image, and Text in Contemporary Practice
Tango Lessons
Tangled Mobilities: Places, Affects, and Personhood across Social Spheres in Asian Migration (Volume 12)
Author/Editor: Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot,Gracia Liu-Farrer
Tang Junyi : Confucian Philosophy and the Challenge of Modernity
Author/Editor: Fröhlich ,Thomas
Tang Junyi
Taming the Wild Horse of Shadow Education: The Global Expansion of Private Tutoring and Regulatory Responses
Author/Editor: Wei Zhang
Taming the Poisonous: Mercury, Toxicity, and Safety in Tibetan Medical Practice
Author/Editor: Barbara Gerke
Taming the Big Green Elephant: Setting in Motion the Transformation Towards Sustainability
Author/Editor: Ariel Macaspac Hernández
The Taming of Evolution: The Persistence of Nonevolutionary Views in the Study of Humans
Author/Editor: Davydd Greenwood
Talous, sääntely, ohjaus: Tarkastuksen ja valvonnan ajankohtaiskysymyksiä
Author/Editor: Lili-Anne Kihn,Lasse Oulasvirta,Janne Ruohonen,Jaakko Rönkkö,Jani Wacker
Tall, Slim & Erect: Portraits of the Presidents
Author/Editor: Alex Forman,Ben Ehrenreich,Patric Verrone
Talk with the Bots: Gesprächsroboter und Social Bots im Diskurs
Author/Editor: Theo Hug,Günther Pallaver
Talk in interaction: Comparative dimensions
Talk in interaction: Comparative dimensions
Talking it Through: Responses to Sorcery and Witchcraft Beliefs and Practices in Melanesia
Author/Editor: Forsyth ,Miranda,Eves ,Richard
The Talking Heads experiment: Origins of words and meanings
Author/Editor: Steels ,Luc
Talking Dialogue: Eleven Episodes in the History of the Modern Interreligious Dialogue Movement
Author/Editor: Karsten Lehmann
Talking and Listening edited
Author/Editor: Damousi ,Joy,Deacon ,Desley
Tales of Times Now Past: Sixty-Two Stories from a Medieval Japanese Collection
Author/Editor: Marian Ury
Tales of Research Misconduct: A Lacanian Diagnostics of Integrity Challenges in Science Novels
Author/Editor: Hub Zwart
Tales of Darkness and Light: Soso Tham's The Old Days of the Khasis
Author/Editor: Soso Tham
The Tales
Author/Editor: Jessica Bozek,Sina Queyras
A Tale of Two Unions: The British Union and the European Union After Brexit
Author/Editor: Mark Corner
A tale of two dialect regions: Sranan's 17th-century English input
Author/Editor: André Sherriah
A Tale of the Unknown Unknowns: A Mesolithic Pit Alignment and a Neolithic Timber Hall at Warren Field, Crathes, Aberdeenshire
Author/Editor: Hilary K. Murray,J. C. Murray,Caroline Fraser
The Tale of Matsura: Fujiwara Teika’s Experiment in Fiction
Author/Editor: Wayne P. Lammers
Talen van geweld: Stilte, informatie en misleiding in de Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog, 1945-1949
Author/Editor: Remco Raben,Maarten van der Bent,Peter Romijn,Anne van Mourik
Talent Development in European Higher Education: Honors Programs in the Benelux, Nordic and German-Speaking Countries
Author/Editor: Dr. V.C. Marca Wolfensberger
Taktisches Supply Chain Planning: Planungsunterstuetzung durch deterministische und stochastische Optimierungsmodelle
Author/Editor: Jens Thorn
Taking the High Ground: The archaeology of Rapa, a fortified island in remote East Polynesia (Terra Australis 37)
Author/Editor: Anderson ,Atholl,Kennett J. ,Douglas
Taking the EU to Court: Annulment Proceedings and Multilevel Judicial Conflict
Author/Editor: Christian Adam,Michael W. Bauer,Miriam Hartlapp,Emmanuelle Mathieu
Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology
Author/Editor: Roland Clift,Angela Druckman
Taking Sides: Theories, Practices, and Cultures of Participation in Dissent
Author/Editor: Elke Bippus,Anne Ganzert,Isabell Otto
Taking Offense: Religion, Art, and Visual Culture in Plural Configurations
Author/Editor: Christiane Kruse,Birgit Meyer,Anne-Marie Korte
Taking English Planning Law Scholarship Seriously
Author/Editor: Maria Lee,Carolyn Abbot
Taking back control of the energy sector?: A legal analysis of Brexit and the EU-UK trade and cooperation agreement
Author/Editor: Silke GOLDBERG
Taking a Common Concern Approach to Economic Inequality: Implications for (Cooperative) Sovereignty over Corporate Taxation
Author/Editor: Alexander D.Beyleveld
Taken en functies van het hoger onderwijs
Author/Editor: Bos van den ,R.L.,Vis ,T.
Take Her, She's Yours
Author/Editor: Eva-Lynn Jagoe
Tajkistan: A Political and Social History
Author/Editor: Nourzhanov ,Kirill,Bleuer ,Christian
The Taiwan Voter
Author/Editor: Christopher Achen,T.Y. Wang
Taiwan and China : Fitful Embrace
Taiwan and China
Tainted Souls and Painted Faces: The Rhetoric of Fallenness in Victorian Culture
Author/Editor: Amanda Anderson
Tagung der Fachdidaktik 2013
Author/Editor: Suzanne Kapelari
Tagebuch aus dem Siebenjährigen Krieg
Author/Editor: Wähner, Andreas Georg,Dahmen, Sigrid
Tafeln im flexiblen Überfluss : Ambivalenzen sozialen und ökologischen Engagements
Author/Editor: Lorenz ,Stephan
Tafeln im flexiblen Ãœberfluss
TafelGesellschaft : Zum neuen Umgang mit Überfluss und Ausgrenzung
Tadeusz Baird. The Composer, His Work, and Its Reception
Author/Editor: Barbara Literska
Tactics of the Human: Experimental Technics in American Fiction
Author/Editor: Laura Shackelford
Tactical Entanglements: AI Art, Creative Agency, and the Limits of Intellectual Property
Author/Editor: Martin Zeilinger
Tacitus, Annals, 15.20-23, 33-45
Author/Editor: Owen ,Mathew,Gildenhard ,Ingo
The Tacit Dimension: Architecture Knowledge and Scientific Research
Author/Editor: Lara Schrijver
Author/Editor: Boyer Rickel
A Table for One : A Critical Reading of Singlehood, Gender and Time
Author/Editor: Lahad ,Kinneret
A Table for One
TA31: The Early Prehistory of Fiji
Author/Editor: Clark ,Geoffrey,Anderson ,Atholl
TA 30 - Archaeological Science Under a Microscope
Author/Editor: Haslam ,Michael,Kirkwood ,Luke,Robertson ,Gail,Crowther ,Alison,Nugent ,Sue
Szeneninterpretation unter Verwendung multimodaler Sensorik und Salienzmaßen
Author/Editor: Markus Müller
Szenarien im Gesundheitswesen: Bad Orber Gespraeche ueber kontroverse Themen im Gesundheitswesen 5.-7.11.1998
Author/Editor: Manfred Albring,Eberhard Wille
Systèmes agraires et changement climatique au Sud
Author/Editor: Hubert Cochet,Olivier Ducourtieux,Nadège Garambois
Systemwettbewerb versus Harmonisierung in Europa: Am Beispiel des Arbeitsmarktes
Author/Editor: Claudia Hafner
Systemwettbewerb und Umverteilung: Gefaehrdet die Globalisierung den Sozialstaat?
Author/Editor: Ingmar Kumpmann
Systemvertrauen und Journalismus im Neoliberalismus
Author/Editor: Malte G. Schmidt
Systems of Classification in Premodern Medical Cultures: Sickness, Health, and Local Epistemologies
Author/Editor: Ulrike Steinert
Systems Mapping: How to build and use causal models of systems
Author/Editor: Pete Barbrook-Johnson,Alexandra S. Penn
Systems Biology: Functional Strategies of Living Organisms
Author/Editor: Leszek Konieczny,Irena Roterman-Konieczna,Paweł Spólnik
The System of the Inquisition in Medieval Europe
Author/Editor: Paweł Kras
Systemleichtbau für die Luftfahrt
Author/Editor: Martin Wiedemann
Systemic Circular Economy Solutions for Fiber Reinforced Composites
Author/Editor: Marcello Colledani,Stefano Turri
System Beratung : Politikberater zwischen Anspruch und Realität
Author/Editor: Steiner ,Adrian
System Beratung
System-Aufstellungen und ihre naturwissenschaftliche Begründung: Grundlage für eine innovative Methode zur Entscheidungsfindung in der Unternehmensführung
Author/Editor: Thomas Gehlert
Systematische Analyse und Bewertung komplexer Supply Chain Prozesse bei dynamischer Festlegung des Auftragsentkopplungspunkts
Author/Editor: Reinhold Schodl
Systematics 2008 - Programme and Abstracts
Author/Editor: Gradstein, S. Robbert,Klatt, Simone,Normann, Felix,Weigelt, Patrick,Willmann, Rainer Prof. Dr.,Wilson, Rosemary
Systematic Reviews in Educational Research: Methodology, Perspectives and Application
Author/Editor: Olaf Zawacki-Richter,Michael Kerres,Svenja Bedenlier,Melissa Bond,Katja Buntins
Systematic Approaches to Advanced Information Flow Analysis – and Applications to Software Security
Author/Editor: Martin Mohr
System- and Data-Driven Methods and Algorithms
Author/Editor: Peter Benner,Wil Schilders,Stefano Grivet-Talocia,Alfio Quarteroni,Gianluigi Rozza,Luís Miguel Silveira
Systemakkreditierung an Hochschulen: Anforderungen, Maßnahmen und Effekte aus der Perspektive von Hochschulakteuren
Author/Editor: Petra Suwalski
Syria's Monuments: Their Survival and Destruction (Volume 5)
Author/Editor: Michael Greenhalgh
Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Between Reception and Integration
Author/Editor: Zeynep Şahin-Mencütek,N. Ela Gökalp-Aras,Ayhan Kaya,Susan Beth Rottmann
Syriac Theology: Past and Present
Author/Editor: Martina Aras,Charbel Rizk,Klaus von Stosch
Syntax with oscillators and energy levels
Author/Editor: Sam Tilsen
Syntax und Valenz: Zur Modellierung kohärenter und elliptischer Strukturen mit Baumadjunktionsgrammatiken
Author/Editor: Lichte ,Timm
Syntax und Valenz: Zur Modellierung kohärenter und elliptischer Strukturen mit Baumadjunktionsgrammatiken
Syntax of Hungarian vol 2
Author/Editor: Gábor Alberti,Tibor Láczko
Syntax of Hungarian vol 1
Syntax of Hungarian: Postpositions and Postpositional Phrases
Author/Editor: Katalin É. Kiss,Veronika Hegedus
Syntax of Hungarian: Coordination and Ellipsis
Author/Editor: Zoltán Bánréti
Syntax of Dutch: Verbs and Verb Phrases. Volume 3
Author/Editor: Hans Broekhuis,Norbert Corver
Syntax of Dutch: Verbs and Verb Phrases. Volume 3
Author/Editor: Broekhuis ,Hans,Corver ,Norbert
Syntax of Dutch: Verbs and Verb Phrases. Volume 1
Author/Editor: Hans Broekhuis,Norbert Corver,Riet Vos
Syntax of Dutch: Verbs and Verb Phrases. Volume 1
Author/Editor: Broekhuis ,Hans,Corver ,Norbert,Vos ,Riet
Syntax of Dutch: Verb and Verb Phrases. Volume 2
Author/Editor: Broekhuis ,Hans,Corver ,Norbert
Syntax of Dutch: Adpositions and Adpositional Phrases
Author/Editor: Broekhuis ,Hans
Syntax of Dutch: Adjectives and Adjective Phrases
Syntax of Dutch
Syntax of Dutch
Syntax of Dutch
Author/Editor: Hans Broekhuis,Norbert Corver
The Syntax of Colophons: A Comparative Study across Pothi Manuscripts
Author/Editor: Nalini Balbir,Giovanni Ciotti
Syntaxe théorique et formelle: Volume 1: Modélisation, unités, structures
Author/Editor: Sylvain Kahane,Kim Gerdes
Syntax der Ergaenzungsfrage: Empirische Untersuchungen am Russischen, Polnischen und Tschechischen
Author/Editor: Roland Meyer
Syntaktische und semantische Eigenschaften russischer finaler Infinitiveinbettungen
Author/Editor: Uwe Junghanns
Syntaktische Strukturen im Selkupischen: Eine korpusbasierte Untersuchung der zentralen und su ̈dlichen Dialekte
Author/Editor: Anja Behnke
Syntaktischer Wandel im Kroatischen am Beispiel der Enklitika
Author/Editor: Ljiljana Reinkowski
Syntaktischer Atlas der deutschen Schweiz (SADS) – Band 2: Karten
Author/Editor: Elvira Glaser
Syntaktischer Atlas der deutschen Schweiz (SADS) – Band 1: Einleitung und Kommentare
Author/Editor: Elvira Glaser
Syntactische atlas van de Nederlandse dialecten
Author/Editor: Barbiers ,Sjef,Auwera van der ,Johan,Bennis ,Hans,Boef ,Eefje,Vogelaer De ,Gunther,Ham van der ,Margreet
Syntactic architecture and its consequences I: Syntax inside the grammar
Author/Editor: Theresa Biberauer,Sten Vikner,András Bárány,Jamie Douglas
Syntactic architecture and its consequences III: Inside syntax (Volume 11)
Author/Editor: Jamie Douglas,Theresa Biberauer,Sten Vikner,András Bárány
Syntactic architecture and its consequences II: Between syntax and morphology
Author/Editor: Theresa Biberauer,Sten Vikner,András Bárány,Jamie Douglas
Synopses and Lists: Textual Practices in the Pre-Modern World
Author/Editor: Teresa Bernheimer,Ronny Vollandt
Synonymitaet im Text: Eine Untersuchung an russischen Textbeispielen
Author/Editor: Rudolf Schuster
Synod on the Freedom of Conscience
Author/Editor: Coornhert ,D.V.
Synode over gewetensvrijheid
Author/Editor: Coornhert ,D.V.
Synodale Prozesse in der katholischen Kirche
Author/Editor: Wilhelm Rees,Ludger Müller
Synchronizing the Destructions of the Mycenaean Palaces
Synchronized Factories: Latin America and the Caribbean in the Era of Global Value Chains
Author/Editor: Juan S. Blyde
Synchronic and Diachronic Aspects of Kanashi
Author/Editor: Anju Saxena,Lars Borin
Synagogen in Göttingen - Aufbrüche und Abbrüche jüdischen Lebens
Author/Editor: Schaller, Berndt
Synagogen in Göttingen - Aufbrüche und Abbrüche jüdischen Lebens
Author/Editor: Schaller, Berndt
Symptoms of the Planetary Condition: A Critical Vocabulary
Author/Editor: Mercedes Bunz,Birgit Mara Kaiser,Kathrin Thiele
Symptoms of an Unruly Age: Li Zhi and Cultures of Early Modernity
Author/Editor: Rivi Handler-Spitz
SYMPOSION – La cultura del vino nei valori della conoscenza storica e nelle strategie di mercato | The Culture of Wine within the Values of Historical Knowledge and the Marketing Strategies
Author/Editor: Silvio Menghini
Symposion des wissenschaftlichen Beirates der Suedosteuropa-Gesellschaft am 25./26. Juni 1971 in Muenchen: Ergebnisse und Plaene der Suedosteuropa-Forschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Oesterreich
Author/Editor: Walter Althammer
Symphonic Concert Life and Concert Venues in Tokyo 1868–1945
Author/Editor: Clemens Büttner
Sympathetic Sentiments: Affect, Emotion and Spectacle in the Modern World
Author/Editor: John Jervis
Symbolismus im Spannungsfeld zwischen aesthetischer und eschatologischer Existenz: Motivische Semantik im lyrischen Werk von Otokar Březina
Author/Editor: Josef Vojvodík
Symbolische Formen: Grundlagen und Elemente einer Soziologie der Katastrophe
Author/Editor: Martin Voss
The Symbolic Order
Author/Editor: Peter Abbs
Symbolic Objects in Contentious Politics
Author/Editor: Benjamin Abrams,Peter Gardner
Symbolic Anthropology in the Netherlands
Author/Editor: Josselin de Jong de ,P.,Schwimmer ,E.
Symbolic Anthropology in the Netherlands
Symbolae Ecclesiasticae Bulgaricae. Vortraege anlaesslich des 80. Geburtstages von Hans-Dieter Doepmann
Author/Editor: Helmut Schaller,Rumjana Zlatanova
Symbiotic Posthumanist Ecologies in Western Literature, Philosophy and Art: Towards Theory and Practice
Author/Editor: Peggy Karpouzou,Nikoleta Zampaki
Symbiotic Interaction: 5th International Workshop, Symbiotic 2016, Padua, Italy, September 29–30, 2016, Revised Selected Papers
Author/Editor: Luciano Gamberini,Anna Spagnolli,Giulio Jacucci,Benjamin Blankertz,Jonathan Freeman
The symbiosis between information system project complexity and information system project success
Author/Editor: Marnewick ,Carl,Erasmus ,Wikus,Nazeer ,Joseph
Symbiosen, Rituale, Routinen
Author/Editor: Kunze ,Rolf-Ulrich
The Sword of Judith
Switzerland and Sub-Saharan Africa in the Cold War, 1967-1979: Neutrality Meets Decolonisation
Author/Editor: Sabina Widmer
Swiss Public Administration: Making the State Work Successfully
Author/Editor: Andreas Ladner,Nils Soguel,Yves Emery,Sophie Weerts,Stéphane Nahrath
Swiss Finance: Banking, Finance, and Digitalization
Author/Editor: Henri B. Meier,John E. Marthinsen,Pascal A. Gantenbein,Samuel S. Weber
Swiss Energy Governance: Political, Economic and Legal Challenges and Opportunities in the Energy Transition
Author/Editor: Peter Hettich,Aya Kachi
Swiss Democracy: Possible Solutions to Conflict in Multicultural Societies
Author/Editor: Wolf Linder,Sean Mueller
Sweet Spots: Writing the Connective Tissue of Relation
Author/Editor: Mattie-Martha Sempert
Sweet Deal, Bitter Landscape: Gender Politics and Liminality in Tanzania's New Enclosures
Author/Editor: Youjin Chung
Sweden’s Pandemic Experiment
Author/Editor: Sigurd Bergmann,Martin Lindström
Sweden, Japan, and the Long Second World War: 1931-1945
Author/Editor: Pascal Lottaz,Ingemar Ottosson
Sweden and ecological governance: Straddling the fence
Author/Editor: Lundqvist ,Lennart J.
Swallows and Settlers: The Great Migration from North China to Manchuria
Author/Editor: Thomas R. Gottschang,Diana Lary
Sviluppo urbano e politiche per la qualità della vita
Author/Editor: Giampaolo Nuvolati
Sveriges avrasifiering: Svenska uppfattningar om ras och rasism under efterkrigstiden
Author/Editor: Tobias Hübinette,Peter Wikström
Sävelten tyttäret: Säveltävät naiset Suomessa 1800-luvulta 1900-luvulle
Author/Editor: Susanna Välimäki,Nuppu Koivisto-Kaasik
Suva Stories: A History of the Capital of Fiji
Author/Editor: Nicholas Halter
Suture: Trauma and Trans Becoming
Author/Editor: KJ Cerankowski
Sustaining New Orleans
Author/Editor: Barbara Eckstein
Sustainable Water Management and Wetland Restoration Strategies in Northern China
Author/Editor: Thevs ,Niels,Baratieri ,Marco,Patuzzi ,Francesco,Ott ,Konrad,Kerschbaumer ,Lilin,He ,Ping,Brusetti ,Lorenzo,Borruso ,Luigimaria,Hochmuth ,Henrike,Köbbing Felix ,Jan,Li ,Liping
Sustainable Water Management and Wetland Restoration Strategies in Northern China
Sustainable Treatment and Reuse of Municipal Wastewater: For decision makers and practising engineers
Author/Editor: Menahem Libhaber,Álvaro Orozco-Jaramillo
Sustainable Societies: Transition from theories to practice
Author/Editor: Mahendra Sethi
Sustainable Rice Straw Management
Author/Editor: Martin Gummert,Nguyen Van Hung,Pauline Chivenge,Boru Douthwaite
Sustainable Qatar: Social, Political and Environmental Perspectives
Author/Editor: Logan Cochrane,Reem Al-Hababi
Sustainable phosphate management: Environmental and Social life cycle assessment of phosphate mining in Tunisia
Author/Editor: Roukaya Issaoui
Sustainable Modernity
Author/Editor: Nina Witoszek,Atle Midttun
Sustainable Mobility for Island Destinations
Author/Editor: Theocharis Tsoutsos
Sustainable Manufacturing: Challenges, Solutions and Implementation Perspectives
Author/Editor: Rainer Stark,Günther Seliger,Jérémy Bonvoisin
Sustainable Management of Mediterranean Coastal Fresh and Transitional Water Bodies: a Socio-Economic and Environmental Analysis of Changes and Trends to Enhance and Sustain Stakeholders Benefits: Proceedings of the international Conference held at the En
Author/Editor: Jean-Marc Boffa,Elisabeth Conrad,Mariella Nardi,Felicita Scapini,Louis Francis Cassar
Sustainable Living with Environmental Risks
Author/Editor: Nobuhiro Kaneko,Nobuhiro Kaneko,Shinji Yoshiura,Shinji Yoshiura,Masanori Kobayashi,Masanori Kobayashi
Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Southeast Asia: Innovations and Policies for Mountainous Areas
Author/Editor: Holger L. Fröhlich,Holger L. Fröhlich,Pepijn Schreinemachers,Pepijn Schreinemachers,Karl Stahr,Karl Stahr,Gerhard Clemens,Gerhard Clemens
Sustainable Land Management in a European Context: A Co-Design Approach
Author/Editor: Thomas Weith,Tim Barkmann,Nadin Gaasch,Sebastian Rogga,Christian Strauß,Jana Zscheischler
Sustainable Humanities
Author/Editor: Cohen ,Job,e.a.
Sustainable Human Development Across the Life Course: Evidence from Longitudinal Research
Author/Editor: Prerna Banati
Sustainable Future: Trends, Strategies and Development: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Managing Digital Industry, Technology and Entrepreneurship, (CoMDITE 2022), Bandung, Indonesia, 24 May 2022
Author/Editor: Siska Noviaristanti,Ong Hway Boon
Sustainable Futures in Southern Africa’s Mountains: Multiple Perspectives on an Emerging City
Author/Editor: Andrea Membretti,Sue Jean Taylor,Jess L. Delves
Sustainable food systems for food security: Need for combination of local and global approaches
Author/Editor: Alban Thomas,Arlène Alpha,Aleksandra Barczak,Nadine Zakhia-Rozis
Sustainable Food Systems
Author/Editor: Biel ,Robert
Sustainable Food System Assessment: Lessons from Global Practice
Author/Editor: Alison Blay-Palmer,Damien Conaré,Ken Meter,Amanda Di Battista,Carla Johnston
Sustainable Enterprise Value Creation: Implementing Stakeholder Capitalism through Full ESG Integration
Author/Editor: Richard Samans,Jane Nelson
Sustainable Energy Access for Communities: Rethinking the Energy Agenda for Cities
Author/Editor: Aminata Fall,Reinhard Haas
Sustainable Development in the Jordan Valley: Final Report of the Regional NGO Master Plan
Author/Editor: Jeroen Kool
Sustainable Development in India: Groundwater Irrigation, Energy Use, and Food Production
Author/Editor: Koichi Fujita,Tsukasa Mizushima
Author/Editor: Dyah Ayu Wiwid Sintowoko,Idhar Resmadi,Hanif Azhar,Ganjar Gumilar,Taufiq Wahab
Sustainable Development Goals Connectivity Dilemma: Land and Geospatial Information for Urban and Rural Resilience
Author/Editor: Abbas Rajabifard
Sustainable Development Goals and Human Rights
Author/Editor: Markus Kaltenborn,Markus Krajewski,Heike Kuhn
Sustainable Development Goal 3: Health and Well-being of Ageing in Hong Kong
Author/Editor: Ben Y. F. Fong,Vincent T. S. Law,Tiffany C. H. Leung,Man Fung Lo,Tommy K. C. Ng,Hilary H. L. Yee
Sustainable Development Disciplines for Society: Breaking Down the 5Ps—People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnerships
Author/Editor: Shujiro Urata,Ken-Ichi Akao,Ayu Washizu
Sustainable Development Disciplines for Humanity: Breaking Down the 5Ps—People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnerships
Author/Editor: Shujiro Urata,Kazuo Kuroda,Yoshiko Tonegawa
Sustainable Development and Resource Productivity: The Nexus Approaches
Author/Editor: Harry Lehmann
Sustainable Commodity Use: Its Governance, Legal Framework, and Future Regulatory Instruments
Author/Editor: Maximilian Eduard Oehl
Sustainable Business: Managing the Challenges of the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Manuel Fischer,Tobias Stucki,Daniel Foord,Jan Frecè,Kirsten Hillebrand,Ingrid Kissling-Näf,Rahel Meili,Marie Peskova,David Risi,René Schmidpeter
Sustainable Business, Management, and Economics
Author/Editor: Lena Berger,Manfred Max Bergman
Sustainability Transitions in der Lebensmittelproduktion: Alternative Proteinquellen in soziotechnischer Perspektive
Author/Editor: Marie Diekmann,Ludwig Theuvsen,Ramona Weinrich
Sustainability Standards and Global Governance: Experiences of Emerging Economies
Author/Editor: Archna Negi,Jorge Antonio Pérez-Pineda,Johannes Blankenbach
Sustainability Science for Strong Sustainability
Author/Editor: Tom Dedeurwaerdere
Sustainability of Southern African Ecosystems under Global Change: Science for Management and Policy Interventions
Author/Editor: Graham P. von Maltitz,Guy F. Midgley,Jennifer Veitch,Christian Brümmer,Reimund P. Rötter,Finn A. Viehberg,Maik Veste
The Sustainability of Meat and Cured Meats in Italy: Nutritional Aspect, Food Safety, Environmental Impact, Animal Welfare, Circular Economy, Fight Against Waste
Author/Editor: Elisabetta Bernardi,Ettore Capri,Giuseppe Pulina
The Sustainability of Agro-Food and Natural Resource Systems in the Mediterranean Basin
Author/Editor: Antonella Vastola
Sustainability Matters: Prospects for a Just Transition in Calgary, Canada’s Petro-City
Author/Editor: Noel Keough
Sustainability, Human Well-Being, and the Future of Education
Author/Editor: Justin W. Cook
Susan Isaacs: A Life Freeing the Minds of Children
Author/Editor: Philip Graham
Surviving the Middle Passage: The West Africa-Surinam Sprachbund
Author/Editor: Pieter C. Muysken,Norval Smith
Surviving the Crossing
Author/Editor: Jessica Rabin
Surviving Sudden Environmental Change : Answers From Archaeology
Surviving Sudden Environmental Change
Survival Migration : Failed Governance and the Crisis of Displacement
Author/Editor: Betts ,Alexander
Survival Migration
Survey-Welten: Eine empirische Perspektive auf Qualitätskonventionen und Praxisformen der Umfrageforschung
Author/Editor: Raphael Vogel
Surveying Human Vulnerabilities across the Life Course
Author/Editor: Michel Oris,Caroline Roberts,Dominique Joye,Michèle Ernst Stähli
Surveying Ethnic Minorities and Immigrant Populations
Surveying Climate-Relevant Behavior: Measurements, Obstacles, and Implications
Author/Editor: Markus Hadler,Beate Klösch,Stephan Schwarzinger,Markus Schweighart,Rebecca Wardana,David Neil Bird
Survey Analysis for Indigenous Policy in Australia: Social Sciences Perspectives (CAEPR Monograph 32)
Author/Editor: Hunter ,Boyd,Biddle ,Nicholas
Surveilling masses and unveiling human rights: Uneasy choices for the Strasbourg Court
Author/Editor: Eleni Kosta
Surveillance | Society | Culture
Author/Editor: Florian Zappe,Andrew S. Gross
Surveillance, Privacy and Security
Author/Editor: Michael Friedewald,J. Peter Burgess,Johann Čas,Rocco Bellanova,Walter Peissl
Surveillance, maintenance and diagnosis of flood protection dikes
Author/Editor: Patrice Mériaux,Paul Royet
Surrender: How the Clinton Administration Completed the Reagan Revolution
Author/Editor: Michael Allen Meeropol
The Surrendered: Reflections by a Son of Shining Path
Author/Editor: José Carlos Agüero,Michael J. Lazzara,Charles F. Walker
The Surplus Woman: Unmarried in Imperial Germany, 1871-1918
Author/Editor: Catherine L. Dollard
Sur les pas de l’âne dans la religion égyptienne
Author/Editor: Marie Vandenbeusch
Sur les murs de Dheisheh
Author/Editor: Clémence Lehec
Sur les bancs du paysage
Author/Editor: Sylvie Paradis,Anne Sgard
Surinaams contrast
Author/Editor: Stipriaan van ,A.
Surinaams contrast
Author/Editor: Stipriaan van ,Alex
Surinaams contrast
Surgical Ophthalmic Oncology: A Collaborative Open Access Reference
Author/Editor: Sonal S. Chaugule,Santosh G. Honavar,Paul T. Finger
Surgery and Selfhood in Early Modern England: Altered Bodies and Contexts of Identity
Author/Editor: Alanna Skuse
Surfing the Past: Digital Learners in the History Class
Author/Editor: Olivier Nyirubugara
Surfers van die Tsunami: Navorsing en Inligtingstegnologie binne die Geesteswetenskappe
Author/Editor: Burgert Senekal,Susan Brokensha
Supreme Courts Under Nazi Occupation
Author/Editor: Derk Venema
Supporting the Design of Technology-Mediated Sharing Practices
Author/Editor: Anton Fedosov
Supporting Self-Directed Learning in Science and Technology Beyond the School Years
Author/Editor: Léonie J. Rennie,Susan Stocklmayer,John K. Gilbert
Support for female entrepreneurs: Survey evidence for why it makes sense
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Supply-Side Policy in den USA: Eine theoretische und empirische Analyse der angebotsorientierten Wirtschaftspolitik Reagans unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung steuerlicher Aspekte
Author/Editor: Joachim Nagel
Supply Chain Design: Robuste Planung mit differenzierter Auswahl der Zulieferer
Author/Editor: Stephanie Freiwald
The Supplement of Reading: Figures of Understanding in Romantic Theory and Practice
Author/Editor: Tilottama Rajan
Supervivencia indígena en la Nicaragua colonial
Author/Editor: Linda A. Newson
Supersymmetry and String Theory: Beyond the Standard Model
Author/Editor: Michael Dine
Supersymmetric Solitons
Author/Editor: M. Shifman,A. Yung
Supersymmetric Gauge Field Theory and String Theory
Author/Editor: D. Bailin,Alexander Love
The Superstitious Muse : Thinking Russian Literature Mythopoetically
Author/Editor: Bethea ,David
The Superstitious Muse
Supersapientia: Berthold of Moosburg and the Divine Science of the Platonists
Author/Editor: Evan King
The Supernatural Media Virus: Virus Anxiety in Gothic Fiction Since 1990
Author/Editor: Rahel Sixta Schmitz
Superhelden im Film: Zur post-patriarchalen Utopie des Marvel Cinematic Universe
Author/Editor: Peter Vignold
Superdiversity: Migration and Social Complexity
Author/Editor: Steven Vertovec
Superdiversiteetti: Näkökulmia maahanmuuton monimuotoisuuteen
Author/Editor: Tuomas Martikainen,Sari Pöyhönen
Superconductors at the Nanoscale: From Basic Research to Applications
Author/Editor: Roger Wördenweber,Victor Moshchalkov,Simon Bending
Supercomputing Frontiers: 7th Asian Conference, SCFA 2022, Singapore, March 1–3, 2022, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Dhabaleswar K. Panda,Michael Sullivan
Supercomputing Frontiers: 6th Asian Conference, SCFA 2020, Singapore, February 24–27, 2020, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Dhabaleswar K. Panda
Supercomputing Frontiers: 5th Asian Conference, SCFA 2019, Singapore, March 11–14, 2019, Proceedings
Author/Editor: David Abramson,Bronis R. de Supinski
Supercomputing Frontiers: 4th Asian Conference, SCFA 2018, Singapore, March 26-29, 2018, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Rio Yokota,Weigang Wu
Suomi Moskovasta nähtynä: Suurvaltapolitiikan, sisällissodan ja vallankumouksen leikkauspisteessä 1920–1930
Author/Editor: Aappo Kähönen
Suomen kielen hallinta ja sen kehitys: Peruskoululaiset ja nuoret aikuiset
Author/Editor: Anneli Pajunen,Mari Honko
Suomalaiset sivulliset: Eksistentiaalisten tunteiden kertominen 1950-luvun proosassa
Author/Editor: Elise Nykänen
Sung Tales from the Papua New Guinea Highlands
Author/Editor: Rumsey ,Alan,Niles ,Don
A Summer of Mass Murder: 1941 Rehearsal for the Hungarian Holocaust
Author/Editor: George Eisen
Summa theologica Halensis: De legibus et praeceptis Lateinischer Text mit Übersetzung und Kommentar
Author/Editor: Alexander Halesius,Michael Basse
The Summa Halensis: Doctrines and Debates
Author/Editor: Lydia Schumacher
Sull'immagine sonora della città
Author/Editor: Antonella Radicchi
Sukupuoli ja väkivalta : Lukemisen etiikkaa ja politiikkaa
Sukupuoli ja väkivalta
Sukeroku’s Double Identity: The Dramatic Structure of Edo Kabuki
Author/Editor: Barbara Thornbury
Sujetos del deseo
Author/Editor: Soledad Marambio
Suite on "Spiritus Silvestre": For Symphony
Author/Editor: Denzil Ford
Sui generis Rechte zum Schutz traditioneller kultureller Ausdrucksweisen - Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Bizer, Kilian,Lankau, Matthias,Spindler, Gerald
Suicide and Predicament
Author/Editor: Saxby Pridmore
Suhrkamp und DDR: Literaturhistorische, praxeologische und werktheoretische Perspektiven auf ein Verlagsarchiv
Author/Editor: Anke Jaspers
Sugar, Steam and Steel: The Industrial Project in Colonial Java, 1830-1850
Author/Editor: Knight Roger ,G.
Sugar, Spice, and the Not So Nice: Comics Picturing Girlhood
Author/Editor: Dona Pursall,Eva Van de Wiele
Sugar beet: A competitive innovation
Author/Editor: Christian Huyghe,Didier Guillaume,Bruno Desprez,Vincent Laudinat
Sufism in the West
Author/Editor: Jamal Malik,John Hinnells
Sufi Masters and the Creation of Saintly Spheres in Medieval Syria
Author/Editor: Daphna Ephrat
Suffrage and citizenship in Ireland, 1912-18
Author/Editor: Senia Pašeta
The Suez Canal: Past Lessons and Future Challenges
Author/Editor: Carmela Lutmar,Ziv Rubinovitz
Suelo para opciones. Cuatro perspectivas para las zonas rurales en la Communidad Europea
Author/Editor: WRR
Suedosteuropa-Veroeffentlichungen aus der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1984-1988
Author/Editor: Klaus-Detlev Grothusen
Suedosteuropa in der Wahrnehmung der deutschen Oeffentlichkeit vom Wiener Kongress (1815) bis zum Pariser Frieden (1856)
Author/Editor: Josip Matešic,Klaus Heitmann
Suedosteuropa in den internationalen politischen Beziehungen der Gegenwart
Author/Editor: Franz Ronneberger
Suchmaschinenoptimierung und Wettbewerbsrecht (Volume 49)
Author/Editor: Michael Wehrmann
Succession and the Transfer of Social Capital in Chinese Family Businesses: Understanding Guanxi as a Resource – Cases, Examples and Firm Owners in Their Own Words
Author/Editor: Xing Ke
Successful Public Policy: Lessons from Australia and New Zealand
Author/Editor: Joannah Luetjens,Michael Mintrom,Paul `t Hart
Successful Public Policy in the Nordic Countries: Cases, Lessons, Challenges
Author/Editor: Caroline de la Porte,Guðný Björk Eydal,Jaakko Kauko,Daniel Nohrstedt,Paul 't Hart,Bent Sofus Tranøy
Successful Global Collaborations in Higher Education Institutions
Author/Editor: Abdulrahman AI-Youbi,Adnan H. M. Zahed,William G. Tierney
Sub-Wavelength Probing and Modification of Complex Photonic Structures
Author/Editor: Silvia Vignolini
Subversive Semantics in Political and Cultural Discourse: The Production of Popular Knowledge
Author/Editor: Gesa Mackenthun,Jörn Dosch
Suburbia and Rural Landscapes in Medieval Sicily
Author/Editor: Angelo Castrorao Barba,Giuseppe Mandalà
Suburban Urbanities
Author/Editor: Vaughan ,Laura
Suburban Urbanities
Subtle Agroecologies: Farming With the Hidden Half of Nature
Author/Editor: Nicholas Parrott,Julia Wright
Substantive Representation of Women in Asian Parliaments
Author/Editor: Devin K. Joshi,Christian Echle
Substantial Relations: Making Global Reproductive Medicine in Postcolonial India
Author/Editor: Sandra Bärnreuther
Subsidies, diplomacy, and state formation in Europe, 1494–1789: Economies of allegiance
Author/Editor: Svante Norrhem,Erik Thomson
Subsidiaritätsklauseln im Strafverfahren
Author/Editor: Blozik, Michael
Subsidiaritätsgrundsatz und Tatsachenfeststellung unter der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention: Analyse der Rechtsprechung zu Art. 3 EMRK
Author/Editor: Arthur Brunner
Subseafloor Biosphere Linked to Hydrothermal Systems: TAIGA Concept
Author/Editor: Jun-ichiro Ishibashi,Kyoko Okino,Michinari Sunamura
Submerged on the Surface: The Not-So-Hidden Jews of Nazi Berlin, 1941-1945
Author/Editor: Richard Lutjens
Sublinear Computation Paradigm: Algorithmic Revolution in the Big Data Era
Author/Editor: Naoki Katoh,Yuya Higashikawa,Hiro Ito,Atsuki Nagao,Tetsuo Shibuya,Adnan Sljoka,Kazuyuki Tanaka,Yushi Uno
Subjektwerden unter Bedingungen von outsiderness: Subjektivierungstheoretische Lesarten kurdischer Schulbildungsbiographien in der Türkei
Author/Editor: Marie Hoppe
Subjektunabhängige, analytische Unternehmensethik: Begründung und Relevanz als praktisch-normative Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Author/Editor: Florian Fuchs
Subjektive Zurechnung im Markenstrafrecht
Author/Editor: Feiler, Harald
Subjektive und objektive Zeit: Aristoteles und die moderne Zeit-Theorie
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Detel
Subject Teacher Education in Transition: Educating Teachers for the Future
Author/Editor: Eero Ropo,Riitta Jaatinen
Subjects of modernity: Time-space, disciplines, margins
The Subject(s) of Human Rights: Crises, Violations, and Asian/American Critique
Author/Editor: Cathy Schlund-Vials,Guy Beauregard,Hsiu-chuan Lee
Subject-Oriented Business Process Management
Author/Editor: Albert Fleischmann,Werner Schmidt,Christian Stary,Stefan Obermeier,Egon Börger
The Subject of Race in American Science Fiction
Author/Editor: Sharon DeGraw
Subject Learning in the Primary Curriculum
Author/Editor: Jill Bourne,Mary Briggs,Patricia Murphy,Michelle Selinger
Subjectivity. Filmic Representation and the Spectator's Experience
Subjective Lives and Economic Transformations in Mongolia: Life in the Gap
Author/Editor: Rebecca M. Empson
A Subgrouping of Nine Philippine Languages
Author/Editor: Llamzon ,T.A.
A Subgrouping of Nine Philippine Languages
Subatomic quantification (Volume 6)
Author/Editor: Marcin Wągiel
Subaltern Sovereigns: Rituals of Rule and Regeneration in Highland Odisha, India
Author/Editor: Peter Berger
Subalternità siciliana nella scrittura di Luigi Capuana e Giovanni Verga
Author/Editor: Anita Virga
Stylistic Use of Phraseological Units in Discourse
Author/Editor: Naciscione ,Anita
Stylistic Use of Phraseological Units in Discourse
Stylistic Deceptions in Online News: Journalistic Style and the Translation of Culture
Author/Editor: Ashley Riggs
Styling Sagaciousness: Oh Great No!
Author/Editor: Joseph Nechvatal
Style and Intersubjectivity in Youth Interaction
Author/Editor: Dwi Djenar,Michael Ewing,Manns Howard
Stuttgart 21 – eine Rekonstruktion der Proteste: Soziale Bewegungen in Zeiten der Postdemokratie (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Julia von Staden
Stumbling Blocks Before the Blind: Medieval Constructions of a Disability
Author/Editor: Edward Wheatley
A study on cholinergic signal transduction pathways involved in short term and long term memory formation in the rat hippocampus: Molecular and cellular alterations underlying memory impairments in animal models of neurodegeneration
Author/Editor: Daniele Lana
The Study of Religion and the Training of Muslim Clergy in Europe
Author/Editor: Drees ,Willem,Koningsveld ,Pieter Sjoerd
Study of intracellular signaling pathways in Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
Author/Editor: Serena Martinelli
A Study of Cultural Interaction and Linguistic Contact: Approaching Chinese Linguistics from the Periphery
Author/Editor: Keiichi Uchida
Study of an alternative phase field model for low interfacial energy in elastic solids
Author/Editor: Anke Böttcher
Studying Film with André Bazin
Author/Editor: Blandine Joret
Studying Diversity, Migration and Urban Multiculture: Convivial Tools for Research and Practice
Author/Editor: Mette Louise Berg,Magdalena Nowicka
Studying Complex Interactions and Outcomes Through Qualitative Comparative Analysis: A Practical Guide to Comparative Case Studies and Ethnographic Data Analysis
Author/Editor: Markus Kröger
Study and design of topologies and components for high power density DC-DC converters
Author/Editor: Giacomo Calabrese
Studium als Balanceakt: Lebensführung von erwerbstätigen First-in-Family Studierenden
Author/Editor: Franziska Lessky
Studi slavistici tra linguistica, dialettologia e filologia
Author/Editor: Rosanna Benacchio,Malinka Pila,Han Steenwijk,Monica Fin,Donatella Possamai,Luisa Ruvoletto,Svetlana Slavkova
Studi per l'insegnamento delle lingue europee: Atti della prima e seconda giornata di studio (Firenze, 2002-2003)
Author/Editor: Scott Staton,María Carlota Nicolás Martínez
Studio sulla contaminazione ambientale delle acque causata dall'escrezione umana dei farmaci
Author/Editor: Piergiuseppe Calà
Studio di ceppi batterici per il biorisanamento di suoli contaminati da Cr(VI)
Author/Editor: Francesca Decorosi
Studi italiani di linguistica slava: Strutture, uso e acquisizione
Studie ueber die "Chłopi" und Dorfnovellen Władysław St. Reymonts
Author/Editor: Peter M. Boronowski
Studies on Greek and Coptic Majuscule Scripts and Books
Author/Editor: Pasquale Orsini
Studies in the Roman and Medieval Archaeology of Exeter: Exeter, A Place in Time Volume II
Author/Editor: Stephen Rippon,Neil Holbrook
Studies in the Masoretic Tradition of the Hebrew Bible
Author/Editor: Daniel J. Crowther,Aaron D. Hornkohl,Geoffrey Khan
Studies in the Life and Works of Michail Kuzmin
Author/Editor: John E. Malmstad
Studies in the History of Russian-Israeli Literature
Author/Editor: Maxim D. Shrayer,Roman Katsman
Studies in the Grammar and Lexicon of Neo-Aramaic
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Khan,Paul Noorlander
Studies in the German Drama: A Festschrift in Honor of Walter Silz
Author/Editor: Donald H. Crosby,George C. Schoolfield
Studies in the Arts - Neue Perspektiven auf Forschung über, in und durch Kunst und Design
Author/Editor: Thomas Gartmann,Michaela Schäuble
Studies in Strindberg
Author/Editor: Robinson ,Michael
Studies in Semitic Vocalisation and Reading Traditions
Author/Editor: Aaron D. Hornkohl,Geoffrey Khan
Studies in Science Education in the Asia-Pacific Region
Author/Editor: May May Hung Cheng,Alister Jones,Cathy Buntting
Studies in Rabbinic Hebrew
Author/Editor: Shai Heijmans
Studies in Polish Morphology and Syntax
Author/Editor: Gerd Hentschel,Roman Laskowski
Studies in Nietzsche and the Judaeo-Christian Tradition
Author/Editor: James C. O'Flaherty,Timothy F. Sellner,Robert M. Helm
Studies in Nietzsche and the Classical Tradition
Author/Editor: James C. O'Flaherty,Timothy F. Sellner,Robert M. Helm
Studies in Multilingualism, Lingua Franca and Lingua Sacra
Author/Editor: Jens Braarvig,Markham J. Geller
Studies in Malaysian Oral and Musical Traditions
Author/Editor: William P. Malm,Amin Sweeney
Studies in Jaina History and Culture
Author/Editor: Peter Flügel
Studies in Historical Linguistics in Honor of George Sherman Lane: Festschrift for George S. Lane
Author/Editor: Walter W. Arndt,Paul W. Jr. Brosman,Frederic E. Coenen,Werner P. Friedrich
Studies in Historical Documents from Nepal and India
Author/Editor: Simon Cubelic,Axel Michaels,Astrid Zotter
Studies in Goethe's Lyric Cycles
Author/Editor: Meredith Lee
Studies in Global Animal Law
Author/Editor: Anne Peters
Studies in German Literature of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Festschrift for Frederic E. Coenen
Author/Editor: Siegfried Mews
Studies in Australian Political Rhetoric
Author/Editor: Uhr ,John,Walter ,Ryan
Studies in Arthur Schnitzler: Centennial Commemorative Volume
Author/Editor: Herbert W. Reichert,Herman Salinger
Studierendenmigration und Entwicklung: Eine Fallstudie am Beispiel des KAAD
Author/Editor: Sascha Krannich,Uwe Hunger
Studien zur Volkskunde Südosteuropas und des mediterranen Raums
Author/Editor: Puchner ,Walter
Studien zur terminologischen Lexik bulgarischer Geographielehrbuecher (1835-1875)
Author/Editor: Sabine Riedel
Studien zur Sprache N. S. Leskovs
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Girke
Studien zur Romantechnik Miroslav Krležas
Author/Editor: Sibylle Schneider
Studien zur Rezeption der Antike bei russischen Dichtern zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Mara Kažoknieks
Studien zur literaturwissenschaftlichen Imagologie: Das literarische Werk F. M. Dostoevskijs aus imagologischer Sicht mit besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Darstellung Polens
Author/Editor: Malgorzata Swiderska
Studien zur historischen Phraseologie der slawischen Sprachen (unter Beruecksichtigung des Baltischen)
Author/Editor: Rainer Eckert
Studien zur Geschichte der russischen Verserzaehlung in der zweiten Haelfte des 19. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Elvira Högemann-Ledwohn
Studien zum Stil der Sava-Vita Teodosijes. Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der altserbischen Hagiographie
Author/Editor: Cornelia Müller-Landau
Studien zum Realismus I. S. Turgenevs
Author/Editor: Paul Hacker
Studien zum Gottesbild im Johannesevangelium
Author/Editor: Veronika Burz-Tropper
Studien zum Dual: Eine Darstellung am niedersorbischen Neuen Testament des Miklawuš Jakubica (1548). Eine sprachwissenschaftliche Analyse
Author/Editor: Mike Unger
Studien zum adjektivischen Attribut im Russischen
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Girke
Studien zu Cord Borgentrik: 'Regina Coeli' Im Werk des Bildschnitzers zwischen Tradition und Kirchenreform
Author/Editor: Helga Eberle
Studien zu Boris Pil'njaks Krasnoe derevo und Volga vpadaet v Kaspijskoe more
Author/Editor: Woo-Seob Yun
Studien zu A. P. Čechovs Drama "Die Moewe"
Author/Editor: Franz-Josef Leithold
Studien ueber den Verfall der bulgarischen Deklination: Das bulgarische Kasussystem zu Beginn des 13. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Klaus Steinke
Studienabbrecher/innen als Zielgruppe der Beratung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: Beiträge aus dem Projekt "Queraufstieg Berlin"
Author/Editor: Sabrina Anastasio,Lorenz Holthusen,Nadja Konrad,Sylvia Lietz,Christina Mangum,Gregor Wendler,Franziska Wildner,Barbara Kiepenheuer-Drechsler
Studi di poesia greca tardoantica: Atti della Giornata di Studi Università degli Studi di Firenze, 4 ottobre 2012
Author/Editor: daria gigli,ENRICO MAGNELLI
Studi di Archeologia del Vicino Oriente: Scritti degli allievi fiorentini per Paolo Emilio Pecorella
Author/Editor: Stefania MAZZONI
Studi confraternali: orientamenti, problemi, testimonianze
Author/Editor: Gazzini, Marina
Studiare in Italia. Intercultura e inclusione all'Università
Author/Editor: Vaccarelli ,Alessandro
Studia phraseologica et alia: Festschrift fuer Josip Matesic zum 65. Geburtstag
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Eismann,Jürgen Petermann
Studia lexicologica: Nachdruck besorgt von Ernst Eichler
Author/Editor: Josef Filipec
Student und Demokratie: Das politische Potenzial deutscher Studierender in Geschichte und Gegenwart (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Julian Schenke
Students’ participation in university governance in South Africa
Author/Editor: Vuyo Mthethwa
Student Politics in Africa: Representation and Activism
Author/Editor: Thierry M. Luescher,Manja Klemenčič,James Otieno Jowi
Student Misconceptions and Errors in Physics and Mathematics: Exploring Data from TIMSS and TIMSS Advanced
Author/Editor: Teresa Neidorf,Alka Arora,Ebru Erberber,Yemurai Tsokodayi,Thanh Mai
Studentische Forschung im Praxissemester: Fallbeispiele aus der Lehrkräftebildung
Author/Editor: Timo Beckmann,Timo Ehmke,Michael Besser
Student Feedback on Teaching in Schools: Using Student Perceptions for the Development of Teaching and Teachers
Author/Editor: Wolfram Rollett,Hannah Bijlsma,Sebastian Röhl
Studentenwelzijn in het hoger onderwijs: Een overzichtsstudie van veelbelovende aanpakken voor docenten(teams), opleidingen en instellingen.
Author/Editor: Marjolein Deunk,Hanke Korpershoek
Studenten skal bli lærer: Kunnskap, identitet og profesjonsutvikling
Author/Editor: Audhild Løhre,Anne Bonnevie Lund
Studentaktiv læring: praksisnær undervisning i høyere utdanning
Author/Editor: Svein Loeng,Britt Paula Mørkved,Brit Solli Isachsen
A Stubborn Fury: How Writing Works in Elitist Britain
Author/Editor: Gary Hall
Stuart Hall: Conversations, Projects and Legacies
Author/Editor: Julian Henriques,Julian Henriques,David Morley,David Morley,Angela McRobbie,Bill Schwarz,James Curran,Tony Jefferson,John Clarke,David Edgar,Michael Rustin
Struttura e costruzione / Structure and Construction Nuova edizione / New Edition
Strumenti per una medicina del nostro tempo: Medicina narrativa, Metodologia Pedagogia dei Genitori e International Classification of Functioning (ICF)
Author/Editor: Lorenza Garrino
Strumenti e strategie della comunicazione scritta in Europa fra Medioevo ed Età Moderna
Author/Editor: Manuela Doni Garfagnini
Strumenti della rete e processo formativo
Author/Editor: Bonaiuti, Giovanni
Strukturwandel in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Suedosteuropas
Author/Editor: Theodor Zotschew
Struktur und Handlung in Lernwerkstätten: Hochschuldidaktische Räume zwischen Einschränkung und Ermöglichung
Author/Editor: Robert Baar,Andreas Feindt,Sven Trostmann
Strukturierte Organisationen und Wissen
Author/Editor: Sarah Meisenberger
Strukturen und Netzwerke: Medizin und Wissenschaft in Wien 1848–1955
Author/Editor: Daniela Angetter,Birgit Nemec,Herbert Posch,Christiane Druml,Paul Weindling
Strukturen des modernen epischen Theaters: Stanisław Wyspiańskis "Teatr ogromny" erlaeutert am Beispiel des Dramas "Achilleis"
Author/Editor: Nora Koestler
Strukturelle historische Dialektologie des Deutschen: Strukturhistorische und strukturgeographische Studien zur Vokalentwicklung deutscher Dialekte.
Author/Editor: Franz Patocka,Peter Wiesinger
The Struggling State
Author/Editor: Riggan ,Jennifer
The Struggling State
Author/Editor: Jennifer Riggan
Struggling for the Umma
Author/Editor: Turmudi ,Endang
Struggling for Self-Reliance: Four case studies of Australian Regional Force Projection in the late 1980s and the 1990s
Author/Editor: Green ,Bob
Struggles for Reproductive Justice in the Era of Anti-Genderism and Religious Fundamentalism
Author/Editor: Rebecca Selberg,Marta Kolankiewicz,Diana Mulinari
Struggles for Political Change in the Arab World: Regimes, Oppositions, and External Actors after the Spring
Author/Editor: Lisa Blaydes,Amr Hamzawy,Hesham Sallam
The Struggle of the Shi‘is in Indonesia
Author/Editor: Zulkifli
The Struggle of the Shi‘is in Indonesia
The Struggle of Islam in Modern Indonesia: Slightly Revised Reprint
Author/Editor: B.J. Bolland
The Struggle of Islam in Modern Indonesia
Author/Editor: Bolland ,B.
The Struggle of Islam in Modern Indonesia
The Struggle for Food Sovereignty: Alternative Development and the Renewal of Peasant Societies Today
Author/Editor: Remy Herrera,Kin Chi Lau
Structuur van de Nederlandse economie
Author/Editor: WRR
The Structures of the Film Experience by Jean-Pierre Meunier: Historical Assessments and Phenomenological Expansions
Author/Editor: Julian Hanich,Daniel Fairfax
Structures of Influence: A Comparative Approach to August Strindberg
Author/Editor: Marilyn Johns Blackwell
Structure Phenomenology: Preconscious Formation in the Epistemic Disclosure of Reality
Author/Editor: Herbert Witzenmann,Johannes Wagemann
The Structure of Verse Language
Author/Editor: Christine D. Tomei
Structure evolution in tribological interfaces studied by multilayer model alloys
Author/Editor: Ebru Cihan
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Author/Editor: Harold Abelson,Gerald Jay Sussman
Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics
Author/Editor: Gerald Jay Sussman,Jack Wisdom
Structural Transformation in South Africa: The Challenges of Inclusive Industrial Development in a Middle-Income Country
Author/Editor: Antonio Andreoni,Pamela Mondliwa,Simon Roberts,FIONA TREGENNA
Structural Health Monitoring Damage Detection Systems for Aerospace
Author/Editor: Markus G. R. Sause,Elena Jasiūnienė
Structural changes, international trade and multisectoral modelling
Author/Editor: Maurizio Grassini,Rossella Bardazzi
Structural and functional aspects of membranes: The involvement of lipid rafts in Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis. The interplay between protein oligomers and plasma membrane physicochemical features in determining cytotoxicity
Author/Editor: Elisa Evangelisti
Strong Interactions of Hadrons at High Energies: Gribov Lectures on Theoretical Physics
Author/Editor: Vladimir Gribov
Stroemungen der polnischen Gegenwartsliteratur (1945 - 1989): Ein Ueberblick
Author/Editor: Michael Fleischer
Strömung von Granulaten in Zentrifugal-Partikelreceivern
Author/Editor: David Maximilian Trebing
Strömungsmechanik zwischen Mathematik und Ingenieurwissenschaft: Felix Kleins Hydrodynamikseminar 1907/08
Author/Editor: Michael Eckert
Stürme über Europa: Eine Auswahl aus den Niederlanden und Österreich in der Frühen Neuzeit
Author/Editor: Katrin Pfeifer
Striving for Equity: Healthcare in Sri Lanka from Independence to the Millennium, 1948–2000
Author/Editor: Margaret Jones
Stripping, Sex, and Popular Culture
Author/Editor: Roach ,Catherine M.
Strings of Connectedness. Essays in honour of Ian Keen
Author/Editor: Toner ,P.G.
Strindberg's Ghost Sonata
Author/Editor: Törnqvist ,Egil
Strindberg on Drama and Theatre
Author/Editor: Törnqvist ,Egil,Steene ,Birgitta
Strindberg and Autobiography
Author/Editor: Robinson ,Michael
Striges en tous genres
Author/Editor: Sara Aguirre-Sánchez-Beato,Natacha Chetcuti-Osorovitz,Jossfinn Bohn,Vanessa Gemis,Emmanuelle Bribosia,David Paternotte,Sabrina Calandrón,Valérie Piette,Natacha Chetcuti-Osorovitz,Caroline Sägesser,Catherine Closon,Éric David,Valerie De Cock
Stress in Post-War Britain
Author/Editor: Mark Jackson
Stressbewältigung durch Pflegekräfte: Konzeptionelle und empirische Analysen vor dem Hintergrund des Copings und der Resilienz
Author/Editor: Ingo Klingenberg
Strengthening the Strong Program in Cultural Sociology
Author/Editor: Victor Lidz,Helmut Staubmann
Strengthening Resilience of Supply with Essential Goods through Public-Private Emergency Collaborations: Challenges and Incentives
Author/Editor: Markus Lüttenberg
Streitkultur und Öffentlichkeit im konfessionellen Zeitalter (Volume 95, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Mariano Delgado,Henning P. Jürgens,Kenneth Appold,Henning P. Jürgens,Gerd Schwerhoff,Mariano Delgado,Ursula Paintner,Silvia Serena Tschopp,Thomas Weller,Thomas Weller,Irene Dingel,Barbara Mahlmann-Bauer,Laura Manzano Baena,Kolja Lichy,Marian Füssel,Marcus
Streifzüge durch die deutsche Literatur von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart: Kleine Schriften zur Germanistik
Author/Editor: Klaus Düwel,Heike Sahm
Street theatre and the production of postindustrial space: Working memories
Author/Editor: David Calder
Street Politics in the Age of Austerity
Street Football, Gender and Muslim Youth in the Netherlands: Girls Who Kick Back
Author/Editor: Kathrine van den Bogert
Street-Fighting Mathematics: The Art of Educated Guessing and Opportunistic Problem Solving
Author/Editor: Sanjoy Mahajan
Stravinsky: His Thoughts and Music
Author/Editor: Alicja Jarzębska
Stravinski et ses exégètes (1910-1940)
Author/Editor: Valérie Dufour
Stratton, Biggleswade: 1,300 Years of Village Life in Eastern Bedfordshire from the 5th Century AD
Author/Editor: Drew Shotliff,David Ingham
Stratégies des filières fromagères sous AOP en Europe
Author/Editor: Philippe Jeanneaux
Stratégies de publication scientifique
Author/Editor: Patricia Volland-Nail
Strategisch konsistente Gestaltung junger, wachstumsorientierter Industrieunternehmen
Author/Editor: Robert Wittmann
Strategisches Management von Koopetition: Eine empirisch begruendete Theorie im industriellen Kontext der zivilen Luftfahrt
Author/Editor: Thomas Herzog
Strategische Partnerschaften in der Außenpolitik: Die Beziehungen zwischen Russland und Ländern Lateinamerikas im 21. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Alexandra Sitenko
Strategische Marketingplanung in Warenhaeusern: Anwendung der Portfolio-Methode
Author/Editor: Friedrich Wehrle
Strategische Marketingplanung in filialisierten Universalbanken: Integrierte Filial- und Kundengruppenstrategien auf der Grundlage erfolgsbeeinflussender Schluesselfaktoren
Strategische Erfolgsfaktoren im Einzelhandel: Eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel des Bekleidungsfachhandels
Author/Editor: Paul-Josef Patt
Strategische Allianzen im Luftverkehr: Nachfragerorientierte Problemfelder ihrer Gestaltung
Author/Editor: Frithjof Netzer
Strategies of Sanity and Survival: Religious Responses to Natural Disasters in the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Hanska ,Jussi
Strategies of Sanity and Survival: Religious Responses to Natural Disasters in the Middle Ages
Strategies of Care
Author/Editor: Da Roit ,Barbara
Strategies of Ambiguity
Author/Editor: Matthias Bauer,Angelika Zirker
Strategieorientierte Berichterstattung im Lagebericht: Eine empirische Untersuchung boersennotierter Unternehmen in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Tom Sieber
Strategien zur Finanzierung der Altlastensanierung
Author/Editor: Carsten Kühl
Strategien ›kultureller Kannibalisierung‹: Postkoloniale Repräsentationen vom brasilianischen Modernismo zum Cinema Novo
Author/Editor: Peter W. Schulze
Strategien fuer mehr Effizienz und Effektivitaet im Gesundheitswesen: 16. Bad Orber Gespraeche ueber kontroverse Themen im Gesundheitswesen
Author/Editor: Klaus Knabner,Eberhard Wille
Strategien für die regionale Zusammenarbeit im Bereich des lebenslangen Lernens
Author/Editor: Federighi, Paolo,Torlone, Francesca
Strategien biotechnischer Innovation. Analysen, Konzepte und empirische Befunde
Author/Editor: Günter Feuerstein
Strategie e tecniche per leggere ad alta voce a scuola: 16 suggerimenti per insegnanti del primo e del secondo ciclo
Author/Editor: Federico Batini,Simone Giusti
Strategie di internazionalizzazione e grande distribuzione nel settore dell'abbigliamento
Author/Editor: Ciappei, Cristiano,Sani, Azzurra
Strategie di internazionalizzazione e grande distribuzione nel settore dell'abbigliamento
Strategic Triangles Reshaping International Relations in East Asia
Author/Editor: Gilbert Rozman
Strategic Opportunism: What Works in Africa: Twelve Fundamentals for Conservation Success
Author/Editor: Brian John Huntley
Strategic management of agricultural and life sciences research
Author/Editor: Bettina Heimann,Lance O'Brien
Strategic Imaginations: Women and the Gender of Sovereignty in European Culture
Author/Editor: Anke Gilleir,Aude Defurne
A Strategic Digital Transformation for the Water Industry
Author/Editor: Oliver Grievson,Timothy Holloway,Bruce Johnson
Strategic Affection?
Author/Editor: Thoen ,Irma
Strategen im Literaturkampf: Thomas Bernhard, Peter Handke und die Kritik (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Harald Gschwandtner
Strange spirits and even stranger bodies: L'icona di Elizabeth 1 nelle biografie di tre modernisti inglesi
Author/Editor: Aglaia Viviani
Strange Science
Author/Editor: Karpenko ,Lara P.,Claggett ,Shalyn
Strangers to the Law: Gay People on Trial
Author/Editor: Lisa Keen,Suzanne Goldberg
Strangers in a Strange Land : Occidentalist Publics and Orientalist Geographies in Nineteenth‐Century Georgian Imaginaries
Author/Editor: Manning ,Paul
Strangers in a Strange Land
Strangers, Aliens, Foreigners: The Politics of Othering from Migrants to Corporations (Volume 106)
Author/Editor: Marissa Sonnis-Bell,David E. Bell,Michelle Ryan
Stranger Citizens: Migrant Influence and National Power in the Early American Republic
Author/Editor: John McNelis O'Keefe
The Stranger at the Feast : Prohibition and Mediation in an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian Community
Author/Editor: Boylston ,Tom
The Stranger at the Feast
Strange Blood: The Rise and Fall of Lamb Blood Transfusion in 19th Century Medicine and Beyond
Author/Editor: Boel Berner
Strand Corrosion in Prestressed Concrete Structures
Author/Editor: Lei Wang
Strain-Engineered MOSFETs
Author/Editor: C.K. Maiti,T.K. Maiti
A strained partnership? : US–UK relations in the era of détente, 1969–77
Author/Editor: Robb ,Thomas
A strained partnership?
Strahlen im Kalten Krieg: Nuklearer Alltag und atomarer Notfall in der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Sibylle Marti,Stig Förster,Bernd Wegner,Bernhard R. Kroener,Michael Werner,Sibylle Marti
Strafzumessung = Sentencing: Angloamerikanische und deutsche Einblicke = Anglo-American and German Insights
Author/Editor: Kai Ambos
Strafvorderlijke gegevensverwerking: Een verkennende studie naar de relevante gezichtspunten bij de normering van het verwerken van persoonsgegevens voor strafvorderlijke doeleinden
Author/Editor: M. I. Fedorova,R. M. te Molder,M. J. Dubelaar,S. M. A. Lestrade,T. F. Walree
Strafrecht und Medien
Author/Editor: Murmann, Uwe
Straffällige Frauen - eine Untersuchung der Strafzumessung und Rückfälligkeit
Author/Editor: Köhler, Tanja
Straßenverkehrsdelinquenz in Deutschland - Eine empirische Untersuchung zu Deliktformen, Sanktionierung und Rückfälligkeit
Author/Editor: Reiff, Andreas
Straßenverkehrsdelinquenz in Deutschland - Eine empirische Untersuchung zu Deliktformen, Sanktionierung und Rückfälligkeit
Strabon von Amaseia: Unter Mitarbeit von Vera Sauer. Kartographie: Richard Szydlak
Author/Editor: Eckart Olshausen
St Peter's, Barton-upon-Humber, Lincolnshire: Volume 1 : History, Archaeology and Architecture
Author/Editor: Warwick Rodwell
St Peter's, Barton-upon-Humber, Lincolnshire - A Parish Church and its Community: Volume 2 : The Human Remains
Author/Editor: T. Waldron
St Peter-On-The-Wall: Landscape and heritage on the Essex coast
Author/Editor: Johanna Dale
Storytelling: The Destruction of the Inalienable in the Age of the Holocaust
Author/Editor: Rodolphe Gasché
Storytelling in Northern Zambia
Author/Editor: Cancel ,Robert,Turin ,Mark
Storytelling and Education in the Digital Age: Experiences and Criticisms
Author/Editor: Matteo Stocchetti
Storyplaying: Agency and Narrative in Video Games
Author/Editor: Sebastian Domsch
The story of your city (Volume 1)
Author/Editor: Tim Moonen,European Investment Bank,Greg Clark,Jack Nunley
The Story of Han Xiangzi: The Alchemical Adventures of a Daoist Immortal
Author/Editor: Erzeng Yang
A Story of Conquest and Adventure: The Large Farāmarznāme
Author/Editor: Marjolijn van Zutphen
The Story of Barzu : As Told by Two Storytellers from Boysun, Uzbekistan
Author/Editor: Rahmoni (ed) ,Ravshan,van den Berg (ed) ,Gabrielle
The Story of Barzu
The Story of an Operetta: Le dernier sorcier by Pauline Viardot and Ivan Turgenev, Vol. 1
Author/Editor: Nicholas G. Žekulin
Storiografia e identità dei centri minori italiani tra la fine del medioevo e l’Ottocento
Author/Editor: Gian Maria Varanini
Stories that Make History: The Experience and Memories of the Japanese Military ›Comfort Girls-Women‹
Author/Editor: The Research Team of the War,Women’s Human Rights Center
Stories That Make History: Mexico through Elena Poniatowska’s Crónicas
Author/Editor: Lynn Stephen
Stories of Women : Gender and Narrative in the Postcolonial Nation
Author/Editor: Boehmer ,Elleke
Stories of Women
Stories of Capitalism: Inside the Role of Financial Analysts
Author/Editor: Stefan Leins
Stories from Quechan Oral Literature
Author/Editor: Halpern M. ,A.,Miller ,Amy
Stories From 55 Years of a Transatlantic Friendship. Geschichten aus 55 Jahren transatlantischer Freundschaft/Smith College & Universität Hamburg 1961 - 2016
Author/Editor: Rainer Nicolaysen,Jocelyne Kolb
Author/Editor: Annie Oever,Ian Christie
Storie di vita e di malavita. Criminali, poveri e altri miserabili nelle carceri di Milano alla fine del medioevo
Author/Editor: Marina Gazzini
Storie di confine: Biografie linguistiche e ristrutturazione dei repertori tra Alto Adige e Balcani
Author/Editor: Marta Lupica Spagnolo
Storied and Supernatural Places: Studies in Spatial and Social Dimensions of Folklore and Sagas
Author/Editor: Ülo Valk,Daniel Sävborg
Storia, identità e canoni letterari
Author/Editor: Ioana Both,AYSE SARACGIL,Angela TARANTINO
Storia di un dottorato: storia medievale nell'Università di Firenze
Author/Editor: Zorzi, Andrea
Storia di un dottorato: storia medievale nell'Università di Firenze
Storia delle telecomunicazioni
Storia dei conventi cappuccini toscani dalla fondazione al 1704: La storia dell’Ordine da un manoscritto inedito di Filippo Bernardi da Firenze
Author/Editor: Ubaldo Morozzi
Stoßprobleme in Physik, Technik und Medizin: Grundlagen und Anwendungen
Author/Editor: Emanuel Willert
Stopping rape
Author/Editor: Emanuela Lombardo,Suzanne Franzway,Jo Armstrong,Bina Agarwal,Brian Francis,David Sugarman,Sofia Strid,Andrea Krizsán,Phillipa Olive,Jude Towers,Sylvia Walby,Corinne May-Chahal
Stopping Oil: Climate Justice and Hope
Author/Editor: Sophie Bond,Amanda Thomas,Gradon Diprose
Stop and Go: Nodes of Transformation and Transition
Author/Editor: Michael Hieslmair,Michael Zinganel
The Stone Age of Qeqertarsuup Tunua (Disko Bugt) (Vol. 336):A regional analysis of the Saqqaq and Dorset cultures of Central West Greenland
Author/Editor: Jens Fog Jensen
The Stone Age of Qeqertarsuup Tunua (Disko Bugt) (Vol. 336):A regional analysis of the Saqqaq and Dorset cultures of Central West Greenland
The Stone Age of Indonesia
Author/Editor: Heekeren van ,H.
The Stone Age of Indonesia
Author/Editor: Heekeren van ,H.
The Stone Age of Indonesia
The Stone Age of Indonesia
Stolen Future, Broken Present
Author/Editor: Collings A. ,David
The Stoic Theory of Beauty
Author/Editor: Aiste Celkyte
Author/Editor: Ralf Uhrich
Author/Editor: Ralf Uhrich
Stocks for All: People’s Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century
Author/Editor: Petri Mäntysaari
Stockholm: The Tale of the Unicorn Factory (Volume 6)
Author/Editor: Olof Zetterberg,European Investment Bank,Emma Björner
Stocker du carbone dans les sols français: Quel potentiel et à quel coût?
Author/Editor: Sylvain Pellerin,Laure Bamière,Isabelle Savini,Olivier Réchauchère
Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics: STUOD 2021 Workshop, London, UK, September 20–23
Author/Editor: Bertrand Chapron,Dan Crisan,Darryl Holm,Etienne Mémin,Anna Radomska
Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics II: STUOD 2022 Workshop, London, UK, September 26–29
Author/Editor: Bertrand Chapron,Dan Crisan,Darryl Holm,Etienne Mémin,Anna Radomska
Stochastics of Environmental and Financial Economics
Author/Editor: Fred Espen Benth,Giulia Di Nunno
Stochastic Range Estimation Algorithms for Electric Vehicles using Data-Driven Learning Models
Author/Editor: Stefan Scheubner
Stochastic Discounted Cash Flow: A Theory of the Valuation of Firms
Author/Editor: Lutz Kruschwitz,Andreas Löffler
Ständige Vertretung: Eine Ethnographie diplomatischer Lebenswelten
Author/Editor: Ulrike Niedner-Kalthoff
Stimmstörungen – ein Fokus der Klinischen Sprechwissenschaft: Aktuelle Beiträge aus Wissenschaft, Forschung und Praxis
Author/Editor: Susanne Voigt-Zimmermann,Stephanie Kurtenbach,Gabriele Finkbeinder,Anke Bergt,Wanda Mainka
Stimme und Blick: Zwischen Aufschub des Todes und Zeichen der Hingabe: Hölderlin - Carpaccio - Heiner Müller - Fra Angelico
Author/Editor: Susanne Gottlob
Stilte in de klas: Een geschiedenis van de pedagogische omgang met stilte op school
Author/Editor: Pieter Verstraete
Still Thriving: On the Importance of Aranye Fradenburg
Author/Editor: L.O. Aranye Fradenburg,Eileen A. Joy,Ruth Evans,Eileen A. Joy,Julie Orlemanski,Daniel C. Remein,Michael D. Snediker
Stillstand in Bewegung?: Kollektives Lernen in sozialen Bewegungen (Volume 6)
Author/Editor: Christoph Hoeft
Still Life: Notes on Barbara Loden's "Wanda" (1970)
Author/Editor: Anna Backman Rogers
“Still Blundering into Sense”. Maria Edgeworth, her context, her legacy
Author/Editor: Fiorenzo Fantaccini,Raffaella LEPRONI
Stilistische und verbalsyntaktische Untersuchungen zum Moskovitischen Prunkstil des 16. Jahrhunderts: Die Erzaehlung ueber die Belagerung Pleskaus durch den polnischen Koenig Stephan Báthory 1581/82 im Vergleich mit der Erzaehlung ueber die Eroberung Kons
Author/Editor: Gerd Stricker
Stili alimentari e cibo biologico nelle scuole primarie: Un’analisi sociologica a Rimini
Author/Editor: Antonio Maturo,Annalisa Plava
Stilelemente der muendlichen Literatur in der vorrealistischen Novellistik der Serben und Kroaten
Author/Editor: Beatrix Schmidt
Stigmatization, discrimination and illness
Author/Editor: Bohle, Leah Franziska
Stiftungen, Zivilgesellschaft und soziale Differenz: Eine qualitative Studie zu gesellschaftspolitischen Stiftungsprojekten
Author/Editor: Nilgün Dağlar-Sezer
STICS soil-crop model: Conceptual framework, equations and uses
Author/Editor: Nicolas Beaudoin,Patrice Lecharpentier,Dominique Ripoche-Wachter,Loïc Strullu,Bruno Mary,Joël Léonard,Marie Launay,Eric Justes
Sticky Power: Global Financial Networks in the World Economy
Author/Editor: Daniel Haberly,Dariusz Wójcik
Sticking Together or Falling Apart?
Author/Editor: Beer de ,Paul,Koster ,Ferry
Stichi 1954-1971: Red. i vstupitel'naja stat'ja V. Kazaka (Wolfgang Kasack)
Author/Editor: Gennadij Aigj
Ästhetische Eigenlogiken des europäischen Genrebildes: Temporalität, Ambiguität, Latenz
Author/Editor: Dominik Brabant,Britta Hochkirchen
Ästhetiken in Kindheit und Jugend -- Sozialisation im Spannungsfeld von Kreativität, Konsum und Distinktion
Author/Editor: Schinkel ,Sebastian,Herrmann ,Ina
Ästhetiken in Kindheit und Jugend -- Sozialisation im Spannungsfeld von Kreativität, Konsum und Distinktion
Ästhetik des Depressiven
Author/Editor: Till Huber,Immanuel Nover
Ästhetik der Unabgeschlossenheit: Das Subjekt des lebenslangen Lernens
Author/Editor: Peter Schlögl
Ästhetik der Objektivität: Genese und Funktion eines wissenschaftlichen und künstlerischen Stils im 19. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Anja Zimmermann
Ästhetik der Immersion: Raum-Erleben zwischen Welt und Bild. Las Vegas, Washington und die White City
Author/Editor: Laura Bieger
Steunberen van de samenleving
Author/Editor: Schuyt ,Kees
Steuerwirkungen in einem dynamischen Unternehmensmodell: Ein Beitrag zur Dynamisierung der Steuerueberwaelzungsanalyse
Author/Editor: Hans-Joachim Schulz
Steuerung von Markenportfolios: Ein Beitrag zum Mehrmarkencontrolling am Beispiel der Automobilwirtschaft
Author/Editor: Martin Koers
Steuerung und Regelung des Lenkradmoments durch Nutzung radselektiver Frontantriebe
Author/Editor: Jürgen Römer
Steuerreformen und Unternehmensentscheidungen: Eine empirische Analyse der deutschen Steuerpolitik mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf die Steuerreform 2000
Author/Editor: Frank Blasch
Steuerpolitische Willensbildungsprozesse in der Europaeischen Gemeinschaft: Das Beispiel der Umsatzsteuer-Harmonisierung
Author/Editor: Walter Hahn
Steuern, Transfers und private Haushalte: Eine mikroanalytische Simulationsstudie der Aufkommens- und Verteilungswirkungen
Author/Editor: Christhart Bork
Steuern als Mittel der Einkommenspolitik: Eine Ergaenzung der Stabilitaetspolitik?
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Schmitt
Steuerinzidenz: Methodologische Grundlagen und empirisch-statistische Probleme von Laenderstudien
Author/Editor: B. Steinbach-van der Veen
Steuerhinterziehung und Schattenwirtschaft aus gesamtwirtschaftlicher Sicht
Author/Editor: Axel Breitbach
Steuerhinterziehung und Finanzpolitik: Ein theoretischer Beitrag unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Hinterziehung von Zinsertraegen
Author/Editor: Rolf Hagedorn
Steuergeldwäscherei in Bezug auf direkte Steuern
Author/Editor: Bourquin ,Gabriel
„Stets korrekt und human“: Der Umgang der westdeutschen Justiz mit dem NS-Völkermord an den Sinti und Roma
Author/Editor: Ulrich Friedrich Opfermann
Österreich-Ungarns imperiale Herausforderungen: Nationalismen und Rivalitäten im Habsburgerreich um 1900 (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Fritz Trümpi,Wolfram Dornik,Borislav Chernev,Günther Kronenbitter,Hannes Leidinger,Eszter Gantner,Jan Lewandowski,He Hein-Kircher,Peter Techet,Stephan Lehnstaedt,Catherine Horel,Bernhard Bachinger,Jens Boysen,Martin Gabriel,Katharina Mann,Gabor Egry,Cleme
Österreich und die deutsche Frage 1987–1990: Vom Honecker-Besuch in Bonn bis zur Einheit
Author/Editor: Michael Gehler,Maximilian Graf
Österreichisches Deutsch macht Schule: Bildung und Deutschunterricht im Spannungsfeld von sprachlicher Variation und Norm
Author/Editor: Rudolf de Cillia,Jutta Ransmayr
�sterreichischer Sachstandsbericht Klimawandel 2014
Author/Editor: Kromp-Kolb ,Helga,Steiniger ,Karl,Nakicenovic ,Nebojsa
Österreichischer Sachstandsbericht Klimawandel 2014
Österreichische Historiker : Lebensläufe und Karrieren 1900-1945
Author/Editor: Hruza ,Karel
Österreichische Historiker: Lebensläufe und Karrieren 1900-1945, Band 3
Author/Editor: Karel Hruza
Österreichische Historiker
Österreichische Architekten in Bulgarien : 1878-1918
Author/Editor: Doytchinov ,Grigor,Gantchev ,Christo
Österreichische Architekten in Bulgarien
Sterile Insect Technique: Principles And Practice In Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management
Author/Editor: Victor A. Dyck,Jorge Hendrichs,A.S. Robinson
Stereotype: The role of grave sets in Corded Ware and Bell Beaker funerary practices
Author/Editor: Karsten Wentink
Stereotypes and stereotyping in early modern England
Author/Editor: Koji Yamamoto
Sterbeorte: Über eine neue Sichtbarkeit des Sterbens in der Architektur
Author/Editor: Katharina Voigt
Sterben und Tod öffentlich gestalten: Neue Praktiken und Diskurse in den Künsten der Gegenwart
Author/Editor: Corina Caduff
Sterben, Tod und Trauer im Bilderbuch seit 1945
Author/Editor: Margarete Hopp
Sterben dürfen im Krankenhaus: Paradoxien eines ärztlichen Postulats in der Behandlung Schwerstkranker
Author/Editor: Asita Behzadi
Sterben auf Niederländisch?: Niederländische „euthanasie“ als Gegenstand der Debatte in Deutschland und den Niederlanden
Author/Editor: Swantje Naunin
Stephen Leacock : A Reappraisal
Author/Editor: Staines ,David
Stephen Leacock
Stephanie Dinkins: On Love & Data
Author/Editor: Srimoyee Mitra
Stemmen op berkenbast
Author/Editor: Schaeken ,Jos
Stemma og stilla i musikk og litteratur: Festskrift til Magnar Åm
Author/Editor: Geir Hjorthol,Helga S. Løvoll,Elizabeth Oltedal,Jan Inge Sørbø
Stem Cell Transplantations Between Siblings as Social Phenomena: The Child’s Body and Family Decision-making
Author/Editor: Christina Schües,Christoph Rehmann-Sutter,Martina Jürgensen,Madeleine Herzog
Stem Cells in Neuroendocrinology
Author/Editor: Donald Pfaff,Yves Christen
Stem Cell Oncology : Proceedings of the International Stem Cell and Oncology Conference (ISCOC 2017), 1–2 December, 2017, Medan, Indonesia
Stem Cell Oncology
The Stem Cell Microenvironment and Its Role in Regenerative Medicine and Cancer Pathogenesis
Author/Editor: Cristian Pablo Pennisi,Mayuri Sinha Prasad,Pranela Rameshwar
Stem Cell Delivery Routes: From Preclinical Models to Clinical Applications
Author/Editor: Sharmila Fagoonee
Stellvertretung in Gesundheitsangelegenheiten - Modell eines dreigliedrigen Vertretungssystems
Author/Editor: Diekmann, Andrea
Stele und Legende - Untersuchungen zu den keilschriftlichen Erzählwerken über die Könige von Akkade
Author/Editor: Haul, Michael
Steinalderen i Sørøst-Norge: Faglig program for steinalderundersøkelser ved Kulturhistorisk museum
Author/Editor: Hege Damlien,Inger Marie Berg-Hansen,Lene Melheim,Axel Mjærum,Per Persson,Almut Schülke,Steinar Solheim
Stefan Zweig: A Bibliography
Author/Editor: Randolph J. Klawiter
Steep Slopes
Author/Editor: Gillespie ,Kirsty
Steel City Readers: Reading for Pleasure in Sheffield, 1925–1955
Author/Editor: Mary Grover
Stedelijke bewegingsruimte; over veranderingen in stad en land
Author/Editor: Knaap van der ,G.A.
Steal This Classroom: Teaching and Learning Unbound
Author/Editor: Jody Cohen,Anne Dalke
Stealth Assessment: Measuring and Supporting Learning in Video Games
Author/Editor: Valerie Shute,Matthew Ventura
Stealing the Club from Hercules : On Imitation in Latin Poetry
Author/Editor: Conte ,Gian Biagio
Steady Hands Needed
Author/Editor: Wilson ,Trevor,Cooke ,Graham
Städtebuch Historisches Ostbrandenburg (Volume 18)
Author/Editor: Joachim Stephan,Klaus Neitmann,Winfried Schich
Städtebauliche und sozioökonomische Implikationen neuer Mobilitätsformen: Beiträge aus: Profilregion Mobilitätssysteme Karlsruhe
Author/Editor: Jens Schippl,Uta Burghard,Nora Baumgartner,Barbara Engel,Martin Kagerbauer,Eckhard Szimba
St. Christoph am Arlberg
Author/Editor: Büchner ,Robert
Staying Alive: A Survival Manual for the Liberal Arts
Author/Editor: L.O. Aranye Fradenburg,Eileen A. Joy,Ruth Evans,Eileen A. Joy,Julie Orlemanski,Daniel C. Remein,Michael D. Snediker
Staunen: Eine Poetik
Author/Editor: Nicola Gess
Status and Dynamics of Forests in Germany: Results of the National Forest Monitoring
Author/Editor: Nicole Wellbrock,Andreas Bolte
Statlig politikk og lokale utfordringer: Organisering av tjenester innen rus og psykisk helse
Author/Editor: Catharina Bjørkquist,Helge Ramsdal
Statistische Verfahren zur Ermittlung von oligopolistischen Strukturen
Author/Editor: Andreas Maurer
Statistics and Reality
Statistical Population Genomics
Author/Editor: Julien Y. Dutheil
Statistical Physics of Spin Glasses and Information Processing: An Introduction
Author/Editor: Hidetoshi Nishimori
Statistical Modelling: Proceedings of the 19th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. Florence (Italy) 4-8 July, 2004
Author/Editor: Corrado Lagazio,Marco Marchi,Annibale Biggeri,Emanuela Dreassi
Statistical Mechanics of Nonequilbrium Liquids
Author/Editor: Morriss P. ,Gary,Evans J. ,Denis
Statistical Foundations of Actuarial Learning and its Applications
Author/Editor: Mario V. Wüthrich,Michael Merz
Statistical Analysis of Networks
Author/Editor: Konstantin Avrachenkov,Maximilien Dreveton
Statische und longitudinale Zufriedenheitsmessung
Author/Editor: Christian Weismayer
Stationaere Altenpflege und «Pflegenotstand» in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Author/Editor: Frank Schulz-Nieswandt
Static Palace
Author/Editor: Leora Fridman
The State You See: How Government Visibility Creates Political Distrust and Racial Inequality
Author/Editor: Aaron J. Rosenthal
States United: A Survival Guide for Our Democracy
Author/Editor: Joanna Lydgate,Norman Eisen,Christine Todd Whitman
State's Responsibility for International Crimes: Reflections upon the Rosenburg Exhibition
Author/Editor: Magdalena Bainczyk,Agnieszka Kubiak-Cyrul
States of exclusion: A critical systems theory reading of international law
Author/Editor: Nicolaas Buitendag
State, Society and Islam in the Western Regions of the Sahara: Regional Interactions and Social Change
Author/Editor: Francisco Freire
States, Human Rights, and Distant Strangers: The Normative Justification of Extraterritorial Obligations in Human Rights Law
Author/Editor: Angela Müller
States at Work: Dynamics of African Bureaucracies
Author/Editor: Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan,Thomas Bierschenk
States and statistics in the nineteenth century: Europe by numbers
Author/Editor: Nico Randeraad
The State, Popular Mobilisation and Gold Mining in Mongolia: Shaping ‘Neoliberal’ Policies
Author/Editor: Dulam Bumochir
State-owned enterprises in Africa and the economics of public service delivery
Author/Editor: ’Tunde A. Abioro,Fulufhelo G. Netswera,Ibrahim Mukisa,Fulufhelo G. Netswera,Magashi J. Ntegwa,Ibrahim M. Okumu,Ravinder Rena,Evans Sokro,Joweria M. Teera,Arulraj Arockiasamy,Omololu M. Fagbadebo,Benon C. Basheka,Nirmala Dorasamy,Edward Bbaale,Gregory J. D
State of the Young Child in India
Author/Editor: Mobile Creches
State of the Young Child in India
Author/Editor: Mobile Creches
State-of-the-Art of High-Power Gyro-Devices. Update of Experimental Results 2021
Author/Editor: Manfred Thumm
The State of the African American Male
Author/Editor: Eboni M. Zamani-Gallaher,Vernon C. Polite
A State of Play: British Politics on Screen, Stage and Page, from Anthony Trollope to The Thick of It
Author/Editor: Steven Fielding
A State of Peace in Europe: West Germany and the CSCE, 1966-1975
Author/Editor: Petri Hakkarainen
The State of Peacebuilding in Africa: Lessons Learned for Policymakers and Practitioners
Author/Editor: Terence McNamee,Monde Muyangwa
The State of Open Data: Histories and Horizons
Author/Editor: Tim Davies,Stephen B. Walker,Mor Rubinstein,Fernando Perini
The State of Law: Comparative Perspectives on the Rule of Law in Germany and Vietnam
Author/Editor: Ulrich von Alemann,Lai Quoc Khanh,Detlef Briesen
State of Empowerment: Low-Income Families and the New Welfare State
Author/Editor: Carolyn Barnes
State of Ambiguity : Civic Life and Culture in Cuba's First Republic
State of Ambiguity
State Ocean Jurisdiction
Author/Editor: Patrick Vrancken
State Martyr: Representation and Performativity of Political Violence
Author/Editor: Baldassare Scolari
Stateless Citizenship: The Palestinian-Arab Citizens of Israel
Author/Editor: Shourideh C. Molavi
State Fragility: Case Studies and Comparisons
Author/Editor: Nematullah Bizhan
State Formation and Radical Democracy in India
Author/Editor: Manali Desai
Statecraft and Foreign Policy: India 1947-2023
Author/Editor: Subrata K. Mitra,Jivanta Schottli,Markus Pauli
State, Communities and Forests in Contemporary Borneo
Author/Editor: Majid Cooke ,Fadzilah
State and Society in Papua New Guinea, 2001–2021
Author/Editor: R.J. May
State and Society in Papua New Guinea
Author/Editor: May ,Ron
State and Revolution in Finland
Author/Editor: Risto Alapuro
The state and illegality in Indonesia
Author/Editor: Aspinall ,Edward,Klinken van ,Gerry
The state and illegality in Indonesia
State and Crafts in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)
Author/Editor: Christine Moll-Murata
Star Wars and the History of Transmedia Storytelling
Start- slaag- en faalkansen van hoger opgeleide startende ondernemingen
Author/Editor: SEO/Intromart
Start mit Hindernissen: Eine theoretische und empirische Analyse der Ursachen von Arbeitslosigkeit nach der dualen Berufsausbildung
Author/Editor: Gabriele Somaggio
Startkwalificatie en leerplicht
Author/Editor: Bosch van den ,D.P.,Dercksen ,W.J.,Hoefnagel ,F.J.P.M.
Starting with the End in Mind by Developing Diagnostics around User Needs
Author/Editor: Lim David ,Mark
Starterkit Klinikalltag: mit Schwerpunkt Psychiatrie
Author/Editor: Samuel Elstner,Christoph Schade,Albert Diefenbacher
Stardesigner oder Gestalter des Alltäglichen?: Designrezeption in der Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie
Author/Editor: Markus Köck
StarCraft: Legacy of the Real-Time Strategy
Author/Editor: Simon Dor
Star Chamber Matters: An Early Modern Court and Its Records
Author/Editor: K. J. Kesselring,Natalie Mears
Star Carr Volume 2: Studies in Technology, Subsistence and Environment
Author/Editor: Nicky Milner,Barry Taylor,Chantal Conneller
Star Carr Volume 1: A Persistent Place in a Changing World
Author/Editor: Nicky Milner,Barry Taylor,Chantal Conneller
The Stanwick Fortifications, North Riding of Yorkshire
Author/Editor: Sir Wheeler
Stanislaw Brzozowski and the Migration of Ideas: Transnational Perspectives on the Intellectual Field in Twentieth-Century Poland and Beyond
Author/Editor: Jens Herlth,Edward M. Swiderski
Stand und Perspektiven der Gesundheitsversorgung: Optionen und Probleme rechtlicher Gestaltung
Author/Editor: Astrid Wallrabenstein,Ingwer Ebsen
The Standard Model and Beyond
Author/Editor: Paul Langacker
Standard Language in the Slavic World: Papers on Sociolinguistics by Hamburg Slavists
Author/Editor: Peter M. Hill
The Standard Language Ideology of the Hebrew and Arabic Grammarians of the ʿAbbasid Period
Author/Editor: Benjamin Paul Kantor
Standardizing Minority Languages
Author/Editor: Lane. Pia,James Costa,Haley De Korne
Standardization and Risk Governance: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach
Author/Editor: Odd Einar Olsen,Kirsten Voigt Juhl,Preben H. Lindoe,Ole Andreas Engen
Standardisierung zwischen Kooperation und Wettbewerb: Eine spieltheoretische Betrachtung
Author/Editor: Jens Kleinemeyer
Standardisierung der internationalen Werbeplanung: Eine Untersuchung der Prozeßstandardisierung am Beispiel der Werbebudgetierung im Automobilmarkt
Standardisierte Inhaltsanalyse in der Kommunikationswissenschaft – Standardized Content Analysis in Communication Research: Ein Handbuch - A Handbook
Author/Editor: Franziska Oehmer-Pedrazzi,Sabrina Heike Kessler,Edda Humprecht,Katharina Sommer,Laia Castro
Stamping American Memory: Collectors, Citizens, and the Post
Author/Editor: Sheila Brennan
Stalins Soldaten in Österreich : Die Innensicht der sowjetischen Besatzung 1945–1955
Author/Editor: Stelzl-Marx ,Barbara
Stalins Soldaten in Österreich
Stalin’s Constitution: Soviet Participatory Politics and the Discussion of the 1936 Draft Constitution
Author/Editor: Samantha Lomb
Stalin, Japan, and the Struggle for Supremacy over China, 1894–1945
Author/Editor: Hiroaki Kuromiya
Stalinism Revisited: The Establishment of Communist Regimes in East-Central Europe
Author/Editor: Vladimir Tismaneanu
Stakeholder Relationships And Sustainability: The Case Of Health Aid To The Kyrgyz Republic
Author/Editor: Gulnaz Isabekova
Stakeholder Management and Social Responsibility: Concepts, Approaches and Tools in the Covid Context
Author/Editor: Ovidiu Nicolescu,Ciprian Nicolescu
Stakeholder Engagement in a Sustainable Circular Economy: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives
Author/Editor: Johanna Kujala,Anna Heikkinen,Annika Blomberg
Staging Holiness: The Case of Hospitaller Rhodes (ca. 1309-1522)
Author/Editor: Sofia Zoitou
Staging Doubt Skepticism in Early Modern European Drama
Author/Editor: Leonie Pawlita
Staging Desire: Queer Readings of American Theater History
Author/Editor: Kim Marra,Robert Schanke
Staging China: The Politics of Mass Spectacle
Author/Editor: Florian Schneider
Staging America: Twenty-First-Century Dramatists
Author/Editor: Christopher Bigsby
Stage women, 1900–50: Female theatre workers and professional practice
Author/Editor: Maggie B. Gale,Kate Dorney
A Stage of Emancipation: Change and Progress at the Dublin Gate Theatre
Author/Editor: Marguerite Corporaal,Ruud van den Beuken
Staged Otherness: Ethnic Shows in Central and Eastern Europe, 1850–1939
Author/Editor: Dagnosław Demski,Dominika Czarnecka
The Staffordshire Hoard. An Anglo-Saxon Treasure
Author/Editor: Chris Fern,Tania Dickinson,Leslie Webster
Stadt-Umland-Wanderung und Finanzwirtschaft der Kernstaedte: Amerikanische Erfahrungen, grundsaetzliche Zusammenhaenge und eine Fallstudie fuer das Ballungsgebiet Frankfurt am Main
Author/Editor: Hans-Joachim Conrad
Stadt - Raum - Natur. Die Metropolregion als politisch konstruierter Raum
Author/Editor: Martin Döring,Peter H. Feindt,Gunther H. Engelhardt,Jürgen Oßenbrügge
Stadtpalais und Belvedere des Prinzen Eugen
Author/Editor: Seeger ,Ulrike
Stadt - Mann - Universität. Hamburg, Werner von Melle und ein Jahrhundert-Lebenswerk: Teil 1. Der Mann und die Stadt
Author/Editor: Myriam Isabell Richter,Ekkehard W. Nümann,Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung
Stadtklanggestaltung: Konditionen einer neuen Entwurfs-, Planungs- und Entwicklungspraxis
Author/Editor: Thomas Kusitzky
Stadtgestalt und Stadtgesellschaft: Identitätskonstruktionen in Winterthur, Luzern und Bern um 1900
Author/Editor: Laura Fasol
Stadt der Commonisten : Neue urbane Räume des Do it yourself
Author/Editor: Baier ,Andrea,Müller ,Christa,Werner ,Karin
Stadt der Commonisten
Stadtcollage Split: Bachelor- und Masterentwerfen
Author/Editor: Thomas Hasler,Ines Nizic,Mladen Jadric
Stadt als Schule: Nachbarschaftszentrum und Gemeinschaftsschule an der alten Feuerwache in Anger-Crottendorf, Leipzig.
Author/Editor: Norma Brecht
Stad en migratie in de literatuur
Stad en land in een nieuwe geografie; maatschappelijke veranderingen en ruimtelijk dynamiek
Author/Editor: Asbeek Brusse ,W.,Dalen van ,H.,Wissink ,B.
Stable Isotopes to Trace Migratory Birds and to Identify Harmful Diseases: An Introductory Guide
Author/Editor: G.J. Viljoen,A.G. Luckins,I. Naletoski
Stable Isotopes in Tree Rings: Inferring Physiological, Climatic and Environmental Responses
Author/Editor: Rolf T. W. Siegwolf,J. Renée Brooks,John Roden,Matthias Saurer
The Stability of Currency Boards
Author/Editor: Kai Stukenbrock
Stabilität und Variabilität mobilitätsbezogener Alltagshandlungen – eine qualitative soziale Netzwerkanalyse
Author/Editor: Maike Puhe
Stabiliteit en veiligheid in Europa.Het veranderende krachtenveld voor het buitenlands beleid
Author/Editor: WRR
Stabilisierungspolitik bei supranationaler Geldpolitik und nationaler Fiskalpolitik: Eine spieltheoretische Betrachtung
Author/Editor: Udo Vullhorst
Stabat mater: Immagini e sequenze nel moderno
Author/Editor: Anna Dolfi
Staat zonder land: een verkenning van bestuurlijke gevolgen van informatie- en communicatietechnologie
Author/Editor: WRR
Staat und Verfassung in der Digitalen Konstellation: Ausgewählte Schriften zum Wandel von Politik, Staat und Verfassung durch das Internet
Author/Editor: Ingolf Pernice
Staat und Staatlichkeit im digitalen Zeitalter: Politische Steuerung im Wandel
Author/Editor: Samuel Greef
Staatsverschuldung und Stabilisierungspolitik in der Demokratie: Zur neoinstitutionalistischen Kritik der keynesianischen Fiskalpolitik
Author/Editor: Thomas Michael Baum
Staatsverschuldung, intertemporale Allokation und Wirtschaftswachstum: Eine theoretische Analyse staatlicher Verschuldungspolitik in Modellen exogenen und endogenen Wachstums
Author/Editor: Stefan Dietrich Josten
Staatsverschuldung im Vereinigten Koenigreich: Die oeffentliche Verschuldung unter der Konservativen Regierung von 1979-1994- Ursachen und Auswirkungen
Author/Editor: Judith Safford
Staatsorganisationsrecht: Klausur- und Examenswissen
Author/Editor: Valentina Chiofalo,Louisa Linke,Jaschar R. A. Kohal
Staat, Sicherheit und Gewalt in Kamerun: Postkoloniale Perspektiven auf den Dekolonisierungsprozess unter französischer UN-Treuhandverwaltung
Author/Editor: Maria Ketzmerick
Staatsausgaben und crowding-out-Effekte: Zur Effizienz einer Finanzpolitik keynesianischer Provenienz
Author/Editor: Christian Schiller
Staatsauftrag: »Kultur für alle«: Ziele, Programme und Wirkungen kultureller Teilhabe und Kulturvermittlung in der DDR
Author/Editor: Birgit Mandel,Birgit Wolf
Staatsangehörigkeit und Rassismus: Rechtsdiskurse und Verwaltungspraxis in den Kolonien Eritrea und Deutsch-Ostafrika (1882–1919)
Author/Editor: Nicola Camilleri,Marietta Auer,Thomas Duve,Stefan Vogenauer
Staat, Recht und Verfassung im Denken von Walter Eucken: Zu den staats- und rechtstheoretischen Grundlagen einer wirtschaftsordnungspolitischen Konzeption
Author/Editor: Thomas Fischer
Staatlichkeit und politisches Handeln in der römischen Kaiserzeit
Author/Editor: Hans-Ulrich Wiemer
Staatlichkeit in der Schweiz Regieren und verwalten vor der neoliberalen Wende
Staatlicher Schutz vor Meinungsrobotern: (Verfassungs-)Rechtliche Überlegungen zu einer staatlichen Schutzpflicht vor Einflüssen von Meinungsrobotern auf die politische Willensbildung in sozialen Netzwerken (Volume 12)
Author/Editor: Alexander Iben
Staatlich eingetragene religiöse Bekenntnisgemeinschaften in Österreich
Author/Editor: Johann Bair,Wilhelm Rees
Staatliche Grenzen
Author/Editor: Judith Miggelbrink
Staatliche Cyberkonflikte: Proxy-Strategien von Autokratien und Demokratien im Vergleich
Author/Editor: Kerstin Zettl-Schabath
Staat in beweging
Author/Editor: Donner ,J.P.H.
Sri Lankan Housemaids in Lebanon
Author/Editor: Moukarbel ,Nayla
Sri Lanka at the Crossroads of History
Sri Ksetra Museum Collection Inventory
Author/Editor: Charlotte Galloway
Sravnitelen strukturen i funkcionalen analiz na bălgarski i nemski publicistični zaglavija
Author/Editor: Sigrun Comati
Squatting in Rio de Janeiro: Constructing Citizenship and Gender from Below (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Bea Wittger
Squatters in the Capitalist City: Housing, Justice, and Urban Politics
Author/Editor: Miguel A. Martínez
Sūq: Geertz on the Market
Author/Editor: Clifford Geertz,Lawrence Rosen
Spuren digitaler Artikulationen: Interdisziplinäre Annäherungen an Soziale Medien als kultureller Bildungsraum
Author/Editor: Nick Böhnke,Christoph Richter,Christoph Schröder,Martina Ide,Heidrun Allert
Spuren der altägyptischen Gesellschaft: Festschrift für Stephan J. Seidlmayer
Author/Editor: Richard Bußmann,Robert Schiestl,Daniel A. Werning,Ingelore Hafemann
Spätantiker Staat und religiöser Konflikt: Imperiale und lokale Verwaltung und die Gewalt gegen Heiligtümer
Author/Editor: Johannes Hahn
Språk, tekst og medvit
Author/Editor: Tor Arne Haugen,Svenn-Arve Myklebost,Endre Brunstad,Stig Jarle Helset
Språkmöte och språkhistoria
Author/Editor: Daniel Sävborg,Eva Liina Asu,Anu Laanemets
The Springs Of Democracy : National and Transnational Debates on Constitutional Reform in the British, German, Swedish and Finnish Parliaments, 1917-1919
Author/Editor: Ihalainen ,Pasi
The Springs Of Democracy
Sprechen und Erzählen beim Stricker: Kommunikative Formate in mittelhochdeutschen Kurzerzählungen
Author/Editor: Nina Nowakowski
The Spread of Modern Industry to the Periphery since 1871
Author/Editor: Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke,Jeffrey Gale Williamson
Spreading the Written Word: Mikael Agricola and the Birth of Literary Finnish
Author/Editor: Häkkinen ,Kaisa
Spreading the Written Word: Mikael Agricola and the Birth of Literary Finnish
Spravočnyj i ob-jasnitel'nyj slovar' k Psaltiri: Nachdruck der Ausgabe St. Petersburg 1898 mit einer Einleitung von Helmut Keipert
Author/Editor: Petr A. Gil'tebrandt
Sprach-Spiel-Kunst Ein Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis
Author/Editor: Esme Winter-Froemel
Sprachpflege und Sprachnormierung in Frankreich am Beispiel der Fachsprachen vom 16. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart
Author/Editor: Mayer ,Martina
Sprachmacht auf engstem Raum: Die Inszenierung der Stadt in den Hörfilmen der Münchner Tatort-Filmserie
Author/Editor: Maher Tyfour
Sprachliche Zweifelsfälle: Definition, Erforschung, Implementierung.
Author/Editor: Eleonore Schmitt,Renata Szczepaniak,Annika Vieregge
Sprachliche Variationen von mathematischen Textaufgaben: Entwicklung eines Instruments zur Textanpassung für Textaufgaben im Mathematikunterricht
Author/Editor: David Bednorz
Sprachlicher Umgang mit Formeln von LehrerInnen im Physikunterricht am Beispiel des elektrischen Widerstandes in Klassenstufe 8 (Volume 305)
Author/Editor: Wiebke Hinrike Kuske-Janßen
Sprachliche Muster: Eine induktive korpuslinguistische Analyse wissenschaftlicher Texte
Author/Editor: Sarah Brommer
Sprachliche Imitation - Jiddisch in der deutschsprachigen Literatur (18.–20. Jahrhundert)
Author/Editor: Schäfer ,Lea
Sprachliche Imitation - Jiddisch in der deutschsprachigen Literatur (18.–20. Jahrhundert)
Sprachliche Aggression bei Martin Luther: Argumentationsformen und -funktionen am Beispiel der Streitschrift Wider das Papsttum zu Rom vom Teufel gestiftet (1545)
Author/Editor: Markus Hundt
Sprachlernspiele im DaF-Unterricht in der VR China: Moeglichkeiten und Herausforderungen ihres Einsatzes in Universitaeten
Author/Editor: Jing Zeng
Sprachlenkung: Aspekte einer übergreifenden Theorie
Author/Editor: Karolina Suchowolec
Sprachkontrolle im Spiegel der Maschinellen Übersetzung: Untersuchung zur Wechselwirkung ausgewählter Regeln der Kontrollierten Sprache mit verschiedenen Ansätzen der Maschinellen Übersetzung
Author/Editor: Shaimaa Marzouk
Sprachkontakt generativ: Eine Untersuchung kontaktbedingten syntaktischen Wandels im Zimbrischen
Author/Editor: Ermenegildo Bidese
Sprachkontakte Deutsch - Tschechisch - Slowakisch: Woerterbuch der deutschen Lehnwoerter im Tschechischen und Slowakischen: historische Entwicklung, Beleglage, bisherige und neue Deutungen
Author/Editor: Stefan Michael Newerkla
Sprachgeschichte und Sprachwandel im Slavischen: Festschrift fuer Jadranka Gvozdanović
Author/Editor: Alexander Bierich,Thomas Bruns
Sprachgebrauch vs. Spracheinstellung im Tschechischen: Empirische und soziolinguistische Untersuchung in Westboehmen und Prag
Author/Editor: Lenka Bayer
Sprache und (Subjekt-)Bildung: Selbst-Positionierungen mehrsprachiger Jugendlicher im Bildungskontext
Author/Editor: Vesna Bjegač
Sprache und Politik. Die Balkansprachen in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
Author/Editor: Helmut Schaller,Kyrill Haralampieff,Wolfgang Gesemann
Sprache und Kognition: Ereigniskonzeptualisierung im Deutschen und Tschechischen
Author/Editor: Barbara Mertins
Sprache und Fremdsprache: Psychoanalytische Aufsätze
Author/Editor: Jutta Prasse,Claus-Dieter Rath
Sprache, politische Ökonomie und Legitimität: Vermarktung, Management und Inszenierung von Zweisprachigkeit in der Tourismusindustrie an der deutsch-französischen Sprachgrenze in der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Larissa Semiramis Schedel
Sprachen, Völker und Phantome: Sprach- und kulturwissenschaftliche Studien zur Ethnizität
Author/Editor: Peter-Arnold Mumm
Sprache(n) in pädagogischen Settings
Author/Editor: Michaela Rückl,Judith Kainhofer
Sprachendidaktik in der Frühpädagogik: Eine Analyse alltagsintegrierter Sprachenbildung unter Berücksichtigung institutioneller Rahmenbedingungen
Author/Editor: Elisa Tessmer
Sprachen der Wachsamkeit
Author/Editor: Magdalena Butz,Felix Grollmann,Florian Mehltretter
Spracheinstellungen und Identitätskonstruktion: Eine gesprächsanalytische Untersuchung sprachbiographischer Interviews mit Deutsch-Vietnamesen
Author/Editor: Katharina König
Sprache im kommunikativen, interaktiven und kulturellen Kontext
Author/Editor: Arnulf Deppermann,Silke Reineke
Sprache im italienischen Erdkundeunterricht: Eine multiperspektivische Studie
Author/Editor: Stephanie Schöber
Sprache der Transzendenzerfahrungen: Die Briefsammlung der Parapsychologischen Beratungsstelle in Freiburg i.B.
Author/Editor: Janina Maris Hofer
Sprache – Bewegung – Instruktion: Multimodales Anleiten in Texten, audiovisuellen Medien und direkter Interaktion
Author/Editor: Heike Ortner
Sprachbildung in der Lehramtsausbildung Mathematik: Konzepte für eine sprachbewusste Hochschullehre
Author/Editor: Florian Schacht,Susanne Guckelsberger
Sprachatlas Ostserbiens und Westbulgariens (I): Problemstellung, Materialien, Kommentare, Kartenanalyse
Author/Editor: Andrej N. Sobolev
Sprachatlas Ostserbiens und Westbulgariens (II): Sprachkarten
Author/Editor: Andrej N. Sobolev
Sprachatlas Ostserbiens und Westbulgariens (III). Texte
Author/Editor: Andrej N. Sobolev
Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Gebiete
Author/Editor: Goebl ,Hans
Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Gebiete
Author/Editor: Goebl ,Hans
Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Gebiete
Author/Editor: Goebl ,Hans
Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Gebiete
Author/Editor: Goebl ,Hans
Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Gebiete
Author/Editor: Goebl ,Hans
Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Gebiete
Author/Editor: Goebl ,Hans
Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Gebiete
Author/Editor: Goebl ,Hans
Spracharbeit mit Gefluechteten: Empirische Studien zum Deutscherwerb von Neuzugewanderten
Author/Editor: Karin Birkner,Britta Hufeisen,Peter Rosenberg
Sport und Studienerfolg: Analysen zur Bedeutung sportlicher Aktivität im Setting Hochschule
Author/Editor: Arne Göring,Jochen Mayer,Malte Jetzke
Sport und Sportgroßveranstaltungen in Europa - zwischen Zentralstaat und Regionen
Author/Editor: Martin-Peter Büch,Wolfgang Maennig,Hans-Jürgen Schulke
Sport und Recht in der Antike
Author/Editor: Harter-Uibopuu ,Kaja,Kruse ,Thomas
Sport under Unexpected Circumstances: Violence, Discipline, and Leisure in Penal and Internment Camps
Author/Editor: Gregor Feindt,Anke Hillbrenner,Dittmar Dahlmann
Sport Stadiums and Environmental Justice
Author/Editor: Timothy Kellison
Sports law and policy in the European Union
Author/Editor: Parrish ,Richard
Sport, Recreation and Green Space in the European City
Author/Editor: Peter Clark,Marjaana Niemi,Jari Niemelä
Sport Policy in Canada
Author/Editor: Thibault ,Lucie,Harvey ,Jean
Sport Policy in Canada
Sport, Performance and Sustainability
Author/Editor: Daniel Svensson,Erik Backman,Susanna Hedenborg,Sverker Sörlin
Sport, Identity and Inclusion in Europe: The Experiences of LGBTQ People in Sport
Author/Editor: Ilse Hartmann-Tews
Sport, Gender and Development: Intersections, Innovations and Future Trajectories
Author/Editor: Lyndsay M.C. Hayhurst,Holly Thorpe,Megan Chawansky
Sportfunktionäre und jüdische Differenz: Zwischen Anerkennung und Antisemitismus - Wien 1918 bis 1938
Author/Editor: Berhard Hachleitner,Matthias Marschik,Georg Spitaler,Sema Colpan,Alexander Juraske,Susanne Helena Betz
Sport for Development and Peace: A Critical Sociology
Author/Editor: Simon Darnell
Sport, Forced Migration and the 'Refugee Crisis'
Author/Editor: Enrico Michelini
Sportfinanzierung - Spannungen zwischen Markt und Staat
Author/Editor: Martin-Peter Büch,Wolfgang Maennig,Hans-Jürgen Schulke
Author/Editor: Marschik ,Matthias
Sport and technology: An actor-network theory perspective
Sport and Social Movements: From the Local to the Global
Author/Editor: Jean Harvey,John Horne,Parissa Safai,Sebastien Courchesne-O'Neill,Simon Darnell
Sport and Development in Emerging Nations (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Brendon Knott,Cem Tinaz
Sporen vol betekenis / Meniti Arti: In gesprek met 'Getuigen & Tijdgenoten' over de Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog / Bertukar Makna bersama 'Saksi & Rekan Sezaman' tentang Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia
Author/Editor: Eveline Buchheim,Satrio Ody Dwicahyo,Fridus Steijlen,Stephanie Welvaart
Sponsoring und Doping - Beendigung von Sponsoringverträgen wegen Verfehlungen des Gesponserten, insbesondere in Dopingfällen
Author/Editor: Schaub, Renate
Sponsored Migration: The State and Puerto Rican Postwar Migration to the United States
Author/Editor: Edgardo Meléndez
"Spongy, slimy, cosy & more" - Commemorative Volume in Celebration of the 60th Birthday of Joachim Reitner
Author/Editor: Wiese, Frank,Reich, Mike,Arp, Gernot
The spoken word: Oral culture in Britain, 1500-1850
Author/Editor: Fox ,Adam,Woolf ,Daniel
Spoiling the Stories: The Rise of Israeli Women's Fiction
Author/Editor: Tamar Merin
SPLIT: Ein Verfahren zur maschinellen morphologischen Segmentierung russischer Woerter
Author/Editor: Friedrich Wenzel
Splendors of Quanzhou, Past and Present
Author/Editor: William N. Brown
Spital als Lebensform, Band 2
Author/Editor: Scheutz ,Martin,Weiß ,Alfred Stefan
Spital als Lebensform, Band 1
Author/Editor: Scheutz ,Martin,Weiß ,Alfred Stefan
Spiritual Shakespeares
Author/Editor: Ewan Fernie
Spiritual, Religious, and Faith-Based Practices in Chronicity: An Exploration of Mental Wellness in Global Context
Author/Editor: Andrew R. Hatala,Kerstin Roger
The Spirituality of Black Hebrew Pentecostals
Author/Editor: Fred G. Sherron
Spirituality in diversity: South East Asia meets South Africa - Towards a global view of Spiritual Counselling
Author/Editor: Dr. Ulrike Elsdoerfer Ph.D.
Spiritual Ends: Religion and the Heart of Dying in Japan
Author/Editor: Timothy O. Benedict
Spiritual Contestations – The Violence of Peace in South Sudan
Author/Editor: Naomi Ruth Pendle
The Spirit Of Water: Practices of cultural reappropriation. Indigenous heritage sites along the coast of the Eastern Cape-South Africa
Author/Editor: Magda Minguzzi
The Spirit of Global Health: The World Health Organization and the 'Spiritual Dimension' of Health, 1946-2021
Author/Editor: Simon Peng-Keller,Fabian Winiger,Raphael Rauch
Spirit and Healing in Africa: A Reformed pneumatological perspective
Author/Editor: Deborah van den Bosch-Heij
SpiNNaker - A Spiking Neural Network Architecture
Author/Editor: Steve Furber,Petruț Bogdan
Spin in Particle Physics
Author/Editor: Elliot Leader
Spillways on river levees
Author/Editor: Gérard Degoutte,Rémy Tourment
Spill og strategi i helsesektoren: eksempler fra Østfold
Author/Editor: Helge Ramsdal
Spieltexte der Comœdianten: Teil 1: Deutsches ›Internationaltheater‹ aus dem Kodex Ia 38.589 der Wienbibliothek
Author/Editor: Stefan Hulfeld,Matthias Mansky
Spielräume der Ordnungen: Empirische Ergebnisse und erziehungswissenschaftliche Reflexionen zu theaterpädagogischen Settings mit ‚neu zugewanderten Kindern‘
Author/Editor: Serafina Morrin
Spielen, Lernen, Arbeiten in Lernwerkstätten: Facetten der Kooperation und Kollaboration
Author/Editor: Ulrike Stadler-Altmann,Susanne Schumacher,Enrico Angelo Emili,Elisabeth Dalla Torre
Spiegel naar de toekomst; Evaluatie van de WRR
Author/Editor: Commissie Rinnooy Kan
The Spice Islands in Prehistory: Archaeology in the Northern Moluccas, Indonesia
Author/Editor: Peter Bellwood
Spenserian Satire : A Tradition of Indirection
Author/Editor: Hile ,Rachel
Spenserian Satire
The spell-out algorithm and lexicalization patterns: Slavic verbs and complementizers
Author/Editor: Bartosz Wiland
The Spell of Capital
Spektrum Nord: Vielfalt der Ziele, Inhalte und Methoden in der Landeskunde: Beitraege zur 3. Konferenz des Netzwerks «Landeskunde Nord» in Odense am 21./22. Januar 2016
Author/Editor: Klaus Geyer,Frank Thomas Grub
Spektakel und Möglichkeitsraum: Kunst und der lange Sommer der Migration
Author/Editor: Nanna Heidenreich
Speelruimte voor transparantere rechtspraak
Speelruimte voor een geïntegreerde landbouw: verkenningen met behulp van een model
Author/Editor: Wal van der ,H.,Graaf de ,H.J.,Brussel van ,N.A.,Weijden van der ,W.J.,Keurs ter ,W.J.
Speechsong: The Gould/Schoenberg Dialogues
Author/Editor: Richard Cavell
Speech production and perception: Learning and memory
Author/Editor: Joanne Cleland,Susanne Fuchs,Amélie Rochet-Capellan
Speech perception in complex acoustic environments
Author/Editor: Rhoddy A. Viveros Muñoz
Speech Acts: Richard Grayson and Matt Mullican
Author/Editor: Wes Hill
Speculative Medievalisms: Discography
Author/Editor: The Petropunk Collective
Speculations VI
Author/Editor: Fabio Gironi,Michael Austin,Robert Jackson
Speculations V: Aesthetics in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Ridvan Askin,Paul J. Ennis,Andreas Hägler,Philipp Schweighauser
Speculations IV: Speculative Realism
Author/Editor: Michael Austin,Paul J. Ennis,Fabio Gironi,Thomas Gokey,Robert Jackson
Speculations II
Author/Editor: Michael Austin,Hilan Besusan,Christopher Norris,Michael O'Rourke,Marianna Papastephanou,Anthony Paul Smith,Christop Vitale,Paul J. Ennis,Levi R. Bryant,Thomas Gokey,Fabio Gironi,Robert Jackson,Timothy Morton,Beatrice Marovich,Nicola Masciandaro,Josef Mosh
Speculations 3
Author/Editor: Michael Austin,Fabio Gironi,Robert Jackson,Paul J. Ennis,Thomas Gokey
Author/Editor: Paul J. Ennis,Michael Austin,Christopher Vitale,Ben Woodard,Nathan Coombs,Paul J. Ennis,Fabio Gironi,Peter Gratton,Graham Harman,Adrian Ivakhiv,Timothy Morton,Austin Smidt
Spectrum Auctions: Designing markets to benefit the public, industry and the economy
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Myers
The Spectre of Capital: Idea and Reality
Author/Editor: Christopher J. Arthur
A Spectre is Haunting Arabia : How the Germans Brought Their Communism to Yemen
Author/Editor: Müller ,Miriam M.
A Spectre is Haunting Arabia
Spectral Geometry of Partial Differential Operators
Author/Editor: Michael Ruzhansky,Makhmud Sadybekov,Durvudkhan Suragan
Spectral Geometry of Graphs
Author/Editor: Pavel Kurasov
Spectral Flow: A Functional Analytic and Index-Theoretic Approach
Author/Editor: Nora Doll,Hermann Schulz-Baldes,Nils Waterstraat
Spectral Feature Selection for Data Mining
Author/Editor: Zheng Alan Zhao,Huan Liu
The Spectral Arctic: A History of dreams and ghosts in polar exploration
Author/Editor: Shane McCorristine
Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations ICOSAHOM 2018: Selected Papers from the ICOSAHOM Conference, London, UK, July 9-13, 2018
Author/Editor: Spencer J. Sherwin,David Moxey,Joaquim Peiró,Peter E. Vincent,Christoph Schwab
Spectatoriale Geschlechterkonstruktionen: Geschlechtsspezifische Wissens- und Welterzeugung in den französisch- und spanischsprachigen Moralischen Wochenschriften des 18. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Yvonne Völkl
Spectacular Disappearances: Celebrity and Privacy, 1696–1801
Author/Editor: Julia H. Fawcett
Spectacular Disappearances
Author/Editor: Fawcett H. ,Julia
Spectacular Disappearances
Spectacular Disappearances
Author/Editor: Julia H. Fawcett
The Spectacle of the False Flag: Parapolitics from JFK to Watergate
Author/Editor: Eric Wilson,Jeff Shantz,Guido Giacomo Preparata
The Spectacle 2.0 : Reading Debord in the Context of Digital Capitalism
The Spectacle 2.0
Speciesism in Biology and Culture: How Human Exceptionalism is Pushing Planetary Boundaries
Author/Editor: Brian Swartz,Brent D. Mishler
Special Topics in Information Technology
Author/Editor: Luigi Piroddi
Special Topics in Information Technology
Author/Editor: Carlo G. Riva
Special Topics in Information Technology
Author/Editor: Barbara Pernici
Special Topics in Information Technology
Author/Editor: Angelo Geraci
Special relationships: Anglo-American affinities and antagonisms 1854-1936
Author/Editor: Beer ,Janet,Bennett ,Bridget
A 'special relationship'?: Harold Wilson, Lyndon B Johnson and Anglo-American relations 'at the summit', 1964-8
Author/Editor: Colman ,Jonathan
Special Economic Zones: Law and Policy Perspectives
Author/Editor: Jürgen Basedow,Chen Su
Speak Up! - Zum Umgang mit Fake News und Hate Speech: Ostbelgische Zivilgesellschaft und internationale Wissenschaft im Austausch
Author/Editor: Sabrina Kirschner,Tomke Lask
Speaking the Unspeakable in Postwar Germany: Toward a Public Discourse on the Holocaust
Author/Editor: Sonja Boos
Speaking of Satan in Zambia: Making cultural and personal sense of narratives about Satanism
Author/Editor: Johanneke Kroesbergen-Kamps
Speaking for the Social: A Catalog of Methods
Author/Editor: Hannah Knox,Gemma John
Spazi e politica nella modernità tecnologica
Author/Editor: Consarelli, Bruna
Spazi e politica nella modernità tecnologica
Spationomy: Spatial Exploration of Economic Data and Methods of Interdisciplinary Analytics
Author/Editor: Vít Pászto,Carsten Jürgens,Polona Tominc,Jaroslav Burian
Spatial Transformations: Kaleidoscopic Perspectives on the Refiguration of Spaces
Author/Editor: Angela Million,Christian Haid,Ignacio Castillo Ulloa,Nina Baur
Spatial Revolution: Architecture and Planning in the Early Soviet Union
Author/Editor: Christina E. Crawford
Spatial Practices: Medieval/Modern (Volume 6)
Author/Editor: Markus Stock,Nicola Vöhringer
Spatial Justice and Cohesion: The Role of Place-Based Action in Community Development
Author/Editor: Matti Fritsch,Petri Kahila,Sarolta Németh,James W. Scott
Spatializing Language Studies: Pedagogical Approaches in the Linguistic Landscape
Author/Editor: Sébastien Dubreil,David Malinowski,Hiram H. Maxim
Spatial Histories of Occupation: Colonialism, Conquest and Foreign Control in Asia
Author/Editor: David Baillargeon,Jeremy E. Taylor
Spatial Formats under the Global Condition
Author/Editor: Matthias Middell,Steffi Marung
Spatial Cognition and the Semantics of Prepositions in English, Polish and Russian
Author/Editor: Alan J. Cienki
Spatial Boundaries, Abounding Spaces: Colonial Borders in French and Francophone Literature and Film
Author/Editor: Mohit Chandna
Spatial and Temporal Dimensions for Legal History: Research Experiences and Itineraries
Author/Editor: Massimo Meccarelli,María Julia Solla Sastre
Sparsity Methods for Systems and Control
Author/Editor: Masaaki Nagahara
Spannungseinprägende aktive Filter zur Kompensation der Stromverzerrungen von Netzstromrichtern
Author/Editor: Daniel Bernet
Spanish Verbalisations and the Internal Structure of Lexical Predicates
Author/Editor: Antonio Fábregas
Spanish Spaces: Landscape, Space and Place in Contemporary Spanish Culture
Author/Editor: Ann Davies
Spanish Perspectives on Chicano Literature: Literary and Cultural Essays
Author/Editor: Vanessa Fonseca,Jesús Rosales
The Spanish Monarchy and the Creation of the Viceroyalty of New Granada (1717-1739): The Politics of Early Bourbon Reform in Spain and Spanish America
Author/Editor: Francisco A. Eissa-Barroso
The Spanish Lake
Author/Editor: Spate ,O.H.K.
The Spanish Habsburgs and Dynastic Rule, 1500–1700
Author/Editor: Liesbeth Geevers
Spanish Economic Growth, 1850–2015
Author/Editor: Leandro Prados de la Escosura
The Spanish Connection
Author/Editor: Crailsheim ,Eberhard
Spanisch in Berlin: Einstellungen zu einer globalen Sprache als lokale Fremdsprache
Author/Editor: Philipp Krämer
Spanien und der Holocaust
Author/Editor: Bernd Rother
Spain, China, and Japan in Manila, 1571-1644 : Local Comparisons and Global Connections
Author/Editor: Tremml-Werner ,Birgit
Spain, China, and Japan in Manila, 1571-1644
Space, Time, Myth, and Morals: A Selection of Jao Tsung-i’s Studies on Cosmological Thought in Early China and Beyond
Author/Editor: Tsung-i Jao,Joern Peter Grundmann
Space–Time Conservation Element and Solution Element Method: Advances and Applications in Engineering Sciences
Author/Editor: Chih-Yung Wen,Yazhong Jiang,Lisong Shi
Space, Time and Language in Plutarch
Author/Editor: Aristoula Georgiadou,Katerina Oikonomopoulou
Spaces of the Poor : Perspectives of Cultural Sciences on Urban Slum Areas and Their Inhabitants
Author/Editor: Petersen (Ed.) ,Hans-Christian
Spaces of the Poor
Spaces of Multilingualism
Author/Editor: Robert Blackwood,Unn Røyneland
Spaces of Communication: Elements of Semio-Pragmatics
Author/Editor: Roger Odin,Ségolène Marbach
Spaces of Commoning. Artistic Research and the Utopia of the Everyday
Author/Editor: Stefan Gruber,Vladimir Miller,Mara Verlič,Hong-Kai Wang,Julia Wieger,Anette Baldauf,Moira Hille,Annette Krauss
Spaces of Care - Confronting Colonial Afterlives in European Ethnographic Museums
Author/Editor: Wayne Modest,Claudia Augustat
Spaces and Identities in Border Regions: Politics – Media – Subjects
Author/Editor: Christian Wille,Rachel Reckinger,Sonja Kmec,Markus Hesse
Space, Place and Educational Settings
Author/Editor: Tim Freytag,Douglas L. Lauen,Susan L. Robertson
Space, Place, and Children’s Reading Development: Mapping the Connections
Author/Editor: Margaret Mackey
Space, people and technology: Reclaiming the narrative on cities
Author/Editor: Amira Osman,Amira Osman,Geci Karuri-Sebina,Geci Karuri-Sebina,Beisi Jia,Amanda Gibberd,Russel Hlongwane,Jody Paterson,Nisa Mammon
The Space of Culture – the Place of Nature in Estonia and Beyond
Author/Editor: Peil ,Tiina
Space in Hellenistic Philosophy: Critical Studies in Ancient Physics
Author/Editor: Christoph Helmig,Christoph Horn,Graziano Ranocchia
Space in Ancient Greek Literature: Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative, Volume Three
Author/Editor: Irene J.F. de Jong
Space and planning in secondary cities: Reflections from South Africa
Author/Editor: Lochner Marais,Verna Nel
Space and Gender: Spaces of Difference in Canadian Women's Writing / Espaces de différence dans l'écriture canadienne au féminin
Author/Editor: Doris Eibl,Caroline Rosenthal
Soziologie - Sociology in the German-Speaking World: Special Issue Soziologische Revue 2020
Author/Editor: Betina Hollstein,Rainer Greshoff,Uwe Schimank,Anja Weiß
Soziologien des Lebens: Überschreitung – Differenzierung – Kritik
Author/Editor: Heike Delitz,Frithjof Nungesser,Robert Seyfert
Soziologie in interdisziplinären Netzwerken
Author/Editor: Amann ,Anton,Majce ,Gerhard
Soziologie der Stadt
Author/Editor: Frank Eckardt
Soziologie der Nachhaltigkeit
Sozioanalyse in der pädagogischen Arbeit: Ansätze und Möglichkeiten zur Bearbeitung von Bildungsungleichheit
Author/Editor: Sabrina Rutter
Sozialversicherungsprinzip und Staatszuschuesse in der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung
Sozialversicherungsbeitraege und Steuern von Selbstaendigen und Arbeitnehmern im Vergleich: Bestandsaufnahme und Reformvorschlaege
Author/Editor: Robert Arnold,Angelika Oelschläger,Jeanine Staber
Sozialraum und Governance: Handeln und Aushandeln in der Sozialraumentwicklung
Author/Editor: Monika Alisch
Sozialraum Hochhaus: Nachbarschaft und Wohnalltag in Schweizer Großwohnbauten
Author/Editor: Eveline Althaus
Sozialraum Europa: Die soziale Dimension des Europaeischen Binnenmarktes
Author/Editor: Helmut Böhme,Alois Peressin
Sozialpolitik im EU-Mehrebenensystem: Europäisierung einer nationalen Domäne?
Author/Editor: Jana Windwehr
Sozialperspektivität - theoretische Bezüge, Forschungsmethodik und wirtschaftliche Praktikabilität eines beziehungsdiagnostischen Konstrukts
Author/Editor: Strack, Micha
Sozialpädagogik: Umriss einer erziehungswissenschaftlichen Disziplin und Prinzipien ihrer praktischen Anwendung
Author/Editor: Werner Naumann
Sozialkapital zur Sprache gebracht - eine bedeutungstheoretische Perspektive auf ein sozialwissenschaftliches Begriffs- und Theorieproblem
Author/Editor: Koob, Dirk
Sozialkapital und Netzwerkoekonomik
Author/Editor: Jürgen M. Schechler
Sozialkapital intersektional: Eine empirische Untersuchung an der Schnittstelle Behinderung und Migration
Author/Editor: Chantal Hinni
Sozialismus und Apokalyptik: Die politische Theologie des „kleinen" Otto Bauer
Author/Editor: Josef Giefing
Sozialisation von Jugendlichen in geschlechtsuntypischen Berufslehren
Author/Editor: Benno Rottermann
Soziale Welten der Erwachsenenbildung: Eine professionstheoretische Verortung
Author/Editor: Petra H. Steiner
Soziale Ungleichheit in der flexibilisierten Berufsbildung: Erweiterte Kompetenzanforderungen und milieuspezifische Passungsverhältnisse in Lehrbetriebsverbünden
Author/Editor: Rebekka Sagelsdorff
Soziale Ungleichheit in der flexibilisierten Berufsbildung: Der Verlust des Schweizer Bürgerrechts bei der Heirat eines Ausländers: Rechtliche Situation und Lebensalltag ausgebürgerter Schweizerinnen bis 1952.
Author/Editor: Rebekka Sagelsdorff
Soziale Standards in globalen Lieferketten: Internationale Richtlinien, unternehmerische Verantwortung und die Stimme der Beschäftigten
Author/Editor: Thomas Haipeter,Markus Helfen,Anja Kirsch,Sophie Rosenbohm
Soziale Stadtpolitik : Institutionen, Netzwerke und Diskurse in der Politikgestaltung
Author/Editor: Güntner ,Simon
Soziale Stadtpolitik
Soziale Sicherung im Spannungsfeld gesellschaftlicher Transformation - Eine partizipative Studie in Küstendörfern der Fidschi-Inseln
Author/Editor: Fink, Michael
Sozialer Zusammenhalt in der Krise: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Heterogenität und Kohäsion moderner Gesellschaften
Author/Editor: Barbara Ratzenböck,Katharina Scherke,Annette Sprung,Werner Suppanz
Soziale Räume und kulturelle Praktiken: Über den strategischen Gebrauch von Medien
Author/Editor: Georg Mein,Markus Rieger-Ladich
Soziale Netzwerke und politische Partizipation: Eine empirische Untersuchung mit sozialräumlicher Perspektive
Author/Editor: Stefanie Lütters
Soziale Netzwerke und gesundheitliche Ungleichheiten: Eine neue Perspektive für die Forschung
Author/Editor: Andreas Klärner,Markus Gamper,Sylvia Keim - Klärner,Irene Moor,Holger von der Lippe,Nico Vonneilich
Soziale Netzwerke in gemeinschaftlichen Wohnprojekten: Eine empirische Analyse von Freundschaften und sozialer Unterstützung
Author/Editor: Christine Philippsen
Soziale Medien in Schule und Hochschule: Linguistische, sprach- und mediendidaktische Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Michael Beißwenger,Matthias Knopp
Soziale Konflikte
Author/Editor: Ansgar Thiel
Soziale Herkunft und die Umsetzung von Studienaspirationen: Individuelle und institutionelle Einflüsse in Phasen der Selbst- und Fremdselektion
Author/Editor: Claudia Finger
Soziale Grundsicherung in der Weltgesellschaft : Monetäre Mindestsicherungssysteme in den Ländern des Südens und des Nordens. Weltweiter Survey und theoretische Verortung
Author/Editor: Leisering ,Lutz,Buhr ,Petra,Traiser-Diop ,Ute
Soziale Grundsicherung in der Weltgesellschaft
Soziale Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in Wissenschaft und Forschung
Author/Editor: Jennifer Dahmen,Anita Thaler
Soziale Formen: Fortführung eines soziologischen Programms
Author/Editor: Athanasios Karafillidis
Soziale Elite und Christentum: Studien zu ordo-Angehörigen unter den frühen Christen
Author/Editor: Alexander Weiß
Soziale Beziehungen und Leistungsmotivation: Die Bedeutung von Bezugspersonen für die längerfristige Aufrechterhaltung der Lern- und Leistungsmotivation
Author/Editor: Dölf Looser
Soziale Armut: Wahrnehmung und Bewältigung von Armut in sozialen Netzwerken
Author/Editor: André Knabe
Soziale Arbeit und Sucht: Eine Bestandesaufnahme aus der Praxis
Author/Editor: Marcel Krebs,Roger Mäder,Tanya Mezzera
Soziale Arbeit und soziale Frage(n)
Author/Editor: Stephan Sting,Sara Blumenthal,Karin Lauermann
Soziale Arbeit und die Soziale Frage
Author/Editor: Barbara Fontanellaz,Christian Reutlinger,Steve Stiehler
Soziale Arbeit – Kernthemen und Problemfelder (Volume 1)
Author/Editor: Sabine Stövesand,Elke Kruse,Werner Thole,Fabian Kessl
Soziale Arbeit – Kernthemen und Problemfelder
Author/Editor: Fabian Kessl,Elke Kruse,Sabine Stövesand,Werner Thole
Soziale Arbeit in der Migrationsgesellschaft
Author/Editor: Martin Spetsmann-Kunkel,Norbert Frieters-Reermann
Soziale Arbeit im Kontext Schule: Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Praxis und Forschung in der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Emanuela Chiapparini,Renate Stohler,Esther Bussmann
Soziale Arbeit als Profession: Zur Karriere „sozialer Hilfstätigkeit“ aus professionssoziologischer Perspektive
Author/Editor: Katharina Motzke
Soziale Arbeit als Arbeit am Gemeinwesen: Ein theoretischer Begründungsrahmen
Author/Editor: Michael May
Soziale Aktivierung von Arbeitslosen? : Praktiken und Deutungen eines neuen Arbeitsmarktinstruments
Author/Editor: Freier ,Carolin
Soziale Aktivierung von Arbeitslosen?
Soziale Absicherung von Soldaten bei Körperschäden: Verfassungsrechtliche Ausgleichsgründe unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von militärischen Verwendungen im Ausland
Author/Editor: Nils Gummert
The Soybean Through World History: Lessons for Sustainable Agrofood Systems
Author/Editor: Matilda Baraibar,Lisa Deutsch
Sowjetische Beitraege zum Wortspiel (Ščerbina, Chodakova): Mit einer Aufsatzstudie von Gerd Freidhof
Author/Editor: Gerd Freidhof
Sowing: The Construction of Historical Longitudinal Population Databases
Author/Editor: Kees Mandemakers,George Alter,Hélène Vézina,Paul Puschmann
Sowing Legume Seeds, Reaping Cash: A Renaissance within Communities in Sub-Saharan Africa
Author/Editor: Essegbemon Akpo,Christopher O. Ojiewo,Lucky O. Omoigui,Jean Claude Rubyogo,Rajeev K. Varshney
Soviet Nightingales: Care under Communism
Author/Editor: Susan Grant
Soviet Jews in World War II : Fighting, Witnessing, Remembering
Soviet Jews in World War II
Sovereign Wealth Funds: Between the State and Markets
Author/Editor: Adam D. Dixon,Patrick J. Schena,Javier Capapé
Sovereignty, Nationalism, and the Quest for Homogeneity in Interwar Europe
Author/Editor: Emmanuel Dalle Mulle,Davide Rodogno,Mona Bieling
Sovereignty in Ruins : A Politics of Crisis
Sovereignty in Ruins
Sovereignty as a Vocation in Hobbes’s Leviathan: New Foundations, Statecraft, and Virtue
Author/Editor: J. Matthew Hoye
Sovereign Justice : Global Justice in a World of Nations
Author/Editor: Aurelio ,Diogo,Angelis ,Gabriele,Queiroz ,Regina
Sovereign Justice
Sovereign Debt Sustainability: Multilateral Debt Treatment and the Credit Rating Impasse
Author/Editor: Daniel Cash
Sovereign Debt Diplomacies: Rethinking sovereign debt from colonial empires to hegemony
Author/Editor: PIERRE PENET,Juan Flores Zendejas
Souveränität im Wandel: Frankreich und Deutschland ' 14.-21. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Thomas Maissen,Niels F. May,Rainer Maria Kiesow
Souveraineté alimentaire et semences: Questions autochtones et paysannes dans la gouvernance de la biodiversité agricole internationale (1970-2013)
Author/Editor: Claudio Brenni
The South Tyrol Question, 1866–2010: From National Rage to Regional State
Author/Editor: Georg Grote
The South Texas Health Status Review: A Health Disparities Roadmap
Author/Editor: Amelie G. Ramirez,Amelie G. Ramirez,Ian M. Thompson,Ian M. Thompson,Leonel Vela,Leonel Vela
South Station Hoard: Imagining, Creating and Empowering Violent Remains
Author/Editor: Carlee A Bradbury
South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis
Author/Editor: Jean-Michel Lafleur,Mikolaj Stanek
A South Indian Digest of Commentaries on the Nyāyasūtra: A South Indian Digest of Commentaries on the Nyāyasūtra
Author/Editor: Oliver Philipp Frey
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. V
Author/Editor: Eldredge M. ,Laurence,Klinck L. ,Anne
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. V
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. IV
Author/Editor: Mous H.J. ,Peter
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. IV
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. III
Author/Editor: Stauffenberg J. ,Henry
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. III
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. II
Author/Editor: Fowler R. ,Roger
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. II
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. I
Author/Editor: Horral M , Sarah
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. I
Southern Scholars in Goethe's Germany
Author/Editor: John T. Krumpelmann
A Southern Perspective on Development Studies
Author/Editor: Carlos Mallorquin
The Southernmost People of Greenland - Dialects and Memories (Vol. 337):Qavaat - Oqalunneri Eqqaamassaallu
Author/Editor: Mâliâraq Vebæk
The Southernmost People of Greenland - Dialects and Memories (Vol. 337):Qavaat - Oqalunneri Eqqaamassaallu
Southern African Geomorphology: Recent Trends and New Directions
Author/Editor: Michael Meadows,Peter Holmes
South End Shout: Boston’s Forgotten Music Scene in the Jazz Age
Author/Editor: Roger House
Southeast Asian Transformations: Urban and Rural Developments in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Sandra Kurfürst,Stefanie Wehner
Southeast Asian Anthropologies: National Traditions and Transnational Practices
Author/Editor: Eric C. Thompson,Vineeta Sinha
Southeast Asia and the Civil Society Gaze: Scoping a Contested Concept in Cambodia and Vietnam
Author/Editor: Gabi Waibel,Judith Ehlert,Hart N. Feuer
South China Sea Seeps
Author/Editor: Duofu Chen,Dong Feng
The South Asia to Gulf Migration Governance Complex
Author/Editor: Crystal A. Ennis,Nicolas Blarel
South Asian Partition Fiction in English
Author/Editor: Rituparna ,Roy
South Asian Atlantic Literature, 1970-2010
Author/Editor: Maxey ,Ruth
South Asian Atlantic Literature, 1970-2010
South Africa’s water governance hydraulic mission (1912–2008) in a WEF-Nexus context
Author/Editor: Johann Tempelhoff
The South African Response to COVID-19: The Early Years
Author/Editor: Pieter Fourie,Guy Lamb
South African Economy
Author/Editor: Peter Brixen,Finn Tarp
A South African Convivio with Dante: Born Frees’ Interpretations of the Commedia
Author/Editor: Sonia Fanucchi,Anita Virga
South African Christian Experiences: From colonialism to democracy
Author/Editor: Kelebogile Thomas Resane
The Sources of Innovation
Author/Editor: Eric von Hippel
The Sources of Anti-Slavery Constitutionalism in America, 1760-1848
Author/Editor: William M. Wiecek
Source Separation and Decentralization for Wastewater Management
Author/Editor: Tove Larsen,Kai Udert,Judit Lienert
Sound structure and sound change: A modeling approach
Author/Editor: Rebecca L. Morley
Sound Souvenirs
Sounds of War and Peace: Soundscapes of European Cities in 1945
Author/Editor: Renata Tańczuk,Sławomir Wieczorek
Sounds of the Underground: A Cultural, Political and Aesthetic Mapping of Underground and Fringe Music
Author/Editor: Stephen Graham
Sounds in translation
Author/Editor: Chan ,Amy,Noble ,Alistair
Soundscapes of the Urban Past : Staged Sound as Mediated Cultural Heritage
Author/Editor: Bijsterveld (Ed.) ,Karin
Soundscapes of the Urban Past
The Sound of William Barnes's Dialect Poems: 3. Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect, third collection (1862)
Author/Editor: Burton ,T. L.
The Sound of William Barnes's Dialect Poems: 2. Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect, second collection (1859)
Author/Editor: Burton ,T. L.
The Sound of William Barnes's Dialect Poems: 1. Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect, first collection (1844)
Author/Editor: Burton L ,T
Sounding Together: Collaborative Perspectives on U.S. Music in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Charles Garrett,Carol Oja
Sounding the Indian Ocean: Musical Circulations in the Afro-Asiatic Seascape
Author/Editor: Jim Sykes,Julia Byl
Sounding the Cape: Music, Identity and Politics in South Africa
Author/Editor: Denis-Constant Martin
Soundings: documentary film and the listening experience
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Cox,John Corner
Sounding Like a No No: Queer Sounds and Eccentric Acts in the Post Soul Era
Author/Editor: Francesca Royster
Sounding Islam
Author/Editor: Patrick Eisenlohr
Sound Design: Die virtuelle Klangwelt des Films
Author/Editor: Barbara Flueckiger
Sound Citizens: Australian Women Broadcasters Claim their Voice, 1923–1956
Author/Editor: Catherine Fisher
Sound change, priming, salience: Producing and perceiving variation in Liverpool English
Author/Editor: Marten Juskan
Soul of the Documentary. Framing, Expression, Ethics
Author/Editor: Hongisto ,Ilona
Soul Liberty: The Evolution of Black Religious Politics in Postemancipation Virginia
Author/Editor: Nicole Myers Turner
«Sotto l'ombra della patente del Santo Officio»: I familiares dell'Inquisizione romana tra XVI e XVII secolo
Author/Editor: DENNJ SOLERA
Sottobanco: L'influenza delle tecnologie sul clima di classe
Author/Editor: Alessandro Soriani
Sote-palvelut markkinoilla – tavoitteita, toiveita ja ristiriitoja
SOS: Sauberkeit Ordnung Sicherheit in der Stadt
Author/Editor: Nikola Langreiter,Johanna Rolshoven,Martin Steidl
SOS: Medien des Überlebens: Die existenzielle Bedeutung von Lebenszeichen in Notfällen
Author/Editor: Martin Siegler
Sosiaaliturvariippuvuus : sosiaalipummit oleskeluyhteiskunnassa?
Sosiaalipolitiikan lumo
Author/Editor: Halmetoja ,Antti (ed.),Koistinen ,Pertti (ed.),Ojala ,Satu (ed.)
Sosiaali- ja terveysalan innovaatioekosysteemit
Author/Editor: Pasi-Heikki Rannisto,Ulriika Leponiemi,Nadja Nordling,Jari Kolehmainen
So schaffen wir das – eine Zivilgesellschaft im Aufbruch : 90 wegweisende Projekte mit Geflüchteten
So schaffen wir das – eine Zivilgesellschaft im Aufbruch
Sortons du ghetto: Histoire politique des homosexualités en Suisse, 1950-1990
Author/Editor: Thierry Delessert
Sorgsame Landwirtschaft: Resiliente Praktiken im Ökologischen Landbau
Author/Editor: Andrea Heistinger,Elisabeth Kosnik,Gabriele Sorgo
The Sopranos
Author/Editor: Dana Polan
Sophie Christine und Carl Heinrich Laeisz. Eine biographische Annäherung an die Zeiten und Themen ihres Lebens
Author/Editor: Johannes Gerhardt,Ekkehard W. Nümann,Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung
Sons of the Gods, Children of Earth: Ideology and Literary Form in Ancient Greece
Author/Editor: Peter W. Rose
Sonntags 20:15 Uhr – »Tatort« - Zu sozialen Positionierungen eines Fernsehpublikums
Author/Editor: Hämmerling, Christine
Sonntags 20:15 Uhr – »Tatort« - Zu sozialen Positionierungen eines Fernsehpublikums
Sonnets of Catharina von Greiffenberg: Methods of Composition
Author/Editor: Flora Kimmich
Sonic Skills: Listening for Knowledge in Science, Medicine and Engineering (1920s-Present)
Author/Editor: Karin Bijsterveld
Sonic Signatures: Music, Migration and the City at Night
Author/Editor: Derek Pardue,Ailbhe Kenny
Sonic Modernities in the Malay World
Author/Editor: Barendregt ,B.
Sonic Modernities in the Malay World
Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments
Author/Editor: Michele Geronazzo,Stefania Serafin
Sonic Histories of Occupation: Experiencing Sound and Empire in a Global Context
Author/Editor: Russell Skelchy,Jeremy E. Taylor
Sonic ethnography: Identity, heritage and creative research practice in Basilicata, southern Italy
Author/Editor: Lorenzo Ferrarini,Nicola Scaldaferri
Sonic Agency: Sound and Emergent Forms of Resistance
Author/Editor: Brandon LaBelle
Songs on the Road: Wandering Religious Poets in India, Tibet, and Japan
Author/Editor: Stefan Larsson,Kristoffer af Edholm
Songs of the Royal Zhōu and the Royal Shào: Shī 詩 of the Ānhuī University Manuscripts
Author/Editor: Dirk Meyer,Adam Craig Schwartz
The Songs of the Minnesinger, Prince Wizlaw of Rügen
Author/Editor: Barbara Garvey Seagrave,J.W. Thomas
Songs of the Empty Place: The Memorial Poetry of the Foi of the Southern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea
Author/Editor: Weiner F. ,James,Niles ,Don
Sonderpädagog*in werden: Auf dem Weg zu einer professionellen Haltung: Eine rekonstruktive Studie im Kontext inklusionsorientierter Lehrer*innenbildung
Author/Editor: Alice Junge
Soncino – Gesellschaft der Freunde des jüdischen Buches: Ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte
Author/Editor: Karin Bürger,Ines Sonder
"So muss ich fortan das Band als gelöst ansehen.": Ernst Cassirers Hamburger Jahre 1919 bis 1933
Author/Editor: Susanne Wittek
Somewhere over the rainbow: Discussions on homosexuality in education across Europe
Author/Editor: Kristof De Witte,Oliver Holz,Lotte Geunis
Some Ways of Making Nothing: Apophatic Apparatuses in Contemporary Art
Author/Editor: Curt Cloninger
Sometimes Hard, Usually Soft: The Future of Knowledge Systems
Author/Editor: Johnny Golding,Mattia Paganelli,Martin Reinhart
Something's Gotta Change: Redefining Collaborative Linguistic Research
Author/Editor: Lesley Woods
Something More Splendid Than Two
Author/Editor: Jose Alfaro
Somerset's Peatland Archaeology: Managing and Investigating a Fragile Resource
Author/Editor: Richard Brunning
Some Problems of the Second South Slavic Influence in Russia
Author/Editor: Ilya Talev
Somatic Criticism Project
Author/Editor: Adam Dziadek
Somalis in the Twin Cities and Columbus : Immigrant Incorporation in New Destinations
Author/Editor: Chambers ,Stefanie
Somalis in the Twin Cities and Columbus
Solving the Powertrain Puzzle: 10th Schaeffler Symposium April 3/4, 2014
Author/Editor: Schaeffler Co. Technologies GmbH & KG
Solving PDEs in Python: The FEniCS Tutorial I
Author/Editor: Hans Petter Langtangen,Anders Logg
Solving Ordinary Differential Equations in Python
Author/Editor: Joakim Sundnes
Sols artificialisés: Déterminants, impacts et leviers d'action
Author/Editor: Maylis Desrousseaux,Béatrice Béchet,Yves Le Bissonnais,Anne Ruas,Bertrand Schmitt
The Solow Model of Economic Growth: Application to Contemporary Macroeconomic Issues
Author/Editor: Paweł Dykas,Tomasz Tokarski,Rafał Wisła
Solomon Islanders in World War II
Author/Editor: Kwai Annie ,Anna
Sologubs Schopenhauerrezeption und ihre Bedeutung fuer die Motivgestaltung in seinen Erzaehlungen
Author/Editor: Bärbel Šemjatova
Sollbruchstellen des deutschen, europäischen und internationalen Flüchtlingsrechts: Aktualisierte und erweiterte Fassung des am 20. Februar 2019 vor der Juristischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin gehaltenen Vortrages: „Deutsches, europäisches und internationales
Author/Editor: Daniel Thym
Solingen, 30 Jahre nach dem Brandanschlag: Rassismus, extrem rechte Gewalt und die Narben einer vernachlässigten Aufarbeitung
Author/Editor: Birgül Demirtas,Adelheid Schmitz,Derya Gür-Seker,Çagri Kahveci
Solidarity: The Unfulfilled Project of Polish Democracy
Author/Editor: Ireneusz Krzemiński
Solidarity in the Media and Public Contention over Refugees in Europe
Author/Editor: Manlio Cinalli,Hans-Jörg Trenz,Verena Brändle,Olga Eisele,Christian Lahusen
Solidarity in Europe: Citizens' Responses in Times of Crisis
Author/Editor: Christian Lahusen,Maria T. Grasso
»Solidarität zuerst«: Zur Neuentdeckung einer politischen Idee (Volume 124, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Hermann-Josef Große Kracht
Solidarität und Solidarismus : Postliberale Suchbewegungen zur normativen Selbstverständigung moderner Gesellschaften
Author/Editor: Große Kracht ,Hermann-Josef
Solidarität und Solidarismus
Solidarität und Krise: Sozialpädagogische Perspektiven auf Herausforderungen unter krisenhaften Bedingungen
Author/Editor: Silke Jakob,Nikias Obitz
Solidarität und ihre Widersprüche: Gewerkschaften im Sommer der Migration 2015
Author/Editor: Neva Löw
Solidarität als Praxis: Die Verhandlung von Diversität im Weltsozialforum
Author/Editor: Nikolas Schall
Solidariteit en slachtofferschap
Author/Editor: Boutellier ,Hans
Solidarische Mittelvergabe: Neue Perspektiven für die Zusammenarbeit in der freien Kunstszene
Author/Editor: Christoph Rodatz,Uta Atzpodien,Christian Berens,Sebastian Brohn,Anna Bründl,M Hasan Hera,Moritz Kotzerke
Solidarische Ökonomie als Lebensform : Berliner Akteure des alternativen Wirtschaftens im Porträt
Solidarische Ökonomie als Lebensform
Soldiers' Stories : Military Women in Cinema and Television since World War II
Author/Editor: Tasker ,Yvonne
Soldiers' Stories
Soldiers and Civil Power
Author/Editor: Brocades Zaalberg ,Thijs
Soldgeschäfte, Klientelismus, Korruption in der Frühen Neuzeit: Zum Soldunternehmertum der Familie Zurlauben im schweizerischen und europäischen Kontext
Author/Editor: Kaspar von Greyerz,André Holenstein,Andreas Würgler
Soldati e neuropsichiatria nell'Italia della Grande Guerra: Controllo militare e pratiche assistenziali a confronto (1915 - 1918)
Author/Editor: Marco Romano
Solar Particle Radiation Storms Forecasting and Analysis: The HESPERIA HORIZON 2020 Project and Beyond
Author/Editor: Olga E. Malandraki,Norma B. Crosby
Solar Module Packaging: Polymeric Requirements and Selection
Author/Editor: Michelle Poliskie,Allison Shatkin
Solarities: Elemental Encounters and Refractions
Author/Editor: Cymene Howe,Jeff Diamanti,Amelia Moore
Solar Energetic Particles: A Modern Primer on Understanding Sources, Acceleration and Propagation
Author/Editor: Donald V. Reames
Solar Calendar, And Other Ways of Marking Time
Author/Editor: Jeremy Bendik-Keymer
„Sola Admiratio Quaeritur“: Das Staunen in der Dichtung der italienischen Renaissance
Author/Editor: Andrea Elmer
Sokrates in Pöseldorf: Erwin Panofskys Hamburger Jahre
Author/Editor: Karen Michels
Soixante-trois. La peur de la grande année climactérique à la Renaissance
Author/Editor: Engammare ,Max
Soixante-trois. La peur de la grande année climactérique à la Renaissance
Soil Erosion and Carbon Dynamics
Author/Editor: Eric J. Roose,Rattan Lal,Christian Feller
Soil Erosion and Carbon Dynamics
Author/Editor: Eric J. Roose,Rattan Lal,Christian Feller,Bernard Barthès,Bobby A. Stewart
Sogno e surreale nella letteratura e nelle arti ebraiche
Author/Editor: Erica Baricci
Soggetto trascendentale, mondo della vita, naturalizzazione. Uno sguardo attraverso la fenomenologia di Edmund Husserl
Author/Editor: Gabriele Miniagio
Soggettività, identità nazionale, memorie: Biografie e autobiografie nella Turchia contemporanea
Author/Editor: Fulvio BERTUCCELLI
Soggettività dissonanti: Di rivoluzione, femminismi e violenza politica nella memoria di un gruppo di ex militanti di Lotta continua
Author/Editor: Stefania Voli
Software Takes Command
Author/Editor: Lev Manovich
Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019
Author/Editor: Hans-Joachim Bungartz,Severin Reiz,Benjamin Uekermann,Philipp Neumann,Wolfgang E. Nagel
Soft Power and Great-Power Competition: Shifting Sands in the Balance of Power Between the United States and China
Author/Editor: Joseph S. Nye
Soft Crystals: Flexible Response Systems with High Structural Order
Author/Editor: Masako Kato,Kazuyuki Ishii
Soft Computing: Techniques in Engineering Sciences (Volume 1)
Author/Editor: Mangey Ram,Suraj B. Singh
Soft and Stiffness-controllable Robotics Solutions for Minimally Invasive Surgery: The STIFF-FLOP Approach
Author/Editor: Jelizaveta Konstantinova,Helge Wurdemann,Ali Shafti,Ali Shiva,Kaspar Althoefer
Sofi Oksasen romaanitaide: Kertomus, etiikka, retoriikka
Author/Editor: Markku Lehtimäki
So Far and Yet so Close: Frontier Cattle Ranching in Prairie Western Canada and the Northern Territory of Australia
Author/Editor: Warren Elofson
Soeharto's New Order and its Legacy
Author/Editor: Aspinall ,Edward,Fealy ,Greg
Socrates, or on Human Knowledge Bilingual Edition
Author/Editor: Simone Luzzatto,Michela Torbidoni,Giuseppe Veltri
Socio-Technical Innovation Bundles for Agri-Food Systems Transformation
Author/Editor: Christopher B. Barrett,Shenggen Fan,Rikin Gandhi,Steven James,Mark Kahn,Laté Lawson-Lartego,Jiali Liu,Tim Benton,Jessica Fanzo,Mario Herrero,Rebecca J. Nelson,Elizabeth Bageant,Edward Buckler,Karen Cooper,Isabella Culotta
Socio-Spatial Theory in Nordic Geography: Intellectual Histories and Critical Interventions
Author/Editor: Peter Jakobsen,Erik Jönsson,Henrik Gutzon Larsen
Socio-Political Risk Management: Assessing and Managing Global Insecurity
Author/Editor: Kurt J. Engemann,Cathryn F. Lavery,Jeanne M. Sheehan
Sociology of Rural Life
Author/Editor: Hillyard ,Samantha
Sociology of Law as the Science of Norms
Author/Editor: Håkan Hydén
The Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse: Investigating the Politics of Knowledge and Meaning-making
Author/Editor: Reiner Keller,Anna-Katharina Hornidge,Wolf J. Schünemann
Sociology of Interdisciplinarity: The Dynamics of Energy Research
Author/Editor: Antti Silvast,Chris Foulds
Sociology in Germany: A History
Author/Editor: Stephan Moebius
Sociologie des changements de pratiques en agriculture
Author/Editor: Claude Compagnone
Sociological Debates on Gestational Surrogacy: Between Legitimation and International Abolition
Author/Editor: Daniela Bandelli
Sociologia dei quartieri urbani
Author/Editor: Marco Castrignanò
Sociolinguistics of the Korean Wave: Hallyu and Soft Power
Author/Editor: Nora Samosir,Lionel Wee
Socio-Life Science and the COVID-19 Outbreak: Public Health and Public Policy
Author/Editor: Makoto Yano,Fumihiko Matsuda,Anavaj Sakuntabhai,Shigeru Hirota
Socio-gerontechnology: Interdisciplinary Critical Studies of Ageing and Technology
Author/Editor: Alexander Peine,Barbara L. Marshall,Wendy Martin,Louis Neven
Socio-Environmental Dynamics along the Historical Silk Road
Author/Editor: Liang Emlyn Yang,Hans-Rudolf Bork,Xiuqi Fang,Steffen Mischke
Socio-economics of Personalized Medicine in Asia
Author/Editor: Shirley Sun
Socioeconomics of Agriculture
Author/Editor: Stefan Mann
Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities: East Meets West
Socioeconomic Inequality and Educational Outcomes: Evidence from Twenty Years of TIMSS
Author/Editor: Markus Broer,Yifan Bai,Frank Fonseca
The Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19 on Eastern European Countries
Author/Editor: Paweł Dykas,Rafał Wisła
Socio-Economic Atlas of Myanmar
Author/Editor: Frauke Kraas,Regine Spohner,Aye Aye Myint
Socioeconomic and Environmental Implications of Agricultural Residue Burning: A Case Study of Punjab, India
Author/Editor: Parmod Kumar,Surender Kumar,Laxmi Joshi
Sociocratische tendenties in West-Europa
Author/Editor: Jansen ,L.
Society - Water - Technology: A Critical Appraisal of Major Water Engineering Projects
Author/Editor: Reinhard F. Hüttl,Oliver Bens,Christine Bismuth,Sebastian Hoechstetter
The Society of the Selfie: Social Media and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy
Author/Editor: Jeremiah Morelock,Felipe Narita
The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)
Author/Editor: Scott V ,Suzan,Zachariadis ,Markos
Society, Environment and Human Security in the Arctic Barents Region
Author/Editor: Kamrul Hossain,Dorothée Cambou
Society 5.0: A People-centric Super-smart Society
Società multiculturali e percorsi di integrazione: Francia, Germania, Regno Unito ed Italia a confronto
Societies in Transition in Early Greece: An Archaeological History
Author/Editor: Alex R. Knodell
Società e Università: Valutazione e Impatto Sociale
Author/Editor: Brigida Blasi
Società civile e democrazia radicale
Author/Editor: Lorenzo Cini
The Societal Unconscious: Psychosocial Perspectives on Adult Learning
Author/Editor: Henning Salling Olesen
Societal Implications of Community-Oriented Policing and Technology
Author/Editor: Georgios Leventakis,M. R. Haberfeld
Social Work, Sociometry, and Psychodrama: Experiential Approaches for Group Therapists, Community Leaders, and Social Workers
Author/Editor: Scott Giacomucci
Social Work: Perspectives on Leadership and Organisation
Author/Editor: Maria Wolmesjö
Social Work in Africa: Exploring Culturally Relevant Education and Practice in Ghana
Author/Editor: Linda Kreitzer
Social Thinking and History: A Sociocultural Psychological Perspective on Representations of the Past
Author/Editor: Constance De Saint Laurent
Social Theory of Fear
Author/Editor: Skoll ,Geoffrey
Social Theory after the Internet
Author/Editor: Schroeder ,Ralph
The Social Structure of the First Crusade
Author/Editor: Kostick ,Conor
The Social Structure of the First Crusade
The Social Status of Languages in Finland and Lithuania: A Plurimethodological Empirical Survey on Language Climate Change
Author/Editor: Stephan Kessler,Marko Pantermöller
Social Statistics and Ethnic Diversity: Cross-National Perspectives in Classifications and Identity Politics
Author/Editor: Patrick Simon,Victor Piché,Amélie A. Gagnon
Social Selling im B2B: Grundlagen, Tools, State of the Art
Author/Editor: Benedikt Römmelt
The Social Sciences in the Asian Century
Author/Editor: Johnson ,Carol,Mackie ,Vera,Morris-Suzuki ,Tessa
Social Science Research in the Arab World and Beyond: A Guide for Students, Instructors and Researchers
Author/Editor: Mark Tessler
Social Science Perspectives on Global Public Health
Author/Editor: Vincent La Placa,Julia Morgan
Social Research for our Times: Thomas Coram Research Unit past, present and future
Author/Editor: Claire Cameron,Alison Koslowski,Alison Lamont,Peter Moss
Social Reform, Modernization and Technical Diplomacy: The ILO Contribution to Development (1930–1946)
Author/Editor: Véronique Plata-Stenger
The Social Question in the Twenty-First Century: A Global View
Author/Editor: Jan Breman,Kevan Harris,Ching Kwan Lee,Marcel van der Linden
Social Protection Programmes: Narratives of Nigerian Women and Anti-Trafficking Practitioners in Italy
Author/Editor: Michela Semprebon
Social Protection and Informal Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lived Realities and Associational Experiences from Tanzania and Kenya
Author/Editor: Lone Riisgaard,Winnie V. Mitullah,Nina Torm
Social Policy Review 35: Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2023
Author/Editor: Ruggero Cefalo,Marcia Rose,Andy Jolly
Social Policy-issues in Economic Planning
Author/Editor: WRR,HRWB
Social Policies and Institutional Reform in Post-COVID Cuba
Author/Editor: Bert Hoffmann
Social Organization in South China, 1911–1949: The Case of Kuan Lineage in K’ai-p’ing County
Author/Editor: Yuen-fong Woon
Social Networks with Rich Edge Semantics
Author/Editor: Quan Zheng,David Skillicorn
Social Networks as the New Frontier of Terrorism: #Terror
Author/Editor: Laura Scaife
Social Networks and Health Inequalities: A New Perspective for Research
Author/Editor: Andreas Klärner,Markus Gamper,Sylvia Keim-Klärner,Irene Moor,Holger von der Lippe,Nico Vonneilich
Social Movements in China and Hong Kong
Social Movements in 1980s Sweden: Contention in the Welfare State
Author/Editor: Helena Hill,Andrés Brink Pinto
Social Movements and the Politics of Debt: Transnational Resistance against Debt on Three Continents
Author/Editor: Christoph Sorg
Social Movements and Solidarity Structures in Crisis-Ridden Greece
Author/Editor: Haris Malamidis
Social Movements and Politics during COVID-19: Crisis, Solidarity and Change in a Global Pandemic
Author/Editor: Breno Bringel,Geoffrey Pleyers
Social Mobility in Developing Countries: Concepts, Methods, and Determinants
Author/Editor: Vegard Iversen,Anirudh Krishna,Kunal Sen
The Social Metabolism of Spanish Agriculture, 1900–2008: The Mediterranean Way Towards Industrialization
Author/Editor: Manuel González de Molina,David Soto Fernández,Gloria Guzmán Casado,Juan Infante-Amate,Eduardo Aguilera Fernández,Jaime Vila Traver,Roberto García Ruiz
Social Media in Trinidad
Author/Editor: Sinanan ,Jolynna
Social Media in South India
Author/Editor: Venkatraman ,Shriram
Social Media in Southeast Turkey
Author/Editor: Costa ,Elisabetta
Social Media in Southeast Italy
Author/Editor: Nicolescu ,Razvan
Social Media in Rural China
Author/Editor: McDonald ,Tom
Social Media in Northern Chile
Author/Editor: Haynes ,Nell
Social Media in Industrial China
Author/Editor: Wang ,Xinyuan
Social Media in Higher Education: Case Studies, Reflections and Analysis
Author/Editor: Chris Rowell
Social Media in Emergent Brazil
Author/Editor: Juliano Spyer
Social Media in der Arbeitswelt: Herausforderungen für Beschäftigte und Mitbestimmung
Author/Editor: Tanja Carstensen
Social Media in an English Village
Author/Editor: Miller ,Daniel
Social Media for Civic Education: Engaging Youth for Democracy
Author/Editor: Amy L. Chapman
Social Media and Social Order
Author/Editor: David Herbert,Stefan Fisher-Høyrem
Social Media and Hate
Author/Editor: Shakuntala Banaji,Ramnath Bhat
Social Media Activism: Water as a Common Good
Author/Editor: Matteo Cernison
The Socially Responsible Organization: Lessons from COVID
Author/Editor: Ian I. Mitroff
Socially Responsible Higher Education: International Perspectives on Knowledge Democracy
Author/Editor: Budd L. Hall,Rajesh Tandon
A Socially Critical View Of The Self-Managing School
Author/Editor: John Smyth
The Social Life of Economic Inequalities in Contemporary Latin America: Decades of Change
Author/Editor: Margit Ystanes,Iselin Åsedotter Strønen
The Social Life of Anti-Terrorism Laws: The War on Terror and the Classifications of the »Dangerous Other«
Author/Editor: Julia M. Eckert
Social Justice in a Market Economy
Author/Editor: Hermann Sautter,Rolf Schinke
Socializing Development: Transnational Social Movement Advocacy and the Human Rights Accountability of Multilateral Development Banks (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Leon Valentin Schettler
Socialist Women and the Great War, 1914-21: Protest, Revolution and Commemoration
Author/Editor: Corinne Painter,Ingrid Sharp,Matthew Stibbe
The Socialist Way of Life in Siberia: Transformation in Buryatia
Author/Editor: Melissa Chakars
Socialism, Capitalism and Alternatives: Area Studies and Global Theories
Author/Editor: Peter J. S. Duncan,Elisabeth Schimpfössl
Socialism and Legal History: The Histories and Historians of Law in Socialist East Central Europe
Author/Editor: Ville Erkkilä,Hans-Peter Haferkamp
Social Investment and Territorial Inequalities: Mapping Policies and Services in the Baltic States
Author/Editor: Jurga Bucaite-Vilke
Social Institutions, Gender Inequality, and Regional Convergence in Developing Countries
Author/Editor: Boris Branisa Caballero
Social Innovations in Urban Sanitation in India: Meeting Unmet Needs
Author/Editor: Shubhagato Dasgupta,Kaustuv Kanti Bandyopadhyay,Anju Dwivedi,Sumona Das Gupta,Ms Bharti
Social Innovations in the Urban Context
Author/Editor: Taco Brandsen,Sandro Cattacin,Adalbert Evers,Annette Zimmer
Social Innovation in Higher Education: Landscape, Practices, and Opportunities
Author/Editor: Carmen Păunescu,Katri-Liis Lepik,Nicholas Spencer
Social Innovation: Comparative Perspectives
Author/Editor: Helmut Anheier,Gorgi Krlev,Georg Mildenberger
Social Inequality, Childhood and the Media: A Longitudinal Study of the Mediatization of Socialisation
Author/Editor: Ingrid Paus-Hasebrink,Jasmin Kulterer,Philip Sinner
Social Indicators for Aboriginal Governance
Author/Editor: Taylor ,John
Social inclusion and higher education
Author/Editor: Tehmina N Basit,Sally Tomlinson
Sociale ziektekostenverzekeringen in Europees perspectief
Author/Editor: Klein de ,C.
Sociale zekerheid ‘migratie-proof’
Sociale zekerheid ‘migratie-proof’
Sociale zekerheid in een open samenleving
Sociale zekerheid in een Europees perspectief
Sociale zekerheid: een gelaagd begrip
Social Exclusion of Youth in Europe: The Multifaceted Consequences of Labour Market Insecurity
Author/Editor: Marge Unt,Michael Gebel,Sonia Bertolini,Vassiliki Deliyanni-Kouimtzi,Dirk Hofäcker
Social Exclusion in Later Life: Interdisciplinary and Policy Perspectives
Author/Editor: Kieran Walsh,Thomas Scharf,Sofie Van Regenmortel,Anna Wanka
The Social Evolution of World Politics
Author/Editor: Mathias Albert,Hauke Brunkhorst,Iver B. Neumann,Stephan Stetter
Social Europe, the Road not Taken: The Left and European Integration in the Long 1970s
Author/Editor: Aurélie Dianara Andry
Sociale (on)zekerheid. De voorziene toekomst
Social Enterprise in Western Europe: Theory, Models and Practice
Author/Editor: Jacques Defourny,Marthe Nyssens
Social Enterprise in Latin America: Theory, Models and Practice
Author/Editor: Luiz Inácio Gaiger,Marthe Nyssens,Fernanda Wanderley
Social Enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe: Theory, Models and Practice
Author/Editor: Jacques Defourny,Marthe Nyssens
Social Enterprise in Asia: Theory, Models and Practice
Author/Editor: ERIC BIDET,Jacques Defourny
Social-Emotional Competences of Preschoolers: The Impact of Outdoor Educational Activities
Author/Editor: Otilia Clipa,Erica Cîmpan
Sociale herovering in Amsterdam en Rotterdam: één verhaal over twee wijken - 8
Author/Editor: Engbersen ,Godfried,Snel ,Erik,Weltevrede ,Afke
The Social Effects of Native Title
Author/Editor: Morphy ,Frances,Smith R. ,Benjamin
Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice for All Families
The Social Dynamics of Open Data
Author/Editor: Francois van Schalkwyk,Stefaan G. Verhulst,Gustavo Magalhaes,Juan Pane
Social Dynamics in the Northwest Frontiers of the Late Roman Empire: Beyond Transformation or Decline
Author/Editor: Nico Roymans,Stijn Heeren,Wim de Clercq
Social Dynamics in Swiss Society: Empirical Studies Based on the Swiss Household Panel
Author/Editor: Robin Tillmann,Marieke Voorpostel,Peter Farago
Social Development in the World Bank: Essays in Honor of Michael M. Cernea
Author/Editor: Maritta Koch-Weser,Scott Guggenheim
Social Determinants of Health in Non-communicable Diseases: Case Studies from Japan
Author/Editor: Katsunori Kondo
Social Desirability and Environmental Valuation
Author/Editor: Tobias Börger
Social Democratic Parties and the Working Class: New Voting Patterns
Author/Editor: Line Rennwald
Social Democracy in Europe
Author/Editor: Pascal Delwit,Daniel-Louis Seiler,Bruno Villalba,Jerzy J. Wiatr,Attila Ágh,David S. Bell,John Callaghan,Gabriel Colomé,Petia Gueorguieva,Robert Ladrech,Philippe Marlière,Gerassimo Moschonas
Social cost-benefit analysis in Australia and New Zealand. The state of current practice and what needs to be done
Author/Editor: Dobes ,Leo,Argyrous ,George,Leung ,Joanne
Social Concertation in Times of Austerity
Author/Editor: Afonso ,Alexandre
The Social City: Urban development and housing projects in Berlin and Naples in the post-war era – A comparison: Theoretical models, implemented projects, social and political impacts today
Author/Editor: Antonello Scopacasa
Social Change in the Gulf Region: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Author/Editor: Md Mizanur Rahman,Amr Al-Azm
Social, Casual and Mobile Games: The Changing Gaming Landscape
Author/Editor: Michele Willson,Tama Leaver
Social Cash Transfer in Turkey: Toward Market Citizenship
Author/Editor: Ceren Ark-Yıldırım,Marc Smyrl
Social Capital Online: Alienation and Accumulation
Author/Editor: Kane Faucher
Social capital, economic growth and well-being
Author/Editor: Francesco Sarracino
Social Biases During Covid 19: Managing the Anxiety of Uncertainty
Author/Editor: Wojciech Kulesza,Dariusz Doliński
Social Background and the Demographic Life Course: Cross-National Comparisons
Author/Editor: Aart C. Liefbroer,Mioara Zoutewelle-Terovan
Social and structural aspects of language contact and change
Author/Editor: Bettina Migge,Shelome Gooden
The Social and Political Life of Latin American Infrastructures
Author/Editor: Jonathan Alderman,Geoff Goodwin
Social and Political Issues on Sustainable Development in the Post Covid-19 Crisis: Proceedings of the International Conference on Social and Political Issues on Sustainable Development in the Post Covid-19 Crisis (ICHSOS 2021), Malang, Indonesia, 18-19 J
Author/Editor: Oman Sukmana,Iqbal Robbie,Ali Roziqin,Shannaz Mutiara Deniar,Iradhad T. Sihidi,Dedik F. Suhermanto
Social and Political Dimensions of Mathematics Education: Current Thinking
Author/Editor: Murad Jurdak,Renuka Vithal,Elizabeth de Freitas,Peter Gates,David Kollosche
Social and Intellectual Networking in the Early Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Michael Kelly,K. Patrick Fazioli
Social and Institutional Innovation in Self-Organising Cities
Author/Editor: Flavia Giallorenzo,Camilla Perrone,Maddalena Rossi
Social and Economic Vulnerability of Roma People: Key Factors for the Success and Continuity of Schooling Levels
Author/Editor: Maria Manuela Mendes,Olga Magano,Stefánia Toma
Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe
Author/Editor: Hauschildt ,Kristina,Gwosc ,Christoph,Netz ,Nicolai,Mishra ,Shweta
The Social and Cultural Contexts of Historic Writing Practices
Author/Editor: Philip J. Boyes,Phillipa M. Steele,Natalia Elvira Astoreca
Social and Affective Neuroscience of Everyday Human Interaction: From Theory to Methodology
Author/Editor: Paulo Sérgio Boggio,Tanja S. H. Wingenbach,Marília Lira da Silveira Coêlho,William Edgar Comfort,Lucas Murrins Marques,Marcus Vinicius C. Alves
Sociaal-economische gezondsheidsverschillen, kansen voor beleid
Author/Editor: WRR
Soccer Fitness : Prevention and treatment of lifestyle diseases
Author/Editor: Krustrup ,Peter
Soccer Fitness
Sobranie stichotvorenij: Sostavlenie, posleslovie I primečanija Leonida Čertkova. Predislovie V. Kazaka
Author/Editor: Konstantin K. Vaginov
Sobranie sočinenij. Teil 3: Dvenadcat' Dram: Herausgegeben von Bernhard Lauer und Ulrich Steltner
Author/Editor: Fëdor Sologub,Bernhard Lauer,Ulrich Steltner
Sobranie sočinenij. Gesammelte Werke: Teil 2: Rasskazy (1909-1921)
Author/Editor: Fëdor Sologub,Ulrich Steltner
Sobranie sočinenij. Gesammelte Werke: Teil 1: Rasskazy (1894-1908). Hrsg. von Ulrich Steltner
Author/Editor: Fëdor Sologub,Ulrich Steltner
Sobranie proizvedenij: Hrsg. von Gleb Morev, Valerij Somsikov. Reprint des Romans Po tu storonu Tuly, Leningrad 1931 sowie Erstausgabe der gesamten nachgelassenen Lyrik
Author/Editor: Andrej N. Egunov
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: New Perspectives on Production, Reception, Legacy
Author/Editor: Chris Pallant,Christopher Holliday
Snow Sports Trauma and Safety: Conference Proceedings of the International Society for Skiing Safety: 21st Volume
Author/Editor: Irving S. Scher,Richard M. Greenwald,Nicola Petrone
Author/Editor: Donato Mancini
Snow in the Tropics: A History of the Independent Reefer Operators
Author/Editor: Thomas Taro Lennerfors,Peter Birch
Snøens formler: Et naturfenomen i litteraturen
Author/Editor: Thomas Seiler
Snapshots of Evolving Traditions: Jewish and Christian Manuscript Culture, Textual Fluidity, and New Philology
Author/Editor: Liv Ingeborg Lied,Hugo Lundhaug
Smooth Path or Long and Winding Road?: How Institutions Shape the Transition from Higher Education to Work
Author/Editor: Kathrin Leuze
SMOC-Soft Open Method of Coordination from Prevalet: Joint progress report of Regions on the implementation of European Lifelong Learning Strategies — Towards Multilevel Governance
Author/Editor: Paolo Federighi,Francesca Torlone
SMOC – Sanfte offene Koordinierungsmethode – Soft Open Method of Coordination von Prevalet: Gemeinsamer Fortschrittsbericht der Regionen über die Umsetzung der europäischen Strategien des Lebenslangen Lernens – auf dem Weg zur Muti-Level-Governance –
Author/Editor: Paolo Federighi,Francesca Torlone
SMOC – Método Abierto de Coordinación de Prevalet: Informe de progreso conjunto de las regiones sobre la aplicación de las estrategias europeas de aprendizaje a lo largo de toda la vida – Hacia una gobernanza multinivel –
Author/Editor: Paolo Federighi,Francesca Torlone
SMOC-Metodo Aperto e Semplificato di Coordinamento da Prevalet: Rapporto Congiunto Intermedio delle Regioni sull'attuazione delle Strategie Europee di Apprendimento Permanente – Verso una governance Multilivello
Author/Editor: Paolo Federighi,Francesca Torlone
Smittestopp − A Case Study on Digital Contact Tracing
Author/Editor: Ahmed Elmokashfi,Olav Lysne,Valeriya Naumova
Smell and the Past: Noses, Archives, Narratives
Author/Editor: William Tullett
Author/Editor: Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos,Danilo Mandic,Caterina Nirta,Andrea Pavoni
Smart Water Utilities: Complexity Made Simple
Author/Editor: Gustaf Olsson,Pernille Ingildsen
Smart Universities
Author/Editor: Christian M. Stracke,Michael Shanks,Oddgeir Tveiten
Smart Textiles Production: Overview of Materials, Sensor and Production Technologies for Industrial Smart Textiles
Author/Editor: Inga Gehrke,Vadim Tenner,Volker Lutz,David Schmelzeisen,Thomas Gries
Smart Technologies for Precision Assembly: 9th IFIP WG 5.5 International Precision Assembly Seminar, IPAS 2020, Virtual Event, December 14–15, 2020, Revised Selected Papers
Author/Editor: Svetan Ratchev
Smart Skin Envelope: Integrazione architettonica di tecnologie dinamiche e innovative per il risparmio energetico
Author/Editor: ROSA ROMANO
Smart Regulation: Vertrag, Unternehmung und Markt
Author/Editor: Patrick C. Leyens,Iris Eisenberger,Rainer Niemann
Smart Regulation: Theorie- und evidenzbasierte Politik
Author/Editor: Matthias Wendland,Iris Eisenberger,Rainer Niemann
Smartphones: Une enquête anthropologique
Author/Editor: Nicolas Nova
Smartphone-Based 3D Indoor Localization and Navigation (Volume 1)
Author/Editor: Frank Ebner
Smart parking in fast-growing cities: Challenges and Solutions
Author/Editor: Stephan Winter,SALIL GOEL
Smart Industry - Better Management
Author/Editor: Tanya Bondarouk,Miguel R. Olivas-Lujan
Smart Geotechnics for Smart Societies: Proceedings of the 17th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (17th ARC, Astana, Kazakhstan, 14-18 August, 2023)
Author/Editor: Askar Zhussupbekov,Assel Sarsembayeva,Victor N. Kaliakin
Smart Europe (Volume 4)
Author/Editor: Jeremy Rifkin,European Investment Bank
Smarte private Videoüberwachung: Die Zulässigkeit intelligenter Videoüberwachung durch nicht öffentliche Stellen im öffentlich zugänglichen Raum gemäß § 6b BDSG
Author/Editor: Julia Kristina Krumm
Smart Criminal Justice
Author/Editor: Monika Simmler
Smart Contracts
Author/Editor: Martin Fries,Boris P. Paal
Smart Cities: Social and Environmental Challenges and Opportunities for Local Authorities
Author/Editor: Fateh Belaïd,Anvita Arora
Smart Cities in Asia: Regulations, Problems, and Development
Author/Editor: Thanh Phan,Daniela Damian
Smart Cities and Construction Technologies
Author/Editor: Kefeng Zhang,Sara Shirowzhan
Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions: Results of SSPCR 2019—Open Access Contributions
Author/Editor: Adriano Bisello,Daniele Vettorato,David Ludlow,Claudia Baranzelli
Smart and Resilient Infrastructure For Emerging Economies: Perspectives on Building Better: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Development and Investment In infrastructure (DII-2023, 19-21 July 2023, Zambia)
Author/Editor: INNOCENT MUSONDA,Erastus Mwanaumo,Adetayo Onososen,Thembani Moyo
Sémantique formelle: Volume 1 : Introduction à la grammaire de Montague
Author/Editor: Roussarie ,Laurent
Sémantique formelle: Volume 1
Small Spirits: Native American Dolls from the National Musuem of the American Indian
Author/Editor: Mary Jane Lenz
Small-signal stability, control and dynamic performance of power systems
Author/Editor: Gibbard ,M.J.,Pourbeik ,P.,Vowles ,D.J.
Small Sample Size Solutions: A Guide for Applied Researchers and Practitioners
Author/Editor: Rens van de Schoot,Milica Miocević
Small Nations and Colonial Peripheries in World War I
Author/Editor: Gearóid Barry,Enrico Dal Lago,Róisín Healy
A Small Nation in the Turmoil of the Second World War: Money, Finance and Occupation (Belgium, its Enemies, its friends, 1939-1945)
Author/Editor: Herman Van der Wee
The Small Matter of Suing Chevron
Author/Editor: Suzana Sawyer
Small is Necessary : Shared Living on a Shared Planet
Author/Editor: Nelson ,Anitra
Small is Necessary
Small Forgotten Places in the Hearth of Cities: On the residuality of public spaces in historical contexts: Florence as a case study
Author/Editor: Antonio Laurìa,LUIGI VESSELLA
Small Firms and Innovation Policy in Japan
Author/Editor: Cornelia Storz
Small Electric Vehicles: An International View on Light Three- and Four-Wheelers
Author/Editor: Amelie Ewert,Stephan Schmid,Mascha Brost,Huw Davies,Luc Vinckx
Smag for etik (Vol. 4):På sporet efter fødevareetikken
Author/Editor: Christian Coff
Smag for etik (Vol. 4):På sporet efter fødevareetikken
Slums on Screen: World Cinema and the Planet of Slums
Author/Editor: Igor Krstić
Služebnye jazykovye sredstva v strukture slavjanskogo dialoga
Author/Editor: Gerd Freidhof
Sludge Treatment and Disposal
Author/Editor: Andreoli Vitorio ,Cleverson,Von Sperling ,Marcos,Fernandes ,Fernando,Ronteltap ,Mariska
Sludge Treatment and Disposal
Sludge Reduction Technologies in Wastewater Treatment Plants
Author/Editor: Paolo Foladori,Gianna Andreottola,Giuliano Ziglio
Slučajnyj voin. Stichotvorenija 1961-1976: Poemy, Dramy, Očerk "Zudesnik"
Author/Editor: Vladimir Kazakov
Slowenische Texte aus der Reformationszeit: Nachdruck besorgt von G. Freidhof
Author/Editor: Gerd Freidhof
Slowenische Texte aus dem 17. und 18. Jh: Materialien zum Curriculum der West- und Suedslawischen Linguistik 7
Author/Editor: Jože Pogacnik
Slowenische Literatur im europaeischen Kontext: Drei Abhandlungen
Author/Editor: France Bernik
Slovar' detskich slovoobrazovatel'nych innovacij
Author/Editor: S.N. Cejtlin
Slogans: Subjection, Subversion, and the Politics of Neoliberalism
Author/Editor: Nicolette Makovicky,Anne-Christine Trémon,Sheyla S. Zandonai
The Slightest Attachment: When Psychiatric Spaces Enact Affinities
Author/Editor: Ariane d'Hoop
Sliding Base Structures: Analysis and Design
Author/Editor: Hong-Song Hu
Slawistik an der deutschen Universitaet in Prag (1882-1945)
Author/Editor: Wilhelm Zeil
Slawismen in den schlesischen Romanen von Horst Bienek
Author/Editor: Janusz Siatkowski
Slawischer Sprachvergleich fuer die Praxis: Lern- und Erschließungsstrategien - Floskeln fuer den Alltag - Grammatik - Woerterverzeichnis - Hoermaterialien
Author/Editor: Christof Heinz,Holger Kuße
The Slavonic Calvinist Reading-Primer in Trinity College Dublin Library: Teil 1
Author/Editor: Christopher Roberts
The Slavonic Calvinist Reading-Primer in Trinity College Dublin Library: Teil 2: Word-list to the confesssion and catechism
Author/Editor: Christopher Roberts
Slavistische Linguistik 1993: Referate des XIX. Konstanzer Slavistischen Arbeitstreffens, Kiel, 21.-23. 9. 1993
Author/Editor: Birgit Scheffler
Slavische Literaturen der Gegenwart als Weltliteratur: Hybride Konstellationen
Author/Editor: Hitzke,Miriam Finkelstein
The Slavic Akathistos Hymn: Poetic Elements of the Byzantine Text and Its Old Church Slavonic Translation
Author/Editor: Antonina F. Gove
Slavica Biblioteconomica
Author/Editor: Gabriele Mazzitelli
Slavery in the Circuit of Sugar, Second Edition: Martinique and the World-Economy, 1830-1848
Author/Editor: Dale W. Tomich
Slavery and Unfree Labour in Nepal: Documents from the 18th to Early 20th Century
Author/Editor: Manik Bajracharya
Slavery and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies: Semantics and Lexical Fields
Author/Editor: Jeannine Bischoff,Stephan Conermann
Slavery and Bondage in Asia, 1550–1850: Towards a Global History of Coerced Labour
Author/Editor: Kate Ekama,Lisa Hellman,Matthias van Rossum
Slavery, Agriculture, and Malaria in the Arabian Peninsula
Author/Editor: Benjamin Reilly
“Slava Ukraini!”: Strategy and the Spirit of Ukrainian Resistance 2014–2023
Author/Editor: Ilmari Käihkö
Slagvaardigheid in de Europabrede Unie
Author/Editor: WRR
Skyscraping Frontiers: The Skyscraper as Heterotopia in the 20th-Century American Novel and Film
Author/Editor: Sascha Klein
Säkularisierung und Religion: Europäische Wechselwirkungen
Author/Editor: Irene Dingel,Christiane Tietz
Skrjabin e il Suono-Luce
Author/Editor: Luisa Curinga,Marco Rapetti
Skriveren og teksten
Author/Editor: Ingerid S. Straume
Skriftkultur i ei brytingstid
Author/Editor: Stig Jarle Helset,Endre Brunstad
SKORBA: Excavations carried out on behalf of the National Museum of Malta 1961–1963
Author/Editor: D.H. Trump
Skirmishes: With Friends, Enemies, and Neutrals
Author/Editor: Graham Harman
Skin, Kin and Clan: The dynamics of social categories in Indigenous Australia
Author/Editor: Patrick McConvell,Piers Kelly,Sébastien Lacrampe
Skin for Skin: Death and Life for Inuit and Innu
Author/Editor: Gerald Sider
Skin Color and Identity Formation
Author/Editor: Edward Fergus
Skills in Rheumatology
Author/Editor: Hani Almoallim,Mohamed Cheikh
Skills Development for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in Developing Asia-Pacific
Author/Editor: Rupert Maclean,Shanti Jagannathan,Jouko Sarvi
A Sketch Grammar of Pondi
Author/Editor: Russell Barlow
Skate Life: Re-Imagining White Masculinity
Author/Editor: Emily C Yochim
Skandinavisk kobber: Lokale forhold og globale sammenhenger i det lange 1700-tallet
Author/Editor: Kristin Ranestad,Kristine Bruland
The Skandapurāṇa Volume V: Adhyāyas 96 – 112. The Varāha Cycle and the Andhaka Cycle Continued
Author/Editor: Peter Bisschop,Yuko Yokochi
The Skandapurāṇa Volume IV: Adhyāyas 70 – 95. Start of the Skanda and Andhaka Cycles
Author/Editor: Peter Bisschop,Yuko Yokochi
The Skandapurāṇa Volume IIb: Adhyāyas 31-52. The Vāhana and Naraka Cycles
Author/Editor: Hans T. Bakker,Nina Mirnig,Peter C. Bisschop,Judit Törzsök,Yuko Yokochi
The Skandapurāṇa III: Adhyayas 34.1-61, 53-69: The Vindhyavāsinī Cycle
Author/Editor: Yuko Yokochi,Yuko Yokochi
Skalendokumentation des Projekts EFBI: Einstellungen von FSJler*innen zu Behinderung und Inklusion
Author/Editor: Ariane S. Willems,Karina Meyer,Moritz Frechen
Sja'ir Perang Mengkasar
Author/Editor: Amin ,E.
Sja'ir Perang Mengkasar
The size of things I: Structure building (Volume 12)
Author/Editor: Sabine Laszakovits,Zheng Shen
Size Matters – Understanding Monumentality Across Ancient Civilizations
Author/Editor: Federico Buccellati,Sebastian Hageneuer,Sylva van der Heyden,Felix Levenson
Sixth International Symposium Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas. Problems and Measurement Techniques: Livorno (Italy) September 28-29, 2016
Author/Editor: Claudio Conese
The Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting: On Recent Developments In Theoretical And Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics, And Relativistic Field Theories - Proceedings Of The Mg16 Meeting On General Relativity (In 4 Volumes)
Author/Editor: Remo Ruffini,Gregory Vereshchagin
Six projets pour l’urbanisme euroméditerranéen / Sei progetti per l’urbanistica euromediterranea
Author/Editor: Massimo Carta,Maria Rita Gisotti
Six Essays on the Young German Novel
Author/Editor: Jeffrey L. Sammons
Six Eclogues from William Barnes's Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect (First Collection, 1844)
Author/Editor: Burton L. ,T.
Six Canonical Projects by Rem Koolhaas
Author/Editor: Böck ,Ingrid
Situation als Material: Interventionskunst als politische Aktivität
Author/Editor: Wiebke Hahn
Situating Women: Gender Politics and Circumstance in Fiji
Author/Editor: George ,Nicole
Situating Sustainability: A Handbook of Contexts and Concepts
Author/Editor: C. Parker Krieg,Reetta Toivanen
Situating Scandinavian Poetry in the Computational Network Environment
Author/Editor: Hans Kristian Strandstuen Rustad
Situating Open Data: Global Trends in Local Contexts
Author/Editor: Danny Lämmerhirt,Ana Brandusescu,Natalia Domagała,Patrick Enaholo
Situating Globalization: Views from Egypt
Author/Editor: Cynthia Nelson,Shahnaz Rouse
Situating Data: Inquiries in Algorithmic Culture
Author/Editor: Karin van Es,Nanna Verhoeff
Situating Children of Migrants across Borders and Origins: A Methodological Overview
Author/Editor: Claudio Bolzman,Laura Bernardi,Jean-Marie Le Goff
Siting Futurity: The “Feel Good” Tactical Radicalism of Contemporary Culture in and around Vienna
Author/Editor: Susan Ingram
Sites of Translation: What Multilinguals Can Teach Us about Digital Writing and Rhetoric
Author/Editor: Laura Gonzales
Sisters of the Brotherhood: Alienation and Inclusion in Learning Philosophy
Author/Editor: Erika Ruonakoski
Sisters in Spirit: Christianity, Affect, and Community Building in East Africa, 1860–1970
Author/Editor: Andreana C. Prichard
Sisters in Science: Conversations with Black Women Scientists on Race, Gender, and Their Passion for Science
Author/Editor: Diann Jordan
Sisters and the English Household: Domesticity and Women's Autonomy in Nineteenth-Century English Literature
Author/Editor: Anne D. Wallace
SIS 2017. Statistics and Data Science: new challenges, new generations: Proceedings of the Conference of the Italian Statistical Society, Florence 28-30 June 2017
Author/Editor: Alessandra Petrucci,Rosanna VERDE
«Si risponde lavorando». Lettere 1941-1992
Author/Editor: Oreste Macrí,Andrea Giusti,Giacinto Spagnoletti
Sirens of Modernity: World Cinema via Bombay
Author/Editor: Samhita Sunya
Sinuous Objects
Sinsoekers: Tussen Twyfel en Troos
Author/Editor: Johan Cilliers
Sinophone Southeast Asia: Sinitic Voices across the Southern Seas
Author/Editor: Tom Hoogervorst,Caroline Chia
Sino-Christian Theology : A Theological Qua Cultural Movement in Contemporary China
Sino-Christian Theology
Sinn und Sinne im Tanz: Perspektiven aus Kunst und Wissenschaft. Jahrbuch TanzForschung 2020
Author/Editor: Margrit Bischof,Friederike Lampert
Sinnkonstruktion im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Rekonstruktive Fremdsprachenforschung mit der Dokumentarischen Methode
Author/Editor: Bernd Tesch
Sinnbilder des Alltagsverstandes: Zur Bedeutung von Sinnbildungsprozessen in der institutionell gebundenen politischen Bildung
Author/Editor: Juliane Hammermeister
Sinisten maisemien mies : J. G. Granön tutkijantie 1882-1956
Author/Editor: Tiitta ,Allan
Sinisten maisemien mies
The Single-Period Inventory Model with Spectral Risk Measures
Author/Editor: Johannes Fichtinger
Single Period Inventory Control and Pricing: An Empirical and Analytical Study of a Generalized Model
Author/Editor: Emel Arikan
Single molecule magnets sublimated on conducting and magnetic substrates
Author/Editor: Luigi Malavolti
Singapore in Global History
Sinesio di Cirene nella cultura tardoantica: Atti del convegno internazionale Napoli 19-20 giugno 2004
Author/Editor: Ugo Criscuolo,Giuseppe Lozza
Sine Cosine Algorithm for Optimization
Author/Editor: Jagdish Chand Bansal,Prathu Bajpai,Anjali Rawat,Atulya K. Nagar
Sindicalismo revolucionario y primer gobierno de Yrigoyen: Nuevas aproximaciones e hipótesis interpretativas
Author/Editor: Walter Koppmann,Alejandro Belkin
Sindicalismo, conflictividad y acción directa en las Américas y Europa, de fines del siglo XIX a los años 1980
Author/Editor: Franck Gaudichaud,Hélène Harter,Antonio Ramos Ramírez,Elisa Santalena
Sin Descansar, En Mi Memoria
Author/Editor: Read ,Peter,Wyndham ,Marivic
Sindaci e professionismo politico: Uno studio di caso sui primi cittadini toscani
Author/Editor: Graziana Corica
Sin criterios: Kant, Whitehead, Deleuze y la Estética. Traducción de Román Suárez y Laureano Ralón.
Author/Editor: Steven Shaviro,Román Suárez,Laureano Ralón
Since Time Immemorial: Native Custom and Law in Colonial Mexico
Author/Editor: Yanna Yannakakis
Sincerity in Politics and International Relations
Sincerity in Politics and International Relations
Author/Editor: Sorin Baiasu,Sylvie Loriaux
Simulative Souveränität: Eine Soziologie politischer Ordnungsbildung
Author/Editor: Andrea Kretschmann
Simulations in Medicine
Author/Editor: Irena Roterman-Konieczna
Simulations du monde: Panoramas, parcs à thème et autres dispositifs immersifs
Author/Editor: Estelle Sohier,Alexandre Gillet,Jean-François Staszak
Simulation of the thermoforming process of UD fiber-reinforced thermoplastic tape laminates
Author/Editor: Dominik Dörr
Simplified Signs: A Manual Sign-Communication System for Special Populations, Volume 1.
Author/Editor: John Bonvillian,Nicole Kissane Lee,Tracy T. Dooley,Filip Loncke
Simplified Signs: A Manual Sign-Communication System for Special Populations, Volume 2.
Author/Editor: John Bonvillian,Nicole Kissane Lee,Tracy T. Dooley,Filip T. Loncke
Simpliciana XXXVIII (2016)
Author/Editor: Peter Heßelmann
Simpliciana: Schriften der Grimmelshausen-Gesellschaft XXXXIV (2012)- In Verbindung mit dem Vorstand der Grimmelshausen-Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Peter Heßelmann
Simpliciana: Schriften der Grimmelshausen-Gesellschaft XXIX (2007)- In Verbindung mit dem Vorstand der Grimmelshausen-Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Dieter Breuer
Simpliciana: Schriften der Grimmelshausen-Gesellschaft- XXXV. Jahrgang / 2013
Simpliciana: Schriften der Grimmelshausen-Gesellschaft- XXXVII. Jahrgang / 2015
Simpliciana: Schriften der Grimmelshausen-Gesellschaft XXXI (2009)- In Verbindung mit dem Vorstand der Grimmelshausen-Gesellschaft und in Kooperation mit der Kulturstiftung der Barbarossastadt Gelnhausen- Beitraege der von der Grimmelshausen-Gesellschaft,
Author/Editor: Peter Heßelmann
Simplicial and Dendroidal Homotopy Theory
Author/Editor: Gijs Heuts,Ieke Moerdijk
Simplex Society: How to Humanize
Author/Editor: Koen Stroeken
Simone Verovio: Music printing, intabulations and basso continuo in Rome around 1600
Author/Editor: Augusta Campagne,Markus Grassl,Reinhard Kapp
Silver Empowerment: Fostering Strengths and Connections for an Age-Friendly Society
Author/Editor: Jasper De Witte,Tine Van Regenmortel
Silvae Bulgaricae. Vortraege vom 6. November 2009 anlaesslich des 80. Geburtstages von Dr. Horst Roehling
Author/Editor: Helmut Schaller,Rumjana Zlatanova
Silicon Valley Cybersecurity Conference: Third Conference, SVCC 2022, Virtual Event, August 17–19, 2022, Revised Selected Papers
Author/Editor: Luis Bathen,Gokay Saldamli,Xiaoyan Sun,Thomas H. Austin,Alex J. Nelson
Silicon-Germanium Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors for Mm-wave Systems Technology, Modeling and Circuit Applications
Author/Editor: Niccolò Rinaldi,Michael Schröter
Silicon Based Thin Film Solar Cells
Author/Editor: Roberto Murri
Silent Violence: Global Health, Malaria, and Child Survival in Tanzania
Author/Editor: Vinay R. Kamat
Silent Messengers: The Circulation of Material Objects of Knowledge in the Early Modern Low Countries
Author/Editor: Sven Dupré
Silent Love : The Annotation and Interpretation of Nabokov’s "The Real Life of Sebastian Knight"
Author/Editor: de Vries ,Gerard
Silent Love
Silent Hill: The Terror Engine
Author/Editor: Bernard Perron
Sikkerhetspolitikk og militærmakt i Arktis
Author/Editor: Njord Wegge,Njord Wegge,Tor Ivar Strømmen,Ole Marius Tørrisplass,Stian Bones,Bernhard Christoffer Caspari,Ola Kjørstad,Karen Frederikke Løvenskiold,Stine Mysager,Vegard Nicolaysen,Jørn Qviller,Øystein Solvang
Siirtymiä ja ajan merkkejä koulutuksessa: Opetussuunnitelmatutkimuksen näkökulmia
Author/Editor: Tero Autio,Liisa Hakala,Tiina Kujala
Signs of Water: Community Perspectives on Water, Responsibility, and Hope
Author/Editor: Robert Boschman,Sonya L. Jakubec
Signs of Wali: Narratives at the Sacred Sites in Pamijahan, West Java
Author/Editor: Christomy ,Tommy
Signs of the Great Refusal: The Coming Struggle for a Postwork Society
Author/Editor: Tedd Siegel,Tyrus Miller
Signposts to Silence. Metaphysical mysticism: theoretical map and historical pilgrimages
Author/Editor: J.S. Krüger
Sign Languages in Village Communities: Anthropological and Linguistic Insights
Author/Editor: Ulrike Zeshan,Connie de Vos
Signifying Europe
Author/Editor: Johan Fornäs
The Significance of Sámi Rights: Law, Justice, and Sustainability for the Indigenous Sámi in the Nordic Countries
Author/Editor: Dorothee Cambou,Øyvind Ravna
Significance in Language: A Theory of Semantics
Author/Editor: Jim Feist
Sign Here!
SignGram Blueprint: A Guide to Sign Language Grammar Writing
Author/Editor: Josep Quer,Carlo Cecchetto,Caterina Donati
Sign Bilingualism in education: challenges and perspectives along the research, policy, practice axis
Author/Editor: Plaza-Pust ,Carolina
Signature Pieces: On the Institution of Authorship
Author/Editor: Peggy Kamuf
The Signature in Law: From the Thirteenth Century to the Facsimile
Author/Editor: Stephen Mason
Signal Processing: A Mathematical Approach (2nd Edition)
Author/Editor: Charles L. Byrne
Signalling DNA Damage
Author/Editor: Lopez-Contreras ,Andres Joaquin,Fernandez-Capetillo ,Oscar
Sigmund Freud - Sándor Ferenczi. Briefwechsel
Author/Editor: Brabant ,Eva,Falzeder ,Ernst,Paterson ,Mark
"Si fier tornei": Benoîts ,Roman de Troie' und die höfische Kultur des 12. Jahrhunderts/
Author/Editor: Solveig Kristina Malatrait
Siedlungsplanung in Brandenburg von 1945–1950: "Bei der Schaffung von Neusiedlerstellen wollen wir uns nicht mit komplizierten Planungen befassen, sondern einfach anfangen zu arbeiten." (Volume 77)
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Blöß
Siedlungskammer Kilikien: Studien zur Kultur- und Landschaftsgeschichte des Ebenen Kilikien
Author/Editor: Susanne Rutishauser
SIDS Sudden infant and early childhood death: The past, the present and the future
Author/Editor: Jhodie R Duncan,Roger W. Byard
Sick Note: A History of the British Welfare State
Author/Editor: Gareth Millward
Sich windende Wege - Ethnografie der Melo-Schnecke in Papua, Indonesien
Author/Editor: Voirol, Beatrice
Sichtlich evangelisch - Die Glasfenster der Jakobikirche in Göttingen von 1900/1901 und die Hannoveraner Glasmalwerkstätten Henning & Andres und Lauterbach & Schröder
Author/Editor: Scholl, Christian,Storz, Harald
Sichtbarkeit und Medium. Austausch, Verknüpfung und Differenz naturwissenschaftlicher und ästhetischer Bildstrategien
Author/Editor: Anja Zimmermann
Sich selbst vergleichen: Zur Relationalität autobiographischen Schreibens vom 12. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart
Author/Editor: Franz-Josef Arlinghaus,Walter Erhart,Lena Gumpert,Simon Siemianowski
»Sicher in Kreuzberg«: Constructing Diasporas: Turkish Hip-Hop Youth in Berlin
Author/Editor: Ayhan Kaya
Sicherheit und Risiko : Über den Umgang mit Gefahr im 21. Jahrhundert
Sicherheit und Risiko
Sicherheit als Grundsatz: Eine grundrechtsdogmatische Rekonstruktion im Unionsrecht am Beispiel der Cybersicherheit
Author/Editor: Sebastian Leuschner
The Sian Incident: A Pivotal Point in Modern Chinese History
Author/Editor: Tien-wei Wu
Shrines in Africa: History, Politics, and Society
Author/Editor: Allan C. Dawson
Shrines in a Fluid Space: The Shaping of New Holy Sites in the Ionian Islands, the Peloponnese and Crete under Venetian Rule (14th-16th Centuries)
Author/Editor: Argyri Dermitzaki
Shrines and Pilgrimage in the Modern World
Shépa: The Tibetan Oral Tradition in Choné
Author/Editor: Bendi Tso,Gyatso Marnyi,Naljor Tsering,Mark Turin
Show, don't tell: Education and historical representations on stage and screen in Germany and the USA
Author/Editor: Tim Zumhof,Nicholas K. Johnson
Short-termism im Aktien- und Kapitalmarktrecht: Ideengeschichte, Rechtsvergleichung, Rechtsökonomie
Author/Editor: Eckart Bueren,Andrés Recalde
A Short Media History of English Literature
Author/Editor: Ingo Berensmeyer
Short Leash: A Memoir of Dog Walking and Deliverance
Author/Editor: Janice Gary
A Short History of Transport in Japan: from Ancient Times to the Present
Author/Editor: John Andrew Black
Short history of Biology from the origins to the 20th Century
Author/Editor: Alberto Mario Simonetta
A short guide to post-editing (Volume 16)
Author/Editor: Jean Nitzke,Silvia Hansen-Schirra
A Short Guide to Operational Risk
Author/Editor: David Tattam
Shops und kommerzielle Warenangebote: Publikumsorientierte Instrumente zur Steigerung der Museumsattraktivität
Author/Editor: Hartmut John
Shopping i Stockholm: Sociala praktiker på gatunivå, 1700–1850
Author/Editor: My Hellsing,Johanna Ilmakunnas
Shooting to Kill: The Ethics of Police and Military Use of Lethal Force
Author/Editor: Hannah Doyle
Shooting the Family
Shipwrecks, Legal Landscapes and Mediterranean Paradigms: Gone Under Sea
Author/Editor: Emilia Mataix Ferrándiz
Shipwrecked Identities
Author/Editor: Pineda ,Baron
Shipwrecked: Disaster and Transformation in Homer, Shakespeare, Defoe, and the Modern World
Author/Editor: James V. Morrison
Shipwreck at Cape Flora: The Expeditions of Benjamin Leigh Smith, England's Forgotten Arctic Explorer
Author/Editor: P. J. Capelotti
Ship's Surgeons of the Dutch East India Company
Author/Editor: Bruijn ,Iris
Shipping in Inuit Nunangat: Governance Challenges and Approaches in Canadian Arctic Waters
Author/Editor: Kristin Bartenstein,Aldo Chircop
Shipping and Globalization in the Post-War Era: Contexts, Companies, Connections
Author/Editor: Niels P. Petersson,Stig Tenold,Nicholas J. White
Ship English: Sailors’ speech in the early colonial Caribbean
Author/Editor: Sally Delgado
Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Workers around the World
Ship and Offshore Structure Design in Climate Change Perspective
Author/Editor: Elzbieta Maria Bitner-Gregersen,Lars Ingolf Eide,Torfinn Hørte,Rolf Skjong,Elzbieta Maria Bitner-Gregersen,Lars Ingolf Eide,Torfinn Hørte,Rolf Skjong
Shimon An-Ski: Der Khurbn in Polen, Galizien und der Bukowina : Tagebuchaufzeichnungen aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg
Author/Editor: Olaf Terpitz
Shimon An-Ski: Der Khurbn in Polen, Galizien und der Bukowina: Tagebuchaufzeichnungen aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg
Author/Editor: Olaf Terpitz
Shifts in Mapping: Maps as a Tool of Knowledge
Author/Editor: Christine Schranz
The Shifts in Hizbullah's Ideology
Author/Editor: Alagha ,Joseph
Shifting Baselines of Europe : New Perspectives beyond Neoliberalism and Nationalism
Shifting Baselines of Europe
Shibusa: extracting beauty
She said she was in the family way: Pregnancy and infancy in modern Ireland
Author/Editor: Elaine Farrell
Sherborne Old Castle, Dorset: Archaeological Investigations 1930–90
Author/Editor: White ,Peter,Cook ,Alan
Shelter from the Holocaust: Rethinking Jewish Survival in the Soviet Union
Author/Editor: Atina Grossmann,Mark Edele,Sheila Fitzpatrick
Shelley with Benjamin: A critical mosaic
Author/Editor: Mathelinda Nabugodi
Sheffield Castle: Archaeology, Archives, Regeneration, 1927–2018
Author/Editor: John Moreland,Dawn Hadley
Author/Editor: Barbara Freitag
Sharpening the Sword of State
Sharpening the Haze: Visual Essays on Imperial History and Memory
Author/Editor: Giulia Carabelli,Miloš Jovanović,Annika Kirbis,Jeremy F. Walton
Sharon Pollock: First Woman of Canadian Theatre
Author/Editor: Donna Coates
Sharing the Earth, Dividing the Land
Author/Editor: Reuter ,Thomas
Sharing Lives: Adult Children and Parents
Author/Editor: Marc Szydlik
Sharing Less Commonly Taught Languages in Higher Education: Collaboration and Innovation
Author/Editor: Emily Heidrich Uebel,Angelika Kraemer,Luca Giupponi
Sharing Knowledge, Transforming Societies: The Norhed Programme 2013-2020
Author/Editor: Tor Halvorsen,Kristin Skare Orgeret,Roy Krøvel
The Sharing Economy in Europe: Developments, Practices, and Contradictions
Author/Editor: Vida Česnuitytė,Andrzej Klimczuk,Cristina Miguel,Gabriela Avram
Author/Editor: Aigrain ,Philippe
Sharia Incorporated. A Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present
Author/Editor: Jan Michiel ,Otto
Sharia en nationaal recht in twaalf moslimlanden
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid
Sharia en nationaal recht
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid,Otto ,J.M.
Sharia and National Law in Muslim Countries. Tensions and Opportunies for Dutch and EU Foreign Policy
Author/Editor: Otto ,Jan Michiel
Shared Physical Custody: Interdisciplinary Insights in Child Custody Arrangements
Author/Editor: Laura Bernardi,Dimitri Mortelmans
Shared Margins: An Ethnography with Writers in Alexandria after the Revolution
Author/Editor: Samuli Schielke,Mukhtar Saad Shehata
Shared Destiny: China Story Yearbook 2014
Author/Editor: Barmé R ,Geremie,Jaivin ,Linda,Goldkorn ,Jeremy
Sharīʿa in Africa Today: Reactions and Responses
Author/Editor: John A. Chesworth,Franz Kogelmann
Shaping Urban Futures in Mongolia: Shaping Urban Futures in Mongolia
Author/Editor: Rebekah Plueckhahn
Shaping the Future of South Africa’s Youth: Rethinking Post-School Education and Skills Training
Author/Editor: Helene Perold,Nico Cloete,Joy Papier
Shaping the Future of IoT with Edge Intelligence: How Edge Computing Enables the Next Generation of IoT Applications
Author/Editor: Rute C. Sofia,John Soldatos
Shaping the Digital Dissertation: Knowledge Production in the Arts and Humanities
Author/Editor: Virginia Kuhn,Anke Finger
The Shaping of the English Landscape: An atlas of archaeology from the Bronze Age to Domesday Book
Author/Editor: Chris Green,Miranda Creswell
Shaping Natural History and Settler Society: Mary Elizabeth Barber and the Nineteenth-Century Cape
Author/Editor: Tanja Hammel
Shaping Medieval Markets
Author/Editor: Dijkman ,Jessica
Shaping Medieval Markets
Shaping Higher Education with Students – ways to connect Research and Teaching
Shaping Gender Policy in Turkey: Grassroots Women Activists, the European Union, and the Turkish State
Author/Editor: Gül Aldıkaçtı Marshall
Shaping factors for the business environment in The Netherlands after 1992
Author/Editor: Bletz ,J.C.F.
Shaping an Inclusive Energy Transition
Author/Editor: Margot P. C. Weijnen,Zofia Lukszo,Samira Farahani
Shaping and re-shaping the boundaries of working life
Author/Editor: Nicol Foulkes Savinetti,Aart-Jan Riekhoff
Shapes of Apocalypse : Arts and Philosophy in Slavic Thought
Shapes of Apocalypse
The Shape of Agency: Control, Action, Skill, Knowledge
Author/Editor: Joshua Shepherd
Shame’s Unwelcome Interruption and Responsive Movements: Body, Religion, Morality – an Interdisciplinary Study
Author/Editor: Jan-Olav Henriksen,Terje Mesel
Shakir M. Pashov. History of the Gypsies in Bulgaria and Europe: Roma
Author/Editor: Elena Marushiakova,Vesselin Popov,Lilyana Kovacheva
Shaking Heritage: Museum Collections between Seismic Vulnerability and Museum Design
Author/Editor: GIADA CERRI
Shakespeare’s Representation of Weather, Climate and Environment: The Early Modern ‘Fated Sky’
Author/Editor: Sophie Chiari
Shakespeare’s Moral Compass
Author/Editor: Neema Parvini
Shakespeare's Legal Ecologies: Law and Distributed Selfhood
Author/Editor: Kevin Curran
Shakespeare's History Plays : Rethinking Historicism
Author/Editor: Parvini ,Neema
Shakespeare's History Plays
Shakespeare in the Theatre: Sir William Davenant and the Duke’s Company
Author/Editor: Amanda Eubanks Winkler,Richard Schoch
Shakespeare im Spiegelkabinett - Zur produktiven Vielfalt seiner Rezeption
Author/Editor: Alam, Sarah,Schaff, Barbara
Shakespearean Tragedy and Gender
Author/Editor: Shirley Garner,Madelon Sprengnether
Shakespeare and the Legacy of Loss
Author/Editor: Emily Hodgson Anderson
Shakespeare and the Fall of the Roman Republic: Selfhood, Stoicism and Civil War
Author/Editor: Patrick Gray
Shakespeare and Revision
Author/Editor: Stanley Wells
Shakespeare and Hospitality: Ethics, Politics, and Exchange
Author/Editor: Julia Reinhard Lupton,David Goldstein
Shakespeare and Hate
Author/Editor: Saval ,Peter
Shakespeare and Canada: Remembrance of Ourselves
Shadow Libraries: Access to Knowledge in Global Higher Education
Author/Editor: Joe Karaganis
Shadowing the Anthropocene: Eco-Realism for Turbulent Times
Author/Editor: Adrian Ivakhiv
Shadow Education in the Middle East: Private Supplementary Tutoring and its Policy Implications
Author/Editor: Mark Bray,Anas Hajar
The Shade of the Saguaro / La sombra del saguaro: Essays on the Literary Cultures of the American Southwest / Ensayos sobre las culturas literarias del suroeste norteamericano
Author/Editor: Gaetano Prampolini,Annamaria Pinazzi
Sguardi linguistici sulla marca: Analisi morfosintattica dei nomi commerciali in italiano
Author/Editor: Maria Chiara Janner
Sfingolipidi bioattivi e loro ruolo nell'azione biologica di fattori di crescita e citochine
Author/Editor: Caterina Bernacchioni
Sex Work on Campus
Author/Editor: Terah J. Stewart
Sex Work, Health, and Human Rights: Global Inequities, Challenges, and Opportunities for Action
Author/Editor: Shira M. Goldenberg,Ruth Morgan Thomas,Anna Forbes,Stefan Baral
Sexuer le corps: Adolphe Sax' Blechblasinstrumente im Kontext ihrer Zeit: Romantic Brass Symposium 3
Author/Editor: Marta Roca i Escoda,Hélène Martin
Sexuelle Identität und gesellschaftliche Norm
Author/Editor: Duttge, Gunnar,Engel, Wolfgang,Zoll, Barbara
Sexuelle Bildung ermöglichen: Sprachlosigkeit, Lust, Verletzbarkeit und Emanzipation als Herausforderungen pädagogischer Professionalisierung
Author/Editor: Marion Thuswald
Sexual States
Author/Editor: Puri ,Jyoti
Sexual States
Author/Editor: Jyoti Puri
Sexual Reproduction in Animals and Plants
Author/Editor: Hitoshi Sawada,Naokazu Inoue,Megumi Iwano
Sexual Politics and Feminist Science: Women Sexologists in Germany, 1900–1933
Author/Editor: Kirsten Leng
The Sexual/Political: Freud with Marx, Fanon, Foucault
Author/Editor: Lorenzo BERNINI
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Discrimination
Author/Editor: Holning Lau
Sexualkriminalität: Erscheinungsformen, Sanktionierung, Legalbewährung und kriminelle Karrieren
Author/Editor: Timo Gundlach
Sexualizing Power in Naturalism
Author/Editor: Irene Gammel
Sexuality, Society & Pedagogy
Author/Editor: Dennis A. Francis
Sexuality in the Swedish Police: From Gay Jokes to Pride Parades
Author/Editor: Jens Rennstam
Sexualität, Körperlichkeit und Intimität: Pädagogische Herausforderungen und professionelle Handlungsspielräume in der Schule
Author/Editor: Marion Thuswald,Elisabeth Sattler
Sexualität - Geschlecht - Affekt: Sexuelle Scripts als Palimpsest in literarischen Erzähltexten und zeitgenössischen theoretischen Debatten
Author/Editor: Christa Binswanger
Sexualities in Victorian Britain
Author/Editor: James Adams Andrew Miller
Sexualisierte Gewalt und digitale Medien: Reflexive Handlungsempfehlungen für die Fachpraxis
Author/Editor: Frederic Vobbe,Katharina Kärgel
Sexual History Evidence in Rape Trials: Is the Jury Out?
Author/Editor: Charlotte Herriott
Sexual Assault in Canada : Law, Legal Practice and Women's Activism
Author/Editor: Sheehy A. ,Elizabeth
Sexual Assault in Canada
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in India: Self-care for Universal Health Coverage
Author/Editor: Saroj Pachauri,Ash Pachauri,Komal Mittal
Sex Talks to Girls: A Memoir
Author/Editor: Maureen Seaton
Sex, Slavery and the Trafficked Woman: Myths and Misconceptions about Trafficking and its Victims (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Ramona Vijeyarasa
Sex Scene: Media and the Sexual Revolution
Author/Editor: Eric Schaefer
Sex Rewarded, Sex Punished: A Study of the Status "Female Slave" in Early Jewish Law
Author/Editor: Diane Kriger
Sex, Power, and Slavery
Author/Editor: Gwyn Campbell,Elizabeth Elbourne
Author/Editor: Buysse ,Ann,Caen ,Maya,Dewaele ,Alexis,Enzlin ,Paul,Lievens ,John,T’Sjoen ,Guy,Van Houtte ,Mieke,Vermeersch ,Hans
Sex/Machine: Readings in Culture, Gender, and Technology
Author/Editor: Patrick D. Hopkins
Sex, Love, and Migration : Postsocialism, Modernity, and Intimacy from Istanbul to the Arctic
Author/Editor: Bloch ,Alexia
Sex, Love, and Migration
Sex in Cetaceans: Morphology, Behavior, and the Evolution of Sexual Strategies
Author/Editor: Bernd Würsig,Dara N. Orbach
Sex, Identity, Aesthetics: The Work of Tobin Siebers and Disability Studies
Author/Editor: Jina B. Kim,Joshua Kupetz,Crystal Yin Lie,Wu Cynthia
Sex Discrimination in Uncertain Times
Author/Editor: Thornton ,Margaret
Sex Differences in Reading and Math Test Scores of Children: A Heterodoxical Model
Author/Editor: Hoben Thomas
Sex and the Second-Best City
Author/Editor: Kenneth Royce Moore
Sex and the Body: Ethnologische Perspektiven zu Sexualität, Körper und Geschlecht
Author/Editor: Gabriele Alex,Sabine Klocke-Daffa
Sex and gender in biomedicine - theories, methodologies, results
Author/Editor: Klinge, Ineke,Wiesemann, Claudia
Sex and Drugs before Rock 'n' Roll
Author/Editor: Roberts ,Benjamin B.
Sex After Life : Essays on Extinction, Vol. 2
Author/Editor: Colebrook ,Claire
Sex After Life
Sewage Treatment Plants: Economic Evaluation of Innovative Technologies for Energy Efficiency
Author/Editor: Katerina Stamatelatou,Konstantinos P. Tsagarakis
The Severan Buildings of Lepcis Magna: An architectural survey
Author/Editor: J.B. Ward-Perkins
Seven Years of Design Research at Politecnico di Milano: Analysus of the funded research project
Author/Editor: Francesca Rizzo
Seventy Years of the International Law Commission: Drawing a Balance for the Future
Seventh International Symposium "Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas. Problems and Measurement Techniques": Livorno (Italy) 19-20-21 June 2018
Author/Editor: Fabrizio Benincasa
The Seven Dwarfs and the Age of the Mandarins: Australian Government Administration in the Post-War Reconstruction Era
Author/Editor: Furphy ,Samuel
Seven Democratic Virtues of Liberal Education: A Student-Inspired Agenda for Teaching Civic Virtue in European Universities
Author/Editor: Teun J. Dekker
Settling Waterscapes in Europe: The Archaeology of Neolithic & Bronze Age Pile-Dwellings
Author/Editor: Albert Hafner,Ekaterina Dolbunova,Andrey Mazurkevich,Elena Pranckenaite,Martin Hinz
Settling for Less: The Planned Resettlement of Israel's Negev Bedouin
Author/Editor: Steven C. Dinero
Settlers of Unassigned Lands
Author/Editor: Charles McLeod
Settler Colonial Governance in Nineteenth-Century Victoria
Author/Editor: Boucher ,Leigh,Russell ,Lynette
Settlement change across Medieval Europe: Old paradigms and new vistas
Author/Editor: Niall Brady,Claudia Theune
Settlement and History in Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine Galilee: An Archaeological Survey of the Eastern Galilee
Author/Editor: Uzi Leibner
Sette scritti politici liberi
Author/Editor: Immanuel Kant,Maria Chiara Pievatolo
Sestra moja - žizn von Boris Pasternak: Analyse und Interpretation
Author/Editor: Angelika Meyer
Serving the chain?: De Nederlandsche Bank and the last decades of slavery, 1814-1863
Author/Editor: Karwan Fatah-Black,Lauren Lauret,Joris van den Tol
The Service User as a Partner in Social Work Projects and Education: Concepts and Evaluations of Courses with a Gap-Mending Approach in Europe
Author/Editor: Emanuela Chiapparini
Services écosystémiques fournis par les espaces agricoles
Author/Editor: Anaïs Tibi,Olivier Therond
Services écosystémiques et protection des sols
Author/Editor: Carole Hermon
Serviceorientierung im betrieblichen Berichtswesen: Entwicklung eines Architektur- und Vorgehensmodells zur konzeptionellen Gestaltung von Berichtsprozessen auf Basis einer SOA und XBRL
Author/Editor: Alexander Pastwa
Service Design Capabilities
Author/Editor: Nicola Morelli,Amalia de Götzen,Luca Simeone
Serviceability and post-failure behaviour of laminated glass structural elements
Serious Games in Co-creative Facilitation: Experiences from Cross-Sectoral work with Deaf Communities
Author/Editor: Ulrike Zeshan
Sergej Esenin - Bilder- und Symbolwelt
Author/Editor: Christiane Auras
Sergei M. Eisenstein: Notes for a General History of Cinema
Serbische Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung : Normwandel und Deutungskämpfe im Umgang mit Kriegsverbrechen, 1991-2012
Author/Editor: Mehler ,Daniela
Serbische Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung
Serbische Prosa nach 1945: Entwicklungstendenzen und Romanstrukturen
Author/Editor: Angela Richter
Serbische Heldenlieder
Author/Editor: Hans-Bernd Harder,Hans Lemberg
Sequence Analysis and Related Approaches: Innovative Methods and Applications
Author/Editor: Gilbert Ritschard,Matthias Studer
Sepsis Management in Resource-limited Settings
Author/Editor: Arjen M. Dondorp,Martin W. Dünser,Marcus J. Schultz
Separatism and Regionalism in Modern Europe
Author/Editor: Chris Kostov
Separation, hybridisation, and networks: Globular Amphora sedentary pastoralists ca. 3200-2700 BCE
Author/Editor: Johannes Müller
Senza lavoro?: Cambiamento tecnologico e nuove sfide per la società
Author/Editor: Franca Alacevich
Sentient Ecologies: Xenophobic Imaginaries of Landscape
Author/Editor: Alexandra Coțofană,Hikmet Kuran
Sentencing in Time
Author/Editor: Linda Ross Meyer
A Sensory Education
Author/Editor: Anna Harris
Sensor Technologies: Healthcare, Wellness, and Environmental Applications
Author/Editor: Michael J. McGrath,Cliodhna Ní Scanaill
Sensitivity Analysis: Matrix Methods in Demography and Ecology
Author/Editor: Hal Caswell
Sensitive Reading: The Pleasures of South Asian Literature in Translation (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Yigal Bronner,Charles Hallisey
Sensitive Objects: Affect and Material Culture
Sensitive Objects: Affect and Material Culture
Sensing the Everyday: Dialogues from Austerity Greece
Author/Editor: C. Nadia Seremetakis
Sensing Mountains: Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research 2022 – Close Range Sensing Techniques in Alpine Terrain
Author/Editor: Martin Rutzinger,Katharina Anders,Magnus Bremer,Anette Eltner,Bernhard Höfle,Roderik Lindenbergh,Andreas Mayr
Sensing Health: Bodies, Data, and Digital Health Technologies
Author/Editor: Mikki Kressbach
Sensing Collectives: Aesthetic and Political Practices Intertwined
Author/Editor: Jan-Peter Voß,Nora Rigamonti,Marcela Suárez,Jacob Watson
The senses in early modern England, 1558–1660
Author/Editor: Jackie Watson,Simon Smith
A Sense of Brutality: Philosophy after Narco-Culture
Author/Editor: Carlos Alberto Sánchez
Sensemaking in Safety Critical and Complex Situations: Human Factors and Design
Author/Editor: Stig Ole Johnsen,Thomas Porathe
Sensational Subjects: The Dramatization of Experience in the Modern World
Author/Editor: John Jervis
Sensational Internationalism: The Paris Commune and the Remapping of American Memory in the Long Nineteenth Century
Author/Editor: J. Michelle Coghlan
Author/Editor: Kvell ,Krisztian,Pongracz ,Judit E.
Seneca the Elder and his rediscovered ›Historiae abinitio bellorum civilium‹: New Perspectives on Early-Imperial Roman Historiography
Author/Editor: Maria Chiara Scappaticcio
Seneca, la diatriba e la ricerca di una morale austera: Caratteristiche, influenze, mediazioni di un rapporto complesso
Semitic Dialects and Dialectology: Fieldwork—Community—Change
Author/Editor: Mina Afkir,Maciej Klimiuk,Aziza Al-Essa,Assaf Bar Moshe,Peter Behnstedt,volkan bozkurt,Giuliano Castagna
Semiotische Effizienz interfachlicher Sprache-Bild-Textsorten: Schreibprozesse bei Pflichtenheften technischer Ausschreibungen
Author/Editor: Alexander Holste