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Titles start with F ( displaying 500 of 1,172 ) Information
Fabbrica 4.0: I processi innovativi nel Multiverso fisico-digitale
Author/Editor: Mauro Lombardi
Fabellae: Frammenti di favole latine e bilingui latino-greche di tradizione diretta (III-IV d.C.)
Author/Editor: Maria Chiara Scappaticcio
Fabels van liefde
Author/Editor: Herk van ,Anke
Fabricate 2011
Fabricate 2014
Fabricate 2020: Making Resilient Architecture
Author/Editor: Jane Burry,Jenny E. Sabin,Bob Sheil
Fabricate 2024: Creating Resourceful Futures
Author/Editor: Phil Ayres,Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen,Bob Sheil,Marilena Skavara
Fabricating Modern Societies: Education, Bodies, and Minds in the Age of Steel
Author/Editor: Karin Priem,Frederik Herman
Fabricating the Absolute Fake
Author/Editor: Kooijman ,Jaap
Fabricating the Absolute Fake - Revised Edition
Author/Editor: Kooijman ,Jaap
The fabric(ation) of consciousness: A neuro-ecological perspective
Author/Editor: Pieter F. Craffert
The Fabrication of the Autonomous Learner: Ethnographies of Educational Practices in Switzerland, France and Germany
Author/Editor: Judith Hangartner,Héloïse Durler,Regula Fankhauser,Crispin Girinshuti
Fabrikgesellschaft: Rationalisierung, Sozialpolitik und Wohnungsbau in der Schweizer Maschinenindustrie, 1937–1967
Author/Editor: Andreas Fasel
Fabulations nocturnes: Écologie, vitalité et opacité dans le cinéma d’Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Author/Editor: Bordeleau ,Érik,Pape ,Toni,Rose-Antoinette ,Ronald,Szymanski ,Adam
Fabulations nocturnes: Écologie, vitalité et opacité dans le cinéma d’Apichatpong Weerasethakul
The Fabulous Future?
The Fabulous Future? : America and the World in 2040
Author/Editor: Morson ,Gary,Schapiro ,Morton
Facciamo bella figura!: 8 task fraseodidattici per studenti di italiano L2/LS Con una prefazione e con la consulenza scientifica di Barbara Hinger
Author/Editor: Katrin Schmiderer,Lorenzo Zanasi,Christine Konecny,Erica Autelli
Facebook Democracy
Author/Editor: Marichal ,José
Facebook, the Media and Democracy: Big Tech, Small State?
Author/Editor: Leighton Andrews
Faces of Europe -17
Author/Editor: Pels ,D.
Faces of God: Images of Devotion in Indo-Muslim Painting, 1500–1800
Author/Editor: Murad Khan Mumtaz
The Face-to-Face Principle: Science, Trust, Democracy and the Internet
Author/Editor: Harry Collins,Robert Evans,Martin Innes,Eric B. Kennedy,Will Mason-Wilkes,John McLevey
Facets of Facebook: Use and Users
Facets of Facebook: Use and Users
Facetten der Umweltkrise: Junge Zugänge zu Wachstum, Umwelt und Entwicklung
Author/Editor: Andreas Exenberger,Simon Hartmann
Facetten islamischer Welten: Geschlechterordnungen, Frauen- und Menschenrechte in der Diskussion
Author/Editor: Mechthild Rumpf,Ute Gerhard,Mechtild M. Jansen
Fachdidaktik Arbeitslehre: Grundlagen und Impulse
Author/Editor: Silke Bartsch,Marianne Friese
Fachdidaktik Niederländisch
Author/Editor: Veronika Wenzel
Fachkräftebarometer Frühe Bildung 2023
Author/Editor: Kirsten Fuchs-Rechlin,Thomas Rauschenbach,Karin Beher
Fachkräfte für die Entwicklung: Fortbildungskooperationen zwischen Ghana undden beiden deutschen Staaten, 1956-1976
Author/Editor: Jana Otto
Fachlichkeit in Lernwerkstätten: Kind und Sache in Lernwerkstätten
Author/Editor: Markus Peschel,Mareike Kelkel
Fachspezifische und fachübergreifende Argumentation am Beispiel von Schöpfung und Evolution
Author/Editor: Weiß ,Thomas
Fachunterrichtsgeschichten: Studien zur Geschichte der Praxis des Fachunterrichts
Author/Editor: Josefine Wähler,Marco Lorenz,sabine reh,Joachim Scholz
Facilitating Cross-Border Family Life – Towards a Common European Understanding: EUFams II and Beyond
Author/Editor: Thomas Pfeiffer,Quincy C. Lobach,Tobias Rapp
Facility Location Planning in Relief Logistics: Decision Support for German Authorities
Author/Editor: Florian Diehlmann
Facing Asia: A History of the Colombo Plan
Author/Editor: Oakman ,Daniel
Facing Authority: A Theory of Political Legitimacy
Author/Editor: Thomas Fossen
Facing Forward. Art and Theory from a Future Perspective
Facing homelessness: Finding
Author/Editor: Stephan de Beer,Stephan de Beer,Rehana Vally,Rehana Vally,Sarah Charlton,Margot Rubin,Raymond Perrier,Danie Brand
Facing It: AIDS Diaries and the Death of the Author
Author/Editor: Ross Chambers
Facing Poetry: Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten's Theory of Literature
Author/Editor: Frauke Berndt
Fact and Fiction
Author/Editor: Lehleiter ,Christine
Fact and Fiction
Author/Editor: Christine Lehleiter
Factional-Ideological Conflicts in Chinese Politics: To the Left or to the Right?
Author/Editor: Olivia Cheung
Factor analysis - Healing an ailing model
Author/Editor: Ertel, Suitbert
Factories of the Future: The Italian Flagship Initiative
Author/Editor: Tullio Tolio,Giacomo Copani,Walter Terkaj
Factors impacting African women’s doctoral success
Author/Editor: Lifutso Tsephe
Facts Before the European Court of Human Rights
Author/Editor: Jürgen Schwarzen,Jürgen Schwarzen,Armin Hatje,Armin Hatje
Faculty as Global Learners: Off-Campus Study at Liberal Arts Colleges
Author/Editor: Joan Gillespie,Dana Gross,Lisa Jasinski
Fading Foundations: Probability and the Regress Problem
Author/Editor: David Atkinson,Jeanne Peijnenburg
Faecal Sludge Management Systems
Author/Editor: Strande ,Linda,Brdjanovic ,Damir
Fagdidaktiske temaer i helsefagene
Author/Editor: Unni Knutstad,Unni Knutstad,Sylvia Hansen,Lars Peder Kolås Henriksen,Elisabeth Hessevaagbakke,Peter Forde Hougaard,Kari Høium,Trude Lokhaug Jensen,Heidi M. Kvalvaag,Monica Holm Larsen,Niels Sandholm Larsen,Katrin Lindeflaten,Kristian Larsen,Kristian Larse
Fahrassistenz: Historische Perspektiven auf automobile Assistenzsysteme
Author/Editor: Silke Zimmer-Merkle
Fahrerintentionserkennung zur lichtbasierten Kommunikation mit Fußgängern
Author/Editor: Johannes Reschke
Fahrradutopien: Medien, Ästhetiken und Aktivismus
Author/Editor: Julia Bee,Ulrike Bergermann,Linda Keck,Sarah Sander,Herbert Schwaab,Markus Stauff,Franzi Wagner
»Failed« Migratory Adventures?: Malian Men Facing Conditions Post Deportation in Southern Mali
Author/Editor: Susanne U. Schultz
Failed States and Fragile Societies: A New World Disorder?
Author/Editor: Steven M. Miner,Ingo Trauschweizer
The Failure of Philosophical Knowledge: Why Philosophers are not Entitled to their Beliefs
Author/Editor: János Tozsér
Failures in Cultural Participation
Author/Editor: Leila Jancovich,David Stevenson
Fair and Equitable Benefit-Sharing in Agriculture: Reinventing Agrarian Justice
Author/Editor: Elsa Tsioumani
Fair and Equitable Benefit-sharing in International Law
Author/Editor: Elisa Morgera
Faire corps: Temps, lieux et gens
Author/Editor: Laurent Tissot,Christophe Jaccoud,Monica Aceti
Faire famille sans faire couple: Comprendre l’hétérogénéisation des parcours familiaux
Author/Editor: Pierre-Yves Wauthier
Faire l'Europe par la culture / Europäisierung durch Kultur: Liber Amicorum François Genton
Author/Editor: Herta-Luise OTT,Natacha Rimasson-Fertin,Thomas Nicklas
Fairground Attractions: A Genealogy of the Pleasure Ground
Author/Editor: Deborah Philips
Fair Land Governance. How to Legalise Land Rights for Rural Development
Author/Editor: Otto ,Jan Michiel,Hoekema ,André
Fairness and Justice in Natural Resource Politics
Author/Editor: Melanie Pichler,Cornelia Staritz,Karin Küblböck,Christina Plank,Werner Raza,Fernando Ruiz Peyré
Fairness, Globalization, and Public Institutions: East Asia and Beyond
Author/Editor: Jim Dator,Dick Pratt,Yongseok Seo
Fairness in Educational Assessment and Measurement
Author/Editor: Neil J. Dorans,Linda L. Cook
A Fair Share of Tax: A Fiscal Anthropology of Contemporary Sweden
Author/Editor: Lotta Björklund Larsen
Fair Trade and Social Justice: Global Ethnographies
Author/Editor: Mark Moberg,Sarah Lyon
Fair Use: Ein Systemvergleich der Schrankengeneralklausel des US-amerikanischen Copyright Act mit dem Schrankenkatalog des deutschen Urheberrechtsgesetzes (Volume 18)
Author/Editor: Achim Förster
Faith and Secularisation in Religious Colleges and Universities
Author/Editor: James Arthur
Faith-Based Organizations in Development Discourses and Practice
Author/Editor: Jens Koehrsen,Andreas Heuser
Faith Born of Seduction: Sexual Trauma, Body Image, and Religion
Author/Editor: Jennifer L Manlowe
Faith, Finance, and Economy: Beliefs and Economic Well-Being
Author/Editor: Tanweer Akram,Salim Rashid
Faithful Translators: Authorship, Gender, and Religion in Early Modern England
Author/Editor: Jaime Goodrich
Faith in African Lived Christianity: Bridging Anthropological and Theological Perspectives
Author/Editor: Karen Lauterbach,Mika Vähäkangas
Faith in Law, Law in Faith: Reflecting and Building on the Work of John Witte, Jr.
Author/Editor: Rafael Domingo,Gary S. Hauk,Timothy P. Jackson
Faith seeking understanding
Author/Editor: J.M. Vorster,Nico Vorster,Konrad Schmid,Frederick van Niekerk,Andrew Loke,Marius Nel,Jaco Beyers,Manitza Kotzé,Riaan Rheeder
Faith stories
Author/Editor: Anna Hickey-Moody
Fake: Anthropological Keywords
Author/Editor: Jr Jackson,Jacob Copeman,Graham M. Jones,Giovanni da Col,Veena Das,Carlo Severi,Alexei Yurchak,Neil Thin
Fake Gods and False History: Being Indian in a contested Mumbai neighbourhood
Author/Editor: Jonathan Galton
Fake News in der Online-Kommunikation: Eine Betrachtung des verfassungsrechtlichen Kommunikationsschutzes von Fake News im Zusammenhang mit neuen Kommunikationsmitteln, ihrer Regulierbarkeit, ihrer einfach-gesetzlichen Regulierung de lege lata sowie der g
Author/Editor: Patrick Nölscher
›Fake News‹ in Literatur und Medien: Fakten und Fiktionen im interdisziplinären Diskurs
Author/Editor: Amelie Bendheim,Jennifer Pavlik
Fake news in oorlogstijd: Duitse mediamanipulatie en de Flamenpolitik (1914-1915)
Author/Editor: Bruno Yammine
Faking, Forging, Counterfeiting : Discredited Practices at the Margins of Mimesis
Faking, Forging, Counterfeiting: Discredited Practices at the Margins of Mimesis
Author/Editor: Daniel Becker,Annalisa Fischer,Yola Schmitz
Faktum, Faktizität, Wirklichkeit: Phänomenologische Perspektiven
FALKO-Physik -- Fachspezifische Lehrerkompetenzen im Fach Physik. Entwicklung und Validierung eines Testinstruments zur Erfassung des fachspezifischen Professionswissens von Physiklehrkräften
Author/Editor: Anja Schödl
The Fall and Rise of Blasphemy Law
Author/Editor: Paul Cliteur,Tom Herrenberg
Fallbuch Asylrecht: Mit Bezügen zum Aufenthaltsrecht
Author/Editor: Johanna Mantel,Rhea Nachtigall,Lars Wasnick
Fallgirls: Gender and the Framing of Torture at Abu Ghraib
Author/Editor: Ryan Ashley Caldwell
Fallibility at Work: Rethinking Excellence and Error in Organizations
Author/Editor: Øyvind Kvalnes
The Fall of Berlin
Author/Editor: Mendl Mann,Maurice Wolfthal
Fame Attack: The Inflation of Celebrity and its Consequences
Author/Editor: Chris Rojek
Familiale Tradierungsprozesse in einer Drei-Generationen-Perspektive - Kontinuierliche Veränderungen - veränderliche Kontinuitäten
Author/Editor: Radicke, Christina
Familial Feeling: Entangled Tonalities in Early Black Atlantic Writing and the Rise of the British Novel
Author/Editor: Elahe Haschemi Yekani
Familiar Strangers: A History of Muslims in Northwest China
Author/Editor: Jonathan N. Lipman
Familia y privación de la libertad en Colombia
Author/Editor: Mónica Mendoza Molina,Giovanny Paredes Álvarez,Paola Bustos Benítez,Carol Iván Abaunza Forero
Familie erzählen: Vererbung in Literatur und Wissenschaft, 1850-1900
Author/Editor: Benjamin Brückner
Familie, Geschlecht und Erziehung in Zeiten der Krisen des 21. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Robert Baar,Maja S. Maier
Familienbezogene Elemente im System der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung: Unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung von Ein-Eltern-Familien
Author/Editor: Karin Bickel
Familiengründung mittels Eizellspende: Zur Ethik einer reproduktionsmedizinischen Praxis in der liberalen Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Clemens Heyder
Familien in kritischen Situationen der klinischen Pflege: Forschungsergebnisse und innovative Konzepte für die Pflegepraxis
Author/Editor: Andrea Schiff
Familienleitbilder in Deutschland: Kulturelle Vorstellungen zu Partnerschaft, Elternschaft und Familienleben
Author/Editor: Norbert F. Schneider,Sabine Diabaté,Kerstin Ruckdeschel
Familien mit behinderten Angehörigen im Erwachsenenalter: Lebensqualität und Lebensperspektiven
Author/Editor: Markus Schäfers,Anna Elberg
Familien mit multipler Elternschaft: Entstehungszusammenhänge, Herausforderungen und Potenziale
Author/Editor: Pia Bergold,Andrea Buschner,Birgit Mayer-Lewis,Tanja Mühling
Familiennamen zwischen Maas und Rhein
Author/Editor: Peter Gilles,Cristian Kollmann,Claire Muller
Familienpolitik in Frankreich und Deutschland - ein Vergleich
Author/Editor: Sandra Ehmann
Familientradition Hartz IV?: Soziale Reproduktion von Armut in Familie und Biografie
Author/Editor: Dominik Wagner
Familienunternehmer als externe Beiräte: Empirische Untersuchung einer häufig gewählten Besetzung: Wie gut ist sie wirklich? (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Otto W. Obermaier
Families and Food in Hard Times: European comparative research
Author/Editor: Rebecca O'Connell,Julia Brannen
Families and New Media: Comparative Perspectives on Digital Transformations in Law and Society
Author/Editor: Nina Dethloff,Katharina Kaesling,Louisa Specht-Riemenschneider
Families – Beyond the Nuclear Ideal
Author/Editor: Daniela Cutas,Sarah Chan
Families Mental Health and Challenges in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Applied Psychology on Humanity (ICAPH 2022), Malang, Indonesia, 27 August 2022
Author/Editor: Syamsul Arifin,Salis Yuniardi,Diah Karmiyati,Nida Hasanati,Tulus Winarsunu,Cahyaning Suryaningrum
Familie und Normalität: Diskurse, Praxen und Aushandlungsprozesse
Author/Editor: Anne-Christin Schondelmayer,Christine Riegel,Sebastian Fitz-Klausner
Family and Business during the Industrial Revolution
Author/Editor: Hannah Barker
Family Business and Regional Development
Author/Editor: Rodrigo Basco,Roger Stough,Lech Suwala
Family Business and Regional Development
Author/Editor: Rodrigo Basco,Roger stough,Lech Suwala
Family Compliance: Der erfolgreiche Umgang mit einer Familienverfassung : Kontextuelle Einordnung und konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen für Unternehmerfamilien
Author/Editor: Marco Henry V. Neumueller
Family Dynamics over the Life Course: Foundations, Turning Points and Outcomes
Author/Editor: Janeen Baxter,Jack Lam,Jenny Povey,Rennie Lee,Stephen R. Zubrick
Family Experiments: Middle-class, professional families in Australia and New Zealand c. 1880–1920
Author/Editor: Richardson ,Shelley
The Family Firm: Monarchy, Mass Media and the British Public, 1932-53
Author/Editor: Edward Owens
Family Firms and Closed Companies in Germany and Spain
Author/Editor: Holger Fleischer
Family Firms and Family Constitution
Author/Editor: Holger Fleischer,Stefan Prigge
The Family in Question
Family Instructions for the Yan Clan and Other Works by Yan Zhitui (531–590s)
Author/Editor: Yan Zhitui,Paul Kroll
Family Life in the Time of COVID: International perspectives
Author/Editor: Katherine Twamley,Humera Iqbal,Charlotte Faircloth
A Family Occupation
Author/Editor: Vanderwal Taylor ,Jolanda
The family of Pa-di-Amun-neb-nesut-tawy from Thebes (TT 414) revisited: The Case Study of Kalutj/Nes-Khonsu (G108 + G137)
Author/Editor: Julia Budka,Tamás Mekis
The Family System of the Paramaribo Creoles
The Family System of the Paramaribo Creoles
Author/Editor: Buschkens ,W.F.
Family, Taboo and Communism in Poland, 1956-1989
Author/Editor: Barbara Klich-Kluczewska
Famines and the Making of Heritage
Author/Editor: Marguerite Corporaal,Ingrid de Zwarte
Fandom as Methodology: A sourcebook for artists and writers
Author/Editor: Catherine Grant,Catherine Grant,Kate Random Love,Kate Random Love,Ego Ahaiwe Sowinski,Cathy Lomax,Anna Bunting-Branch,Maria Fusco,Michelle Williams Gamaker,Tippy Rampage,Liv Wynter
Fanfiction and the Author: How Fanfic Changes Popular Cultural Texts
Author/Editor: Judith Fathallah
Fankulturen und Fankommunikation
Author/Editor: Stefan Hauser,Simon Meier-Vieracker
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Turning the American Dream into a Nightmare
Author/Editor: Oonagh McDonald
Fantasies of Gender and the Witch in Feminist Theory and Literature
Author/Editor: Justyna Sempruch
Fantasies of Identification: Disability, Gender, Race
Author/Editor: Ellen Samuels
Farbe, Licht und Glanz als dichterische Ausdrucksmittel in der Lyrik Ivan Bunins
Author/Editor: Silke Klöver
Farbe und Licht: Symbolik bei Aleksandr Blok
Author/Editor: Johanne Peters
Fare parchi urbani
Author/Editor: Lambertini, Anna
Farewell to Freedom: A Western Genealogy of Liberty
Author/Editor: Riccardo Baldissone
Far From the Truth: Distance, Information, and Credibility in the Early Modern World
Author/Editor: Michiel Van Groesen,Johannes Müller
Farm Boys: Lives of Gay Men from the Rural Midwest
Author/Editor: Will Fellows
Farmers, Monks and Aristocrats: The environmental archaeology of Anglo-Saxon Flixborough
Author/Editor: Cluny Johnstone,D. Jaques,James Barrett,K. M. Dobney
Farming as Financial Asset: Global Finance and the Making of Institutional Landscapes
Author/Editor: Stefan Ouma
Farming Inside Invisible Worlds: Modernist Agriculture and its Consequences
Author/Editor: Hugh Campbell
The Farm Press, Reform and Rural Change, 1895-1920
Author/Editor: John J. Fry
Farmsteads and Funerary Sites: The M1 Junction 12 Improvements and the A5–M1 Link Road, Central Bedfordshire
Author/Editor: Jim Brown
Farocki/Godard. Film as Theory
Author/Editor: Pantenburg ,Volker
Fascism, Liberalism and Europeanism in the Political Thought of Bertrand de Jouvenel and Alfred Fabre-Luce
Author/Editor: Daniel Knegt
Fascism, Vulnerability, and the Escape from Freedom: Readings to Repair Democracy
Author/Editor: C. Jon Delogu
Fashion and Environmental Sustainability: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology
Author/Editor: Léo-Paul Dana,Rosy Boardman,Aidin Salamzadeh,Vijay Pereira,Michelle Brandstrup
Fashion and Postcolonial Critique
Author/Editor: Elke Gaugele,Monica Titton
Fashion Communication in the Digital Age: Proceedings of the FACTUM 23 Conference, Pisa, Italy, 2023
Author/Editor: Nadzeya Sabatini,Teresa Sádaba,Alessandro Tosi,Veronica Neri,Lorenzo Cantoni
Fashion Figures
Author/Editor: Melissa A. Borza
Fashion, History, Museums: Inventing the display of dress
Author/Editor: Julia Petrov
Fashion Media and Sustainability: Encouraging Ethical Consumption via Journalism and Influencers
Author/Editor: Anastasia Denisova
Fashion Meets Socialism: Fashion industry in the Soviet Union after the Second World War
Fashion Meets Socialism: Fashion industry in the Soviet Union after the Second World War
Author/Editor: Gronow ,Jukka,Zhuravlev ,Sergey
Fashion Myths
Fashion Myths : A Cultural Critique (translated by John Irons)
Author/Editor: Meinhold ,Roman
Fashion, Society and the First World War: International Perspectives
Author/Editor: Maude Bass-Krueger,Hayley Edwards-Dujardin,Sophie Kurkdjian
Fassbinder's Germany
Author/Editor: Elsaesser ,Thomas
Fassungsvarianz bei Neidhart: Edition und Übersetzung der durch die Berliner Handschrift R angezeigten Doppelfassungen mit einem textkritischen Kommentar
Author/Editor: Anna Kathrin Bleuler
The Fast-Changing Arctic
Author/Editor: Barry Scott Zellen
Fast Dense Depth Estimation from UAV-borne Aerial Imagery for the Assistance of Emergency Forces
Author/Editor: Boitumelo Ruf
Fast Measurement of Individual Head-Related Transfer Functions
Author/Editor: Jan-Gerrit Richter
Fatal Family Violence and the Dementias: Gray Mist Killings
Author/Editor: Neil Websdale
The Fatal News
Author/Editor: Katherine E. Ellison
Fate and Freedom in Korean Historical Films
Author/Editor: Kyung Moon Hwang
The Fate of Political Scientists in Europe: From Myth to Action
Author/Editor: Giliberto Capano,Luca Verzichelli
Father of Persian Verse
Father of Persian Verse : Rudaki and his Poetry
Author/Editor: Tabatabai ,Sassan
Fathers in Work Organizations: Inequalities and Capabilities, Rationalities and Politics
Author/Editor: Brigitte Liebig,Mechtild Oechsle
Fathers, pastors and kings: Visions of episcopacy in seventeenth-century France
Author/Editor: Forrestal ,Alison
Fat Studies: Ein Glossar
Author/Editor: Anja Herrmann,Tae Jun Kim,Evangelia Kindinger,Nina Mackert,Lotte Rose,Friedrich Schorb,Eva Tolasch,Paula-Irene Villa
Faulkner ed Hemingway. Due nobel americani
Author/Editor: Nicola Turi
Faust und Geist
Author/Editor: Paterno ,Wolfgang
Föderale Vielfalt - Globale Vernetzung. Digitalisierung in den Ländern und der Welt
Author/Editor: Ellen Euler,Paul Klimpel
Fëdor Sologub. 1884 - 1984: Texte, Aufsaetze, Bibliographie zum Gedenken an den hundertsten Jahrestag der Veroeffentlichung des ersten Werkes von Fedor Kuz'mič Teternikov (Sologub)
Author/Editor: Bernhard Lauer,Ulrich Steltner
Fear and Primordial Trust: From Becoming an Ego to Becoming Whole
Author/Editor: Monika Renz,Mark Kyburz
Fear Appeal e Message Framing: Strategie persuasive in interazione per la promozione della salute
Author/Editor: Gianmarco Romani
A Featural Typology of Bantu Agreement
Author/Editor: Jenneke van der Wal
Feature Models: AI-Driven Design, Analysis and Applications
Author/Editor: Alexander Felfernig,Andreas Falkner,David Benavides
Federalism and democratisation in Russia
Author/Editor: Ross ,Cameron
Federalism and Regionalism in Australia: New Approaches, New Institutions?
Author/Editor: Bellamy ,J.A.,Brown ,A.J.
Federalism and Regional Policy in Contemporary Russia
Author/Editor: Andrey Starodubtsev
Federalism and Secession
Author/Editor: Jorge Cagiao y Conde,Alain-G. Gagnon
Federalism and the Response to COVID-19: A Comparative Analysis
Author/Editor: Rupak Chattopadhyay,Felix Knüpling,Diana Chebenova,Liam Whittington,Phillip Gonzalez
The Federated States of Micronesia's Engagement with the Outside World: Control, Self-Preservation and Continuity
Author/Editor: Gonzaga Puas
Federn lesen: Eine Literaturgeschichte des Gänsekiels von den Anfängen bis ins 19. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Martina Wernli
Feedback aus der Sicht von Schülerinnen und Schülern im Deutschunterricht der gymnasialen Oberstufe: Längsschnittliche Analysen zur differenziellen Wahrnehmung und motivationalen Wirkung von Feedback
Author/Editor: Katharina Dreiling
Feeding future generations: How finance can boost innovation in agri-food - Executive summary
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Feeding the City: Work and Food Culture of the Mumbai Dabbawalas
Author/Editor: Roncaglia ,Sara
Feeds, Tweets & Timelines - Schreibweisen der Gegenwart in Sozialen Medien
Author/Editor: Elias Kreuzmair,Magdalena Pflock,Eckhard Schumacher
Feeling Exclusion: Religious Conflict, Exile and Emotions in Early Modern Europe
Author/Editor: Giovanni Tarantino,Charles Zika
Feeling Gender: A Generational and Psychosocial Approach
Author/Editor: Harriet Bjerrum Nielsen
Feeling Mediated: A History of Media Technology and Emotion in America
Author/Editor: Brenton J. Malin
A Feeling of Belonging: Asian American Women's Public Culture, 1930-1960
Author/Editor: Shirley Jennifer Lim
Feeling Political: Emotions and Institutions since 1789
Author/Editor: Ute Frevert,Juliane Brauer,Caroline Moine,Kerstin Maria Pahl,Francesco Buscemi,Philipp Nielsen,Agnes Arndt,Michael Amico,Karsten Lichau,Hannah Malone,Julia Wambach
Feeling Strangely in Mid-Century Spanish and Latin American Women’s Fiction: Gender and the Scientific Imaginary
Author/Editor: Tess C. Rankin
Feeling Threatened
Author/Editor: Mujiburrahman
Fehler – Abweichung – Variation: Sprachnormen aus linguistischer und didaktischer Sicht
Author/Editor: Christina Ossenkop,Georgia Veldre-Gerner
Fehlgeburt und Stillgeburt: Eine Kultursoziologie der Verlusterfahrung
Author/Editor: Julia Böcker
F&E-Kooperationen in Joint-Ventures: Eine berufspädagogische Analyse (Volume 65)
Author/Editor: Cornelia Unger-Endres
FEKS. Fabrik des exzentrischen Schauspielers: Vom Exzentrismus zur Poetik des Films in der fruehen Sowjetkultur
Author/Editor: Bernadette Poliwoda
Feld und Signal: Aporien der Malerei bei El Lisickij und Kazimir Malevič
Author/Editor: Simon Baier
Felicità e benessere: Una ricognizione critica
Author/Editor: cecilia corsi
Feliks Volkhovskii: A Revolutionary Life
Author/Editor: Michael Hughes
Felix Staehelin und die römische Schweiz - Ein Beitrag zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Author/Editor: Severin Thomi
Fellow Travellers: Communist Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations on the French Railways, 1914–1939
Author/Editor: Thomas Beaumont
Female Agency in Manuscript Cultures
Author/Editor: Eike Grossmann
Female Body Image and Beauty Politics in Contemporary Indian Literature and Culture
Author/Editor: Srirupa Chatterjee,Shweta Rao Garg
Female Employment and Gender Gaps in China
Author/Editor: Xinxin Ma
The Female Face in Patriarchy: Oppression as Culture
Author/Editor: Frances B. O'Connor ,Becky S. Drury
-||Female Founders in Byzantium and Beyond
Author/Editor: Lioba Theis,Hans Aurenhammer,Metthew Savage,Michael Viktor Schwarz,Galina Fingarova,Michael Grünbart,Margaret Mullett
Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Global Zero Tolerance Policy and Diverse Responses from African and Asian Local Communities
Author/Editor: Kyoko Nakamura,Kaori Miyachi,Yukio Miyawaki,Makiko Toda
Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Children and Adolescents: Illustrated Guide to Diagnose, Assess, Inform and Report
Author/Editor: Jasmine Abdulcadir,Noémie Sachs Guedj,Michal Yaron
Female imperialism and national identity: Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire
Author/Editor: Pickles ,Katie
Female Servants in Early Modern England
Author/Editor: Charmian Mansell
Female Social Entrepreneurship: Challenging boundaries and reframing gender and economic structures
Author/Editor: Miriam Gerlach
Femicide across Europe: Theory, research and prevention
Author/Editor: Shalva Weil,Consuelo Corradi,Marceline Naudi
Feminine Persuasion
Author/Editor: Betsy Stirratt,Catherine Johnson
The Femininity Puzzle: Gender, Orientalism and the »Jewish Other«
Author/Editor: Ulrike Brunotte
Feminism and the Politics of Childhood – Friends or Foes?
Feminism in Public Debt: A Human Rights Approach
Author/Editor: Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky,Mariana Rulli
Feminismos, violencias y redes sociales: Prácticas y estrategias iberoamericanas contra los discursos del odio
Author/Editor: Inmaculada Postigo Gómez,Teresa Vera Balanza,Ruth de Frutos García
Feminismo y movimiento de mujeres socialistas en la Revolución Rusa
Author/Editor: Cintia Frencia,Daniel Gaido
Author/Editor: Laura Mulvey,Anna Backman Rogers
Feminisms in Movement: Theories and Practices from the Americas
Author/Editor: Lívia De Souza Lima,Edith Otero Quezada,Julia Roth
Feminismus in der frühen Gewerkschaftsbewegung (1890-1914): Die Strategien der Buchdruckerei-HilfsarbeiterInnen um Paula Thiede
Author/Editor: Uwe Fuhrmann
Feminism, Writing and the Media in Spain: Ana María Matute, Rosa Montero and Lucía Etxebarria
Author/Editor: Mazal Oaknín
Feminist Activism, Travel and Translation Around 1900: Transnational Practices of Mediation and the Case of Käthe Schirmacher
Author/Editor: Johanna Gehmacher
Feminist and LGBTI+ Activism across Russia, Scandinavia and Turkey: Transnationalizing Spaces of Resistance
Author/Editor: Selin Çağatay,Mia Liinason,Olga Sasunkevich
Feminist Animal and Multispecies Studies: Critical Perspectives on Food and Eating
Author/Editor: Kadri Aavik,Kuura Irni,Milla-Maria Joki
Feminist Approaches to Early Medieval English Studies
Author/Editor: Robin Norris,Rebecca Stephenson,Renée R. Trilling
Feminist Conversations on Peace
Author/Editor: Sarah Smith,Keina Yoshida
Feminist Cyberlaw
Author/Editor: Meg Leta Jones,Amanda Levendowski
Feminist Encounters in Statebuilding: The Role of Women in Making the State in Kosovo
Author/Editor: Vjosa Musliu,Itziar Mujika Chao
Feminist Existentialism, Biopolitics, and Critical Phenomenology in a Time of Bad Health (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Talia Welsh
Feminist Futures of Work: Reimagining Labour in the Digital Economy
Author/Editor: Payal Arora,Usha Raman,René König
Feminist IR in Europe: Knowledge Production in Academic Institutions
Author/Editor: Maria Stern,Ann E. Towns
Feministische Visionen vor und nach 1989: Geschlecht, Medien und Aktivismen in der DDR, BRD und im östlichen Europa
Author/Editor: Karin Aleksander,Ulrike Auga,Elisaveta Dvorakk,Kathleen Heft,Gabriele Jähnert,Heike Schimkat
Feminist Media
Feminist Media : Participatory Spaces, Networks and Cultural Citizenship
Author/Editor: Zobl (Ed.) ,Elke,Drüeke (Ed.) ,Ricarda
Feminist Methodologies: Experiments, Collaborations and Reflections
Author/Editor: Wendy Harcourt,Karijn van den Berg,Constance Dupuis,Jacqueline Gaybor
Feminist Moments: Reading Feminist Texts
Author/Editor: Susan Bruce,Katherine Smits
Feminist Research Alliances: Affective convergences
Author/Editor: Adelina Sánchez Espinosa,Dresda E. Méndez de la Brena
Feminist Solidarities after Modulation
Author/Editor: Sara Morais dos Santos Bruss
Feminist Solutions for Ending War
Author/Editor: Megan MacKenzie,Nicole Wegner
Feminist Success Stories - Célébrons nos réussites féministes
Feminist Success Stories - Célébrons nos réussites féministes
Author/Editor: Blackford A. ,Karen,Garceau ,Marie-Luce,Kirby ,Sandra
Feminist Theory, Women's Writing
Author/Editor: Laurie A. Finke
Feminist Transformations and Domestic Violence Activism in Divided Berlin: 1968-2002
Author/Editor: Jane Freeland
Feminist Trouble: Intersectional Politics in Postsecular Times
Author/Editor: Eleonore Lepinard
Feminizid in Recht und Literatur: Diego Zúñiga, Laura Restrepo und Fernanda Melchor im völker- und strafrechtlichen Kontext
Author/Editor: Elena von Ohlen
Feminizing the Fetish: Psychoanalysis and Narrative Obsession in Turn-of-the Century France
Author/Editor: Emily Apter
Feminsms: Diversity, Difference and Multiplicity in Contemporary Film Cultures
Author/Editor: Mulvey ,Laura,Backman Rogers ,Anna
Femmes des anti-Lumières, femmes apologistes
Author/Editor: Sylviane Albertan-Coppola,Fabrice Preyat,Lorenzo Rustighi,Rotraud von Kulessa,Marie-Emmanuell Plagnol-Diéval,Sarah Barthélemy,Bruno Bernard,A.V. Luís Manuel,Nicolas Brucker,Gavoty Géhanne,Stéphanie Gavoty,Ramona Herz-Gazeau,Yves Krumenacker
Femmes de spectacle au XIXe siècle
Author/Editor: Florence Fix,Valentina Ponzetto
Femmes en guerres
Author/Editor: Sophie Milquet,Luc Capdevila,Madeleine Frédéric,Maud Joly,Dolores Martín Moruno,Beatriz Martín Calvo,Allison Taillot,Michèle Touret,Justine Feyereisen
Femmes exilées politiques
Author/Editor: Anne Morelli,Bérengère Marques-Pereira,Maïté Molina Mármol,Anne Morelli,Hubert Roland,Chr Taraud,Valérie Piette,Éliane Gubin,Juan Aviles,Ana Fernández Asperilla,Patrizia Gabrielli,Éliane Gubin,Mazyar Khoojinian,Claudie Lesselier
Femmes francophones et pluralisme en milieu minoritaire
Femmes francophones et pluralisme en milieu minoritaire
Author/Editor: Adam ,Dyane
Femminile e maschile nel Settecento
Author/Editor: Cristina Passetti,Lucio Tufano
Fencing in AIDS: Gender, Vulnerability, and Care in Papua New Guinea
Author/Editor: Holly Wardlow
Fengslende sosiologi: Makt, straff og identitet i Trondheims fengsler
Author/Editor: Johan Fredrik Rye,Ingrid Rindal Lundeberg
Fenomenologia del concetto di élite e network analysis come metodo di information retrieval
Author/Editor: Enrico Cristofoletti
Ferdinand Ebner - Mühlauer Tagebuch 23.7.-28.8.1920
Author/Editor: Hörmann ,Richard,Seekircher ,Monika
Ferdinand I. als Kaiser: Politik und Herrscherauffassung des Nachfolgers Karls V.
Author/Editor: Ernst Laubach
Ferenczi's Turn in Psychoanalysis
Author/Editor: Peter L. Rudnytsky,Antal Bokay,Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch
Fernando Ortiz: Caribbean and Mediterranean Counterpoints
Author/Editor: Stephan Palmié
Fernbeziehungen: Diffraktionen zu Intimität in medialen Zwischenräumen
Author/Editor: Madeleine Scherrer
Ferocious Logics: Unmaking the Algorithm
Author/Editor: Luke Munn
Ferromagnetische Inhomogenitäten zur berührungslosen Bestimmung der Geschwindigkeit und gleisselektiven Position von Schienenfahrzeugen
Author/Editor: Max Spindler
Fertile Links? Connections between tourism activities, socioeconomic contexts and local development in European rural areas
Author/Editor: Antonio Raschi,Elisabete Maria Melo Figueiredo
Fertility Transition in the Developing World
Author/Editor: John Bongaarts,Dennis Hodgson
Festa and Music at the Court of Marie Casimire Sobieska in Rome (1699–1714)
Author/Editor: Aneta Markuszewska
Festival Romanistica. Contribuciones lingüísticas – Contributions linguistiques – Contributi linguistici – Contribuições linguísticas
Author/Editor: Engwall ,Gunnel,Fant ,Lars
Festival Romanistica. Contribuciones lingüísticas – Contributions linguistiques – Contributi linguistici – Contribuições linguísticas
Festivals and the City: The Contested Geographies of Urban Events
Author/Editor: Andrew Smith,Guy Osborn,Bernadette Quinn
Festschrift fuer Hans-Bernd Harder zum 60. Geburtstag
Author/Editor: Klaus Harer,Helmut Schaller
Festschrift fuer Viktor Jul'evič Rozencvejg zum 80. Geburtstag
Author/Editor: Tilmann Reuther
Fethullah Gülen’s Teaching and Practice: Inheritance, Context, and Interactive Development
Author/Editor: Paul Weller
Feudal America
Author/Editor: Shlapentokh ,Vladimir,Woods ,Joshua
Feux de végétation: Comprendre leur diversité et leur évolution
Author/Editor: Renaud Barbero,Thomas Curt,Jean-Luc Dupuy,Christelle Hély,Florent Mouillot,Julien Ruffault
Öffentliche Mobilität: Voraussetzungen für eine menschengerechte Verkehrsplanung
Author/Editor: Oliver Schwedes
Öffentliche Partnerschaften bei Infrastrukturgroßprojekten: Rechtliche Strukturen multidimensionaler Verkehrsinfrastrukturgroßprojekte im Lichte von Demokratieprinzip und Transparenzgebot
Author/Editor: Lena Sieven
Öffentliche Religionen in Österreich – Politikverständnis und zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement
Öffentliche Religionen in Österreich – Politikverständnis und zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement
Author/Editor: Nautz ,Jürgen,Stöckl ,Kristina,Siebenrock ,Roman
Öffentliche Räume in Pompeji: Zum Design urbaner Atmosphären
Author/Editor: Annette Haug
Öffentliche Rundfunkorganisationen als Media Commons?: Vorschlag eines neuen Leitbegriffs und vergleichende Analyse in 16 Ländern
Author/Editor: Corinne Schweizer
Öffentliches Recht und Privatrecht
Author/Editor: Ute Sacksofsky
Öffentliche Vernunft?: Die Wissenschaft in der Demokratie
Author/Editor: Wilfried Hinsch,Daniel Eggers
Öffentliche Verwaltung – Verwaltung in der Öffentlichkeit: Herausforderungen und Chancen der Kommunikation öffentlicher Institutionen
Author/Editor: Klaus Kocks,Susanne Knorre,Jan Niklas Kocks
Öffentlichkeiten: Urteilsbildung in fragmentierten pädagogischen Räumen
Author/Editor: Markus Rieger-Ladich,Malte Brinkmann,Christiane Thompson
Öffnung - Schließung - Übertritte: Körperbilder in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur
Author/Editor: Iris Meinen,Nils Lehnert
Author/Editor: Jones ,E.
Führer, wir stehen zu dir! Die Reichsdeutsche Jugend in der Schweiz, 1931–1945
Author/Editor: Martin J. Bucher
Führt Moral unumgänglich zur Religion?: Zur Kritik der Kantischen Religionsphilosophie bei Jürgen Habermas – eine Entgegnung
Author/Editor: Rudolf Langthaler
Führung, wohin führst du?: Wie Führungskräfte Unternehmenswerte optimieren - vergüten - bilanzieren
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Habelt,Michael Sonnabend
Fiasko – Scheitern in der Frühen Neuzeit: Beitraege zur Kulturgeschichte des Misserfolgs
Author/Editor: Stefan Brakensiek,Claudia Claridge
Fiasko – Scheitern in der Frühen Neuzeit -- Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte des Misserfolgs
Author/Editor: Brakensiek ,Stefan,Claridge ,Claudia
Fiasko – Scheitern in der Frühen Neuzeit -- Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte des Misserfolgs
Fiber-dependent injection molding simulation of discontinuous reinforced polymers
Author/Editor: Florian Wittemann
Fiber Orientation Tensors and Mean Field Homogenization: Application to Sheet Molding Compound
Author/Editor: Julian Karl Bauer
Fibula, Fabula, Fact: The Viking Age in Finland
Author/Editor: Joonas Ahola,Clive Tolley
Ficciones y límites: La diversidad funcional en las artes escénicas, la literatura, el cine y el arte sonoro
Author/Editor: Alba Gómez García,David Navarro Juan,Javier Velloso Álvarez
Fictionalizing heterodoxy Various uses of knowledge in the Spanish world from the Archpriest of Hita to Mateo Alemán
Author/Editor: Folke Gernert
Fictional Practices of Spirituality I: Interactive Media
Author/Editor: Leonardo Marcato,Felix Schniz
Fictions of African Dictatorship: Postcolonial Power Across Genres
Author/Editor: Charlotte Baker,Hannah Grayson
Fictions of Authority: Women Writers and Narrative Voice
Author/Editor: Susan Sniader Lanser
Fictions of Legibility: The Human Face and Body in Modern German Novels from Sophie von La Roche to Alfred Döblin
Author/Editor: Gabriela Stoicea
Fiducial Governance: An Australian republic for the new millennium
Author/Editor: Power ,John
The Field of Musical Improvisation
Author/Editor: Cobussen ,Marcel
The Field of Musical Improvisation
Fields of Gold: Financing the Global Land Rush
Author/Editor: Madeleine Fairbairn
Field Station Bahia: Brazil in the Work of Lorenzo Dow Turner, E. Franklin Frazier and Frances and Melville Herskovits, 1935-1967
Author/Editor: Livio Sansone
Field Trials of Health Interventions, 3rd edition
Author/Editor: Peter G. Smith,Richard H. Morrow,David A. Ross
«Fiere vicende dell’età di mezzo»: Studi per Gian Maria Varanini
Author/Editor: Paola Guglielmotti,Isabella Lazzarini
Fiesco's Conspiracy at Genoa
Author/Editor: Schiller ,Friedrich,Guthrie ,John
Fifteen into one?: The European Union and its member states
Author/Editor: Wessels ,Wolfgang,Maurer ,Andreas,Mittag ,Jürgen
The Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting: On Recent Developments In Theoretical And Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics, And Relativistic Field Theories - Proceedings Of The Mg15 Meeting On General Relativity (In 3 Volumes)
Author/Editor: Elia S. Battistelli,Robert T. Jantzen,Remo Ruffini
Fifth international Symposium on the lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin: Lipari, Aeolian Islands, Sicily, Italy, 7-11 May 2004
Author/Editor: Pietro Lo Cascio,Claudia Corti
Fifth Report on the Excavations of the Roman Fort at Richborough, Kent
Author/Editor: B.W. Cunliffe
Fifty Years of Family Planning in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: The Dogged Pursuit of Progress
Author/Editor: Jane T. Bertrand
The Fight Against Platform Capitalism: An Inquiry into the Global Struggles of the Gig Economy
Author/Editor: Jamie Woodcock
The Fight against Systemic Corruption: Lessons from Brazil (2013–2022)
Author/Editor: Maria Eugenia Trombini,Elizangela Valarini,Vanessa Elias de Oliveira,Markus Pohlmann
Fighting Australia's Cold War: The Nexus of Strategy and Operations in a Multipolar Asia, 1945–1965
Author/Editor: Peter Dean,Tristan Moss
Fighting Fake Facts
Author/Editor: Peter Seitz,Mark Eisenegger,Manfred Max Bergman
Fighting for a Living
Author/Editor: Erik-Jan Zürcher
Fighting Nature
Fighting Nature : Travelling Menageries, Animal Acts and War Shows
Author/Editor: Tait ,Peta
Figurations and Sensations of the Unseen in Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Contested Desires
Author/Editor: Birgit Meyer,Terje Stordalen
Figurations of the Feminine in the Early French Women’s Press, 1758–1848 (Volume 8)
Author/Editor: Siobhán McIlvanney
Figure: Concept and Method
Author/Editor: Celia Lury,William Viney,Scott Wark
Figure d’Atene nelle opere di Plutarco
Author/Editor: Angelo Alfredo Casanova
Figure et vérité: Liturgie et théologie eucharistiques de l’époque patristique au tournant herméneutique du IXe siècle
Author/Editor: Christophe Lazowski
Figuren begegnen in Filmen und Comics
Author/Editor: Björn Hochschild
Figuren der Urszene
Author/Editor: Klammer ,Markus
Figuren des Messianischen in Schriften deutsch-jüdischer Intellektueller 1900-1933
Author/Editor: Elke Dubbels
The Figure of Knowledge: Conditioning Architectural Theory, 1960s - 1990s
Author/Editor: Sebastiaan Loosen,Rajesh Heynickx,Hilde Heynen
The Figure of the Musician in German Literature
Author/Editor: George C. Schoolfield
Figures of Radical Absence: Blanks and Voids in Theory, Literature, and the Arts
Author/Editor: Alexandra-Ecaterina Irimia
Figuring the Past
Author/Editor: Vidal ,Belén
The Fijian Colonial Experience: A study of the neotraditional order under British colonial rule prior to World War II
Author/Editor: MacNaught J. ,Timothy
Fijians in Transnational Pentecostal Networks
Author/Editor: Karen J. Brison
Fiji: A Place called home
Author/Editor: Tarte ,Daryl
Fiji before the storm: Elections and the politics of development
Author/Editor: Lal V. ,Brij
Fiktion und Weltwissen: Der Beitrag nichtfiktionaler Konzepte zur Sinnkonstitution fiktionaler Erzählliteratur
Author/Editor: Peter Blume
„Fiktion“ und „Wirklichkeit“ in japanischen Literaturtheorien der Jahre 1850 bis 1890
Author/Editor: Guido Woldering
Filarete: Der Architekt der Renaissance als Demiurg und Pädagoge
Author/Editor: Berthold Hub
Filial Arcade & Other Poems
Author/Editor: Adam Staley Groves,Marco Mazzi
Filière forêt-bois et atténuation du changement
Author/Editor: Alice Roux,Antoine Colin,Jean-François Dhôte,Bertrand Schmitt
Film and the Chinese Medical Humanities
Author/Editor: Vivienne Lo,Chris Berry,Guo Liping
Film Architecture and the Transnational Imagination
Author/Editor: Bergfelder ,Tim,Harris ,Sue,Street ,Sarah
Film as Embodied Art: Bodily Meaning in the Cinema of Stanley Kubrick
Author/Editor: Maarten Coëgnarts
Filmen, Forschen, Annotieren: Handbuch Research Video
Author/Editor: Gunter Lösel,Martin Zimper
Film Farbe Fläche.: Ästhetik des kolorierten Bildes im Kino 1895-1930
Author/Editor: Jelena Rakin
Film Festivals
Author/Editor: Valck de ,Marijke
Film Front Weimar
Author/Editor: Kester ,Bernadette
Filming Politics: Communism and the Portrayal of the Working Class at the National Film Board of Canada, 1939-46
Author/Editor: Malek Khouri
Filming, Researching, Annotating: Research Video Handbook
Author/Editor: Gunter Lösel,Martin Zimper
Filming The End of the Holocaust: Allied Documentaries, Nuremberg and the Liberation of the Concentration Camps
Author/Editor: John J. Michalcyzk
Filmische Seitenblicke: Cinepoetische Exkursionen ins Kino von 1968
Author/Editor: Hermann Kappelhoff,Christine Lötscher,Daniel Illger
Filmische Zeugenschaft im Abseits: Kulturelle Dekolonisierungsprozesse und Dokumentarfilme zwischen Mosambik und Portugal
Author/Editor: Robert Stock
Film Museum Practice and Film Historiography
Author/Editor: Bregt Lameris
Film Remakes as Ritual and Disguise
Author/Editor: Zanger ,Anat
Film Serials and the American Cinema, 1910-1940: Operational Detection
Author/Editor: Ilka Brasch
Film Societies in Germany and Austria 1910-1933: Tracing the Social Life of Cinema
Author/Editor: Michael Cowan
Films that Work
Films That Work Harder: The Circulation of Industrial Film
Author/Editor: Vinzenz Hediger,Florian Hoof,Yvonne Zimmermann,Scott Anthony
Filosofia e storiografia nel dibattito anglo-americano sulla svolta linguistica
Author/Editor: Davide Bondì
Filtration Materials for Groundwater: A Guide to Good Practice
Author/Editor: Ivan Kozyatnyk
Finalités et usages de la formation professionnelle: Apprendre un métier, trouver un emploi, poursuivre ses études ?
Author/Editor: Nadia Lamamra,Morgane Kuehni,Séverine Rey
Finance 4.0 - Towards a Socio-Ecological Finance System: A Participatory Framework to Promote Sustainability
Author/Editor: Marcus M. Dapp,Dirk Helbing,Stefan Klauser
Finance Against Poverty: Volume 2
Author/Editor: Hulme David,Paul Mosley
Finance for Food
Author/Editor: Doris Köhn
Finance in Africa: for green, smart and inclusive private sector development
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Finance in Africa: Navigating the financial landscape in turbulent times
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Finance in Africa: Uncertain times, resilient banks: African finance at a crossroads
Financial Citizenship: Experts, Publics, and the Politics of Central Banking
Author/Editor: Annelise Riles
The Financial Crisis and the Global South: A Development Perspective
Author/Editor: Yilmaz Akyüz
Financial Crisis Management and Democracy: Lessons from Europe and Latin America
Author/Editor: Bettina De Souza Guilherme,Bettina De Souza Guilherme,Christian Ghymers,Christian Ghymers,Stephany Griffith-Jones,Stephany Griffith-Jones,Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann,Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann
Financial inclusion: Basic theories and empirical evidence from African countries
Author/Editor: Munacinga C. Simatele,Munacinga C. Simatele,Ziphozethu Dube,Sibanisezwe Khumalo,George W. Ssonko,Duncan R. Kawooya,Miselo Bwalya
Financial Report 2022
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Financial, Staffing and Societal Sustainability of Dutch Health Care: An Urgent Need for Clear Choices
Author/Editor: Gijsbert Werner,Arthur van Riel,Mérove Gijsberts,Marianne de Visser
Financing Clean Energy Access in Sub-Saharan Africa: Risk Mitigation Strategies and Innovative Financing Structures
Author/Editor: Bruno Michoud,Manfred Hafner
Financing for Overcoming Economic Insecurity
Author/Editor: Rob Vos,Nazrul Islam
Financing Higher Education and Economic Development in East Asia
Author/Editor: Armstrong ,Shiro,Chapman ,Bruce
Financing Human Development in Africa, Asia and the Middle East
Author/Editor: Marco V. Sánchez,Rob Vos
Financing Investment in Times of High Public Debt: 2023 European Public Investment Outlook
Author/Editor: FLORIANA MARGHERITA CERNIGLIA,Francesco Saraceno,Andrew Watt
Financing Prosperity by Dealing with Debt
Author/Editor: Christopher Harker,Amy Horton
Financing Quality Education for All: The Funding Methods of Compulsory and Special Needs Education
Author/Editor: Kristof De Witte,Vitezslav Titl,Oliver Holz,Mike Smet
Financiranje projektov in inovacij v pametnih občinah
Author/Editor: Jankovič ,Patricija
Financiranje projektov in inovacij v pametnih občinah
Finanzielle Grundbildung
Author/Editor: Mania ,Ewelina,Tröster ,Monika
Finanzierung der Altersversorgung des oeffentlichen Dienstes: Probleme und Optionen
Author/Editor: Klaus Heubeck,Bert Rürup
Finanzierung der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung – Probleme und Reformoptionen
Author/Editor: Marco Penske
Finanzierung des Gesundheitswesens und Interpersonelle Umverteilung: Mikrosimulationsuntersuchung der Einkommenswirkung von Reformvorschlaegen zur GKV-Finanzierung
Author/Editor: Dorothea Wenzel
Finanzmarktregulierung und Kartellrecht: Marktordnungsrecht der Finanzdienstleistungen
Author/Editor: Simon Wizemann
Finanzpolitik und Einkommensverteilung: Ein Wachstums- und Konjunkturmodell der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Finanztechnologische Innovationen im Bankaufsichtsrecht: Disintermediation als Grundlage eines "Banking Without Banks"?
Author/Editor: Christopher Rennig
Finanzverfassung und Staatsgewalt in der Demokratie: Ein Beitrag zur konstitutionellen Finanztheorie
Finanzwirtschaftliche Konsequenzen beim Uebergang auf das Ursprungslandprinzip im Europaeischen Binnenmarkt: Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel des unvollkommenen oligopolistischen Neufahrzeugmarktes
Author/Editor: Ulrich Ermschel
Finché legge non vi separi: Il divorzio nella narrativa d'autrice tra Otto e Novecento
Author/Editor: Valeria Iaconis
Findbuch der Bestände Abt. 18 und Abt. 19: Generalsuperintendent für Schleswig und Generalsuperintendent für Holstein
Author/Editor: Jörg Rathjen
Findbuch der Bestände Abt. 51 bis Abt. 55: Abt. 51 Regierungen der Herzogtümer während der Erhebung 1848-1851 / Abt. 52 Dänische Immediatkommission zur gemeinsamen Regierung der Herzogtümer in Sonderburg 1848-1849 / Abt. 53 Landesverwaltung für das Herzog
Author/Editor: Jörg Rathjen
Findbuch der Bestände Abt. 57 bis Abt. 62: Preußisch-österreichische Übergangsbehörden 1863-1868/Abt. 57: Bundeskommissare für die Herzogtümer Holstein und Lauenburg 1863-1864; Abt. 58.1: Österreichisch-preußische Oberste Zivilbehörde für das Herzogtum Sc
Author/Editor: Jörg Rathjen
Findbuch der Bestände Abt. 80 und Abt. 56: Ministerium für die Herzogtümer Holstein und Lauenburg zu Kopenhagen 1852-1864 und Holsteinische Regierung zu Kopenhagen bzw. Plön 1862-1864
Author/Editor: Jörg Rathjen
Findbuch des Bestandes Abt. 109: Ämter Reinfeld, Rethwisch, Traventhal
Author/Editor: Wulf Pingel
Findbuch des Bestandes Abt. 11: Regierungskanzlei (Obergericht) zu Glückstadt
Author/Editor: Jörg Rathjen
Findbuch des Bestandes Abt. 13: Obergericht zu Gottorf 1713-1834
Author/Editor: Jörg Rathjen
Findbuch des Bestandes Abt. 22: Herzöge von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg/
Author/Editor: Jörg Rathjen
Findbuch des Bestandes Abt. 320.6. Kreis Flensburg-Land 1867-1968
Author/Editor: Hartmut Haase
Findbuch des Bestandes Abt. 47.1: Kuratorium der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel/
Author/Editor: Georg Asmussen
Findbuch des Bestandes Abt. 47: Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Teil 1: 1665-1945
Author/Editor: Georg Asmussen
Findbuch des Bestandes Abt. 49. Schleswig-Holsteinische Regierung auf Gottorf 1834-1851
Author/Editor: Jörg Rathjen
Findbuch des Bestandes Abt. 65.1-65.3: Deutsche Kanzlei zu Kopenhagen bis 1730 | Deutsche Kanzlei zu Kopenhagen ab 1730 | Deutsche Kanzlei zu Kopenhagen für das Herzogtum Lauenburg
Author/Editor: Jörg Rathjen
Findbuch des Bestandes Abt. 68: Oberste Zoll- und Kommerzbehörden in den Herzogtümern und in Kopenhagen bis 1867
Author/Editor: Jörg Rathjen
Findbuch des Bestandes Abt. 77: Dänische Ministerien
Author/Editor: Jörg Rathjen
Findbuch des Bestandes Abt. 8.3: Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorfisches (Großfürstliches) General-Landes- und Ökonomie-Verbesserungsdirektorium zu Kiel 1766-1807
Author/Editor: Jörg Rathjen
Findbuch des Bestandes Abteilung 79: Ministerium für das Herzogtum Schleswig zu Kopenhagen 1851-1864
Author/Editor: Jörg Rathjen
The Fin-de-Siècle World
Author/Editor: Michael Saler
Findigkeit in unsicheren Zeiten
Author/Editor: Heike Solga,Denis Huschka,Gert G. Wagner,Patricia Eilsberger
Finding a moral compass for South Africa: Where are we? Where could we go?
Author/Editor: JM Vorster
Finding Directions West: Readings that Locate and Dislocate Western Canada's Past
Author/Editor: Heather Devine,George Colpitts
Finding, Inheriting or Borrowing?: The Construction and Transfer of Knowledge in Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Jochen Althoff,Dominik Berrens,Tanja Pommerening
Finding Jerusalem: Archaeology between Science and Ideology
Author/Editor: Katharina Galor
Finding Jerusalem: Archaeology between Science and Ideology
Author/Editor: Galor ,Katharina
Finding Room in Beirut: Places of the Everyday
Author/Editor: Carole Lévesque
Finding the Enemy Within: Blasphemy Accusations and Subsequent Violence in Pakistan
Author/Editor: Sana Ashraf
Finding the Limits of the Limes: Modelling Demography, Economy and Transport on the Edge of the Roman Empire
Author/Editor: Philip Verhagen,Jamie Joyce,Mark R. Groenhuijzen
Finding Voice: A Visual Arts Approach to Engaging Social Change
Author/Editor: Kim Berman
Fines Hominis? Zur Geschichte der philosophischen Anthropologiekritik
Author/Editor: Rölli ,Marc
Fines Hominis? Zur Geschichte der philosophischen Anthropologiekritik
Finis coronat opus - Festschrift für Walter Kroll zum 65. Geburtstag
Author/Editor: Bockholt, Volker,Freise, Matthias,Lehfeldt, Werner,Meyer, Peter
Finishing Global Farm Trade Reform: implications for developing countries
Author/Editor: Anderson ,Kym
Finite Difference Computing with Exponential Decay Models
Author/Editor: Hans Petter Langtangen
Finite Difference Computing with PDEs: A Modern Software Approach
Author/Editor: Hans Petter Langtangen,Svein Linge
Finite Element Simulation of Residual Stresses from Welding and High Frequency Hammer Peening
Author/Editor: Stefanos Gkatzogiannis
Finite-Size Effects in Stochastic Models of Population Dynamics: Applications to Biomedicine and Biology
Author/Editor: Francesca Di Patti
Finite-Temperature Field Theory: Principles and Applications, 2nd edition
Author/Editor: Joseph I. Kapusta,Charles Gale
Finland’s Famous Education System: Unvarnished Insights into Finnish Schooling
Author/Editor: Martin Thrupp,Piia Seppänen,Jaakko Kauko,Sonja Kosunen
The Finnish Case System: Cognitive Linguistic Perspectives
Author/Editor: Minna Maria Jaakola,Tiina Onikki-Rantajääskö
Finnishness, Whiteness and Coloniality
Author/Editor: Josephine Hoegaerts,Tuire Liimatainen,Laura Hekanaho,Elizabeth Peterson
Finnish Settler Colonialism in North America: Rethinking Finnish Experiences in Transnational Spaces
Author/Editor: Rani-Henrik Andersson,Janne Lahti
Fir and Empire: The Transformation of Forests in Early Modern China
Author/Editor: Ian M. Miller
Fire and Snow: Climate Fiction from the Inklings to Game of Thrones
Author/Editor: Marc DiPaolo
Fire Hazards: Socio-economic and Regional Issues
Author/Editor: Jesús Rodrigo-Comino,Luca Salvati
Fire in the Canyon: Religion, Migration, and the Mexican Dream
Author/Editor: Leah Sarat
Fire Mountains of the Islands
Fire Mountains of the Islands : A History of Volcanic Eruptions and Disaster Management in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands
Author/Editor: Johnson ,R. Wally
Firenze, archeologia di una città: (secoli I a.C. – XIII d.C.)
Author/Editor: Emiliano Scampoli
Firenze e Dubrovnik all'epoca di Marino Darsa (1508-1567): Atti della Giornata di studi Firenze, 31 Gennaio 2009
Author/Editor: PAOLA PINELLI
Firenze e la lingua italiana fra nazione ed Europa: Atti del convegno di studi Firenze, 27-28 maggio 2004
Author/Editor: Nicoletta Maraschio
Firenze e l’Università: Passato, presente e futuro
Author/Editor: Fulvio Conti,Emanuela Ferretti,Donatella Lippi,Antonella Salvini,BERNARDO SORDI,Andrea Zorzi
Firenze in guerra 1940-1944: Catalogo della mostra storico-documentaria (Palazzo Medici Riccardi, ottobre 2014-gennaio 2015)
Author/Editor: Francesca CAVAROCCHI,Valeria Galimi
Firenze nella prima metà dell’Ottocento: La città nei documenti del Catasto Generale Toscano
Author/Editor: Paola Raggi,Gianluca Belli,Fabio Lucchesi
Firenze per Claudio Magris
Author/Editor: Ernestina Pellegrini,Federico Fastelli,Diego Salvadori
Firenze prima degli Uberti: Il ceto dirigente fiorentino nell'XI secolo fra riforme diocesane e affermazione personale e familiare
Author/Editor: Maria Pia Contessa
A Fire of Lilies: Perspectives on Literature and Politics in Modern Iran
Author/Editor: Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak
Fire Safe Use of Wood in Buildings: Global Design Guide
Author/Editor: Andrew Buchanan,Birgit Östman
Fires in GunaiKurnai Country: Landscape Fires and their Impacts on Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Places and Artefacts in Southeastern Australia
Author/Editor: Jessie Buettel,Bruno David
Firm Competitive Advantage Through Relationship Management: A Theory for Successful Sustainable Growth
Author/Editor: Bartosz Deszczyński
Firm Innovation and Productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Engine of Economic Development
Author/Editor: undefined Inter-American Development Bank,Matteo Grazzi,Carlo Pietrobelli
Firms and System Competitiveness in Italy
A First 2 MW-Class (136)/170/204 GHz Multi-Frequency Gyrotron Pre-Prototype for DEMO: Design, Construction and Key Components Verification
Author/Editor: Tobias Ruess
The First Aga Khan: Memoirs of the 46th Ismaili Imam: A Persian edition and English translation of the 'Ibrat-afza of Muhammad Hasan al-Husayni also known as Hasan 'Ali Shah
Author/Editor: Daryoush Mohammad Poor,Daniel Beben
First Blood
First Blood : A Cultural Study of Menarche
Author/Editor: Dammery ,Sally
The First Century of the International Joint Commission
Author/Editor: Murray Clamen,Daniel Macfarlane
First Contacts in Polynesia
Author/Editor: Tcherk ,Serge
The First Contest for Singapore 1819-1824
The First Contest for Singapore 1819-1824
Author/Editor: Marks ,H.J.
First Episode Psychosis Services Fidelity Scale (FEPS-FS 1.0) and Manual
Author/Editor: Donald Addington
The First Fleet Piano: Volume One and Two
The First Fleet Piano: Volume One and Two
Author/Editor: Lancaster ,Geoffrey
The First Hebrew Shakespeare Translations
Author/Editor: Khan ,Lily
First-in-Family Students, University Experience and Family Life: Motivations, Transitions and Participation
Author/Editor: Sarah O'Shea,Josephine May,Cathy Stone,Janine Delahunty
The First into the Dark: The Nazi Persecution of the Disabled
Author/Editor: Michael Robertson,Astrid Ley,Edwina Light
First Ladies and the Press: The Unfinished Partnership of the Media Age
Author/Editor: Maurine H. Beasley
First Nationalism Then Identity: On Bosnian Muslims and Their Bosniak Identity
Author/Editor: Mirsad Krijestorac
First Pages : A Poetics of Titles
Author/Editor: Maiorino ,Giancarlo
First Report on the Excavations of the Roman Fort at Richborough, Kent
Author/Editor: J.P. Bushe-Fox
The First Sail: J. Hillis Miller
Author/Editor: Kujundžić ,Dragan
The First Ten K R Narayanan Orations
Author/Editor: Jha ,Raghbendra
The First to be Destroyed: The Jewish Community of Kleczew and the Beginning of the Final Solution
Author/Editor: A. Glowacka-Penczynska,T. Horev,T. Kawski,W. Medykowski
First Words
First Words : On Dostoevsky’s Introductions
Author/Editor: Bagby ,Lewis
First Working Conference on Artificial Intelligence Development for a Resilient and Sustainable Tomorrow: AI Tomorrow 2023
Author/Editor: Christian Zinke-Wehlmann,Julia Friedrich
The First World War and the End of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1914-1918
Author/Editor: Rauchensteiner ,Manfried
The First World War as a Caesura?: Demographic Concepts, Population Policy, and Genocide in the Late Ottoman, Russian, and Habsburg Spheres.
Author/Editor: Christin Pschichholz
Fiscal Decentralisation and Local Government Financing in Serbia and Montenegro
Author/Editor: Kmezić ,Sanja,Đulić ,Katarina,Jocović ,Mijat,Kaluđerović ,Jadranka