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Titles start with H (1,008) Information
Hysteresis of Composites
Author/Editor: Li Longbiao
Hyposubjects: on becoming human
Author/Editor: Timothy Morton,Dominic Boyer
The Hypocritical Hegemon: How the United States Shapes Global Rules against Tax Evasion and Avoidance
Author/Editor: Lukas Hakelberg
Hyperparameter Tuning for Machine and Deep Learning with R: A Practical Guide
Author/Editor: Eva Bartz,Thomas Bartz-Beielstein,Martin Zaefferer,Olaf Mersmann
The Hyperlinked Society: Questioning Connections in the Digital Age
Author/Editor: Lokman Tsui
Hyperion or the Hermit in Greece
Author/Editor: Howard Gaskill
Hyperinflation, Currency Board, and Bust: The Case of Argentina
Author/Editor: Jutta Maute
Hypergraph Computation
Author/Editor: Qionghai Dai,Yue Gao
The Hyksos Ruler Khyan and the Early Second Intermediate Period in Egypt: Problems and Priorities of Current Research: Proceedings of the Workshop of the Austrian Archaeological Institute and the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Vienna, Ju
Author/Editor: Irene Forstner-Müller
Høyere musikkutdanning: Historiske perspektiver
Author/Editor: Øivind Varkøy,Øivind Varkøy,Even Ruud,Asbjørn Schaathun,Christoph Siems,Veronica Ski-Berg,Aslaug Louise Slette,Gro Trondalen,Hans Weisethaunet,Ellen M. Stabell,Ellen M. Stabell,Bjørnar Utne-Reitan,Bjørnar Utne-Reitan,Solveig Christensen,Karin Eriksson,Ste
Hydroxyapatite Coatings for Biomedical Applications
Author/Editor: Sam Zhang
Hydrological Design of Multipurpose Micro-catchment Rainwater Management
Author/Editor: DucCanh Nguyen,Mooyoung Han
Hydrohumanities: Water Discourse and Environmental Futures
Author/Editor: Kim De Wolff,Rina C. Faletti,Ignacio López-Calvo
Hydrogen production using Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria (PNSB) cultivated under natural or artificial light conditions with synthetic or fermentation derived substrates
Author/Editor: Alessandra Adessi
A hydrodynamical perspective on the turbulent transport of bacteria in rivers
Author/Editor: Michael Werner,Tobias Krayer
The Hydrocene: Eco-Aesthetics in the Age of Water
Author/Editor: Bronwyn Bailey-Charteris
Hydraulics in Civil Engineering: A Course with Experiments and Open-Source-Codes
Author/Editor: Christoph Rapp
Hydraulic Fracturing and Rock Mechanics
Author/Editor: Yu Zhao,Yongfa Zhang,Pengfei He
Hydraulic City : Water and the Infrastructures of Citizenship in Mumbai
Author/Editor: Anand ,Nikhil
Hydraulic City
Hybrid Warfare: Security and Asymmetric Conflict in International Relations
Author/Editor: Mikael Weissmann,Niklas Nilsson,Björn Palmertz,Per Thunholm
Hybrid Threats and the Law of the Sea: Use of Force and Discriminatory Navigational Restrictions in Straits
Author/Editor: Alexander Lott
The Hybrid Practitioner: Building, Teaching, Researching Architecture
Author/Editor: Caroline Voet,Eireen Schreurs,Helen Thomas
Hybrid Political Order and the Politics of Uncertainty: Refugee Governance in Lebanon
Author/Editor: Nora Stel
Hybrid photonic assemblies based on 3D-printed coupling structures
Author/Editor: Yilin Xu
Hybrid Museum Experiences: Theory and Design
Author/Editor: Annika Waern,Anders Sundnes Løvlie
Hybrid Justice: The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia
Author/Editor: John D. Ciorciari,Anne Heindel
The Hybridization of Vocational Training and Higher Education in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland
Author/Editor: Lukas Graf
Hybridity, or the Cultural Logic of Globalization
Author/Editor: Kraidy ,Marwan
Hybridity on the Ground in Peacebuilding and Development: Critical Conversations
Author/Editor: Joanne Wallis,Lia Kent,Miranda Forsyth,Sinclair Dinnen,Srinjoy Bose
Hybrid Investigative Journalism
Author/Editor: Maria Konow-Lund,Michelle Park,Saba Bebawi
Hybrid Intelligence: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication (CDRF 2022)
Author/Editor: Philip F. Yuan,Hua Chai,Chao Yan,Keke Li,Tongyue Sun
The Hybrid Face: Paradoxes of the Visage in the Digital Era
Author/Editor: Massimo Leone
Hybride und energieeffiziente Antriebe für mobile Arbeitsmaschinen: 8. Fachtagung, 23. Februar 2021, Karlsruhe
Hybride und energieeffiziente Antriebe für mobile Arbeitsmaschinen: 9. Fachtagung, 28. Februar 2023, Karlsruhe
Author/Editor: Marcus Geimer Wissenschaftlicher Verein für Mobile Arbeitsmaschinen
Hybrides Management in sino-oesterreichischen Joint Ventures in China aus oesterreichischer Perspektive
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Salomon
Hybride Identitäten: Bastelbiografien im Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Lateinamerika und Europa
Author/Editor: Kerstin Hein
Hybride Finanzierungsinstrumente in der nationalen und internationalen Besteuerung der USA
Author/Editor: Nadine Wiedermann-Ondrej
Hybride Beamformingsysteme niedriger Komplexität für den Mobilfunk
Author/Editor: Joerg Andreas Eisenbeis
Hybrid: Bisexuals, Multiracials, and Other Misfits Under American Law
Author/Editor: Ruth Colker
Hvorfor vokser steder?
Author/Editor: Vareide ,Knut
Hvordan skape vekst?: Kan steder påvirke sin egen vekst? Regional utvikling, sentralitet og attraktivitet
Author/Editor: Knut Vareide
Hvem styrte byene?: Nordisk byhistorie 1500–1800
Author/Editor: knut Dørum
Hvem? Hvor mange?: En migrasjonsetikk for Norge
Author/Editor: Asle Eikrem
Hva kan vi lære av TALIS 2018?: Gode relasjoner som grunnlag for læring
Author/Editor: Julius K. Björnsson
Hus und Hussitismus in der tschechischen Literatur des XIX. und XX. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Hermann Schmidt
Husserlsche Phänomenologie: Probleme, Bezugnahmen und Interpretationen
Author/Editor: Christian Möckel
Häuser machen Schule: Eine architektursoziologische Analyse gebauter Bildung
Author/Editor: Jan Egger
Hunting Nature: Ivan Turgenev and the Organic World
Author/Editor: Thomas P. Hodge
Hunter-gatherers in a Changing World
Hungerkrisen - Genese und Bewältigung von Hunger in ausgewählten Territorien Nordwestdeutschlands 1690-1750
Author/Editor: Lassen, Thore
Hunger and Public Action
Author/Editor: Jean Drèze,Amartya Sen
Hunger and Modern Writing: Melville, Kafka, Hamsun, and Wright
Author/Editor: Rees Daniel
Hunger and Modern Writing: Melville, Kafka, Hamsun, and Wright
Humpuukia ja hulluutta: Uuden taiteen vastaanotto 1910-luvun Suomessa
Author/Editor: Jyrki Siukonen
Humour and Laughter in History: Transcultural Perspectives
Author/Editor: Elisabeth Cheauré,Regine Nohejl
Humour and Irony in Dutch Post-war Fiction Film
Author/Editor: Peter Verstraten
Humour and Irony in Dutch Post-war Fiction Film
Author/Editor: Verstraten , Peter
The Humid Condition: (More) Overheated Observations
Author/Editor: Dominic Pettman
Humid, All Too Humid: Overheated Observations
Author/Editor: Dominic Pettman
Humboldt and the modern German university
Author/Editor: Östling ,Johan
Human Trafficking in Medieval Europe: Slavery, Sexual Exploitation, and Prostitution
Author/Editor: Christopher Paolella
Human Sustainability and Cognitive Overload at Work: The Psychological Cost of Working
Author/Editor: Alexander D Stajkovic,Kayla S. Stajkovic
The Human Side of Innovation Systems
Author/Editor: Nielsen ,Peter
Human sexuality in physical and mental illnesses and disabilities
Author/Editor: Ami Sha'ked
Human Security and Sustainable Development in East Africa
Author/Editor: Jeremiah O. Asaka,Alice A. Oluoko-Odingo
Human Security and Epidemics in Africa: Learning from COVID-19, Ebola and HIV
Author/Editor: Andreas Velthuizen,Caroline Varin
Human Security and Empowerment in Asia: Beyond the Pandemic
Author/Editor: Mely Caballero-Anthony,Yoichi Mine,Sachiko Ishikawa
Humans and Aquatic Animals in Early Modern America and Africa
Author/Editor: Cristina Brito
The Human Right to Citizenship: Situating the Right to Citizenship within International and Regional Human Rights Law
Author/Editor: Barbara von Rütte
Human Rights Standards: Hegemony, Law, and Politics
Author/Editor: Makau Mutua
Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in The Commonwealth
Author/Editor: Corinne Lennox,Matthew Waites
Human Rights Politics: An introduction
Author/Editor: Michael Krennerich
Human Rights in the Age of Platforms
Author/Editor: Rikke Frank Jørgensen
Human rights in diverse education contexts
Author/Editor: Johan Beckmann,J.P. Rossouw,J.P. Rossouw,Erika Serfontein,Marius Smit,Charl C. Wolhuter,Johan Botha,Elda de Waal,Franciska Bothma,Elda de Waal,André du Plessis,Elize Küng,Nicholus Mollo,Ewelina Niemczyk,Louise Postma
Human Rights in Child Protection: Implications for Professional Practice and Policy
Author/Editor: Asgeir Falch-Eriksen,Elisabeth Backe-Hansen
Human Rights in Business : Removal of Barriers to Access to Justice in the European Union
Human Rights in Business
Human Rights Dissemination in Central Asia: Human Rights Education and Capacity Building in the Post-Soviet Space
Author/Editor: Anja Mihr,Cindy Wittke
Human Rights at the Intersections: Transformation through Local, Global, and Cosmopolitan Challenges
Author/Editor: Anthony Tirado Chase,Pardis Mahdavi,Hussein Banai,Sofia Gruskin
Human Rights and the Environment : Philosophical, Theoretical and Legal Perspectives
Author/Editor: Hajjar Leib ,Linda
Human Rights and the Environment
Human Rights and the Borders of Suffering: The Promotion of Human Rights in International Politics
Author/Editor: Brown ,Anne
Human Rights and Natural Law: An Intercultural Philosophical Perspective
Author/Editor: Walter Schweidler
Human Rights and Law Enforcement at Sea: Arrest, Detention and Transfer of Piracy Suspects
Author/Editor: Anna Petrig
Human Rights and Democracy - The Precarious Triumph of Ideals
Human Rights and Democracy: The Precarious Triumph of Ideals
Author/Editor: Todd Landman
Human Rights and Democracy - The Precarious Triumph of Ideals
Author/Editor: Landman ,Todd
Human Resources Management in Multinational Companies: A Central European Perspective
Author/Editor: Marzena Stor
Human Remains in Society : Curation and Exhibition in the Aftermath of Genocide and Mass-violence
Human Remains in Society
Human Remains and Mass Violence : Methodological Approaches
Human Remains and Mass Violence
Human Remains and Identification : Mass Violence, Genocide and the ‘Forensic Turn’
Human Remains and Identification
Human Privacy in Virtual and Physical Worlds: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Author/Editor: Mary C. Lacity,Lynda Coon
Human-Nature Interactions: Exploring Nature’s Values Across Landscapes
Author/Editor: Ieva Misiune,Daniel Depellegrin,Lukas Egarter Vigl
Human Nature in Gregory of Nyssa: Philosophical Background and Theological Significance
Author/Editor: Johannes Zachhuber
Human Minds and Animal Stories: How Narratives Make Us Care About Other Species
Author/Editor: Wojciech Małecki,Piotr Sorokowski,Bogusław Pawłowski,Marcin Cieński
Human-Machine Cooperative Decision Making
Author/Editor: Simon Rothfuss
Humanity from African Naissance to Coming Millennia
Author/Editor: Tobias, Phillip V.,Raath, Michael A.,Moggi-Cecchi, Jacopo,Doyle, Gerald A.
Humanity: A History of European Concepts in Practice From the Sixteenth Century to the Present
Author/Editor: Fabian Klose,Mirjam Thulin
Humanities World Report 2015
Author/Editor: Poul Holm,Arne Jarrick,Dominic Scott
Humanities Research Centre
Author/Editor: St John Barclay ,Glen,Turner ,Caroline
The Humanities in the Digital: Beyond Critical Digital Humanities
Author/Editor: Lorella Viola
The Humanities and the Modern Politics of Knowledge: The Impact and Organization of the Humanities in Sweden, 1850-2020
Author/Editor: Anders Ekström,Hampus Östh Gustafsson
Humanities and Big Data in Ibero-America: Theory, methodology and practical applications
Author/Editor: Ana Gallego Cuiñas,Daniel Torres-Salinas
Humanitarian Journalists: Covering Crises from a Boundary Zone
Author/Editor: Martin Scott,Kate Wright,Mel Bunce
Humanitarianism: Keywords
Author/Editor: Antonio De Lauri
Humanitarian Intervention in the Long Nineteenth Century
Humanitarian Intervention in the Long Nineteenth Century : Setting the Precedent
Author/Editor: Heraclides ,Alexis,Dialla ,Ada
Humanitarian Aid and Empowerment of Ukrainian Refugees: The Case of Visegrad Group countries: Czechia, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia
Author/Editor: Dorota Moroń,Małgorzata Madej,Judit Csoba
The Humanist Ulrich von Hutten: A Reappraisal of his Humor
Author/Editor: Thomas W. Best
Humanistic Governance in Democratic Organizations: The Cooperative Difference
Author/Editor: Sonja Novković,Karen Miner,Cian McMahon
Humanister i offentligheten: Kunskapens aktörer och arenor under efterkrigstiden
Author/Editor: Johan Östling,Anton Jansson,Ragni Svensson Stringberg
Humaniora i välfärdssamhället: Kunskapshistorier om efterkrigstiden
Author/Editor: Johan Östling,Anton Jansson,Ragni Svensson Stringberg
Humanidades Digitales: Miradas hacia la Edad Media
Author/Editor: Déborah González,Helena Bermúdez Sabel
Human Flourishing: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Neuroscience, Health, Organizations and Arts
Author/Editor: Mireia Las Heras,Marc Grau Grau,Yasin Rofcanin
Human Factors in Privacy Research
Author/Editor: Nina Gerber,Alina Stöver,Karola Marky
Human Extinction and the Pandemic Imaginary
Author/Editor: Christos Lynteris
Human Evolutionary Demography
Author/Editor: Oskar Burger,Ronald Lee,Rebecca Sear
The human dilemma of displacement: Towards a practical theology and ecclesiology of home
Author/Editor: Alfred Brunsdon,Alfred Brunsdon,Daniel Louw,Sinenhlanhla Sithulisiwe Chisale,Rudy Denton,Amanda Linda du Plessis,Fazel Ebri Freeks
Human Development from Middle Childhood to Middle Adulthood: Growing Up to be Middle-Aged
Author/Editor: Lea Pulkkinen
Human Development and the Catholic Social Tradition: Towards an Integral Ecology
Author/Editor: Séverine Deneulin
Human Cultures through the Scientific Lens: Essays in Evolutionary Cognitive Anthropology
Author/Editor: Pascal Boyer
Human Computer Interaction and Emerging Technologies: Workshop Proceedings from the INTERACT 2019 Workshops
Author/Editor: Fernando Loizides,Marco Winckler,Usashi Chatterjee,Jose Abdelnour-Nocera,Antigoni Parmaxi
Human Challenge Studies in Endemic Settings: Ethical and Regulatory Issues
Author/Editor: Euzebiusz Jamrozik,Michael J. Selgelid
Human-Centred Autonomous Shipping
Author/Editor: Margareta Lützhöft,Jonathan Earthy
Human-Centered Services Computing for Smart Cities: IEICE Monograph
Author/Editor: Yohei Murakami,Kosaku Kimura
Human Capital versus Basic Income: Ideology and Models for Anti-Poverty Programs in Latin America
Author/Editor: Fabian Borges
Human Capital versus Basic Income: Ideology and Models for Anti-Poverty Programs in Latin America
Author/Editor: Fabián A. Borges
Human Bondage in the Cultural Contact Zone: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Slavery and Its Discourses (Volume 2)
Author/Editor: Raphael Hörmann,Gesa Mackenthun
Human and Planetary Health: The urgency to integrate into One Health
Author/Editor: Kees van laarhoven
Human and Organisational Factors: Practices and Strategies for a Changing World
Author/Editor: Benoît Journé,Hervé Laroche,Corinne Bieder,Claude Gilbert
Human and Minority Rights Protection by Multiple Diversity Governance: History, Law, Ideology and Politics in European Perspective
Author/Editor: Joseph Marko,Sergiu Constantin
Human and Machine Consciousness
Author/Editor: David Gamez
Human and International Security in India
Author/Editor: Crispin Bates,Akio Tanabe,Minoru Mio
Huizhou: Local Identity and Mercantile Lineage Culture in Ming China
Author/Editor: Qitao Guo
Huisbeelden in de moderne Nederlandstalige poëzie
Author/Editor: Kalla ,Irena Barbara
Huh? What? – A first survey in 21 languages
Author/Editor: Enfield ,N.J.,Gísladóttir S. ,Rósa,Hoymann ,Gertie,Kendrick H. ,Kobin,Levinson C. ,Stephen,Magyari ,Lilla,Manrique ,Elizabeth,Rossi ,Giovanni,San Roque ,Lila,Torreira ,Francisco,Dingemanse ,Mark,Baranova ,Julija,Blythe ,Joe,Brown ,Penelope,Dirksmeyer ,Tyk
Hugo Grotius, the Portuguese, and Free Trade in the East Indies
Author/Editor: Peter Borschberg
Huddersfield's Roll of Honour
Author/Editor: Stansfield J. ,Margaret
The Huawei and Snowden Questions: Can Electronic Equipment from Untrusted Vendors be Verified? Can an Untrusted Vendor Build Trust into Electronic Equipment?
Author/Editor: Olav Lysne
Hétéroptères phytophages et prédateurs d'Afrique de l'Ouest
Author/Editor: Wiyao Poutouli,Pierre Silvie,Henri-Pierre Aberlenc
Hsin-lun (New Treatise) and Other Writings by Huan T'an (43 B.C.–28 A.D.)
Author/Editor: Timoteus Pokora
Hérésies: une construction d'identités religieuses
Author/Editor: Sylvie Peperstraete,Christian Brouwer,Michel Tardieu,Herman Teule,Jean-Louis Biget,Guillaume Dye,Gilles Courtieu,Anja Van Rompaey,Isabelle Dépret,Daniel De Smet,Mark Edwards,Frédéric Gabriel,Alain Le Boulluec,Gabriel Martinez-Gros
HR Policies and Maternal Labor Supply: The Example of Employer-Supported Childcare
Author/Editor: Susanne Schneider
Héritages coloniaux: Les Suisses d'Algérie
Author/Editor: Marisa Fois
HR i møte med det nye arbeidslivet
Author/Editor: Andreas N. Thon,Andreas N. Thon,Solfrid Mykland Fjell,Anne H. Gausdal,Birthe Kåfjord Lange,Helene Tronstad Moe,Torstein Nesheim,Monica Rydland,Cathrine Seierstad,Kåre Slåtten,Elin Ørjasæter,Laura E. M. Traavik,Laura E. M. Traavik,Kjetil A. Vedøy,Kjetil A.
Hrammatiki slavenskija pravilnoe syntagma. Kirchenslavische Grammatik: Hrsg. u. eingel. von Olexa Horbatsch. Nachdruck der Erstausgabe Jevje 1619
Author/Editor: Meletij Smotryckyj
Hrammatiki ili pismennica jazyka sloven'skaho (Kremjaneć 1638): Eine gekuerzte Fassung der kirchenslavischen Grammatik von Meletij Smotryćkyj. Hrsg. und eingel. von Olexa Horbatsch
Author/Editor: Maksym H. Smotryckyj
Hramatika slovenska
Author/Editor: Lavrentij Zyzanij
How We Write: Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blank Page
Author/Editor: Suzanne Conklin Akbari
How We Use Stories and Why That Matters: Cultural Science in Action
Author/Editor: John Hartley
How We Read: Tales, Fury, Nothing, Sound
Author/Editor: Kaitlin Heller,Alexandra Atiya,Chris Piuma,Jonathan Hsy,Kirsty Schut,Anna Wilson,Suzanne Conklin Akbari,Stephanie Bahr,Lochin Brouillard,Brantley Bryant,Suzanne Conklin Akbari,Irina Dumitrescu,Jessica Hammer,Kaitlin Heller,Jennifer Jordan
How Welfare States Care
Author/Editor: Kremer ,Monique
How Water Makes Us Human: Engagements with the Materiality of Water
Author/Editor: Luci Attala
How to Study Art Worlds
Author/Editor: Maanen van ,Hans
How to solve the riddle of belated Euro Contestation in The Netherlands? - 26
Author/Editor: Engelen ,E.R.
How to Relate: Wissen, Künste, Praktiken / Knowledge, Arts, Practices
Author/Editor: Annika Haas,Annika Haas,Maximilian Haas,Maximilian Haas,Hanna Magauer,Hanna Magauer,Dennis Pohl,Dennis Pohl
How to Read a Folktale
Author/Editor: Haring ,Lee,Turin ,Mark
How to Practice Academic Medicine and Publish from Developing Countries?: A Practical Guide
Author/Editor: Samiran Nundy,Atul Kakar,Zulfiqar A. Bhutta
How to face the scientific communication today. International challenge and digital technology impact on research outputs dissemination
Author/Editor: Marco Medici,Valentina Modugno,Alessandro Pracucci
How to Change a Running System. Infrastrukturinnovationen im Internet: Eine Grounded Theory Studie zum historisch vergleichenden Umbauprozess der Internetinfrastruktur am Beispiel des Internetprotokolls
Author/Editor: Melanie Wilde
How to Build a Modern Tontine: Algorithms, Scripts and Tips
Author/Editor: Moshe Arye Milevsky
How to be FAIR with your data: A teaching and training handbook for higher education institutions
Author/Editor: Claudia Engelhardt
How to Achieve Inclusive Growth
Author/Editor: Valerie Cerra,Barry Eichengreen,Asmaa El-Ganainy,Martin Schindle
How Things Make History: The Roman Empire and its terra sigillata Pottery
Author/Editor: Astrid van Oyen
How the World Hunger Problem Was not Solved
Author/Editor: Christian Gerlach
How the World Changed Social Media
Author/Editor: Miller ,Daniel,Costa ,Elisabetta,Haynes ,Nell,McDonald ,Tom,Nicolescu ,Razvan,Sinanan ,Jolynna,Spyer ,Juliano,Venkatraman ,Shriram,Wang ,Xinyuan
How the West Came to Rule : The Geopolitical Origins of Capitalism
Author/Editor: Anievas ,Alexander,Nişancıoğlu ,Kerem
How the West Came to Rule
How the Left Can Win Arguments and Influence People: A Tactical Manual for Pragmatic Progressives
Author/Editor: John K. Wilson
How the Computer went to School: Australian Government Policies for Computers in Schools, 1983–2013
Author/Editor: Denise Beale
How special are early birds?: Foreign language teaching and learning
Author/Editor: Kevin McManus,Monika S. Schmid
How's Life? Living Conditions in the 2nd and 1st Millennia BCE
Author/Editor: Marta Dal Corso,Wiebke Kirleis,Jutta Kneisel,Nicole Taylor,Magdalena Wieckowska-Lüth,Marco Zanon
How safe is eating chicken?
Author/Editor: Romano, Donato,Stefani, Gianluca
How Pharaohs Became Media Stars: Ancient Egypt and Popular Culture
Author/Editor: Abraham I. Fernandez Pichel
How People Compare
Author/Editor: Mathijs Pelkmans,Harry Walker
How Nations Learn: Technological Learning, Industrial Policy, and Catch-up
Author/Editor: Arkebe Oqubay,Kenichi Ohno
How Musical Rhythm Reveals Human Attitudes: An Annotated Translation by Nigel Nettheim
Author/Editor: Nigel Nettheim
How Modern Science Came into the World
Author/Editor: Cohen ,H. Floris
How mobile robots can self-organise a vocabulary
Author/Editor: Vogt ,Paul
How mobile robots can self-organise a vocabulary
How Migrants Choose their Destinations: Factors Influencing Post-EU Accession Choices and Decisions to Remain
Author/Editor: Dominika Pszczółkowska
How Metaphors Guide, Teach and Popularize Science
Author/Editor: Anke Beger,Thomas H. Smith
How Megaprojects Are Damaging Nigeria and How to Fix It: A Practical Guide to Mastering Very Large Government Projects
Author/Editor: Jimoh Ibrahim,Christoph Loch,Kishore Sengupta
How Local Art Made Australia’s National Capital
Author/Editor: Anni Doyle Wawrzyńczak
How Is World Literature Made?: The Global Circulations of Latin American Literatures
Author/Editor: Gesine Müller
How Is It Between Us?: Relational Ethics and Care for the World
Author/Editor: Jarrett Zigon
Як воює ІДІЛ = How ISIS Fights: Військові тактики в Іраку, Сирії, Лівії та Єгипті = Military Tactics in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Egypt
Author/Editor: Omar Ashour
How Informal Institutions Matter: Evidence from Turkish Social and Political Spheres
Author/Editor: Zeki Sarigil
How “Indians” Think: Colonial Indigenous Intellectuals and the Question of Critical Race Theory
Author/Editor: Gonzalo Lamana
How India Clothed the World: The World of South Asian Textiles, 1500-1850 (Volume 4)
Author/Editor: Giorgio Riello,Tirthankar Roy
How Human Rights Can Build Haiti: Activists, Lawyers, and the Grassroots Campaign
Author/Editor: Fran Quigley
How Hip Hop Became Hit Pop: Radio, Rap, and Race
Author/Editor: Amy Coddington
How Government Experts Self-Sabotage: The Language of the Rebuffed
Author/Editor: Christiane Gerblinger
How Generations Remember
Author/Editor: Palmberger ,Monika
Author/Editor: Peter Robinson
How Film Histories Were Made: Materials, Methods, Discourses
Author/Editor: Malte Hagener,Yvonne Zimmermann
How Europeans Understand Solidarity, Reciprocity and Fairness in the EU: Insights from Conversations Among Citizens
Author/Editor: Björn Egner,Hubert Heinelt,Jens Steffek
How do firms cope with losses from extreme weather events? - EIB Working Paper 2022/10
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
How Does Germline Regenerate?
Author/Editor: Kate MacCord
How Divine Images Became Art: Essays on the Rediscovery, Study and Collecting of Medieval Icons in the Belle Époque
Author/Editor: Stella Rock
How Democracy Survives: Global Challenges in the Anthropocene
Author/Editor: Michael Holm,R. S. Deese
How Data Quality Affects our Understanding of the Earnings Distribution
Author/Editor: Reza Che Daniels
How Creativity is Changing China
Author/Editor: Li Wuwei,Michael Keane
How Computers Entered the Classroom, 1960–2000: Historical Perspectives
Author/Editor: Carmen Flury,Michael Gleiss
How Comics Travel: Publication, Translation, Radical Literacies
Author/Editor: Katherine Kelp-Stebbins
How Climate Change Comes to Matter: The Communal Life of Facts
Author/Editor: Candis Callison
How Citizens View Science Communication: Pathways to Knowledge
Author/Editor: Carolina Moreno-Castro,Aneta Krzewińska,Małgorzata Dzimińska
How Change Happens
Author/Editor: Green ,Duncan
How Can we Use Simulation to Improve Competencies in Nursing?
Author/Editor: Iben Akselbo,Ingvild Aune
How Britain Loves the NHS: Practices of Care and Contestation
Author/Editor: Ellen A. Stewart
How bad is the Ukraine war for the European recovery?
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Howard's Long March
Author/Editor: Campbell McDowall ,Roy
How and Why to Regulate False Political Advertising in Australia
Author/Editor: Lisa Hill,Max Douglass,Ravi Baltutis
How and Why to Read and Create Children's Digital Books: A Guide for Primary Practitioners
Author/Editor: Natalia Kucirkova
How America Became Capitalist: Imperial Expansion and the Conquest of the West
Author/Editor: James Parisot
How AI Impacts Urban Living and Public Health: 17th International Conference, ICOST 2019, New York City, NY, USA, October 14-16, 2019, Proceedings
Author/Editor: José Pagán,Mounir Mokhtari,Hamdi Aloulou,Bessam Abdulrazak,María Fernanda Cabrera
How Africa Trades
Author/Editor: David Luke
Housing the Poor: The Right to the City and Policy Arrangements in Urban Indonesia
Author/Editor: Christian Obermayr
Housing Market Dynamics in Africa
Author/Editor: El-hadj M. Bah,Issa Faye,Zekebweliwai F. Geh
Housing Frontline: Inclusione sociale e processi di autocostruzione e autorecupero
Author/Editor: Corrado Marcetti,Anna Lisa Pecoriello,Nicola Solimano,Giancarlo Paba
Housing Estates in the Baltic Countries: The Legacy of Central Planning in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
Author/Editor: Daniel Baldwin Hess,Tiit Tammaru
Housing Estates in Europe: Poverty, Ethnic Segregation and Policy Challenges
Author/Editor: Daniel Baldwin Hess,Tiit Tammaru,Maarten van Ham
Housing and Social Transition in Japan
Author/Editor: Yosuke Hirayama,Richard Ronald
Housing and Social Policy
Author/Editor: Peter Somerville,Nigel Sprigings
Housing and Human Settlements in a World of Change
Author/Editor: Astrid Ley,Astrid Ley,Md Ashiq Ur Rahman,Md Ashiq Ur Rahman,Josefine Fokdal,Josefine Fokdal
Houses, Secrets, and the Closet : Locating Masculinities from the Gothic Novel to Henry James
Author/Editor: Bauer ,Gero
Houses, Secrets, and the Closet
Houses built on sand: Sovereignty, violence and revolution in the Middle East
Author/Editor: Simon Mabon
Hot Topics in Pneumologia Interventistica - Volume 3
Author/Editor: Lorenzo Corbetta
Hot Topics in Pneumologia Interventistica – Volume 2
Author/Editor: Lorenzo Corbetta
Hot Topics in Pneumologia Interventistica
Author/Editor: Lorenzo Corbetta
Hot Property: The Housing Market in Major Cities
Author/Editor: Rob Nijskens,Melanie Lohuis,Paul Hilbers,Willem Heeringa
The Hostages of the Northmen: From the Viking Age to the Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Stefan Olsson
Horseracing and the British 1919-39
Author/Editor: Huggins ,Mike
Horseracing and the British 1919-39
Horos: Ancient Boundaries and the Ecology of Stone
Author/Editor: Thea Potter
The Horn of Africa: Intra-State and Inter-State Conflicts and Security
Author/Editor: Redie Bereketeab
Hormones, Metabolism and the Benefits of Exercise
Author/Editor: Bruce Spiegelman
Horizontal Learning in the High Middle Ages: Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Transfer in Religious Communities
Author/Editor: Micol Long,Tjamke Snijders,Steven Vanderputten
Horizontale Wissensproduktion: Der Dialog als Erkenntniswerkzeug sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung
Author/Editor: Sarah Corona Berkin
Horizontale oder vertikale Transfers zur Durchsetzung eines horizontalen Finanzausgleichs
Author/Editor: Regina Müller
Horizons of Shamanism: A Triangular Approach to the History and Anthropology of Ecstatic Techniques
Horizons of Shamanism: A Triangular Approach to the History and Anthropology of Ecstatic Techniques
Horizons of Phenomenology: Essays on the State of the Field and Its Applications
Author/Editor: Jeff Yoshimi,Philip Walsh,Patrick Londen
A Horizon of (Im)possibilities: A Chronicle of Brazil’s Conservative Turn
Author/Editor: Katerina Hatzikidi,Eduardo Dullo
Author/Editor: Leendert Weeda
Horace in the Kyiv Mohylanian Poetics (17th-First Half of the 18th Century): Poetic Theory, Metrics, Lyric Poetry
Author/Editor: Giovanna Siedina
Hope Lies in the Proles : George Orwell and the Left
Author/Editor: Newsinger ,John
»Hope dies – Action begins«: Stimmen einer neuen Bewegung
Author/Editor: Extinction Rebellion Hannover
Hope and Uncertainty in Health and Medicine: Imagining the Pragmatics of Medical Potential
Author/Editor: Bernhard Hadolt,Andrea Stöckl
Hope and Uncertainty in Contemporary African Migration
Author/Editor: Nauja Kleist,Dorte Thorsen
Hope and strength in the Western Balkans
Author/Editor: Matteo Rivellini
Hope across cultures: Lessons from the International Hope Barometer
Author/Editor: Andreas M. Krafft,Tharina Guse,Alena Slezackova
Hooligans, fans en fanatisme
Author/Editor: Spaaij ,Ramón
Hoofdstuk 8 - Van draagmoeders tot metis mama’s. Naar een dekoloniale feministische analyse van transnationale reproductie in België
Author/Editor: Siggie Vertommen
Hoofdstuk 7 - Geadopteerden aan het woord: de psychosociale impact van wanpraktijken in transnationale adoptie
Author/Editor: Niels Vanspauwen,Julia Villanueva O'Driscoll
Hoofdstuk 6 - Interlandelijke adoptie naar Nederland: de voortzetting van een gemankeerd beleid
Author/Editor: Yannick Balk,Georg Frerks,Beatrice de Graaf
Hoofdstuk 3 - ‘Al red je er maar één’. Interlandelijke adoptie in Nederland (1880-2022)
Author/Editor: marlou schrover
Hoofdstuk 25 - Herstel- en rechtvaardigheidsinitiatieven in beweging? Een toepassing op transnationale adoptiepraktijken van China naar België en Nederland
Author/Editor: Joyce Bex
Hoofdstuk 18 - Afstand en adoptie: het perspectief van moeders in India
Author/Editor: Pien Bos
Hoofdstuk 14 - Spoorloos: ‘emotietelevisie’ tussen sensatie en adoptiekritiek
Author/Editor: Nola Cammu
Hoofdstuk 12 - Mimic Diaspora: identiteit en het idee van de ‘Ander’ bij Zuid-Koreaanse adoptiemigranten in Vlaanderen (1968-2021)
Author/Editor: Jiři Moonen
Hoofdstuk 10 - Kan de geadopteerde vertalen? Een pedagogische beschouwing van erfgoedtaal(on)geletterdheid in transnationale adoptie
Author/Editor: Prasad Sacré Hari
Honouring and Admiring the Immoral: An Ethical Guide
Author/Editor: Alfred Archer,Benjamin Matheson
Honouring a Nation: A History of Australia's Honours System
Author/Editor: Karen Fox
Honos alit artes. Studi per il settantesimo compleanno di Mario Ascheri. I. La formazione del diritto comune: Giuristi e diritti in Europa (secoli XII-XVIII)
Author/Editor: Paola Maffei,Gian Maria Varanini
Honos alit artes. Studi per il settantesimo compleanno di Mario Ascheri. III. Il cammino delle idee dal medioevo all’antico regime: Diritto e cultura nell’esperienza europea
Author/Editor: Paola Maffei,Gian Maria Varanini
Honos alit artes. Studi per il settantesimo compleanno di Mario Ascheri. II. Gli universi particolari: Città e territori dal medioevo all’età moderna
Author/Editor: Paola Maffei,Gian Maria Varanini
Honos alit artes. Studi per il settantesimo compleanno di Mario Ascheri. IV. L’età moderna e contemporanea: Giuristi e istituzioni tra Europa e America
Author/Editor: PAOLA MAFFEI,Gian Maria Varanini
Honor in German Literature
Author/Editor: George Fenwick Jones
Honorary Doctorate Prof. Stella Nkomo
Author/Editor: Stella Nkomo,Yvonne Benschop
Honorary Doctorate Prof.Dr. Karl-Henrik Robèrt: 15 October 2020 Stevenskerk, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Author/Editor: Karl-Henrik Robèrt,Han van Krieken
Honorary Doctorate Dr. Souha Kanj
Author/Editor: Souha Kanj,Heiman Wertheim
Honorary Doctorate Dr. Katalin Karikó: 20th of October 2022
Author/Editor: Katalin Karikó,Floris Rutjes
Honorary Doctorate Dr. H. C. Adriaan van Dis: 11th May 2022 - De Vereeniging in Nijmegen
Author/Editor: Adriaan van Dis,Margot van Mulken,José Sanders,Paul Sars,Eva de Waal,Bjorn Teeuwen
Honorable Bandit: A Walk across Corsica
Author/Editor: Brian Bouldrey
Honiara: Village-City of Solomon Islands
Author/Editor: Mr Clive Moore
Honey Bee Colony Health: Challenges and Sustainable Solutions
Author/Editor: Diana Sammataro,Jay A. Yoder
Hondered Jaar Kerk en Teologiese Opleiding: ‘n Kroniek van die Hervormde Kerk
Author/Editor: Oberholzer ,J.P.
Hondered Jaar Kerk en Teologiese Opleiding: ‘n Kroniek van die Hervormde Kerk
Honderdvijftig jaar levenslopen
Homotopia?: Gay Identity, Sameness & the Politics of Desire
Author/Editor: Jonathan Kemp
Homo oeconomicus. Paradigma, critiche, revisioni
Author/Editor: SERGIO CARUSO
Homonyme und ihre formale Aufloesbarkeit im System Sprache: Dargestellt an altrussischen Berufsbezeichnungen
Author/Editor: Eckehard A. Hilf
Homo Novus: Vollendlichkeit im Zeitalter des Transhumanismus
Author/Editor: Oliver Dürr
Homo Mimeticus: A New Theory of Imitation
Author/Editor: Nidesh Lawtoo
Homo militaris : Perspektiven einer kritischen Militärsoziologie
Author/Editor: vom Hagen ,Ulrich
Homo militaris
Homo loquens en homo scribens
Author/Editor: Kraak ,A.
Homo interreligiosus: Zur biographischen Verortung interreligiöser Prozesse bei Raimon Panikkar (1918-2010). Beiträge einer internationalen Fachtagung zu seinem 100. Geburtstag
Homo Educandus: Why Our School System is Broken and What We Can Do About It
Author/Editor: Jan Bransen
Homo apostata. Die Entfremdung des Menschen: Philosophische Analysen zur Geistmetaphysik F. M. Dostojevskijs
Author/Editor: Ina Fuchs
Homo absconditus
Author/Editor: Hans-Peter Krüger
Homme et animal, la question des frontières
Author/Editor: Valérie Camos,Frank Cézilly,Pierre Guenancia,Jean-Pierre Sylvestre
Homicide Law in 19th-Century Nepal: A Study of the Mulukī Ains and Legal Documents
Author/Editor: Rajan Khatiwoda
Homicide in American Fiction, 1798–1860: A Study in Social Values
Author/Editor: David Brion Davis
Home-Work : Postcolonialism, Pedagogy, and Canadian Literature
Author/Editor: Sugars ,Cynthia
Home Truths?: Video Production and Domestic Life
Author/Editor: David Buckingham,Maria Pini,Rebekah Willett
Home Treatment for Acute Mental Disorders
Author/Editor: David S. Heath
Homer, Troy and the Turks: Heritage and Identity in the Late Ottoman Empire, 1870-1915
Author/Editor: Günay Uslu
Homer: The Poetry of the Past
Author/Editor: Andrew Ford
Home not Shelter! – Ein modularer Gemeinschaftsraum: Ein prototypisches Realisierungsprojekt zur räumlichen Erweiterung von Gemeinschaftsunterkünften für Geflüchtete
Author/Editor: Ralf Pasel,Max Hacke
Homelessness & Health in Canada
Homelessness & Health in Canada
Author/Editor: Guirguis-Younger ,Manal,Hwang ,Stephen W.,McNeil ,Ryan
Homeland Fascism: Corporatist Government in the New American Century
Author/Editor: Julia Schwendinger,Jeff Shantz,Herman Schwendinger
Home in A Hybrid World: or To Dwell in A Networked Environment
Author/Editor: Martin Pot
Homecare : Die Rolle der Hausärzte im Entlassmanagement
Author/Editor: Richter ,Udo,Reichert ,Anika,Urbanski ,Dominika,Scholz ,Stefanie
Home-Based Work and Home-Based Workers (1800-2021)
Author/Editor: Malin Nilsson,Indrani Mazumdar,Silke Neunsinger
Holy Russia, Sacred Israel : Jewish-Christian Encounters in Russian Religious Thought
Author/Editor: Rubin ,Dominic
Holy Russia, Sacred Israel
Holy Hip Hop in the City of Angels
Author/Editor: Christina Zanfagna
Holy Hip Hop in the City of Angels
Author/Editor: Zanfagna ,Christina
Holy Ground: Where Art and Text Meet: Studies in the Cultural History of India
Author/Editor: Hans Teye Bakker
The holy drama. Persian passion play in modern Iran
Author/Editor: Nematollahi Mahani ,Mahnia A.
A Holter for Parkinson’s Disease Motor Symptoms: STAT-On™
Author/Editor: Joan Cabestany,Àngels Bayés
The Holocaust in Three Generations: Families of Victims and Perpetrators of the Nazi Regime
Author/Editor: Gabriele Rosenthal
The Holocaust in Three Generations: Families of Victims and Perpetrators of the Nazi Regime
Author/Editor: Gabriele Rosenthal
Holocaust Education: Contemporary challenges and controversies
Author/Editor: Stuart Foster,Andy Pearce,Alice Pettigrew
Holocaust Denial : The Politics of Perfidy
Author/Editor: Wistrich ,Robert S.
Holocaust Denial
Holisms of communication: The early history of audio-visual sequence analysis (Volume 4)
Author/Editor: James McElvenny,Andrea Ploder
Holiness and Power: Constantinopolitan Holy Men and Authority in the 5th Century
Author/Editor: Rafal Kosinski
Holding still, together: Portraying Parkinson’s Care
Author/Editor: Thieme Stap,Richard Grol,Jur Koksma
Holding still, together: Parkinson in Beeld
Author/Editor: Thieme Stap,Richard Grol,Jur Koksma
Holding down the Fort: Policing Communities and Community-Oriented Policing in Rural Germany
Author/Editor: Aaron Bielejewski
Hokum! The Early Sound Slapstick Short and Depression-Era Mass Culture
Author/Editor: Rob King
Hokum! The Early Sound Slapstick Short and Depression-Era Mass Culture
Author/Editor: King ,Rob
Hoja de Ruta Hacia una Empresa de Agua y Saneamiento Urbano con Bajas Emisiones de Carbono
Author/Editor: ballard,Jose Porro,Corinne Trommsdorff
Hoitoonpääsyn hierarkiat : Terveyskansalaisuus ja terveyspalvelut Suomessa 1900-luvulla
Author/Editor: Harjula ,Minna
Hoitoonpääsyn hierarkiat
Hohes Alter in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Roman Kaspar,Julia Simonson,Clemens Tesch-Römer,Michael Wagner,Susanne Zank
Hoger onderwijs in fasen
Author/Editor: WRR
Hofzwerge: Kleinwüchsige Menschen an deutschsprachigen Fürstenhöfen der Frühen Neuzeit
Author/Editor: Eva Seemann
Hoffnung auf eine bessere Vergangenheit: Kollektivierungsdiskurse und ihre Codes der Verräumlichung
Author/Editor: Jochen Kibel
Hoffmann von Fallersleben und die Lande niederländischer Zunge: Briefwechsel, Beziehungsgeflechte, Bildlichkeit
Author/Editor: Erika Poettgens
Author/Editor: Keller ,Katrin
Hoe mensen keuzes maken
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid,Tiemeijer ,W.L.
Hoe economie het probleem werd: En wat eraan te doen valt
Author/Editor: Koen Byttebier
Hochwasserminderung im ländlichen Raum: Ein Handbuch zur quantitativen Planung
Author/Editor: Simon P. Seibert,Karl Auerswald
Hochschulweiterbildung zwischen Wissenschaftsinstitution und Weiterbildungsmarkt: Konventionenökonomische Analyse an Schweizer Hochschulen
Author/Editor: Bianca Maria Tokarski
Hochschulweiterbildung als Forschungsfeld: Kritische Bestandsaufnahmen und Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Jütte,Maria Kondratjuk
Hochschulreformen, Leistungsbewertungen und berufliche Identität von Professor*innen: Eine fächervergleichende qualitative Studie
Author/Editor: Melike Janßen,Uwe Schimank,Ariadne Sondermann
Hochschullernwerkstätten – Elemente von Hochschulentwicklung?: Ein Rückblick auf 15 Jahre Hochschullernwerkstatt in Halle und andernorts
Author/Editor: Kathrin Kramer,Dietlinde Rumpf,Miriam Schöps,Stephanie Winter
Hochschullehre als reflektierte Praxis: Fachdidaktische Fallbeispiele mit Transferpotenzial
Author/Editor: Tobias Schmohl,Kieu-Anh To
Hochschulen in der Pandemie: Impulse für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung von Studium und Lehre
Author/Editor: Holger Angenent,Jörg Petri,Tatiana Zimenkova
Hochschule auf Abstand: Ein multiperspektivischer Zugang zur digitalen Lehre
Author/Editor: Iris Neiske,Judith Osthushenrich,Niclas Schaper,Ulrike Trier,Nerea Vöing
Hochschule auf Abstand: Ein multiperspektivischer Zugang zur digitalen Lehre
Author/Editor: Iris Neiske,Judith Osthushenrich,Niclas Schaper,Ulrike Trier,Nerea Vöing
Hochschuldidaktik als Wissenschaft: Disziplinäre, interdisziplinäre und transdisziplinäre Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Rüdiger Rhein,Johannes Wildt
Hochschuldidaktik als professionelle Verbindung von Forschung, Politik und Praxis
Author/Editor: Marianne Merkt,Annette Spiekermann,Tobina Brinker,Astrid Werner,Birgit Stelzer
Hochkomplexe Pflege von Kindern und Jugendlichen: Ein Weiterbildungscurriculum für Pflegeberufe
Author/Editor: Wolfgang von Gahlen-Hoops,Jutta Busch
Hochbegabung und soziale Ungleichheit in der frühen Kindheit
Author/Editor: Peter Cloos,Kirsten Schuchardt,Katja Zehbe,Claudia Mahler
The Hmong of Australia
Author/Editor: Tapp ,Nicholas,Lee Yia ,Gary
Hälsinglands inredningskultur
Author/Editor: Ingalill Nyström,Anneli Palmsköld,Johan Knutsson
Hizmet in Transitions: European Developments of a Turkish Muslim-Inspired Movement
Author/Editor: Paul Weller
HIV Mental Health for the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Mark G. Winiarski
HIV/AIDS and the Prison Service of England & Wales, 1980s-1990s
Author/Editor: Janet Weston,Virginia Berridge
Hitler – Beneš – Tito: Konflikt, Krieg und Völkermord in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa, Band 1/1
Author/Editor: Arnold Suppan,Michael Gehler,Wolfgang Mueller
Hitler � Bene� � Tito
Author/Editor: Suppan ,Arnold
Hitler – Beneš – Tito
Author/Editor: Suppan ,Arnold
Hitchcock's Motifs
Author/Editor: Walker ,Michael
Hitchcock's Appetites
Author/Editor: McKittrick ,Casey
History without Chronology
Author/Editor: Stefan Tanaka
History Wars: The Peter Ryan – Manning Clark Controversy
Author/Editor: Doug Munro
History's Queer Stories: Retrieving and Navigating Homosexuality in British Fiction about the Second World War (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Natalie Marena Nobitz
History, Space and Place
Author/Editor: Susanne Rau
The History Problem : The Politics of War Commemoration in East Asia
Author/Editor: Saito ,Hiro
The History Problem
History, Power, Text: Cultural Studies and Indigenous Studies
Author/Editor: Timothy Neale,Crystal McKinnon,Eve Vincent
History of Yugoslavia
Author/Editor: Marie-Janin Calic,Dona Geyer
History of Wills, Testators and Their Families in Late Medieval Krakow: Tools of Power
Author/Editor: Jakub Wysmułek
History of Water Supply and Governance in Kenya (1895-2005) Lessons and Futures
Author/Editor: Nyanchaga , Ezekiel Nyangeri
History of Water Supply and Governance in Kenya (1895-2005) Lessons and Futures
History of Universities: Volume XXXIV/1: A Global History of Research Education: Disciplines, Institutions, and Nations, 1840-1950
Author/Editor: Ming Chang Ku,Alan Rocke
A history of the University of Manchester, 1973-90
Author/Editor: Pullan ,Brian,Abendstern ,Michele
A history of the University of Manchester, 1973-90
A History of the Psychology Schools at Adelaide’s Universities
A History of the Psychology Schools at Adelaide’s Universities
History of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: State – Society – Culture – Editorial work by Iwo Hryniewicz – Translated by Grażyna Waluga (Chapters I–V) and Dorota Sobstel (Chapters VI–X)
Author/Editor: Urszula Augustyniak
History of the Opium Problem: The Assault on the East, ca. 1600 - 1950
Author/Editor: Hans Derks
A history of the French in London: Liberty, equality, opportunity
Author/Editor: Debra Kelly,Martyn Cornick
A History of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Adelaide 1876-2012
Author/Editor: Crossin ,Carl,Macintyre ,Clem,McCarthy ,Greg,Fornasiero ,Jean,Harvey ,Nick
The History of the European Monetary Union: Comparing Strategies amidst Prospects for Integration and National Resistance (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Daniela Preda
A History of the Case Study : Sexology, Psychoanalysis, Literature
Author/Editor: Lang ,Birgit,Damousi ,Joy,Lewis ,Lewis
A History of the Case Study
History of the Australian Vegetation: Cretaceous to Recent
A History of the American Civil Rights Movement Through Newspaper Coverage: The Race Agenda, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Steve Hallock
The History of Skepticism: In Search of Consistency
Author/Editor: Renata Ziemińska
A History of Self-Harm in Britain: A Genealogy of Cutting and Overdosing
Author/Editor: Chris Millard
A History of Scottish Economic Thought
Author/Editor: Alexander Dow Dow,Sheila Dow
A History of Scientific Journals: Publishing at the Royal Society, 1665-2015
Author/Editor: Aileen Fyfe,Noah Moxham,Julie McDougall-Waters,Camilla Mørk Røstvik
A History of Radionuclide Studies in the UK: 50th Anniversary of the British Nuclear Medicine Society
Author/Editor: Ralph McCready,Gopinath Gnanasegaran,Jamshed B. Bomanji
A History of Population Health: Rise and Fall of Disease in Europe
Author/Editor: Johan P. Mackenbach
History of Philosophy and the Reflective Society
Author/Editor: Riccardo Pozzo
A History of Participation in Museums and Archives: Traversing Citizen Science and Citizen Humanities
Author/Editor: Per Hetland,Palmyre Pierroux,Line Esborg
A History of Modern Lebanon - Second Edition (Edition 2)
Author/Editor: Fawwaz Traboulsi
A History of Modern Lebanon - Second Edition
Author/Editor: Traboulsi ,Fawwaz
A History of Modern Lebanon - Second Edition
History of Mathematics Teaching and Learning
Author/Editor: Alexander Karp,Fulvia Furinghetti
A History of Male Psychological Disorders in Britain, 1945–1980
Author/Editor: Ali Haggett
A History of Japan’s Government-Business Relationship: The Passenger Car Industry
Author/Editor: Phyllis A. Genther
The History of Japanese Economic Development: Origins of Private Dynamism and Policy Competence
Author/Editor: Kenichi Ohno
History of International Relations: A Non-European Perspective
Author/Editor: Erik Ringmar
A History of Intelligence and 'Intellectual Disability': The Shaping of Psychology in Early Modern Europe
Author/Editor: C.F. Goodey
History of Intellectual Culture 2/2023: Modes of Publication
Author/Editor: Charlotte A. Lerg,Johan Östling,Jana Weiß
History of Intellectual Culture 1/2022: Participatory Knowledge
Author/Editor: Charlotte A. Lerg,Johan Östling,Jana Weiß
History of Innovative Entrepreneurs in Japan
Author/Editor: Takeo Kikkawa
The History of Indians in Zanzibar from the 1870s to 1963
Author/Editor: Saada Wahab
A History of Genomics across Species, Communities and Projects
Author/Editor: Miguel García-Sancho,James Lowe
A History of Force Feeding: Hunger Strikes, Prisons and Medical Ethics, 1909-1974
Author/Editor: Ian Miller
A history of English
Author/Editor: Míša Hejná,George Walkden
A History of Education for the Many: From Colonization and Slavery to the Decline of US Imperialism
Author/Editor: Curry Malott
A History of East Baltic through Language Contact
Author/Editor: Anthony Jakob
History of Construction Cultures Volume 2: Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Construction History (7ICCH 2021), July 12-16, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal
Author/Editor: João Mascarenhas-Mateus,Ana Paula Pires
History of Construction Cultures Volume 1: Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Construction History (7ICCH 2021), July 12-16, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal
Author/Editor: João Mascarenhas-Mateus,Ana Paula Pires
History of Concepts
A History of Christianity in Indonesia
Author/Editor: Karel Steenbrink,Jan Aritonang
A History of Australian Co-operatives 1827–2023
Author/Editor: Greg Patmore,Nikola Balnave,Olivera Marjanovic
A History of Asking
Author/Editor: Steven Connor
A History of Anthropology
A History of Anthropology
Author/Editor: Eriksen ,Thomas Hylland,Nielsen ,Finn Sivert
History Made Conscious: Politics of Knowledge, Politics of the Past
Author/Editor: Geoff Eley
History, historians and development policy: A necessary dialogue
Author/Editor: Vijayendra Rao,C. A. Bayly
History/Histoire e Digital Humanities: La nascita della storiografia letteraria italiana fuori d'Italia
Author/Editor: Simone Rebora
History from the Bottom Up & The Inside Out: Ethnicity, Race, and Identity in Working-Class History
Author/Editor: James R. Barrett
History from Loss: A Global Introduction to Histories written from defeat, colonization, exile, and imprisonment
Author/Editor: Marnie Hughes-Warrington,Daniel Woolf
History Education and (Post-)Colonialism: International Case Studies
Author/Editor: Susanne Popp,Katja Gorbahn,Susanne Grindel
History Education and Conflict Transformation: Social Psychological Theories, History Teaching and Reconciliation
Author/Editor: Charis Psaltis,Mario Carretero,Sabina Čehajić-Clancy
History as Wonder: Beginning with Historiography
Author/Editor: Marnie Hughes-Warrington
History As Policy: Framing the debate on the future of Australia's defence policy
Author/Editor: Huisken ,Ron,Thatcher ,Meredith
History and the Unconscious: The Theoretical Assumptions and Research Practices of Psychohistory
Author/Editor: Tomasz Pawelec
History and the Climate Crisis
Author/Editor: kate hawkey
History and Speculative Fiction
Author/Editor: John L. Hennessey
History and Religion: Narrating a Religious Past
Author/Editor: Bernd-Christian Otto,Susanne Rau,Jörg Rüpke
History and Power in the Study of Law: New Directions in Legal Anthropology
Author/Editor: June Starr,Jane F. Collier
History and Political Economy
Author/Editor: Tony Aspromourgos,John Lodewijks
History and Drama: The Pan-European Tradition
Author/Editor: Joachim Küpper,Jan Mosch,Elena Penskaya
History and Cultural Memory in Neo-Victorian Fiction
Author/Editor: Mitchell ,Kate
History According to Cattle
Author/Editor: Laura Gustafsson,Terike Haapoja
Historische Wortbildung: Theorien - Methoden - Perspektiven.
Author/Editor: Christine Ganslmayer,Christian Schwarz
Historische Textmuster im Wandel: Neue Wege zu ihrer Erschließung
Author/Editor: Susanne Haaf,Britt-Marie Schuster
Historisches Vergleichen: Vergleichsaufgaben in Lehrwerken des Gesellschaftslehre- und Geschichtsunterrichts der Sekundarstufe II (Volume 7)
Author/Editor: Katrin Günther
Historische Soziologie
Author/Editor: Rainer Schützeichel
Historisches Ortslexikon für die Altmark: 2 Bände (Volume 68)
Author/Editor: Peter P. Rohrlach
Historisches Lernen und Materielle Kultur: Von Dingen und Objekten in der Geschichtsdidaktik
Author/Editor: Sebastian Barsch,Jörg van Norden
Historische Quellen im DaF-Unterricht
Author/Editor: Hieronimus, Marc
Historische Pragmatik und historische Varietätenlinguistik in den romanischen Sprachen - [... Beiträge gehen aus der Sektion "Historische Pragmatik und Varietätenlinguistik. Wissenschaftspraxis und Methodologie - Divergenzen und Konvergenzen" hervor, die
Author/Editor: Schrott, Angela,Völker, Harald
Historische Mehrsprachigkeit: Europäische Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Rita Franceschini,Matthias Hüning,Péter Maitz
Historische, logische und individuelle Genese der Trigonometrie aus didaktischer Sicht
Author/Editor: Valentin Katter
Historische Lexikographie des Deutschen: Perspektiven eines Forschungsfeldes im digitalen Zeitalter
Author/Editor: Gerhard Diehl,Volker Harm
Historische Kulturwissenschaften. Positionen, Praktiken und Perspektiven
Historische Kulturwissenschaften. Positionen, Praktiken und Perspektiven
Historische Gärten und Klimawandel
Author/Editor: Reinhard F. Hüttl,Karen David,Bernd Uwe Schneider
Historische Gärten Österreichs / Bd. 3 : Garten und Parkanlagen von der Renaissance bis um 1930
Author/Editor: Berger ,Eva
Historische Gärten Österreichs / Bd. 3
Historische Gärten Österreichs / Bd. 2 : Garten und Parkanlagen von der Renaissance bis um 1930
Author/Editor: Berger ,Eva
Historische Gärten Österreichs / Bd. 2
Historische Gärten Österreichs / Bd. 1 : Garten und Parkanlagen von der Renaissance bis um 1930
Author/Editor: Berger ,Eva
Historische Gärten Österreichs / Bd. 1
Historische Grammatik der polnischen Sprache: Materialien zum Curriculum der West- und Suedslawischen Linguistik 6
Author/Editor: Wladyslaw Kuraszkiewicz
Historische Generationen: Über einen sozialen Mechanismus kulturellen Wandels und kollektiver Kreativität
Author/Editor: Beate Fietze
Historische Anthropologie im südöstlichen Europa
Author/Editor: Gruber ,Siegfried,Pichler ,Robert,Kaser ,Karl
Historiography and ldentity IV: The Writing of History Across Medieval Eurasia
Author/Editor: Walter Pohl,Daniel Mahoney
Historiography and identity III: Carolingian approaches
Histories of Urban Planning and Political Power: European Perspectives
Author/Editor: Victoria Grau,Max Welch Guerra
Histories of technology, the Environment and Modern Britain
Author/Editor: Jon Agar,Jacob Ward
Histories of Tax Evasion, Avoidance and Resistance
Author/Editor: Korinna Schönhärl,Gisela HÜRLIMANN,Dorothea Rohde
The Histories of Raphael Samuel: A portrait of a people's historian
Author/Editor: Scott-Brown ,Sophie
Histories of Knowledge in Postwar Scandinavia: Actors, Arenas, and Aspirations
Author/Editor: Johan Östling,Niklas Olsen,David Larsson Heidenblad
Histories of Experience in the World of Lived Religion
Author/Editor: Sari Katajala-Peltomaa,Raisa Maria Toivo
Histories of Australian Rock Art Research
Author/Editor: Ursula K. Frederick,Sally K. May,Jo McDonald,Mr Paul S.C. Taçon
Historic Landscapes and Mental Well-being
Author/Editor: Kerry Barrass,Timothy Darvill
Historicizing the Uses of the Past: Scandinavian Perspectives on History Culture, Historical Consciousness and Didactics of History Related to World War II
Author/Editor: Helle Bjerg,Claudia Lenz,Erik Thorstensen
Historicizing Sunni Islam in the Ottoman Empire, c. 1450-c. 1750
Author/Editor: Tijana Krstić,Derin Terzioğlu
Historicizing Fear: Ignorance, Vilification, and Othering
Author/Editor: Travis D. Boyce,Winsome M. Chunnu
Historical Memory versus Communist Identity
Historical Memory versus Communist Identity
Author/Editor: Saueauk ,Meelis
Historical journey in a linguistic archipelago: Descriptive concepts and case studies
Author/Editor: Émilie Aussant,Jean-Michel Fortis
The Historical Jesus and the Literary Imagination 1860-1920
Author/Editor: Stevens ,Jennifer
Historical GIS Research in Canada
Author/Editor: Marcel Fortin,Jennifer Bonnell
The Historical Distinctiveness of Central Europe: A Study in the Philosophy of History
Author/Editor: Krzysztof Brzechczyn
The Historical Depth of the Tiberian Reading Tradition of Biblical Hebrew
Author/Editor: Aaron D. Hornkohl
Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism: A Selection
Author/Editor: Wolfgang-Fritz Haug,Frigga Haug,Peter Jehle,Wolfgang Küttler,Konstantin Baehrens,Juha Koivisto,Victor Strazzeri
The Historical Construction of National Consciousness: Selected Writings
Author/Editor: Jenő Szűcs,Gábor Klaniczay,Balázs Trencsényi,Gábor Gyáni
Historical Background of Wang Yang-ming’s Philosophy of Mind: From the Perspective of his Life Story
Author/Editor: Ping Dong
Historical and Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Hope
Author/Editor: Steven C. van den Heuvel
A Historical and Legal Study of Sovereignty in the Canadian North: Terrestrial Sovereignty, 1870-1939
Author/Editor: P. Whitney Lackenbauer,Gordon W. Smith
Historical Agriculture and Soil Erosion in the Upper Mississippi Valley Hill Country
Author/Editor: Stanley W. Trimble
An Historical Account of the Black Empire of Hayti
An Historical Account of the Black Empire of Hayti
Author/Editor: Rainsford ,Marcus
Historias de familia: Etnografía delirante sobre el amor, la violencia y las drogas
Author/Editor: César Augusto Tapias Hernández
Historia política de los discursos educativos: Pueblos originarios y Estado en Bolivia, 1931-2010
Author/Editor: Cristina Oyarzo Varela
Historia Norwegie
Historia Norwegie
Author/Editor: Inger Ekrem,Lars Boje Mortensen
Historian hajuista tuoksujen tulevaisuuteen
Author/Editor: Juuti ,Petri
¿Historia entrelazada y el medio ambiente?: Transformaciones socioambientales en el Caribe, 1492-1800
Author/Editor: Eleonora Rohland,Wilfried Raussert,Olaf Kaltmeier
Historia del Socialismo Internacional: Ensayos marxistas
Author/Editor: Daniel Gaido,Manuel Quiroga,Velia Luparello
Historia de los pronombres de tratamiento iberorromances: Península Ibérica, América, África y Filipinas
Author/Editor: Víctor Lara Bermejo
Histoire sociale et genrée de l’éducation physique en Suisse romande (milieu du XIXe siècle-début du XXe siècle)
Author/Editor: Véronique Czáka
Histoire partagée, mémoires divisées: Ukraine, Russie, Pologne
Author/Editor: Eric Aunoble,Andrii Portnov,Amacher Korine
Histoire des formations à l’enseignement en Suisse romande
Author/Editor: Valérie Lussi Borer
Histoire de la régulation des banques en Suisse (1914-1971)
Author/Editor: Thibaud Giddey
Histoire de la haine: Une passion funeste 1830-1930
Author/Editor: Frédéric Chauvaud
Histaminergic neurotransmission as a gateway for the effects of the fat sensing molecule Oleoylethanolamide: Focus on cognition and stress-reactivity
Author/Editor: Alessia Costa
Hispanos en el mundo: Emociones y desplazamientos históricos, viajes y migraciones
Author/Editor: Danae Gallo González,Mirjam Leuzinger,Verena Dolle
Hispaniola - Hell or Home?: Decolonizing Grand Narratives about Intercultural Interactions at Concepción de la Vega (1494-1564)
Author/Editor: Pauline Kulstad-González
Hispaniola - Hell or Home?: Decolonizing Grand Narratives about Intercultural Interactions at Concepción de la Vega (1494-1564)
Author/Editor: Pauline M. Kulstad-González
Hiskijas Geschick und Jesajas Beistand: Heilstheologische Verarbeitungen der Jesajaüberlieferung in den Hiskija-Jesaja-Erzählungen
Author/Editor: Lida Panov
The Hirsch Institute of Tropical Medicine: Asella, Äthiopien
Author/Editor: Dieter Häussinger
The Hirschfeld Archives : Violence, Death, and Modern Queer Culture
Author/Editor: Bauer ,Heike
The Hirschfeld Archives
Hip Sublime : Beat Writers and the Classical Tradition
Hipster Porn: Queer Masculinities and Affective Sexualities in the Fanzine Butt
Author/Editor: Peter Rehberg
Hipsterism: A Paradigm for Modernity
Author/Editor: Tara Semple
The Hipster Economy: Taste and authenticity in late modern capitalism
Author/Editor: Alessandro Gerosa
Author/Editor: Euripides,Sean Gurd
Hippocrates Now: The ‘Father of Medicine’ in the Internet Age
Author/Editor: Helen King
HipHop meets Academia: Globale Spuren eines lokalen Kulturphänomens
Author/Editor: Karin Bock,Stefan Meier,Gunter Süß
HipHop: Globale Kultur - lokale Praktiken
Author/Editor: Jannis Androutsopoulos
HipHop aus Österreich: Lokale Aspekte einer globalen Kultur
Author/Editor: Frederik Dörfler-Trummer
Hin zum Film - Zurück zu den Bildern: Tableaux Vivants: »Lebende Bilder« in Filmen von Antamoro, Korda, Visconti und Pasolini
Author/Editor: Joanna Barck
Hinter_Fragen der Erziehungswissenschaft: Perspektiven auf Pädagogik, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Karina Korneli,Bente Henrike Bartels,Lukas Biehler,Barbara Marie-Christin Bringmann,Lorena Bruhnke,Florian Dobmeier,Anna Maria Kamenik
Hindu Pluralism: Religion and the Public Sphere in Early Modern South India
Author/Editor: Fisher ,Elaine
Hindu Pluralism: Religion and the Public Sphere in Early Modern South India
Author/Editor: Elaine Fisher
The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment: Mountains, Climate Change, Sustainability and People
Author/Editor: Philippus Wester,Arabinda Mishra,Aditi Mukherji,Arun Bhakta Shrestha
Himmelwärts / Das unbekannte Leben / Mit dem Kopf durch die Wand
Author/Editor: Nicole Streitler-Kastberger
Himalayan Dreaming
Author/Editor: Steffen ,Will
Hill-forts of Northern France
Author/Editor: Sir Wheeler,Katherine M. Richardson
Hiljainen vastarinta
Author/Editor: Outi Autti,Veli-Pekka Lehtola
Hilfeleistungssysteme der Zukunft: Analysen des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes zur Aufrechterhaltung von Alltagssystemen für die Krisenbewältigung
Author/Editor: Matthias Max,Matthias Schulze
Highway under the Hudson: A History of the Holland Tunnel
Author/Editor: Robert W. Jackson
High Temperature Electronics Design for Aero Engine Controls and Health Monitoring
Author/Editor: Lucian Stoica,Steve Riches,Colin Johnston
High-Tech Trash: Glitch, Noise, and Aesthetic Failure
Author/Editor: Carolyn L. Kane
High-speed surface profilometry based on an adaptive microscope with axial chromatic encoding
Author/Editor: Ding Luo
High Resolution Imaging in Microscopy and Ophthalmology: New Frontiers in Biomedical Optics
Author/Editor: Josef F. Bille
High-Quality Outdoor Learning: Evidence-based Education Outside the Classroom for Children, Teachers and Society
Author/Editor: Rolf Jucker,Jakob von Au
High-Precision Automotive Radar Target Simulation
Author/Editor: Axel Diewald
High Performance Propagation of Large Object Populations in Earth Orbits
Author/Editor: Marek Möckel
High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications: Selected Results of the COST Action IC1406 cHiPSet
Author/Editor: Joanna Kołodziej,Horacio González-Vélez
High Performance Embedded Computing
Author/Editor: Luis Miguel Pinho,Eduardo Quinones,Marko Bertogna
High Mountain Conservation in a Changing World
Author/Editor: Jordi Catalan,Josep M Ninot,M. Mercè Aniz
Highly-Skilled Migration: Between Settlement and Mobility: IMISCOE Short Reader
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Weinar,Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels
Highly complex syllable structure: A typological and diachronic study
Author/Editor: Shelece Easterday
The High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider: New Machine For Illuminating The Mysteries Of The Universe (Second Edition)
Author/Editor: Oliver Bruning,Lucio Rossi
Highlights on Anopheles nili and Anopheles moucheti, Malaria Vectors in Africa
Author/Editor: Antonio-Nkondjio ,Christophe
High Hopes: Bill Clinton and the Politics of Ambition
Author/Editor: Stanley A Renshon
The Highest Good in the Nicomachean Ethics and the Bhagavad Gita: Knowledge, Happiness, and Freedom
Author/Editor: Roopen Majithia
Higher Powers: Alcohol and After in Uganda’s Capital City
Author/Editor: China Scherz,George Mpanga,Sarah Namirembe
Higher Music Education and Employability in a Neoliberal World
Author/Editor: Rainer Prokop,Rosa Reitsamer
Higher Flight: Refocusing Black/Africana Studies for the 21st Century
Author/Editor: James B. Stewart
Higher Education Revolutions in the Gulf: Globalization and Institutional Viability
Author/Editor: Fatima Badry,John Willoughby
Higher Education Reforms in Romania: Between the Bologna Process and National Challenges
Author/Editor: Adrian Curaj,Ligia Deca,Eva Egron-Polak,Jamil Salmi
Higher Education Pathways: South African Undegraduate Education and the Public Good
Author/Editor: Paul Ashwin,Jennifer M Case
Higher Education Landscape 2030: A Trend Analysis Based on the AHEAD International Horizon Scanning
Author/Editor: Dominic Orr,Maren Luebcke,J. Philipp Schmidt,Markus Ebner,Klaus Wannemacher,Martin Ebner,Dieter Dohmen
Higher Education in the melting pot: Emerging discourses of the 4IR and decolonisation
Author/Editor: Felix Maringe,Felix Maringe,Amasa P. Ndofirepi,Simon M. Dlamini,Anass Bayaga,George Moyo,Ansie E. Kitching
Higher Education in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Author/Editor: Nancy W. Gleason
Higher Education Institutions and Digital Transformation: Building University-Enterprise Collaborative Relationships
Author/Editor: Marcin Lis
Higher Education in Romania: Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Opportunities
Author/Editor: Adrian Curaj,Jamil Salmi,Cezar Mihai Hâj
Higher Education in Portuguese Speaking African Countries
Author/Editor: Patrício Vitorino Langa
Higher education in a globalized world: governance, competition and performance
Author/Editor: Luc Wilkin,Mathias Dewatripont,Caroline Hoxby,Doh-Shin Jeon,Stijn Kelchtermans,Patrick Legros,Andreu Mas-Colell,Domenico Menicucci,Mathias Dewatripont,Françoise Thys-Clément,Philippe Aghion,Luc Wilkin,Périne Brotcorne,Tom Coupé,Ilaria Faccin,Thomas Gall,A
Higher Education in 2040. A Global Approach
Author/Editor: Zwaan, ,Bert
Higher education for public good: Perspectives in the new academic landscape in South Africa
Author/Editor: Noluthando S. Matsiliza,Noluthando S. Matsiliza,Sanjay Balkaran,Lucky C. Ndzoyiya,Benjamin Tatira,Nobert R. Jere,Kehinde Aruleba,Tanaka L. Jere,Dejo Olowu,Clifford K. Hlatywayo,Yusuf Lukman
Higher Education Financing in East and Southern Africa
Author/Editor: Pundy Pillay
Higher Education as Context for Music Pedagogy Research
Author/Editor: Elin Angelo,Jens Knigge,Morten Sæther,Wenche Waagen
Higher Education and Local Economic Development
Author/Editor: Ernesto Tavoletti
Higher Education and Innovation: Design of an Innovative Teaching Module for an Intensive Programme on Aeolian Architecture
Author/Editor: Vincenzo Sapienza,Luca Finocchiaro,Marius Voica
Higher Degree by Research: Factors for Indigenous Student Success
Author/Editor: Peter Anderson,Levon Blue,Thu Pham,Melanie Saward
High Density Lipoproteins: From Biological Understanding to Clinical Exploitation
Author/Editor: Arnold von Eckardstein,Dimitris Kardassis
High Definition: Medienphilosophisches Image Processing
Author/Editor: Elisa Linseisen
Hier und Anderswo: Palästina-Israel im essayistischen Film (1960-2010)
Author/Editor: Peter Grabher
Hier sind wir!: Junge feministische Sozialpädagoginnen und ihre Aufforderung zu einem Dialog der Generationen
Author/Editor: Linda Kagerbauer
Hier klebt noch Zucker dran: Lebensmittel in der Gegenwartskunst, Materialität und multisensorische Erfahrung
Author/Editor: Fabiana Senkpiel,Fabiana Senkpiel,Celia Sidler,Celia Sidler,Bruna Casagrande,Bruna Casagrande,Nathalie Noorlander,Nathalie Noorlander
Hiding Making - Showing Creation
Hidden Transfers of Assets and Hidden Payouts of Profit
Author/Editor: Kobal ,Aleš
Hidden rituals and public performances: Traditions and belonging among the post-Soviet Khanty, Komi and Udmurts
Author/Editor: Siikala ,Anna-Leena,Ulyashev ,Oleg
Hidden rituals and public performances: Traditions and belonging among the post-Soviet Khanty, Komi and Udmurts
The Hidden Patients
Author/Editor: Salouâ Studer ,Nina
Hidden Multilingualism in 19th-Century European Literature: Traditions, Texts, Theories
Author/Editor: Jana-Katharina Mende
Hidden Hunger : Gender and the Politics of Smarter Foods
Author/Editor: Kimura ,Aya Hirata
Hidden Hunger
The Hidden Histories of War Crimes Trials
Author/Editor: Heller ,Kevin Jon,Simpson ,Gerry
Hidden Depths: The Origins of Human Connection
Author/Editor: Penny Spikins
Hidden Criticism?: The Methodology and Plausibility of the Search for a Counter-Imperial Subtext in Paul
Author/Editor: Christoph Heilig
Hidden Cities: Urban Space, Geolocated Apps and Public History in Early Modern Europe
Author/Editor: Fabrizio Nevola,David Rosenthal,Nicholas Terpstra
Hidden champions, missed opportunities: Mid-caps’ crucial role in Europe’s economic transition
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Hidden Attractions of Administration: The Peculiar Appeal of Meetings and Documents
Author/Editor: Malin Åkerström,Katarina Jacobsson,Erika Andersson Cederholm,David Wästerfors
Höhere beruflich-betriebliche Bildung: Entwicklung, Durchführung und Attraktivität am Beispiel der Abiturientenprogramme (Volume 63)
Author/Editor: Ariane Neu,Marianne Friese,Klaus Jenewein
Högskolans ansvar : Principer för utveckling av den högre
Author/Editor: Casson ,Andrew
Högskolans ansvar
H. G. Adler (1910-1988)
Author/Editor: Hocheneder ,Franz
„Heute keine Sitzung wegen zu teuren Bieres!“: Die Analyse des Bamberger Bierkriegs von 1907 als Thema der Öffentlichkeit
Author/Editor: Matthias Kast
Het wonder van Sint-Maarten: Utrecht een gelukkige stad
Author/Editor: Els Rose
Het virus der betrokkenheid: Het Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis 1935-1989
Author/Editor: Huub Sanders
Het Sultanaat Palembang 1811-1825
Author/Editor: Woelders ,M.
Het Sultanaat Palembang 1811-1825
Het professionele tijdschrift in de transitie van de Nederlandse maatschappij, 1850-2020: Wekelijkse informatie uit wetenschap en beroepspraktijk
Author/Editor: Willem Molle
Het passieve werkwoord in de Indonesische talen
Het passieve werkwoord in de Indonesische talen
Author/Editor: Wils ,J.
Het onderwijs in cijfers 1983-1993
Author/Editor: Hoekerd ,K.
Het Nederlandse veiligheidsbeleid in een veranderende wereld - 42
Author/Editor: Klem ,M.H.
Het Nederlandse toneelbestel van 1945 tot 1995
Author/Editor: Maanen van ,Hans
Het minderhedenbeleid voorbij
Author/Editor: Coello ,L.,Dagevos ,J.M.,Huider ,C.,Leun van der ,J.P,Odé ,A.
Het landelijk EPD als blackbox: besluitvorming en opinies in kaart - 45
Author/Editor: Pluut ,B.
Het hervormingsmoeras van de verzorgingsstaat
Author/Editor: Gestel van ,Nicolette,Beer de ,Paul,Meer van der ,Marc
Het heilige huis
Author/Editor: Buikema ,Rosemarie,Wesseling ,Lies
Het handgevormde aardewerk uit de ijzertijd en de Romeinse tijd van Oss-Ussen: Studies naar typochronologie, technologie en herkomst
Author/Editor: Peter van den Broeke
Het gezicht van de publieke zaak
Het geluid van geweld: Bersiap en de dynamiek van geweld tijdens de eerste fase van de Indonesische revolutie, 1945-1946
Author/Editor: Esther Captain,Onno Sinke
Het fenomeen Hazes: Een venster op Nederland
Author/Editor: Stengs ,Irene
Heteronome Subjektivität: Dekonstruktive und hermeneutische Anschlüsse an die Subjektkritik Heideggers
Author/Editor: Martin Eldracher
Heterologe Insemination - Aktuelle Lage und Reformbedarf aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive
Author/Editor: Duttge, Gunnar,Engel, Wolfgang,Lipp, Volker,Zoll, Barbara
Heterogenität in der beruflichen Bildung: Im Spannungsfeld von Erziehung, Förderung und Fachausbildung
Author/Editor: Karin Heinrichs,Hannes Reinke
The Heterogeneity of Cancer Metabolism
Author/Editor: Anne Le
Heterogeneity, High Performance Computing, Self-Organization and the Cloud
Author/Editor: Theo Lynn,John P. Morrison,David Kenny
Heterodoxy and Rational Theology: Jean Le Clerc an Origen
Author/Editor: Andrea Bianchi
Heterobimetallic [2.2]Paracyclophane Complexes and Their Application in Photoredox Catalysis
Author/Editor: Daniel Knoll
Het Duitse cultuurbeleid in Europa
Author/Editor: Hoefnagel ,F.J.P.M.
Het Bureau: Ein Abend mit J. J. Voskuil (Volume 4)
Author/Editor: Lut Missinne,Gerd Busse
Het buitenlandse beleid van middelgrote mogendheden - 58
Author/Editor: Klem ,M.,Kester ,J.
Het borgen van publiek belang
Author/Editor: WRR
Het Boek van Brecht: Een nieuw getijdenboek voor de Universiteitsbibliotheek Groningen
Author/Editor: Jos A.A.M. Biemans,Anne S. Korteweg
Het biometrisch paspoort in Nederland: crash of zachte landing - 51
Author/Editor: Snijder ,M.
Het anti-theater van Antonin Artaud. Een onderzoek naar de veralgemeende artistieke transgressie, toegepast op het werk van Romeo Castellucci en de Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio
Author/Editor: Crombez ,Thomas
Hesychasm, Word-Weaving and Slavic Hagiography. The Literary School of Patriarch Euthymius
Author/Editor: Maurice L. Hébert
Hesychasm and Art
Author/Editor: Strezova ,Anita
Herwig Schopper: Scientist and Diplomat in a Changing World
Author/Editor: Herwig Schopper,James Gillies
Herwaardering van welzijnsbeleid
Author/Editor: WRR
Herstory: Exploring the Material Life of Gundrada de Warenne
Author/Editor: Karen Dempsey,Emma O. Bérat,Rebecca Hardie,Irina Dumitrescu
Herstellung dünner Folien aus Lithium-Lanthan-Titanat zur Anwendung als Festkörperelektrolyt
Author/Editor: Felix Schröckert
Herscheppen: Ideologie en commercie in vroegmoderne Nederlandse vertalingen van novellistisch proza
Author/Editor: Lia van Gemert
Herrschaftskontrolle durch Öffentlichkeit: Die publizistische Darstellung politischer Konflikte im Heiligen Römischen Reich 1648–1750 (Volume 224, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Johannes Arndt
Herr Lubitsch Goes to Hollywood
Author/Editor: Thompson ,Kristin
Herre og drott – konge og sjøkonge: karmøyseminaret 2022
Author/Editor: Dagfinn Skre,Dagfinn Skre,Else Mundal,Torun Zachrisson,Erlend Nordlie,Kristine Ødeby Haugan,Alf Tore Hommedal,Erik Opsahl,Jarle Nilsen,Frans-Arne Hedlund Stylegar,Frans-Arne Hedlund Stylegar,Peter Heather,Einar Østmo,Elna Siv Kristoffersen,Unn Pedersen,Hå
Herramientas para controlar los delitos contra la fauna y flora en Colombia
Author/Editor: Leonardo Güiza Suárez,Esperanza Suárez,Mauricio Villamizar Villegas,Lina Katerine Correa-Muñoz
Her Own Worth: Negotiations of Subjectivity in the Life Narrative of a Female Labourer
Her Own Worth: Negotiations of Subjectivity in the Life Narrative of a Female Labourer
Author/Editor: Koskinen-Koivisto ,Eerika
Heroism as a Global Phenomenon in Contemporary Culture
Author/Editor: Barbara Korte,Simon Wendt,Nicole Falkenhayner
Heroic Poets, Poetic Heroes: The Ethnography of Performance in an Arabic Oral Epic Tradition
Author/Editor: Dwight F. Reynolds
Heroic Chancellor: Winston Churchill and the University of Bristol, 1929 to 1965
Author/Editor: David Cannadine
Herod and Mariamne: A Tragedy in Five Acts by Friedrich Hebbel
Author/Editor: Friedrich Hebbel,Paul H. Curts
Hero, Conspiracy, and Death: The Jewish Lectures: Translated by Alex Shannon
Author/Editor: Maria Janion
The Hermit in German Literature: From Lessing to Eichendorff
Author/Editor: Henry John Fitzell
Hermetischer Symbolismus: Andrej Belyjs «Istorija stanovlenija samosoznajuščej duši»
Author/Editor: Angelika Schmitt
Hermeneutik und Kunstwissenschaft: Ein Dialog auf Distanz - Emilio Betti und Hans Sedlmayr
Author/Editor: Luca Vargiu
Hermeneutiek in veelvoud
Author/Editor: Bernaerts ,Lars,Pieters ,Jürgen
Hermeneutics and the Humanities. Dialogues with Hans-Georg Gadamer
Author/Editor: Kasten ,Madeleine,Paul ,Herman,Sneller ,Rico
Hermann Hesse and His Critics: The Criticism and Bibliography of Half a Century
Author/Editor: Joseph Mileck
Hermann Franz Matthias Mutzenbecher. Ein Hamburger Versicherungsunternehmer
Author/Editor: Hans Joachim Schröder,Ekkehard W. Nümann,Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung
Hermann Czech: An Architect in Vienna
Author/Editor: Eva Kuss
Hermann Brochs »Die Verzauberung«: Ein Romanprojekt zwischen Mythos und Krise
Author/Editor: Daniela Link
Hermann Blohm. Gründer der Werft Blohm & Voss
Author/Editor: Hans Joachim Schröder,Ekkehard W. Nümann,Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung
Hermann Bahr Arthur Schnitzler – Briefwechsel, Aufzeichnungen, Dokumente 1891-1931
Author/Editor: Ifkovits ,Kurt,Müller ,Martin Anton
Herman Gorter: Poems of 1890, A Selection
Herman Gorter: Poems of 1890, A Selection
Author/Editor: Gorter ,Herman,Vincent ,Paul (translated by)
Heritopia: World Heritage and modernity
Author/Editor: Jes Wienberg,Ian MacArthur
Heritage, Tourism, and Race: The Other Side of Leisure
Author/Editor: Antoinette T Jackson
Heritage Regimes and the State
Author/Editor: Bendix, Regina F.,Eggert, Aditya,Peselmann, Arnika
Heritage Politics in Adelaide
Author/Editor: Mosler ,Sharon
The Heritage of Arung Palakka
Author/Editor: Andaya ,L.Y.
The Heritage of Arung Palakka
Heritage Futures: Comparative Approaches to Natural and Cultural Heritage Practices
Author/Editor: Rodney Harrison,Jennie Morgan,Sefryn Penrose,Caitlin DeSilvey,Cornelius Holtorf,Sharon Macdonald,Nadia Bartolini,Esther Breithoff,Harald Fredheim,Antony Lyons,Sarah May
Heritage Education: Memories of the Past in the Present Caribbean Social Studies Curriculum: A View from Teacher Practice
Author/Editor: Eldris Con Aguilar
Heritage Dynamics: Understanding and adapting to change in diverse heritage contexts
Author/Editor: Kalliopi Fouseki
Heritage Conservation and Tourism Development at Cham Sacred Sites in Vietnam: Living Heritage Has A Heart
Author/Editor: Quang Dai Tuyen
Heritage Conservation and Social Engagement
Author/Editor: Renata F. Peters,Iris L. F. den Boer,Jessica S. Johnson,Susanna Pancaldo
Heritage and Romantic Consumption in China
Author/Editor: Yujie Zhu
Heritage and Nationalism: Understanding populism through big data
Author/Editor: Chiara Bonacchi
Here for the Hearing: Analyzing the Music in Musical Theater
Author/Editor: Michael Buchler,Gregory John Decker
Herder und die Slaven: Materialien zur Wirkungsgeschichte bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Peter Drews
Herausforderung Solidarität: Konzepte - Kontroversen - Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Kerstin Schmidt,Joost van Loon
Herausforderungen und Zukunftsperspektiven für den Sachunterricht
Author/Editor: Daniela Schmeinck,Kerstin Michalik,Thomas Goll
Herausforderungen für die Politik und die Ethik: Moral - Terror - Globalisierung - Demokratie
Herausforderungen der Offenen Kinder- und Jugendarbeit: Empirische Erkenntnisse
Author/Editor: Christian Peucker,Liane Pluto,Eric van Santen,Andreas Mairhofer
Herausforderungen der Moderne aus wissenschaftsphilosophischer Sicht
Author/Editor: Gunnar Skirbekk
Heraldische Funeralpanegyrik des ukrainischen Barock: Am Beispiel des Stolp Cnot Syl'vestra Kossova
Author/Editor: Martin Erdmann
Herakles- und Theseus-Darstellungen auf Campana-Reliefs: Untersuchungen zur Adaption und Tradierung zweier griechischer Helden in römischer Zeit
Author/Editor: Nathalie Möller-Titel
Herakleios, der schwitzende Kaiser: Die oströmische Monarchie in der ausgehenden Spätantike
Author/Editor: Nadine Viermann
Hephaestus Reloaded: Composed for Ten Hands / Efesto Reloaded: Composizioni per 10 mani
Author/Editor: Brunella Antomarini,Andreas Burckhardt,Adam Berg,Patrick Camiller,Vladimir D’Amora,Pietro Traversa,Alessandro De Francesco,Miltos Maneta
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Author/Editor: Giuseppe Maria Ettorre
Hepatic Elastography Using Ultrasound Waves - Revised Edition
Author/Editor: Ioan Sporea,Roxana Șirli
Henry Prinsep's Empire
Author/Editor: Allbrook ,Malcolm
Henry P. Newman. Hamburger Großkaufmann und Mäzen
Author/Editor: Stefanie Busold,Ekkehard W. Nümann,Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung
Henry James's Europe
Henkinen muuri: Suomalaisvenäläiset kirjallisuussuhteet 1800–1930
Author/Editor: Tomi Huttunen
Henkilöhistoria ja varhaismoderni aika
Author/Editor: Jenni Lares,Raisa Toivo,Mari Välimäki
Hemispheric Imaginations : North American Fictions of Latin America
Author/Editor: Breinig ,Helmbrecht
Hemispheric Imaginations
Hematologies: The Political Life of Blood in India
Author/Editor: Jacob Copeman,Dwaipayan Banerjee
Helsinki in Early Twentieth-Century Literature: Urban Experiences in Finnish Prose Fiction 1890-1940
Author/Editor: Ameel ,Lieven
Helsinki in Early Twentieth-Century Literature: Urban Experiences in Finnish Prose Fiction 1890-1940
Helmut Hasse und Emmy Noether - Die Korrespondenz 1925 - 1935
Author/Editor: Hasse, Helmut,Noether, Emmy,Lemmermeyer, Franz,Roquette, Peter
Helmut Hasse und Emmy Noether - Die Korrespondenz 1925 - 1935
Helmut Berve und die Alte Geschichte: Eine deutsche Biographie
Author/Editor: Jasmin Welte
Hello Friends, Cantemos: La música en las representaciones de lo latinoamericano en largometrajes de ficción hollywoodenses durante la Política del buen vecino (1933-1945)
Author/Editor: Juan Carlos Poveda
Hellenostephanos. Humanist Greek in Early Modern Europe: Learned Communities between Antiquity and Contemporary Culture
Author/Editor: Janika Päll,Ivo Volt
Hellenistische Häuser in Lousoi. Keramik und Kleinfunde aus den Grabungen 1983-1994
Author/Editor: Mitsopoulos-Leon ,Veronika
Hellenistic Architecture and Human Action. A Case of Reciprocal Influence
Author/Editor: Annette Haug,Asja Müller
Author/Editor: Craig Dworkin
The Heliand: Translated from the Old Saxon
Author/Editor: Mariana Scott
Helfen: Situative und organisationale Ausprägungen einer unterbestimmten Praxis
Author/Editor: Daniela Böhringer,Sarah Hitzler,Martina Richter
Helene Schjerfbecks Selbstbildnisse – an den Grenzen des Ich: Eine hermeneutische Studie zum Porträt im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Annika Landmann
"Helden und Denker" der Pädagogik im Spiegel ihrer Fachlexika von 1774 bis 1945
Author/Editor: Anne Hild
Heldengesten: Front und Heimat in nationalsozialistischen Kriegsfotografien 1939–1945
Author/Editor: Vera Marstaller
Heizen mit dem Split-Klimagerät?: Experiment zum Heizen und Kühlen aus einer räumlich konzentrierten Quelle im Passivhaus Darmstadt Kranichstein
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Feist
Heirs to world culture; Being Indonesian 1950-1965
Author/Editor: Lindsay ,Jennifer,Liem ,Maya H.T.
Heirs to world culture; Being Indonesian 1950-1965
The Heirs of Vijayanagara: Court Politics in Early Modern South India
Author/Editor: Lennart Bes
The Heirs of the Roman West
Author/Editor: Joachim Henning
The Heirs of Avicenna: Philosophy in the Islamic East, 12-13th Centuries: Metaphysics and Theology
Author/Editor: Peter Adamson,Fedor Benevich
Heinrich Zoepfl (1807–1877): Heidelberger Universitätsprofessor und Rechtsgutachter
Author/Editor: Dorothee Mußgnug,Michael Stolleis
Heinrich von Kleist: Studies in the Character and Meaning of his Writings
Author/Editor: John M. Ellis
Heinrich Heine. Ein Intellektueller erobert Europa: Biographie
Author/Editor: Norbert Honsza
Heinrich Heine - ein deutscher Europäer im französischen Exil: Vortrag, gehalten vor der Juristischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin am 9. Dezember 2009
Author/Editor: Ursula Stein
Heinrich Heine - Dichter und Jurist in Göttingen
Author/Editor: Lipp, Volker,Möllers, Christoph,Pfordten, Dietmar von der
Heinrich Freiherr von Ohlendorff. Ein Hamburger Kaufmann im Spiegel der Tagebücher seiner Ehefrau Elisabeth
Author/Editor: Hans Joachim Schröder,Ekkehard W. Nümann,Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung
Heinrich Bullinger: Kommentare zu den neutestamentlichen Briefen
Author/Editor: Heinrich Bullinger,Luca Baschera
Heiner Müllers KüstenLANDSCHAFTEN: Grenzen - Tod - Störung
Author/Editor: Till Nitschmann,Florian Vaßen
Heimat. Volkstum. Architektur: Sondierungen zum volkstumsorientierten Bauen der Heimatschutz-Bewegung im Kontext der Moderne und des Nationalsozialismus
Author/Editor: Rainer Schmitz
Heimat und Gedaechtnis heute: Literarische Repraesentationen von Heimat in der aktuellen deutschsprachigen Literatur
Author/Editor: Garbine Iztueta Goizueta,Carme Bescansa,Iraide Talavera,Mario Saalbach
Heimatrecht und Staatsbürgerschaft österreichischer Juden
Author/Editor: Burger ,Hannelore
Heimatkunde in der DDR. Didaktische Ansätze und Spannungsfelder: Eine fallorientierte Analyse ausgewählter Stundenkonzeptionen
Author/Editor: Christian Fischer,Sandra Tänzer
Heimatdiskurs : Wie die Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr Deutschland verändern
Heiligung bei Paulus: Ein Beitrag aus biblisch-theologischer Sicht
Author/Editor: Hanna Stettler
Heilige und Heiden im legendarischen Erzählen des 13. Jahrhunderts: Formen und Funktionen der Aushandlung des religiösen Gegensatzes zum Heidentum
Author/Editor: Felix Prautzsch
The Heian Court Poetry as World Literature: From the Point of View of Early Italian Poetry
Author/Editor: Edoardo GERLINI
Hege und Herrschaft
Author/Editor: Nadir Weber,Nadir Weber
The Hegemony of Psychopathy
Author/Editor: Lajos Brons
The Hegemony of Heritage
Author/Editor: Deborah L. Stein
Hegemonie und sozialer Wandel: Indignados-Bewegung, Populismus und demokratische Praxis in Spanien, 2011-2016
Author/Editor: Conrad Lluis
Hegemonie und Populismus in Putins Russland : Eine Analyse des russischen politischen Diskurses
Author/Editor: Casula ,Philipp
Hegemonie und Populismus in Putins Russland
Hegemonie und Kulturkampf: Verknüpfung von Neoliberalismus und Islam in der Türkei (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Errol Babacan
Hegemonie bilden: Pädagogische Anschlüsse an Antonio Gramsci
Author/Editor: Maria do Mar Castro Varela,Natascha Khakpour,Jan Niggemann
Hegemonía y cultura política en el Partido Comunista de Chile: la transformación del militante tradicional, 1924 – 1933
Author/Editor: Urtubia ,Ximena
Heavy Quark Physics
Author/Editor: Aneesh V. Manohar,Mark B. Wise
Heavy Metal: Earth’s Minerals and the Future of Sustainable Societies
Author/Editor: Philippe Tortell
Heavy Flavour Physics Theory and Experimental Results in Heavy Quark Physics
Author/Editor: C Davies,S M Playfer,P Osborne
Heaven's Interpreters: Women Writers and Religious Agency in Nineteenth-Century America
Author/Editor: Ashley Reed
Heathen Earth: Trumpism and Political Ecology
Author/Editor: Kyle McGee
Heart Speaks unto Heart: On the Kinship of Spirit and Thought: John Henry Newman and Edith Stein
Author/Editor: Jan Kłos
Hearts and Minds: Canadian Romance at the Dawn of the Modern Era, 1900–1930
Author/Editor: Dan Azoulay
A Heart Beating Hard
Author/Editor: Lauren Foss Goodman
Hearing Voices, Demonic and Divine
Author/Editor: Christopher C.H. Cook
Hearing Spiritual Voices: Medieval Mystics, Meaning and Psychiatry
Author/Editor: Christopher C.H. Cook
Author/Editor: Danilo Mandic,Caterina Nirta,Andrea Pavoni,Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos
Healthy Minds in the Twentieth Century: In and Beyond the Asylum
Author/Editor: Steven J. Taylor,Alice Brumby
Healthy Ageing: A Capability Approach to Inclusive Policy and Practice
Author/Editor: Christine Stephens,Mary Breheny
Health Taxes: Policy And Practice
Author/Editor: Jeremy A. Lauer,Franco Sassi,Agnès Soucat,Angeli Vigo
Health, Rights and Dignity : Philosophical Reflections on an Alleged Human Right
Author/Editor: Erk ,Christian
Health, Rights and Dignity
Health Promotion in Health Care – Vital Theories and Research
Author/Editor: Gørill Haugan,Monica Eriksson
Health Promotion at School
Author/Editor: Elke Knisel
Health Policy in Ageing Populations: Economic modeling of chronic disease policy options in Australia
Author/Editor: Agnes Walker,James R.G. Butler,Stephen Colagiuri
Health of People, Places and Planet. Reflections based on Tony McMichael’s four decades of contribution to epidemiological understanding
Author/Editor: Butler D. ,Colin,Dixon ,Jane,Capon G. ,Anthony
Health of People, Places and Planet. Reflections based on Tony McMichael’s four decades of contribution to epidemiological understanding
Health of People, Health of Planet and Our Responsibility: Climate Change, Air Pollution and Health
Author/Editor: Wael Al-Delaimy,Veerabhadran Ramanathan,Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo
Health is wealth (Volume 3)
Author/Editor: Emmanuel Malabo Makasa,European Investment Bank
Health in Hard Times
Author/Editor: Clare Bambra
Health Information Systems: Technological and Management Perspectives
Author/Editor: Alfred Winter,Elske Ammenwerth,Reinhold Haux,Michael Marschollek,Bianca Steiner,Franziska Jahn
The Healthiest Diet for You: Scientific Aspects
Author/Editor: Artemis P. Simopoulos
Health For All
Author/Editor: Medcalf ,Alexander,Bhattacharya ,Sanjoy,Momen ,Hooman,Saavedra ,Monica,Jones ,Margaret
Health Expenditure, Income and Health Status Among Indigenous and Other Australians
Author/Editor: Taylor ,John,Hunter ,Boyd,Gray ,M.C.
Health Dimensions of COVID-19 in India and Beyond
Author/Editor: Saroj Pachauri,Ash Pachauri
Health Crises and Media Discourses in Sub-Saharan Africa
Author/Editor: Carol Azungi Dralega,Angella Napakol
Health Care in the Information Society: Volume 2 - From Anarchy of Transition to Programme for Reform
Author/Editor: David Ingram
Health Care in the Information Society: Volume 1 - From Adventure of Ideas to Anarchy of Transition
Author/Editor: David Ingram
Healthcare in Ireland and Britain 1850-1970: Voluntary, regional and comparative perspectives
Author/Editor: Donnacha Seán Lucey,Virginia Crossman
Healthcare, Frugal Innovation, and Professional Voluntarism: A Cost-Benefit Analysis
Author/Editor: Helen Louise Ackers,James Ackers-Johnson,John Chatwin,Natasha Tyler
Healthcare ethics for Healthcare Practitioners
Author/Editor: LAETUS LATEGAN,Gert van Zyl
Healthcare Biotechnology: A Practical Guide
Author/Editor: Dimitris Dogramatzis
Healthcare as a Universal Human Right: Sustainability in Global Health
Author/Editor: Rui Nunes
Healthcare as a Human Rights Issue : Normative Profile, Conflicts and Implementation
Author/Editor: Klotz ,Sabine,Bielefeldt ,Heiner,Schmidhuber ,Martina,Frewer ,Andreas
Healthcare as a Human Rights Issue
Healthcare and Disease Burden in Africa: The Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Public Health
Author/Editor: Ilha Niohuru
HEALTH CARE: A COMMUNITY CONCERN? Developments in the Organization of Canadian Health Services
Author/Editor: Ann Robertson,Christine Gordon,Anne Crichton,Wendy Farrant
Health as a Social System: Luhmann's Theory Applied to Health Systems. An Introduction
Author/Editor: João Costa
Health and Wellbeing in Late Life: Perspectives and Narratives from India
Author/Editor: Prasun Chatterjee
Health and socio-economic status over the life course First results from SHARE Waves 6 and 7
Author/Editor: Axel Börsch-Supan,Johanna Bristle,Karen Andersen-Ranberg,Agar Brugiavini,Florence Jusot,Howard Litwin,Guglielmo Weber
Health and Political Engagement
Author/Editor: Vesa Mikko Mattila,Lauri Rapeli,Hanna Maria Wass,Peter Söderlund
Health and Development
Author/Editor: Iris Borowy,Bernard Harris
Health Among the Elderly in Germany: New Evidence on Disease, Disability and Care Need
Author/Editor: Gabriele Doblhammer
Healing with Poisons: Potent Medicines in Medieval China
Author/Editor: Yan Liu
Healing the Reason-Emotion Split: Scarecrows, Tin Woodmen, and the Wizard
Author/Editor: Daniel S Levine
Healing the Broken Mind: Transforming America’s Failed Mental Health System
Author/Editor: Timothy A. Kelly
Healing Magic and Evil Demons. Canonical Udug-hul Incantations
Author/Editor: Markham J. Geller
Healing Grief: A Commentary on Seneca’s Consolatio ad Marciam
Author/Editor: Fabio Tutrone
Healing en 'alternatief' genezen
Author/Editor: Margry ,Peter Jan
Healers on the colonial market; Native doctors and midwives in the Dutch East Indies
Author/Editor: Hesselink ,Liesbeth
Healers on the colonial market; Native doctors and midwives in the Dutch East Indies
Healer: Reception of Jesus as healer during Early Christianity and Today
Author/Editor: Zorodzai Dube,Andries G. van Aarde,Richard Bariu,Zorodzai Dube,Manus Chris Ukachukwu,Loreen Maseno,Hlulani Mdingi,Jesse Mugambi
Head-Hunters about Themselves
Head-Hunters about Themselves
Author/Editor: Boelaars ,J.
Headedness and/or grammatical anarchy?
Author/Editor: Ulrike Freywald,Horst J. Simon,Stefan Müller
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: The handbook (Volume 9)
Author/Editor: Stefan Müller,Anne Abeillé,Robert D. Borsley,Jean-Pierre Koenig
HCD 1921-2021 Die Geschichte des Hockey Club Davos: Gesellschaftliche, wirtschaftliche und politische Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Daniel Derungs
Hazard or Hardship : Crafting Global Norms on the Right to Refuse Unsafe Work
Author/Editor: Hilgert ,Jeffrey
Hazard or Hardship
Hayek, Mill and the Liberal Tradition
Author/Editor: Farrant ,Andrew
Hayek, Mill and the Liberal Tradition
Author/Editor: Andrew Farrant
Hayao Miyazaki: Exploring the Early Work of Japan's Greatest Animator
Author/Editor: Raz Greenberg
Having Too Much: Philosophical Essays on Limitarianism
Author/Editor: Ingrid Robeyns
Hautkontakt der Schriftsysteme: Japan im Zeichen der Globalisierung: Geldflüsse und Werbetexte
Author/Editor: Ulrich Heinze
Haushaltskonsolidierung durch Ausgabekuerzungen: Restriktionen und Strategien
Author/Editor: Kay-Uwe May
Hausgeschichten: Materielle Kultur und Familie in der Schweiz (1700–1900)
Hausaufgaben im Unterricht: Ethnographie eines schulischen Entgrenzungsphänomens
Author/Editor: Laura Fuhrmann
Hauptstadt und Staat: Die Finanzierung des Ausbaus der städtischen Infrastruktur von Berlin 1871–1945
Author/Editor: Felix Escher,Historische Kommission
»Hauptsache ein Job später«: Arbeitsweltliche Vorstellungen und Bewältigungsstrategien von Jugendlichen mit Hauptschulhintergrund
Author/Editor: Carolin Dempki
Haunted Empire: Gothic and the Russian Imperial Uncanny
Author/Editor: Valeria Sobol
Haïti: Le sous-développement durable
Author/Editor: Vladimir Pierre Antoine Lovinski
»Hate Speech« und Verletzbarkeit im digitalen Zeitalter: Phänomene mediatisierter Missachtung aus Perspektive der Gender Media Studies
Author/Editor: Jennifer Eickelmann
Hate Speech: Linguistic Perspectives
Author/Editor: Victoria Guillén-Nieto
Hate Speech Law: A Philosophical Examination
Author/Editor: Alex Brown
Hate Speech and Polarization in Participatory Society
Author/Editor: Marta Pérez-Escolar,José Manuel Noguera-Vivo
Haste: The slow politics of climate urgency
Author/Editor: Håvard Haarstad,Jakob Grandin,Kristin Kjærås,Eleanor Johnson
¿Hasta dónde llega la calle?: Prácticas artísticas y espacio público
Author/Editor: Wilfried Raussert,Wilfried Raussert,Olaf Kaltmeier
Has Latin American Inequality Changed Direction?: Looking Over the Long Run
Author/Editor: Luis Bértola,Jeffrey Williamson
Harvesting: The Results and Impact of Research based on Historical Longitudinal Databases
Author/Editor: Sören Edvinsson,Kees Mandemakers,Ken Robert Smith,Paul Puschmann
Harun Farocki
"Harry - yer a wizard": Exploring J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Universe
Author/Editor: Marion Gymnich,Hanne Birk,Denise Burkhard
Harpe og sverd: Litteraturhistoriske essay om den norske balladen
Author/Editor: Olav Solberg
Harold Garfinkel: Studies of Work in the Sciences
Author/Editor: Harold Garfinkel,Michael Lynch
Harnessing the Power of the Criminal Corpse
Author/Editor: Sarah Tarlow,Emma Battell Lowman
Harnessing the Bohemian: Artists as innovation partners in rural and remote communities
Author/Editor: Skippington ,Peter
Harnessing Knowledge, Innovation and Competence in Engineering of Mission Critical Systems
Author/Editor: Ali G. Hessami
Harnessing Complexity for Better Outcomes in Public and Non-profit Services
Author/Editor: Max French,Hannah Hesselgreaves,Rob Wilson,Melissa Hawkins,Toby Lowe
Harnessing Chaos: The Bible in English Political Discourse Since 1968
Author/Editor: James G. Crossley
The Harmony of Symbols
Author/Editor: Alasdair Whittle
Harmony and Paradox: Intensional Aspects of Proof-Theoretic Semantics
Author/Editor: Luca Tranchini
The Harmonious Organ of Sedulius Scottus: Introduction to His Collectaneum in Apostolum and Translation of Its Prologue and Commentaries on Galatians and Ephesians
Author/Editor: Michael C. Sloan
Harmoniousness: Essays in Chinese Musicology
Author/Editor: Tsung-i Jao,Colin Huehns
Author/Editor: Teeuw ,A.
Haribhaktivilāsa of Sanātana Gosvāmin, Volume One: Mantras, Initiation and Preparing for Worship (Chapters 1–5). Critical Edition and Annotated Translation
Author/Editor: Måns Broo
Hardy Inequalities on Homogeneous Groups: 100 Years of Hardy Inequalities
Author/Editor: Michael Ruzhansky,Durvudkhan Suragan
Hard Reading: Learning from Science Fiction
Author/Editor: Tom Shippey
Harald Schmidt - Zur Ästhetik und Praxis des Populären
Author/Editor: Oliver Ruf,Christoph H. Winter
Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications: 13th International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer Applications, EuroHaptics 2022, Hamburg, Germany, May 22–25, 2022, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Hasti Seifi,Astrid M. L. Kappers,Oliver Schneider,Knut Drewing,Claudio Pacchierotti,Alireza Abbasimoshaei,Gijs Huisman,Thorsten A. Kern
Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications: 12th International Conference, EuroHaptics 2020, Leiden, The Netherlands, September 6–9, 2020, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Ilana Nisky,Jess Hartcher-O’Brien,Michaël Wiertlewski,Jeroen Smeets
Happy Landings? Het biometrische paspoort als zwarte doos - 46
Author/Editor: Böhre ,V.
Happyland: A History of the “Dirty Thirties” in Saskatchewan, 1914-1937
Author/Editor: Curtis McManus
Happiness, Well-being and Sustainability: A Course in Systems Change
Author/Editor: Laura Musikanski,Rhonda Phillips,James Bradbury,John de Graaf,Clinton L. Bliss
Happiness is the Wrong Metric: A Liberal Communitarian Response to Populism
Author/Editor: Amitai Etzioni
Happiness—Concept, Measurement and Promotion
Author/Editor: Yew-Kwang Ng
Happiness and Wellness: Biopsychosocial and Anthropological Perspectives
Author/Editor: Floriana Irtelli,Fabio Gabrielli
Happiness and Wellbeing in Singapore: Beyond Economic Prosperity
Author/Editor: Siok Kuan Tambyah,Soo Jiuan Tan,Yuen Wei Lun
Happiness and Utility: Essays Presented to Frederick Rosen
Author/Editor: Georgios Varouxakis,Mark Philp
The Happiest Days?
Author/Editor: Peter Woods
Hans Werner Henze und Ingeborg Bachmann: Die gemeinsamen Werke: Beobachtungen zur Intermedialität von Musik und Dichtung
Author/Editor: Christian Bielefeldt
Hans Tietgens und die Erwachsenenbildung: Gespräche über frühe wegweisende Texte
Author/Editor: Wiltrud Gieseke,Bernd Käpplinger
Hans Semper: Visionär der Kunstgeschichte im 19. Jahrhundert: Ein Beitrag zur wissenschaftlichen Entwicklung einer jungen Disziplin an der Universität Innsbruck
Author/Editor: Reinhard Obermeir
Hans-Michael Geiger- Informational Efficiency in Speculative Markets- A Theoretical Investigation: Informational Efficiency in Speculative Markets
Hans Jonas: Zur Diskussion seiner Denkwege
Author/Editor: Jürgen Nielsen-Sikora
Hans Haacke und Pierre Huyghe: Non-Human Living Sculptures seit den 1960er-Jahren
Author/Editor: Ursula Ströbele
Hannah Arendt and the Politics of Friendship
Author/Editor: Jon Nixon
Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out: Kids Living and Learning with New Media
Author/Editor: Mizuko Ito
Hanging on to the Edges: Essays on Science, Society and the Academic Life
Author/Editor: Daniel Nettle
Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos. Die Wohneinheit 7, Textband 2
Author/Editor: Rathmayr ,Elisabeth
Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos. Die Wohneinheit 7, Textband 1
Author/Editor: Rathmayr ,Elisabeth
Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos. Die Wohneinheit 7, Tafelband
Author/Editor: Rathmayr ,Elisabeth
Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos. Die Wohneinheit 6. Textband II
Author/Editor: Thür ,Hilke,Rathmayr ,Elisabeth
Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos. Die Wohneinheit 6. Textband 1
Author/Editor: Thür ,Hilke,Rathmayr ,Elisabeth
Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos. Die Wohneinheit 6. Tafelband: Baubefund, Ausstattung, Funde
Author/Editor: Hilke Thür,Elisabeth Rathmayr
Handwörterbuch des Altuigurischen: Altuigurisch – Deutsch – Türkisch
Author/Editor: Jens Wilkens,Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen
Handwritten Newspapers: An Alternative Medium during the Early Modern and Modern Periods
Author/Editor: Heiko Droste,Kirsti Salmi-Niklander
Handwerk in Mittel- und Suedosteuropa. Mobilitaet, Vermittlung und Wandel im Handwerk des 18. bis 20. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Klaus Roth
Hands on Media History: A new methodology in the humanities and social sciences
Author/Editor: Nick Hall,John Ellis
Handschrift im Druck (ca. 1500–1800): Annotieren, Korrigieren, Weiterschreiben
Author/Editor: Sylvia Brockstieger,Rebecca Hirt
Handlungsspielraum: Neuschreibungen des romantischen Aktivismus in der polnischen Literatur
Author/Editor: Zehnder Christian
Handlungsorientierungen von Lehrpersonen im Umgang mit Unterrichtsstörungen: Eine Studie mit Lehrpersonen aus Schulen mit und ohne personalisierte Lernkonzepte
Author/Editor: Claudia Marusic
Handlungsorientierter Fremdsprachenunterricht empirisch: Studien zu schulischen und universitären Lehr-/Lernkontexten
Author/Editor: Katharina Delius,Carola Surkamp,Andreas Wirag
Handlungsoptionen auf dem Weg in die Gigabit-Gesellschaft: Eine rechtliche Analyse von Konzessions- und Kooperationsmodellen sowie regulatorischer Entflechtungsbestimmungen
Author/Editor: Fabian Toros
Handlungskoordination in der Lernwelt Hochschule: Rahmenbedingungen kompetenzorientierter Lehre
Author/Editor: Alexandra Becker
Handlingsrom for profesjonalisert velferd: Kommunale tjenester for helse, omsorg og barnevern
Author/Editor: Bente Lilljan Lind Kassah,Hilde Nordahl-Pedersen,Wivi-Ann Tingvoll
Handleiding voor de determinatie van harde dierlijke materialen
Author/Editor: Rijkelijkhuizen ,Marloes
Handeln unter Risiko : Gestaltungsansätze zwischen Wagnis und Vorsorge
Handeln unter Risiko
Handeln mit Dichtung: Literarische Performativität in der altisländischen Prosa-Edda
Author/Editor: Sandra Schneeberger
Handeln in Hungerkrisen - neue Perspektiven auf soziale und klimatische Vulnerabilität
Author/Editor: Collet, Dominik,Lassen, Thore,Schanbacher, Ansgar
Handeln im Feld der Medien- und informatischen Bildung: Eine explorative Interviewstudie mit Bildungspraktiker:innen über deren teilformalisierte Aktivitäten mit Kindern im mittleren Kindesalter
Author/Editor: Mareike Thumel
Handel, Nation und Religion: Kaufleute zwischen Hamburg und Portugal im 17. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Jorun Poettering
Handbuch Zeitschriftenforschung
Author/Editor: Oliver Scheiding,Sabina Fazli
Handbuch Validierung non-formal und informell erworbener Kompetenzen: Disziplinäre, theoretische und konzeptionelle Zugänge
Author/Editor: Martin Schmid
Handbuch Transdisziplinäre Didaktik
Author/Editor: Thorsten Philipp,Tobias Schmohl
Handbuch Soziale Arbeit und Digitalisierung
Author/Editor: Angela Tillmann,Isabel Zorn,Nadia Kutscher,Thomas Ley,Udo Seelmeyer,Friederike Siller
Handbuch Religionskunde in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Wanda Alberts,Horst Junginger,Katharina Neef,Christina Wöstemeyer
Handbuch Queere Zeitgeschichten I: Räume
Author/Editor: Andrea Rottmann,Benno Gammerl,Martin Lücke
Handbuch Poststrukturalistische Perspektiven auf soziale Bewegungen: Ansätze, Methoden und Forschungspraxis
Author/Editor: Judith Vey,Johanna Leinius,Ingmar Hagemann
Handbuch Politische Ökologie: Theorien, Konflikte, Begriffe, Methoden
Author/Editor: Daniela Gottschlich,Sarah Hackfort,Tobias Schmitt,Uta von Winterfeld
Handbuch Musikvermittlung - Studium, Lehre, Berufspraxis
Author/Editor: Axel Petri-Preis,Johannes Voit
Handbuch kommunikationswissenschaftliche Erinnerungsforschung
Author/Editor: Christian Pentzold,Christine Lohmeier
Handbuch IQM: Konsequent transparent – Qualität mit Routinedaten! 3. Auflage
Author/Editor: Jörg Martin,Jan-Peter Braun,Josef Zacher
Handbuch Inklusion und Medienbildung
Author/Editor: Ingo Bosse,Jan-René Schluchter,Isabel Zorn
Handbuch Inklusion international / International Handbook of Inclusive Education: Globale, nationale und lokale Perspektiven auf Inklusive Bildung / Global, National and Local Perspectives
Author/Editor: Andreas Köpfer,Justin JW Powell,Raphael Zahnd
Handbuch Europäische Sprachkritik Online: Standardisierung und Sprachkritik
Author/Editor: Ekkehard Felder,Katharina Jacob,Horst Schwinn,Beatrix Busse,Sybille Große,Jadranka Gvozdanović,Henning Lobin,Edgar Radtke
Handbuch Europäische Sprachkritik Online: Sprachpurismus und Sprachkritik
Author/Editor: Horst Schwinn,Ekkehard Felder,Katharina Jacob,Beatrix Busse,Sybille Große,Jadranka Gvozdanović,Henning Lobin,rad
Handbuch Europäische Sprachkritik Online: Sprachnormierung und Sprachkritik
Author/Editor: Ekkehard Felder,Horst Schwinn,Beatrix Busse,Ludwig M. Eichinger,Sybille Große,Jadranka Gvozdanović,Katharina Jacob,Edgar Radtke
Handbuch des chinesischen Zivilprozessrechts: Analyse und Materialien
Author/Editor: Knut Benjamin Pißler
Handbuch der österreichischen Kinder- und Jugendbuchautorinnen: L-Z
Author/Editor: Blumesberger ,Susanne
Handbuch der österreichischen Kinder- und Jugendbuchautorinnen: A-K
Author/Editor: Blumesberger ,Susanne
Handbuch der deutsch-jüdischen Literatur
Author/Editor: Hans Otto Horch
Handbuch China-Kompetenzen: Best-Practice-Beispiele aus deutschen Hochschulen
Author/Editor: Gabriele Thelen,Helena Obendiek,Yinchun Bai
Handbuch Bibliothekspädagogik
Author/Editor: Ute Engelkenmeier,Bernd Schmid-Ruhe,Richard Stang,Kerstin Keller-Loibl
Handbuch Barrierefreie Kommunikation
Author/Editor: Christiane Maaß,Isabel Rink
Handbuch Außenpolitik Österreichs
Author/Editor: Martin Senn,Franz Eder,Markus Kornprobst
Handbuch Audiovisuelle Translation: Arbeitsmittel für Wissenschaft, Studium, Praxis
Author/Editor: Alexander Künzli,Klaus Kaindl
Handbook Transdisciplinary Learning
Author/Editor: Thorsten Philipp,Tobias Schmohl
Handbook on Process Safety Integrity for Utility Operators
Author/Editor: Janjua ,Farooq
Handbook on Craniofacial Superimposition: The MEPROCS Project
Author/Editor: Sergio Damas,Oscar Cordón,Oscar Ibáñez
Handbook of Vascular Biometrics
Author/Editor: Andreas Uhl,Christoph Busch,Sébastien Marcel,Raymond Veldhuis
A Handbook of Theories on Designing Alignment Between People and the Office Environment
Author/Editor: Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek,Vitalija Danivska
Handbook of the Cultural Foundations of Learning
Author/Editor: Na’ilah Suad Nasir,Carol D Lee,Roy Pea,Maxine McKinney de Royston
A Handbook of the Aramaic Scrolls from the Qumran Caves: Manuscripts, Language, and Scribal Practices
Author/Editor: Daniel Machiela
Handbook of Technical and Vocational Teacher Professional Development in the Digital Age
Author/Editor: Xibin Han,Qian Zhou,Ming Li,Yuping Wang
Handbook of Teaching Competency Development in Higher Education
Author/Editor: Jiangang Cheng,Wei Han,Qian Zhou,Shuyan Wang
Handbook of Stemmatology: History, Methodology, Digital Approaches
Author/Editor: Philipp Roelli
The Handbook of Salutogenesis
Author/Editor: Maurice B. Mittelmark,Shifra Sagy,Monica Eriksson,Georg F. Bauer,Jürgen M. Pelikan,Bengt Lindström,Geir Arild Espnes
The Handbook of Salutogenesis
Author/Editor: Maurice B. Mittelmark,Georg F. Bauer,Lenneke Vaandrager,Jürgen M. Pelikan,Shifra Sagy,Monica Eriksson,Bengt Lindström,Claudia Meier Magistretti
Handbook of Rituals in Contemporary Studies of Religion: Exploring Ritual Creativity in the Footsteps of Anne-Christine Hornborg
Author/Editor: Ive Brissman,Paul Linjamaa,Tao Thykier Makeeff
Handbook of Positive Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality
Author/Editor: Edward B. Davis,Everett L. Worthington Jr.,Sarah A. Schnitker
Handbook of Polish, Czech, and Slovak Holocaust Fiction: Works and Contexts
Author/Editor: Jiří Holý,Hana Nichtburgerová,Elisa-Maria Hiemer,Agata Firlej
Handbook of Pathogens and Diseases in Cephalopods
Author/Editor: Camino Gestal,Santiago Pascual,Ángel Guerra,Graziano Fiorito,Juan M. Vieites
Handbook of Optical and Laser Scanning
Author/Editor: Gerald F. Marshall,Glenn E. Stutz
Handbook of Optical and Laser Scanning
Author/Editor: Gerald F. Marshall,Glenn E. Stutz
Handbook of Ocean Wave Energy
Author/Editor: Arthur Pecher,Jens Peter Kofoed
Handbook of Mental Performance: Lessons from High Performance Domains
Author/Editor: Nathalie Pattyn,Robin Hauffa
Handbook of Megachurches
Author/Editor: Stephen Hunt
Handbook of Mathematical Geosciences: Fifty Years of IAMG
Author/Editor: B.S. Daya Sagar,Qiuming Cheng,Frits Agterberg
Handbook of Marine Model Organisms in Experimental Biology: Established and Emerging
Author/Editor: Agnes Boutet,Bernd Schierwater
A Handbook of Management Theories and Models for Office Environments and Services
Author/Editor: Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek,Vitalija Danivska
Handbook of Life Course Health Development
Author/Editor: Neal Halfon,Christopher B. Forrest,Richard M. Lerner,Elaine M. Faustman
Handbook of Lexical Functional Grammar
Author/Editor: Mary Dalrymple
Handbook of Leaving Religion
Author/Editor: Daniel Enstedt,Göran Larsson,Teemu T. Mantsinen
Handbook of Islamic Sects and Movements
Author/Editor: Muhammad Afzal Upal,Carole M. Cusack
Handbook of Intercultural Communication and Cooperation: Basics and Areas of Application
Author/Editor: Alexander Thomas,Eva-Ulrike Kinast,Sylvia Schroll-Machl
Handbook of Indo-Pacific Studies
Author/Editor: Barbara Kratiuk,Jeroen J. J. Van den Bosch,Aleksandra Jaskólska,Yoichiro Sato
Handbook of Genetic Diagnostic Technologies in Reproductive Medicine: Improving Patient Success Rates and Infant Health
Author/Editor: Carlos Simón,Carmen Rubio
Handbook of Education Policy Studies: Values, Governance, Globalization, and Methodology, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Guorui Fan,Thomas S. Popkewitz
Handbook of Education Policy Studies: School/University, Curriculum, and Assessment, Volume 2
Author/Editor: Guorui Fan,Thomas S. Popkewitz
Handbook of Educational Reform Through Blended Learning
Author/Editor: Ming Li,Xibin Han,Jiangang Cheng
Handbook of Easy Languages in Europe
Author/Editor: Camilla Lindholm,Ulla Vanhatalo
Handbook of Direct Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989
Author/Editor: Maria Marczewska-Rytko
Handbook of Direct Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989
Author/Editor: Maria Marczewska-Rytko
Handbook of Digital Face Manipulation and Detection: From DeepFakes to Morphing Attacks
Author/Editor: Christian Rathgeb,Ruben Tolosana,Ruben Vera-Rodriguez,Christoph Busch
Handbook of Digital 3D Reconstruction of Historical Architecture
Author/Editor: Sander Münster,Piotr Kuroczyński,Jan-Eric Lutteroth,Heike Messemer,Georg Schelbert,Fabrizio Ivan Apollonio,Ina Bluemel,Federico Fallavollita,Riccardo Foschi,Marc Grellert,Marinos Ioannides,Peter Heinrich Jahn,Richard Kurdiovsky
The Handbook of Cultural Work
Author/Editor: Christos Carras
Handbook of Contact Mechanics: Exact Solutions of Axisymmetric Contact Problems
Author/Editor: Valentin L. Popov,Markus Heß,Emanuel Willert
Handbook of Computational Social Science for Policy
Author/Editor: Eleonora Bertoni,Matteo Fontana,Lorenzo Gabrielli,Serena Signorelli,Michele Vespe
Handbook Of Climate Change And Agroecosystems: Climate Change And Farming System Planning In Africa And South Asia: Agmip Stakeholder-driven Research (In 2 Parts)
Author/Editor: Cynthia Rosenzweig,Carolyn Z. Mutter,Erik Mencos Contreras
Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies: Volume 3: Frontier-Zone Processes and Transimperial Exchange
Author/Editor: Sitta von Reden
Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies: Volume 2: Local, Regional, and Imperial Economies
Author/Editor: Sitta Reden
Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies
Author/Editor: Sitta Reden
Handbook Global History of Work
Author/Editor: Karin Hofmeester,Marcel van der Linden
A Handbook for Wellbeing Policy-Making: History, Theory, Measurement, Implementation, and Examples
Author/Editor: Paul Frijters,Christian Krekel
Handbook for Ethiopian Public Administration Program Accreditation
Author/Editor: Bacha Kebede Debela,Geert Bouckaert,Berhanu Temesgen Eshetu,Chala Deyessa Fita,Hailu Megersa Tola,Kiflie Worku Angaw,Shumey Berhie Teshome,Solomon Gebreyoha Gebru
A Handbook and Reader of Ottoman Arabic
Author/Editor: Esther-Miriam Wagner
The Hand Behind the Invisible Hand: Dogmatic and Pragmatic Views on Free Markets and the State of Economic Theory
Author/Editor: Karl Mittermaier
The Han: China's Diverse Majority
Author/Editor: Agnieszka Joniak-Luthi
Hamburgs Gedächtnis - die Threse des Hamburger Rates. Die Regesten der Urkunden im Staatsarchiv der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg Bd. I: 1350-1399
Author/Editor: Nico Nolden,Jeanine Marquard,Jürgen Sarnowsky
Hamburg in der Novemberrevolution von 1918/19: Dynamiken der politischen und gesellschaftlichen Transformation in der urbanen Metropole
Author/Editor: Johanna Meyer-Lenz,Franklin Kopitzsch,Markus Hedrich
Hamburger Schulen im "Dritten Reich" - Band 2
Author/Editor: Uwe Schmidt
Hamburger Schulen im "Dritten Reich" - Band 1
Author/Editor: Uwe Schmidt
Hamburger Klimabericht – Wissen über Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Hamburg und Norddeutschland
Author/Editor: Hans von Storch,Insa Meinke,Martin Claußen
Haltungen: Zugänge aus Perspektiven qualitativer Bildungs- und Biographieforschung
Author/Editor: Juliane Engel,Thorsten Fuchs,Christine Demmer,Christine Wiezorek
»Hallo Schönheiten!«: Aushandlungen der Geschlechterordnung in der YouTube Beauty Community
Author/Editor: Susanne Richter
Hallmarking Halal - 56
Author/Editor: Waarden van ,F.,Dalen van ,R.
Half the battle: Civilian morale in Britain during the Second World War
Author/Editor: Mackay ,Robert
Half in Shadow: The Life and Legacy of Nellie Y. McKay
Author/Editor: Shanna Greene Benjamin
A half century of Romance linguistics: Selected proceedings of the 50th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages
Author/Editor: Barbara E. Bullock,Cinzia Russi,Almeida Jacqueline Toribio
Halal Development: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Halal Development (ICHaD 2020), Malang, Indonesia, October 8, 2020
Author/Editor: Heri Pratikto,Ahmad Taufiq,Adam Voak,Nurdeng Deuraseh,Hadi Nur,Winai Dahlan,Agus Purnomo
Hakol Kol Yaakov: The Joel Roth Jubilee Volume
Author/Editor: Robert A. Harris,Jonathan S. Milgram
Hajj to the Heart: Sufi Journeys across the Indian Ocean
Author/Editor: Scott Kugle
The Hajj and Europe in the Age of Empire
The Hajj and Europe in the Age of Empire
Author/Editor: Umar Ryad
Haiti Unbound: A Spiralist Challenge to the Postcolonial Canon
Author/Editor: Glover ,Kaiama L.
Haiti for the Haitians by Louis-Joseph Janvier
Author/Editor: Brandon R. Byrd,Chelsea Stieber
Hailing the State: Indian Democracy between Elections
Author/Editor: Lisa Mitchell
Haftung für Gefahrguttransporte in Europa - Zur außervertraglichen Haftung für Gefahrguttransporte zu Lande, zu Wasser und mit Luftfahrzeugen
Author/Editor: Kaiser, Anne
Haftung für Gefahrguttransporte in Europa - Zur außervertraglichen Haftung für Gefahrguttransporte zu Lande, zu Wasser und mit Luftfahrzeugen
Hadrons and Quark–Gluon Plasma
Author/Editor: Jean Letessier,Johann Rafelski
Hadrian’s Wall: : Exploring Its Past to Protect Its Future
Author/Editor: Marta Alberti,Katie Mountain
Hadrian and the Christians
Author/Editor: Marco Rizzi
Hack the Experience: Tools for Artists from Cognitive Science
Author/Editor: Ryan Dewey
Hacking the Academy: New Approaches to Scholarship and Teaching from Digital Humanities
Author/Editor: Daniel J. Cohen,Tom Scheinfeldt
The Hackable City: Digital Media and Collaborative City-Making in the Network Society
Author/Editor: Michiel de Lange,Martijn de Waal
Haciendo frente a la discriminación y a la exclusión: Las experiencias de migrantes chinos libres en las Américas desde una perspectiva transregional y diacrónica
Author/Editor: Albert Manke,Wilfried Raussert,Olaf Kaltmeier
Hacia una historia de las tendencias trotskistas después de Trotsky
Author/Editor: Daniel Gaido
Habsburgs going global. The Austro-Hungarian Concession in Tientsin/Tianjin in China (1901-1917)
Author/Editor: Michael Falser
The Habsburg Monarchy’s Many-Languaged Soul : Translating and interpreting, 1848-1918
Author/Editor: Wolf ,Michaela
The Habsburg Monarchy’s Many-Languaged Soul
Habsburg als Touristenmagnet: Monarchie und Fremdenverkehr in den Ostalpen 1820 - 1910
Author/Editor: Ursula Butz
Habitus? The Social Dimension of Technology and Transformation
Author/Editor: Sławomir Kadrow,Johannes Müller
Habitual Ethics?
Author/Editor: Sylvie Delacroix
The Habitats Directive - 30
Author/Editor: Keulen van ,M.
Habitats and Biota of the Gulf of Mexico: Before the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Volume 1: Water Quality, Sediments, Sediment Contaminants, Oil and Gas Seeps, Coastal Habitats, Offshore Plankton and Benthos, and Shellfish
Author/Editor: C. Herb Ward
Habitats and Biota of the Gulf of Mexico: Before the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Volume 2: Fish Resources, Fisheries, Sea Turtles, Avian Resources, Marine Mammals, Diseases and Mortalities
Author/Editor: C. Herb Ward
Habilidades directivas y clima organizacional. Resultados de una investigación en las micro y pequeñas empresas latinoamericanas
Author/Editor: Nuria Peña Ahumada,Oscar C Aguilar Rascon
Habilidades directivas y clima organizacional. Resultados de una investigación en las micro y pequeñas empresas latinoamericanas
Author/Editor: Nuria Peña Ahumada,Oscar C Aguilar Rascon
Habemus gender! Déconstruction d'une riposte religieuse
Author/Editor: Martina Avanza,David Paternotte,Céline Béraud,Sophie van der Dussen,botbol baum mylene,Valérie Piette,Émilie Brébant,Monica Cornejo Valle,Martine Gross,Jacqueline Heinen,Anne-Charlotte HUSSON
Habeas Corpus after 9/11: Confronting America’s New Global Detention System
Author/Editor: Jonathan Hafetz
Haare hören – Strukturen wissen – Räume agieren : Berichte aus dem Interdisziplinären Labor on("i") Bild Wissen Gestaltung off("i")
Author/Editor: Bredekamp ,Horst,Schäffner ,Wolfgang
Haare hören – Strukturen wissen – Räume agieren
Haalt de universiteit 2040? Een Europees perspectief op wereldwijde kansen en bedreigingen
Author/Editor: Zwaan van der ,Bert