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Titles start with O ( displaying 500 of 638 ) Information
Oaths and Swearing in Ancient Greece
Author/Editor: Sommerstein H. ,Alan,Torrance C. ,Isabelle
Oaths and Swearing in Ancient Greece
Obama and Kenya: Contested Histories and the Politics of Belonging
Author/Editor: Matthew Carotenuto,Katherine Luongo
Obama v. Trump: The Politics of Rollback
Author/Editor: Alex Waddan,Clodagh Harrington
Ob Dir es sauer wird mit Deiner Nahrung und Ackerwerk, das laß Dich nicht verdrießen, denn Gott hat es also geschaffen - Gottfreid Dietrich Wilhelm Berthold (1854 - 1937) Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Biologie an der Georgia Augusta Göttingen
"Ob Dir es sauer wird mit Deiner Nahrung und Ackerwerk, das laß Dich nicht verdrießen, denn Gott hat es also geschaffen" - Gottfreid Dietrich Wilhelm Berthold (1854 - 1937) Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Biologie an der Georgia Augusta Göttingen
Author/Editor: Ruttig, Katharina,Friedl, Thomas,Wissemann, Volker
Obeah, Orisa, and Religious Identity in Trinidad, Volume II, Orisa
Author/Editor: Dianne Stewart
Obeah, Orisa, and Religious Identity in Trinidad, Volume I, Obeah: Africans in the White Colonial Imagination, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Tracey E. Hucks
Obedience and Servant Leadership: Apollis, Appies, Buti, Buys
Author/Editor: Eugene Baron,Nico Adam Botha
Obiter Dicta
Author/Editor: Erick Verran
The Objectionable Li Zhi: Fiction, Criticism, and Dissent in Late Ming China
Author/Editor: Rivi Handler-Spitz,Pauline C. Lee,Haun Saussy
Objective Information Theory
Author/Editor: Jianfeng Xu,Shuliang Wang,Zhenyu Liu,Yashi Wang,Yingfei Wang,Yingxu Dang
Object Oriented Environs
Author/Editor: Julian Yates Jeffrey Jerome Cohen
Objekte im Netz: Wissenschaftliche Sammlungen im digitalen Wandel
Author/Editor: Udo Andraschke,Sarah Wagner
Objektivierung des Schwingungskomforts schwerer Nutzfahrzeuge
Author/Editor: Nils Bulthaupt
Obliteration: Für eine partikulare Medienphilosophie nach Emmanuel Levinas
Author/Editor: Johannes Bennke
Oblivionism: Forgetting and Forgetfulness in Modern Science
Author/Editor: Oliver Dimbath
Obraznoe osnovanie idiom: Psicholingvo-kul'turologičeskie aspekty
Author/Editor: Svetlana V. Kabakova
Observant Reforms and Cultural Production in Europe: Learning, Liturgy and Spiritual Practice
Author/Editor: Pietro Delcorno,Bert Roest
Observing Conflict Escalation in World Society: Ukraine's Maidan and Mali's Breakup
Author/Editor: Richard Bösch
Observing Legislative Processes: Implementation of the CRPD
Author/Editor: Alexander Lamplmayr,Eva Nachtschatt
Observing Protest from a Place: The World Social Forum in Dakar (2011)
Observing the Volcano World: Volcano Crisis Communication
Author/Editor: Carina J. Fearnley,Deanne K. Bird,Katharine Haynes,William J. McGuire,Gill Jolly
Obsessed by a Dream: The Physicist Rolf Widerøe – a Giant in the History of Accelerators
Author/Editor: Aashild Sørheim
Obsessive Measurement Disorder or Pragmatic Bureaucracy?: Coping with Uncertainty in Development Aid Relations
Author/Editor: Susanna Alexius,Janet Vähämäki
Obsidian Across the Americas: Compositional Studies Conducted in the Elemental Analysis Facility at the Field Museum of Natural History
Author/Editor: Gary M. Feinman,Danielle J. Riebe
Obskure Organisationen: Logen, Clubs und Männerbünde als organisationssoziologische Sonderfälle
Author/Editor: Roman Gibel
Obstacles to Environmental Progress: A U.S. perspective
Author/Editor: Peter Schulze
Obstructions in Security-Aware Business Processes: Analysis, Detection, and Handling
Author/Editor: Julius Holderer
Obvladovanje kreditnega tveganja pri bančnem poslovanju
Author/Editor: Oplotnik Jan ,Žan,Eichmeier ,Vesna
Obvladovanje kreditnega tveganja pri bančnem poslovanju
Occidentalist Perceptions of European Architecture in Nineteenth-Century Persian Travel Diaries: Travels in Farangi Space
Author/Editor: Vahid Vahdat
Occult Roots of Religious Studies: On the Influence of Non-Hegemonic Currents on Academia around 1900
Author/Editor: Helmut Zander,Yves Mühlematter
Occupant- Centric Simulation- Aided Building Design: Theory, Application, and Case Studies
Author/Editor: William O’Brien,Farhang Tahmasebi
Occupational noise-induced hearing loss: An African perspective
Author/Editor: Katijah Khoza-Shangase,Katijah Khoza-Shangase,Nomfundo F. Moroe,Nomfundo F. Moroe,Liepollo Ntlhakana,Luisa Petrocchi-Bartal,Zumbi Musiba,Milka C.I. Madahana,Otis T.C. Nyandoro
Occupy: A People Yet To Come
Author/Editor: Conio ,Andrew
Occupy in Deutschland
Occupy in Deutschland : Die Protestbewegung und ihre Akteure
Author/Editor: Geiges ,Lars
The Occurrence of Separate Opinions at the Federal Constitutional Court
Author/Editor: Caroline Wittig
Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions of Gases and Particles
Author/Editor: Peter S. Liss,Martin T. Johnson
Ocean Governance: Knowledge Systems, Policy Foundations and Thematic Analyses
Author/Editor: Stefan Partelow,Maria Hadjimichael,Anna-Katharina Hornidge
Oceanic Encounters: Exchange, Desire, Violence
Author/Editor: Jolly ,Margaret,Tyron ,Darrell,Tcherkézoff ,Serge
Oceanic Explorations (TA26)
Author/Editor: Connaughton P. ,Sean,Sand ,Christophe,Bedford ,Stuart
Oceanic New York
Author/Editor: Steve Mentz
The Ocean of Heroes: A Critical Edition, Translation, and Analysis of the Dakarnavatantra, Chapter 15, and Jayasena’s Meditation Manual
Author/Editor: Tsunehiko Sugiki
Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review
Author/Editor: S. J. Hawkins,A. L. Allcock,A. E. Bates,L. B. Firth,I. P. Smith,S. E. Swearer,P. A. Todd
Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, Volume 58
Author/Editor: S. J. Hawkins,P. A. Todd,A. L. Allcock,A. E. Bates,A.J. Evans,L. B. Firth,C. D. McQuaid,B. D. Russell,I. P. Smith,S. E. Swearer
Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, Volume 60
Author/Editor: S.J. Hawkins
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC): Past, Present, and Progress
Author/Editor: Hyeon-Ju Kim,Albert S. Kim
Ockhams Theorie der Modalitäten: Metaphysische, natürliche und historische Notwendigkeit
Author/Editor: Lu Jiang
OCM 2021 - Optical Characterization of Materials: Conference Proceedings
Author/Editor: Jürgen Beyerer,Thomas Längle
OCM 2023: 6th International Conference on Optical Characterization of Materials : Conference Proceedings March 22nd – 23rd, 2023 Karlsruhe | Germany
Author/Editor: Jürgen Beyerer,Thomas Längle,Michael Heizmann
OCM seminativi: tendenze evolutive e assetto territoriale
Author/Editor: Leonardo Casini,Enrico Marone,Silvio Menghini
O corpo-cronômetro: As temporalidades do corpo na literatura brasileira
Author/Editor: Janek Scholz,Jasmin Wrobel
Ocse Pisa 2012. Contributi di approfondimento
Author/Editor: Palmerio ,Laura
Octavia Hill, social activism and the remaking of British society
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Baigent,Ben Cowell
Odd Couples
Odd Couples
Author/Editor: Rydström ,Jens
Odd Couples : Friendships at the Intersection of Gender and Sexual Orientation
Author/Editor: Muraco ,Anna
O drevnerusskoj kul'ture, russkoj nacional'noj specifike i logike istorii
Author/Editor: Igor' P. Smirnov
Oeffentliche Planung auf Landesebene: Eine Analyse von Planungskonzepten in Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Eberhard Wille
Oeffentliche Sportfoerderung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Darstellung und finanztheoretische Analyse
Author/Editor: Christian Hockenjos
Oeffentlich-private Finanzierung von Infrastruktur in Entwicklungslaendern und deren Beitrag zur Armutsreduktion: Fallstudien in Vietnam und auf den Philippinen
Author/Editor: Bianca Gusenbauer
Oekodumping? Umweltpolitik in internationalen Oligopolmaerkten
Author/Editor: Marion Hübner
Oekologieorientierte Produktinnovationen: Eine empirische Analyse unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung ihrer Erfolgseinschaetzung
Author/Editor: Hanns Ostmeier
Oekologieorientierte Profilierung im vertikalen Marketing: dargestellt am Beispiel der Elektrobranche
Author/Editor: Michael Ceyp
Oekonomie der Musikindustrie: Eine Analyse der koerperlichen und unkoerperlichen Musikverwertung mit Hilfe von Tontraegern und Netzen
Author/Editor: Jürgen Kulle
Oekonomik der Transformation als wirtschafts- und gesellschaftspolitisches Problem: Eine Einfuehrung aus wirtschaftsanthropologischer Sicht
Author/Editor: Frank Schulz-Nieswandt
Oekonomische Kriterien fuer eine Aufgabenverteilung in der Marktwirtschaft: Eine deskriptive und normative Betrachtung fuer den Allokationsbereich
Author/Editor: Albert Peters
Oekonomische Kriterien und Anreizmechanismen fuer eine effiziente Foerderung von industrieller Forschung und Innovation: Mit einer empirischen Quantifizierung der Hebeleffekte von F&E-Foerderinstrumenten in Oesterreich
Author/Editor: Bernard Klement
Oekonomische Wirkungen von Steueramnestien: Untersuchung konkreter Erfahrungen ausgewaehlter Laender mit dem Einsatz von Steueramnestien anhand eines effizienten Steueramnestieprogramms
Author/Editor: Barbara Petrick-Rump
Očerk istorii jazykoznanija v Rossii. T. I (XIII v.-1825 g.): T. I (XIII v.-1825 g.). Nachdruck der Ausgabe SPb. 1904. Nachdruck und Nachwort von Helmut Keipert
Author/Editor: Sergej K. Bulic
Où est donc passé le suicide ? Essai sur le Nouveau Roman (Duras, Simon, Beckett)
Author/Editor: Clara Schwarze
Of Elephants and Toothaches
Author/Editor: Badowska ,Eva,Parmeggiani ,Francesca
Off-Canon pleasures - a case study and a perspective
Author/Editor: Frank, Armin Paul
Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit: Ergebnisse der ersten schweizweiten Umfrage
Author/Editor: Julia Gerodetti,Manuel Fuchs,Lukas Fellmann,Martina Gerngross,Olivier Steiner
Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in Krisenzeiten aus Sicht von Jugendlichen: Eine empirische Studie zur Bedeutung von Einrichtungen in Hamburg
Author/Editor: Gunda Voigts,Thurid Blohm
Offene-Welt-Strukturen: Architektur, Stadt- und Naturlandschaft im Computerspiel
Author/Editor: Marc Bonner
Offenheit in Lehre und Forschung: Königsweg oder Sackgasse?
Author/Editor: Anna Heudorfer,Christopher Könitz,Isabel Steinhardt,Bence Lukács,Matthias Kostrzewa,Patrick Bettinger,Anna Heudorfer,Christine Ruthenfranz,Valentin Dander,Franziska Bellinger,Constanze Reder,Anja Lorenz,Kathrin Braungardt,Ricarda Bolten,Franziska Bellinge
Office 365: Migrating and Managing Your Business in the Cloud
Author/Editor: Matthew Katzer,Don Crawford
The Official Indonesian Qurʾān Translation: The History and Politics of Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahnya
Author/Editor: Fadhli Lukman
Officiersvorming in klare taal
Author/Editor: Sander Dalenberg,Ineke Dekker-Prinsen,Ilse Folkerts,Wim Klinkert,Wouter Sanderse,Richard Tieskens
Offshoring of white-collar services: Business and economic perspective
Author/Editor: Artur Klimek
Off white: Central and Eastern Europe and the global history of race
Author/Editor: Catherine Baker,Bogdan C. Iacob,Anikó Imre,James Mark
Of Great Importance
Author/Editor: Nachoem M. Wijnberg,David Colmer
Of Humans, Pigs, and Souls: An Essay on the Yagwoia Womba Complex
Author/Editor: Jadran Mimica
Of Learned Ignorance: Idea of a Treatise in Philosophy
Author/Editor: Michael Munro
Of Love and Papers: How Immigration Policy Affects Romance and Family
Author/Editor: Laura E. Enriquez
Of Reynaert the Fox
Of the Contract
Author/Editor: Christopher Clifton
Of the same breath: Indigenous animal and place names
Author/Editor: Lucie A. Möller
Of Worlds and Artworks: A Relational View on Artistic Practices from Africa and the Diaspora
Author/Editor: Ute Fendler,Marie-Anne Kohl,Christopher Joseph Odhiambo,Gilbert Shang Ndi,Clarissa Vierke
Oggi la città: Riflessione sui fenomeni di trasformazione urbana
Author/Editor: Antonio Capestro
Ohio under COVID: Lessons from America's Heartland in Crisis
Author/Editor: Katherine Sorrels,Lora Arduser,Danielle Bessett,Vanessa Carbonell,Michelle McGowan,Edward Wallace
Ohne Abschluss in die Bildungsgesellschaft: Die Erwerbschancen gering qualifizierter Personen aus soziologischer und ökonomischer Perspektive
Author/Editor: Heike Solga
Ohne Rechnen kommt man im Leben nicht weiter: Numeralität als soziale Praxis aus der biographischen Perspektive älterer Menschen
Author/Editor: Melanie Benz-Gydat,Thea Klüver,Antje Pabst
Ohnmacht in der Demokratie: Das gebrochene Versprechen politischer Teilhabe
Author/Editor: Nikolai Huke
Ohnmacht und Chance
Author/Editor: Haberer ,Michael
Ošibka živych. Roman
Author/Editor: Vladimir V. Kazakov
Oil Palm Fertilization Guide
Author/Editor: Bernard Dubos,Xavier Bonneau,Albert Flori
Oil Spaces: Exploring the Global Petroleumscape
Author/Editor: Carola Hein
Oil Sparks in the Amazon : Local Conflicts, Indigenous Populations, and Natural Resources
Author/Editor: Vasquez ,Patricia I.
The Oil Wars Myth: Petroleum and the Causes of International Conflict
Author/Editor: Emily Meierding
Oil Wealth and Development in Uganda and Beyond: Prospects, Opportunities, and Challenges
Author/Editor: Arnim Langer,Ukoha Ukiwo,Pamela Mbabazi
O Império e a Constituição Colonial Portuguesa
Author/Editor: António Duarte Silva
Ojämlika arbetsplatser: Hierarkier, diskriminering och strategier för jämlikhet
Author/Editor: Kristina Boréus,Anders Neergaard,Lena Sohl
OKAY: Form, Position, Funktion und Verbreitung eines Internationalismus in der digitalen Welt
Author/Editor: Laura Herzberg
Okkultismus im Gehäuse: Institutionalisierungen der Parapsychologie im 20. Jahrhundert im internationalen Vergleich
Author/Editor: Anna Lux,Sylvia Paletschek
Okozritel'nyj ustav v istorii bogosluženija Russkoj cerkvi
Author/Editor: Boris Danilenko
Okulare Demokratie
Okulare Demokratie : Der Bürger als Zuschauer
Okzidentalismen: Projektionen und Reflexionen des Westens in Kunst, Ästhetik und Kultur
Author/Editor: Birgit Mersmann,Hauke Ohls
O la capra o i cavoli: La biosfera, l’economia e il futuro da inventare
Author/Editor: Nicolò Bellanca,Luca Pardi
Old Age before Modernity: Case Studies and Methodological Perspectives, 500 BC ‒ 1700 AD
Author/Editor: Christian Alexander Neumann
Old and New Perspectives on Mortality Forecasting
Author/Editor: Tommy Bengtsson,Nico Keilman
Old Church Slavic: Grammar and Dictionaries
Author/Editor: Анна Поливанова,Artemij Keidan
The Old English Lives of St Martin of Tours - Edition and Study
Author/Editor: Mertens, Andre
The Old English Translation of Bede's Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum in its Historical and Cultural Context
Author/Editor: Lemke, Andreas
Older Workers and Labour Market Exclusion Processes: A Life Course perspective
Author/Editor: Nathalie Burnay,Jim Ogg,Clary Krekula,Patricia Vendramin
The Oldest Vocation: Christian Motherhood in the Medieval West
Author/Editor: Clarissa W. Atkinson
The Old-Javanese Rāmāyaṇa Kakawin
The Old-Javanese Rāmāyaṇa Kakawin
Author/Editor: Hooykaas ,C.
The Old Nubian Language
Author/Editor: Eugenia Smagina,José Andrés Alonso de la Fuente
The Old Nubian Texts from Attiri
Author/Editor: Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei,Vincent Pierre-Michel Laisney,Giovanni Ruffini,Alexandros Tsakos,Kerstin Weber-Thum,Petra Weschenfelder
Old Ways for New Days: Indigenous Survival and Agency in Climate Changed Times
Author/Editor: Melissa Nursey-Bray,Robert Palmer,Ann Marie Chischilly,Phil Rist,Lun Yin
Ol'ga Berggol'c: Aspekte ihres lyrischen Werkes
Author/Editor: Eva-Maria Fiedler-Stolz
Olga Tufnell’s 'Perfect Journey': Letters and photographs of an archaeologist in the Levant and Mediterranean
Author/Editor: John D.M. Green,Ros Henry
Oltre gli stereotipi: La ricerca-azione di Renzo Rastrelli sull'immigrazione cinese in Italia
Author/Editor: Stefano Becucci
Oltre i confini: Le imprese “leggere” italiane e i mercati internazionali nel XIX e XX secolo
Author/Editor: Giulio Mellinato,Laura Prosperi,Valerio Varini
Oltre la globalizzazione: le proposte della Geografia economica: Giornata di Studio della Società di Studi Geografici. Firenze 14 ottobre 2011
Author/Editor: Filippo Randelli,FRANCESCO DINI
Oltre lo sprawl? Ambizioni, successi e problemi irrisolti: Uno studio della gestione del suolo a Portland, Denver e Minneapolis
Author/Editor: Gabriele Manella
Olympiodorus: Life of Plato and On Plato First Alcibiades 1–9
Author/Editor: Michael Griffin
Olympiodorus: On Plato First Alcibiades 10–28
Author/Editor: Michael Griffin
Omani Mehri: A New Grammar with Texts
Author/Editor: Aaron D. Rubin
Om beters wille
Author/Editor: Bruaene van ,Anne-Laure
Om breve:Ni essays om brevformen i hverdagen, litteraturen og journalistikken
Author/Editor: John Chr. Jørgensen
Om breve:Ni essays om brevformen i hverdagen, litteraturen og journalistikken
Om recht en staat; een sociologische verkenning van sociale, politieke en rechtsbetrekkingen
Author/Editor: Salet ,W.G.M.
O My Friends, There is No Friend: The Politics of Friendship at the End of Ecology
Author/Editor: Matt Hern,Am Johal
On a law of Indo-European word order: Über ein Gesetz der indogermanischen Wortstellung
Author/Editor: Jacob Wackernagel,George Walkden,Christina Sevdali,Morgan Macleod
On an Ungrounded Earth: Towards a New Geophilosophy
Author/Editor: Ben Woodard
›On Avoiding Distress‹ and ›On My Own Opinions‹
Author/Editor: Ioannis Polemis,Sophia Xenophontos
On Becoming a Scholar: What Every New Academic Needs to Know
Author/Editor: Jonathan Jansen,Daniel Visser
On Blinking
Author/Editor: Jeremy Fernando,Sarah Brigid Hannis
On Boredom: Essays in art and writing
Author/Editor: Rye Dag Holmboe,Susan Morris
The Once-Only Principle: The TOOP Project
Author/Editor: Robert Krimmer,Andriana Prentza,Szymon Mamrot
Once Upon a Time is Now: A Kalahari Memoir
Author/Editor: Biesele Megan
Once Upon the Permafrost: Knowing Culture and Climate Change in Siberia
Author/Editor: Susan Alexandra Crate
On Civic Republicanism
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Kellow,Neven Leddy
On Civic Republicanism
Author/Editor: Kellow ,Geoffrey,Leddy ,Neven
On Competition and Regulation in Health Care Systems
Author/Editor: Robert Nuscheler
On Cyprian Norwid. Studies and Essays: Vol. 1: Syntheses
Author/Editor: Agata Brajerska-Mazur,Edyta Chlebowska
On Cyprian Norwid. Studies and Essays: Vol. 2. Aspects
Author/Editor: Edyta Chlebowska,Agata Brajerska-Mazur
On Cyprian Norwid. Studies and Essays: Vol. 3. Interpretations
Author/Editor: Agata Brajerska-Mazur,Edyta Chlebowska
On Democratic Politics: A Selection of Essays by Norbert Lechner
Author/Editor: Velia Cecilia Bobes,Victoria Furio,Francisco Valdés-Ugalde,Mariana Ortega-Breña
Onderbenutting in functie-niveau van allochtone personen op de arbeidsmarkt
Author/Editor: Veen ,A.,Riemersma ,F.S.J.
Onder invloed van Duitsland. Een onderzoek naar gevoeligheid en kwetsbaarheid in de betrekkingen tussen Nederland en de Bondsrepubliek
Author/Editor: WRR
Ondernemen in de Open Samenleving
Author/Editor: Rutger Claassen,Judith van Erp
Onderwijs en arbeidsmarkt in een input-output model. Analyse van de werkgelegenheid naar opleiding in de periode 1985-2010
Author/Editor: Zwinkels ,W.
Onderwijs, identiteitsontwikkeling bij jongeren en hun omgang met idealen: Een studie naar het ontstaan van radicalisering in de vroege adolescentie en de rol van het onderwijs hierin
Author/Editor: Harrie Jonkman,Anne-Marie Slotboom,Frank Weerman,Jan-Jaap van Eerten
Onderwijs in de vier grote steden
Author/Editor: Leeuwenburgh ,W.H.,Eeden van den ,P.
Onderwijs voor een kennissamenleving; de rol van ICT nader bekeken
Author/Editor: Dam-Mieras van ,M.C.E.,Jong de ,W.M.
On direct and inverse problems related to longitudinal impact of non-uniform elastic rods
Author/Editor: Jens Burgert
One Billion Rising. Law, Land and the Alleviation of Global Poverty
Author/Editor: Prosterman L. ,Roy,Mitchell ,Robert,Hanstad ,Tim
One Great Family: Domestic Relationships in Samuel Richardson’s Novels
Author/Editor: Simone Eva Höhn
One Health, une seule santé: Théorie et pratique des approches intégrées de la santé
Author/Editor: Jakob Zinsstag,Esther Schelling,David Waltner-Toews,Maxine A. Whittaker,Marcel Tanner
One Hundred Years at the Intersection of Chemistry and Physics: The Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society 1911-2011
Author/Editor: Bretislav Friedrich,Jeremiah James,Thomas Steinhauser,Dieter Hoffmann
One Hundred Years of Chemical Warfare: Research, Deployment, Consequences
Author/Editor: Bretislav Friedrich,Dieter Hoffmann,Jürgen Renn,Florian Schmaltz,Martin Wolf
One Hundred Years of Social Protection: The Changing Social Question in Brazil, India, China, and South Africa
Author/Editor: Lutz Leisering
One Planet, One Health
Author/Editor: Merrilyn Walton
One Rights: Human and Animal Rights in the Anthropocene
Author/Editor: Saskia Stucki
One-to-many-relations in morphology, syntax, and semantics (Volume 7)
Author/Editor: Manfred Sailer,Berthold Crysmann
One-Volume Libraries: Composite and Multiple-Text Manuscripts
Author/Editor: Michael Friedrich,Cosima Schwarke
One Word - Yak Kaleme
One Word - Yak Kaleme : 19th-Century Persian Treatise introducing Western Codified Law
Author/Editor: Seyed-Gohrab (ed) ,Asghar
One world, many knowledges: Regional experiences and cross-regional links in higher education
Author/Editor: Tor Halvorsen,Peter Vale
On Folding: Towards a New Field of Interdisciplinary Research
Author/Editor: Michael Friedman,Wolfgang Schäffner
On Global Citizenship
Author/Editor: Tully ,James
On Global Citizenship
On History
Author/Editor: Michelet ,Jules
On Inequality (Big Ideas)
Author/Editor: Tessa Bending,European Investment Bank
On Kings
Author/Editor: Sahlins ,Marshall,Graeber ,David
Onkologie für die Palliativmedizin
Author/Editor: Alt-Epping, Bernd,Fuxius, Stefan,Wedding, Ulrich
On Learning: A general theory of objects and object-relations
Author/Editor: David Scott
The Onlife Manifesto: Being Human in a Hyperconnected Era
Author/Editor: Luciano Floridi
The Online Advertising Tax: A Digital Policy Innovation
Author/Editor: Christian Fuchs
The Online Advertising Tax as the Foundation of a Public Service Internet
Author/Editor: Christian Fuchs
Online and Distance Education for a Connected World
Author/Editor: Linda Amrane-Cooper,David Baume,Stephen Brown,Stylianos Hatzipanagos,Philip Powell,Sarah Sherman,Alan Tait
Online Anti-Rape Activism: Exploring the Politics of the Personal in the Age of Digital Media
Author/Editor: Rachel Loney-Howes
Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers in the European Union
Author/Editor: Cortés ,Pablo
Online Hate and Harmful Content: Cross-National Perspectives
Author/Editor: Teo Keipi,Matti Näsi,Atte Oksanen,Pekka Räsänen
Online Hate Speech in the European Union: A Discourse-Analytic Perspective
Author/Editor: Stavros Assimakopoulos,Fabienne H. Baider,Sharon Millar
Online-Komponenten digitaler Spiele: Eine rechtliche Untersuchung ihres Supports, ihrer Wiederherstellung und ihrer Eliminierung
Author/Editor: Maximilian Vonthien
Online Misogyny as Hate Crime: A Challenge for Legal Regulation?
Author/Editor: Kim Barker,Olga Jurasz
On looking into words (and beyond): Structures, Relations, Analyses
On looking into words (and beyond): Structures, Relations, Analyses
The Only True People
The Only True People : Linking Maya Identities Past and Present
Author/Editor: bin Beyyette ,Bethany J.,LeCount ,Lisa J.
On Making Fiction: Frankenstein and the Life of Stories
Author/Editor: Friederike Danebrock
On Making in the Digital Humanities: The scholarship of digital humanities development in honour of John Bradley
Author/Editor: Julianne Nyhan,Geoffrey Rockwell,Stéfan Sinclair,Alexandra Ortolja-Baird
On Media, On Technology, On Life - Interviews with Innovators
Author/Editor: Arthur Clay,Timothy J. Senior
On Melancholy: Rufus of Ephesus
Author/Editor: Peter E. Pormann
On Migration: Diasporization – Transculturality – Transmediality
Author/Editor: Cornelia Sieber
Onomastics of the “Chanson de Roland”: Or: Why Gaston Paris and Joseph Bédier were both right
Author/Editor: Gustav A. Beckmann
On Productive Shame, Reconciliation, and Agency
Author/Editor: Suzana Milevska
On Prophecy, Dreams and Human Imagination: Synesius, De insommniis
Author/Editor: Donald A. Russell,Heinz-Günther Nesselrath
On reconstructing Proto-Bantu grammar
Author/Editor: Koen Bostoen,Gilles-Maurice de Schryver,Rozenn Guérois,Sara Pacchiarotti
On Self-Translation: Meditations on Language
Author/Editor: Ilan Stavans
On Sovereignty and Other Political Delusions
Author/Editor: Joan Cocks
On Style: An Atelier
Author/Editor: Eileen A. Joy,Anna Kłosowska
On Taungurung Land: Sharing History and Culture
Author/Editor: Jennifer Jones,Roy Henry Patterson
On the Anarchy of Poetry and Philosophy
Author/Editor: Bruns ,Gerald L.
On the Beneficence of Censorship: Aesopian Language in Modern Russian Literature
Author/Editor: Lev Loseff
On the Border of Language and Dialect
Author/Editor: Marjatta Palander,Helka Riionheimo,Vesa Koivisto
On the daimonion of Socrates: Plutarch
Author/Editor: Heinz-Günther Nesselrath
On the Dual Uses of Science and Ethics Principles, Practices, and Prospects
Author/Editor: Rappert ,Brian,Selgelid ,Michael J.
On the Electro-Chemo-Mechanical Coupling in Solid State Batteries and its Impact on Morphological Interface Stability
Author/Editor: Markus Ganser
On the Formation of Marxism
On the Formation of Marxism
Author/Editor: Gronow ,J.
On the Frontiers of History: Rethinking East Asian Borders
Author/Editor: Tessa Morris-Suzuki
On the Influence of Piecewise Defined Contact Geometries on Friction Dampers
Author/Editor: Jimmy Alberto,Aramendiz Fuentes
On the Jewish Legacy in Viennese Architecture
Author/Editor: Prokop ,Ursula
On the Legacy of Lutheranism in Finland: Societal Perspectives
Author/Editor: Kaius Sinnemäki,Anneli Portman,Jouni Tilli,Robert H. Nelson
On the Literature and Thought of the German Classical Era: Collected Essays
Author/Editor: Hugh Barr Nisbet
On the Margins: Jews and Muslims in Interwar Berlin
Author/Editor: Gerdien Jonker
On the Margins of Tibet: Cultural Survival on the Sino-Tibetan Frontier
Author/Editor: Ashild Kolas,Monika P. Thowsen
On the Old-Javanese Cantakaparwa and Its Tale of Sutasoma
Author/Editor: Ensink ,J.
On the Old-Javanese Cantakaparwa and Its Tale of Sutasoma
On the path to AI: Law’s prophecies and the conceptual foundations of the machine learning age
Author/Editor: Thomas D. Grant,Damon J. Wischik
On the Politics of Educational Theory: Rhetoric, theoretical ambiguity, and the construction of society
Author/Editor: Tomasz Szkudlarek
On the Power and Limits of Empathy
Author/Editor: Manuel Camassa
On the Public
Author/Editor: Alastair Hannay
On the Ruins of Babel: Architectural Metaphor in German Thought
Author/Editor: Daniel Leonhard Purdy
On the Significance of Religion for Global Diplomacy
Author/Editor: Philip McDonagh,Kishan Manocha,John Neary,Lucia Vazquez Mendoza
On the Significance of Religion for Human Rights
Author/Editor: Pauline Kollontai,Friedrich Lohmann
On the Significance of Religion for the SDGs: An Introduction
Author/Editor: Christine Schliesser
On the Significance of Religion in Conflict and Conflict Resolution
Author/Editor: Christine Schliesser,Seniha Ayse Kadayifci- Orellana,Pauline Kollontai
On the Significance of Religion in Violence Against Women and Girls
Author/Editor: Elisabet Le Roux,Sandra Iman Pertek
On the Social History of Persecution
Author/Editor: Christian Gerlach
On the Stability of Objective Structures (Volume 38)
Author/Editor: Martin Steinbach
On the Structure and History of Russian. Selected Essays: With a Preface by Henrik Birnbaum
Author/Editor: Dean S. Worth
On the Threshold: Hospitality in Shakespeare's Drama
Author/Editor: Sophie Battell
On the Threshold of the Holocaust: Anti-Jewish Riots and Pogroms in Occupied Europe: Warsaw – Paris – The Hague – Amsterdam – Antwerp – Kaunas
Author/Editor: Tomasz Szarota
On the Trail of the Morning Star: Psychosis as Self-Discovery
Author/Editor: Dorothea Buck,Susanne Antonetta,Eva Lipton
On the Way to the (Un)Known?: The Ottoman Empire in Travelogues (c. 1450-1900)
Author/Editor: Doris Gruber,Arno Strohmeyer
On this and other worlds
On this and other worlds : Voices from Amazonia
Ontohackers: Radical Movement Philosophy in the Age of Extinctions and Algorithms, Part I
Author/Editor: Jaym*/Jaime del Val
Ontological Catastrophe: Žižek and the Paradoxical Metaphysics of German Idealism
Ontological Catastrophe: Žižek and the Paradoxical Metaphysics of German Idealism
Author/Editor: Carew ,Joseph
The Ontological Nature of Part-Whole Oscillations: An Interdisciplinary Determination
Author/Editor: Michael STADLER
Ontological Terror: Blackness, Nihilism and Emancipation
Author/Editor: Calvin L. Warren
Ontologies for Knowledge modeling in construction planning: Theory and application
Author/Editor: Vito Getuli
Ontologische Narratologie: Welt erzählen bei Wilhelm Raabe
Author/Editor: Cornelia Pierstorff
Ontomedialität: Eine medienphilosophische Perspektive auf die aktuelle Neuverhandlung der Ontologie
Author/Editor: Lisa Handel
On Track or Off The Rails?: Intra-ministerial decision-making in transport infrastructure planning
Author/Editor: Jenny Rademann
Ontwikkelingen in de natuur. Visies op de levende natuur in de wereld en scenario's voor het behoud daarvan
Author/Editor: Meij van der ,T.
Ontwikkelingen in het mededingingstoezicht - 69
Author/Editor: Baarsma ,B.
Ontwikkelingsbeleid en goed bestuur
Author/Editor: WRR
Ontwikkelingsprincipes voor de Inrichting van de Informatievoorziening over de Curatieve zorg
Author/Editor: Zwetsloot-Schonk ,J.H.M.,Vries Robbé de ,P.F.
Ontwikkeling van onderwijsarrangementen voor een succesvolle doorstroom vmbo-mbo-hbo: Onderzoeksrapportage
Author/Editor: Tessa Jenniskens,Bianca Leest,Maarten Wolbers,Benjamin Bremer,Johan Bokdam,Marloes de Lange,Martijn Peters
Ontworpen en onstaan. Een praktijktheoretische analyse van het debat over het provinciale omgevingsbeleid
Author/Editor: Wissink ,B.
Onward Migration and Multi-Sited Transnationalism: Complex Trajectories, Practices and Ties
Author/Editor: Jill Ahrens,Russell King
On Water (Volume 1)
Author/Editor: Yann Arthus-Bertrand,European Investment Bank
Onzekere veiligheid
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid
Onze Revolutie: Bloemlezing uit de Indonesische geschiedschrijving over de strijd voor de onafhankelijkheid, 1945-1949
Author/Editor: Wahid Abdul
Onze vriend op de pauwentroon: Nederland en de laatste sjah van Iran
Author/Editor: Maaike Warnaar
Oocyte Maturation and Fertilization - A Long History for a Short Event
Author/Editor: Elisabetta Tosti
Oog voor elkaar
Author/Editor: Blokland ,Talja
Oorlogsboeven: Alledaagse criminaliteit tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog
Author/Editor: Jan Julia Zurné
Author/Editor: Nooteboom ,C.
An Opaque Mirror for Trajan: A Literary Analysis and Interpretation of Plutarch's 'Regum et imperatorum apophthegmata'
Author/Editor: Laurens van der Wiel
Open Access
Author/Editor: Peter Suber
Open Access in Theory and Practice: The Theory-Practice Relationship and Openness
Author/Editor: Stephen Pinfield,Simon Wakeling,David Bawden,Lyn Robinson
Open Access Musicology: Volume One
Author/Editor: Daniel Barolsky,Louis Epstein
Open Access Musicology: Volume Two
Author/Editor: Louis Epstein,Daniel Barolsky
Open-Access-Publikationsworkflow für akademische Bücher
Author/Editor: David Böhm,Alexander Grossmann,Michael Reiche,Antonia Schrader
Open and Distance Education in Asia, Africa and the Middle East: National Perspectives in a Digital Age
Author/Editor: Olaf Zawacki-Richter,Adnan Qayyum
Open and Distance Education in Australia, Europe and the Americas: National Perspectives in a Digital Age
Author/Editor: Adnan Qayyum,Olaf Zawacki-Richter
Open Book in Ways of Water
Author/Editor: Adam Wolfond,Erin Manning
Open Content Licensing
Author/Editor: Guibault ,Lucie,Angelopoulos ,Christina
Open Data and the Knowledge Society
Author/Editor: Wessels ,Bridgette,Finn ,Rachel,Wadhwa ,Kush,Sveinsdottir ,Thordis
Open Data in Developing Economies: Toward Building an Evidence Base on What Works and How
Author/Editor: Stefaan G. Verhulst,Andrew Young
Open Data Protection - Study on legal barriers to open data sharing - Data Protection and PSI
Author/Editor: Wiebe, Andreas,Dietrich, Nils
Open Education
Open Government: Offenes Regierungs- und Verwaltungshandeln – Leitbilder, Ziele und Methoden
Author/Editor: Jörn von Lucke,Katja Gollasch
Open Heritage: Community-Driven Adaptive Reuse in Europe: Best Practice
Author/Editor: Heike Oevermann,Levente Polyák,Hanna Szemzö,Harald A. Mieg
Opening Government: Transparency and Engagement in the Information Age
Author/Editor: John Wanna,Sam Vincent
Opening Science: The Evolving Guide on How the Internet is Changing Research, Collaboration and Scholarly Publishing
Author/Editor: Sönke Bartling,Sönke Bartling,Sascha Friesike,Sascha Friesike
Opening Up Education: The Collective Advancement of Education through Open Technology, Open Content, and Open Knowledge
Author/Editor: Toru Iiyoshi,M.S. Vijay Kumar
Opening Up the University: Teaching and Learning with Refugees (Volume 5)
Author/Editor: Céline Cantat,Ian M. Cook,Prem Kumar Rajaram
Open Mapping towards Sustainable Development Goals: Voices of YouthMappers on Community Engaged Scholarship
Author/Editor: Patricia Solís,Marcela Zeballos
Open Questions in Cosmology
Open Scholarship in the Humanities
Author/Editor: Paul Longley Arthur,Lydia Hearn
Open Science: the Very Idea
Author/Editor: Frank Miedema
Open Scientific Data: Why Choosing and Reusing the RIGHT DATA Matters
Author/Editor: Vera Lipton
Open Skies: The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Its Impact on US Radio Astronomy
Author/Editor: Kenneth I. Kellermann,Ellen N. Bouton,Sierra S. Brandt
Open Society Unresolved: The Contemporary Relevance of a Contested Idea
Author/Editor: Christof Royer,Liviu Matei
Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica Atti del II Workshop (Genova, 11 maggio 2007)
Author/Editor: Costa ,Stefano,Pesce Luca ,Giovanni
Open Source Law, Policy and Practice: Second Edition
Author/Editor: Amanda Brock
Open Source Systems: Towards Robust Practices 13th IFIP WG 2.13 International Conference, OSS 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 22-23, 2017, Proceedings
Author/Editor: Federico Balaguer,Roberto Di Cosmo,Alejandra Garrido,Fabio Kon,Gregorio Robles,Stefano Zacchiroli
Open-space Learning: A Study in Transdisciplinary Pedagogy
Author/Editor: Nicholas Monk,Carol Chillington Rutter,Jonothan Neelands,Jonathan Heron
Open : The Philosophy and Practices that are Revolutionizing Education and Science
Open to Disruption: Time and Craft in the Practice of Slow Sociology
Author/Editor: Anita Ilta Garey,Margaret K. Nelson,Rosanna Hertz
Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education
Author/Editor: Bart Rienties,Regine Hampel,Eileen Scanlon,Denise Whitelock
Opera buffa und Spielkultur
Author/Editor: Schraffl ,Ingrid
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Herding ,O.,Koster ,A.J.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Knott ,B.I.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis primi tomus primus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Kumaniecki ,K.,Mynors ,R.A.B.,Robinson ,C.,Waszink ,J.H.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis primi tomus quartus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Cytowska ,M.,Domanski ,J.,Heesakkers ,C.L.,Waszink ,J.H.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis primi tomus quintus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Margolin ,J.C.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis primi tomus secundus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Margolin ,J.C.,Mesnard ,P.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis primi tomus septimus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Vredeveld ,H.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis primi tomus tertius
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Halkin ,L.E.,Bierlaire ,F.,Hoven ,R.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis quarti tomus primus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Herding ,O.,Schalk ,F.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis quarti tomus primus A
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Waszink ,J.H.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis secundi tomus nonus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Heinimann ,F.,Poll-van de Lisdonk van ,M.L.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis secundi tomus octavus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Wesseling ,A.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis secundi tomus primus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Poll-van de Lisdonk van ,M.L,,Mann-Phillips ,M.,Robinson ,C.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis secundi tomus quartus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Heinimann ,F.,Kienzle ,E.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis secundi tomus quintus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Heinimann ,F.,Kienzle ,E.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis secundi tomus secundus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Poll-van de Lisdonk van ,M.L,,Cytowska ,M.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis secundi tomus septimus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Hoven ,R.,Lauvergnat-Gagnière ,C.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis secundi tomus sextus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Heinimann ,F.,Kienzle ,E.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis secundi tomus tertius
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Szymański ,M.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami
Author/Editor: Erasmus
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis noni Tomus Quartus
Author/Editor: Erasmus
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Noni Tomus Secundus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Jonge de ,H.J.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Noni Tomus Primus
Author/Editor: Erasmus
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Noni Tomus Tertius
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Steenbeek ,Andrea W.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Quarti Tomus Tertius
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Miller ,Clarence H.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Quinti Tomus Quartus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Chomarat ,Jacques
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Quinti Tomus Tertius
Author/Editor: Erasmus
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Quinti Tomus Primus
Author/Editor: Erasmus
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Quinti Tomus Quintus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Chomarat ,Jacques
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Septimi Tomus Sextus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Bateman ,John J.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Sexti Tomus Secundus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Brown ,Andrew J.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Sexti Tomus Tertius
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Brown ,Andrew J.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Sexti Tomus Quintus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Hovingh ,P.E.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Sexti Tomus Octavus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Poll-van de Lisdonk van ,M.L.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Sexti Tomus Sextus
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Hovingh ,E.F.
Operatic Pasticcios in 18th-Century Europe: Contexts, Materials and Aesthetics
Author/Editor: Berthold Over,Gesa zur Nieden
Operationalisation of Hybrid Peacebuilding in Asia: From Theory to Practice
Author/Editor: Yuji Uesugi,Anna Deekeling,Sophie Shiori Umeyama,Lawrence McDonald-Colbert
Operation Luxor: Eine kritische Aufarbeitung der größten rassistischen Polizeioperation Österreichs
Author/Editor: Farid Hafez
The Operations of the Navy in the Dutch East Indies and the Bay of Bengal
Author/Editor: Willem Remmelink
Operation Video: Eine Technik des Nahsehens und ihr spezifisches Subjekt: die Videokünstlerin der 1970er Jahre
Author/Editor: Sigrid Adorf
Opfernarrative in transnationalen Kontexten
Opfernarrative in transnationalen Kontexten
Author/Editor: Eva Binder,Christof Diem,Miriam Finkelstein,Sieglinde Klettenhammer,Birgit Mertz-Baumgartner,Marijana Milošević,Julia Pröll
Opferorientierung im Strafvollzug
Author/Editor: Katrin Höffler,Christiane Jesse,Thomas Bliesener
Opferschutz und Erziehungsgedanke im Jugendstrafverfahren
Author/Editor: Zapf, Jana Christina
Opferstatus und Geschlecht: Entwicklung und Umsetzung der Opferhilfe in der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Anne Kersten
Ophthalmology: Current and Future Developments: Volume 1 - Diagnostic Atlas of Retinal Diseases
Author/Editor: Mitzy E. Torres Soriano,Gerardo García Aguirre
Ophthalmology: Current and Future Developments: Volume 2 - Diagnostic Atlas of Retinal Diseases
Author/Editor: Mitzy E. Torres Soriano,Gerardo García Aguirre,Maximiliano Gordon,Veronica Kon Graversen
Ophthalmology: Current and Future Developments: Volume 3 - Diagnostic Atlas of Retinal Diseases
Author/Editor: Mitzy E. Torres Soriano,Gerardo García Aguirre,Maximiliano Gordon,Veronica Kon Graversen
Opioids: Addiction, Narrative, Freedom
Author/Editor: Maia Dolphin-Krute
Op koers: Evaluatie WRR 2003-2007
Author/Editor: Commissie Van Rooij
Op maat van het midden- en kleinbedrijf: deel 1
Author/Editor: WRR
Op maat van het midden- en kleinbedrijf: deel 2: preadviezen
Author/Editor: WRR
Opportunities and Challenges for New and Peripheral Political Science Communities: A Consolidated Discipline?
Author/Editor: Gabriella Ilonszki,Christophe Roux
Opposing Democracy in the Digital Age: The Yellow Shirts in Thailand
Author/Editor: Aim Sinpeng
Opposing Power: Building Opposition Alliances in Electoral Autocracies
Author/Editor: Elvin Ong
Opprør og opposisjon under enevelde og demokrati
Author/Editor: Bjørg Seland
Oppvekst og livstolkning: Flerfaglige blikk på barns og unges eksistens, fellesskap og fortellinger
Author/Editor: Jon Vegard Hugaas,Åse Høyvoll Kallestad
O processo civilizacional da tourada: Guerreiros, cortesãos, profissionais... e bárbaros?
Author/Editor: Fernando Ampudia de Haro
Oproer in de letteren: Sixties-protest in de Lage Landen
Author/Editor: Gwennie Debergh,Nele Janssens,Lieselot De Taeye
Op steenworp afstand
Optical Coherence Tomography and Its Non-medical Applications
Author/Editor: Michael R. Wang
Optical coherence tomography for characterization of nanocomposite materials
Author/Editor: Simon Schneider
Optically Induced Nanostructures: Biomedical and Technical Applications
Author/Editor: Karsten König,Andreas Ostendorf
Optics in Our Time
Author/Editor: Mohammad D. Al-Amri,Mohamed El-Gomati,M. Suhail Zubairy
Optimal Control for Chemical Engineers
Author/Editor: Simant Ranjan Upreti
Optimal Domain and Integral Extension of Operators Acting in Frechet Function Spaces
Author/Editor: Bettina Blaimer
Optimale Auslandsverschuldung bei potentiellen Schuldendienstproblemen
Author/Editor: Armin-Detlef Rieß
Optimale Besteuerung: («Optimal Taxation»)
Author/Editor: Gerold Krause-Junk
Optimale Finanzpolitik im Modell ueberlappender Generationen
Author/Editor: Jochen Michaelis
Optimale Schattenpreise und Produktionsprogramme fuer oeffentliche Unternehmen: Second-Best-Modelle im finanzwirtschaftlichen Staatsbereich
Optimal Scheduling of Combined Heat and Power Generation Considering Heating Grid Dynamics
Author/Editor: Lennart Merkert
Optimal Surface Fitting of Point Clouds Using Local Refinement: Application to GIS Data
Author/Editor: Gaël Kermarrec,Vibeke Skytt,Tor Dokken
Optimierung: Anschlüsse an den 27. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft
Author/Editor: Henrike Terhart,Sandra Hofhues,Elke Kleinau
Optimierung der Tragfähigkeit von Zahnwellenverbindungen
Author/Editor: Jochen Wild
Optimierung des Selbst: Konzepte, Darstellungen und Praktiken
Author/Editor: Loreen Dalski,Kirsten Flöter,Lisa Keil,Kathrin Lohse,Lucas Sand,Annabelle Schülein
Optimierung in der Medienpädagogik: Forschungsperspektiven im Anschluss an den 27. Kongress der DGfE
Author/Editor: Patrick Bettinger,Larissa Ade,Martin Donner,Manuela Endberg,Lara-Idil Engec,Viktoria Flasche,Caroline Grabensteiner,Anna-Maria Kamin,Rudolf Kammerl,Katrin Ellen Klieme,Sven Kommer,Simon Küth,Klaus Rummler,Ulaş Aktaş,Sarah Désirée Lange,Christian Leinewebe
Optimierung von Gesprächen in der professionellen Telefonie
Author/Editor: Judith Pietschmann
Optimising Emotions, Incubating Falsehoods: How to Protect the Global Civic Body from Disinformation and Misinformation
Author/Editor: Vian Bakir,Andrew McStay
Optimization-Based Energy Management for Multi-energy Maritime Grids
Author/Editor: Sidun Fang,Hongdong Wang
Optimization of adaptive test design methods for the determination of steady-state data-driven models in terms of combustion engine calibration
Author/Editor: Nino Sandmeier
Optimization Problems in Transportation and Logistics: A Practical Guide
Author/Editor: Raj Bridgelall
Optimizing HPC Applications with Intel Cluster Tools
Author/Editor: Alexander Supalov,Andrey Semin,Michael Klemm,Christopher Dahnken
Optimizing photocatalysts and photoreactors for solar fuel synthesis
Author/Editor: Paul Philipp Kant
Optimizing the German Workforce: Labor Administration from Bismarck to the Economic Miracle
Author/Editor: David Meskill
Option assistierter Suizid Wann genug ist, entscheide ich
Author/Editor: Eva Birkenstock
Optische Magie: Zur Geschichte der visuellen Medien in der Frühen Neuzeit
Author/Editor: Nicole Gronemeyer
O původu Kijevských listů a pražských zlomků a o bohemismech v starších cirkevně-slovanských památkách vůbec: Nachdruck der Ausgabe Praha 1904
Author/Editor: Václav S. Vondrák
Opvoeding, onderwijs en jeugdbeleid in het algemeen belang - 1
Author/Editor: Winter de ,M.
The Oracle Bone Inscriptions from Huayuanzhuang East
Author/Editor: Adam C. Schwartz
«Ora diremo di Napoli». I traffici dell'area campana nei manuali di commercio
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician
Author/Editor: Krishnamurthy Bonanthaya,Elavenil Panneerselvam,Suvy Manuel,Vinay V. Kumar,Anshul Rai
Oral Health in South Australia - 2008
Author/Editor: Brennan S ,David,Spencer ,John,Beckwith ,Katie
Oral health of Australian children: The National Child Oral Health Study 2012–14
Oral History and the War: The Nazi Concentration Camp Experience in a Biographical-Narrative Perspective
Author/Editor: Piotr Filipkowski
Oral History at a Distance
Author/Editor: Steven Sielaff,Stephen M. Sloan,Adrienne A. Cain Darough,Michelle Holland
An Oral History of the Special Olympics in China Volume 1: Overview
Author/Editor: William P. Alford,Mei Liao,Fengming Cui
An Oral History of the Special Olympics in China Volume 2: The Movement
Author/Editor: William P. Alford,Mei Liao,Fengming Cui
An Oral History of the Special Olympics in China Volume 3: Finding and Keeping a Job
Author/Editor: William P. Alford,Mei Liao,Fengming Cui
Oral Literature in Africa
Author/Editor: Finnegan ,Ruth
Oral Literature in the Digital Age
Oral Tradition and Book Culture
Author/Editor: Pertti Anttonen,Cecilia af Forselles,Kirsti Salmi-Niklander
Orange Chinook: Politics in the New Alberta
Author/Editor: David Taras,Keith Brownsey,Richard Sutherland,Duane Bratt
Oratorio para Observador, Hombre Exhausto y Coro de Astronautas
Author/Editor: Andrés Recasens Salvo
Orchestrating Public Opinion: How Music Persuades in Television Political Ads for US Presidential Campaigns, 1952-2016
Author/Editor: Paul Christiansen
Orde in het binnenlands bestuur
Author/Editor: WRR
Ordening en sturing in de ouderenzorg
Author/Editor: Sluijs van der ,H.
Ordening en sturing in het volkshuisvestingsbeleid
Author/Editor: Salet ,W.G.M.
Order and Security in Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Ralf Emmers,Joseph Liow
Order and structure in syntax I
Order and structure in syntax II
Order and structure in syntax II : Subjecthood and argument structure
Order and structure in syntax I : Word order and syntactic structure
'Order, Order!': A Biographical Dictionary of Speakers, Deputy Speakers and Clerks of the Australian House of Representatives
Author/Editor: Stephen Wilks
Ord från norr: Svensk skönlitteratur på den franska bokmarknaden efter 1945
Author/Editor: Andreas Hedberg
Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840-1940: Opening New Archives, Revisiting a Global City
Author/Editor: Angelos Dalachanis,Vincent Lemire
Ordinary Oralities: Everyday Voices in History
Author/Editor: Josephine Hoegaerts,Janice Schroeder
Ordinary People, Extraordinary Actions: Refuge Through Activism at Ottawa’s St. Joe’s Parish
Author/Editor: Stéfanie Morris,Karina Juma,Meredith Terretta,Patti Tamara Lenard
Ordinary Sudan, 1504–2019: From Social History to Politics from Below Volume 1 | Volume 2
Author/Editor: Mahassin Abdul Jalil,Iris Seri-Hersch,Anael Poussier,Lucie Revilla,Elena Vezzadini
Ordnungen des Anderen: Zum Problem des Eigenen in der Soziologie des Fremden
Author/Editor: Julia Reuter
Ordnungen des Nationalen und die geteilte Welt
Ordnungen des Nationalen und die geteilte Welt : Zur Praxis Auswärtiger Kulturpolitik als Konfliktprävention
Author/Editor: Adam ,Jens
Ordnungen im Wandel
Ordnungen im Wandel : Globale und lokale Wirklichkeiten im Spiegel transdisziplinärer Analysen
Ordnungsbildung und Erkenntnisprozesse
Author/Editor: Rüdiger Valk
Ordnungspolitische Perspektiven der europaeischen Integration im Spannungsfeld von Wettbewerbs- und Industriepolitik
Author/Editor: André Schmidt
Ordnungspolitisches Konzept der Regionalpolitik: Darstellung der Defizite und des Reformbedarfs der Regionalpolitik am Beispiel Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Grimme
Ordres et désordres au Caucase
Author/Editor: Aude Merlin,Arsène Saparov,Maïrbek Vatchagaev,Anna Zelkina,Silvia Serrano,Moussa Basnoukaev,Bruno Coppieters,Thorniké Gordadzé,Tabib Huseynov,Alekseï Malachenko,Taline Papazian,Jean Radvanyi
Organen en rechtspersonen rondom de centrale overheid
Author/Editor: Munneke ,H.F.
Organhaftung und Beweislast
Author/Editor: Nadja Danninger
Organic Chemistry: Structure, Function, and Practice
Author/Editor: William B. Tucker
Organic Compounds and Genotoxicity in Drinking Water
Author/Editor: Noorsij ,A.,van Genderen ,J.,van Beveren ,J.
Organic Waste Composting through Nexus Thinking: Practices, Policies, and Trends
Author/Editor: Hiroshan Hettiarachchi,Hiroshan Hettiarachchi,Serena Caucci,Serena Caucci,Kai Schwärzel,Kai Schwärzel
Organic Waste Recycling
Author/Editor: Polprasert ,Chongrak
Organisasjonsperspektiv på samordning av helse- og velferdstjenester
Author/Editor: Catharina Bjørkquist,Mona Jerndahl Fineide
Organisationaler Wandel durch Migration?: Zur Diversität in der Zivilgesellschaft
Author/Editor: Hella von Unger,Helen Baykara-Krumme,Serhat Karakayali,Karen Schönwälder
Organisation im soziotechnischen Gemenge
Organisation im soziotechnischen Gemenge : Mediale Umschichtungen durch die Einführung von SAP
Author/Editor: Conrad ,Lisa
Organisationsbildung und gesellschaftliche Differenzierung: Empirische Einsichten und theoretische Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Rena Schwarting
Organisationsgebundene pädagogische Professionalität: Initiierter Wandel – Theoretisches Konstrukt – Narrative Methodologie – Interpretation
Author/Editor: Hildegard Schicke
Organisation und Führung in institutionellen Kontexten der Weiterbildung
Author/Editor: Dörthe Herbrechter
Organisatorische Gestaltung und Informationsmanagement in der lernenden Unternehmung: Bausteine eines Managementkonzeptes organisationalen Lernens
Author/Editor: Frauke Streubel
Organisieren von Entscheidungen über Kindeswohl: Zur Prozessierung des Schutzauftrags der öffentlichen Kinder- und Jugendhilfe
Author/Editor: Nina Kläsener
Organisiertes Misstrauen und ausdifferenzierte Kontrolle: Zur Soziologie der Polizei
Author/Editor: Martin Weißmann
Organisierte Umwelt: Umweltdienstleistungsfirmen zwischen Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik
Author/Editor: Michael Guggenheim
Organisierte Zerrissenheit: Emotionsregimes und Interaktionsarbeit in Pflege und Weiterbildung
Author/Editor: Sigrid Betzelt,Ingo Bode,Sarina Parschick,Andreas Albert
Organising a School's Response
Author/Editor: Ann Hackney,Keith Postlethwaite
Organising care around patients: Stories from the frontline of the NHS
Author/Editor: Naomi Chambers,Jeremy Taylor
Organizational Interventions for Health and Well-being: A Handbook for Evidence-Based Practice
Author/Editor: Karina Nielsen,Andrew Noblet
Organizational, Motivational, and Cultural Contexts of Volunteering: The European View
Author/Editor: Stefan T. Güntert,Theo Wehner,Harald A. Mieg
Organizational Network Analysis: Auditing Intangible Resources
Author/Editor: Anna Ujwary-Gil
Organizational Psychology in Cross Cultural Perspective
Author/Editor: Colin P. Silverthorne
Organizational water footprint: Analyzing water use and mitigating water scarcity along global supply chains
Author/Editor: Silvia Forin,Markus  Berger,Jonas  Bunsen,Matthias  Finkbeiner
Organization and Education Development: Reflecting and Transforming in a Self-Discovery Journey
Author/Editor: Suresh Nanwani
Organization in Biology
Author/Editor: Matteo Mossio
Organization Management – Dynamic Creative Team Coordination
Author/Editor: Stavros Georgiades
The Organization of the Pyramid Texts (2 vol. set): Typology and Disposition
The Organization of the Pyramid Texts (2 vol. set): Typology and Disposition
Author/Editor: Hays ,Harold M.
Author/Editor: Timon Beyes,Lisa Conrad,Reinhold Martin,Geert Lovink,Ned Rossiter
Organized Secularism in the United States: New Directions in Research
Author/Editor: Ryan T. Cragun,Lori Fazzino,Christel Manning
Organizing for Societal Grand Challenges
Author/Editor: Ali Aslan Gümüsay,Emilio Marti,Hannah Trittin-Ulbrich,Christopher Wickert
Organizing for Sustainability: A Guide to Developing New Business Models
Author/Editor: Jan Jonker,Niels Faber
Organizing for Sustainable Development: Addressing the Grand Challenges
Author/Editor: Federica Angeli,Ashley Metz,Jörg Raab
Organizing Sustainable Development
Author/Editor: Aneta Kuźniarska,Karolina Mania,Monika Jedynak
Oriental, Black, and White: The Formation of Racial Habits in American Theater
Author/Editor: Josephine Lee
Orientalische Bilder und Klänge: Eine transnationale Geschichte des frühen ägyptischen Tonfilms
Author/Editor: Henriette Bornkamm
The Orientalist Semiotics of Dune: Religious and Historical References within Frank Herbert’s Universe
Author/Editor: Frank Jacob
Orientierungen in der digitalen Welt
Author/Editor: Alexander Martin,Johannes Gemkow,Dan Verständig,Bardo Herzig,Sven Kommer,Caroline Grabensteiner,Silke Grafe,Stefanie Veith,Colette Schneider Stingelin,Dorothee M. Meister,Heidrun Allert,Christian Leineweber,Bardo Herzig,Ilona Andrea Cwielong,Anna-Maria Ka
Orientierungen von Jugendlichen beim Urteilen und Entscheiden in Kontexten nachhaltiger Entwicklung
Author/Editor: Hannes Sander
Orienting Hollywood: A Century of Film Culture between Los Angeles and Bombay
Author/Editor: Nitin Govil
The Orient in Utrecht: Adriaan Reland (1676-1718), Arabist, Cartographer, Antiquarian and Scholar of Comparative Religion
Author/Editor: Bart Jaski,Christian Lange,Anna Pytlowany,Henk J. van Rinsum
Originales e inéditos, 1928, José Carlos Mariátegui
Author/Editor: Ricardo Melgar,Manuel Pásara
Originality, Imitation, and Plagiarism: Teaching Writing in the Digital Age
Author/Editor: Martha Vicinus,Caroline Eisner,Caroline Eisner,Caroline Eisner,Caroline Eisner,Caroline Eisner,Martha Vicinus,Martha Vicinus,Martha Vicinus,Martha Vicinus,Martha Vicinus,Martha Vicinus,Martha Vicinus,Martha Vicinus
The Original Portrayal of Mozart’s Don Giovanni
Author/Editor: Magnus Tessing Schneider
The Origin and Early Development of the Zhou Changes
Author/Editor: Edward Shaughnessy