Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | Yes | N/A |
Titles start with O ( displaying 500 of 638 ) | Information |
Oaths and Swearing in Ancient Greece |
Author/Editor: Sommerstein H. ,Alan,Torrance C. ,Isabelle
Oaths and Swearing in Ancient Greece |
Obama and Kenya: Contested Histories and the Politics of Belonging |
Author/Editor: Matthew Carotenuto,Katherine Luongo
Obama v. Trump: The Politics of Rollback |
Author/Editor: Alex Waddan,Clodagh Harrington
Ob Dir es sauer wird mit Deiner Nahrung und Ackerwerk, das laß Dich nicht verdrießen, denn Gott hat es also geschaffen - Gottfreid Dietrich Wilhelm Berthold (1854 - 1937) Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Biologie an der Georgia Augusta Göttingen |
"Ob Dir es sauer wird mit Deiner Nahrung und Ackerwerk, das laß Dich nicht verdrießen, denn Gott hat es also geschaffen" - Gottfreid Dietrich Wilhelm Berthold (1854 - 1937) Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Biologie an der Georgia Augusta Göttingen |
Author/Editor: Ruttig, Katharina,Friedl, Thomas,Wissemann, Volker
Obeah, Orisa, and Religious Identity in Trinidad, Volume II, Orisa |
Author/Editor: Dianne Stewart
Obeah, Orisa, and Religious Identity in Trinidad, Volume I, Obeah: Africans in the White Colonial Imagination, Volume 1 |
Author/Editor: Tracey E. Hucks
Obedience and Servant Leadership: Apollis, Appies, Buti, Buys |
Author/Editor: Eugene Baron,Nico Adam Botha
Obiter Dicta |
Author/Editor: Erick Verran
The Objectionable Li Zhi: Fiction, Criticism, and Dissent in Late Ming China |
Author/Editor: Rivi Handler-Spitz,Pauline C. Lee,Haun Saussy
Objective Information Theory |
Author/Editor: Jianfeng Xu,Shuliang Wang,Zhenyu Liu,Yashi Wang,Yingfei Wang,Yingxu Dang
Object Oriented Environs |
Author/Editor: Julian Yates Jeffrey Jerome Cohen
Objekte im Netz: Wissenschaftliche Sammlungen im digitalen Wandel |
Author/Editor: Udo Andraschke,Sarah Wagner
Objektivierung des Schwingungskomforts schwerer Nutzfahrzeuge |
Author/Editor: Nils Bulthaupt
Obliteration: Für eine partikulare Medienphilosophie nach Emmanuel Levinas |
Author/Editor: Johannes Bennke
Oblivionism: Forgetting and Forgetfulness in Modern Science |
Author/Editor: Oliver Dimbath
Obraznoe osnovanie idiom: Psicholingvo-kul'turologičeskie aspekty |
Author/Editor: Svetlana V. Kabakova
Observant Reforms and Cultural Production in Europe: Learning, Liturgy and Spiritual Practice |
Author/Editor: Pietro Delcorno,Bert Roest
Observing Conflict Escalation in World Society: Ukraine's Maidan and Mali's Breakup |
Author/Editor: Richard Bösch
Observing Legislative Processes: Implementation of the CRPD |
Author/Editor: Alexander Lamplmayr,Eva Nachtschatt
Observing Protest from a Place: The World Social Forum in Dakar (2011) |
Observing the Volcano World: Volcano Crisis Communication |
Author/Editor: Carina J. Fearnley,Deanne K. Bird,Katharine Haynes,William J. McGuire,Gill Jolly
Obsessed by a Dream: The Physicist Rolf Widerøe – a Giant in the History of Accelerators |
Author/Editor: Aashild Sørheim
Obsessive Measurement Disorder or Pragmatic Bureaucracy?: Coping with Uncertainty in Development Aid Relations |
Author/Editor: Susanna Alexius,Janet Vähämäki
Obsidian Across the Americas: Compositional Studies Conducted in the Elemental Analysis Facility at the Field Museum of Natural History |
Author/Editor: Gary M. Feinman,Danielle J. Riebe
Obskure Organisationen: Logen, Clubs und Männerbünde als organisationssoziologische Sonderfälle |
Author/Editor: Roman Gibel
Obstacles to Environmental Progress: A U.S. perspective |
Author/Editor: Peter Schulze
Obstructions in Security-Aware Business Processes: Analysis, Detection, and Handling |
Author/Editor: Julius Holderer
Obvladovanje kreditnega tveganja pri bančnem poslovanju |
Author/Editor: Oplotnik Jan ,Žan,Eichmeier ,Vesna
Obvladovanje kreditnega tveganja pri banÄnem poslovanju |
Occidentalist Perceptions of European Architecture in Nineteenth-Century Persian Travel Diaries: Travels in Farangi Space |
Author/Editor: Vahid Vahdat
Occult Roots of Religious Studies: On the Influence of Non-Hegemonic Currents on Academia around 1900 |
Author/Editor: Helmut Zander,Yves Mühlematter
Occupant- Centric Simulation- Aided Building Design: Theory, Application, and Case Studies |
Author/Editor: William O’Brien,Farhang Tahmasebi
Occupational noise-induced hearing loss: An African perspective |
Author/Editor: Katijah Khoza-Shangase,Katijah Khoza-Shangase,Nomfundo F. Moroe,Nomfundo F. Moroe,Liepollo Ntlhakana,Luisa Petrocchi-Bartal,Zumbi Musiba,Milka C.I. Madahana,Otis T.C. Nyandoro
Occupy: A People Yet To Come |
Author/Editor: Conio ,Andrew
Occupy in Deutschland |
Occupy in Deutschland : Die Protestbewegung und ihre Akteure |
Author/Editor: Geiges ,Lars
The Occurrence of Separate Opinions at the Federal Constitutional Court |
Author/Editor: Caroline Wittig
Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions of Gases and Particles |
Author/Editor: Peter S. Liss,Martin T. Johnson
Ocean Governance: Knowledge Systems, Policy Foundations and Thematic Analyses |
Author/Editor: Stefan Partelow,Maria Hadjimichael,Anna-Katharina Hornidge
Oceanic Encounters: Exchange, Desire, Violence |
Author/Editor: Jolly ,Margaret,Tyron ,Darrell,Tcherkézoff ,Serge
Oceanic Explorations (TA26) |
Author/Editor: Connaughton P. ,Sean,Sand ,Christophe,Bedford ,Stuart
Oceanic New York |
Author/Editor: Steve Mentz
The Ocean of Heroes: A Critical Edition, Translation, and Analysis of the Dakarnavatantra, Chapter 15, and Jayasena’s Meditation Manual |
Author/Editor: Tsunehiko Sugiki
Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review |
Author/Editor: S. J. Hawkins,A. L. Allcock,A. E. Bates,L. B. Firth,I. P. Smith,S. E. Swearer,P. A. Todd
Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, Volume 58 |
Author/Editor: S. J. Hawkins,P. A. Todd,A. L. Allcock,A. E. Bates,A.J. Evans,L. B. Firth,C. D. McQuaid,B. D. Russell,I. P. Smith,S. E. Swearer
Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, Volume 60 |
Author/Editor: S.J. Hawkins
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC): Past, Present, and Progress |
Author/Editor: Hyeon-Ju Kim,Albert S. Kim
Ockhams Theorie der Modalitäten: Metaphysische, natürliche und historische Notwendigkeit |
Author/Editor: Lu Jiang
OCM 2021 - Optical Characterization of Materials: Conference Proceedings |
Author/Editor: Jürgen Beyerer,Thomas Längle
OCM 2023: 6th International Conference on Optical Characterization of Materials : Conference Proceedings March 22nd – 23rd, 2023 Karlsruhe | Germany |
Author/Editor: Jürgen Beyerer,Thomas Längle,Michael Heizmann
OCM seminativi: tendenze evolutive e assetto territoriale |
Author/Editor: Leonardo Casini,Enrico Marone,Silvio Menghini
O corpo-cronômetro: As temporalidades do corpo na literatura brasileira |
Author/Editor: Janek Scholz,Jasmin Wrobel
Ocse Pisa 2012. Contributi di approfondimento |
Author/Editor: Palmerio ,Laura
Octavia Hill, social activism and the remaking of British society |
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Baigent,Ben Cowell
Odd Couples |
Odd Couples |
Author/Editor: Rydström ,Jens
Odd Couples : Friendships at the Intersection of Gender and Sexual Orientation |
Author/Editor: Muraco ,Anna
O drevnerusskoj kul'ture, russkoj nacional'noj specifike i logike istorii |
Author/Editor: Igor' P. Smirnov
Oeffentliche Planung auf Landesebene: Eine Analyse von Planungskonzepten in Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz |
Author/Editor: Eberhard Wille
Oeffentliche Sportfoerderung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Darstellung und finanztheoretische Analyse |
Author/Editor: Christian Hockenjos
Oeffentlich-private Finanzierung von Infrastruktur in Entwicklungslaendern und deren Beitrag zur Armutsreduktion: Fallstudien in Vietnam und auf den Philippinen |
Author/Editor: Bianca Gusenbauer
Oekodumping? Umweltpolitik in internationalen Oligopolmaerkten |
Author/Editor: Marion Hübner
Oekologieorientierte Produktinnovationen: Eine empirische Analyse unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung ihrer Erfolgseinschaetzung |
Author/Editor: Hanns Ostmeier
Oekologieorientierte Profilierung im vertikalen Marketing: dargestellt am Beispiel der Elektrobranche |
Author/Editor: Michael Ceyp
Oekonomie der Musikindustrie: Eine Analyse der koerperlichen und unkoerperlichen Musikverwertung mit Hilfe von Tontraegern und Netzen |
Author/Editor: Jürgen Kulle
Oekonomik der Transformation als wirtschafts- und gesellschaftspolitisches Problem: Eine Einfuehrung aus wirtschaftsanthropologischer Sicht |
Author/Editor: Frank Schulz-Nieswandt
Oekonomische Kriterien fuer eine Aufgabenverteilung in der Marktwirtschaft: Eine deskriptive und normative Betrachtung fuer den Allokationsbereich |
Author/Editor: Albert Peters
Oekonomische Kriterien und Anreizmechanismen fuer eine effiziente Foerderung von industrieller Forschung und Innovation: Mit einer empirischen Quantifizierung der Hebeleffekte von F&E-Foerderinstrumenten in Oesterreich |
Author/Editor: Bernard Klement
Oekonomische Wirkungen von Steueramnestien: Untersuchung konkreter Erfahrungen ausgewaehlter Laender mit dem Einsatz von Steueramnestien anhand eines effizienten Steueramnestieprogramms |
Author/Editor: Barbara Petrick-Rump
Očerk istorii jazykoznanija v Rossii. T. I (XIII v.-1825 g.): T. I (XIII v.-1825 g.). Nachdruck der Ausgabe SPb. 1904. Nachdruck und Nachwort von Helmut Keipert |
Author/Editor: Sergej K. Bulic
Où est donc passé le suicide ? Essai sur le Nouveau Roman (Duras, Simon, Beckett) |
Author/Editor: Clara Schwarze
Of Elephants and Toothaches |
Author/Editor: Badowska ,Eva,Parmeggiani ,Francesca
Off-Canon pleasures - a case study and a perspective |
Author/Editor: Frank, Armin Paul
Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit: Ergebnisse der ersten schweizweiten Umfrage |
Author/Editor: Julia Gerodetti,Manuel Fuchs,Lukas Fellmann,Martina Gerngross,Olivier Steiner
Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in Krisenzeiten aus Sicht von Jugendlichen: Eine empirische Studie zur Bedeutung von Einrichtungen in Hamburg |
Author/Editor: Gunda Voigts,Thurid Blohm
Offene-Welt-Strukturen: Architektur, Stadt- und Naturlandschaft im Computerspiel |
Author/Editor: Marc Bonner
Offenheit in Lehre und Forschung: Königsweg oder Sackgasse? |
Author/Editor: Anna Heudorfer,Christopher Könitz,Isabel Steinhardt,Bence Lukács,Matthias Kostrzewa,Patrick Bettinger,Anna Heudorfer,Christine Ruthenfranz,Valentin Dander,Franziska Bellinger,Constanze Reder,Anja Lorenz,Kathrin Braungardt,Ricarda Bolten,Franziska Bellinge
Office 365: Migrating and Managing Your Business in the Cloud |
Author/Editor: Matthew Katzer,Don Crawford
The Official Indonesian Qurʾān Translation: The History and Politics of Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahnya |
Author/Editor: Fadhli Lukman
Officiersvorming in klare taal |
Author/Editor: Sander Dalenberg,Ineke Dekker-Prinsen,Ilse Folkerts,Wim Klinkert,Wouter Sanderse,Richard Tieskens
Offshoring of white-collar services: Business and economic perspective |
Author/Editor: Artur Klimek
Off white: Central and Eastern Europe and the global history of race |
Author/Editor: Catherine Baker,Bogdan C. Iacob,Anikó Imre,James Mark
Of Great Importance |
Author/Editor: Nachoem M. Wijnberg,David Colmer
Of Humans, Pigs, and Souls: An Essay on the Yagwoia Womba Complex |
Author/Editor: Jadran Mimica
Of Learned Ignorance: Idea of a Treatise in Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Michael Munro
Of Love and Papers: How Immigration Policy Affects Romance and Family |
Author/Editor: Laura E. Enriquez
Of Reynaert the Fox |
Of the Contract |
Author/Editor: Christopher Clifton
Of the same breath: Indigenous animal and place names |
Author/Editor: Lucie A. Möller
Of Worlds and Artworks: A Relational View on Artistic Practices from Africa and the Diaspora |
Author/Editor: Ute Fendler,Marie-Anne Kohl,Christopher Joseph Odhiambo,Gilbert Shang Ndi,Clarissa Vierke
Oggi la città: Riflessione sui fenomeni di trasformazione urbana |
Author/Editor: Antonio Capestro
Ohio under COVID: Lessons from America's Heartland in Crisis |
Author/Editor: Katherine Sorrels,Lora Arduser,Danielle Bessett,Vanessa Carbonell,Michelle McGowan,Edward Wallace
Ohne Abschluss in die Bildungsgesellschaft: Die Erwerbschancen gering qualifizierter Personen aus soziologischer und ökonomischer Perspektive |
Author/Editor: Heike Solga
Ohne Rechnen kommt man im Leben nicht weiter: Numeralität als soziale Praxis aus der biographischen Perspektive älterer Menschen |
Author/Editor: Melanie Benz-Gydat,Thea Klüver,Antje Pabst
Ohnmacht in der Demokratie: Das gebrochene Versprechen politischer Teilhabe |
Author/Editor: Nikolai Huke
Ohnmacht und Chance |
Author/Editor: Haberer ,Michael
Ošibka živych. Roman |
Author/Editor: Vladimir V. Kazakov
Oil Palm Fertilization Guide |
Author/Editor: Bernard Dubos,Xavier Bonneau,Albert Flori
Oil Spaces: Exploring the Global Petroleumscape |
Author/Editor: Carola Hein
Oil Sparks in the Amazon : Local Conflicts, Indigenous Populations, and Natural Resources |
Author/Editor: Vasquez ,Patricia I.
The Oil Wars Myth: Petroleum and the Causes of International Conflict |
Author/Editor: Emily Meierding
Oil Wealth and Development in Uganda and Beyond: Prospects, Opportunities, and Challenges |
Author/Editor: Arnim Langer,Ukoha Ukiwo,Pamela Mbabazi
O Império e a Constituição Colonial Portuguesa |
Author/Editor: António Duarte Silva
Ojämlika arbetsplatser: Hierarkier, diskriminering och strategier för jämlikhet |
Author/Editor: Kristina Boréus,Anders Neergaard,Lena Sohl
OKAY: Form, Position, Funktion und Verbreitung eines Internationalismus in der digitalen Welt |
Author/Editor: Laura Herzberg
Okkultismus im Gehäuse: Institutionalisierungen der Parapsychologie im 20. Jahrhundert im internationalen Vergleich |
Author/Editor: Anna Lux,Sylvia Paletschek
Okozritel'nyj ustav v istorii bogosluženija Russkoj cerkvi |
Author/Editor: Boris Danilenko
Okulare Demokratie |
Okulare Demokratie : Der Bürger als Zuschauer |
Okzidentalismen: Projektionen und Reflexionen des Westens in Kunst, Ästhetik und Kultur |
Author/Editor: Birgit Mersmann,Hauke Ohls
O la capra o i cavoli: La biosfera, l’economia e il futuro da inventare |
Author/Editor: Nicolò Bellanca,Luca Pardi
Old Age before Modernity: Case Studies and Methodological Perspectives, 500 BC ‒ 1700 AD |
Author/Editor: Christian Alexander Neumann
Old and New Perspectives on Mortality Forecasting |
Author/Editor: Tommy Bengtsson,Nico Keilman
Old Church Slavic: Grammar and Dictionaries |
Author/Editor: Анна Поливанова,Artemij Keidan
The Old English Lives of St Martin of Tours - Edition and Study |
Author/Editor: Mertens, Andre
The Old English Translation of Bede's Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum in its Historical and Cultural Context |
Author/Editor: Lemke, Andreas
Older Workers and Labour Market Exclusion Processes: A Life Course perspective |
Author/Editor: Nathalie Burnay,Jim Ogg,Clary Krekula,Patricia Vendramin
The Oldest Vocation: Christian Motherhood in the Medieval West |
Author/Editor: Clarissa W. Atkinson
The Old-Javanese RÄmÄyaṇa Kakawin |
The Old-Javanese Rāmāyaṇa Kakawin |
Author/Editor: Hooykaas ,C.
The Old Nubian Language |
Author/Editor: Eugenia Smagina,José Andrés Alonso de la Fuente
The Old Nubian Texts from Attiri |
Author/Editor: Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei,Vincent Pierre-Michel Laisney,Giovanni Ruffini,Alexandros Tsakos,Kerstin Weber-Thum,Petra Weschenfelder
Old Ways for New Days: Indigenous Survival and Agency in Climate Changed Times |
Author/Editor: Melissa Nursey-Bray,Robert Palmer,Ann Marie Chischilly,Phil Rist,Lun Yin
Ol'ga Berggol'c: Aspekte ihres lyrischen Werkes |
Author/Editor: Eva-Maria Fiedler-Stolz
Olga Tufnell’s 'Perfect Journey': Letters and photographs of an archaeologist in the Levant and Mediterranean |
Author/Editor: John D.M. Green,Ros Henry
Oltre gli stereotipi: La ricerca-azione di Renzo Rastrelli sull'immigrazione cinese in Italia |
Author/Editor: Stefano Becucci
Oltre i confini: Le imprese “leggere” italiane e i mercati internazionali nel XIX e XX secolo |
Author/Editor: Giulio Mellinato,Laura Prosperi,Valerio Varini
Oltre la globalizzazione: le proposte della Geografia economica: Giornata di Studio della Società di Studi Geografici. Firenze 14 ottobre 2011 |
Author/Editor: Filippo Randelli,FRANCESCO DINI
Oltre lo sprawl? Ambizioni, successi e problemi irrisolti: Uno studio della gestione del suolo a Portland, Denver e Minneapolis |
Author/Editor: Gabriele Manella
Olympiodorus: Life of Plato and On Plato First Alcibiades 1–9 |
Author/Editor: Michael Griffin
Olympiodorus: On Plato First Alcibiades 10–28 |
Author/Editor: Michael Griffin
Omani Mehri: A New Grammar with Texts |
Author/Editor: Aaron D. Rubin
Om beters wille |
Author/Editor: Bruaene van ,Anne-Laure
Om breve:Ni essays om brevformen i hverdagen, litteraturen og journalistikken |
Author/Editor: John Chr. Jørgensen
Om breve:Ni essays om brevformen i hverdagen, litteraturen og journalistikken |
Om recht en staat; een sociologische verkenning van sociale, politieke en rechtsbetrekkingen |
Author/Editor: Salet ,W.G.M.
O My Friends, There is No Friend: The Politics of Friendship at the End of Ecology |
Author/Editor: Matt Hern,Am Johal
On a law of Indo-European word order: Über ein Gesetz der indogermanischen Wortstellung |
Author/Editor: Jacob Wackernagel,George Walkden,Christina Sevdali,Morgan Macleod
On an Ungrounded Earth: Towards a New Geophilosophy |
Author/Editor: Ben Woodard
›On Avoiding Distress‹ and ›On My Own Opinions‹ |
Author/Editor: Ioannis Polemis,Sophia Xenophontos
On Becoming a Scholar: What Every New Academic Needs to Know |
Author/Editor: Jonathan Jansen,Daniel Visser
On Blinking |
Author/Editor: Jeremy Fernando,Sarah Brigid Hannis
On Boredom: Essays in art and writing |
Author/Editor: Rye Dag Holmboe,Susan Morris
The Once-Only Principle: The TOOP Project |
Author/Editor: Robert Krimmer,Andriana Prentza,Szymon Mamrot
Once Upon a Time is Now: A Kalahari Memoir |
Author/Editor: Biesele Megan
Once Upon the Permafrost: Knowing Culture and Climate Change in Siberia |
Author/Editor: Susan Alexandra Crate
On Civic Republicanism |
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Kellow,Neven Leddy
On Civic Republicanism |
Author/Editor: Kellow ,Geoffrey,Leddy ,Neven
On Competition and Regulation in Health Care Systems |
Author/Editor: Robert Nuscheler
On Cyprian Norwid. Studies and Essays: Vol. 1: Syntheses |
Author/Editor: Agata Brajerska-Mazur,Edyta Chlebowska
On Cyprian Norwid. Studies and Essays: Vol. 2. Aspects |
Author/Editor: Edyta Chlebowska,Agata Brajerska-Mazur
On Cyprian Norwid. Studies and Essays: Vol. 3. Interpretations |
Author/Editor: Agata Brajerska-Mazur,Edyta Chlebowska
On Democratic Politics: A Selection of Essays by Norbert Lechner |
Author/Editor: Velia Cecilia Bobes,Victoria Furio,Francisco Valdés-Ugalde,Mariana Ortega-Breña
Onderbenutting in functie-niveau van allochtone personen op de arbeidsmarkt |
Author/Editor: Veen ,A.,Riemersma ,F.S.J.
Onder invloed van Duitsland. Een onderzoek naar gevoeligheid en kwetsbaarheid in de betrekkingen tussen Nederland en de Bondsrepubliek |
Author/Editor: WRR
Ondernemen in de Open Samenleving |
Author/Editor: Rutger Claassen,Judith van Erp
Onderwijs en arbeidsmarkt in een input-output model. Analyse van de werkgelegenheid naar opleiding in de periode 1985-2010 |
Author/Editor: Zwinkels ,W.
Onderwijs, identiteitsontwikkeling bij jongeren en hun omgang met idealen: Een studie naar het ontstaan van radicalisering in de vroege adolescentie en de rol van het onderwijs hierin |
Author/Editor: Harrie Jonkman,Anne-Marie Slotboom,Frank Weerman,Jan-Jaap van Eerten
Onderwijs in de vier grote steden |
Author/Editor: Leeuwenburgh ,W.H.,Eeden van den ,P.
Onderwijs voor een kennissamenleving; de rol van ICT nader bekeken |
Author/Editor: Dam-Mieras van ,M.C.E.,Jong de ,W.M.
On direct and inverse problems related to longitudinal impact of non-uniform elastic rods |
Author/Editor: Jens Burgert
One Billion Rising. Law, Land and the Alleviation of Global Poverty |
Author/Editor: Prosterman L. ,Roy,Mitchell ,Robert,Hanstad ,Tim
One Great Family: Domestic Relationships in Samuel Richardson’s Novels |
Author/Editor: Simone Eva Höhn
One Health, une seule santé: Théorie et pratique des approches intégrées de la santé |
Author/Editor: Jakob Zinsstag,Esther Schelling,David Waltner-Toews,Maxine A. Whittaker,Marcel Tanner
One Hundred Years at the Intersection of Chemistry and Physics: The Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society 1911-2011 |
Author/Editor: Bretislav Friedrich,Jeremiah James,Thomas Steinhauser,Dieter Hoffmann
One Hundred Years of Chemical Warfare: Research, Deployment, Consequences |
Author/Editor: Bretislav Friedrich,Dieter Hoffmann,Jürgen Renn,Florian Schmaltz,Martin Wolf
One Hundred Years of Social Protection: The Changing Social Question in Brazil, India, China, and South Africa |
Author/Editor: Lutz Leisering
One Planet, One Health |
Author/Editor: Merrilyn Walton
One Rights: Human and Animal Rights in the Anthropocene |
Author/Editor: Saskia Stucki
One-to-many-relations in morphology, syntax, and semantics (Volume 7) |
Author/Editor: Manfred Sailer,Berthold Crysmann
One-Volume Libraries: Composite and Multiple-Text Manuscripts |
Author/Editor: Michael Friedrich,Cosima Schwarke
One Word - Yak Kaleme |
One Word - Yak Kaleme : 19th-Century Persian Treatise introducing Western Codified Law |
Author/Editor: Seyed-Gohrab (ed) ,Asghar
One world, many knowledges: Regional experiences and cross-regional links in higher education |
Author/Editor: Tor Halvorsen,Peter Vale
On Folding: Towards a New Field of Interdisciplinary Research |
Author/Editor: Michael Friedman,Wolfgang Schäffner
On Global Citizenship |
Author/Editor: Tully ,James
On Global Citizenship |
On History |
Author/Editor: Michelet ,Jules
On Inequality (Big Ideas) |
Author/Editor: Tessa Bending,European Investment Bank
On Kings |
Author/Editor: Sahlins ,Marshall,Graeber ,David
Onkologie für die Palliativmedizin |
Author/Editor: Alt-Epping, Bernd,Fuxius, Stefan,Wedding, Ulrich
On Learning: A general theory of objects and object-relations |
Author/Editor: David Scott
The Onlife Manifesto: Being Human in a Hyperconnected Era |
Author/Editor: Luciano Floridi
The Online Advertising Tax: A Digital Policy Innovation |
Author/Editor: Christian Fuchs
The Online Advertising Tax as the Foundation of a Public Service Internet |
Author/Editor: Christian Fuchs
Online and Distance Education for a Connected World |
Author/Editor: Linda Amrane-Cooper,David Baume,Stephen Brown,Stylianos Hatzipanagos,Philip Powell,Sarah Sherman,Alan Tait
Online Anti-Rape Activism: Exploring the Politics of the Personal in the Age of Digital Media |
Author/Editor: Rachel Loney-Howes
Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers in the European Union |
Author/Editor: Cortés ,Pablo
Online Hate and Harmful Content: Cross-National Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Teo Keipi,Matti Näsi,Atte Oksanen,Pekka Räsänen
Online Hate Speech in the European Union: A Discourse-Analytic Perspective |
Author/Editor: Stavros Assimakopoulos,Fabienne H. Baider,Sharon Millar
Online-Komponenten digitaler Spiele: Eine rechtliche Untersuchung ihres Supports, ihrer Wiederherstellung und ihrer Eliminierung |
Author/Editor: Maximilian Vonthien
Online Misogyny as Hate Crime: A Challenge for Legal Regulation? |
Author/Editor: Kim Barker,Olga Jurasz
On looking into words (and beyond): Structures, Relations, Analyses |
On looking into words (and beyond): Structures, Relations, Analyses |
The Only True People |
The Only True People : Linking Maya Identities Past and Present |
Author/Editor: bin Beyyette ,Bethany J.,LeCount ,Lisa J.
On Making Fiction: Frankenstein and the Life of Stories |
Author/Editor: Friederike Danebrock
On Making in the Digital Humanities: The scholarship of digital humanities development in honour of John Bradley |
Author/Editor: Julianne Nyhan,Geoffrey Rockwell,Stéfan Sinclair,Alexandra Ortolja-Baird
On Media, On Technology, On Life - Interviews with Innovators |
Author/Editor: Arthur Clay,Timothy J. Senior
On Melancholy: Rufus of Ephesus |
Author/Editor: Peter E. Pormann
On Migration: Diasporization – Transculturality – Transmediality |
Author/Editor: Cornelia Sieber
Onomastics of the “Chanson de Roland”: Or: Why Gaston Paris and Joseph Bédier were both right |
Author/Editor: Gustav A. Beckmann
On Productive Shame, Reconciliation, and Agency |
Author/Editor: Suzana Milevska
On Prophecy, Dreams and Human Imagination: Synesius, De insommniis |
Author/Editor: Donald A. Russell,Heinz-Günther Nesselrath
On reconstructing Proto-Bantu grammar |
Author/Editor: Koen Bostoen,Gilles-Maurice de Schryver,Rozenn Guérois,Sara Pacchiarotti
On Self-Translation: Meditations on Language |
Author/Editor: Ilan Stavans
On Sovereignty and Other Political Delusions |
Author/Editor: Joan Cocks
On Style: An Atelier |
Author/Editor: Eileen A. Joy,Anna Kłosowska
On Taungurung Land: Sharing History and Culture |
Author/Editor: Jennifer Jones,Roy Henry Patterson
On the Anarchy of Poetry and Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Bruns ,Gerald L.
On the Beneficence of Censorship: Aesopian Language in Modern Russian Literature |
Author/Editor: Lev Loseff
On the Border of Language and Dialect |
Author/Editor: Marjatta Palander,Helka Riionheimo,Vesa Koivisto
On the daimonion of Socrates: Plutarch |
Author/Editor: Heinz-Günther Nesselrath
On the Dual Uses of Science and Ethics Principles, Practices, and Prospects |
Author/Editor: Rappert ,Brian,Selgelid ,Michael J.
On the Electro-Chemo-Mechanical Coupling in Solid State Batteries and its Impact on Morphological Interface Stability |
Author/Editor: Markus Ganser
On the Formation of Marxism |
On the Formation of Marxism |
Author/Editor: Gronow ,J.
On the Frontiers of History: Rethinking East Asian Borders |
Author/Editor: Tessa Morris-Suzuki
On the Influence of Piecewise Defined Contact Geometries on Friction Dampers |
Author/Editor: Jimmy Alberto,Aramendiz Fuentes
On the Jewish Legacy in Viennese Architecture |
Author/Editor: Prokop ,Ursula
On the Legacy of Lutheranism in Finland: Societal Perspectives |
Author/Editor: Kaius Sinnemäki,Anneli Portman,Jouni Tilli,Robert H. Nelson
On the Literature and Thought of the German Classical Era: Collected Essays |
Author/Editor: Hugh Barr Nisbet
On the Margins: Jews and Muslims in Interwar Berlin |
Author/Editor: Gerdien Jonker
On the Margins of Tibet: Cultural Survival on the Sino-Tibetan Frontier |
Author/Editor: Ashild Kolas,Monika P. Thowsen
On the Old-Javanese Cantakaparwa and Its Tale of Sutasoma |
Author/Editor: Ensink ,J.
On the Old-Javanese Cantakaparwa and Its Tale of Sutasoma |
On the path to AI: Law’s prophecies and the conceptual foundations of the machine learning age |
Author/Editor: Thomas D. Grant,Damon J. Wischik
On the Politics of Educational Theory: Rhetoric, theoretical ambiguity, and the construction of society |
Author/Editor: Tomasz Szkudlarek
On the Power and Limits of Empathy |
Author/Editor: Manuel Camassa
On the Public |
Author/Editor: Alastair Hannay
On the Ruins of Babel: Architectural Metaphor in German Thought |
Author/Editor: Daniel Leonhard Purdy
On the Significance of Religion for Global Diplomacy |
Author/Editor: Philip McDonagh,Kishan Manocha,John Neary,Lucia Vazquez Mendoza
On the Significance of Religion for Human Rights |
Author/Editor: Pauline Kollontai,Friedrich Lohmann
On the Significance of Religion for the SDGs: An Introduction |
Author/Editor: Christine Schliesser
On the Significance of Religion in Conflict and Conflict Resolution |
Author/Editor: Christine Schliesser,Seniha Ayse Kadayifci- Orellana,Pauline Kollontai
On the Significance of Religion in Violence Against Women and Girls |
Author/Editor: Elisabet Le Roux,Sandra Iman Pertek
On the Social History of Persecution |
Author/Editor: Christian Gerlach
On the Stability of Objective Structures (Volume 38) |
Author/Editor: Martin Steinbach
On the Structure and History of Russian. Selected Essays: With a Preface by Henrik Birnbaum |
Author/Editor: Dean S. Worth
On the Threshold: Hospitality in Shakespeare's Drama |
Author/Editor: Sophie Battell
On the Threshold of the Holocaust: Anti-Jewish Riots and Pogroms in Occupied Europe: Warsaw – Paris – The Hague – Amsterdam – Antwerp – Kaunas |
Author/Editor: Tomasz Szarota
On the Trail of the Morning Star: Psychosis as Self-Discovery |
Author/Editor: Dorothea Buck,Susanne Antonetta,Eva Lipton
On the Way to the (Un)Known?: The Ottoman Empire in Travelogues (c. 1450-1900) |
Author/Editor: Doris Gruber,Arno Strohmeyer
On this and other worlds |
On this and other worlds : Voices from Amazonia |
Ontohackers: Radical Movement Philosophy in the Age of Extinctions and Algorithms, Part I |
Author/Editor: Jaym*/Jaime del Val
Ontological Catastrophe: Žižek and the Paradoxical Metaphysics of German Idealism |
Ontological Catastrophe: Žižek and the Paradoxical Metaphysics of German Idealism |
Author/Editor: Carew ,Joseph
The Ontological Nature of Part-Whole Oscillations: An Interdisciplinary Determination |
Author/Editor: Michael STADLER
Ontological Terror: Blackness, Nihilism and Emancipation |
Author/Editor: Calvin L. Warren
Ontologies for Knowledge modeling in construction planning: Theory and application |
Author/Editor: Vito Getuli
Ontologische Narratologie: Welt erzählen bei Wilhelm Raabe |
Author/Editor: Cornelia Pierstorff
Ontomedialität: Eine medienphilosophische Perspektive auf die aktuelle Neuverhandlung der Ontologie |
Author/Editor: Lisa Handel
On Track or Off The Rails?: Intra-ministerial decision-making in transport infrastructure planning |
Author/Editor: Jenny Rademann
Ontwikkelingen in de natuur. Visies op de levende natuur in de wereld en scenario's voor het behoud daarvan |
Author/Editor: Meij van der ,T.
Ontwikkelingen in het mededingingstoezicht - 69 |
Author/Editor: Baarsma ,B.
Ontwikkelingsbeleid en goed bestuur |
Author/Editor: WRR
Ontwikkelingsprincipes voor de Inrichting van de Informatievoorziening over de Curatieve zorg |
Author/Editor: Zwetsloot-Schonk ,J.H.M.,Vries Robbé de ,P.F.
Ontwikkeling van onderwijsarrangementen voor een succesvolle doorstroom vmbo-mbo-hbo: Onderzoeksrapportage |
Author/Editor: Tessa Jenniskens,Bianca Leest,Maarten Wolbers,Benjamin Bremer,Johan Bokdam,Marloes de Lange,Martijn Peters
Ontworpen en onstaan. Een praktijktheoretische analyse van het debat over het provinciale omgevingsbeleid |
Author/Editor: Wissink ,B.
Onward Migration and Multi-Sited Transnationalism: Complex Trajectories, Practices and Ties |
Author/Editor: Jill Ahrens,Russell King
On Water (Volume 1) |
Author/Editor: Yann Arthus-Bertrand,European Investment Bank
Onzekere veiligheid |
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid
Onze Revolutie: Bloemlezing uit de Indonesische geschiedschrijving over de strijd voor de onafhankelijkheid, 1945-1949 |
Author/Editor: Wahid Abdul
Onze vriend op de pauwentroon: Nederland en de laatste sjah van Iran |
Author/Editor: Maaike Warnaar
Oocyte Maturation and Fertilization - A Long History for a Short Event |
Author/Editor: Elisabetta Tosti
Oog voor elkaar |
Author/Editor: Blokland ,Talja
Oorlogsboeven: Alledaagse criminaliteit tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog |
Author/Editor: Jan Julia Zurné
Oost-Soemba |
Oost-Soemba |
Author/Editor: Nooteboom ,C.
An Opaque Mirror for Trajan: A Literary Analysis and Interpretation of Plutarch's 'Regum et imperatorum apophthegmata' |
Author/Editor: Laurens van der Wiel
Open |
Open Access |
Author/Editor: Peter Suber
Open Access in Theory and Practice: The Theory-Practice Relationship and Openness |
Author/Editor: Stephen Pinfield,Simon Wakeling,David Bawden,Lyn Robinson
Open Access Musicology: Volume One |
Author/Editor: Daniel Barolsky,Louis Epstein
Open Access Musicology: Volume Two |
Author/Editor: Louis Epstein,Daniel Barolsky
Open-Access-Publikationsworkflow für akademische Bücher |
Author/Editor: David Böhm,Alexander Grossmann,Michael Reiche,Antonia Schrader
Open and Distance Education in Asia, Africa and the Middle East: National Perspectives in a Digital Age |
Author/Editor: Olaf Zawacki-Richter,Adnan Qayyum
Open and Distance Education in Australia, Europe and the Americas: National Perspectives in a Digital Age |
Author/Editor: Adnan Qayyum,Olaf Zawacki-Richter
Open Book in Ways of Water |
Author/Editor: Adam Wolfond,Erin Manning
Open Content Licensing |
Author/Editor: Guibault ,Lucie,Angelopoulos ,Christina
Open Data and the Knowledge Society |
Author/Editor: Wessels ,Bridgette,Finn ,Rachel,Wadhwa ,Kush,Sveinsdottir ,Thordis
Open Data in Developing Economies: Toward Building an Evidence Base on What Works and How |
Author/Editor: Stefaan G. Verhulst,Andrew Young
Open Data Protection - Study on legal barriers to open data sharing - Data Protection and PSI |
Author/Editor: Wiebe, Andreas,Dietrich, Nils
Open Education |
Open Government: Offenes Regierungs- und Verwaltungshandeln – Leitbilder, Ziele und Methoden |
Author/Editor: Jörn von Lucke,Katja Gollasch
Open Heritage: Community-Driven Adaptive Reuse in Europe: Best Practice |
Author/Editor: Heike Oevermann,Levente Polyák,Hanna Szemzö,Harald A. Mieg
Opening Government: Transparency and Engagement in the Information Age |
Author/Editor: John Wanna,Sam Vincent
Opening Science: The Evolving Guide on How the Internet is Changing Research, Collaboration and Scholarly Publishing |
Author/Editor: Sönke Bartling,Sönke Bartling,Sascha Friesike,Sascha Friesike
Opening Up Education: The Collective Advancement of Education through Open Technology, Open Content, and Open Knowledge |
Author/Editor: Toru Iiyoshi,M.S. Vijay Kumar
Opening Up the University: Teaching and Learning with Refugees (Volume 5) |
Author/Editor: Céline Cantat,Ian M. Cook,Prem Kumar Rajaram
Open Mapping towards Sustainable Development Goals: Voices of YouthMappers on Community Engaged Scholarship |
Author/Editor: Patricia Solís,Marcela Zeballos
Open Questions in Cosmology |
Open Scholarship in the Humanities |
Author/Editor: Paul Longley Arthur,Lydia Hearn
Open Science: the Very Idea |
Author/Editor: Frank Miedema
Open Scientific Data: Why Choosing and Reusing the RIGHT DATA Matters |
Author/Editor: Vera Lipton
Open Skies: The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Its Impact on US Radio Astronomy |
Author/Editor: Kenneth I. Kellermann,Ellen N. Bouton,Sierra S. Brandt
Open Society Unresolved: The Contemporary Relevance of a Contested Idea |
Author/Editor: Christof Royer,Liviu Matei
Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica Atti del II Workshop (Genova, 11 maggio 2007) |
Author/Editor: Costa ,Stefano,Pesce Luca ,Giovanni
Open Source Law, Policy and Practice: Second Edition |
Author/Editor: Amanda Brock
Open Source Systems: Towards Robust Practices 13th IFIP WG 2.13 International Conference, OSS 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 22-23, 2017, Proceedings |
Author/Editor: Federico Balaguer,Roberto Di Cosmo,Alejandra Garrido,Fabio Kon,Gregorio Robles,Stefano Zacchiroli
Open-space Learning: A Study in Transdisciplinary Pedagogy |
Author/Editor: Nicholas Monk,Carol Chillington Rutter,Jonothan Neelands,Jonathan Heron
Open : The Philosophy and Practices that are Revolutionizing Education and Science |
Open to Disruption: Time and Craft in the Practice of Slow Sociology |
Author/Editor: Anita Ilta Garey,Margaret K. Nelson,Rosanna Hertz
Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education |
Author/Editor: Bart Rienties,Regine Hampel,Eileen Scanlon,Denise Whitelock
Opera buffa und Spielkultur |
Author/Editor: Schraffl ,Ingrid
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi |
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi |
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi |
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Herding ,O.,Koster ,A.J.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi |
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi |
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi |
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi |
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Knott ,B.I.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi |
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi |
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi |
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi |
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi |
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi |
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi |
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi |
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi |
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi |
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis primi tomus primus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Kumaniecki ,K.,Mynors ,R.A.B.,Robinson ,C.,Waszink ,J.H.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis primi tomus quartus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Cytowska ,M.,Domanski ,J.,Heesakkers ,C.L.,Waszink ,J.H.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis primi tomus quintus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Margolin ,J.C.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis primi tomus secundus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Margolin ,J.C.,Mesnard ,P.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis primi tomus septimus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Vredeveld ,H.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis primi tomus tertius |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Halkin ,L.E.,Bierlaire ,F.,Hoven ,R.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis quarti tomus primus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Herding ,O.,Schalk ,F.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis quarti tomus primus A |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Waszink ,J.H.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis secundi tomus nonus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Heinimann ,F.,Poll-van de Lisdonk van ,M.L.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis secundi tomus octavus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Wesseling ,A.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis secundi tomus primus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Poll-van de Lisdonk van ,M.L,,Mann-Phillips ,M.,Robinson ,C.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis secundi tomus quartus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Heinimann ,F.,Kienzle ,E.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis secundi tomus quintus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Heinimann ,F.,Kienzle ,E.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis secundi tomus secundus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Poll-van de Lisdonk van ,M.L,,Cytowska ,M.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis secundi tomus septimus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Hoven ,R.,Lauvergnat-Gagnière ,C.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis secundi tomus sextus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Heinimann ,F.,Kienzle ,E.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi : Ordinis secundi tomus tertius |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Szymański ,M.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami |
Author/Editor: Erasmus
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis noni Tomus Quartus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Noni Tomus Secundus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Jonge de ,H.J.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Noni Tomus Primus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Noni Tomus Tertius |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Steenbeek ,Andrea W.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Quarti Tomus Tertius |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Miller ,Clarence H.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Quinti Tomus Quartus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Chomarat ,Jacques
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Quinti Tomus Tertius |
Author/Editor: Erasmus
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Quinti Tomus Primus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Quinti Tomus Quintus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Chomarat ,Jacques
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Septimi Tomus Sextus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Bateman ,John J.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Sexti Tomus Secundus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Brown ,Andrew J.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Sexti Tomus Tertius |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Brown ,Andrew J.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Sexti Tomus Quintus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Hovingh ,P.E.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Sexti Tomus Octavus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Poll-van de Lisdonk van ,M.L.
Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami : Ordinis Sexti Tomus Sextus |
Author/Editor: Erasmus,Hovingh ,E.F.
Operatic Pasticcios in 18th-Century Europe: Contexts, Materials and Aesthetics |
Author/Editor: Berthold Over,Gesa zur Nieden
Operationalisation of Hybrid Peacebuilding in Asia: From Theory to Practice |
Author/Editor: Yuji Uesugi,Anna Deekeling,Sophie Shiori Umeyama,Lawrence McDonald-Colbert
Operation Luxor: Eine kritische Aufarbeitung der größten rassistischen Polizeioperation Österreichs |
Author/Editor: Farid Hafez
The Operations of the Navy in the Dutch East Indies and the Bay of Bengal |
Author/Editor: Willem Remmelink
Operation Video: Eine Technik des Nahsehens und ihr spezifisches Subjekt: die Videokünstlerin der 1970er Jahre |
Author/Editor: Sigrid Adorf
Opetussuunnitelmatutkimus |
Opfernarrative in transnationalen Kontexten |
Opfernarrative in transnationalen Kontexten |
Author/Editor: Eva Binder,Christof Diem,Miriam Finkelstein,Sieglinde Klettenhammer,Birgit Mertz-Baumgartner,Marijana Milošević,Julia Pröll
Opferorientierung im Strafvollzug |
Author/Editor: Katrin Höffler,Christiane Jesse,Thomas Bliesener
Opferschutz und Erziehungsgedanke im Jugendstrafverfahren |
Author/Editor: Zapf, Jana Christina
Opferstatus und Geschlecht: Entwicklung und Umsetzung der Opferhilfe in der Schweiz |
Author/Editor: Anne Kersten
Ophthalmology: Current and Future Developments: Volume 1 - Diagnostic Atlas of Retinal Diseases |
Author/Editor: Mitzy E. Torres Soriano,Gerardo García Aguirre
Ophthalmology: Current and Future Developments: Volume 2 - Diagnostic Atlas of Retinal Diseases |
Author/Editor: Mitzy E. Torres Soriano,Gerardo García Aguirre,Maximiliano Gordon,Veronica Kon Graversen
Ophthalmology: Current and Future Developments: Volume 3 - Diagnostic Atlas of Retinal Diseases |
Author/Editor: Mitzy E. Torres Soriano,Gerardo García Aguirre,Maximiliano Gordon,Veronica Kon Graversen
Opioids: Addiction, Narrative, Freedom |
Author/Editor: Maia Dolphin-Krute
Op koers: Evaluatie WRR 2003-2007 |
Author/Editor: Commissie Van Rooij
Op maat van het midden- en kleinbedrijf: deel 1 |
Author/Editor: WRR
Op maat van het midden- en kleinbedrijf: deel 2: preadviezen |
Author/Editor: WRR
Opportunities and Challenges for New and Peripheral Political Science Communities: A Consolidated Discipline? |
Author/Editor: Gabriella Ilonszki,Christophe Roux
Opposing Democracy in the Digital Age: The Yellow Shirts in Thailand |
Author/Editor: Aim Sinpeng
Opposing Power: Building Opposition Alliances in Electoral Autocracies |
Author/Editor: Elvin Ong
Opprør og opposisjon under enevelde og demokrati |
Author/Editor: Bjørg Seland
Oppvekst og livstolkning: Flerfaglige blikk på barns og unges eksistens, fellesskap og fortellinger |
Author/Editor: Jon Vegard Hugaas,Åse Høyvoll Kallestad
O processo civilizacional da tourada: Guerreiros, cortesãos, profissionais... e bárbaros? |
Author/Editor: Fernando Ampudia de Haro
Oproer in de letteren: Sixties-protest in de Lage Landen |
Author/Editor: Gwennie Debergh,Nele Janssens,Lieselot De Taeye
Op steenworp afstand |
Optical Coherence Tomography and Its Non-medical Applications |
Author/Editor: Michael R. Wang
Optical coherence tomography for characterization of nanocomposite materials |
Author/Editor: Simon Schneider
Optically Induced Nanostructures: Biomedical and Technical Applications |
Author/Editor: Karsten König,Andreas Ostendorf
Optics in Our Time |
Author/Editor: Mohammad D. Al-Amri,Mohamed El-Gomati,M. Suhail Zubairy
Optimal Control for Chemical Engineers |
Author/Editor: Simant Ranjan Upreti
Optimal Domain and Integral Extension of Operators Acting in Frechet Function Spaces |
Author/Editor: Bettina Blaimer
Optimale Auslandsverschuldung bei potentiellen Schuldendienstproblemen |
Author/Editor: Armin-Detlef Rieß
Optimale Besteuerung: («Optimal Taxation») |
Author/Editor: Gerold Krause-Junk
Optimale Finanzpolitik im Modell ueberlappender Generationen |
Author/Editor: Jochen Michaelis
Optimale Schattenpreise und Produktionsprogramme fuer oeffentliche Unternehmen: Second-Best-Modelle im finanzwirtschaftlichen Staatsbereich |
Optimal Scheduling of Combined Heat and Power Generation Considering Heating Grid Dynamics |
Author/Editor: Lennart Merkert
Optimal Surface Fitting of Point Clouds Using Local Refinement: Application to GIS Data |
Author/Editor: Gaël Kermarrec,Vibeke Skytt,Tor Dokken
Optimierung: Anschlüsse an den 27. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft |
Author/Editor: Henrike Terhart,Sandra Hofhues,Elke Kleinau
Optimierung der Tragfähigkeit von Zahnwellenverbindungen |
Author/Editor: Jochen Wild
Optimierung des Selbst: Konzepte, Darstellungen und Praktiken |
Author/Editor: Loreen Dalski,Kirsten Flöter,Lisa Keil,Kathrin Lohse,Lucas Sand,Annabelle Schülein
Optimierung in der Medienpädagogik: Forschungsperspektiven im Anschluss an den 27. Kongress der DGfE |
Author/Editor: Patrick Bettinger,Larissa Ade,Martin Donner,Manuela Endberg,Lara-Idil Engec,Viktoria Flasche,Caroline Grabensteiner,Anna-Maria Kamin,Rudolf Kammerl,Katrin Ellen Klieme,Sven Kommer,Simon Küth,Klaus Rummler,Ulaş Aktaş,Sarah Désirée Lange,Christian Leinewebe
Optimierung von Gesprächen in der professionellen Telefonie |
Author/Editor: Judith Pietschmann
Optimising Emotions, Incubating Falsehoods: How to Protect the Global Civic Body from Disinformation and Misinformation |
Author/Editor: Vian Bakir,Andrew McStay
Optimization-Based Energy Management for Multi-energy Maritime Grids |
Author/Editor: Sidun Fang,Hongdong Wang
Optimization of adaptive test design methods for the determination of steady-state data-driven models in terms of combustion engine calibration |
Author/Editor: Nino Sandmeier
Optimization Problems in Transportation and Logistics: A Practical Guide |
Author/Editor: Raj Bridgelall
Optimizing HPC Applications with Intel Cluster Tools |
Author/Editor: Alexander Supalov,Andrey Semin,Michael Klemm,Christopher Dahnken
Optimizing photocatalysts and photoreactors for solar fuel synthesis |
Author/Editor: Paul Philipp Kant
Optimizing the German Workforce: Labor Administration from Bismarck to the Economic Miracle |
Author/Editor: David Meskill
Option assistierter Suizid Wann genug ist, entscheide ich |
Author/Editor: Eva Birkenstock
Optische Magie: Zur Geschichte der visuellen Medien in der Frühen Neuzeit |
Author/Editor: Nicole Gronemeyer
O původu Kijevských listů a pražských zlomků a o bohemismech v starších cirkevně-slovanských památkách vůbec: Nachdruck der Ausgabe Praha 1904 |
Author/Editor: Václav S. Vondrák
Opvoeding, onderwijs en jeugdbeleid in het algemeen belang - 1 |
Author/Editor: Winter de ,M.
The Oracle Bone Inscriptions from Huayuanzhuang East |
Author/Editor: Adam C. Schwartz
«Ora diremo di Napoli». I traffici dell'area campana nei manuali di commercio |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the Clinician |
Author/Editor: Krishnamurthy Bonanthaya,Elavenil Panneerselvam,Suvy Manuel,Vinay V. Kumar,Anshul Rai
Oral Health in South Australia - 2008 |
Author/Editor: Brennan S ,David,Spencer ,John,Beckwith ,Katie
Oral health of Australian children: The National Child Oral Health Study 2012–14 |
Oral History and the War: The Nazi Concentration Camp Experience in a Biographical-Narrative Perspective |
Author/Editor: Piotr Filipkowski
Oral History at a Distance |
Author/Editor: Steven Sielaff,Stephen M. Sloan,Adrienne A. Cain Darough,Michelle Holland
An Oral History of the Special Olympics in China Volume 1: Overview |
Author/Editor: William P. Alford,Mei Liao,Fengming Cui
An Oral History of the Special Olympics in China Volume 2: The Movement |
Author/Editor: William P. Alford,Mei Liao,Fengming Cui
An Oral History of the Special Olympics in China Volume 3: Finding and Keeping a Job |
Author/Editor: William P. Alford,Mei Liao,Fengming Cui
Oral Literature in Africa |
Author/Editor: Finnegan ,Ruth
Oral Literature in the Digital Age |
Oral Tradition and Book Culture |
Author/Editor: Pertti Anttonen,Cecilia af Forselles,Kirsti Salmi-Niklander
Orange Chinook: Politics in the New Alberta |
Author/Editor: David Taras,Keith Brownsey,Richard Sutherland,Duane Bratt
Oratorio para Observador, Hombre Exhausto y Coro de Astronautas |
Author/Editor: Andrés Recasens Salvo
Orchestrating Public Opinion: How Music Persuades in Television Political Ads for US Presidential Campaigns, 1952-2016 |
Author/Editor: Paul Christiansen
Orde in het binnenlands bestuur |
Author/Editor: WRR
Ordening en sturing in de ouderenzorg |
Author/Editor: Sluijs van der ,H.
Ordening en sturing in het volkshuisvestingsbeleid |
Author/Editor: Salet ,W.G.M.
Order and Security in Southeast Asia |
Author/Editor: Ralf Emmers,Joseph Liow
Order and structure in syntax I |
Order and structure in syntax II |
Order and structure in syntax II : Subjecthood and argument structure |
Order and structure in syntax I : Word order and syntactic structure |
'Order, Order!': A Biographical Dictionary of Speakers, Deputy Speakers and Clerks of the Australian House of Representatives |
Author/Editor: Stephen Wilks
Ord från norr: Svensk skönlitteratur på den franska bokmarknaden efter 1945 |
Author/Editor: Andreas Hedberg
Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840-1940: Opening New Archives, Revisiting a Global City |
Author/Editor: Angelos Dalachanis,Vincent Lemire
Ordinary Oralities: Everyday Voices in History |
Author/Editor: Josephine Hoegaerts,Janice Schroeder
Ordinary People, Extraordinary Actions: Refuge Through Activism at Ottawa’s St. Joe’s Parish |
Author/Editor: Stéfanie Morris,Karina Juma,Meredith Terretta,Patti Tamara Lenard
Ordinary Sudan, 1504–2019: From Social History to Politics from Below Volume 1 | Volume 2 |
Author/Editor: Mahassin Abdul Jalil,Iris Seri-Hersch,Anael Poussier,Lucie Revilla,Elena Vezzadini
Ordnungen des Anderen: Zum Problem des Eigenen in der Soziologie des Fremden |
Author/Editor: Julia Reuter
Ordnungen des Nationalen und die geteilte Welt |
Ordnungen des Nationalen und die geteilte Welt : Zur Praxis Auswärtiger Kulturpolitik als Konfliktprävention |
Author/Editor: Adam ,Jens
Ordnungen im Wandel |
Ordnungen im Wandel : Globale und lokale Wirklichkeiten im Spiegel transdisziplinärer Analysen |
Ordnungsbildung und Erkenntnisprozesse |
Author/Editor: Rüdiger Valk
Ordnungspolitische Perspektiven der europaeischen Integration im Spannungsfeld von Wettbewerbs- und Industriepolitik |
Author/Editor: André Schmidt
Ordnungspolitisches Konzept der Regionalpolitik: Darstellung der Defizite und des Reformbedarfs der Regionalpolitik am Beispiel Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns |
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Grimme
Ordres et désordres au Caucase |
Author/Editor: Aude Merlin,Arsène Saparov,Maïrbek Vatchagaev,Anna Zelkina,Silvia Serrano,Moussa Basnoukaev,Bruno Coppieters,Thorniké Gordadzé,Tabib Huseynov,Alekseï Malachenko,Taline Papazian,Jean Radvanyi
Organen en rechtspersonen rondom de centrale overheid |
Author/Editor: Munneke ,H.F.
Organhaftung und Beweislast |
Author/Editor: Nadja Danninger
Organic Chemistry: Structure, Function, and Practice |
Author/Editor: William B. Tucker
Organic Compounds and Genotoxicity in Drinking Water |
Author/Editor: Noorsij ,A.,van Genderen ,J.,van Beveren ,J.
Organic Waste Composting through Nexus Thinking: Practices, Policies, and Trends |
Author/Editor: Hiroshan Hettiarachchi,Hiroshan Hettiarachchi,Serena Caucci,Serena Caucci,Kai Schwärzel,Kai Schwärzel
Organic Waste Recycling |
Author/Editor: Polprasert ,Chongrak
Organisasjonsperspektiv på samordning av helse- og velferdstjenester |
Author/Editor: Catharina Bjørkquist,Mona Jerndahl Fineide
Organisationaler Wandel durch Migration?: Zur Diversität in der Zivilgesellschaft |
Author/Editor: Hella von Unger,Helen Baykara-Krumme,Serhat Karakayali,Karen Schönwälder
Organisation im soziotechnischen Gemenge |
Organisation im soziotechnischen Gemenge : Mediale Umschichtungen durch die Einführung von SAP |
Author/Editor: Conrad ,Lisa
Organisationsbildung und gesellschaftliche Differenzierung: Empirische Einsichten und theoretische Perspektiven |
Author/Editor: Rena Schwarting
Organisationsgebundene pädagogische Professionalität: Initiierter Wandel – Theoretisches Konstrukt – Narrative Methodologie – Interpretation |
Author/Editor: Hildegard Schicke
Organisation und Führung in institutionellen Kontexten der Weiterbildung |
Author/Editor: Dörthe Herbrechter
Organisatorische Gestaltung und Informationsmanagement in der lernenden Unternehmung: Bausteine eines Managementkonzeptes organisationalen Lernens |
Author/Editor: Frauke Streubel
Organisieren von Entscheidungen über Kindeswohl: Zur Prozessierung des Schutzauftrags der öffentlichen Kinder- und Jugendhilfe |
Author/Editor: Nina Kläsener
Organisiertes Misstrauen und ausdifferenzierte Kontrolle: Zur Soziologie der Polizei |
Author/Editor: Martin Weißmann
Organisierte Umwelt: Umweltdienstleistungsfirmen zwischen Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik |
Author/Editor: Michael Guggenheim
Organisierte Zerrissenheit: Emotionsregimes und Interaktionsarbeit in Pflege und Weiterbildung |
Author/Editor: Sigrid Betzelt,Ingo Bode,Sarina Parschick,Andreas Albert
Organising a School's Response |
Author/Editor: Ann Hackney,Keith Postlethwaite
Organising care around patients: Stories from the frontline of the NHS |
Author/Editor: Naomi Chambers,Jeremy Taylor
Organizational Interventions for Health and Well-being: A Handbook for Evidence-Based Practice |
Author/Editor: Karina Nielsen,Andrew Noblet
Organizational, Motivational, and Cultural Contexts of Volunteering: The European View |
Author/Editor: Stefan T. Güntert,Theo Wehner,Harald A. Mieg
Organizational Network Analysis: Auditing Intangible Resources |
Author/Editor: Anna Ujwary-Gil
Organizational Psychology in Cross Cultural Perspective |
Author/Editor: Colin P. Silverthorne
Organizational water footprint: Analyzing water use and mitigating water scarcity along global supply chains |
Author/Editor: Silvia Forin,Markus Berger,Jonas Bunsen,Matthias Finkbeiner
Organization and Education Development: Reflecting and Transforming in a Self-Discovery Journey |
Author/Editor: Suresh Nanwani
Organization in Biology |
Author/Editor: Matteo Mossio
Organization Management – Dynamic Creative Team Coordination |
Author/Editor: Stavros Georgiades
The Organization of the Pyramid Texts (2 vol. set): Typology and Disposition |
The Organization of the Pyramid Texts (2 vol. set): Typology and Disposition |
Author/Editor: Hays ,Harold M.
Organize |
Author/Editor: Timon Beyes,Lisa Conrad,Reinhold Martin,Geert Lovink,Ned Rossiter
Organized Secularism in the United States: New Directions in Research |
Author/Editor: Ryan T. Cragun,Lori Fazzino,Christel Manning
Organizing for Societal Grand Challenges |
Author/Editor: Ali Aslan Gümüsay,Emilio Marti,Hannah Trittin-Ulbrich,Christopher Wickert
Organizing for Sustainability: A Guide to Developing New Business Models |
Author/Editor: Jan Jonker,Niels Faber
Organizing for Sustainable Development: Addressing the Grand Challenges |
Author/Editor: Federica Angeli,Ashley Metz,Jörg Raab
Organizing Sustainable Development |
Author/Editor: Aneta Kuźniarska,Karolina Mania,Monika Jedynak
Oriental, Black, and White: The Formation of Racial Habits in American Theater |
Author/Editor: Josephine Lee
Orientalische Bilder und Klänge: Eine transnationale Geschichte des frühen ägyptischen Tonfilms |
Author/Editor: Henriette Bornkamm
The Orientalist Semiotics of Dune: Religious and Historical References within Frank Herbert’s Universe |
Author/Editor: Frank Jacob
Orientierungen in der digitalen Welt |
Author/Editor: Alexander Martin,Johannes Gemkow,Dan Verständig,Bardo Herzig,Sven Kommer,Caroline Grabensteiner,Silke Grafe,Stefanie Veith,Colette Schneider Stingelin,Dorothee M. Meister,Heidrun Allert,Christian Leineweber,Bardo Herzig,Ilona Andrea Cwielong,Anna-Maria Ka
Orientierungen von Jugendlichen beim Urteilen und Entscheiden in Kontexten nachhaltiger Entwicklung |
Author/Editor: Hannes Sander
Orienting Hollywood: A Century of Film Culture between Los Angeles and Bombay |
Author/Editor: Nitin Govil
The Orient in Utrecht: Adriaan Reland (1676-1718), Arabist, Cartographer, Antiquarian and Scholar of Comparative Religion |
Author/Editor: Bart Jaski,Christian Lange,Anna Pytlowany,Henk J. van Rinsum
Originales e inéditos, 1928, José Carlos Mariátegui |
Author/Editor: Ricardo Melgar,Manuel Pásara
Originality, Imitation, and Plagiarism: Teaching Writing in the Digital Age |
Author/Editor: Martha Vicinus,Caroline Eisner,Caroline Eisner,Caroline Eisner,Caroline Eisner,Caroline Eisner,Martha Vicinus,Martha Vicinus,Martha Vicinus,Martha Vicinus,Martha Vicinus,Martha Vicinus,Martha Vicinus,Martha Vicinus
The Original Portrayal of Mozart’s Don Giovanni |
Author/Editor: Magnus Tessing Schneider
The Origin and Early Development of the Zhou Changes |
Author/Editor: Edward Shaughnessy