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Titles start with R ( displaying 500 of 1,527 ) Information
Rabbis and their Community: Studies in the Eastern European Orthodox Rabbinate in Montreal, 1896-1930
Author/Editor: Ira Robinson
«Raccogliere, pubblicare, illustrare carte». Editori ed edizioni di documenti medievali in Lombardia tra Otto e Novecento
Author/Editor: Gianmarco DE ANGELIS
Raccomandazioni per lo sviluppo dell'Editoria Elettronica negli Atenei Italiani
Author/Editor: Patrizia Cotoneschi,Giancarlo Pepeu
Raccontare la guerra: I conflitti bellici e la modernità
Author/Editor: Nicola Turi
Raccontare la Resistenza a scuola: Esperienze e riflessioni
Author/Editor: Luca Bravi,Chiara Martinelli,Stefano Oliviero
Raccontare la Slovenia: Narratività ed echi della cultura popolare in Die Ehre Dess Herzogthums Crain di J.W. Valvasor
Author/Editor: Maria Bidovec
Race and America's Immigrant Press: How the Slovaks were Taught to Think Like White People
Author/Editor: Robert M. Zecker
Race and Ethnicity in Latin America
Author/Editor: Wade ,Peter
Race and Ethnicity in Latin America
Race and Gender in Modern Western Warfare
Author/Editor: David Ulbrich,Bobby A. Wintermute
Race and Migration in the Transpacific
Author/Editor: Yasuko Takezawa,Akio Tanabe
Race and Rurality in the Global Economy
Author/Editor: Michaeline A. Crichlow,Patricia Northover,Juan Giusti-Cordero
Race and the Law in South Carolina: From Slavery to Jim Crow
Author/Editor: John William Wertheimer
Race Characters: Ethnic Literature and the Figure of the American Dream
Author/Editor: Swati Rana
Race, Ethnicity and Nuclear War: Representations of Nuclear Weapons and Post-Apocalyptic Worlds
Author/Editor: Paul Williams
Race for Citizenship: Black Orientalism and Asian Uplift from Pre-Emancipation to Neoliberal America
Author/Editor: Helen Heran Jun
Race in Translation: Culture Wars around the Postcolonial Atlantic
Author/Editor: Ella Shohat,Robert Stam
The Race of Sound: Listening, Timbre, and Vocality in African American Music
Author/Editor: Nina Sun Eidsheim
Race on Display in 20th- and 21st Century France
Author/Editor: Katelyn E. Knox
Race talk: Languages of racism and resistance in Neapolitan street markets
Author/Editor: Antonia Lucia Dawes
Race, Tea and Colonial Resettlement: Imperial Families, Interrupted
Author/Editor: Jane McCabe
Racial and Ethnic Residential Segregation Across the United States: New Approaches to Understanding Trends and Patterns
Author/Editor: Amber R. Crowell,Mark A. Fossett
Racial Folly: A Twentieth-Centrury Aboriginal Family
Author/Editor: Briscoe ,Gordon
Racialized Health, COVID-19, and Religious Responses: Black Atlantic Contexts and Perspectives
Author/Editor: R. Drew Smith,Stephanie C. Boddie,Bertis D. English
Racial Profiling: Struktureller Rassismus und antirassistischer Widerstand
Author/Editor: Mohamed Wa Baile,Serena O. Dankwa,Tarek Naguib,Patricia Purtschert,Sarah Schilliger
Racial Profiling und Polizeigewalt: Erfahrungen, Handlungsfähigkeit und Widerstand jugendlicher Betroffener
Author/Editor: Markus Textor
Racing the Great White Way: Black Performance, Eugene O'Neill, and the Transformation of Broadway
Author/Editor: Katie N. Johnson
Racism After Apartheid: Challenges for Marxism and Anti-Racism
Author/Editor: Vishwas Satgar
Racism and Ethnic Inequality in a Time of Crisis: Findings from the Evidence for Equality National Survey
Author/Editor: Nissa Finney,James Nazroo,Laia Bécares,Dharmi Kapadia,Natalie Shlomo
Racism in Modern Russia: From the Romanovs to Putin
Author/Editor: Eugene M. Avrutin
Raconter la Grande Guerre comme « une banale histoire humaine » ? Quatre tentatives littéraires de gérer la mémoire de la Première Guerre mondiale
Author/Editor: Andrea Jud
Radiation Monitoring and Dose Estimation of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
Author/Editor: Sentaro Takahashi
Radiation Sounds: Marshallese Music and Nuclear Silences
Author/Editor: Jessica A. Schwartz
Radical Approaches to Political Science: Roads Less Traveled
Author/Editor: Rainer Rainer
The Radical Campaigns of John Baxter Langley: A Keen and Courageous Reformer
Author/Editor: David George
Radical Collections: Re-examining the roots of collections, practices and information professions
Author/Editor: Jordan Landes,Richard Espley
Radicalism and Terrorism in the 21st Century: Implications for Security
Author/Editor: Anna Sroka,Fanny Castro-Rial Garrone,Rubén Darío Torres Kumbrián
Radicalization in Theory and Practice: Understanding Religious Violence in Western Europe
Author/Editor: Thierry Balzacq,Settoul Elyamine
Radicalizing Care: Feminist and Queer Activism in Curating
Author/Editor: Elke Krasny,Sophie Lingg,Lena Fritsch,Birgit Bosold,Vera Hofmann
The Radical Lives of Helen Keller
Author/Editor: Kim E. Nielsen
Radical Roots: Public History and a Tradition of Social Justice Activism
Author/Editor: Denise D. Meringolo
Radical Solutions and Open Science: An Open Approach to Boost Higher Education
Author/Editor: Daniel Burgos
Radical Spaces
Author/Editor: Parolin ,Christina
Radikale Individualität: Zur Aktualität der Konzepte von Marquis de Sade, Max Stirner und Friedrich Nietzsche
Author/Editor: Maurice Schuhmann
Radikale Wirklichkeiten: Festivalarbeit als performatives Handeln
Author/Editor: Julia Buchberger,Patrick Kohn,Max Reiniger
Radikalislamische YouTube-Propaganda: Eine qualitative Rezeptionsstudie unter jungen Erwachsenen
Author/Editor: Lino Klevesath,Annemieke Munderloh,Joris Sprengeler,Florian Grahmann,Julia Reiter
Radikalislamische YouTube-Propaganda: Eine qualitative Rezeptionsstudie unter jungen Erwachsenen (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Florian Grahmann,Annemieke Munderloh,Julia Reiter,Lino Klevesath,Joris Sprengeler
Radikalismus und politische Reformen: Beiträge zur deutschen und niederländischen Geschichte in den 1970er Jahren (Volume 53)
Author/Editor: Duco Hellema,Friso Wielenga,Markus Wilp
Radio als Hör-Spiel-Raum: Medienreflexion – Störung – Künstlerische Intervention
Author/Editor: Bettina Wodianka
Radio and Women's Empowerment in Francophone West Africa
Author/Editor: Emma Heywood
Radiobiology Textbook
Author/Editor: Sarah Baatout
Radiological Issues for Fukushima’s Revitalized Future
Author/Editor: Tomoyuki Takahashi
Raeumliche Identitaet als Aufgabenfeld des Staedte- und Regionenmarketing: Ein Beitrag zur Fundierung des Placemarketing
Author/Editor: Ewald Werthmöller
Raffles' Ideas on the Land Rent System in Java and the Mackenzie Land Tenure Commission
Raffles' Ideas on the Land Rent System in Java and the Mackenzie Land Tenure Commission
Author/Editor: Bastin ,J.
Ragion di stato e salvezza dell’anima: Il riscatto dei cristiani captivi in Maghreb attraverso le redenzioni mercedarie (1575-1725)
Author/Editor: MICHELE BOSCO
Ragione, desiderio, artificio: Hegel e Hobbes a confronto
Author/Editor: Guido Frilli
Ragioni d'amore
Author/Editor: Totaro, Luigi
Ragioni d'amore
The Rahui: Legal pluralism in Polynesian traditional management of resources and territories
Author/Editor: Bambridge ,Tamatoa
Railway Ecology
Author/Editor: Luís Borda-de-Água,Rafael Barrientos,Pedro Beja,Henrique Miguel Pereira
Railways & Music
Author/Editor: Julia Winterson
Rainer Maria Rilke and Jugendstil: Affinities, Influences, Adaptations
Author/Editor: Karl Eugene Webb
Rainfall Infiltration in Unsaturated Soil Slope Failure
Author/Editor: Lizhou Wu,Jianting Zhou
The Rain Gods’ Rebellion: The Cultural Basis of a Nahua Insurgency
Author/Editor: James M. Taggart
Rainwater Tank Systems for Urban Water Supply: Design, Yield, Energy, Health Risks, Economics and Social Perceptions
Author/Editor: Ashok Sharma,Donald Begbie
'Raise Your Voices and Kill Your Animals'
Author/Editor: Bruinhorst van de ,G.C.
Raising Freedom's Child: Black Children and Visions of the Future after Slavery
Author/Editor: Mary Niall Mitchell
Raising Milton's Ghost: John Milton and the Sublime of Terror in the Early Romantic Period
Author/Editor: Joseph Crawford
Raising the Impact of Education Research in Africa
Author/Editor: Charl Wolhuter
Rampage Shootings and Gun Control: Politicization and Policy Change in Western Europe
Author/Editor: Steffen Hurka
Ranaviruses: Lethal Pathogens of Ectothermic Vertebrates
Author/Editor: Matthew J. Gray,V. Gregory Chinchar
Ranching Women in Southern Alberta
Author/Editor: Rachel Herbert
Rancière and Emancipatory Art Pedagogies: The Politics of Childhood Art
Author/Editor: Hayon Park
Rancière's Sentiments
Author/Editor: Panagia ,Davide
Rancière's Sentiments
Randgänge der Neuen Rechten: Philosophie, Minderheiten, Transnationalität
Author/Editor: Vojin Sasa Vukadinovic
Randkulturen: Lese- und Gebrauchsspuren in Autorenbibliotheken des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Anke Jaspers,Andreas Kilcher
Randomized Control Trials in the Field of Development: A Critical Perspective
Author/Editor: Florent Bédécarrats,Isabelle Guérin,François Roubaud
Randzonen des Willens: Anthropologische und ethische Probleme von Entscheidungen in Grenzsituationen
Author/Editor: Thorsten Moos,Christoph Rehmann-Sutter,Christina Schües
Rangeland Systems: Processes, Management and Challenges
Author/Editor: David D. Briske
Rangeland Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
Author/Editor: Lance B. McNew,David K. Dahlgren,Jeffrey L. Beck
Ranking Universities
Author/Editor: Véronique Halloin,Catherine Dehon,Caroline Hoxby,Michel Lubrano,Andreu Mas-Colell,André Sapir,Philippe Vincke,Philippe Aghion,Dirk Jacobs,Roel D. Bennink,Catherine Vermandele,Sonja Berghoff,Koenraad Debackere,Mathias Dewatripont,Gero Federkeil,Wolfgang Gl
Rannjaja neizdannaja proza: Sostavlenie i predislovie F. Levina
Author/Editor: Michail Bulgakov
Rannjaja neizvestnaja proza: Sostavlenie i predislovie F. Levina
Author/Editor: Michail Bulgakov
Rannjaja nesobrannaja proza: Sostavlenie F. Levina i L.V. Svetina. Predislovie F. Levina
Author/Editor: Michail Bulgakov
Raoul Wallenberg: Life and legacy
Author/Editor: Ulf Zander,Arabella Childs
Rape at the Opera: Staging Sexual Violence
Author/Editor: Margaret Cormier
Rape in the Nordic Countries: Continuity and Change
Author/Editor: Marie Bruvik Heinskou,May-Len Skilbrei,Kari Stefansen
Rapocalypse: Der Anfang des Rap und das Ende der Welt
Author/Editor: Florian Werner
Rapportage innovatiecentrum Heerlen: ‘Kijken in elkaars keuken’ ten behoeve van samenwerking tussen peuteropvang en basisschool
Author/Editor: Loes van Druten,Kelly Beurskens,Annemarie van Langen
Rapportage Innovatiecentrum Leiden: Motivatie als motor voor professionalisering
Author/Editor: Loes van Druten,Kelly Beurskens,Annemarie van Langen
Rapport d’activité 2022 de la Banque européenne d’investissement
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Rappresentanza e governo alla svolta del nuovo secolo
Author/Editor: Rogari, Sandro
Rappresentanza e governo alla svolta del nuovo secolo
Rappresentare e governare: Da grande regola a tallone d'Achille del governo parlamentare
Author/Editor: CARLO FUSARO
Rare Earth Frontiers
Rare Earth Frontiers : From Terrestrial Subsoils to Lunar Landscapes
Author/Editor: Klinger ,Julie Michelle
Rasende Reporter
Author/Editor: Holzer ,Anton
Rasender Stillstand in der Zwischenkriegszeit: Zur Dialektik der Beschleunigung und Beschleunigungswahrnehmung
Author/Editor: Jonas Frick
Rassismus als flexible symbolische Ressource: Eine Studie über rassistische Argumentationsfiguren
Author/Editor: Karin Scherschel
Rassismusforschung I: Theoretische und interdisziplinäre Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Serpil Polat
Rassismus im Film
Author/Editor: Ömer Alkin,Alena Strohmaier
Rassismus in der Polizei: Eine wissenschaftliche Bestandsaufnahme
Author/Editor: Daniela Hunold,Tobias Singelnstein
Rassismus. Macht. Vergessen.: Von München über den NSU bis Hanau: Symbolische und materielle Kämpfe entlang rechten Terrors
Author/Editor: Onur Suzan Nobrega,Matthias Quent,Jonas Zipf
Rassismus und Altenpflege in Ostdeutschland: Zum »Unbehagen« in der beruflichen Zusammenarbeit mit Migrant*innen
Author/Editor: Monique Ritter
Rassismus: Von der frühen Bundesrepublik bis zur Gegenwart
Author/Editor: Vojin Saša Vukadinović
Ratings als Steuerungsinstrument von Unternehmen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung
Author/Editor: Christian Strangalies
Rating the Audience: The Business of Media
Author/Editor: Mark Balnaves,Tom O'Regan,Ben Goldsmith
Author/Editor: Paul B. Hill
Rational Cybersecurity for Business: The Security Leaders' Guide to Business Alignment
Author/Editor: Dan Blum
Rational Design of Next-generation Nanomaterials and Nanodevices for Water Applications
Author/Editor: Peng Wang
Rationale Entscheidungen unter Unsicherheit
Author/Editor: Bernhard Fleischer,Reiner Lauterbach,Kurt Pawlik
Rationalisierungsreserven im deutschen Gesundheitswesen
Author/Editor: Eberhard Wille,Manfred Albring
Rationalitäten der Gewalt
Rationalitäten der Gewalt : Staatliche Neuordnungen vom 19. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert
Rationality Concepts in Environmental Valuation
Author/Editor: Oliver Frör
Rationality of Irrationality: Political Determinants and Effects of Party Position Blurring
Author/Editor: Kyung Joon Han
Rationalized and Extended Democracy: Inserting Public Scientists into the Legislative/Executive Framework, Reinforcing Citizens’ Participation
Author/Editor: Giovanni Molteni Tagliabue
Rational Understanding: From Explanation to Knowledge
Author/Editor: Miloud Belkoniene
Rational Use of Intravenous Fluids in Critically Ill Patients
Author/Editor: Manu L.N.G. Malbrain,Adrian Wong,Prashant Nasa,Supradip Ghosh
Rationes decoris
Author/Editor: Maschek ,Dominik
Ratlos vor dem Unbeherrschbaren?: Theologische, philosophische und kulturelle Aspekte der Corona-Krise
Author/Editor: Franz Jäger,Roman A. Siebenrock
Rauchen in der Pulverfabrik: Friedrich Dürrenmatts politisches Denken im Kalten Krieg
Author/Editor: Michael Fischer
Raumbegriffe in der Musikpädagogik: Eine Systematisierung
Author/Editor: Timo Johannes Dauth
Raum - Dynamik / dynamique de l'espace: Beiträge zu einer Praxis des Raums / contributions aux pratiques de l'espace
Author/Editor: Franck Hofmann,Jens Emil Sennewald,Stavros Lazaris
Raum Gottes: Ein systematisch-theologischer Versuch, Raum zu denken
Author/Editor: Matthias D. Wüthrich
Raumkonstruktionen = Spatial Constructions: Digital Humanities und die 'Messbarkeit' des NS-Regimes | The Digital Humanities And The 'Measurability' Of The Nazi Regime
Author/Editor: Richard Němec
Raum. Macht. Inklusion: Inklusive Räume erforschen und entwickeln
Author/Editor: Mirjam Hoffmann,Thomas Hoffmann,Lisa Pfahl,Michael Rasell,Hendrik Richter,Rouven Seebo,Miriam Sonntag,Josefine Wagner
Raumnutzungsverhalten von Menschen in Obdachlosigkeit: Grundfragen und besondere Aspekte der Coronapandemie am Beispiel Kölns
Author/Editor: Nora Sellner,Werner Schönig,Guido Heuel
Raum und Interieurs in Thomas Manns Erzählwerk: Materielle Kultur zwischen 'Welthäusern' und 'Urdingen'
Author/Editor: Julian Reidy
Raum und Würde: Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zum Verhältnis von Normativität und räumlicher Wirklichkeit. Städtebau – Transitorte – Hospize
Author/Editor: Joschka Haltaufderheide,Ina Otte,Philipp Weber
Raum – Weltbild – Kontrolle: Raumvorstellungen als Grundlage gesellschaftlicher Ordnung und ihrer Überwachung
Author/Editor: Nils Zurawski
Raumwirkungen des Finanzsystems der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Eine Untersuchung der Auswirkungen der Finanzreform von 1969 auf die Einnahmenposition der untergeordneten Gebietskoerperschaften und ihrer regionalpolitischen Zieladaequanz
Author/Editor: Friedemann Tetsch
Ravenna and the Traditions of Late Antique and Early Byzantine Craftsmanship: Labour, Culture, and the Economy
Author/Editor: Salvatore Cosentino
Ravenna: Its role in earlier medieval change and exchange
Author/Editor: Judith Herrin,Jinty Nelson
Ravish the Republic: The Archives of The Iron Garters Crime/Art Collective
Author/Editor: Michael L. Berger
Raw Life, New Hope
Raw Life, New Hope : Decency, Housing and Everyday Life in a Post-Apartheid Community
Author/Editor: Ross ,Fiona
Ray Tracing Gems: High-Quality and Real-Time Rendering with DXR and Other APIs
Author/Editor: Eric Haines,Tomas Akenine-Möller
Ray Tracing Gems II: Next Generation Real-Time Rendering with DXR, Vulkan, and OptiX
Author/Editor: Adam Marrs,Peter Shirley,Ingo Wald
Rückblende: NS-Prozesse und mediale Repräsentation der Vergangenheit in Belgien und den Niederlanden (Volume 45)
Author/Editor: Nina Burkhardt
Rückenwind: Evaluationsstudie eines Förderprogrammes der AK Tirol für Junge
Author/Editor: Anja Speyer,Jutta Torggler,Helmut Staubmann
Rückkehr unerwünscht
Author/Editor: Steiner ,Stephan
Rückzug als Widerstand: Dissidente Lebensformen in der globalen Politik
Author/Editor: Philip Wallmeier
Rückzugsorte des Erzählens: Muße als Modus autobiographischer Selbstreflexion
Author/Editor: Anna Karina Sennefelder
R&D Management Practices and Innovation: Evidence from a Firm Survey
Author/Editor: Shoko Haneda,Arito Ono
Réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre des services d'eau et d'assainissement: Aperçu des émissions et de leur potentiel de réduction illustré par le savoir-faire des services d'eau
Author/Editor: Alexandre Alix,Laurent Bellet,Corinne Trommsdorff,Iris Audureau
Reaching for health
Author/Editor: Gray Jamieson ,Gwendolyn
Reaction to World News Events and the Influence of Mass Media in an Indian Village
Author/Editor: Thomas Poffenberger
A Reader in Slovak Linguistics: Studies in Semantics
Author/Editor: Ján Kacala
Reader in Trinitarian Theology
Author/Editor: Henco van der Westhuizen
Readers and Their Fictions in the Novels and Novellas of Gottfried Keller
Author/Editor: Gail K. Hart
A Reader's Guide to Nabokov's "Lolita"
Author/Editor: Connolly ,Julian W.
A Reader's Guide to Nabokov's Lolita
Reading Alice Munro, 1973-2013
Author/Editor: Robert Thacker
Reading and Rhetoric in Montaigne and Shakespeare
Author/Editor: Peter Mack
Reading Autobiographical Comics: A Framework for Educational Settings
Author/Editor: Markus Oppolzer
Reading Backwards: An Advance Retrospective on Russian Literature
Author/Editor: Muireann Maguire,Timothy Langen
Reading Breath in Literature
Author/Editor: Arthur Rose,Stefanie Heine,Naya Tsentourou,Corinne Saunders,Peter Garratt
Reading by Numbers: Recalibrating the Literary Field
Author/Editor: Katherine Bode
Reading Contemporary Indonesian Muslim Women Writers
Author/Editor: Arimbi ,Diah Ariani
Reading Descartes: Consciousness, Body, and Reasoning
Author/Editor: Andrea Strazzoni,Marco Sgarbi
Reading Digital Fiction: Narrative, Cognition, Mediality
Author/Editor: Alice Bell,Astrid Ensslin
Reading Greek and Hellenistic-Roman Spolia: Objects, Appropriation and Cultural Change
Author/Editor: Irene J.F. de Jong,Miguel John Versluys
Reading History in the Roman Empire
Author/Editor: Mario Baumann,Vasileios Liotsakis
Reading in changing society
Author/Editor: Lauristin ,Marju,Vihalemm ,Peeter
Reading in changing society
Reading (in) the Holocaust: Practices of Postmemory in Recent Polish Literature for Children and Young Adults.
Author/Editor: Małgorzata Wójcik-Dudek
Reading Loss
Author/Editor: Danyela Demir
Reading matters: An Unfestschrift for Regina Bendix
Author/Editor: Ulrich Marzolph,Ulrich Marzolph,Karin Bürkert,Sandra K. Dolby,Sebastian Dümling,Sandra Eckardt,Moritz Ege,Patrick Eisenlohr,Hasan El-Shamy,Timothy H. Evans,Michaela Fenske,Julia Fleischhack,Birgit Abels,Rudolf Flückiger,Christiane Freudenstein-Arnold,Brig
Reading Monuments: A Comparative Study of Monuments in Poznań and Strasbourg from the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Author/Editor: Małgorzata Praczyk
Reading Nature in the Early Middle Ages: Writing, Language, and Creation in the Latin Physiologus, ca. 700–1000
Author/Editor: Anna Dorofeeva
Reading Novels Translingually: Twenty-First-Century Case Studies
Author/Editor: Julie Hansen
Reading Objects in the Contact Zone
Author/Editor: Eva-Maria Troelenberg,Kerstin Schankweiler,Anna Sophia Messner
Reading Prehistoric Human Tracks: Methods & Material
Author/Editor: Andreas Pastoors,Tilman Lenssen-Erz
Reading Proclus and the Book of Causes, Volume 2: Translations and Acculturations
Author/Editor: Dragos Calma
Reading Proclus and the Book of Causes, Volume 3: On Causes and the Noetic Triad
Author/Editor: Dragos Calma
Reading Proclus and the <i>Book of Causes</i> Volume 1: Western Scholarly Networks and Debates
Author/Editor: Dragos Calma
Reading Shakespeare's mind
Author/Editor: Steve Sohmer
Reading Success in the Primary Years: An Evidence-Based Interdisciplinary Approach to Guide Assessment and Intervention
Author/Editor: Marleen F. Westerveld,Rebecca M. Armstrong,Georgina M. Barton
Reading the Country: 30 Years On
Author/Editor: Philip Morrissey,Chris Healy
Reading the Entrails
Author/Editor: Norman Charles Conrad
Reading the Irish Woman: Studies in Cultural Encounters and Exchange, 1714–1960
Author/Editor: Gerardine Meaney
Reading the Juggler of Notre Dame: Medieval Miracles and Modern Remakings
Author/Editor: Jan Ziolkowski
Reading the New Testament in the Manifold Contexts of a Globalized World: Exegetical Perspectives
Author/Editor: Eve-Marie Becker,Jens Herzer
Reading the Post-Apartheid City
Author/Editor: Olivier Moreillon
Reading the Qur'an in the Twenty-First Century: A Contextualist Approach
Author/Editor: Abdullah Saeed
Reading Today
Reading With My Eyes Open
Reading With My Eyes Open : Embracing the critical and the personal in language pedagogy
Author/Editor: Quist ,Gerdi
Read till it shatters: Nationalism and identity in modern Thai literature
Author/Editor: Thak Chaloemtiarana
READ WRITE EASY: Research, practice and innovation in deaf multiliteracies (Volume 1)
Author/Editor: Jenny Webster,Ulrike Zeshan
READ WRITE EASY: Research, practice and innovation in deaf multiliteracies (Volume 2)
Author/Editor: Ulrike Zeshan,Jenny Webster
Reaktionen auf Energiepreissteigerungen
Real Convergence in the European Union: An Empirical Analysis
Author/Editor: Christian Schmidt
The Real Economy: Essays in Ethnographic Theory
Author/Editor: Federico Neiburg,Jane I. Guyer
Real Estate and Sustainable Crisis Management in Urban Environments: Challenges and solutions for resilient cities
Author/Editor: Saija Toivonen,Sirkka Heinonen,Ira Verma,Raúl Castaño-Rosa,Sara Wilkinson
Realexperimente: Ökologische Gestaltungsprozesse in der Wissensgesellschaft
Author/Editor: Matthias Groß,Holger Hoffmann-Riem,Wolfgang Krohn
Real Folks: Race and Genre in the Great Depression
Author/Editor: Sonnet Retman
Realising Linguistic, Cultural and Educational Rights Through Non-Territorial Autonomy
Author/Editor: David J. Smith,Ivan Dodovski,Flavia Ghencea
Realism and Reality: Studies in the German Novelle of Poetic Realism
Author/Editor: Walter Silz
Realisms in East Asian Performance
Author/Editor: Jessica Nakamura,Katherine Saltzman-Li
Realist Cinema as World Cinema: Non-cinema, Intermedial Passages, Total Cinema
Realist Magic
Author/Editor: Morton ,Timothy
A Realist Philosophy of Economics
Author/Editor: Karl Mittermaier
Realitaet und Transzendenz: Marina Cvetaevas poetische Synthese
Author/Editor: Bettina Eberspächer
The Realities and Futures of Work
Author/Editor: David Peetz
Realities, Challenges, Visions?: Towards a New Foreign Cultural and Educational Policy
Author/Editor: Caroline Y. Robertson-von Trotha
Realität und Wirklichkeit: Zur Ontologie geteilter Welten
Author/Editor: Tom Poljansek
Reality Bites: Rhetoric and the Circulation of Truth Claims in U.S. Political Culture
Author/Editor: Dana L. Cloud
Reality in the Name of God, or, Divine Insistence: An Essay on Creation, Infinity, and the Ontological Implications of Kabbalah
Author/Editor: Noah Horwitz
Reality Lost: Markets of Attention, Misinformation and Manipulation
Author/Editor: Vincent F. Hendricks,Mads Vestergaard
The Reality of Tense
Author/Editor: Stefanie Richter
Realizing Islam: The Tijaniyya in North Africa and the Eighteenth-Century Muslim World
Author/Editor: Zachary Valentine Wright
Realizing the Witch
Author/Editor: Baxstrom ,Richard,Meyers ,Todd
Real Legal Certainty and its Relevance: Essays in honor of Jan Michiel Otto
Author/Editor: Adriaan Bedner,Barbara Oomen
Real Life Cryptology
Author/Editor: Benedek Lang
Real-Life Decision-Making
Author/Editor: Mats Danielson,Love Ekenberg
Really Fake
Author/Editor: Nishant Shah,Alexandra Juhasz
Realtà e memoria di una disfatta: Il Medio Oriente dopo la guerra dei Sei Giorni
Author/Editor: Alberto TONINI,Marcella Simoni
Real-time Linked Dataspaces: Enabling Data Ecosystems for Intelligent Systems
Author/Editor: Edward Curry
Reappraisals: Shifting Alignments in Postwar Critical Theory
Author/Editor: Peter Uwe Hohendahl
Reappraising Legal, Political and Ethical Questions Concerning the Herero and Nama Genocide
Author/Editor: Böcker. Julia Franziska Maria
Reasons of State: Oil Politics and the Capacities of American Government
Author/Editor: G. John Ikenberry
Reassembling Democracy: Ritual as Cultural Resource
Author/Editor: Michael Houseman,Jone Salomonsen
Re/Assembling the Pregnant and Parenting Teenager: Narratives from the Field
Author/Editor: Annelies Kamp,Majella McSharry
Re-Authoring Life Narratives After Trauma: A Holistic Narrative Model of Care
Author/Editor: Charles Manda
Rebalancing and Sustaining Growth in China
Author/Editor: McKay ,Huw,Song ,Ligang
Rebellion under the Banner of Islam
Rebellion under the Banner of Islam
Author/Editor: Dijk van ,C.
Rebel with a Cause: Gesellschaftliche Reform und radikale religiöse Aufklärung bei Friedrich Breckling (1629–1711)
Author/Editor: Viktoria Franke
Rebuilding Public Confidence in Educational Assessment
Author/Editor: Mary Richardson
Rebuilding Syria: The Middle East’s Next Power Game?
Author/Editor: Eugenio Dacrema,Valeria Talbot
Recabarren y el movimiento obrero en Chile
Author/Editor: Fanny Simon
Recalibrating teacher training in African higher education institutions: A focus on 21st-century pedagogical challenges
Author/Editor: Martha Matashu,Sifiso Sibanda,Muchativugwa Liberty Hove,Sifiso Sibanda,Kufakunesu Zano,Louise Olivier,Washington T. Dudu,Kgomotsego Brenda Samuel,Motlhale Judicial Sebatana,Benedict Mofosi,Melikhaya Skhephe,Deon van Tonder,Byron J. Bunt,Washington T. Dudu
Recall Map: Imparare e Ricordare attraverso Immagini, Colori, Forme e Font
Author/Editor: Rosario D'Auria
Recasting Commodity and Spectacle in the Indigenous Americas
Author/Editor: Helen Gilbert,Charlotte Gleghorn
Recasting commodity and spectacle in the indigenous Americas
Author/Editor: Helen Gilbert,Charlotte Gleghorn
Recasting Islamic Law: Religion and the Nation State in Egyptian Constitution Making
Author/Editor: Rachel M. Scott
Recent Advances in Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Author/Editor: Tomás Chacón Rebollo,Rosa Donat,Inmaculada Higueras
Recent Development of Alternating Current Field Measurement Combine with New Technology
Author/Editor: Xin'an Yuan,Wei Li,Jianming Zhao,Xiaokang Yin,Xiao Li,Jianchao Zhao
Re-Centring the City: Global Mutations of Socialist Modernity
Author/Editor: Jonathan Bach,Michał Murawski
The Reception of East Slavic Literatures in the West and the East
Author/Editor: Shin’ichi Murata,Stefano Aloe
The Reception of Thucydides in the Theory and Practice of Hellenistic Historiography
Author/Editor: Marcin Kurpios
Recharging China in War and Revolution, 1882–1955
Author/Editor: Ying Jia Tan
Recherche agronomique et politique agricole
Author/Editor: Egizio Valceschini,Odile Maeght-Bournay,Pierre Cornu
Recherche im Translationsprozess: Ein Lehr- und Studienbuch
Author/Editor: Susanne Hagemann
Recherche littéraire / Literary Research: Automne / Fall 2020
Author/Editor: Marc Maufort
Recherche littéraire / Literary Research: Automne / Fall 2022
Author/Editor: Marc Maufort
Recherche littéraire / Literary Research: Automne / Fall 2023
Author/Editor: Marc Maufort
Recherche littéraire / Literary Research: Automne / Fall 2021
Recherche littéraire/Literary Research: Fall 2019
Author/Editor: Marc Maufort
Recht aus den Fugen – Ein Beitrag zum Wesen der 'Bewilligung nach Artikel 271 des Strafgesetzbuches'
Author/Editor: Markus Husmann
Recht des außerboerslichen Aktienhandels vor dem Hintergrund des Rechts des boerslichen Aktienhandels: Das Kapitalmarktszenario fuer kapitalmarktaktive Aktiengesellschaften, deren Unternehmensfuehrungen und aktuelle und potentielle Aktionaere und fuer Wer
Author/Editor: Tobias Fehr
Rechte des Körpers: Juristische, philosophische und theologische Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Florian Priesemuth,Michael Frey,Christian Berger
Rechte nationaler Minderheiten
Rechte nationaler Minderheiten : Ethische Begründung, rechtliche Verankerung und historische Erfahrung
Rechters aan het woord over transparantie
Author/Editor: Prins ,Corien,Mijl van der ,Jesse,Tiemeijer ,Will
Rechtes Denken, rechte Räume?: Demokratiefeindliche Entwicklungen und ihre räumlichen Kontexte
Author/Editor: Lynn Berg,Lynn Berg,Jan Üblacker,Jan Üblacker
Rechte Verhältnisse in Hochschule und Gesellschaft: Rassismus, Rechtspopulismus und extreme Rechte zum Thema machen
Author/Editor: Markus Baum,Julia Maria Breidung,Martin Spetsmann-Kunkel
Recht im Sog der digitalen Transformation: Herausforderungen
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Hoffmann-Riem
Recht in der Krise: APARIUZ XXIII
Author/Editor: Sandro Bernet,Irina Lehner,Giulia Walter,Wilhelm,Filippo Contarini,Caroline Rausch,Claude Humbel,Lea Ina Schneider,Mei Ly Lew,Anna Elisa Stauffer,Romane Loviat,Luka Markic,Alexander Salamon,Arezoo Sang Bastian,Thomas Schaad
Rechtliche Beurteilung von Mikrotransaktionen und Lootboxen
Author/Editor: Max Busch
Rechtliche Implikationen Profiling-basierter Preispersonalisierung
Author/Editor: Klaus Wiedemann
Rechtliche Probleme der elektronischen Langzeitarchivierung wissenschaftlicher Primärdaten
Author/Editor: Hillegeist, Tobias
Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen von Open Access-Publikationen
Author/Editor: Spindler, Gerald
Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen von Serviceorientierten Architekturen mit Web Services
Author/Editor: Nink, Judith
Rechtliche Voraussetzungen der Nutzung von Open-Source-Software in der öffentlichen Verwaltung, insbesondere des Kantons Bern
Author/Editor: Poledna ,Tomas,Schlauri ,Simon,Schweizer ,Samuel
Rechtlos, aber nicht ohne Stimme
Rechtlos, aber nicht ohne Stimme : Politische Mobilisierungen um irreguläre Migration in die Europäische Union
Author/Editor: Schwenken ,Helen
Recht ohne Regeln? - Die Entformalisierung des Strafrechts
Author/Editor: Murmann, Uwe
Rechtsbehelfe gegen Verzögerungen in ZPO- und FamFG-Verfahren
Author/Editor: Lukas Boczek
Rechtsdurchsetzung durch Technologie: Grundlagen und rechtliche Bedingungen am Beispiel des Einsatzes von Filtertechnologien im Urheberrecht
Author/Editor: Sophie Beaucamp
Rechtsextrem: Biografien nach 1945
Author/Editor: Gideon Botsch,Christoph Kopke,Karsten Wilke
Rechtsfragen beim Wechsel des Rechtsregimes - Viertes Symposium der Juristischen Fakultät der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen mit der Yonsei Law School (Seoul)
Author/Editor: Duttge, Gunnar,Kim, Jong Hwan
Rechtsfragen bei Open Science: Ein Leitfaden
Author/Editor: Till Kreutzer,Henning Lahmann
Rechtsfragen bei Open Science: Ein Leitfaden
Author/Editor: Till Kreutzer,Henning Lahmann
Author/Editor: WRR
Rechtskämpfe: Eine Analyse der Rechtsverfahren nach dem Sommer der Migration
Author/Editor: Maximilian Pichl
Rechtskommunikation und Barrierefreiheit: Zur Übersetzung juristischer Informationsund Interaktionstexte in Leichte Sprache
Author/Editor: Isabel Rink
Rechtspopulismus und Hegemonie
Rechtspopulismus und Hegemonie : Der Aufstieg der SVP und die diskursive Transformation der politischen Schweiz
Author/Editor: Hildebrand ,Marius
Rechtsprobleme der Akkreditierung von Studiengängen
Author/Editor: Immer, Daniel
Rechtsprobleme und wirtschaftliche Vertretbarkeit einer Kulturflatrate - Überarbeitung des im Auftrag der Bundestagsfraktion Bündnis 90
Author/Editor: Spindler, Gerald
Rechtsprobleme und wirtschaftliche Vertretbarkeit einer Kulturflatrate - Ãœberarbeitung des im Auftrag der Bundestagsfraktion Bündnis 90
Rechtsproduktion und Technikwissenschaften: Theorie, Phänomene und Modell eines Grenzgangs
Author/Editor: Oliver Streiff
Rechtsradikalismus in Niedersachsen: Akteure, Entwicklungen und lokaler Umgang
Author/Editor: Florian Finkbeiner,Katharina Trittel,Lars Geiges
Rechtsschutz und Grenzen des Rechtsschutzes in der Verwaltung und in der Verfassung
Author/Editor: Krapf ,Thomas
Rechtssprachliche Kommunikation: Im Kontext von Zivilrecht, EU-Recht, Rechtsvergleichung und schiedsrichterlichem Verfahren
Author/Editor: Johannes Landbrecht,Daniel Eder
Rechtstatsachenforschung Tagungsband 2018
Author/Editor: Michael Ganner,Caroline Voithofer
Rechtstitel und Herrschaftssymbol: Studien zum Umgang der Empfänger in Italien mit Verfügungen Friedrichs II. (1194–1250)
Author/Editor: Georg Vogeler
Recht und Diversität: Lokale Konstellationen und globale Perspektiven von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart
Author/Editor: Christina Brauner,Antje Flüchter
Recht und Medizin am Lebensende
Author/Editor: Daniel Hürlimann
Recht und Religion in Europa - zeitgenössische Konflikte und historische Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Langenfeld, Christine,Schneider, Irene
Recht und Unrecht
Author/Editor: Hermann Klenner
Recht vor Gnade: Bedeutung von Menschenrechtsentscheidungen für eine diskriminierungskritische (Soziale) Arbeit
Author/Editor: Nivedita Prasad,Andreas Foitzik,Katrin Muckenfuss
Reciprocal Relationships and Well-being: Implications for Social Work and Social Policy
Author/Editor: Marritta Törrönen,Carol Munn-Giddings,Laura Tarkiainen
Reciprocity, Truth, and Gender in Pindar and Aeschylus
Author/Editor: Arum Park
Reclaiming Romanticism: Towards an Ecopoetics of Decolonization
Author/Editor: Kate Rigby
Reclaiming the Faravahar
Reclaiming the Faravahar : Zoroastrian Survival in Contemporary Tehran
Author/Editor: Fozi ,Navid
Recoding Life: Information and the Biopolitical
Author/Editor: Sakari Tamminen,Eric Deibel
Recoding World Literature
Author/Editor: Mani ,B. Venkat
Recognition and Global Politics
Recognition, Regulation, Revitalisation: Place Names and Indigenous Languages
Author/Editor: Chrismi-Rinda Loth
Recognizing Green Skills Through Non-formal Learning: A Comparative Study in Asia
Author/Editor: Margarita Pavlova,Madhu Singh
Recollecting Resonances
Recollecting Resonances
Author/Editor: Barendregt ,B.,Bogaerts ,E.
Recollecting Resonances: Indonesian-Dutch Musical Encounters
Author/Editor: Bart Barendregt,Els Bogaerts
Recommender Systems: Legal and Ethical Issues
Author/Editor: Sergio Genovesi,Katharina Kaesling,Scott Robbins
Reconceiving Reproductive Health: Theological and Christian Ethical Reflections
Author/Editor: Nadine Bowers du Toit,Manitza Kotzé,Selina Palm,Jeremy Punt,Riaan Rheeder,Tanya van Wyk,Fralene van Zyl,Mwawi N. Chilongozi,Nadia Marais,Hanzline R. Davids,Nina Müller van Velden,Gideon R. Kotzé,Manitza Kotzé,Nadia Marais,Tayla Minnaar,Nina Müller van Vel
Reconceptualising education support services in South Africa
Author/Editor: Johnnie Hay,Johnnie Hay,Carmen Joubert,Macalane Malindi,Thabo Makhalemele,Thabo Makhalemele,Isabel Payne-van Staden,Appolonia Masunungure,Macalane J. Malindi
Reconciliation and Architectures of Commitment: Sequencing peace in Bougainville
Author/Editor: Dunn ,Leah,Braithwaite ,John,Charlesworth ,Hilary,Reddy ,Peter
Reconciliation by Stealth: How People Talk about War Crimes
Author/Editor: Denisa Kostovicova
Reconciliation, Civil Society, and the Politics of Memory
Reconciliation, Civil Society, and the Politics of Memory : Transnational Initiatives in the 20th and 21st Century
Author/Editor: Schwelling (Ed.) ,Birgit
Reconciliation in Global Context: Why It Is Needed and How It Works
Author/Editor: Björn Krondorfer
Reconciliation: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of Jesuit Ecumenists Clongowes Wood, Ireland, July 8–13, 2019
Author/Editor: Thomas P. Rausch,Markus Schmidt
Reconciling Rwanda: Unity, Nationality and State Control
Author/Editor: Jennifer Melvin
Re-Configurations: Contextualising Transformation Processes and Lasting Crises in the Middle East and North Africa
Author/Editor: Rachid Ouaissa,Friederike Pannewick,Alena Strohmaier
Reconfiguring EU Peripheries: Political Elites, Contestation, and Geopolitical Shifts
Author/Editor: Miruna Butnaru Troncotă,Ali Onur Özçelik,Radu Cucută
Reconfiguring Human, Nonhuman and Posthuman in Literature and Culture
Author/Editor: Sanna Karkulehto,Aino-Kaisa Koistinen,Essi Varis
Reconfiguring the Land of Israel: A Rabbinic Project
Author/Editor: Constanza Cordoni
Reconfiguring the past: Visionen für einen Forschungscampus in Dahlem
Author/Editor: Ralf Pasel,Andreas Skambas
Reconnaître l'utilité publique: Parlementaires et personnel des administrations fiscales face à la philanthropie en Suisse
Author/Editor: Alexandre Lambelet,Philip Balsiger,Romain Carnac,Caroline Honegger
Reconsidering Confederation: Canada's Founding Debates, 1864-1999
Author/Editor: Daniel Heidt
Reconsidering Constitutional Formation II Decisive Constitutional Normativity: From Old Liberties to New Precedence
Author/Editor: Ulrike Müßig
Reconsidering Constitutional Formation I National Sovereignty: A Comparative Analysis of the Juridification by Constitution
Reconsidering Constitutional Formation I National Sovereignty: A Comparative Analysis of the Juridification by Constitution
Reconsidering Cultural Heritage in East Asia
Reconsidering Cultural Heritage in East Asia
Reconsidering the Emergence of the Gay Novel in English and German
Author/Editor: James P. Wilper
Reconsidering the Emergence of the Gay Novel in English and German
Author/Editor: Wilper P. ,James
Reconstructing Memory: The Holocaust in Polish Public Debates
Author/Editor: Piotr Forecki
Reconstructing Pharaonic Architecture in Nubia: The Case Study of SAV1, Sai Island
Author/Editor: Ingrid Adenstedt
Reconstructing Public Housing: Liverpool’s hidden history of collective alternatives
Author/Editor: Matthew Thompson
Reconstructing Syntax
Author/Editor: Jóhanna Barðdal,Spike Gildea,Eugenio R. Luján
Reconstructing the Future: Cities as Carbon Sinks
Author/Editor: Bauhaus Earth,Rocío Armillas Tiseyra,Hans Joachim Schellnhuber
Reconstruction from Spatio-Spectrally Coded Multispectral Light Fields
Author/Editor: Maximilian Schambach
The Reconstruction of Proto-Malayo-Javanic
Author/Editor: Nothofer ,B.
The Reconstruction of Proto-Malayo-Javanic
Reconstructions of Gender and Information Technology: Women Doing IT for Themselves
Author/Editor: Hilde G. Corneliussen
(Re)Construir movimiento pedagógico en Chile: pensando en conjunto el trabajo docente
Author/Editor: Felipe Zurita,Fabian Cabaluz,Javier Campos Martínez
Recordar para perdurar: La participación del cine en la reparación de experiencias traumáticas
Author/Editor: Bruno López Petzoldt
Re-Cording Lives: Governing Asylum in Switzerland and the Need to Resolve
Author/Editor: Ephraim Pörtner
Record-Making and Record-Keeping in Early Societies
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Yeo
Records of Disaster: Media Infrastructures and Climate Change
Author/Editor: Marie Sophie Beckmann,Jakob Claus,Charlotte Bolwin,Petra Löffler,Katrin Köppert,Armin Linke Linke,Gabriele Schabacher,Susan Schuppli,Solveig Qu Suess
Recovering Civility during COVID-19
Author/Editor: Matteo Bonotti,Steven T. Zech
Recovering from a disaster
Author/Editor: Øyhus Olav ,Arne
Recovering Identity: Criminalized Women’s Fight for Dignity and Freedom
Author/Editor: Cesraéa Rumpf
Recovering the Radical Promise of Superheroes: Un/Making Worlds
Author/Editor: Ellen Kirkpatrick
The Recreational Frontier - Ecotourism in Laos as Ecorational Instrumentality
Author/Editor: Kleinod, Michael
Recycling – ein Mittel zu welchem Zweck?: Modellbasierte Ermittlung der energetischen Aufwände des Metallrecyclings für einen empirischen Vergleich mit der Primärgewinnung
Author/Editor: Philipp Schäfer
Redacción impura: Periodismo de opinión
Author/Editor: Dino Pancani
The Red Countess: Select Autobiographical and Fictional Writing of Hermynia Zur Mühlen (1883-1951)
Author/Editor: Hermynia Zur Mühlen,Lionel Gossman
Red Dynamite: Creationism, Culture Wars, and Anticommunism in America
Author/Editor: Carl R. Weinberg
Redefining Russian Literary Diaspora, 1920-2020
Author/Editor: Maria Rubins
Redefining security in the Middle East
Author/Editor: Jacoby ,Tami Amanda,Sasley ,Brent
Redefining Southeastern Europe. Political Challenges and Economic Opportunities
Author/Editor: Theofanis Stavrou,John Lampe
The Redefinition of the EU Presence in Latin America and the Caribbean
Author/Editor: Gian Luca Gardini
Redegebilde oder Zufallsstreuung?: Zu der Diskussion zwischen der Phonometrie und der Goettinger Slavistik ueber die Problematik der Zeit- und Melodiegestalt der Rede
Author/Editor: Irmgard Mahnken
Reden über Lyrik: Autorkonstitution in Frankfurter Poetikvorlesungen von 1959 bis 1989
Author/Editor: Insa Braun
Redención y Utopía: El judaísmo libertario en Europa Central Un estudio de afinidad electiva
Author/Editor: Michael Löwy
Reden zur Amtseinführung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Monika Auweter-Kurtz als Präsidentin der Universität Hamburg am 1. Februar 2007/
Author/Editor: Präsidium der Universität Hamburg
Redesigning Life: Eugenics Biopolitics and the Challenge of the Techno-Human Condition
Author/Editor: Nathan Van Camp
Redesigning Protection for Consumer Autonomy: The case-study of dark patterns in European private law
Author/Editor: Giorgia Guerra
Redes integradas de servicios de salud en Colombia y Brasil: Un estudio de casos
Author/Editor: Jean-Pierre Unger,Amparo Mogollón-Pérez,María Vázquez,Maria Ferreira Enfermera,Ingrid Vargas,Pierre de Paepe
Redes transatlánticas: Intelectuales y artistas entre América Latina y Europa durante la Guerra Fría
Author/Editor: Verónica Abrego,Thomas Bremer
Redeveloping China's Villages in the Twenty-First Century: The Dilemmas of Policy Implementation
Author/Editor: Lior Rosenberg
Red Glow: Yugoslav Partisan Photography and Social Movement, 1941–1945
Author/Editor: Davor Konjikušić
Rediscovering Europe in the Netherlands
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid
The Rediscovery and Reception of Gandhāran Art: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop of the Gandhāra Connections Project, University of Oxford, 24th-26th March, 2021
Author/Editor: Wannaporn Rienjang,Peter Stewart
Redistributive Taxation in Dynamic General Equilibrium with Heterogeneous Agents
Author/Editor: Christian Putz
Red Pilled - The Allure of Digital Hate
Author/Editor: Luke Munn
Red Pope: A Biography of Cardinal Willem van Rossum C.Ss.R. (1854–1932)
Author/Editor: Vefie Poels
Red Scare:FBI and the Origins of Anticommunism in the United States
Red Scare:FBI and the Origins of Anticommunism in the United States
Author/Editor: Regin Schmidt
The Red Spears, 1916–1949
Author/Editor: Hsuan-chi Tai,Hsuan-chih Tai
Reducing Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants: Perspectives on Law and Governance
Author/Editor: Yulia Yamineva,Kati Kulovesi,Eugenia Recio
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Improving Air Quality: Two Interrelated Global Challenges
Author/Editor: Larry E. Erickson,Gary Brase
Reducing the Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Water and Sanitation Services: Overview of emissions and their potential reduction illustrated by utility know-how
Author/Editor: Alexandre Alix,Laurent Bellet,Corinne Trommsdorff,Iris Audureau
The Redundant City: A Multi-Site Enquiry into Urban Narratives of Conflict and Change
Author/Editor: Norbert Kling
The Red Years of Cahiers du cinéma (1968-1973): Volume II, Aesthetics and Ontology
Author/Editor: Daniel Fairfax
The Red Years of Cahiers du cinéma (1968-1973): Volume I, Ideology and Politics
Author/Editor: Daniel Fairfax
Re-engineering Engineering Education in Europe
Author/Editor: Francesco Maffioli,Claudio Borri
Re-engineering the Uptake of ICT in Schools
Author/Editor: Frans Van Assche,Luis Anido,David Griffiths,Cathy Lewin,Sarah McNicol
Reescribiendo la historia de la lengua española a partir de la edición de documentos
Author/Editor: Monica Castillo Lluch,Elena Diez del Corral Areta
Reescribir la violencia: Narrativas de la memoria en la literatura femenina colombiana contemporánea
Author/Editor: Virginia Capote Díaz
re: evolution
Author/Editor: Kim Rosenfield,Sianne Ngai,Diana Hamilton,Jennifer Calkins
A Reference Structure for Modular Model-based Analyses
Author/Editor: Sandro Koch
Refeudalisierung und Rechtsruck: Soziale Ungleichheit und politische Kultur in Lateinamerika
Author/Editor: Olaf Kaltmeier
Refeudalización: Desigualdad social, economía y cultura política en América Latina en el temprano siglo XXI
Author/Editor: Olaf Kaltmeier
(Re) Figuring Human Enslavement: Images of Power, Violence and Resistance
Author/Editor: Pallua ,Ulrich,Knapp ,Adrian,Exenberger ,Andreas
Refiguring Motherhood Beyond Biology
Author/Editor: Valerie Renegar,Kirsti Cole
Refining Child Pornography Law
Refining Child Pornography Law
Author/Editor: Carissa Byrne Hessick
Refining Child Pornography Law
Author/Editor: Hessick Byrne ,Carissa
Refining Expertise: How Responsible Engineers Subvert Environmental Justice Challenges
Author/Editor: Gwen Ottinger
Reflecting on Practices: New Directions for Spatial Theories
Author/Editor: Friederike Landau-Donnelly,Hanna Carlsson,Arnoud Lagendijk
Reflections of South Africa Student Leaders 1994-2017
Author/Editor: Thierry M. Luescher,Kenny Bafo,Muzi Sikhakhane,Vuyani Sokhaba,Xolani Zuma,Denyse Webbstock,Hlomela Bucwa,Ntokozo Bhengu,Lorne Hallendorf,Mpho Khati,Kwenza Madlala,David Maimela,Zukiswa Mqolomba,Prishani Naidoo,Jerome September
Reflections on language evolution: From minimalism to pluralism
Author/Editor: Cedric Boeckx
Reflections on the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident: Toward Social-Scientific Literacy and Engineering Resilience
Author/Editor: Joonhong Ahn,Cathryn Carson,Mikael Jensen,Kohta Juraku,Shinya Nagasaki,Satoru Tanaka
Reflections on the Russia-Ukraine War
Author/Editor: Maarten Rothman,Lonneke Peperkamp,Sebastiaan Rietjens
The Reflective Entrepreneur
Author/Editor: Dimo Dimov
Reflective Reading and the Power of Narrative: Producing the Reader
Author/Editor: Karyn Sproles
Reflektierte algorithmische Textanalyse. Interdisziplinäre(s) Arbeiten in der CRETA-Werkstatt
Author/Editor: Nils Reiter,Axel Pichler,Jonas Kuhn
The Reflexes of Syllabic Liquids in Ancient Greek: Linguistic Prehistory of the Greek Dialects and Homeric Kunstsprache
Author/Editor: Lucien van Beek
Author/Editor: Jörg Zimmer
Reflexionen des stereoskopischen Spielfilms: Eine bildhistorische Analyse
Author/Editor: Luisa Feiersinger
Reflexionen zu Mehrsprachigkeit und Sprachidentität: Eine Rekonstruktion individueller Perspektiven mehrsprachiger Jugendlicher mit Migrationserfahrung
Author/Editor: Inga Christiana Eckardt
Reflexion - Improvisation - Multimedialität Band 2 - Kompositionsstrategien in der Musik des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Storch, Christian
Reflexionsspiele : Deliberative Demokratie und die Wirklichkeit politischer Diskurse im Internet
Author/Editor: Albrecht ,Steffen
Reflexion und Reflexivität im Kontext Grundschule: Perspektiven für Forschung, Lehrer:innenbildung und Praxis
Author/Editor: Eva Gläser,Julia Poschmann,Petra Büker,Susanne Miller
Reflexion und Reflexivität in Unterricht, Schule und Lehrer:innenbildung
Author/Editor: Christian Reintjes,Ingrid Kunze
Reflexive dramaturgy: Études for the (performing)arts in a time of change
Author/Editor: Tore Vagn Lid
Reflexively Speaking: Metadiscourse in English as a Lingua Franca
Author/Editor: Anna Mauranen
Reflexive Responsibilisierung: Verantwortung für nachhaltige Entwicklung
Author/Editor: Anna Henkel,Nico Lüdtke,Nikolaus Buschmann,Lars Hochmann
Reflexive Translation Studies: Translation as Critical Reflection
Author/Editor: Silvia Kadiu
Reform and Revolt in the City of Dreaming Spires: Radical, Socialist and Communist Politics in the City of Oxford 1830–1980
Author/Editor: Duncan Bowie
Reformation als Kommunikationsprozess: Böhmische Kronländer und Sachsen (Volume 51)
Author/Editor: Gabriela Wąs,Martina Schattkowsky,Kateřina Horníčková,Hartmut Kühne,Gerd Schwerhoff,Petr Hrachovec,Ondřej Jakubec,Martin Holý,J Mikulec,Stefan Dornheim,Gerd Schwerhoff,Thomas Kaufmann,Winfried Müller,Marius Winzeler,Petr Hrachovec,Martin Rothkegel,Jan Zdi
Reformation im Diskurs. Akademievorlesungen Oktober 2016 - Januar 2017
Author/Editor: Edwin J. Kreuzer,Johannes Schilling,Johannes Schilling,Volker Leppin,Volker Gerhardt,Dietrich Korsch,Peter Unruh,Notger Slenczka
Reformation of Islamic Thought
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid,Zayd ,Nasr Abû
The Reformation of Philosophy: The Philosophical Legacy of the Reformation Reconsidered
Author/Editor: Marius Timmann Mjaaland
Reformation, Revolution, Renovation: The Roots and Reception of the Rosicrucian Call for General Reform
Author/Editor: Lyke de Vries
Reformation und die Ethik der Wirtschaft
Author/Editor: Udo Di Fabio
Reformation und Gegenwart - Evangelisches Profil durch ein vierfaches „Allein“?
Reformation und Gegenwart - Evangelisches Profil durch ein vierfaches „Allein“?
Author/Editor: Munsonius, Hendrik
Reformation und Recht
Reformation und Recht : Ein Beitrag zur Kontroverse um die Kulturwirkungen der Reformation
Reformation und Säkularisierung
Reformation und Säkularisierung : Zur Kontroverse um die Genese der Moderne aus dem Geist der Reformation
Reformatorische Paulusauslegungen
Author/Editor: Stefan Krauter
Reformbedarf im nichtehelichen Eltern-Kind-Verhältnis - 10. Göttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht 2011
Author/Editor: Coester-Waltjen, Dagmar,Lipp, Volker,Schumann, Eva,Veit, Barbara
Reform des deutschen Namensrechts
Author/Editor: Anatol Dutta
Reform des familiengerichtlichen Verfahrens - 1. Familienrechtliches Forum Göttingen
Author/Editor: Lipp, Volker,Schumann, Eva,Veit, Barbara
Reform des Unterhaltsrechts - 5. Göttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht
Author/Editor: Lipp, Volker,Schumann, Eva,Veit, Barbara
Reformed theology today
Reformed theology today
Reformen der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung: Politisches Risiko und intergenerative Umverteilung
Author/Editor: Matthias Heidler
Reforming Education and Challenging Inequalities in Southern Contexts: Research and Policy in International Development
Author/Editor: Pauline Rose,Madeleine Arnot,Roger Jeffery,Nidhi Singal
Reforming Senates: Upper Legislative Houses in North Atlantic Small Powers 1800-present
Author/Editor: Nikolaj Bijleveld,Colin Grittner,David E. Smith,Wybren Verstegen
Reforming Trade Policy in Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands
Author/Editor: Anderson ,Kym,Bosworth ,Michael
Reformist Muslims in a Yogyakarta Village
Author/Editor: Kim ,Hyung-Jun
Reformkonzepte im Gesundheitswesen nach der Wahl: 14. Bad Orber Gespraeche ueber kontroverse Themen im Gesundheitswesen- 12.-13. November 2009
Author/Editor: Eberhard Wille,Klaus Knabner
The Reform of Bismarckian Pension Systems
Author/Editor: Schludi ,Martin
Reformoptionen im Gesundheitswesen: Bad Orber Gespraeche ueber kontroverse Themen im Gesundheitswesen 7.-8.11.1997
Author/Editor: Eberhard Wille,Manfred Albring
Reforms, Organizational Change and Performance in Higher Education: A Comparative Account from the Nordic Countries
Author/Editor: Rómulo Pinheiro,Lars Geschwind,Hanne Foss Hansen,Kirsi Pulkkinen
Reformulierungen in der Sprache der Geisteswissenschaften: Untersuchungen zu linguistischen, literaturwissenschaftlichen und rezensierenden russischen Texten
Author/Editor: Anja Grimm
Reformvorschläge der Kirchensteuer in der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Sophie Thieme
Refractions of the National, the Popular and the Global in African Cities
Author/Editor: Simon Bekker,Edgar Pieterse,Sylvia Croese
Reframing Africa? : Reflections on Modernity and the Moving Image
Author/Editor: Cynthi Kros,Reece Auguiste,Pervaiz Khan
Reframing Immigrant Resistance: Alliances, Conflicts, and Racialization in Italy
Author/Editor: Teresa Cappiali
Reframing Luchino Visconti: Film and Art
Author/Editor: Ivo Blom
Reframing Roman Liturgy: A Critical Edition of Onofrio Panvinio’s Vetusti aliquot rituales libri
Author/Editor: Filip Malesevic
Reframing Singapore
(Re-)Framing the Arab/Muslim
(Re-)Framing the Arab/Muslim : Mediating Orientalism in Contemporary Arab American Life Writing
Author/Editor: Schmidt ,Silke
Reframing the Urban Challenge in Africa: Knowledge Co-production from the South
Author/Editor: Ntombini Marrengane,Sylvia Croese
Refugee Governance, State and Politics in the Middle East
Author/Editor: Zeynep Şahin Mencütek
Refugee Journeys: Histories of Resettlement, Representation and Resistance
Author/Editor: Jordana Silverstein,Rachel Stevens
Refugee Narratives: Fluchtgeschichten
Author/Editor: Helga Ramsey-Kurz,Gilles Reckinger
The Refugee Reception Crisis: Polarized Opinions and Mobilizations
Author/Editor: MAURIZIO AMBROSINI,Andrea Rea,Arno Van Hootegem,Marco Martiniello,Pieter Bevelander,Alessandro Mazzola,Priska Daphi,Bart Meuleman,Elien Diels,Theodoros Fouskas,Ande Hellström
Refugee Routes: Telling, Looking, Protesting, Redressing
Author/Editor: Vanessa Agnew,Kader Konuk,Jane O. Newman
Refugees and Asylum Seekers in East Asia: Perspectives from Japan and Taiwan
Author/Editor: Lara Momesso,Polina Ivanova
Refugees and Knowledge Production: Europe's Past and Present
Author/Editor: Magdalena Kmak,Heta Björklund
Refugees and Religion: Ethnographic Studies of Global Trajectories
Author/Editor: Birgit Meyer,Peter van der Veer
Refugees and the Ethics of Forced Displacement
Author/Editor: Serena Parekh
Refugees and the violence of welfare bureaucracies in Northern Europe
Author/Editor: Dalia Abdelhady,Nina Gren,Martin Joormann
Refugees in Europe 1919-1959: A Forty Years' Crisis?
Author/Editor: Matthew Frank,Jessica Reinisch
Refugees in Europe, 1919-1959: A Forty Years' Crisis?
Author/Editor: Matthew Frank,Jessica Reinisch
Refugees on the Move: Crisis and Response in Turkey and Europe (Volume 45)
Author/Editor: Erol Balkan,Zümray Kutlu-Tonak
Refuge in a Moving World: Tracing refugee and migrant journeys across disciplines
Author/Editor: Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh
Regards sur le sexe
Author/Editor: Julie De Ganck,Julie De Ganck,Delphine Peiretti-Courtis,Valérie Piette,Vanessa D'Hooghe,Vanessa D'Hooghe,Francesca Arena,Laura Di Spurio,Didier Foucault,Sevara Irgacheva,Amandine Lauro,Amandine Malivin,Céline Orban
Regeneration of the Built Environment from a Circular Economy Perspective
Author/Editor: Stefano Della Torre,Sara Cattaneo,Camilla Lenzi,Alessandra Zanelli
Regenerative Territories: Dimensions of Circularity for Healthy Metabolisms
Author/Editor: Libera Amenta,Michelangelo Russo,Arjan van Timmeren
Regenzeiten, Feuchtgebiete, Körpersäfte: Das Wasser in der klassischen indischen Medizin
Author/Editor: Vitus Angermeier
Regesten der Urkunden «Kurmaerkische Staende» (Rep. 23 A) des Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchivs
Regesten Kaiser Friedrichs III. (1440-1493)
Author/Editor: Luger ,Daniel,Dünnebeil ,Sonja
Regesten Kaiser Friedrichs III. (1440-1493) nach Archiven und Bibliotheken geordnet
Author/Editor: Gretzel ,Peter
Regesten Kaiser Friedrichs III (1476-1479): Die Urkunden und Briefe des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs in Wien, Abt. Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv: Allgemeine Urkundenreihe, Familienurkunden und Abschriftensammlungen (1476–1479). Bearbeitet von Kornelia Ho
Author/Editor: Kornelia Holzner-Tobisch
Regesten Kaiser Friedrichs III (1480-1482): Die Urkunden und Briefe des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs in Wien, Abt. Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv: Allgemeine Urkundenreihe, Familienurkunden und Abschriftensammlungen (1480–1482). Bearbeitet von Petra Heini
Author/Editor: Anne-Katrin Kunde,Petra Heinicker
Regesten Kaiser Sigismunds (1410-1437), Band 2
Author/Editor: Elbel ,Petr,Reitinger ,Lukáš,Bar ,Přemysl,Bárta ,Stanislav
Regesten Kaiser Sigismunds (1410-1437), Band 3
Author/Editor: Elbel ,Petr,Reitinger ,Lukáš,Bar ,Přemysl,Bárta ,Stanislav
Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Österreich, Band 3: 1366-1386 : Band 3: 1366-1386
Author/Editor: Brugger ,Eveline,Wiedl ,Birgit
Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Österreich, Band 3: 1366-1386
Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Österreich, Band 4: 1387-1404
Author/Editor: Eveline Brugger,Birgit Wiedl
Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Österreich: Band 5: 1405-1418
Author/Editor: Eveline Brugger,Birgit Wiedl
Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Österreich im Mittelalter, Band 1
Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Österreich im Mittelalter, Band 2 : Band 2: 1339–1365
Author/Editor: Brugger ,Eveline,Wiedl ,Birgit
Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Österreich im Mittelalter, Band 1 : Band 1: Von den Anfängen bis 1338
Author/Editor: Brugger ,Eveline,Wiedl ,Birgit
Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in Österreich im Mittelalter, Band 2
Regieren: Die Geschichte einer Zumutung
Author/Editor: Fach ,Wolfgang
Regieren durch Vorbeugen: Eine kritische Analyse der Burnout-Prävention nach Michel Foucault
Author/Editor: Jozef Zelinka
Regieren in der modernen Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Manfred Mai
Regierung des Raumes - Regierung des Sozialen - Zur Gouvernementalität postfordistischer Sozialraumpolitiken
Author/Editor: Rund, Mario
Regime change and ethnic politics in Indonesia; Dayak politics of West Kalimantan
Author/Editor: Tanasaldy ,Taufiq
Regime change and ethnic politics in Indonesia; Dayak politics of West Kalimantan
Regime der Anerkennung