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Titles start with R ( displaying 500 of 1,410 ) Information
Ryszard Kapuściński. Biographie d’un écrivain
Author/Editor: Beata Nowacka,Zygmunt Ziątek
Rêves de la littérature de divertissement en Chine impériale tardive
Author/Editor: Aude Lucas
Russlands Bodenkunde in der Welt: Eine ost-westliche Transfergeschichte 1880–1945
Author/Editor: Jan Arend
Russland, der Ferne Osten und die »Deutschen«
Author/Editor: Heinz Duchhardt
Russland als Ziel kolonialer Eroberung: Heinrich von Stadens Pläne für ein Moskauer Reich im 16. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Cornelia Soldat
Russkij jazyk v perelomnoe vremja: 1985 - 1995 g.g
Author/Editor: Hildegard Spraul,Wolfgang Peters
Russkij jazyk konca XX stoletija
Author/Editor: Aleksandr D. Dulicenko
Russkie vremennye kvantifikatory
Author/Editor: Gennadij M. Zel'dovic
Russkaja fenja. Slovar' sovremennogo interžargona asocial'nych elementov
Author/Editor: Vladimir B. Bykov
Russische Verben und Granularitaet
Author/Editor: Doris Marszk
Russische und sowjetische Soziolinguistik und tabuisierte Varietaeten des Russischen (Argot, Jargons, Slang und Mat)
Author/Editor: Wilhelm Von Timroth
Russische Sprachlehre: Nachdruck der Ausgabe Riga 1773. Nachdruck besorgt von Gerd Freidhof und Bernd Scholz
Author/Editor: Jacob Rodde
Russische Semeiographie. Zur Archaeologie und Palaeographie des Kirchengesangs: Palaeographischer Atlas der altrussischen linienlosen Gesangsnotationen. Kommentiert und herausgegeben von Johann von Gardner. Nach der Ausgabe des Kais. Archaeolog. Instituts
Author/Editor: V. M. Erzpriester Metallov,Johann von Gardner
Russischer Faust und Hamlet zur Subjektivismuskritik und Intertextualitaet bei I. S.Turgenev
Author/Editor: Anna Rothkoegel
Russische Literatur von der Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts bis A. S. Puschkin (1650-1825): Literatur einer werdenden Nation. Ein Lesebuch
Author/Editor: Horst Schmidt
Russische Jagdterminologie: Analyse des Sprachgebrauchs der Jaeger
Author/Editor: Irmgard Lorenz
Russische Grammatik: Aus dem Russischen uebersetzt von Johann Lorenz Stavenhagen. Nachdruck der Ausgabe St. Petersburg 1764.
Author/Editor: Michail V. Lomonosov
Russische grammatica
Author/Editor: Adriaan Barentsen,Peter Houtzagers,Maaike Schoorlemmer,Theo Tielemans,Wim Vermeer,Vincent Wintermans,Koenraad Blansaer,Igor Bratus,Ben Groen,Peter de Groot,Wim Honselaar,Peter Houtzagers,Henk Proeme,Jos Schaeken
Russische Errungenschaften in der Physiologie der Verdauung: Vom späten 19. bis zum beginnenden 20. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Dmitry A. Balalykin
The Russia-Ukraine War: Towards Resilient Fighting Power
Author/Editor: Viktoriya Fedorchak
Russia, the European Union and NATO: Is a “new normal” possible?
Author/Editor: Michael Staack
Russia, the European Union and NATO: Is a “new normal” possible?
Author/Editor: Michael Staack
Russia's Turn to the East: Domestic Policymaking and Regional Cooperation
Author/Editor: Helge Blakkisrud,Elana Wilson Rowe
Russia’s Role in the Contemporary International Agri-Food Trade System
Author/Editor: Stephen K. Wegren,Frode Nilssen
Russia’s North Pacific: Centres and Peripheries
Author/Editor: Sandra Dahlke,Andreas Renner,Benjamin Beuerle
Russia's New Authoritarianism: Putin and the Politics of Order
Author/Editor: David G. Lewis
Russia's Imperial Endeavor and Its Geopolitical Consequences: The Russia-Ukraine War, Volume Two
Author/Editor: Bálint Madlovics,Bálint Magyar
RUSSIA’S FOREIGN POLICY: The Internal-International Link
Author/Editor: Aldo Ferrari
Russia, Oriente slavo e Occidente europeo. Fratture e integrazioni nella storia e nella civiltà letteraria: Fratture e integrazioni nella storia e nella civiltà letteraria
Author/Editor: Claire Delaunay,Eugène Priadko,Claudia Pieralli
Russian Warfare and Influence: States in the Intersection Between East and West
Author/Editor: Mikael Weissmann,Niklas Nilsson
Russian Verbal Prefixation and Semantic Features: An Analysis of the Prefix vz-
Author/Editor: James Gallant
Russian verbal prefixation: A frame semantic analysis (Volume 8)
Author/Editor: Yulia Zinova
Russian Second-Language Textbooks and Identity in the Universe of Discourse: A Contribution to Macropragmatics
Author/Editor: Olga Mladenova
The Russian Second Generation in Tallinn and Kohtla-Järve
Russians Abroad : Literary and Cultural Politics of Diaspora (1919–1939)
Author/Editor: Slobin ,Greta
Russians Abroad
The Russian Revolutions of 1917: The Northern Impact and Beyond
Author/Editor: Andrei Rogatchevski,Jens Petter Nielsen,Kari Aga Myklebost
Russian National Myth in Transition
Author/Editor: Ljubov Kisseljova
Russian Nationalism: Imaginaries, Doctrines, and Political Battlefields
Author/Editor: Marlene Laruelle
Russian Monarchy: Representation and Rule
Author/Editor: Richard Wortman
Russian Literature in Exile: The Life and Work of Gajto Gazdanov
Author/Editor: László Dienes
Russian Literature 1945-1988: Translated by Carol Sandison
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Kasack
The Russian Journey of Karel Havlíček Borovský
Author/Editor: Michael Henry Heim
Russian in the 1740s
Author/Editor: Thomas Rosén
Russian Idea--Jewish Presence : Essays on Russian-Jewish Intellectual Life
Author/Editor: Horowitz ,Brian
Russian Idea, Jewish Presence
Russian Hajj: Empire and the Pilgrimage to Mecca
Author/Editor: Eileen Kane
Russian Formalism: A Metapoetics
Author/Editor: Peter Steiner
The Russian Folk-Tale
Author/Editor: Maria-Gabriele Wosien
Russian Energy Strategy in the Asia-Pacific: Implications for Australia
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Buchanan
Russian Economic Reform
Author/Editor: James Leitzel
Russian Approaches to International Law
Author/Editor: Lauri Mälksoo
Russian and Soviet Sociolinguistics and Taboo Varieties of the Russian Language (Argot, Jargon, Slang and "Mat"): Transl. into Engl. by Nortrud Gupta. Rev. and Enlarged ed
Author/Editor: Wilhelm von Timroth
Russia-EU relations and the common neighborhood: coercion vs. authority
Author/Editor: Irina Busygina
The Russia Conference Papers 2021
Author/Editor: Sandis Šrāders,Viljar Veebel
Russia-China Relations: Emerging Alliance or Eternal Rivals?
Author/Editor: Sarah Kirchberger,Svenja Sinjen,Nils Wörmer
Russia and China: A political marriage of convenience – stable and successful
Author/Editor: Michal Lubina
Russia and China: Anatomy of a partnership
Author/Editor: Aldo Ferrari,Eleonora Tafuro Ambrosetti
A Rushed Quality
Author/Editor: David Odell
Rural-Urban Migration and Agro-Technological Change in Post-Reform China
Author/Editor: Lena Kaufmann
Rural-Urban Interaction in the Developing World
Author/Editor: Kenny Lynch
Rural Settlement, Lifestyles and Social Change in the Later First Millennium AD at Flixborough, Lincolnshire: Anglo-Saxon Flixborough in its Wider Context
Author/Editor: Christopher Loveluck
Rural settlement and economic activity: Olive oil, wine and amphorae production on the Tarhuna plateau during the Roman period
Author/Editor: Muftah Ahmed
Rural quality of life
Author/Editor: Pia Heike Johansen,Anne Tietjen,Evald Bundgård Iversen,Henrik Lauridsen Lolle,Jens Kaae Fisker
Rural Livelihoods, Resources and Coping with Crisis in Indonesia
Rural Granaries in Northern Gaul (Sixth Century BCE – Fourth Century CE): From Archaeology to Economic History
Author/Editor: Stéphane Martin
Rural Crime and Community Safety
Author/Editor: Vania A Ceccato
Rural and Remote Communities as Non-State Actors: A Legal and Moral Argument
Author/Editor: Ciprian Nicolae Radavoi,David Price
Ruptures: Anthropologies of Discontinuity in Times of Turmoil
Author/Editor: Martin Holbraad,Bruce Kapferer,Julia F. Sauma
Ruodlieb: The Earliest Courtly Novel (after 1050)
Author/Editor: Edwin H. Zeydel
Running and Clicking: Future Narratives in Film
Author/Editor: Sabine Schenk
Rund um Beethoven: Interpretationsforschung heute.
Author/Editor: Thomas Gartmann,Allenbach Allenbach
Räume und Identitäten in Grenzregionen: Politiken - Medien - Subjekte
Author/Editor: Christian Wille,Rachel Reckinger,Sonja Kmec,Markus Hesse
Rumba under Fire: The Arts of Survival from West Point to Delhi
Author/Editor: Irina Dumitrescu
Ruling Capital : Emerging Markets and the Reregulation of Cross-Border Finance
Author/Editor: Gallagher ,Kevin P.
Ruling Capital
Rules of the House: Family Law and Domestic Disputes in Colonial Korea
Author/Editor: Sungyun Lim
The Rules of Rescue: Cost, Distance, and Effective Altruism
Author/Editor: Theron Pummer,Peter Ohlin
Rules of Disengagement
Author/Editor: Marjorie Cohn,Kathleen Gilberd
Rulership in 1st to 14th century Scandinavia
Author/Editor: Dagfinn Skre
Rule of law, legitimate governance & development in the Pacific
Author/Editor: Salevao ,Iutisone
Rule of Law in the EU: 30 Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Author/Editor: Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt,Andreas Moberg,Joakim Nergelius
Rule of Law in Europe
Author/Editor: Filipe Marques,Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque
The Rule of Law and Security Sector Reform: Conceptualising a Complex Relationship
Author/Editor: Christoph Bleiker,Marc Krupanski
Rule Developing Experimentation: A Systematic Approach to Understand & Engineer the Consumer Mind
Author/Editor: Alex Gofman,Howard R. Moskowitz
Rußland in Vers und Prosa: Vortraege zur russ. Literatur des 19. u. 20. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Johannes Holthusen
Rußland aus der Feder seiner Frauen: Zum femininen Diskurs in der russischen Literatur. Materialien des am 21.-22. Mai 1992 im Fachbereich Slavistik der Universitaet Potsdam durchgefuehrten Kolloquiums.
Author/Editor: Frank Göpfert
Ruinen und vergessene Orte: Materialität im Verfall - Nachnutzungen - Umdeutungen
Author/Editor: Joachim Otto Habeck,Frank Schmitz
» Ruine d'estat «: Sicherheit in den Debatten der französischen Religionskriege 1557–1589
Author/Editor: Christian Wenzel
Ruimte voor groei. Kansen en bedreigingen voor de Nederlandse economie in de komende tien jaar
Author/Editor: WRR
Ruimte voor goed bestuur: tussen prestatie, proces en principe - 2
Author/Editor: Montfort van ,C.
Ruimtelijke ontwikkelingspolitiek
Author/Editor: WRR
Ruimte als forum
Author/Editor: Smit ,P.,Stallen ,P.J.,Herngreen ,R.
Ruimte aan de stad
Author/Editor: Scheele ,D.
Ruggero Jacobbi: Prose e racconti - Inediti e rari
Author/Editor: Silvia Fantacci
Ruggero Jacobbi alla radio: Quattro trasmissioni, tre conferenze e un inventario audiofonico
Author/Editor: Eleonora Pancani
Rudolph und Friederike Brach: Vom Rio Grande an die Elbe
Author/Editor: Alexandra Gittermann
Rudolph Agricola: Six Lives and Erasmus’s Testimonies
Author/Editor: Akkerman ,Fokke,Waszink ,Jan,Haskell ,Yasmin,Money ,David,Vermeulen ,Corinna,Kool ,Wouter
Rudolph Agricola: Six Lives and Erasmus’s Testimonies
Rudolf Perco 1884-1942
Author/Editor: Prokop ,Ursula
Rudolf Lehmann, ein bürgerlicher Historiker und Archivar am Rande der DDR: Tagebücher 1945–1964 (Volume 70)
Author/Editor: Michael Gockel
Rudolf Eitelberger von Edelberg: Netzwerker der Kunstwelt
Author/Editor: Eva Kernbauer,Kathrin Pokorny-Nagel,Raphael Rosenberg,Julia Rüdiger,Patrick Werkner,Tanja Jenni
Rudolf Carnap, Tagebücher. Band 2. 1920-1935: Herausgegeben von Christian Damböck, unter Mitarbeit von Brigitta Arden, Roman Jordan, Brigitte Parakenings und Lois M. Rendl
Author/Editor: Rudolf Carnap
Rudolf Carnap, Tagebücher. Band 1. 1908-1919: Herausgegeben von Christian Damböck, unter Mitarbeit von Brigitta Arden, Roman Jordan, Brigitte Parakenings und Lois M. Rendl
Author/Editor: Rudolf Carnap
Rudolf Baechtold zum 70. Geburtstag
Author/Editor: Peter Thiergen
The Rudd Government
Author/Editor: Evans ,Mark,Aulich ,Chris
Ruby in the Dust. Poetry and History in Padmāvat by the South Asian Sufi Poet Muhammad Jāyasī
Author/Editor: de Bruijn ,Thomas
Ruby in the Dust. Poetry and History in Padmāvat by the South Asian Sufi Poet Muhammad Jāyasī
Rublenaja proza. Sobranie stichotvorenij: Sostavlenie, podgotovka teksta i predislovie Vol'fganga Kazaka. Posleslovie Gennadija Ajgi
Author/Editor: Jan Satunovskij
Rubinrote Federn, Walzähne und schimmerndes Perlmutt: polynesische Kosmologie in Ritualobjekten
Author/Editor: Nuku ,Maia,Haslwanter Wilhelmina ,Katharina
Räuber – Priester – Königskinder: Die Gräber KV 40 und KV 64 im Tal der Könige
Author/Editor: Susanne Bickel
The Rubble of Culture: Debris of an Extinct Thought
Author/Editor: David A. Collings
Rätoromanische Bibliographie : Bibliografia retoromanza 1729-2010
Author/Editor: Videsott ,Paul
Rätoromanische Bibliographie
R.S. Thomas: Identity, environment, deity
Author/Editor: Morgan ,Christopher
R.S. Thomas: Identity, environment, deity
Résonances oasiennes
Author/Editor: David Goeury,David Goeury,Marc Breviglieri,Marc Breviglieri,Noha Gamal Said,Noha Gamal Said
Roy and Zhores Medvedev: Loyal Dissent in the Soviet Union Barbara Martin
Author/Editor: Barbara Martin
Royal tourists, colonial subjects and the making of a British world, 1860–1911
Author/Editor: Reed ,Charles
Royal tourists, colonial subjects and the making of a British world, 1860–1911
Author/Editor: Charles Reed
Royal Power in the Late Carolingian Age: Charles III the Simple and His Predecessors
Author/Editor: Horst Lößlein
Royal Courts in Dynastic States and Empires
Royal Courts in Dynastic States and Empires
Author/Editor: Duindam ,Jeroen,Tülay ,Artan,Kunt ,Metin
The Routledge International Handbook on Decolonizing Justice
Author/Editor: Chris Cunneen,Antje Deckert,Amanda Porter,Juan Tauri,Robert Webb
The Routledge History of Fashion and Dress, 1800 to the Present
Author/Editor: Veronique Pouillard,Vincent Dubé-Senécal
The Routledge Handbook on Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations
Author/Editor: mark gibney,Gamze ERDEM TÜRKELLİ,Markus Krajewski,Wouter Vandenhole
Routledge Handbook of U.S. Counterterrorism and Irregular Warfare Operations
Author/Editor: Michael A. Sheehan,Erich Marquardt,Liam Collins
The Routledge Handbook of Transregional Studies
Author/Editor: Matthias Middell
Routledge Handbook of Theravāda Buddhism
Author/Editor: Stephen C. Berkwitz,Ashley Thompson
The Routledge Handbook of Taxation and Philanthropy
Author/Editor: Henry Peter,Giedre Lideikyte Huber
Routledge Handbook of Sport and the Environment
Author/Editor: Brian McCullough,Timothy B. Kellison
The Routledge Handbook of Sport and Sustainable Development
Author/Editor: Brian McCullough,Timothy Kellison,E. Nicole Melton
The Routledge Handbook of Smuggling
Author/Editor: Max Gallien,Florian Weigand
The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Technology
Author/Editor: Nicole Ziegler,Marta González-Lloret
The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods for Social-Ecological Systems
Author/Editor: Reinette Biggs,Alta de Vos,Rika Preiser,Hayley Clements,Kristine Maciejewski,Maja Schlüter
The Routledge Handbook of Refugee Narratives
Author/Editor: Evyn Lê Espiritu Gandhi,Vinh Nguyen
Routledge Handbook of Public Policy in Africa
Author/Editor: Gedion Onyango
The Routledge Handbook of Planning History
Author/Editor: Carola Hein
Routledge Handbook of Ocean Resources and Management
Author/Editor: Hance D. Smith,Juan Luis Suárez de Vivero,Tundi S. Agardy
The Routledge Handbook of Museums, Media and Communication
Author/Editor: Kirsten Drotner,Vince Dziekan,Ross Parry,Kim Christian Schrøder
Routledge Handbook of High-Performance Workplaces
Author/Editor: Christhina Candido,Iva Durakovic,Samin Marzban
Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing
Author/Editor: Andreas Neef,Chanrith Ngin,Tsegaye Moreda,Sharlene Mollett
The Routledge Handbook of Ecomedia Studies
Author/Editor: Antonio López,Adrian Ivakhiv,Stephen Rust,Miriam Tola,Alenda Y. Chang,Kiu-wai Chu
The Routledge Handbook of Differentiation in the European Union
Author/Editor: Benjamin Leruth,Stefan Gänzle,Jarle Trondal
Routledge Handbook of Development Ethics
Author/Editor: Jay Drydyk,Lori Keleher
Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Sri Lanka
Author/Editor: Kanchana N Ruwanpura,Amjad Mohamed-Saleem
Routledge Handbook of Contemporary India
Author/Editor: Knut A. Jacobsen
Routledge Handbook of Community Forestry
Author/Editor: Janette Bulkan,John Palmer,Anne M. Larson,Mary Hobley
The Routledge Handbook of Collective Intelligence for Democracy and Governance
Author/Editor: Stephen Boucher,Carina Antonia Hallin,Lex Paulson
Routledge Handbook of Climate Change Impacts on Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
Author/Editor: Victoria Reyes García
Routledge Handbook of Civil and Uncivil Society in Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Eva Hansson,Meredith L. Weiss
The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Translation
Author/Editor: Chris Shei,Zhao-Ming Gao
Routledge Handbook of Chinese Medicine
Author/Editor: Vivienne Lo,Michael Stanley-Baker
The Routledge Handbook of Catalysts for a Sustainable Circular Economy
Author/Editor: Hanna Lehtimäki,Leena Aarikka-Stenroos,Ari Jokinen,Pekka Jokinen
Routledge Handbook of Autocratization in South Asia
Author/Editor: Sten Widmalm
Routledge Handbook of Animal Welfare
Author/Editor: Andrew Knight,Clive Phillips,Paula Sparks
The Routledge Companion to Jane Austen
Author/Editor: Cheryl A. Wilson,Maria H. Frawley
The Routledge Companion to Intangible Cultural Heritage
Author/Editor: Michelle L. Stefano,Peter Davis
The Routledge Companion to Global Renaissance Art
Author/Editor: Stephen J. Campbell,Stephanie Porras
The Routledge Companion to Actor-Network Theory
Author/Editor: Anders Blok,Ignacio Farias,Celia Roberts
Rousseau and the Problem of Human Relations
Author/Editor: Warner M. ,John
Rough Notes to Erasure: White Male Privilege, My Senses, and the Story I Cannot Tell
Author/Editor: Dolsy Smith
Rough Living: Surviving Violence and Homelessness
Author/Editor: Catherine Robinson
ROTOR: Part I Transdiciplinary dialogue and debate
ROTOR: Part II Transdiciplinary dialogue and debate
ROTOЯ Review
ROTOЯ Review
Rotes Licht: Jugoslawische Partisanenfotografie. Bilder einer sozialen Bewegung, 1941-1945
Author/Editor: Davor Konjikušić
Rote-Meto Comparative Dictionary
Author/Editor: Owen Edwards
Rossijskaja medievistika na rubeže XXI veka
Author/Editor: Henrieke Stahl,Michail Odesskij
Rosa Luxemburg: Periphery and Perception
Author/Editor: Frank Jacob
Rosa Luxemburg: Living and Thinking the Revolution
Author/Editor: Frank Jacob
Rosa Luxemburg: Band 2: Nachwirken
Author/Editor: Frank Jacob,Albert Scharenberg,Jörn Schütrumpf
Rosa Luxemburg: Band 1: Leben und Wirken
Author/Editor: Frank Jacob,Albert Scharenberg,Jörn Schütrumpf
Rosalie Gascoigne: A Catalogue Raisonné
Author/Editor: Martin Gascoigne
Root, Tuber and Banana Food System Innovations: Value Creation for Inclusive Outcomes
Author/Editor: Graham Thiele,Michael Friedmann,Hugo Campos,Vivian Polar,Jeffery W. Bentley
The Roots of Verbal Meaning
Author/Editor: John Beavers,Andrew Koontz-Garboden
The Roots of Respect : A Historic-Philosophical Itinerary
Author/Editor: Giorgini ,Giovanni,Irrera ,Elena
The Roots of Respect
The Roots of Nationalism: National Identity Formation in Early Modern Europe, 1600-1815
The Roots of Latino Urban Agency
Author/Editor: Rosales ,Rodolfo,Navarro ,Sharon
The Roots of Latino Urban Agency
Roots of language
Author/Editor: Bickerton ,Derek
Roots of language
Rondom de mondingen van Rijn & Maas: Landschap en bewoning tussen de 3e en 9e eeuw in Zuid-Holland, in het bijzonder de Oude Rijnstreek
Author/Editor: Menno Dijkstra
Rom og sted: Religionsfaglige og interdisiplinære bidrag
Author/Editor: Knut-Willy Saether,Anders Aschim
Rom og etikk
Author/Editor: Lid Marie ,Inger,Wyller ,Trygve,Espeseth Maria ,Marta,Grimsgaard ,Anne-Catherine,Hafstad ,Kjetil,Hillestad Hummevold ,Adelheid,Lerheim ,Birgitte,Ruyter W. ,Knut,Rønsdal S. ,Kaia
Rome’s Apostolic Heritage: The Discourses about St. Peter’s Basilica and Santa Maria Maggiore
Author/Editor: Filip Malesevic
Rome and the Worlds beyond its Frontiers
Author/Editor: Daniëlle Slootjes,Michael Peachin
Rome and The Guidebook Tradition From the Middle Ages to the 20th Century
Author/Editor: Anna Blennow,Stefano Fogelberg Rota
Rome and the Colonial City: Rethinking the Grid
Author/Editor: Sofia Greaves,Andrew Wallace-Hadrill
Roma Writings: Romani Literature and Press in Central, South-Eastern and Eastern Europe from the 19th Century until World War II
Author/Editor: Raluca Bianca Roman,Sofiya Zahova,Aleksandar Marinov
Roma Voices in History: A Sourcebook
Author/Editor: Elena Marushiakova,Vesselin Popov
Roma und Travellers: Identitäten im Wandel
Author/Editor: Karl-Markus Gauß,Erika Thurner,Erika Thurner,Elisabeth Hussl,Elisabeth Hussl,Beate Eder-Jordan,Beate Eder-Jordan,Rudolf Sarközi,Peter Hilpold,Cécile Kovácsházy
The Roma Struggle for Compensation in Post-War Germany
Author/Editor: von dem Knesebeck ,Julia
The Roma Struggle for Compensation in Post-War Germany
Roma Portraits in History: Roma Civic Emancipation Elite in Central, South-Eastern and Eastern Europe from the 19th Century until World War II
Author/Editor: Elena Marushiakova,Vesselin Popov
Romany I. Il'fa i E. Petrova. Sputnik čitatel'ja. 2 toma. 1-yj tom. Vvedenie. Dvenadcat' stul'ev
Author/Editor: Jurij K. Šceglov
Romany I. Il'fa i E. Petrova. 2 toma. 2-oj tom. Zolotoj telenok
Author/Editor: Jurij K. Šceglov
Roman Urbanism in Italy: Recent Discoveries and New Directions
Author/Editor: Alessandro Launaro
Romantik zwischen zwei Welten: Potsdamer Vorlesungen zu den Hauptwerken der Romanischen Literaturen des 19. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Ottmar Ette
Romantik: Journal for the Study of Romanticisms (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Troy Wellington Smith,Cian Duffy,Natalya Khokholova,Robert W. Rix,Kang-Po Chen,Ilona Pikkanen,Gareth Walter,Anna Sandberg,Andreas Hjort Møller,Karina Lykke Grand,Marie-Louise Svane,Lis Møller,Elisabeth Oxfeldt,Thor Mednick
Romantik jenseits des Nationalen: Geopoetik der südslavischen Romantiken im imperialen Raum
Author/Editor: Anna Hodel
Romantic Outlaws, Beloved Prisons: The Unconscious Meanings of Crime and Punishment
Author/Editor: Martha Grace Duncan
Romantic Modernism
Author/Editor: Denslagen ,Wim
Romanticism and Time: Literary Temporalities
Author/Editor: Sophie Laniel-Musitelli,Céline Sabiron
Romantic Consumption and Heritage Performance in China
Author/Editor: Yujie Zhu
The Romantic Age in Russian Literature - Poetic and Esthetic Norms: An Anthology of Original Texts (1800-1850)
Author/Editor: Rudolf Neuhäuser
Romans at War: Soldiers, Citizens, and Society in the Roman Republic
Author/Editor: Jeremy Armstrong,Michael P. Fronda
Roman Rule and Civic Life: Local and Regional Perspectives: Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Roman Empire, c. 200 B.C. - A.D. 476), Leiden, June 25-28, 2003
Author/Editor: L. de Ligt,E.A. Hemelrijk,H.W. Singor
Roman-Punktir. Indirektes Erzaehlen durch Leerstellen in Jurij Trifonovs Roman "Zeit und Ort"
Author/Editor: Leonore Scheffler
The Roman Potters’ Kilns of Colchester
Author/Editor: M.R. Hull
Romano Del Nord. Teoria e prassi del progetto di architettura
Author/Editor: ROBERTO BOLOGNA,Maria Chiara Torricelli
Roman Law and the Idea of Europe
Author/Editor: Kaius Tuori,Heta Björklund
Roman Law and Maritime Commerce
Author/Editor: Peter Candy,Emilia Mataix Ferrándiz
Romanistiken i Sverige: Tradition och förnyelse
Author/Editor: Andreas Romeborn,Elisabeth Bladh
Romani People as Object and Subject of Scientific Inquiry : Scientification of Roma or RomaNization of science?
Romani Liberation: A Northern Perspective on Emancipatory Struggles and Progress
Author/Editor: Jan Selling
Romani Communities and Transformative Change: A New Social Europe
Author/Editor: Andrew Ryder,Marius Taba,Nidhi Trehan
The Romanian Sentiment of Being
Author/Editor: Constantin Noica,Octavian Gabor,Elena Gabor
Romania: Migration, Socio-economic Transformation and Perspectives of Regional Development
Author/Editor: Wilfried Heller
Roman Gods : A Conceptual Approach
Author/Editor: Lipka ,Michael
Roman Gods
Roman Frontier Archaeology – in Britain and Beyond: Papers in Honour of Paul Bidwell Presented on the Occasion of the 30th Annual Conference of the Arbeia Society
Author/Editor: Nick Hodgson,Bill Griffiths
Roman et caricature au XIXe siècle: Poétiques réalistes entre Illusions perdues et Education sentimentale.
Author/Editor: Cécile Guinand
The Roman Empire : Roots of Imperialism
Author/Editor: Morley ,Neville
The Roman Empire
Roman de Guiron parte prima
Author/Editor: Lino Leonardi,Claudio Lagomarsini,Richard Trachsler
Roman Colchester
Author/Editor: M.R. Hull
Roman Charity : Queer Lactations in Early Modern Visual Culture
Author/Editor: Sperling Gisela ,Jutta
Roman Charity
Roman Brooches in Britain: A Technological and Typological Study based on the Richborough Collection
Author/Editor: Justine Bayley,Sarnia Butcher
Roman Bath
Author/Editor: Barry Cunliffe
Roman and Medieval Exeter and their Hinterlands: From Isca to Escanceaster: Exeter, A Place in Time Volume I
Author/Editor: Stephen Rippon,Neil Holbrook
The Roll in England and France in the Late Middle Ages
Author/Editor: Stefan G. Holtz,Jörg Peltzer,Maree Shirota
Rolf Geyling (1884-1952)
Author/Editor: Scheidl ,Inge
Roles and Relations in Biblical Law: A Study of Participant Tracking, Semantic Roles, and Social Networks in Leviticus 17-26
Author/Editor: Christian Canu Højgaard
The Role of Smallholder Farms in Food and Nutrition Security
Author/Editor: Sergio Gomez y Paloma,Laura Riesgo,Kamel Louhichi
The Role of Saliva Cortisol Measurement in Health and Disease
Author/Editor: Margareta Kristenson,Peter Garvin,Ulf Lundberg
The role of prefixes in the formation of aspectuality: Issues of grammaticalization
Author/Editor: ROSANNA BENACCHIO,Alessio Muro,Svetlana Slavkova
The Role of International Administrative Law at International Organizations: AIIB Yearbook of International Law 2020
Author/Editor: Peter Quayle
The Role of Departmental Secretariats
Author/Editor: Podger ,Andrew
The role of constituents in multiword expressions: An interdisciplinary, cross-lingual perspective (Volume 4)
Author/Editor: Eva Smolka,Sabine Schulte im Walde
The Role of Community-Mindedness in the Self-Regulation of Drug Cultures
Author/Editor: Stallwitz ,Anke
The Role of Coal in a Sustainable Energy Mix for India: A Wide-Angle View
Author/Editor: Mritiunjoy Mohanty,Runa Sarkar
The Role of Business in Global Sustainability Transformations
Author/Editor: Dalia D’Amato,Anne Toppinen,Robert Kozak
The role of bioprotectants for disease control in integrated crop protection approaches
Author/Editor: Jürgen Köhl
Roland Barthes at the Collège de France
Roland Barthes at the Collège de France
Author/Editor: O'Meara ,Lucy
Rohstoffe – Menschen – Wissen: Einblicke in die Ressourcengeschichte des historischen Tirols
Author/Editor: Georg Neuhauser,Elena Taddei
Rohinton Mistry
Author/Editor: Morey ,Peter
Roher Diamant Dalmatien: Die habsburgische Verwaltung, ihre Probleme und das Land, wie beschrieben von seinem Gouverneur Lilienberg fuer Kaiser Franz I. (1834)
Author/Editor: Konrad Clewing
Rodin-Lekturen : Deutungen und Debatten von der Moderne zur Postmoderne
Author/Editor: Brabant ,Dominik
Rock This Way: Cultural Constructions of Musical Legitimacy
Author/Editor: Mel Stanfill
Rocca San Silvestro: Restauro per l’archeologia
Robuste Langzeit-Governance bei der Endlagersuche: Soziotechnische Herausforderungen im Umgang mit hochradioaktiven Abfällen
Author/Editor: Bettina Brohmann,Bettina Brohmann,Achim Brunnengräber,Achim Brunnengräber,Peter Hocke,Peter Hocke,Ana María Isidoro Losada,Ana María Isidoro Losada
Robots and AI: A New Economic Era
Author/Editor: Lili Yan Ing,Gene M. Grossman
Robotic Surgery of Colon and Rectum
Author/Editor: Graziano Ceccarelli,Andrea Coratti
Robotics in Germany and Japan: Philosophical and Technical Perspectives
Author/Editor: Michael Funk,Bernhard Irrgang
Robotics, AI, and Humanity: Science, Ethics, and Policy
Author/Editor: Joachim von Braun,Margaret S. Archer,Gregory M. Reichberg,Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo
Robotic Knitting: Re-Crafting Human-Robot Collaboration Through Careful Coboting
Author/Editor: Pat Treusch
Roboter für Assistenzfunktionen: Konzeptstudien für die Interaktion in der Praxis
Author/Editor: Arne Rönnau,Pascal Becker,Sven Behnke
Roberto Arlt: África (Edición crítica, lecturas y material)
Author/Editor: Friedhelm Schmidt-Welle
Robert Neumann: Mit eigener Feder
Author/Editor: Stadler ,Franz
Roars from the Mountain: Colonial Management of the 1951 Volcanic disaster at Mount Lamington
Author/Editor: R. Wally Johnson
A Road to Peace and Freedom
The Road to General Intelligence
Author/Editor: Jerry Swan,Eric Nivel,Neel Kant,Jules Hedges,Timothy Atkinson,Bas Steunebrink
The Road to Batemans Bay: Speculating on the South Coast During the 1840s Depression
Author/Editor: Alastair Greig
The Road to Armageddon: Paraguay Versus the Triple Alliance, 1866-70
Author/Editor: Thomas L. Whigham
Road Pricing and Provision: Changed Traffic Conditions Ahead
Author/Editor: Michael de Percy,John Wanna
The Roadmap to a Low-Carbon Urban Water Utility: An international guide to the WaCCliM approach
Author/Editor: Simone Ballard,Jose Porro,Corinne Trommsdorff
A Roadmap for Plant Genome Editing
Author/Editor: Agnès Ricroch,Dennis Eriksson,Dragana Miladinović,Jeremy Sweet,Katrijn Van Laere,Ewa Woźniak-Gientka
Road Condition Estimation with Data Mining Methods using Vehicle Based Sensors
Author/Editor: Johannes Masino
Roadblocks to the Socialist Modernization Path and Transition: Evidence from East Germany and Poland
Author/Editor: Jutta Günther,Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quast,Udo Ludwig,Hans-Jürgen Wagener
Rénovation d'un héritage bâti
Author/Editor: Catarina Wall Gago
Ränder der Moderne: Neue Perspektiven auf die Europäische Geschichte (1850–1950)
Author/Editor: Christof Dejung,Martin Lengwiler
RNA, the Epicenter of Genetic Information
Author/Editor: John Mattick,Paulo Amaral
Römische Erinnerungsräume: Heiligenmemoria und kollektive Identitäten im Rom des 3. bis 5. Jahrhunderts n. Chr.
Author/Editor: Steffen Diefenbach
R.J. Rummel: An Assessment of His Many Contributions
Author/Editor: Nils Petter Gleditsch
Rivolte urbane e rivolte contadine nell'Europa del Trecento
Author/Editor: Bourin, Monique,Cherubini, Giovanni,Pinto, Giuliano
Rivers of the Anthropocene
Rivers of the Anthropocene
Riverine Ecosystem Management: Science for Governing Towards a Sustainable Future
Author/Editor: Stefan Schmutz,Jan Sendzimir
River Basin Development and Human Rights in Eastern Africa — A Policy Crossroads
Author/Editor: Claudia J. Carr
Rival Kurdish Movements in Turkey. Transforming Ethnic Conflict
Author/Editor: Gurbuz , Mustafa
Rituelen van beraadslaging
Author/Editor: Stokkom van ,Bas
Rituals of the Past : Prehispanic and Colonial Case Studies in Andean Archaeology
Author/Editor: Bautista ,Stefanie,Rosenfeld ,Silvana
Rituals of the Past
Rituals of Islamic Spirituality
Author/Editor: Zamhari ,Arif
Rituals in Slavic Pre-Christian Religion: Festivals, Banqueting, and Divination
Author/Editor: Juan Antonio Álvarez-Pedrosa,Enrique Santos Marinas
Rituals for Climate Change: A Crip Struggle for Ecojustice
Author/Editor: Naomi Ortiz
Ritual seks - Sex als ritueller Akt der Heiligenverehrung: Heterodoxie und Islam auf Java
Author/Editor: Volker Gottowik
Ritualisierende Agency in Todesritualen: Eine Untersuchung der Positionierung(en) von gemeinschaftsungebundenen Ritualleiter*innen in der Deutschschweiz
Author/Editor: Lilo Ruther
Ritual Irony: Poetry and Sacrifice in Euripides
Author/Editor: Helene P. Foley
Ritual Failure: Archaeological Perspectives
Author/Editor: Vasiliki G. Koutrafouri,Jeff Sanders
Ritual Dynamics and Religious Change in the Roman Empire: Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Heidelberg, July 5-7, 2007)
Author/Editor: Olivier Hekster,Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner,Christian Witschel
Ritual Boundaries: Magic and Differentiation in Late Antique Christianity
Author/Editor: Joseph E. Sanzo
Risque et vigilance sanitaire: La côte méditerranéenne française face à la peste, 1700-1750
Author/Editor: Sébastien Demichel
Risorse educative aperte e sperimentazione didattica: Le proposte del progetto Innovascuola-AMELIS per la condivisione di risorse e lo sviluppo professionale dei docenti
Author/Editor: Maria Ranieri
Risky Play: An Ethical Challenge
Author/Editor: Øyvind Kvalnes,Ellen Beate Hansen Sandseter
A Risky Business?
Author/Editor: Kindler ,Marta
Risks in the Making
Author/Editor: Hoyweghen Van ,Ine
Risk Quantification and Allocation Methods for Practitioners
Author/Editor: Jaume Belles-Sampera,Montserrat Guillén,Miguel Santolino
Risk Management in Crisis: Winners and Losers during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Author/Editor: Piotr Jedynak,Sylwia Bąk
Riskienhallinnan ajankohtaisia teemoja
Risk Criticism
Risk Criticism
Author/Editor: Wallace ,Molly
Risk Criticism
Author/Editor: Molly Wallace
Risk Communication for the Future: Towards Smart Risk Governance and Safety Management
Author/Editor: Mathilde Bourrier,Corinne Bieder
Risk Assessment in Air Traffic Management
Author/Editor: Javier Alberto Pérez Castán,Álvaro Rodríguez Sanz
Riskantes Denken: Zur Funktion der Mensch-Maschine-Analogie in der Medienwissenschaft
Author/Editor: Melina Kirchartz
Riskante Nähe: Sexuelle Gewalt in Institutionen als Herausforderung für die Heimerziehung
Author/Editor: Meike Wittfeld
Riskante Leben? Geschlechterordnungen in der Reflexiven Moderne
Author/Editor: Vera Moser,Barbara Rendtorff
Risk and Responsibility in Context
Author/Editor: Adriana Placani,Stearns Broadhead
Rising Powers and Peacebuilding: Breaking the Mold?
Author/Editor: Charles T Call,Cedric de Coning
Rising China: Power and Reassurance
Author/Editor: Huisken ,Ron
Rising China: Global Challenges (China Update)
Author/Editor: Song ,Ligang,Golley ,Jane
Risiko und Chance - das Jahrhunderthochwasser am Rhein 1882/1883 ; eine umweltgeschichtliche Betrachtung
Author/Editor: Masius, Patrick
Risikoselektion im Mitgliederwettbewerb der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung
Author/Editor: Stefan Resch
Risikorechnung bei industrieller Auftragsfertigung: Theoretische Konzeption und Anwendung fuer die Bauwirtschaft
Author/Editor: Andreas Hoffjan
Risikomanagement rohstoffexportierender Entwicklungslaender
Author/Editor: Evamaria Wagner
Risikokapitalbasierte Steuerung in der Schaden- und Unfallversicherung: Konzeption einer modellgestuetzten Risikoanalyse
Author/Editor: Mirko Tillmann
Risiko im Wandel: Herausforderung für die Versicherungswirtschaft
Author/Editor: Rolf Arnold,Marcel Berg,Oskar Goecke,Maria Heep-Altiner,Horst Müller-Peters
Risikoethik der Banken: Große Banken, systemische Risiken und globale Finanzkrisen als Herausforderungen einer modernen Ethik des Risikos
Author/Editor: Vandad Sohrabi
Risikoethik der Banken: Große Banken, systemische Risiken und globale Finanzkrisen als Herausforderungen einer modernen Ethik des Risikos
Author/Editor: Vandad Sohrabi
Risikodemokratie: Chemnitz zwischen rechtsradikalem Brennpunkt und europäischer Kulturhauptstadt
Author/Editor: Jenni Brichzin,Henning Laux,Ulf Bohmann
Risikoadaptierte Prävention: Governance Perspective für Leistungsansprüche bei genetischen (Brustkrebs-)Risiken
Author/Editor: Friedhelm Meier,Peter Dabrock,Anke Harney,Kerstin Rhiem,Anja Neumann,Silke Neusser,Matthias Braun,Jürgen Wasem,Rita Schmutzler,Stefan Huster
Author/Editor: Klaus Peter Japp
Risiken von Social Media und User Generated Content: Social Media Stalking und Mobbing sowie datenschutzrechtliche Fragestellungen
Author/Editor: Sonja Geiring
Risible: Laughter without Reason and the Reproduction of Sound
Author/Editor: Delia Casadei
The Rise of the Ni‘matullāhī Order: Shi'ite Sufi Masters against Islamic Fundamentalism in 19th-Century Persia
Author/Editor: Reza Tabandeh
The Rise of the Common City: On the culture of commoning
Author/Editor: Louis Volont,Thijs Lijster,Pascal Gielen
The Rise of State Capital: Transforming Markets and International Politics
Author/Editor: Milan Babić
The Rise of Mental Health Nursing
Author/Editor: Boschma ,Geertje
The Rise of Mass Advertising: Law, Enchantment, and the Cultural Boundaries of British Modernity
Author/Editor: Anat Rosenberg
The Rise of Democracy: Revolution, War and Transformations in International Politics since 1776
Author/Editor: Christopher Hobson
The Rise of China’s Innovation Economy
The Rise of Autism: Risk and Resistance in the Age of Diagnosis
Author/Editor: Ginny Russell
The rise of Africa’s digital economy: The European Investment Bank’s activities to support Africa’s transition to a digital economy
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
The Rise and Fall of the Welfare State
Author/Editor: Asbjørn Wahl
The Rise and Fall of the People's Parties: A History of Democracy in Western Europe since 1918
Author/Editor: Pepijn Corduwener
The Rise and Development of FinTech: Accounts of Disruption from Sweden and Beyond
Author/Editor: Robin Teigland,Shahryar Siri,Anthony Larsson,Alejandro Moreno Puertas,Claire Ingram Bogusz
Rischio di impresa e responsabilità civile: La tutela dell’ambiente tra prevenzione e riparazione dei danni
Ripples of Hope: How Ordinary People Resist Repression Without Violence
Author/Editor: Press ,Robert M.
Rio 2016 : Olympic Myths, Hard Realities
Rio 2016
Ring-Fencing in Europe: The EU’s Bank Structural Reform and a Legal Comparative Look at National Legislation in Europe’s Three Financial Capitals
Author/Editor: Konstantin Oppolzer
Ringen um Versöhnung II: Versöhnungsprozesse zwischen Religion, Politik und Gesellschaft (Volume 117, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Urszula Pekala
Author/Editor: Forth ,G.L.
Rimpels in de hofvijver: werkprogramma 2005-2007
Author/Editor: WRR
Rilke—Kommentar zu den "Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge"
Author/Editor: William Small
Rilevare l’architettura in legno: Protocolli metodologici per la documentazione delle architetture tradizionali lignee: i casi studio dei villaggi careliani in Russia
Author/Editor: Sara Porzilli
Riksäpplet : Arkeologiska perspektiv på ett bortglömt regalskepp
Author/Editor: Eriksson ,Niklas
Author/Editor: Yuriy Bilan
The Right-Wing Critique of Europe: Nationalist, Sovereignist and Right-Wing Populist Attitudes to the EU
Author/Editor: Joanna Sondel-Cedarmas,Francesco Berti
The Rights of the Child: Legal, Political and Ethical Challenges
Author/Editor: Rebecca Adami,Anna Kaldal,Margareta Aspán
Rights for Robots: Artificial Intelligence, Animal and Environmental Law (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Joshua C. Gellers
Right Research: Modelling Sustainable Research Practices in the Anthropocene
Author/Editor: Chelsea Miya,Oliver Rossier,Geoffrey Rockwell
Right Across the World: The Global Networking of the Far-Right and the Left Response
Author/Editor: John Feffer
Rigenerazione e politiche giovanili: quale collegamento per rispondere alle attuali sfide sociali?: Un’analisi qualitativa del Centro giovani Smart Lab di Rovereto
Author/Editor: Miriam Fiorenza
Rifugiati: I moriscos e l’Italia
Author/Editor: Bruno Pomara
Riflessi d’Oriente: Esperienze e memorie di due viaggiatori toscani in Levante (1760-1792)
Author/Editor: Renato Pasta
Riddles: Perspectives on the use, function and change in a folklore genre
Author/Editor: Kaivola-Bregenhøj ,Annikki
Riddles: Perspectives on the use, function and change in a folklore genre
The Riddle of Literary Quality: A Computational Approach
Author/Editor: Karina van Dalen-Oskam
Ricovero avicolo polifunzionale per l'allevamento libero: Manuale di autocostruzione
Author/Editor: Massimo Monti,MATTEO BARBARI,giuseppe rossi,Stefano Simonini
Ricordi. Nuova edizione e introduzione storica
Author/Editor: Giovanni di Pagolo Morelli,Claudia Tripodi
Ricochet : Word Sonnets - Sonnets d'un mot
Author/Editor: Mayne ,Seymour,Huynh ,Sabine
Ricin Toxin
Author/Editor: John W. Cherwonogrodzky
Richter über internationale Gerichte?: Die Rolle innerstaatlicher Gerichte bei der Umsetzung der Entscheidungen von EGMR und IAGMR
Author/Editor: Raffaela Kunz
Richard Weiner: Identitaet und Polaritaet im Prosafruehwerk
Author/Editor: Steffi Widera
Richard Wagner's Essays on Conducting: A New Translation with Critical Commentary
Author/Editor: Chris Walton
Richard Schaukal in Netzwerken und Feldern der literarischen Moderne
Author/Editor: Cornelius Mitterer
Richard Martin Honig: Prägender Göttinger (Straf-)Rechtswissenschaftler des 20. Jahrhunderts?
Author/Editor: Matthias Dölling,Philipp-Alexander Hirsch,Jan Rennicke
Richard Falck, Mykologe - Lebensweg und Werk eines jüdischen Gelehrten (1873-1955)
Author/Editor: Peter-Michael Steinsiek
Ricerche sul teatro classico spagnolo in Italia e oltralpe (secoli XVI-XVIII)
Author/Editor: Fausta ANTONUCCI,Salome' VUELTA GARCIA
Ricerche sull'organizzazione del territorio nella Liguria medievale
Author/Editor: Guglielmotti, Paola
Rice Improvement: Physiological, Molecular Breeding and Genetic Perspectives
Author/Editor: Jauhar Ali,Shabir Hussain Wani
Rice Green Revolution in Sub-Saharan Africa
Author/Editor: Keijiro Otsuka,Yukichi Mano,Kazushi Takahashi
Ribosome Biogenesis: Methods and Protocols
Author/Editor: Karl-Dieter Entian
Rhythms of the Afro-Atlantic World: Rituals and Remembrances
Author/Editor: Ifeoma C Nwankwo,Mamadou Diouf
Rhythms and Rhymes of Life
Author/Editor: Gazzah ,Miriam
The Rhythm of Strategy
Author/Editor: Dieleman ,Marleen
Rhythmisch-melodische Studien
Author/Editor: Eduard Sievers,Stefan Rieger
Rhythm and Meaning in Shakespeare : A Guide for Readers and Actors
Author/Editor: Groves ,Peter
Rhétorique et cognition - Rhetoric and Cognition. Perspectives théoriques et stratégies persuasives- Theoretical Perspectives and Persuasive Strategies
Rhotics : New Data and Perspectives
Author/Editor: Veer van 't ,Marijn,Baltazani ,Mary,Nicolaidis ,Katerina,Savu ,Carmen-Florina,Riera ,María,Romero ,Joaquín,Petin ,Cédric,Cohen ,Evan-Gary,Romano ,Antonio,Velde van de ,Hans,Tops ,Evie,Syed A. ,Nasir,Hout van ,Roeland,Sankoff ,Gillian,Blondeau ,Hélène,Hool
The Rhine and European Security in the Long Nineteenth Century: Making Lifelines from Frontlines
Author/Editor: Joep Schenk
Rhetoriken zwischen Recht und Literatur: Interdisziplinäre und interkulturelle Zugänge
Author/Editor: Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf,Stefan Arnold,Marcus Schnetter,Gesine Heger
Rhetorik des Subjekts: Zur textuellen Konstruktion des Subjekts in feministischen und anderen postmodernen Diskursen
Author/Editor: Sylvia Pritsch
Rhetorics of Nordic democracy
Rhetorics of Nordic democracy
Rhetorics of Belonging - Nation, Narration and Israel/Palestine
Rhetorics of Belonging - Nation, Narration and Israel/Palestine
Author/Editor: Bernard ,Anna
Rhetorics of Belonging: Nation, Narration and Israel/Palestine
Author/Editor: Anna Bernard
Rhetoric, Rhetoricians and Poets
Author/Editor: Spies ,Marijke
The Rhetoric of Topics and Forms
Author/Editor: Gianna Zocco
Rhetoric and Drama
Author/Editor: DS Mayfield
Rhetorical Code Studies: Discovering Arguments in and around Code
Author/Editor: Kevin Brock
Rhetorical Agency: Mind, Meshwork, Materiality, Mobility
Author/Editor: Les Belikian
Rhapsodic Objects: Art, Agency, and Materiality (1700–2000)
Author/Editor: Noemie Etienne,Yaelle Biro
The Rhaeto-Romance Languages
Author/Editor: Paolo Beninca,John Haiman
Reziproke Durchlässigkeit zwischen beruflicher und akademischer Bildung: Neue Anforderungen an das Fachschul- und Hochschulsystem
Author/Editor: Clarissa Pascoe,Marianne Friese,Olga Zechiel,Klaus Jenewein,Mattia Lisa Müller
Rezeption und Reform im japanischen und deutschen Recht - Zweites Rechtswissenschaftliches Symposion Göttingen - Kansai, Göttingen, September 2006
Author/Editor: Jehle, Jörg-Martin,Lipp, Volker,Yamanaka, Keiichi
Rezensiv - Online-Rezensionen und Kulturelle Bildung
Author/Editor: Guido Graf,Ralf Knackstedt,Kristina Petzold
(Re)writing History in Byzantium: A Critical Study of Collections of Historical Excerpts
Author/Editor: Panagiotis Manafis
Rewriting Buddhism: Pali Literature and Monastic Reform in Sri Lanka, 1157–1270
Author/Editor: Alastair Gornall
Rewriting Academia: The Development of the Anglicist Women’s and Gender Studies of Continental Europe
Author/Editor: Renate Haas
Rewolucja: Russian Poland, 1904–1907
Author/Editor: Robert E. Blobaum
Rewilding European Landscapes
Author/Editor: Henrique M. Pereira,Laetitia M. Navarro
The Revolution Will Not Be Theorized: Cultural Revolution in the Black Power Era
Author/Editor: Errol A. Henderson
Revolution und defekte Transformation in Ägypten: Säkulare Parteien und soziale Bewegungen im »Arabischen Frühling« (Volume 5, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Imad Mustafa
The Revolutions of 1989: A Handbook (Volume 2)
Author/Editor: Wolfgang Mueller,Michael Gehler,Arnold Suppan
Revolution, Reform and Regionalism in Southeast Asia
Author/Editor: Ronald Bruce St John
Revolution or Renaissance : Making the Transition from an Economic Age to a Cultural Age
Author/Editor: Schafer D. ,Paul
Revolution or Renaissance
Revolution of the Mind: Higher Learning among the Bolsheviks, 1918–1929
Author/Editor: Michael David-Fox
Revolution, Krieg und die Geburt von Staat und Nation: Staatsbildung in Europa und den Amerikas 1770-1930
Author/Editor: Ewald Frie,Ute Planert
Revolutionizing Development: Reflections on the Work of Robert Chambers
Author/Editor: Andrea Cornwall,Ian Scoones
Revolutionizing a world
Author/Editor: Altaweel ,Mark,Squitieri ,Andrea
Revolution Goes East: Imperial Japan and Soviet Communism
Author/Editor: Tatiana Linkhoeva
Revolution Beyond the Event: The afterlives of radical politics
Author/Editor: Charlotte Al-Khalili,Narges Ansari,myriam lamrani,Kaya Uzel
Revolutionary Worlds: Local Perspectives and Dynamics during the Indonesian Independence War, 1945-1949
Author/Editor: Bambang Purwanto,Roel Frakking,Abdul Wahid,Gerry van Klinken,Martijn Eickhoff,Ireen Hoogenboom
Revolutionary Bodies: Chinese Dance and the Socialist Legacy
Author/Editor: Emily Wilcox
Revolutionary Acts: Amateur Theater and the Soviet State, 1917-1938
Author/Editor: Lynn Mally
Revolution and Witchcraft: The Code of Ideology in Unsettled Times
Author/Editor: Gordon C. Chang
Revolution and Transition
Author/Editor: Alexandrov ,Alexandar
Revolution and Disenchantment: Arab Marxism and the Binds of Emancipation
Author/Editor: Fadi A. Bardawil
Revolución y diplomacia: el Trienio Liberal y América
Author/Editor: María del Mar Barrientos Márquez,Lola Lozano Salado
Reviving Classical Liberalism Against Populism
Author/Editor: Nils Karlson
The Revival of the Russian Literary Avantgarde: The Thaw Generation and Beyond
Author/Editor: Irene E. Kolchinsky
Revival After the Great War: Rebuild, Remember, Repair, Reform
Author/Editor: Luc Verpoest,leen engelen,Rajesh Heynickx,Jan Schmidt,Pieter Uyttenhove,Pieter Verstraete
Revitalizing Indian Agriculture and Boosting Farmer Incomes
Author/Editor: Ashok Gulati,Ranjana Roy,Shweta Saini
Revitalizing Collegiality: Restoring Faculty Authority in Universities
Author/Editor: Kerstin Sahlin,Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist
Revitalising Higher Education: Insights from Te Puna Aurei LearnFest 2022
Author/Editor: Tracy Bowell,Nicole Pepperell,Anthony Richardson,Maria-Teresa Corino
Revisualising Intersectionality
Author/Editor: Elahe Haschemi Yekani,Magdalena Nowicka,Tiara Roxanne
Revistas y redes en la conformación del campo intelectual latinoamericano
Author/Editor: Ivette Lozoya López,César Zamorano Díaz
Revisiting the Falklands-Malvinas Question: Transnational and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Author/Editor: Guillermo Mira,Guillermo Mira Delli-Zotti,Fernando Pedrosa
Revisiting Regionalism and the Contemporary World Order: Perspectives from the BRICS and beyond
Author/Editor: Élise Féron,Jyrki Käkönen,Gabriel Rached
Revisiting Regionalism and the Contemporary World Order: Perspectives from the BRICS and beyond
Author/Editor: Élise Féron,Jyrki Käkönen,Gabriel Rached
Revisiting Migrant Networks: Migrants and their Descendants in Labour Markets
Author/Editor: Elif Keskiner,Michael Eve,Louise Ryan
Revisioning Europe: The Films of John Berger and Alain Tanner
Author/Editor: Jerry White
Revisioning Democracy and Women’s Suffrage: Critical Feminist Interventions
Author/Editor: Katrin Meyer,Stephanie Pfenninger Tuchschmid,Yunna Skliarova
Re-Visioning Arts and Cultural Policy: Current Impasses and Future Directions
Author/Editor: Craik ,Jennifer
Revising the Integration-Citizenship Nexus in Europe: Sites, Policies, and Bureaucracies of Belonging
Author/Editor: Roxana Barbulescu,Sara Wallace Goodman,Luicy Pedroza
Reversible Computation: Extending Horizons of Computing: Selected Results of the COST Action IC1405
Author/Editor: Irek Ulidowski,Ivan Lanese,Ulrik Pagh Schultz,Carla Ferreira
Reverse Engineering of Real-Time System Models From Event Trace Recordings
Author/Editor: Andreas Sailer
Reverberations of Dharmakīrti‘s Philosophy: Proceedings of the Fifth International Dharmakīrti Conference Heidelberg August 26 to 30, 2014
Revendiquer le "mariage gay": Belgique, France, Espagne
Author/Editor: David Paternotte
Revealing Media Bias in News Articles: NLP Techniques for Automated Frame Analysis
Author/Editor: Felix Hamborg
Revamping the European Union's enforcement systems with a view to eastern enlargement
Author/Editor: Curtin ,D.M.,Ooik van ,R.H.
Return to Volcano Town: Reassessing the 1937–1943 Volcanic Eruptions at Rabaul
Author/Editor: R. W. Johnson,Neville A. Threlfall
A return to the village: Community ethnographies and the study of Andean culture in retrospective
Author/Editor: Francisco Ferreira,Billie Jean Isbell
Return of the Jew: Identity Narratives of the Third Post-Holocaust Generation of Jews in Poland
Author/Editor: Katka Reszke
The Return of Malthus: Environmentalism and Post-war Population–Resource Crises
Author/Editor: Björn-Ola Linnér
Return : Nationalizing Transnational Mobility in Asia
Rettens landskap: Tingsteder og rettskretser i Viken i jernalder og middelalder
Author/Editor: Marie Ødegaard
The Retro-Futurism of Cuteness
Author/Editor: Jen Boyle,Wan-Chuan Kao
Retreat or Entrenchment?: Drug Policies in the Nordic Countries at a Crossroads
Author/Editor: Henrik Tham
Retos e incertidumbres: sobre la traducción de literatura en lenguas ibéricas
Author/Editor: Gerardo Beltrán-Cejudo,Marta Kacprzak
Reti sociali e innovazione: I sistemi locali dell'informatica
Author/Editor: Francesco Ramella,CARLO TRIGILIA
Retirement Home? Ageing Migrant Workers in France and the Question of Return
Author/Editor: Alistair Hunter
Reti marittime come fattori dell’integrazione europea / Maritime Networks as a Factor in European Integration
Author/Editor: Giampiero Nigro
Rethinking White Societies in Southern Africa: 1930s–1990s
Author/Editor: Duncan Money,Danelle van Zyl-Hermann
Rethinking Value Chains: Tackling the Challenges of Global Capitalism
Author/Editor: Florence Palpacuer,Alistair Smith
Rethinking Urban Risk and Resettlement in the Global South
Author/Editor: Cassidy Johnson,Garima Jain,Allan Lavell
Rethinking the Public Fetus: Historical Perspectives on the Visual Culture of Pregnancy
Author/Editor: Elisabet Björklund,Solveig Jülich
Rethinking the Internet of Things: A Scalable Approach to Connecting Everything
Author/Editor: Francis daCosta,Byron Henderson
Rethinking the History of Democracy in Spain
Author/Editor: Antonio Herrera,Francisco Acosta
Rethinking the Future of the University
Rethinking the Future of the University
Author/Editor: Jeffrey Lyle ,David,Manganiello ,Dominic
Rethinking Theatrical Documents in Shakespeare's England
Author/Editor: Tiffany Stern
Rethinking the Anthropology of Islam: Dynamics of Change in Muslim Societies. In Honour of Roman Loimeier
Author/Editor: Ramzi Ben Amara,Katja Föllmer,Lisa Maria Franke
Rethinking the Andes–Amazonia Divide: A cross-disciplinary exploration
Author/Editor: Adrian J. Pearce,David G. Beresford-Jones,Paul Heggarty
Rethinking Teacher Education for the 21st Century: Trends, Challenges and New Directions
Author/Editor: Wioleta Danilewicz,Alicja Korzeniecka-Bondar,Marta Kowalczuk-Walędziak,Gracienne Maria Louisa Veronica Lauwers
Rethinking sustainable cities: Accessible, green and fair
Rethinking Sustainability Towards a Regenerative Economy
Author/Editor: Maria Beatrice Andreucci,Maria Beatrice Andreucci,Antonino Marvuglia,Antonino Marvuglia,Milen Baltov,Milen Baltov,Preben Hansen,Preben Hansen
Rethinking Statehood in Palestine: Self-Determination and Decolonization Beyond Partition
Author/Editor: Leila H. Farsakh
Rethinking Social Action through Music: The Search for Coexistence and Citizenship in Medellín's Music Schools
Author/Editor: Geoffrey Baker
Rethinking Secondary Mental Healthcare: A Perceptual Control Theory Perspective
Author/Editor: Robert Griffiths,Vyv Huddy,Stuart Eaton,Jasmine Waldorf,Warren Mansell
Rethinking Schooling
Author/Editor: Ian Westbury,Geoff Milburn
Rethinking Reserves in the Swiss Code of Obligations
Author/Editor: Yvette Märki
Rethinking Productivity in Software Engineering
Author/Editor: Caitlin Sadowski,Thomas Zimmermann
Rethinking Poverty
Author/Editor: Knight ,Barry
Rethinking Political Judgement: Arendt and Existentialism
Author/Editor: Maša Mrovlje
Rethinking Past and Present in Cuba: Essays in memory of Alistair Hennessy
Author/Editor: Antoni Kapcia
Rethinking Parties in Democratizing Asia
Author/Editor: Julio C. Teehankee,Christian Echle
Rethinking Orality II: The Mechanisms of the Oral Communication System in the Case of the Archaic Epos
Author/Editor: Andrea Ercolani,Laura Lulli
Rethinking Orality I: Codification, Transcodification and Transmission of 'Cultural Messages'
Author/Editor: Andrea Ercolani,Laura Lulli
Rethinking Obligation: A Feminist Method for Political Theory
Author/Editor: Nancy J. Hirschmann
Rethinking Nordic Courts
Author/Editor: Laura Ervo,Pia Letto-Vanamo,Anna Nylund
Rethinking Neolithic Societies: New Perspectives on Social Relations, Political Organization and Cohabitation
Author/Editor: Caroline Heitz,Maria Wunderlich,Martin Hinz,Martin Furholt
Re-thinking Mobility Poverty: Understanding Users' Geographies, Backgrounds and Aptitudes
Author/Editor: Tobias Kuttler,Massimo Moraglio
Rethinking Migration and Return in Southeastern Europe: Albanian Mobilities to and from Italy and Greece
Author/Editor: Eda Gemi,Anna Triandafyllidou
Rethinking Japanese Feminisms
Author/Editor: Julia C. Bullock,Ayako Kano,James Welker