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Titles start with W (852) Information
Waarborgen voor zekerheid. Een nieuw stelsel van sociale zekerheid in hoofdlijnen
Author/Editor: WRR
Waarden, normen en de last van het gedrag
Author/Editor: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid
Wachstumseffiziente Unternehmensbesteuerung
Author/Editor: Stefan Lewe
Wackenroder e Reichardt: Musica e letteratura nel primo Romanticismo tedesco
Author/Editor: Serena Alcione
Waddenland Outstanding: History, Landscape and Cultural Heritage of the Wadden Sea Region
Author/Editor: Linde Egberts,Meindert Schroor
Wadi Flash Floods: Challenges and Advanced Approaches for Disaster Risk Reduction
Author/Editor: Tetsuya Sumi,Sameh A. Kantoush,Mohamed Saber
Waffengleichheit im Vorverfahren: Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der konzeptionellen Ausgestaltung des Strafverfahrens in der Schweiz
Author/Editor: Lorenz Garland
Wagenscheins Pädagogik neu reflektiert: Mit Martin Wagenschein Bildungserfahrungen verstehen und unterstützen
Author/Editor: Marc Müller,Svantje Schumann
The Wages Crisis in Australia: What it is and what to do about it
Author/Editor: Andrew Stewart,Jim Stanford,Tess Hardy
Wage Setting, Social Pacts and the Euro
Author/Editor: Hassel ,Anke
Wagner – Weimar – Eisenach: Richard Wagner im Spannungsfeld von Kultur und Politik
Author/Editor: Helen Geyer,Kiril Georgiev,Stefan Alschner
Wag the Dog: A Study on Film and Reality in the Digital Age
Author/Editor: Eleftheria Thanouli
Wag the Dog: A Study on Film and Reality in the Digital Age
Author/Editor: Eleftheria Thanouli
Wahlen ohne Kampf?: Schweizer Parteien auf Stimmenfang, 1947–1983
Author/Editor: Zoé Kergomard
Author/Editor: Thomas Stompe
Wahrheit – Geschwindigkeit – Pluralität: Chancen und Herausforderungen durch den Buchdruck im Zeitalter der Reformation (Volume 132, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Martin Hille,Jan Martin Lies,Stefan Michel,Johann Anselm Steiger,Eike Wolgast,Hans-Peter Hasse,Stephan Füssel,He Jürgens,Armin Kohnle,Irene Dingel,Markus Müller,Andrea Hofmann,Claudine Moulin,Hans-Otto Schneider,Klaus Unterburger,Bridget Heal,Irene Dingel
Wahrheit und Nützlichkeit: Selbstbeschreibungen der Wissenschaft zwischen Autonomie und gesellschaftlicher Relevanz
Author/Editor: David Kaldewey
Wahrheit und Recht: Störung und Schutz regulatorischer, asylrechtlicher und medialer Wahrheitsfindung
Author/Editor: Björnstjern Baade
Wahrheit und Revolution: Studien zur Grundproblematik der Marx'schen Gesellschaftskritik (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Matthias Bohlender,Matthias Spekker,Anna-Sophie Schönfelder
Wahrheit und Revolution: Studien zur Grundproblematik der Marx'schen Gesellschaftskritik
Author/Editor: Matthias Bohlender,Anna-Sophie Schönfelder,Matthias Spekker
Author/Editor: Michael Weingarten
Wahrnehmen, fühlen, verstehen
Author/Editor: Christina Schmitt
Wahrnehmung - Kognition - Ästhetik: Neurobiologie und Medienwissenschaften
Author/Editor: Ralf Schnell
Wahrnehmungsvignetten. Phänomenologisch-reflexives Denken und professionelle Haltung: Studien- und Arbeitsbuch
Author/Editor: Ulrike Barth,Angelika Wiehl
Waiting and the Temporalities of Irregular Migration
Author/Editor: Christine M. Jacobsen,Marry-Anne Karlsen,Shahram Khosravi
Waiting for the Call: From Preacher's Daughter to Lesbian Mom
Author/Editor: Jacqueline Taylor
Waiting For The Revolution To End: Syrian displacement, time and subjectivity
Author/Editor: Charlotte Al-Khalili
Waldwissen: Professionalisierung der Forstwissenschaft in Hann. Münden 1868-1972
Author/Editor: Peter-Michael Steinsiek
The Walking Dead at Saqqara: Strategies of Social and Religious Interaction in Practice
Author/Editor: Lara Weiss
Walking on the Pages of the Word of God: Self, Land, and Text Among Evangelical Volunteers in Jerusalem
Author/Editor: Aron Engberg
Walking the Gendered Tightrope: Theresa May and Nancy Pelosi as Legislative Leaders
Author/Editor: Melissa Haussman,Karen M. Kedrowski
Walking with Asafo in Ghana: An Ethnographic Account of Kormantse Bentsir Warrior Music
Author/Editor: Ama Oforiwaa Aduonum
Walk on the Beach: Things from the Sea, Volume 1
Author/Editor: Maggie M. Williams,Karen Eileen Overbey
The walk without limbs: Searching for indigenous health knowledge in a rural context in South Africa
Author/Editor: Gubela Mji,Gubela Mji,Melanie Alperstein,Nondwe Bongokazi Mlenzana,Karen Galloway,Chioma Ohajunwa,Lieketseng Ned,Ntombekhaya Tshabalala
The Wallachian Gold-Washers: Unlocking the Golden Past of the Rudari Woodworkers
Author/Editor: Julieta Rotaru,David Gaunt
Author/Editor: Schiller ,Friedrich,Paulin ,Roger
Wallerstein 2.0: Thinking and Applying World-Systems Theory in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Frank Jacob
Waltzing Through Europe: Attitudes towards Couple Dances in the Long Nineteenth-Century
Author/Editor: Egil Bakka,Theresa Jill Buckland,Helena Saarikoski,Anne Von Bibra Wharton
Wampar–English Dictionary with an English–Wampar finder list
Author/Editor: Bettina Beer,Hans Fischer
Wanderers: Literature, Culture and the Open Road
Author/Editor: David Brown Morris
Wandering the Wards: An Ethnography of Hospital Care and its Consequences for People Living with Dementia
Author/Editor: Katie Featherstone,Andy Northcott
Wanderungen eines Ortes: Das Gelände der alten Messe („Staro Sajmište“), Belgrad
Author/Editor: Magdalena Saiger
Wandlungsdynamiken transnationaler Familien unter Krisenbedingungen: Biographische Perspektiven auf Familienfigurationen zwischen Spanien und Ecuador
Author/Editor: Christian Schramm
War and Genocide in South Sudan
Author/Editor: Clémence Pinaud
War and Law in the Islamic World
Author/Editor: Matthias Vanhullebusch
War and Other Means
Author/Editor: Naepels ,Michel
War and Peace in the Western Political Imagination: From Classical Antiquity to the Age of Reason
Author/Editor: Roger B. Manning
War as Entertainment and Contents Tourism in Japan
Author/Editor: Takayoshi Yamamura,Philip Seaton
War at the Margins: Indigenous Experiences in World War II
Author/Editor: Lin Poyer
The War Correspondent - Second Edition
Author/Editor: McLaughlin ,Greg
The War Correspondent - Second Edition (Edition 2)
Author/Editor: Greg McLaughlin
War der Coronavirus-Lockdown notwendig?: Versuch einer wissenschaftlichen Antwort
Author/Editor: Dirk Richter
Warez: The Infrastructure and Aesthetics of Piracy
Author/Editor: Martin Paul Eve
War in Film: Semiotics and Conflict Related Sign Constructions on the Screen
Author/Editor: Frank Jacob
Warlike and Peaceful Societies
Author/Editor: Fog ,Agner
A war of individuals: Bloomsbury attitudes to the Great War
Author/Editor: Atkin ,Jonathan
War of Words
Author/Editor: Kuitenbrouwer ,Vincent
Waropense teksten (Geelvinkbaai, Noord Nieuw-Guinea)
Waropense teksten (Geelvinkbaai, Noord Nieuw-Guinea)
War Pictures
Author/Editor: Puckett ,Kent
Warping Time: How Contending Political Forces Manipulate the Past, Present, and Future
Author/Editor: Benjamin Ginsberg,Jennifer Bachner
Warranty Obligations in Western France, 1040–1270: Law, Custom, and Lordship
Author/Editor: M.W McHaffie
Warraparna Kaurna! Reclaiming an Australian language
Author/Editor: Amery ,Rob
War Remains: Mediations of Suffering and Death in the Era of the World Wars
Author/Editor: Marie Cronqvist,Lina Sturfelt
Warriors and Politicians
Author/Editor: Charles A. Stevenson
Warsaw: Revival and realignment (Volume 3)
Author/Editor: Jacek Szlachta,European Investment Bank,Wojciech Dziemianowicz
War, Strategy and History: Essays in Honour of Professor Robert O’Neill
War, Strategy and History: Essays in Honour of Professor Robert O’Neill
Wartime Shanghai and the Jewish Refugees from Central Europe
Wartime Shanghai and the Jewish Refugees from Central Europe : Survival, Co-Existence, and Identity in a Multi-Ethnic City
Author/Editor: Eber ,Irene
War Traditions from the Qumran Caves: Re-Thinking Textual Stability and Fluidity in the War Text manuscripts
Author/Editor: Hanna Vanonen
Warum Lehrerin, warum Lehrer werden?: Motive und Selbstkonzept von Lehramtsstudierenden im internationalen Vergleich
Author/Editor: Jonas Scharfenberg
Warum machen wir nicht einfach Inklusion?: Entwicklung einer Theorie schulischer Inklusion
Author/Editor: Jennifer Lambrecht
Warum treffen sich soziale Bewegungen?: Vom Wert der Begegnung: Interaktionssoziologische Perspektiven auf das Weltsozialforum
Author/Editor: Rainald Manthe
Warum weinen?: Eine Geschichte des Trauerns im liberalen Italien (1850–1915)
Author/Editor: Moritz Buchner
Was beeinflusst den Erfolg beim Problemlösen in der Physik?
Author/Editor: Martina Brandenburger
Was die Partikeln bedeuten: Eine kontrastive Analyse Russisch-Deutsch.
Author/Editor: Lew Zybatow
Was heisst und zu welchem Ende studiert man romanische Literaturwissenschaft?: Potsdamer Vorlesungen zur Romanistik
Author/Editor: Ottmar Ette
Was heißt digitale Souveränität?: Diskurse, Praktiken und Voraussetzungen »individueller« und »staatlicher Souveränität« im digitalen Zeitalter
Author/Editor: Georg Glasze,Eva Odzuck,Ronald Staples
Was ist den Buergern die Verminderung eines Risikos wert?: Eine Anwendung des kontingenten Bewertungsansatzes auf das Giftmuellrisiko
Author/Editor: Anselm Römer
Was ist eine Universität?: Schlaglichter auf eine ruinierte Institution
Author/Editor: Ulrike Haß,Nikolaus Müller-Schöll
Was ist Gesundheit?: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven aus Medizin, Geschichte und Kultur
Author/Editor: Philip Eijk,Detlev Ganten,Roman Marek
Was ist Public Interest Design?: Beiträge zur Gestaltung öffentlicher Interessen
Author/Editor: Christoph Rodatz,Pierre Smolarski
Was ist Strafverteidigung?: Eine Praxiseinführung
Author/Editor: Stephan Bernard,Daniel Huerlimann,Marc Thommen
Was ist wahre Freiheit?: Epiktet
Author/Editor: Samuel Vollenweider
Was kann der Staat?
Was kann der Staat? : Eine Analyse der rot-grünen Reformen in der Sozialpolitik
Author/Editor: Meyer ,Hendrik
Was macht die Digitalisierung mit der Politik?: Einwürfe und Provokationen
Author/Editor: Robin Schmidt,Björn Klein
Wasser als Gemeinsames: Potenziale und Probleme von Commoning bei Konflikten der Wasserbewirtschaftung (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Johannes Euler
Wasserträume und Wasserräume im Staatssozialismus: Ein umwelthistorischer Vergleich anhand der tschechoslowakischen und rumänischen Wasserwirtschaft 1948–1989 (Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Arnošt Štanzel,Martin Schulze Wessel,Ulf Brunnbauer
Was sprach der eine zum anderen? Argumentationsformen in den sumerischen Rangstreitgesprächen
Author/Editor: Catherine Mittermayer
Waste and the City: The Crisis of Sanitation and the Right to Citylife
Author/Editor: Colin Mcfarlane
Waste: Capitalism and the Dissolution of the Human in Twentieth-Century Theater
Author/Editor: Jessica Rizzo
Waste PET-MOF-Cleanwater: Waste PET-Derived Metal-Organic Framework (MOFs) as Cost-Effective Adsorbents for Removal of Hazardous Elements from Polluted Water
Author/Editor: Jianwei Ren,Philiswa Nosizo Nomngongo,Tien-Chien Jen
Waste Stabilisation Ponds
Waste Stabilisation Ponds
Author/Editor: Von Sperling ,Marcos
Wastewater Characteristics, Treatment and Disposal
Author/Editor: Von Sperling ,Marcos
Wastewater Characteristics, Treatment and Disposal
Wastiary: A bestiary of waste
Author/Editor: Michael Hennessy Picard,Albert Brenchat Aguilar,Timothy Carroll,Jane Gilbert,Nicola Miller
Was vom Himmel kommt: Stoffanalytische Zugänge zu antiken Mythen aus Mesopotamien, Ägypten, Griechenland und Rom
Author/Editor: Gösta Ingvar Gabriel,Brit Kärger,Annette Zgoll,Christian Zgoll
Was vom Krieg übrig bleibt
Was vom Krieg übrig bleibt : Unfriedliche Beziehungen in Sierra Leone
Author/Editor: Menzel ,Anne
Watch and Learn
Author/Editor: Masson ,Eef
Watchful Lives in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands
Author/Editor: Catherine Whittaker,Eveline Dürr,Jonathan Alderman,Carolin Luiprecht
Watching, Waiting: The Photographic Representation of Empty Places
Author/Editor: Sandra Krizic Roban,Ana Sverko
Water and Earthquakes
Author/Editor: Chi-Yuen Wang,Michael Manga
Water and Heritage: Material, conceptual and spiritual connections
Author/Editor: Willem J.H. Willems,Henk van Schaik
Water and Los Angeles: A Tale of Three Rivers, 1900–1941
Author/Editor: Deverell ,William,Sitton ,Tom
Water and Los Angeles: A Tale of Three Rivers, 1900–1941
Author/Editor: William Deverell
Water and Society: Changing Perceptions of Societal and Historical Development
Author/Editor: Terje Tvedt
The Water Balance of the Alps – What do we need to protect the water resources of the Alps? Proceedings of the Conference held at Innsbruck University, 28-29 September 2006
Author/Editor: Psenner ,Roland,Lackner ,Reinhard
Waterbeheer en waterveiligheid - 39
Author/Editor: Leeuwe van ,P.J.H.
Waterborne: Vietnamese Australians and Sydney's Georges River parks and green spaces
Author/Editor: Heather Goodall,Alison Cadzow,Denis Byrne,Stephen Wearing
Water, Energy, and Environment: A Primer
Author/Editor: Allan Hoffman
Water-filtered Infrared A (wIRA) Irradiation: From Research to Clinical Settings
Author/Editor: Peter Vaupel
Water for Energy and Fuel Production
Author/Editor: Yatish T. Shah
Water interactions: A systemic view : Why we need to comprehend the water-climate-energy-food-economics-lifestyle connections
Author/Editor: Gustaf Olsson
Water in Times of Climate Change: A Values-driven Dialogue
Author/Editor: Jan Jorrit Hasselaar,Elisabeth IJmker
Waterlands: : Prehistoric Life at Bar Pasture, Pode Hole Quarry, Peterborough
Author/Editor: Andy Richmond,Karen Francis
Water management systems at Shikha Ecovillage
Author/Editor: Sibaji Panda,Santanu Panda,Ulrike Zeshan
Water Resources Allocation and Agriculture: Transitioning from open to regulated access
Author/Editor: Josselin Rouillard
Water Resource Systems Planning and Management: An Introduction to Methods, Models, and Applications
Author/Editor: Daniel P. Loucks,Eelco van Beek
Water Rites: Reimagining Water in the West
Author/Editor: Jim Ellis
Water Security, Conflict and Cooperation in Peri-Urban South Asia: Flows across Boundaries
Author/Editor: Vishal Narain,Dik Roth
Water Security in the Middle East
Water Services Management and Governance: Lessons for a Sustainable Future
Author/Editor: Tapio Katko,Petri Juuti
Watership Down: Perspectives On and Beyond Animated Violence
Author/Editor: Catherine Lester
Water Societies and Technologies from the Past and Present
Author/Editor: Mark Altaweel,Yijie Zhuang
Waters of Belonging: Al-miyahu Tajma'unah: Arabic Australians and the Georges River Parklands
Author/Editor: Heather Goodall,Denis Byrne,Alison Cadzow,Stephen Wearing
Water Stewardship
Author/Editor: Pernille Ingildsen
Water Supply and Sanitation for All
Water-Wise Cities and Sustainable Water Systems: Concepts, Technologies, and Applications
Author/Editor: Guangtao Fu,Xiaochang C. Wang
The Watlington Hoard: Coinage, Kings and the Viking Great Army in Oxfordshire, AD875–880
Author/Editor: John Naylor,Eleanor Standley
Watriama and Co: Further Pacific Islands Portraits
Author/Editor: Laracy ,Hugh
Waveguide-Based Photonic Sensors: From Devices to Robust Systems
Author/Editor: Johannes Milvich
Wavelet Analysis for the Extraction of Morphological Features for Orthopaedic Bearing Surfaces
Author/Editor: Jiang ,X.,Zeng ,W.,Scott ,Paul J.
Wavelet Analysis on the Sphere: Spheroidal Wavelets
Author/Editor: Anouar Ben Mabrouk,Sabrine Arfaoui,Imen Rezgui
Wavelet Transforms and Their Recent Applications in Biology and Geoscience
The Way Ahead
The Way Ahead : Meeting Canada's Productivity Challenge
Author/Editor: Brzustowski ,Tom
Ways into Shakespeare's Sonnets
Author/Editor: Helen Vendler
Ways of Being Ethnic in Southwest China
Author/Editor: Stevan Harrell
Ways of Following: Art, Materiality, Collaboration
Author/Editor: Katve-Kaisa Kontturi
The Way Things Go
Author/Editor: Louis Bury
W. B. Yeats e la cultura italiana
Author/Editor: Fantaccini, Fiorenzo
The Weaker Sex in War: Gender and Nationalism in Civil War Virginia
Author/Editor: Kristen Brill
Weakly Nonlinear Systems: With Applications in Communications Systems
Author/Editor: Federico Beffa
Weak Scale Supersymmetry: From Superfields to Scattering Events
Author/Editor: Howard Baer,Xerxes Tata
Wealth and Power: Philosophical Perspectives
Author/Editor: Michael Bennett,Huub Brouwer,Rutger Claassen
Wealth Creation without Pollution: Designing for Industry, Ecobusiness Parks and Industrial Estates
Author/Editor: Brian D'Arcy,Lee-Hyung Kim,Marla Maniquiz-Redillas
The Wealthy, the Brilliant, the Few: Elite Education in Contemporary American Discourse
Author/Editor: Sophie Spieler
Weana Tanz (Wiener Tänze)
Author/Editor: Deutsch ,Walter,Weber ,Ernst
Weaponising Speculation
Author/Editor: Caoimhe Doyle
»We Are All Activists«: Exploring Solidarities in Activism By, With and For Refugees and Migrants in Hamburg
Author/Editor: Lea Rzadtki
'We Are All Here to Stay': Citizenship, Sovereignty and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Author/Editor: Dominic O'Sullivan
We Are Not Amused: Failed Humor in Interaction
Author/Editor: Nancy Bell
“We are not only English Jews—we are Jewish Englishmen”: The Making of an Anglo-Jewish Identity, 1840–1880
Author/Editor: Sara Abosch-Jacobson
Weary Warriors: Power, Knowledge, and the Invisible Wounds of Soldiers
Author/Editor: Pamela Moss,Michael J. Prince
Weather & Climate Services for the Energy Industry
Author/Editor: Alberto Troccoli
Weaving Solidarity: Decolonial Perspectives on Transnational Advocacy of and with the Mapuche
Author/Editor: Sebastian Garbe
The Web as History
The Web as History
The Web as History : Using Web Archives to Understand the Past and the Present
A Web-Based Approach to Measure Skill Mismatches and Skills Profiles for a Developing Country: The Case of Colombia"
Author/Editor: Jeisson Arley Cárdenas Rubio
Web Writing: Why and How for Liberal Arts Teaching and Learning
Author/Editor: Jack Dougherty,Tennyson O'Donnell
We cannot continue like this: Facing modernity in Africa and Europe
Author/Editor: Attie van Niekerk,Attie van Niekerk,Sytse Strijbos,Sytse Strijbos,Kristy Langerman,Louisa Farina Lindeque,Montagu Murray,Christiaan Pauw,le Roux
Wechselkurspolitik des Eurolandes: Konfliktstoff fuer die neue waehrungspolitische Aera
Author/Editor: Henrik Müller
Wechselkurspolitik in Mittel- und Osteuropa: Eine theoretische Analyse unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Erfahrungen der zehn Kandidaten fuer eine EU-Osterweiterung
Author/Editor: Axel Gerloff
Wechselkurssicherungsstrategien exportorientierter Unternehmen: Effizienzmessung von regelgebundenen Selektionsentscheidungen
Author/Editor: Christian Geier
Wechselwirkungen zwischen Landnutzung und Klimawandel
Author/Editor: Horst Gömann,Johanna Fick
We Dream Together
We Dream Together : Dominican Independence, Haiti, and the Fight for Caribbean Freedom
Author/Editor: Eller ,Anne
Wees positief!: Voorbij de retoriek van empowerment in het sociale domein
Author/Editor: Richard de Brabander
Wegbegleitung, Trost und Hoffnung: Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zum Umgang mit Sterben, Tod und Trauer
Author/Editor: Johannes Jungbauer,Rainer Krockauer
Wege aus der Insolvenz: Eine Analyse der Fortfuehrung und Sanierung insolventer Klein- und Mittelbetriebe unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung des Konfigurationsansatzes
Author/Editor: Markus Imgrund
Wege der Erreichbarkeit sozioökonomisch benachteiligter Familien: Ein umsetzungsorientierter Dialog zwischen Forschung und Praxis in der Suchtprävention
Author/Editor: Andreas Pfister,Nikola Koschmieder,Sabrina Wyss
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 2) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 1) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 10) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 5) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 11) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 12) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 6) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 8) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 9) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 4) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 3) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive: Akten des XIV. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung fuer Germanistik (IVG) (Bd. 7) - Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik - Beihefte
Author/Editor: Laura Auteri
Wege der Kooperation im Kontext inklusiver Bildung
Author/Editor: Björn Serke,Bettina Streese
Wegekostenfinanzierung und Lenkung im deregulierten europaeischen Verkehrsmarkt
Author/Editor: Axel Hennighausen
Wege nach Translantis: Leitfaden für Übersetzer: Niederländisch – Deutsch (Volume 6)
Author/Editor: Lisa Mensing,Lut Missinne
Wege zu einer erklaerungsorientierten Linguistik im systemtheoretischen Paradigma: Grundlagentheoretische Untersuchungen
Author/Editor: Walther Kindt
Wege zum illuminierten Buch
Author/Editor: Tif ,Armand,Amstrong ,Lilian,Schwarz ,Michael Viktor,Saurma Jeltsch ,Liselotte,Rob Santer ,Carmen,Rischpler ,Susanne,Pfändtner ,Karl-Georg,Hranitzky ,Katharina,Eberlein ,Konrad,Cermann ,Regina
Wege zur Integration: Lebenswelten muslimischer Jugendlicher in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Halit Öztürk
Wehali: The Female Land: Traditions of a Timorese Ritual Centre
Author/Editor: Tom Therik
Wehrgerechtigkeit als finanzpolitisches Verteilungsproblem: Moeglichkeiten einer Kompensation von Wehrungerechtigkeit durch monetaere Transfers
Author/Editor: Konrad Beiwinkel
Weibliche Genitalbeschneidung im Kontext von Migration
Author/Editor: Isabelle Ihring
Weiblichkeit – Ansätze zur Theoretisierung
Author/Editor: Antje Langer,Claudia Mahs,Barbara Rendtorff
Weiblichkeit – Macht – Männlichkeit: Perspektiven für eine Geschlechtergeschichte der Antike
Author/Editor: Jan B. Meister,Seraina Ruprecht
Weißbuch Gelenkersatz: Versorgungssituation bei endoprothetischen Hüft- und Knieoperationen in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Hans-Holger Bleß,Miriam Kip
Weißbuch Multiple Sklerose: Versorgungssituation in Deutschland
Author/Editor: M. Kip,T. Schönfelder,H.-H. Bleß
The Weight of Love
Author/Editor: Davis ,Robert Glenn
Weißrussische Anthologie: Ein Lesebuch zur weißrussischen Literatur (mit deutschen Uebersetzungen)
Author/Editor: Ferdinand Neureiter
Weismanns Petersburger Lexikon von 1731: Teil 1. Nachdruck der Ausgabe SPb. 1731
Author/Editor: Erich Weismann
Weismanns Petersburger Lexikon von 1731: Teil 2. Nachdruck der Ausgabe SPb. 1731
Author/Editor: Erik Weismann
Weismanns Petersburger Lexikon von 1731: Teil 3: Grammatischer Anhang. Nachdruck der Ausgabe SPb. 1731
Author/Editor: Erik Weismann
Weissbuch Gastroenterologie 2020/2021 Erkrankungen des Magen-Darm-Traktes, der Leber und der Bauchspeicheldrüse – Gegenwart und Zukunft
Author/Editor: Frank Lammert,Petra Lynen Jansen,Markus M. Lerch
Weissbuch Gastroenterologie 2023/24: Erkrankungen des Magen-Darm-Traktes, der Leber und der Bauchspeicheldrüse – Gegenwart und Zukunft
Author/Editor: Frank Lammert,Petra Lynen Jansen,Markus M. Lerch,Heiner Wedemeyer
weiterbilden#weiterdenken: Den Strukturwandel in der Metall- und Elektro- industrie durch berufliche Weiterbildung gestalten
Author/Editor: Stefan Baron,Peer-Michael Dick
Weiterbildung an Hochschulen
Weiterbildungsbeteiligung sogenannter "bildungsferner Gruppen": in sozialraumorientierter Forschungsperspektive
Author/Editor: Ewelina Mania
Weiterbildungsgutscheine: Wirkungen eines Finanzierungsmodells in vier europäischen Ländern (Volume 21)
Author/Editor: Bernd Käpplinger,Erik Haberzeth,Rosemarie Klein
Weiterbildungspartizipation und Bildungsurlaub: Theorie, Forschungsstand und empirische Analyse (Volume 41)
Author/Editor: Lena Heidemann,Sabine Schmidt-Lauff,Julia Schütz
Weiterbildungsstatistik im Verbund 2016 - Kompakt
Author/Editor: Heike Horn,Thomas Lux,Ingrid Ambos
Weiterbildungsstatistik im Verbund 2017 - Kompakt
Author/Editor: Heike Horn,Thomas Lux,Johannes Christ,Ingrid Ambos
Weiterbildungsstatistik im Verbund: Ergebnisse für das Berichtsjahr 2018
Author/Editor: Johannes Christ,Heike Horn,Thomas Lux
Author/Editor: Holzer ,Daniela
Weiterbildungswiderstand : Eine kritische Theorie der Verweigerung
Author/Editor: Holzer ,Daniela
Weiterentwicklung von Modellen betrieblichen Lerne ns: Durch Einbezug des Lernens mit digitalen Medien (Volume 58)
Author/Editor: Tanja Arnold
Welche Öffentlichkeit brauchen wir?: Zur Zukunft des Journalismus und demokratischer Medien
Author/Editor: Jupp Legrand,Benedikt Linden,Hans-Jürgen Arlt
Welchen Finanzausgleich braucht Europa?: Ein konkreter Vorschlag zur Neugestaltung der europaeischen Finanzbeziehungen mit Simulationsmodell
Author/Editor: Holger Niermann
Welche Rechte braucht die Natur?: Wege aus dem Artensterben
Author/Editor: Frank Adloff,Tanja Busse
Welcome to Europe - Die Grenzen des europäischen Migrationsrechts
Welcome to Europe - Die Grenzen des europäischen Migrationsrechts : Juridische Auseinandersetzungen um das "Staatsprojekt Europa"
Author/Editor: Buckel ,Sonja
Welcoming Africa's children
Author/Editor: Grobbelaar ,Jan,Breed ,Gert
Wellbeing: Alternative Policy Perspectives
Author/Editor: Timothy Besley,IRENE BUCELLI
Wellbeing and Devolution: Reframing the Role of Government in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
Author/Editor: Jennifer Wallace
Well-Being and Mental Health in the Gig Economy: Policy Perspectives on Precarity
Author/Editor: Sally-Anne Gross,George Musgrave,Laima Janciute
Wellbeing Economics: The Capabilities Approach to Prosperity
Author/Editor: Paul Dalziel,Caroline Saunders,Joe Saunders
Wellbeing, Freedom and Social Justice
Author/Editor: Robeyns ,Ingrid
Wellbeing of Transnational Muslim Families: Marriage, Law and Gender
Author/Editor: Marja Tiilikainen,Mulki Al-Sharmani,Sanna Mustasaari
Well-being, Sustainability and Social Development: The Netherlands 1850–2050
Author/Editor: Harry Lintsen,Frank Veraart,Jan-Pieter Smits,John Grin
Wellness in Whiteness: Biomedicalization and the Promotion of Whiteness and Youth among Women
Author/Editor: Amina Mire
Weltagrarbericht: Bericht zu Afrika südlich der Sahara (SSA)/
Author/Editor: Stephan Albrecht
Weltagrarbericht: Synthesebericht
Author/Editor: Albrecht ,Stephan,Engel ,Albert
Welt als ideales Artefakt: Eine Geschichte von Ideen und Konstrukten
Author/Editor: Ulrich Gehmann
"Weltbeziehung": The Study of our Relationship to the World
Author/Editor: Bettina Hollstein,Hartmut Rosa,Jörg Rüpke
Weltbildgesteuerte Wirklichkeitskonstruktion: Beitraege zum Phaenomen Weltbild
Author/Editor: Michael Fleischer
Weltereignisse und Massenmedien: Zur Theorie des Weltmedienereignisses: Studien zu John F. Kennedy, Lady Diana und der Titanic
Author/Editor: Christian Morgner
Author/Editor: Theresa Wobbe
Weltmarktintegration, Wachstum und Innovationsverhalten in Schwellenlaendern: Eine theoretische Diskussion mit einer Fallstudie ueber «Argentinien 1990-1999»
Author/Editor: Matthias Blum
Welt.Raum.Körper: Transformationen und Entgrenzungen von Körper und Raum
Author/Editor: Carsten Würmann,Martina Schuegraf,Sandra Smykalla,Angela Poppitz
Weltweit und virtuell - Praxisbeispiele aus dem digitalen Hochschulmarketing
Weltwirtschaftsstatistik: Internationale Wirtschaftsstatistik und die Geschichte der Globalisierung, 1850–1950
Author/Editor: Martin Bemmann
WeltWissen : Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in der Weltgesellschaft
Wende und Ãœbergang
Wende und Übergang : Die Kulturpolitik Bulgariens, 1989-2012
Author/Editor: Alexandrov ,Alexandar
Wende, und dann? Die Verkehrsentwicklung in der Region Berlin-Brandenburg seit der Wiedervereinigung
Author/Editor: Alexander Kendziora
Wendezeiten in der bulgarischen Literatur
Author/Editor: Burneva, Nikolina
We Need to Do This: A History of the Women's Shelter Movement in Alberta and the Alberta Council of Women's Shelters
Author/Editor: Alexandra Zabjek
'We Need Two Worlds':
Author/Editor: Minghuan ,Li
Wenn Parlamente vors Volk ziehen: Ratsreferenden in der kommunalen Demokratie
Author/Editor: Nils Arne Brockmann
Werbeblocker im Internet: Eine Beurteilung nach dem Urheber- und Lauterkeitsrecht, zugleich ein Beitrag zum Begriff des Mitbewerbers im Lauterkeitsrecht (Volume 126)
Author/Editor: Jonathan Jung
Werbung und Identität im multikulturellen Raum: Der Werbediskurs in Luxemburg. Ein kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Beitrag
Author/Editor: Sebastian Reddeker
Wereld van verschil: Sociale ongelijkheid vanuit een moreel perspectief
Author/Editor: Naomi Ellemers
»Wer helfen kann, der helfe!«: Deutsche SklavereigegnerInnen und die atlantische Abolitionsbewegung, 1780–1860
Author/Editor: Sarah Lentz
Werk en inkomsten na massaontslag
Author/Editor: Scheele ,Dirk,Gaalen van ,Ruben,Rooijen van ,Johan
Werkloosheid en inkomens bij etnische minderheden; een analyse op basis van het woningbehoefte-onderzoek 1985/86
Author/Editor: Praag van ,C.S.
Werkloosheidsbestrijding in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Haag en Utrecht
Author/Editor: Derksen ,W.J.,Luijk van ,E.W.,Hoed den ,P.
Werkprogramma 2011-2012
Author/Editor: WRR
Werkprogramma voor de derde Raadsperiode 1983-1987 deel 1
Author/Editor: WRR
Werkprogramma voor de derde Raadsperiode 1983-1987; deel 2
Author/Editor: WRR
Werkprogramma voor de vierde Raadsperiode 1988-1992 deel 1
Author/Editor: WRR
Werkstatt Multihalle – Contemporary Living Experiments
Author/Editor: Ralf Pasel,Kerstin Schultz,Stefan Krötsch,Tatjana Dürr,César Trujillo Moya
Werkzeuge und Konzepte für die Untersuchung und Entwicklung zukünftiger Kfz-Bremssysteme
Author/Editor: Christian Riese
Werkzeug- und Prozessentwicklung des Roll-to-Roll-Hochdurchsatzverfahrens zur kontinuierlichen, großflächigen Mikrostrukturierung
Author/Editor: Andreas Maximilian Striegel
Werner Kofler: Kommentierte Werkausgabe, Bd. IV
Werner Kofler: Kommentierte Werkausgabe, Bd. V
Wer organisiert die Entbehrlichen?
Wer organisiert die "Entbehrlichen"? : Viertelgestalterinnen und Viertelgestalter in benachteiligten Stadtquartieren
Author/Editor: Hoeft ,Christoph,Klatt ,Johanna,Klimmeck ,Annike,Kopp ,Julia,Messinger-Zimmer ,Sören,Rugenstein ,Jonas,Walter ,Franz
Wer sucht, kann gefunden werden: Problemgeschichten der Wissensorganisation von der Scholastik bis zur Suchmaschinenforschung
Author/Editor: Robin Schrade
Wertorientierte Managemententlohnung, Unternehmensrechnung und Investitionssteuerung: Analyse unter Beruecksichtigung von Realoptionen
Author/Editor: Nils Crasselt
Wertorientierte Steuerung dezentraler Entscheidungstraeger im Produktlebenszyklus: Integration von wertorientierter Unternehmenssteuerung und strategischem Kosten- und Erloesmanagement auf Produktebene
Author/Editor: Jochen Hönninger
Author/Editor: Şeyda Ozil,Michael Hofmann,Jens Peter Laut,Yasemin Dayıoğlu-Yücel,Cornelia Zierau,Didem Ucaq
Wertorientierungen und Wahlverhalten: Effekte gesellschaftlicher Wertorientierungen bei den Bundestagswahlen 2009 - 2017
Author/Editor: L. Constantin Wurthmann
Wertschöpfung hybrid gestalten: Geschäftsmodellentwicklung und Arbeitsgestaltung in der Digitalisierung
Wer wird gefördert?: Die Konstruktion von Stipendienwürdigkeit durch Lehrer:innen
Author/Editor: Franziska Sophie Proskawetz
Wesen und Funktion des Geldes im Sozialismus
Author/Editor: Stefan Varga
We Shall Not Be Moved/No nos moverán
Author/Editor: David Spener
We Shall Not Be Moved/No nos moverán
Author/Editor: Spener ,David
West African Masking Traditions and Diaspora Masquerade Carnivals: History, Memory, and Transnationalism
Author/Editor: Raphael Chijioke Njoku
West African Youth Challenges and Opportunity Pathways
Author/Editor: Mora L. McLean
West Cotton, Raunds: A Study of Medieval Settlement Dynamics AD 450-1450. Excavation of a deserted medieval hamlet in Northamptonshire, 1985-89
Author/Editor: Andy Chapman
Western Anatolia before Troy
Western Anatolia before Troy. Proto-Urbanisation in the 4th Millenium BC? : Proceedings of the International Symposium held at the Kunsthistorisces Museum Wien Vienna, Austria, 21-24 November, 2012
Western Arabia in the Leiden Collections. Traces of a Colourful Past
Author/Editor: Mols ,Luitgard,Vrolijk ,Arnoud
The Western Karaim Torah: A Critical Edition of a Manuscript from 1720
Author/Editor: Michał Németh
Western Mesoamerican Calendars and Writing Systems: Proceedings of the Copenhagen Roundtable
Author/Editor: Mikkel Bøg Clemmensen,Christophe Helmke
Westeuropa und Rußland im Weltbild Aleksandr Bloks
Author/Editor: Rolf-Dieter Kluge
West Indian intellectuals in Britain:
Author/Editor: Schwarz ,Bill
The West in Early Cinema
Author/Editor: Verhoeff ,Nanna
Westliche Moderne, Christentum und Islam
Author/Editor: Palaver ,Wolfgang,Siebenrock A. ,Roman,Regensburger ,Dietmar
West-östliche Wahlverwandtschaften: Hans Bethge und die historischen und ästhetischen Konstellationen um 1900
Author/Editor: Yixu Lü,Gerhard Lauer
Westward on the High-Hilled Plains: The Later Prehistory of the West Midlands
Author/Editor: Derek Hurst
Wetenschap in Nederland. Waar een klein land groot in is en moet blijven
Author/Editor: Dijck van ,Dijck,Saarloos van ,Wim
We, the City: Plurality and Resistance in Berlin and Istanbul
Author/Editor: Tuba İnal-Çekiç,Urszula Ewa Woźniak
Wetlands and Water Framework Directive
Author/Editor: Stefan Ignar,Mateusz Grygoruk
Wetland Technology: Practical Information on the Design and Application of Treatment Wetlands
Author/Editor: Guenter Langergraber,Gabriela Dotro
Wettbewerb im Arzneimittel- und Krankenhausbereich: 17. Bad Orber Gespraeche ueber kontroverse Themen im Gesundheitswesen
Author/Editor: Eberhard Wille
Wettbewerb im Gesundheitswesen: Chancen und Grenzen: 11. Bad Orber Gespraeche- 16.-18. November 2006
Author/Editor: Eberhard Wille,Klaus Knabner
Wettbewerbsvorteile durch Integration von Geschaeftsaktivitaeten: Ein zeitablaufbezogener wettbewerbsstrategischer Analyseansatz unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung des Einsatzes von Kommunikations- und Informationssystemen (KIS)
Author/Editor: Nicolaus Henke
Wettbewerbsvorteile durch strategisches Betriebsformenmanagement: Ein dynamischer Bezugsrahmen fuer Einzelhandelsunternehmen
Author/Editor: Vera Südmeyer
We Used to Wait: Music Videos and Creative Literacy
Author/Editor: Rebecca Kinskey
We Were All in Adam: The Unity of Mankind in Adam in the Teaching of the Church Fathers
Author/Editor: Marta Przyszychowska
WeXel oder Die Musik einer Landschaft
Author/Editor: Deutsch ,Walter,Sieder ,Erika
What about Asia?
What are Qualitative Research Ethics?
Author/Editor: Rose Wiles
What Caused the Big Bang?
Author/Editor: Rem B. Edwards
What does the honeybee see? And how do we know?
Author/Editor: Horridge ,Adrian
What Do Science, Technology, and Innovation Mean from Africa?
What drives firms' investment in climate action?
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
What drives firms' investment in climate change?: Evidence from the 2022-2023 EIB Investment Survey
What Drowns the Flowers in Your Mouth: A Memoir of Brotherhood
Author/Editor: Rigoberto González
What Even Is Gender?
Author/Editor: R. A. Briggs,B. R. George
Whatever Happened to Frank and Fearless?
Author/Editor: MacDermott ,Kathy
Whatever Happened to Tory Liverpool?: Success, Decline and Irrelevance since 1945
Author/Editor: David Jeffery
What Future for Political Islam
Author/Editor: Fuller ,G.,Kurpershoek ,M.
What Good Condition?
Author/Editor: Read ,Peter,Meyers ,Gary,Reece ,Bob
What, if anything, are species?
Author/Editor: Brent D. Mishler
What if we could reimagine copyright?
What is Academic Freedom?: A Century of Debate, 1915–Present
Author/Editor: Daniel Gordon
What Is a Family?: Answers from Early Modern Japan
Author/Editor: Mary Elizabeth Berry,Marcia Yonemoto
What Is Antiracism?: And Why It Means Anticapitalism
Author/Editor: Arun Kundnani
What is Authorial Philology?
Author/Editor: Paola Italia,Giulia Raboni,MARCO PRESOTTO,Sònia Boadas,Margherita CENTENARI,Francesco Feriozzi,Carmela Marranchino,Olga Beloborodova
What is Digital Journalism Studies?
Author/Editor: Steen Steensen,Oscar Westlund
What is Discourse Analysis?
Author/Editor: Stephanie Taylor
What is Europe?: Second Edition
Author/Editor: Anna Triandafyllidou,Ruby Gropas
What is Good Academic Writing?: Insights into Discipline-Specific Student Writing
Author/Editor: Melinda Whong,Jeanne Godfrey
What is Narrative Research?
Author/Editor: Corinne Squire,Molly Andrews,Mark Davis,Cigdem Esin,Barbara Harrison,Lars-Christer Hyden,Margareta Hyden
What is New in Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Author/Editor: Ioan Sporea,Alina Popescu
What is Online Research?: Using the Internet for Social Science Research
Author/Editor: Tristram Hooley,Jane Wellens,John Marriott
What Is Philosophy?
Author/Editor: Michael Munro
What is Public Trust in the Health System?: Insights into Health Data Use
Author/Editor: Felix Gille
What is Qualitative Interviewing?
Author/Editor: Rosalind Edwards,Janet Holland
What is Qualitative Research?
Author/Editor: Martyn Hammersley
What is Québécois Literature?: Reflections on the Literary History of Francophone Writing in Canada
Author/Editor: Rosemary Chapman
What is Social Network Analysis?
Author/Editor: John Scott
What is the Avatar?: Fiction and Embodiment in Avatar-Based Singleplayer Computer Games. Revised and Commented Edition
Author/Editor: Rune Klevjer
What Kind of Island in What Kind of Sea?
Author/Editor: Franz Fühmann
What Literature Knows: Forays into Literary Knowledge Production
Author/Editor: Antje Kley,Kai Merten
What Makes a Church Sacred?: Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity
Author/Editor: Mary K. Farag
What Makes Writing Academic: Rethinking Theory for Practice
Author/Editor: Julia Molinari
What People Leave Behind: Marks, Traces, Footprints and their Relevance to Knowledge Society
Author/Editor: Francesca Comunello,Fabrizio Martire,Lorenzo Sabetta
What Photographs Do: The making and remaking of museum cultures
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Edwards,Ella Ravilious
What Politics?: Youth and Political Engagement in Africa
Author/Editor: Elina Oinas,Henri Onodera,Leena Suurpää
What’s France got to do with it?: Contemporary memoirs of Australians in France
Author/Editor: Juliana de Nooy
What Should Schools Teach?: Disciplines, subjects and the pursuit of truth
Author/Editor: Alka Sehgal Cuthbert,Alex Standish
What’s Left of the Left?: Democrats and Social Democrats in Challenging Times
Author/Editor: James Cronin,George Ross,James Shoch
What Was Artificial Intelligence?
Author/Editor: Sue Curry Jansen
What We Now Know about Race and Ethnicity
Author/Editor: Michael Banton
What Will Be Already Exists: Temporalities of Cold War Archives in East-Central Europe and Beyond
Author/Editor: Emese Kürti,Zsuzsa László
What Works in Conservation: 2017
What Works in Conservation: 2018
Author/Editor: William J. Sutherland,Lynn V. Dicks,Nancy Ockendon,Silviu O. Petrovan,Rebecca Smith
What Works in Conservation 2020
Author/Editor: William J. Sutherland,Lynn V. Dicks,Silviu O. Petrovan,Rebecca K. Smith
What Works in Conservation 2021
Author/Editor: William J. Sutherland,Lynn V. Dicks,Silviu O. Petrovan,Rebecca K. Smith
What Works in Improving Gender Equality: International Best Practice in Childcare and Long-term Care Policy
Author/Editor: Kirstein Rummery,Craig McAngus,Alcuin Edwards
What Would Hercules Do?: Lessons for Autistic Children Using Classical Myth
Author/Editor: Professor Susan Deacy
Wheat Evolution and Domestication
Author/Editor: Moshe Feldman,Avraham A. Levy
Wheat Improvement: Food Security in a Changing Climate
Author/Editor: Matthew P. Reynolds,Hans-Joachim Braun
When a Human Gives Birth to a Raven: Rabbis and the Reproduction of Species
Author/Editor: Rafael Rachel Neis
When Can Oil Economies Be Deemed Sustainable?
Author/Editor: Giacomo Luciani,Tom Moerenhout
Whence They Came
Whence They Came : Deportation from Canada 1900 - 1935
Author/Editor: Roberts ,Barbara
When Children Draw Gods: A Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Approach to Children's Representations of Supernatural Agents
Author/Editor: Pierre-Yves Brandt,Zhargalma Dandarova-Robert,Christelle Cocco,Dominique Vinck,Frédéric Darbellay
When Europa meets Bismarck. How Europe is used in the Australian Healthfare System
Author/Editor: Thomas Kostera
When Gods Speak to Men: Divine Speech according to Textual Sources in the Ancient Mediterranean Basin
Author/Editor: Stéphanie Anthonioz,Alice Mouton,Daniel Petit
When Juvenile Delinquency Became an International Post-War Concern: The United Nations, the Council of Europe and the Place of Greece
Author/Editor: Efi Avdela
When Music Takes Over in Film
Author/Editor: Anna K. Windisch,Claus Tieber,Phil Powrie
When poetry comes to its senses: * inscribed Roman verse and the human sensorium : Chapter 7 of Dynamic Epigraphy: New Approaches to Inscriptions
Author/Editor: Eleri H. Cousins
When populism meets nationalism: Reflections on Parties in Power
Author/Editor: Alberto Martinelli
When Protest Becomes Crime: Politics and Law in Liberal Democracies
Author/Editor: Carolijn Terwindt
When Protest Makes Policy: How Social Movements Represent Disadvantaged Groups
Author/Editor: Sirje Laurel Weldon
When Right Makes Might: Rising Powers and World Order
Author/Editor: Goddard Stacie
When the Nerds Go Marching In: How Digital Technology Moved from the Margins to the Mainstream of Political Campaigns
Author/Editor: Rachel K. Gibson
When Tibetan Meditation Goes Global: A Study of the Adaptation of Bon Religious Practices in the West
Author/Editor: Mara Lisa Arizaga
Where Community Happens: The Kibbutz and the Philosophy of Communalism
Author/Editor: Henry Near
Where is the Field?: The Experience of Migration Viewed through the Prism of Ethnographic Fieldwork
Author/Editor: Laura Hirvi,Hanna Snellman
Where Shrimp Eat Better than People: Globalized Fisheries, Nutritional Unequal Exchange and Asian Hunger
Author/Editor: Wilma Dunaway,Maria Cecilia Macabuac
Where the Tiny Things Are: Feathered Essays
Author/Editor: Nicole Walker
Where Truth Lies: Digital Culture and Documentary Media after 9/11
Author/Editor: Kris Fallon
Which Winegrape Varieties are Grown Where? A Global Empirical Picture
Author/Editor: Anderson ,Kym,Aryal R. ,Nanda
While Waiting for Rain: Community, Economy, and Law in a Time of Change
Author/Editor: John Henry Schlegel
Whistleblowing, Communication and Consequences: Lessons from The Norwegian National Lottery
Author/Editor: Peer Jacob Svenkerud,Jan-Oddvar Sørnes,Larry Browning
Whistleblowing for Change: Exposing Systems of Power and Injustice (Volume 38, Edition 1)
Author/Editor: Tatiana Bazzichelli
Whistleblowing in the Australian Public Sector: Enhancing the theory and practice of internal witness management in public sector organisations
Author/Editor: Brown ,A.J.
Whistling While They Work
Whistling While They Work
Author/Editor: Tamura ,Keiko
White-Collar Crime in the Shadow Economy: Lack of Detection, Investigation and Conviction Compared to Social Security Fraud
Author/Editor: Petter Gottschalk,Lars Gunnesdal
Whiteface: Improv Comedy and Anti-Blackness
Author/Editor: Michel Büch
White Field, black seeds: Nordic literacy practices in the long nineteenth century
White Field, black seeds: Nordic literacy practices in the long nineteenth century
White Gold: The Commercialisation of Rice Farming in the Lower Mekong Basin
Author/Editor: Rob Cramb
The White Indians of Mexican Cinema: Racial Masquerade throughout the Golden Age
Author/Editor: Mónica Garcia Blizzard
The ‘White’ Mask and the ‘Gypsy’ Mask in Film
Author/Editor: Radmila Mladenova
White Paper on Joint Replacement: Status of Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Care in Germany
Author/Editor: Hans-Holger Bleß,Miriam Kip
White Working-Class Voices: Multiculturalism, Community-Building and Change
Author/Editor: Harris Beider
Whitman and Nietzsche: A Comparative Study of Their Thought
Author/Editor: C.N. Stavrou
Who Counts?: Ghanaian Academic Publishing and Global Science
Author/Editor: David Mills,Patricia Kingori,Abigail Branford,Samuel T. Chatio,Natasha Robinson,Paulina Tindana
Who is prepared for the new digital age?: Evidence from the EIB Investment Survey
Author/Editor: European Investment Bank
Who Killed the Berkeley School?: Struggles Over Radical Criminology
Author/Editor: Herman Schwendinger,Jeff Shantz,Julia Schwendinger
Whole-Body Regeneration: Methods and Protocols
Author/Editor: Gemma Bale,Simon Blanchoud,Nathan Taylor,Brigitte Galliot,Subhabrata Mitra,Aleh Sudakou,Isabel de Roever,Judith Meek,Nicola Robertson,Ilias Tachtsidis
Whom to blame for Judah’s doom?: A narratological and intertextual Analysis of 2 Kgs 23:30–25:30
Author/Editor: Benedikt J. Collinet
Who Saved the Parthenon?: A New History of the Acropolis Before, During and After the Greek Revolution
Author/Editor: william st. clair
Whose Book Is it Anyway?: A View from Elsewhere on Publishing, Copyright and Creativity
Author/Editor: Janis Jefferies,Sarah Kember
Whose Heritage?: Challenging Race and Identity in Stuart Hall’s Post-nation Britain
Author/Editor: Susan L.T. Ashley,Degna Stone
Whose History? Engaging History Students through Historical Fiction
Author/Editor: Rodwell ,Grant
Whose Man in Havana? Adventures from the Far Side of Diplomacy
Author/Editor: John W. Graham
Whose Responsibility?: Community anti-racism strategies after September 11, 2001
Author/Editor: Tanja Dreher
Who Will Be the Next President?: A Guide to the U.S. Presidential Election System
Author/Editor: Alexander S. Belenky
Währung - Krise - Emotion: Kollektive Wahrnehmungsweisen von Wirtschaftskrisen
Author/Editor: Sanne Ziethen,Sanne Ziethen,Nina Peter,Nina Peter
Währungsidentitäten und kulturen im Kontext europäischer und globale: Hildesheimer Europagespräche VI
Author/Editor: Sanne Ziethen,Michael Gehler
Why Agriculture Productivity Falls: The Political Economy of Agrarian Transition
Author/Editor: Rashed Titumir
Why Are Artists Poor?
Author/Editor: Abbing ,Hans
Why are women entrepreneurs missing out on funding?: Reflections and considerations - Executive summary
Author/Editor: Surya Fackelmann,European Investment Bank,Alessandro De Concini
Why Be Moral?
Author/Editor: Beatrix Himmelmann,Robert B. Louden
Why Current Affairs Needs Social Theory
Author/Editor: Rob Stones
Why Do We Quote?
Author/Editor: Finnegan ,Ruth
Why Icebergs Float: Exploring Science in Everyday Life
Author/Editor: Morris ,Andrew
Why International Organizations Hate Politics: Depoliticizing the World
Author/Editor: Marieke Louis,Lucile Maertens
Why Is There I Rather Than It?: Ontology of the Subject in the Upaniṣads
Author/Editor: Marta Kudelska
Why Knowing What To Do Is Not Enough: A Realistic Perspective on Self-Reliance
Author/Editor: Anne-Greet Keizer,Will Tiemeijer,Mark Bovens
Why Noncompliance: The Politics of Law in the European Union
Author/Editor: Tanja A. Börzel
Why the Center Can't Hold: A Diagnosis of Puritanized America
Author/Editor: Tom O’Neill
Why Universities Should Seek Happiness and Contentment
Author/Editor: Paul Gibbs
Why Vienna gets high marks (Volume 2)
Author/Editor: Jana Löw,European Investment Bank,Eugen Antalovsky
Why We Play: An Anthropological Study
Author/Editor: Roberte Hamayon
Wicked Problems in Public Policy: Understanding and Responding to Complex Challenges
Author/Editor: Brian W. Head
Widening Scripts: Cultivating Feminist Care in Academic Labor
Author/Editor: Mariana Prandini Assis,Angela Henderson,Lindsey MacCallum,Ian Reilly,Ellen Shaffner,Scott Stoneman
Wider die Geschichtsvergessenheit: Inszenierte Geschichte - historische Differenz - kritisches Bewusstsein
Author/Editor: Gisela Febel,Sonja Kerth,Elisabeth Lienert
Wider die Verunsicherung: Arbeitslosenkomitees in der Schweiz, 1975–2002
Author/Editor: Anina Zahn
Widerspenstige Hände: Literarische Handdarstellungen und anthropologische Formationen im frühen 20. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Anatol Heller
Author/Editor: Hans Heinz Holz
Widersprechen in vereinnahmenden Verhältnissen
Author/Editor: Katharina Danner
Widerstand als Selbstbehauptung: »Gefährdete« Jugendliche im Übergangs- und Berufsbildungssystem
Author/Editor: Luca Preite
Widerstand im Arbeitsprozess: Eine arbeitssoziologische Einführung
Author/Editor: Heiner Heiland,Simon Schaupp
Widerständige Ressource: Typologie und Gebrauch historischer Bauernhäuser
Author/Editor: Ines Lüder
Widescreen Dreams: Growing Up Gay at the Movies
Author/Editor: Patrick E. Horrigan
Wie Bilder «entstehen».: Beschreibende Methode [Band 3]
Author/Editor: Dieter Maurer,Claudia Riboni
Wie Bilder «entstehen».: Bildarchiv Europa und Materialien [Band 2]
Author/Editor: Dieter Maurer,Claudia Riboni
Wie Bilder «entstehen».: Eigenschaften und Entwicklung [Band 1]
Author/Editor: Dieter Maurer,Claudia Riboni
Wie Bilder «entstehen».: Produkt und Kode [Band 5]
Author/Editor: Birute Gujer,Dieter Maurer,Claudia Riboni
Wie Bilder «entstehen»: Prozess und Produkt (Band 4)
Author/Editor: Dieter Maurer,Nicole Schwarz,Claudia Riboni,Xenia Guhl
Wiederholung und Variation im Gespräch des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit
Author/Editor: Nikola Roßbach,Angela Schrott
Wie der Krieg ins Museum kam: Akteure der Erinnerung in Moskau, Minsk und Tscheljabinsk, 1941-1956
Author/Editor: Anne E. Hasselmann
Wieder mächtig werden: Gewerkschaftliche Erneuerung durch bedingungsgebundene Tarifarbeit?
Author/Editor: Marcel Thiel
Wie geht Kultur unter die Haut?: Emergente Praxen an der Schnittstelle von Medizin, Lebens- und Sozialwissenschaft
Author/Editor: Jörg Niewöhner,Christoph Kehl,Stefan Beck
Wie ist Dein Leben in und um Marburg?: Teilhabe von Frauen und Mädchen – ein Forschungs-Bericht
Author/Editor: Susanne Gerner,Mandy Lauer,Johanna Zühlke
Wie Katie Tingle sich weigerte, ordentlich zu posieren und Walker Evans darüber nicht grollte: Eine kritische Bildbetrachtung sozialdokumentarischer Fotografie
Author/Editor: Michael Leicht
Wie können wir den Schaden maximieren?: Gestaltung trotz Komplexität. Beiträge zu einem Public Interest Design
Author/Editor: Christoph Rodatz,Pierre Smolarski
Wie Kunst für Zukunft unterrichten?: Feministische Sorgeethik als Perspektive der Vermittlung in Zeiten planetarischer Katastrophe und digitaler Toxizität
Author/Editor: Elke Krasny,Sophie Lingg,Joonas Lahtinen,Johannes Köck
Wie mächtig sind Archive?/Perspektiven der Archivwissenschaft
Author/Editor: Rainer Hering,Dietmar Schenk
Wien als Festungsstadt im 16. Jahrhundert
Author/Editor: Opll ,Ferdinand,Krause ,Heike,Sonnlechner ,Christoph
Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte
Author/Editor: Aurenhammer ,Hans H.,Schwarz ,Michael Viktor
Wien - Geschichte einer Stadt
Author/Editor: Csendes ,Peter,Opll ,Ferdinand
Wien - Geschichte einer Stadt
Author/Editor: Opll ,Ferdinand,Csendes ,Peter
Wien im Jahre 1703: Die Vogelschau des Dessauer Gesandten Bernhard Georg Andermüller und die Transformation des Wiener Stadtbildes
Author/Editor: Martin Scheutz,Ferdinand Oppl
Wie normal ist die Norm? Sprachliche Normen im Spannungsfeld von Sprachwissenschaft, Sprachöffentlichkeit und Sprachdidaktik.
Author/Editor: Hennig ,Mathilde,Müller ,Christoph
Wien und die jüdische Erfahrung 1900-1938
Author/Editor: Stern ,Frank,Eichinger ,Barabara
Wie postdigital schreiben?: Neue Verfahren der Gegenwartsliteratur
Author/Editor: Hanna Hamel,Eva Stubenrauch
Wie Sprache dem Verstehen hilft: Ergebnisse einer Interventionsstudie zu sprachsensiblem Geographieunterricht
Author/Editor: Santina Wey
Wie ticken Jugendliche 2016?: Lebenswelten von Jugendlichen im Alter von 14 bis 17 Jahren in Deutschland
Author/Editor: Marc Calmbach,Silke Borgstedt,Inga Borchard,Peter Martin Thomas,Berthold Bodo Flaig
Wie werden Wissenschaftler gemacht?: Beobachtungen zur wechselseitigen Konstitution von Geschlecht und Wissenschaft
Author/Editor: Sandra Beaufaÿs
Wie wird Weltliteratur gemacht?: Globale Zirkulationen lateinamerikanischer Literaturen
Author/Editor: Gesine Müller
Wie wir leben wollen: Kompendium zu Technikfolgen von Digitalisierung, Vernetzung und Künstlicher Intelligenz
Author/Editor: Frank Schmiedchen,Klaus Peter Kratzer,Jasmin S.A. Link,Heinz Stapf-Finé
Wie wir uns an der Universität aufführen: Zur performativen Wechselwirkung von Hochschule und Gesellschaft
Author/Editor: Anna Suchard
Wi-Fi Enabled Healthcare
Author/Editor: Ali Youssef,Douglas McDonald II,Jon Linton,Bob Zemke,Aaron Earle
Wiidhaa: An Introduction to Gamilaraay
Author/Editor: John Giacon
Wijdvertakte wortels. Over etnolectisch Nederland
Author/Editor: Hinskens ,Hans
Wikipedia @ 20: Stories of an Incomplete Revolution
Author/Editor: Joseph Reagle,Jackie Koerner
Wikipedia and the Representation of Reality
Author/Editor: Zachary J. McDowell,Matthew A. Vetter
Wikis und die Wikipedia verstehen: Eine Einführung
Author/Editor: Ziko van Dijk
Wiki Writing: Collaborative Learning in the College Classroom
Author/Editor: Robert E. Cummings,Matt Barton
The Wild East: Criminal Political Economics in South Asia
Author/Editor: Barbara Harris-White,Lucia Michelutti
Wilderness and Waterpower: How Banff National Park Became a Hydroelectric Storage Reservoir
Author/Editor: H. V. Nelles,Christopher Armstrong
Wildes Übersetzen: Zu Theorie und Geschichte eines literarischen Verfahrens bei Johann Fischart und Arno Schmidt
Author/Editor: Jodok Trösch
Wilde und verweigerte Bilder - Untersuchungen zur literarischen Medialität der Figur um 1200
Author/Editor: Koch, Susanne
The Wild Goose
Author/Editor: Ogai Mori,Burton Watson
Wildland Fire Smoke in the United States: A Scientific Assessment
Author/Editor: David L. Peterson,Sarah M. McCaffrey,Toral Patel-Weynand
Wildlife Trafficking: the illicit trade in wildlife, animal parts, and derivatives
Author/Editor: Gian Ege,Andreas Schloenhardt,Christian Schwarzenegger
Wilhelm Flitner (1889 - 1990) - ein Klassiker der Erziehungswissenschaft? Zur 125. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstags/
Author/Editor: Rainer Nicolaysen
Wilhelm Müller's Lyrical Song-Cycles: Interpretations and Texts
Author/Editor: Alan P. Cottrell
Wilhelm Waiblinger in Italy
Author/Editor: Lawrence S. Thompson
Wilhelm Windelband und die Psychologie: Das Fach Philosophie und die Wissenschaft Psychologie im Deutschen Kaiserreich
Author/Editor: Horst Gundlach
Author/Editor: Geert Keil
William Blake e William Butler Yeats
Author/Editor: Antonielli, Arianna
William Moorcroft, Potter: Individuality by Design
Author/Editor: Jonathan Mallinson
William Rimmer: Champion of Imagination in American Art
Author/Editor: Dorinda Evans
William Sharp and “Fiona Macleod”: A Life
Author/Editor: William F. Halloran
Will Schooling Ever Change?: School Culture, Distance Learning and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Author/Editor: Piotr Mikiewicz,MARTA JURCZAK-Morris
Winchester: Swithun's 'City of Happiness and Good Fortune'
Author/Editor: Patrick Ottaway
The Wind ~ An Unruly Living
Author/Editor: Jeremy Bendik-Keymer
WINDERFUL Wind and INfrastructures: Dominating Eolian Risk For Utilities and Lifelines
Author/Editor: Francesco Ricciardelli,Vincenzo Sepe,Gianni Bartoli
Window Functions and Their Applications in Signal Processing
Author/Editor: K.M.M. Prabhu
Window Functions and Their Applications in Signal Processing
Author/Editor: K. M. M. Prabhu
Wind power deployment in urbanised regions: An institutional analysis of planning and implementation
Author/Editor: Pia Nabielek
Win in Chinese Courts: Practice Guide to Civil Litigation in China
Author/Editor: Chenyang Zhang
The Winter of Russia’s Discontent: Russia’s Futures from Within and Without. The Conference on Russia Papers 2023
Author/Editor: Sandis Šrāders,George Spencer Terry
Wireless Terahertz Communications: Optoelectronic Devices and Signal Processing
Author/Editor: Tobias Harter
"Wir haben getan, was wir zu tun schuldig waren" (Lukas 17, 10). Festschrift zur Ehrenpromotion von Helmut Greve
Author/Editor: Hans-Martin Gutmann
Wir haben ja alle Deutschland nicht gekannt: Das Deutschlandbild der Deutschen in der Zeit der Weimarer Republik
Wir haben ja alle Deutschland nicht gekannt: Das Deutschlandbild der Deutschen in der Zeit der Weimarer Republik
Author/Editor: Kemp ,Wolfgang
„Wir haben ja jetzt auch ein paar Damen bei uns“ – Symbolische Grenzziehungen und Heteronormativität in den Ingenieurwissenschaften
Author/Editor: Inka Greusing
Wir Kinder. La questione del potere nelle relazioni adulti/bambini
Author/Editor: Nicola Spinosi
Wirklichkeit oder Konstruktion?: Sprachtheoretische und interdisziplinäre Aspekte einer brisanten Alternative
Author/Editor: Ekkehard Felder,Andreas Gardt
Wirksamkeit der Taktplanung aus Perspektive des Bauherrn am Beispiel von Produktionsimmobilien in der Automobilindustrie
Author/Editor: Janosch Dlouhy
Wirkungen einer Auslandsverschuldung des Staates bei flexiblen Wechselkursen
Author/Editor: Manfred Scheuer
Wirkung im Coaching
Author/Editor: Robert Wegener,Silvia Deplazes
Wirkungsevaluation mobiler Jugendarbeit: Methodische Zugänge und empirische Ergebnisse
Author/Editor: Hemma Mayrhofer
Wirkungsorientiertes Controlling im politisch-administrativen System: Unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Gestaltungsmoeglichkeiten von oeffentlichen Verwaltungen
Author/Editor: Andreas Röhrig
Wirkungsorientiertes Controlling staatlichen Handelns: Systematische Identifikation und Bewertung der gesamtgesellschaftlichen Wirkungen staatlichen Handelns
Author/Editor: Thorsten Pieper
»Wir machen Kunst für Künstler«: Lohnarbeit in Kunstmanufakturen. Eine ethnografische Studie
Author/Editor: Franz Schultheis
»Wir machen Stoff«: Die Gewerkschaft Textil-Bekleidung 1949-1998
Author/Editor: Peter Donath,Annette Szegfü
"Wir schützen unseren Park" - Aushandlungsprozesse von Räumen, Identitäten und Institutionen im Pendjari-Nationalpark (Benin)
Author/Editor: Kesseler, Sascha
Wir sind die Medien
Wir sind die Medien : Internet und politischer Wandel in Iran
Author/Editor: Michaelsen ,Marcus
Wir sind nicht auf der Welt, um zu schweigen: Eine Einleitung in die Rhetorik
Author/Editor: Josef Kopperschmidt
Wirtlich handeln in Sozialer Arbeit: Die ökosoziale Theorie in Revision
Author/Editor: Wolf Rainer Wendt
Wirtschaft hacken: Von einem ganz normalen Unternehmer, der fast alles anders macht
Author/Editor: Uwe Lübbermann
Wirtschaft, Krieg und Seelenheil: Papst Martin V., Kaiser Sigismund und das Handelsverbot gegen die Hussiten in Böhmen
Author/Editor: Alexandra Kaar
Wirtschaftliche Integration und Kooperation im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum. Die APEC
Author/Editor: Antje Gerhold
Wirtschaft neu lehren: Erfahrungen aus der pluralen, sozioökonomischen Hochschulbildung
Author/Editor: Janina Urban,Janina Urban,Lisa-Marie Schröder,Lisa-Marie Schröder,Harald Hantke,Harald Hantke,Lukas Bäuerle,Lukas Bäuerle
Wirtschaftserfolg zwischen Zufall und Innovativität: Oberdeutsche Städte und ihre Exportwirtschaft im Vergleich (1350–1550)
Author/Editor: Beat Fumasoli
Wirtschaftsnationalismus lokal: Interaktion und Abgrenzung zwischen rumänischen und sächsischen Gewerbeorganisationen in den siebenbürgischen Zentren Hermannstadt und Kronstadt, 1868–1914
Author/Editor: Stéphanie Danneberg,Ulf Brunnbauer,Martin Schulze Wessel
Wirtschafts- und Rechnungsbücher des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit - Formen und Methoden der Rechnungslegung: Städte, Klöster und Kaufleute
Author/Editor: Gleba, Gudrun,Petersen, Niels
The Wise Merchant
Author/Editor: Caspar Barlaeus,Anna-Luna Post,Corinna Vermeulen
Wissen. Erzählen.: Narrative der Humanwissenschaften
Author/Editor: Arne Höcker,Jeannie Moser,Philippe Weber
Wissen in Bewegung: Institution – Iteration – Transfer
Author/Editor: Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum,Anita Traninger
Wissen in institutioneller Interaktion
Author/Editor: Alexandra Groß,Inga Harren
Wissen in Zahlen?: Zur Herstellung quantitativen Wissens in der Sozialwissenschaft
Author/Editor: Andreas Schadauer
Wissen Macht Tracht: im Ötztal
Author/Editor: Nadja Neuner-Schatz
Wissen, Medium und Geschlecht: Frauenzimmer-Studien zu Lexikographie, Lehrdichtung und Zeitschrift
Author/Editor: Nikola Roßbach
Wissenschaft: Ausbildung - Politik - Die Göttinger Theologische Fakultät in der Weimarer Republik, dem Nationalsozialismus und der Nachkriegszeit
Author/Editor: Hansjörg Buss
Wissenschaft, die Grenzen schafft: Geschlechterkonstellationen im disziplinären Vergleich
Author/Editor: Bettina Heintz,Martina Merz,Christina Schumacher
Wissenschafterinnen in und aus Österreich
Wissenschafterinnen in und aus Österreich : Leben - Werk - Wirken
Author/Editor: Keintzel ,Brigitta,Korotin ,Ilse
Wissenschaft kommuniziert: Eine wissenssoziologische Gattungsanalyse des akademischen Group-Talks am Beispiel der Computational Neuroscience
Author/Editor: René Wilke
Wissenschaftliche berufliche Weiterbildung für Kunst und Kultur: Bildungssphäre für das künstlerisch-kulturelle Selbst: Entfalten. Platzieren. Gestalten.
Author/Editor: Steffi Robak,Wiltrud Gieseke
Wissenschaftliche Fairness: Wissenschaft zwischen Integrität und Fehlverhalten
Author/Editor: Katrin Frisch,Felix Hagenström,Nele Reeg
Wissenschaftliche Kontroversen im Physikunterricht: Explorationsstudie zum Umgang von Physiklehrkräften und Physiklehramtsstudierenden mit einer wissenschaftlichen Kontroverse am Beispiel der Masse in der Speziellen Relativitätstheorie (Volume 333)
Author/Editor: Erik Heine
Wissenschaftliches Schreiben interkulturell: Kontrastive Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Lesław Cirko,Karin Pittner
Wissenschaftsdidaktik I: Einführung
Author/Editor: Gabi Reinmann,Rüdiger Rhein
Wissenschaftsdidaktik II: Einzelne Disziplinen
Author/Editor: Gabi Reinmann,Rüdiger Rhein
Wissenschaftsdidaktik III: Perspektiven
Author/Editor: Gabi Reinmann,Rüdiger Rhein
Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft: Ein vertrauensvoller Dialog: Positionen und Perspektiven der Wissenschaftskommunikation heute
Author/Editor: Johannes Schnurr,Alexander Mäder
Wissenschaft Weltoffen 2017
Wissenschaft weltoffen 2023: Facts and Figures on the International Nature of Studies and Research in Germany and Worldwide
Wissenskrisen - Krisenwissen: Zum Umgang mit Krisenzuständen in und durch Wissenschaft und Technik
Author/Editor: Julia Engelschalt,Jason Lemberg,Arne Maibaum,Andie Rothenhäusler,Meike Wiegand
Wissenskulturen muslimischer Gesellschaften: Philosophische und islamwissenschaftliche ZugängeFestschrift für Anke von Kügelgen
Author/Editor: Kata Moser,Serena Tolino
Wissenskultur Tanz: Historische und zeitgenössische Vermittlungsakte zwischen Praktiken und Diskursen
Author/Editor: Sabine Huschka
Wissensproduktion, Wissensmobilisierung und Wissenstransfer: Chancen und Grenzen der Entwicklung von Wissenschaft und Praxis
Author/Editor: Johannes Schuster,Julia Hugo,Nina Bremm,Nina Kolleck,Enikö Zala-Mezö
Wissenstransfer - Komplexitätsreduktion - Design
Author/Editor: Gerald Moll,Julia Schütz
Wissen und literarisches Lernen: Grundlegende theoretische und didaktische Aspekte
Author/Editor: Thomas Möbius,Michael Steinmetz
Wissen und Ueberzeugungen von Deutschlehrkraeften: Aktuelle Befunde in der deutschdidaktischen Professionsforschung
Author/Editor: Frederike Schmidt,Kirsten Schindler
The Witch and the Hysteric: The Monstrous Medieval in Benjamin Christensen's Häxan
Author/Editor: Alexander Doty,Patricia Clare Ingham
Witchcraft continued: Popular magic in modern Europe
Author/Editor: de Blécourt ,Willem,Davies ,Owen
Witchcraft, Gender and Society in Early Modern Germany
Author/Editor: Durrant ,Jonathan B.
Witchcraft, Gender and Society in Early Modern Germany
Witchcraft narratives in Germany: Rothenburg, 1561-1652
Author/Editor: Rowlands ,Alison
The Witching Hour and Other Plays
Author/Editor: Sadur ,Nina
The Witching Hour and Other Plays
With and Without Galton: Vasilii Florinskii and the Fate of Eugenics in Russia
Author/Editor: Nikolai Krementsov
With God on Our Side: The Struggle for Workers' Rights in a Catholic Hospital
Author/Editor: Adam D. Reich
With God on their Side
Author/Editor: Timothy Chandler,Tara Magdalinski
Without Foundations: Justification in Political Theory
Author/Editor: Donald J. Herzog
Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life: Dynamics of Stressors, Resources, and Reserves
Author/Editor: Dario Spini,Eric Widmer
With the benefit of hindsight: Valedictory reflections from departmental secretaries, 2004-11
Author/Editor: Vincent ,Sam,Wanna ,John,Podger ,Andrew
The Witness as Object: Video Testimonies in Holocaust Museums
Author/Editor: Steffi de Jong
Witness to Marvels
Author/Editor: Tony K. Stewart
Wits and Interpretation: Keyboard Thoughts
Author/Editor: Bengt Edlund
‘Wit’s Wild Dancing Light’: Reading the Poems of Alexander Pope
Author/Editor: William Hutchings
Wittenwiler's "Ring" and the Anonymous Scots Poem "Colkelbie Sow": Two Comic-Didactic Works from the Fifteenth Century
Author/Editor: George Fenwick Jones
Wittgensteins «Bemerkungen ueber die Farben»
Author/Editor: Frederik Gierlinger
Wittgenstein's Novels
Author/Editor: Martin Klebes
Wives and Wanderers in a New Guinea Highlands Society
Author/Editor: Reay Olive ,Marie
Wives and Wanderers in a New Guinea Highlands Society: Women's lives in the Wahgi Valley
Author/Editor: Marie Olive Reay
Wives, Mothers, and the Red Menace
Wives, Mothers, and the Red Menace : Conservative Women and the Crusade against Communism
Author/Editor: Brennan ,Mary
«Woche für Woche neue Preisaufschläge»: Nahrungsmittel-, Energie- und Ressourcenkonflikte in der Schweiz des Ersten Weltkrieges
Author/Editor: Daniel Krämer,Christian Pfister,Daniel Marc Segesser
Woekering en weigering: Metamorfosen en identiteit in het werk van Jacq Vogelaar
Author/Editor: Hans Demeyer,Sven Vitse
Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit im Jugendalter: Theoretische Perspektiven, empirische Befunde und Praxisansätze
Author/Editor: Andreas Heinen,Robin Samuel,Claus Vögele,Helmut Willems
Wohnen in Hamburg: Akteure, Instrumente und Konfliktfelder
Author/Editor: Monika Grubbauer,Joscha Metzger
Wohnen und Gesundheit im Alter
Author/Editor: Andrea Teti,Enno Nowossadeck,Judith Fuchs,Harald Künemund
Wohnungsbau- und Wohneigentumspolitik im Rahmen der Einkommensteuer: Eine Analyse unter steuersystematischen, verteilungspolitischen und fiskalischen Aspekten
Author/Editor: Christian Rüsch
Wohnungsnot, Geschlecht und Gesundheit: Eine Analyse von Teilhabe und Stigmatisierung
Author/Editor: Jan A. Finzi
Wolfgang Kraus und der österreichische Literaturbetrieb nach 1945
Author/Editor: Stefan Maurer,Werner Michler,Norbert Christian Wolf
Wolfgang von Weisl: Der Weg eines österreichischen Zionisten vom Untergang der Habsburgermonarchie zur Gründung des Staates Israel
Author/Editor: Dietmar Goltschnigg
Wolfram Paulus
Author/Editor: Andrey Arnold,Andreas Ehrenreich,Klaus Händl,Friederike Rückert,Sven Sonne,Christian Strasser,Wolfgang Straub,Martin Thomson,Florian Widegger,Andreas Ehrenreich,Iris Laner,Wolfram Paulus,Lukas Foerster,Florian Widegger,Manuela Strihavka,Iris Fraueneder,Mi
The Wolio Language
The Wolio Language
Author/Editor: Anceaux ,J.
The Wolio Language: Outline of Grammatical Description and Texts. 2nd Edition
Author/Editor: J.C. Anceaux
Wollstonecraft, Mill, and Women's Human Rights
Author/Editor: Botting Hunt ,Eileen
Woman between Two Kingdoms: Dara Rasami and the Making of Modern Thailand
Author/Editor: Leslie Castro-Woodhouse
Womanism, Literature, and the Transformation of the Black Community, 1965-1980
Author/Editor: Kalenda C. Eaton
Womanpriest: Tradition and Transgression in the Contemporary Roman Catholic Church
Women, Agency, and the State in Guinea: Silent Politics
Author/Editor: Carole Ammann
Women and Crime in Post-Transitional South African Crime Fiction: A Study of Female Victims, Perpetrators and Detectives
Author/Editor: Sabine Binder
Women and Gender in the Early Modern Low Countries, 1500-1750
Author/Editor: Sarah Moran,Amanda Pipkin
Women and Inequality in a Changing World: Exploring New Paradigms for Peace
Author/Editor: Hoda Mahmoudi,Jane L. Parpart,Kate Seaman
Women and Knowledge in Early Christianity
Author/Editor: Ulla Tervahauta,Ivan Miroshnikov,Outi Lehtipuu,Ismo Dunderberg
Women and Migration: Responses in Art and History
Author/Editor: Deborah Willis,Ellyn Toscano,Kalia Brooks Nelson
Women and Migration(s) II
Author/Editor: Kalia Brooks,Cheryl Finley,Ellyn Toscano,Deborah Willis
Women and Muslim Family Laws in Arab States
Author/Editor: Welchman ,Lynn
Women and Politeness in Eighteenth-Century England: Bodies, Identities, and Power
Author/Editor: Soile Ylivuori
Women and Power at the French Court, 1483-1563
Author/Editor: Susan Broomhall
Women and Public Life in Early Meiji Japan: The Development of the Feminist Movement
Author/Editor: Mara Patessio
Women and Reproductive Technologies: The Socio-Economic Development of Technologies Changing the World
Author/Editor: Annette Burfoot,Derya Güngör
Women and Romance: The Consolations of Gender in the English Novel
Author/Editor: Laurie Langbauer
Women and the Colonial State
Author/Editor: Locher-Scholten ,Elsbeth
Women and the Law
Author/Editor: Susan Atkins,Baroness Brenda Hale
Women and the Press: The Struggle for Equality
Author/Editor: Patricia Bradley
Women and the UN: A New History of Women's International Human Rights
Author/Editor: Rebecca Adami,Dan Plesch
Women and Work in Preindustrial Europe
Author/Editor: Barbara Hanawalt
Women as Candidates in American Politics
Author/Editor: Susan Carroll
Women Build the Welfare State: Performing Charity and Creating Rights in Argentina, 1880–1955
Author/Editor: Donna J. Guy
Women, Consumption, and the Circulation of Ideas in South-Eastern Europe, 17th - 19th Centuries
Author/Editor: Constanţa Vintilă-Ghiţulescu
Women Count: A Guide to Changing the World
Author/Editor: Susan Bulkeley Butler,Bob Keefe
Women from Traditional Islamic Educational Institutions in Indonesia
Author/Editor: Srimulyani ,Eka
Women in Cleveland: An Illustrated History
Author/Editor: Marion Morton
Women in German Expressionism: Gender, Sexuality, Activism
Author/Editor: Anke Finger,Julie Shoults
Women in Kararau - Gendered Lives, Works, and Knowledge in a Middle Sepik Village, Papua New Guinea
Author/Editor: Brigitta Hauser-Schäublin
Women in Mongol Iran
Women in Mongol Iran : The Kahtuns, 1206-1335
Author/Editor: de Nicola ,Bruno
Women in Nineteenth-Century Russia
Women in Southeast Asian Nationalist Movements
Author/Editor: Susan Blackburn,Helen Ting
Women in STEM in Higher Education: Good Practices of Attraction, Access and Retainment in Higher Education
Author/Editor: Francisco José García-Peñalvo,Alicia García-Holgado,Angeles Dominguez,Jimena Pascual
Women in Supramolecular Chemistry: Collectively Crafting the Rhythms of Our Work and Lives in STEM
Author/Editor: Jennifer Leigh,Jennifer Hiscock,Anna McConnell,Cally Haynes,CLAUDIA CALTAGIRONE,Marion Kieffer
Women in the Ancient Near East
Author/Editor: Stol ,Marten
Women in the Ancient Near East
Author/Editor: Marten Stol
Women in the Balkans/ Southeastern Europe
Author/Editor: Gabriella Schubert,Johanna Deimel
Women in the Bible, Qumran and Early Rabbinic Literature
Women in the Bible, Qumran and Early Rabbinic Literature
Author/Editor: Heger ,P.
Women in the Bible, Qumran and Early Rabbinic Literature: Their Status and Roles
Author/Editor: Paul Heger
Women in the History of Science: A sourcebook
Author/Editor: Hannah Wills,Sadie Harrison,Erika Jones,Farrah Lawrence-Mackey,Rebecca Martin
Women in the Silent Cinema: Histories of Fame and Fate
Author/Editor: Annette Förster
Women in the Silent Cinema: Histories of Fame and Fate
Author/Editor: Annette Förster
Women in Wartime: Dress Studies from Picture Post 1938-1945
Author/Editor: Geraldine Howell
Women Judges in the Muslim World: A Comparative Study of Discourse and Practice
Author/Editor: Monika Lindbekk,Nadia Sonneveld
Women, Life, Freedom: Our Fight for Human Rights and Equality in Iran
Author/Editor: Nasrin Sotoudeh
Women, Love and Learning: The Double Bind
Author/Editor: Alison Mackinnon
Women, Migration and Gendered Experiences: The Case of Post-1991 Albanian Migration
Author/Editor: Ermira Danaj
Women of the Washington Press: Politics, Prejudice, and Persistence
Author/Editor: Maurine H. Beasley
Women of Trachis: Sophokles
Author/Editor: Rachel Kitzinger,Eamon Grennan
Women, Philanthropy, and Civil Society
Author/Editor: Kathleen McCarthy
Women Poets and the American Sublime
Author/Editor: Joanne Diehl
Women Political Leaders in Rwanda and South Africa: Narratives of Triumph and Loss
Author/Editor: Naleli Mpho Soledad Morojele
Women Political Leaders in Rwanda and South Africa: Narratives of Triumph and Loss
Author/Editor: Naleli Mpho Soledad Morojele
Women Religious Crossing between Cloister and the World: Nunneries in Europe and the Americas, ca. 1200–1700
Author/Editor: Mercedes Pérez Vidal
Women’s Activism and "Second Wave" Feminism: Transnational Histories
Author/Editor: Barbara Molony
Women’s Choices in Europe: Influence of Gender on Education, Occupational Career and Family Development
Author/Editor: Claudia Quaiser-Pohl,Martina Endepohls-Ulpe
Women's Emancipation and Civil Society Organisations: Challenging or maintaining the status quo?
Author/Editor: Christina Schwabenland,Chris Lange,Jenny Onyx,Sachiko Nakagawa
Women's Experimental Cinema: Critical Frameworks
Author/Editor: Robin Blatez
Women’s Friendship in Medieval Literature
Author/Editor: Karma Lochrie,Usha Vishnuvajjala
Women's Leadership in Music: Modes, Legacies, Alliances
Author/Editor: Iva Nenic,Linda Cimardi
Women's Literary Networks and Romanticism: A Tribe of Authoresses
Author/Editor: Andrew O. Winckles,Angela Rehbein
Women’s Lived Landscapes of War and Liberation in Mozambique: Bodily Memory and the Gendered Aesthetics of Belonging
Author/Editor: Jonna Katto
Women's medicine: Sex, family planning and British female doctors in transnational perspective, 1920–70
Author/Editor: Caroline Rusterholz
Women's Perspectives on (Post)Migration: Between Literature, Arts and Activism – Between Africa and Europe.
Author/Editor: Julia Borst,Stephanie Neu-Wendel,Juliane Tauchnitz
Women's Political and Social Thought: An Anthology
Author/Editor: Hilda Smith,Berenice Carroll
Women’s Political Representation in Iran and Turkey: Demanding a Seat at the Table
Author/Editor: Mona Tajali
Women's Rights?
Author/Editor: Kato ,Masae
Women’s Tanci Fiction in Late Imperial and Early Twentieth-Century China
Author/Editor: Li Guo
Women's Work and Chicano Families: Cannery Workers of the Santa Clara Valley
Author/Editor: Patricia Zavella
Women's writing in contemporary France: New writers, new literatures in the 1990s
Women's writing in contemporary France: New writers, new literatures in the 1990s
Author/Editor: Rye ,Gill,Worton ,Michael
Women Warriors and National Heroes: A Global History
Author/Editor: Boyd Cothran,Joan Judge,Adrian Shubert
Women Who Stay Behind: Pedagogies of Survival in Rural Transmigrant Mexico
Author/Editor: Ruth Trinidad Galván
Women Workers And Technological Change In Europe In The Nineteenth And twentieth century
Author/Editor: Gertjan De Groot,Marlou Schrover
Women Writing Portuguese Colonialism in Africa (Volume 22)
Author/Editor: Ana Paula Ferreira
Women Writing War: From German Colonialism through World War I (Volume 24)
Author/Editor: Katharina von Hammerstein,Barbara Kosta,Julie Shoults
Wonder, Education, and Human Flourishing: Theoretical, Empirical, and Practical Perspectives
Author/Editor: Anders Schinkel,Vasco d’Agnese,A Gilbert,Jan B.W. Pedersen,Joseph Moore,Genevieve Lloyd,Sophia Vasalou,David Erlich,Marina Bazhydai,Gert Westermann,Yannis Hadzigeorgiou
Wonder, Horror, Mystery: Letters on Cinema and Religion in Malick, Von Trier, and Kieślowski
Author/Editor: Morgan Meis,J.M. Tyree
Wonen, zorg en pensioenen
Author/Editor: Asbeek Brusse ,W.,Montfort van ,C.J.
Woningcorporaties: een beleidsanalyse
Author/Editor: Gerrichhauzen ,L.G.
Woodcuts as Reading Guides: How Images Shaped Knowledge Transmission in Medical-Astrological Books in Dutch (1500-1550)
Author/Editor: Andrea van Leerdam
Wood Modification in Europe: A state-of-the-art about processes, products and applications
Author/Editor: Dennis Jones,Dick Sandberg,Giacomo Goli,Luigi Todaro
Wood. Rethinking Material
Author/Editor: Architekturfakultät der Technischen Universität Graz
Wood Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage – Braga 2008: Proceedings of the International Conference held by COST Action IE0601 (Braga - Portugal, 5-7 November 2008
Author/Editor: Joseph Gril
Wood Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage – Florence 2007
Author/Editor: Uzielli, Luca
Woodstock Scholarship
Author/Editor: Gatten N. ,Jeffrey
WOOD-UP: Valorizzazione della filiera di gassificazione di biomasse legnose per l’energia, la fertilità del suolo e la mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici
Author/Editor: Agnese Aguzzoni,Giustino Tonon,Eleonora Cordioli,Stefano Cesco,Irene Criscuoli,Stefano Dal Savio,Giovanna Ferrentino,Carlo Andreotti,Marco Baratieri,Daniele Basso,Elisa Bonadio,Luigimaria Borruso,Christian Ceccon,Silvia Celletti,Piers Cooper
Woran arbeiten wir?: E-Commerce-Plattformen ethnografisch verstehen
Author/Editor: Dennis Eckhardt
Worauf ich mich verlassen kann: Kognition und Affekt in Schülereinstellungen zu Schöpfung und Evolution
Author/Editor: Sabine Hermisson
Word Accent and Vowel Duration in Standard Slovene: An Acoustic and Linguistic Investigation
Author/Editor: Tatjana Srebot-Rejec
Word and Image in Russian History
Word and Image in Russian History : Essays in Honor of Gary Marker
Word Knowledge and Word Usage
Author/Editor: Wolfgang U. Dressler,Vito Pirrelli,Ingo Plag
Words and visions around/about Chinese transnational mobilities 流动
Author/Editor: Valentina Pedone,Miriam Castorina
Words are Physicians for an Ailing mind: For Andrzej Boguslawski on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday
Author/Editor: Maciej Grochowski,Daniel Weiss
Words as Events: Cretan Mandinádes in Performance and Composition
Words as Events: Cretan Mandinádes in Performance and Composition
Author/Editor: Sykäri ,Venla
Words in Space and Time: A Historical Atlas of Language Politics in Modern Central Europe
Author/Editor: Tomasz Kamusella
Words, Objects and Events in Economics: The Making of Economic Theory
Author/Editor: Peter Róna,László Zsolnai,Agnieszka Wincewicz-Price
Work and Livelihoods: History, Ethnography and Models in Times of Crisis
Author/Editor: Susana Narotzky,Victoria Goddard
Work and Occupation in French and English Mental Hospitals, c.1918-1939
Author/Editor: Jane Freebody
Worked to the Bone: A Study of Gilded-Age Transatlantic Scientific Networks in Paleontology
Author/Editor: Philipp Wendler
Workers Leaving the Studio: Looking Away from Socialist Realism
Author/Editor: Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei,Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei,Genti Gjikola
Workers, Managers, Productivity: Kaizen in Developing Countries
Author/Editor: Akio Hosono,John Page,Go Shimada
Workers Unite!: The International 150 Years Later
Author/Editor: Marcello Musto
Worker Voice
Author/Editor: Patmore ,Greg
Workfare als Mindestsicherung
Workfare als Mindestsicherung : Von der Sozialhilfe zu Hartz IV. Deutsche Sozialpolitik 1962 bis 2005
Author/Editor: Brütt ,Christian
Workfare in den USA
Workfare in den USA : Das Elend der US-amerikanischen Sozialhilfepolitik
Author/Editor: Grell ,Britta
Working and Learning in Times of Uncertainty: Challenges to Adult, Professional and Vocational Education
Working At Night: The Temporal Organisation of Labour Across Political and Economic Regimes
Author/Editor: Lucie Dušková,Ger Duijzings
Working-Class Literature(s)
Working-Class Literature(s) : Historical and International Perspectives
Working-Class Literature(s) Volume II: Historical and International Perspectives
Author/Editor: John Lennon,Magnus Nilsson
Working for Canada: A Pilgrimage in Foreign Affairs from the New World Order to the Rise of Populism
Author/Editor: Geoff White
Working for Policy
Working, Housing: Urbanizing: The International Year of Global Understanding - IYGU
Author/Editor: Jennifer Robinson,Allen J. Scott,Peter J. Taylor
Working in China
Author/Editor: Ching Kwan Lee
Working in the Context of Austerity
Author/Editor: Donna Baines,Ian Cunningham
Working in the Service Sector
Author/Editor: Gerhard Bosch,Steffen Lehndorff
Working Misunderstandings: An Ethnography of Project Collaboration in a Multinational Corporation in India
Author/Editor: Frauke Mörike
Working on the Railroad, Walking in Beauty
Working on the Railroad, Walking in Beauty : Navajos, Hozho, and Track Work
Author/Editor: Youngdahl ,Jay
Working the Phones: Control and Resistance in Call Centres
Author/Editor: Jamie Woodcock
Working the Spaces of Power: Activism, Neoliberalism and Gendered Labour
Author/Editor: Janet Newman
Working Through Colonial Collections: An Ethnography of the Ethnological Museum in Berlin
Author/Editor: Margareta von Oswald
Working Together in Vanuatu
Author/Editor: Thieberger ,Nick,Taylor ,J.
Working with indigenous knowledge: Strategies for health professionals
Author/Editor: Seepaneng S. Moloko-Phiri,Fhumulani Mavis Mulaudzi,Ntsieni S. Mashau,Lufuno Makhado,Maurine R. Musie,Rafiat A. Anokwuru,Roinah N. Ngunyulu,Sanele Lukhele,Khathutshelo G. Simane-Netshisaulu,Patience M. Tulelo,Melitah M. Rasweswe,Miriam Moagi,Nombulelo V. S
Working with LGBTQIA+ youth in the child welfare system: Perspectives from youth and professionals
Author/Editor: Mónica López López,Rodrigo González Álvarez,Mijntje ten Brummelaar,Kevin van Mierlo,Leo Wieldraaijer-Vincent
Working Women in the Sandwich Generation: Theories, Tools and Recommendations for Supporting Women’s Working Lives
Author/Editor: Mervi Rajahonka,Dorota Kwiatkowska-Ciotucha,Miet Timmers,Urszula Załuska,Kaija Villman,Veerle Lengeler,Tim Gielens
The Work of Authorship
The Work of Communication: Relational Perspectives on Working and Organizing in Contemporary Capitalism
Author/Editor: Timothy Kuhn,Karen Lee Ashcraft,François Cooren
The Work of Professional Football
Author/Editor: Martin Roderick
The Workplace of the Future: The Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Precariat and the Death of Hierarchies
Author/Editor: Jon-Arild Johannessen
Workplaces as learning spaces - conceptual and empirical insights
Author/Editor: Annette Ostendorf,Chompoonuh K. Permpoonwiwat
Workplace Spirituality: Making a Difference
Author/Editor: Yochanan Altman,Judi Neal,Wolfgang Mayrhofer
Work Requirements: Race, Disability, and the Print Culture of Social Welfare
Author/Editor: Todd Carmody
Work, Sex and Power: The Forces that Shaped Our History
Author/Editor: Willie Thompson
Works for Works, Book 1: Useless Beauty
Author/Editor: Gavin Keeney
Worksharing as a policy to increase employment: an evaluation
Author/Editor: Kapteyn ,A.,Zaidi ,A.,Kalwij ,A.
The Workshop Morality: The Islamic Creativity of Pesantren Daarut Tauhid in Bandung, Java
Author/Editor: Solahudin ,Dindin
Workshops in International Conference on Social Robotics
The Works of Li Qingzhao
Author/Editor: Sarah M. Allen,Paul Kroll,Christopher M. B. Nugent,Stephen Owen,Anna M. Shields,Xiaofei Tian,Ding Xiang Warner
The Works of Peter Schott, 1460-1490, Vol. II: Commentary
Author/Editor: Marian L. Cowie,Murray A. Cowie
The Works of Peter Schott, 1460-1490, Vol. I: Introduction and Text
Author/Editor: Murray A. Cowie,Marian L. Cowie
The Works of Stefan George
Author/Editor: Olga Marx,Ernst Morwitz
The World as Abyss: The Caribbean and Critical Thought in the Anthropocene
Author/Editor: Jonathan Pugh,David Chandler
World Beats
Author/Editor: Fazzino ,Jimmy
World Building: Transmedia, Fans, Industries
Author/Editor: Marta Boni
World Christianity: Methodological Considerations
Author/Editor: Martha Frederiks,Dorottya Nagy
World Class Universities: A Contested Concept
Author/Editor: Sharon Rider,Michael A. Peters,Mats Hyvönen,Tina Besley
World Compendium of Healthcare Facilities and Nonprofit Organizations
Author/Editor: Ebby Elahi
World Editors: Dynamics of Global Publishing and the Latin American Case between the Archive and the Digital Age
Author/Editor: Gustavo Guerrero,Benjamin Loy,Gesine Müller
World Food Trends and the Future of Food (Volume 6)
Author/Editor: Marianna Nobile
World Heritage Angkor and Beyond - Circumstances and Implications of UNESCO Listings in Cambodia
Author/Editor: Hauser-Schäublin, Brigitta
World History – a Genealogy: Private Conversations with World Historians, 1996-2016
Author/Editor: Carolien Stolte,Alicia Schrikker
World History for International Studies
Author/Editor: Isabelle Duyvesteyn,Anne Marieke van der Wal
The World in Eleven Dimensions: Supergravity, supermembranes and M-theory
Author/Editor: M.J Duff
Worlding Postcolonial Sexualities: Publics, Counterpublics, Human Rights
Author/Editor: Kanika Batra
Worlding the south: Nineteenth-century literary culture and the southern settler colonies
Author/Editor: Sarah Comyn,Porscha Fermanis
The World Jewish Congress During The Holocaust - Between Activism and Restraint
The World Jewish Congress During The Holocaust: Between Activism and Restraint
Author/Editor: Zohar Segev
The World Jewish Congress During The Holocaust - Between Activism and Restraint
Author/Editor: Segev ,Zohar
World Literature and Dissent
Author/Editor: Lorna Burns,Katie Muth
World Literature, Cosmopolitanism, Globality Beyond, Against, Post, Otherwise
Author/Editor: Gesine Müller,Mariano Siskind
World Literatures: Exploring the Cosmopolitan-Vernacular Exchange
Author/Editor: Stefan Helgesson,Annika Mörte Alling,Yvonne Lindqvist,Helena Wulff
World of Difference: A Moral Perspective on Social Inequality
Author/Editor: Naomi Ellemers
A World of Disorderly Notions: Quixote and the Logic of Exceptionalism
Author/Editor: Aaron R. Hanlon
A World of Fiction: Digital Collections and the Future of Literary History
Author/Editor: Katherine Bode
A world of nourishment: Reflections on food in indian culture
Author/Editor: Cinzia Pieruccini,Paola M. Rossi
World of Patterns: A Global History of Knowledge
Author/Editor: Rens Bod,Leston Buell
The World of Rules: A Somewhat Different Measurement of the World
Author/Editor: Gunnar Folke Schuppert,Thomas Duve,Stefan Vogenauer
The World of the Seafarer: Qualitative Accounts of Working in the Global Shipping Industry
Author/Editor: Victor Oyaro Gekara,Victor Oyaro Gekara,Helen Sampson,Helen Sampson
World of UCL
Author/Editor: Georgina Brewis,John North,Negley Harte
World of Walls
Author/Editor: Saddiki ,Said
A world of water: Rain, rivers and seas in Southeast Asian histories
A world of water: Rain, rivers and seas in Southeast Asian histories
Author/Editor: Boomgaard ,Peter
World Politics at the Edge of Chaos: Reflections on Complexity and Global Life
Author/Editor: Emilian Kavalski
World Protests: A Study of Key Protest Issues in the 21st Century
Author/Editor: Isabel Ortiz,Sara Burke,Mohamed Berrada,Hernán Saenz Cortés
The World Refugees Made: Decolonization and the Foundation of Postwar Italy
Author/Editor: Pamela Ballinger
Worlds Apart
Worlds Apart : Bosnian Lessons for Global Security
Author/Editor: Hunt ,Swanee
World's End
Author/Editor: Charlie Gere
The World's First Full Press Freedom: The Radical Experiment of Denmark-Norway 1770–1773
Author/Editor: Ulrik Langen,Frederik Stjernfelt
Worlds in Miniature: Contemplating Miniaturisation in Global Material Culture
Author/Editor: Jack Davy,Charlotte Dixon
Worlds of Labour Turned Upside Down: Revolutions and Labour Relations in Global Historical Perspective
Author/Editor: Pepijn Brandon,Peyman Jafari,Stefan Müller
The Worlds of Langston Hughes
The Worlds of Langston Hughes : Modernism and Translation in the Americas
Author/Editor: Kutzinski ,Vera M.
The World's Oldest Church
Author/Editor: Peppard ,Michael
World Trade Evolution: Growth, Productivity and Employment
Author/Editor: Lili Yan Ing,Miaojie Yu
World under Revision: The Poetry of Wisława Szymborska
Author/Editor: Wojciech Ligeza
The World We Want to Live In: Compendium of Digitalisation, Digital Networks, and Artificial Intelligence
Author/Editor: Frank Schmiedchen,Klaus Peter Kratzer,Jasmin S. A. Link,Heinz Stapf-Finé
World Wide Warriors: How Jihadis Operate Online
Author/Editor: Rüdiger Lohlker
The World Wide Web of Work: A history in the making
Author/Editor: Marcel van der Linden
A World You Do Not Know: Settler Societies, Indigenous Peoples and the Attack on Cultural Diversity
Author/Editor: Colin Samson
Worrorra: a language of the north-west Kimberley coast
Author/Editor: Clendon ,Mark
Wortbildung diamedial: Korpusstudien zum geschriebenen und gesprochenen Deutsch
Author/Editor: Sören Stumpf
Wortbildung und Akzent im Russischen
Author/Editor: Tilman Berger
Wortbildung und Kategorisierung am Beispiel der desubstantivischen Wortbildung des Russischen
Author/Editor: Yannis Kakridis
Worte am Werk
Author/Editor: Carrujo Covas ,Luis Miguel
›Wort für Wort‹ – Lektüren zum Werk von Oswald Egger
Author/Editor: Martin Endres,Ralf Simon
Wort – Satz – Korpus: Multimethodische digitale Forschung in der Linguistik
Author/Editor: Claudia Posch,Karoline Irschara,Gerhard Rampl
Wortschatz: Theorie, Empirie, Dokumentation
Author/Editor: Stefan Engelberg,Heidrun Kämper,Petra Storjohann
Wound Building: Dispatches from the Latest Disasters in UK Poetry
Author/Editor: Danny Hayward
Wounded Heroes
Author/Editor: McCoy Berzins ,Marina
Wounds and Words
Wounds and Words : Childhood and Family Trauma in Romantic and Postmodern Fiction
Author/Editor: Schönfelder ,Christa
Würde und Selbstbestimmung über den Tod hinaus
Author/Editor: Duttge, Gunnar,Viebahn, Christoph
Writers, Literature and Censorship in Poland. 1948–1958
Author/Editor: Kamila Budrowska
Writing Alberta: Building on a Literary Identity
Author/Editor: Donna Coates,George Melnyk
Writing and Publishing Scientific Papers: A Primer for the Non-English Speaker
Author/Editor: Gabor Lövei
Writing and Renunciation in Medieval Japan: The Works of the Poet-Priest Kamo no Chomei
Author/Editor: Rajyashree Pandey
Writing and the West German Protest Movements: The Textual Revolution
Author/Editor: Mererid Puw Davies,Puw Davies Meredid
Writing Around the Ancient Mediterranean: Practices and Adaptations (Volume 6)
Author/Editor: Philippa M. Steele
Writing Art
Author/Editor: Jeremy Fernando,Alessandro De Francesco
Writing as Material Practice
Writing as Material Practice : Substance, surface and medium
Author/Editor: Piquette E. ,Kathryn,Whitehouse D. ,Ruth
Writing Beloveds
Writing Beloveds : Humanist Petrarchism and the Politics of Gender
Author/Editor: Feng ,Aileen A.
Writing Beyond Pen and Parchment Inscribed Objects in Medieval European Literature
Author/Editor: Ricarda Wagner,Christine Neufeld,Ludger Lieb
Writing Black Scotland: Race, Nation and the Devolution of Black Britain
Author/Editor: Joseph H. Jackson
The Writing Culture of Ancient Dadān: A Description and Quantitative Analysis of Linguistic Variation
Author/Editor: Fokelien Kootstra
Writing Death
Author/Editor: Jeremy Fernando,Avital Ronell
Writing Development in Struggling Learners: Understanding the Needs of Writers across the Lifecourse
Author/Editor: Brett Miller,Peggy McCardle,Vince Connelly
Writing Emotions
Writing Emotions : Theoretical Concepts and Selected Case Studies in Literature
Writing Equipment
Author/Editor: Anna Willi
Writing Facts: Interdisciplinary Discussions of a Key Concept in Modernity
Author/Editor: Susanne Knaller
Writing for the Medium
Author/Editor: Elsaesser ,Thomas,Simons ,Jan,Bronk ,Lucette
Writing Gender in Early Modern Chinese Women's Tanci Fiction
Author/Editor: Li Guo
Writing History in the Digital Age
Author/Editor: Jack Dougherty,Kristen Nawrotzki
Writing in Limbo: Modernism and Caribbean Literature
Author/Editor: Simon Gikandi
Writing in Time: Emily Dickinson's Master Hours
Author/Editor: Marta L. Werner
Writing Manuals for the Masses: The Rise of the Literary Advice Industry from Quill to Keyboard
Author/Editor: Anneleen Masschelein,Dirk de Geest
Writing, Medium, Machine: Modern Technographies
Writing, Medium, Machine: Modern Technographies
The Writing on the Wall: The Work of Joane Cardinal-Schubert
Author/Editor: Lindsey Sharman
Writing Palestine: 1933-1950
Author/Editor: Dorothy Kahn Bar-Adon,Esther Carmel-Hakim,Nancy Rosenfeld
Writing Pirates: Vernacular Fiction and Oceans in Late Ming China
Author/Editor: Yuanfei Wang
The Writing Public: Participatory Knowledge Production in Enlightenment and Revolutionary France
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Andrews Bond
Writing Resistance: Revolutionary memoirs of Shlissel´burg Prison, 1884-1906
Author/Editor: Sarah J. Young
Writing Revolution in Latin America: From Martí to García Márquez to Bolaño
Author/Editor: Juan E. De Castro
Writing(s) at the Crossroads: The process–product interface
Author/Editor: Georgeta Cislaru
Writing Self, Writing Empire: Chandar Bhan Brahman and the Cultural World of the Indo-Persian State Secretary
Author/Editor: Kinra ,Rajeev
Writing Self, Writing Empire: Chandar Bhan Brahman and the Cultural World of the Indo-Persian State Secretary
Author/Editor: Rajeev Kinra
Writing Systems and Their Use: An Overview of Grapholinguistics
Author/Editor: Dimitrios Meletis,Christa Dürscheid
Writing the Digital History of Nazi Germany: Potentialities and Challenges of Digitally Researching and Presenting the History of the Third Reich, World War II, and the Holocaust
Author/Editor: Julia Timpe,Frederike Buda
Writing the Past in Twenty-first-century American Fiction
Author/Editor: Alexandra Lawrie
Writing the Reader: Configurations of a Cultural Practice in the English Novel (Volume 59)
Author/Editor: Dorothee Birke
Writing the Yugoslav Wars
Writing the Yugoslav Wars : Literature, Postmodernism, and the Ethics of Representation
Author/Editor: Obradović ,Dragana
Writing Together: Kollaboratives Schreiben mit Personen aus dem Feld
Author/Editor: Martina Blank,Sarah Nimführ
Written Culture in a Colonial Context
Written Culture in a Colonial Context : Africa and the Americas 1500-1900
Author/Editor: Delmas ,Adrien,Penn ,Nigel
Wütende Texte: Die Sprache heißen Zorns in der deutschen Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts
Author/Editor: Alfred Stumm
WTO Law and Trade Policy Reform for Low-Carbon Technology Diffusion: Common Concern of Humankind, Carbon Pricing, and Export Credit Support
Author/Editor: Zaker Ahmad