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Titles ( displaying 500 of 1,118 ) Information
The 1940 Under the Volcano
Author/Editor: Lowry, Malcolm; Mota, Miguel; Tiessen, Paul
The 1956 Hungarian Revolution
Author/Editor: Adam, Christopher; Egervari, Tibor; Laczko, Leslie
1975 and 1978 Rescue Excavations at the Draper Site
Author/Editor: Finlayson, William David
1978-1979 guide to departments of sociology, anthropology, archaelogy in universities and museums in Canada / Annuaire 1978-1979 des départements de sociologie, d'anthropologie, d'archéologie des universités et des musées au Canada
Author/Editor: Herman, Kathleen; Carstens, Peter
1981-1982 guide to departments of sociology, anthropology and archaeology in universities and museums in Canada / Annuaire 1981-1982 des départements de sociologie, d'anthropologie et d'archéologie des universités et des musées du Canada
Author/Editor: Herman, Kathleen; Carstens, Peter
50 ans de bilinguisme officiel: Défis, analyses et témoignages
Author/Editor: Richard Clément ,Pierre Foucher
Abenaki basketry
Author/Editor: Pelletier, Gaby
Aberdeen Site, Keewatin District, Northwest Territories
Author/Editor: Wright, James Vallière
Aboriginal Canada Revisited
Author/Editor: Knopf, Kerstin
Aboriginal People and Other Canadians
Author/Editor: Thornton, Martin; Todd, Roy
The Academic Gateway
Author/Editor: Timothy M. Sibbald,Victoria Handford
The Academic Sabbatical: A Voyage of Discovery
Author/Editor: Timothy Sibbald ,Victoria Handford
Academic Writing for Military Personnel
Author/Editor: Chapnick, Adam; Stone, Craig
Acaoohkiwina and Acimowina
Author/Editor: Brightman, Robert A
Accessibilité et offre active
Author/Editor: Drolet, Marie; Bouchard, Pier; Savard, Jacinthe
Accessibility and Active Offer
Author/Editor: Drolet, Marie; Bouchard, Pier; Savard, Jacinthe
Accounting for Culture
Author/Editor: Andrew, Caroline; Gattinger, Monica; Jeannotte, M. Sharon
Acute Resuscitation and Crisis Management
Author/Editor: Neilipovitz, David
The Afterworld: Long COVID and International Relations, Ed. DGO - Digital original
Author/Editor: Frédéric Mérand ,Jennifer Welsh
Air Board, Canadian Air Force and Royal Canadian Air Force
Author/Editor: Hitchins, F.H
Alain Robbe-Grillet
Author/Editor: Allemand, Roger-Michel; Milat, Christian
Alberta pottery industry, 1912-1990
Author/Editor: Hayward, Anne
Algonkians of Lake Nipigon
Author/Editor: Dawson, Kenneth C. A
Algonquin dialect relationships in Northwestern Quebec
Author/Editor: Gilstrap, Roger
Algonquin ethnobotany
Author/Editor: Black, Meredith Jean
Author/Editor: Clément, Daniel
Alice Munro’s Miraculous Art
Author/Editor: Fiamengo, Janice; Lynch, Gerald
Alice Munro’s Miraculous Art
Author/Editor: Janice Fiamengo,Gerald Lynch,Janice Fiamengo
Altermondialismes: Justice sociale et écologique dans un monde globalisé, Ed. DGO - Digital original, 1
Amériques transculturelles - Transcultural Americas
Author/Editor: Benessaieh, Afef
Anahim Lake Archaeology and the Early Historic Chilcotin Indians — Vertebrate Faunal Remains from the Potlatch Site (FcSi-2) in South Central British Columbia
Author/Editor: Wilmeth, Roscoe Hall; Stewart, Frances L
Analyse linguistique et ethnocentrisme :essai sur la structure du mot en inuktitut
Author/Editor: Lowe, Ronald
Analysis of Artifacts from Four Duke Point Area Sites, Near Nanaimo, B.C
Author/Editor: Murray, Rebecca Anne Wukasch
Anne Hébert
Author/Editor: Brochu, André
Anthropocene Geopolitics: Globalization, Security, Sustainability
Author/Editor: Simon Dalby
Antonine Maillet : Les trésors cachés - Our Hidden Treasures: Les trésors cachés - Our Hidden Treasures, Ed. BLL - Bilingual edition
Author/Editor: Antonine Maillet,Ralph Heintzman
Apperception, Knowledge, and Experience
Author/Editor: Bossart, W. H
Apprendre à écouter et à parler
Author/Editor: Fitzpatrick, Élizabeth M.; Doucet, Suzanne P
Apprendre à écouter et à parler
Author/Editor: Fitzpatrick, Élizabeth M.; Doucet, Suzanne P
Approaches to native history in Canada
Author/Editor: Muise, D. A
Archaeological Collections from Norutak Lake on the Kobuk-Alatna River Portage, Northwestern Alaska
Author/Editor: Clark, Donald Woodforde
Archaeological Investigations at the Atigun Site, Central Brooks Range, Alaska
Author/Editor: Wilson, Ian R
Archaeological Investigations in the Hecate Strait, Milbanke South Area of British Columbia
Author/Editor: Simonsen, Bjorn O
Archaeological Material from Creswell Bay, Northwest Territories, Canada
Author/Editor: Jr. Taylor, William Ewart; McGhee, Robert
Archaeological Reconnaissance at Great Bear Lake
Author/Editor: Clark, Donald Woodforde
Archaeological Reconnaissance in Northern Interior District of Mackenzie: 1969, 1970 and 1972
Author/Editor: Clark, Donald Woodforde
Archaeological Research at Calling Lake, Northern Alberta
Author/Editor: Gruhn, Ruth
Archaeological Research in the Lesser Slave Lake Region
Author/Editor: LeBlanc, Raymond Joseph
Archaeological Salvage Projects 1972
Author/Editor: Byrne, William J
Archaeological Salvage Projects 1973
Author/Editor: Byrne, William J
Archaeological Salvage Projects, 1974
Author/Editor: Wilmeth, Roscoe
Archaeological Survey Between Cape Parry and Cambridge Bay, Northwest Territories, Canada in 1963
Author/Editor: Taylor, William Ewart
Archaeological Survey of Canada: Annual Review 1972
Author/Editor: MacDonald, George F
Archaeological Survey of Canada: Annual Review 1973
Author/Editor: MacDonald, George F
Archaeological Survey of Canada Annual Review 1974
Author/Editor: MacDonald, George F
Archaeological Survey of Canada: Annual Review 1975 and 1976
Author/Editor: MacDonald, George F
Archaeological Survey of Canada Annual Review 1980-1981 / Commission archéologique du Canada, rapports annuels 1980-1981
Author/Editor: McGhee, Robert
Archaeological Survey of Canada Annual Reviews, 1977-1979
Author/Editor: Marois, Roger J. M
Archaeology and Ethnohistory in the Arrow Lakes, Southeastern British Columbia
Author/Editor: Turnbull, Christopher J
Archaeology and Prehistory of Southern Alberta as Reflected by Ceramics: Volume 3
Author/Editor: Byrne, William J
Archaeology and Prehistory of Southern Alberta as Reflected by Ceramics: Volume 1
Author/Editor: Byrne, William J
Archaeology and Prehistory of Southern Alberta as Reflected by Ceramics: Volume 2
Author/Editor: Byrne, William J
Archaeology of the Lake Harbour District, Baffin Island
Author/Editor: Maxwell, Moreau S
Archaic Sequence from the Strait of Belle Isle, Labrador
Author/Editor: McGhee, Robert; Tuck, James A
Around and about Marius Barbeau
Author/Editor: Smith, Gordon E; Jessup, Lynda; Nurse, Andrew
Artifacts from A coat of many colours :two centuries of Jewish life in Canada / Objets de l'exposition La tunique aux couleurs multiples : deux siècles de présence juive au Canada
Author/Editor: Weizman, Sandra Morton
Artifacts from the CCFCS collections
Author/Editor: Tilney, Philip V. R
Artisans de la modernité
Author/Editor: Farmer, Diane
Ashore and Afloat
Author/Editor: Gwyn, Julian
As it comes
Author/Editor: Gibbons, Roy W
Aspects of Inuit value socialization
Author/Editor: Briggs, Jean L
Assisted Suicide
Author/Editor: Prado, C. G
Athapaskan women
Author/Editor: Cruikshank, Julie
Atlas de neuroanatomie fonctionnelle
Author/Editor: Hendelman, Walter J
Atlas historique des pratiques religieuses
Author/Editor: Rousseau, Louis; Remiggi, Frank W
At the Speed of Light There is Only Illumination
Author/Editor: Moss, John; Morra, Linda M
Au fil des ans
Author/Editor: Huneault, Estelle
Au service du Canada
Author/Editor: Preston, Richard
Au temps de la « révolution acadienne »
Author/Editor: Volpé, Philippe; Massicotte, Julien
Au temps de la « révolution acadienne »: Les marxistes-léninistes en Acadie
Author/Editor: Philippe VOLPÉ,Julien MASSICOTTE
Autour de Chantal Mouffe: Le politique en conflit
Author/Editor: Linda Cardinal ,Pascale Devette
Aux origines de l'identité franco-ontarienne
Author/Editor: Gaffield, Chad
A basketful of Indian culture change
Author/Editor: Brasser, Theodore, J. C
Batza Tena, Trail to Obsidian
Author/Editor: Clark, Donald Woodforde; McFadyen Clark, Annette
Author/Editor: Carignan, Paul
Beads of life
Author/Editor: Labelle, Marie-Louise
Bear Lake Athapaskan kinship and task group formation
Author/Editor: Rushforth, Scott
Beckstead Site - 1977
Author/Editor: Pendergast, James F
Author/Editor: Blumstock, Robert
Bella Coola ceremony and art
Author/Editor: Stott, Margaret A
Bella Coola Indian music
Author/Editor: Kolstee, Anton F
Bella Coola language
Author/Editor: Nater, H. F
Bella Coola Valley
Author/Editor: Tepper, Leslie H
Belly River
Author/Editor: Quigg, J. Michael
Beluga Hunters
Author/Editor: McGhee, Robert
Beothuck Archaeology in Bonavista Bay
Author/Editor: Carignan, Paul
Beothuk bark canoes
Author/Editor: Marshall, Ingeborg
Between Actor and Presence
Author/Editor: MacLean, George
Between Ports Alberni and Renfrew
Author/Editor: Arima, E. Y.; St. Claire, Denis; Clamhouse, Louis
Beyond the Academic Gateway: Looking back on the Tenure-Track Journey
Author/Editor: Timothy M. Sibbald,Victoria Handford
Bible and the plough
Author/Editor: Brednich, Rolf Wilhelm
Bibliography for the study of British Columbia's domestic material history
Author/Editor: Careless, Virginia
A bibliography of the Athapaskan languages
Author/Editor: Parr, Richard T
Biological Relationships of Southern Ontario Woodland Peoples
Author/Editor: Molto, Joseph Eldon
The Black Hole of Public Administration
Author/Editor: Hubbard, Ruth; Paquet, Gilles
Black Pentecostal music in Windsor
Author/Editor: McIntyre, Paul
A Blanket Against Darkness
Author/Editor: Harton, Catherine
Bliss Carman
Author/Editor: Lynch, Gerald
The Blue Shirts
Author/Editor: Hugues Théorêt,Ferdinanda van Gennip,Howard Scott
Boat building in Winterton, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland
Author/Editor: Taylor, David A
Boat building in Winterton, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland
Author/Editor: Taylor, David A
The Bold and the Brave
Author/Editor: Frize, Monique
Bolder Flights
Author/Editor: Tierney, Frank; Arnold Robbeson, Angela
Bones of the Ancestors
Author/Editor: Williamson, Ronald F.; Pfeiffer, Susan
Author/Editor: Brunet-Jailly, Emmanuel
Borders and Migration: The Canadian Experience in Comparative Perspective
Author/Editor: Michael J. Carpenter ,Melissa Kelly ,Oliver Schmidtke
Borders, Culture, and Globalization: A Canadian Perspective
Author/Editor: Victor Konrad ,Melissa Kelly
Boys Site and the Early Ontario Iroquois Tradition
Author/Editor: Reid, C. S
Author/Editor: Smith?, Robert
Bruner-Colasanti Site
Author/Editor: Lennox, Paul Anthony
Building Bridges: Case Studies in Collaborative Governance in Canada
Author/Editor: CLAUDE M. ROCAN
Building New Bridges - Bâtir de nouveaux ponts
Author/Editor: Keshen, Jeff; Perrier, Sylvie
Business and Government in Canada
Author/Editor: Roy, Jeffrey
Cabinetmaker's art in Ontario, c. 1850-1900
Author/Editor: Koltun, L. A
Cactus Flower Site in Southeastern Alberta
Author/Editor: Brumley, John H
Cadzow Lake Site (Mjvi 1)
Author/Editor: Morlan, Richard E
Cahiers Charlevoix 10
Author/Editor: ; Bock, Michel; Pichette, Jean-Pierre
Cahiers Charlevoix 11
Author/Editor: ; Pichette, Jean-Pierre; Laflamme, Simon
Cahiers Charlevoix 12: Études franco-ontariennes
Author/Editor: Simon Laflamme,Yves Frenette,Julie Boissonneault,Ali Reguigui,Marcel Bénéteau,Jean-Pierre Pichette
Cahiers Charlevoix 13: Études franco-ontariennes
Author/Editor: Marcel Bénéteau,Simon Laflamme,Yves Frenette,Julie Boissonneault,Ali Reguigui,Michel Bock
Cahiers Charlevoix 8
Author/Editor: Jean-Pierre Pichette,Simon Laflamme,Michel Bock,France Martineau
Cahiers Charlevoix 9
Author/Editor: Simon Laflamme,Michel Bock,Jean-Pierre Pichette
Calabrese folklore
Author/Editor: Augimeri, Maria C
Calling for Change
Author/Editor: McIntyre, Sheila; Sheehy, Elizabeth
Calvert Site
Author/Editor: Timmins, Peter Andrew
Canada and Aboriginal Canada Today - Le Canada et le Canada autochtone aujourd’hui
Author/Editor: Martin, Paul
Canada and Aboriginal Canada Today - Le Canada et le Canada autochtone aujourd’hui, BLL - Bilingual edition
Author/Editor: Paul Martin
Canada and the Challenges of International Development and Globalization
Author/Editor: Masaeli, Mahmoud; Munro, Lauchlan T
Canada's Fluid Borders: Trade, Investment, Travel, Migration
Canada’s Official Languages
Author/Editor: Gaspard, Helaina
Canada’s Official Languages: Policy Versus Work Practice in the Federal Public Service
Author/Editor: Helaina Gaspard
Canada's Religions
Author/Editor: Choquette, Robert
Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Dates
Author/Editor: Wilmeth, Roscoe Hall
Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies annual review 1972
Author/Editor: Roy, Carmen
Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies annual review 1974
Author/Editor: Maclennan, G. W
Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies annual review 1973
Author/Editor: Roy, Carmen
The Canadian City
Author/Editor: Kemble, Roger
Canadian craft and museum practice, 1900-1950
Author/Editor: Flood, Sandra
The Canadian Distinctiveness into the XXIst Century - La distinction canadienne au tournant du XXIe siecle
Author/Editor: Gaffield, Chad; Gould, Karen
Canadian Ethnology Service: Annual review 1974
Author/Editor: Reynolds, Barry
Canadian Ethnology Society: Papers from the fifth annual congress, 1978
Author/Editor: Ryan, Joan
Canadian Ethnology Society: Papers from the fourth annual congress, 1977
Author/Editor: Preston, Richard J
Canadian Ethnology Society: Papers from the sixth annual congress, 1979
Author/Editor: Guédon, Marie-Françoise; Hatt, D.G
Canadian Inuit literature
Author/Editor: McGrath, Robin
Canadian Migration Patterns from Britain and North America
Author/Editor: Messamore, Barbara J
The Canadian Modernists Meet
Author/Editor: Irvine, Dean
Canadian Perspectives on Community Development
Author/Editor: Sarah Todd,Sébastien Savard
Canadians and their environment
Author/Editor: Ruddel, David T
Canadian War Museum: annual review 1972
Author/Editor: McGuire, Frank
Canadian War Museum: annual review 1973
Author/Editor: Murray, Lee
Canadian War Museum: annual review 1974
Author/Editor: Murray, Lee
Canadian War Museum: annual review 1975
Author/Editor: Murray, Lee
Canoe construction in a Cree cultural tradition
Author/Editor: Taylor, James Garth
Caribou Hunters in the Western Arctic
Author/Editor: Morrison, David A
Caring and Curing
Author/Editor: Dodd, Dianne; Gorham, Deborah
Carnets du rang 5: Fragments d’un enracinement. Fragments d’un parcours.
Author/Editor: ROBERT MAJOR
Carson Site and the Late Ceramic Period in Passamaquoddy Bay, New Brunswick
Author/Editor: Sanger, David
Case and context in Inuktitut (Eskimo)
Author/Editor: Kalmár, Ivan
The Case for Centralized Federalism
Author/Editor: DiGiacomo, Gordon; Flumian, Maryantonett
The Case for Decentralized Federalism
Author/Editor: Hubbard, Ruth; Paquet, Gilles
CCFCS collection of musical instruments: Volume 1
Author/Editor: Gibbons, Roy W
CCFCS collection of musical instruments: Volume 2
Author/Editor: Gibbons, Roy W
CCFCS collection of musical instruments: Volume 3
Author/Editor: Gibbons, Roy W
Ce que la rivière nous procurait
Author/Editor: Bibeau, Pierre; Denton, David; Burroughs, André
Chairing Successful Meetings: Lespérance Code
Author/Editor: MICHEL LESPÉRANCE ,Tanina Drvar
Challenges in Public Health Governance: The Canadian Experience
Author/Editor: CLAUDE M. ROCAN
Challenges of Minority Governments in Canada
Author/Editor: Marc Gervais
Changing economic roles for Micmac men and women
Author/Editor: Gonzalez, Ellice Becker
Changing the Terms
Author/Editor: Simon, Sherry; St-Pierre, Paul
Charcot in Morocco
Author/Editor: Charcot, Jean-Martin
Charles-François Lirette
Author/Editor: Girard, Réal; Lirette, Léandre; Lirette-Charron, Jeanne
Charting the Future of Translation History
Author/Editor: Bandia, Paul F.; Bastin, Georges L
Checklist of Toronto cabinet and chair makers, 1800-1865
Author/Editor: MacKinnon, Joan
Chemical Analysis of Prehistoric Human Bone from Five Temporally Distinct Populations in Southern Ontario
Author/Editor: Katzenberg, Mary Anne
Chercheurs de dieux dans l'espace public - Frontier Religions in Public Space
Author/Editor: Pauline, Côté
The Chevalier de Montmagny
Author/Editor: Dubé, Jean-Claude
The China Challenge
Author/Editor: Cao, Huhua; Poy, Vivienne
Chipewyan marriage
Author/Editor: Sharp, Henry S
Choosing Buddhism
Author/Editor: Mauro Peressini
Chronology of Canadian military aviation
Author/Editor: Halliday, H.A
Cinema Van, propagande et résistance en Afrique coloniale: (1930-1960)
Author/Editor: Vincent Bouchard
Cities and Languages: Governance and Policy – An International Symposium
Author/Editor: Richard Clément ,Caroline Andrew
Cities in the west
Author/Editor: McCormack, A. R.; Macpherson, Ian
Citizenship in a Connected Canada: A Research and Policy Agenda, Ed. DGO - Digital original
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Dubois ,Florian Martin-Bariteau
Clifton Royal
Author/Editor: Baxter, Judith
Climate, Culture, Change
Author/Editor: Leduc, Timothy B
Author/Editor: Torres-Recinos, Julio; Molina Lora, Luis
Clyde Inuit adaptation and ecology :the organization of subsistence
Author/Editor: Wenzel, George W
Coast Salish gambling games
Author/Editor: Maranda, Lynn
The Collected Poems of Miriam Waddington
Author/Editor: Panofsky, Ruth; Waddington, Miriam
Colonial Systems of Control
Author/Editor: Saleh-Hanna, Viviane
Comment traiter les « soldats d’Hitler » ?: Les relations interalliées et la détention des prisonniers de guerre allemands (1939-1945)
Author/Editor: Jean-Michel Turcotte
Commission archéologique du Canada, rapports annuels, 1977-1979
Author/Editor: Marois, Roger J. M
Common ground
Author/Editor: ;
Communications Division: annual review, 1972-73
Author/Editor: Tyler, Barbara
Communications Division: annual review, 1973
Author/Editor: Tyler, Barbara
Communications Division: annual review, 1974
Author/Editor: Tyler, Barbara
The Complete Poems of Emile Nelligan
Author/Editor: Nelligan, Emile
Computer-Aided Translation Technology
Author/Editor: Bowker, Lynne
A computer-generated dictionary of proto-Algonquian
Author/Editor: Hewson, John
A concise Nuxalk-English dictionary
Author/Editor: Nater, H. F
Confronting Discrimination and Inequality in China
Author/Editor: Mendes, Errol P.; Srighanthan, Sakunthala
Conscience et enquête
Author/Editor: Tremblay, Marc-Adélard
Conscience subalterne, conscience identitaire
Author/Editor: Michaud, Jacinthe
Consciousness and inquiry
Author/Editor: Manning, Frank
Constructions identitaires et pratiques sociales
Author/Editor: Wallot, Jean-Pierre; Lanthier, Pierre; Watelet, Hubert
Contact in the 16th Century
Author/Editor: Loewen, Brad; Chapdelaine, Claude
Contemporary Criminological Issues: Moving Beyond Insecurity and Exclusion
Author/Editor: Carolyn Côté-Lussier,David Moffette,Justin Piché
Contes indiens de la basse côte nord du Saint Laurent Rémi Savard
Author/Editor: Savard, Rémi
Context North America
Author/Editor: La Bossière, Camille
Context of the informant narrative performance
Author/Editor: Scollon, Ronald
Contextualizing Openness
Author/Editor: Chan, Leslie
Contextual studies of material culture
Author/Editor: Zimmerly, David W
A contextual study of the Caribou Eskimo kayak
Author/Editor: Arima, Eugene Yuji
Contrats de mariage à Québec, 1790-1812
Author/Editor: Dionee, Hélène
Contrats de mariage à Québec, 1790-1812
Author/Editor: Dionee, Hélène
Contributions to Anthropology
Author/Editor: Hall Jr., Edwin S
Contributions to Canadian ethnology, 1975
Author/Editor: Carlisle, David Brez
Contributions to Canadian linguistics
Author/Editor: Hamp, Eric P.; Howren, Robert; King, Qunidel
Contributions to kayak studies
Author/Editor: Arima, E. Y.; Heath, John D.; Mary-Rousselière, Guy
Contributions to Physical Anthropology, 1978-1980
Author/Editor: Cybulski, Jerome S
Contributions to the Later Prehistory of Kodiak Island, Alaska
Author/Editor: Clark, Donald Woodforde; Milan, Frederick A
Contributions to the Study of the Dorset Palaeo-Eskimos
Author/Editor: Sutherland, Patricia D
Conversations with Trotsky
Author/Editor: BRUCE NESBITT,Dean Irvine
Copper and Caribou Inuit skin clothing production
Author/Editor: Oakes, Jill Elizabeth
The Copyright Pentalogy
Author/Editor: Geist, Michael
Country post
Author/Editor: Amyot, Chantal; Willis, John
Courrier est arrivé
Author/Editor: Amyot, Chantal; Willis, John
Cow Point
Author/Editor: Sanger, David
Crafting new traditions
Author/Editor: Egan, Melanie; Elder, Alan C.; Johnson, Jean
Crane Site and the Palaeoeskimo Period in the Western Canadian Arctic
Author/Editor: LeBlanc, Raymond Joseph
Creating Visual Schedules: The Schedule Evaluation Tool (SET) for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disabilities, Ed. DGO - Digital original
Author/Editor: Johanne Mainville ,Sonia Di Lillo ,Nathalie Poirier ,Nathalie Plante ,Nathalie Poirier ,Tanina Drvar
Crippling Epistemologies and Governance Failures
Author/Editor: Paquet, Gilles
Croix de chemin
Author/Editor: Carpentier, Paul
Crowsnest Pass Archaeological Project
Author/Editor: Reeves, Brian O. K
Crowsnest Pass Archaeological Project
Author/Editor: Reeves, Brian O. K
Cultural Policy: Origins, Evolution, and Implementation in Canada's Provinces and Territories
Author/Editor: Diane Saint-Pierre ,Monica Gattinger
Culture History of Kirkland Lake District, Northeastern Ontario
Author/Editor: Pollock, John William
Author/Editor: D'Haenens, Leen
Dakah De’nin’s Village and the Dixthada Site
Author/Editor: Shinkwin, Anne D
Dakah De’nin’s Village and the Dixthada Site: A Contribution to Northern Athapaskan Prehistory
Author/Editor: ANNE D. SHINKWIN
Author/Editor: Stanley Niaah, Sonjah
Danse, enfermement et corps résilients | Dance, Confinement and Resilient Bodies, Ed. BLL - Bilingual edition
Author/Editor: Sylvie Frigon
Dans tous les sens du terme
Author/Editor: Quirion, Jean; Depecker, Loïc; Rousseau, Louis-Jean
Décrocher son diplôme (et l’emploi de ses rêves!)
Author/Editor: Klassen, Thomas R.; Dwyer, John A
Décrocher son diplôme (et l’emploi de ses rêves!): Comment maîtriser les compétences essentielles menant au succès à l’école, au travail et dans la vie
Author/Editor: Thomas R. Klassen,John A. Dwyer,Émilie Laramée
Dear Marian, Dear Hugh
Author/Editor: Verduyn, Christl
Death Sentences
Author/Editor: Myre, Suzanne
Author/Editor: Taylor, William Ewart; McGhee, Robert
Deep Cultural Diversity
Author/Editor: Paquet, Gilles
Defending a Contested Ideal
Author/Editor: Juillet, Luc; Rasmussen, Ken
De France en Nouvelle-France
Author/Editor: Watelet, Hubert
De interpretatione recta - De la traduction parfaite
Author/Editor: Bruni, Leonardo
De la couleur des lois
Author/Editor: Backhouse, Constance
De l’autre côté du Jourdain
Author/Editor: Laurence, Margaret
De l’autre côté du Jourdain
Author/Editor: Laurence, Margaret
De l'écrit à l'écran
Author/Editor: Tcheuyap, Alexie
De l'écrit à l'écran
The Demons of Leonard Cohen
Dene spruce root basketry / Dene ts'ukegháí tene rahesi
Author/Editor: Marie, Suzan; Thompson, Judy
De Paris à Nuremberg
Author/Editor: Jesús Baigorri Jalón,Clara Foz
De Paris à Nuremberg
Author/Editor: Baigorri Jalón, Jesús
Des Écoles en mouvement
Author/Editor: Bélanger, Nathalie; Duchesne, Hermann
Des outils pour le changement
Author/Editor: Veltmeyer, Henry
Detailed inventory of the Barbeau Northwest Coast Files
Author/Editor: Cove, John J
Deux grandes dames: Bertha Wilson et Claire L’Heureux-Dubé à la Cour suprême du Canada
Author/Editor: Constance Backhouse ,Karine Lavoie
Development and Distribution of Discontinuous Morphological Variation of the Human Infracranial Skeleton
Author/Editor: Saunders, Shelley Rae
Development of Caribou Eskimo Culture
Author/Editor: Clark, Brenda L
Diachronic Study of Dental Palaeopathology and Attritional Status of Prehistoric Ontario Pre-Iroquois and Iroquois Populations
Author/Editor: Patterson, J. R.; Kingsnorth, David
Diamond Jenness Collections from Bering Strait
Author/Editor: Morrison, David A
The Diary of Abraham Ulrikab
Author/Editor: Lutz, Hartmut
Dictionnaire des écrits de l'Ontario français
Author/Editor: Gervais, Gaétan; Pichette, Jean-Pierre
Didactique du français en contextes minoritaires: Entre normes scolaires et plurilinguismes
Author/Editor: Joël Thibeault,Carole Fleuret
Dit des signes
Author/Editor: Faïk-Nzuji Madiya, C
Divided Highways: Road Narrative and Nationhood in Canada
Démocratie, idéologie, socialité
Author/Editor: Tahon, Marie-Blanche
Dominant Impressions
Author/Editor: Lynch, Gerald; Arnold Robbeson, Angela
Donc je suis
Author/Editor: Henrie, Maurice
The Doom Loop in the Financial Sector
Author/Editor: Leiss, William
Dorset Occupations in the Vicinity of Port Refuge, High Arctic Canada
Author/Editor: McGhee, Robert
Author/Editor: Jarraway, David R
Double-Voicing the Canadian Short Story
Author/Editor: LAURIE KRUK
Déploiements canadiens-français et métis en Amérique du Nord (18e-20e siècle), Vol. 2
Author/Editor: Yves Frenette ,Marie-Ève Harton ,Marc St-Hilaire
Dérives: Une histoire sensible des parcours psychiatriques en Ontario français
Author/Editor: Marie-Claude Thifault,Marie LeBel
Driving the Fake Out of Public Administration: Detoxing HR in the Canadian Federal Public Sector, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Ruth Hubbard ,Gilles Paquet
Droits et voix - Rights and Voices
Author/Editor: Strimelle, Veronique; Vanhamme, Françoise
Drugs and Crime
Author/Editor: Brochu, Serge; Brunelle, Natacha; Plourde, Chantal
Dry Water
Author/Editor: Stead, Robert J.C.; Querengesser, Neil; Horton, Jean
Détresse et nostalgie
Du coq à l’âme
Author/Editor: Blanchette, Jean-François
Du coq à l’âme
Author/Editor: Blanchette, Jean-François
Du corps des femmes
Author/Editor: Frigon, Sylvie; Kérisit, Michèle
The Duncan Campbell Scott Symposium
Author/Editor: Stich, K. P
D'une écriture à l'autre
Author/Editor: Beaulieu, Jean-Philippe
D'une écriture à l'autre: Les femmes et la traduction sous l'Ancien Régime
Author/Editor: Jean-Philippe Beaulieu
D'un islam textuel vers un islam contextuel
Author/Editor: Dib, Naïma
Dynamics of outport furniture design
Author/Editor: Peddle, Walter W
eAccess to Justice
Author/Editor: Jane Bailey; Valerie Steeves
Early Kachemak Phase on Kodiak Island at Old Kiavak
Author/Editor: Clark, Donald Woodforde
Early Paleo-Indian Site Near Parkhill, Ontario
Author/Editor: Ellis, Christopher; Deller, D. Brian
Echoing Silence
Author/Editor: Moss, John
Edward Sapir's correspondence
Author/Editor: Dallaire, Louise
Effects of acculturation on Eskimo music of Cumberland Peninsula
Author/Editor: Lutz, Maija M
eGirls, eCitizens
Author/Editor: Bailey, Jane; Steeves, Valerie
E-Government in Canada
Author/Editor: Roy, Jeffrey
Eighteenth-Century Western Cree and Their Neighbours
Author/Editor: Russell, Dale R
Eight Inuit myths / Inuit unipkaaqtuat pingasuniarvinilit
Author/Editor: ALEX SPALDING
Eight Men Speak
Author/Editor: Filewod, Alan; Ryan, Oscar; Cecil-Smith, Edward
The E.J. Pratt Symposium
Author/Editor: Clever, Glenn
The Elective Mind: Philosophy and the Undergraduate Degree, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: RÉAL FILLION
The End of Iceland's Innocence
Author/Editor: Chartier, Daniel
Enduring hardship
Author/Editor: Hoe, Ban Seng
Engendering Genre
Author/Editor: Nischik, Reingard M
Enjeux contemporains de l'éducation scientifique et technologique
Author/Editor: Hasni, Abdelkrim; Lebeaume, Joël
Enjeux et défis du développement international
Author/Editor: Beaudet, Pierre; Haslam, Paul
Enjeux et défis du développement international
Author/Editor: Beaudet, Pierre; Caouette, Dominique; Haslam, Paul
Enjeux interculturels des médias
Author/Editor: Garneau, Michèle; Lüsebrink, Hans-Jürgen; Moser, Walter
Enseignement de la traduction et traduction dans l'enseignement
Author/Editor: Delisle, Jean; Lee-Jahnke, Hannelore
Entre lieux et mémoire
Author/Editor: Gilbert, Anne; Bock, Michel; Thériault, Joseph-Yvon
The Entrepreneurial Effect: Practical Ideas from Your Own Virtual Board of Advisors
Author/Editor: Terry Matthews ,James Bowen
The Entrepreneurial Effect: Waterloo: Practical Advice from your own Virtual Board of Advisors
Author/Editor: James Bowen
Author/Editor: Desgent, Jean-Marc; Lanoue, Guy
Erving Goffman et le travail social
Author/Editor: Stéphanie Garneau,Dahlia Namian
Eskimo economics
Author/Editor: Jansen, William Hugh
Eskimo music by region
Author/Editor: Johnston, Thomas F
Esthétique et recyclages culturels
Author/Editor: Klucinskas, Jean; Moser, Walter
Estuary Bison Pound Site in Southwestern Saskatchewan
Author/Editor: Adams, Gary F
The Ethel Wilson Symposium
Author/Editor: McMullen, Lorraine
Ethical Deliberation in Multiprofessional Health Care Teams
Author/Editor: Doucet, Hubert; Larouche, Jean-Marc; Melchin, Kenneth R
Ethical Hacking
Author/Editor: Maurushat, Alana
Ethnobotany of the Blackfoot Indians
Author/Editor: Hellson, John C.; Gadd, Morgan
Ethnobotany of the Gitksan Indians of British Columbia
Author/Editor: Smith, Harlan Ingersoll; Compton, Brian D.; Rigsby, Bruce
Ethnohistoric study of eastern James Bay Cree social organization, 1700-1850
Author/Editor: Morantz, Toby
Ethnolinguistic profile of the Canadian Metis
Author/Editor: Douaud, Patrick C
Ethnology Division: Annual review 1972
Author/Editor: Reynolds, Barry
Ethnology Division: Annual review 1974
Author/Editor: Reynolds, Barry
Europe et traduction
Author/Editor: Ballard, Michel
Evaluative ethno-historical bibliography of the Malecite Indians
Author/Editor: Herisson, Michel R. P
The Evolved Self: Mapping an Understanding of Who We Are
Author/Editor: Lloyd Hawkeye Robertson
The Evolving Physiology of Government
Author/Editor: Dwivedi, O. P.; Mau, Tim A.; Sheldrick, Byron M
Examination of Prehistoric Copper Technology and Copper Sources in Western Arctic and Subarctic North America
Author/Editor: Franklin, U. M.; Badone, E.; Gotthardt, R
Excavation of Water-Saturated Archaeological Sites (Wet Sites) on the Northwest Coast of North America
Author/Editor: Croes, Dale R
The Existence of the External World
Author/Editor: Vernes, Jean-René
Experimental Study of Microwear Formation on Endscrapers
Author/Editor: Brink, John W
Explorer la capitale
Factors influencing kamik production in Arctic Bay, Northwest Territories
Author/Editor: Oakes, Jill Elizabeth
The Fallacy of Race and the Shoah
Author/Editor: Kramer, Naomi; Headland, Ronald
Famille et fragmentation
Author/Editor: Tahon, Marie-Blanche; Côté, Denyse
Family origin histories
Author/Editor: Sapir, Edward; Swadesh, Morris; Thomas, Alexander
Fascinating challenges
Author/Editor: Thompson, Judy; Hall, Judy; Tepper, Leslie H
The Fate of Bonté III
Author/Editor: ALAIN POISSANT,Rob Twiss
Faunal Remains from the Nodwell Site (Bchi-3) and from Four Other Sites in Bruce County, Ontario
Author/Editor: Stewart, Frances L
Feminist Success Stories - Célébrons nos réussites féministes
Author/Editor: Blackford, Karen A.; Garceau, Marie-Luce; Kirby, Sandra
Femmes de carrière, carrières de femmes
Author/Editor: Coderre, Cécile; Denis, Ann; Andrew, Caroline
Femmes et politiques
Author/Editor: Masson, Dominique
Femmes francophones et pluralisme en milieu minoritaire
Author/Editor: Adam, Dyane
The Fictions of John Fowles
Author/Editor: Cooper, Pamela
Fiddle music in the Ottawa Valley
Author/Editor: Bégin, Carmelle
Fifty Years of Official Bilingualism: Challenges, Analyses and Testimonies, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Richard Clément ,Pierre Foucher
Financement de la santé et efficacité de l’aide internationale
Author/Editor: Barry, Mamadou; Sanni Yaya, Hachimi
Financement de la santé et efficacité de l’aide internationale
Author/Editor: Barry, Mamadou; Sanni Yaya, Hachimi
Finnish sauna in Manitoba
Author/Editor: Sutyla, Charles M
Flora Lyndsay; or, Passages in an Eventful Life
Author/Editor: Moodie, Susanna; Peterman, Michael A
Folk fiddling in Canada
Author/Editor: Gibbons, Roy W
Folk music in a Newfoundland outport
Author/Editor: Cox, Gordon Sidney Allister
Folk music of Canada's oldest Polish community / La musique traditionnelle de la plus ancienne communauté polonaise du Canada
Author/Editor: Glofcheskie, John Michael
Folk narrative among Ukrainian-Canadians in western Canada
Author/Editor: Klymasz, Robert B
Fondements des pratiques professionnelles des enseignants
Author/Editor: Maubant, Philippe; Martineau, Stéphane
Forest and Other Gleanings
Author/Editor: Traill, Catherine Parr; Peterman, Michael; Ballstadt, Carl
Forgeron de campagne
Author/Editor: Berube, Andre [et al.]
The Forgotten Peace
Author/Editor: Small, Michael
The Forgotten Songs of the Newfoundland Outports
Author/Editor: Kearney Guigné, Anna
Fort Reliance, Yukon
Author/Editor: Clark, Donald Woodforde
Foucault and the Indefinite Work of Freedom
Author/Editor: Fillion, Réal
Author/Editor: Boily-Blanchette, Lise
Francophonie, minorités et pédagogie
Author/Editor: Dalley, Phyllis; Roy, Sylvie
Franklin Era in Canadian Arctic History, 1845-1859
Author/Editor: Sutherland, Patricia D
Freedom, Nature, and World
Author/Editor: Loptson, Peter
From Arabye to Engelond
Author/Editor: Canitz, A. E. Christa; Weiland, Gernot R
From boxkite to jet
Author/Editor: Stedman, E.W
From chantre to djak
Author/Editor: Klymasz, Robert B
From Cognition to Being
Author/Editor: McHenry, Henry Davis
From Subjects to Citizens
Author/Editor: Boyer, Pierre; Cardinal, Linda; Headon, David
From the earth to beyond the sky
Author/Editor: Foster, Michael K
From the Heart of the Heartland
Author/Editor: Moss, John
A Future for Economics: More Encompassing, More Institutional, More Practical
Author/Editor: Christopher Maule ,John Chant ,Ehsan Choudhri ,Steven Langdon ,Harvey Lithwick ,Don McFetridge ,Christopher Maule ,Gilles Paquet ,Georg Rich
Future Horizons: Canadian Digital Humanities, Ed. DGO - Digital original
Future Indicative
Author/Editor: Moss, John
The Future of Open Data, Ed. DGO - Digital original
Author/Editor: Pamela Robinson ,Teresa Scassa
Gambling music of the Coast Salish Indians
Author/Editor: Stuart, Wendy Bross
The Gay[Grey Moose
Author/Editor: Bentley, D.M.R
Gender and Modernity in Central Europe
Author/Editor: Schwartz, Agatha
Genealogica & Heraldica
Author/Editor: Vachon, Auguste; Boudreau, Claire; Cogné, Daniel
Genre, féminismes et développement: Une trilogie en construction
Author/Editor: Charmain Levy,Andrea Martinez
Germaine Guèvremont
Author/Editor: Lepage, Yvan G
Gilles Paquet
Author/Editor: Andrew, Caroline; Hubbard, Ruth; Roy, Jeffrey
Glass manufacturing in Canada
Author/Editor: Rottenberg, Barbara Lang; Tomlin, Judith
Glenbrook Village Site
Author/Editor: Pendergast, James F
Glenrose Cannery Site
Author/Editor: Matson, R. G
God and Argument - Dieu et l'argumentation philosophique
Author/Editor: Sweet, William
God and the Grounding of Morality
Author/Editor: Nielsen, Kai
The God of Gods: A Canadian Play
Gomery's Blinders and Canadian Federalism
Author/Editor: Hubbard, Ruth; Paquet, Gilles
Gouvernance communautaire: Innovations dans le Canada français hors Québec
Author/Editor: Caroline Andrew ,Ruth Hubbard ,Gilles Paquet
Gouvernance corporative: Une entrée en matières
Author/Editor: Gilles Paquet
Gouvernance et appropriation locale du développement
Author/Editor: Fisette, Jacques; Raffinot, Marc
Gouverner les migrations pour perpétuer la mondialisation: Gestion migratoire et Organisation internationale pour les migrations, Ed. DGO - Digital original
Author/Editor: Younès Ahouga
Governance Through Social Learning
Author/Editor: Paquet, Gilles
The Governor General’s Literary Awards of Canada
Author/Editor: Irvine, Andrew David
The Governor General’s Literary Awards of Canada: A Bibliography
Gowen Sites: Cultural Responses to Climatic Warming on the Northern Plains (7500-5000 B.C.)
Author/Editor: Walker, Ernest Gordon
A grammar of Akwesasne Mohawk
Author/Editor: Bonvillain, Nancy
Grant Lake Site, Keewatin District, Northwest Territories
Author/Editor: Wright, James Vallière
Greeks of Vancouver
Author/Editor: Patterson, George James
Greenville Burial Ground
Author/Editor: Cybulski, Jerome S
The Grove Symposium
Author/Editor: Nause, John
Hahanudan Lake
Author/Editor: Clark, Donald Woodforde
Haida Burial Practices
Author/Editor: MacDonald, George F.; Cybulski, Jerome S
Harder Site
Author/Editor: Dyck, Ian G
Hare Indians and their world
Author/Editor: Hara, Hiroko S
Haïti aujourd'hui, Haïti demain
Author/Editor: Martinez, Andrea; Beaudet, Pierre; Baranyi, Stephen
Haïti: Le sous-développement durable, Ed. DGO - Digital original
Author/Editor: Vladimir Pierre Antoine Lovinski
The Helping Relationship
Author/Editor: Meier, Augustine; Rovers, Martin
Hera, or Empathy
Author/Editor: Leiss, William
The Hermes Complex
Author/Editor: Le Blanc, Charles
Histoires de Kanatha - Histories of Kanatha
Author/Editor: Sioui, Georges
Historique du nouvel emplacement du Musée national de l'Homme à Hull
Author/Editor: Brouseau, Francine
Historique du nouvel emplacement du Musée national de l'Homme à Hull
Author/Editor: Brouseau, Francine
History Division: annual review, 1972
Author/Editor: Thorpe, F.J
History Division: annual review, 1973
Author/Editor: Thorpe, F. J
History Division: annual review, 1974
Author/Editor: Thorpe, F. J
History museum as an effective educational institution
Author/Editor: Wohler, J. Patrick
History of Atlantic Canada
Author/Editor: Rider, Peter E
History of the Jews in Quebec, Ed. NED - New edition
Author/Editor: Pierre Anctil ,Judith Weisz Woodsworth
History of the Native People of Canada
Author/Editor: Wright, James Vallière
History of the Native People of Canada
Author/Editor: Wright, James Vallière
History of the Native People of Canada, Volume III (A.D. 500 – European Contact)
Author/Editor: Wright, James Vallière
Author/Editor: Ellison, Jenny; Anderson, Jennifer
Hockey and Philosophy
Author/Editor: Normand Baillargeon,Christian Boissinot,Scott Irving
Home Ground and Foreign Territory
Author/Editor: Fiamengo, Janice
Homelessness & Health in Canada
Author/Editor: Guirguis-Younger, Manal; Hwang, Stephen W.; McNeil, Ryan
Author/Editor: Sugars, Cynthia
Homo Interrogans
Author/Editor: Bruin, John
Hood Site
Author/Editor: Lennox, Paul Anthony
Hooper Bay kayak construction
Author/Editor: Zimmerly, David W
How to Write a Précis
Author/Editor: Russell, Pamela
Hugh Garner's Best Stories
Author/Editor: Garner, Hugh; Robins Sharpe, Emily
Husserl and the Sciences
Author/Editor: Feist, Richard A
Icelandic-Canadian memory lore
Author/Editor: Einarsson, Magnus
Icelandic-Canadian oral narratives
Author/Editor: Einarsson, Magnus
Icelandic-Canadian popular verse
Author/Editor: Einarsson, Magnus
Icon in Canada
Author/Editor: Klymasz, Robert B
Ideal world of Mrs. Widder's soirée musicale
Author/Editor: Guiguet, Kristina Marie
Identité, appartenances: Un parcours franco-ontarien
Author/Editor: ROBERT MAJOR
Identity of the Saint Francis Indians
Author/Editor: Day, Gordon M
Identity Theft and Fraud
Author/Editor: Archer, Norm; Sproule, Susan; Yuan, Yufei
Iglulualumiut Prehistory
Author/Editor: Morrison, David A
Images of Canadianness
Author/Editor: D'Haenens, Leen
Implements of golf
Author/Editor: Stewart, William Lynnwood; Gray, David Robert
In an Iron Glove
Author/Editor: Martin, Claire
In Ballast to the White Sea
Author/Editor: Lowry, Malcolm; McCarthy, Patrick A
Index for the Urban History Review 1972-1977 / Index pour la revue d’histoire urbaine 1972-1977
Index for the Urban History Review 1972-1977 / Index pour la revue d’histoire urbaine 1972-1977
Indices de manifestations culturelles de l'archaique
Author/Editor: Marois, Roger J. M.; Ribes, René
Individual in northern Dene thought and communication
Author/Editor: Christian, Jane; Gardner, Peter M
Author/Editor: Smith, David Merrill
In memoriam: Peter Lewis Paul, 1902-1989
Author/Editor: Teeter, Karl V
Innovating South-South Cooperation
Author/Editor: Gamil Besada, Hany; Evren Tok, Mohamed; McMillan Polonenko, Leah
Innovating South-South Cooperation: Policies, Challenges and Prospects
Author/Editor: Hany Gamil Besada,M. Evren Tok,Leah McMillan Polonenko
Innovation in Canada: Why We Need More and What We Must Do to Get It
Insécurité linguistique dans la francophonie
An Insider's Guide to Canada's Capital
Intelligent Governance: A Prototype for Social Coordination, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Gilles Paquet ,Christopher Wilson
Interior Salish tribes of British Columbia
Author/Editor: Tepper, Leslie H
International Approaches to Professional Development for Mathematics Teachers
Author/Editor: Bednarz, Nadine; Fiorentini, Dario; Huang, Rongjin
Interpreters as Diplomats
Author/Editor: Roland, Ruth
Interpreting the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal
Author/Editor: Takeda, Kayoko
Interpretive contexts for traditional and current coast Tsimshian feasts
Author/Editor: Seguin, Margaret
In the shadow of the sun
Intérieurs domestiques des menuisiers et charpentiers de la région de Québec, 1810-1819
Author/Editor: Bernier, Jacques
Introduction aux études canadiennes
Author/Editor: Ewen, Geoffrey; Coates, Colin M
Introduction to the Ecology of Early Historic Communal Bison Hunting Among the Northern Plains Indians
Author/Editor: Arthur, George W
Introduction to the social history of Scots in Quebec (1780-1840)
Author/Editor: Price, Lynda
Inuit adoption
Author/Editor: Guemple, D. L
Inuit kayaks in Canada
Author/Editor: Arima, Eugene Yuji
Inuit language in southern Labrador from 1694-1785 / La langue inuit au Sud du Labrador de 1964 à 1785
Author/Editor: Dorais, Louis-Jacques
Inuit language in southern Labrador from 1694-1785 / La langue inuit au Sud du Labrador de 1964 à 1785
Author/Editor: Dorais, Louis-Jacques
Inuit songs from Eskimo Point
Author/Editor: Pelinski, Ramon; Suluk, Luke; Amarook, Lucy
Irregular Governance: A Plea for Bold Organizational Experimentation, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Ruth Hubbard ,Gilles Paquet