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Titles start with S (74) Information
The Symons Medal: La médaille Symons: Twenty Years of Reflection on an Evolving Canada: Vingt ans de réflexion sur le Canada, un pays en évolution, Ed. DGO - Digital original
Author/Editor: HARVEY SAWLER
Swiss-German and Dutch-German Mennonite traditional art in the Waterloo Region, Ontario
Author/Editor: Patterson, Nancy-Lou
Swinging the Maelstrom
Author/Editor: Lowry, Malcolm; Doyen, Vik
Swedish community at Eriksdale, Manitoba
Author/Editor: Houser, George J
Swan people
Author/Editor: Ridington, Robin
A Survey of the Derivational Postbases of Labrador Inuttut (Eskimo)
Author/Editor: Smith, Lawrence R
Suppression of the Erotic in Modern Hebrew Literature
Author/Editor: Ben-Ari, Nitsa
Suffixes of the Eskimo dialects of Cumberland Peninsula and North Baffin Island
Author/Editor: Harper, Kenn
Subsistence and Culture in the Western Canadian Arctic
Author/Editor: Betts, Matthew W
Studies in history and museums
Author/Editor: Rider, Peter E
Structural changes of two Chinese communities in Alberta, Canada
Author/Editor: Hoe, Ban Seng
Stories Subversive
Author/Editor: McClung, Nellie; Davis, Marilyn I
Stolen women
Author/Editor: Cruikshank, Julie
Stigma Revisited
Author/Editor: Hannem, Stacey; Bruckert, Chris
Stewardship: Collaborative Decentred Metagovernance and Inquiring Systems
Author/Editor: Ruth Hubbard ,Gilles Paquet ,Christopher Wilson
Stephen Leacock
Author/Editor: Staines, David
Stefansson, Dr. Anderson and the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-1918
Author/Editor: Jenness, Stuart E
The State in Transition: Challenges for Canadian Federalism
Author/Editor: Michael Behiels ,François Rocher
Sport Policy in Canada
Author/Editor: Thibault, Lucie; Harvey, Jean
Spirit wrestlers
Author/Editor: Klymasz, Robert B.; Tarasoff, Koozma J
So we can remember
Author/Editor: Greenhill, Pauline
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. V
Author/Editor: Eldredge, Laurence M.; Klinck, Anne L
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. IV
Author/Editor: Mous, Peter H. J
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. III
Author/Editor: Stauffenberg, Henry J
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. II
Author/Editor: Fowler, Roger R
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. I
Author/Editor: Horral, Sarah M
Sources for the ethnography of northeastern North America to 1611
Author/Editor: Quinn, David B
Sortir du labyrinthe
Author/Editor: Labrecque, Marie France
Something To Reckon With
Author/Editor: Englebretsen, George
Something out of nothing
Author/Editor: Inglis, Stephen Robert
Some sources for women's history in the Public Archives of Canada
Author/Editor: Rielly, Heather; Hindmarch, Marilyn
Some grammatical aspects of Labrador Inuttut (Eskimo)
Author/Editor: Smith, Lawrence R
Some aspects of the grammar of the Eskimo dialects of Cumberland Peninsula and North Baffin Island
Author/Editor: Harper, Kenn
Solstice-aligned boulder configurations in Saskatchewan
Author/Editor: Kehoe, Alice Beck; Kehoe, Thomas F
Sociologie des rapports de sexe
Author/Editor: Tahon, Marie-Blanche
The Social Question and the Democratic Revolution
Author/Editor: Moggach, Douglas; Leduc Browne, Paul
Social gospel in Canada
Author/Editor: Allen, Richard
S'occuper des enfants
Author/Editor: Lemay, Raymond; Ghazal, Hayat
Skill and status
Author/Editor: Doucette, Laurel
Skeletal Variability in British Columbia Coastal Populations
Author/Editor: Cybulski, Jerome S
Skeletal Biology of Archaic Populations of the Great Lakes Region
Author/Editor: Pfeiffer, Susan
Skeena River Prehistory
Author/Editor: Inglis, Richard; MacDonald, George F
Sjovold Site
Author/Editor: Dyck, Ian G.; Morlan, Richard E
Site Catchment Analysis of the Little Qualicum River Site, DiSc 1
Author/Editor: Bernick, Kathryn N
Short Stories by Thomas Murtha
Author/Editor: Murtha, Thomas; Murtha, William
Shipbuilding on Prince Edward Island
Author/Editor: De Jong, Nicolas; Moore, Marven E
Sheguiandah Site
Author/Editor: Julig, Patrick J
Sharing Spaces: Essays in Honour of Sherry Olson
Author/Editor: Robert Sweeny
Shaping Nations
Author/Editor: Cardinal, Linda; Headon, David
Author/Editor: Turner, David H.; Wertman, Paul
Shakespeare and Canada
Author/Editor: Makaryk, Irena R.; Prince, Kathryn
Sexual Assault in Canada
Author/Editor: Sheehy, Elizabeth A
Se soigner au Canada aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles
Author/Editor: Lessard, Renald
The Service State
Author/Editor: Dutil, Patrice; Howard, Cosmo; Langford, John
Sephardim d'hier et de demain
Author/Editor: Elbaz, André E
Separate but Unequal: How Parallelist Ideology Conceals Indigenous Dependency
Author/Editor: Frances Widdowson
Seniors’ Learning in the Digital Age, Ed. DGO - Digital original, 1
Author/Editor: DIANNE CONRAD
Selected Stories of Isabella Valancy Crawford
Author/Editor: Crawford, Isabella Valancy; Petrone, Penny
Selected Canadian spinning wheels in perspective
Author/Editor: Buxton-Keenlyside, Judith
Second Finding
Author/Editor: Folkart, Barbara
Scripting Feminist Ethics in Teacher Education
Author/Editor: Michelle Forrest,Linda Wheeldon
Scheming Virtuously: The Road to Collaborative Governance
Author/Editor: Gilles Paquet
Author/Editor: Smith, Donald B
Saugeen Culture: Volume 2: A Middle Woodland Manifestation in Southwestern Ontario
Saugeen Culture: Volume 1: A Middle Woodland Manifestation in Southwestern Ontario
Sarcee verb paradigms
Author/Editor: Cook, Eung-Do
Sans masque
Author/Editor: Rosenberg, Truda
Sans frontières
Author/Editor: Bates, Christina; Dodd, Dianne; Rousseau, Nicole
Salvage Contributions
Author/Editor: Wilmeth, Roscoe
Sakura in the Land of the Maple Leaf
Author/Editor: Caldarola, Carlo; Shimpo, Mitsuru; Ujimoto, K. Victor
Saisir sa chance: Mémoires de David M. Culver
Author/Editor: David M. Culver,Alan Freeman,Jean Charest,Christine Gonthier
Sacro o profano?
Author/Editor: Giuliano, Bruce B
Saanich, North Straits Salish classified word list
Author/Editor: Montler, Timothy
Saamis Site
Author/Editor: Brumley, Laurie Milne