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Titles start with C (95) Information
Cyprus in the Long Late Antiquity: History and Archaeology Between the Sixth and the Eighth Centuries
Cyprus: An island culture: Society and Social Relations from the Bronze Age to the Venetian Period
Author/Editor: Artemis Georgiou
Cypriot Cultural Details: Proceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting of Young Researchers in Cypriot Archaeology
Author/Editor: Iosif Hadjikyriakos,Mia Gaia Trentin
Cutting-edge Technologies in Ancient Greece: Materials Science applied to trace ancient technologies in the Aegean world
Current Research in Egyptology 2016: Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Symposium
Author/Editor: Julia M. Chyla,Joanna Dêbowska-Ludwin,Karolina Rosińska-Balik,Carl Walsh
Current Research in Egyptology 2015: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Symposium, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Christelle Alvarez,Arto Belekdanian,Ann-Katrin Gill,Solène Klein
Current Research in Egyptology 2014: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Symposium
Author/Editor: Massimiliano S. Pinarello,Justin Yoo,Jason Lundock,Carl Walsh
Current Research in Egyptology 2013: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Symposium
Author/Editor: Kelly Accetta,Renate Fellinger,Pedro Lourenço Gonçalves,Sarah Musselwhite,W. Paul van Pelt
Current Research in Egyptology 2012: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Symposium
Author/Editor: Carl Graves,Gabrielle Heffernan,Luke McGarrity,Emily Millward,Marsia Sfakianou Bealby
Current Research in Egyptology 2011: Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Symposium
Author/Editor: Heba Abd El Gawad,Nathalie Andrews,Maria Correas-Amador,Veronica Tamorri,James Taylor
Current Research in Egyptology 2010: Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Symposium
Author/Editor: Maarten Horn,Joost Kramer,Daniel Soliman,Nico Staring,Carina van den Hoven,Lara Weiss
Current Research in Egyptology 2009: Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Symposium
Author/Editor: Judith Corbelli,Daniel Boatright,Claire Malleson
Current Research in Egyptology 2007: Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Conference
Author/Editor: Kenneth Griffin,Meg Gundlach
Current Research in Egyptology 2006: Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Symposium
Author/Editor: Maria Cannata
Current Research in Egyptology 2005: Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Symposium
Author/Editor: Rachel Mairs,Alice Stevenson
Current Approaches to Tells in the Prehistoric Old World: A cross-cultural comparison from Early Neolithic to the Iron Age
Culture and Society in Later Roman Antioch
Author/Editor: Isabella Sandwell,Janet Huskinson
Culture and Perspective at Times of Crisis: State Structures, Private Initiative and the Public Character of Heritage
Author/Editor: Sophia Antoniadou,Giorgos Vavouranakis,Ioannis Poulios,Pavlina Raouzaiou
Cultural Landscapes of North-east Scotland: Collaborative Research in History and Archaeology
Author/Editor: Colin Shepherd
Cult in Context: Reconsidering Ritual in Archaeology
Author/Editor: David A. Barrowclough,Caroline Malone
The Crown of Arsinoë II: The Creation of an Image of Authority
Author/Editor: Maria Nilsson
Crossing the Threshold: Architecture, Iconography and the Sacred Entrance, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Madeleine Mumcuoglu,Yosef Garfinkel
Crossing Boundaries: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Art, Material Culture, Language and Literature of the Early Medieval World, Ed. 1st
Credit and Debt in Medieval England c.1180-c.1350
Author/Editor: P. R. Schofield,N. J. Mayhew
Creating Material Worlds: The Uses of Identity in Archaeology
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Pierce,Anthony Russell,Adrián Maldonado,Louisa Campbell
Creating Communities: New advances in Central European Neolithic Research
Author/Editor: Daniela Hofmann,Penny Bickle
Crafts and Social Networks in Viking Towns
Crafting Textiles: Tablet Weaving, Sprang, Lace and Other Techniques from the Bronze Age to the Early 17th Century, Vol. 39
Author/Editor: Frances Pritchard
Crafting Minoanisation: Textiles, Crafts Production and Social Dynamics in the Bronze Age southern Aegean, Vol. 33
Counting People: A DIY Manual for Local and Family Historians
Author/Editor: John S. Moore
The Cosmatesque Mosaics of Westminster Abbey: The Pavements and Royal Tombs: History, Archaeology, Architecture and Conservation
Author/Editor: Warwick Rodwell,David S Neal,Paul Drury,Ian Freestone,Kevin Hayward,Lisa Monnas,Matthew Payne,Ruth Siddall,Simeoni Vanessa,Erica Carrick Utsi,Erica Carrick Utsi
Corrstown: A Coastal Community. Excavations of a Bronze Age Village in Northern Ireland
Author/Editor: Victoria Ginn,Stuart Rathbone,Örni Akeret,Eoin Grogan,Martin Halpin,Ella Hassett,Maria Lear,Stephen Mandal,Cormac McSparron,Maria O’Hare,Helen Roche
A Corpus of Roman Pottery from Lincoln
Author/Editor: Margaret Darling,Barbara Precious,Joanna Bird,Brenda Dickinson,Katharine Hartley
Corpus of Prehistoric Pottery and Palettes, Vol. 10
Author/Editor: the Egyptian Collection in University College,W. M. FLINDERS PETRIE
A Corpus of Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Pottery from Lincoln
Author/Editor: Jane Young,Alan Vince,Victoria Nailor
The Coronation Chair and Stone of Scone: History, Archaeology and Conservation
Author/Editor: Warwick Rodwell,Marie Louise Sauerberg,Ptolemy Dean,Eddie Smith,The Dean of Westminster
Coptic Documentary Texts From Kellis. Volume 2 P. Kellis VII
Author/Editor: Iain Gardner,Anthony Alcock,Wolf-Peter Funk
Cooking up the Past
Author/Editor: Christopher Mee,Josette Renard
Continuity and Rupture in Roman Mediterranean Gaul: An Archaeology of Colonial Transformations at Ancient Lattara
Author/Editor: Benjamin P. Luley
Continental Connections
Author/Editor: Hugo Anderson-Whymark,Duncan Garrow,Fraser Sturt
Contextualizing Imperial Disruption and Upheavals and their Associated Research Challenges, Vol. 1
Constantinople: Archaeology of a Byzantine Megapolis
Author/Editor: Ken Dark,Ferudun Özgümüş
The Competition of Fibres: Early Textile Production in Western Asia, South-east and Central Europe (10,000-500BCE), Vol. 36
Community Archaeology: Themes, Methods and Practices
Author/Editor: Gabriel Moshenska,Sarah Dhanjal
Community Archaeology on Hadrian’s Wall 2019–2022
Author/Editor: Rob Collins ,Jane Harrison ,Ian Kille ,Kathryn Murphy ,Kerry Shaw
Communities in Transition: The Circum-Aegean Area During the 5th and 4th Millennia BC, Ed. 1st
Communicating with the World of Beings: The World Heritage rock art sites in Alta, Arctic Norway
Author/Editor: Knut Helskog,Tim Challman
Communicating Identity in Italic Iron Age Communities
Author/Editor: Margarita Gleba,Helle W. Horsnæs
Communicating Archaeology
Author/Editor: John Beavis,Alan Hunt
Commemorating Classical Battles: A Landscape Biography Approach to Marathon, Leuktra, and Chaironeia
Author/Editor: Brandon Braun
Colonisation, Migration, and Marginal Areas: A Zooarchaeological Approach
Author/Editor: Mariana Mondini,Sebastián Muñoz,Stephen Wickler
Collapse or Survival: Micro-dynamics of crisis and endurance in the ancient central Mediterranean
Author/Editor: Elisa Perego,Rafael Scopacasa,Silvia Amicone
Collapse and Transformation: The Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age in the Aegean
Author/Editor: GUY D. MIDDLETON
Colchester, Fortress of the War God: an Archaeological Assessment
Author/Editor: Adrian Gascoyne,David Radford,Philip Crummy,Nina Crummy,Rosalind Niblett,Dave Stenning,Steve Benfield,Peter Murphy,Andrew Phillips,Philip J Wise
Coins, Riches, and Lands: Paying for Military Manpower in Antiquity and Early Medieval Times
Cod and Herring: The Archaeology and History of Medieval Sea Fishing
The Clothed Body in the Ancient World
Author/Editor: Liza Cleland,Mary Harlow,Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones
Clifton Quarry, Worcestershire: Pits, Posts and Cereals: Archaeological Investigations 2006–2009
Author/Editor: Andrew Mann,Robin Jackson,Steven J. Allen,Hugo Anderson-Whymark,Christopher Bronk Ramsey,Anthony Brown,Alan Clapham,Gordon Cook,Nick Daffern,Steven R. Davis,Emily Edwards,Richard P. Evershed,Laura Griffin,Katie Head,Derek Hurst,Robert A. Ixer,Peter Marsha
Clash of Cultures?: The Romano-British Period in the West Midlands
Cladh Hallan - Roundhouses and the dead in the Hebridean Bronze Age and Iron Age: Part I: Stratigraghy, Spatial Organisation and Chronology, Vol. 8
Author/Editor: Mike Parker Pearson ,Jacqui Mulville ,Helen Smith ,Peter Marshall ,Tom Booth ,Mark Brennand ,Andrew Chamberlain ,Gordon Cook ,Oliver Craig
Clachtoll: An Iron Age Broch Settlement in Assynt, North-west Scotland
Author/Editor: GRAEME CAVERS ,John Barber ,Graeme Cavers ,Andy Heald ,Nick Johnstone ,Dawn McLaren ,Jackaline Robertson ,Lynne Roy ,Enid Allison
City Walls in Late Antiquity: An empire-wide perspective
Cityscapes and Monuments of Western Asia Minor: Memories and Identities, Ed. 1st
A City from the Dawn of History: Erbil in the Cuneiform Sources
Author/Editor: John MacGinnis
The City by the Pool: Assessing the Archaeology of the City of Lincoln
Author/Editor: Michael J Jones ,David Stocker ,Alan Vince ,John Herridge ,David Stocker ,Michael J Jones ,Alan Vince
The Cities of the Plain: Urbanism in Ancient Western Thessaly
The Cities of Pamphylia
Author/Editor: John D. Grainger
Cities as Palimpsests?: Responses to Antiquity in Eastern Mediterranean Urbanism, Vol. 1
Author/Editor: Elizabeth Key Fowden ,Suna Çağaptay ,Edward Zychowicz-Coghill ,Louise Blanke
Circuits of Metal Value: Changing Roles of Metals in the Early Aegean and Nearby Lands, Vol. 14
Author/Editor: Toby Wilkinson ,Susan Sherratt
Cipières: Landscape and Community in Alpes-Maritimes, France
Author/Editor: David Austin,Rosamond Faith,Andrew Fleming,David Siddle,David Austin
Cille Pheadair: a Norse Farmstead and Pictish Burial Cairn in South Uist
Author/Editor: Mike Parker Pearson,Mark Brennand,Jacqui Mulville,Helen Smith,Phil Austin,Edward Besly,Julia Best,Jerry Bond,Andrew Chamberlain,Carolyn Chenery,Judy Cartledge,Sue Colledge,Gordon Cook,Lucy Cramp,Barbara Crawford,Irene de Luis,Ian Dennis,David Dungworth,Ma
Children, Spaces and Identity
Author/Editor: Margarita Sánchez Romero,Eva Alarcón García,Gonzalo Aranda Jiménez
Children, Death and Burial: Archaeological Discourses, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Eileen Murphy,Mélie Le Roy
Childhood and Violence in the Western Tradition
Author/Editor: Laurence Brockliss,Heather Montgomery
Chariots, Swords and Spears: Iron Age Burials at the Foot of the East Yorkshire Wolds
Author/Editor: MARK STEPHENS ,Sophia Adams ,Michelle Alexander ,Diane Alldritt ,Anwen Cafell ,Thomas G.B. Fox ,Melanie Giles ,Peter Halkon ,Derek Hamilton
Chariots and Other Wheeled Vehicles in Italy Before the Roman Empire
Author/Editor: J. H. Crouwel
Changing Pictures: Rock Art Traditions and Visions in the Northernmost Europe
Author/Editor: Joakim Goldhahn,Ingrid Fuglestvedt,Andrew Jones
Change and Resilience: The Occupation of Mediterranean Islands in Late Antiquity
Author/Editor: Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros,Catalina Mas Florit,John F. Cherry
Ceramics, Cuisine and Culture: The archaeology and science of kitchen pottery in the ancient mediterranean world
Author/Editor: Michela Spataro,Alexandra Villing
Celtic from the West: Alternative Perspectives from Archaeology, Genetics, Language and Literature, Vol. 15
Author/Editor: Barry Cunliffe ,John T. Koch
Celtic from the West 3: Atlantic Europe in the Metal Ages — questions of shared language
Author/Editor: John T. Koch,Barry Cunliffe,Kerri Cleary,Catriona D. Gibson
Celtic Art in Europe: Making Connections
Author/Editor: Christopher Gosden,Sally Crawford,Katharina Ulmschneider
Caves in Context: The Cultural Significance of Caves and Rockshelters in Europe
Author/Editor: Knut Andreas Bergsvik,Robin Skeates
Caves and Ritual in Medieval Europe, AD 500-1500, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Knut Andreas Bergsvik,Marion Dowd
Castles in Context: Power, Symbolism and Landscape, 1066 to 1500
Author/Editor: Robert Liddiard
Castles and the Anglo-Norman World
Author/Editor: John A. Davies,Angela Riley,Jean-Marie Levesque,Charlotte Lapiche
Carving a Future for British Rock Art: New Directions for Research, Management and Presentation
Author/Editor: Tertia Barnett,Kate Sharpe
Caring for Digital Data in Archaeology: A Guide to Good Practice
Author/Editor: Archaeology Data Service and Digital Antiquity
Care or Neglect?: Evidence of Animal Disease in Archaeology
Author/Editor: László Bartosiewicz,Erika Gál
Care in the Past: Archaeological and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Lindsay Powell,William Southwell-Wright,Rebecca Gowland
Carchemish in Context
Author/Editor: Tony J. Wilkinson,Edgar Peltenburg,Eleanor Barbanes Wilkinson
Canterbury Cathedral, Trinity Chapel: The Archaeology of the Mosaic Pavement and Setting of the Shrine of St Thomas Becket
Author/Editor: David S. Neal ,Warwick Rodwell ,Kevin Hayward ,Thomas Clark ,Eric Fernie
Calendars and Years II: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient and Medieval World
Author/Editor: John M. Steele
Calendars and Years: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient Near East
Author/Editor: John M. Steele
Caddo Landscapes in the East Texas Forests, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Timothy K. Perttula,Robert Cast,Ross C. Fields,Tom Middlebrook