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Titles start with R (49) Information
Russian Cloth Seals in Britain: Trade, Textiles and Origins
Author/Editor: John Sullivan
Rural Settlement, Lifestyles and Social Change in the Later First Millennium AD at Flixborough, Lincolnshire: Anglo-Saxon Flixborough in its Wider Context
Author/Editor: Christopher Loveluck ,James Barrett ,Kenneth Cameron ,John Carrott ,Richard Darrah ,Keith Dobney ,Sarah Foot ,Geoff Gaunt ,Allan Hall
Round Mounds and Monumentality in the British Neolithic and Beyond
Author/Editor: Jim Leary,Timothy Darvill,David Field
Rough Cilicia: New Historical and Archaeological Approaches
Author/Editor: Michael C. Hoff,Rhys F. Townsend
The Roots of Asian Weaving
Author/Editor: Eric Boudot,Chris Buckley
Rome and the north-western Mediterranean: Integration and connectivity c. 150–70 BC
Rome and the Colonial City: Rethinking the Grid
Author/Editor: Sofia Greaves ,Andrew Wallace-Hadrill
Roman Urbanism in Italy: Recent Discoveries and New Directions, Vol. 5
Author/Editor: Alessandro Launaro
Romans and Barbarians Beyond the Frontiers: Archaeology, Ideology and Identities in the North, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Sergio González Sánchez,Alexandra Guglielmi,Darrell Rohl
Roman Religion in the Danubian Provinces: Space Sacralisation and Religious Communication During the Principate (1st–3rd Century AD)
Author/Editor: Csaba Szabó
Romano-British Settlement and Cemeteries at Mucking: Excavations by Margaret and Tom Jones, 1965–1978
Author/Editor: Sam Lucy,Christopher Evans,Rosemary Jefferies,Grahame Appleby,Chris Going,Jo Appleby,Donald Bailey,Paul Barford,Joanna Bird,David Buckley,J. Cooper,Leslie Cram,P.E. Curnow,Brenda Dickinson,Geraldine Done,Kay Hartley,Colin Haselgrove,Martin Henig,Frank Jen
The Romano-British Peasant: Towards a Study of People, Landscapes and Work during the Roman Occupation of Britain
Author/Editor: Mike McCarthy
Roman Military Equipment from the Punic Wars to the Fall of Rome, second edition
Author/Editor: M. C. Bishop,J. C. N. Coulston
Roman Military Architecture on the Frontiers: Armies and Their Architecture in Late Antiquity
Author/Editor: Rob Collins,Matthew Symonds,Meike Weber
Roman Imperial Armour: The production of early imperial military armour
Author/Editor: D. Sim,J. Kaminski
Roman Guernsey: Excavations, Fieldwork and Maritime Archaeology 1980–2015, Vol. 9, Ed. 1st
Roman Finds: Context and Theory
Author/Editor: Richard Hingley,Steven Willis
The Romanesque Abbey of St Peter at Gloucester
Author/Editor: Carolyn Heighway,Richard Bryant,Malcolm Thurlby
Roman Crete: New Perspectives
Author/Editor: Jane E. Francis,Anna Kouremenos
Roman Colonies in the First Century of Their Foundation
Author/Editor: Rebecca J. Sweetman
Roman Butrint: An Assessment, Vol. 1
Author/Editor: Inge Lyse Hansen ,Richard Hodges
Roman Aquileia: The Impenetrable City-Fortress, a Sentry of the Alps
Author/Editor: Natale Barca
The Roman Amphitheatre of Chester, Volume 1: the Prehistoric and Roman archaeology, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Tony Wilmott,Dan Garner,Julian Baum,Barry Bishop,Christopher Bronk Ramsey,Gill Campbell,Gordon Cook,Gillian Dunn,Carlotta Gardner,Jen Harland,Zoë Hazell,Alison Heke,Martin Henig,Peter Hill,Peter Marshall,Elaine L Morris,Quita Mould,Sarah Paynter,Ruth Pell
Rock Art Through Time: Scanian rock carvings in the Bronze Age and Earliest Iron Age
Author/Editor: Peter Skoglund
Rock Art Studies - News of the World Volume 3
Author/Editor: Paul Bahn,Natalie Franklin,Matthias Strecker
Rock Art Studies: News of the World IV
Author/Editor: Paul Bahn ,Natalie Franklin ,Matthias Strecker
The Rock Art of Norway
Author/Editor: Trond Lødøen,Gro Mandt
Rock Art and Seascapes in Uppland
Author/Editor: Johan Ling,Kristian Kristiansen
Roads in the Deserts of Roman Egypt: Analysis, Atlas, Commentary
Author/Editor: Maciej Paprocki
The Ritual Killing and Burial of Animals: European Perspectives
Author/Editor: Aleksander Pluskowski
Ritual in Early Bronze Age Grave Goods
Author/Editor: Ann Woodward,John Hunter,David Bukach,Stuart Needham,Alison Sheridan,Peter Bray,Mary Davis,Sheila Hamilton-Dyer,Duncan Hook,Rob Ixer,Mick Jones,Mark Maltby,Sonia O’Connor,Philip Potts,Fiona Roe,Lore Troalen,John Watson,Peter Webb
The Rhyton from Danilo: Structure and Symbolism of a Middle Neolithic Cult-Vessel
Author/Editor: Omer Rak,Theresa Alt,Wayles Browne
Revisiting Grooved Ware: Understanding Ceramic Trajectories in Britain and Ireland, 3200–2400 cal BC, Vol. 20
Author/Editor: Mike Copper ,Alasdair Whittle ,Alison Sheridan
Rethinking Celtic Art
Author/Editor: Duncan Garrow,Chris Hosden,J. D. Hill
Resistance at the Edge of Empires: The Archaeology and History of the Bannu basin from 1000 BC to AD 1200, Vol. 3, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: Cameron A. Petrie ,P. Magee ,F. Khan ,J.R. Knox ,K.D. Thomas
Re-Presenting the Past: Archaeology through Text and Image
Author/Editor: Sheila Bonde,Stephen Houston
Representations: Material and immaterial modes of communication in the Bronze Age Aegean
Author/Editor: John Bennet
Representations and Communications: Creating an Archaeological Matrix of Late Prehistoric Rock Art
Author/Editor: Åsa C. Fredell,Kristian Kristiansen,Felipe Criado Boado
Repeopling La Manche: New Perspectives on Neanderthal archaeology and landscapes from La Cotte de St Brelade, Vol. 10
Author/Editor: Beccy Scott ,Andrew Shaw ,Katharine Scott ,Matt Pope ,Michael J. Allen ,Julie Gardiner
Remembering and Forgetting the Ancient City
Author/Editor: Javier Martínez Jiménez ,Sam Ottewill-Soulsby
Religious Individualisation: Archaeological, Iconographic and Epigraphic Case Studies from the Roman World
Author/Editor: Ralph Haeussler ,Anthony King ,Francisco Marco Simón ,Günther Schörner
Relentlessly Plain: Seventh Millennium Ceramics at Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria, Ed. 1st
Author/Editor: OLIVIER P. NIEUWENHUYSE,Bram van As,Koen Berghuijs,Renske Dooijes,Richard P. Evershed,Loe Jacobs,Ewout Koek,Luc Megens,Marie Le Mière,Valérie Thirion-Merle,Bonnie Nilhamn,Maurice Picon,Jo-Hannah Plug,Mélanie Roffet-Salque,Anna Russell
Reinventing Sustainability: How Archaeology can Save the Planet
Author/Editor: Erika Guttmann-Bond
Re-imagining Periphery: Archaeology and Text in Northern Europe from Iron Age to Viking and Early Medieval Periods
Regional Schools in Hellenistic Sculpture
Author/Editor: Olga Palagia,William Coulson
Regional Perspectives on Neolithic Pit Deposition: Beyond the Mundane
Author/Editor: Hugo Anderson-Whymark,Julian Thomas,Timothy Darvill
Reconstructing Past Population Trends in Mediterranean Europe (3000 BC - AD 1800)
Author/Editor: John Bintlìjf,Kostas Sbonias
Recent Advances in Ageing and Sexing Animal Bones
Author/Editor: Deborah Ruscillo
Radiocarbon and the Chronologies of Ancient Egypt
Author/Editor: Andrew J. Shortland,C. Bronk Ramsey,Michael Dee,Fiona Brock