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Titles ( displaying 500 of 758 ) Information
2 Timothy and Titus Reconsidered: Der 2. Timotheus- und der Titusbrief in neuem Licht, Vol. 20
700 Skarabaen und Verwandtes aus Palastina/Israel: Die Sammlung Keel, Vol. 39
Author/Editor: Othmar Keel ,Ulrike Zurkinden-Kolberg
'Abdisho' bar Brika, Das Buch vom 'Paradies von Eden', Vol. 693
Author/Editor: Helen YOUNANSARDAROUD
About Tell Tweini (Syria): Artefacts, Ecofacts and Landscape: Research Results of the Belgian Mission, Vol. 281
Abydos in the First Millennium AD, Vol. 9
Author/Editor: Elisabeth R. O’CONNELL
Abydos: The Sacred Land at the Western Horizon, Vol. 8
Author/Editor: Ilona REGULSKI
Acces au Christ, Vol. 313
Author/Editor: EMILIO BRITO
The Achaemenids, the Black Sea and Beyond: New Evidence and Studies: A Volume Dedicated to the Memory of Prof. Alexandru Avram
Achemenet. Vingt ans apres: Etudes offertes a Pierre Briant a l'occasion des vingt ans du Programme Achemenet, Vol. 21
Author/Editor: Damien Agut-Labordère ,Rémy Boucharlat ,Francis Joannès ,Amélie Kuhrt ,Matthew W. Stolper
Actes de Vatopedi. III: De 1377 a 1500, Vol. 23
Author/Editor: Jacques LEFORT ,Vassiliki KRAVARI ,Christophe GIROS ,Kostis SMYRLIS ,Raúl ESTANGÜI GÓMEZ
Administrations et pratiques comptables au Proche-Orient ancien: Actes du colloque international, tenu a Louvain-la-Neuve, les 21-22 fevrier 2019
Author/Editor: Etienne BORDREUIL ,Valérie MATOÏAN ,Jan TAVERNIER
'Ad Ostium Tiberis': Proceedings of the Conference Ricerche Archeologiche alla Foce del Tevere (Rome - Ostia, December 2018, 18-20th), Vol. 2
Aegyptiaca in der nordlichen Levante: Eine Studie zur Kontextualisierung und Rezeption agyptischer und agyptisierender Objekte in der Bronzezeit, Vol. 41
Author/Editor: Alexander Ahrens
Aelia Capitolina in Context: Roman Policy in Judaea in the Time of Hadrian
Author/Editor: Miriam Ben Zeev Hofman
Afterlife of Antiquity: Anton Springer (1825-1891) on the Classical Tradition, Vol. 15
Author/Editor: Han Lamers
Alalakh and its Neighbours: Proceedings of the 15th Anniversary Symposium at the New Hatay Archaeology Museum, 10-12 June 2015, Vol. 55
Author/Editor: K. Aslıhan Yener ,Tara Ingman
'A latere principis u de su theniente general'. De regeringsraden naast landsheren en landvoogden in de Habsburgse Nederlanden: Leden, instellingen en algemene politiek, 1577/1580-1609
Author/Editor: Hugo de Schepper
Albertus Magnus, Super Iohannem (Ioh. 1, 1-18), Vol. 10
Author/Editor: Julie Casteigt
'Alla maniera': Technical Art History and the Meaning of Style in 15th to 17th Century Painting: Papers presented at the Twenty-Second Symposium for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting held online, 28-30 March 2022
Author/Editor: Anne Dubois ,Guenevere Souffreau ,Anne van Oosterwijk
Amara West: The Pottery from Cemeteries C and D
Author/Editor: Valentina GASPERINI ,Michaela BINDER
Amphorae in the Phoenician-Punic World: The State of the Art
Author/Editor: Roald F. Docter ,Eric Gubel ,Víctor Martínez Hahnmüller ,Andrea Perugini
Analecta Hymnica Coptica: Bohairic Hymns for the Liturgical Year from Medieval Chant Manuscripts
Author/Editor: Arsenius MIKHAIL
Ancient Egyptian Coffins: Craft Traditions and Functionality, Vol. 4
Author/Editor: John H. TAYLOR ,Marie VANDENBEUSCH
An Ancient Mesopotamian Herbal Handbook: The Series URU.AN.NA and MUD-UR.MAH. Volume 1: The Tablets, Vol. 33
Ancient Place-Names in the Governorate of Kafr el-Sheikh, Vol. 293
Author/Editor: ÅKE ENGSHEDEN
The Anjou Bible: A Royal Manuscript Revealed, Ed. REV - Revised, 2
Author/Editor: Lieve Watteeuw
The Anonymous Syriac Chronicle of 1234 and its Sources, Vol. 272
Author/Editor: ANDY HILKENS
Another Athanasius. Four Sahidic Homilies Attributed to Athanasius of Alexandria: Two Homilies on Michael the Archangel, the Homily on Luke 11:5-9 and the Homily on Pentecost: V., Vol. 676
Author/Editor: Ibrahim SAWEROS
Another Athanasius. Four Sahidic Homilies Attributed to Athanasius of Alexandria: Two Homilies on Michael the Archangel, the Homily on Luke 11:5-9 and the Homily on Pentecost, Vol. 51
Author/Editor: Ibrahim SAWEROS
Answerable for our Beliefs: Reflections on Theology and Contemporary Culture Offered to Terrence Merrigan, Vol. 48
Author/Editor: Peter De Mey ,Kristof Struys ,Viorel Coman
The Anthropological Turn, Christian Humanism, and Vatican II: Louvain Theologians Preparing the Path for 'Gaudium et spes' (1942-1965), Vol. 303
Antoine Galland (1646-1715) et son Journal: Actes du colloque international organise a l'Universite de Liege (16-18 fevrier 2015) a l'occasion du tricentenaire de sa mort, Vol. 12
Author/Editor: Frédéric BAUDEN ,Richard WALLER
Antoine Galland ecrivain: De l'erudition orientale aux 'Mille et une nuits'
Author/Editor: Sylvette LARZUL
Antroponymie van Noordwest-Europa tot de twaalfde eeuw. Deel I: Vorm en betekenis van de namen, Vol. 31
Author/Editor: Jozef VAN LOON
The Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles in Armenian, Vol. 18
The Apostles Peter, Paul, John, Thomas and Philip with their Companions in Late Antiquity, Vol. 17
An Approach to the Historical Geography of the Southern Black Sea Littoral (First Millennium BC)
Approche comparative des langues indo-europeennes: Phonologie et morphologie
Author/Editor: CLAUDE SANDOZ
Archaeology and History of Urartu (Biainili), Vol. 28
Archaeology of Eastern Anatolia I: From Prehistoric Times to the End of the Iron Ages: Proceedings of the 1sr Archaeology of Eastern Anatolia Colloquium Held at Ege University, 11-12 February 2019, Izmir
Author/Editor: Atilla Batmaz ,Aylin Ü. Erdem ,Andrew Jamieson ,Abby Robinson
The Archaeology of Mithraism: New Finds and Approaches to Mithras-Worship, Vol. 39
Author/Editor: Matthew M. McCarty ,Mariana Egri
Archeologie, patrimoine et archives: Les fouilles anciennes a Ras Shamra et a Minet el-Beida II, Vol. 26
Author/Editor: Valérie Matoïan
Architecture et decor dans l'Orient chretien (IVe-VIIIe Siecle): Actes de la journee d'etudes en hommages au pere Michele Piccirillo, INHA, Paris, 8 decembre 2011
Author/Editor: François BARATTE ,Vincent MICHEL
Architecture, Iconography, and Text: New Studies on the Northwest Palace Reliefs of Ashurnasirpal II
Author/Editor: J. Caleb Howard
The Architecture of Grammar: Studies in Linguistic Historiography in Honor of Pierre Swiggers, Vol. 47
Author/Editor: Tim DENECKER ,Piet DESMET ,Lieve JOOKEN ,Peter LAUWERS ,Toon VAN HAL ,Raf VAN ROOY
Aristote et l'ame humaine: Lectures de 'De anima' III offertes a Michel Crubellier, Vol. 43
Aristotle on Logic and Nature, Vol. 42
Author/Editor: JAN-IVAR LINDÉN
Armenian, Hittite, and Indo-European Studies: A Commemoration Volume for Jos J.S. Weitenberg, Vol. 15
Author/Editor: Uwe Bläsing ,Jasmine Dum-Tragut ,Theo Maarten van Lint ,Robin Meyer
The Art of Empire in Achaemenid Persia: Studies in Honour of Margaret Cool Root, Vol. 16
Asking Questions in Biblical Texts, Vol. 114
Author/Editor: Bart J. Koet ,Archibald L.H.M. van Wieringen
Athenee et les fragments d'historiens
Author/Editor: Dominique Lenfant
At the Heart of an Empire: The Royal Household in the Neo-Assyrian Period, Vol. 292
Author/Editor: MELANIE M. GROß
Augustus through the Ages: Receptions, Readings and Appropriations of the Historical Figure of the First Roman Emperor
Author/Editor: Marco CAVALIERI ,Pierre ASSENMAKER ,Mattia CAVAGNA ,David ENGELS
Bastards in Egypt: Social and Legal Illegitimacy in the Roman Era, Vol. 37
Author/Editor: MARIA NOWAK
The Bearers of Business Letters in Roman Egypt, Vol. 41
Author/Editor: Paul Schubert
The Beginning of Coinage in the Cimmerian Bosporus (a Hoard from Phanagoria), Vol. 34
Author/Editor: V.D. Kuznetsov ,G.R. Tsetskhladze
Behold King Solomon on the Day of his Wedding: A Symbolic-Diachronic Reading of Song 3,6-11 and 4,12-5,1, Vol. 320
Author/Editor: NINA S. HEEREMAN
Being Human in a Technological Age: Rethinking Theological Anthropology, Vol. 7
Author/Editor: Steven C. van den Heuvel
Beyond All Boundaries: Anatolia in the First Millennium BC, Vol. 295
Author/Editor: Annick Payne ,Šárka Velhartická ,Jorit Wintjes
Beyond the Breach: An Exegetical Study of John 4:1-42 as a Text of Jewish-Samaritan Reconciliation, Vol. 92
Author/Editor: Priya Paul
The Bible in the Liturgy: Studies on the Lectionary
A Biblical Aramaic Reader: With an Outline Grammar, Ed. REV - Revised, 2
Author/Editor: Takamitsu Muraoka
Bicentenaire de la Societe Asiatique, 1822-2022: Raretes de la bibliotheque. Catalogue de l'exposition au College de France, 29 novembre 2022 - 15 janvier 2023
Author/Editor: Peeters Publishers
Bijoux carthaginois III. Les colliers: Apports de trois decennies (1979-2009)
Author/Editor: Brigitte QUILLARD
The Birth of History: From the Third Millennium to Herodotos
Author/Editor: RONALD T. RIDLEY
Bonding in Worship: A Ritual Lens on Social Capital in African Independent Churches in South Africa, Vol. 30
Author/Editor: Cas Wepener ,Ignatius Swart ,Gerrie ter Haar ,Marcel Barnard
Bookkeeping without Writing: Early Administrative Technologies in Context: Proceedings of the Netherlands Institute for the Near East (NINO) Postdoctoral Research Fellow First Annual Conference, 5th and 6th February 2021
Author/Editor: Lucy E. Bennison-Chapman
The Books of Hosea and Micah in Hebrew and Greek, Vol. 294
Author/Editor: Takamitsu Muraoka
The Books of the Maccabees: Literary, Historical, and Religious Perspectives
Borders in Archaeology: Anatolia and the South Caucasus ca. 3500-500 BCE, Vol. 58
Author/Editor: Lorenzo d’Alfonso ,Karen S. Rubinson
Born to be Glorified: Assumptionist Altarpieces in the Final Phase of the Spanish 'Reconquista'
Author/Editor: Paul Vandenbroeck
Bronzes du haut-archaisme a Delphes: Trepieds, chaudrons et vaisselle de bronze (fin VIIIe-VIIe siecle), Vol. 5
Author/Editor: Hélène Aurigny
Bruegel & l'Italia / Bruegel and Italy: Proceedings of the International Conference held in the Academia Belgica in Rome, 26-28 September 2019
The Bruegel Success Story: Papers Presented at Symposium XXI for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting, Brussels, 12-14 September 2018, Vol. 21
Author/Editor: Christina Currie ,Dominique Allart ,Bart Fransen ,Cyriel Stroo ,Dominique Vanwijnsberghe
Buddha Mind - Christ Mind: A Christian Commentary on the Bodhicaryavatara, Vol. 9
Buddhism and Daoism on the Holy Mountains of China, Vol. 34
Author/Editor: Thomas JÜLCH
Busse in der Alten Kirche
Author/Editor: Ulrich Volp
By God's Grace: Ancient Anatolian Studies Presented to Aram Kosyan on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday
Author/Editor: Yervand H. GREKYAN
Byllis: Presentation du site, fortifications, basiliques A, C et D, Vol. 3
Author/Editor: Skënder Muçaj ,Jean-Pierre Sodini ,Pascale Chevalier ,Marie-Patricia Raynaud ,Catherine Vanderheyde ,Manuela Wurch-Kozelj ,Etleva Nallbani ,Elio Hobdari
Byzantine Chant, Radiation, and Interaction: Proceedings of the Congress Held at Hernen Castle, the Netherlands, in December 2015, Vol. 29
Author/Editor: Christian Troelsgård ,Gerda Wolfram
Callimachus Revisited: New Perspectives in Callimachean Scholarship, Vol. 24
Author/Editor: J.J.H. Klooster ,M.A. Harder ,R.F. Regtuit ,G.C. Wakker
The Call of the Wilderness: The Narrative Significance of John the Baptist's Wherebaouts, Vol. 96
Author/Editor: Marco Rotman
The Cappadocian Fathers: Forerunners and Contemporaries
Care Ethics in yet a Different Voice: Francophone Contributions, Vol. 10
Author/Editor: Sophie Bourgault ,Frans Vosman
Care Ethics: The Introduction of Care as Political Category, Vol. 7
Author/Editor: Joan Tronto ,Fabienne Brugère ,Armelle Chrétien ,Olivia Cooper-Hadjian ,Brian Heffernan
The Catacombs of Anubis at North Saqqara: An Archaeological Perspective, Vol. 12
Author/Editor: Paul T. NICHOLSON ,Salima IKRAM ,Steve MILLS ,Louise BERTINI ,John P. HARRISON ,Delyth HURLEY ,Hendrikje NOUWENS ,Ying QIN ,Stephanie VANN
Catalogue of Coptic and Arabic Manuscripts in Dayr al-Suryan. Volume 1: Coptic and Arabic Biblical Texts; Coptic Language Resources, Including Biblical Lexica, Vol. 677
Catalogue of Coptic and Arabic Manuscripts in Dayr al-Suryan. Volume 4: Arabic Ascetic Discourses, Vol. 145
Catalogue of Coptic and Arabic Manuscripts in Dayr al-Suryan. Volume 3: Arabic Theology, Vol. 143
Catalogue of the Ottoman Holdings of St John's Monastery in Patmos, Part Two: Dossiers 21-38: Katalogos ton Othomanikon Engrafon tou archeiou tis Ieras Monis tou Agiou Ioannou tou Theologou tis Patmou, Meris Difteron: Oi fakelloi 21-38, Vol. 25
Author/Editor: Michael Ursinus
The Catholic Church and its Orthodox Sister Churches Twenty-Five Years after Balamand, Vol. 326
Caton l'Ancien et l'hellenisme. Images, traditions et reception
Author/Editor: Clément BUR ,Michel HUMM
Cent ans apres: la memoire de la Premiere Guerre mondiale: One Hundred Years after: The Memory of the First World War, Vol. 13
Author/Editor: Elli Lemonidou
Changing Life in Egyptian Alexandria: The Testimony of the Islamic Cemetery on Kom el-Dikka, Vol. 3
Author/Editor: Robert Mahler
Chesterton, the New Atheism, and an Apologetics of Common Sense, Vol. 70
Author/Editor: Marianne Kuipers-Sedee
Christian Historiography between Empires, 4th-8th Centuries, Vol. 23
Author/Editor: Hagit Amirav ,Cornelis Hoogerwerf ,István Perczel
Christian Identity Formation according to Cyril of Jerusalem: Sacramental Theosis as a Means of Constructing Relational Identity, Vol. 8
Chronicle of King Gälawdewos (1540–1559), Vol. 668
Author/Editor: Solomon Gebreyes
The Cistercian Hermann Zoest's Treatise on Leavened and Unleavened Bread ('De fermento et azimo'): Oecumenism, Exegesis, and Science at the Council of Basel, Vol. 21
Author/Editor: C. Philipp E. Nothaft ,Christopher D. Schabel
Claiming the Mantle of Cyril: Cyril of Alexandria and the Road to Chalcedon, Vol. 24
Author/Editor: Patrick T.R. Gray
Claudien, poete du monde a la cour d'Occident
Author/Editor: Marie-France Guipponi-Gineste
Clavis to the Metrical Homilies of Narsai, Vol. 142
Author/Editor: Aaron M. BUTTS ,Kristian S. HEAL ,Sebastian P. BROCK
Coiffures et parures de tete en Egee a l'Age du Bronze
Author/Editor: Betty RAMÉ
Coin Hoards Volume XI: Greek Hoards: The Cimmerian Bosporus, Vol. 32
Collected Essays on the Greek Bible and Greek Lexicography, Vol. 112
Author/Editor: John A. L. Lee
Commencements: Definitions, suivies de douze etudes, Vol. 1
Author/Editor: Martin ALBL ,Jean-Marie AUWERS ,Francesco BIANCHINI ,Régis BURNET ,Jean-Baptiste ÉDART ,Jean-Emmanuel de ENA ,Maurice GILBERT ,Marc GIRARD ,Didier L
Comment? Les Lamentations de Jeremie, Vol. 34
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet
The Community Rule 1QS, 1QSa and 1QSb: A Philological Commentary, Vol. 308
Compatibilist Freedom and the Problem of Evil, Vol. 66
Author/Editor: Jennifer Gillett
Composition in Athenian Black-Figure Vase-Painting: The 'Chariot in Profile' 'Type Scene', Vol. 41
Author/Editor: Geralda Jurriaans-Helle
Conflict and Coexistence: Proceedings of the 29th Congress of the Union Europeenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, Munster 2018
Conflict-Related Sexual Violence against Men in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Lifting the Veil of Secrecy around a Controversial and Taboo Subject
Author/Editor: Ines Yagi
Conflits, conciliation, reconciliation, Vol. 46
Author/Editor: L.-L. CHRISTIANS ,J. Famerée ,A. Wénin
Connecting the Ancient West and East: Studies Presented to Prof. Gocha R. Tsetskhladze, Vol. 8
Author/Editor: J. Boardman ,J. Hargrave ,A. Avram ,A. Podossinov
Contra Latinos et Adversus Graecos: The Separation between Rome and Constantinople from the Ninth to the Fifteenth Century, Vol. 286
Coptica fennica: Catalog of the Coptic Manuscripts from the Ilves Collection Exhibited at the National Archives of Finland (16 June - 14 August 2020)
Author/Editor: Antti Marjanen ,Ivan Miroshnikov ,Erja Salmenkivi ,Ágnes T. Mihálykó
The Coptic Versions of the Martyrdom of Saint George: A Study of the Coptic Transmission of the George Legend, with an Edition of Eight Fragmentary Manuscripts in Sahidic, Bohairic, and Fayyumic
Author/Editor: Ivan MIROSHNIKOV ,Antti MARJANEN ,Francesca IACONO
Corpus des inscriptions de Thasos III: Documents publics du quatrieme siecle et de l'epoque hellenistique, Vol. 26
Author/Editor: Patrice Hamon
Cosmo-esthetique: Nature et humanite dans la philosophie de Mikel Dufrenne, Vol. 108
Author/Editor: Frédéric Jacquet
A Critical Edition of the Hexaplaric Fragments of Job 22-42, Vol. 1
Author/Editor: John D. Meade
Critique of the Teutonic Philosophy and Other Writings Against Jacob Bohme: Text, Translation and Introduction
Author/Editor: Henry More ,Christian Hengstermann
Cult and Cosmos: Tilting toward a Temple-Centered Theology
Culte des saints et litterature hagiographique: Accords et desaccords, Vol. 55
Author/Editor: Vincent Déroche ,Bryan Ward-Perkins ,Robert Wiśniewski
The Cultic Life of Trees in the Prehistoric Aegean, Levant, Egypt and Cyprus, Vol. 42
Author/Editor: Caroline Jane TULLY
'Cultivateurs et commercans': Huishoudelijke productie, consumptie en de 'industrious revolution' in het westen van het hertogdom Brabant (1680-1800), Vol. 35
Author/Editor: Johan Poukens
Cultural Identity within the Northern Black Sea Region in Antiquity: (De)constructing Past Identities, Vol. 31
Cum adulescens litteris Graecis operam darem: El manuscrito latino de Giovanni Bartolomeo Marliano de Hesiodo, Opera et dies. Edicion critica del ms. Ang. lat. 240 (Roma, Biblioteca Angelica)
Author/Editor: Jesús LÓPEZ ZAMORA
A Curious and Convivial Traveller: Edgar Roger Pratt in Greece and Egypt, 1832-34, Vol. 6
Author/Editor: Patricia USICK
Dans les pas d'Imhotep: Melanges offerts a Audran Labrousse, Vol. 36
Author/Editor: RÉMI LEGROS
Dans l'Esprit Saint: Pneumatologie fondamentale
Author/Editor: EMILIO BRITO
David in Cultural Memory, Vol. 93
Author/Editor: Ida Fröhlich
De aquaeductu urbis Romae. Sextus Iulius Frontinus and the Water of Rome: Proceedings of the International Frontinus Congress Rome, November 10-18, 2018, Vol. 40
Author/Editor: Gilbert Wiplinger
De Bagdad a Constantinople: Le transfert des savoirs medicaux (XIe-XIVe siecles): Actes du colloque international de Reims, 24-25 mai 2018
De bisschop van Rome en de theologen van Leuven
Author/Editor: Joris GELDHOF
Dechiffrer le passe d'un empire: Hommage a Nicolas Vatin et aux humanites ottomanes, Vol. 27
Author/Editor: Elisabetta Borromeo ,Frédéric Hitzel ,Benjamin Lellouch
Decoding Signs of Identity: Egyptian Workmen's Marks in Archaeological, Historical, Comparative and Theoretical Perspective. Proceedings of a Conference in Leiden, 13-15 December 2013, Vol. 32
Author/Editor: B.J.J. Haring ,K.V.J. van der Moezel ,D.M. Soliman
De Dieu: connaissance et inconnaissance, Vol. 300
Author/Editor: EMILIO BRITO
Defining Christ: The Church of the East and Nascent Islam, Vol. 19
Author/Editor: Marijke Metselaar
Defixiones Olbiae Ponticae, Vol. 30
De Gerechtigheid van keizer Otto III: Legende - overlevering - archivalia
Author/Editor: Gilbert Huybens ,Marika Ceunen ,Jef De Roeck ,Raoul Daniels
De horlogemakers van Keizer Karel
Author/Editor: Eddy Fraiture
De katholieke drukpers in de kerkprovincie Kamerijk: Contacten, mobiliteit & transfers in een grensgebied (1559-1659), Vol. 34
Author/Editor: Alexander Soetaert
De l'Argile au Numerique: Melanges assyriologiques en l'honneur de Dominique Charpin, Vol. 3
Author/Editor: Grégory Chambon ,Michaël Guichard ,Anne-Isabelle Langlois ,Thomas Römer ,Nele Ziegler
Demotic Funerary Stelae and Other Short Texts Gathered from Many Publications: (Short Texts IV 2351-2880)
Author/Editor: S. P. VLEEMING
Dendara. Catalogue des dieux et des offrandes
Dendara. Hymnes a Hathor et a Isis, Vol. 295
Dendara. Les cent couronnes du pharaon
Dendara. Les structures decoratives du temple d'Hathor, Vol. 296
Der Degirmendere Aquadukt von Ephesos, Vol. 36
Author/Editor: Gilbert Wiplinger ,Yilmaz Akkan ,Hüseyin Çetinkaya ,Erkan Dede ,Manfred Donix ,Vittoria Fresi ,Talip Güngör ,Gemma Jansen ,Paul Kessener
Der erste Petrusbrief und die johanneischen Schriften: Versuch einer traditionsgeschichtlichen Verhaltnisbestimmung
Der Kommentar Cyrills von Alexandrien zum 2. Korintherbrief: Einleitung, kritische Text, Ubersetzung, Einzelanalyse, Vol. 18
Author/Editor: Konrad F. Zawadzki
Des cahiers a l'histoire de la culture a Byzance: Hommage a Paul Canard, codicologue (1927-2017), Vol. 27
The 'Description of the Times' by Mor Michael the Great (1126-1199): A Study on its Historical and its Historiographical Context, Vol. 27
Author/Editor: Dorothea Weltecke ,Anthony Runia ,Dorothea Weltecke ,Thomas Palmer
De Sint-Pieterskerk te Leuven: Geschiedenis, architectuur en patrimonium
Author/Editor: Gilbert Huybens ,David Mellaerts ,Brecht Dewilde ,Julie Aerts ,Anna Bergmans ,Marjan Debaene ,Jeanine De Landtsheer ,Brecht Dewilde ,Frans Doperé
Desire Defauw, chef d'orchestre: Sa carriere et son repertoire pendant l'entre-deux-guerres
Author/Editor: Erik Baeck
Des polytheismes aux monotheismes: Melanges d'assyriologie offerts a Marcel Sigrist, Vol. 82
Author/Editor: Uri GABBAY ,Jean Jacques PÉRENNÈS
Despotiko, the Site of Mandra: The 'Temple' Complex and its Deposits
Author/Editor: Alexandra Alexandridou ,Yannos Kourayos ,Ilia Daifa
'Deus summe cognoscibilis': The Current Theological Relevance of Saint Bonaventure, Vol. 298
Devenir moine a Byzance: Coutumes sociales, regles monastiques et rituels liturgiques, Vol. 291
Author/Editor: DANIEL OLTEAN
Devins et lettres dans l'orbite de Babylone
Author/Editor: Carole ROCHE-HAWLEY ,Robert HAWLEY
De Vlaamse gemeentenamen. Verklarend woordenboek: Tweede, grondig herziene en vermeerderde uitgave, nu met medewerking van Luc De Grauwe, Karel Leenders, Jan Segers, Jacques Van Keymeulen en Bram Vannieuwenhuyze, Vol. 33
Author/Editor: Frans Debrabandere ,Magda Devos ,Paul Kempeneers ,Victor Mennen ,Hugo Ryckeboer ,Ward Van Osta
Die Briefe 1 und 2 des Ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos I., V., Vol. 703
Author/Editor: Martin HEIMGARTNER
Die Briefe 1 und 2 des Ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos I., T., Vol. 271
Author/Editor: Martin HEIMGARTNER
Die Briefe 3-29 des Ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos I.: Übersetzung, Vol. 270
Author/Editor: Martin HEIMGARTNER
Die Briefe 3-29 des Ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos I.: Textedition, Vol. 700
Author/Editor: Martin HEIMGARTNER
Die Briefe 40 und 41 des Ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos I, Vol. 674
Author/Editor: Martin HEIMGARTNER
Die Briefe 40 und 41 des Ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos I. T., Vol. 673
Author/Editor: Martin HEIMGARTNER
'Die grote evangelische peerle': Deel 1: Historische en filologische studie. Deel 2: Tekst, Vol. 48
Author/Editor: Guido de Baere
Die Legendare aus der 'Rue neuve Nostre Dame': 'Dispositio' und Bildformel in der Pariser Buchmalerei, 1325-1348, Vol. 23
Author/Editor: Dominic E. Delarue
Die Sakramentsgemeinschaft in der Alten Kirche: Publikation der Tagung der Patristischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft in Soesterberg und Amsterdam (02.-05.01.2017), Vol. 15
Author/Editor: Liuwe H. Westra ,Laela Zwollo
Die Sarge des Karenen: Untersuchungen zu Pyramidentexten und Sargtexten, Vol. 285
Die sieben Sendschreiben Apk 2-3: Studien zu ihrer Entstehung und ihrem Verhaltnis zum apokalyptischen Hauptteil Apk 4-22, Vol. 39
Dieux, rois et capitales dans le Proche-Orient ancien: Compte rendu de la LXVe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Paris, 8-12 juillet 2019)
Author/Editor: Marine Béranger ,Francesca Nebiolo ,Nele Ziegler
Discours des personnages feminins chez Seneque: Approches logometriques et contrastives d'un corpus theatral, Vol. 359
Author/Editor: Marc VANDERSMISSEN
Discourse, Power Issues, and Images: Transversal Studies on the Reigns of Yazdgird I and Wahram V
Author/Editor: Christelle Jullien
Discovering Practical Theology: Exploring Boundaries, Vol. 47
Author/Editor: Annemie Dillen ,Stefan Gärtner
Divine Disclosures: Religous Experiences as Evidence in Theology
Author/Editor: Hugh D. P. Burling
Divine Names on the Spot II: Exploring the Potentials of Names through Images and Narratives
Author/Editor: Fabio Porzia ,Corinne Bonnet
Divine Names on the Spot: Towards a Dynamic Approach of Divine Denominations in Greek and Semitic Contexts, Vol. 293
Author/Editor: Thomas Galoppin ,Corinne Bonnet
The Divinity of the Word: Thomas Aquinas Dividing and Reading the Gospel of John, Vol. 20
Author/Editor: Stefan Mangnus
The Dormition and Assumption Apocrypha, Vol. 15
Down Town / Down Soul: Early Modern Mysticism, the Self & the Political, Vol. 34
Author/Editor: Marc De Kesel ,Inigo Bocken
Drama and Performance in Hellenistic Poetry, Vol. 23
Author/Editor: M.A. Harder ,R.F. Regtuit ,G.C. Wakker
Du culte aux sanctuaires: L'architecture religieuse dans l'Afrique romaine et byzantine
Author/Editor: François BARATTE ,Véronique BROUQUIER-REDDÉ ,Elsa ROCCA
Du heros au Sauveur: Imitatio et Aemulatio dans les Euangeliorum libri IV de Juvencus, Vol. 363
Author/Editor: Anne FRAÏSSE
Du massif de l'Ida aux pentes du mont Dikte. Peuples, territoires et communautes en Messara du XIIIe au VIIe siecle av. J.-C.
Author/Editor: Daniela Lefèvre-Novaro
Durandi de Sancto Porciano Scriptum super IV libros Sententiarum. Buch I, dd. 36-48, Vol. 10.1.4
Author/Editor: Federica Ventola
Durandi de Sancto Porciano Scriptum super IV libros Sententiarum. Buch IV, dd. 20-25, Vol. 10
Author/Editor: Christoph Burdich ,Massimo Perrone
Durandi de Sancto Porciano: Scriptum super IV libros Sententiarum. Buch I, Prologus et dd. 1-3, Vol. 10
Author/Editor: Guy Guldentops
Durandi de Sancto Porciano Scriptum super IV libros Sententiarum. Distinctiones 26-42 libri Quarti, Vol. 10
Author/Editor: Pavel Blažek
Durandi de Sancto Porciano Scriptum super IV libros Sententiarum. Buch I, dd. 18-35, Vol. 10
Author/Editor: Massimo Perrone ,Fiorella Retucci
Du Sinai au Soudan: Itineraires d'une egyptologue: Melanges offerts au Professeur Dominique Valbelle
Author/Editor: Nathalie Favry ,Chloé Ragazzoli ,Claire Somaglino ,Pierre Tallet
Dust, Demons and Pots: Studies in Honour of Colin A. Hope, Vol. 289
Dying with Christ - New Life in Hope: Romans 5,12-8,39, Vol. 24
Author/Editor: J.M.G. Barclay ,D. Bertschmann ,S. Butticaz ,S. Eastman ,J. Herzer ,C. Karakolis ,D. Kurek-Chomycz ,A. Puig i Tarrech ,M. Theobald
The Earliest Economic Growth in World History: Proceedings of the Berlin Workshop, Vol. 133
Author/Editor: David A. Warburton
Early Christian Commentators of the New Testament: Essays on Their Aims, Methods and Strategies, Vol. 42
Early Christian Mystagogy and the Body, Vol. 83
Author/Editor: Nienke Vos ,Paul van Geest
'Ecclesia semper reformanda'. Renewal and Reform beyond Polemics, Vol. 306
Eclats du crepuscule: Recueil d'etudes sur l'Egypte tardive offert a Olivier Perdu
Editing Mediaeval Texts from a Different Angle: Slavonic and Multilingual Traditions. Together with Francis J. Thomson's Bibliography and Checklist of Slavonic Translations: To Honour Francis J. Thomson on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday, together with
Education of Nuns, Feast of Fools, Letters of Love: Medieval Religious Life in Twelfth-Century Lyric Anthologies from Regensburg, Ripoll, and Chartres, Vol. 26
Author/Editor: David A. Traill ,Justin Haynes
Een wereld van verschil?: De zuidelijke rijksuniversiteiten in het Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, Vol. 36
Author/Editor: Matthias Meirlaen ,Eddy Put ,Jo Tollebeek ,Tom Verschaffel
Egalite femme-homme et genre: Approches theologiques et bibliques, Vol. 7
Egypt and Empire: The Formation of Religious Identity after Rome, Vol. 11
Author/Editor: Elisabeth R. O’CONNELL
Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk Eras IX: Proceedings of the 23rd and 24th International Colloquium Organized at the University of Leuven in May 2015 and 2016, Vol. 278
Egypt and the Augustan Cultural Revolution: An Interpretative Archaeological Overview, Vol. 38
Author/Editor: M.E.J.J. van Aerde
Egypt at its Origins 6: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference 'Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt', Vienna, 10th - 15th September 2017, Vol. 303
Egypte anterieure: Melanges de prehistoire et d'archeologie offerts a Beatrix Midant-Reynes par ses etudiants, collegues et amis, Vol. 304
Egyptian Language in Greek Sources: Scripta Onomastica of Jan Quaegebeur, Vol. 280
Author/Editor: Jan Quaegebeur ,WILLY CLARYSSE ,ANA I. BLASCO TORRES
Egyptiens et Nubiens a Kerma: La ceramique de Doukki Gel (Soudan) au Nouvel Empire
Elements d'une theologie fondamentale de la creation artistique: Les ecrits theologiques sur l'art chez Karl Rahner (1954-1983), Vol. 307
Author/Editor: DENIS HÉTIER ,Vincent Holzer
Emotions and Care: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Vol. 6
Author/Editor: Sophie Bourgault ,Elena Pulcini
Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Phoenician Culture I: Historical Characters, Vol. 1
Author/Editor: Andrea Ercolani ,Paolo Xella ,Umberto Livadiotti ,Valentina Melchiorri
Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Phoenician Culture II.1: Religion - Deities and Mythical Characters, Vol. 2
Author/Editor: Herbert Niehr ,Paolo Xella ,Dagmar Kühn ,Valentina Melchiorri ,Giuseppe Minunno ,Izak Cornelius
Encyclopedie berbere. Fasc. XLIII: Siga - Syphax, Vol. 43
Author/Editor: CENTRE DE RECHERCHE BERBÈRE,Institut de Recherches et d’Études sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman,Salem CHAKER
Encyclopedie berbere. Fasc. XLII: Saboides - Sidi Slimane, Vol. 42
Author/Editor: Salem CHAKER
Encyclopedie des Pygmees Aka III. Lexique alphabetique francais-aka, Vol. 472
Author/Editor: Jacqueline M.C. Thomas ,Serge Bahuchet ,Alain Epelboin ,Susanne Fürniss ,Susanne FÜRNISS ,Marie-Françoise ROMBI ,Jacqueline M.C. THOMAS
The End of Postwar: Essays on the Work of Ian Buruma, Vol. 33
Author/Editor: Marc Boone ,Gita Deneckere ,Jo Tollebeek
The Enduring Significance of Thomas Aquinas: Essays in Honor of Henk Schoot and Rudi te Velde
Author/Editor: Anton ten Klooster ,Harm Goris ,Marcel Sarot
Ens mobile: Conceptions phenomenologiques du mouvement, Vol. 102
Author/Editor: Sylvain Camilleri ,Jean-Sébastien Hardy
Entrepots et circuits de distribution en Mediterranee antique, Vol. 58
Author/Editor: Véronique Chankowski ,Xavier Lafon ,Catherine Virlouvet
Essai de Poetique historique du roman au dix-huitieme siecle, Vol. 69
Author/Editor: Jan Herman
'Esse est movere': Regards croises sur l'ontologie dynamique de Nicolas de Cues, Vol. 71
Author/Editor: Jean-Michel COUNET
Ethics and Theology after the Holocaust
Author/Editor: Didier Pollefeyt
The Ethics of Care: the State of the Art, Vol. 8
Author/Editor: Frans Vosman ,Andries Baart ,Jaco Hoffman
Ethiopic Paradigms: A Summary of Classical Ethiopic (Ge'ez) Morphology
Author/Editor: AARON M. BUTTS
Etre intellectuel a la fin de l'Empire ottoman: Ebuzziya Tevfik (1849-1913) et son temps
Author/Editor: Özgür Türesay
Etudes avestiques et mazdeennes vol. 7: Essai sur la Gatha spenta.mainiiu, Vol. 22
Author/Editor: Jean Kellens
Etudes avestiques et mazdeennes vol. 8: Videvdad 19. Le recit de la victoire de Zarathustra sur Anhra Maniiu, Vol. 23
Author/Editor: Céline Redard ,Pierre Briant
Etudes avestiques et mazdeennes vol. 9: Complementarite des deux dernieres Gathas (Y51 et Y53-54.1)
Author/Editor: Jean Kellens
Etudes de linguistique iranienne in memoriam Xavier Tremblay, Vol. 57
Author/Editor: Éric PIRART
Etudes d'histoire biblique, Vol. 307
Etudes sur l'Evangile selon Thomas et la litterature gnostique: Recueil d'articles, Vol. 43
Author/Editor: JEAN-MARIE SEVRIN ,Paul-Hubert Poirier ,Joseph Verheyden
Evagrius Ponticus, Letters. Armenian Translation, Vol. 704
Author/Editor: Robin DARLING YOUNG ,Hovsep KARAPETYAN
Evaluating Liturgical Reform: Four Criteria Derived from a Theological Concept of Tradition
Author/Editor: Johan te Velde ,Rebecca Braun ,Thomas McLean
Evolving Methodologies in the Study of Spirituality
Author/Editor: Gilberto Cavazos-González ,Rossano Zas Friz De Col
Exchange in the Mamluk Sultanate: Economic and Cultural
Author/Editor: Marlis J. SALEH
Exercices d'analyse rhetorique biblique: Deuxieme edition revue, Vol. 29
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet ,Jacek Oniszczuk
Existential Elements of the Family: Finding Meaning through Life's Stages, Vol. 6
Author/Editor: Laura Lynne Armstrong
Experiencing Presence in the Second Temple Period: Revised and Updated Essays, Vol. 111
Author/Editor: Angela Kim Harkins
The Experiment of the Coming Kingdom: A Dominican Political Theology after Agamben
Author/Editor: Richard Steenvoorde
Ezra - Nehemiah, Vol. 22
Author/Editor: Bob Becking
Fading Frontiers?: A Historical-Theological Investigation into the Notion of the 'Elementa Ecclesiae', Vol. 321
Author/Editor: SANDRA ARENAS
Faience Figurines in their Archaeological and Museological Contexts (Egypt, Nubia, and the Levant, 2100-1550 BC): The Catalogue Raisonne
Author/Editor: Gianluca MINIACI
The Fayoum Survey Project: The Themistou Meris: Volume A: The Archaeological and Papyrological Survey, Vol. 8
Author/Editor: Cornelia E. RÖMER ,Fatma Hamouda ,Ilka Klose ,Peter Kopp
The Fayoum Survey Project: The Themistou Meris: Volume B: The Ceramological Survey, Vol. 9
Author/Editor: Donald M. BAILEY ,Rita Hartmann ,Gillian Pyke
The Feast of the Desert of Apa Shenoute: A Liturgical Procession from the White Monastery in Upper Egypt, Vol. 681
Author/Editor: Stephen J. DAVIS ,Daniel SCHRIEVER ,Mary FARAG ,Samuel MOAWAD
Feminites hellenistiques: Voix, genre, representations, Vol. 25
Author/Editor: C. Cusset ,P. Belenfant ,C.-E. Nardone
Femmes en Egypte, de l'epoque perse a l'epoque byzantine: Genre et agency
Author/Editor: Sandra BOEHRINGER ,Anne-Emmanuelle VEÏSSE
Figures et fonctions du destinataire dans les Memoires et les romans-Memoires de l'epoque classique: Recit et verite a l'epoque classique (IV), Vol. 70
Author/Editor: Annabelle Bolot ,Coralie Bournonville ,Marc Hersant ,Catherine Ramond
Figurines feminines nues
Author/Editor: Sylvie Donnat ,Régine Hunziker-Rodewald ,Isabelle Weygand
Filiation du Fils unique et filiation des croyants dans le quatrieme evangile: A partir de l'etude de Jn 1,1-18 ; 3 ; 19,16b-42 ; 20,11-18, Vol. 86
Author/Editor: Agnès DE LAMARZELLE
Filiation, entre Bible et cultures: Hommage a Roland Meynet, Vol. 17
Author/Editor: Massimo Grilli ,Jacek Oniszczuk ,André Wénin
Fins et commencements. Renvois et interactions: Melanges offerts a Michel Gourgues, Vol. 35
The Flood: The Akkadian Sources: A New Edition, Commentary, and a Literary Discussion, Vol. 290
Author/Editor: Nathan Wasserman
Forts of North Omdurman
Author/Editor: Mariusz DRZEWIECKI ,Aneta CEDRO ,Paweł BĄCAL ,Agata BEBEL-NOWAK ,Andrzej OSTROWSKI ,Marta OSYPIŃSKA ,Olga SYTA ,Joanna THEN-OBŁUSKA ,Barbara WAGNER
The Fortune of Gertrud Bing (1892-1964): A Fragmented Memoir of a Phantomlike Muse, Vol. 16
Author/Editor: Laura Tack
Fouilles de Tel Yarmouth (1980-2009). Rapport final. Volume 1: Les fouilles sur l'acropole, Vol. 56
Author/Editor: Michaël Jasmin ,Pierre de Miroschedji ,Daniella E. Bar-Yosef Mayer ,Elisabetta Boaretto ,Baruch Brandl ,Simon J. M. Davis ,Yuval Goren ,Linda Herveux
Fragile Biography: The Life Cycle of Ceramics and Refuse Disposal Patterns in Late Antique and Early Medieval Palestine, Vol. 35
Author/Editor: Itamar Taxel
Fragmente eines Lebenswerks: Historischer Kommentar zur Universalgeschichte des Nikolaos von Damaskus, Vol. 362
Author/Editor: Tino SHAHIN
Fragments, Vol. 14
Author/Editor: Barbara Baert ,Stephanie Heremans
Fratries et relations adelphiques dans les cites grecques (IVe s. a.C. - IIe s. p.C.)
From Conservation to Interpretation: Studies of Religious Art (c. 1100-c. 1800) in Northern and Central Europe
Author/Editor: Justin Kroesen ,Ebbe Nyborg ,Marie Louise Sauerberg
From Ephphatha to Deaf Pastors: Deaf Pastoral Ministry, Vol. 46
Author/Editor: Marcel Broesterhuizen
From High Priest to Patriarch: History and Authority in the 'Ecclesiastical History' of Bar 'Ebroyo, Vol. 688
Author/Editor: Marianna MAZZOLA
From Psychology to Spirituality / De la psychologie a la spiritualite, Vol. 7
Author/Editor: Judith Malette ,Martin Rovers ,Lakshmi Sundaram
From Servant of YHWH to Being Considerate of the Wretched: The Figure David in the Reading Perspective of Psalms 35-41 MT, Vol. 305
Author/Editor: WILLEM A.M. BEUKEN
From Wisdom to Mystery through Love: Philosophy as Spiritual Itinerary to the Absolute, Vol. 35
Author/Editor: Macario Ofilada Mina
Galatian Victories and Other Studies into the Agency and Identity of the Galatians in the Hellenistic and Early Roman Periods, Vol. 33
Author/Editor: ALTAY COŞKUN
The Gaze from Above: Reflections on Cosmic Eyes in Visual Culture, Vol. 11
Author/Editor: Barbara Baert
Genese 5-11: Commentaire, Vol. 90
Author/Editor: Jean L’HOUR
Genesis 1-11
Author/Editor: Jan Christian Gertz
The Genesis Commentary by Step'anos of Siwnik' (dub.): Edition, Translation and Comments, Vol. 695
Author/Editor: Michael E. STONE ,Sh Efrati
Genèse 2,4b-4,26: Commentaire, Vol. 78
Author/Editor: Jean L’HOUR
The Geopolitics of Pope Francis, Vol. 77
Author/Editor: Jan De Volder
Gli scavi italo-francesi di Tamna (Repubblica dello Yemen): Rapporto Finale
Author/Editor: Alessandro DE MAIGRET ,Christian Julien ROBIN
The Gods of Mount Sapanu: Deity Groups in the Ugaritic Alphabetic Texts
Author/Editor: Aicha RAHMOUNI
The Gospels and Their Receptions: Festschrift Joseph Verheyden
Greek Paideia and Local Tradition in the Graeco-Roman East, Vol. 29
The Greenfield Papyrus: Funerary Papyrus of a Priestess at Karnak Temple (c. 950 BCE)
Author/Editor: Giuseppina LENZO
Gregorio Palamas, Tomo aghioritico: La storia, il testo e la dottrina, Vol. 26
Author/Editor: ANTONIO RIGO
Gregory of Tours, 'The Book of the Miracles of the Blessed Andrew the Apostle'
Author/Editor: Burnam W. Reynolds ,Randy R. Richardson ,Raymond Van Dam
Guerison, religion et raison: De la medecine hippocratique aux neurosciences: Actes de colloque
Author/Editor: Véronique BOUDON-MILLOT ,Serena BUZZI
Guillelmi Petri de Godino Lectura Thomasina. Book II, Distinctions 1-22, Vol. 19
Author/Editor: Andrea Colli
Guillelmi Petri de Godino Lectura Thomasina. Book I, Prologue and Distinctions 1-27, Vol. 19
Author/Editor: Francesca Bonini
Habiter dans des jardins. Les aristocrates et leurs horti dans la Rome tardo-republicaine
Author/Editor: Ilse Hilbold
Hadewijch. Brieven: Middelnederlandse tekst
Author/Editor: Paul Mommaers ,Anikó Daróczi
Hadewijch. The Complete Letters: Middle Dutch Text
Author/Editor: Paul Mommaers ,Anikó Daróczi
Half-Truths: The Irish College, Rome, and a Select History of the Catholic Church, 1771-1826, Vol. 322
Handbook of Disaster Ritual: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Cases and Themes, Vol. 32
Author/Editor: Martin Hoondert ,Paul Post ,Mirella Klomp ,Marcel Barnard
'Have You Not Read this Scripture?': Memory Variation and Context-Based Modification in the Old Testament Quotations in the Gospel of Mark
Author/Editor: Hans Lammers
The Hebrew Bible of Josephus: Main Features, Vol. 92
Author/Editor: Étienne NODET ,Adrian SCHENKER
Hegel ou la quete de l'efficience de la pensee: Deuxieme partie: le systeme de maturite (1807-1831), Vol. 107
Author/Editor: Gilbert Gérard
Hegel ou la quete de l'efficience de la pensee: Premiere partie: les annees de formation (1770-1807), Vol. 106
Author/Editor: Gilbert Gérard
The Hellenistic Harbour of Amathus. Underwater Excavations, 1984-1986. Volume 1: Architecture and History, Vol. 19
Author/Editor: Jean-Yves Empereur ,Tony Koželj ,Olivier Picard ,Manuela Wurch-Koželj
The Hellenistic Harbour of Amathus. Underwater Excavations, 1984-1986. Volume 2: Artefacts Found during Excavation, Vol. 20
Author/Editor: Jean-Yves Empereur ,Françoise Alabe ,Angelos Hadjikoumis ,Cécile Harlaut ,Brita Lorentzen ,Sturt W. Manning ,Maria Michael ,May Touma
Henry of Ghent's Summa: The Questions on Human Knowledge (Articles 2-5), Vol. 25
Author/Editor: Juan Carlos Flores
Heritage in Conflict: Proceedings of Two Meetings: 'Heritage in Conflict: A Review of the Situation in Syria and Iraq', Workshop held at the 63rd Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Marburg, Germany, 24-25 July 2017, and 'Syria: Ancient History - Mod
Author/Editor: Heather Jackson ,Andrew Jamieson ,Abby Robinson ,Sophie Russell
Hermeneutik des Lebens: Meister Eckharts exegetisches Programm
Author/Editor: Martina Roesner
Het Hof Bladelin in Brugge en de restauratie van de schilderijen in de Romeinse Zaal
Author/Editor: Lieve Watteeuw
Het 'Liber benefactorum' van het kartuizerklooster bij Amsterdam, Vol. 47
Author/Editor: Tom Gaens ,Koen Goudriaan
Histoire de la province romaine de Crete-Cyrenaique, de Pompee a Diocletien
Histoire des parties du discours, Vol. 46
Author/Editor: Bernard COLOMBAT ,Aimée LAHAUSSOIS
Histoire et geographie chez les auteurs grecs du IIe siecle avant J.-C. au VIe siecle apres J.-C.
Author/Editor: Michèle COLTELLONI-TRANNOY ,Sébastien MORLET
Historical Studies in Late Roman Art and Archaeology
Author/Editor: Alan Cameron ,Jaś Elsner
A History of the Kingdom of Israel, Vol. 275
A History of the Kingdom of Jerusalem and Judah, Vol. 287
Hokhmat Sopher: Melanges offerts au Professeur Emile Puech en l'honneur de son quatre-vingtieme anniversaire, Vol. 88
Author/Editor: Jean-Sébastien REY ,Martin STASZAK
Homo Theomorphicus et Theophoricus: A Receptive-Responsive Theory of Spirituality, Vol. 8
Author/Editor: Andrzej Jastrzębski
The Iconography of Magic: Images of Power and the Power of Images in Ancient and Late Antique Magic
Author/Editor: Raquel Martín Hernández
Iconology of Charity: Medieval Legends of Saint Elizabeth in Central Europe, Vol. 9
Author/Editor: Ivan Gerát
The Ikun-pisa Letter Archive from Tell ed-Der: IPLA, Vol. 131
Author/Editor: Rients de Boer ,Kh. Al-‘Adhami ,D.O. Edzard ,W. Sommerfeld ,N. Muhammad
Il De Tragoedia 'barocciano: Una rivisitazione cinquant'anni dopo, Vol. 294
Il libro del profeta Amos: Seconda edizione rivista, Vol. 21, Ed. 2
Author/Editor: Pietro Bovati ,Roland Meynet
Ils s’appelaient Pison: Pouvoir et popularité à Rome
Author/Editor: Patrick LE ROUX
Imaging God Anew: A Theological Aesthetics, Vol. 69
Author/Editor: Wessel Stoker
Imaging Utopia: New Perspectives on Northern Renaissance Art: Papers Presented at the Twentieth Symposium for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting held in Mechelen and Leuven, 11-13 January 2017, Vol. 20
Author/Editor: Julie Beckers ,Annelies Vogels ,Jan Van der Stock ,Lieve Watteeuw
Imagining Paganism through the Ages: Studies on the Use of the Labels 'Pagan' and 'Paganism' in Controversies, Vol. 312
I miei servi, I profeti: Un paradigma profetico nello sviluppo letterario di Geremia, Vol. 83
Author/Editor: Nicola AGNOLI
In Frage gestellt: Die Interrogativsatze im biblischen Hebraisch und Aramaisch, Vol. 87
Author/Editor: Martin STASZAK
Initiation and Mystagogy in Thomas Aquinas: Scriptural, Systematic, Sacramental and Moral, and Pastoral Perspectives, Vol. 19
Author/Editor: Henk Schoot ,Jacco Verburgt ,Jörgen Vijgen ,Bai Ziqiang ,Marta Borgo ,Anton ten Klooster ,Matthew Levering ,William C. Mattison III
In memoriam Francolino Goncalves, O.P. (1943-2017), Vol. 91
Author/Editor: Paolo GARUTI ,Jean Jacques PÉRENNÈS ,Martin STASZAK
Inner Affinity: Ovid, Titian, Philip of Spain
Author/Editor: Jean-François Corpataux ,Elisabeth Dutton
Interpretatio. Traduire l'alterite dans les civilisations de l'Antiquite
Author/Editor: Frédéric Colin ,Olivier Huck ,Sylvie Vanséveren
In the Crucible of Empire: The Impact of Roman Citizenship upon Greeks, Jews and Christians, Vol. 21
Author/Editor: Katell Berthelot ,Jonathan Price
Ionians in the West and East: Proceedings of the International Conference 'Ionians in East and West', Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya-Empuries, Empuries/L'Escala, Spain, 26-29 October, 2015, Vol. 27
Isho'dad of Merw. Commentary on the Gospel of John, Vol. 671
Author/Editor: Johan D. HOFSTRA
Isho'dad of Merw. Commentary on the Gospel of John, Vol. 672
Author/Editor: Johan D. Hofstra
Islam in Armenian Literary Culture: Texts, Contexts, Dynamics, Vol. 147
Author/Editor: Seta B. Dadoyan
Israel et Juda a l'Ombre des Babyloniens et des Perses
Author/Editor: Daniel Bodi
'Ius commune graeco-romanum': Essays in Honour of Prof. Dr. Laurent Waelkens, Vol. 30
Author/Editor: Wouter Druwé ,Wim Decock ,Paolo Angelini ,Matthias Castelein
Iusti Lipsi Epistolae. Pars IX: 1596, Vol. 9
Author/Editor: Hugo PEETERS
IXNH. Walking in the Footsteps of the Pioneer of Aegean Archaeology in celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Heinrich Schliemann: Proceedings of the 19th International Aegean Conference/19e Rencontre egeenne internationale, Centro Internazi
Author/Editor: Robert LAFFINEUR ,Massimo PERNA
Jacob of Serugh. Homily on the Apostle Thomas and the Resurrection of Our Lord, Vol. 691
Author/Editor: Philip Michael FORNESS
Janus Pannonius, Epigrammes: Traduites et annotees, avec texte latin en regard, Vol. 365
Author/Editor: Janus Pannonius ,Étienne WOLFF
Jerusalem Icons in the European Space, Vol. 12
Author/Editor: Bianca Kühnel
Jesus, with Style: Luke's Literary and Theological Genius
Author/Editor: Marc Rastoin
Jewish-Christian Disputations in Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Fictions and Realities, Vol. 21
Author/Editor: Sébastien Morlet
Job ou sortir de la cendre: Etude exegetique, litteraire, anthropologique et theologique de la mort dans le livre de Job
John Chrysostom and Severian of Gabala: Homilists, Exegetes and Theologians, Vol. 282
John Plousiadenos (1423?-1500): A Time-Space Geography of his Life and Career, Vol. 284
Judges, Vol. 7
Author/Editor: Klaas Spronk
Judische Gebete aus der Umwelt des Neuen Testaments: Ein Studienbuch, Vol. 37
Kindness, Courage, and Integrity in Biblical Texts and in the Politics of Biblical Interpretation: Festschrift Reimund Bieringer
The King and Kingship in Achaemenid Art: Essays in the Creation of an Iconography of Empire, Vol. 19
Author/Editor: Margaret Cool ROOT
Kirakos Ganjakec'i (XIIIe siecle). Histoire d'Armenie: Traduction, introduction et notes, Vol. 144
Author/Editor: Patricia BOISSON
The Knife: Temporal Ruptures in Revelation and Transformation, Vol. 22
Author/Editor: Laura Tack
La Bible en face: Etudes textuelles et litteraires offertes en hommage a Adrian Schenker, a l'occasion de ses quatre-vingts ans, Vol. 95
Author/Editor: Innocent HIMBAZA ,Clemens LOCHER
La composizione letteraria del Vangelo di Matteo, Vol. 22
Author/Editor: Francesco Graziano
La contribution du discours a la caracterisation des personnages bibliques: Neuvieme colloque international due RRENAB, Louvain-la-Neuve, 31 mai - 2 juin 2018, Vol. 311
Author/Editor: ANDRÉ WÉNIN
La Conversion du Kartli: Introduction et Édition Critique
Author/Editor: Jean-Pierre MAHÉ ,Zaza Aleksidzé ,Bernard Coulie
La Conversion du Kartli: Introduction et Traduction
Author/Editor: Jean-Pierre MAHÉ ,Bastien Kindt
La croyance des Esseniens en la vie future: immortalite, resurrection, vie eternelle? Histoire d'une croyance dans le judaisme ancien: Tome I: La resurrection des morts et le contexte scripturaire. Tome II: Les donnees qumraniennes et classiques, Vol. 21
Author/Editor: Émile Puech ,André CAQUOT
La culture de l'ecrit en Mediterranee occidentale a travers les pratiques epigraphiques (Gaule, Iberie, Afrique du Nord)
La decoration des pylones ptolemaiques d'Edfou et de Philae. Etude comparative
Author/Editor: Laetitia Martzolff
La figure biblique du juste et ses enjeux theologiques dans le Nouveau Testament, Vol. 97
Author/Editor: Denis FRICKER ,Nathalie SIFFER ,Jacques AHIWA
La formation d'une exegese alexandrine post-origenienne: Les Commentaires sur les Douze Prophetes et sur Isaie de Cyrille d'Alexandrie, Vol. 17
Author/Editor: Dimitrios ZAGANAS
La gloire de Rhodes au 1er siecle de notre ere (a partir du Discours aux Rhodiens de Dion de Pruse), Vol. 60
Author/Editor: Henri FERNOUX ,Anne GANGLOFF ,Éric GUERBER
La Lettre aux Galates: Deuxieme edition revue, Vol. 26
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet
La nature et le bien: L'ethique d'Aristote et la question naturaliste
Language, Grammar, and Erudition: From Antiquity to Modern Times, Vol. 44
Author/Editor: Pierre SWIGGERS
Languages of the Law in Early Medieval England: Essays in Memory of Lisi Oliver, Vol. 22
Author/Editor: Stefan Jurasinski ,Andrew Rabin
La non-dualite: Perspectives philosophiques, scientifiques, spirituelles, Vol. 112
Author/Editor: Jean-Michel Counet
L'antonymie: Fonctions semantico-referentielles de la co-presence d'antonymes en francais, Vol. 45
La passion selon saint Matthieu: Matthieu 26-28, Vol. 4
Author/Editor: Olivier-Thomas Venard ,Maria Cristina Álvares ,Louis-Marie Ariño-Durand ,Geoffroy Aujay de La Dure ,Carolina Aznar Sánchez ,Gilles Banderier ,Méir Bar Asher ,Anne-Catherine Baudoin
La pedagogie de la visite de Dieu chez Luc, Vol. 76
Author/Editor: Marie DE LOVINFOSSE
La philosophie des non-philosophes dans l'Empire romain (Ier-IIIe siecles)
Author/Editor: Sophie AUBERT-BAILLOT ,Charles GUÉRIN ,Sébastien MORLET
L'appartenance. Vers une cosmologie phenomenologique, Vol. 105
Author/Editor: Renaud Barbaras
La purita e il cuore dell'uomo: Indagini lessicali e percorsi teologici attorno a katharos, Vol. 94
Author/Editor: Marco SETTEMBRINI
A la recherche de l'integration: Les marchands juifs sefarades occidentaux a Saint-Esprit-les-Bayonne face a la societe bayonnaise au XVIIIeme siecle
Author/Editor: Nimrod M. Gaatone ,José Costa ,Alessandro Guetta ,Max Polonovski
La Reconnaissance litteraire: Hommages a Jan Herman, Vol. 71
Author/Editor: Hommages à Jan Herman ,Nathalie Kremer ,Kris Peeters ,Beatrijs Vanacker
La renaissance de Dendara
Author/Editor: Sylvie CAUVILLE ,Gaël POLLIN
La rhetorique du petit dans l'epigramme grecque et latine
Author/Editor: Doris Meyer ,Céline Urlacher-Becht
La scene: Pratiques d'un genre litteraire et artistique (1810-1910)
Author/Editor: Charlotte Dufour
La structure ontologique-communionnelle de la personne: Aux sources theologiques et philosophiques du pere Dumitru Staniloae, Vol. 315
A Late Christian Pilgrimage Centre in Nubia: The Evidence of Wall Inscriptions in the Upper Church at Banganarti, Vol. 39
Author/Editor: ADAM ŁAJTAR
La topographie de la Jerusalem antique: Essais sur l'urbanisme fossile, defenses et portes. IIe s. av. - IIe s. ap. J.-C., Vol. 2
Author/Editor: Dominique-Marie CABARET
La tradition du neoplatonisme latin au Moyen Age et a la Renaissance, Vol. 68
Author/Editor: d’Alain GALONNIER ,d’Alice LAMY
La version copte du discours pseudo-ephremien In pulcherrimum Ioseph. T., Vol. 682
Author/Editor: Eric CRÉGHEUR ,Paul-Hubert POIRIER
La version copte du discours pseudo-ephremien In pulcherrimum Ioseph. V., Vol. 683
Author/Editor: Eric CRÉGHEUR ,Paul-Hubert POIRIER
La versione siriaca della Vita di Giovanni il Misericordioso di Leonzio di Neapolis, Vol. 263
Author/Editor: Guido VENTURINI
La versione siriaca della Vita di Giovanni il Misericordioso di Leonzio di Neapolis: V., Vol. 680
Author/Editor: Guido VENTURINI
La vie comme concept et comme experience de soi: Essai sur la genese sensorielle de la conscience. Hegel - Plessner - Straus
Author/Editor: Remy Rizzo
Le Batiment Dessenne et les abords Sud-Ouest du palais dans l'etablissement pre- et protopalatial de Malia: Fouilles executees a Malia, Vol. 37
Author/Editor: Maud Devolder ,Maud Devolder ,Ilaria Caloi ,Athos Agapiou ,Maria Emanuela Alberti ,Maria Anastasiadou ,Mila Andonova ,Gianluca Cantoro ,Tristan Cart
Le Cantique des cantiques, Vol. 25
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet
Le cauchemar dans les societes antiques: Actes des journees d'etude de l'UMR 7044 (15-16 Novembre 2007, Strasbourg)
Author/Editor: Jean-Marie Husser ,Alice Mouton
L'Ecclesiaste a la confluence du judaisme et de l'hellenisme: Deux siecles d'histoire des etudes comparees du Qohelet et des vestiges litterares et philosophiques grecs, Vol. 93
Author/Editor: Paul-Marie Fidèle CHANGO
Le christianisme devant l'islam: theologiens en dialogue, Vol. 45
Author/Editor: Michel Younes ,André Wénin
A l'ecole de l'Antiquite: Hommages a Ghislaine Vire, Vol. 361
Author/Editor: Benoît Sanset ,Charlotte Vanhalme
Le College des Trois Langues de Louvain 1517-1797: Erasme, les pratiques pedagogiques humanistes et le nouvel institut des langues
Author/Editor: Jan Papy ,Lambert Isebaert ,Charles-Henri Nyns
Le coran de Gwalior: Polysemie d'un manuscrit a peintures
Author/Editor: Éloïse BRAC DE LA PERRIÈRE ,Monique BURÉSI
The 'Lectura Thomasina' in Its Context: Philosophical and Theological Issues, Vol. 18
Author/Editor: Andreas Speer ,Andrea Colli ,Francesca Bonini
Le developpement des traditions sur Elie et l'histoire de la formation de la Bible, Vol. 80
Author/Editor: Henri VALLANÇON ,d’Olivier-Thomas VENARD
Le double portrait de Juda: Genese 38 et 49, et la question de l'identite d'Israel a l'epoque perse, Vol. 93
Author/Editor: Dan WANG
Le double voyage: Paris-Athenes (1919-1939), Vol. 12
Author/Editor: Lucile Arnoux-Farnoux ,Polina Kosmadaki ,Servanne Jollivet
The Legend of Saint Aur and the Monastery of Naqlun: The Copto-Arabic Texts, Vol. 26
Author/Editor: Clara Elisabeth ten Hacken
L'Egypte des villages autour du seizieme siecle, Vol. 23
Author/Editor: Nicolas Michel
Le heros comme il faut. Codes de comportement et contextes sociaux dans l'epopee homerique
Author/Editor: Francesco Mari
Le Langage. Lectures d'Aristote
Le Livre de Florimont, Vol. 21
Le livre de Jeremie en perspective: Les deux redactions conservees et l'addition du supplement sous le nom de Baruch: Recueil des travaux de Pierre-Maurice Bogaert reunis par J.-C. Haelewyck et B. Kindt, Vol. 308
Le mariage dans l'oeuvre de Flavius Josephe: Une etude du droit matrimonial en ses sources, Vol. 99
Author/Editor: Bertrand PINÇON
Le microcosme animal en Egypte ancienne: de l'effroi a la veneration: Etude d'archeo- et ethnoarthropodologie culturelle, Vol. 297
Le miroir en Egee a l'age du Bronze recent: Formes, fonctions, usages et trajectoires entre le XVIe et le XIe siecle
Author/Editor: Laura Elisabeth ALVAREZ
L'ensemble des Cinq Rouleaux: Cinq femmes ensemble
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet
Le pere Roland de Vaux, o.p.: Une biographie
Author/Editor: Jean Jacques PÉRENNÈS
Le peuple aux trois noms: Une histoire de l'ancien Israel a travers le prisme de ses ethnonymes
Author/Editor: Fabio Porzia
Le prophete s'avance masque: Commentaire et traversee biblique du livre de Jonas, Vol. 100
Author/Editor: Claude LICHTERT
Le Psautier. L'ensemble du Livre des Louanges, Vol. 24
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet
Le psautier. Premier livre (Ps 1-41), Vol. 16
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet
Le Psautier. Quatrieme livre (Ps 90-106), Vol. 23
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet
Le Psautier. Troisieme livre (Ps 73-89), Vol. 19
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet
Le quartier des pretres dans le temple d'Amon a Karnak, Vol. 300
Le Retour des Grecs de Russie: Identites, memoires, trajectoires, Vol. 11
Author/Editor: Kira Kaurinkoski
Le rire des sages: L'humour dans la Mishna et la Tosefta, Vol. 60
Author/Editor: Avigail Ohali ,José Costa ,Alessandro Guetta ,Max Polonovski
Les Actes des apotres
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet
Les Actes des Apotres: Texte Occidental reconstitue, Vol. 79
Author/Editor: Patrick FAURE
Le Sanctuaire d'Apollon a Delos. Tome I: Architecture, topographie, histoire, Vol. 44
Author/Editor: Roland Étienne ,Jean-Pierre Braun ,Thomas Brisart ,Laure Chevalier ,Laurent Costa ,Stéphane Desruelles ,Roland Étienne ,Claire Hasenohr ,Frédéric He
Le Sanctuaire d'Apollon a Delos. Tome II: Les monuments votifs et honorifiques (sans toit), Vol. 45
Author/Editor: Roland Étienne ,Frédéric Herbin
Les archives administratives de l'Ancien Empire, Vol. 37
Les archives d'Atta-Welgimmas: Les textes dits de Malamir
Author/Editor: Florence MALBRAN-LABAT ,Carole ROCHE-HAWLEY
Les archives de Dioscore d'Aphrodite cent ans apres leur decouverte. Histoire et culture dans l'Egypte byzantine
Author/Editor: Jean-Luc Fournet ,Caroline Magdelaine
Les arts de la couleur en Grece ancienne... et ailleurs: Approches interdisciplinaires, Vol. 56
Author/Editor: Philippe Jockey
Les aventures d'un pamphlet antidemocratique: Transmission et reception de la Constitution des Atheniens du Pseudo-Xenophon (Ve siecle avant J.-C.-XXIe siecle)
Author/Editor: Dominique Lenfant
Les coutumes funeraires dans le royaume de Meroe: Les enterrements prives
Author/Editor: Vincent FRANCIGNY
Les degres du silence: Du sens chez Austin et Merleau-Ponty, Vol. 103
Author/Editor: Jeanne-Marie Roux
'Les dix Categories' ou 'Paraphrase themistienne' du Pseudo-Augustin: Texte legerement emende de l'edition de L. Minio-Palluelo. Introduction, traduction et notes, Vol. 70
Author/Editor: Alain GALONNIER ,Claudio MORESCHINI
Les ecrits anti-sarrasins de Pierre le Venerable: cultures de combat et combat de cultures. Summa totius haeresis Sarracenorum - Epistola de translatione sua - Contra sectam sive haeresim Sarracenorum: Texte emende de l'edition d'Arnold Glei, Vol. 67
Author/Editor: Arnold Glei ,Alain GALONNIER ,Dominique IOGNA-PRAT
Les eglises et les monasteres des grands centres byzantins: (Bithynie, Hellespont, Latros, Galesios, Trebizonde, Athenes, Thessalonique)
Author/Editor: RAYMOND JANIN
Le Sentiment du Savoir: Presentation, analyse, traduction et commentaire de la Spenta.maniiu Gatha (Y 47-50). Precede d'une introduction generale, suivi de quatre Marginales grammaticales et d'une Concordance des textes vieil-avestiques, Vol. 61
Author/Editor: Éric PIRART
Les foyers imaginaires: Trois courts traites de metaphysique, Vol. 113
Author/Editor: André Stanguennec
Les mythes du deluge de l'Inde ancienne: Histoire d'un comparatisme semitico-indien, Vol. 72
Author/Editor: Guillaume DUCŒUR
Les noms officiels des communes de Wallonie, de Bruxelles-Capitale et de la communaute germanophone: Evolution et fixation ortographique des toponymes majeurs de 1795 a nos jours. Avec indication de la prononciation francaise (API), de la forme regionale
Author/Editor: Jean GERMAIN ,Jean-Marie Pierret
Le souci de toutes les eglises: Hommage a Joseph Fameree, Vol. 314
Les Pheniciens, les Puniques et les autres: Echanges et identites en Mediterranee ancienne
Les premieres annees du roi Zimri-Lim de Mari. Deuxieme partie
Author/Editor: Jean-Marie Durand
Les premieres annees du roi Zimri-Lim de Mari: Premiere partie, Vol. 33
Author/Editor: Jean-Marie Durand
Les premieres annees du roi Zimri-Lim de Mari. Troisieme partie
Author/Editor: Jean-Marie DURAND
Les relations diplomatiques romano-barbares en Occident au Ve siecle: Acteurs, fonctions, modalites
Author/Editor: Audrey Becker
Les Rituels de Naissance Kizzuwatniens: Un Exemple de Rite de Passage en Anatolie Hittite
Author/Editor: Alice Mouton
Les royaumes de Chypre a l'epreuve de l'histoire: Transitions et ruptures de la fin de l'age du Bronze au debut de l'epoque hellenistique, Vol. 60
Author/Editor: Anna Cannavò ,Ludovic Thély
Les 'sola' de la Reforme: relectures protestantes et catholiques, Vol. 44
Author/Editor: Joseph Famerée ,Martin Leiner
Les sourds, entre handicap et minorite culturelle, Vol. 110
Author/Editor: Isabelle Dagneaux
Le temps qui compte: Construction et qualification du temps de l'histoire dans le recit des livres de Samuel (1 S 1 - 1 R 2), Vol. 318
Author/Editor: BÉATRICE OIRY
L'ethique de l'ere postmoderne et crise de la theologie, Vol. 72
Author/Editor: Katikishi Muzembe
The Letter and the Spirit: On the Forgotten Documents of Vatican II, Vol. 297
Letters in the Dust: The Epigraphy and Archaeology of Medieval Jewish Cemeteries
Author/Editor: Leonard V.Rutgers ,Ortal-Paz Saar
Lettres familieres sur le roman du XVIIIe siecle: II. L'espace dialogique du roman, Vol. 68
Author/Editor: Jan Herman
Lettres familieres sur le roman du XVIIIe siecle: I. Providences romanesques, Vol. 67
Author/Editor: Jan HERMAN
L'Eurasie autour de l'an 1000: Cultures, religions et societes d'un monde en developpement
Author/Editor: Dominique Barthélemy ,Frantz Grenet ,Cécile Morrisson
Leviticus 1-10
Author/Editor: James W. Watts
Leviticus 11-20
Author/Editor: James W. Watts
L'hantologie de Sartre: Sur la spectralite dans 'L'Etre et le Neant', Vol. 109
Author/Editor: Fernanda Alt
L'heritage grec des colonies romaines d'Orient. Interactions culturelles dans les provinces hellenophones de l'empire romain
Author/Editor: Cédric Brélaz
L'heroisme de la vie moderne: Ahmed Riza (1858-1930) en son temps, Vol. 26
Author/Editor: Erdal Kaynar
L'histoire de l'horlogerie liegeoise au XVIIIieme siecle
Author/Editor: Eddy Fraiture
L'histoire du royaume de Byblos à l'âge du Fer, 1080-333, Vol. 274
Liefde in tijden zonder tijd: Tijd schenken
Author/Editor: Piet Nijs
Life in Palmyra, Life for Palmyra: Conference in Memory of Khaled al-As'ad, Warsaw, April 21st-22nd, 2016
Author/Editor: Michal Gawlikowski ,Dagmara Wielgosz-Rondolino
Life Preservation in Genesis and Exodus: An Exegetical Study of the Teba of Noah and Moses, Vol. 98
Author/Editor: Joshua Joel Spoelstra
Like Nails Firmly Fixed (Qoh 12:11): Essays on the Text and Language of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures Presented to Peter J. Gentry on the Occasion of His Retirement
Author/Editor: Phillip S. Marshall ,John D. Meade ,Jonathan M. Kiel
Limes, Economy and Society in the Lower Danubian Roman Provinces, Vol. 25
L'insula V d'Herculanum: Transformations spatiales et diachroniques de l'architecture et du decor des habitations
Author/Editor: Alexandra Dardenay
L'invention de la luga al-fusha: Une histoire de l'arabe par les textes, Vol. 13
Author/Editor: Pierre LARCHER
Liturgical Poetry in Christian Nubia: The Evidence of the Wall Inscriptions in the Lower Church at Banganarti, Vol. 38
Livres des Patriarches: Edition des textes, traduction et commentaire. I. Testament de Levi
Author/Editor: Józef T. MILIK ,Henryk DRAWNEL ,Henryk DRAWNEL
L'Orient est son jardin: Hommage a Remy Boucharlat, Vol. 58
Author/Editor: Sébastien GONDET ,Ernie HAERINCK
Louvain, Belgium, and Beyond: Studies in Religious History in Honour of Leo Kenis, Vol. 299
L'Unique seul importe: Hommage a Pierre Magnard, Vol. 104
Author/Editor: d’Alain Galonnier
The Lure of the Antique: Essays on Malta and Mediterranean Archaeology in Honour of Anthony Bonanno, Vol. 54
Author/Editor: Nicholas C. Vella ,Anthony J. Frendo ,Horatio C.R. Vella
The Mamluk Sultanate and its Periphery
Author/Editor: Frédéric BAUDEN
The Manifestation of God's Merciful Justice: A Theocentric Reading of Romans 3:21-26, Vol. 91
Author/Editor: Varghese P. Chiraparamban
Maniiu et la mythologie protozoroastrienne: Etude de textes vieil-avestiques, Vol. 59
Author/Editor: Éric PIRART
Manuscripts & Precious Books in the Maurits Sabbe Library - KU Leuven
Author/Editor: Wim François ,Lieve Watteeuw ,Leo Kenis
Marginality, Media, and Mutations of Religious Authority in the History of Christianity, Vol. 6
Author/Editor: Laura Feldt ,Jan N. Bremmer
Material Culture of Mesopotamia and Beyond 1: People and their Material Environment in First Millennium BCE Babylonia
Material Cultures of Devotion in the Age of Reformations, Vol. 10
Author/Editor: Salvador Ryan ,Samantha L. Smith ,Laura Katrine Skinnebach
Mathematiques et Metaphysique dans la pensee de Nicolas de Cues: Actes du Colloque de Nice (sept. 2017) de la Societe francaise Cusanus, Vol. 69
Author/Editor: Jean-Michel COUNET
Matiere et mediations metaphysiques: Etude des fonctions systematiques de la matiere au sein de la pensee philosophique de Saint Thomas d'Aquin, Vol. 66
Author/Editor: Julien LAMBINET
Maxime Planoudes, Lettres: Traduction et annotation, Vol. 54
Author/Editor: Jean Schneider
Medecine et christianisme: Sources et pratiques: Actes du colloque international de Paris, septembre 2016
Author/Editor: Alessia Guardasole ,Antonio Ricciardetto ,Véronique Boudon-Millot
Meister Eckhart and Thomas of Erfurt: Modism and the Philosophy of Grammar, Vol. 13
Author/Editor: Markus Vinzent ,Christopher M. Wojtulewicz
Meister Eckhart, The German Works: 56 Homilies for the Liturgical Year. 2. De sanctis: Introduction, Translation and Notes, Vol. 12
Author/Editor: Loris Sturlese ,Markus Vinzent
Meister Eckhart, The German Works: 64 Homilies for the Liturgical Year. 1. De tempore: Introduction, Translation and Notes, Vol. 9
Author/Editor: Loris Sturlese ,Markus Vinzent
Meister Eckhart, The Latin Works: Sermones et Lectiones super Ecclesiastici. Sermons and Lectures on Jesus Sirach: Introduction, Translation and Commentary
Author/Editor: Patricia Irene Impey
Memoires sur les colonies juives et les voyages en Palestine et en Syrie du premier octobre 1883 a la fin 1899: Presentes et edites par Simon Schwarzfuchs, Vol. 59
Author/Editor: Elie Scheid ,José Costa ,Alessandro Guetta ,Max Polonovski
Menschsein in Weisheit und Freiheit: Festschrift fur Thomas Kruger, Vol. 296
Author/Editor: Veronika Bachmann ,Annette Schellenberg ,Frank Ueberschaer
Men, Spirituality, and Gender-specific Biblical Hermeneutics, Vol. 78
Author/Editor: Armin M. Kummer
Metal Jewellery of the Southern Levant and its Western Neighbours: Cross-Cultural Influences in the Early Iron Age Eastern Mediterranean, Vol. 53
Author/Editor: Josephine A. Verduci
Metaphysique et connaissance testimoniale: Une lecture figurale du Super Iohannem (Jn 1, 7) d'Albert le Grand, Vol. 11
Author/Editor: Julie Casteigt
Metrical Discourses on Faith by the Blessed Mar Ephrem: Translated, with Introduction and Notes, Vol. 4
Author/Editor: Andrew Hayes
Metropolitan Maxim Hermaniuk, Vatican II and the Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church, Vol. 31
Author/Editor: Jaroslav Z. Skira ,Peter De Mey
Author/Editor: Johannes C. de Moor
Middle and Mixed Arabic over Time and across Written and Oral Genres / Moyen arabe et arabe mixte a travers le temps et les genres ecrits et oraux: From Legal Documents to Television and Internet through Literature / Des documents legaux a la television e
Author/Editor: Jérôme LENTIN ,Jacques GRAND’HENRY
The Mind of God and the Works of Nature: Laws and Powers in Naturalism, Platonism, and Classical Theism, Vol. 65
Author/Editor: James Orr
Miniature Forms as Transformative Thresholds: Faience Figurines in Middle Bronze Age Egypt, Nubia and the Levant (2100-1550 BC)
Author/Editor: Gianluca MINIACI
Missing Mothers: Maternal Absence in Antiquity, Vol. 22
Author/Editor: Sabine R. Huebner ,David M. Ratzan
MNHMH / MNEME. Past and Memory in the Aegean Bronze Age: Proceedings of the 17th International Aegean Conference, University of Udine, Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Department of Humanities, 17-21 April
Author/Editor: Elisabetta BORGNA ,Ilaria CALOI ,Filippo Maria CARINCI ,Robert LAFFINEUR
Modeles et copies: Etude d'une formule des colophons de manuscrits armeniens (VIIIe-XIXe siecles), Vol. 698
Author/Editor: Emmanuel VAN ELVERDINGHE
Modernity, Melancholy and Predestination: Cultural Historical, Philosophical and Psychoanalytical Perspectives on the Modern Religious Subject, Vol. 33
Author/Editor: Herman Westerink