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Titles start with P (43) Information
Psychomusicology and Other Ancient Musicological Writings
The Psalter. The Whole of the Book of Praises
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet ,Bernard Witek
The Psalter. Book Two (Ps 42/43-72), Vol. 33
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet ,Bernard Witek
The Psalter. Book Three (Ps 73-89), Vol. 35
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet ,Bernard Witek
The Psalter. Book One (Ps 1-41), Vol. 32
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet ,Bernard Witek
The Psalter. Book Four (Ps 90-106), Vol. 37
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet ,Bernard Witek
The Psalter. Book Five (Ps 107-150)
Author/Editor: Roland Meynet ,Bernard Witek
Psalm 29: A Canaanite Hymn to YHWH in the Psalter, Vol. 89
Author/Editor: Nissim AMZALLAG
Proverbs Volume II: Proverbs 10-15
Author/Editor: James Alfred Loader
The Protevangelium of James, Vol. 16
Projections of Jerusalem in Europe
Author/Editor: Bianca Kühnel ,Neta Bodner ,Renana Bartal
Private Associations in the Pontic Greek Cities (6th Century BC-3rd Century AD)
Preaching the Gospel to the Hellenes: The Life and Works of Gregory the Wonderworker, Vol. 20
Author/Editor: Francesco Celia
Praying to the Temple: Divine Presence in Solomon's Prayer, Vol. 105
Author/Editor: Ian Wilson
Prayer and the Transformation of the Self in Early Christian Mystagogy, Vol. 18
Author/Editor: Hans van Loon ,Giselle de Nie ,Michiel Op de Coul ,Peter van Egmond ,Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony
Pratiques administratives et comptables au Proche-Orient a l'age du Bronze, Vol. 4
Author/Editor: Ilya Arkhipov ,Grégory Chambon ,Nele Ziegler
The Power of Images: The Poetics of Violence in Lamentations 2 and Ancient Near Eastern Art
Author/Editor: Justin Walker
Power in the New Testament, Vol. 107
Author/Editor: Pieter G.R. de Villiers ,Annette B. Merz
Power and Politics in the Neo-Elamite Kingdom, Vol. 60
Author/Editor: Elynn GORRIS
Post-phenomenologies: Merleau-Ponty, Patocka, Barbaras, Vol. 111
Author/Editor: Pierre Rodrigo
Positive Psychology and Spirituality in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Author/Editor: Christian R. Bellehumeur ,Christopher Kam ,Judith Malette ,Buuma Maisha
A Polyglot Edition of the Book of Ben Sira with a Synopsis of the Hebrew Manuscripts, Vol. 101
Author/Editor: Renate Egger-Wenzel ,Ingrid Krammer ,Stefan C. Reif ,Friedrich V. Reiterer ,Aho Shemunkasho
Political Geographies of the Bronze Age Aegean: Proceedings of the joint workshop by the Belgian School at Athens (EBSA) and the Netherlands Institute at Athens (NIA). May 28 to 31, 2019, Vol. 43
Author/Editor: Gert Jan van Wijngaarden ,Jan Driessen
Poetique(s) des commentaires antiques: Actes du colloque international (Universite Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3, 17-19 novembre 2016)
Author/Editor: Séverine CLÉMENT-TARANTINO ,Jean-Christophe JOLIVET ,Daniel VALLAT
Pneuma: From the Spiritual Condition of Christ to the Holy Spirit-Agent: A Dialectic of Flesh-Spirit at the Root of New Testament Pneumatology, Vol. 85
Author/Editor: John Sunday ADIMULA
Phrygia in Antiquity: From the Bronze Age to the Byzantine Period: Proceedings of an International Conference 'The Phrygian Lands over Time: From Prehistory to the Middle of the 1st Millennium AD', held at Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey, 2nd-8th No
Philosophie et fiction de l'Antiquite tardive a la Renaissance, Vol. 12
Author/Editor: Fabienne Pomel ,Sophie Van der Meeren
Philippes, colonie romaine d'Orient: Recherches d'histoire institutionnelle et sociale, Vol. 59
Author/Editor: Cédric Brélaz
Phenomenologie, esthetique, politique: Melanges offerts a Danielle Lories
Author/Editor: Sylvain Camilleri ,Olivier Depré
A Phenomenological Inquiry into the North American Shaman's Experience of the Altered State of Consciousness, Vol. 9
Author/Editor: Robert J. Anderson
Petrifying Gazes: Danae and the Uncanny Space, Vol. 19
Author/Editor: Barbara Baert
Peter in the Early Church: Apostle - Missionary - Church Leader, Vol. 325
Author/Editor: JUDITH M. LIEU
Pessinus and Its Regional Setting. Volume 2: Work in 2009-2013, Vol. 22
Perceptions du temps dans la Bible, Vol. 77
Author/Editor: Marc LEROY ,Martin STASZAK
Penser avec Avicenne: De l'heritage grec a la reception latine, en hommage a Jules Janssens, Vol. 20
Author/Editor: Daniel De Smet ,Meryem Sebti
Paul of Venice, 'Logica magna': The Treatise on Insolubles: Edited with an Introduction, English Translation, and Commentary
Author/Editor: Stephen Read ,Barbara Bartocci
The Patristic 'Masora: A Study of Patristic Collections in Syriac Handbooks from the Near East, Vol. 689
Author/Editor: Jonathan LOOPSTRA
Passible des historiens: Jesus de Nazareth
Parcourir l'invisible: Les espaces insondables a travers les mouvements des dieux dans la pensee religieuse grecque de l'epoque archaique, Vol. 29
Author/Editor: Gabriela CURSARU
Parasites du dieu: Comptables, financiers et commercants dans la Delos hellenistique, Vol. 384
Author/Editor: Véronique CHANKOWSKI
Paradeisos. Genese et metamorphose de la notion de paradis dans l'Antiquite: Actes du colloque
Author/Editor: Éric MORVILLEZ
Palestinian Traditional Pottery: A Contribution to Palestinian Culture. A Fieldwork Study, 1972-1980, Vol. 3
Author/Editor: John LANDGRAF ,Owen RYE ,Elizabeth BURR ,Jean-Baptiste HUMBERT ,Owen RYE ,Hamed SALEM
Painting Amara West: The Technology and Experience of Colour in New Kingdom Nubia, Vol. 13
Author/Editor: Kate FULCHER