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Titles start with V (12) Information
Valuing Lives, Healing Earth: Religion, Gender, and Life on Earth, Vol. 3
Author/Editor: Theresa A. Yugar ,Sarah E. Robinson ,Lilian Dube ,Teresia Mbari Hinga
Van Eyck Studies: Papers Presented at the Eighteenth Symposium for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting, Brussels, 19-21 September 2012, Vol. 18
Author/Editor: Christina Currie ,Bart Fransen ,Valentine Henderiks ,Cyriel Stroo ,Dominique Vanwijnsberghe
Vatican II: concile de transition et de renouveau: La contribution des eveques et theologiens belges, Vol. 323
Verhalende verzamelingen: 'Flos unde Blankeflos' en de overlevering van de Middelnederduitse narratieve literatuur, Vol. 46
Author/Editor: Elisabeth de Bruijn
Verschieden - im Einssein: Eine interdisziplinare Untersuchung zu Meister Eckharts Verstandnis von Wirklichkeit, Vol. 7
Author/Editor: Christine Büchner
Vie et conduite des Bienheureux Justes-nus et de notre saint Pere Zosime: trois traductions georgiennes: T., Vol. 25
Author/Editor: Tamara PATARIDZE ,Bernard Coulie ,Bastien Kindt
Vie et conduite des Bienheureux Justes-nus et de notre saint Pere Zosime: Trois traductions georgiennes: V., Vol. 26
Author/Editor: Tamara PATARIDZE
Vielfaltig gepragt: Das spatperserzeitliche Samaria und seine Munzbilder, Vol. 288
Author/Editor: Patrick Wyssmann
Violence in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds, Vol. 19
Author/Editor: Maria Cristina Pimentel ,Nuno Simões Rodrigues ,Gabriel Silva ,Maria Luísa Resende ,Martim Aires Horta ,Ricardo Duarte
Violences polymorphes conjugees au feminin pluriel: Briser le couple silence-impuissance, Vol. 11
Author/Editor: Marie-Rose Tannous
Virtual Pilgrimage: A Pathway to Spiritual Renewal for Frontline Volunteers in Ottawa's Shepherds of Good Hope, Vol. 10
Author/Editor: Ann MacDonald
The Vitality of Evangelical Theology: Celebrating ETF Leuven at 40, Vol. 8
Author/Editor: Andreas J. Beck ,Jos de Kock ,Steven C. van den Heuvel